The future Roel and friends




Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

The main differences between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense lie in their structures and uses. Here's a breakdown of each:

Simple Present Tense:

  • Structure:

    • Affirmative: Subject + base form of the verb (e.g., I eat).
    • Negative: Subject + do/does not + base form of the verb (e.g., I do not eat).
    • Interrogative: Do/does + subject + base form of the verb (e.g., Do you eat?).
  • Use:

    • Describes general truths, habits, routines, and regular actions (e.g., I eat breakfast every day).
    • Expresses permanent states or facts (e.g., The sun rises in the east).
    • Represents opinions and emotions (e.g., I love chocolate).

Present Continuous Tense:

  • Structure:

    • Affirmative: Subject + am/is/are + present participle (verb + -ing) (e.g., I am eating).
    • Negative: Subject + am/is/are not + present participle (e.g., I am not eating).
    • Interrogative: Am/is/are + subject + present participle (e.g., Are you eating?).
  • Use:

    • Describes actions happening at the moment of speaking (e.g., I am eating lunch).
    • Indicates temporary actions or situations (e.g., He is working on a project).
    • Expresses future arrangements (e.g., They are meeting tomorrow).

Key Points of Contrast:

  • Time Frame:

    • Simple present: Generally refers to habitual or timeless actions.
    • Present continuous: Describes actions occurring around the time of speaking.
  • State vs. Action:

    • Simple present: Describes states, habits, and routines.
    • Present continuous: Emphasizes ongoing actions, often temporary.
  • Verb Forms:

    • Simple present: Uses the base form of the verb.
    • Present continuous: Uses the present participle (verb + -ing).
  • Usage in Future:

    • Simple present: Rarely used for future actions (except in schedules and timetables).
    • Present continuous: Used for future arrangements and plans.

In summary, the simple present tense is used for general facts and habits, while the present continuous tense is used for actions in progress, temporary situations, and future arrangements. Understanding the context and the nature of the action or state helps in choosing the appropriate tense.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here are the pronunciations in English and the translations in Albanian for the words you mentioned without the phrase "Albanian translation":

  • Cycling: /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ - bicikletarizëm
  • Karate: /kəˈrɑːti/ - karate
  • Skiing (verb): /ˈskiːɪŋ/ - skijimi (veprim)
  • Rules: /ruːlz/ - rregulla
  • Endings: /ˈɛndɪŋz/ - përfundimet
  • Beginnings: /bɪˈɡɪnɪŋz/ - fillimet
  • Below: /bɪˈloʊ/ - nën
  • Telling time: /ˈtɛlɪŋ taɪm/ - tregimi i kohës
  • Quarter: /ˈkwɔrtər/ - çerek
  • Half: /hɑːf/ - gjysmë
  • Careful: /ˈkɛrfəl/ - kujdes
  • O'clock: /əˈklɑːk/ - në pikë
  • Past: /pæst/ - më shumë se
  • Tell: /tɛl/ - trego
  • Check: /tʃɛk/ - kontrollo
  • Finish: /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ - përfundoj
  • Details: /ˈdiːteɪlz/ - detajet
  • Remember: /rɪˈmɛmbər/ - kujtoj
  • Carefully: /ˈkɛrfəli/ - me kujdes
  • Task: /tæsk/ - detyrë
  • Camp: /kæmp/ - kamp
  • Against: /əˈɡɛnst/ - kundër
  • Arrive: /əˈraɪv/ - mbërrij
  • Soon: /sun/ - së shpejti
  • Luck: /lʌk/ - fat


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

The story of King Midas is a tale from Greek mythology that teaches a moral lesson about the dangers of greed.

King Midas was a wealthy ruler who loved gold more than anything else in the world. One day, a satyr named Silenus, who was a friend of the god Dionysus, got lost in Midas' kingdom. Midas found Silenus and treated him kindly, and Dionysus was so grateful that he offered Midas a wish.

Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Dionysus granted his wish, but soon Midas realized the terrible mistake he had made. Everything he touched, including food and drink, turned to gold, and he could no longer eat or drink. He soon became hungry and thirsty, and even his beloved daughter turned to gold when he touched her.

Midas begged Dionysus to take back his gift, and Dionysus agreed on the condition that Midas would learn a valuable lesson. Midas washed his hands in a nearby river to remove the curse, and he learned that gold was not the most important thing in life. He learned to value the love of his family and the simple pleasures of life, such as food, drink, and companionship.

From that day on, Midas lived a humble and content life, and he was known for his wisdom and generosity. The story of King Midas serves as a warning against the dangers of greed and the importance of valuing the things that truly matter in life.

Here's a multiple choice question exercise based on the story of King Midas:

  1. What did King Midas wish for when he was given the opportunity to make a wish? a) To become the richest man in the world b) To have the ability to turn everything he touched into gold c) To become immortal and never die d) To rule the entire world

  2. What was the consequence of King Midas' wish? a) Everything he touched turned to diamonds b) Everything he touched turned to gold c) Everything he touched disappeared d) Everything he touched turned to stone

  3. Why did King Midas regret his wish? a) He realized that gold was not as valuable as he thought it was b) He lost his ability to touch anything c) His daughter turned to gold when he touched her d) He was unable to share his wealth with others

  4. What did King Midas learn from his experience? a) That gold is the most important thing in life b) That wealth should be shared with others c) That it is important to value the love of family and simple pleasures in life d) That it is important to be selfish and greedy



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here's a chart that outlines the differences between the simple past tense and the past continuous tense:

Simple Past TensePast Continuous Tense
FormSubject + Verb + -edSubject + "to be" (in past tense) + Verb + -ing
Example (Positive)I walked to the store.I was walking to the store.
Example (Negative)He didn't play soccer.He wasn't playing soccer.
Example (Question)Did you eat breakfast?Were you eating breakfast?
UseTo describe completed actions in the past.To describe actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past.
DurationThe simple past tense describes a completed action with a specific duration.The past continuous tense describes an action that was ongoing and may not have been completed.
Interrupted ActionThe simple past tense is used to describe an action that was interrupted by another action.The past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was in progress when another action interrupted it.

The main difference between the simple past tense and the past continuous tense is that the simple past tense describes completed actions in the past, while the past continuous tense describes actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past. The simple past tense is used to describe an action that occurred at a specific point in the past, while the past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was ongoing and may not have been completed.

Another difference between the two tenses is that the past continuous tense is often used to describe interrupted actions, while the simple past tense is used to describe actions that were completed without interruption.

It's important to note that both tenses are commonly used in English, and the choice between the two depends on the context and the speaker's intention.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 13. 2023

Këtu është një tabelë që shpjegon kuptimin dhe përdorimin e peremrave te pacaktuar "some" dhe "any":

KuptimiPozitivNegativPyetje dhe kërkesa
SomePërcakton një sasi specifike të diçkaje ose dikujtUnë kam disa mollë.Unë nuk kam asnjëA mund të më sjellësh disa?
Mund të përdoret gjithashtu për ofertat ose sugjerimetDëshironi ndonjë ndihmë me atë?Nuk dua asnjë.Mund të marr një gotë ujë?
AnyPërcakton çdo sasi, shumësi ose person/e.A keni ndonjë ide për darkë?Unë nuk kam asnjë.Mund të marr ndonjë libër me huazim?
Mund të përdoret gjithashtu për pyetjet ose kërkesat.A ka ndonjë djathë në frigorifer?Nuk ka asnjë qumësht.Mund të marr ndonjë sheqer?

Diferenca kryesore midis "some" dhe "any" është se "some" përcakton një sasi të caktuar, ndërsa "any" përcakton çdo sasi, shumësi ose person/e. "Some" përdoret në fjaline pozitive dhe ofertat ose sugjerimet, ndërsa "any" përdoret në fjaine negative dhe pyetje ose kërkesa.

Këtu janë disa shembuj që ndihmojnë të ilustrojnë përdorimin e tyre:

  • Some:
    • Unë kam disa para në xhepin tim. (përcakton një sasi të caktuar të parave)
    • A dëshironi ndonjë ndihmë me projektin tuaj? (ofertë ose sugjerim)
  • Any:
    • Unë nuk kam asnjë ujë më. (përcakton çdo sasi uji)
    • A keni ndonjë plan për fundjavën? (pyetje)

Vlen të theksohet se "some" dhe "any" mund të përdoren me emrat të numurueshëm dhe të pa numurueshëm, dhe mund të përdoren si peremra te pacaktuar.

Shpresoj që kjo ju ndihmon të kuptoni kuptimin dhe përdorimin e "some" dhe "any"! Më thoni në qoftë se keni pyetje të tjera.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 12. 2023

 Here is a chart explaining the meaning and usage of the indefinite pronouns "some" and "any":

MeaningPositiveNegativeQuestions and Requests
Some Refers to a specific quantityI have some apples.I don't have anyCan you bring me some?
of something or someone.apples.
Can also be used to makeWould you like someI don't want any.Can I have some water?
offers or with that?
AnyRefers to any quantity,Do you have anyI don't have any.Can I borrow any books?
amount or person(s).ideas for dinner?
Can also be used to askIs there any cheeseThere isn't any milk.Can I have any sugar?
questions or make the fridge?

The main difference between "some" and "any" is that "some" refers to a specific quantity, while "any" refers to any quantity, amount or person(s). "Some" is used in positive sentences and offers or suggestions, while "any" is used in negative sentences and questions or requests.

Here are some examples to help illustrate their usage:

  • Some:
    • I have some money in my wallet. (refers to a specific quantity of money)
    • Would you like some help with your project? (offer or suggestion)
  • Any:
    • I don't have any water left. (refers to any quantity of water)
    • Do you have any plans for the weekend? (question)

It's also worth noting that "some" and "any" can be used with countable and uncountable nouns, and can be used as determiners or pronouns.

I hope this helps clarify the meaning and usage of "some" and "any" for you! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 11. 2023

Here are some sentences to help illustrate the difference between "some" and "any" in usage:

  1. I need _______ sugar to make this cake. Answer: I need some sugar to make this cake. (refers to a specific quantity of sugar)

  2. Do you have _______ suggestions for what we should do this weekend? Answer: Do you have any suggestions for what we should do this weekend? (refers to any quantity of suggestions)

  3. I have _______ free time tomorrow afternoon. Answer: I have some free time tomorrow afternoon. (refers to a specific quantity of free time)

  4. I don't have _______ milk for my cereal. Answer: I don't have any milk for my cereal. (refers to any quantity of milk)

  5. Could you please bring me _______ water? Answer: Could you please bring me some water? (refers to a specific quantity of water)

  6. I don't have _______ plans for this evening. Answer: I don't have any plans for this evening. (refers to any quantity of plans)

  7. Can you give me _______ information about the job? Answer: Can you give me some information about the job? (refers to a specific quantity of information)

  8. I'm looking for _______ new books to read. Answer: I'm looking for some new books to read. (refers to a specific quantity of books)

  9. Are there _______ good restaurants in this area? Answer: Are there any good restaurants in this area? (refers to any quantity of good restaurants)

  10. I have _______ friends coming over for dinner tonight. Answer: I have some friends coming over for dinner tonight. (refers to a specific quantity of friends)

I hope these examples help illustrate when to use "some" and "any" in different contexts! Let me know if you have any questions



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 10. 2023

"Which" and "what" are both interrogative pronouns used to ask questions. However, they are used in different contexts.

"Which" is used to ask a question when a limited number of choices are present, while "what" is used to ask for information when the choices are not limited. Here is a chart that shows the differences between the two:

Interrogative PronounsContextExamples
WhichLimited ChoicesWhich color do you like better, blue or green?
Which book did you borrow from the library?
WhatUnlimited ChoicesWhat time is it?
What is your favorite food?


  1. Which car do you want to buy, the red one or the blue one? (limited choices)
  2. What did you do last weekend? (unlimited choices)
  3. Which restaurant do you want to go to, Italian or Chinese? (limited choices)
  4. What is the capital of France? (unlimited choices)


Fill in the blank with the correct interrogative pronoun:

  1. _____ do you prefer, tea or coffee? (Which/What)
  2. _____ is your favorite movie? (Which/What)
  3. _____ do you want for dinner tonight? (Which/What)
  4. _____ time do you usually wake up in the morning? (Which/What)


  1. Which
  2. What
  3. What
  4. What


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 09. 2023

"A/an" and "one" are words used to refer to a single, unspecified item or thing in English. However, there are some differences in their usage.

Here is a chart to help explain:

Before a vowel soundBefore a consonant sound
"A""a book""a car"
"An""an apple""an umbrella"
"One""one apple""one car"

As you can see, "a" is used before a consonant sound, "an" is used before a vowel sound, and "one" can be used before either sound.

Here are some examples:

  • I need a pencil for class. (a specific item is not mentioned)
  • An elephant is a large animal. (a specific type of animal is referred to)
  • A boy is playing in the park. (a specific gender is referred to)
  • One apple is on the table. (a specific quantity of the item is mentioned)
  • A doctor helps sick people. (a specific profession is referred to)
  • An umbrella is useful in the rain. (a specific object is referred to)
  • One car is parked in the driveway. (a specific quantity of the item is mentioned)

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with "a", "an", or "one" in the following sentences:

  1. ___ pencil is on the desk.
  2. She is eating ___ apple for a snack.
  3. He drives ___ car to work every day.
  4. We saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
  5. ___ doctor helps sick people.
  6. She needs ___ umbrella because it is raining.
  7. ___ boy is playing on the playground.
  8. I want to buy ___ orange at the store.
  9. ___ chair is broken.
  10. There is only ___ cookie left in the jar.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 08. 2023

I woke up this morning and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I opened the fridge, but there was ___ egg left. I looked in the cupboard and realized I was out of ___ cereal. I decided to make toast instead, but I couldn't find ___ bread in the breadbox. I was really hungry, so I went to the store to buy ___ apple and ___ orange for a quick snack. When I got home, I made toast with the bread I had bought and spread some butter on it. As I sat down to eat, I realized I had forgotten to buy ___ milk for my coffee. It wasn't the best breakfast, but at least I had something to eat.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 07. 2023

"A" and "an" are indefinite articles in English. They are used to refer to a non-specific or unknown noun, and are always placed before a singular noun. The choice between "a" and "an" depends on the sound of the first letter of the noun.

Here is a chart to help explain:

Indefinite ArticlesBefore a vowel soundBefore a consonant sound
"A""an umbrella""a car"
"An""an apple" "a book"

As you can see, "a" is used before a consonant sound, while "an" is used before a vowel sound.

Here are some examples:

  • I need a pencil for class.
  • An elephant is a large animal.
  • A boy is playing in the park.
  • An orange is a fruit.
  • A doctor helps sick people.
  • An umbrella is useful in the rain.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with "a" or "an" in the following sentences:

  1. __ book is on the table.
  2. She is eating __ apple for a snack.
  3. He drives __ car to work every day.
  4. We saw __ elephant at the zoo.
  5. She needs __ umbrella because it is raining.
  6. He is __ doctor and helps people who are sick.
  7. I want to buy __ orange at the store.



Koha e shkuar e foljeve

Ø Koha e shkuar e anglishtes perkon me kohen e pakryer dhe te kryeren e thjeshte te shqipes. Koha e shkuar shpesh perdoret per te perkthyer te kryeren e thjeshte te shqipes kur ajo tregon nje veprim plotesisht te perfunduar, veprim qe nuk ka asnje lidhje me te tashmen.


Une isha
You were 
Ti ishe
He, she, it was
Ai, ajo; ai,ajo ishte
We were
Ne ishim
You were
Ju ishit
They were
Ata ishin


Ø Folje te rregullta quhen ato folje, te cilat formojne kohen e shkuar duke i shtuar paskajores ose temes se foljes mbaresen ed.
To work-punoj                            I worked-une punova
To cook-gatuaj                           I cooked-une gatova
·       Ne shqiptim zanorja e, e mbareses ed, nese vjen pas bashketingellores ose merr tingullin /i/

·       E shkuara eshte e pandryshueshme per te gjitha vetat, si per njejesin ashtu dhe per shumesin.

Zgjedhimi i foljes (to)work ne kohen e shkuar

I worked
Une punova, punoja
You worked
Ti punove, punoje
He worked
Ai punoi
She worked
Ajo punoi
It worked
Ai, ajo punoi
We worked
Ne punuam
You worked
Ju punuat
They worked
Ata punuan

·       Me poshte do te paraqesim kohen e shkuar te disa foljeve te regullta:

(to) push
(to) pull
(to) help
(to) happen
(to) finish
(to) cook
(to) brush
(to) boil
(to) work
(to) watch
(to) wash
(to) want
(to) walk
(to) wait
(to) use
(to) turn
(to) try
(to) telephone
(to) talk
(to) switch
(to) stop
(to) start
(to) show
(to) rest
(to) rain

·       Te rregullta jane edhe tri foljet qe dalin per here te pare ne kete mesim:
(To) row-rowed;    to visit-visited   dhe to enjoy-enjoyed.

Shenim per kohen e shkuar:

v Ne foljet qe vijojne dhe ne foljet e tjera te ngjashme me keto, zanorja e shqiptohet /i/, si tek keto folje: to want-wanted, to wait-waited, to rest-rested, to start-startedsepse ajo paraprihet nga bashketingellorja t. Ajo lexohet gjithashtu /i/ tek folja to end-ended, to defend-defended, to need-needed etj.

v Mbaresa ed, lexohet /t/ kur rrenja apo tema e foljes mbaron me ch, sh, f, k, p,ss,x, si, tek foljet qe vijojne: to reach-reached,to wash-washed, to ask-asked, to help-helped, to miss-missed, to fix-fixed etj, pra kur folja mbaron me bashketingellore te pazeshme.

v Kjo mbarese lexohet /d/ ne rastet kur folja mbaron me zanore dhe me bashketingellore te zeshme, pervec bashketingellores d, si tek foljet: to call-called, to stay-stayed, to suffer-suffered, to aim-aimed etj.

v Ato folje te cilat mbarojne vetem me nje bashketingellore te paraprire nga nje zanore e shkurter mbi te cilen bie theksie dyfishojne kete bashketingellore perpara se ato te marrin mbaresen ed te se shkuares. Eshte i njejti rregull qe vepron per pjesoren e tashme. Si to stop-stopped, to drop-dropped.

v Foljet qe mbarojne me y e shnderrojne kete y ne i, ne qofte se kjo paraprihet nga nje bashketingellorepor perkundrazi e ruajne ate kur paraprihet nga nje zanore, to try-tried;  to hurry-hurried, kur y paraprihet nga nje bashketingellore dhe to enjoy-enjoyed, to play-playedkur y paraprihet nga nje zanore. ( per rregullen per formimin e vetes se trete njejes koha e tashme shiko mesimin 13)

v Ne qofte se nje folje mbaron me zanoren ekoha e shkuar formohet duke shtuar vetem bashketingelloren d. to decide-decided, to move-moved, to like-liked, to dance-danced, to promise-promised, to cure-cured.

v Pervec rastit te shpjeguar ne piken e pare, zanorja e ne kohen e shkuar te foljeve  nuk lexohet kurre.


Ø Edhe per kohen e shkuar vlejne po ato rregulla te pergjithshme te dhena per kohen e tashme. Pra, per foljet ndihmese, ndertimet pyetese dhe mohore jane si ato te kohes se tashmeme dallimin per te patur kujdes zevendesimin e trajtave to be (am, is dhe are), me was ( per numrin njejes) dhe are me were per numrin shumes). Si

Koha e tashme/deftore 
Koha e shkuar/deftore
I am               une jam
was                   –une isha
You are         - ti je
You were          - ti ishe
He is              - ai eshte
He was              -ai ishte
She is            - ajo eshte
She was            - ajo ishte
It is                - ai, ajo eshte
It was                -ai, ajo ishte
We are         - ne jemi
We were            -ne ishim
You are          - ju jeni
You were           - ju ishit
They are        - ata jane
They were        - ata ishin

Koha e tashme/mohore
Koha e shkuar/mohore
am not            -une nuk jam
was not             -une nuk isha
You are not      -ti nuk je
You were not     -ti nuk ishe
He is not           - ai nuk eshte
He was not         -ai nuk ishte
She is not         -ajo nuk eshte
She was not        -ajo nuk ishte
It is not             -ai, ajo nuk eshte
It was not             -ai, ajo nuk ishte
We are not      - ne nuk jemi
We were not       -ne nuk ishim
You are not      - ju nuk jeni
You were not        -ju nuk ishit
They are not     - ata, ato nuk jane
They were not       - ata nuk ishin

Koha e tashme/pyetese
Koha e shkuar/pyetese
Am I?               -a jam une?
Was I?                     A Isha une?
Are you?         -a je ti?
Were you?             A ishe ti?
Is he?               -a eshte ai?
Was he?                 A ishte ai?
Is she?             - a eshte ajo?
Was she?                A ishte ajo?
Is It?                 -a eshte ai,ajo?
Was it?                   A ishte ai, ajo?
Are we?           -a jemi ne?
Were we?               A ishim ne?
Are you?          -a jeni ju?
Were you?             A ishit ju?
Are they?         -a jane ata?
Were they?            A ishin ata?

Ø Shkurtimet per was dhe were gjate perdorimit ne ndertimet mohore jane: wasn’t /wɔzn’t/ dhe weren’t /w ə:nt/.

Ø Per te gjitha foljet e tjera, ndertimet ne mohore dhe pyetese, behen si ne kohen e tashme duke zevendesuar do ose does me did dhe duke mbajtur mend mire se did eshte e njejte per te gjitha vetat, si per njejesin ashtu dhe per shumesin.

Ø Kujtojme se eshte folja ndihmese to do ajo qe zgjedhohet ne kohen e shkuar dhe jo vete folja perkatese, e cila ruan trajten e paskajores, pa pjesezen to, si psh.:

I did not cook.   Did I cook?
I did not want it.   Did I want it?

Zgjedhimi i foljes (to) help ne kohen e shkuar, forma pyetese.

Koha e shkuar
E kryer e plote
E pakryer
Did I help?
A ndihmova une?
A ndihmoja une?
Did you help?
A ndihmove ti?
A ndihmoje ti?
Did he help?
A ndihmoi ai?
A ndihmonte ai?
Did she help?
A ndihmoi ajo?
A ndihmonte ajo?
Did it help?
A ndihmoi ai, ajo?
A ndihmonte ai,ajo?
Did we help?
A ndihmuam ne?
A ndihmonim ne?
Did you help?
A ndihmuat ju?
A ndihmonit ju
Did they help?
A ndihmuan ata?
A ndihmonin ata?

