Monday - Thursday -14:00


Fatmir Mani's English  School

English Made Easier

Lesson 9

Here's the complete list of words numbered with their English word, international pronunciation, and Albanian translation:

  1. Health: /hɛlθ/ - shëndet
  2. Injury: /ˈɪndʒəri/ - dëmtim
  3. Parts of the body: /pɑrts ʌv ði ˈbɒdi/ - pjesë të trupit
  4. Illness: /ˈɪlnəs/ - sëmundje
  5. Medical: /ˈmɛdɪkəl/ - mjekësor
  6. Instructions: /ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz/ - udhëzime
  7. Advice: /ədˈvaɪs/ - këshillë
  8. Verb: /vɜːrb/ - folje
  9. Phrase: /freɪz/ - fjalë
  10. Making an appointment: /ˈmeɪkɪŋ əˈpɔɪntmənt/ - bërja e një takimi
  11. Preventive care: /prɪˈvɛntɪv kɛr/ - kujdes parandalues
  12. Medicine: /ˈmɛdəsɪn/ - ilaç
  13. Nose: /noʊz/ - hundë
  14. Head: /hɛd/ - koka
  15. Neck: /nɛk/ - qafa
  16. Chest: /tʃɛst/ - gjoksi
  17. Back: /bæk/ - shpinë
  18. Arm: /ɑːrm/ - krah
  19. Hand: /hænd/ - dorë
  20. Leg: /lɛɡ/ - këmbë
  21. Foot: /fʊt/ - këmbë
  22. Feet: /fiːt/ - këmbë
  23. Hurt: /hɜːrt/ - dhimbje
  24. Backache: /ˈbæk.eɪk/ - dhimbje në shpinë
  25. Broken leg: /ˈbroʊkən lɛɡ/ - këmbë e thyer
  26. Cold: /koʊld/ - ftohje
  27. Earache: /ˈɪr.eɪk/ - dhimbje në vesh
  28. Doctor: /ˈdɒktər/ - doktor
  29. Office: /ˈɒfɪs/ - zyrë
  30. Fever: /ˈfiːvər/ - etje
  31. Headache: /ˈhɛd.eɪk/ - dhimbje koke
  32. Nurse: /nɜːrs/ - infermiere
  33. Patients: /ˈpeɪʃənts/ - pacientët
  34. Receptionist: /rɪˈsɛpʃənɪst/ - pritës
  35. Stomachache: /ˈstʌmək.eɪk/ - dhimbje stomaku
  36. Eyes: /aɪz/ - sytë
  37. Mouth: /maʊθ/ - gojë
  38. Normal: /ˈnɔːrməl/ - normal
  39. Blood pressure: /blʌd ˈprɛʃər/ - presion i gjakut
  40. Sore throat: /sɔr θroʊt/ - dhimbje në fyt
  41. Insurance card: /ɪnˈʃʊərəns kɑːrd/ - kartelë sigurimi
  42. Temperature: /ˈtɛmpərətʃər/ - temperatura
  43. Sick: /sɪk/ - i sëmurë
  44. Give: /ɡɪv/ - jep
  45. Prescription: /prɪˈskrɪpʃən/ - recetë
  46. Get well: /ɡɛt wɛl/ - shërohem
  47. Examine: /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ - shikoj
  48. Stay home: /steɪ hoʊm/ - qëndro në shtëpi
  49. Rest: /rɛst/ - pushim
  50. Take medicine: /teɪk ˈmɛdəsɪn/ - marr ilaç
  51. Exam: /ɪɡˈzæm/ - provim
  52. Describe: /dɪsˈkraɪb/ - përshkruaj
  53. Change: /tʃeɪndʒ/ - ndryshim
  54. Diet: /daɪət/ - dieta
  55. Quit: /kwɪt/ - ndaloj
  56. Smoking: /smoʊkɪŋ/ - pirja e duhanit
  57. Drink: /drɪŋk/ - pije
  58. Fluids: /fluːɪdz/ - lëngje
  59. Exercise: /ˈɛksərsaɪz/ - ushtrim
  60. Ways: /weɪz/ - mënyra
  61. Ideas: /aɪˈdɪəz/ - ide
  62. Have to: /hæv tuː/ - duhet
  63. Early: /ˈɜːrli/ - herët
  64. Leave: /liːv/ - largohem
  65. Party: /ˈpɑːrti/ - festë
  66. Toothache: /ˈtuːθ.eɪk/ - dhimbje dhëmbi
  67. Tomorrow: /təˈmɒroʊ/ - nesër
  68. Obligation: /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃən/ - detyrë
  69. Pick up: /pɪk



Fatmir Mani's English  School

English Made Easier



Fatmir Mani's English  School

English Made Easier

Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes mesimin e bashkengjitur :


 I am happy today. Are we late?




- I am you are he/she/it is we are they are Am I? are you? is he/she/it? are we? are they? I am not you are not he/she/it is not we are not they are not

I am a doctor. Are you American? We are not ready.

1.Put in am, are or is.

Ø You are late 4. I ………. happy today.

1. We ………. very well. 5. I think you ………. tired.

2. My sister ………. a doctor. 6. Our house ………. very small.

3. Paul and Ann ………. in America. 7. I ………. nearly ready.

In conversation and informal writing, we use contractions:

I`m you`re he`s she`s it`s John`s the train`s we`re they`re

I`m a doctor You`re late. John`s in London. The shop`s open. We`re ready.

2.Write these sentences with contractions.

Ø Claire is ill. …Claire`s ill.. 4. My name is Peter. ………………………….

1. We are all tired. ………………………… 5. You are early. …………………………………

2. They are here. …………………………… 6. The shop is closed. …………………………

3. I am sorry. …………………………………. 7. She is at home. ………………………………

To make questions(?) with be, we put the verb before the subject.

STATEMENT + : I am late. The taxi is here. We are late. Your keys are in the car. QUESTION ? : Am I late? Is the taxi here? Are we late? Are my keys in the car?

3.Make questions.

Ø Bill/Scottish ..Is bill Scottish?.......... 7. We all/ready ……………………………

1. Marie/from Paris ………………………… 8. I/early ………………………………………

2. We/very late ………………………………. 9. They/at home …………………………..

3. John/in bed ………………………………… 10. You/happy ………………………………

4. The boss/here ………….………………….. 11. Joe/married …………………………….

5. Your car/fast ……………………………….. 12. This/your house ………………………

6. Luke/here ……………………………………. 13. That Jane …………………………………

Do you know all these question words? Who what when where why how

Contractions with is: who`s what`s when`s where`s why`s how`s

Who`s that? What`s this? When`s the party? Where`s the station? Why are we here? How are you?

