Nehemia A



Relative clauses – non-defining relative clauses 


Fjalitë lidhore me pjesë të nënrenditur jo-përcaktore 


   Do you know how to give extra information about someone or something using relative clauses? Look at these examples to see how non-defining relative clauses are used. 

   A dini si të jepni më shumë të dhëna rreth dikujt apo diçkaje duke përdorur fjalitë lidhore? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren fjalitë lidhore me pjesë të nënrenditur jo-përcaktore. 

  • Jack, whos retired now, spends a lot of time with his grandchildren. 

  • We want to see the new Tom Carter film, which was released on Friday. 

  • My sister, whose dog Im looking after, is visiting a friend in Australia. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



   Complete the sentences with who, which, whose, when or where. 

   Plotësoni fjalitë me who, which, whose, when ose where. 


  1. The new school, ________ has a pool, opened last week. 

  1. My cousin, _________ you met last year, just got married. 

  1. We visited the museum, _________ we all bought something. 

  1. She offered me a coffee, _________ was just what I needed! 

  1. Yesterday, __________ was a holiday, we visited my sister-in-law. 

  1. He works with his parents, __________ company makes furniture. 

  1. The partys at the weekend, ___________ more people can come. 

  1. The hospital, ________ local people depend on, is being closed down. 



Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për të mësuar më shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

   Relative clauses give us information about the person or thing mentioned. 

Non-defining relative clauses give us extra information about someone or something. It isnt essential for understanding who or what we are talking about. 

   Fjalitë lidhore na japin të dhëna rreth personit apo gjësë së përmendur. 

Fjalitë lidhore me pjesë të nënrenditur jo-përcaktore na japin më shumë të dhëna rreth dikujt apo diçkaje. Nuk është e rëndësishme për kuptuar se për ose për çfarë po flasim. 

  • My grandfather, whos 87, goes swimming every day. 

  • The house, which was built in 1883, has just been opened to the public. 

  • The award was given to Sara, whose short story impressed the judges.  


   We always use a relative pronoun or adverb to start a non-defining relative clause: who, which, whose, when or where (but not that). We also use commas to separate the clause from the rest of the sentence. 

   Ne gjithmonë përdorim një përemër lidhor apo ndajfolje për të filluar fjalinë lidhore jo-përcaktore: i/e cili/a, i/e të cilit/ës, kur apo ku (por jo që). Ne gjithashtu përdorim presjet për të ndarë klauzolat nga pjesët e tjera të fjalisë 




who, which and whose 

i/e cili/cila dhe i/e cilit/cilës 

   We can use who to talk about people, which to talk about things and whose to refer to the person or thing that something belongs to. 

   Ne mund të përdorim who për të folur rreth njerëzve, which për të folur rreth sendeve dhe whose për tiu referuar personit apo gjësë që i përket diçka. 

  • Yesterday I met my new boss, who was very nice. 

  • The house, which is very big, is also very cold! 

  • My next-door neighbour, whose children go to school with ours, has just bought a new car. 

  • After the port there is a row of fishermens houses, whose lights can be seen from across the bay. 



Places and times 

Vende dhe kohë 

   We can use which with a preposition to talk about places and times. In these cases its more common to use where or when instead of which and the preposition. 

   Ne mund të përdorim which me një parafjalë për të folur rreth vendeve dhe kohëve. Në këto raste është më e zakontë të përdorim ku apo kur në vend të which dhe parafjalës. 

  • City Park, which we used to go to, has been closed down. 

City Park, where we used to go, has been closed down. 

  • December, which Christmas is celebrated in, is a summer month for the southern hemisphere. 

December, when Christmas is celebrated, is a summer month for the southern hemisphere. 


   However, when we use which without a preposition, we cant use where or when. 

   Megjithatë, kur përdorim which pa një parafjalë, ne nuk mund të përdorim ku apo kur. 

  • Centre Park, which we love, is always really busy on Saturdays. 

  • February, which is my favourite month, lasts 29 days this year. 





Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



   Complete the sentences with who, which, whose, when or where. 

   Plotësoni fjalitë me who, which, whose, when ose where. 


  1. Last week he got a phone call from his father, ________ he hadnt spoken to in years. 

  1. When I left they threw me a party, _________ was a complete surprise. 

  1. My birthday, _________ was my 40th, turned out to be a wonderful day! 

  1. The Javan tiger, __________ habitat was largely destroyed by humans, is now extinct. 

  1. The hostel, _________ weve stayed at several times, is simple but clean. 

  1. I sometimes go and study in my local park, _____I can get some fresh air. 

  1. Winter, ________ temperatures are lower, sees higher rainfall. 

  1. They went to a concert at the new arena, ________ was built last year. 



Stative verbs 


Foljet e gjendjes 


   Do you know how to use stative verbs like think, love, smell and have? Look at these examples to see how stative verbs are used. 

   A dini se si ti përdorni foljet e gjendjes si mendoj, dua, nuhas dhe kam? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren foljet e gjendjes. 

  • I think thats a good idea. 

  • I love this song! 

  • That coffee smells good. 

  • Do you have a pen? 




Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



   Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences. 

   Zgjidhni formën e saktë të foljes për të plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. That cant be right. I _____ you! 

  • dont believe 

  • m not believing 


  1. My holidays next week. I _____ myself on the beach right now! 

  • imagine 

  • m imagining 


  1. Ive changed the design slightly. What _____? 

  • do you think 

  • are you thinking 


  1. Shes not answering. _____ her phone with her? 

  • Does she have 

  • Is she having 


  1. Fifty-three? Are you sure thats the answer, or _____? 

  • do you guess 

  • are you guessing 


  1. The films on at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Which _____? 

  • do you prefer 

  • are you preferring 


  1. Wheres Grandad? Oh, he _____ the flowers in the garden. 

  • smells 

  • s smelling 


  1. I dont know, but I _____ hell win the election. 

  • doubt 

  • m doubting 




Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për të mësuar më shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

   Stative verbs describe a state rather than an action. They arent usually used in the present continuous form. 

   Foljet e gjendjes përshkuajnë një gjendje se sa një veprim. Ato zakonisht nuk përdoren në të tashmen e vazhduar. 

  • I dont know the answer. Im not knowing the answer. 

  • She really likes you. Shes really liking you. 

  • He seems happy at the moment. Hes seeming happy at the moment. 



   Stative verbs often relate to: 

   Foljet e gjendjes shpesh lidhen me: 

  • thoughts and opinions: agree, believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, mean, recognise, remember, suspect, think, understand 

mendimet dhe opinionet: pranoj, besoj, dyshoj, imagjinoj, di, nënkuptoj, njoh, mbaj mend, dyshoj, mendoj, kuptoj 


  • feelings and emotions: dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish 

ndjenjat dhe emocionet: nuk pëlqej, urreoj, pëlqej, preferoj, dëshiroj, uroj 


  • senses and perceptions: appear, be, feel, hear, look, see, seem, smell, taste 

shqisat dhe perceptimet: shfaq, jam, ndiej, dëgjoj, vështroj, shoh, dukem, nuhas, shijoj 


  • possession and measurement: belong, have, measure, own, possess, weigh. 

pronësi dhe matjet: përket, kam, mat, zotëroj, kam në pronësi, peshoj. 





Verbs that are sometimes stative 

Foljet që tregojnë ndonjëherë gjendje 

   A number of verbs can refer to states or actions, depending on the context. 

   Një numër foljesh mund ti referohet gjendjeve apo veprimeve, në varësi të kontekstit. 

  • I think its a good idea. 

  • Wait a moment! Im thinking. 


   The first sentence expresses an opinion. It is a mental state, so we use present simple. In the second example the speaker is actively processing thoughts about something. It is an action in progress, so we use present continuous. 

   Fjalia e parë shpreh një mendim. Ajo është një gjendje mendore, kështu që përdorim kohën e tashme. Në shembullin e dytë folësi është duke përpunuar mendimet për diçka në mënyrë aktive, kështu që përdorim kohën e tashme të vazhduar. 




Some other examples are: 

Disa shembuj të tjerë janë: 





  • I have an old car. (state – possession) 


  • Im having a quick break. (action – having a break is an activity) 

(veprimtë pushosh pak është një veprimtari) 





  • Do you see any problems with that? (state – opinion) 


  • Were seeing Tadanari tomorrow afternoon. (action – were meeting him) 

(veprim – do ta takojmë atë) 





  • Hes so interesting! (state – his permanent quality) 

(gjendjecilësi e tij e përhershme) 

  • Hes being very unhelpful. (action – he is temporarily behaving this way) 

(veprim – ai po sillet kështu përkohësisht) 





  • This coffee tastes delicious. (state – our perception of the coffee) 

(gjendjeperceptimi ynë për kafen) 

  • Look! The chef is tasting the soup. (action – tasting the soup is an activity) 

(veprimtë shijuarit e supës është veprim) 




   Other verbs like this include: agree, appear, doubt, feel, guess, hear, imagine, look, measure, remember, smell, weigh, wish. 

   Folje të tjera kështu, përfshijnë: pranoj, shfaq, dyshoj, ndiej, hamendësoj, dëgjoj, imagjinoj, vështroj, mat, mbaj mend, nuhas, peshoj, uroj. 





Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



   Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences. 

   Zgjidhni formën e saktë të foljes për të plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. Are you making bread? It _____ amazing. 

  • smells 

  • s smelling 


  1. I _____ theyll be here quite soon. 

  • imagine 

  • m imagining 


  1. We _____ coffee with Xavier later today. 

  • have 

  • re having 


  1. Im sorry, I _____. 

  • dont understand 

  • m not understanding 


  1. Sam thinks its a good idea, and Ben _____. 

  • agrees 

  • s agreeing 


  1. I _____ this avocado to see if its ready to eat. 

  • feel 

  • m feeling 


  1. She _____ the dentist at 4 p.m. today. 

  • sees 

  • s seeing 


  1. Do you know what I _____? 

  • mean 

  • m meaning 



Reported speech 1 – statements 


Ligjërata e zhdrejtë 1 – deklarata 


   Do you know how to report what somebody else said? Look at these examples to see how we can tell someone what another person said. 

   A dini se si ti tregoni dikujt atë çfarë tha dikush tjetër? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si mund ti tregojmë dikujt atë çka tha dikush tjetër. 


direct speech: 

ligjërata e drejtë: 

I love the Toy Story films, she said. 

indirect speech: 

ligjërata e zhdrejtë: 


She said she loved the Toy Story films. 




direct speech: 

ligjërata e drejtë: 

I worked as a waiter before becoming a chef, he said. 

indirect speech: 

ligjërata e zhdrejtë: 


He said hed worked as a waiter before becoming a chef. 




direct speech: 

ligjërata e drejtë: 

Ill phone you tomorrow, he said. 

indirect speech: 

ligjërata e zhdrejtë: 

He said hed phone me the next day. 




Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 




   Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence. 

   Zgjidhni formën e duhur të foljes për të plotësuar fjalinë. 


  1. My dad ran a marathon at the age of 65. → She told me that her dad ___ a marathon at the age of 65. 

  • was running 

  • had run 

  • has run 


  1. Ive written three pages of the report. → He said that he ___ three pages of the report. 

  • wrote 

  • was writing 

  • had written 


  1. I wasnt paying attention at the time. → He said that he ___ attention at the time. 

  • didnt pay 

  • hadnt been paying 

  • hasnt been paying 


  1. I live in the centre. → She told me that she ___ in the centre, but I think shes moved. 

  • has lived 

  • had lived 

  • lived 


  1. Were meeting Toni at 8 oclock. → She said that they ___ meeting Toni at 8 oclock. I hope theyre having a nice time! 

  • were meeting 

  • are meeting 

  • had been meeting 


  1. She had worked for that school for 40 years when she retired. → He told me that she ___ for that school for 40 years when she retired. 

  • works 

  • was working 

  • had worked 


  1. Were having a great time here on holiday! → I got a postcard from my parents – they said theyre having a great time ___ on holiday. 

  • there 

  • here 

  • then 


  1. Coralias arriving today. → She told me that Coralia was arriving ___, but I found out the next day that her visit was cancelled. 

  • today 

  • that day 

  • ago 




Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

   Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech. 

   Në letërsinë artistike, madje edhe në biseda të përditshme, folësit kërkojnë që, për ta bërë situatën sa më të vërtetë, t’i përcjellin fjalët e personazheve apo të bashkëbiseduesve ashtu si janë thënë. Kjo realizohet në dy mënyra, nëpërmjet: 1. ligjëratës së drejtë (kur riprodhimi i fjalëve të folësve bëhet me përpikmëri e në formë të pandryshuar) dhe 2. ligjëratës së zhdrejtë (kur riprodhimi i fjalëve të folësve jepet me disa ndryshime.) 

direct speech: I work in a bank, said Daniel. 

indirect speech: Daniel said that he worked in a bank. 


   In indirect speech, we often use a tense which is further back in the past (e.g. worked) than the tense originally used (e.g. work). This is called backshift. We also may need to change other words that were used, for example pronouns. 

   Në ligjëratën e zhdrejtë, shpesh përdorim një kohë e cila është prapa shkuarën ( punova) se koha që është përdorur në realitet ( punoj). Kjo quhet zhvendosje shkuarën. Ne gjithashtu mund na nevojitet ndryshojmë fjalë tjera cilat ishin përdorur, për shembull përemrat. 




Present simple, present continuous and present perfect 

Koha e tashme, koha e tashme e vazhduar dhe koha e kryer 


   When we backshift, present simple changes to past simple, present continuous changes to past continuous and present perfect changes to past perfect. 

   Kur zhvendosim në të shkuarën, koha e tashme ndryshon në të kryerën e thjeshtë, koha e tashme e vazhduar ndryshon në kohën e shkuar të vazhduar dhe koha e kryer ndryshon në të kryerën e plotë (e tejshkuar). 

  • I travel a lot in my job. 

Jamila said that she travelled a lot in her job. 

  • The babys sleeping! 

He told me the baby was sleeping. 

  • Ive hurt my leg. 

She said shed hurt her leg. 




Past simple and past continuous 

Koha e kryer e thjeshtë dhe e shkuara e vazhduar 


   When we backshift, past simple usually changes to past perfect simple, and past continuous usually changes to past perfect continuous. 

   Kur zhvendosim në të shkuarën, koha e kryer e thjeshtë zakonisht ndryshon në kohën e kryer të plotë, dhe e shkuara e vazhduar ndryshon në të kryerën e plotë të vazhduar. 

  • We lived in China for five years. 

She told me theyd lived in China for five years. 

  • It was raining all day. 

He told me it had been raining all day. 




Past perfect 

E kryera e plotë 

   The past perfect doesnt change. 

   E kryera e plotë nuk ndryshon. 

  • Id tried everything without success, but this new medicine is great. 

He said hed tried everything without success, but the new medicine was great. 




No backshift 

Pa zhvendosje në të shkuarën 

   If what the speaker has said is still true or relevant, its not always necessary to change the tense. This might happen when the speaker has used a present tense. 

   Nëse ajo çfarë ka thënë folësi është ende e vërtetë apo e lidhur me të tashmen, nuk është gjithmonë e nevojshme të ndryshojmë kohën. Kjo mund të ndodhë kur folësi ka përdorur një kohë të tashme. 

  • I go to the gym next to your house. 

Jenny told me that she goes to the gym next to my house. Im thinking about going with her. 

  • Im working in Italy for the next six months. 

He told me hes working in Italy for the next six months. Maybe I should visit him! 

  • Ive broken my arm! 

She said shes broken her arm, so she wont be at work this week. 




Pronouns, demonstratives and adverbs of time and place 

Përemrat, përemrat dëftorë dhe ndajfoljet e kohës dhe vendit 


   Pronouns also usually change in indirect speech. 

   Përemrat zakonisht ndryshojnë në ligjëratën e zhdrejtë. 

  • I enjoy working in my garden, said Bob. 

Bob said that he enjoyed working in his garden. 

  • We played tennis for our school, said Alina. 

Alina told me theyd played tennis for their school. 


   However, if you are the person or one of the people who spoke, then the pronouns dont change. 

   Megjithatë, nëse ju jeni personi apo një nga njerëzit që folën, atëherë përemrat nuk ndryshojnë. 

  • Im working on my thesis, I said. 

I told her that I was working on my thesis. 

  • We want our jobs back! we said. 

We said that we wanted our jobs back. 


   We also change demonstratives and adverbs of time and place if they are no longer accurate. 

   Ne gjithashtu ndryshojmë përemrat dëftorë dhe ndajfoljet e kohës dhe vendit nëse nuk janë më ekzakte. 

  • This is my house. 

He said this was his house. [You are currently in front of the house.] 

Ai tha se kjo ishte shtëpia e tij. [Ju jeni përballë shtëpisë tanimë.] 


He said that was his house. [You are not currently in front of the house.] 

Ai tha se ajo ishte shtëpia e tij. [Ju nuk jeni tani përballë shtëpisë.] 



  • We like it here. 

She told me they like it here. [You are currently in the place they like.] 

Ajo më tha se atyre iu pëlqente këtu. [Ju tani jeni në vendin që u pëlqen atyre.] 


She told me they like it there. [You are not in the place they like.] 

Ajo më tha se atyre iu pëlqente aty. [Ju nuk jeni në vendin që ata pëlqejnë.] 



  • Im planning to do it today. 

She told me shes planning to do it today. [It is currently still the same day.] 

Ajo më tha se po planifikon ta bëjë sot. [Tani është e njëjta ditë.] 


She told me she was planning to do it that day. [It is not the same day any more.] 

Ajo më tha se po planifikonte ta bënte atë ditë. [Nuk është më e njëjta ditë.] 



   In the same way, these changes to those, now changes to then, yesterday changes to the day before, tomorrow changes to the next/following day and ago changes to before. 

   Në të njëjtën mënyrë, këto ndryshon në ato, tani ndryshon në atëherë, dje ndryshon në një ditë parë, nesër ndryshon ditën tjetër/ vijon dhe parë ndryshon në përpara. 






Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



   Choose the correct form to complete the sentence. 

   Zgjidhni formën e duhur të foljes për të plotësuar fjalinë. 


  1. My best friend at school became a nurse first, then a paramedic. → He told me that his best friend at school ___ a nurse first, then a paramedic. 

  • was becoming 

  • had become 

  • has become 


  1. I had lived in four countries by the age of ten. → She said that she ___ in four countries by the age of ten. 

  • lived 

  • was living 

  • had lived 


  1. I commute 45 minutes to work. → She told me that she ___ 45 minutes to work, but I bet it takes longer now with the roadworks. 

  • has commuted 

  • commuted 

  • had commuted 


  1. We were hoping to have our wedding in June. → She told me that they ___ to have their wedding in June. In the end, though, they got married in September. 

  • had been hoping 

  • are hoping 

  • have been hoping 


  1. Oh, hi, Ethan! Im just leaving, unfortunately. → When I got there I saw him, but he said he ___. 

  • is just leaving 

  • was just leaving 

  • had just left 


  1. Weve seen four elephants already and its only our first day. → He said that they ___ four elephants on their first day. Imagine what animals theyve seen by now! 

  • were seeing 

  • have seen 

  • had seen 


  1. I love this restaurant! → We could go back to Bella Roma? Chloe said she loved ___ restaurant! 

  • that 

  • this 

  • there 


  1. I told Dom to email you three days ago. → She said that she had told Dom to email me three days ___, but its been a week now and I still havent heard. 

  • then 

  • ago 

  • before 

=======Reported speech 2 – questions 


Ligjërata e zhdrejtë 2pyetje 


   Do you know how to report a question that somebody asked? Look at these examples to see how we can tell someone what another person asked. 

   A dini si të tregoni një pyetje që dikush tjetër bëri? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si ne mund t’i tregojmë dikujt atë çfarë tha dikush tjetër. 


direct speech: Do you work from home? he said. 

indirect speech: He asked me if I worked from home. 


direct speech: Who did you see? she asked. 

indirect speech: She asked me who Id seen. 


direct speech: Could you write that down for me? she asked. 

indirect speech: She asked me to write it down. 




Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 




  Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni përgjigjen e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. Did you meet each other at school? He asked them … 

  • if did they meet at school. 

  • if theyd met at school. 

  • had they met at school. 


  1. Why are you wearing sunglasses? She wondered … 

  • why he was wearing sunglasses. 

  • why was he wearing sunglasses. 

  • if he was wearing sunglasses. 


  1. Who else have you told? They asked me … 

  • who else wed told. 

  • if have we told. 

  • who had we told else. 


  1. Were you listening to me? She asked us … 

  • why wed been listening to her. 

  • whether wed been listening to her. 

  • if we were listening to her. 


  1. How will you get to France? I asked them … 

  • how will they get to France. 

  • how would they get to France. 

  • how they would get to France. 


  1. Had you already met him? She asked me ... 

  • whether had I already met him. 

  • if I already met him. 

  • if Id already met him. 


  1. What can we do about this? We wanted to know … 

  • whether we could do about it. 

  • what we could do about it. 

  • what could we do about it. 


  1. Can I get you a coffee? I offered ... 

  • if I could get him a coffee. 

  • getting him a coffee. 

  • to get him a coffee. 




Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

   A reported question is when we tell someone what another person asked. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech. 

   Kur tregojmë një pyetje është kur i themi dikujt tjetër se çfarë ka pyetur dikush tjetër. Për ta bërë këtë, ne mund të përdorim ligjëratën e drejtë apo ligjëratën e zhdrejtë. 

direct speech: Do you like working in sales? he asked. 

indirect speech: He asked me if I liked working in sales. 


   In indirect speech, we change the question structure (e.g. Do you like) to a statement structure (e.g. I like). We also often make changes to the tenses and other words in the same way as for reported statements (e.g. have done had done, today → that day).  

   Në ligjëratën e zhdretë, ne ndryshojmë strukturën e pyetjes ( A të pëlqen) në një strukturë deklarate ( Unë pëlqej). Gjithashtu, shpesh bëjmë ndryshime të kohëve dhe të fjalëve të tjera në të njëjtën mënyrë si deklaratat e kallëzuara ( kam bërëkisha bërë, sot → atë ditë). 




Yes/no questions 

Pyetjet po/jo 

   In yes/no questions, we use if or whether to report the question. If is more common. 

   Në pyetjet po/jo, përdorim nëse për të kallëzuar pyetjen. If është më e zakontë. 

  • Are you going to the Helsinki conference? 

He asked me if I was going to the Helsinki conference. 

  • Have you finished the project yet? 

She asked us whether wed finished the project yet. 




Questions with a question word 

Pyetjet me një fjalë pyetëse 


   In what, where, why, who, when or how questions, we use the question word to report the question. 

   Në pyetjet çfarë, ku, pse, kush, kur apo si, ne përdorim fjalën pyetëse për të treguar pyetjen. 

  • What time does the train leave? 

He asked me what time the train left. 

  • Where did he go? 

She asked where he went. 




Reporting verbs 

Foljet raportuese 


   The most common reporting verb for questions is ask, but we can also use verbs like enquire, want to know or wonder. 

   Folja raportuese më e zakontë për pyetjet është pyes, por ne mund të përdorim edhe folje si kërkoj, dëshiroj të di apo mendoj 

  • Did you bring your passports? 

~She wanted to know if theyd brought their passports. 

  • When could you get this done by? 

~He wondered when we could get it done by. 




Offers, requests and suggestions 

Oferta, kërkesa dhe sugjerime 


   If the question is making an offer, request or suggestion, we can use a specific verb pattern instead, for example offer + infinitive, ask + infinitive or suggest + ing. 

   Nëse pyetja po bën një ofertë, kërkesë apo sugjerim, ne mund të përdorim një model foljeje të veçantë në vend të, për shembull ofroj + paskajore, pyes + paskajore apo sugjeroj + -ing. 

  • Would you like me to help you? 

He offered to help me. 

  • Can you hold this for me, please? 

She asked me to hold it. 

  • Why dont we check with Joel? 

She suggested checking with Joel. 





Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni përgjigjen e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. Where will you stay? I asked her … 

  • if she would stay. 

  • where would she stay. 

  • where she would stay. 


  1. Have you eaten ALL the cake? She asked me … 

  • if had I eaten all the cake. 

  • when Id eaten all the cake. 

  • if Id eaten all the cake. 


  1. How often do you use public transport? She wanted to know … 

  • how often I used public transport. 

  • how I used often public transport. 

  • how often did I use public transport. 


  1. Did you see the parade? She asked us … 

  • where wed seen the parade. 

  • whether wed seen the parade. 

  • if did we see the parade. 


  1. When had you last spoken? I asked her ... 

  • whether they had last spoken. 

  • when they had last spoken. 

  • when have they last spoken. 


  1. What were you doing at the time? She asked me … 

  • what Id been doing at the time. 

  • what was I doing at the time. 

  • what had I been doing at the time. 


  1. Can she walk yet? I wondered … 

  • could she walk yet. 

  • if can she walk yet. 

  • if she could walk yet. 


  1. What about having the party outside? She suggested … 

  • about having the party outside. 

  • having the party outside. 

  • to have the party outside. 


Reported speech 3 – reporting verbs 

Ligjërata e zhdrejtë 3foljet raportuese 


   Do you know how to tell someone what another person said using reporting verbs? Look at these examples to see how reporting verbs are used. 

   A dini si t’i tregoni dikujt atë çfarë tha dikush tjetër duke përdorur foljet raportuese? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren foljet raportuese. 


direct speech: You should come, its going to be a lot of fun, she said. 

indirect speech: She persuaded me to come. 


direct speech: Wait here, he said. 

indirect speech: He told us to wait there. 


direct speech: It wasnt me who finished the coffee, he said. 

indirect speech: He denied finishing the coffee. 




Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. Why dont you come and visit us next week? → She invited us _____ and visit them next week. 

  • coming 

  • to come 

  • came 


  1. I didnt lock the door. → He admitted not _____ the door. 

  • had locked 

  • locking 

  • to lock 


  1. Dont close the window! → I told him not _____ the window. 

  • to close 

  • closing 

  • close 


  1. Im so sorry I missed your birthday. → She apologised for _____ my birthday. 

  • to miss 

  • missed 

  • missing 


  1. I dont think its a good idea to invite him. → She advised us not _____ him. 

  • to invite 

  • inviting 

  • invite 


  1. Im definitely going to the meeting. I really need to be there. → He insisted on _____ to the meeting. 

  • to go 

  • going 

  • go 


  1. Please leave this area immediately. → The police instructed us _____ the area. 

  • leave 

  • leaving 

  • to leave 


  1. I wont do it again! → He promised not _____ it again. 

  • doing 

  • will do 

  • to do 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 


   When we tell someone what another person said, we often use the verbs say, tell or ask. These are called reporting verbs. However, we can also use other reporting verbs. Many reporting verbs can be followed by another verb in either an infinitive or an -ing form.  


    Kur ne i themi dikujt atë çfarë dikush tjetër tha, ne shpesh përdorim foljet say, tell ose ask. Këto quhenfolje raportuese’. Megjithatë ne mund të përdorim edhe folje të tjera raportuese. Shuma folje raportuese mund të ndiqen nga një folje tjetër si paskajore ashtu edhe formë -ing. 




Reporting verb + infinitive 

Folje raportuese + paskajore 


   Verbs like advise, agree, challenge, claim, decide, demand, encourage, invite, offer, persuade, promise, refuse and remind can follow an infinitive pattern. 


   Folje si këshilloj, pranoj, sfidoj, pretendoj, vendos, kërkoj, nxit, ftoj, ofroj, bind, premtoj, reufzoj dhe kujtoj mund të ndjekin një model paskajore. 

  • Lets see. Ill have the risotto, please. 

He decided to have the risotto. 

  • Ill do the report by Friday, for sure. 

She promised to do the report by Friday. 

  • Its not a good idea to write your passwords down. 

They advised us not to write our passwords down. 


   We can also use an infinitive to report imperatives, with a reporting verb like tell, order, instruct, direct or warn. 

   Ne gjithashtu mund të përdorim një paskajore për të raportuar urdhëroren, me një folje raportuese si them, urdhëroj, udhëzoj, drejtoj ose paralajmëroj. 

  • Please wait for me in reception. 

The guide told us to wait for her in reception. 

  • Dont go in there! 

The police officer warned us not to go in there. 



Reporting verb + -ing form 

Folje raportuese + formë përcjellore 

   Verbs like admit, apologise for, complain about, deny, insist on, mention and suggest can follow an -ing form pattern. 

   Folje si pranoj, kërkoj falje, ankohem, mohoj, këmbëngul, përmend dhe sugjeroj mund të ndjekin një formë -ing. 

  • I broke the window. 

She admitted breaking the window. 

  • Im really sorry I didnt get back to you sooner. 

He apologised for not getting back to me sooner. 

  • Lets take a break. 

She suggested taking a break. 





Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. I really must know whats going on here. → She demanded _____ what was going on there. 

  • knew 

  • knowing 

  • to know 


  1. Dont use the milk! – Its gone bad. → He warned us not _____ the milk. 

  • to use 

  • using 

  • use 


  1. Excuse me, but there arent any clean towels in our room. → They complained about not _____ clean towels in their room. 

  • to have 

  • having 

  • had 


  1. OK, I wont say anything about it. → I agreed not _____ anything about it. 

  • will say 

  • to say 

  • saying 


  1. Oh, by the way, we saw Justyna at the party. → They mentioned _____ Justyna at the party. 

  • seeing 

  • to see 

  • had seen 


  1. Pay the fine within the next 30 days. → The judge ordered the woman _____ the fine within the next 30 days. 

  • pay 

  • paying 

  • to pay 


  1. Im sorry, but Im not going to lie for you. → She refused _____ for him. 

  • lying 

  • lie 

  • to lie 


  1. We could ask Andi for some ideas. → He suggested _____ Andi for some ideas. 

  • to ask 

  • asking 




Past habits – used to, would and the past simple 

Zakone shkuarësisha mësuar , do dhe koha e kryer e thjeshtë 


   Do you know how to talk about past habits using used to, would and the past simple? Look at these examples to see how used to, would and the past simple are used. 