Zgjedhimi i foljes (to) help ne kohen e shkuar, forma mohore.

I did not help
Une nuk ndihmova

You did not help
Ti nuk ndihmove
Une nuk ndihmoja
He did not help
Ai nuk ndihmoi
Ti nuk ndihmoje
She did not help
Ajo nuk ndihmoi
Ai nuk ndihmonte
It did not help
Ai, ajo nuk ndihmoi
Ai, ajo nuk ndihmonte
We did not help
Ne nuk ndihmuam
Ne nuk ndihmonim
You did not help
Ju nuk ndihmuat
Ju nuk ndihmonit
They did not help
Ata nuk ndihmuan
Ata,ato nuk ndihmonin


Robert: Did you enjoy your day in Oxford yesterday?
Jennifer: Oh, yes, thank you Dr. Grande, it was splendid. We were lucky, the weather stayed fine all day. We parked the car in the market-square. Then, we walked around the city. The old buildings and the gardens looked beautiful.
Robert:  Did you see the river?
Jennifer: Yes, we walked along the bank of the river. Some young men were rowing in boats.
Robert:  I hope you visited my old college, Mrs. Gates.
Jennifer: We wanted to see it, but it wasn’t possible.
Robert:  Why, what happened?
Jennifer: When we tried to get in, the door was shut.
Robert:  Really?  You didn’t push hard enough.
Jennifer: No, we weren’t allowed to go in. But the garden was very nice.
Robert: How do you know?
Jennifer: Well, first we looked at it over the wall. Then we talked to a man, and he showed us the way in. oh, yes, we liked Oxford very much. But when we finished our tour, I was really very tired. We started back at about at seven.
Robert: Didn’t you stop for a meal?
Jennifer: Yes, we stopped at a pub on the way home.
Robert: So, you really enjoyed your day. That’s good.


·       Did you enjoy your day in Oxford?  A u kenaqet ne Oksford? Si e kaluat diten ne Oksford?
·       Stayed fine all day.  Moti qendroi mire gjithe diten
·       We walked around the city. Ne shetitem perreth qytetit ne kembe.
·       Why, what happened? Perse? Cfare ndodhi?
·       You didn’t push hard enough. Ju nuk e shtyte fort.
·       We weren’t allowed to go in. nuk u lejuam te hynim Brenda.
·       He showed us the way. Ai na tregoi rrugen nga te hynim.
·       We started back. U nisem per tu kthyer.
·       Didn’t you stop for a meal? Nuk u ndalet per te ngrene?
·       On the way home. Rruges per ne shtepi.
·       Help your brother, please. I helped him yesterday.
·       Do you homework, please. I did them yesterday.
·       Watch the movie, please. I watched it yesterday.
·       Telephone your sister, please. I telephoned her yesterday.
·       Open the garage, please. I opened it yesterday.
·       Wash the dishes, please. I washed them yesterday.
·       Cook the lunch, please. I cooked it yesterday.
·       Visit your grandparents, please. I visited them yesterday.
·       Wash, dishes. Did she wash the dishes?
·       Watch a film. Did she watch a film?
·       Visit, grandparents. Did she visit her grandparents?
·       Eat, lunch. Did he eat lunch?

Thenie dhe frazeologji:

o   They were all ready at seven o’clock.  Ata te gjithe ishin gati ne oren 7.
o   She was reading yesterday. Ajo ishte duke lexuar dje.
o   Where were you after dinner? Ku ishe ti pas darkes?
o   They studied all the evening. Ata studjuan gjithe mbremjen.
o   In the morning I wasn’t happy. Ne mengjes nuk isha e gezuar.
o   I washed the dishes. Lava enet.
o   The third of May. 3 Maj.
o   The fourth of December. 4 Dhjetor.
o   The fifth of July. 5 korrik.
o   The eighth of October. 8 tetor
o   The twenty-first of October. 21 tetor.
o   The seventh of August. 7 gusht.
o   The eleventh of September. 11 shtator.


v Rikujtojme se forma e pjesores se shkuar te foljeve te rregullta eshte e njejte me ate te se kryeres se thjeshte.

Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:

§  Me 10 folje te paraqitura ne kete mesim formoni fjali per te pershkruar veprime te kryera nje dite me pare si  Ben showed me his new car yesterday.
§  Me 10 folje te paraqitura ne kete mesim formoni fjali per te pershkruar veprime qe nuk u kryen nje dite me pare si  She didn’t write yesterday.
§  Me 10 folje te paraqitura ne kete mesim beni pyetje mbi bazen e asaj qe ndodhi nje dite me pare si Did she run yesterday?

§  Perktheni ne anglisht: 

o   Ajo shtepi ishte shume e bukur.
o   A ishit me ata gjate vrapimit tuaj?
o   Poshte ndenjeses se shoferit ishin disa dokumenta.
o   Perse ishte e acaruar ajo sot?
o   Prinderit e tyre ecen pergjate bregut te lumit.

Ktheni fjalite e meposhtme ne kohen e shkuar duke perdorur shprehjet kohore si yesterday, at ten o’clock, on the fifth of February.
She is using  her grandmother’s phone.
I am listening to you.
They are watching a film today.
The music starts in a minute.

§  Ktheni fjalite e mesiperme ne mohore dhe pyetese.

§  Shkruani edhe nje here listen e foljeve te paraqitura ne kete mesim dhe dhe perballe trajtes angleze ne secilen nga kater kolonat, pra perballe kohes se tashme dhe asaj te shkuar, shkruani trajten perkatese te shqipes, kuptimin qe keni mesuar ne meismet e meparshme.

Ushtrime per tu perkthyer:

o   Oksfordi me pelqeu shume.
o   Qyteti ishte i mrekullueshem dhe koha ishte e bukur.
o   Ata donin te vozisnin, por nuk i lejuan.
o   Djemte shetiten pergjate bregut te lumit dhe pastaj shkuan ne shkolle.
o   A ra bore dje ne Pogradec?
o   Pse nuk studjon ti?
o   Sot une po lexoj, por dje nuk lexova.
o   Ti hodhe shigjeten ne oren 10:00.



9  Be:   Past Simple    (I was, they were) 

         (kryera e thjeshtë)


  1. We form the Past Simple of be like this: 

Ne formojmë kohën Past Simple  foljes be kështu: 


       Singular - Njëjës 


       Plural - Shumës 




You were 

He/she/it was 

We/you/they were 



     Singular - Njëjës 




      Plural - Shumës 

Full form                                   Short form 

Forma e plotë                       Forma e shkurtër 

was not                                      wasn’t 

You were not                               weren’t 

He/she/it was not                         wasn’t 

We/you/they were not                 weren’t 



      Singular - Njëjës 



      Plural - Shumës 


ShapeWas I 

Were you                    right? 

Was he/she/it 

Were we/you/they      right? 



Here are some examples with was and were: 

Këtu ndodhen disa shembuj me was dhe were: 

was in New York last week. 

We were at home yesterday evening. 

They weren’t late this morning. 

Was it a good film? 


  1. We use was/were when we are talking about the past. Look at these examples: 

Ne përdorim was/were kur flasim për  shkuarënShihni këto shembuj: 


  • was/were + facts about the past: 

was/were fakte rreth  shkuarës: 

John F. Kennedy was an American president 

Our first house was in the centre of the town. 

A:   Were your answers correct? 

B:   No, they were all wrong! 

Paula wasn’t the first person at the party. 


  • was/were + place and time: 

was/were kohë dhe vend: 

                             +PLACE              +TIME 

                             +VEND                +KOHË 

We were         in Spain                in June. 

She wasn’t             at home                last night. 


George and Joanna weren’t in London at the weekend. They were in Brighton. 

Steve and Mary were here at six o’clock. 


  • was/were + adjective (e.g cold, tired): 

was/were + mbiemër ( cold, tired): 

It was cold yesterday. 

They were tired again this morning. 

The train was late again this morning. 

A:  Were your exams easy? 

B:  The first exam was easy, but the second one wasn’t. 



Hi there,

Please try to write down all the following exercises.



  1. Put these sentences into the past. Use the Past Simple. 

Ktheni këto fjali   shkuarënPërdorni Past Simple. 




I’m at home.                  

Jane and Michael are tired.                

She’s in the park.  

It’s a sunny day.                                  

You’re late.                                          

They aren’t hungry.                             

We aren’t at work.                               

I’m thirsty.                                           

You aren’t at school!                           

We’re at the cinema.                            

Paula isn’t happy.                                

Everyone is excited.                            

I’m not afraid.                                     

I was at home______________________________ 














  1. Mary spent last weekend in Madrid. Ask her some questions using was or were. 

Meri kaloi fundjavën e shkuar në Madrid. Bëjini disa pyetje duke përdorur was ose were. 


  1. (your hotel/good)                          _Was your hotel good ?_____________________ 

  1. (your room/comfortable?)            ________________________________________ 

  1. (the weather/nice?)                       ________________________________________ 

  1. (the streets/full of people?)           ________________________________________ 

  1. (the shops/expensive?)                  ________________________________________ 

  1. (the city/exciting at night?)           ________________________________________ 

  1. (the museums/interesting?)           ________________________________________ 

  1. (the people/friendly?)                    ________________________________________ 

  1. (your flight/OK?)                          ________________________________________ 


  1. George and Sally have been married for 50 years. They are talking about their first house. Use was or were and a word from the box to complete their conversation. 

Xhorxhi dhe Selli janë  martuar prej 50 vitesh. Ata po flasin për shtëpinë e tyre  parëPërdorni was ose were dhe një fjalë nga kutia për  plotësuar bisedën e tyre. 











  1. George:     The house was warm. 

Sally:         No, it was cold.___________________________________________ 

  1. George:     The garden was small 

Sally:  No, it __________________________________________________ 

  1. Sally:         The neighbors were French. 

George:      No, they________________________________________________ 

  1. George:      The living room was red. 

Sally: No, it__________________________________________________ 

  1. Sally:          Our first chairs were expensive. 

George:      No, they________________________________________________ 

  1. George:      The kitchen was old. 

Sally:          No, it__________________________________________________ 

  1. George:      The local shops were good. 

Sally:          No, they_______________________________________________ 



  1. Put was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t in the gaps in these conversations. 

Vendosni was, wasn’t, wereose weren’t  hapësirat  këtë bisedë. 





    Was      Paul at work today? 

No, he ________in the office. I think he’s sick. 




________ you in South America last year? 

Yes. I ________in Bolivia on business, and then my wife and I ______in Brazil for a holiday. 







Philip and I ______ at home in London last week. We ______ at Mike’s house in Cornwall. It was lovely there. Do you know Mike? 

Yes, I _______ at Mike’s party in Oxford in the summer. _________ you there? 

No, we weren’t there. Philip and I _______ in Portugal in the summer. 







 Shikoni me kujdes gjithe tekstin e meposhtem.


10    Past Simple (played, I didn’t play) 

        (E kryera e thjeshtë) 

  1. All the verbs in this conversation are in the Past Simple: 

 gjitha foljet  këtë bisedë janë  kohën Past Simple: 

Tom: We visited New York last year. We stayed in a wonderful hotel. But we spent all our money in two weeks. 

Ann: Did you see Jane there? 

Tom: No, we didn’t see her, but we saw Mike. 


  1. We form the Past Simple like this: 

Ne formojmë kohën Past Simple kështu: 



He/she/it             walked 



NEGATIVE             Full form                Short form 

                              Forma e plotë     Forma e shkurtër 


He/she/it             did not walk. didn’t walk. 





Did      he/she/it walk? 



  1. Many Past Simple verbs end in -ed (they are regular verbs): 

Shumë folje  Past Simple mbarojnë me -ed (ato janë foljet e rregullta): 

walk → walked 

play → played 

work → worked 

cook → cooked 


Some change their spelling before -ed: 

Disa ndryshojnë gërmëzimin para -ed: 

cry → cried            stop → stopped 


  1. The Past Simple of some verbs is irregular: 

E kryera e thjeshtë e disa foljeve është e çrregullt: 

come → came 

eat → ate 

have → had 

take → took 

do → did 

go → went 

make → made 

write → wrote 

  1. We use the Past Simple to talk about things which happened in the past, often with expressions like two years ago, last month, yesterday, to give particular dates or times: 

Ne përdorim  kryerën e thjeshtë për  folur rreth gjërave  ndodhën   shkuarënshpesh me shprehje si two years ago, last month, yesterdaypër  dhënë data ose kohë  veçanta: 

went to Spain two years ago. 

She left her job last year. 



Punoni ushtrimet e meposhteme ne fletoren tuaj si détyre shtepie.




  1. Tick (ü) the correct Past Simple forms, and cross out all the wrong Past Simple forms.  

Vendosni ü tek forma e saktë e  kryerës  thjeshtëdhe vendosni kryq tek  gjitha format e gabuara e të Past Simple 

walked  ü 

















































  1. Choose a verb from the box and complete each sentence. Put the verb in the Past Simple. Use each verb once. 

Zgjidhni një folje nga kutia dhe plotësoni çdo fjaliVendosni foljen   kryerën e thjeshtëPërdorni çdo folje një herë. 










  1.    I __played__ tennis at the club yesterday evening. 

  1.   She _________ very hard for her exams. 

  1.   Paul _________ me a postcard from Mexico. 

  1.   She __________ her new car from London to Southampton. 

  1.   I ____________ my brother in Madrid last month. 

  1.   The train __________ at the station at ten o’clock yesterday evening. 

  1.   The French team _________ the match. 

  1.   We __________ a lot of photographs on holiday last year. 


  1. Paul always goes to Italy for his holidays. But last year he was ill when he arrived. He stayed in bed. Write sentences about the things he didn’t do, as in the example. Use the phrases in the box and the verbs in brackets ( ). 

Pauli gjithmonë shkon  Itali për pushimePor vitin e shkuar ai ishte i sëmurë kur arriti. Ai qëndroi në shtrat. Shkruani fjali rreth gjërave që ai nuk bëri, si në shembull. Përdorni shprehjet në kuti dhe foljet në kllapa ( ). 


in the mountains 

the museums in Florence 


football on the beach 

any new friends 

in the local restaurants 

his Italian 


  1. (go)                     He didn’t go swimming.___________________________________________ 

  1.   (eat)             __________________________________________________________________ 

  1.   (play)           __________________________________________________________________ 

  1.   (walk)          __________________________________________________________________ 

  1.   (improve)     __________________________________________________________________ 

  1.   (meet)          __________________________________________________________________ 

  1.   (see)             __________________________________________________________________ 


  1. Make questions from these statements. Start your questions with Did... 

Bëni pyetje nga këto deklarataNisini pyetjet tuaja me Did... 


  1. You went on holiday in the summer. _Did you go on holiday in the summer?_________ 

  1. She bought a new table. _________________________________________ 

  1. He worked in London. _________________________________________ 

  1. They played tennis yesterday. _________________________________________ 

  1. James cooked the dinner. _________________________________________ 

  1. She gave a present to Anne. _________________________________________ 

  1. Paul left the office at six o’clock. _________________________________________ 

  1. You passed your exams. _________________________________________ 

  1. She drove to Scotland. _________________________________________ 


  1. Jane lived in Spain for a year. Put Past Simple forms of the verbs in the box into the gaps. Use each verb once. 

Xheni jetoi  Spanjë për një vit. Ktheni foljet e kutisë   kryerën e thjeshtë e  pas vendosini  hapësiraPërdorni çdo folje një herë. 











At the beginning of last year, Jane __flew___ to Madrid. She ________ in an apartment near the city centre for ten months. She ________ in a clothes shop. After a couple of weeks Jane ________ a good language school, and so she ___________ to improve her Spanish. After ten months Jane _________ Madrid, and she ___________ in a small town near the sea for two months. Then she _________ to England. 










11  Present Perfect (1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone) 

           (E kryera) (1) 

  1. We form the Present Perfect like this: 

Ne formojmë Present Perfect kështu: 


                     have  +  PAST PARTICIPLE 

                     have  +  PJESORE E KRYER 

      She          has           finished. 



Full form 

Forma e plotë 

I/you have arrived 

He/she/it has arrived 

We/you they have arrived 



Short form 

Forma e shkurtër 

I’ve arrived 

he’s arrived 

we’ve arrived 


Full form 

Forma e plotë 

I/you have not arrived 

He/she/it has not arrived 

We/you/they have not arrived 


Short form 

Forma e shkurtër 





  1. The past participle can be regular or irregular: 

Pjesorja e kryer mund  jetë e rregullt ose e çrregullt: 

         PAST SIMPLE 



regular    (+ -ed) 

play           I played 

travel         I travelled 



meet          I met 

go              I went 


           PJESORJA E KRYER 



I have played  

I have travelled 



I have met 

I have gone 







  1. We use the Present Perfect: 

Ne përdorim Present Perfect: 

  • to talk about recent actions: 

për  folur për veprime  kanë ndodhur  fundmi: 

At 18.00, Anne arrived home. 

At 18.01. we can say: 

Anne has arrived home. 


From 18.10 to 18.20, Anne had a shower. 

At 18.21, we can say. 

She’s had a shower. 


From 18.30 to 19.00, Anne ate her dinner. 

At 19.01, we can say: 

     She’s eaten her dinner. 


  • to talk about our lives: 

për  folur rreth jetëve tona: 

I’ve sailed across the Atlantic. 

I’ve seen Gorillas in Africa. 

haven’t danced the Flamenco. 


  1. Use short forms (I’ve seen, she’s gone) of the Present Perfect to make positive sentences. 

Përdorni format e shkurtra (I’ve seen, she’s gone)  Present Perfect për  formuar fjali pozitive. 


  1.    (He/lose/his passport)      _He’s lost his passport.______________________________________ 

  1.    (We/finish/our work)      _________________________________________________________ 

  1.    (They/buy/a new house)     _______________________________________________________ 

  1.    (I/visit/New York/five times)     ___________________________________________________ 

  1.    (They/go/to the cinema)     _______________________________________________________ 

  1.    (You/eat/four bananas!)     _______________________________________________________ 


Now use short forms to make negative Present Perfect sentences. 

Tani përdorni format e shkurtra për të formuar fjali të kryera negative. 

  1.    (She/not/see/her sister)    _She hasn’t seen her sister___________________________________ 

  1.    (I/not/do/ any homework this week)  _______________________________________________ 

  1.    (They/not/phone/the doctor)    ____________________________________________________ 

  1.    (You/not/take/any photographs)  __________________________________________________ 

  1.    (He/not/make/any mistakes)  _____________________________________________________ 

  1.    (We/not/watch/any television today)   ______________________________________________ 


  1. Complete these dialogues, using the words in the box in the Present Perfect. Use short forms. 

Plotësoni dialogët, duke përdorur fjalët  kuti  Present PerfectPërdorni format e shkurtra. 



not come 

not eat  



not finish 

not drink 




  1. A: Can I speak to Paula, please? 

       B: I’m sorry. She’s left                                                           . 

  1. A: Where’s Mike? 

       B: He _________________________________ to the bank. 


  1. A: Would you like to come for a walk? 

       B: No, thanks. We’re tired and we ____________any lunch. 


  1. A: Have you seen Mary and Philip? 

       B: No, they_________________________ home from work. 


  1. A: Is the cat in the garden? 

       B: Yes, she is. I _____________________ the door, but she doesn’t want to come into the   



  1. A: Are you coming home now? 

       B: No, I’m going to be late. I _________________ my work. 


  1. A: You ________________ your coffee! 

       B: No. It’s too hot and you’ve put sugar in it. 


  1. A: I ___________________ my camera! 

       B: Oh no! Was it very expensive? 


  1. A: Are you feeling better? 

       B: Yes, thanks. I ________________ a cup of tea and bath. 


  1. James is talking about his life. Put the correct past participles in the gaps. 

Xhejmsi po flet për jetën e tij. Vendosni në hapësira pjesoret e kryera të sakta. 


I’ve _seen_ (see) a lot of beautiful places in my life, and I’ve ________ (do) a lot of interesting things. I’ve _________ (travel) in North and South America, for example. I’ve ________ (visit) all the big American cities. I’ve ________ (drive) across Mexico. I haven’t ________ (be) to Argentina, but I’ve _________ (work) in Peru and Bolivia. I’ve _________ (stay) in expensive hotels and in very cheap hotels! I’ve _________ (swim) in the Pacific Ocean., the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean se. I’ve _________ (write) thousands of postcards to my friends and my family! I’ve ___________ (eat) in the best restaurants in Paris, and I’ve _________ (sing) Italian songs in Rome. I’ve _______ (have) seven or eight holidays in Spain, and I’ve ___________ (live) in Portugal. I haven’t ___________ (make) much money in my life, but I’ve ___________ (meet) a lot of interesting people and I’ve ____________ (take) a lot of wonderful photographs! 








12  Present Perfect (2) (Has she gone?); ever, never, yet, just 

          (E kryera) (2) 

  1. We form Present Perfect questions like this: 

Ne formojmë pyetje për Present Perfect kështu: 


Singular        Have   I/you      finished? 

Njëjës           Has     he/she/it 

Plural            Have   we/you/they       finished? 



Here are some examples: 

Këtu ndodhen disa shembuj: 

Has the train left? 

Have Paul and Mary seen your photos? 

Have you read that book? 


  1. When we ask people about their lives, we often use ever (= at any time): 

Kur i pyesim njerëzit rreth jetës  tyreshpesh përdorim ever (=ndonjëherë): 

Have you ever been to Australia? 

Have you ever eaten Japanese food? 


When people talk about their lives, they sometimes use never (= not at any time): 

Kur njerëzit flasin rreth jetës  tyreata ndonjëherë përdorin never (=kurrë): 

I’ve never learnt French. 

She has never seen an elephant. 


Notice the position of ever and never: 

Vini re pozicionin e ever dhe never: 


                                                     + PAST PARTICIPLE       

                        never      + PJESORE E KRYER 

Have you          ever               been                 to Greece? 

I have              never               been                to Africa? 



  1. We use yet in questions and in negative sentences. Yet means ‘before now’ or ‘up to now’. Here are some examples: 

Ne përdorim yet  pyetjet dhe fjalitë negative. Yet do  thotë ‘para  tanishmes’ ose ‘deri  tani’. Këtu ndodhen disa shembuj: 

Have you eaten your sandwiches yet? 

Maria hasn’t sung her song yet. 

Notice that we put yet at the end of the sentence. 

