Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Stag & His Reflection

A Stag, drinking from a crystal spring, saw himself mirrored in the clear water. He greatly admired the graceful arch of his antlers, but he was very much ashamed of his spindling legs.
"How can it be," he sighed, "that I should be cursed with such legs when I have so magnificent a crown."
At that moment he scented a panther and in an instant was bounding away through the forest. But as he ran his wide-spreading antlers caught in the branches of the trees, and soon the Panther overtook him. Then the Stag perceived that the legs of which he was so ashamed would have saved him had it not been for the useless ornaments on his head.
We often make much of the ornamental and despise the useful.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mesimi 22

Lesson 22/Twenty-second lesson


Si shkruhet
Si lexohet
Si perkthehet
at once
/æt w ʌns/
perpara, para
/kæn, kən/
/k ɛ əfuli/
me kujdes
/’draiv ə*/
/’dju əriŋ/
i teti
/’end ʒin/
i pesti, e pesta
/f ə:st/
i pari
(nje) kembe (mase)
kembe (shumesi i foot)
/’f ɔ: θ/
i katerti, e katerta
/’f ɔ:ti ə θ/
i dyzeti
/ θ ə:d/
i treti, e treat, te tretet, te tretat
(to) hear
/hi ə:*/
(to) keep
/n ɔb/
(to) learn
/l ə:n/
/’ l ə:n ə*/
/’lais əns/
(to) move
bukur, per bukuri, mire
/nain θ/
i nenti, e nenta
of course
/ɔv kɔ:s/
sigurisht, patjeter
/’ped əl/
(to) pull
(to) run
/r ʌn/
vrapoj, rrotulloj, ve ne levizje
i dyti, e dyta, sekonde
(to) show
/ ʃow/
shfaq, tregoj, paraqes
se shpejti, se afermi
(to) start
filloj, nis
(to) switch off
/switʃ ɔv/
fik, shuaj
(to) switch on
/swi tʃ ɔn/
ndez, hap
(to) teach
/ti: tʃ/
jap mesim, mesoj
/ ti: tʃə*/
mesues, mesuese
/ ‘θə:tiəθ/
i tridhjeti
(to) try
perpiqem, provoj
/’twelf θ/
i dymbedhjeti
/’v ælid/
i vlefshem
(to) watch
shikoj, veshtroj, ruaj

Parafjale dhe shprehje kohore:

Sot do te mesojme perdorimin e disa parafjaleve dhe shprehjeve kohore:

Pas, mbas, prapa
After lunch
Pas darke
After a late night
Mbas nje nate vone
Para, perpara
Before dinner
Para darke
After the lesson
Pas mesimit
After work
Pas pune
Before the meeting
Para mbledhjes

Parafjalet after dhe before mund te jene gjithashtu edhe lidheza per nje fjali kohore. Me keto lidheza perdoret menyra deftore, ne vend te lidhores se shqipes. Shembuj:

Open the kitchen window, before you start cooking.
Hape deren e kuzhines, perpara se te fillosh te gatuash.
After she sees her grandmother, she is coming home.
Pasi te takoje gjyshen e saj, ajo do te vije ne shtepi.
·      Lidheza when (kur) nuk kerkon qe fjalia kohore te kete foljen ne kohen e ardhme , prandaj koha e ardhme qe perdoret ne shqip, ne anglisht duhet te zevendesohet me kohen e tashme te deftores, si
They are going to sing when they are ready.

Parafjalet at, in, on
at    - ne, tek,te
in    -  brenda, ne
on  -  mbi, ne

In February
At night
In winter
In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening
On Monday
On- perdoret per rrethanorin e kohes se percaktuar me ditet e javes kur keto nuk paraprihen nga fjalet next-tjeter (dita qe vjen) dhe last-e fundit (dita e kaluar), te cilat nuk pranojne asnjehere parafjale edhe me ditet e muajit, si
·       She is leaving on Monday.  Ajo do largohet te henen.
·       They are coming on the first of April.  Ata do vijne me 1 Prill.
·       She is leaving next Thursday. Ajo do largohet te enjten tjeter.
·       She came last Saturday. Ajo erdhi te shtunen e kaluar.

At once-menjehere, pernjehere
·      She wants to begin at once. Ajo do te filloje menjehere.
All the time-gjithe kohen, vazhdimisht, pa pushim.
He works all the time- Ai punon gjithe kohen.