   A dini si flisni për zakone shkuarës duke përdorur isha mësuar , do dhe kohën e kryer thjeshtë? Shihni këta shembuj për parë si përdoren isha mësuar , do dhe koha e kryer e thjeshtë. 

  • They used to live in London. 

  • I didnt use to like olives. 

  • We would always go to the seaside for our holidays. 

  • But one holiday we went to the mountains instead. 




Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 




  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


When I was young we a)____ in a big house in the countryside. On summer mornings my brother and I b)____ while everyone else was asleep. We c)____ breakfast and then go quietly out of the house to the river. We d)____ hours fishing in a small boat belonging to my grandmother. My brother e)____ the names of all the different types of fish that were in the river. We would often fall asleep in the boat and our father f)____ to find us. But Dad g)____ angry because he had done the same when he was a kid. Once I h)____ an enormous fish. I was so happy! 



  • would live 

  • used to live 



  • used to go fishing 

  • have fished 



  • would have 

  • had 



  • would spend 

  • didnt use to spend 



  • would know 

  • used to know 



  • would come 

  • was coming 



  • wouldnt get 

  • didnt use to get 



  • used to catch 

  • caught 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

   When we talk about things in the past that are not true any more, we can do it in different ways. 

   Kur flasim rreth gjërave të së shkuarës të cilat nuk ekzistojnë më, ne mund të shprehemi në mënyra të ndryshme. 




Used to + infinitive 

Isha mësuar të + paskajore 

   We can use used to to talk about past states that are not true any more. 

   Ne mund të përdorim isha mësuar të për të folur për gjendje të së shkuarës, që nuk janë më të vërteta. 

  • We used to live in New York when I was a kid. 

  • There didnt use to be a supermarket there. When did it open? 

  • Did you use to have a garden? 


   We can also use used to to talk about past habits (repeated past actions) that dont happen any more. 

   Gjithashtu mund të përdorim isha mësuar të për të folur për zakone të së shkuarës (veprime të përsëritura në të shkuarën), të cilat nuk ndodhin më. 

  • I used to go swimming every Thursday when I was at school. 

  • She used to smoke but she gave up a few years ago. 


used to + infinitive should not be confused with be/get used to + -ing, which has a different meaning. The difference is covered here. 

isha mësuar të + paskajore nuk duhet të ngatërrohet me jam mësuar/mësohem + -ing, e cila ka një kuptim tjetër. Ndryshimi është i mbuluar këtu. 





Do të 

   We can use would to talk about repeated past actions that dont happen any more. 

   Ne mund të përdorim do të për të folur rreth veprimeve të përsëritura në të shkuarën, të cilat nuk ndodhin më. 

  • Every Saturday I would go on a long bike ride. 

  • My dad would read me amazing stories every night at bedtime. 


   Would for past habits is slightly more formal than used to. It is often used in stories. We dont normally use the negative or question form of would for past habits. Note that we cant usually use would to talk about past states.  

   Do të për zakonet e të shkuarës është pak më formale se isha mësuar të. Ajo shpesh përdoret në tregime. Ne nuk përdorim normalisht formën negative dhe atë pyetëse të do të për zakone në të shkuarën. Mbani mend se zakonisht nuk mund të përdorim do të për të folur për gjendje të së shkuarës 




Past simple 

Koha e kryer e thjeshtë 

   We can always use the past simple as an alternative to used to or would to talk about past states or habits. The main difference is that the past simple doesnt emphasise the repeated or continuous nature of the action or situation. Also, the past simple doesnt make it so clear that the thing is no longer true. 

   Ne gjithmonë mund të përdorim kohën e kryer të thjeshtë si një alternativë të isha mësuar të apo do të për të folur për gjendje apo zakone të së shkuarës. Ndryshimi kryesor është se koha e kryer e thjeshtë nuk thekson natyrën e përsëritur apo të vazhduar të veprimit apo situatës. Gjithashtu, koha e kryer e thjeshtë nuk e bën shumë të qartë se gjëja nuk është më e vërtetë. 

  • We went to the same beach every summer. 

  • We used to go to the same beach every summer. 

  • We would go to the same beach every summer. 


   If something happened only once, we must use the past simple. 

   Nëse diçka ndodhi vetëm një herë, ne duhet të përdorim kohën e kryer të thjeshtë. 

  • I went to Egypt in 2014.  





Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për të testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


I a)___ a really sporty person. In my first year at university, I b)___ for an hour every morning before breakfast. Then I c)___ the university boxing team and I really started to train hard. During that time, I d)___ to spend at least two hours in the gym every day. When I started my training, I e)___ my diet completely. I f)___ three eggs with toast and fruit for breakfast. I g)___ sugar in my tea because it wasnt on my diet plan. But then I h)___ my arm and that was the end of my boxing career! 


  • would be 

  • used to be 



  • have run 

  • would run 



  • joined 

  • used to join 



  • would like 

  • used to like 



  • would change 

  • changed 



  • have had 

  • used to have 



  • didnt use to have 

  • wouldnt have 



  • would break 

  • broke 





Past perfect 

Koha e kryer e plotë 


     Do you know how to use phrases like Theyd finished the project by March or Had you finished work when I called? Look at these examples to see how the past perfect is used. 

     A dini si të përdorni Ata kishin përfunduar projektin nga muaji Mars apo A kishe përfunduar punën kur unë telefonova? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoret koha e kryer e plotë. 

  • He couldnt make a sandwich because hed forgotten to buy bread. 

  • The hotel was full, so I was glad that wed booked in advance. 

  • My new job wasnt exactly what Id expected. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. When she ___ on the course, she had never studied a foreign language before. 


  • enrolled  

  • ’d enrolled 

  1. When I closed the door, I realised that I ___ my keys inside. 

  • left  

  • ’d left 


  1. She looked really sad but I didn’t know what ___. 


  • happened  

  • ’d happened 


  1. ___ when you rang the doorbell? 

  • Did Sai already leave  

  • Had Sai already left 


  1. This is the oldest building in the town. It ___ over 200 years ago. 

  • was built 

  • ’d been built 


  1. By the time I moved in, they ___ the building work. 

  • finished 

  • ’d finished 


  1. I opened the door, and ___ inside. 

  • went 

  • ’d gone 


  1. I looked in the letter box yesterday and the letter still ___. 

  • didn’t arrive 

  • hadn’t arrived 



Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 



Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 



Time up to a point in the past 

Koha deri në një pikë në të shkuarën 

     We use the past perfect simple (had + past participle) to talk about time up to a certain point in the past. 

     Ne përdorim kohën e kryer të plotë (kisha + pjesore e kryer) për të folur për kohën deri në një pikë të caktuar në të shkuarën. 

  • Shed published her first poem by the time she was eight 

  • Wed finished all the water before we were halfway up the mountain. 

  • Had the parcel arrived when you called yesterday? 



Past perfect for the earlier of two past actions 

E kryera e plotë për veprimin më të hershëm në dy veprime të së shkuarës 

     We can use the past perfect to show the order of two past events. The past perfect shows the earlier action and the past simple shows the later action. 

     Ne mund të përdorim të kryerën e plotë për të treguar rendin e dy ndodhive në të shkuarën. E kryera e plotë tregon veprimin që ndodhi më herët dhe koha e kryer e thjeshtë tregon veprimin që ndodhi më vonë. 

  • When the police arrived, the thief had escaped. 


     It doesnt matter in which order we say the two events. The following sentence has the same meaning. 

     Nuk ka rëndësi në cilin rend i tregojmë të dyja ndodhitë. Fjalia që vijon ka të njëjtin kuptim. 

  • The thief had escaped when the police arrived. 


     Note that if theres only a single event, we dont use the past perfect, even if it happened a long time ago. 

     Mbani mend se nëse ka vetëm një ndodhi të vetme, ne nuk përdorim kohën e plotë, edhe nëse ai ndodhi shumë kohë më parë. 

  • The Romans spoke Latin. (NOT The Romans had spoken Latin.) 




Past perfect with before 

E kryera e plotë me më parë 

     We can also use the past perfect followed by before to show that an action was not done or was incomplete when the past simple action happened. 

     Ne gjithashtu mund të përdorim të kryerën e plotë të ndjekur nga më parë për të treguar se një veprim nuk ishte përfunduar apo ishte i paplotësuar kur veprimi në të kryerën e thjeshtë ndodhi. 

  • They left before Id spoken to them. 

  • Sadly, the author died before hed finished the series. 






     We often use the adverbs already (= before the specified time), still (= as previously), just (= a very short time before the specified time), ever (= at any time before the specified time) or never (= at no time before the specified time) with the past perfect.  

     Ne shpesh përdorim ndajfoljet tashmë (= ‘përpara kohës së caktuar’), ende (= si më parë), sapo (= ‘një kohë shumë të shkurtër para kohës së caktuar’), ndonjëherë (= ‘ çdo kohë përpara kohës caktuar’), apo kurrë (= ‘asnjëherë para kohës së përcaktuar’) me kohën e kryer të plotë. 

  • I called his office but hed already left. 

  • It still hadnt rained at the beginning of May. 

  • I went to visit her when shed just moved to Berlin. 

  • It was the most beautiful photo Id ever seen. 

  • Had you ever visited London when you moved there? 

  • Id never met anyone from California before I met Jim. 





Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. By the time I could talk to her, she ___ to quit her job. 

  • decided 

  • ’d decided 


  1. I looked at the photo and suddenly realised that I ___ that man somewhere before. 

  • saw 

  • ’d seen 


  1. First I ___ the salad, then I toasted the bread. 

  • made 

  • ’d made 


  1. ___ breakfast when you got up? 

  • Did James already cook 

  • Had James already cooked 


  1. She didn’t feel like another coffee as she ___ one. 

  • just had 

  • ’d just had 


  1. We had the French exam this morning. It ___ as hard as I’d expected, though. 

  • wasn’t 

  • hadn’t been 


  1. I asked Sara if she wanted to go for a walk, but she still ___ her homework. 

  • didn’t finish 

  • hadn’t finished 


  1. Dinosaurs ___ hundreds of millions of years ago. 

  • lived 

  • had lived 




Phrasal verbs 

Shprehjet foljore 


     Do you know how to use verbs in phrases like pick the kids up, turn the music down and look after my cat? Look at these examples to see how phrasal verbs are used. 

     A dini si të përdorni foljet në shprehje si merr fëmijët (nga shkolla), ule volumin e muzikës dhe kujdesem për macen time? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren shprehjet foljore. 

  • This is the form. Please can you fill it in? 

  • Why are you bringing that argument up now? 

  • Police are looking into connections between the two crimes. 

  • We need to come up with a solution. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Put the words in the correct order. 

  Vendosini fjalët në rendin e duhur. 


Give me the form and I’ll 




for you. 




Money was a worry but 


he didn’t know how to 








That taxi will 

at 5.30 a.m. 





in a second-hand bookshop. 

that one 









That flu was horrible. It took me two weeks 






There’s a mistake? Let me 


and see what’s happened 






The holiday 



a nightmare. 

started well but 







I’m really 







Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

     Phrasal verbs are very common in English, especially in more informal contexts. They are made up of a verb and a particle or, sometimes, two particles. The particle often changes the meaning of the verb. 

     Shprehjet foljore janë shumë të zakonta në gjuhën Angleze, veçanërisht në kontekstet më informale. Ato janë të formuara nga një folje dhe një pjesëz apo, ndonjëherë, dy pjesëza. Pjesëza shpesh ndryshon kuptimin e foljes. 

  • I called Jen to see how she was. (call = to telephone -të telefonosh) 

  • They've called off the meeting. (call off = to cancel -të anulosh) 


     In terms of word order, there are two main types of phrasal verb: separable and inseparable 

     Për sa i përket rendit të fjalëve, ka dy lloje kryesore të shprehjeve foljore: të ndashme dhe të pandashme. 




Të ndashme 


     With separable phrasal verbs, the verb and particle can be apart or together. 

     Me shprehjet foljore të ndashme, folja dhe pjesëza mund të jenë veçmas apo bashkë. 

  • They've called the meeting off. 


  • They've called off the meeting. 


     However, separable phrasal verbs must be separated when you use a pronoun.  

     Megjithatë, shprehjet foljore të ndashme duhet të ndahen kur përdorni një përemër. 

  • The meeting? They've called it off. 


Here are some common separable phrasal verbs: 

Këtu ndodhen disa shprehje foljore të ndashme: 

  • I didn't want to bring the situation up at the meeting. 

(bring up = start talking about a particular subject) 

(sjell =të fillosh të flasësh për një temë të caktuar) 


  • Please can you fill this form in? 

(fill in = write information in a form or document) 

(plotësoj =shkruaj të dhëna në një formular apo dokument) 


  • I'll pick you up from the station at 8 p.m. 

(pick up = collect someone in a car or other vehicle to take them somewhere) 

(marr = marr dikë në një makinë apo në një mjet tjetër për ta çuar diku) 


  • She turned the job down because she didn't want to move to Glasgow. 

(turn down = to not accept an offer) 

(refuzoj = nuk pranoj një ofertë) 






Të pandashme 


Some phrasal verbs cannot be separated.  

Disa shprehje foljore nuk mund të ndahen. 

  • Who looks after the baby when you're at work? 


Even when there is a pronoun, the verb and particle remain together. 

Edhe kur ka një përemër, folja dhe pjesëza qëndrojnë bashkë. 

  • Who looks after her when you're at work? 


Here are some common non-separable phrasal verbs: 

Këtu ndodhen disa shprehje foljore të pandashme: 

  • I came across your email when I was clearing my inbox. 

(come across = to find something by chance) 

(hastë  gjesh diçka të re rastësisht) 


  • The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly. 

(turn into = become) 

(shndërroj = bëhem) 


  • It was quite a major operation. It took months to get over it and feel normal again. 

(get over = recover from something) 

(kapërcej = shërohem nga diçka) 


  • We are aware of the problem and we are looking into it. 

(look into = investigate) 

(shqyrtoj = hetoj) 



     Some multi-word verbs are inseparable simply because they don't take an object. 

     Disa folje me disa fjalë janë të pandashme, thjesht sepse nuk marrin një kundrinor. 

  • I get up at 7 a.m. 




With two particles 

Me dy pjesëza 

     Phrasal verbs with two particles are also inseparable. Even if you use a pronoun, you put it after the particles. 

     Shprehjet foljore me dy pjesëza janë gjithashtu të pandashme. Edhe kur përdorni një përemër, ju e vendosni atë pas pjesëzës. 

  • Who came up with that idea? 

(come up with = think of an idea or plan) 

(dal me = mendoj një ide apo plan) 


  • Let's get rid of these old magazines to make more space. 

(get rid of = remove or become free of something that you don't want) 

(shpëtoj = heq apo lirohem nga diçka që nuk e dua) 


  • I didn't really get on with my stepbrother when I was a teenager. 

(get on with = like and be friendly towards someone) 

(miqësohem = pëlqej dhe jam miqësor drejt dikujt) 


  • Can you hear that noise all the time? I don't know how you put up with it. 

(put up with = tolerate something difficult or annoying) 

(duroj = pajtohem me diçka të vështirë apo të bezdisshme) 


  • The concert's on Friday. I'm really looking forward to it. 

(look forward to = be happy and excited about something that is going to happen) 

(mezi pres = jam i/e lumtur dhe i/e emocionuar rreth diçkaje që do të ndodhë) 




Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Put the words in the correct order. 

  Vendosini fjalët në rendin e duhur. 


for Mika’s birthday? 

a good idea 

Has anyone 















The invitation to their wedding? I 





When my parents are on holiday, I 


the cat. 







to get 

I’m heartbroken. How long will it take  




If climate change continues, this 


whole area 

a desert. 







you can 

at 6 p.m. 



Caty called to ask if 




This table is completely broken. Let’s 













     Do you know how to use the passive voice to change the focus of a sentence? Look at these examples to see how the passive voice is used. 

     A dini si të përdorni diatezën pësore për të ndryshuar fokusin e një fjalie? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoret diateza pësore. 

  • A lot of olive oil is produced in Italy. 

  • This book was written by Angela Davis. 

  • The suspect will be released tomorrow. 

  • This product has not been tested on animals. 




Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e duhur për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. The Egyptian pyramids ___ thousands of years ago. 

  • are built 

  • been built 

  • were built 


  1. Your letter ___ within 28 days. 

  • will be answer 

  • will be answered 

  • will answer 


  1. Chocolate ___ for over 4,000 years. 

  • has been produce 

  • is been produced 

  • has been produced 


  1. I dont know who ___ my bike. 

  • stole 

  • is stolen 

  • was stolen 


  1. My car ___ this week, so Im going to work by bus. 

  • is being repaired 

  • is been repair 

  • is repairing 


  1. Not enough of our rubbish ___. 

  • recycles 

  • is recycled 

  • is recycle 


  1. The fire service still ___ the fire. 

  • wasnt put out 

  • is put out 

  • havent put out 


  1. The underground connection ___ when I moved into the house. 

  • is still being built 

  • was still being built 

  • was still building 




Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 



Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 


  We use the passive voice to change the focus of the sentence. 

  Ne përdorim diatezën pësore për të ndryshuar fokusin e një fjalie. 

  • My bike was stolen. (passive – focus on my bike) 

Biçikleta ime u vodh. (pësorefokusi në biçikletën time) 


  • Someone stole my bike. (active – focus on someone) 

Dikush vodhi biçikletën time. (veprorefokusi në dikush) 



  We often use the passive: 

  Shpesh përdorim pësoren: 

  • when we prefer not to mention who or what does the action (for example, its not known, its obvious or we dont want to say) 

kur preferojmë të mos përmendim se kush apo çfarë e kryen veprimin (për shembull, nuk dihet se kush është, është e qartë apo ne nuk duam ta themi) 


  • so that we can start a sentence with the most important or most logical information 

në mënyrë që ne të mund të fillojmë një fjali me të dhënat më të rëndësishme apo më logjike 


  • in more formal or scientific writing. 

në një të shkruar më formael apo më shkencore. 




How we make the passive 

Si e formojmë pësoren 

   We make the passive using the verb be + past participle. We start the sentence with the object. 

   Ne e formojmë pësoren duke përdorur foljen jam + pjesoren e kryer. Ne e nisim fjalinë me kundrinorin. 






directed by James Cameron. 

drejtuar nga James Cameron. 







+ be + 



past participle 

pjesorja e kryer 




   It is not always necessary to add who or what did the action. 

   Nuk është gjithmonë e nevojshme të shtojmë kush apo çfarë e bëri veprimin. 

My flight 

Fluturimi im 










+ be + 


past participle 

pjesorja e kryer 




    Only the form of be changes to make the tense. The past participle stays the same. Here are examples of the passive in its most common tenses. 

    Vetëm forma e jam ndryshon për të formuar kohën. Pjesorja e kryer qëndron njësoj. Këtu ndodhen shembuj të pësores në kohët e saj më të zakonshme. 








Present simple 

Koha e tashme 

Alioli is made from oil, garlic and salt. 

is/are + past participle 

jam + pjesore e kryer 

Present continuous 

Koha e tashme e vazhduar 

The hall is being painted this week. 

is/are being + past participle 

jam duke u + pjesore e kryer 

Past simple 

Koha e kryer e thjeshtë 

John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. 

was/were + past participle 

isha + pjesore e kryer 

Past continuous 

Koha e shkuar e vazhduar 

The signs were being put up last week. 

was/were being + past participle 

isha duke u + pjesore e kryer 

Present perfect 

Koha e kryer 

Oranges have been grown here for centuries. 

has/have been + past participle 

kam qenë + pjesore e kryer  

Past perfect 

Koha e kryer e plotë 


When he got home, he found that his flat had been burgled. 

had been + past participle 

kisha qenë + pjesore e kryer 

Future simple 

Koha e ardhme 

The work will be finished next week. 

will be + past participle 

do të jem + pjesore e kryer 




Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e duhur për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. All our lamps ___ from original 1950s designs. 

  • produce 

  • is produced 

  • are produced 


  1. Mistakes ___, but were working on a solution now. 

  • have been make 

  • are been made 

  • have been made 


  1. Someone ___ my wallet and left it at reception. 

  • had found 

  • had been found 

  • was found 


  1. My phone ___ last week, so I didnt get your message until today. 

  • was being fixed 

  • was been fix 

  • was fixing 


  1. A lot of time ___ on pointless meetings in this company. 

  • wastes 

  • is wasted 

  • is waste 


  1. Your application ___ by the end of the month. 

  • will be review 

  • will be reviewed 

  • will review 


  1. Someone ___ my talk at the conference and recommended me as a speaker. 

  • saw 

  • was seen 

  • had been seen 


  1. The suspect ___ near the French border. 

  • was caught 

  • were caught 

  • caught 





Participle clauses 

Fjalitë pjesore 


     Do you know how to use participle clauses to say information in a more economical way? Look at these examples to see how participle clauses are used. 

     A dini si përdorni fjalitë pjesore për thënë të dhënat një mënyrë ekonomike? Shihni këta shembuj për parë se si përdoren klauzolat pjesore. 

  • Looked after carefully, these boots will last for many years. 

  • Not wanting to hurt his feelings, I avoided the question.  

  • Having lived through difficult times together, they were very close friends. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. ___ lunch, I sat in the garden with a drink. 

  • Making 

  • Made 

  • Having made 


  1. ___ for the bus, she slipped on some ice and fell over. 

  • Running 

  • Run 

  • Having run 


  1. On ___ her former owner, the dog ran across the room to greet him. 

  • seeing 

  • seen 

  • having seen 


  1. ___ in hospital for several weeks, she was delighted to be home. 

  • Being 

  • Been 

  • Having been 


  1. ___ by all the attention, he thanked everyone for the cake and presents. 

  • Embarrassing 

  • Embarrassed 

  • Having embarrassed 


  1. The building collapsed, ___ two people. 

  • injuring 

  • injured 

  • having injured 


  1. ___ under normal clothes, a thermal layer keeps you warm in minus temperatures. 

  • Wearing 

  • Worn 

  • Having been worn 


  1. ___ by the sun, she didnt see the boy crossing the road. 

  • Blinding 

  • Blinded 

  • Having blinded 




Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

    Participle clauses enable us to say information in a more economical way. They are formed using present participles (going, reading, seeing, walking, etc.), past participles (gone, read, seen, walked, etc.) or perfect participles (having gone, having read, having seen, having walked, etc.).  

    Klauzolat pjesore na lejojnë të themi të dhëna në një mënyrë më ekonomike, pra duke kursyer/përdorur më pak fjalë. Ato formohen duke përdorur pjesoret e tashme (duke shkuar, duke lexuar, duke parë, duke ecur, etj.), apo pjesoret e shkuara (shkuar, lexuar, parë, ecur, etj.). 


     We can use participle clauses when the participle and the verb in the main clause have the same subject. For example, 

     Ne mund ti përdorim klauzolat pjesore kur pjesorja dhe folja në pjesën kryesore kanë të njëjtën kryefjalë. Për shembull, 

  • Waiting for Ellie, I made some tea. (While I was waiting for Ellie, I made some tea.) 

Duke pritur Ellie-n, unë bëra pak çaj. (Ndërkohë që isha duke pritur Ellie-n, unë bëra pak çaj.) 


    Participle clauses do not have a specific tense. The tense is indicated by the verb in the main clause.  

    Klauzolat pjesore nuk kanë një kohë të caktuar. Koha tregohet nga folja në pjesën kryesore. 


   Participle clauses are mainly used in written texts, particularly in a literary, academic or journalistic style.  

   Klauzolat pjesore janë kryesisht të përdorura në tekstet e shkruara, veçanërisht në një stil letrar, akademik apo gazetaresk. 




Present participle clauses 

Klauzola pjesores tashme 

    Here are some common ways we use present participle clauses. Note that present participles have a similar meaning to active verbs.  

    Këtu janë disa mënyra të zakonshme si ne përdorim klauzolat e pjesores së tashme. Mbani mend se pjesoret e tashme kanë një kuptim të ngjashëm me foljet në diatezën veprore. 

  • To give the result of an action 

Për të dhënë rezultatin e një veprimi 

    The bomb exploded, destroying the building. 


  • To give the reason for an action 

Për të dhënë arsyen për një veprim 

    Knowing she loved reading, Richard bought her a book. 


  • To talk about an action that happened at the same time as another action 

Për të folur për një veprim që ndodhi në të njëjtën kohë si një veprim tjetër 

    Standing in the queue, I realised I didnt have any money. 


  • To add information about the subject of the main clause 

Për të shtuar informacion rreth kryefjalës së pjesës kryesore 

    Starting in the new year, the new policy bans cars in the city centre. 




Past participle clauses 

Klauzola pjesores së kryer  

    Here are some common ways that we use past participle clauses. Note that past participles normally have a passive meaning. 

    Këtu ndodhen disa mënyra të zakonshme si ne përdorim klauzolat e pjesores së kryer. Mbani mend se pjesoret e kryera normalisht kanë një kuptim pësor. 


  • With a similar meaning to an if condition 

Me një kuptim të ngjashëm për një kusht nëse 

   Used in this way, participles can make your writing more concise.  

   (If you use participles in this way, … ) 

   (Nëse i përdorin pjesoret në këtë mënyrë, …) 


  • To give the reason for an action 

Për të dhënë arsye për një veprim 

   Worried by the news, she called the hospital. 


  • To add information about the subject of the main clause 

Për të shtuar të dhëna rreth kryefjalës së pjesës kryesore 

   Filled with pride, he walked towards the stage. 



Perfect participle clauses 

Klauzola pjesores plotë 

    Perfect participle clauses show that the action they describe was finished before the action in the main clause. Perfect participles can be structured to make an active or passive meaning. 

    Klauzolat e pjesores plotë tregojnë se veprimi që ato përshkruajnë përfundoi para se veprimi në pjesën kryesore. Pjesoret e plota mund të strukturohen për të bërë një kuptim vepror apo pësor. 

  • Having got dressed, he slowly went downstairs. 

  • Having finished their training, they will be fully qualified doctors. 

  • Having been made redundant, she started looking for a new job. 



Participle clauses after conjunctions and prepositions 

Klauzolat pjesore pas lidhëzave dhe parafjalëve 

    It is also common for participle clauses, especially with -ing, to follow conjunctions and prepositions such as before, after, instead of, on, since, when, while and in spite of. 

    Është gjithashtu e zakonshme për klauzolat pjesore, veçanërisht me -ing, të ndjekin lidhëzat dhe parafjalët si para, pas, në vend të, mbi, qyshkur, kur, ndërkohë dhe pavarësisht. 

  • Before cooking, you should wash your hands.  

  • Instead of complaining about it, they should try doing something positive. 

  • On arriving at the hotel, he went to get changed. 

  • While packing her things, she thought about the last two years. 

  • In spite of having read the instructions twice, I still couldnt understand how to use it. 




Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. ___ by the changing information, they thought the plane was cancelled. 

  • Confusing 

  • Confused 

  • Having confused 


  1. ___ at a low temperature, these jeans will keep their original colour for a long time. 

  • Washing 

  • Washed 

  • Having washed 


  1. ___ the paper, he saw the news about his hometown. 

  • Reading 

  • Read 

  • Having read 


  1. ___ by a local architect and artist, the house combines traditional materials with original design. 

  • Building 

  • Built 

  • Having built 


  1. ___ in India for two years, Kaleem could speak some Hindi. 

  • Living 

  • Lived 

  • Having lived 


  1. ___ in prisons throughout her twenties, she wrote her first play about life behind bars. 

  • After working 

  • Worked 

  • Having been worked 


  1. ___ through the woods, they found a bird with a broken wing. 

  • Walking 

  • Walked 

  • Having walked 


  1. ___ for the final interview, the candidates were asked to prepare a short presentation. 

  • Selecting 

  • Selected 

  • Having been selected 




Past ability 

Aftësi në të shkuarën 


    Do you know how to use could, was able to and managed to to talk about past abilities? Look at these examples to see how could, was able to and managed to are used. 

    A dini si të përdorni mundesha, isha i/e aftë të dhe ia dola të për të folur për aftësitë tuaja në të shkuarën? Shikoni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren could, was able to dhe managed to. 

  • I could play the guitar when I was seven years old. 

  • The police werent able to catch the speeding car. 

  • The bird managed to escape from its cage and fly away. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. I _____ open the door while carrying all the shopping. 

  • managed to 

  • could 


  1. The presentation wasnt working at first but we _____ fix it. 

  • could 

  • were able to 


  1. How did you _____ write a book so soon after having a baby? 

  • manage to 

  • be able to 


  1. She _____ ski almost before she learned to walk. 

  • could 

  • managed to 


  1. He _____ attend the last meeting due to his daughters illness. 

  • werent able to 

  • couldnt 


  1. _____ get your phone fixed? It looked very broken! 

  • Did you manage to 

  • Could you 


  1. I _____ drink milk as a child because it always made me feel sick. 

  • couldnt 

  • didnt manage to 


  1. The journey went fine yesterday and we _____ find their house easily with GPS. 

  • could 

  • were able to 



Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 




General ability 

Aftësi e përgjithshme 


  We usually use could or couldnt to talk about general abilities in the past. 

  Ne zakonisht përdorim (nuk) mundesha të për të folur për aftësi të përgjithshme në të shkuarën. 

  • She could paint before she started school. 

  • I couldnt cook until I went to university. 

  • When I lived next to the pool, I could go swimming every day. 




Ability on one occasion – successful 

Aftësi në një rasti suksesshëm 

  When we talk about achieving something on a specific occasion in the past, we use was/were able to (= had the ability to) and managed to (= succeeded in doing something difficult). 

   Kur flasim për arritjen e diçkaje në një rast të caktuar të së shkuarës, ne përdorim isha i/e aftë të (=kisha aftësinë të) dhe ia dola të (=ia dola mbanë të bëja diçka të vështirë). 

  • The burglar was able to get in through the bathroom window. 