Vini re  vendosim yet  fund  fjalisë. 


  1. We often use just in positive Present Perfect sentences. Just means ‘a moment ago’. Here are some examples: 

Shpesh përdorim just  fjalitë pozitive me Present PerfectJust do  thotë ‘një moment  parë’. Këtu ndodhen disa shembuj: 

She’s just lost her watch. 

Our plane has just left! 


Notice that we put just before the past participle (e.g. lost, left). 

Vini re  vendosim just para pjesores  kryer ( lost, left). 


  1. Gone and been 

Look at the difference between these two sentences: 

Shikoni diferencën midis këtyre dy fjalive: 

He’s been to Paris. (=He is now at home again.) 

He’s gone to Paris. (=He is in Paris now.) 


He’s been means ‘he has finished his trip’. 

He’s been do  thotë ‘ai e ka përfunduar udhëtimin e tij’. 

He’s gone means ‘he has begun his trip’. 

He’s gone do  thotë ‘ai ka filluar udhëtimin e tij’. 



  1. Use the Present Perfect to make questions from the words in brackets ( ). 

Përdorni Present Perfect për  formuar pyetje me fjalët  kllapa ( ). 

  1.     (you/see/John?)  _Have you seen John?________________________________ 

  1.     (you/be/to Canada?)  __________________________________________________ 

  1.     (they/cook/our breakfast)  __________________________________________________ 

  1.     (Jane/make/any mistakes)  __________________________________________________ 

  1.     (we/visit/all the museums?)   __________________________________________________ 

  1.     (she/write/to her mother?)  __________________________________________________ 


Now ask Peter about his life. Make Present Perfect questions with ever. 

Tani pyesni Piterin rreth jetës  tijFormoni pyetje  Present Perfect me ever. 

  1.     (you/be/to Jamaica?) _____________________________________________ 

  1.     (you/drive/a Rolls-Royce?) _____________________________________________ 

  1.     (you/visit/Buckingham Palace?) _____________________________________________ 

  1.     (you/meet/a famous film star?) _____________________________________________ 

  1.     (you/see/a whale?)             _____________________________________________ 

  1.     (you/be/to Kenya?)             _____________________________________________ 

  1.     (you/have/a Mexican meal?) _____________________________________________ 



  1. You are a policeman. You are watching a criminal and you are describing what you see on your radio. Match the pictures with the words in the box. Make sentences using short forms of the Present Perfect with just. 

Ju jeni një policJeni duke parë një skenë kriminale dhe po përshkruani atë çka shikoni  radion tuajLidhni figurat me fjalët  kutiFormoni fjali duke përdorur format e shkurtra te  kryerës me just. 

Image download failed. 

  1.     __He’s just entered the house.___________________________________________ 

  1.     ___________________________________________________________________ 

  1.     ___________________________________________________________________ 

  1.     ___________________________________________________________________ 

  1.     ___________________________________________________________________ 

  1.     ___________________________________________________________________ 

  1.     ___________________________________________________________________ 

  1.     ___________________________________________________________________ 


  1. Put words from the box into the gaps in these dialogues. 

Vendosni fjalët e kutisë  hapësirat  këto dialogë. 

never (x2)       yet (x4)       gone       been       just (x2)      ever 



  1. A: Have you written to John __yet________ ? 

       B: Yes, I’ve __just____ finished a letter to him. I’ll post it today. 

  1. A: I’ve been to Canada, but I’ve __________ been to America. Have you? 

       B: No, but my brother has ___________to New York. He came back last week. He said it was  


  1. A: Are you coming home now? 

       B: No, I haven’t finished my work _______________. 

  1. A: Can I speak to John, please? 

       B: I’m sorry. He’s______ to Birmingham. He will be back tomorrow. Can you ring again    


  1. A: Have you __________ been to Lisbon? 

       B: No, I’ve been to Spain, but I’ve __________ visited Portugal. 

  1. A: Have you seen Steve __________ ? 

       B: Yes, I’ve ___________ had lunch with him. 

  1. A: Can you wait for me? I haven’t eaten my lunch ___________. 

       B: OK, but we must go in ten minutes. 

Mesimi # 4

Nyjet shqyuese dhe jo shquese te gjuhes angleze. The/A/An.

There are two kinds of articles in English:   

Definite article    the ( used with both singular and plural nouns)
Definite article  the

·        Indefinite articles   a/an ( used with singular nouns only)

Indefinite article   a  or  an

·        He is a teacher.
In this sentence we are identifying his profession in general.

Ne gjuhen angleze gjenden dy lloje nyjesh: nyje shquese the ( e cila perdoret me te dy llojet e emrave : njejes dhe shumes)

Nyja shquese        The

·        Nyjet jo shquese  a ose  an perdoren vetem me emra te numurit njejes.

Nyjet jo shquese    a  ose  an

            Ai eshte nje mesues.
Ne kete fjali, nyja jo shquese, nje, sherben per te emertuar nje profesion ne pergjithesi.
·        I want an apple.
·        I do not care which apple you give me. I am not being specific.
              Une dua nje molle.
             Ne rastin e kesaj fjalie une nuk jam fare I interesuar se per cfare lloj molle behet fjale por thjesht une deshiroj te kem nje molle.
·        He is the teacher.
·        We are identifying him as a specific teacher whom we are talking about. We are distinguishing him from the rest of the teachers.
·        Ai eshte mesuesi.
·        Ne rastin e kesaj fjalie perdorimi I nyjes shquese ben te mundur identifikim real te nje mesuesi per te cilin ne jemi duke folur duke  e dalluar ate nga mesuesit e tjere.


Mesimi # 4 ( Pjesa e dyte )

Definite and Indefinite articles ( Part two )
Nyjet shquese dhe jo shquese ( Pjesa e dyte )

In English we use a and an only with singular nouns that we can count: 
eg: ( eagle, bicycle)
Ne gjuhen angleze ne perdorim nyjet jo-shquese a dhe an me emra te cilet mund te
numurohen: psh: ( an eagle; a bicycle )

Do not use a and an with plural nouns. eg: ( eagles, bicycles )
Mos perdorni nyjet jo-shquese a apo an me emra ne numurin shumes.

This is an eagle.
That is a bicycle.

These are eagles.
Those are bicycles.
Do not use a or an with nouns that we do not count ( water, sugar ) or with
nouns that have only a plural form ( jeans, scissors, clothes... ).

Mos perdorni nyjet jo shquese a ose an me emra te cilet nuk mund te numurohen si psh:
( jeans, clothes, scissors...)

This is water. That is sugar. These are scissors. Those are clothes.

We may use words like some with plural nouns, nouns we can not count or nouns that 
have only a plural form.

Ne mund te perdorim fjale te tilla si fjala some me emra te numurit shumes apo
me emra te cilet nuk numurohen apo te cilet kane vetem formen e shumesit.

I have a dog. I have some cats. I like water. I need some sugar.
I have an apple. I have some cats. I have some clothes. I need some new clothes.

3. Use before consonant sounds ( b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,y,z). Use an before 
vowel sounds (a,e,i,o,u ).

Perdorni nyjen jo shquese a perpara emrave te cilet fillojne me tingujt bashketingellore
si: ( b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,t,v,w,y,z ). Perdorni nyjen jo-shquese
 an perpara emrave te cilet fillojne me tingullin zanor: ( a,e,i,o,u ).

4. Use an before silent h. Although these words begin with the letter h, they all begin 
with a vowel sound because letter h is not pronounced.

Perdorni nyjen jo-shquese an perpara fjaleve te cilat fillojne me shkronjen h.
Edhe pse ato fjale fillojne me bashketingelloren h, ajo shpesh here nuk
shqiptohen, pra eshte e pazeshme, dhe keshtu tingulli i vertete del me zanore
dhe jo me bashketingellore. psh:

He is an heir to his father's estate. I will be here for an hour.
An herb is a plant. Her husband is an honest man.

5. Use a before the letter u when it is proceeded by a y sound as in you.

Beni kujdes me fjalet te cilat fillojne me zanoren u ne dukje, sidomos kur
ajo paraprihet nga nje tingull y si tek fjala . Ne keto raste gjithmone perdorni
nyjen jo shquese a.

She is a university teacher.A meter is a unit of measure.
The workers joined a union.I received a utility bill in the mail.
The policeman is wearing a uniform. We bought a used refrigerator.

Mesimi 1

Lesson 1(first lesson)


Si shkruhet             Si lexohet                      Si perkthehet

beginning              /biginiŋ/                        fillim, nisje
bottom                  /bɔt əm/                         fund (pjesa fundore e dickaje, e detit, e nje ene)
busy                     /‘bizi/                              i, e, te zene
(to) feel                /fi:l/                                 ndiej
front                    /frʌnt/                              perballe, pjesa e perparme
half                     /ha:f/                                gjysme
hospital              /‘hɔspitl/                           spital
hour                   /auə*/                                ore
middle               /‘midl/                               mes, midis (per vend)
part                   /pa:t/                                   pjese ( e nje sasie)
patient              /‘peiʃənt/                            I duruar

poor                 /puə*/                                 i varfer
quarter             /‘kwɔt ə*/                          cerek
(to) rest           /rest/                                   pushoj, prehem
rich                 /ri:tʃ/                                   i, e, te pasur
too                  /tu:/                                     shume, teper, gjithashtu
too much        /tu: mʌ tʃ/                           shume, teper
top                 /tɔp/                                     maje, kulm, siper

Shprehje te tjera te sasise:

Ø Part of, do te thote nje pjese e…., nje pjese te…
· Ndonjehere shprehja part of, mund te paraprihet nga nyja joshquese a, me kuptimin njeren pjese te..ose nje pjese te…, njera pjese e…., nje pjese e…

She has part of her money in her box. Ajo ka ne kutine e saj nje pjese te parave.
She has a part of her money in her box. Ajo ka ne kuti njeren pjese te parave.

Ø Ne qofte se shprehja part of, eshte ne rolin e kryefjales dhe ndiqet nga nje emer ne numrin njejes, atehere edhe folja duhet te jete ne numrin njejes dhe kur ndiqet nga nje emer ne numrin shumes, folja duhet te jete ne shumes.

Part of his money is in the bank. Nje pjese e parave te tij eshte ne banke.
Part of her documents are there. Nje pjese e dokumentave te saj jane atje.

Ø Some, pervec kuptimit disa dhe ndonje, mund te kete gjithashtu kuptimin nje pjese, nje cike, pak. Kur kjo tregon pjese ose disa prej, atehere some ndiqet nga parafjala of.
Some of my friends. Nje pjese e miqve te mi.
Some of my pencils. Disa nga lapsat e mi.

Ø Peremri pronor nuk merr perpara asnje percaktor, qofte nyje, numeror, rreshtor, peremer deftor ose te pacaktuar. Prandaj per te thene nje shoku juaj, disa shoket tuaj, ky shoku juaj dhe shprehje te tjera peremerore, perdorim shprehjet e meposhtme:

One of your books. Nje nga librat e tu.
A book of yours. Nje liber i yti.
This book of yours. Ky libri yt.
These books of yours. Keta librat e tu.
One of your friends. Nje nga shoket e tu.
A friend of yours. Nje shoku yt.
Some of your friends. Disa nga shoket e tu.
This friend of yours. Ky shoku yt.
These friends of yours. Keta shoket e tu.

Ø Me peremrat deftore this dhe that nuk mund te ndertohet shprehja e llojit te pare. Most of do te thote pjesa me e madhe e …

Edhe ketu vlen te shenojme se folja vendoset ne numrin njejes, nese emri qe ndjek most of eshte ne numrin njejes dhe po keshtu, vendoset ne shumes kur emir eshte ne numrin shumes:
Most of my money is in the bank. Pjesa me e madhe e parave te mia eshte ne banke.
Most of my children are here. Pjesa me e madhe(shumica) e femijeve te mi jane ketu.

Ø Peremri all( te gjithe, i gjithe, e gjithe, te gjitha) eshte i pacaktuar dhe nuk merr pas parafjalen of, pervec rasteve kur ndiqen nga nje peremer vetor, si
All his children are boys. Te gjithe femijet e tij jane djem
All of us are here. Te gjithe ne jemi ketu.

Ø All mund te gjendet edhe pas peremrit vetor, si psh.:
They all know her. Ata te gjithe e njohin ate.

Ø Por ky ndertim nuk eshte i pranueshem nese fjalia eshte mohore si
Not all of us are there. Jo te gjithe ne jemi atje.

Ø Half do te thote gjysme, gjysma dhe nuk e pranon parafjalen of, me perjashtim te rasteve kur ndiqet nga nje peremer vetor, si
I have half my money. Une kam gjysmen e parave te mia.
I have half of it there. Une kam gjysmen e tyre atje.

Ø Kur half eshte ne rolin e mbiemrit, ne anglisht ndiqet pergjithesisht nga nyja joshquese a (an), ndersa ne shqip kerkon nje emer ne rasen rrjedhore. Psh.:
Half an hour. Gjysme ore.

Ø A quarter do te thote cerek, nje cerek dhe ndiqet nga parafjala of, si
This is a quarter of our house. Ky eshte nje cereku i kopshtit tone.

Ø Nese nje numeror ndiqet nga parafjala nga ose prej ne shqip, ne anglisht , ne kete rast perdorim parafjalen of.
One of my friends. Nje nga miqte e mi ose nje prej miqve te mi.
· At the end of the movie. Ne fund te filmit.
· At the beginning of the meeting. Ne fillim te mbledhjes
· In the middle of the afternoon. Ne mes te pasdites.
· At the other end of the school. Ne fundin tjeter te shkolles.


Bill: Is this Peter’s room?
Robert: No, his room is at the top of the house. I use three of the rooms at the front of the house for my work. My wife’s rooms are at the back.
Bill: Do you do all your work here?
Robert: No, I do part of it here, and part of it at the hospital. Some of my patients are rich, and some of them are poor. Perhaps most of them are poor. I usually work at the hospital all morning, then I come to lunch. After lunch I do a little work. But in the middle of the afternoon I rest for half an hour.
Bill: In the house?
Robert: No, not here; there is too much noise. No, I have a small shed at the bottom of the garden…!
Bill: At the bottom…?
Robert: Well, I mean at the other end of the garden!
Bill: Does most of your work come at the beginning of the week?
Robert: No, I am very busy all the time. At the end of the week I feel rather tired.
Bill: I’m sure you do!


1) At the top of the house. Ne katin e siperm te shtepise, siper ( ne papafingo)
2) My part of the house. Pjesa ime e shtepise.
3) Are at the back. Jane prapa, jane nga ana e pasme
4) I do part of it here, and part of it at the hospital. Nje pjese te punes e bej ketu dhe nje pjese ne spital.
5) I do a little work. Une punoj pak, punoj nje cike.
6) At the bottom of the garden. Ne fund te kopshtit;te fund i kopshtit.
7) Does most of your work come? A e ke punen me te madhe ne…? A te vjen puna me e madhe ne..?
8) I’m sure you do! Jam i sigurt se po! Jam i sigurt se ndiheni i lodhur!

Shenime per bashkebisedimin:

Ø Folja to mean do te thote dua te them, ka kuptimin, me kuptimin, si This word means…, kjo fjale ka kuptimin… ose kjo fjale do te thote…etj.
Kjo sherben per te dhenje nje fare shpjegimi per fjalite paraprirese, pra me kuptimin desha te them, doja te shpreh, kisha ndermend te thosha,
Her name is Jennifer. Ajo quhet Xhenifer.
I mean, Bill. Dua te them, Bill.

Ø Gjate bisedave te perditshme, perdorim shpesh shprehjen: What you mean? What do you mean?, qe ne shqip do te thote: C’do te thuash, ose Per cfare e ke fjalen?ose Cili eshte kuptimi i kesaj qe po thua?

Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:

o Is part of your money in the bank? Yes, part of it is.
o Is some of your money in the bank? Yes, some of it.
o Is most of your money in the bank? Yes, most of it.
o Is a lot of your money in the bank? Yes, a lot of it is.
o Is half of you money in the bank? Yes, half of it is.
o How many of her books are thick? (three) Three of her books are thick.
o How many of the pens are red? (two) Two of the pens are red.
o How many of the houses are grey?(six) Six of the houses are grey.
o How many of the shops are for rent? ( four) Four of the shops are for rent.
o How many of the trees are orange-trees. (most). Most of the trees are orange-trees.
o When did you go away? (at the end). I went at the end of the film.
o When did you go away? (in the middle). I went in the middle of the film.
o When did you go away? ( at the beginning). I went at the beginning of the film.
o Where is Peter’s room? (top, house). It’s at the top of the house.
o Where’s Dr. Grande’s table( other side, room) It’s at the other side of the room.
o Where’s your scarf? (top, stairs). It’s at the top of the stairs.
o Where is the garage?( Other side, house). It’s at the other side of the house.

Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:

Perktheni ne anglisht:

o Ata blejne 2 ton qymyr cdo muaj, dhe pjesen me te madhe e perdorin per zjarrin e oxhakut.
o Gjysma e shkolles eshte e babait tim, por gjysma tjeter eshte e imja.
o Shumica e njerezve ne kete qytet jane shqiptare.
o Cereku i kesaj torte eshte e jotja.
o Nese ti nuk ke buke, mund te marresh nje pjese te bukes time.
o Mos e merr te gjithe birren.

o Kushina jone eshte ne krye te koridorit.
o Kopshti yne eshte ne anen tjeter te shtepise.
o Ne krye te shkalleve eshte dhoma ime.
o Ai ulet gjithmone ne radhen e pare kur shkon ne shkolle.
o I zakonisht ha nje hamburger ne mesin e pasdites.
o Ata do shkojne per pushime ne fund te muajit.
o Vendosi keto libra ne anen e pasme te dollapit.
o Pjesen me te madhe te kohes ajo e kalon duke punuar.

Perktheni ne anglisht:

o Pjesa me e madhe e shokeve te mi nuk mesojne, por vetem Eva meson.
o Nje nga shkollat tona eshte ne anen tjeter te qytetit.
o Te gjithe ne do te shkojme ne kinema per te pare nje film.
o A kendojne shume ata?
o Jo, ata nuk kendojne shume.
o Pas mengjesit une ha dicka.
o Disa prej tyre jane te kenaqur nga universiteti.
o Nje miku yne vjen sot nga Anglia.
o Ne krye te shkalleve eshte dhoma e pritjes.
o Ne fund te muajit do te largohemi nga shtepia.
o Ejani dhe ju me ate.




     Hi Antonio and friends!

Shikoni me kujdes tabelen e meposhteme. Mesoni fjalet e reja ne text. Plotesoni tabelen. Argumentoni zgjidhjen tuaj duke filluar…

“ If the photographer and the doctor are women…..

Pergjigjen tuaj e shkruani ne fletoren e detyrave te shtepise.




There are four floors in a block of flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer. The architect lives on the ground floor.
The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.



It was a very unusual day today for me but what really impressed me was the following dialogue I heard while strolling close to the lake:

Father: "Did you enjoy your first day away from  school at this time of the year?" 
Boy: "First day? Do you mean I have to stay home the whole day tomorrow too? 



2. The Wise Man

Short Moral Stories - The Wise Man
People have been coming to the wise man, complaining about the same problems every time. One day he told them a joke and everyone roared in laughter.
After a couple of minutes, he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled.
When he told the same joke for the third time no one laughed anymore.
The wise man smiled and said:

“You can’t laugh at the same joke over and over. So why are you always crying about the same problem?”

Moral of the story:

Worrying won’t solve your problems, it’ll just waste your time and ener

The verb Can, some more exercises.

  • Can you do that?
  • I can’t manage to do that.
  • You can leave your car in that parking space.
  • You cannot smoke in here.
Notice that there are two negative forms: ‘can’t’ and ‘cannot’. These mean exactly the same thing. When we are speaking, we usually say ‘can’t’.
We use ‘can’ to talk about ‘ability’.
  • I can speak French.
  • I can’t drive.
We use ‘can’ to ask for and give permission. (We also use ‘may’ for this but is more formal and much less common.)
  • Can I speak to you or are you too busy?
  • You can use my phone.
  • You can’t come in.
We use ‘can’ in offers, requests and instructions.
  • Can I help?
  • Can you give me a hand?
  • When you finish that, you can take out the garbage.i
We use ‘can’ with ‘see’ ‘hear’ ‘feel’ ‘smell’ ‘taste’ to talk about something which is happening now . (Where you would use the present continuous with most other verbs.)
  • I can smell something burning.
  • Can you hear that noise?
  • I can’t see anything.
We can use ‘can’t’ for deduction. The opposite of ‘can’t’ in this context is ‘must’.
  • You can’t be hungry. You’ve just eaten.
  • You must be hungry. You haven’t eaten anything all day.;
  • He was in London one hour ago when I spoke to him. He can’t be here yet. 

The Crow and The Fox

Master Crow sat on a tree,
Holding a cheese in his beak.
Master Fox was attracted by the odour,
And tried to attract him thus.
"Mister Crow, good day to you.
You are a handsome and good looking bird!
In truth, if your song is as beautiful as your plumage,
You are the Phoenix of this forest."
Hearing these words the Crow felt great joy,
And to demonstrate his beautiful voice,
He opened his mouth wide and let drop his prey.
The Fox seized it and said: "My good Sir,
Know that every flatterer,
Lives at the expense of those who take him seriously:
This is a lesson that is worth a cheese no doubt."

The Crow, embarrassed and confused,
Swore, though somewhat later, that he would never be 
tricked thus again. 




Test yourself

These tests will help you decide what you need to learn.

Following are some basic grammar points:

 Choose the correct answers. One or more answers may be correct.

1. She is .................. university teacher.
     a)   a             b) an                c) the             d) one

2. I like ............... small animals.
    a) the            b) --                 c) every          d) all

3. Is this coat ............... ?
    a) yours        b) your              c) the yours      d) yor

4. Is Lucy .............. ?
    a) a friend of yours                 b) a your friend          c) your friend

5. Who are ............... people over there ?
    a) that            b) these             c) the               d) those

6. ........... is your phone number?
    a) Which         b) What            c) How            d) Why

7. Could I have ........................ drink?
    a) an other      b) other            c) another          d) others

8. There aren't ....................... for everybody.
    a) chairs enough             b) enough chairs           c)enough of chairs             d) of the chairs enough

9. They're ............. young to get married.
    a) too much                   b) too                           c) very too much               d) too many

10. Most ............... like dancing.
    a) of people                   b) of the people            c) people                       

11. Bill and Nancy phone ............. every day .
    a) them                         b) then                           c) each other                  d) one the other 

12. It's ................. weather.
    a) terrible                     b) the terrible                   c) a nice                         d) the

13. The plural of car is cars. Which of these are correct plurals?
    a) journeys                   b) ladys                          c) minuts                          d) babies

14. Which of these is/are correct?
    a) happier                    b) more happier                 c) unhappier                   d) beautifuller

15. This is .................. winter for 20 years.
    a) the more bad            b) worse                           c) the worse                     d) the worst



Ushtrimet e meposhteme I punoni per diten e hene me 17 shkurt 2020.