4.Put in question words with are or `s.

Ø `.…Who`s……….. that?` It`s my brother.` 5. `……………………… you late?` `My watch is broken.`

Ø `.…Where are…. Leo and Amy?` ´In London.` 6. `……………………… your mother?` `Not very well.`

1. `……………………… your name?` `Maria.` 7. `……………………… Daniel?` ´In hospital.`

2. `……………………… my glasses?` `Here.` 8. `……………………… those men?` Ì don`t know.`

3. `……………………… your teacher?` ´Mrs. Allen.` 9. `……………………… your parents?` `Very well.`

4. `……………………… the exams?` ´On Tuesday.` 10.`……………………… your birthday?` `March 17th.`



Fatmir Mani's English  School

English Made Easier

Ju lutem, ushtrimet e meposhteme i zgjidhni ne fletoren tuaj per diten e enjte.

Negative (-) sentences with be, we put not after am/is/are or `m, `re, `s.

I am not Scottish. We are not ready. I`m not tired. She`s not here.

We also cam make contractions with n`t: you aren`t, she isn`t etc. (BUT NOT I amn`t).

5.Write negative(-) ends for the sentences.

Ø I`m Greek, but (- from Athens) ……….I`m not from Athens………………………………………

Ø It`s winter, but (- cold) ……….It`s not cold………….OR……….It isn`t cold…………………….

1. She`s tired, but (- ill) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. They are in England, but (- in London) …………………………………………………………………….

3. You`re tall, but (- too tall) ………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. We are late, but (- very late) ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. It`s summer, but (- hot) ……………………………………………………………………………………………

6. I`m student, but (- at university) ………………………………………………………………………………

7. John`s good-looking, but (- very nice) ………………………………………………………………………

8. Anne is at work, but(- in her office) ………………………………………………………………………….

9. This is a nice coat, but (- mine)………………………………………………………………………………….

10. It`s a big car, but (- very fast)…………………………………………………………………………………....

We often use be with: hungry, thirsty, cold, hot, right, wrong, afraid, interested, what color?, what size?.

And we use be with ages.

Have you got anything to eat? I´m hungry. I`m cold. It´s very hot here in summer.

It´s late. You´re right. Let´s go. Are you afraid of flying? I´m interested in politics.

What color is her hair? What size are your shoes? How old are you? I`m 17.

6.Put in words from the box.

afraid cold color hot hungry interested old right size thirsty wrong

Ø He is a big man, but he is …afraid… of her

1. You think I´m wrong, but I know I´m …………………………

2. What ………………………… is that T-shirt? Extra large.

3. What ………………………… is your car?

4. Sorry, I`m not ………………………… in her problems.

5. It`s the 18th today. You`re ………………………… - it`s the 19th.

6. Something to drink? No, thanks. I`m not …………………………

7. It`s ………………………… in here. Open a window.

8. Is it ………………………… here in winter?

9. How ………………………… is your girlfriend? She`s 19.

10. I`m ………………………… Would you like a sandwich?


English Made Easier


Bashkengjitur, do te gjeni  te gjitha fjalet e mundeshme tek mesimi juaj i tete. 

Here are the English words with their pronunciation and Albanian translations:

  1. Expression - /ɪkˈsprɛʃən/ - shprehje
  2. Eating - /ˈiːtɪŋ/ - ngrënje
  3. Frequency - /ˈfriːkwənsi/ - frekuenca
  4. Where - /wɛər/ - ku
  5. Order - /ˈɔːrdər/ - porosi
  6. Restaurant - /ˈrɛstrɒnt/ - restorant
  7. Healthy - /ˈhɛlθi/ - i shëndetshëm
  8. Habit - /ˈhæbɪt/ - zakon
  9. Food - /fuːd/ - ushqim
  10. Learn - /lɜːrn/ - mësoj
  11. Well - /wɛl/ - mirë
  12. Fruit - /fruːt/ - fruta
  13. Vegetable - /ˈvɛdʒtəbəl/ - perime
  14. Basket - /ˈbɑːskɪt/ - shportë
  15. Cart - /kɑːrt/ - qarroc
  16. Checker - /ˈtʃɛkər/ - kontrollues
  17. Bagger - /ˈbæɡər/ - mbledhës
  18. Shirt - /ʃɜːrt/ - këmishë
  19. Blouse - /blaʊz/ - bluzë
  20. Tie - /taɪ/ - krawat
  21. Common - /ˈkɒmən/ - i zakonshëm
  22. Item - /ˈaɪtəm/ - artikull
  23. Supermarket - /ˈsuːpərˌmɑːrkɪt/ - supermarket
  24. Vocabulary - /vəˈkæbjʊləri/ - fjalor
  25. Apple - /ˈæpəl/ - mollë
  26. Banana - /bəˈnɑːnə/ - banane
  27. Chicken - /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ - pule
  28. Lettuce - /ˈlɛtɪs/ - marulë
  29. Potatoes - /pəˈteɪtəʊz/ - patate
  30. Egg - /ɛɡ/ - veze
  31. Milk - /mɪlk/ - qumësht
  32. Soup - /suːp/ - supë
  33. Bread - /brɛd/ - bukë
  34. Grapes - /ɡreɪps/ - rrush
  35. Onions - /ˈʌnjənz/ - qepë
  36. Tomatoes - /təˈmɑːtəʊz/ - domate
  37. Check - /tʃɛk/ - kontrolloj
  38. Then - /ðɛn/ - pastaj
  39. Cross out - /krɒs aʊt/ - shënoj kryq
  40. Belong - /bɪˈlɒŋ/ - i përket
  41. Each - /iːtʃ/ - secili
  42. Customer - /ˈkʌstəmər/ - klient
  43. Credit card - /ˈkrɛdɪt kɑːd/ - kartë krediti
  44. Spelling - /ˈspɛlɪŋ/ - shkrim
  45. Talk about - /tɔːk əˈbaʊt/ - bisedoj për
  46. Life - /laɪf/ - jete
  47. Story - /ˈstɔːri/ - histori
  48. Grocery - /ˈɡrəʊsəri/ - market ushqimor
  49. Corner - /ˈkɔːnər/ - kënd
  50. Orange - /ˈɒrɪndʒ/ - portokall
  51. Cookies - /ˈkʊkiz/ - biskota
  52. On sale - /ɒn seɪl/ - në shes
  53. Every - /ˈɛvri/ - çdo
  54. Once - /wʌns/ - një herë
  55. Buy - /baɪ/ - blej
  56. Always - /ˈɔːlweɪz/ - gjithmonë
  57. Price - /praɪs/ - çmim
  58. For - /fɔːr/ - për
  59. Bag - /bæɡ/ - çantë
  60. Jar - /dʒɑːr/ - shtepiak
  61. Pound - /paʊnd/ - paund
  62. Soup - /suːp/ - supë
  63. Carrots - /ˈkærəts/ - karrota
  64. Salad - /ˈsæləd/ - sallatë
  65. Spaghetti - /spəˈɡɛti/ - spageti
  66. Ads - /ædz/ - reklama
  67. Tell - /tɛl/ - tregoj
  68. Make - /meɪk/ - bëj
  69. Let's - /lets/ - le të
  70. Grammar - /ˈɡræmər/ - gramatikë
  71. At home - /æt həʊm/ - në shtëpi
  72. Cook - /kʊk/ - gatuaj
  73. More - /mɔːr/ - më shumë
  74. Pizza - /ˈpiːtsə/ - pica
  75. Dinner - /ˈdɪnər/ - darkë
  76. Breakfast - /ˈbrɛkfəst/ - mëngjes
  77. Lunch - /lʌnʧ/ - drekë
  78. Simple - /ˈsɪmpəl/ - i thjeshtë
  79. Present - /ˈprɛzənt/ - prezant
  80. Tense - /tɛns/ - kohë
  81. Schedule - /ˈʃɛdjuːl/ - orar
  82. How often - /haʊ ˈɒfən/ - sa shpesh
  83. Routine - /ruːˈtiːn/ - rutinë
  84. Interview - /ˈɪntəvjuː/ - intervistë
  85. Conversation - /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/ - bisedë
  86. Place - /pleɪs/ - vend
  87. Pappa - /ˈpɑːpə/ - baba
  88. Menu - /ˈmɛnjuː/ - menu
  89. Soda - /ˈsəʊdə/ - soda
  90. Medium - /ˈmiːdiəm/ - mesatar
  91. Large - /lɑːrdʒ/ - i madh
  92. Small - /smɔːl/ - i vogël
  93. Drinks - /drɪŋks/ - pije
  94. Pepperoni - /ˌpɛpəˈroʊni/ - piper
  95. Mushroom - /ˈmʌʃruːm/ - kërpudha
  96. Anything - /ˈɛnɪˌθɪŋ/ - çfarëdo
  97. Iced tea - /aɪst tiː/ - çaj i ngrohtë
  98. Right - /raɪt/ - drejt
  99. That's right - /ðæts raɪt/ - kjo është e drejtë
  100. Would - /wʊd/ - do
  101. Ready - /ˈrɛdi/ - gati
  102. Meals - /miːlz/ - vakt
  103. Guest - /ɡɛst/ - mysafir
  104. Date - /deɪt/ - takim
  105. Table - /ˈteɪbəl/ - tryezë
  106. Server - /ˈsɜːrvər/ - shërbyes
  107. Pronunciation - /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən/ - shqiptimi
  108. Circle - /ˈsɜːrkl/ - rreth
  109. Math - /mæθ/ - matematikë
  110. Real - /rɪəl/ - real
  111. Life - /laɪf/ - jete
  112. Toppings - /ˈtɒpɪŋz/ - lëndë
  113. Total - /ˈtoʊtl/ - total
  114. Page - /peɪdʒ/ - faqe
  115. Come again - /kʌm əˈɡɛn/ - vini përsëri
  116. Please - /pliːz/ - ju lutem
  117. Get ready - /ɡɛt ˈrɛdi/ - përgatitu
  118. Unhealthy - /ʌnˈhɛlθi/ - i pasëndërt
  119. Something - /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ - diçka
  120. Body - /ˈbɒdi/ - trup
  121. Doctor - /ˈdɒktər/ - mjek
  122. Nutritionist - /njuːˈtrɪʃənɪst/ - nutricionist
  123. Expensive - /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ - i shtrenjtë
  124. Same - /seɪm/ - i njëjti
  125. New - /njuː/ - i ri
  126. Source - /sɔːrs/ - burim
  127. Labels - /ˈleɪbəlz/ - etiketa
  128. Salt - /sɔːlt/ - kripë
  129. Ingredients - /ɪnˈɡriːdiənts/ - përbërësit
  130. A lot of - /ə lɒt əv/ - shumë
  131. Important - /ɪmˈpɔːrtənt/ - i rëndësishëm
  132. Water - /ˈwɔːtər/ - ujë
  133. Adverbs - /ˈædvɜːbz/ - prirje
  134. Note - /nəʊt/ - shënim
  135. Usually - /ˈjuːʒʊəli/ - zakonisht
  136. Always - /ˈɔːlweɪz/ - gjithmonë
  137. Never - /ˈnɛvər/ - kurrë
  138. Once a week - /wʌns ə wiːk/ - një herë në javë
  139. Ice cream - /aɪs kriːm/ - akullore
  140. Exercises - /ˈɛksərsaɪzɪz/ - ushtrime
  141. Kitchen - /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ - kuzhinë
  142. Teeth - /tiːθ/ - dhëmbë
  143. Eat - /iːt/ - ha
  144. Homework - /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ - detyra shtëpie
  145. Review - /rɪˈvjuː/ - rishikim
  146. Expand - /ɪkˈspænd/ - zgjeroj
  147. List - /lɪst/ - listë
  148. Different - /ˈdɪfərənt/ - ndryshëm
  149. Broccoli - /ˈbrɒkəli/ - brokoli
  150. Our - /aʊər/ - ynë
  151. Give - /ɡɪv/ - jap
  152. Think - /θɪŋk/ - mendoj
  153. How often - /haʊ ˈɒfən/ - sa shpesh
  154. Possible - /ˈpɒsəbl/ - e mundur


English Made Easier


1- Welcome to Oxford online English lesson.

-Miresevini ne klasen online te anglishtes se Oxford-it.

2-In this lesson you can learn about English sentences structure.

-Ne kete mesim ju do te mesoni per strukturen e fjalive ne anglisht.

3-Every sentences need a verb.

-Cdo fjali deshiron nje folje

Example - Shembull

Verb – Folje

Run – vrapo

Leave – largohem

Work – punoj

-The simple sentence is an imperative which means when you tell someone to do something.

- Fjalia e thjeshte eshte urdher kur ti i thua dikujt te beje dicka.

4- Most sentences are longer than one verb.