  • The burglar managed to get in through the bathroom window even though it was locked. 


  Could is not usually correct when were talking about ability at a specific moment in the past. 

   Mundesha zakonisht nuk është e saktë kur jemi duke folur për një aftësi në një çast të caktuar të së shkuarës. 




Ability on one occasion – unsuccessful 

Aftësi në një rastjo i sukseshëm 

  When we talk about a specific occasion when someone didnt have the ability to do something, we can use wasnt/werent able to, didnt manage to or couldnt. 

  Kur flasim për një rast të caktuar kur dikush nuk kishte aftësinë të bënte diçka, ne mund të përdorim nuk isha i/e aftë të, nuk ia arrita të apo nuk mundesha të. 

  • The speaker wasnt able to attend the conference due to illness. 

  • She couldnt watch the match because she was working. 

  • They worked on it for months but they didnt manage to find a solution. 


  Note that wasnt/werent able to is more formal than couldnt, while didnt manage to emphasises that the thing was difficult to do. 

  Mbani mend se nuk isha i/e aftë të është më formale se nuk mundesha, ndërkohë që nuk ia arrita të thekson se diçka ishte e vështirë të kryhej. 




Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. We were _____ leave our suitcases with reception while we waited for our room to be ready. 

  • could 

  • able to 


  1. We were _____ get a boat from the island that day because of the bad weather. 

  • not able to 

  • not manage to 


  1. I cant believe you _____ get us a table at the restaurant. Its always full! 

  • could 

  • managed to 


  1. I _____ afford to buy a car so I borrowed money from the bank. 

  • didnt manage to 

  • couldnt 


  1. Luckily, I _____ get to the airport on time, despite the traffic. 

  • managed to 

  • could 


  1. When I first moved to Argentina I _____ only speak a few words of Spanish. 

  • could 

  • managed to 


  1. He _____ swim until he had lessons when he was 20 years old. 

  • didnt manage to 

  • couldnt 


  1. I _____ touch my toes until I started doing yoga and became more flexible. 

  • could 

  • couldnt 



just jokes

The Perfect Son. 
A: I have the perfect son. 
B: Does he smoke? 
A: No, he doesn't. 
B: Does he drink whiskey? 
A: No, he doesn't. 
B: Does he ever come home late? 
A: No, he doesn't. 
B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he? 
A: He will be six months old next Wednesday.

Girl: You would be a good dancer except for two things. 
Boy: What are the two things? 
Girl: Your feet. 
Submitted by Bob Waldman

A family of mice were surprised by a big cat. Father Mouse jumped and and said, "Bow-wow!" The cat ran away. "What was that, Father?" asked Baby Mouse. "Well, son, that's why it's important to learn a second language." 
Submitted by BH LEE

My friend said he knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith. 
So I asked him "What was the name of his other leg?"

(Try this one with your students the next time you are teaching a lesson that includes this type of grammer.)

The doctor to the patient: 'You are very sick' 
The patient to the doctor: 'Can I get a second opinion?' 
The doctor again: 'Yes, you are very ugly too...'

I use this joke for retelling in reported speech.
Submitted by: Adriana Luchetti

A man goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor, wherever I touch, it hurts." 
The doctor asks, "What do you mean?" 
The man says, "When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts. If I touch my knee - OUCH! When I touch my forehead, it really, really hurts." 
The doctor says, "I know what's wrong with you - you've broken your finger!" 
Submitted by Sean McLoughlin

Patient: Doctor, I have a pain in my eye whenever I drink tea. 
Doctor: Take the spoon out of the mug before you drink. 
Submitted by: Irene Pellegrini

Patient: Doctor! You've got to help me! Nobody ever listens to me. No one ever pays any attention to what I have to say.
Doctor: Next please!
Submitted by Marco Morales, Mexico

Two boys were arguing when the teacher entered the room.
The teacher says, "Why are you arguing?"
One boy answers, "We found a ten dollor bill and decided to give it to whoever tells the biggest lie."
"You should be ashamed of yourselves," said the teacher, "When I was your age I didn't even know what a lie was."
The boys gave the ten dollars to the teacher.

A snail walks into a bar and the barman tells him there's a strict policy about having snails in the bar and so kicks him out. A year later the same snail re-enters the bar and asks the barman "What did you do that for?" 
Submitted by Steve

A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl? 
B: It's a girl. She's my daughter. 
A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know that you were her father. 
B: I'm not. I'm her mother.

Mother: "Did you enjoy your first day at school?" 
Girl: "First day? Do you mean I have to go back tomorrow? 
Submitted by Miguel de Paco Moltó

Headmaster: I've had complaints about you, Johnny, from all your teachers. What have you been doing? 
Johnny: Nothing, sir. 
Headmaster: Exactly. 
Submitted by Maria del Pilar Villlegas Martinez

Teacher: "Nick, what is the past participle of the verb to ring?" 
Nick: "What do you think it is, Sir?" 
Teacher: "I don't think, I KNOW!" 
Nick: "I don't think I know either, Sir!" 
Submitted by Bernadette Kelly

A: Hey, man! Please call me a taxi. 
B: Yes, sir. You are a taxi. 
Submitted by Cláudia Almeida

A: Why are you crying? 
B: The elephant is dead. 
A: Was he your pet? 
B: No, but I'm the one who must dig his grave. 
Submitted by Joe, from Indiana

A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up.
"Wow!," said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"
"Wrong number," replied the girl.

PUPIL: "Would you punish me for something I didn`t do?" 
TEACHER:" Of course not." 
PUPIL: "Good, because I haven`t done my homework." 
Submitted by Miguel de Paco Moltó

A teacher asked a student to write 55. 
Student asked: How? 
Teacher: Write 5 and beside it another 5! 
The student wrote 5 and stopped. 
teacher: What are you waiting for? 
student: I don't know which side to write the other 5! 
Submitted by Mahmoud Zeidan

When I want to teach the coulors, I just ask my students to pretend the phone is ringing and they will answer:
Phone rings: "Green, green!"
They answer: "Yellow?"
They ask: "White?"
They hang up: "Pink!"
While teaching this use your hands pretending you are holding the phone.
Submitted by Maria Crisitna Codorniz

Little Johnny: Teacher, can I go to the bathroom? 
Teacher: Little Johnny, MAY I go to the bathroom? 
Little Johnny: But I asked first! 
Submitted by: Elise Owen, Dalian China

Two goldfish in a bowl talking: 
Goldfish 1: Do you believe in God? 
Goldfish 2: Of course, I do! Who do you think changes the water?

Son: Dad, what is an idiot? 
Dad: An idiot is a person who tries to explain his ideas in such a strange and long way that another person who is listening to him can't understand him. Do you understand me? 
Son: No.

Man: I could go to the end of the world for you. 
Woman: Yes, but would you stay there?

Man: I offer you myself.
Woman: I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts.
Man: I want to share everything with you.
Woman: Let's start from your bank account.
Submitted by kara dolson

Teacher: Why are you late? 
Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill. 
Teacher: That's nice. Were you helping him look for it? 
Student: No. I was standing on it. 
Submitted by Fred G. Stone

Customer: Excuse me, but I saw your thumb in my soup when you were carrying it. 
Waitress: Oh, that's okay. The soup isn't hot. 
Submitted by Jim Sperling

The real estate agent says, "I have a good, cheap apartment for you." 
The man replys, "By the week or by the month?" 
The agent answers, "By the garbage dump.."

Bank Teller: How do you like the money? 
English Student: I like it very much. 
Submitted by Safnil (Bengkulu University Indonesia)

"Why do you take baths in milk?" 
"I can't find a cow tall enough for a shower."

Customer in a restaurant: I would like to have a plate of rice and a piece of fried chicken and a cup of coffee 
Waitress : Is it enough Sir? 
Customer : What? Do you think I can't buy more? 
Submitted by Safnil (Bengkulu University Indonesia)

"You look very funny wearing that belt." 
"I would look even funnier if I didn't wear it."

"I was born in California." 
"Which part?" 
"All of me."

"Excuse me. Do you know the way to the zoo?" 
"No, I'm sorry I don't." 
"Well, it's two blocks this way, then one block to the left."

Teacher: Do you have trouble making decisions? 
Student: Well...yes and no.

Three mice are being chased by a cat. The mice were cornered when one of the mice turned around and barked, "Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!" The surprised cat ran away scared. Later when the mice told their mother what happened, she smiled and said, "You see, it pays to be bilingual!" 
Submitted by Jeanne Ramirez

Once there were three turtles. One day they decided to go on a picnic. When they got there, they realized they had forgotten the soda. The youngest turtle said he would go home and get it if they wouldn't eat the sandwiches until he got back. A week went by, then a month, finally a year, when the two turtles said,"oh, come on, let's eat the sandwiches." Suddenly the little turtle popped up from behind a rock and said, "If you do, I won't go!" 
Submitted by Abu Abdulaziz (Kuwait)

The teacher to a student: Conjugate the verb "to walk" in simple present. 
The student: I walk. You walk .... 
The teacher intruptes him: Quicker please. 
The student: I run. You run ... 
Submitted by: Mouhssin

Father: What did you do today to help your mother? 
Son: I dried the dishes 
Daughter: And I helped pick up the pieces. 
Submitted by Fred G. Stone

A: Look at your face I know what you had for breakfast 
B: What was it? 
A: Eggs. 
B: No, that was yesterday. 
Submitted by: Janekt Ho

A: Why are all those people running? 
B: They are running a race to get a cup. 
A: Who will get the cup? 
B: The person who wins. 
A: Then why are all the others running? 
Submitted by: Girish Chavan

Patient: Doctor, I think that I've been bitten by a vampire. 
Doctor: Drink this glass of water. 
Patient: Will it make me better? 
Doctor: No, I but I'll be able to see if your neck leaks. 
Submitted by: Rizwana Lahore Pakistan

Said to a railroad engineer: 
What's the use of having a train schedule if the trains are always late.

The reply from the railroad engineer:
How would we know they were late, if we didn't have a schedule?
Submitted by Kyle Jefferson

A: When I stand on my head the blood rushes to my head, but when I stand on my feet the blood doesn't rush to my feet. Why is this?
B: It's because your feet aren't empty.
Submitted by Kyle Jefferson

Teacher: Did your father help your with your homework? 
Student: No, he did it all by himself.

Teacher: What are some products of the West Indies? 
Student: I don't know. 
Teacher: Of course, you do. Where do you get sugar from? 
Student: We borrow it from our neighbor.

On a crowded bus, one man noticed that another man had his eyes closed.
"What's the matter? Are you sick?" he asked.
"No, I'm okay. It's just that I hate to see old ladies standing."

If big elephants have big trunks, do small elephants have suitcases? 
Submitted by lisbeth

A: Do you want to hear a dirty joke? 
B: Ok 
A: A white horse fell in the mud. 
Submitted by Robert Kenneth Peter Kroeker - age 21

A nervous old lady on a bus was made even more nervous by the fact that the driver periodically took his arm out of the window. When she couldn't stand it any longer, she tapped him on the shoulder and whispered on his ear: "Young keep both hands on the wheel...I'll tell you when it's raining!" :) 
Submitted by Joan M. Diez Cliville

I used to be a werewoolf... 
But I'm much better noooooooooooow ! 
Submitted by Eric Vadot

"Spell SPOT three times." 
"S P O T , S P O T , S P O T" 
"What do you do when you come to a green light?" 
(answer is invariably-) "Stop!" 
"What, at a GREEN light?" 
Submitted by Karen

There is a California dude going through a desert. He's wearing shorts, sunglasses, a towel and listening to music on his walkman. He's having a good time. Suddenly he sees a caravan approaching. He stops the Arabs and ask them cheerfully: "Hey dudes how far is the sea?" They look at each other and say: "Two thousand miles!" And he says: "Wow what a cool beach!!!" 
Submitted by Robert Stadnik

In a restaurant:
Customer: Waiter, waiter! There is a frog in my soup!!!
Waiter: Sorry, sir. The fly is on vacation.
Submitted by Daniel Fernando Rodrigues

One teacher said this to his students before the final test. 
"A" is for God. 
"B" is for me and my wife. 
"C" is for the perfect student. 
"D & F" are for all other students. 
Submitted by Abu Abdulaziz (Kuwait)

Man said to God --- Why did you make women so beautiful? 
God said to man --- So that you will love them. 
Man said to God --- But why did you make them so dumb? 
God said to man --- So that they will love you. 
Submitted by Esmond Jones.

This is a humorous "fake" news items which many adult ESL/EFL students may understand.
REDMOND, WA (API) --- MICROSOFT (MSFT) announced today that
the official release date for the new operating system
"Windows 2000" will be delayed until the second quarter of

Knock Knock 
Who's there? 
Olive who? 
Olive you so much! (I love you so much..) 
Submitted by Barbara S.

Knock, knock. 
Who's there? 
Banana who? 
Knock, knock. 
Who's there? 
Banana who? 
Knock, knock. 
Who's there? 
Banana who? 
Knock, knock. 
Who's there? 
Orange who? 
Orange you glad I didn't say banana? 
Submitted by Pat Bacon

(For advanced learners... and teachers?) 
Early one morning, one of the gods was galloping around Mount Olympus. Invigorated by the brisk breeze, he shouted euphorically, "I'm Thor!" 
His stallion looked back at him and reminded him, "That'th becauthe you forgot the thaddle, thilly!" 
Submitted by Walter F. Lockhart

Did you hear about the skeleton who walked into a cafe? 
He ordered a cup of coffee and a mop. 
Submitted by C. Keyes

1. Did you hear about the blind carpenter who picked up his hammer and saw? 
2. Did you hear about the deaf shepherd who gathered his flock and heard? 
Submitted by Leah Davis

You can use this joke to explain that insulting someone is considered funny especially when that person is fishing for a compliment.
Mary: John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly. What do you think, Peter?
Peter: I think you're pretty ugly.
Submitted by George L. Washington

My boss is so unpopular even his own shadow refuses to follow him. 
Submitted by Jozef Karpat

"Do you know what really amazes me about you?" 
"Oops.Sorry. I was thinking about someone else!" 
Submitted by The Clar (South Korea)

Why do we park our car in the driveway and drive our car on the parkway? 
Submitted by Rex Karz in Seattle

If tin whistles are made of tin, what are fog horns made of? 
Submitted by r.d.

If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? 
Submitted by Shahirah 
Comment Probably too difficult for most ESL students.

A person who speaks two languages is bilingual...A person who speaks three languages is trilingual...A person who speaks four or more languages is multilingual. 
What is a person who speaks one language? 
An American. 
Submitted by H. Terrell

A man receives a phone call from his doctor.
The doctor says, "I have some good news and some bad news."
The man says, "OK, give me the good news first."
The doctor says, "The good news is, you have 24 hours to live."
The man replies, "Oh no! If that's the good news, then what's the bad news?"
The doctor says, "The bad news is, I forgot to call you yesterday."

Submitted by Anonymous

Teacher: Tell me a sentence that starts with an "I". 
Student: I is the....
Teacher: Stop! Never put 'is' after an "I". Always put 'am' after an "I".
Student: OK. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet. 

Submitted by: Monirul Hassan

Two factory workers are talking. The woman says, "I can make the boss give me the day off."
The man replies, "And how would you do that?"
The woman says, "Just wait and see." She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling.
The boss comes in and says, "What are you doing?"
The woman replies, "I'm a light bulb."
The boss then says, "You've been working so much that you've gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off."
The man starts to follow her and the boss says, "Where are you going?"
The man says, "I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark." 
Submitted by: Submitted by: Tshifhiwa Rambau

Two cows are standing in a field.
One says to the other "Are you worried about Mad Cow Disease?"
The other one says "No, It doesn't worry me, I'm a horse!" 
Submitted by: Michael Trew Man: How can you tell if a man is happy? 
Woman : Who cares?! 
(Use as an example of a sexist joke.) 
Submitted by Tomoyuki Noda from Japan

Newest Jokes | Short Jokes | Riddles | Puns | Long Jokes | Misuse of English
Copyright (C) 1998-2005 by The Internet TESL Journal


Some exercises on conditional sentences...

Exercise A: Zero conditional

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence and describe the picture using a zero conditional.
When the phone rings,
a) please answer it.
b) I answer it.
c) Ellen is going to answer it.
When we take long car trips,
a) the kids sometimes fight.
b) I will drive.
c) Dad would drive.
New trees grow
a) if we would plant them.
b) when we had planted them.
c) when we plant them.
Milton watches half an hour of television
a) if he had time.
b) when he gets home from work.
c) when the show will start.
Every time Jeff delivers letters to this house,
a) the dog chases him.
b) the dog will chase him.
c) the dog has chased him.
You get a sunburn
a) if you stayed in the sun too long.
b) if you hadn't worn a hat.
c) if you don't use sunblock.
Ted feels nervous
a) when he drinks too much coffee.
b) if he drank too much coffee.
c) when he would have drunk too much coffee.
When it rains,
a) you will use an umbrella.
b) you get wet.
c) you will have run.
Pamela feels most happy
a) when she is in good physical shape.
b) if he had run in the morning.
c) when she will run.
When Grandma bakes,
a) she will give us some cake.
b) she would use all the eggs.
c) she sings and feels happy.

Exercise B: First conditional

Match the correct sentence beginnings from the list below with the sentences below the pictures.
a) You will be an excellent dancer
b) When my family gets home
c) Breakfast will be ready
d) By the time you walk down the aisle
e) When Cindy sees how much work she has
f) When everyone sees my beautiful new bow tie
g) I will help Edna put the groceries away
h) If you continue to practice and train hard
i) The rooster will start to crow
j) When John sees the closet
________, she will feel like she will never finish it!
________ by the time you finish your shower and get dressed.
_________ when she gets back from the store.
_________ when the sun comes up in the morning.
________ after you take dance lessons with Ms. Pointer.
________, they will all say how elegant it is.
________, they will be surprised by this excellent dinner!
________, your dress will look perfect.
________, he will be so happy to see that I organized it.
________, you will do a great job in the race.

Exercise C: Zero conditional or first conditional?

Below each picture and sentence, write whether it is a zero conditional or a first conditional.
If Leo continues to learn about computers, he will be a good programmer.
This is the: _____________.
Whenever the teacher explains math problems, she is very clear.
This is the: _____________.

Pete likes to take a short nap when he gets home from work. 
This is the: _____________.

Brad always feels a little sad when it snows for the first time.
This is the: _____________.
Karen will write a wonderful novel if she keeps working hard.
This is the: _____________.
If Kevin eats all that ice cream, he will feel very sick!
This is the: _____________.
Nate feels frustrated when he cannot think of new ideas.
This is the: _____________.
If the waiter gives Henry any more options, he will never be able to choose what he wants for dinner!
This is the: _____________.

When Dr. Rodriguez speaks to her patients, she answers all their questions.
This is the: _____________.

If Phil takes good care of his braces, he will have beautiful teeth soon.

This is the: __


Read the following joke. Try to retell it.


A lawyer went duck hunting for the first time in Texas. He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer's field on the other side of the fence. As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing.

The litigator responded, "I shot a duck, it fell into this field, and now I'm going to retrieve it."

The old farmer replied, "This is my property and you are not coming over here."

The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of the best trial attorneys in the U.S. and if you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything you own."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Apparently, you don't know how we do things in Texas. We settle small disagreements like this with the Texas Three-Kick Rule."

The lawyer asked, "What is the Texas Three-Kick Rule?"

The Farmer replied, "Well, first I kick you three times and then you kick me three times, and so on, back and forth, until someone gives up." The attorney quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take the old codger. He agreed to abide by the local custom.

The old farmer slowly climbed down from the tractor and walked up to the city feller. His first kick planted the toe of his heavy work boot into the lawyer's groin and dropped him to his knees. His second kick nearly wiped the man's nose off his face. The barrister was flat on his belly when the farmer's third kick to a kidney nearly caused him to give up.

The lawyer summoned every bit of his will and managed to get to his feet and said, "Okay, you old coot! Now, it's my turn!"

The old farmer smiled and said, "No, I give up. You can have the duck."



Adresen e meposhteme do ta ndiqni me shume vemendje. Kapni ato tema te cilat ju duken me shume interes per veten tuaj.
Ruajeni kete faqe ne arkiven tuaj edhe drejtojuni here pas here per shume probleme qe mund  te hasni me perdorimin e koheve ne gjuhen angleze.




Ushtrimet ne linkun  e meposhtem do tju krijojne mundesine  e nje perseritje te plote te te gjitha mesimeve qe kemi bere bashke e me gjere.  Ato i perkasin periudhes midis dates 12 maj deri ne fund te muajit. Shikojini me kujdes. Nese do te kini pyetje te ndryshme i diskutojme bashke ne fund te muajit.




Try to give the right meaning of the words following in the test. You will find enclosed the first test on vocabulary. Some others will follow on the coming days this week. It is worth doing it.

fm ==================================================================


More useful phrases for dialogues. Keep them in your records.



More useful phrases in dialogues. Try to learn them.




Some more useful expressions.



Some of the following expressions are really very useful. Try to learn them.



Hi there,

Have you ever heard the following?

The words of the National Anthem are as follows:

God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen.
Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign.
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Me poshte po ju paraqit nje leksion te shkurter  per tju ndihmuar te kuptoni me mire se c'jane foljet modale. Provojini njohurite tuaja ne te dyja gjuhet.


There are two types of auxiliaries: primary or tense auxiliaries (be, have, do)
Ne gjuhen angleze ka dy lloje foljesh ndihmese: foljet ndihmese primare ose ato folje te cilat sherbejne per te formuar kohe te caktuara gjuhesore dhe 
and modal auxiliaries. (can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should, need, dare, must, ought to.)
foljet ndihmese modale  si me siper:(can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should, need, dare,must,ought to.)
The first group of verbs does not have any meaning, it only helps the main verb to realize its own meaning while the other group, modal auxiliaries, have their own meaning.
Ne grupin e pare te foljeve perfshihen ato folje te cilat nuk perdoren me kuptimin e tyre primar, por thjesht sherbejne per te ndihmuar foljen kryesore te realizoje me mire kuptimin e vet; ndersa grupi tjeter, foljet modale ndihmese kane kuptimet e tyre.
There are 12 modal auxiliaries. There are four paired forms: can, could, may, might, will would, shall, should and four single forms: must, dare, need, ought (to).
Gjuha angleze ka 12 folje modale ndihmese. Kater prej tyre ndertojne ciftezime si psh: can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should dhe kater te tjera jane ne forma me vete si psh: must, dare, need, ought(to).
Verbs dare and need function both as modal auxiliaries and lexical verbs (main verb in the sentence.) 
Foljet dare dhe need funksionojne me natyre te dyfishte: si folje  ndihmese dhe si folje me kuptim te plote leksikor ne nje fjali te caktuar.
As modals they are used only in negative and interrogative (sentences with question-mark) sentences, but as lexical verbs they are used in all three forms of sentences: positive, negative and interrogative.
Si folje modale ato perdoren vetem ne fjalite pyetese dhe mohore, ndersa si folje me kuptim te plote leksikor ato perdoren ne te trija format e fjalise: pohore, mohore dhe pyetese. Shpresoj qe tabela  e meposhteme tjua beje me te qarte kete panorame.

Modal auxiliary
Lexical verb
He needs/ dares to work.
He need not/ dare not work.
He doesn’t need/ dare to work.
Need/ Dare to work?
Does he need/ dare to work?



Should, would and could. 

Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin e meposhtem. Nese do te kini gabime edhe gjera te paqarta, ju lutem i diskutojme se bashku ne oren tjeter.



Click the correct modal verb or modal form to fit the sentence.




Ndiqni kete video dhe jepni nje paragraf tuajin duke i perdorur fjalet e mesuara sipas saj.



Give the right answer to the following questions.




Match the item on the left with the correct answer on the right.




Hello again.
Have a close look at the first two exercises. Then you can do the others in case you want to.



Listen to the following story. Try to write the whole story in the form of a dictation.



The dog and the cat. Listen to this story and try to retell it using your own words.




Listen to the following story. Try to write the whole story in the form of a dictation.




Hello again.
Following you will find an exercise by my English grammar teacher.
The exercise this time is about some useful expressions. Look at number 12 on this page.
You can try to do them all in case you find them interesting. My English grammar teacher is great.


U bene disa episode qe kini ndjekur. Shpresoj te kini gjetur momente te mira per te kaluar nje pjese te dites duke qeshur. Ju lutem shprehni mendimin tuaj ne nje paragraf prej 80-100 fjalesh per te gjithe episodet se bashku.
I diskutojme keto mendime ne diten tuaj te mesimit.



Ju uroj nje mbasdite te kendeshme nen sekuencat e kesaj video.




Per episodin e katert qe vijon sot, jeni te lutur te ndiqni te njejten detyre si ne diten e djeshme.



Ndiqni videon ne linkun e meposhtem. Provoni te mbani shenim ato shprehje qe ju duken interesante e sjellin humor per ju. Just enjoy it.




Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.
Click the letter next to the correct explanation.


Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.
Click the letter next to the correct explanation.



Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.
Click the letter next to the correct explanation.




Decide whether you need the definite article 'the' or not in the following exercise.




Ne ushtrimin e meposhtem do te gjeni mundesine per te perdorur fjalen e duhur ne nje fjali te caktuar.




Provoni ushtrimet ne testin e meposhtem. Sillni proven e rezultatit permes pergjigjes qe kini merituar nga qendra e kontrollit te testit.




Dear students of 'Matrix,'

Following you will find a kind of sentence which is typical for English. In the first part you will see my own try to explain it to you.
Just after that, you will see a real original version to help you better understand the meaning of the word "complement." Enjoy your lesson.


 Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.


"Linking verbs link the subject to a subject complement, a word or word group that completes the meaning of the subject by renaming or describing it. If the subject complement renames the subject, it is a noun or noun equivalent (sometimes call a predicate noun).

[Example:] The handwriting on the wall [s] may be [v] a forgery [sc].
If the subject complement describes the subject, it is an adjective or adjective equivalent (sometimes called a predicate adjective).
[Example:] Love [s] is [v] blind [sc]." (Hacker, A Writer's Reference 814).
"When a pronoun is used as a subject complement (a word following a linking verb), your ear may mislead you, since the incorrect form is frequently heard in casual speech. . . .

[Example:] During the Lindbergh trial, Bruno Hauptmann repeatedly denied that the kidnapper was he [not him].

If kidnapper was he seems too stilted, rewrite the sentence: During the Lindbergh trial, Bruno Hauptmann repeatedly denied that he was the kidnapper."(Hacker, The Bedford Handbook 287).


Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.




Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.




Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.


Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.




Lexoni me kujdes nje tregim te shkurter. Pastaj provoni njohurite tuaja duke dhene pergjigjet e duhura ne ushtrimin ne vijim.


It is a frigid January day in York, Pennsylvania.

The temperature is below freezing. Snow is starting to fall.

Dr. James turns on the television to check the weather.

He must leave for his work at the hospital soon.

“Today is going to be very cold,” says the TV weatherman. “Be sure to wear very warm clothes when you go outside. Also, be careful driving on the roads. Snowfall will make them slippery. In fact, if you can stay home today, do it!”

Dr. James cannot stay home. Very sick people are waiting to see him at the hospital.

He goes to his closet. He takes out the warmest clothes he has.

He puts on a sweater, jacket, gloves, socks, boots and a hat.

He opens his front door to go to work. A gust of cold air blows inside.

“Wow, it is very cold outside,” Dr. James says. He is from Miami and does not like the cold. “The weatherman was right!”

Before he can drive to work, Dr. James must clear the snow off his car.

He does this very fast. He hops in the car. He shivers. His neck feels especially cold.

Dr. James drives slowly to work. Everyone else is driving slowly, too. There is a lot of traffic on the road. There are cars in front and behind.

Suddenly, the cars in front of Dr. James come to a stop. There has been an accident!

Dr. James hurries from his car to check on the driver of the car that has swerved off the road. “Is everyone okay?” Dr. James asks.

“Yes, yes, we are fine. We slipped on a patch of ice,” the driver says. “This would have been a good day to stay home in bed.”
  1. What does it mean if the weather is frigid ?
    1.   It is very cold.
    2.   It is very rainy.
    3.   It is very windy.
    4.   It is very slippery.
  2. In what city does this story take place?
    1.   Florida
    2.   Miami
    3.   Pennsylvania
    4.   York
  3. Why doesn't Dr. James stay home today?
    1.   There are sick people waiting for him.
    2.   He does not believe the weatherman.
    3.   He has to clear the snow off his car.
    4.   He must help the people in the accident.
  4. What could Dr. James have put on his neck to keep it warm?
    1.   mittens
    2.   a scarf
    3.   another hat
    4.   an undershirt
  5. What does Dr. James do before he leaves for work?

    Check all that are correct.
    1. dresses warmly
    2. calls the hospital
    3. watches the weather
    4. clears the snow from his car
  6. Given what is said in the story, what is most likely true about Miami?
    1.   It is a hot place.
    2.   It is a rainy place.
    3.   It is a windy place.
    4.   It is a place where people drive slowly.
  7. How are people driving today?
    1.   badly
    2.   slowly
    3.   very fast
    4.   like they do not care
  8. What does it mean if the roads are slippery?
    1.   The roads are full of cars.
    2.   The roads are easy to slide on.
    3.   The roads are very long and curvy.
    4.   The roads lead to a place with lots of snow.
  9. Why does Dr. James clear the snow off his car quickly?
    1.   He is very cold.
    2.   He is late for work.
    3.   He knows his patients are waiting.
    4.   He knows he will have to drive slowly.
  10. There is a lot of traffic on the road. Choose another way to write this sentence.
    1.   There is a lot of snow on the road.
    2.   There are a lot of cars on the road.
    3.   There are a lot of accidents on the road.
    4.   There are a lot of people walking on the road.
  11. Why did the car have an accident?
    1.   because it was snowing outside
    2.   because Dr. James hit the car
    3.   because it was so cold outside
    4.   because the car slipped on a patch of ice
  12. What is an accident?
    1.   something that happens only with cars
    2.   something that happens only in the snow
    3.   something that happens that has not been planned
    4.   something that happens because other people want it to
  13. What is the weatherman right about?

