Thursday, March 9, 2023

This and that

 Demonstrative pronouns are used to point to or indicate a specific noun or noun phrase. In English, the four demonstrative pronouns are "this", "that", "these", and "those". Here's a chart that shows their differences:

Demonstrative PronounsSingular/PluralNear/FarExamples
ThisSingularNearThis book, this pen
ThatSingularFarThat building, that tree
ThesePluralNearThese books, these pens
ThosePluralFarThose buildings, those trees


  1. This is my new laptop. (singular, near)
  2. That is a beautiful sunset. (singular, far)
  3. These are my favorite books. (plural, near)
  4. Those are my parents over there. (plural, far)


Complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative pronoun:

  1. ____ is my favorite color. (this/that/these/those)
  2. ____ is the tallest building in the city. (this/that/these/those)
  3. ____ are the shoes I want to buy. (this/that/these/those)
  4. ____ are the mountains we climbed last summer. (this/that/these/those)


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