-Fjalite jane me te gjata se nje folje.

5- Also we need a noun before the verb.

-Ne duhet te shtojme nje emer para foljes.

6- Noun is a subject.

-Emri eshte nje kryefjale.

7-Subject + verb you can make simple sentences.

-Me kryefjale + folje ju mund te ndertoni fjali te thjeshte.

Example – Shembull

He runs – Ai vrapon

She left – Ajo iku

They´re working – Ata po punojne

Verb can be the different forms – Foljet mund te behen ne forma te ndryeshme

Past or present – te shkuaren ose te tashme

Simple or continuous – e thjeshte ose e vazhdueshme

8-There are all the same subject+ verb

-Ato jane te tera te njejta kryefjale+ folje

9-You can´t say much with short sentences.

Ti nuk mund te thuash shume me fjali te shkurtra.

10- What could you after runs to make longer?

-Cfare mund te shtojme pas vrapoj qe ta bejme fjali te gjate?

He runs …

-You could add an adverb of place – Ti mund te shtosh nje ndajtolje vendi

He runs around the park – Ai vrapon perreth parkut

-You could add an adverb of time – mund te shtosh nje ndajfolje kohe

He runs every morning – Ai vrapon cdo mengjes

-You could add both – Mund ti shtosh te dyja

He runs around the park every morning – Ai vrapon perreth parkut cdo mengjes

You could add an adverb of manner – mund te shtosh nje ndajfolje menyre

He runs slowly – Ai vrapon ngadale.

11-You have many choices, but your choices are also limited.

-Ti ke shume zgjedhje, por zgjedhjet tende jane gjithashtu te limituara

Example – shembull

You can´t use an another verb after run,you can´t use an adjective and you can´t use a noun.

Ti nuk mund te perdoresh nje folje tjeter pas foljes vrapoj, nuk mund te perdoresh nje mbiemer dhe ti nuk mund te perdoresh nje emer.

12-We ask “What needs comes next?”

-Ne pyesim “ Cfare vjen me pas?”

He runs – une vrapoj

It´s a basic sentences , but it´s correct – Kjo eshte nje fjali baze ose e thjeshte, por eshte e sakte

She likes – Ajo pelqen

He wants – Ai deshiron

We go – Ne shkojme

These aren´t complete sentences. – Keto nuk jane fjali te plotesuara.

They aren´t comlete, because they aren´t finished- Keto nuk jane te plotesuara sepse skane perfunduar.

She likes …what? – Ajo pelqen … Cfare?

He wants …what? - Ai do …Cfare?

We go … where? – Ne shkojme … Ku?

You need complement – Ty te duhet plotesimi

The complement is the thing you add after a verb to make a sentence complete.

-Plotesimi eshte fjala qe ti shton pas folje qe te besh plotesimin e fjaleise.

A complement can have many different forms. noun, verb, adjective or adverb

-Plotesimi ka forma te ndryshme. Emer, folje, mbiemer ose ndajfolje

Example – shembull

She likes strawberries. – Ajo pelqen luleshtrydhet.

She likes swimming. – Ajo pelqen notin.

There are many possibilities. – Ka shume mundesi

You needs more information. - Ti shton me shume informacione.

She likes getting up .. When? Why? How?

You need a complement after getting up to complete the idea. – Ty te duhet nje fjale plotesuese pas foljes ngihem qe te plotesosh idene.

Ajo pelqen te zgjohet .. Kur? Pse? SI?

Remember that when you use a particular word, you have limited choices in what kind of word you use next.

-Kujtoni se kur perdorni nje fjale te caktuar, jane zgjedhje te kufizuara per fjalen qe do vendosni me pas.

To speak or write in English you don´t just need to know English words. You need to know what can come next.

-Per te folur ose shkruar ne anglisht nuk te duhet vetem te dish fjalet ne anglisht. Te duhet te dish edhe cfare mund te jete me pas.

Example – Shembull

With a verb like or want, it´s not enough to know the verb.

Me foljen pelqej ose deshiroj, nuk mjafton vetem ta njohesh foljen.

You also need to know whether the verb needs a complement, and what complements are- or aren´t – possible.

Ne gjithashtu duhet te dish nese folja do nje fjale ose shprehje plotesuese, dhe cfare fjale ose shprehje jane ose nuk jane te mundesuara.

-That way, you´ll know how to use the words you learn to make sentences you can use in your spoken or written English.

Ne kete rruge, ti njeh si ti perdoresh fjalet dhe te mesosh sit e besh fjal, qe perdor ne te folurin dhe te shkruajturen anglisht.

You can add information to a simple sentence in two ways: you can add adjectives or adverbs.

Ti mund te shtosh informacion ne fjali te thjeshte ne dy menyra: mund te shtojme mbiemer ose ndajfolje.

Example – shembull

He wants to buy a car. Ai deshiron te bleje nje makine.

-You could add adjective before the word car.

Ne mund te perdorim mbiemrin para fjales makine.

adjective – mbiemer

He wants to buy a new car. Ai deshiron te bleje nje makine te re.

-Adverbs can be single words or phrases.

Ndajfolet mund te jene nje fjale e vetme ose nje shprehje.

-Adjective can go before the noun they describe, or after some verbs.

Ndajfoljet mund te vendoset para emrit qe e pershkruan, ose pas foljes.

Adverbs can go in many different positions.

Ndajfoljet mund te vendosen ne pozicione te ndryshme.

Adverb – ndajfolje

He wants to buy a new car next month. - Muajin tjeter

If sentences is incomplete, then you can´t make it complete by adding adjective or adverbs.

Keto fjali jane te paperfunduara, ti nuk e perfundon dot duke shtuar nje mbiemer ose ndajfolje.

He wants to buy … - Ai deshiron te bleje

This sentence is incomplete. – Kjo fjali eshte e pa perfunduar

Adding adjective and adverbs won´t make it complete.

Shtimi i mbiemrave dhe ndajfoljeve nuk do ta beje te plotesuar.

Conjunction – Lidhezat

->Words like which join parts of a sentence together.

- Fjalet qe bashkojne dy pjese te fjalise bashke.

Complex sentence – fjali e nderlikuar

->a sentence 2+ parts (clauses), joined with a conjunction.

- nje fjali qe i shtohen 2 pjese (klauzolat), bashkohen me nje lidhez.

Independent clause – klauzole e pavarur

->part of a complex sentence which could stand by itself.

- Pjesa e nje fjalie te nderlikuar , e cila mund te qendronte me vete.