    Check all that are correct.
    1. It is a windy day
    2. It is very cold outside.
    3. The roads are slipp
    4. There will be an accident.
  14. Why does Dr. James hurry from his car after the accident?
    1.   He is very cold.
    2.   He wants to get to the hospital.
    3.   He is worried about his patients.
    4.   He wants to make sure the people in the car are okay. 


Read the passage and answer the questions.




Hi everyone,

Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte. 
Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te  kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthshme. 


Mesimi # 9

A. Sentence structure
      Struktura e fjalise.

The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me  nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.

1  Subject             Verb   
   Kryefjale    +      Folje
My arms           are aching
    Something        happened

2. Subject               Verb                  Object   
   Kryefjale      +     Folje        +        Kundrinor

    I                           need                 a rest
    Five people       are moving      the piano

The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun 
(e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg  the piano)

Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:

a) emer
b) peremer
c) grup emeror)

3. Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.

4.  Subject                 Verb                 Adverbial    
     Kryefjale        +     Folje        +      Ndajfolje ose rrethanor

    It                             is                      on my foot.
    Their house          is                       nearby.
An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.

5.  Subject                  Verb                Object                      Object
     Kryefjale      +        Folje        +      Kundrinor        +        Kundrinor 

    It                             ‘s giving           me                            backache.
    David                      bought            Melanie                   a present.

We use two objects after verbs like give and  send.
Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.

B. Adverbials

We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.

My arms are aching terribly.                        I really need a rest.
Of course this piano is heavy .                    Fortunately their house is nearby .


Click on the buttons until you find the best answer.



Vendosni ne vendin e duhur keto fjale: there; their; they're; there're.



Read the fable and answer  all the questions . Then follow the other exercises and finish them.





Choose the best answer for each question.




Choose the best answer.





Te dashur studente,

Si amatore te mesimit te gjuhes angleze, shpesh na qellon qe te ndodhemi perpara fjalesh te cilat nuk mund ti kuptojme lehte. Me shpesh akoma nese mundohemi ti kuptojme duke i perkthyer si bashkesi e caktuar fjalesh atehere edhe mund te gabojme. Keto shprehje ose njesi idiomatike gjuhesore kerkojne qe ti kuptosh duke i pare me syrin e  nje folesi autokton.
Me poshte, le te rendisin se bashku per kete jave  pune, 10 shprehjet me te perdoreshme te gjuhes angleze shoqeruar edhe me mundesine per ti kuptuar ato ne situata konkrete perdorimi.

Ju uroj te gjitheve nje fund jave te bukur.
1. Piece of cake – Nese do t'ju bjere rasti te degjoni dike te thote se detyra qe ai kishte perfunduar, apo testi s'ishte gje tjeter vecse ' a piece of cake' kjo do te thote se:" detyra apo testi ishte dicka shume e lehte per tu plotesuar.
2. Costs an arm and a leg – Kur dicka koston:' an arm and a leg ", mendoj se sdo ta kini te veshtire te kuptoni se per ta blere ate ju duhet te paguani pikerisht kaq shtrenjte me dy pjese jetike te trupit, pra me fjale te tjera i bie te paguash shume shtrenjte= to pay a lot of money for something.
3. Break a leg – ta gjesh veten para nje shprehje te tille e te mundohesh ta gjesh kuptimin e saj duke u munduar te perkthesh pjeset perberese te kesaj shprehje atehere me siguri do te jemi para nje situate ku jemi ngaterruar e fillojme te mendojme keq. Nese jemi para nje provimi a testimi edhe ne telefonin tone na vjen pikerisht nje mesazh i tille:'Break a leg'. Miku yne i cili na ka derguar kete mesazh te jeni te sigurte se nuk do te deshironte kurre qe ju te kuptonit pikerisht ate mendim te cilin kjo shpreje do ta jepte nese do te ishim munduar ta perkthenim pjese pjese, apo fjale fjale. Aktualisht nje shprehje e tille do te thote:'Good luck!". Break a leg actually means good luck!
4. Hit the books – Nese do tju bjere rasti te jeni student ne nje ambient ku flitet gjuha angleze atehere patjeter qe ne nje moment te caktuar do ta degjoni kete shprehje shpesh here. Para se te mendoni cdo lloj kuptimi tjeter do te ishte me mire te mbanit mend se: ' hit the books' dot  te thote thjesht: ' to study'. 
5. Let the cat out of the bag – Duke lexuar kete shprehje idiomatike te gjuhes angleze dikush mund edhe te drejtoje pyetjen perse dikush do ta fuste macen ne nje cante? Cfare i kish bere macja ? Ne fakt kuptimi i vertete i kesaj shprehje eshte thjesht : ' te tregosh nje sekret i cili aktualisht nuk duhet te behej i ditur, por te ruhej si i tille'
6. Hit the nail on the head – Kjo shprehje idiomatike ka te beje me nje situate te tille ne te cilen ne na duhet ti themi gjerat sic duhet ose sic edhe shprehemi ne gjuhen tone ' ti vendosim pikat mbi i'.
7. When pigs fly – A mund te mendoni se si mund te ndodhe nje gje e tille? A mund te kini pare ndonjehere nje gje te tille? une -jo! Pra nese doni te perdorni nje shprehje te tille do tju duhet te shprehni nje mendim se 'dicka nuk mund te ndodhe kurre'.
8. You can’t judge a book by its cover – Kjo shprehje idiomatike  nuk mbeshtetet vetem tek librat por pergjithesisht perdoret per shume gjera te tjera ne pergjithesi. Ne thelb,  ajo shpreh mendimin se nuk do te jete mire te gjykosh mbi dicka duke u nisur vetem nga pamja  e jashteme. 
9.  Bite off more than you can chew – Vertet mund te te ndodhi qe te jesh i uritur edhe kur merr ne dore nje hamburger te kafshosh nje cape te madhe. Nese kafshata eshte e tille atehere do kesh nje problem te madh me pertypjen dhe kaperdiimin e saj e ndoshta vetja mund te te duket si idiot nderkohe qe vjen verdalle per te gjetur nje gote uje ta percjellesh me uje e mund te mbytesh. Pra, ky do te ishte kuptimi letrar. Por, ne fakt, kjo shprehje do te thote :' te perpiqesh te mbash mbi supe nje detyre e cila per ty eshte e pa pershtateshme ose e pamundur per ta menaxhuar.'
10. Scratch someone’s back – Te gjithe e dime se sa e veshtire eshte te kruash kurrizin ne nje moment te caktuar e per me teper kur dora jote nuk rrin deri atje. Nese e shikon nje person qe mundohet ta beje kete gje, a do te mendoje ta ndihmoje ta kishte me te lehte punen e  vet? Ndoshta e ben sepse mendon se edhe ty do te te duhet qe dikush te beje te njejten gje kur te kesh te njejten nevoje. Pra, kuptimi i vertete i kesaj shprehje eshte:' te ndihmosh dike gjithmone me paramendimin se do te vije nje moment qe kjo ndihme te te kthehet ty ne te arthmen.'



First listen to the answer then click on the question which you consider as correct.




Read the following story.Then read each question and choose your answer. Follow the rest of the exercises.



Hello again.
Here is another listening exercise. It is called In The Warehouse and is number 5 on this page -

Degjoni me kujdes bisedat dhe provoni t'ju pergjigjeni pyetjeve te cilat shoqerojne bisedat per te provuar se ne cfare mase arrini te kuptoni nje ngjarje.




Listen and practice the following conversations. 




Per cdo fjali qe do te shikoni ne linkun e meposhtem, zgjidhni fjalen ose frazen me te mire per te plotesuar hapesiren bosh nga zgjedhjet e shumefishta te dhena ne zgjidhjet e meposhteme.




    Mesimi # 4 ( Pjesa e dyte )

    Definite and Indefinite articles ( Part two )
    Nyjet shquese dhe jo shquese ( Pjesa e dyte )

    In English we use a and an only with singular nouns that we can count: 
    eg: ( eagle, bicycle)
    Ne gjuhen angleze ne perdorim nyjet jo-shquese a dhe an me emra te cilet mund te
    numurohen: psh: ( an eagle; a bicycle )

    Do not use a and an with plural nouns. eg: ( eagles, bicycles )
    Mos perdorni nyjet jo-shquese a apo an me emra ne numurin shumes.

    This is an eagle.
    That is a bicycle.

    These are eagles.
    Those are bicycles.
    Do not use a or an with nouns that we do not count ( water, sugar ) or with
    nouns that have only a plural form ( jeans, scissors, clothes... ).

    Mos perdorni nyjet jo shquese a ose an me emra te cilet nuk mund te numurohen si psh:
    ( jeans, clothes, scissors...)

    This is water. That is sugar. These are scissors. Those are clothes.

    We may use words like some with plural nouns, nouns we can not count or nouns that 
    have only a plural form.

    Ne mund te perdorim fjale te tilla si fjala some me emra te numurit shumes apo
    me emra te cilet nuk numurohen apo te cilet kane vetem formen e shumesit.

    I have a dog. I have some cats. I like water. I need some sugar.
    I have an apple. I have some cats. I have some clothes. I need some new clothes.

    3. Use before consonant sounds ( b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,y,z). Use an before 
    vowel sounds (a,e,i,o,u ).

    Perdorni nyjen jo shquese a perpara emrave te cilet fillojne me tingujt bashketingellore
    si: ( b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,t,v,w,y,z ). Perdorni nyjen jo-shquese
     an perpara emrave te cilet fillojne me tingullin zanor: ( a,e,i,o,u ).

    4. Use an before silent h. Although these words begin with the letter h, they all begin 
    with a vowel sound because letter h is not pronounced.

    Perdorni nyjen jo-shquese an perpara fjaleve te cilat fillojne me shkronjen h.
    Edhe pse ato fjale fillojne me bashketingelloren h, ajo shpesh here nuk
    shqiptohen, pra eshte e pazeshme, dhe keshtu tingulli i vertete del me zanore
    dhe jo me bashketingellore. psh:

    He is an heir to his father's estate. I will be here for an hour.
    An herb is a plant. Her husband is an honest man.

    5. Use a before the letter u when it is proceeded by a y sound as in you.

    Beni kujdes me fjalet te cilat fillojne me zanoren u ne dukje, sidomos kur
    ajo paraprihet nga nje tingull y si tek fjala . Ne keto raste gjithmone perdorni
    nyjen jo shquese a.

    She is a university teacher.A meter is a unit of measure.
    The workers joined a union.I received a utility bill in the mail.
    The policeman is wearing a uniform. We bought a used refrigerator.



    Provoni te luani me lojen e meposhteme edhe shikoni se cfare numur fjalesh mund te arrini te grumbulloni. Lexoni me kujdes kerkesen se si luhet ajo. Nese nuk e kuptoni dot si luhet, kerkoni ndihme tek miqte tuaj.



    Degjoni me vemendje historine e meposhteme. Ju lutem shkruani te gjithe dialogun qe do te degjoni midis personazheve te fabules.




    Degjoni me vemendje historine e meposhteme. Ju lutem shkruani te gjithe dialogun qe do te degjoni midis personazheve te fabules.




    Degjoni me vemendje historine e meposhteme. Ju lutem shkruani te gjithe dialogun qe do te degjoni midis personazheve te fabules.


    Mesimi # 6

    Gjate javes qe kaloi, ne ushtrimet e zhvilluara, u vu re se dy fjale te gjuhes angleze te permendura si me poshte paraqesin nje veshtiresi te caktuar. Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes diferencat e tyre si me poshte duke shpresuar se mund tju kem dhene nje ndihmese te vogel per te bere dallimin midis ketyre dy fjaleve.


    Either and Neither

    The English words either and neither can cause some problems for native and non-native speakers of 

    Fjalet e gjuhes angleze either dhe neither mund te shkaktojne pak veshtiresi si per folsin autokton ashtu edhe per ne te tjeret te cilet mundohemi te mesojme dhe flasim gjuhen angleze.

    Sometimes you can use either one and sometimes you have to choose either one or the other, but neither one is very difficult.
    Hera heres na duhet te gjejme se cila fjale eshte e duhura ne nje kontekst te dhene per tu perdorur.

    Either… Or   ( Ose ... ose )
    Either... or is used to offer a choice between two possibilities:
    Either ...or perdoret per te ofruar nje perzgjedhje midis dy mundesive:
    Shikoni fjalite si me poshte edhe beni perkthimin e tyre.
    Either Mike or Lisa will be there.
    Either you leave me alone or I will call the police.
    We should bring either coffee or tea.
    You can either help us or go to your room.
    Either can also be followed by (one) of + group of two:
    Either gjithashtu mund te perdoret ne nje fjali e ndjekur nga shprehja (one) of + group of two. Shikoni me kujdes fjalite qe vijojne per ta kuptuar perdorimin.

    Either of us could do it
    Either one of us could do it
    Either of you should know
    Either one of you should know
    Not… either… or denies both possibilities:

    Not ... either ...or i mohon keto dy mundesi:
    I don’t think either Mike or Lisa will be there.
    He doesn’t speak either English or French.
    Not… either is used after a negative statement.
    Not ... either perdoret mbas nje deklarate mohore.
    I don’t speak French.
    You don’t either.
    He isn’t ready to go.
    We aren’t either.
    Neither… Nor
    Neither… nor is equivalent to not… either… or.
    Neither ... nor eshte e barabarte ne kuptim me perdorimin not ... either ... or.

    Neither Mike nor Lisa will be there.
    He speaks neither English nor French.
    We brought neither coffee nor tea.
    I will neither help you nor go to my room.
    Neither can also be followed by (one) of + group of two:
    Neither gjithashtu mund te shoqerohet nga shprehja (one) of + group of two.
    Neither of them is ready.
    Neither one of them is ready.
    Neither of us has any money.
    Neither one of us has any money.
    Neither is used like not… either.
    Neither perdoret njesoj si kuptimi i not ...either.
    I don’t speak French.
    Neither do I.
    (informal): Me neither.
    He isn’t ready to go.
    Neither are we.
    The Bottom Line
    Either means one, neither means none, and not either equals neitherOr goes with either and norgoes with neither
    Ne gjuhen tone fjale either nenkupton nje, kurse fjala neither nenkupton asnje. Keshtu not either
    patjeter qe do te thote neither. Fjala or shoqeron fjalen either ndersa fjala nor preferon fjalen 

    Ne vijim kini disa ushtrime te cilat besoj se do ta lehtesojne kuptimin e ketyre mendimeve qe dhame me siper.






    paf 04.01.2014

    Choose the right sentence after the number.




    Listen to the audio segment and try to answer the questions. If the answer will be wrong then you have to listen again to the story till you get the right answers.




    Mesimi # 4

    Nyjet shqyuese dhe jo shquese te gjuhes angleze. The/A/An.

    There are two kinds of articles in English:   

    Definite article    the ( used with both singular and plural nouns)
    Definite article  the

    ·        Indefinite articles   a/an ( used with singular nouns only)

    Indefinite article   a  or  an

    ·        He is a teacher.
    In this sentence we are identifying his profession in general.

    Ne gjuhen angleze gjenden dy lloje nyjesh: nyje shquese the ( e cila perdoret me te dy llojet e emrave : njejes dhe shumes)

    Nyja shquese        The

    ·        Nyjet jo shquese  a ose  an perdoren vetem me emra te numurit njejes.

    Nyjet jo shquese    a  ose  an

                Ai eshte nje mesues.
    Ne kete fjali, nyja jo shquese, nje, sherben per te emertuar nje profesion ne pergjithesi.
    ·        I want an apple.
    ·        I do not care which apple you give me. I am not being specific.
                  Une dua nje molle.
                 Ne rastin e kesaj fjalie une nuk jam fare I interesuar se per cfare lloj molle behet fjale por thjesht une deshiroj te kem nje molle.
    ·        He is the teacher.
    ·        We are identifying him as a specific teacher whom we are talking about. We are distinguishing him from the rest of the teachers.
    ·        Ai eshte mesuesi.
    ·        Ne rastin e kesaj fjalie perdorimi I nyjes shquese ben te mundur identifikim real te nje mesuesi per te cilin ne jemi duke folur duke  e dalluar ate nga mesuesit e tjere.



    Mesimi # 3

    Shumesi i emrave ne gjuhen angleze.

    1. Nje fjale e cila emerton vetem nje person, vend apo send thuhet se eshte fjale e numurit njejes.                house            garden          flower 
              Nese nje fjale emerton me teper se nje njeri, vend a send, eshte  nje fjale ne numurin shumes.
                    Exapmle:         houses         gardens        flowers

             Shikoni dhe studioni shembujt e meposhtem:

                              Singular                                     Plural

                              telephone                                telephones
                              book                                       books
                              bus                                         buses
                              story                                      stories
                              key                                         keys
                              potato                                    potatoes

    Cfare duhet te kemi parasysh kur duam te ndertojme numurin shumes te emrave te gjuhes angleze?
    Le te ndjekim disa rregulla si me poshte:

    a) Pjesa me e madhe  e emrave te gjuhes angleze e nderton shumesin e vet thjesht duke i shtuar mbaresen -s fjales baze.
                                            eg. book - books          garden - gardens        place - places     room - rooms

    b) Ne qofte se emri baze ne gjuhen angleze mbaron me tingujt -s, -sh, -ch, -x, ose me -z, atehere atij i shtohet mbaresa -es.

                                       eg. bus - buses    dish - dishes    match - matches    fax - faxes

    c) Ne qofte se emri mbaron me nje tingull bashketingellor edhe shoqerohet ne fund me nje -y, atehere kjo -y, bie edhe shnderrohet ne mbaresen -ies.

                                        eg. army - armies        baby - babies    countr- countries  story - stories

    d) Por ne qofte se nje emer mbaron me tingull zanor edhe perfundon me -y, atehere atij i shtohet vetem mbaresa -s per te dhene idene e numurit shumes.

                                      eg. day - days        toy - toys      boy - boys     key  - keys

    e) ne qofte se nje emer perfundon me tingullin -f ose -fe, atehere -f, shndrohet ne -v, edhe asaj i shtohet mbaresa -s ose -es.

                                    eg. wife - wives    knife - knives    leaf - leaves       loaf  - loaves

    Por nuk duhet harruar se rregullat kane edhe perjashtimet e veta. Ne rastin tone bejne perjashtim dy emra:                        chief - chiefs                    dhe roof  - roofs

    f) Ne qofte se emri mbaron me tingullin -o, edhe paraprihet nga nje bashketingellore atehere ne numurin shumes ketij emri i shtohet mbaresa - es.

                                    eg. potato - potatoes            tomato - tomatoes         hero - heroes

    Ne kete rregull bejne perjashtim disa emra te cilet lidhen me muziken si psh:

                                    eg. piano - pianos            solo - solos       soprano - sopranos

    g) Ne qofte se emri te cilin duam ta kthejme ne numurin shumes mbaron me zanoren -o edhe njekohesisht paraprihet nga nje tjeter zanore atehere ketij emri i shtohet vetem mbaresa - s.

                                   eg. radio - radios          zoo - zoos      video - videos    patio - patios

    h) Ne qofte se nje emer eshte i perbere, atehere shumesi i tij ndertohet duke kaluar ne shumes vete emerin  ne perberje edhe jo pjesen tjeter.

                                  eg. pair of pants - pairs of pants
                                       piece of cake - pieces of cake
                                       mother-in-law  _ mothers -in-law
                                       loaf of bread - loaves of bread

    i) Ne qofte se nje nje numur , nje shkronje apo nje shenje do te konsiderohet si nje fjale- emer e gjuhes angleze atehere per te ndertuar numurin shumes do te na duhet te vendosim apostrof ne fund te tyre edhe pas apostriofit te shtojme mbaresen -s.

                 eg.  1960 - 1960's   10 - 10's  ABC - ABC's   A- A's

    j) Por Mos u cudisni kur te shikoni se disa fjale jane njesoj si ne numurin njejes po ashtu edhe ne numurin shumes.

                   eg.  fish - fish           deer - deer      sheep  - sheep     trout  - trout

    k) Ka emra te tjere ne gjuhen angleze te cilet e ndertojne  numurin shumes ne menyre te crregullt, dmth me ndryshime fonetike, me ndryshime shqiptimi te fjaleve.

                   eg.            man - men                        person - people                         mouse - mice
                                    woman - women             tooth   - teeth                              goose - geese
                                   child - children               foot - feet                                    ox - oxen

    l) Ka gjithashtu disa emra te tjere te cilet jane gjithmone ne numurin shumes.

                                 eg. clothes            pajamas                 pants            mathematics  
                                       scissors          physics                  mumps          pants 
                                       gloves             slacks                    pliers                             





    Ne  fillim degjoni fjaline e duhur si eshte. Pastaj terhiqini fjalet edhe vendosini ato ne rendin e duhur duke ndertuar fjalite qe kini degjuar pak me pare.




    Historia e me poshteme duhet te behet prove serioze e perpjekjes suaj per te filluar e lexuar nje material origjinal ne gjuhen angleze i cili do t'ju kerkoje pak kohe deri sa te kompletohet. Provoni te lexoni nje kapitull ne dite. Ne qofte se ky kapitull provon nje shkalle veshtiresie  relativisht te larte per nivelin tuaj ju lutem me njoftoni te gjejme dicka me te lehte per tu lexuar.


    A Tale of Friendship

    Written and Illustrated by Carol Moore

    A special note of thanks to James Poling, the author of Beavers, Their Extraordinary Lives and Curious History, which facts I used for realism and authenticity in the writing of this story.

    Author's Note:
    Dear reader, while this story is absolutely untrue I make no apologies, for in the imagination of the heart and at the heart of imagination everything is possible and anything could be. It has been said that the world was created in six days and on the seventh day God rested having created all manner of beast and then man. But one animal was not there in the beginning. It was fashioned by the Creator many years later, and this is a story of how it came to be.
    Chapter One

    Years ago, even before the Indian had set foot in America, there lived a colony of beavers on the banks of a tributary of the Mattawamkeag River in upper Maine. Semi-mountainous, it was a beautiful place with willow, elm and pine trees and plants such as fern and duckweed. The banks of the tributary were dotted with meadows of wild grass created by the beavers in the cutting of trees to build their dam.

    The beaver pond and dam
    The beaver colony was neither large nor small, having three families and ten members, and like all beaver they worked very hard to dam the small river. Although the beavers took occasional breaks, usually for not more than half an hour, one beaver relished sitting at the water's edge deep in thought. He worked harder and faster just so he could sit still longer. If they kept busy with the who and what of things, he found value in the if and why of things -- for hours at a time.
    One day in early spring while he was sitting on the bank deep in thought about why trees should shed their leaves in winter, he was distracted by a loud "quack-wack-wack" and "rab-rab-rab". He looked up to see four mallard ducks attacking a smaller one that limped, chasing her from the water onto the bank near him. She struggled to get a foothold, suffering numerous pecks, and he saw anguish in her eyes. It was too much for his sense of fairness. "Stop that," he blurted out.
    The ducks ceased their pecking and fell back astonished. They were accustomed to being ignored by beavers so what was this? He glared at them but didn't say anything more, so all but the small one that limped jumped back in the water. She caught her breath before quacking, "Why did you do that?"
    The beaver shrugged, "They're always picking on you. I got tired of it."
    "Well," she said, "They didn't used to pick on me. But nobody else cares -- not ducks, and certainly not beavers. It's... very curious."
    "Why, yes." The duck began preening her feathers, pretending indifference. "I notice things. If I didn't I couldn't keep out of the way of those hooligans always chasing me. I notice you sit here far more than other beavers do, and...that makes me curious."
    The beaver sighed. "Oh, I like that word "curious...curiosity, curiously, curiousness." He rolled the sounds over his tongue like the taste of a tender willow sprig. "I am myself curious about many things. For instance, what is your name?"
    The beaver lowered his voice as if they were co-conspirators. "Miena, my name is Dooro. I have a question. I've often wondered about those objects that hang in the sky. Not the clouds, but the round things, that very big bright one during the day, and the dimmer one at night along with all the sparkles. Have you flown there? Can you touch them?"
    "Oh, no!" she said. "It doesn't matter how high I fly, they're always farther. I suspect I could fly for ten summertimes and never reach them."
    Dooro was so impressed Miena flapped her wings momentarily. "Yes, when you fly you do notice a lot of things. Like, did you know there are not just other rivers and lakes like we have right here, but a lake so big it takes weeks, maybe months, to fly across? I've never actually crossed it, but we ducks hear stories from other birds. It tastes salty and strange animals swim in there, like a fish so big it could swallow this pond in one gulp."
    The beaver was enchanted. He'd never heard such a thing. He listened in rapt wonder as the duck talked on about seals, dolphins, water spouts and hurricanes. She had an endless supply of information, so their conversation continued for hours punctuated only by the beaver's quick dips into the water. He apologized, explaining that he needed to wet his paws or they developed cracks in the warm spring air. The more Dooro listened the more Miena told until they had talked late into the afternoon and the trees' shadows had became fingers long and thin, and a cool breeze had sprung up.
    "I have to go now," said Dooro.
    "Me, too," Miena echoed and reluctantly slipped back into the pond.



    Te dashur studente,

    Mendoj se leksioni i meposhtem mund t'ju ndihmoje per te sqaruar nje problem te vogel ne gjuhen angleze. Nese mund t'ju linde ndonje pyetje, ju lutem e sqarojme ne oren perkatese.


    Ne gjuhen angleze perdorimi i apostrofit + s, apo s + apostrof, shpesh sjell probleme, madje edhe per vete folesit autoktone.
    Ne pjesen e meposhteme ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes disa keshilla te cilat mendoj se mund tju ndihmojne per te mesuar si te perdorini me mire kuptimet qe fshihen ne keto raste perdorimi te apostrofit. Nje perdorim i mire i apostrofit ju mundeson te jeni te sakte ne percaktimin e pronesise ( possessives ) apo te shkurtimeve ( contractions )                                                                                

    The apostrophe has two purposes in English( Perdorimi i apostrofit ka dy qellime ne  gjuhen angleze)
    1. To indicate that one or more letters was dropped in a contraction:(= Ai perdoret per te treguar se nje ose me shume shkronja mund te largohen ne nje shkurtim fjale.)it is > it's
      we are > we're
      does not > doesn't
      of the clock > o'clock
    2. To indicate possession: (= Apostrofi sherben per te treguar marredhenie pronesie;kur emri eshte ne numurin njejes atehere mbas tij vendoset apostrofi edhe objekti i cili e ndjek ate pergjithesisht duhet te njihet si prone e emrit qe e  shoqeron. Pronari mund te jete ne njejes e prona mund te jete ne njejes; gjithashtu pronari mund te jete ne njejes e prona te jete ne shumes sipas rastit; )
      a) singular with 's
          Tom's book
          Jeannie's idea
          the girl's toys (toys belong to one girl)
      b) plural with s' (= pronari mund te jete ne shumes e prona gjithashtu mund te jete ne shumes)
          the books' covers
          my brothers' jobs
          the girls' toys (toys belong to several girls)
    The apostrophe should never be used when you are just talking about something that is plural, with no possession. ( Pergjithesisht eshte e keshillueshme qe apostrofi te mos perdoret kurre kur ju jeni duke folur per dicka ne numurin shumes dhe nuk jeni duke perdorur marredheniet e pronesise.Shikoni rastet me poshte:)
    The girl's walked by > The girls walked by
    My brother's are tall > My brothers are tall
    Welcome traveler's > Welcome travelers
    Mos harroni: Apostrofi ka nje natyre te dyfishte: ai sherben ose per te dhene nje shkurtim gjuhesor ose per te dhene nje marredhenie pronesie. Ai nuk sherben per te dhene nje kuptim ne numurin shumes ne asnje rast.

    Just remember that the apostrophe has a purpose: to indicate a contraction or possession. It does not indicate a plural - the letter s does a fine job of that all by itself.



    Dear students of Nehemia,

    Read the following chapter and try to retell it using your own  words.
    Please make it ready for next Monday.