Numeroret rreshtore:

·      Rikujtojme se pervec numeroreve first ( i pari), second ( i dyti) dhe third (i treti) dhe te gjithe numeroret e tjere qe perbehen prej ketyre te treve, numeroret e tjere rreshtore formohen duke i shtuar th/θ/ numerorit perkates themelor.

v Keshtu numerori four behet fourth; six-sixth; seven-seventh;  ndersa ten behet tenth e keshtu me radhe. Nga ky rregull perjashtohen numeroret themelore five dhe eight qe behen fifth dhe eighth. Pra, sic e veme re , numerori themelor five e humbet zanoren e zeshme e, ndersa eight, humbet bashketingelloren fundore t.

v Numeroret themelore qe mbarojne me y, e ndryshojne kete te fundit ne ie perpara se te marrin mbaresen th, si seventy-sevent-ieth;   thirty-thirt-ieth etj. Nga numerori themelor four (kater) kemi fourth ( i katerti) dhe fortieth ( i dyzeti), por sic e veme re tek rasti i dyte, zanorja u e numerorit themelor four bie duke u bere fortieth.

v Sic e kemi thene edhe me perpara, numeroret first, second dhe third, bejne perjashtim. Ata thuhen keshtu edhe ne rastin kur numerori eshte i thirty-first, per (thirty-one);  thirty-second per( thirty-two); twenty-third ( thity-three) etj.

v Kur numeroret rreshtore shkruhen me shifra, numerori themelor ndiqet nga dy shkronjat e fundit te fjales: 1st , 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, 21th, 22nd, 23rd, etj.

Shkrimi i datave

·      Kur mesuam menyren se si shkruhen letrat ne leterkembimin anglez, vume re se datat shkruhen me numeroret rreshtore, ne vend te numeroreve themelore qe perdoren ne leterkembimin shqip. Megjithate, ne pergjithesisi ne paraqitjen e fakteve historike, datat lexohen dhe shkruhen ne menyren qe vijojne:

The first of December.   1 Dhjetor.
The twenty-sixth of December. 26 dhjetor
The thirty-first of July.  31 korrik.
Rikujtojme se ne letra, datat shkruhen me shifra, ndersa nyja the dhe parafjala of, nenkuptohen. Numri qe tregon diten (daten) vendoset lirshem para emrit te muajit, si

March 23, 1945.            23 mars 1945
23 March, 1945             23 mars 1945
23rdMarch, 1945           23 mars 1945
October 21, 1985           21 tetor 1985
21 October, 1985           21 tetor 1985
21stOctober, 19485          21 tetor 1985

·      Vitet per lehtesi leximi, behen duke i ndare ne grupe, dy e nga dy:

1985-nineteen, eighty-five (ose nineteen hundred and eighty-five).

·      Kjo menyre leximi te shifrave eshte e vlefshme vetem per datat. Kur shifra per dhjeteshet eshte 0 (zero), atehere duhet te themi gjithmone hundred si 1807-eighteen hundred and seven.


Kate: Peter, are you going to teach me to drive soon?
Peter: Do you really want to learn, Kate?
Kate: Of course I do. When are you going to begin?
Peter:  Well, what’s the date today? The twelfth of July. All right. Your first lesson is next week, Monday the seventeenth of July.
Kate: But, that’s very late! I want a lesson today, at once.
Peter: You haven’t a learner’s license.
Kate: Yes, I have. Here it is. It’s valid from the eleventh of July to the tenth of October.
Peter: Oh, well, all right! Let’s begin. No, sit in the other seat, not in the driver’s seat. I am going to show you first, before you try…now watch carefully. When you are ready to go, switch on the engine. Now, when I pull this knob, the engine starts. Do you see?
Kate: No, I do not see, but I hear!
Peter: Now, she is running very nicely, and we can move away. I keep my foot on this pedal all the time. Now I put my other foot on this pedal, and then  ( perplas makinen te dera e garazhit). Oh, Lord! I did not open the garage door.
Kate: Oh, Peter!


Are you going to teach me to drive soon? A do te me mesosh se shpejti te ngas makinen?

Of, course, I do. Sigurisht, qe po; natyrisht qe po, patjeter qe deshiroj te te mesoj.
A learner’s license. Patente, autorizim, leje e perkohshme per drejtimin e makines nga nje kursant apo nxenes.