Dependent clause – klauzole e varur ( Klauzole-> pjese e fjalise)

->Part of a complex sentence which could not stand by itself.

- Pjesa e nje fjalie te nderlikuar e cila nuk mund te qendroje e pavarur.

Example – shembull

-He runs around the park every morning, so he´s in pretty shape.

Ai vrapon cdo dite, kesht qe ai eshte ne forme te mire.

-She likes strawberries, but she hardly ever eats them.

Ajo pelqen luleshtrydhet, por ajo pothuajse asnjehere nuk i ha ato.

-You should write to her and thank her for present.

Ti duhet te flasesh me ate dhe ta falenderosh per dhuraten.

Here´s your recipe: - Ja ku eshte formula

Independent clause + conjunction + independent clause

-Klauzole( pjese e fjalise) e pavarur + lidhez + klauzole e pavarur

He runs around the park every morning, so he´s in pretty shape.

Conjunction is so – lidheza eshte keshtu qe

We can split the sentence into two forms – Ne mund te ndajme fjaline ne dy pjese

1) He runs around the park every morning. – Ai vrapon pereth parkut cdo mengjes.

2) So, he´s in pretty shape . – Keshtu qe ai eshte ne forme te mire

-She likes strawberries, but she hardly eat them.

Conjunction is but – Lidheza eshte por

We can split the sentence into two forms

1) She likes strawberries – Ajo pelqen luleshtrydhet

2) But, she hardly eat them – Por ajo pothuajse asnjehere nuk i ha


2 Be: Present Simple (2) (Am I …? Are you…?)

1 We use be :

· To talk how we feel:

I’m happy. They’re sad.

They’re bored. She’s tired.

We’re hungry. I’m thirsty.

He isn’t afraid. They’re cold.

· To say hello:

Jane: I’m fine thanks.How are you?

· To apologize :

Mary : I’m sorry I’m late.

Chris : It doesn’t matter.

· To describe things :

It isn’t expensive.It’s cheap.

It’s an old film.It isn’t very good.

These photos are bad.

( For other uses of be,see unit 1.)

2 We often use there+be (e.g. there is , there are) to talk about where things are:

SINGULAR: There’s a supermarket in this street. There is a telephone in the flat. PLURAL: There are some good cafés in the centre of the town.

We also use there+be to talk about when things happen:

There is a bus to London at 6 o’clock.

There are taxis , but there aren’t any buses on Sunday.

There isn’t another train to Manchester today.

3 We form questions with be in the Present Simple like this:


Singular Am I

Are you late?

Is he/she/it

Plural Are we

Are you late?

Are they

Here are questions with all the forms of be:

Am I late for the film?

Are you twenty years old?

Is he at home now?

Is she French or Italian?

Is it time to go home?

Are we ready to leave?

Are you both at university?

Are they in London today?


A Make sentences about the pictures using the words in the box.Use He/She/They and the Present Simple of be.

tired sad thirsty happy

hungry bored afraid cold

0 She’s thirsty.

1 He ____________

2 They __________

3 He ____________

4 She____________

5 He _____________

6 They ___________

7 They ___________

B Use there+be to say what we can and cannot find in the town of Smallwood.

0 (a cinema: yes) There’s a cinema.

0 (a river) There isn’t a river.

1 (restaurants: 10) There are ten restaurants.

2 (any museums) There aren’t any museums.

3 (a castle) _____________ a castle.

4 (baker’s shops: 2) ____________ two baker’s shops.

5 (a zoo: yes) ____________ a zoo.

6 (banks: 6) _______________ six banks.

7 (a luxury hotel: yes)____________ a luxury hotel.

8 (a theatre) __________________ a theatre.

9 (newsagents: 6) ______________ six newsagents.

10 (many tourists)________________ many newsagents.

C Write questions by putting the words in brackets ( ) in the correct order.

0 (thirsty-you-are) Are you thirsty?_______________

1 (a teacher-you-are) __________________________

2 (they-bored-are) _____________________________

3 (is-afraid-he) _____________________

4 (she-tired-is) _____________________

5 (are-you-how) ____________________

6 (cold today-it-is) ______________________

7 (she-Spanish-is) ____________________

8 (they-from London-are) _________________________

D Write questions using the words in brackets ( ) and form of be.


0 (you/Spanish) Are you Spanish________? – No,I’m French.

1 (you/hungry) ______________________? – No,I’m thirsty.

2 (she/your sister) ____________________? –No,she’s my mother.

3 (I/ late) __________________________? –No,you’re on time.

4 (they/from America) ____________________? –No,they’re from Canada.

5 (he/a tennis player) _______________________? –No,he’s a footballer.

6 (you/happy) __________________________? –No,I’m sad.

7 (she/at home) __________________? –No,she’s at work.

8 (he/twenty) ________________________? –No,he’s eighteen years old.

E Put forms of be in these conversations.

Steve: This is Joan,my sister.

Tom: Hello,Joan._________ you a student?

Joan: No,I___________ a dentist.I work in Brighton.

Mike: How are you,Sally?

Sally: I_________ fine,thanks.

Mike: _________ you hungry,Sally?

Sally: Yes.__________ there a good restaurant near here?

Mike: Yes.There __________ a restaurant in Wellington Street.The food is good at it and

_______ very cheap.

English Made Easier


1 Be:Present Simple (1) (I am,I’m not)

1 Here are some examples of be in the Present Simple:

This is my brother.He’s ten years old.

I’m a student.These are my books.

They aren’t at home.They’re at the theatre.

2 We form the Present Simple of be like this:

3 In speech,we usually use the short forms:

She’s my sister. He’s my brother.

I’m from Italy. They’re German.


Full form Short form

Singular I am I’m

You are You’re

He/she/it is He’s/she’s/it’s

Plural We are We’re

You are You’re

They are They’re


Full form Short form

Singular I am not I’m not

You are not You aren’t

He/she/it is not He/she/it isn’t

Plural We are not We aren’t

You are not You aren’t

They are not They aren’t

4 We use be:

· To say who we are:

I’m Steve and this is my friend Bill. We’re from Scotland.

I’m Janet and these are my sisters. This is Sandra and this is Patricia.

Sandra and Patricia are doctors.

· To talk about the weather:

It’s cold today.

It’s a beautiful day.

It’s usually hot here!

It isn’t very warm today.

· To talk about the time:

It’s ten o’clock.

It’s half past four.

You’re late!

· To talk about places:

Milan is in the north of Italy.

John and Mary are in Yorkshire.

· To talk about people’s ages:

My sister is six years old.