      The Lost Treasure of Persia                     

    H. A. Jones

    Chapter One   

     Skye Belle was just like any other twelve year old girl.  Almost.  Naturally she was excited that she was twelve – after all, that was so  much  older  than  being  eleven.  She  enjoyed  being  outside  and  playing  sports with her friends, especially netball. And she loved most of the other  things that girls her age enjoyed doing, like playing games, helping her mum  with the cooking, and playing on her iPad. There was nothing out of the  ordinary in any of those things.  At school Skye was just like everyone else her age too. She studied hard  and did her best. In fact she often came first in all of her subjects.
    Not  everyone  can  come  first  in  their  class,  of  course,  but  there’s  nothing  unusual about being smart.  Even Skye’s family was fairly normal. She had one brother, Brandon,  who was ten. Being a little bit younger than her, Brandon could be a pain  sometimes. He didn’t always understand everything that Skye said and that  frustrated her. Not to mention the pranks that he liked to play on her –  boys could be so silly at times. But in between the occasional argument and  fit of anger, they would still play and laugh together. In fact, despite their  differences, they were the best of friends.
    Skye’s parents were always quite busy with their work but they would  still make time each day to spend with Skye and her brother. Her parents  were obviously pleased with how well she did at school, but they would  have been proud of her even if she failed her subjects, so long as she tried  her best. Skye knew that her mum and dad loved her very much.  That isn’t to say that Skye’s life at home was perfect ‐ far from it. Of  course there were the pranks that Brandon would play on her. But she  would also get into trouble for things that could not possibly have been her  fault. Like last month when she was blamed for breaking the roof tiles. How  was she supposed to have broken the roof tiles? Sure she climbed up there  occasionally and set up her heavy telescope to look at the stars, but that  wouldn’t  have  broken  any  roof  tiles.  She  grumbled  that  sometimes  her  parents just didn’t see things the way that she did – something that anyone  her age could certainly understand.
    Yes, Skye was just like any other twelve year old girl.  Almost.
    You see, unlike most other girls her age, Skye loved old things. Not just  any old things, but really, really old things, and the older the better. Ancient  things. Her dad was 43, so in Skye’s mind he certainly qualified as old. But  what she was really interested in were things that nobody thought existed  anymore, things that people thought had been lost forever.  But  as  much  as  she  loved  researching  and  reading  about  old  and  forgotten  things,  she  loved  trying  to  find  them  even  more.  Her  last  adventure had been the previous summer. After reading all she could about  the ark of Noah, she had decided that she would trek through the remotest  parts of Turkey to find it – and she had. Now an expedition was underway  to dig up the ark and restore it.  Skye was certainly resourceful and she was very, very determined. She  was also thankful that museums liked to pay for the things that she found;  otherwise she could never afford all of the travel.
    Her  room  was  cluttered  with  old  things  she’d  found  that  she  had  decided to keep for a reminder rather than sell to the museums. But only  small things, like a few old Roman coins or pieces of ancient Greek pottery  – small things to remind her of her adventures and the things she’d been  able to find. Of course there were the usual things in her room, like her  yellow table and red and blue chairs, and the bookshelves that went up to  the ceiling. The bookshelves though didn’t actually have any books in them  but were filled with all of her toys. Her books were too important to keep in  an ordinary bookshelf – they were in the study in the grand old bookshelf.  It was made of oak and it smelled as old as it looked – Skye loved it.
    Today  Skye  was  sitting  at  the  dining  table  eating  her  breakfast  and  reading the morning’s newspaper. She was finishing off a bowl of muesli  with fresh fruit and strawberry yogurt on top. Skye loved a healthy and  filling breakfast; it helped give her energy and made her excited about the  day. She was reading an interesting article about the discovery of some  ancient  coins,  pottery  and  jewellery  in  the  Middle  East  when  her  mum  walked in.  ‘Skye,’ her mum said, ‘your aunt Thelma is coming to stay with us for a  couple of nights.’  ‘Oh, that’s great,’ said Skye happily. ‘Aunt Thelma is lovely.’ Skye liked  her aunt. Not only did it seem that she was always smiling, but she was one  of the most beautiful singers Skye had ever heard.
    Thinking of her aunt’s singing voice suddenly made her frown. ‘Um, but isn’t she supposed to be  singing in a concert tonight?’  ‘She had to cancel for some reason,’ her mum replied. ‘She didn’t tell  me why on the phone. I guess we’ll find out tonight when she arrives.’  Skye hoped her aunt was okay. She really did have the most amazing  singing voice, and Skye felt sorry for the people who would miss out on her  concert. Oh well, her mum was right ‐ they would find out tonight.  Skye turned back to the newspaper and frowned. It always annoyed her  when  interesting  things like this discovery  of  ancient  artefacts  was only  reported on in a few lines, but then there were pages and pages filled up  with  stories  about  sport.  Her  dad  enjoyed  reading  those  pages  but  it  seemed like a terrible waste to her.
    Later that night, while her dad was still at work, there was a knock on  the door. Skye ran over to answer it. ‘Who is it?’ she asked.  ‘It’s your aunt Thelma,’ the voice said from the other side of the door.  Skye could barely contain her excitement at seeing her aunt again. She  unlocked  the  door  and  opened  it  but  was  shocked  at  what  she  saw.  Normally her aunt would have greeted her with a huge smile that would  immediately make her want to smile too. But Aunt Thelma wasn’t smiling.  She looked haggard. ‘Hello Skye,’ she said tiredly, trying to force a smile  onto her face.  ‘Hello Aunt Thelma,’ Skye replied. She felt nervous about the change in  her aunt but tried not to let it show. ‘Come in. We’re very excited to see  you.’  ‘Thank you,’ her aunt said, and this time she did smile ‐ but it was only a  small one.  Her  aunt  came  in  and  Skye’s  mum  gave  her  a  big  hug.  ‘Thelma,  it’s  always  good  to  see  you,’  she  said.  Then  she  looked  at  her  sister  and  frowned. ‘You look so tired. Sit down.’  Aunt Thelma dropped her bags on the ground then let out a long sigh as  she fell onto the couch.  Skye and Brandon sat down and watched as their mum poured a cup of  tea for their aunt. ‘What’s wrong?’ her mum asked. ‘I know it must be  something important for you to have cancelled your concert.’
    She gave Thelma the cup of tea. ‘Thank you,’ she said, and then took a  sip  of  tea  before  letting  out  another  sigh.  ‘I  just  feel  drained,’  she said
    finally, before the words started to pour out. ‘I feel like every time I walk on  stage everyone is waiting for me to fail, to sing the wrong words or sing out  of tune. I just don’t feel like I’m a very good singer anymore – or maybe  that I never was in the first place.’  ‘Thelma,’ Skye’s mum said, in a tone of voice that Skye knew was about  to be followed by something encouraging. ‘You know you’ve always been a  great singer,’ her mum continued, ‘and you’ve always doubted yourself as  well. You don’t need to doubt yourself, or the talent God has given you.’  Yep, Skye was right; she knew her mum’s tone of voice well.  ‘But this is different,’ Thelma said.  ‘I  really  don’t think I’m good any  more. And I’m scared of walking out on stage.’
     Their mum started at Thelma for a long moment before walking over  and sitting next to her, embracing her in a big hug. Thelma leaned her head  on their mum’s shoulder and tears silently started to fall down her cheek.  ‘Kids,’ their mum said, turning to them, ‘do you mind giving your aunt  and me some time together alone please.’  Skye and Brandon stood up. Their mum was right, and no doubt she and  her aunt would be talking and crying late into the night.  As they were walking out of the room, Brandon stopped and looked at  Thelma. ‘Don’t worry, Aunt Thelma. You are a very good singer. You will  remember that soon.’  Tears formed in Thelma’s eyes again. ‘Thank you Brandon,’ she said as  she reached out and gave him a big hug.  Then Skye and Brandon left them and went upstairs.  Once they were in Skye’s room she began pacing, walking back and forth  across the room. ‘You’re right Brandon,’ she said. ‘Thelma is a very good  singer.
    She just needs to remember that.’  ‘Yeah,’ said Brandon, ‘she just needs her courage back again.’  Skye  spun  around  to  face  him.  ‘That’s  it!  She  needs  courage.  Now,  where’s  that  paper  gone.’  She  ran  over  to  her  table  and  pushed  some  things out of the way searching for the newspaper. ‘Ah, here it is.’  Picking up the paper she flicked through the pages until she found the  one she wanted. ‘Listen to this: Professor Airbon confirmed that the relics  from  his  archaeological  discovery  in  Iran  date  to  around  500  BCE.’  She  stopped  reading  and  frowned.  ‘Um,  I  hate  it  when  they  do  that,’  she  grumbled.  ‘Do what?’ Brandon asked.
     ‘When they call the year BCE rather than BC,’ Skye replied.  ‘Why?’  ‘Because BC means Before Christ, and BCE means Before Common Era.  It’s the same when they replace AD with CE. AD stands for Anno Domini –  that is Latin and means The Year Of Our Lord. CE just stands for Common  Era. People keep trying to take Jesus out of history.’  ‘Why  would  they  want  to  do  that?  It  seems  silly,’  Brandon  replied  thoughtfully.  ‘I know.’ Skye frowned again then turned back to the paper. ‘The story  continues:  Professor  Airbon  believes  the  relics  are  remains  from  King  Xerxes’ royal palace.’  ‘Xerxes,’ Brandon said, laughing. ‘That’s a funny name.’
     Skye glared at her brother with her hands on her hips. ‘King Xerxes was  the  most  powerful  man  in  the  world  at  the  time,’  she  said  in  her  best  lecturing voice.  Brandon tried to stop laughing as he saw his sister’s stern gaze. ‘It’s still  a funny name,’ he mumbled.  ‘Anyway,’  Sky  continued,  ignoring  her  brother’s  comment,  ‘what  is  important for us is not the king but one of his wives.’  ‘Really?’ Brandon asked, confused. ‘Who?’   ‘What do you remember about Esther from the bible?’ she asked.  ‘I remember a little from what mum and dad read to me. Mainly that  she was courageous. But they haven’t read that one for a while.’  ‘Courageous? She was one of the most courageous women in history!  Let me tell you the story again. It happened a long time ago,’ Skye began,  putting on her teacher’s voice, ‘almost 2,500 years ago in fact. Long after  King  David  had  died,  God’s  people,  who  were  called  the  Israelites  or  sometimes the Jews, stopped loving God and started living without him. So  God sent his prophets to warn the Israelites to turn back to him. But they  didn’t.  So  God  punished  the  whole  country  when  the  army  of  Persia  conquered them, and the Israelites were led away into exile.’  ‘Wait,’ Brandon said, interrupting her, ‘where’s Persia?’  ‘Persia was an ancient nation that is now called Iran,’ Skye replied.  Brandon  nodded  that  he  understood  so  Skye  continued.  ‘While  the  Israelites were still living in exile in Persia, the king, Ahasuerus – who we  think was actually King Xerxes,’ Brandon smirked again at the name but  Skye ignored him, ‘married one of the Jews called Esther and made her his queen.
    But  one  of  the  king’s  princes  called  Haman  hated  the  Jews  and  wanted to kill all of them. So he made an evil plot and had the king sign a  royal law so that Haman could have all of the Jews, all of God’s people,  killed.  ‘But Esther was told by Mordecai ‐ ’  ‘That’s another funny name,’ Brandon interrupted, trying his best not to  laugh.  Skye frowned and growled slightly. Brandon took the hint and closed his  mouth. ‘Anyway,’ she continued, ‘Mordecai, who had looked after Esther  since she was young, told her that she had to speak to the king and ask him  to stop the killing from going ahead.’  ‘That doesn’t seem very courageous,’ Brandon said. ‘After all, they were  married.’  ‘But in those days,’ Skye said, ‘even though she was his wife, Esther  wasn’t allowed to see the king unless he asked to see her. Otherwise she  could be put to death.’  ‘That’s horrible. Why?’  ‘It was a long time ago,’ Skye replied. ‘They did things differently back  then.
    But that’s where she showed such huge courage. Even though she  knew she could be put to death, she still went to see the king without being  asked.’  ‘I  can’t  imagine  mum  letting  dad  get  away  with  anything  like  that!’  Brandon joked. ‘And what happened?’   ‘The king was happy to see her. Eventually she asked him to stop the law  to kill the Jews. King Xerxes listened to her and made another royal law so  that the Jews wouldn’t be hurt. Then the evil Haman was killed for his  wicked plot.  ‘Even now, Jews around the world celebrate the Festival of Purim to  remember God saving them through Esther.’  Brandon thought for a moment then scratched his head. ‘So what does  that have to do with Aunt Thelma?’ he asked.  ‘Well, if this Professor Airbon has found some relics that belonged to  King Xerxes, then there may be something from Queen Esther there as well.  We might be able to find some clues as to how she was able to show such  great courage.’  Brandon was smiling now. ‘And then we could give something to Aunt  Thelma to help her get her courage back.’
    ‘Exactly,’ Skye said, smiling too.  ‘So where to now?’ Brandon asked.  ‘Well,’  Skye  said,  turning  her  attention  back  to  the  newspaper,  ‘this  article says that Professor Airbon is currently working at the Louvre.’  ‘The what?’  ‘The Louvre. It’s a museum. And it’s in Paris. So that means we’re going  to France!’  Brandon yelled with excitement – he’d never been to France before, and  it looked as though he and his sister were going to have another adventure  together.  Skye  was  grateful  that  Brandon  always  came  with  her  on  her  adventures.  Her  parents  were  glad  too,  because  they  thought  that  somehow he was looking after her. Humph! She was the older one, and it  was her that had to look after him! But, as painful as Brandon could be at  times, he shared her excitement and love of adventure and she in turn  enjoyed having him with her.
    It was good to have someone to share her  experiences with. She even had to admit, grudgingly, that he had helped  her in the past. But only once or twice. And she would have gotten herself  out of trouble without him anyway; it just would have taken a little longer,  that was all.  Skye jumped onto her iPad to book some air tickets for her and Brandon  to fly to France. She then told her parents where they were going. Even  though she knew that her parents always worried when she and Brandon  went travelling somewhere to search for lost items, she was thankful that  they still encouraged them to go.



    Match the words on the left with pictures or definitions on the right.




    Click on the numbers and try to give the right meaning of the hidden words.




    Read the story and answer the questions.



    Greetings to you all,

    Try this game and send me a message telling what level you achieved.




    Read the following story and please try to retell it with your own words. It will be good if you try to write your retelling.




    Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin e meposhtem mbasi te kini lexuar tregimin per te.





    Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes kete adrese, lexoni me kujdes  tekstin edhe njekohesisht degjoheni ate.




    Hello again.

    I have some exercises today on ‘socialising’. My spell checker thinks I have made a “mistake” there because my spell checker is American and I am British. We tend to write words like this with an “ise” ending though it is still correct to use the common American ending of “ize”. So if I write ‘socializing’, my spell checker is happy :-)
    Another difference can be seen in the exercises. We talk about “holiday” where Americans say “vacation”. Americans do use the word “holiday” but in a sense more closely related to the idea of “holy day”.
    The exercises use Flash and will not work on many tablets or phones. I am working hard on a solution to this and hope to have suitable exercises available some time in September.




     Kjo eshte pjesa e dyte e degjimit te romanit :"Plaku dhe deti". Ndoshta sot e gjeni pak kohe edhe vazhdoni degjimin e tij si edhe leximin njekohesisht.




    Ne vijim permenden disa fjale edhe shprehje te gjuhes se perditeshme angleze kur duhet te shprehim komplimente apo te bejme urime; si duhet ti ndertojme ato edhe si duhet te reagojme.
    Provoni te mesoni fillimisht fjalet e panjohura, mandej perdorni shprehjet ne situatat tuaja.


    7.Congratulations and Compliments.

    Many happy returns of the day !

     I wish you many happy returns of the day.

     I wish you joy and happiness.

     Happy birthday to you! 

    I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart. 

    Holiday greetings.

     A happy New Year.

     I congratulate you on your success.Congratulations.

     My best wishes.

     Success attend you.

     He sends you his greetings.

     Kind regards to your family.

     My best regards to your father. 

    Give my best respects to your mother.



    Ky ushtrim eshte ndryshe nga ushtrimet e deritanishme. Ndiqni me kujdes linkun  e meposhtem edhe duke u mbeshtetur tek degjimi provoni te zgjdhni ushtrimin me kerkesat e tija.




     Plaku dhe Deti është një nga romanët më të shitur (bestseller) të mbarë letërsisë amerikane, shkruar nga shkrimtari amerikan Ernest John Iselam Hemingway.
    Ne vijim ju do te gjeni nje kapitull te tij per ta degjuar apo lexuar ashtu sic mund te jene preferencat tuaja.
    Degjimi ndoshta do te jete nje opsion shume i mire edhe i dobishem.
    Uroj te ndjeni kenaqesine e te kuptuarit.



    paf 28.07.2013

    Hope and wish your Sunday was great. One week holidays are not too many but at least they are something.
    Hope and wish you enjoy them.

    Following is a link of exercises from my grammar teacher Mr. Pearson.
    Maybe you like doing it. Simply try.
    No bothering!



    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University, group A,

    As your holidays start today I do wish each one of you  has a happy week.
    Just to be in touch of English during those days, you will find a short story almost each day through the week to come. Hope and wish you enjoy them.


     Make words work for you 6


    Ne njesine e meposhteme shikoni me kujdes se si mund te pajiseni me fjalorin e duhur per te shprehur shfajesime ne situata te ndryshme.

    Shikojini fjalet ose fjalite edhe mundesoni te vete krijoni situata ku ju mund te gjendeni te hapur per tu perballuar me to.


    6.Apologies and Possible Answers :

    I am sorry.
    Sorry to trouble you.
    I beg your pardon.
    Pardon me.
    Excuse me.
    I hope you don’t mind.
    Forgive me for being late.
    Excuse my back.
    It’s all right.
    That’s all right.
    Never mind.
    Don’t mention it.
    Don’t worry.
    Don’t trouble about it.
    It doesn’t matter.


    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University group A,
    Hope and wish your day today was not so hard.
    Following there are a few words on Simple Present Tense.
    They are simply a revision moment for every one of us.
    Let's have a look on them.


    Simple Present Tense

     Format qe merr folja ne kohen e tashme( simple present ) jane vetem dy:

    a) forma e foljes kuptimplote ( main verb ) ashtu sic ajo ekziston ne fjalor, dmth forma baze e saj

     ( base verb form );

    b) forma e dyte eshte po ajo e para por kete radhe + mbaresen ( 's ); dmth forma qe merr folja baze ne simple present tense affirmative. Shpesh studenti harron te vendose kete mbarese te cilen folja e pranon ne veten e trete numuri njejes. Kjo ndodh edhe me student fillestare por edhe me studentet e perparuar. Prandaj krijoni mundesi ne kujtesen tuaj qe gjithmone kur behet fjale per veten e trete numuri njejes ne kohen e tashme ( he,she,it) mor harroni te perdorni  mbaresen 's.

    Me poshte po ju parashtroj disa probleme te cilat lidhen me drejtshkrimin e foljeve ne veten e trete ne  numurin njejes ne Simple Present Tense.

    * Shumica e foljeve te gjuhes angleze ne veten e trete numuri njejes thjesht marrin nje -s.

       eg. I speak - he speaks

    * Foljet te cilat mbarojne me tingujt; -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, ose me -o, ne veten e trete numuri njejes marrin mbaresen - es.

    eg. I miss.- he misses.

          I fish - he fishes

          I match - he matches

          I mix - he mixes

          I go - he goes

    * Foljet te cilat mbarojne me bashketingelloren -y, kur vijne ne veten e trete numuri njejes, e shndrojne  ate ne - ies.

    eg. I try- he tries

    Por ne kete grup bejne perjashtim te  gjitha ato folje te cilat para bashkentigellores fundore -y kane nje zanore te caktuar.

    eg. I play - he plays.

    Mbas ketyre rregullave drejtshkrimore eshte mire te njohim edhe disa rregulla te tjera te cilat lidhen me mundesine e perdorimit te simple present tense. Me nje fjale le te shtrojme pyetjen: Kur duhet te perdorim simple present tense ne gjuhen angleze?

    Ka disa momente te cilat duhet ti mabni mire parasysh kur perdorini kete kohe:

    a) Simple present tense perdoret sa here ju deshironi te shprehni veprime rutinore dmth ne gjuhen angleze ne do te shpreheshim: -( daily routines)

    Example; Nehemia Gateway teachers take a lunch break at 1:30 in the afternoon.

    b) veprime te perseritshme ( repeated actions )

    Example: He goes to the English course every Thursday.

    c) zakone ( habits )

    eg They always take the bus to school.

    d) orare; apo programe te caktuara te cilave ju dihet koha e zhvillimit te tyre; timetables, programmes,  (future meanings )

    eg. The airplane leaves at 9:45.

    e) gjendje te perhershme; gjendje qe ndryshojne rralle;( permanent states )

    eg. He teaches at Nehemia gateway University.

    Nje numur shprehjesh kohore te cilat perdoren rendom me simple present tense ne anglisht jane keto:

    every hour/day/week/month/summer/year/

    every morning/evening etc.

    Ndajfoljet e kohes ( Adverbs of Frequency ) jane ato te cilat na tregojne se sa shpesh ndodh nje veprim i caktuar.

    always = 100%

    usually = 75%

    often = 50%

    sometimes = 25 %

    never = 0 %

    Keto lloj ndajfoljesh pergjithesisht perdoren menjehere mbas foljeve kuptim plote dmth mbas (main verbs ) sqaruar si me siper.

    Por kur perdoren me foljen to be ose me folje te tjera modale ato pelqejne te vendosen mbas ketyre foljeve.

    eg.   My friend is always late for everything.

           They never go out on Wednesdays.

           He has never been to Macedonia.


    Pra, le ta quajme kete hapin e pare te perseritjes .Ky leksion duhet te konsiderohet i paplote ne qofte se nuk do te shoqerohet me sqarime te metejshme per kohen present continuous tense edhe pastaj me  disa krahasime te mundeshme midis te dyja koheve.



    Physical Feelings

    If you’re worn out,         you’re very tired because you’ve been doing physical exercise or working.   SYNS exhausted, shattered INF.

    If you’re starving, INF         you’re feeling very hungry.

    If you’re dying for a drink, INF         you’re extremely thirsty. SYN parched INF

    If you’re feeling dizzy,         you feel as if everything around you is turning and you can’t balance. SYN giddy

    If you’re feeling nauseous         you feel as if you want to vomit (=bring up food from your stomach). SYN (feel) sick

    If you’re boiling         you’re feeling very hot. OPP freezing

    If you feel drowsy         you’re feeling relaxed and sleepy, perhaps because it is very warm or you have taken some medicine.

    If you’re energetic         you have a lot physical strength and enthusiasm. Energy N.

    If you’re lethargic           you haven’t got any energy or enthusiasm.

    If you’re wide awake      you are completely awake. OPP fast asleep

    If you’re shivering           your body is shaking slightly, usually because you are cold or ill.

    If you’re trembling          your body is shaking slightly, usually because you are frightened.

    If you’re feeling restless    you can’t keep still because you are bored, worried or impatient.

    If you’re on edge             you’re nervous and can’t relax because you are worried. SYN tense

    If you’ve got pins and needles in your leg/foot, etc.,  you have slight, sharp pains in a part of your body, usually when you move after being in one position for a long time. Also, my foot/leg has gone to sleep.

    Duke u munduar per ti  kuptuar edhe sidomos duke i mireperdorur ne fjalite tuaja, ju mund ti beni edhe duhet ti beni ato pjese te fjalorit tuaj te pergjithshem e te perditshem.




     Per diten e sotme shikoni me kujdes fjalet edhe shprehjet e me poshteme, te cilat mund t'ju sherbejne per t'ju pergjigjur drejt situatave ne te cilat seicili prej jush duhet te shprehe nje falenderim te caktuar.


    5. Thanks and Appropriate Replies :

    Thank you.
    Thank you very much.
    Thanks a lot.
    Many thanks.
    My hearty thanks.
    Thanks or the kindness.
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    Very much obliged to you.
     I am most grateful to you.
    Not at all.
    It is no trouble at all.

    Don’t mention it.
    It is a pleasure.
    You are welcome.



    Ne mesimin e dites se sotme, jeni te lutur te ndiqni fjalite e meposhteme ne te cilat jane dhene disa fjali e shprehje te domosdoshme kur ne jemi te interesuar te pyesim per shendetin e dikujt edhe cilat jane pergjigjet e duhura per pyetjet tona.

    4.Asking after Somebody’s Health and Some Appropriate Replies:

    How are you?
    How do you feel?
    How’s all the family?
    How is your father?
    How are all a home?
    How is your health? 

    I a very well, thank you.
    Quite well, thanks.
    Thank you, not so well.
    I’m fine, thank you.
    Not so bad.
     I feel as fit as a fiddle.
    I feel out of sorts.
    They are well, thanks.
    He feels awfully bad.
    He is much better now.
    She is in the best of health.



    Fjalet qe vijojne mund te plotesojme me se miri te gjitha mangesite tuaja per te njohur edhe perdorur nje fjalorth te qarte te lidhur vetem me nuhatjen. Relativisht numuri i fjaleve te reja per kete jave eshte i konsiderueshem, prandaj ne vijim deri ne diten e hene nuk do te marrim njesi tjeter me natyre fjalori. Nese nuk patet mundesi te punoni gjate javes, mundesoni kete fund jave per te mesuar fjalet e reja te te dy njesive te dhena gjate  ketyre diteve.

    I wish you all a very nice weekend.




    I love scented candles and the delicate fragrance of roses.
    I’ve got an air freshener in my car which smells of citrus fruits.
    That perfume has a very faint smell of ginger, but I prefer this one-have a sniff and tell me what you think!
    I love the aroma of fresh coffee.
    The smell of my wife’s perfume lingers in the room long after she’s gone.


    There’s a funny smell in the cupboard- it’s a bit musty in there.
    I find certain smells really unpleasant –sour milk, for instance, and I can’t stand the smell of stale cigarette smoke.
    When I went in the basement, it stank of rotten food; it was quite nauseating.


    Notice the way smell N, V is used.

    A strong smell of paint.
    It smells sweet/nice. [+ ADJ]
    This smells of leather. [of + N]
    It smells like grass. [like + N]
    Can you smell gas in here? [+ N]

    Scented having a strong, pleasant smell. scent N.

    Delicate light and pleasant. SYN subtle.

    Fragrance a nice smell (often used about flowers of perfume) fragrant ADJ.

    Air freshener a substance used for making a room or car smell nice.

    Citrus fruit a fruit belonging to the group that includes lemons, oranges, limes, etc.

    Perfume a sweet-smelling liquid you put on your body to make yourself smell pleasant.

    Faint not easily smelled, seen or heard OPP strong.

    Sniff a quick breath in through the nose to smell sth. Sniff sth V.

    Aroma a strong but pleasant smell (often used about food).

    Linger last longer than expected.

    Funny strange, and usually unpleasant. SYN peculiar.

    Musty smelling damp and unpleasant because of a lack of fresh air.

    Sour milk or other food that is sour is not fresh and has a bad taste and smell.

    Stale no longer fresh.

    Stink (of sth) have a strong, unpleasant smell. stink N.

    Rotten (of food) old and not fresh enough to eat.

    Nauseating making you feel sick. SYN disgusting.


    Ne pjesen e meposhteme do te gjeni nje menyre te vecante per te mundesuar shtimin e fjalorit tuaj ne gjuhen angleze. Kemi marre nje folje si element referues, kuptimi i te ciles eshte:"touch=prek" edhe te gjitha foljet e tjera qe vijojne jane te lidhura ne nje menyre a ne nje tjeter me duart, me prekjen.
    Provoni te mesoni disa prej tyre.  Nese nuk i njhni, i trajtoni si fjalorth shtese per mesimin ne vijim. Si te tilla, ndertoni nga nje fjali me seicilen folje te shpjeguar  si me poshte.



    Press  =  you press any part of a machine to make it work, e.g. a computer key or a button in a lift to go up/down.

    Punch = if you punch sth/sb you hit them hard with your fist (=your tightly closed hand.) punch N. ( godas me grusht )

    Stroke = you stroke sb’s hair or an animal’s fur (=animal hair) by moving your hand gently and slowly over it, often to show affection. You can also pat an animal (=touch it gently several times with your hand flat, usually to show affection). ( = ledhatoj floket )

    Squeeze = you squeeze sth, e.g. a sponge , by pressing it firmly. ( = shtrydh )

    Pinch = you can pinch sb hard (=with force so that it hurts) or lightly.( = pickoj )

    Tap = you tap sb on the arm or shoulder quickly and lightly to get their attention (=get them to listen to you or look at you). ( = prek lehte, cek )

    Nudge = if you nudge sb, you give them a little push with your elbow , often to draw their attention to sth/sb (=make them look at sth/sb). ( = i bie dikujt me brryl dikujt per te bere nje shenje )

    Rub = when you rub sth, you move your hands over its surface while pressing on it. You can rub cream into your skin with your hands or fingertips (=the ends of your fingers). ( = ferkoj )

    Massage = you massage sb’s body by pressing, squeezing or rubbing it in order to reduce pain or relax them. massage N. You can do it gently, firmly or vigorously (=with energy). ( = bej masazh )



    Dear students of  Matrix Intermediate,

    I wish you all a very nice new season. Hope and wish things will always be on your side during thee whole term. Our meetings will have their usual routine. Hope you get not bored.
    May your time be like in wonderland as you come close to your studies.
    May success make you turn your heads.


    Read the following famous story. Try to retell it for your coming session.