16) She's much taller ... me
     A) than     B) as       C) that

17) He lives in the same street ... me
     A) that      B) like     C) as        D) than

18) Her eyes ... a very light blue.
     A) are       B) have    C) has

19) ... help me ?
     A) Can you to    B) Do you can    C) Can you

20) You ... worry about it.
     A) not must    B) don't must      C) must not         D) mustn't

21) It ... again. It ... all the time here in the winter.
     A) 's raining; 's raining
     B) rains; rains
     C) rains; 's raining
     D) 's raining; rains

22) I ... she ... you.
     A) think; likes
     B) am thinking; is liking
     C) think; is liking
     D) am thinking; likes

23) Who ... the window ?
     A) open      B) opened      C) did opened

24) Why ... ?
     A) those men are laughing
     B) are laughing
     C) are those men laughing

25) What ... ?
     A) does she want             B) does she wants              C) she wants

26) I didn't ... he was at home.
     A) to think            B) think        C) thinking           D) thought

27) ... a hole in my sock.
     A)  There's       B) There is        C) It's     D) It is     E) Is

28) I'll see you ... Tuesday afternoon.
     A) at            B) on        C) in

29) What time did you arrive ... the station ?
     A) at          B) to      C) ------

30) We're going ... the opera tomorrow night.
     A) at         B) ------      C) in          D) to



Ushtrimet e meposhteme I punoni per daten 14 shkurt 2020.


31) I went out without ... money.
     A) some     B) any

32) He's got ... money.
     A) much     B) many     C) me      D) lots of

33) ' Who's there? ' "..."
     A) It's me     B) It is I       C) Me     D) I

34) Although he felt very ... he smiled ... .
     A) angrily;friendly      B) angry;friendly         C) angry; in a friendly way.

35) I ... to America.
     A) have often been     B) often have been       C) have been often

36) My mother ... my birthday.
     A) always forgets      B) always is forgetting       C) forgets always

37) You look ... a teacher.
     A) like        B) as           C) the same like

38) How many brothers and sisters ... ?
     A) have you got         B) do you have          C) are you having 

39) Good ! I ... work tomorrow.
     A) mustn't    B) don't have to         C) haven't got to

40) I ... smoke.
     A) ------ (= nothing)          B) use to           C) used to

41) Andrew ... too see us this evening.
     A) will come          B) comes           C) is coming

42) Alice ... have a baby.
     A) will           B) shall       C) is going to

43) I knew that he ... waiting for somebody.
     A) is          B) was           C) would

44) ... Gloria last week ?
      A) Have you seen          B) Did you see          C) Were you seeing

45) She's an old friend ----- I  ... her ... years.
      A) 've known, for         B) know, for             C) 've known, since      D) know, since

paf 02.09.2020

Ushtrimet qe vijojne I punoni per diten e hene me daten 10 shkurt 2020.


46) We met when we ... in France.
      A) studied       B) were studying        C) had studied

47) As soon as she came in I knew I ... her before .
     A) have seen           B) saw          C) had seen

48) This picture ... by a friend of my mother's.
     A) is painting       B) is painted         C) was painting          D) was painted

49) Can you ... ?
     A) make me some tea          B) make some tea for me         C) make for me some tea

50) Try ... be late.
     A) not to         B) to not

51) I went to London ... clothes.
     A) for buy       B) for to buy     C) for buying        D) to buy

52) You can't live very long without ...
     A) to eat          B) eat           C) eating           D) you eat

53) I enjoy ... , but I wouldn't like ... it all my life.
     A) to teach; to do          B) teaching; doing           C) to teach; doing          D) teaching; to do 

54) Her parents don't want ... married.
    A) her to get           B) her get         C) that she get       D) that she gets

55) I'm not sure what ...  
    A) do they want ?           B) do they want        C) they want.

56) The policeman ... me not to park there.
    A) asked       B) said         C) told           D) advised

57) I ... you if you ... that again.
    A) hit,say        B) 'll hit, 'll say        C) hit, 'll say           D) 'll hit, say

58) It would be nice if we ... a bit more room.
    A) would have        B) had            C) have

59) If ... you me, I ... in real trouble last year.
    A) didn't help, would have been
    B) hadn't helped, would have been 
    C) hadn't helped, would be 
    D) didn't help, would be




Dear students,

As your weekend is so close, please have a look at the following exercises. 
It will be good if you start learning some rules about these two present tenses.
Wish you all enjoy a very good weekend!



Present Simple or Continuous

   By admin  No comments 

We use the Present Simple for regular actions or events 
I watch TV most evenings
The sun rises in the east 
facts know about the future
The plane leaves at 5.00 in the morning
. thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking
I don’t understand.
We use the Present Continuous at the time of speaking (‘now’)
things which are true at the moment but not always
I’m looking for a new job
present plans for the future
I’m taking my husband to New York for his birthday. 
Look at these sentences

I’m thinking about dying my hair blonde but I don’t think my wife will be very happy about it. 
I usually don’t drink coffee but I’m having one this morning because there is nothing else. 

I often drive to work but I’m taking the train this morning because my car is in for repair. 
My parents live in New York but I’m just visiting.
Notice how in all these examples we use the present continuous to talk about events which are temporary/limited in time and the present simple to talk about events which are habits/permanent.


paf 02.07.2009

Dear students,

Just a new possibility to review your knowledge received so far.
Wish you have a nice afternoon.


Present Continuous

   By admin  No comments 

The present continuous is used to talk about present situations which we see as short-term or temporary. We use the present simple to talk about present situations which we see as long-term or permanent
In these examples, the action is taking place at the time of speaking. 
  • It’s raining. 
  • Who is Kate talking to on the phone? 
  • Look, somebody is trying to steal that man’s wallet. 
  • I’m not looking. My eyes are closed tightly. 
In these examples, the action is true at the present time but we don’t think it will be true in the long term. 
  • I’m looking for a new apartment. 
  • He’s thinking about leaving his job. /
  • They’re considering making an appeal against the judgment. 
  • Are you getting enough sleep? 
In these examples, the action is at a definite point in the future and it has already been arranged. 
  • I’m meeting her at 6.30. 
  • They aren’t arriving until Tuesday. –
  • We are having a special dinner at a top restaurant for all the senior managers. 
  • Isn’t he coming to the dinner?
Time for a quiz ?


Paf 02.06.2020

Dear students,

Read the following and then do the exercises following.


We use the present simple to talk about actions we see as long term or permanent. It is a very common and very important tense. 
Here, we are talking about regular actions or events. 
  • They drive to the office every day. 
  • She doesn’t come here very often. 
  • The news usually starts at 6.00 every evening. 
  • Do you usually have bacon and eggs for breakfast?
Here, we are talking about facts. 
  • We have two children. 
  • Water freezes at 0° C or 32° F. 
  • What does this expression mean? 
  • The Thames flows through London. 
Here, we are talking about future facts, usually found in a timetable or a chart. 
  • Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year. 
  • The plane leaves at 5.00 tomorrow morning. 
  • Ramadan doesn’t start for another 3 weeks. 
  • Does the class begin at 10 or 11 this week?
Here, we are talking about our thoughts and feelings at the time of speaking. Although these feelings can be short-term, we use the present simple and not the present continuous.
  • They don’t ever agree with us. 
  • I think you are right. 
  • She doesn’t want you to do it. 
  • Do you understand what I am trying to say.



Dear Antonio and other students,

From today on you will get a few lessons coming rom an English teacher to our class as a real help and encouragement for our progress in English. Hope and wish you will like and enjoy it.


All new verbs in English are regular.
  • I photocopied the report.
  • She faxed it to me.
  • They emailed everybody about it.
  • I googled my name and got more than 20 000 responses.
There are approximately 180 irregular verbs. You don’t need to learn all of them because some of these are very rare but many others are very useful and you do need to know them.
What’s the easiest way to learn them? Some people think you should learn a list ‘by heart’. Others think you should not learn them at all – you will just gradually acquire them over time.
One useful method is to note down new irregular verbs as you meet them. It is useful to write these verbs (or any vocabulary you want to learn) in sentences and learn those rather than the individual word.
Which is easier to learn?
  • Swim swam swum
  • I swam In the pool.
Another technique is to classify the irregular verbs into 4 categories.
1. All forms the same
  • set set set
  • cost cost cost
2. Similar sound groups
  • beat beat beaten 
  • eat ate eaten
  • blow blew blown
  • throw threw thrown
  • drink drank drunk
  • sing sang sung
  • speak spoke spoken
  • wake woke woken
3. The second and third forms are the same. 
  • bend bent bent 
  • sleep slept slept
  • spend spent spent
  • bring brought brought
  • buy bought bought
  • teach taught 8
  • have had had
  • pay paid paid
  • say said said
4. The “unclassifiables” 
  • come came come 
  • do did done
  • go went gone
  • show showed show8


     Happy National  Days !

Shikoni me kujdes tabelen e meposhteme. Mesoni fjalet e reja ne text. Plotesoni tabelen. Argumentoni zgjidhjen tuaj duke filluar…

“ If the photographer and the doctor are women…..

Pergjigjen tuaj e shkruani ne fletoren e detyrave te shtepise.




There are four floors in a block of flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer. The architect lives on the ground floor.
The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.



Hi everyone,

Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte. 
Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te  kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthshme. 


Mesimi # 1

A. Sentence structure
      Struktura e fjalise.

The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me  nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.

1  Subject             Verb   
   Kryefjale    +      Folje
My arms           are aching
    Something        happened

2. Subject               Verb                  Object   
   Kryefjale      +     Folje        +        Kundrinor

    I                           need                 a rest
    Five people       are moving      the piano

The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun 
(e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg  the piano)

Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:

a) emer
b) peremer
c) grup emeror)

3. Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.

4.  Subject                 Verb                 Adverbial    
     Kryefjale        +     Folje        +      Ndajfolje ose rrethanor

    It                             is                      on my foot.
    Their house          is                       nearby.
An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.

5.  Subject                  Verb                Object                      Object
     Kryefjale      +        Folje        +      Kundrinor        +        Kundrinor 

    It                             ‘s giving           me                            backache.
    David                      bought            Melanie                   a present.

We use two objects after verbs like give and  send.
Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.

B. Adverbials

We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.

My arms are aching terribly.                        I really need a rest.
Of course this piano is heavy .                    Fortunately their house is nearby .



Hi everyone,

Follow this link and try to read one story each day!



Pershendetje kudo qofshi,

Ne vijim te disa mesimeve paraprake, sot do te deshiroja te mesonim se bashku disa elemente gjuhesore si me poshte. Lexoni me kujdes permbajtjen e ketij mesimi. Behet fjale per kater peremra. Quhen peremra deftore ne gjuhen tone edhe ne gjuhen angleze jane si me poshte:

Demonstratives: This/ That / These / Those

Peremrat deftore: ky/kjo - ai ajo - keta keto- ata ato.

1. This and these point to something near.  

Peremrat this and these, sherbejne per te treguar sende apo objekte te cilat ndodhen prane nesh. This - sherben per te emertuar sende te numurit njejes te gjendura ne nje distance shume te afert gati tek dora; dhe these me te njejtin kuptim por ne rolin e numurit shumes.

2. That and those point to something far.

That  dhe Those sherbejne per te treguar sende apo objekte te cilat nuk ndodhen prane nesh, por jane ne nje distance te caktuar. That tregon objekete te numurin njejes te ndodhura ne nje distance dhe those objekte te numurit shumes por te ndodhura ne largesi.

Affirmative statements:

This is a dog.                     These are dogs.
This is a cat.                        These are cats.
That is a book.                       Those are books.
That is a star.                           Those are stars.

Negative statements:

This is not a mountain.        These are not mountains.
This is not a door.                These are not doors.
That is not a rabbit.                Those are not rabbits.
That is not a window                Those are not windows.

Question forms:

Is this a car?                        Are these cars?
Is this a house?                       Are these houses?
Is that a farm?                            Are those farms ?
Is that a hospital?                          Are those hospitals ?

In short answers and tag questions, we use it, and they instead of this,that,these, and those.

Is this a good book?            Yes, it is.
Is that a good car?                  No, it isn't.
Are these good books?              Yes, they are.
Are those good cars?                    No, they aren't.

Me poshte po ju paraqes dy ushtrime ne te cilet kerkesa eshte:

Change these sentences from singular into plural. Do not use a or an in plural sentences.

1. This is a nice book.
2. This is an apple.
3. That is an old house.
4. That is a red pencil case.
5. This is a nice lake.
6. That is a big car.
7. This is an empty bottle.
8. This is a university teacher.
9. That is  a tree.
10. This is Columbia University.

II. Change the following sentences from plural into singular. Don't forget to use a or an in singular if necessary.

1. These are cats.
2. These are trousers.
3.  These are apples.
4. Those are oranges.
5.  These are new houses.
6. Those are elephants.
7. Those are students.
8. These are starts.
9. These are old stories.
10. Those are restaurants.

I wish you a nice day tomorrow.




Hi everyone,

Read the sentences and try to answer the questions:


It is 6:15 a.m.

It is time to wake up.
It is time to take a shower.
It is time to brush my teeth.
It is time to get dressed.
It is time to eat breakfast.
It is time to go to work.
It is time to eat lunch.
It is time to go back to work.
It is time to go home.
It is time to eat dinner.
It is time to go to sleep.

“Billy,” she says. "Billy!"
“What?” Billy says.
"It is time to wake up!"
  1. What time is it?
    1.   5:30 in the morning
    2.   5:30 at night
    3.   6:15 in the morning
    4.   6:15 at night
  2. What is it time to do first?
    1.   brush my teeth
    2.   take a shower
    3.   wake up
    4.   go to work
  3. What is it time to do second?
    1.   brush my teeth
    2.   wake up
    3.   take a shower
    4.   go home
  4. What is it time to do last?
    1.   go to sleep
    2.   go to work
    3.   go to a movie
    4.   go to a soccer game
  5. What is it time to do after it is time to go home?
    1.   eat dinner
    2.   brush my teeth
    3.   get dressed
    4.   wake up
  6. The first thing Billy does is wake up. So, the first thing he does is...
    1.   start sleeping
    2.   start dreaming
    3.   stop sleeping
    4.   eat dinner
  7. Billy brushes his teeth. This means he...
    1.   cleans his teeth
    2.   uses his teeth
    3.   moves his teeth
    4.   eats with his teeth
  8. Billy gets dressed. This means he...
    1.   eats breakfast
    2.   takes a shower
    3.   puts on clothes
    4.   goes to work
  9. After lunch, BIlly goes back to work. This means he...
    1.   leaves work
    2.   is late for work
    3.   returns to work
    4.   stays home
  10. Which is the correct order?
    1.   Breakfast - Dinner - Lunch
    2.   Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner
    3.   Dinner - Lunch - Breakfast
    4.   Lunch - Dinner - Breakfast
  11. What is a good word to describe Billy?
    1.   sad
    2.   nice
    3.   busy
    4.   short
    5.   honest
    6.   nervous

 Hope you enjoyed it !




Pershendetje te gjitheve,

I wish you a happy Sunday!

Perseri disa ushtrime mbi perdorimin e foljes "have got ".
Ndiqni edhe perfundoni ne fletoren tuaj ushtrimin e meposhtem.




Hi everyone,

Hope you are doing well. Please follow the link below and read the message.




Hi there,

Ndiqni linkun e meposhtem ne Youtube edhe mund te permiresoni perdorimin e kohes ne gjuhen angleze. Nese do te kini ndonje pyetje e diskutojme diten e enjte.




Hi there,

Ju uroj nje mbasdite te mire.
Sot deshiroj t'ju kujtoj te gjitheve se me tabelen e meposhteme seicili prej jush fillon oren  e pare te gramatikes se gjuhes angleze edhe une ju uroj sukses.
Nje nder foljet baze te gjuhes angleze eshte folja:"To be", = 'Te jesh" ' Te ekzistosh".
Duke ndjekur tabelen duhet te mesoni se kjo folje si cdo tjeter eshte paraqitur ne formen deftore(treguese), pyetese, edhe mohore.

Special verb


Present tense
I am (I’m)
You are (You’re)
He is (He’s)
She is (she’s)
It is (it’s)
We are (we’re)
You are ( you’re)
They are ( they’re)

Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?
I am (I’m) not
You are not (aren’t)
He is not (isn’t)
She is not (isn’t)
It is not (isn’t)
We are not (aren’t)
You are not (aren’t)
They are not (aren’t)

I’m sixteen. ( I have sixteen)
Are you English? Yes, I am (yes, I’m)
Her name’s Ann.
Is Susan an engineer? Yes, she is. (yes, she’s)
Are John and his father doctors? (Are doctors John and his father?)
You’re Canadian, aren’t you? Yes, that’s right.

Me poshte po ju paraqes disa shembuj me shume te ndertuar me kete folje. Ju lutem mundesoni leximin e ketyre fjalive.

I'm cold. Can you close the window, please
I'm 21 years old. My sister is 35.
My brother is very tall. He's a basketball player.
John is afraid of dogs.
It's ten o'clock. You're late again. Enis and I are good friends.
Your keys are on the table.

I'm tired, but I'm not hungry.
Tom isn't interested in politics. He's interested in music.
Jessica isn't at home right now. She's at work.
Those people aren't American. They're Canadian.
It's sunny today, and it isn't cold.

Fjalite e mesiperme jane format e ndryshme te foljes to be. 

Vini re se peremri vetor you ne numrin njejes dhe shumes kane te njejten forme.

Ne zakonisht kombinojme dy fjale per te formuar nje te vetme. Keto fjale te reja quhen shkurtime(contractions).

 Ne perdorim apostrofin ( ' ) per te formuar keto shkurtime.

Ne formen negative jane dy lloje shkurimesh nga te cilat mund te zgjedhesh.

Ne nuk i perdorim shkurtimet ne pergjigjet e shkurtra pozitive.

Ne mund te perdorim njeren nga dy shkurtimet negative ne pergjigjet e shkurtra negative.

Ju uroj nje fund jave te mire.



Dear students,

Please follow the link below and do the exercises for next Thursday.


Para se te lexoni materialin e meposhtem, ju lutem shikoni me kujdes materialin e dates 31 maj 2015.


Do you know what a subject is? An object? It may surprise you, but they're quite important!

The subject tells us who or what is doing the action.

In the sentence "I ate an apple" the subject is I.

In the sentence "Johnny kicked the ball," the subject is Johnny. Johnny does the kicking.

The direct object tells us who or what the action is done to.

In the "I ate an apple" example, the direct object is the apple, because it is the thing affected by the action.

In "I kicked the ball," the ball is the direct object, since the ball was affected by the action.

The indirect object tells us to whom or to what. It lets us know the DIRECTION of the action.

Remember the example "I kicked the ball"?

In that sentence, we don't know where the ball went after I kicked it.

But, if I say "I kicked my brother the ball," then we know that the ball went to my brother. And my brother is the indirect object.

Most sentences with giving or speaking of some kind will have an indirect object (for example, "He told me his name").

In the following sentences the subject is red, the indirect objects is bold, and the direct object is underlined.
  • I told him a joke
    (subject = I, indirect object = him, direct object = a joke)
  • My father gave me a bicycle.
    (subject = my father, indirect object = me, direct object = a bicycle)
  • Susan sent Bob letters.
    (subject = Susan, indirect object = Bob, direct object = letters)
  • You loaned them money.
    (subject = you, indirect object = them, direct object = money)
  • She made us sandwiches.
    (subject = she, indirect object = us, direct object = sandwiches)

We'll continue next time.

Make sure you read more about the subjectdirect object and indirect object before the next e-mail!



If you didn't grow up speaking English, you may have a problem with sentence order when you speak English. 

In German, for example, it's possible to move the words around in a sentence. 

In English, however, about all the variety you could get out of that sentence would be to maybe move the time to the front: "Yesterday, I ate an apple" instead of "I ate an apple yesterday."

That's because the order of words in an English sentence tells us what their job is in that sentence.

So, a good place to start is looking at the different roles that are played in a sentence. 

So next time we'll start going over the sentence parts in English. That will help you speak and write better.

In the meantime, you can start preparing yourself:



Joke of the day...

Two drunks were in a bar partying like fools. 

They were drinking boiler makers, buying rounds like there was no tomorrow. 

They were dancing, calling each other "professor," and generally causing quite a stir. 

When asked why such a celebration, they boasted that they just finished a jigsaw puzzle & it only took them 2 months! 

"TWO MONTHS?!" cried the bartender. "That's ridiculous. It shouldn't take that long!!" 

"Oh yeah?" says one drunk. "The box said 2-4 YEARS!" 


Lexoni dialogun dhe provoni te ndertoni nje tjeter dialog te ngjashem me te.


Buying other things

A:May I help you?
B:Yes. I need to buy a few things. I would like to buy two big packages of toilet pepper, some razor blades, two bars of bath soap, and a bottle of shampoo.
A: Anything else?
 B: Yes. I also need a handkerchief, a tube of toothpaste, a toothbrush, and some deodorant.
A: Will that be all?
B: Yes. Now you can total up everything.

Duke blere gjera te tjera

A:A mund t’ju ndihmoj?
B:Po. Mua me duhet te blej disa gjera.Do doja te blija dy pako te medha me leter higjenike, ca brisqe, dy kallepe sapuni per dush dhe nje shampo.
A:Ndonje gje tjeter?
B:Po. Edhe nje shami duarsh, nje paste dhembesh, nje furce dhembesh dhe nje deodorant.
B:Po. Tani mund t’i mblidhni te gjitha.


paf 04.17.2015

Provoni ushtrimin  e meposhtem. Beni zgjidhjet tuaja. Mbani shenim te gjitha ushtrimet ku kini gabuar.