A. Maria is from Brazil. She is writing about herself and her family. Put full forms of be in the gaps.

0 I _am______ a student from Brazil.

0 My parents are not (not) rich.

1 My father _____________a teacher.

2 My mother ___________(not) Brazilian.

3 She __________________from America.

4 I ____________________twenty years old.

5 My little brother_____________ two.

6 My older brothers ______________(not) students.

7 They _____________in the army.

8 It ________________often very hot in Brazil.

B. Now fill these gaps.This time,use short forms of be,as in the examples.

0 I’m a doctor.

0 I’m not ______(not) a bank manager.

1 She __________(not) a teacher.

2 He ______________a student.

3 They___________ at home.

4 They ____________ (not) in the park.

5 It _______________ (not) cold today.

6 It________________ very hot.

7 We ________________ from Paris.

8 We ___________________ (not) from Bordeaux.

9 You ___________________( not) twenty-one.

10 I________________________ twenty-four.

C . Look at these pictures. These people are saying who they are. Write sentences, choosing the correct jobs from the box, as in the example.

policeman, an artist, a teacher, a film star, a scientist, a photographer.

a pop star a farmer a bank manager a footballer a dentist a doctor

a policeman an artist a teacher a film star a scientist a photographer


Names: Paolo, Federico

Nationality: Italy

Jobs: Policeman, footballer



Names: Bjorn, Liv

Nationality: Sweden

Jobs: Doctor, film star



Names: Maria, Pedro

Nationality: Mexico

Jobs: Teacher, pop star



Names: Jim, Mary

Nationality: Australia

Jobs: Bank manager, artist



Names: Tomoko, Akira

Nationality: Japan

Jobs: Dentist, photographer



Names: Rajiv, Vikram

Nationality: India

Jobs: Scientist, farmer


D . Choose words from the box to put in the gaps.

He’s She’s They’re It’s (x3)

are Is We isn’t

0 My parents live in Scotland They’re teachers.

1 New York ________ in England._________ in America.

2 Paul is from Germany.__________ German.

3 My sister is a doctor.___________ thirty years old.

4 ___________six o’clock! ____________ are late.

5 _______very cold today.Let’s stay at home.

6 Look at the time!Chris and Mary _____________ late.


Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier


    Mesimi # 1

    A. Sentence structure
          Struktura e fjalise.

    The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
    Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me  nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.

    1  Subject             Verb   
       Kryefjale    +      Folje
    My arms           are aching
        Something        happened

    2. Subject               Verb                  Object   
       Kryefjale      +     Folje        +        Kundrinor

        I                           need                 a rest
        Five people       are moving      the piano

    The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun 
    (e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg  the piano)

    Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:

    a) emer
    b) peremer
    c) grup emeror)

    3. Subject                Verb                  Complement
        Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

       This piano            is                        heavy
       It                            was                    a big problem

    The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

    Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

    a) mbiemer
    b) emer
    c) grup emeror.

    Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.

    4.  Subject                 Verb                 Adverbial    
         Kryefjale        +     Folje        +      Ndajfolje ose rrethanor

        It                             is                      on my foot.
        Their house          is                       nearby.
    An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
    Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.

    5.  Subject                  Verb                Object                      Object
         Kryefjale      +        Folje        +      Kundrinor        +        Kundrinor 

        It                             ‘s giving           me                            backache.
        David                      bought            Melanie                   a present.

    We use two objects after verbs like give and  send.
    Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.

    B. Adverbials

    We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
    Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.

    My arms are aching terribly.                        I really need a rest.
    Of course this piano is heavy .                    Fortunately their house is nearby .

    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier


    1. some - /sʌm/ - disa
    2. any - /ˈɛni/ - çdo
    3. singular - /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlər/ - i/e vetëm
    4. plural - /ˈplʊərəl/ - i/e shumëfishtë
    5. sock - /sɒk/ - çorap
    6. job - /dʒɒb/ - punë
    7. bank - /bæŋk/ - bankë
    8. shirt - /ʃɜrt/ - këmishë
    9. on sale - /ɒn seɪl/ - në shpallje
    10. dinner - /ˈdɪnər/ - darkë
    11. suit - /suːt/ - kostum
    12. need - /niːd/ - nevojitet
    13. lunch - /lʌntʃ/ - drekë
    14. customer - /ˈkʌstəmər/ - klient
    15. salesperson - /ˈseɪlzˌpɜrsən/ - shitës
    16. card - /kɑrd/ - kartë
    17. police - /pəˈliːs/ - policë
    18. call - /kɔːl/ - thirrje
    19. machine - /məˈʃiːn/ - makinë
    20. ask for - /æsk fɔːr/ - kërkoj
    21. receipt - /rɪˈsiːt/ - faturë
    22. ATM - /eɪ tiː ɛm/ - bankomat
    23. clothing store - /ˈkləʊðɪŋ stɔːr/ - dyqan veshjesh
    24. credit cards - /ˈkrɛdɪt kɑrdz/ - kartat e kreditit
    25. in order - /ɪn ˈɔːrdər/ - në rregull
    26. get money - /ɡɛt ˈmʌni/ - marr pará
    27. gas station - /ɡæs ˈsteɪʃən/ - stacioni i benzins
    28. free - /friː/ - falas
    29. charge - /ʧɑːrdʒ/ - tarifë
    30. bank charge - /bæŋk ʧɑːrdʒ/ - tarifë bankare
    31. expensive - /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ - i/e shtrenjtë
    32. source - /sɔːrs/ - burim
    33. a fee - /ə fiː/ - një tarifë
    34. pay - /peɪ/ - paguaj
    35. article - /ˈɑːrtɪkl/ - artikull
    36. withdraw - /wɪðˈdrɔː/ - tërhiq
    37. withdraw your cash - /wɪðˈdrɔː jʊər kæʃ/ - tërhiq paratë tuaja
    38. take - /teɪk/ - marr
    39. prices - /ˈpraɪsɪz/ - çmimet
    40. compare - /kəmˈpɛr/ - krahasoj
    41. save - /seɪv/ - ruaj
    42. total - /ˈtoʊtl̩/ - total
    43. buy - /baɪ/ - blerje
    44. give - /ɡɪv/ - jep
    45. how much - /haʊ mʌʧ/ - sa kushton
    46. math - /mæθ/ - matematikë
    47. real life - /riəl laɪf/ - jetë reale
    48. practice - /ˈpræk.tɪs/ - ushtrime
    49. pronunciation - /prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃən/ - shqiptim
    50. size - /saɪz/ - madhësi
    51. what size - /wʌt saɪz/ - çfarë madhësie
    52. select clothing - /sɪˈlɛkt ˈkloʊðɪŋ/ - zgjidh veshjet
    53. based - /beɪst/ - bazuar
    54. price - /praɪs/ - çmim
    55. medium - /ˈmiːdiəm/ - mesatar
    56. labor - /ˈleɪbər/ - punë
    57. labor day - /ˈleɪbər deɪ/ - dita e punës
    58. medium - /ˈmiːdiəm/ - mesatar