    Alice in wonderland                                                                                                                                                                                                 

    In this classic story. Alice follows the White Rabbit down a rabbit hole. She encounters many strange characters and adventures, including drinks that make her grow and food that makes her shrink. This part of the story begins when Alice once again catches up with the White Rabbit,who seems to be in a very big hurry. Very soon the Rabbit noticed Alice. He called to her in an angry tone. “ Why, Mary Ann, what are you doing here? Run home this moment and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan. Quick, now!”Alice was so frightened that she ran at once in the direction he pointed without trying to explain the mistake he had made. “ He took me for his maid,” she  said to herself as she ran. “ But I’d better take him his fan and gloves- that is, if I can find them. “As she said this, she came upon a neat little house. On the door was the name w. rabbit. She went in without knocking and hurried upstairs. She was very afraid that she might meet with the real Mary Ann and be kicked out of the house.” How strange it seems,” Alice said to herself,” to be running errands for a rabbit! I suppose my cat Dinah will be sending me on errands next!” By this time she had found her way into a tidy little room with a table by the window. On it was a fan and two or three pairs of tiny white gloves. She took the fan and gloves, and was just going to leave when her eye fell upon a little bottle near the mirror. There was no label this time with the words “ Drink Me.” Nevertheless she uncorked it and put it to her lips. “I know something  interesting is sure to happen .”she said to herself. “something interesting always happens when I eat or drink anything. So I’ll just see what this bottle does. I hope it’ll make me grow large again. I’m tired of being such a tiny little thing!” It did indeed, and much sooner than she expected. Before she had drunk half the bottle, she found her head against the ceiling. She had to stoop to save her neck from being broken. She hastily put down the bottle, saying to herself, “that’s quite enough. I hope I won’t grow any more. As it is, I can’t get out the door. I do wish I hadn’t drunk so mush!” alas , it was too late to wish that! She went on growing, and very soon had to kneel down on the floor. In another minute there was not even room for this, and she lay with one elbow against the door and the other curled round her head. Still she went on growing. As a last resort, she put one arm out the window and one foot up the chimney. She said to herself, “I can do no more, whatever happens. What will become of me?”  luckily for Alice, the little bottle had had its full effect, and she grew no larger. Still, it was very uncomfortable, and there seemed to be no chance of ever getting out of the room again. No wonder she felt unhappy. “It was much pleasanter at home,” poor Alice said to herself. “I wasn’t always growing larger and smaller, and being ordered around by mice and rabbits. I almost wish I hadn’t gone down that rabbit hole. And yet, it’s rather strange you know, this sort of life. I wonder what will happen to me.” “when I used to read fairy tales,” she said, “I imagined. Now here I am in the middle of a fairy tale! There ought to be a book written about me! And when I grow up, I’ll write one. But wait, I suppose I’m grown up now.” She continued in a sorrowful tone.” Won’t I ever grow up from where I am now? That will be good, in one way-I’ll never have to be an old woman. But then, I’ll also always have lessons to do!”Oh, you foolish Alice,” she answered herself.” How can you do lessons in here? Why, there’s hardly any room in here for you, and none at all for school books.” She went on talking, taking first one side and then the other, until after a few minutes she heard a voice outside and stopped to listen.” Mary Ann! Mary Ann!” said the voice.” Fetch me my gloves this moment!”Then came a little pattering of feet on the stairs. Alice knew it was the Rabbit coming to look for her. The Rabbit came up to the door and tried to open it. But, as the door opened inwards and Alice’s elbow was pressed against it, that attempt failed. Alice heard him say to himself.” Then I’ll get in the window.” That you won’t, thought Alice. After waiting until she thought she heard the rabbit just under the window, she suddenly spread out her hand and made a snatch in the air. She did not get hold of anything, but she heard a little shriek and a crash of broken glass. Next came an angry voice-the Rabbit’s-“ Pat! Pat! Where are you?” And then a voice she had never heard before.” Digging for apples, your honor!” Rabbit angrily.” Come and help me out of this .”(sounds of more broken glass.)”Now tell me, Pat, what’s that in the window?”Sure, it’s an arm, your honor! “An arm, you goose! Who ever saw one that size? Why, it fills the whole window!” Sure, it does, your honor, but it’s an arm for all that.” Well, it’s got no business there, at any rate. Go and take it away! “There was a long silence after this, and Alice could only hear whispers now and then. At last, she spread out her hand again and made another snatch in the air. This time there were two little shrieks, and more sounds of broken glass. She waited for some time without hearing anything more. At last came a rumbling of little wheels and a good many voice all talking together. She made out the words:” Where’s the other ladder?- Bill’s got the other- Bill! Fetch it here, lad!- Here, put em up at this corner- No, tie them together first- Bill! Catch hold of this rope- Will the roof hold?- Mind that loose slate- Oh, it’s coming down! (a loud crash)- Now, who did that?- It was Bill, I fancy- Who’s to go down the chimney? –Nay, I won’t! You do it!- Bill’s to go down- Here, Bill! The master says you’re to go down the chimney!” Oh! So Bill’s got to come down the chimney, has he?” said Alice to herself. “ This fireplace is narrow, to be sure. But I think I can kick a little!”She drew her foot as far down the chimney as she could. She waited  till she heard a little animal(she couldn’t guess what it was) scratching and scrambling about in the chimney. “ This must be Bill,” she said to herself. Then she gave one sharp kick, and waited to see what would happen next. The first thing she heard was a chorus of “ There goes Bill!” Then the Rabbit’s voice- “ Catch him, you by the hedge!”then silence. And then another confusion of voices- “ Hold up his head-don’t choke him- how was it, old fellow? What happened to you? Tell us all about it!” Last came a feeble, squeaking voice. (that’s bill, thought Alice.) “well, I hardly know- I’m a bit too flustered to tell you. All I know is, something comes at me like a jack- in-the-box, and up I goes like a skyrocket!” “so you did, old fellow!” said the others. “we must burn the house down!” said the Rabbit’s voice. Alice called out as loud as she could, “If you do, I’ll set Dinah at you!” there was a dead silence instantly. Alice thought to herself, I wonder what they will do next? If they had any sense, they’d take the roof off. After a minute or two, they began moving about again. Alice heard the Rabbit say, “a bucketful will do, to begin with.” A bucketful of what? Thought Alice. But she had not long to wonder, for a shower of little pebbles came rattling in at the window. Some of them hit her in the face. “I’ll put a stop to this, “you’d better not do that again!” which produced another dead silence. Alice noticed with some surprise that the pebbles were all turning into little cakes as they lay on the floor. A bright idea came into her head. If I eat one of these cakes, she thought, it’s sure to make some change in my size. As it can’t possibly make me larger, it must make me smaller, I suppose. So she swallowed one of the cakes. She was delighted to find that she began shrinking. As soon as she was small enough to get through the door, she ran out of the house. She found quite a crowd of little animals and birds waiting outside. The poor little lizard, bill, was in the middle, being held up by two guinea pigs. They all made a rush at Alice the moment she appeared. But she ran off as she could, and soon found herself safe in a thick wood. If you would like to read more of Alice’s adventures, ask your librarian to help you find Alice in wonderland or Through the Looking- glass by Lewis Carroll.                            


    Choose the most suitable word to replace the one in bold.

    (1) The gardeners knives are sharp.
    A. gardener’s
    B. gardeners’
    C. gardener
    My answer is ________

    (2) You are using David ruler.
    A. Davids’
    B. David’s
    C. David
    My answer is ________

    (3) The doctor house is near the school.
    A. doctor’s
    B. doctors’
    C. doctor
    My answer is ________

    (4) Those pigs tails are short.
    A. pig
    B. pig’s
    C. pigs’
    My answer is ________

    (5) There are the ladies shoes.
    A. lady’s
    B. ladies’
    C. ladie’s
    My answer is ________

    (6) The lion claws are sharp.
    A. lion’s
    B. lions’
    C. lion
    My answer is ________

    (7) The children father is taking them to the zoo.
    A. children’s
    B. children
    C. childrens’
    My answer is ________

    (8) That is a man hat.
    A. man
    B. mans’
    C. man’s
    My answer is ________

    (9) This is the teacher car.
    A. teacher’s
    B. teachers’
    C. teacher
    My answer is ________

    (10) What is your friend name ?
    A. friends’
    B. friend
    C. friend’s
    My answer is ________



    Cilet jane peremrat pronore ne gjuhen angleze. Plotesoni ushtrimin e meposhtem.



    Choose the most suitable answer.

    (1) These are our bags. The bags are …………… .
    A. theirs
    B. our
    C. ours
    My answer is ________

    (2) He own a set of chess. It is …………… .
    A. theirs
    B. ours
    C. his
    My answer is ________

    (3) That is Audrey’s doll. It is …………… .
    A. hers
    B. her
    C. theirs
    My answer is ________

    (4) This is his dog. It is …………… .
    A. his
    B. ours
    C. her
    My answer is ________

    (5) We wanted to buy this book but …………… cover is torn.
    A. his
    B. it
    C. its
    My answer is ________

    (6) That is their house. It is …………… .
    A. thier
    B. thiers
    C. our
    My answer is ________

    (7) The cat licked …………… body.
    A. its
    B. it
    C. their
    My answer is ________

    (8) That is George’s ball. The ball is …………… .
    A. theirs
    B. his
    C. hers
    My answer is ________

    (9)  That is your pencil. It is …………… .
    A. your
    B. its
    C. yours
    My answer is ________

    (10) Jane bought a pair of shoes. It is …………… .
    A. hers
    B. its
    C. his
    My answer is ________


    Vendosni parafjalet ne vendin e duhur.



    Choose the right prepositions.

    We mustn’t throw things …………… the floor.
    A. under
    B. on
    C. with
    D. in
    My answer is ________

    (2) Will you come …………… me for the show ?
    A. on
    B. with
    C. by
    D. from
    My answer is ________

    (3) This knife is …………… cutting bread.
    A. of
    B. in
    C. for
    D. at
    My answer is ________

    (4) He knocked the bottle …………… and the water inside ran out.
    A. over
    B. on
    C. against
    D. for
    My answer is ________

    (5) There is a church …………… my house.
    A. under
    B. above
    C. at
    D. near
    My answer is ________

    (6) The children ran to the pool and jumped …………… .
    A. in
    B. of
    C. with
    D. for
    My answer is ________

    (7) Can I bring my brother …………… ?
    A. after
    B. along
    C. with
    D. to
    My answer is ________

    (8) We shall wait …………… him.
    A. in
    B. of
    C. on
    D. for
    My answer is ________

    (9) Philip and John shared the money …………… themselves.
    A. in
    B. on
    C. with
    D. between
    My answer is ________

    (10) The ladder is leaning …………… the wall.
    A. in
    B. of
    C. on
    D. against
    My answer is ________


    Provoni te shkruani te gjithe historine qe do te degjoni ne vijim.




    Choose the best to finish the sentences below:




    Finish the sentences the best way possible



    Mix and match


    Ndiqni me kujdes tregimin e meposhtem edhe  shkruani nje paragraf per te, ku duhet te permendni disa nga ngjarjet qe ju  lane me shume mbresa.




    Listen to the following story and try to write a short retelling.



    Si te pranojme nje ftese edhe cfare te shkruajme ne pergjigje te saj. Mendoni edhe per nje variantin tuaj.

    Dear Mrs.Green,

    Thank you for the invitation to your party on the 11th day of May 2013. Besa and I would be delighted to come. It seems ages since we last saw you and we are looking forward to a good old chat with you.

    All the best




    Mund te ndodhe qe ftesa te anullohet. Atehere me poshte po ju paraqes nje rast a  nje mundesi se si ju mund te jepni arsyen a anullimit te fteses suaj. Provoni te ndertoni ju vete nje anullim te tille. Mos perdorni me shume se 30 fjale.


    It may happen that the arrangements that you have planned have to be cancelled. In that case a message should be sent right away to every one already announced. A formal letter should also be appreciated.

    Mr. and Mrs. Jones regret that owing to the severe illness of their daughter it is necessary to cancel the party planned for Saturday May 11th 2013.



    Si mund te ndertoni nje ftese formale, zyrtare. Provoni te lexoni e kuptoni shpjegimin e meposhtem edhe me tej provoni te ndertoni ju rastin tuaj edhe ta postoni ne adresen time.


    Formal invitations are generally used only for the larger, more elaborate social happenings, a wedding, a banquet, an important reception.
    A formal reception should always include husband and wife in the case of married couples; you never invite the husband without the wife or vice versa unless it is a purely  male function or an afternoon tea-party for women only.

    Dear Mrs. Jones,

    Bill and I would be very pleased if you and your husband could join us for dinner on Wednesday, May 8th 2013 at 17:30 p.m. A friend of ours will be here with us. He is going to USA shortly and would very much like to hear of your experiences there.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Ben Blue




    WORD STUDYalready, yet, still

    These three words sometimes cause certain difficulties.


    Already, means before now, up to now, by this time, so far;

    e.g. I have already seen that film.

    Barbara has already cooked dinner.

    By the way, don't confuse already and all ready. Let's ilustrate:

    James has already set the table for the guests.

    It's all ready at this time.

    At last all is ready.


    Yet has the meanings, up to now, so far, at this moment, e.g.

    H e hasn't yet replied to my letter.

    I haven't finished my work yet;I can't come out just yet.

    Has the postman come yet?

    Have you heard from your sister yet?

     Already is used in affirmative sentences, yet is used in negative and interrogative sentences.

    But already can be used in interrogative sentences where you can expect an answer "yes", e.g.

    "Here's my work, Mr.Brown." " What! Have you finished it already?"

    Already and yet are generally used with the Present Perfect Tenses of a verb, but can be used with a Continuous tense,e.g.

    " The girls are already planning the dresses they will wear"


    Still has the meaning" right up to the present moment", e.g. The doctor is still there.

    It is eleven o'clock but Bill is still at work.


     The Trees and the Ax.

    Follow the link and do the exercise.


    The mice in Council 

    Read the text and do the exercise.


    Relative pronouns / Relatives clauses

    Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin e meposhtem:



    Lexoni me kujdes materialet ne linkun  e meposhtem. Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet shoqeruese.


    2) Vendosni mbiemrat ne vendin e duhur:

    3) Fill in with words from the box.


    Follow this link and do the exercises in it.



    Type the correct form of the verbs in brackets to fill each gap, then press "Check" to check your answers.




    Choose the present perfect or the simple past.




    Dear Students of matrix pre-intermediate,

    Follow this multiple choice exercise for present simple, past simple and present perfect. Try to note your mistakes in case.




    Read the following. Guess what time of the year it is. Find our if the poet is young or old. What opposite words can you find in the poem? Do you like the poem? Why? Why not?


                                         Looking forward 

                                                          The days are getting longer.
                                                          From my first-floor window
                                                                I can sit and watch
                                                        the tide of people ebb and flow.
                                                                 I know them all
                                                           the early-morning milkman
                                                                    the school children
                                                               I invent their lives.
                                                Now I have started looking forward
                                                              to the sights and sounds
                                                                of summer evenings
                                                                 by my open window
                                                                children playing late
                                                               couples walking dogs. 
                                                                        And yet
                                                     perhaps this summer I shall not be
                                                         My days are getting shorter.
                                                                                                                         by Sue Cowling


    Besoj se ju tashme jeni mesuar me ato elemente gjuhesore te cilat quhen phrasal verbs.
    Disa folje ne gjuhen angleze vijne si bashkime foljesh me parafjale te caktura edhe si te tilla ato ndertojme kuptime shume te vecanta ne gjuhe. Duke u nisur sipas shkronjave te alfabetit le te provojme te mesojme foljet e meposhteme edhe pastaj i kontrollojme bashke.


    act up (no object): misbehave (for people); not work properly (for machines).
    "The babysitter had a difficult time. The children acted up all evening."
    "I guess I'd better take my car to the garage. It's been acting up lately."
    act like (inseparable): behave in a way that's like _____ .
    "What's wrong with Bob? He's acting like an idiot."
    Note: This phrasal verb is very informal.
    add up (1. no object): logically fit together.
    "His theory is hard to believe, but his research adds up."
    Note: This phrasal verb is often negative.
    "His theory seems, at first, to be plausible, but the facts in his research don't add up."
    add up (2. separable): find the total.
    "What's the total of those bills? Could you add them up and see?"
    add up to (inseparable): to total.
    "The bills add up to $734.96. That's more than I expected!"
    ask out (separable): ask for a date.
    "Nancy has a new boy friend. Joe asked her out last night."


    Present Perfect Tense

     We form Present Perfect Tense with the help of the verb to have + past participle of the main verb.

    We form the past participle of the regular verbs by adding - ed to the basic verb form; eg: work + ed = worked.

    We use Present Perfect tense:

    * for actions started in the past and continue up to the present.

    eg. He has been a teacher for 33 years. ( He started to work as a teacher 33 years ago and still he is a teacher )

    * to talk about a past action which has a visible result in the present.

    eg. Mr. Jones has built a new house.

    * for actions which happened at an unspecific time in the past. The action is more important than the time
    The action is more important than the time.

    He has been in New York. ( when ? We don't know. it's not important )

    * For recently completed actions.

    She has done the shopping. (The action is complete . The shopping is now done . )
    F* or personal experiences /changes which have happened .

    She has cut her hair short recently.
           To put emphasis on a number .
    She has been to the gym seven times this week .

    *         Time expressions used with the present perfect : just , already , yet , for, since , ever , never , ect.

    Present perfect continuous

    Form : present tense of “have” + been + main verb + -ing  


    We use the present perfect continuous:

        * To put emphasis on the duration of  an action which started in the past and continues up to the present .

    He has been rearranging the living room since Friday .
    * For an action which started in the past and lasted for some time . It may still be continuing , or have finished , but it has left a visible result in the present .

    She ‘s happy because she has been listening to her favourite CD all day.
    * To express anger , irritation or annoyance / criticism . 

    She has been using my computer without asking me .

    ·*   For repeated actions in the past continuing to the  present . 
    He has put on weight because he’s been eating junk food everyday since last month.
    *   Time expressions used with the present perfect continuous : since , for , how long ( to put emphasis on duration ).

    Present Perfect vs Past Simple  

    We use the past simple for: 

    * An action happened at a stated time in the past.

    Liz watched a film yesterday . ( When ? Yesterday . The time is mentioned ).
     * An action which started and finished in the past . 

    Paul had an earache for a week . (He doesn’t have an earache any more ).

    * We use the present perfect simple for :
    * An action which happened at an unstated time in the past .

    Liz has watched a film . ( We don’t  know when . )
    * An action which started in the past and is still continuing in the present .

    Paul has lived here for two years. ( He still lives here. )


    Have gone to / Have been to / Have been in 

    She has gone to work . (She ‘s on her way to work or she’s there right now . She hasn’t come back yet. )
    ·         He has been to Berlin . ( He has visited Berlin but he isn’t there right now . He has some back . )
    ·         They have been in Athens for eight months . ( They are in Athens now . )

    paf 23.04.2013

     Finish the following exercises on Present Perfect Tense.



    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University,

    Meqenese ju po perfundoni nje liber metodik ne mesimin e gjuhes angleze, une mendoj t'ju paraqes nje cikel te shkurter leksionesh permbledhese te  temave kryesore qe ne kemi mundur te zhvillojme bashke gjate kesaj periudhe. Ju jeni te lutur qe te drejtoni pyetjet tuaja per cdo gje qe nuk e kini patur shume te qarte gjate kesaj periudhe.

    Le te perpiqemi te perseritim bashke kohen e tashme.

    Simple Present Tense

     Format qe merr folja ne kohen e tashme( simple present ) jane vetem dy:

    a) forma e foljes kuptimplote ( main verb ) ashtu sic ajo ekziston ne fjalor, dmth forma baze e saj
     ( base verb form );

    b) forma e dyte eshte po ajo e para por kete radhe + mbaresen ( 's ); dmth forma qe merr folja baze ne simple present tense affirmative. Shpesh studenti harron te vendose kete mbarese te cilen folja e pranon ne veten e trete numuri njejes. Kjo ndodh edhe me student fillestare por edhe me studentet e perparuar. Prandaj krijoni mundesi ne kujtesen tuaj qe gjithmone kur behet fjale per veten e trete numuri njejes ne kohen e tashme ( he,she,it) mos harroni te perdorni  mbaresen 's.

    Me poshte po ju parashtroj disa probleme te cilat lidhen me drejtshkrimin e foljeve ne veten e trete ne  numurin njejes ne Simple Present Tense.

    * Shumica e foljeve te gjuhes angleze ne veten e trete numuri njejes thjesht marrin nje -s.
       eg. I speak - he speaks

    * Foljet te cilat mbarojne me tingujt; -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, ose me -o, ne veten e trete numuri njejes marrin mbaresen - es.

    eg. I miss.- he misses.
          I fish - he fishes
          I match - he matches
          I mix - he mixes
          I go - he goes

    * Foljet te cilat mbarojne me bashketingelloren -y, kur vijne ne veten e trete numuri njejes, e shndrojne  ate ne - ies.

    eg. I try- he tries

    Por ne kete grup bejne perjashtim te  gjitha ato folje te cilat para bashkentigellores fundore -y kane nje zanore te caktuar.

    eg. I play - he plays.

    Mbas ketyre rregullave drejtshkrimore eshte mire te njohim edhe disa rregulla te tjera te cilat lidhen me mundesine e perdorimit te simple present tense. Me nje fjale le te shtrojme pyetjen: Kur duhet te perdorim simple present tense ne gjuhen angleze?

    Ka disa momente te cilat duhet ti mabni mire parasysh kur perdorini kete kohe:

    a) Simple present tense perdoret sa here ju deshironi te shprehni veprime rutinore dmth ne gjuhen angleze ne do te shpreheshim: -( daily routines)

    Example; Nehemia Gateway teachers take a lunch break at 1:30 in the afternoon.

    b) veprime te perseritshme ( repeated actions )

    Example: He goes to the English course every Thursday.

    c) zakone ( habits )

    eg They always take the bus to school.

    d) orare; apo programe te caktuara te cilave ju dihet koha e zhvillimit te tyre; timetables, programmes,  (future meanings )

    eg. The airplane leaves at 9:45.

    e) gjendje te perhershme; gjendje qe ndryshojne rralle;( permanent states )

    eg. He teaches at Nehemia gateway University.

    Nje numur shprehjesh kohore te cilat perdoren rendom me simple present tense ne anglisht jane keto:
    every hour/day/week/month/summer/year/
    every morning/evening etc.

    Ndajfoljet e kohes ( Adverbs of Frequency ) jane ato te cilat na tregojne se sa shpesh ndodh nje veprim i caktuar.

    always = 100%
    usually = 75%
    often = 50%
    sometimes = 25 %
    never = 0 %

    Keto lloj ndajfoljesh pergjithesisht perdoren menjehere mbas foljeve kuptim plote dmth mbas (main verbs ) sqaruar si me siper.
    Por kur perdoren me foljen to be ose me folje te tjera modale ato pelqejne te vendosen mbas ketyre foljeve.

    eg.   My friend is always late for everything.
           They never go out on Wednesdays.
           He has never been to Macedonia.


    Pra, le ta quajme kete hapin e pare te perseritjes .Ky leksion duhet te konsiderohet i paplote ne qofte se nuk do te shoqerohet me sqarime te metejshme per kohen present continuous tense edhe pastaj me  disa krahasime te mundeshme midis te dyja koheve.


    Present Continuous Tense

    Ne gjuhen angleze nje kohe tjeter e rendesishme eshte:  Present Continuous Tense.

    Kjo kohe ndertohet nga tre elemente: 

    the verb to be + main verb form + -ing

    Disa rregulla drejtshkrimore te rendesishme per kete kohe do te vecojme keto:

    * Shumica e foljeve, thjesht marrin ne fund mbaresen - ing, duke ja bashkangjitur ate mbarese formes baze te foljes ( base verb form ). psh : 

    read + ing = reading
    look + ing = looking

    * Ne qofte se foljet mbarojne me -e, atehere ne momentin kur ju i shtoni foljes mbaresen -ing, bie - e-ja edhe folja merr kete forme te re: 

    write + ing = writing;  
    ride + ing = riding;

    * Foljet te cilat mbarojne me nje tingull zanor edhe mbas tyre kane nje tingull bashketingellor apo ato folje te cilat e kane theksin ne rrokejn e fundit, atehre ato e dyfishojne bashketingelloren e dyte.

    psh: sit - sitting; 
           stop - stopping.

    Mbasi mendojme se e dime si ta ndertojme nje folje ne present continuous tense atehere na duhet te kuptojme se si duhet ta perdorim kete forme foljore.
    Ne perdorim present continuous tense sa here duam te :

    1) flasim per veprime te cilat jane duke ndodhur ne momentin qe ne jemi duke folur: 

    psh: My parents are watching a film  now.

    2) flasim per veprime te cilat jane duke ndodhur ne kohen apo rreth kohes per te cilen ne bejme fjale:

    psh: We are making a new garden.

    3) flasim per marreveshje te perfunduara ne te arthmen e afert vecanerisht kur ne jemi te qarte per kohen edh evendin e ndodhjes se tyre.

    psh: We are going shopping this afternoon.

    4) flasim per situata te perkoheshme

    psh: She is working in Macedonia at the moment.

    5) flasim per situata ne ndryshim apo ne zhvillim;

    psh: She is getting more and more inteligent.

    6) flasim per situata te perseriteshme zakonisht te shoqeruara me ndajfoljet e tipit: always, constantly; continually, te cilat ne thelb shprehin pakenaqesi;kritike.

    psh: she is always asking for money.

    P. S.

    Mos harroni se ka nje numur foljesh te caktuara te cilat pergjithsisht nuk mund te marrin formen verb+ing; folje te tilla jane:

    have = possess; 

    Shprehjet sinjalizuese ( signal words ) me te cilat shoqerohet present continuous tense jane:

    at the moment
    at present
    these days
    next month

    Mbani parasysh edhe nje fakt se keto konsiderata nuk japin tablo te plota per kohen present continuous tense. Ato jane thjesht disa rregulla q ene duhet te kemi parasysh kur duam te shprehim disa mendime sa me sakte te jete e mundur.

    Duke bere nje permbledhje per te dyja kohet dmth simple present edhe present continuous tense atehere le te vecojme keto rregulla;

    * ne perdorim present simple tense per ngjarje te cilat jane te perhershme:

    psh: Teachers of Nehemia Gateway University speak English

    * dhe ne perdorim present continuous tense per ngjarje te perkohshme: 

    psh: She is reading English now.

    * ne perdorim simple present tense per veprime te perseritshme 

    psh: She gets up at 7 o'clock every morning.

    * ne perdorim present continuous tense per veprime te cilat jane duke ndodhur per rreth kohes kur ne jemi duke folur.

    psh: Nehemia Gateway University  students are working hard these days.

    Pra, keto jane disa rregulla e pergjithesime per kohet simple present tense edhe present continuous tense.    

    Foljet e gjendjes ( Stative verbs )

    Stative verbs quhen ato folje te cilat pershkruajne me teper nje gjendje sesa nje veprim. Si te tilla ato zakonisht nuk kane forme progresive te tyre.  ( They do not usually have a continuous tense )
    Keto folje jane:

    * foljet e ndijimit ( verbs of the senses ) si;

    - appear 

    eg: It tastes delicious.

    * foljet e perceprimit ( verbs of perception )

    - forget
    - know
    - realise
    - remember 
    - understand etc

    I realize how difficult it is.

    * folje te cilat shprehin ndjenja edhe emocione: 
     ( verbs which express feelings and emotions)

    - desire
    - detest
    - hate
    - enjoy
    - like
    - love
    - prefer
    - want

    Bill enjoys teaching.

    Ka edhe nje grup tjeter foljesh si:
    - be
    - belong
    - contain
    - cost
    - fit
    - have
    - include
    - keep
    - matter
    - need
    - owe
    - own
    - weigh
    - wish etc.

    This dictionary costs 60 $.

    Disa prej ketyre foljeve mund t eperdoren ne present continuous tense por me nje ndryshim ne kuptimin e tyre. 

    Le te ndjekim keta shembuj:

    Present Simple                                                             Present Continuous Tense
    ------------------------------------                             ----------------------------------------------------
    I think she is a nice girl.                                            I am thinking about moving to Canada
    = believe                                                                            (= am considering )

    He has  cat.                                                              She is having a difficult time at work.
    ( = possess )                                                                  ( = experiencing )
                                                                                      He is having lunch now. ( = eating )

                                                                                      Bill is having a bath. ( = taking )

    Nancy can see the lake from the hilltop.                  I'm seeing Keon in the afternoon.
    ( = it is visible )                                                          ( = am meeting )

    The chicken tastes salty.                                       James is tasting the soup to see if it is warm enough.
    ( = it is / it has the flavor of )                                            ( = is testing )

    The perfume smells flowery                                     Barbara is smelling the roses.
    ( = it has the aroma of )                                                  ( = is sniffing )

    She appears to be having a great time.                      Paul is appearing in a new theater production.
    ( = seems to )                                                                   ( = performing )

    The trousers fit perfectly.                                             Tim is fitting a new door in the garage.
     ( = they are the right size )                                               ( = is attaching/ installing )


    Folja enjoy mund te perdoret ne present continuous tense per te shprehur nje preference te caktuar.
    ( a specific preference )

    Barbara really enjoys reading Albanian stories. ( general preference )


    James is enjoying the wedding very much. ( = specific preference )

    Duke perfunduar, kujtoni se, nese folja shpreh veprimin e nje organi te caktuar atehere ajo mund te perdoret ne present continuous ne rast te kundert jo. ( = think )



    Read the story and then answer the questions.



    Listen to the conversation and read along with it.



    Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.




    1) Listen to the conversation several times and then answer the following questions.


    2) Provoni te degjoni fjalite edhe mbas degjimit gjeni fjaline  e duhur ne krahun e djathte duke e perzgjedhur ate.



    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University,

    Meqenese ju po perfundoni nje liber metodik ne mesimin e gjuhes angleze, une mendoj t'ju paraqes nje cikel te shkurter leksionesh permbledhese te  temave kryesore qe ne kemi mundur te zhvillojme bashke gjate kesaj periudhe. Ju jeni te lutur qe te drejtoni pyetjet tuaja per cdo gje qe nuk e kini patur shume te qarte gjate kesaj periudhe.

    Le te perpiqemi te perseritim bashke kohen e tashme.

    Simple Present Tense

     Format qe merr folja ne kohen e tashme( simple present ) jane vetem dy:

    a) forma e foljes kuptimplote ( main verb ) ashtu sic ajo ekziston ne fjalor, dmth forma baze e saj
     ( base verb form );

    b) forma e dyte eshte po ajo e para por kete radhe + mbaresen ( 's ); dmth forma qe merr folja baze ne simple present tense affirmative. Shpesh studenti harron te vendose kete mbarese te cilen folja e pranon ne veten e trete numuri njejes. Kjo ndodh edhe me student fillestare por edhe me studentet e perparuar. Prandaj krijoni mundesi ne kujtesen tuaj qe gjithmone kur behet fjale per veten e trete numuri njejes ne kohen e tashme ( he,she,it) mos harroni te perdorni  mbaresen 's.

    Me poshte po ju parashtroj disa probleme te cilat lidhen me drejtshkrimin e foljeve ne veten e trete ne  numurin njejes ne Simple Present Tense.

    * Shumica e foljeve te gjuhes angleze ne veten e trete numuri njejes thjesht marrin nje -s.
       eg. I speak - he speaks

    * Foljet te cilat mbarojne me tingujt; -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, ose me -o, ne veten e trete numuri njejes marrin mbaresen - es.

    eg. I miss.- he misses.
          I fish - he fishes
          I match - he matches
          I mix - he mixes
          I go - he goes

    * Foljet te cilat mbarojne me bashketingelloren -y, kur vijne ne veten e trete numuri njejes, e shndrojne  ate ne - ies.

    eg. I try- he tries

    Por ne kete grup bejne perjashtim te  gjitha ato folje te cilat para bashkentigellores fundore -y kane nje zanore te caktuar.

    eg. I play - he plays.