Lexoni me kujdes dialogun e mposhtem. Kopjoheni ne fletoren tuaj dhe provoni ta perdorni ne nje dialog te ri.Dialogun e kini edhe ne gjuhen tuaj. keshtu do te kini mundesi per ta rikrijuar pa veshtiresi.


Buying food

A: Can I help you?
B; Yes. I need to buy a few things. Do you have any local cheese?
A:It’s 300 leks per kilo.
B:I’ like one kilo, please. I’d also like two kilos of butter and twenty eggs.
A:Would you like the brown eggs or the white ones?
B:I’ll take whichever ones are cheaper.
A:Would you like any meat?
B:Yes.I’d like four chicken legs,six pork chops and a kilo and a half of ground beef.
A:Would you like any sausage?
B:Yes.I’ll take six pieces.I’d also like one can of tuna,two cans of peaches,two kilos of sugar and one kilo of rice.
A:Will that be all?
B:Yes.You can add them up now.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Duke blere ushqime
A:A mund t’ju ndihmoj?
B:Po.Me duhet te blej disa gjera.A keni djathe vendi?
A:Po.Eshte 300 leke kilja.
B:Do doja nje kile ju lutem.Gjithashtu dua dy kile gjalpe dhe njezet veze.
A:Doni veze te kuqe, apo te bardha?
B:Do marr ato qe jane me te lira.
A:Doni mish?
B:Po.Dua kater kofsha pule, gjashte berxolla derri dhe nje kile e gjysem mish te grire.
A:Doni kremvice?
B:Po.Do te marr gjashte cope.Po ashtu, dua nje conserve peshku ton, dy kuti pjeshke, dy kile miell, dy kile sheqer dhe nje kile oriz.
B:Po.Tani mund te beni llogarine.



Phrasal verbs 3

(Pjesa e trete)

Word order with phrasal verbs
Rendi i fjaleve ne nje fjali me folje frazale ne te.

When a phrasal verb has an object, the object can go either before or after the adverb.

                  Verb           Object        Adverb

James      took             his hat            off.
Barbara     wrote          the number          down.
Nency     let              the dog               out

                          Verb           Adverb           Object

James                  took          off                  his hat.
      Barbara               wrote           down            the number.
                                     Nency        let      out               the dog.                  

A long object goes after the adverb.

Why don't you try on that dress in the window?
The gang have carried out a number of bank raids in the last few months.

A pronoun ( e.g. it, them) always goes before the adverb.

James felt hot in his coat, so he took it off. Not He took off it.
There have been a number of raids. The police know who carried them out.

Not The police know who carried out them.


Phrasal verbs

Dear students,

I am quite sure that you are familiar with dialogues like:

"Hello, Bill. Good to see you. Come inTake your coat off and sit down."

Such phrases are simply known as phrasal verbs. It's of great importance that each one of you knows some of them.

I would like to introduce a few number of them and let's try to understand their meanings and use them in sentences,making them part and parcel of the everyday usage of the language.

1) Introduction
(Nje veshtrim i pergjithshem )

A phrasal verb is a verb+ adverb. eg. come in, sit down,take off. There are a lot of phrasal verbs in English.  Following you will find some adverbs which are used in phrasal verbs: about,along,around,away,back,behind,by,down,forward,in,off,on,out,over,round,through,up.
Some of these words can be prepositions.
eg. wait for; belongs to;look at; look for;look after; look into;agree with; apologize for; ask for; care about; deal with; care of; rely on; pay for;suffer from; 

2) Understanding phrasal verbs
( Te kuptuarit e foljeve frazale )

Some phrasal verbs are easy to understand. eg. James asked Endri to come in. The man in front  turned round and stared at the little boy who entered without knocking at the door.

The meanings here are clear if you know the words, come,in,turn,round.

But many phrasal verbs are idiomatic. The verb + adverb has a special meaning.

Fortunately the plan came off.(= succeeded)
Why did you turn down such an offer?(= refuse )
I can't make out it it's a man or a woman over there.( = see clearly )

Sometimes a phrasal verb has the same meaning as one-word verb.

find out = discover
go back = return
go on = continue
leave out = omit
make up = invent a story
put off = postpone
send out = distribute
throw away = discard
turn up = arrive

You should keep in mind that a phrasal verb is usually more informal than one-word verb.



                           Happy Easter Day !

Shikoni me kujdes tabelen e meposhteme. Mesoni fjalet e reja ne text. Plotesoni tabelen. Argumentoni zgjidhjen tuaj duke filluar…

“ If the photographer and the doctor are women…..

Pergjigjen tuaj e shkruani ne fletoren e detyrave te shtepise.




There are four floors in a block of flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer. The architect lives on the ground floor.
The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.




English level test. try the following exercises as they are given in the page. check your answers and keep a record of your achievement.




Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet e dhena ne faqen e meposhteme.
Punoni me cdo ushtrim edhe mbani shenime per cdo gabim per ti diskutuar ne takimin e radhes.




For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices below.



Hi everyone!

Hope and wish you are enjoying the best of your time with your leaning of English.
I would like you to read and learn a few things about American history. In the following days I would like to share with you some certain easy stories.
Enjoy reading.


                        Early American History


Image America without big towns or cities without cars, trucks or buses  without movies, radios or T.V. Imagine America as a land full of woods and wild animals. Imagine small groups  of people living here and there-hunting , fishing, gathering seeds, growing food, and making everything  else they needed. This was the America of long, long ago. This was the land of the Indians.  About 500 years ago, new people began to come to the land of the Indians. They came on sailing ships from far across the sea.


               Christopher Columbus and Other Explorers

About  500  years ago , India and China were the richest countries  in the world. They were rich in gold , silk and  spices . The kings and queens of many countries had their eyes on the those riches . They sent traders to buy things from India  and China .  The traders had to cross high mountains and deserts .  Many were robbed and killed  along the way.
The kings and queens hired explorers  to look for ways  to get to India  and China  by boat.  One of these explorers was in Italian sailor named Christopher  Columbus.  He told the Queen of Spain that her traders  could  sail west across the ocean instead of going  east  across the land to get to India .  He believed  that to earth  was round and that  India was on the other side of the ocean from Spain.
The Queen decided to give him the money  for the  journey.  With the money  , he bought  three  ships the Nina , the Pinta  and the  Santa Maria  .  After thirty – six days at sea , the sailors saw land.  After they rowed ashore,  the people who lived there cane to greet  called the people Indians .  We still call those people  Indians  today.
The land Columbus found on October 12, 1492 was not India.  It was an island  off the place we now call America .  India was still very far away .  When the queen of Spain  learned that  Columbus had found a new land , she and other kings  and queens from the Old World sent  explorers to the new World in search  of gold . Balboa   and Colorado were two other explorers  sent by the queen of Spain  Neither of then found any gold.
People  eventually  became interested in the new World  as a place to live.   Explorers started looking for places  that very good for farming  and hunting .  Father Marquette  was a French explorer  who traveled down the Mississippi River .  He wanted  to find good places  for French  to come to live .  He made maps  of the long river  which were very helpful  to people who later came  to live along the Mississippi River.

   The Early Setters

When the explorers returned home , they told exciting  stories about life in the New World .  They told people  about  the rich forests  , animals  , wild plants , and the fish in the many lakes and rivers.  They told  then how helpful and friendly  the Indians  were and how they grey  vegetables that were never seen in the Old World – such as corn , potatoes and tomatoes .
Many people in the Old World  were having  a hard time making a living.  They decided to go to the New  World to hunt or farm.  Other people   in the Old World  could not have their own church and  pray the way they wanted to.  They decided  to go to the New World , too. Some people  just wanted to get rich and went there in search of the gold that no one  else had found  .  At first , most of the settlers  came from England and Spain.  They later came from France , Holland and other countries.



                        The First Town

Captain John Smith and his men came from England .  They named their town Jamestown , after Kings James of England.  They hoped to find gold and an easy life , but there was no gold. There was little food  and the first winter was very hard . Smith went to the Indians for help.  They gave him food, but their chief became angry with Smith. He wanted to kill Smith , but the chiefs daughter, Pocahontas ,told her father to let  the man live.  Smith sent some men to live with the Indians so that  they could learn how to grow corn and other vegetables . The men  protested and did not  want to be farmers . Smith told them to farm or starve .  Soon  all the men were working .  The Indians showed the  settlers how to grow tobacco.  It grew  very well there .  The settlers starting selling shiploads of tobacco the people  back  in England.  The settlers needed  more workers and bought slaves from Africa to do the work.
The  planters became rich and built big houses .  They filled then with beautiful things from England and other Old World  countries. These rich settlers  started  a new government.  Instead  of having one person rule like a king  or queen , they chose a group of people to rule .  Other English people came  and set up  other towns near Jamestown.  Later on, all the towns formed  one big colony called Virginia.  A colony is a group of people  who settle  in a new land, but keep their ties with the country they came from.



For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices below.




Please read the following passage and do the exercises.

Earths Crust

Earth is round, like an orange. Oranges have a skin and Earth has a skin , too. We call thus skin Earths crust. Under the crust there is very hot rock.
Earths crust has different pieces. These pieces move very. Very slowly. Millions of  years ago, the pieces moved and made mountains. Under mountains the  crust is  thick, but under the ocean its thinner . When two pieces of the crust move and meet, there can be earthquakes. A volcano is a hole in Earths crust. When a volcano erupts, hot rock flies out from under the ground , and melted rock pours out over the ground. Volcanoes under the ocean sometimes make new islands. In 1963 , a volcano in the Atlantic Ocean made a new island called Surtsey.
There are many different rocks in Earths crust. They are millions of years old. The rocks are often different colors. In the Painted Desert in Arizona  in the USA  , you can see the different rocks.
Earth Crust

1 Match.

1.      Earth is                                                     of years old.
2.      Earths crust is millions                          the ocean.
3.      The pieces of Earths crust                               in Earths crust.
4.      There are different rocks                                 round.
5.      Under Earths crust, there is                            very hot rock.
6.      There are volcanoes under                        move very slowly .                       

2 Complete the  sentences.

Crust holes  ocean   old  rocks  volcano

1 .Some mountains are millions of years old.
2 .When pieces of Earths                 meet,  there are sometimes  earthquakes.
3.  Volcanoes are                    in Earths crust.
4. The rock in a                  is very hot.
5. Sometimes a  volcano under the               makes  a new island.
6. In the Painted  Desert the                are  different  colors.

3. Circle the odd  one out.

1.      Japan Earth  Russia  China
2.      Orange  apple  banana  skin
3.      Move  fall piece  erupt
4.      Volcano  dangerous beautiful incredible
5.      In under  on  ground
6.      Red brown desert yellow



Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet e meposhteme ne fletoren tuaj.

Gammar,vocabulary and natural English 

test                                                                                30 minutes

grammar    - ing form and infinitive

Complete the text  using the verbs in brackets in the –ing form and infinitive

I’m really looking forward to visiting   (visit) my friends.

1                  (run) is very good for your heart.
2 I loathe               (be) late for work.
3                     (stay) at home is the only thing to do in winter.
4 Instead of                           (do) my homework,I watched a video.
5 Will you remember                (close) the door when you go out?    
6 I can’t get used to               (be) without him.
7 I regret                    (inform) you that your application has been unsuccessful.
8 I stopped                   (have) piano lessons months ago.
9 I meant                      (invite) him to the party, but I forgot all about it .
10 It’s not worth                      (finish) the test. I can’t rememeber a thing.


 grammar  wishes and regrets

Review  the sentences using  wish/regret  and the correct form of the verb.

I haven’t got her phone number.
I wish I had her phone number.
1 I didn’t study hard at school.

I wish                                                        .
2 I can’t speak French.
I wish                                                              .
3 I’m sorry that I gave  up the guitar
I regret                                                      .
4 Unfortunately I’m going out later.
I wish                                                            .
5 You’re not my boyfriend.
I wish                                                           .

 grammar  -ing forms

Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective or preposition.

   We won the watch   by           scoring in the last five minutes.       
1                         leaving the exam room, I always check my answers carefully.
2 He’s never been interested                            drawing.
                                    finishing our meal, we did the wishing up.
4 It’s no               sitting there. He isn’t  going to come.
5 I’m looking forward                       starting my new course.


 4  wordbooster sporting collocations,collocation in dictionaries

Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box. There is one more word than you need.
the match     for a run     your technique     weightlifting    the gist   table tennis    an aerobics club                                                
a prize   magazines    three new words    poetry    a padge

I like going   for a run   early in the morning.

1 I tend to flick throught                                  .I never actually read them.
2 When I was young we used to learn                      by heart.
3 Why don’t you join                         ?
4 We lost                        3-0 .
5 I try to look up                     a day.
6 She won                          for writing the best short story.
7 You need to practice                          ,or you’ll never be a footballer.
8 He does                                    five time a week.
9 I never skip                            when I read a novel.
10 I got                                    of the text, which was enough to answer the question.

vocabulary  learning

Complete the sentences with the correct word
Alison doesn’t find learning French easy,but she always has    go.

1 Charlie   finds learning French difficult and he sometimes                         discouraged.
2 Jack tires to speak French all the time,but  he can’t                               it up for long.
3 Amy has difficulties ,but is always willing to                        it a try.
4 Matthew                                  everything up very easily
5 Sarah is                               slow progress , but  she is trying very hard.


natural English

Match the sentences with the responses.
    a          Do you do any sport?
1                 I didn’t know you spoke German
2                  I want to get something memorable for her birthday
3                  I’ve lost my house keys again.
             When I was five , I got lost in  a supermarket.
             I don’t do any sport at all.
             I found  the grammar quite tricky.
             What did you think of the fitness test?
             I’ve joined a Pilates class.
               Can you speak any languages?
10             I wish I could speak Russian.

a   I don’t a bit of wight lifting.
b   Well , it’s a bit rusty.
c    Yeah , that happened to me too.
d    Well, that sounds very unhealthy.
e    What sort of thing?
f     I was hopeless at balancing on one leg.
g    Really?  I thought it was easy.
h   For goodness sake . You’re useless.
I    I can get by in Italian.
j    Why don’t you join  an evening class?
k   I’ve never heard of that. What does it involve?




Read the text and think of the word  which best fits  each space. Use only one word  in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0)


When I was younger, I didn’t use to get (0)   much        exercise . For a long time I regretted
not  (1)           much sport,but recently, I decided things needed to change.  I saw a marathon on tv  and made up my mind that was what I wanted  to do. I started slowly because I felt needed 
to (2)                    used to thing gradually. I went (3)                      in the local pool and started going to a gym. I then(4)                   a group of runners. We met each week and we had an excellent coach  who gave us guidance and training tips. At first I (5)                                the training quite hard and I nearly gave up because I thought  that everyone was better  then me . However ,I decided to persevere (6)               it  and I’m really glad I did. I realized that is I wanted  to take (7)                 in such  a big race ,I had to be willing to try.I  now(8)                        running twice a day as well as going to the gym and I run marathons regularly. To tell the truth , I (9 )                          I’d run a marathon years ago.  I’r certainly advise anybody to give it (10)                    I’ts amazing how good it can make you feel.







To be or not to be? That is certainly the question today.
Here are the listening exercises to help you.
In this message our focus should be on dynamic verbs vs. stative verbs.

Here is a quick reminder:

Dynamic = moving or changing.
Dynamic verbs are verbs that describe an action, not a state.
For example:
Take, break, eat, jump, work, find, buy, dance, fish.
Stative = having a state, or existing.
Stative verbs are verbs that describe a state, not an action.
For example:
Have, love, agree, be, want, hate, know, own, cost, sound, prefer, seem, hear.
Note that stative verbs usually describe:
Relationships between things or people (for example, "have")
Emotions or states of mind (for example, "love" and "agree") 
Appearance and senses (for example, "seem" and "hear")
Measurements (for example, "weigh")

Using stative verbs

Stative verbs are not usually used in the progressive tenses.
Correct: I love you.
Incorrect: I'm loving you.
Correct: Do you agree?
Incorrect: Are you agreeing?
Correct: He doesn't deserve to win.
Incorrect: He isn't deserving to win.
Correct: She hated the winter.
Incorrect: She was hating the winter.
Correct: Did you hear that noise?
Incorrect: Were you hearing that noise?
Correct: The trip didn't include a visit to the beach.
Incorrect: The trip wasn't including a visit to the beach.
Correct: They will remember us.
Incorrect: They will be remembering us.
Correct: Will it surprise you?
Incorrect: Will it be surprising you?
Correct: This will probably weigh a lot.
Incorrect: This will probably be weighing a lot.
As you must know, words usually have more than a single meaning. 
Likewise, some verbs have both stative and dynamic meanings.
For example, the verb "have" is such a verb. 
It has many different meanings (you can learn about them in the English Helping Verbs Course). One of these meanings is "to own." This is a stative meaning, since it describes a state, and not an actual action.
"I have two cats."
"You have a new laptop."
"We have too many problems."

Another meaning of the verb "have" is "to drink, eat, or smoke something."
"They had a drink at the bar."
"We have lunch every day at noon."
"I will have a cigarette or two."
I think you can agree with me that this meaning is fully dynamic. 
Drinking, eating and smoking are definitely actions and not states.
So in such a case, "have" can be used in the progressive tenses, too.
Correct: We never have breakfast. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: We are having lunch right now. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: We have a house. (stative meaning)
Incorrect: We are having a house. (stative meaning)

Correct: Jenifer tastes wine for a living. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: Jenifer is tasting some wine right now. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: This wine tastes awful. (stative meaning)
Incorrect: This wine is tasting awful. (stative meaning)
Correct: I always think too much. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: I am thinking about your offer. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: I think you are right. (stative meaning)
Incorrect: I am thinking you are right. (stative meaning)
Here are some verbs with both dynamic and stative meanings:
Be, have, see, smell, taste, think, expect, feel.
Example sentences (stative and then dynamic):
He is (has the identity of) a boy /
He is being (behaving) naughty.
I can see (notice with eyes) you now /
am seeing (dating) a doctor.
He can't smell (notice the smell) from birth /
Your puppy is always smelling (trying to get the smell of) me.
This cake tastes (has a taste) great /
We are just tasting (checking the taste of) the cake.
They think (have opinion) this is wrong /
They are thinking (considering) what to do.

I don't expect (think it will happen) a raise /
We were not expecting (waiting for) any guests.
She feels (has a feeling) depressed /
She is feeling (touching) the texture of the fabric.



Provoni te ndertoni fjali sipas modelit te dhene ne ushtrimin qe vijon.




Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin duke ndjekur lojen e meposhteme.




Choose the correct answer for each question.



paf 3.01.2015

Exercise 2.3

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first two exercises of the second level, don't start this one. Go back to exercises # 1,2,3,4 and 5, of the first level then click on the  following.





Choose the incorrect word.







Exercise 2.2 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first exercise of the second level. don't start level 2.1. Go back to exercise # 1, then click on the  following.




Exercise 2.1 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first five exercises don't start level 2. Go back to exercises # 1,2,3,4 and 5, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.5 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first four exercises don't start the fifth. Go back to exercises # 1,2,3 and 4, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.4 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first three exercises don't start the fourth. Go back to exercises # 1,2 and 3, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.3 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first two exercises don't start the third. Go back to exercises # 1 and 2, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.2 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first exercise don't start the second. Go back to exercise # 1 then click on the second as following.




Exercise 1.1

Nouns and derivations. Match the definitions on the left with the words on the right.




Listen to the speech and try to make notes. After listening to it, try to write down ten facts you do remember.




Choose the correct answer.




Hello again.
This week’s activity is about that tricky word ENOUGH. You can find it by clicking



Plotesoni vendin bosh me nje folje te duhur modale.




Modal verb questions. Try to do the following exercise. 





Speculations about the past.

Have a look at the following link.




Shikoni me kujdes kete tabele. Perpiquni te kuptoni perdorimin e foljeve modale.Nese do te kini pyetje i diskutojme diten e takimit.


English Modal Verbs Table

Modal verbUsageExample
canabilityI can do several things
at the same time.
when something is possibleMiracles can happen.
permissionYou can go now.
informal requestsCan you come here for a minute?
couldpast form of "can"She said she could pay
for us as well.
polite requestsCould you move
your bag, please?
possibilityIt could be that he
missed the train.
maypossibilityIt may rain tomorrow.
ask for or give
permission (formal)
May I speak?
mightpast form of "may"He said he might
change his mind.
possibilityThis might fail.
mustyou have to do itYou must obey the law.
it's very logical or
very likely to happen
They left so early, they
must be home by now.
must not/
you are not
allowed to do it
You mustn't smoke in here.
shallfuture for "I" and "we"I shall see him tomorrow.
questions and suggestions for "I" and "we"Let's continue, shall we?
shouldthe right thing to do She should call the police.
advice- What should I do?
- You should stop
thinking about it.
what is likely or
expected to happen
We should be
back by midnight.
willfuture action or states
(not plans)
Prices will go up
next summer.
promises and intentionsIt's alright, I'll pick it up.
wouldpast form of "will"He told me he would come.
imagined situationsWhat would you do
if you were him?
for polite requests, offers and invitations- Would you please sit down?
- Would you like some tea?
- We are meeting with Sarah
next Saturday, would you like to come along?
to say what you
want to do or have
I would like a piece of cake.
ought tothe right thing to doYou ought to apologize.



Test yourself

These tests will help you decide what you need to learn.

Following are some basic grammar points:

 Choose the correct answers. One or more answers may be correct.