    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier


    Present Simple Negative - Exercise

    Use the negative form of the verbs to complete the sentences. Use short forms (don't, isn't, can't, ...).
    Example: We get up early. We don't get up early.
    1. He has a sister.
    He .
    2. They know his address.
    They .
    3. She loves strawberry milkshake.
    She .
    4. They live in New York.
    They .
    5. He can speak English.
    He .
    6. Peter eats fruit every day.
    Peter .
    7. We study Spanish in school.
    We .
    8. I like reading books.
    9. Francis likes his new teacher.
    Francis .
    10. Sue is a smart girl.
    Sue .
    11. I can play the piano.
    12. They drink coffee.
    They .
    13. He meets his friends after school.
    He .
    14. The boys are at home.
    The boys .
    15. My brother sings in a band.
    My brother .


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Present Simple Negation - Exercise 5

    Fill in don't or doesn't into the gaps.
    1. Sarah  like reading books.
    2. Rita's mother  watch horror movies.
    3. We  often go to the cinema.
    4. Kevin  like spinach and beans.
    5. The children  play in the garden very often.
    6. They  study for their tests very much.
    7. She  play football.
    8. My cat  catch mice.
    9. I  want to get up early in the morning.
    10. We  have to wear school uniforms.
    11. His sister  like watching TV shows.
    12. My brother and I  go to work by bus.
    13. My parents  eat anything for breakfast.
    14. He usually  eat anything for dinner.
    15. My neighbours  go on holidays in winter.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Present Simple Negation - Exercise 4

    Put the sentences into negation. Use short forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...)
    Example: I am hungry. - I'm not hungry.
    1. They can dance. They  .
    2. I like good books. I  bad books.
    3. We live in a big city. We  in a big city.
    4. I can play the guitar. I  the guitar.
    5. They are cool. They  cool.
    6. We are pen friends. We  pen friends.
    7. The parrot eats apples. The parrot  apples.
    8. She is Austrian. She  Austrian.
    9. Brad listens to the radio. Brad  to the radio.
    10. Elephants eat grass. Elephants  meat.
    11. I am good at school. I  good at school.
    12. They go to school by bus. They  to school by bus.
    13. Henry does his homework. Henry  his homework.
    14. Simon reads comics. Simon  comics.
    15. Sally smokes. Sally .


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Present Simple Negation - Exercise 3

    Put the verbs into present simple negation. Use short forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...).
    Example: Example: We like singing. - We don't like singing.
    1. Peter goes to the party. Peter  to the party.
    2. His schoolbag is brown. His schoolbag  red.
    3. Mary can ski. Mary  .
    4. We meet our friends. We  our friends.
    5. The teacher hands out the books. The teacher  the books.
    6. Pat is a clever boy. Pat  a clever boy.
    7. The monkey takes the banana. The monkey  the banana.
    8. Tony is hungry. Tony  hungry.
    9. Tim has a brother. Tim  a sister.
    10. They are at Sarah's party. They  at home.
    11. I like apples. I  oranges.
    12. Winter begins in December. Winter  in October.
    13. They are at home. They  at home.
    14. Tom can play football. Tom  football.
    15. My mother speaks Spanish. My mother  Spanish.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Present Simple Negation - Exercise 2

    Put the sentences into the negative form. Use short forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...)
    Example: I like reading. - I don't like reading.
    1. They wash the car. They  the car.
    2. I get up early. I  early.
    3. They walk to school. They  to school.
    4. Jim eats an orange. Jim  an orange.
    5. My sister listens to her new CD. My sister  to her new CD.
    6. Ann cleans her shoes. Ann  her shoes.
    7. Henry climbs the tree. Henry  the tree.
    8. They meet at the cinema. They  at the cinema.
    9. We like pizza. We  pizza.
    10. Gary and Peter go to the party. Gary and Peter  to the party.
    11. My parents work in a restaurant. My parents  in a restaurant.
    12. We like our uncle. We  our uncle.
    13. She sings her favourite song. She  her favourite song.
    14. Bill reads a book. Bill  a book.
    15. Mary goes to the zoo. Mary  to the zoo.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Present Simple Negation - Exercise

    Use short forms (isn't, don't,...).
    1. We have some milk. We  any milk.
    2. Mother sews Jenny's jeans. Mother  Jenny's jeans.
    3. I hate Maths lessons. I  Maths lessons.
    4. My brother likes eating oranges. My brother  eating oranges.
    5. My parents often watch westerns. My parents  often  westerns.
    6. Children like ice cream. Some children  ice cream.
    7. The monkey wants some bananas. The monkey  some bananas.
    8. They are hungry. They  hungry.
    9. We get up early on Sundays. We  up early on Sundays.
    10. Peter is sometimes very tired. Peter  sometimes very tired.
    11. I am a good pupil. I  a good pupil.
    12. School always starts at seven o'clock. School  always  at seven o'clock.
    13. Kate always has her piano lesson on Fridays. Kate  always  her piano lesson on Friday.
    14. In summer it's sometimes very hot. In summer it  sometimes very hot.
    15. Mum washes all my dirty clothes. Mum  all my dirty clothes.
    16. Peter has got a brother. Peter  a brother.
    17. The frog is under the caravan. The frog  under the caravan.
    18. They are cool. They  cool.
    19. Dad buys a new car. Dad  a new car.
    20. The boys play football. The boys  football.


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    Simple Present - Exercise

    Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
    Examples: We are (be) never late. She likes (like) popcorn.
    1. She  (be) good at school.
    2. Elephants  (eat) grass.
    3. I  (like) fish and chips.
    4. She always  (meet) her friends after school.
    5. Tom often  (wear) a white shirt and blue jeans.
    6. They  (be) never tired in the morning.
    7. He  (like) apples and bananas.
    8. The children sometimes  (go) to the playground.
    9. Sandra usually  (take) the bus to school.
    10. Derrick always  (have) lunch at a restaurant.
    11. The boys often  (play) computer games.
    12. Our cat hardly ever  (catch) a mouse.
    13. Paul  (walk) his dog every day.
    14. Our daughter often  (get) up too late.
    15. My mother  (bake) a cake every Saturday.