    Mbas ketyre rregullave drejtshkrimore eshte mire te njohim edhe disa rregulla te tjera te cilat lidhen me mundesine e perdorimit te simple present tense. Me nje fjale le te shtrojme pyetjen: Kur duhet te perdorim simple present tense ne gjuhen angleze?

    Ka disa momente te cilat duhet ti mabni mire parasysh kur perdorini kete kohe:

    a) Simple present tense perdoret sa here ju deshironi te shprehni veprime rutinore dmth ne gjuhen angleze ne do te shpreheshim: -( daily routines)

    Example; Nehemia Gateway teachers take a lunch break at 1:30 in the afternoon.

    b) veprime te perseritshme ( repeated actions )

    Example: He goes to the English course every Thursday.

    c) zakone ( habits )

    eg They always take the bus to school.

    d) orare; apo programe te caktuara te cilave ju dihet koha e zhvillimit te tyre; timetables, programmes,  (future meanings )

    eg. The airplane leaves at 9:45.

    e) gjendje te perhershme; gjendje qe ndryshojne rralle;( permanent states )

    eg. He teaches at Nehemia gateway University.

    Nje numur shprehjesh kohore te cilat perdoren rendom me simple present tense ne anglisht jane keto:
    every hour/day/week/month/summer/year/
    every morning/evening etc.

    Ndajfoljet e kohes ( Adverbs of Frequency ) jane ato te cilat na tregojne se sa shpesh ndodh nje veprim i caktuar.

    always = 100%
    usually = 75%
    often = 50%
    sometimes = 25 %
    never = 0 %

    Keto lloj ndajfoljesh pergjithesisht perdoren menjehere mbas foljeve kuptim plote dmth mbas (main verbs ) sqaruar si me siper.
    Por kur perdoren me foljen to be ose me folje te tjera modale ato pelqejne te vendosen mbas ketyre foljeve.

    eg.   My friend is always late for everything.
           They never go out on Wednesdays.
           He has never been to Macedonia.


    Pra, le ta quajme kete hapin e pare te perseritjes .Ky leksion duhet te konsiderohet i paplote ne qofte se nuk do te shoqerohet me sqarime te metejshme per kohen present continuous tense edhe pastaj me  disa krahasime te mundeshme midis te dyja koheve.


    Read and complete.

    Dear Roy, 

    I'm having a great time here in Spain ! I've done some really exciting things ! Yesterday we went hiking in the mountains. It was fantastic ! I took my camera with me and I took some great pictures ! We stayed the night in a cabin ! It was really cold so I wore my jumper, trousers and socks in bed ! Tomorrow , we 're going to visit Madrid. I'm going to see the sights and take lots of photos . On Friday we're going to visit  Majorca. I'm looking forward to lying in the sun . We're going to go snorkelling and water-skiing , too! Tom's going to take a scuba diving lesson .  It sounds really exciting! Anyway , I'll say goodbye now and I'll see you soon. 

    Love ,



    Fill in the gaps:

    1 Maggie took her.................... with her when she went hiking in the mountains. 

    2 She stayed the night in a...............................

    3 She 's going to see the..........................

    4 On Friday they 're going to visit...........................

    5 They 're going to go....................

    and water skiing . 

    6 Tom's going to take a .............. lesson. 



     Read and complete:

    Dear Bob, 

    I'm having a great time here in Japan ! I've done some really exciting things ! Yesterday we went skiing in the mountains . It was fantastic ! I took my binoculars with me . I could see everything for miles and miles! We stayed the night in  a tent ! It was really cold so I wore my jumper, trousers and socks in bed . Tomorrow , we're going to visit Kyoto. I'm going to buy a lot of souvenirs to bring home ! On Friday we're going to a place called Okinawa. I'm looking forward to relaxing by the sea. We 're going to go scuba diving and water-skiing , too ! Ben's going to take a life -saving lesson . It sounds really interesting ! Anyway, I'll say goodbye now and I'll see you soon . 

    Love , 


    1 Tia took her .................with her when she went skiing in the mountains .

    2 She stayed the night in a ......................

    3 She 's going to buy a lot of............

    4 On Friday they 're going to go to ...............

    5 They 're going to go ............ and water -skiing .

    6 Ben's going to take a ............... lesson . 


    Students of Nehemia Gateway University group A,

    This activity will help each one of you with the first part of the PET Reading test. In this part you have to look at very short texts, such as signs and messages, postcards, notes, emails, labels etc.
    First follow the link down and then simply click on the link on the right. You can do another PET reading part 1 test here.




    Read the extract about a famous English story and then answer the questions.



    Perseri disa ushtrime mbi nje teme te njohur sic jane foljet frazale ( phrasal verbs ) ne gjuhen angleze.
    Se pari, provoni te beni zgjedhjen  e duhur, pastaj mundesoni te ndertoni fjalite tuaja.Ato fraza te cilat nuk i kini perdorur me pare, mundesisht i nxirrni edhe i vendosni si njesi te reja leksikore ne fletoren tuaj te fjaleve te  reja.






    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University Group A,

    Ne njesite frazeologjike te mesimit  te gjuhes angleze, ju duhet te kini vere re dy shprehje te tilla si:

    "Would you like ...?" apo " I'd like..." .

     Po e parashtrojme kete mesim vetem per ata te cilet nuk e dine.

    Ne pergjithesi ne gjuhen angleze ne perdorim shprehjen: "Would you like ..?" sa here kur duam te shprehim kuptimin;" Do you want....?"

    Me nje fjale, ne qofte se ju, do te deshironi ti ofroni dikujt dicka, atehere do te ishte shume mire te perdornit shprehjen:' Would you like...?"

    psh:" Would you like some coffee?"
    "Would you like an orange?"
    "What would you like?"

    Gjithashtu ju mund  te perdorni te njejten shprehje ne qofte se do te deshironit te ndertonit nje ftese per dike, s psh ne fjaline pyetese:"  Would you like to go for a walk?"
    Would you like to come for dinner?"
    "What would you like to do this evening?"

    I would like.., eshte nje forme te shprehuri gjuhesor me nje doze te larte miresjellje kur ne deshirojme te shprehim mendimin:" Une dua, deshiroj;" Forma e  shkurter e kesaj shprehjeje eshte:"I'd..."

    * I am thirsty. I would like a drink.
    * I would like some information about Nehemia Gateway Unversity.
    * I'd like to see your university.

    Shpesh here ju mund te gjendeni para perdoimit te dy shprehjeve te tilla si:

    "Would you like ...?" "I'd like.....  apo "Do you like ...?" " I like...."

    Ne qofte se fjalia gjendet si:" Would you like some tea?" Atehere kuptimi i saj do te jete = "Do you want some tea?"

    Nese fjalia eshte :' Do you like tea?" atehere kuprtimi duhet te jete:=" Do you think tea is nice?"

    "Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?"(= Do you want to go tonight?")

    Ndersa fjalia:' Do you like going to the cinema?"= ( nje mendim ne pergjithsi; in general)

    "I'd like an orange" = ( Can I have an orange?") 

    "I like oranges ( in general)

    Ushtrim: Gjeni se cila nga zgjedhjet mundeshme eshte e sakte:

    1) "Do you like?/ Would you like a chocolate ?"
                               'Yes, please.'

    2) "Do you like/Would you like bananas?"
                                 'Yes, I love them.'

    3) "Do you like/ Would you like an ice-cream?
                                  'No, thank you.'

    4) "What do you like/ would you like.?"
                                   'A glass of water please.'

    5) " Do you like/ Would you like to go out for a walk?"
                                   'Not now,. Perhaps later.'

    6) " I like/ I'd like tomatoes but I don't eat them very often."

    7) "What time do you like?/ would you like to have dinner this evening?"

    8) " Do you like/ Would you like your new job?"
                                            ' Yes,  am enjoying it.'

    9) " Do you like / Would you like something to eat?"
                                                   'No, thanks. I am not hungry.'

    10) I'm tired. I like/ I'd like to go to sleep now.  

    Ne qofte se do te kini pyetje, ju lutem i mundesoni kur te takohemi diten e hene.




    Lexoni me kujdes tregimin  e meposhtem. Mundesoni perkthimin e te gjithe shembujve te perdorur ne passive voice.\


    subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle)

    Sometimes a modal verb can be used before the auxiliary verb:

    subject + modal verb (could)+ auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle)

    We use the passive when:

    • we want to make the active object more important
    • we do not know the active subject



     Exercises on Passive Voice.



    Listen to this story. Try to write the whole story sentence by sentence.



    Dear students of Nehemia group A,

    Follow this link and fill in the boxes  with the correct words or with your best guess. Your results will be calculated at the very end and even printed in case you like.



    Listen to the sentences. First try the version with slow listening. 
    Try and write it once or two times.

    Write the correct tense. Use Present Perfect or Simple Past.


    Click the words that you hear.

    fm  ____________________________________________________________


    Listen to this story very carefully. Then try to retell it. You can probably give any other version of the same story as there are a few. It's better if you write it down.




    Lexoni me kujdes  tregimin  e dhene   me poshte.
    Provoni te kuptoni ngjarjen pa ndihmen e  fjalorit tuaj edhe provoni te jepni variantin e tij ne gjuhen angleze.

    " Dy furrtare prodhonin kek edhe embelsira te ndryshme ne te njejten rruge. Furrat e tyre ishin balle per balle. Nje dite njeri nga furrtaret vendosi ne vitrinen e dyqanit te vet nje shenim ne te cilin shkruhej:" Provoni kekun tone 50 lek copa! Te paguani me teper do te thote t'ju vjedhin."

    Furrtari tjeter u mendua per disa dite edhe me ne fund vendosi mbi vitrinen e furres se vet nje shenim ne te cilin lexohej me lehtesi: " Provoni kekun tone per 80 lek copa! te paguash me pak do te thote te helmohesh!" 



    Gjeni formen korrekte te foljeve ne Present Perfect Tense.




    Dear students of Nehemia A,

    Following you will find ten more rules on grammar. Before you start studying them, please check for the first thirty and then go for the last ten included on this page. You have to be very careful with each one of them. At least study one rule per day.


    31. Use a present tense to talk about the future after when, until, as soon as, after, before etc.
    I’ll phone you when I arrive. (NOT I’ll phone you when I will arrive.)
    Let’s wait until it gets dark. (NOT Let’s wait until it will get dark.)
    We’ll start as soon as Mary arrives. (NOT We’ll start as soon as Mary will arrive.)

    32. Before most abstract nouns, we use great, not big.
    I have great respect for her ideas. (NOT I have big respect for her ideas.)
    We had great difficulty in understanding him. (NOT We had big difficulty in understanding him.)

    33. Don’t use the with a superlative when you are not comparing one person or thing with another.
    • She’s the nicest of the three teachers.
    • She’s nicest when she’s working with small children.
    • This is the best wine I’ve got.
    • This wine is best when it’s three or four years old.
    34. Put enough after, not before, adjectives.
    This soup isn’t hot enough. (NOT This soup isn’t enough hot.)
    She’s old enough to walk to school by herself.

    35. Don’t use a structure with that … after want or would like.
    My parents want me to go to university. (NOT My parents want that I go to university.)
    I’d like everybody to leave. (NOT I’d like that everybody leaves.)

    36. After link verbs like be, seem, feel, look, smell, sound, taste, we use adjectives, not adverbs.
    I feel happy today. (NOT I feel happily today.)
    This soup tastes strange. (NOT This soup tastes strangely.)

    37. Use than after comparatives.
    My mother is three years older than my father. (NOT My mother is three years older that/as my father.)
    Petrol is more expensive than diesel.

    38. In questions, put the subject immediately after the auxiliary verb.
    Where are the President and his family staying? (NOT Where are staying the President and his family?)
    Have all the guests arrived? (NOT Have arrived all the guests?)

    39. Used to has no present.
    I play tennis at weekends. (NOT I use to play tennis at weekends.)
    Where do you usually have lunch? (NOT Where do you use to have lunch?)

    40. Use through, not along, for periods of time.
    All through the centuries, there have been wars. (NOT All along the centuries, there have been wars.)



    Read the following proverbs and then try to find their equivalent in your  language.


    Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. These sayings are called "proverbs".
    It's good to know the really common English proverbs because you hear them come up in conversation all the time. Sometimes people say the entire proverb to give advice to a friend. More often, someone will say just part of a proverb like this:
    You know what they say: when the going gets tough...
    (Read #5 below to learn the rest of this proverb and what it means.)
    Learning proverbs can also help you to understand the way that people in English-speaking cultures think about the world.
    This is a list of some of the most important and well-known English proverbs. Below each one, there's a simple explanation. Note that some of the meanings of these phrases have shifted over the years, so a proverb might have originally had a different meaning than the one I explain.
    1. "Two wrongs don't make a right."

      When someone has done something bad to you, trying to get revenge will only make things worse.
    2. "The pen is mightier than the sword."

      Trying to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do what you want.
    3. "When in Rome, do as the Romans."

      Act the way that the people around you are acting. This phrase might come in handy when you're traveling abroad notice that people do things differently than you're used to.
    4. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

      You can get better service if you complain about something. If you wait patiently, no one's going to help you.
    5. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

      Strong people don't give up when they come across challenges. They just work harder.
    6. "No man is an island."

      You can't live completely independently. Everyone needs help from other people.
    7. "Fortune favors the bold."

      People who bravely go after what they want are more successful than people who try to live safely.
    8. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."

      Don't criticize other people if you're not perfect yourself.
    9. "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."

      This seems pretty clear.
    10. "Better late than never."

      This one's clear, too.
    11. "Birds of a feather flock together."

      People like to spend time with others who are similar to them.
    12. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

      If you have an enemy, pretend to be friends with them instead of openly fighting with them. That way you can watch them carefully and figure out what they're planning.
    13. "A picture is worth a thousand words."

      Pictures convey emotions and messages better than written or spoken explanations. That's why PhraseMix has illustrations :)
    14. "There's no such thing as a free lunch."

      Things that are offered for free always have a hidden cost.
    15. "There's no place like home."

      Your own home is the most comfortable place to be.
    16. "Discretion is the greater part of valor."

      Sometimes it's important to know when to give up and run away, instead of always acting brave and maybe getting hurt.
    _____ _______________________________________________


    Read the story and answer the questions.




     Try to find the right answer.





    Watch this video. I am quite sure it will improve your knowledge on Passives a lot.




     Try to find the right answer.





    Another lesson on the Passives.



    Again on Passive Voice. 



     Active and Passive Tenses Chart.

    Have a close look at this chart and read all the sentences very carefully.




    Present Perfect Tense. 

    Since = starting point. for = duration





    Try to put the sentences into the correct order and build up the real dialogue.




    Read the story and try to answer the questions following.




    Follow this link and listen  to the story carefully. Try to retell the story with your own words.




    It is Sunday. It's a great day. We like days off school, don't we? Anyway, a crossword will not be a bad idea as the weather forecast is gloomy today. If you find a little time today probably, you do this crossword.




    Students of Nehemia Gateway University,

    Me qellim qe mesimi yne i fundit, i 10-te, te kete me teper qartesi, do te ishte mire qe seicili prej jush te perpiqej te kuptonte se cfare kuptimi kane ne gjuhen shqipe fjalet e meposhteme:

    act upon
    main verb
    appropriate form
    contracted forms
    place ( si folje ) = vendos

    Shumicen e ketyre fjaleve shpresoj se duhet ta njihni. Punoni per te njohur edhe te tjerat edhe keshtu do te jeni gati per te kuptuar edhe me mire se per cfare do te flasim ne ditet qe vijojne.



    ____ paf15.03.2013

    Active and Passive Voice                         

    Nje folje gjendet ne diatezen veprore kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili kryehet nga vete kryefjala.
    Nje fojle gjendet ne diatezen pesore atehere kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili bie mbi kryefjalen e vet ose atehere kur kryefjala eshte rezultat I veprimit.

    Gjykoni veprimet e meposhteme:

    Lightening struck the Pope’s office. ( Subject acting) = Active Voice
    Pope’s Office was stuck by lightening. ( subject acted upon ) = Passive Voice

    Te gjitha foljet kalimtare ( folje kalimtare quhen ato folje te cilat marrin kundrinore) mund te perdoren ne diatezen pesore. Ndryshe nga diateza veprore kur veprimi realizohet prej kryefjales, ne diatezen pesore,
    ( Passive Voice) pergjithesisht kryefjala e peson veprimin ose e thene ndryshe veprimi bie mbi kryefjalen.

    Le te perpiqemi te ndertojme bashke dy rregulla te thjeshte para se te japim edhe me shume shembuj.

    1)      Ne diatezen veprore ( Active Voice ), kryefjala e fjalise vepron, me nje fjale, kryen veprimin. The secretary writes all the e mails.
               The women are knitting sweaters.
               Shakespeare wrote famous comedies.
               They are going to hire us.

    2)      Ne diatezen pesore ( Passive Voice ), kryefjala nuk ka me te njejtin funksion. Shikoni fjalite e meposhteme per te pare se si ka ndryshuar vendi I saj ne nje fjali.

                   All the e-mails are written by the secretary.
                   Sweaters are being knitted by the women.
                   Famous comedies were written by Shakespeare.
                   We are going to be hired.

    3)      Per te ndertuar diatezen pesore ne gjuhen angleze atehere duhet t e kemi parasysh edhe te njohim mire dy elemente te saj.

    a)      E para: folja to be
    b)      E dyta termi past participle.

       Shpresoj qe te gjithe te jeni te informuar se c’eshte folja to be, si zgjedhohet ajo, cilat jane  format qe ajo merr, e keshtu me radhe.
    Megjithese jam I bindur se ju e njifni, perseri, po mundohem t'ju paraqes nje tabele te saj:

    Principal parts of the verb Be.

    Infinitive                     Past            Past Participle           Present Participle
    Be                            was/were            been                             being

    Simple present Tense

    Singular                                                                Plural

    I am                                                                       We are
    You are                                                                 You are
    He is/She is/ It is                                                They are

    Present Continuous: I am being etc.

    Simple Past

    Singular                                                                Plural

    I was                                                                        We were
    You were                                                              You were
    He was/She was/ It was                                    They were

    Past Continuous: I was being  etc.

    Future Tense
    (will + the infinitive)

    Singular                                                                Plural

    I will be                                                                We will be
    You will be                                                           You will be
    He wll be/She will be/ It will be                      They will be

    Future Continuous:  I will be being etc.

    Present Perfect Tense
    (have or has + the past participle)
    Singular                                                                             Plural

    I have been                                                                  We have been
    You have been                                                             You have been
    He has been/She has been/t has been                       They have been

    Past Perfect Tense
    (had + the past participle)

    Singular                                                              Plural                         

    I had been                                                      We had been
    You had been                                                You had been
    He had been/She had been/It had been      They had been

    Future Perfect Tense
    (will have + past Participle)
    Singular                                                                Plural

    I will have been                                           We will have been
    You will have been                                      You will have been
    He will have been/She will have been/
    It will have been                                          They will have been

    Atehere, duke mos harruar se pergjithesish, cdo folje ne gjuhen angleze ka kater forma,seicili prej jush eshte mesuar se si te ndertoje kohet e ndryshme te pedorimit te foljeve.
    Sot na intereson shume te kujtojme vetem foljen to be, se ajo ka nje rol te rendesishem ne ndertimin e diatezes pesore.
    Me qellim qe pohimi yne te marre forme, do te na duhet te perdorim nje fome te foljes to be + plus nje folje ne past participle, per te percjelle kuptimin qe deshirojme edhe ne kete menyre mund te cojme nje folje ne diatezen pesore.

    Me thjesht:
                                     To be + past participle = Passive Voice.

    Ky model (patern) perben vecse nisjen e procesit sepse kohet e foljes do te variojne vetem nga ndryshimi I kohes se foljes ndihmese to be.

    Ne ate kohe qe do te perdorim foljen to be, po ne ate kohe do te jete edhe fjalia jone, vecse kete radhe e perdorur ne diatezen pesore me kuptimin te cilin u munduam ta sqarojme si me siper.

    Le te marrim nje ushtrim te thjeshte;

    Percaktoni se cilat fjali jane active edhe cilat jane passive:

    1)      Barbara cooks our meals.
    2)      Somebody helped the policeman.
    3)      The government will close our hospital in the near future.
    4)      This window was broken by a little boy.
    5)      The queen was photographed by my wife.
    6)      We spent too much money on our holidays.
    7)      Barbara is loved by James.
    8)      Her clothes are bought in Paris.
    9)       Nency was driving too fast and she was stopped by the police.
    10)   The new school will be opened by the Prime Minister.

    Perseri ne diten e sotme do te ishte mire te lexonim fjalite e meposhteme per te kuptuar me tej se si ndertohet nje mendim ne Passive Voice. Ne fund te kesaj faqe, ju do te gjeni nje seri ushtrimesh te cilaat do te fillojne te qartesojne perdorimin e sakte te diatezes pesore.









    Students of Nehemia Gateway University,

    Follow this link and take the test.There are a lot of questions in it.  It's a kind of questionarie. You can probably give your attitude as well, for certain questions.



    Students of Nehemia Gateway University,

    Follow this link and listen to the story. Then try to write a summary with your own words.



    Students of Nehemia gateway University,

    Follow this link and try to retell the story in your own words.


     Students of Nehemia Gateway University,

    Look at these phrasal verbs and definitions. When you think you can remember them,  practise using them into your own sentences.

    wake upto stop sleeping
    get upto leave your bed
    put something onto get dressed
    take something offto remove clothes
    go outto leave the house (not for work)
    set offto leave (possibly for work)
    get into return home
    wash upto wash the plates and cups
    tidy upto put things into the right places
    drop offto fall asleep (usually for a short time)
    turn something one.g. a light, a shower (to start)
    turn something offe.g. a light, a shower (to stop)



    Baza e ushtrimeve te meposhteme eshte Present Perfect tense. Zgjidhni te gjitha ushtrimet e meposhteme edhe beni kontrollin e tyre.
    Ne gjuhen shqipe koha e cituar me siper quhet " Koha e kryer, dmth ' une kam pasur = I have had". Ne qofte se ne gjuhen shqipe njohurite tuaja per kete kohe jane te mjaftueshme atehere ju thjesht mund te beni nje krahasim te lehte te tyre por ju lutem per te kuptuar se cfare eshte nje Present Perfect Tense ne gjuhen angleze me mire referojuni ushtrimeve te meposhteme sesa krahasimeve te mundeshme te termave gjuhesore.
    Gjithsesi une po j jap nje mendim te shkurter per kete kohe per ta patur parasysh faktin se ndoshta  mund ti kuptoni me mire ushtrimet.

    Ne gjuhen angleze per te ndertuar nje mendim ne kohen Present Perfect Tense duhet te perdorni foljen have ose has te shoqeruar gjithmone me nje folje kuptimore te njohur si past participle, ose forma e trete e nje folje. Te gjitha foljet e rregullta e ndertojne kete forme me ndihmen e mbareses - ed; ndersa foljet e crregullta e ndertojne kete forme ne menyre te crregult. Ju mund edhe duhet ti drejtoheni listes se foljeve te crregullta te gjendur ne cdo fjalor te gjuhes angleze ose ne fleten qe kini marre prej meje.

    Besoj se duhet te jeni te njohur me fjali te kesaj natyre:

    1)  I have made a mistake.
    2) You have shut the door
    3) Bill has worked very hard.
    4) Nency has broken a cup.
    5) Barbara hasn't heard anything from James.
    6) The rain has stopped.
    7) I haven't seen the newspaper today.
    8) James has spoken to the boss.
    9) She has forgotten my address.
    10) They haven't eaten anything.

    Atehere nese keto tipe fjalish jane te qarta, ju mund te vazhdoni te zgjidhni ushtimet e meposhteme. Nese jo, do te ishte e keshillueshme te sqaroheni edhe njehere para se te filloni te zgjidhni ushtrimet me radhe.








    Ne ushtrimin  e meposhtem provoni te jepni zgjidhjet ne fletoren tuaj, ashtu sic ju i mendoni. Diskutimet i bejme kur te paraqiteni ne seancen tuaj.


    Step Forward 2 UNIT  1





    1)A LONG-TERM IS…………. 
    A .new                                         C. big
    B. black                                       D. ready 

    2) what is a goal? 

    A. something you take                    C. what you do
    B. something you want                     D. what you are


    A. a long-term goal                                    C. notebook
    B. a short-term goal                                  D. a flashcard


    A. a toothache                                  C. a note
    B. a picnic                                          D. a computer




    A. He needs to read more           C. he needs to listen more
    B. he needs to talk more                   D. he needs to drive more


    A. with a partner                               C. with grammar
    B. with a book                                   D. with a chart


    7.   She _____ the vocabulary.
    A.   need to study                                C.  need study
    B.    needs study                                  D.  needs to study

    8.   To learn a new words, you need to ______.
    A.   stop and go                                    C. listen and read
    B.   sleep and eat                                 D. ride and learn

    9.   It takes two people to____.
    A. look up words                                  C. copy new words
    B. practice with a partner                   D. listen to CDs

    10.  What can you do to help learn new words?
    A. forget new words                            C. speak Japanese
    B. underline new words                      D. say you are a good listener

    11.  What is a good way to learn a name?
    A. Use a flashcard.                                 C. Ask how to spell it .
    B. Use a chart.                                        D. Say “Nice to meet you”.

     12.  How ____ Ana ____ her pronunciation?
    A. is….practice                                          C. does….practice                                                                                                                                                 
    B. does….practices                                    D. do…..practice

    13.  Anga: ____   do they like to do in the evening?
           Dan: They like to read books.
    A.   When                                                     C.  What
    B.   Where                                                    D.  Haw

    14.  Vera: ____  do you like to study?
           Cam  Tu:  I like to study in the living room.
    A.  When                                                       C.  What
    B.  Where                                                      D.  Why

    15.  Ned: I want to introduce my friend, Haruko.
            Fernando: _____, Haruko.
    A.  Nice to meet  you                                   C.  That’s right
    B.  What’s your name                                  D.  Excuse  me

    16.   Rita: Hi, Emmy. I’m  Rita, and this is Alma.
    A.  What’s  your  name?                               C.  What’s  your name again?
    B.  My name is Emmy.                                   D.  E-M-M-Y

    Imagine the following ideas as pictures and try to gibe the right answer:

          Picture 1.   Brainstorm                   

          Picture 2.     =  Easy      

         Picture 3.      Goal          Step           Plan

         Picture 4.      Study       English       Online


     17.  Moy  likes to go on the Internet.
    A.   Picture 1                                                        C.  Picture 3
    B.   Picture 2                                                        D.  Picture 4

    18.  Please copy the words in your notebook.
    A.   Picture 1                                                        C.   Picture 3
    B.   Picture 2                                                        D.   Picture 4

    19.  Rita likes to use flashcard.
    A.   Picture 1                                                       C.    Picture 3
    B.   Picture 2                                                       D.    Picture 4

    20.  I often look up words in the dictionary.
    A.   Picture 1                                                        C.    Picture 3
    B.   Picture 2                                                        D.    Picture 4




    Happy Teacher’s day!




    Students of  Nehemia Gateway University,

    I want to remind you that before following the rules below, try to remember the other rules read before and bring them together to your notes.


    21. Use the present perfect, not the present, to say how long things have been going on.
    I've been waiting since 10 o'clock. (NOT I'm waiting since 10 o'clock.)
    We've lived here for nine years. (NOT We live here for nine years.)

    22. The majority is normally plural.
    Some people are interested, but the majority don't care. (NOT ... but the majority doesn't care.)
    The majority of these people are very poor. (NOT The majority of these people is very poor.)

    23. Use too much/many before (adjective +) noun; use too before an adjective with no noun.
    There's too much noise.
    I bought too much red paint.
    Those shoes are too expensive. (NOT Those shoes are too much expensive.)

    24. Use that, not what, after all.
    I've told you all that I know. (NOT I've told you all what I know.)
    He gave her all that he had.

    25. Don't say according to me to give your opinion.
    I think it's a good film. (NOT According to me, it's a good film.)
    In my opinion, you're making a serious mistake. (NOT According to me, you're making a serious mistake.)

    26. Don't ask about possibilities with May you ...? etc.
    Do you think you'll go camping this summer? (NOT May you go camping this summer?)
    Is Joan likely to be here tomorrow? (NOT May Joan be here tomorrow?)

    27. Use who, not which, for people in relative structures.
    The woman who lives upstairs is from Thailand. (NOT The woman which lives upstairs is from Thailand.)
    I don't like people who shout all the time. (NOT I don't like people which shout all the time.)

    28. Use for, not during, to say `how long'.
    We waited for six hours. (NOT We waited during six hours.)
    He was ill for three weeks. (NOT He was ill during three weeks.)

    29. Use to ..., not for ..., to say why you do something.
    I came here to study English. (NOT I came here for study English.)
    She telephoned me to explain the problem. (NOT She telephoned me for explain the problem.)

    30. Use reflexives (myself etc) when the object is the same as the subject.
    I looked at myself in the mirror. (NOT I looked at me in the mirror.)
    Why are you talking to yourself? (NOT Why are you talking to you?)




    Fill in the boxes with the correct answer.

    (1) This is my friend …………… father owns that house.
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________

    (2) Is that the snake …………… killed the rat ?
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________

    (3) That is the man …………… told us the bad news.
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________

    (4) I know the boy …………… father is a doctor in this hospital.
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________

    (5) This is the book …………… my father gave me five years ago.
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________

    (6) The boy to …………… I gave the money, did not return.
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________

    (7) David, …………… is my friend, has bought a new car.
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________

    (8) My teacher, to …………… we gave the present, is sixty today.
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________

    (9) The dress …………… you gave me is beautiful.
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________

    (10) There is a man at the door …………… wants to see you.
    A. who
    B. whose
    C. which
    D. whom
    My answer is ________



    Students of Nehemia Gateway University Group A,

    Follow this exercise. You can not work on it, so it will be better if you write it down in the correct form.