1. She is .................. university teacher.
     a)   a             b) an                c) the             d) one

2. I like ............... small animals.
    a) the            b) --                 c) every          d) all

3. Is this coat ............... ?
    a) yours        b) your              c) the yours      d) yor

4. Is Lucy .............. ?
    a) a friend of yours                 b) a your friend          c) your friend

5. Who are ............... people over there ?
    a) that            b) these             c) the               d) those

6. ........... is your phone number?
    a) Which         b) What            c) How            d) Why

7. Could I have ........................ drink?
    a) an other      b) other            c) another          d) others

8. There aren't ....................... for everybody.
    a) chairs enough             b) enough chairs           c)enough of chairs             d) of the chairs enough

9. They're ............. young to get married.
    a) too much                   b) too                           c) very too much               d) too many

10. Most ............... like dancing.
    a) of people                   b) of the people            c) people                      

11. Bill and Nancy phone ............. every day .
    a) them                         b) then                           c) each other                  d) one the other

12. It's ................. weather.
    a) terrible                     b) the terrible                   c) a nice                         d) the

13. The plural of car is cars. Which of these are correct plurals?
    a) journeys                   b) ladys                          c) minuts                          d) babies

14. Which of these is/are correct?
    a) happier                    b) more happier                 c) unhappier                   d) beautifuller

15. This is .................. winter for 20 years.
    a) the more bad            b) worse                           c) the worse                     d) the worst

16) She's much taller ... me
     A) than     B) as       C) that

17) He lives in the same street ... me
     A) that      B) like     C) as        D) than

18) Her eyes ... a very light blue.
     A) are       B) have    C) has

19) ... help me ?
     A) Can you to    B) Do you can    C) Can you

20) You ... worry about it.
     A) not must    B) don't must      C) must not         D) mustn't

21) It ... again. It ... all the time here in the winter.
     A) 's raining; 's raining
     B) rains; rains
     C) rains; 's raining
     D) 's raining; rains

22) I ... she ... you.
     A) think; likes
     B) am thinking; is liking
     C) think; is liking
     D) am thinking; likes

23) Who ... the window ?
     A) open      B) opened      C) did opened

24) Why ... ?
     A) those men are laughing
     B) are laughing
     C) are those men laughing

25) What ... ?
     A) does she want             B) does she wants              C) she wants

26) I didn't ... he was at home.
     A) to think            B) think        C) thinking           D) thought

27) ... a hole in my sock.
     A)  There's       B) There is        C) It's     D) It is     E) Is

28) I'll see you ... Tuesday afternoon.
     A) at            B) on        C) in

29) What time did you arrive ... the station ?
     A) at          B) to      C) ------

30) We're going ... the opera tomorrow night.
     A) at         B) ------      C) in          D) to

31) I went out without ... money.
     A) some     B) any

32) He's got ... money.
     A) much     B) many     C) me      D) lots of

33) ' Who's there? ' "..."
     A) It's me     B) It is I       C) Me     D) I

34) Although he felt very ... he smiled ... .
     A) angrily;friendly      B) angry;friendly         C) angry; in a friendly way.

35) I ... to America.
     A) have often been     B) often have been       C) have been often

36) My mother ... my birthday.
     A) always forgets      B) always is forgetting       C) forgets always

37) You look ... a teacher.
     A) like        B) as           C) the same like

38) How many brothers and sisters ... ?
     A) have you got         B) do you have          C) are you having

39) Good ! I ... work tomorrow.
     A) mustn't    B) don't have to         C) haven't got to

40) I ... smoke.
     A) ------ (= nothing)          B) use to           C) used to

41) Andrew ... too see us this evening.
     A) will come          B) comes           C) is coming

42) Alice ... have a baby.
     A) will           B) shall       C) is going to

43) I knew that he ... waiting for somebody.
     A) is          B) was           C) would

44) ... Gloria last week ?
      A) Have you seen          B) Did you see          C) Were you seeing

45) She's an old friend ----- I  ... her ... years.
      A) 've known, for         B) know, for             C) 've known, since      D) know, since



Shikoni ushtrimin ne linkun e meposhtem. Jepni zgjidhjet tuaja. Regjistroni edhe kohen e kryerjes se ushtrimit.




Jepni zgjidhjet tuja per ushtrimet e meposhteme.




Ne vijim te ushtrimit te dites se djeshme ndiqni nje ushtrim te ri dhe gjini se cila eshte zgjedhja me e mire duke klikuar ne fjalet te cilat jane dhene me ngjyre blu.




Ndiqni ushtrimin ne linkun e meposhtem. Jepni pergjigjet e duhura. Mbani shenim te gjitha fjalite ku ju gabuat me qellim qe ti rishikojme bashke edhe te perfitojme nga gabiimet e bera.




Pergjigjet per ushtrimin  e dates 13 tetor 2014 jane:

 A dhe D

Object + infinitive

After make + object, we use the infinitive without to.

eg. i made her cry. (NOT I made her to cry; or I made her crying )
Note that the infinitive must follow the object.

I can't make the washing machine work. ( NOT: I cant make work the washing machine )

In passive structures the infinitive with to is used.

eg. She was made to repeat the whole story. 

The structure with an -ing form can mean: " cause sb to be doing smth"

eg. He had us laughing all through the meal



auxiliary verbs

Ne ushtrimin e dites se sotme do te kini mundesine te jepni zgjidhjen tuaj se cila eshte alternativa me e mire ose pse jo se cilat jane alternativat e mundeshme edhe te sakta te ushtrimit te meposhtem.


Exercise 4

Which expression(s) can complete the sentence correctly?

He _____________________ all through the meeting. 
A. made us  laugh

B. made us laughing 

C. had us laugh

D. had us laugh



Read the story on the left and then answer the questions on the right.

Shikoni me kujdes materialin ne fabulen  e dhene ne faqen e meposhteme.
Pergjigjuni pyetjeve mbas leximit. Vazhdoni me plotesimin e tekstit.

Provoni te shkruani me fjalet tuaja se cfare ju kujtohet nga fabula.



Ne faqen e meposhteme do te gjeni nje loje e cila ju detyron te ndermerrni persiper nje mision per te deshifruar nje fjali te rendesishme. Per te kuptuar lojen ju duhet te lexoni me kujdes udhezuesin e saj. Me gjithate ne thelb loja bazohet ne zevendesimin e nje shkronje me nje shkronje tjeter. Provoni te gjeni disa fjale te mundeshme edhe keshtu ndoshta te gjithe mesazhin.

Just enjoy it.




Read the story on the left and then answer the questions on the right.

Shikoni me kujdes materialin ne fabulen  e dhene ne faqen e meposhteme.
Pergjigjuni pyetjeve mbas leximit. Vazhdoni me plotesimin e tekstit.
Provoni te shkruani me fjalet tuaja se cfare ju kujtohet nga fabula.

Pergjigjet tuaja i degjojme diten e premte me date 10 tetor 2014.



Answer: 3    A,C,D,H,I

Pergjigjet e ushtrimit te trete paraqitur per ju per daten 5 tetor, jane si me siper.

After some verbs we can use an -ing form ( gerund ) but not normally an infinitive.

Ne gjuhen angleze mbas disa foljeve te caktuara, ne mund te perdorim nje emer foljor, por jo nje pjesore.
Ndiqni me kujdes fjalite e me poshteme.

I enjoy travelling. ( NOT I enjoy to travel)
He has finished mending the car. NOT He finished to mend the car.
She has given up smoking . NOT ... given up to smoke.
The doctor suggested taking a long holiday. NOT The doctor suggested me to take 

Some common verbs that are normally followed by -ing  forms:

Disa folje te zakonshme te cilat preferojne te marrim emer foljor mbas vetes se tyre jane keto si me poshte:

admit ( pranoj )
appreciate ( vleresoj )
endure ( duroj )
give up
can't help ( nuk mund te rrij pa )
put off ( shtyj, anulloj )



Lesson 3

Mbas dy ushtrimeve praktike te diteve te fundit, sot do te gjeni mundesine te jepni nje pergjigje per ushtrimin e meposhtem. Ne gjuhen angleze ka disa folje te cilat preferojne te shoqerohen gjithmone nga nje emer foljor ( gerund ), sikunderse gjendet edhe disa folje te tjera te cilat preferojne te shoqerohen nga nje pjesore   ( infinitive ). 
Provoni te jepni zgjidhjen tuaj, persa me poshte vijon ushtrimi.


-ing forms and past participles

Which of these verbs can be followed by an -ing form?

A. avoid         
B. hope
C. suggest
D. give up
E. want
F. decide
G. expect
H. delay
I. put off
J. agree 



Shikoni me kujdes materialin ne fabulen  e dhene ne faqen e meposhteme.
Pergjigjuni pyetjeve mbas leximit. Vazhdoni me plotesimin e tekstit.
Provoni te shkruani me fjalet tuaja se cfare ju kujtohet nga fabula.
Pergjigjet tuaja i degjojme diten e djele me date 12 tetor 2014.



Pergjigja e sakte e ushtrimit te dates 2.10.2014 te dhene ne faqen tuaj eshte:


Nese ne gjuhen angleze, ne nje fjali te caktuar, do te gjeni fjalen since, atehere perdorimi i kohes present perfect ose past perfect do te ishte nje zgjidhje pergjithesisht e  drejte.
Por kete ndajfolje kohe e gjejme te perdorur edhe ne kohe te tjera te gjuhes te perdorur si me poshte:

since : tenses

main clause: I have known her since...

In sentences with since ( referring to time), we normally use present perfect and past perfect tenses in the main clause.

have known her since 1984. ( NOT I know her since ...
haven't seen Bill since 2003.

However, present and past tenses are also occasionally found, especially in sentences about changes.

You are looking much better since your operation
She doesn't come round to see us since her marriage.
Since last Sunday I can't stop thinking about you.
Things weren't going so well since Father's illness.



A  e dni se pergjigjet  e sakta per zgjidhje te drejta ne alternativat e meposhteme ju mundesojne te kuptoni gjithnje  e me mire dallimet midis koheve te foljeve ne gjuhen angleze?

Provoni te merrni pjese ne keto zgjidhje. Nje mendim i gabuar ju con drejt mesimit me te thelluar e me te sakte te gjuhes.


past and perfect verbs

2. Which of these is/are right:A,B or both ?

A. My friends helped me  a lot since I lost my job.
B. My friends have helped me a lot since I lost my job.

 P. S. Try to make your choice. I'll show the answer later.



Hello again.
Here is another listening exercise about Socialising. This one is talking about holiday plans.


Answer: 1 A

Ne qofte se do te rishikoni ushtrimin e dates 29 shtator 2014, do te gjeni se cila ka qene zgjedhja  e vertete edhe arsyeja se perse duhej bere ajo zgjedhje.
Sa here qe nje ngjarje percaktohet si e perhershme apo ndodh vazhdimisht ne periudha te caktuara kohore, apo qe perseritet me nje ritual te caktuar, atehere koha e duhur duhet te jete simple present tense.

We often use the simple present to talk about permanent situations or about things that happen regularly, repeatedly or all the time.

It always snows here at this time of the year.
I play football every Saturday evening.
Bill translates for a British company.



present and future verbs

1. Choose the best reply: A or B.

Why  do you work so hard?

A. - Because I'm only happy when I'm busy.
B.-  Because I have to finish my report by the end of this week.

P. S. Try to make your choice. I'll show the answer later.  


Hello again.
Today I have a lesson for you on Socializing or Socialising. That is one of those words which American and British speakers often write differently, with either a Z or an S.
It’s a listening lesson.



Read the following fable and try to retell it.




Have a close look at this page and try to give the right answers.




Read the following fable. Try to retell it.




Dear students of SF3-Friday,

As you have already made your choice of studying together for the coming year, I would like to thank you all and promise at the same time that the new season will never make me get tired of helping each one of you. I will help you learn something new each time we see each other.

May the coming school year bring joy to your eyes.  

May it also give time to you to study. 

Time is a very important factor. According to a research conducted, human brain is in its most active state between 5 to 8 a.m or 7 to 11 p.m. Students who study during these timings have the maximum retention power in comparison with others. 

Hope and wish you take it into consideration.




This following exercise will help you with preposition.
Try to do them. If you will have certain questions we can discuss them on Sunday.






Put in the right form of be and the verb.




What are Sponge Bob and his friends doing in the pictures?



Put the verbs into the correct tense.



Some of the following expressions are really very useful. Try to learn them.



Match the item on the left with the correct answer on the right.




Hello again.
Have a close look at the first two exercises. Then you can do the others in case you want to.


U bene disa episode qe kini ndjekur. Shpresoj te kini gjetur momente te mira per te kaluar nje pjese te dites duke qeshur. Ju lutem shprehni mendimin tuaj ne nje paragraf prej 80-100 fjalesh per te gjithe episodet se bashku.
I diskutojme keto mendime ne diten tuaj te mesimit.



Ju uroj nje mbasdite te kendeshme nen sekuencat e kesaj video.




Per episodin e katert qe vijon sot, jeni te lutur te ndiqni te njejten detyre si ne diten e djeshme.



Ndiqni videon ne linkun e meposhtem. Provoni te mbani shenim ato shprehje qe ju duken interesante e sjellin humor per ju. Just enjoy it.




Provoni ushtrimet ne testin e meposhtem. Sillni proven e rezultatit permes pergjigjes qe kini merituar nga qendra e kontrollit te testit.




Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.
Click the letter next to the correct explanation.


Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.
Click the letter next to the correct explanation.



Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.
Click the letter next to the correct explanation.




Decide whether you need the definite article 'the' or not in the following exercise.


Ne ushtrimin e meposhtem do te gjeni mundesine per te perdorur fjalen e duhur ne nje fjali te caktuar.




Vendosni fjalet ne vendin e duhur.




Listen to the story and then copy it on your notebooks.



Listen to the recording and answer the questions.




Listen to the story. Write it on your notebook.


Use the story and then select the correct answer for each question.




Read the fable and answer all the question. Try to retell the fable.




Hi everyone,

Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte. 
Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te  kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthshme. 


Mesimi # 9

A. Sentence structure
      Struktura e fjalise.

The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me  nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.

1  Subject             Verb   
   Kryefjale    +      Folje
My arms           are aching
    Something        happened

2. Subject               Verb                  Object   
   Kryefjale      +     Folje        +        Kundrinor

    I                           need                 a rest
    Five people       are moving      the piano

The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun 
(e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg  the piano)

Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:

a) emer
b) peremer
c) grup emeror)

3. Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.

4.  Subject                 Verb                 Adverbial    
     Kryefjale        +     Folje        +      Ndajfolje ose rrethanor

    It                             is                      on my foot.
    Their house          is                       nearby.
An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.

5.  Subject                  Verb                Object                      Object
     Kryefjale      +        Folje        +      Kundrinor        +        Kundrinor 

    It                             ‘s giving           me                            backache.
    David                      bought            Melanie                   a present.

We use two objects after verbs like give and  send.
Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.

B. Adverbials

We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.

My arms are aching terribly.                        I really need a rest.
Of course this piano is heavy .                    Fortunately their house is nearby .


Vendosni ne vendin e duhur keto fjale: there; their; they're; there're.



Hi there,

Disa njohuri minimale te domosdoshme per emrat e numurueshem edhe jo te numurueshem mund ti gjeni ne leksionin e meposhtem.


 Countable & Uncountable nouns 

(Emrat e numurueshem dhe emrat e panumurueshem)

Pergjithesisht emrat te cilet ne mund ti numurojme quhen emra te numurueshem.
The nouns which we can count are called countable nouns.

Emrat te cilet nuk mund ti numurojme quhen emra te panumurueshem.
The nouns we can not count are called uncountable nouns.

Emrat e panumurueshem nuk marrin nyjet a ose an. Ata gjithashtu nuk marrin formen e zakonshme te numurit shumes.
Uncountable nouns do not take the indefinite articles a or an. They do not have a plural form, either.

I. Countable nouns:

       Singular                         Plural

  • a book                          books
  • a cat                              cats
  • one dog                         three dogs
  • one hen                          four hens

II. Uncountable nouns

          Singular                                                       Plural
  • water                                                         -------------
  • some water                                                -------------
  • a lot of water                                             -------------
  • much water                                                -------------
  • a little water                                             --------------

III. Dy peremra shume te gjendur te gjuhes angleze, some and any, nenkuptojne nje sasi te pacaktuar. Te dy peremrat  e pacaktuar mund te perdoren ne fjalite pyetese, por peremri some nuk perdoret ne fjalite negative.

Some and any mean an unspecified amount. Both may be used in the question form, but some is not used in the negative form.

IV. Peremerat pyetes How much dhe How many sherbejne per te ndertuar fjali pyetese per sasiore te caktuar. Nese deshirojme te shprehim  nje sasi te pacaktuar edhe emri eshte i panumurueshem atehere duhet te perdorim shprehjen'How much". Ndersa nese duhet te ndertojme nje fjali pyetese kur emeri eshte i numurueshem, dmth kur sasia perbehet nga emra te numurueshem atehere duhet te perdorim shprehjen "How many".

How much and how many  ask a question of quantity.

How much sugar would you like?
How much water do you drink?
How much butter should I buy?

How many students are there?
How many people do you know?
How many children are missing today?

Ne ushtrimin e meposhtem shkruani ne krahun e djathte te fjaleve shkronjen 'C' nese emri eshte i numurueshem edhe nese jo shkruani shkronjat: 'NC'.

1. flour
2. tea
3. apple
4. money
5. sand
6. chairs
7. help
10. cats
12. rice
17. juice
18. eggs
19. glass
20. chicken




Klikoni mbi linkun e meposhtem,  vetem mbasi te kini perfunduar se lexuari e kuptuari mesimin e mesiperm.



Read the story and then select the correct answer for each question.



Read the fable and answer  all the questions . Then follow the other exercises and finish them.




Lexoni tekstin dhe zgjidhni ushtrimet qe e shoqerojne.



Choose the best answer for each question.



Choose the best answer.


Te dashur studente,

Si amatore te mesimit te gjuhes angleze, shpesh na qellon qe te ndodhemi perpara fjalesh te cilat nuk mund ti kuptojme lehte. Me shpesh akoma nese mundohemi ti kuptojme duke i perkthyer si bashkesi e caktuar fjalesh atehere edhe mund te gabojme. Keto shprehje ose njesi idiomatike gjuhesore kerkojne qe ti kuptosh duke i pare me syrin e  nje folesi autokton.
Me poshte, le te rendisin se bashku per kete jave  pune, 10 shprehjet me te perdoreshme te gjuhes angleze shoqeruar edhe me mundesine per ti kuptuar ato ne situata konkrete perdorimi.

Ju uroj te gjitheve nje fund jave te bukur.
1. Piece of cake – Nese do t'ju bjere rasti te degjoni dike te thote se detyra qe ai kishte perfunduar, apo testi s'ishte gje tjeter vecse ' a piece of cake' kjo do te thote se:" detyra apo testi ishte dicka shume e lehte per tu plotesuar.
2. Costs an arm and a leg – Kur dicka koston:' an arm and a leg ", mendoj se sdo ta kini te veshtire te kuptoni se per ta blere ate ju duhet te paguani pikerisht kaq shtrenjte me dy pjese jetike te trupit, pra me fjale te tjera i bie te paguash shume shtrenjte= to pay a lot of money for something.
3. Break a leg – ta gjesh evten para nje shprehje te tille e te mundohesh ta gjesh kuptimin e saj duke u munduar te perkthesh pjeset perberese te kesaj shprehje atehere me siguri do te jemi para nje situate ku jemi ngaterruar e fillojme te mendojme keq. Nese jemi para nje provimi a testimi edhe ne telefonin tone na vjen pikerisht nje mesazh i tille:'Break a leg'. Miku yne i cili na ka derguar kete mesazh te jeni te sigurte se nuk do te deshironte kurre qe ju te kuptonit pikerisht ate mendim te cilin kjo shpreje do ta jepte nese do te ishim munduar ta perkthenim pjese pjese, apo fjale fjale. Aktualisht nje shprehjee tille do te thote:'Good luck!". Break a leg actually means good luck!
4. Hit the books – Nes edo tju bjere rasti te jeni student ne nje mabient ku flitet gjuha angleze atehere patjeter qe ne nje moment te caktuar ta degjoni kete shprehje shpesh here. para se te mendoni cdo lloj kutpimi tjeter do te ishte me mire te mbanit mend se: ' hit the books' dot  te thote thjesh: ' to study'. 
5. Let the cat out of the bag – Duke lexuar kete shprehje idiomatike te gjuhes angleze dikush mund edhe te drejtoje pyetjen perse dikush do ta fuste macen ne nje cante? Cfare i kish bere macja ? Ne fakt kuptimi i vertete i kesaj shprehje eshte thjesh : ' te tregosh nje sekret i cili aktualisht nuk duhet te behej i ditur, por te ruhej si i tille'
6. Hit the nail on the head – Kjo shprehje idiomatike ka te beje me nje situate te tille ne te cilen ne na duhet ti themi gjerat sic duhet ose sic edhe shprehemi ne gjuhen tone ' ti vendosim pikat mbi i'.
7. When pigs fly – A mund te mendoni se si mund te ndodhe nje gje e tille? A mund te kini pare ndonjehere nje gje te tille? une -jo! Pra nese doni te perdorni nje shprehje te tille do tju duhet te shprehni nje mendim se 'dicka nuk mund te ndodhe kurre'.
8. You can’t judge a book by its cover – Kjo shprehje idiomatike  nuk mbeshtetet vetem tek librat por pergjithesisht perdoret per shume gjera te tjera ne pergjithesi. Ne thelb,  ajo shpreh mendimin se nuk do te jete mire te gjykosh mbi dicka duke u nisur vetem nga pamja  e jashteme. 
9.  Bite off more than you can chew – Vertet mund te te ndodhi qe te jesh i uritur edhe kur merr ne dore nje hamburger te kafshosh nje cape te madhe. Nese kafshata eshte e tille atehere do kesh nje problem te madh me pertypjen dhe kaperdiimin e saj e ndoshta vetja mund te te duket si idiot nderkohe qe vjen verdalle per te gjetur nje gote uje ta percjellesh me uje e mund te mbytesh. Pra, ky do te ishte kuptimi letrar. Por, ne fakt, kjo shprehje do te thote :' te perpiqesh te mbash mbi supe nje detyre e cila per ty eshte e pa pershtateshme ose e pamundur per ta menaxhuar.'
10. Scratch someone’s back – Te gjithe e dime se sa e veshtire eshte te kruash kurrizin ne nje moment te caktuar e per me teper kur dora jote nuk rrin deri atje. Nese e shikon nje person qe mundohet ta beje kete gje, a do te mendoje ta ndihmoje ta kishte me te lehte punen e  vet? Ndoshta e ben sepse mendon se edhe ty do te te duhet qe dikush te beje te njejten gje kur te kesh te njejten nevoje. Pra, kuptimi i vertete i kesaj shprehje eshte:' te ndihmosh dike gjithmone me paramendimin se do te vije nje moment qe kjo ndihme te te kthehet ty ne te arthmen.'



Read the following story.Then read each question and choose your answer. Follow the rest of the exercises.


Students of SF-3 Fri,
Jam i sigurt se ju duhet te kini lexuar fjali te natyres si me poshte:
* I need some stamps.
* Have you got any?
 * I'd like some water.
* Here are some flowers for you for the 7th of March.
*I haven't got any milk.
* Have you got any mail today?
* There are not any trains coming to our town any more.
* Do you speak any other languages?