Driver’s seat. Ndenjesja e shoferit, vendi ku qendron shoferi.
Now, watch carefully. Tani shiko me kujdes.
When you are ready to go, switch on the engine. Kur te jesh gati per tu nisur, ndiz motorin.
Very nicely. Shume bukur, fare mire, per bukuri, ne rregull.
Move away. Te levizim, te nisemi, te levizim qe ketej.
I keep my foot on this pedal all time. Une e mbaj kemben gjithe kohen mbi kete pedale.
Oh, Lord! Oh, zot!
Garage door. Deren e  garazhit.

Verejtje per bashkebisedimin:
  Ne anglisht, sikurse e kemi thene edhe me heret, ka folje mungesore, pra qe i’u mungojne disa trajta. Folje te tilla nuk marrin mbaresen s ne veten e trete njejes te kohes se tashme te menyres deftores.
    Keto folje nuk kane nevoje per foljen ndihmese do per te ndertuar trajten pyetese dhe mohore edhe kur ndiqen nga paskajorja e foljeve, perpara tyre nuk vendoset pjeseza to. Shiko mesimin 27 per me teper informacion.
  Ne biseden e mesiperme eshte nje fjali me perdorimin e foljes can: we can move, qe ne shqip do te thote: Ne mund te levizim; Ne mund te nisemi qe ketu. Ketu folja can ka kuptimin: te jesh ne gjendje te….te jesh i afte te….apo te mundesh te besh dicka.
   Foljet to begin dhe to start, ka kuptimin nis, nisem, duke i’u referuar castit te nisjes, sapo marrim rrugen per te bere nje udhetim.
    Shpesh here, per nje makine, anije ose biciklete, flitet sikur ato te ishin ne gjinine femerore, prandaj ka raste qe gjejme fjali te tilla si: She is running nicely-qe do te thote The car is running nicely.
    Peteri pyet: Do you really want to know? Dhe Kate i pergjigjet: Of course, I do. Ketu kemi perdorimin e nje pergjigje te shkurter, te cilat jane te zakondshme ne anglisht. Pra, Kate pergjigjet: Of, course, I do, qe do te thote Of Course I want to learn, qe ne shqip do te thote sigurisht qe une dua te mesoj, natyrisht qe deshiroj te mesoj, patjeter qe dua te mesoj.
  I njeti ndertim vihet re edhe ne fjaline tjeter:  You haven’t a learner’s license. Pergjigjja e Kate eshte: Yes, I have, me kuptimin: yes I have a learner’s licence., Po une kam patente kursanti.



o   What are you going to do?  ( sing a song) I am going to sing a song.
o   What is he going to do? (draw a picture). He is going to draw a picture.
o   What is she going to do?(learn to read). She is going to learn to read.
o   What are we going to do? (learn to drive). We are going to learn to drive.
o   What are they going to do?( have lunch). They are going to have lunch.


o   The school begins, the bell rings: The school begins when the bell rings.
o   The boy gets up, the alarm clock rings. The boy gets up when the alarm clock rings.
o   The TV show starts, all the guests are there. The TV show starts when all the guests are there.
o   They can’t hear us, listen to music. They can’t hear us when they listen to music.


o   February: February usually has 28(twenty-eight) days.
o   December has 31 days. ( thirty-one)
o   February sometimes has 29(twenty-nine) days.
o   A day has 24 hours. (twenty-four)
o   A year usually has 365 days. ( three hundred and sixty five)

Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:

Perktheni ne anglisht:

o   Ajo po e mbyll makinen.
o   Sa para do te shpenzosh ti?
o   Kur do ta lexojme ate liber?
o   Ajo nuk do te presi shume.
o   Kush do me japi 3 dollare?
o   Pjesa e pare e shfaqjes.
o   Shtepia e dyte pergjate rruges.
o   Makina e dyte.
o   Emir i 6 ne liste.
o   21 tetor 1985
o   Eja te me takosh te henen.
o   Zakonisht ne cohemi ne 9:00.
o   Ajo do pastroje me furce xhaketen perpara se te haje mengjes.
o   Ai do te qendroje atje.


v Shkruani disa rreshta ku thoni: muajt e vitit dhe sa dite ka secili muaj, sa jave ka nje muaj, sa muaj ka nje vit, sa dite ka java, dhe tregoni emrat e diteve. Perfundoni ushtrimin duke shenuar daten dhe muajin kur e keni bere ushtrimin.