    Choose the right prepositions.

    We mustn’t throw things …………… the floor.
    A. under
    B. on
    C. with
    D. in
    My answer is ________

    (2) Will you come …………… me for the show ?
    A. on
    B. with
    C. by
    D. from
    My answer is ________

    (3) This knife is …………… cutting bread.
    A. of
    B. in
    C. for
    D. at
    My answer is ________

    (4) He knocked the bottle …………… and the water inside ran out.
    A. over
    B. on
    C. against
    D. for
    My answer is ________

    (5) There is a church …………… my house.
    A. under
    B. above
    C. at
    D. near
    My answer is ________

    (6) The children ran to the pool and jumped …………… .
    A. in
    B. of
    C. with
    D. for
    My answer is ________

    (7) Can I bring my brother …………… ?
    A. after
    B. along
    C. with
    D. to
    My answer is ________

    (8) We shall wait …………… him.
    A. in
    B. of
    C. on
    D. for
    My answer is ________

    (9) Philip and John shared the money …………… themselves.
    A. in
    B. on
    C. with
    D. between
    My answer is ________

    (10) The ladder is leaning …………… the wall.
    A. in
    B. of
    C. on
    D. against
    My answer is ________



    Following is an exercise on adjectives. Read it and write it down on your copybook.


    Choose the most suitable answer.

    (1) Paul is as …………… as his father.
    A. tall
    B. tallest
    C. taller
    My answer is ________

    (2) My test results is …………… than yours.
    A. worse
    B. bad
    C. worst
    My answer is ________

    (3) She is …………… than her sister.
    A. beautiful
    B. more beautiful
    C. most beautiful
    My answer is ________

    (4) I am the …………… boy in my family.
    A. shorter
    B. shortest
    C. short
    My answer is ________

    (5) His friend is …………… than you.
    A. more helpful
    B. helpful
    C. most helpful
    My answer is ________

    (6) His bag is …………… than mine.
    A. large
    B. larger
    C. largest
    My answer is ________

    (7) My mother is as …………… as yours.
    A. old
    B. older
    C. oldest
    My answer is ________

    (8) John is the …………… boy in my class.
    A. lazy
    B. lazier
    C. laziest
    My answer is ________

    (9) A pen is …………… than a ruler.
    A. short
    B. shorter
    C. longer
    My answer is ________

    (10) Of all the girls, Mary is the …………… .
    A. hardworking
    B. more hardworking
    C. most hardworking
    My answer is ________



     Follow this link and do the exercise.




    Type the present perfect or the past simple tense of the verbs in the boxes below. Use the long form. For example: "I have been" not "I've been". 




    Listen to this interview and try to answer the questions following.




    Listen to this story and try to say it in your own words.



    Listen to this story and try to write it down on your copybook. Bring it to class on Monday's session at 17:30.




    Vendosni foljen ndihmese ne vendin  e duhur edhe kontrolloni si e kini ndertuar ushtrimin.


    Follow this link and finish the exercise on Present Perfect Tense.




    Find this link and try to finish the test. Record your scores.



     Follow this link. Listen to the passages and answer the questions. Make it ready for Friday's session at 16:00.




    Listen to the story and try to say it with your own words. You had better write it briefly using no more than60-70 words.


    Para se te zgjidhni nje quiz qe ju jepet ne kete link mundohuni te regjistroni disa phrasal verbs ne fletoren tuaj edhe te  jepni kuptimin e tyre ne gjuhen tuaj,mbasi te kini lexuar shpjegimet perkatese te tyre. Pastaj provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin.




    Follow this link and then finish the quiz. Read the explanations if you need them.




    Follow this link and finish the quiz. Then try to read the explanations.




    Try to do the following test for Monday's session.



    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University 2013,

    I would like to suggest you   continuing  together a page on which we should present some grammar rules and try to avoid certain mistakes.
    Hope you remember it. Following are a certain list of ten rules.

    " How not to make 100 mistakes!" 


    11. Use the present progressive - am playing, is raining etc - to talk about things that are continuing at the time of speaking.
    I’m playing very badly today. (NOT I play very badly today.)
    Look! It's raining! (NOT Look! It rains!)

    12. Use for with a period of time. Use since with the beginning of the period.
    for the last two hours = since 9 o'clock
    for three days = since Monday
    for five years = since I left school
    I’ve been learning English for five years. (NOT I’ve been learning English since three years.)
    We’ve been waiting for ages, since eight o’clock.

    13. Don't separate the verb from the object.

    ShespeaksEnglishvery well . (NOT She speaks very well English.)
    Andylikesskiingvery much. (NOT Andy likes very much skiing.)

    14. Don't use the present perfect - have/has seen, have/has gone etc - with words that name a finished time.
    saw him yesterday. (NOT I have seen him yesterday.)
    They went to Greece last summer. (NOT They have gone … last summer.)

    15. English (the language) normally has no article.
    You speak very good English. (NOT You speak a very good English.)

    16. After look forward to, we use -ing, not an infinitive.
    I look forward to seeing you. (NOT I look forward to see you.)
    We’re looking forward to going on holiday. (NOT … to go on holiday.)

    17. Information is an uncountable noun.
    Can you give me some information? (NOT Can you give me an information?)
    I got a lot of information from the Internet. (NOT I got a lot of informations from the Internet.)

    18. Use -ing forms after prepositions.
    I drove there without stopping. (NOT I drove there without to stop.)
    Wash your hands before eating. (NOT Wash your hands before to eat.)

    19. Use this, not that, for things that are close.
    Come here and look at this paper. (NOT Come here and look at that paper.)
    How long have you been in this country? (NOT How long have you been in that country?)

    20. Use a plural noun after one and a half.
    We waited one and a half hours. (NOT We waited one and a half hour.)
    A mile is about one and a half kilometres. (NOT A mile is about one and a half kilometre.)



    I) Ndiqeni me kujdes kete ushtrim me "phrasal vebs".
    Per ta kuptuar edhe zgjidhur ushtimin drejt ju duhet te njihni keto fraza:

    1) to do up = kopsit; mberthej
    2) speak up = ngre zerin
    3) get up = cohem nga shtrati
    4) turn off = fik (dritat )
    5)  take off = nis fluturimi

    II) Gjithashtu per te vazhduar edhe me nje ushtrim te dyte edhe te fundit ketij lloji deri diten e  hene, mbi te njejten teme, duhet te kujtojme se frazat e meposhteme kane kete kuptim ne gjuhen tone:

    1) speed up - rrit shpejtesine
    2) go off - bie zilja e ores, fillon,
    3) put out - fik ( zjarrin )
    4) keep on - vazhdoj ( biseden, punen sipas rastit )
    5) fill in - plotesoj  ( nje formular etc.)

    Frazat mund te kene edhe kuptme te tjera, por vemendja jone duhet te jete vetem per keto kuptime ne fjalite e dhena me poshte.



    Listen to this story. Give your opinion. Use 45-50 words.




    Follow the game and enjoy playing it.




    Listen and try to retell this story in your own words.



    Present Perfect Tense.

    Follow this video very carefully and pick up the verbs used in Present Perfect Tense. Write them down.



    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University Group A,

    As the first minutes of this day are mixed with the noise of the rain on the roof and my hands are still on the last pages of the book "The Seeing Stone', I would like to encourage each one of you that if your preferred strategy for improving your English is, reading, then simply read on!
    Reading is a great activity. 
    You need just yourself and a good book.
    My advice is to choose stories that will grip your attention,
    ones where the plot structure is fairly straightforward, 
    ones with not many characters, 
    ones with relatively easy-to-understand syntax and vocabulary. 
    And the most important, ones that are not long! 
    It will be great if you will stand to read your choice from the beginning to the end!
    If the following stories satisfy your wishes don't let them run away. 
    Read and finish a story in an afternoon or over a couple of days. 
    Maybe, you will do that tomorrow.
    I will consider it great news.



    1) Some more exercises on Zero Conditional sentences. Read the lesson and do the exercises following.

    2) Again on First Conditional sentences:

    Read the information first then do the following exercises:


      First Conditional: real possibility

    We are talking about the future. We are thinking about a particular condition or situation in the future, and the result of this condition. There is a real possibility that this condition will happen. For example, it is morning. You are at home. You plan to play tennis this afternoon. But there are some clouds in the sky. Imagine that it rains. What will you do?
    present simpleWILL + base verb
    Ifit rainsI will stay at home.

    Notice that we are thinking about a future condition. It is not raining yet. But the sky is cloudy and you think that it could rain. We use the present simple tense to talk about the possible future condition. We use WILL + base verb to talk about the possible future result. The important thing about the first conditional is that there is a real possibility that the condition will happen. Here are some more examples (do you remember the two basic structures: [IF condition result] and [result IF condition]?):

    present simpleWILL + base verb
    IfI see MaryI will tell her.
    IfTara is free tomorrowhe will invite her.
    Ifthey do not pass their examtheir teacher will be sad.
    Ifit rains tomorrowwill you stay at home?
    Ifit rains tomorrowwhat will you do?
    WILL + base verbpresent simple
    I will tell MaryifI see her.
    He will invite Taraifshe is free tomorrow.
    Their teacher will be sadifthey do not pass their exam.
    Will you stay at homeifit rains tomorrow?
    What will you doifit rains tomorrow?


    The following video will probably be a little more help on conditional sentences and how to use them. Follow it and do the exercises.

    Dear students of Nehemia Group A,

    I would like to suggest you   starting together a page on which we should present some grammar rules and try to avoid certain mistakes.
    Let's call this page: " How not to make 100 mistakes!" You can change this name any time you like. Just simply suggest a better one.
    I know from my experience that it is difficult to learn a language through rules. Personally, I wouldn't advice you that but if I were you, time and again I'd dare read some great grammar lessons of  famous authors like Michael Swan. Following you will find ten of them and in case you find them useful, let me know.
    I encourage you to add certain rules you like.



    By Michael Swan

    1. Don’t use an with own.
    Sue needs her own room. (NOT Sue needs an own room.)
    I’d like a phone line of my own. (NOT … an own phone line.)

    2. Use or rather to correct yourself.
    She’s German – or rather, Austrian. (NOT She’s German – or better, Austrian.)
    I’ll see you on Friday – or rather, Saturday.

    3. Use the simple present – play(s), rain(s) etc – to talk about habits and repeated actions.
    I play tennis every Saturday. (NOT I am playing tennis every Saturday.)
    It usually rains a lot in November.

    4. Use will …, not the present, for offers and promises.
    I’ll cook you supper this evening. (NOT I cook you supper this evening.)
    I promise I’ll phone you tomorrow. (NOT I promise I phone you tomorrow.)

    5. Don’t drop prepositions with passive verbs.
    I don’t like to be shouted at. (NOT I don’t like to be shouted.)
    This needs to be thought about some more. (NOT This needs to be thought some more.)

    6. Don’t use a present tense after It’s time.
    It’s time you went home. (NOT It’s time you go home.)
    It’s time we invited Bill and Sonia. (NOT It’s time we invite Bill and Sonia.)

    7. Use was/were born to give dates of birth.
    I was born in 1975. (NOT I am born in 1975.)
    Shakespeare was born in 1564.

    8. Police is a plural noun.
    The police are looking for him. (NOT The police is looking for him.)
    I called the police, but they were too busy to come.

    9. Don't use the to talk about things in general.
    Books are expensive. (NOT The books are expensive.)
    I love music. (NOT I love the music.)

    10. Use had better, not have better.
    I think you’d better see the doctor. (NOT I think you have better see the doctor.)
    We’d better ask John to help us.



    Students of Nehemia Gateway University Group A,

     Follow this page and listen to the story carefully. Try to rewrite the story with your own words.




    Students of Nehemia Gateway University Group A,

     Watch the following video and try to note some key elements of the tenses used.

    If you have any questions, we can discuss them on Friday's session.




    Conditional sentences are a good component of English. It is not difficult to form them. First try to read the following grammar spot and then we keep on with some more exercises.


    The first conditional is used to talk about ...

    first conditional picture 1) A possible future situation and its result.

    If you go out, you'll have fun.

    Be careful - I know the first half looks like the present simple, but it's talking about the future.
    We often use this form to make:

                    eg. I'll buy you a present if I go on holiday. (promise)
                          I'll hit you if you do that again! (threat)
                          If you lend me £5, I'll buy you a drink later. (negotiation)

    Things to remember:

    • It doesn't matter if you say the situation or the result first.
      eg."I'll help you if you want" = "if you want, I'll help you."

    • You can use "unless" to mean "if not".
      "If you don't help me ..." = "Unless you help me ..."

    Future Situation =
    if + present simple
    Possible Result =
    will/won't + verb
    eg.If you don't help me I'll be angry.
    eg. Unless you help me I'll be angry.


     Put the following phrasal verbs into the right place:

    passed away, do without, look forward to, called off,  made up, carried away, break out, run out, put up with, keep up.
    1. Don't smoke in the forest. Fires ............................  easily at this time of the year.
    2. I ------------------ seeing my friends again.
    3. I'm afraid; we have........................of apple juice. Will an orange juice do?
    4. Your website has helped me a lot to ........................the good work.
    5. A friend of mine has................................. her wedding.
    6. His mother can't................................. his terrible behavior anymore.
    7. As an excuse for being late, she.................................. a whole story.
    8. I got his enthusiasm.
    9. I just cannot......................................... my mobile. I always keep it with me.
    10. She was very sad because her father................................... last week. 

    1)     break out                                            6) put up with
    2)    look forward to                                   7) make up
    3)    run out of                                            8) carried away
    4)    keep up                                               9) do without
    5)     call off                                              10)  passed away




    solve his problem with the boys?
    He talked to the boys about
    being kind.
    He bit the boys.
    He chewed Roscoe’s collar.
    All of the above

    When a dog growls at you, it
    usually means _________.
    the dog is friendly
    the dog wants to play
    the dog wants to be petted
    the dog is angry or dislikes

    Why do you think the boys
    began bothering Roscoe when
    they hadn’t done so before?

    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University, Group A

    We often have problems with the English tenses. Please, have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense ( only the ones you know so far ).
    As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind.
    If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions.

    Try to understand this legend:



    moment in time
    • action that takes place once, never or several times
    • actions that happen one after another
    • actions that suddenly take place
    period of time
    • action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment
    • actions taking place at the same time
    • action taking place before a certain moment in time
    • puts emphasis on the result
    Course / Duration
    • action taking place before a certain moment in time
    • puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action


    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University Group A,

    Hope you had a nice day. Wish it was not tiring.  
    Following you will find a new exercise  on phrasal verbs. 
    Choose the right particle to complete the phrasal verbs.

    First part
    1. You must check ___ your luggage before taking the plane.
      1.   in
      2.   off
      3.   up
    2. I know it´s difficult to find a job but you shouldn´t give ___ looking for one.
      1.   up
      2.   in
      3.   off
    3. Is Jim there?
      Yes, hold ___ a minute please.
      1.   off
      2.   in
      3.   on
    4. I cooked, so why don´t you wash ___ the dishes?
      1.   over
      2.   off
      3.   up
    5. The meeting was put ___ because too many people were absent.
      1.   away
      2.   out
      3.   off

    Second part

    1. I hadn´t seen him in ages and I suddenly ran _____ him the other day.
      1.   over
      2.   into
      3.   up
    2. Fortunately the firefighters were able to put _____ the fire.
      1.   away
      2.   out
      3.   off
    3. Are you leaving now? Wait, I´ll see you _____.
      1.   away
      2.   out
      3.   up
    4. That shop is really expensive. They always try to rip you _____ .
      1.   off
      2.   away
      3.   up
    5. Oh, we can´t make the cake! We´ve run _____ of flour.
      1.   off
      2.   away
      3.   out

    The answers are: 

    First part:      1A /  2A /  3C/  4C /  5C

    Second part: 1 B     /     2B         /      3B       /     4A    /    5C   /

    Wish you have a nice evening.



    Group 1

    Dear students of Nehemia Gateway University,

    Hope and wish you enjoyed your day today.  I am sending to you a short review on what we lastly talked together. Hope you find it useful.


    Before you start, please rearrange the words in this quote:

    " man healthy wise to a to early and rise bed and wealthy makes Early"

    " Early ______ bed _____________ to _____, _______  a _________ _________ __________ ______    ________ ."

    About  Future Tense

    There is no one 'future tense' in English.
     There are 4 future forms.
    The one which is used most often in spoken English is 'going to', not 'will'.

    We use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the future.

    • I'm going to see him later today.
    • They're going to launch it next month.
    • We're going to have lunch first.
    • She's going to see what she can do.
    • I'm not going to talk for very long.
    Notice that this plan does not have to be for the near future.

    • When I retire I'm going to go back to Saranda to live.
    • In ten years time, you're going to be the boss of your own company.
    We use 'going to' when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now.

    • Look out! That cup is going to fall off.
    • Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon.
    • These figures are really bad. We're going to make a loss.
    • You look very tired. You're going to need to stop soon.
    We can replace 'going to go' by 'going'.
    • I'm going out later.
    • She's going to the exhibition tomorrow.

    Say or write sentences in going to future.


    1. she / copy / the chapter
      • Positive:
      • Negative:
      • Question:
    2. he / criticize / you
      • Positive:
      • Negative:
      • Question:
    3. I / defend / my point of view
      • Positive:
      • Negative:
      • Question:
    4. they / discuss / the problem
      • Positive:
      • Negative:
      • Question:
    5. he / reach / his goal
      • Positive:
      • Negative:
      • Question:
    6. the robber / rob / another bank
      • Positive:
      • Negative:
      • Question:
    7. we / explore / a new territory
      • Positive:
      • Negative:
      • Question:
    8. they / rescue / the girl
      • Positive:
      • Negative:
      • Question: 

    Exercise on Future I Simple (will)


    Write or say positive sentences in will Future.
    1. We (help) you.
    2. I (get) you a drink.
    3. I think our team (win) the match.
    4. Maybe she (do) a language course in Malta.
    5. I (buy) the tickets.
    6. Perhaps she (do) this for you.
    7. Maybe we (stay) at home.
    8. She hopes that he (cook) dinner tonight.
    9. I’m sure they (understand) your problem.
    10. They (go / probably) to the party. 

    Put the verbs into the correct form (future I). Use going to.

    1. It (rain) .
    2. They (eat) stew.
    3. I (wear) blue shoes tonight.
    4. We (not / help) you.
    5. Jack (not / walk) home.
    6. (cook / you) dinner?
    7. Sue (share / not) her biscuits.
    8. (leave / they) the house?
    9. (take part / she) in the contest?
    10. I (not / spend) my holiday abroad this year.

      Put the verbs into the correct form (future I). Use going to.

      1. It (rain) .
      2. They (eat) stew.
      3. I (wear) blue shoes tonight.
      4. We (not / help) you.
      5. Jack (not / walk) home.
      6. (cook / you) dinner?
      7. Sue (share / not) her biscuits.
      8. (leave / they) the house?
      9. (take part / she) in the contest?
      10. I (not / spend) my holiday abroad this year.

      Group  1

      A Special Christmas Present

      a Christmas treeDavid wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David's father gives him $5.00 a week pocket money and David puts $2.00 a week into his bank account. After three months David takes $20.00 out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift.

      Suddenly he sees a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favourite pet. He says to himself, "My mother loves jewelry, and the brooch costs only $17.00." He buys the brooch and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother's face.a spider

      But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees a spider.

      1. What does David want to buy his Mother?
        1.   a special birthday present
        2.   a Christmas present
        3.   a spider ring

      2. Who does David get his money from?
        1.   his pet
        2.   his mother
        3.   his father

      3. How much money does David take to the mall?
        1.   $20.00
        2.   $5.00
        3.   $17.00
      4. What does David buy his mother?
        1.   a ring
        2.   a brooch
        3.   a spider

      5. What does David do with the present when he takes it home?
        1.   he gives it to his mother
        2.   he wraps it in Christmas paper
        3.   he is very excited

      6. Why does David's mother scream?
        1.   because the present is beautiful
        2.   because she doesn't like Christmas presents
        3.   because she thinks she sees a real spider

      7. Why does David buy a spider brooch?
        1.   spiders are his favourite pet
        2.   he loves Christmas
        3.   to scare his mother

      8. Where does David put the present on Christmas Eve?
        1.   under his pillow
        2.   under a spider
        3.   under the Christmas tree


      Group 1


      Test yourself

      These tests will help you decide what you need to learn.

      Following are some basic grammar points:

       Choose the correct answers. One or more answers may be correct.

      1. She is .................. university teacher.
           a)   a             b) an                c) the             d) one

      2. I like ............... small animals.
          a) the            b) --                 c) every          d) all

      3. Is this coat ............... ?
          a) yours        b) your              c) the yours      d) yor

      4. Is Lucy .............. ?
          a) a friend of yours                 b) a your friend          c) your friend

      5. Who are ............... people over there ?
          a) that            b) these             c) the               d) those

      6. ........... is your phone number?
          a) Which         b) What            c) How            d) Why

      7. Could I have ........................ drink?
          a) an other      b) other            c) another          d) others

      8. There aren't ....................... for everybody.
          a) chairs enough             b) enough chairs           c)enough of chairs             d) of the chairs enough

      9. They're ............. young to get married.
          a) too much                   b) too                           c) very too much               d) too many

      10. Most ............... like dancing.
          a) of people                   b) of the people            c) people                      

      11. Bill and Nancy phone ............. every day .
          a) them                         b) then                           c) each other                  d) one the other

      12. It's ................. weather.
          a) terrible                     b) the terrible                   c) a nice                         d) the

      13. The plural of car is cars. Which of these are correct plurals?
          a) journeys                   b) ladys                          c) minuts                          d) babies

      14. Which of these is/are correct?
          a) happier                    b) more happier                 c) unhappier                   d) beautifuller

      15. This is .................. winter for 20 years.
          a) the more bad            b) worse                           c) the worse                     d) the worst

      16) She's much taller ... me
           A) than     B) as       C) that

      17) He lives in the same street ... me
           A) that      B) like     C) as        D) than

      18) Her eyes ... a very light blue.
           A) are       B) have    C) has

      19) ... help me ?
           A) Can you to    B) Do you can    C) Can you

      20) You ... worry about it.
           A) not must    B) don't must      C) must not         D) mustn't

      21) It ... again. It ... all the time here in the winter.
           A) 's raining; 's raining
           B) rains; rains
           C) rains; 's raining
           D) 's raining; rains

      22) I ... she ... you.
           A) think; likes
           B) am thinking; is liking
           C) think; is liking
           D) am thinking; likes

      23) Who ... the window ?
           A) open      B) opened      C) did opened

      24) Why ... ?
           A) those men are laughing
           B) are laughing
           C) are those men laughing

      25) What ... ?
           A) does she want             B) does she wants              C) she wants

      26) I didn't ... he was at home.
           A) to think            B) think        C) thinking           D) thought

      27) ... a hole in my sock.
           A)  There's       B) There is        C) It's     D) It is     E) Is

      28) I'll see you ... Tuesday afternoon.
           A) at            B) on        C) in

      29) What time did you arrive ... the station ?
           A) at          B) to      C) ------

      30) We're going ... the opera tomorrow night.
           A) at         B) ------      C) in          D) to

      31) I went out without ... money.
           A) some     B) any

      32) He's got ... money.
           A) much     B) many     C) me      D) lots of

      33) ' Who's there? ' "..."
           A) It's me     B) It is I       C) Me     D) I

      34) Although he felt very ... he smiled ... .
           A) angrily;friendly      B) angry;friendly         C) angry; in a friendly way.

      35) I ... to America.
           A) have often been     B) often have been       C) have been often

      36) My mother ... my birthday.
           A) always forgets      B) always is forgetting       C) forgets always

      37) You look ... a teacher.
           A) like        B) as           C) the same like

      38) How many brothers and sisters ... ?
           A) have you got         B) do you have          C) are you having

      39) Good ! I ... work tomorrow.
           A) mustn't    B) don't have to         C) haven't got to

      40) I ... smoke.
           A) ------ (= nothing)          B) use to           C) used to

      41) Andrew ... too see us this evening.
           A) will come          B) comes           C) is coming

      42) Alice ... have a baby.
           A) will           B) shall       C) is going to

      43) I knew that he ... waiting for somebody.
           A) is          B) was           C) would

      44) ... Gloria last week ?
            A) Have you seen          B) Did you see          C) Were you seeing

      45) She's an old friend ----- I  ... her ... years.
            A) 've known, for         B) know, for             C) 've known, since      D) know, since

      46) We met when we ... in France.
            A) studied       B) were studying        C) had studied

      47) As soon as she came in I knew I ... her before .
           A) have seen           B) saw          C) had seen

      48) This picture ... by a friend of my mother's.
           A) is painting       B) is painted         C) was painting          D) was painted

      49) Can you ... ?
           A) make me some tea          B) make some tea for me         C) make for me some tea

      50) Try ... be late.
           A) not to         B) to not

      51) I went to London ... clothes.
           A) for buy       B) for to buy     C) for buying        D) to buy

      52) You can't live very long without ...
           A) to eat          B) eat           C) eating           D) you eat

      53) I enjoy ... , but I wouldn't like ... it all my life.
           A) to teach; to do          B) teaching; doing           C) to teach; doing          D) teaching; to do

      54) Her parents don't want ... married.
          A) her to get           B) her get         C) that she get       D) that she gets

      55) I'm not sure what ... 
          A) do they want ?           B) do they want        C) they want.

      56) The policeman ... me not to park there.
          A) asked       B) said         C) told           D) advised

      57) I ... you if you ... that again.
          A) hit,say        B) 'll hit, 'll say        C) hit, 'll say           D) 'll hit, say

      58) It would be nice if we ... a bit more room.
          A) would have        B) had            C) have

      59) If ... you me, I ... in real trouble last year.
          A) didn't help, would have been
          B) hadn't helped, would have been
          C) hadn't helped, would be
          D) didn't help, would be

      60) There's the man ... took your coat.
         A) which         B) who         C) that          D) -----

      61) My family ... thinking of moving to Birmingham.
         A) is           B) are

      62) We watched a ... on TV last night.
         A) war film         B) war's film           C) film of year

      63) He was wearing ... riding boots.
         A) red old Spanish leather
         B) old leather red Spanish
         C) old red Spanish leather
         D) Spanish red old leather

      64) ... he gets ... .
         A) The richer, the more friends he has
         B) Richer, more he has friends
         C) Richer, more friends he has
         D) The richer, the more he has friends

      65) It's ... if you take the train.
         A) quicker          B) the quicker           C) quickest             D) the quickest

      66) He ... very annoying.
        A) 's          B) 's being

      67) That ... be Roger at the door -- it's too early.
       A) can't       B) mustn't       C) couldn't

      68) At last, after three days, they ... get to the top of the mountain.
           A) could          B) managed to         C) succeeded to         D) were able to

      69) I was crazy to drive like that. You ... killed somebody.
            A) may have        B) might have         C) could have           D) can have

      70) I wonder if John ... this evening.
             A) will phone           B) phones

      71) Who ... you that ring ?
              A) 's given        B) gave

      72) He ... quite different since he ... married.
            A) is, has got           B) has been, has got       C) is, got       D) has been, got

      73) This is the first time I ... a sports car.
            A) ' ve driven       B) 'm driving         C) drive

      74) On her birthday .....
            A) she was given a new car        B) a new car was given to her

      75) We  can't use the sports hall yet because it ... .
            A) is still built          B) is still building             C) is still being built

      76) I look forward ... you soon.
            A) seeing           B) to seeing           C) to see

      77) If you have trouble going to sleep, try ... a glass of milk before bedtime.
            A) drinking         B) to drink            C) drink

      78) This is my friend Joe, I ... met , have you ?
            A) don't think you've           B) think you haven't

      79) How ... !
            A) he works hard              B) hard he works

      80) Which of these sentences are correct in spoken English ?
          A) Car's running badly.
          B) Seen Peter ?
          C) Can't come in here , sorry.
          D) Careful what you say.
          E) Lost my glasses.
          F) Have heard of her.

      81) Nobody phoned, did ... ?
          A) he
          B) she
          C) they
          D) it
          E) he or she
          F) anybody

      82) If you were ever in trouble, I would give you all the help you ... .
          A) will need       B) would need          C) need             D) needed

      83) My wife will be upset ... .
         A) if I don't get back tomorrow            B) unless i get back tomorrow

      84) Tell me at once ... Margaret arrives.
         A) if             B) when          C) in case

      85) It's time you ... home, but I'd rather you ... here.
         A) go, stay        B) went, stayed                C) go, stayed                 D) went, stay

      86) I wish I ... more time.
         A) had           B) have           C) would have            D) will have

      87) John Hastings ... has just come to live in our street.

         A) that I was at school with
         B) I was at school with
         C) with who I was at school
         D) with whom I was at school.

      88) She keeps tapping her fingers, ... get on my nerves.
         A) which           B) what               C) that which

      89) Can you finish the job ... Friday ?
         A) till                 B) until             C) by               D) for

      90) There's a supermarket ... our house.
         A) in front of                B) opposite             C) facing




       Learning about English.

      A sentence is a complete thought in words. The simplest kind of sentence is a statement, and for this we need  a subject ( something to talk about ) and something to say about it.

      For example:

      Emil had lost all his money.
      Here we are talking about Emil, and what we say about him is that he had lost all his money.
      At the end, in writing, we put a full stop (.) and are then ready to start another sentence with a capital letter.

      Please try to make up one statement sentence about each of the following:

      a)  New York
      b) a ship
      c) the sea
      d) the traffic
      e) a lorry
      f) my bicycle
      g) our school
      h) the garden
      i) our friend
      j) a teacher

      Try to combine most of the words just in one sentence.

      Then make up ten statement sentences about yourself. Try to make them interesting, so that other people will know some important things about you. You might begin something like this:

      My name is Bill Clover.
      I have two brothers called John and James and a sister called Barbara.
      Fishing is my favourite hobby.




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