Pra, sigurohuni se i kuptoni fjalite e mesiperme
. Fjalet e nenvizuara jane te dyja peremra te pacaktuar, ne gjuhen angleze, edhe kuptimi i tyre eshte:
= "nje numur i kufizuar ose nje sasi e kufizuar". Te dy keta peremra perdoren me emra te panumurueshem si edhe me emra te numurueshem.
Gjuha angleze e perdor peremrin some, pergjithesisht, ne fjalite deftore ( affirmative ).
Kurse peremri any, perdoret ne fjalite negative e sidomos ne fjalite pyetese.(questions).

Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes ushtrimet e dhena me poshte dhe mundesoni zgjidhjen e tyre.



Degjoni me kujdes bisedat dhe provoni tju pergjigjeni pyetjeve te cilat shoqerojne bisedat per te provuar se ne cfare mase arrini te kuptoni nje ngjarje.




Listen and practice the following conversations.



Provoni te luani me lojen e meposhteme edhe shikoni se cfare numur fjalesh mund te arrini te grumbulloni. Lexoni me kujdes kerkesen se si luhet ajo. Nese nuk e kuptoni dot si luhet, kerkoni ndihme tek miqte tuaj.




Te dashur studente,

Mendoj se leksioni i meposhtem mund t'ju ndihmoje per te sqaruar nje problem te vogel ne gjuhen angleze. Nese mund t'ju linde ndonje pyetje, ju lutem e sqarojme ne oren perkatese.


Ne gjuhen angleze perdorimi i apostrofit + s, apo s + apostrof, shpesh sjell probleme, madje edhe per vete folesit autoktone.
Ne pjesen e meposhteme ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes disa keshilla te cilat mendoj se mund tju ndihmojne per te mesuar si te perdorini me mire kuptimet qe fshihen ne keto raste perdorimi te apostrofit. Nje perdorim i mire i apostrofit ju mundeson te jeni te sakte ne percaktimin e pronesise ( possessives ) apo te shkurtimeve ( contractions )                                                                                

The apostrophe has two purposes in English( Perdorimi i apostrofit ka dy qellime ne  gjuhen angleze)
  1. To indicate that one or more letters was dropped in a contraction:(= Ai perdoret per te treguar se nje ose me shume shkronja mund te largohen ne nje shkurtim fjale.)it is > it's
    we are > we're
    does not > doesn't
    of the clock > o'clock
  2. To indicate possession: (= Apostrofi sherben per te treguar marredhenie pronesie;kur emri eshte ne numurin njejes atehere mbas tij vendoset apostrofi edhe objekti i cili e ndjek ate pergjithesisht duhet te njihet si prone e emrit qe e  shoqeron. Pronari mund te jete ne njejes e prona mund te jete ne njejes; gjithashtu pronari mund te jete ne njejes e prona te jete ne shumes sipas rastit; )
    a) singular with 's
        Tom's book
        Jeannie's idea
        the girl's toys (toys belong to one girl)
    b) plural with s' (= pronari mund te jete ne shumes e prona gjithashtu mund te jete ne shumes)
        the books' covers
        my brothers' jobs
        the girls' toys (toys belong to several girls)
The apostrophe should never be used when you are just talking about something that is plural, with no possession. ( Pergjithesisht eshte e keshillueshme qe apostrofi te mos perdoret kurre kur ju jeni duke folur per dicka ne numurin shumes dhe nuk jeni duke perdorur marredheniet e pronesise.Shikoni rastet me poshte:)
The girl's walked by > The girls walked by
My brother's are tall > My brothers are tall
Welcome traveler's > Welcome travelers
Mos harroni: Apostrofi ka nje natyre te dyfishte: ai sherben ose per te dhene nje shkurtim gjuhesor ose per te dhene nje marredhenie pronesie. Ai nuk sherben per te dhene nje kuptim ne numurin shumes ne asnje rast.

Just remember that the apostrophe has a purpose: to indicate a contraction or possession. It does not indicate a plural - the letter s does a fine job of that all by itself.



Degjoni me vemendje historine e meposhteme. Ju lutem shkruani te gjithe dialogun qe do te degjoni midis personazheve te fabules.



paf 04.01.2014

Choose the right sentence after the number.




Listen to the audio segment and try to answer the questions. If the answer will be wrong then you have to listen again to the story till you get the right answers.




Dear students,

The Bundle of Sticks is one of Aesop's fables. Read it and try to retell it using your own words.



 First Conditional: real possibility

We are talking about the future. We are thinking about a particular condition or situation in the future, and the result of this condition. There is a real possibility that this condition will happen. For example, it is morning. You are at home. You plan to play tennis this afternoon. But there are some clouds in the sky. Imagine that it rains. What will you do?
present simpleWILL + base verb
Ifit rainsI will stay at home.

Notice that we are thinking about a future condition. It is not raining yet. But the sky is cloudy and you think that it could rain. We use the present simple tense to talk about the possible future condition. We use WILL + base verb to talk about the possible future result. The important thing about the first conditional is that there is a real possibility that the condition will happen. Here are some more examples (do you remember the two basic structures: [IF condition result] and [result IF condition]?):

present simpleWILL + base verb
IfI see MaryI will tell her.
IfTara is free tomorrowhe will invite her.
Ifthey do not pass their examtheir teacher will be sad.
Ifit rains tomorrowwill you stay at home?
Ifit rains tomorrowwhat will you do?

WILL + base verbpresent simple
I will tell MaryifI see her.
He will invite Taraifshe is free tomorrow.
Their teacher will be sadifthey do not pass their exam.
Will you stay at homeifit rains tomorrow?
What will you doifit rains tomorrow?


The following video will probably be a little more help on conditional sentences and how to use them. Follow it and do the exercises. _



Conditional sentences are a good component of English. It is not difficult to form them. First try to read the following grammar spot and then we keep on with some more exercises.


The first conditional is used to talk about ...

first conditional picture1) A possible future situation and its result.

If you go out, you'll have fun.

Be careful - I know the first half looks like the present simple, but it's talking about the future.
We often use this form to make:

*  promises 
*  threats, 
                eg. I'll buy you a present if I go on holiday. (promise)
                      I'll hit you if you do that again! (threat)
                      If you lend me £5, I'll buy you a drink later. (negotiation)

Things to remember:
  • It doesn't matter if you say the situation or the result first.
    eg."I'll help you if you want" = "if you want, I'll help you."

  • You can use "unless" to mean "if not". 
    "If you don't help me ..." = "Unless you help me ..."

Future Situation =
if + present simple
Possible Result =
will/won't + verb
eg.If you don't help me
I'll be angry.
eg. Unless you help me
I'll be angry.



Click on the numbers and try to give the right meaning of the hidden words.



Read the story and answer the questions.




Zgjidhni fjalekryqin e meposhtem.




Greetings to you Pjer,

Try this game and send me a message telling what level you achieved.



This is  a list of important two-word verbs.

You already know  some phrasal verbs in English. Following you are going to find a few more which you can add to your own vocabulary.
Try to use them in your own sentences.


Out   look out/ watch out = be careful!
Look out! There’s a car coming
           Work out = exercise (to become stronger or more fit)
·          Sarah works out at the gym two or three times a week.
                     On                        Come on = be quick/ hurry
                            Come on! Everybody is waiting for you.
Go on = continue
                            I’m sorry I interrupted you. Go on. (continue what you were saying)
                            How long will my cold go on, doctor?
Keep on = continue (talking, etc)
                            I asked them to be quiet, but they kept on talking.
          take off = leave the ground (for airplanes)
·         The plane took off 20 minutes late, but landed on time.

wake up = stop sleeping
·         I often wake up in the middle of the night.
Speak up = speak more loudly
·         I can’t hear you. Can you speak up, please?
Hurry up = do something more quickly
·         Hurry up! We haven’t got much time.
Clean up = make neat or clean
·         After the party, it took two hours to clean up.
Grow up = become an adult
·         What does your son want to do when he grows up?
Give up = stop trying
·         I know it’s difficult, but don’t give up.

 Slow down = go more slowly
·         You’re driving too fast. Slow down!
Break down = stop working (for cars/ machines, etc)
·         Sue was very late because her car broke down.
Get along = be together without problems
·         Do you like living with Mike? Do you two get along?
Sam doesn’t visit his parents often .He doesn’t get along with his father .

§   ===============================================



The Farmer and his three sons.
Listen to this story and write a short retelling for Saturday January 17 2014.




Hello again!

Following there will be a number of exercises which you can do on the following days. Just click on the exercises and you will get the right link for the right exercise. Number ten will be the most important.
Till next time.




1. Who's in charge?

Match up the expressions 
Put in the prepositions 
Put the words in order
2. Meeting a visitor

Match up the expressions 
Complete the sentences 

3. Socializing

Match up the sentences 
Who says what? 
Complete the sentences 
4. Sports

Do, play or go? 
Choose the correct answer 
Match up the sentences 
5. Meetings 1

Match up the sentences 
Complete the sentences 
Put the words in order 
6. Multi-word Verbs 1

Match up the verbs 
Complete the sentences 
Match up the sentences
7. On the Phone

Match up the mini-dialogues 
Put the words in order 
Match up the sentences 
8. Meetings 2

Multi-word verbs 
Expressions with prepositions 
Complete the sentences 
9. Meetings 3

Complete the sentences 
Complete the sentences 
Multi-word verbs 
10. Orders

Match up the sentences 
Choose the correct word 
Complete the sentences



Dear students,

 The following story is meant only for those who find entertainment in reading it.
I hope it will help you better understand many colorful words and expressions that American people use today.
    This story is taken from the book: "Words and their Stories".
Time and again I will mail to your page stories like this, which in the process, will give some ideas about past and present life in America.



 Santa Claus

Santa Claus is someone who will remain in the hearts of children forever. He is the make-believe person who brings toys and other gifts to children at Christmas. To grown-ups, he is a special symbol of good will and selfless giving.

         Santa Claus also has some other  names: Saint Nicholas, St, Nick, Kris Kringle, Pelznickel.
Two of his names, Santa Claus and saint Nicholas, both come from the Dutch who settled in New York long ago.

      The Dutch believed Saint Nicholas gave gifts to children, and honoured this kindly saint, with a yearly festival on December sixth. The English-speaking people who lived nearby greatly enjoyed Dutch festivals.And they brought the saint and the custom of giving gifts into their own celebration at Christmas time.
The Dutch spoke the name "Saint Nicholas" very fast. It sounded like Sinterklaas. And so,when the English said this word, it sounded like - Santa Claus.

      West of New York, in Pennsylvania, many German farmers had also heard of Saint Nicholas. but they called him Pelznickel. This word came from pelz, meaning fur, and nickel for Nicholas. And so, to the Germans of Pennsylvania, Saint Nicholas or Pelznickel, was a man dressed in fur, who came once  a year with gifts for good children.

       Soon, people began to feel that the love and kindness Pelznickel brought should be part of a celebration honouring the Christkindl, as the Germans called Christ Child.  After a time this became Kris Kingle. Later, Kris Kingle became another name for Santa Claus himself.

     Whatever he is called- Santa Claus, St.Nick, Saint Nicholas, Pelznickel or Kris Kingle- he is still the same short, fat jolly old man with a long beard, wearing a red suit with white fur.

     The picture of Santa Claus, as we see him, came from Thomas Nast, an American painter born in Bavaria. he painted pictures for Christmas poems. Someone asked him to paint a picture of Santa Claus. Nast remembered when he was a little boy in southern Germany. Every Christmas, a fat, little old man gave toys cakes to the children.

So, when Nast painted the picture, his Santa Claus looked like  the kindly old man of his childhood. And through the years, Nast's painting has remained as the most popular picture of Santa Claus.

Santa can be seen almost everywhere in large American cities during the Christmas season. Men dressed in red coats and pants, with hair and beards, stand on street corners  asking for money to buy food and gifts for the needy. Other Santa Clauses are found in stores and shopping centers.  It is easy to find them.... by the long line of children waiting to tell Santa what they want for Christmas.

         If one took  a vote among children to learn who their favourite person was, there is no question who would win:
Santa Claus!



Dear students of SF-3, Friday,

Have a close look at the following. Read everything very carefully and be prepared to do certain exercises on PPT, when we see each other this coming Friday.


Present Perfect Tense

 We form Present Perfect Tense with the help of the verb to have + past participle of the main verb.

We form the past participle of the regular verbs by adding - ed to the basic verb form; eg: work + ed = worked.

We use Present Perfect tense:

* for actions started in the past and continue up to the present.

eg. He has been a teacher for 33 years. ( He started to work as a teacher 33 years ago and still he is a teacher )

* to talk about a past action which has a visible result in the present.

eg. Mr. Jones has built a new house.

* for actions which happened at an unspecific time in the past. The action is more important than the time
The action is more important than the time.

He has been in New York. ( when ? We don't know. it's not important )

* For recently completed actions.

She has done the shopping. (The action is complete . The shopping is now done . )
F* or personal experiences /changes which have happened .

She has cut her hair short recently.
        * To put emphasis on a number .
She has been to the gym seven times this week .

*         Time expressions used with the present perfect : just , already , yet , for, since , ever , never , ect.



Dear  students,

Follow the link below and listen to the story chosen for you today. Try to write your own story while imitating the one following. 
You can make certain changes.




Please, follow this link and listen to the story. At the end of the story, try to make at least five questions for your friends to answer.



Plotesoni ushrimin e meposhtem.



Choose the most suitable word to replace the one in bold.

(1) The gardeners knives are sharp.
A. gardener’s
B. gardeners’
C. gardener
My answer is ________

(2) You are using David ruler.
A. Davids’
B. David’s
C. David
My answer is ________

(3) The doctor house is near the school.
A. doctor’s
B. doctors’
C. doctor
My answer is ________

(4) Those pigs tails are short.
A. pig
B. pig’s
C. pigs’
My answer is ________

(5) There are the ladies shoes.
A. lady’s
B. ladies’
C. ladie’s
My answer is ________

(6) The lion claws are sharp.
A. lion’s
B. lions’
C. lion
My answer is ________

(7) The children father is taking them to the zoo.
A. children’s
B. children
C. childrens’
My answer is ________

(8) That is a man hat.
A. man
B. mans’
C. man’s
My answer is ________

(9) This is the teacher car.
A. teacher’s
B. teachers’
C. teacher
My answer is ________

(10) What is your friend name ?
A. friends’
B. friend
C. friend’s
My answer is ________


Cilet jane peremrat pronore ne gjuhen angleze. Plotesoni ushtrimin e meposhtem.



Choose the most suitable answer.

(1) These are our bags. The bags are …………… .
A. theirs
B. our
C. ours
My answer is ________

(2) He own a set of chess. It is …………… .
A. theirs
B. ours
C. his
My answer is ________

(3) That is Audrey’s doll. It is …………… .
A. hers
B. her
C. theirs
My answer is ________

(4) This is his dog. It is …………… .
A. his
B. ours
C. her
My answer is ________

(5) We wanted to buy this book but …………… cover is torn.
A. his
B. it
C. its
My answer is ________

(6) That is their house. It is …………… .
A. thier
B. thiers
C. our
My answer is ________

(7) The cat licked …………… body.
A. its
B. it
C. their
My answer is ________

(8) That is George’s ball. The ball is …………… .
A. theirs
B. his
C. hers
My answer is ________

(9)  That is your pencil. It is …………… .
A. your
B. its
C. yours
My answer is ________

(10) Jane bought a pair of shoes. It is …………… .
A. hers
B. its
C. his
My answer is ________


Vendosni parafjalet ne vendin e duhur.



Choose the right prepositions.

We mustn’t throw things …………… the floor.
A. under
B. on
C. with
D. in
My answer is ________

(2) Will you come …………… me for the show ?
A. on
B. with
C. by
D. from
My answer is ________

(3) This knife is …………… cutting bread.
A. of
B. in
C. for
D. at
My answer is ________

(4) He knocked the bottle …………… and the water inside ran out.
A. over
B. on
C. against
D. for
My answer is ________

(5) There is a church …………… my house.
A. under
B. above
C. at
D. near
My answer is ________

(6) The children ran to the pool and jumped …………… .
A. in
B. of
C. with
D. for
My answer is ________

(7) Can I bring my brother …………… ?
A. after
B. along
C. with
D. to
My answer is ________

(8) We shall wait …………… him.
A. in
B. of
C. on
D. for
My answer is ________

(9) Philip and John shared the money …………… themselves.
A. in
B. on
C. with
D. between
My answer is ________

(10) The ladder is leaning …………… the wall.
A. in
B. of
C. on
D. against
My answer is ________



Ndiqni me kujdes tregimin e meposhtem edhe  shkruani nje paragraf per te, ku duhet te permendni disa nga ngjarjet qe ju  lane me shume mbresa.



Provoni te shkruani te gjithe historine qe do te degjoni ne vijim.



Plotesoni dialogun.



Mesoni foljet e meposhtme.Provoni te shkruani nga nje fjali me cdo folje ne kohen e shkuar.




Read the following text and then answer the questions.




Vendosni mbiemrat ne shkallen e duhur edhe ndertoni fjali me mbiemrat e shkalles siperore.




Read the text "My oldest friend" Complete the text with words from the box.


and but   because  so  when  until

My oldest friend

My oldest friend is called Sandy. We met thirty years ago(1)_____________ we were both 5 years old. It was my first day at school (2) ______________ I was very unhappy (3) ________________ I wanted my mother. Sandy gave me a sweet (4) ___________________ we became friends immediately. we were together nearly everyday (5) ______________ we left school twelve years ago.

Then I went to university. (6) ___________ Sandy didn't. She married (7) ____________ she was just eighteen (8) ____________ had three children. I studied for eight years (9)______________ i wanted to be an accountant. I had a lot of new friends. (10) ____________ I didn't see Sandy very often. sometimes we didn't meet for months.(11) ____________________ we often talked on the telephone.

Now I am married, too. I live near Sandy(12)____________ we meet every week. She is a student now. (13) ___________I have  a baby. (14) ____________ we can give each other a lot of advice!




We use which and where to join sentences together.

We use which for things:
                                      This is the book. It has the information.
                                      This is the book which has the information.

We use where for places:
                                      There is the house. John and Mary live in it.
                                      There is the house where John and Mary live.

Join the following sentences with which or where.

1. Jack wrote the letter. It arrived this morning.

2. There is the park. We play football in it.

3. This is the hotel. I always stay there.

4. Barbara has got  a car. It's faster than yours.




Write a paragraph about your town. begin each paragraph with the same words. Write 100 -150 words.

Paragraph 1 : How big is it ? Where is it ?
Paragraph 2: What is it famous for ?
Paragraph 3: Does it have any problem?
Paragraph 4: What do you like best about it?

If you don't like your town, just talk any town.




Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.



Match the words on the right with the definitions on the left.



Degjoni me kujdes dialogjet e meposhteme edhe mundesoni te shkruani te gjitha fjalite qe gjenden ne to.




Ndiqni me kujdes kete faqe edhe kerkoni ne te ushtrime te ndryshme sipas mundesive te kohes qe kini.



Disa folje ne gjuhen angleze vijne si bashkime foljesh me parafjale te caktura edhe si te tilla ato ndertojme kuptime shume te vecanta ne gjuhe. provoni te mesoni foljet e meposhteme edhe pastaj i kontrollojme bashke diten e premte edhe te shtune.


act up (no object): misbehave (for people); not work properly (for machines).
"The babysitter had a difficult time. The children acted up all evening."
"I guess I'd better take my car to the garage. It's been acting up lately."
act like (inseparable): behave in a way that's like _____ .
"What's wrong with Bob? He's acting like an idiot."
Note: This phrasal verb is very informal.
add up (1. no object): logically fit together.
"His theory is hard to believe, but his research adds up."
Note: This phrasal verb is often negative.
"His theory seems, at first, to be plausible, but the facts in his research don't add up."
add up (2. separable): find the total.
"What's the total of those bills? Could you add them up and see?"
add up to (inseparable): to total.
"The bills add up to $734.96. That's more than I expected!"
ask out (separable): ask for a date.
"Nancy has a new boy friend. Joe asked her out last night."



Read the story and then answer the questions.



Listen to the conversation and read along with it.



Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.




Listen to the conversation several times and then answer the following questions.




Students of Step forward book 3,

This activity will help each one of you with the first part of the PET Reading test. In this part you have to look at very short texts, such as signs and messages, postcards, notes, emails, labels etc.
First follow the link down and then simply click on the link on the right. You can do another PET reading part 1 test here.




Read  the text and answer the following questions:

Elvis  Presley  was  one  of  the  most  popular  singers  of  his  time. He was  called  ‘The King of Rock n Roll’ and  almost thirty  years  after  his  death  people  still  listen  to his music .
Elvis   Aaron   Presley   was born  on 8th January , 1935 , Mississippi , USA. He won  a singing   contest  at the age of six  and played  his first  guitar  at the  age of eleven . As a young   man ,  Elvis worked as a lorry driver before he became  a singer.
He had his first   hit ‘ Heartbreak  Hotel’ in 1956 . In the   same  year  , he made his first  film , ‘Love me  Tender’. In  1958 , Elvis  joined  the army and went  to  Germany . There   he met  Priscilla Beaulieu. They married   in 1967. Elvis became one of the richest singers in history. During   his lifetime he recorded  a large number  of songs and many  of them  were  big hits. He performed   his last concert  on 26th June 1977.
Sadly , Elvis died  a few  weeks later on 16th August . He was   only 42 years old.‘ The King’ is dead , but his legend lives on !

1 What was Elvis Presley   called ?

2 What   did  he do  before he became  a singer ?

3 When   did he make his first film ?

4 Where did he meet his  wife ?

5 How old was he when   he died ?



Kontrolloni me kujdes te dhenat e paraqitura ne ushtrimin e meposhtem.
 Provoni te jepni zgjidhjet tuaja per ushtrimet.


Read and   choose.

To : Mrs. Jones
From : Sandra, Peter
Date  : 22nd April
Subject  : Charity party

Here is our report on what we have done so far.


We have already booked the DJ   and she is arriving at 6 o ‘clock on Saturday evening . We have not booked her   taxi  yet. We are doing that on Friday morning.


We have  printed  300 tickets and we have already sold 250!

School Hall

We have prepared the school hall. We have put tables and chairs in there  and we have decorated the walls.

Food and Drinks

We have ordered the sandwiches , pizza and cakes. We have not ordered the drinks yet. We are doing that on Friday afternoon.

1 The DJ is arriving at 6 o ‘ clock on Sunday afternoon.

A.      Right    B. wrong     C. doesn’t say

2 They planed  the DJ last Tuesday

A.      right   B. Wrong     C. doesn’t say

3 They   have sold three  hundred  tickets

A.      right         B. wrong      C. doesn’t say

4 The   charity party is in the school hall

A.      right     B. wrong    C. doesn’t say

5. They are ordering the drinks on Friday afternoon.

A.      right   B. wrong     C. doesn’t say



Po ju dergoj nje tregim te shkurter. Ju lutem lexojeni me kujdes edhe jepni pergjigjet tuaja per pyetjet qe e shoqerojne tregimin.


Read the text and answer the questions following: 

Robert Louis Stevenson was a famous Scottish writer. He was the person who created characters such as Dr Jekyll, Mr. Hyde and Long John Silver. People all over the world, young and old, still read   his popular  stories.
Robert   Louis Stevenson   was born in Edinburgh  in 1850.As a child , he was often ill in bed , so he read a lot of books . He loves reading stores and began writing when he was quite young. Stevenson studied  at Edinburgh  University. His father wanted him to   be an engineer, but Stevenson didn’t like the idea. Instead, he agreed to become a lawyer.
In  1880, Stevenson married an American woman , Fanny   Osborne .  Together   they   travelled to many different   countries! Finally, in  1890 , they decided  to  live  on  island of  Samoa . Some   of Stevenson’s greatest   stories   are   ‘Treasure Island ‘ , ‘Kidnapped’ and  ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll  and  Mr.  Hyde’.
Robert Louis  Stevenson  died in  1894 , at the age of 44 . He died   young , but he left behind his wonderful   stories  for us  to remember  him  by !

1 When   and  where was  Robert Louis  Stevenson born ?

2 What   did  he like doing  as  a  child ?

3 What did   his father  want him to be ?

4 What   did  he do in 1880 ?

5 When   did he die?



Simple past tense. Jepni pergjigjen e duhur per ushtrimin ne vijim.
Nese ju duket i veshtire provoni te perseritni ushtrimet e dites se djeshme.




Dear students of Step Forward book 3,

Ne njesite frazeologjike te mesimit numur 2, ju duhet te kini vere re dy shprehje te tilla si:

"Would you like ...?" apo " I'd like..." 

Ne pergjithesi ne gjuhen angleze n e perdorim shprehjen: "Would you like ..?" sa here kur duam te shprehim kuptimin;" Do you want....?"

Me nje fjale, ne qofte se ju, do te deshironi ti ofroni dikujt dicka, atehere do te ishte shume mire te perdornit shprehjen:' Would you like...?"

psh:" Would you like some coffee?"
"Would you like an orange?"
"What would you like?"

Gjithashtu ju mund  te perdorni te njejten shprehje ne qofte se do te deshironit te ndertonit nje ftese per dike, s psh ne fjaline pyetese:"  Would you like to go for a walk?"
Would you like to come for dinner?"
"What would you like to do this evening?"

I would like.., eshte nje forme te shprehuri gjuhesor me nje doze te larte miresjellje kur ne deshirojme te shprehim mendimin:" Une dua, deshiroj;" Forma e  shkurter e kesaj shprehjeje eshte:"I'd..."

* I am thirsty. I would like a drink.
* I would like some information about Nehemia Gateway Unversity.
* I'd like to see your university.

Shpesh here ju mund te gjendeni para perdoimit te dy shprehjeve te tilla si:

"Would you like ...?" "I'd like.....  apo "Do you like ...?" " I like...."

Ne qofte se fjalia gjendet si:" Would you like some tea?" Atehere kuptimi i saj do te jete = "Do you want some tea?"

Nese fjalia eshte :' Do you like tea?" atehere kuprtimi duhet te jete:=" Do you think tea is nice?"

"Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?"(= Do you want to go tonight?")

Ndersa fjalia:' Do you like going to the cinema?"( nje mendim ne pergjithsi; in general)

"I'd like an orange" = ( Can I have an orange?") 

"I like oranges ( in general)

Ushtrim: Gjeni se cila nga zgjedhjet e mundeshme me meposhteme eshte e sakte:

1) "Do you like?/ Would you like a chocolate ?"
                           'Yes, please.'

2) "Do you like/Would you like bananas?"
                             'Yes, I love them.'

3) "Do you like/ Would you like an ice-cream?
                              'No, thank you.'

4) "What do you like/ would you like.?"
                               'A glass of water please.'

5) Do you like/ Would you like to go out for a walk?"
                               'Not now,. Perhaps later.'

6) " I like/ I'd like tomatoes but I don't eat them very often."

7) "What time do you like?/ would you like to have dinner this evening?"

8) " Do you like/ Would you like your new job?"
                                        ' Yes,  am enjoying it.'

9) " Do you like / Would you like something to eat?"
                                               'No, thanks. I am not hungry.'

10) I'm tired. I like/ I'd like to go to sleep now.  

Ne qofte se do te kini pyetje, ju lutem i mundesoni kur te takohemi diten e premte.




Listen to this story. Try to write the whole story sentence by sentence.



Fill all the boxes with an answer, or try to guess an answer. Hope you will enjoy doing it.



Click the words that you hear.



Listen to this story very carefully. Then try to retell it. You can probably give any other version of the same story as there are a few. It's better if you write it down.




Try to finish the puzzle. 



Listen to the story and read the passage as well.


Memory game.


Games are a good tool which help learning new words. Try to finish this game in the shortest time possible.


Try to put the sentences into the correct order and build up the real dialogue.




Read the story and try to answer the questions following.



Dear students of Step Forward Book 3,

Read the story and answer the questions following:


It is Sunday. It's a great day. We like days off school, don't we? Anyway, a crossword will not be a bad idea as the weather forecast is gloomy today. If you find a little time today probably, you do this crossword.




   Ushtrimet  e meposhteme duhet te kopjohen ne fletoren tuaj edhe te zgjidhen atje.Diskutimet i bejme ne klase  diten e premte edhe te shtune.


A. Write the underlined words in the correct category. 

noun adjective verb adverb

1. Tom is a new student.

2. Tom is studying English at Hopkins School.

3. It is his first class.

4. Tom always learns quickly.

5. Tom will finish his class in two weeks.

6. Tom will take his second class in October.


B. Write sentences about your classroom. Use the words in the box and the
words in parentheses.

on in next to above 

below in front of behind under 

1. (chair / desk) The chair is next to the desk.

2. (door / board)

3. (clock / computer)

4. (book / bookshelf)

5. (window / chair)

6. (dictionary / desk)




Follow this link and listen to the :'The Pirates' Song". If you can not follow the singers, just read the lyrics.




 Follow this link and write down the  whole story in your copybook.






Students of Step Forward Book 3,

Follow this link and listen to the story. Then try to write a summary with your own words.






 Students of Step Forward book 3,

Kjo faqe do t'ju mundesoje  te ndiqni nga afer cdo mesim te mundshem te ketyre metodikave. Ju lutem bejeni tuajen kete faqe.




Students of Step Forward Book 3,

Follow this link and try to retell the story in your own words.



Happy Teacher's Day!



Ne ushtrimin  e meposhtem provoni te jepni zgjidhjet ne fletoren tuaj, ashtu sic ju i mendoni. Diskutimet i bejme kur te paraqiteni ne seancen tuaj.


Step Forward 2 UNIT  1





1)A LONG-TERM IS…………. 
A .new                                         C. big
B. black                                       D. ready 

2) what is a goal? 

A. something you take                    C. what you do
B. something you want                     D. what you are


A. a long-term goal                                    C. notebook
B. a short-term goal                                  D. a flashcard


A. a toothache                                  C. a note
B. a picnic                                          D. a computer




A. He needs to read more           C. he needs to listen more
B. he needs to talk more                   D. he needs to drive more


A. with a partner                               C. with grammar
B. with a book                                   D. with a chart


7.   She _____ the vocabulary.
A.   need to study                                C.  need study
B.    needs study                                  D.  needs to study

8.   To learn a new words, you need to ______.
A.   stop and go                                    C. listen and read
B.   sleep and eat                                 D. ride and learn

9.   It takes two people to____.
A. look up words                                  C. copy new words
B. practice with a partner                   D. listen to CDs

10.  What can you do to help learn new words?
A. forget new words                            C. speak Japanese
B. underline new words                      D. say you are a good listener

11.  What is a good way to learn a name?
A. Use a flashcard.                                 C. Ask how to spell it .
B. Use a chart.                                        D. Say “Nice to meet you”.

 12.  How ____ Ana ____ her pronunciation?
A. is….practice                                          C. does….practice                                                                                                                                                 
B. does….practices                                    D. do…..practice

13.  Anga: ____   do they like to do in the evening?
       Dan: They like to read books.
A.   When                                                     C.  What
B.   Where                                                    D.  Haw

14.  Vera: ____  do you like to study?
       Cam  Tu:  I like to study in the living room.
A.  When                                                       C.  What
B.  Where                                                      D.  Why

15.  Ned: I want to introduce my friend, Haruko.
        Fernando: _____, Haruko.
A.  Nice to meet  you                                   C.  That’s right
B.  What’s your name                                  D.  Excuse  me

16.   Rita: Hi, Emmy. I’m  Rita, and this is Alma.
A.  What’s  your  name?                               C.  What’s  your name again?
B.  My name is Emmy.                                   D.  E-M-M-Y

Imagine the following ideas as pictures and try to gibe the right answer:

      Picture 1.   Brainstorm                   

      Picture 2.     =  Easy      

     Picture 3.      Goal          Step           Plan

     Picture 4.      Study       English       Online


 17.  Moy  likes to go on the Internet.
A.   Picture 1                                                        C.  Picture 3
B.   Picture 2                                                        D.  Picture 4

18.  Please copy the words in your notebook.
A.   Picture 1                                                        C.   Picture 3
B.   Picture 2                                                        D.   Picture 4

19.  Rita likes to use flashcard.
A.   Picture 1                                                       C.    Picture 3
B.   Picture 2                                                       D.    Picture 4

20.  I often look up words in the dictionary.
A.   Picture 1                                                        C.    Picture 3
B.   Picture 2                                                        D.    Picture 4




Again on adjectives.



Try to put these adverbs in their right position.




Finish this exercise and find out if you can distinguish between an  adverb and an adjective.




Finish this game and learn all the adjectives used in it.




Find this link. Fill it up with the missing words then check it.



Follow this exercise. You can not write on it. So, it will be better, if you copy it or write it down.



Choose the most suitable answer.

(1) …………… is in the bag ?
A. Whose
B. When
C. What
My answer is ________

(2) …………… of these pens do you like ?
A. Why
B. What
C. Which
My answer is ________

(3) …………… is she in such a hurry ?
A. Where
B. Why
C. Who
My answer is ________

(4) …………… does your father do during week-ends ?
A. What
B. Whose
C. Why
My answer is ________

(5) …………… will the school holidays begin ?
A. How
C. Where
My answer is ________

(6) …………… much does this hat cost ?
A. How
My answer is ________

(7) …………… did you son lie to you ?
A. Why
B.  Who
C. When
My answer is ________

(8) …………… is your bag ?
A. Why
My answer is ________

(9) …………… are you going, Mr.Wong ?
A. Which
B. Whose
C. Where
My answer is ________

(10) ……………. did the bus come ?
A. Which
B. Who
C. When
My answer is ________




Follow this link and finish the game. Record the time needed.



Listen to this interview and try to answer the questions following.




Listen to this story and try to say it in your own words.



  Listen to this story and try to write it down on your copybook. Bring it to class on Fridays and Saturday's sessions.




Put the verbs into the right space. You have to print this exercise or write it down on your copybook.


Choose the right forms of verb.

(1) My sister …………… rabbits.
A. like
B. likes
C. is liking
D. was liking
My answer is ________

(2) Peter and Jane …………… to get married in December.
A. is planning
B. are planning
C. was planning
D. were planning
My answer is ________

(3) Every year thousands of tourists …………… my country.
A. visit
B. visits
C. is visiting
D. visited
My answer is ________

(4) All animals …………… food to survive.
A. needs
B. need
C. is needing
D. was needing
My answer is ________

(5) He always …………… bananas for dessert these days.
A. has
B. had
C. have
D. having
My answer is ________

(6) We …………… to school on Sunday.
A. do not go
B. does not go
C. were not going
D. are not going
My answer is ________

(7) We …………… to Singapore during this coming school holiday.
A. are going
B. were going
C. go
My answer is ________
(8) Please be quiet. My father …………… over the phone.
A. talk
B. talks
C. is talking
D. talked
My answer is ________

(9) School …………… at 7:30 a.m. and end at 1:30 p.m.
A. is starting
B. start
C. started
D. starting
My answer is ________

(10) “ I ……………. hungry. Is there anything to eat ? ” John asked his mother.
A. feel
B. am feeling
C. was feeling
D. felt
My answer is ________



Try this kind of dictation!


Listen to the story on this link and copy it as your home assignment.
Listen to the story and try to say it with your own words. You had better write it briefly using no more than60-70 words.


Follow this link and finish the quiz. Try to read the explanations.



Have a look at this chart.


Simple Past Simple Present
a moment in time action that takes place once, never or several times He played football every Tuesday. He plays football every Tuesday.
actions that happen one after another He played football and then he went home. He plays football and then he goes home.
state He loved football. He loves football.



Listen to the story and give your opinion in a written form. Use 45-50 words in your answer.




Listen to this story and try to write a few lines after that as your home assignment for this afternoon.




You are going to play a game on adjectives. Enjoy it.




 Listen to this story and then retell it in your own words. It will be good if you write it as well.




Dear students of Step Forward Book 3, Friday's and Saturday's session.

Listen to the following video.





Dear students of Step Forward Book 3, Friday and Saturday's sessions,

Listen and read the following book.




Dear students of Step Forward Book 3, Friday's and Saturday's sessions,

Listen to the song and write down some irregular verbs you already know.


Listen to this song and learn the following irregular verbs.



Listen to the story and write a short retelling.



Students of Step Forward Book 3, Friday's & Saturday's sessions,

Watch the video and write a short retelling of the story.



Dear students of Step Forward Book 3, Friday's session,

Follow the page and listen carefully to the story.




Dear students of Step Forward book 3,

Follow this page. Find lesson one and do the exercises.





 Dear students of English Zone book 2,

Watch the video and give your opinion in a written form. Use 24 words in your answer.




Dear students of English Zone 2,

Watch this video and try to write some lines about it.




 Dear students of English Zone 2,

This is your text test for the English Zone book 2. Take your time and finish it for the coming week.



1)Complete the text.Use the past simple
     of the verbs in brackets.
    Tom visited(visit)his friends Mick and Laura
     ,last weekend.It (1)...................(be)
     Laura's birthday on Sunday,but they(2).................(celebrate)
     on Saturday night.They(3)...............(stay)at the disco until two o'clock
     in the morning. Laura really(4)................(enjoy)it.She(5)................(dance)all night!
     On Sunday,Tom and his friends(6)................(be)tired.They(7)....................(stay)
     in bed until midday.In the afternoon,they(8).................(walk)to the park.But it was cold
     and rainy, so they(9)...................(walk)home again and (10)............(watch)a video.

2)Look at the in Exercise 1. Are these sentences true or false?

    Tom visited Mick and Laura last weekend.
      They went to the park by bus.
  1)It was Laura's birthday on Saturday.
  2)They stayed at the disco until 3.00 a.m.
  3)Laura enjoyed the evening.
  4)Laura danced a lot.
  5)Tom wasn't tired on Sunday.
  6)Tom and his friends stayed in bed all
      morning on Sunday.
   7)They walked to the park on Sunday morning.
   8)It was a hot, sunny day.
    9)They stayed in the park all afternoon.
   10)They watched a video on Sunday.


  3)Write past,present or future for each  time expression.

  next year    future
   1)the month after next ................
   2)this year...........
  4)the year before last............
 5)the day after tomorrow..............
 6)the day before yesterday..........
 7)this month...............
 8)last year............
 9)next month...............

4)Complete the dialogues with days or
1)The day before yesterday was Friday
, so today is .......................
2)This month is January,so the month before
   last was........................
3)Last month was April,so this month is.................
4)Today is Monday,so the day before yesterday
5)The month before last was July,so last month

5)Complete the dialogue with answers a-f.

a)I'm thirteen.
c)Two.English and Welsh.
d)Yes,I would.
e)I'm from Wales.
f)No,it isn't. It's my second.

Ros        Hi!What's your name?
Mick      b Mick.
Ros        Where are you from,Mick?
Mick      (1)............
Ros         How old are you
Mick       (2)...........
Ros          Is this your first trip to Poland?
Mick        (3)...........
Ros          How many languages do you speak?
Mick        (4)................
Ros           Really!Would you like to dance?
Mick         (5)............

6)Read about Pedro and Yvonne.
    Complete the dialogues.

Pedro:From   Portugal
           Age    12
  Languages             Portuguese,French and English
Yvonne:From   France
             Age     13
 Languages           French and English

Ros      Hello!What's your name.
Pedro   Pedro.
Ros      Where(1).................................
Pedro   I'm(2).....................................
Ros      How(3)...................................
Pedro   I'm(4)....................................
Ros      How many(5)...........................................
Pedro   Three.Portuguese,French and English

Brett       Hello!What's your name.
Yvonne   Yvonne.
Brett        Where(6)........................
Yvonne    I'm(7).........................
Brett         How(8).......................
Yvonne     I'm(9)............................
Brett         How many(10)....................
Yvonne     Two.French and English.



Dear students of English Zone 2,

Finish this exercise and bring in class the answers.



Find the correct answers, A, B, or C.

Example: He drove the car into the........... .
               a) kitchen    b) bathroom    c) garage

1) The number after ninety-nine is.............
             a)one thousand.......   b)one million.......  c)one hundred........

2)  The number after 11 is.............
        a)eleven.........  b)twelve.........  c)twenty..........

3)   I can speak...........
         a)French........ b)England.........   c)Germany........

4)    He put the money in his..............
          a)credit card...........   b)wallet........    c)coins........

5)   'What's the time?
         'Sorry.I don't have a............
         a)time.........  b)watch.........  c)book.......

6)    I usually............a sandwich for lunch.
         a)have......   b)drink   c)cook.......

7) homework after every lesson.
           a)have........  b)make....... c)do.......

8)    Do you.............. much exercise?
          a)play.......  b)make.......   c)do.......

9)     My aunt is a.............She works for a newspaper.
          a)journalist......    b)nurse........    c)lawyer.....

10)    She answers the phone and talks to visitors.
            She's a...........
           a)builder.........  b)musician........  c)receptionist......

11)     My aunt's husband is my...........
             a)cousin.......  b)nephew........    c)uncle......

12)     The opposite of empty is............
           a)full..........  b)rich..........  c)safe.........

13)     The opposite of cheap is .............
             a)dangerous.......  b)expensive........  c)boring

14)       The day after Wednesday is ...........
             a)Tuesday......  b)Thursday.......  c)Friday....

15)      It's usually cold in..........
             a)winter.....  b)spring......  c)April.........

16)       The  month after May is.........
               a)July.......   b)June.......  c)April.......

17)         She.........the radio and listened to the news.
                    a)turned off........ b)looked for......  c)turned on.......                                    

18)          'Where's Tommy?
                 He's.............his bike.
                a)riding.........  b)driving.......   c)playing........

19)         Can you...........a photo of us, please?
                  a)do.........  b)make.......   c)take........

20)          Let's...........for a walk.
               a)go...... b)have......  c)get.....

21)         Bye..............a nice time.
                    a)have.....  b)make......  c)do.....

22)          We cook in the.........
                 a)kitchen........  b)dining  room.......  c)garage.......

23)           We eat in the............
                 a)bathroom.......  b)dining room.......  c)garage.........

  24)          You can buy medicine at a.........
                  a)chemist's.........  b)hospital.........   c)post office.........

25)           'Would you like milk in your coffee?
                  'No, just...........,please.'
                 a)sweets.........  b)cheese......... c)sugar.......



Dear students of English Zone 2,

This will be your final test for English Zone 2. You have to finish it at anytime during the coming week.



Find the correct answer A,B, or C.

Example:She.............a student.She's a teacher.

  A) aren't.......    B) isn't.......  C)not.......
1) France last summer.
    A) going........   B)go.......   C)went.......

2)       I always..............toast for breakfast.
          A) am having.......  B)have......   C)has

3)       ............your brother play the guitar?
            A)Does......   B)Has......  C)Is........

4)     My mum doesn't work.
      A)drive.......  B)driving......  C)to driving.......

5)       They .........TV at the moment.
           A)'re watching....... B)watched.......  C)watch

6)        I Rome.
         A)am never been......  B)'ve never been........  C)was never

7)     What........tomorrow afternoon.
           A)are you going....... B)are you going to do......   C)do you do........

8)       We.......... to Rome and then we drove to Florence.
             A)flew.......   B)flown........    C)Flied.......                  

9) school today because she's ill.
              A)doesn't go.........   B)didn't go   C)didn't going

10) the moment because I'm on holiday
                A)'m not studying.......   B)don't study......  C)not study.......    

11)          Have you ever..........Japanese food?
                 A)eat.....    B)eaten.......  C)ate.......
12) had pasta.
                 A)didn't have.......  B)don't have.......   C)didn't had.........

 13)           Who.......your favourite actors?   
                    A)be......  B)are......   C)is......

14)               How often.......... to the cinema?
                       A)go you......   B)do you go..........  C)you do go.......

15)                   They..........early on Sundays.
                            A)haven't got up........     B)aren't getting up........   C)don't get up...........

16)                    This is............interesting book.Have you read it?
                           A)a....    B)an  C)the

17)                    I often go shopping..........the weekend.
                          A)in......  B)for..........   C)at

18)                     The children             the garden.
                           A)happy......     B)happiness...... C)happily........

19)                      These  shoes aren't............Look!They're too small.
                                A)my........     B)me......  C)mine.....

20                        ............there any biscuits?
                              A)Are........   B)Is.........   C)Be.......

21                          She hardly.......... travels abroad.
                               A)never.....  B)ever   C)more

22                         Paul left work an hour............
                              A)since........  B)past.......  C)ago.....

23                          How.............chocolate do you eat?
                                 A)lot.......   B)much........   C)many.....

24                          This is............. film I've ever seen.
                                  A)the best......  B)the most best.......  C)the better......

25                           I'm sister.
                                    A)that.......  B)than.....   C)more........

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