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    Present Tense - Exercise

    Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
    Examples: He is (be) often tired. They like (like) ham and eggs.
    1. They  a cold. (have)
    2. She  up at seven. (get up)
    3. We  breakfast at eight. (have)
    4. Peter  to school. (go)
    5. Anna  home at two. (get)
    6. He  an ice cream. (want)
    7. I  peppermint. (hate)
    8. Kelly  TV. (watch)
    9. She  her homework. (do)
    10. Our teacher  in Oxford Street. (live)
    11. Eric and Tom  blue shirts. (wear)
    12. My sister  a song. (sing)
    13. My mum  spaghetti. (cook)
    14. Mr Black  in his office. (work)
    15. The girls often  a book. (read)


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    Present Tense Simple - Exercise 4

    1. Sarah and Pam often  to parties. (go)
    2. Jenny sometimes  Monica. (meet)
    3. In summer he children usually  in the garden. (play)
    4. Sally often  the board. (clean)
    5. My sister  blue eyes. (have)
    6. Bill  the window. (open)
    7. Barbara  school uniforms look great. (think)
    8. They all  dark blue pullovers. (wear)
    9. He often  the housework. (do)
    10. My mum  shopping every Friday. (go)
    11. I never  TV in the morning. (watch)
    12. She  her new notebook. (like)
    13. Fred  football every Saturday. (play)
    14. Hannah and Betty often  pizza. (eat)
    15. Frank sometimes  a headache. (have)


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    Present Simple - Exercise 3

    Complete the sentences with the present tense simple.
    1. My parents often  westerns. (watch)
    2. They  hungry. (be)
    3. Mum  all the dirty clothes. (wash)
    4. Peter  got a brother. (have)
    5. Dad  a new plasma TV. (buy)
    6. The boys  football. (play)
    7. In summer it  hot. (be)
    8. I  good at school. (be)
    9. On Friday we always  our piano lesson. (have)
    10. Mary  her homework. (do)
    11. Richard  TV. (watch)
    12. I  big cities. (like)
    13. He  in the library. (study)
    14. She always  to work at 7. (go)
    15. Bill and Tom sometimes  to London. (drive)


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    Present Simple - Exercise 2

    Fill in the present tense simple.
    1. They  about his iPod. (talk)
    2. Mary  stamps. (collect)
    3. Tom and Sue  two T-shirts. (buy)
    4. We  behind a tree. (hide)
    5. The children  in the garden. (play)
    6. She  my pencil. (borrow)
    7. My mother  shopping every Friday. (go)
    8. He  my name. (call)
    9. They always  in the first row. (sit)
    10. Ken and Sam  stamps. (collect)
    11. Carol  goodbye. (say)
    12. She usually  Tom with the homework. (help)
    13. He  in a big house. (live)
    14. The girls  up. (stand)
    15. Bill  going shopping. (like)


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    Present Simple - Exercise

    1. My sister  (read) a book.
    2. Frank  (like) dogs.
    3. My parents  (do) the shopping.
    4. We sometimes  (meet) in front of the cinema.
    5. Uncle George  (go) to the doctor's.
    6. Our friends  (play) football in the park.
    7. She  (go) to the park every Friday.
    8. He  (ride) his bike every day.
    9. We  (have) the best ideas.
    10. Carol  (say) goodbye.
    11. She  (be) the best singer in our class.
    12. My sister  (live) in a big house.
    13. The children  (eat) hamburgers.
    14. Bill  (have) got two notebooks.
    15. I  (be) at home.


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    Here's a chart with examples to illustrate the difference between Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense:

    TenseStructureExample Sentences
    Simple PresentSubject + Base Verb (s/es for 3rd person singular)- She works in an office.
    - They study every day.
    - I like chocolate.
    - He does his homework in the evening.
    - The sun rises in the east.
    - Cats meow.
    Present ContinuousSubject + (am/is/are) + Verb-ing- She is working on a project.
    - They are studying for their exams.
    - I am liking the new book. (Note: less common, more often used with non-stative verbs)
    - He is doing his homework right now.
    - The sun is rising in the east.
    - Dogs are barking outside.

    In summary, the Simple Present Tense is used for general truths, habits, and routines, while the Present Continuous Tense is used for actions happening at the moment of speaking or around the present time.

    Shikoni tabelen e mesiperme te perkthyer ne gjuhen shqipe:

    Here's the chart with examples in Albanian to illustrate the difference between Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense:

    Koha VerbaleStrukturaShembuj të Fjalive
    Tashmë e ThjeshtëSubjekti + Folje Bazë (s/es për të tretën person në një numër)- Ajo punon në një zyrë.
    - Ata studojnë çdo ditë.
    - Më pëlqen çokollata.
    - Ai bën detyrën e tij në mbrëmje.
    - Dielli ngrihet në lindje.
    - Mace mjaujnë.
    Tashmë të VazhduarSubjekti + (jam/je/jenë) + Folje në -ing- Ajo po punon në një projekt.
    - Ata po studiojnë për provimet e tyre.
    - Unë po pëlqej librin e ri.
    - Ai po bën detyrën e tij tani.
    - Dielli po ngrihet në lindje.
    - Qentë po ngjajnë jashtë.

    Në kuptim, Koha e Tashme e Thjeshtë përdoret për të vërteta të përgjithshme, zakone dhe rutina, ndërsa Koha e Tashme e Vazhduar përdoret për veprime që po ndodhin në momentin e foljes ose rreth kohës së tanishme.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here's a test with 20 exercises where you can choose between Simple Present and Present Continuous (Progressive) tense. Choose the correct option for each sentence:

    1. She usually (reads/ is reading) a book in the evening.
    2. Right now, I (am watching / watch) my favorite TV show.
    3. They (always come / are always coming) to the party on time.
    4. Look! The kids (plays / are playing) in the garden.
    5. My parents (travel / are traveling) to Europe every summer.
    6. Be quiet! I (study / am studying) for my exam.
    7. Every Friday, they (go / are going) to the cinema.
    8. The sun (shines / is shining) brightly today.
    9. We (usually eat / are usually eating) dinner at 7 PM.
    10. At this moment, she (talks / is talking) on the phone.
    11. He (works / is working) at a restaurant downtown.
    12. Listen! The birds (sings / are singing) in the trees.
    13. She (always forgets / is always forgetting) her keys at home.
    14. Look at the sky! It (rains / is raining) heavily.
    15. We (play / are playing) basketball every weekend.
    16. The train (leaves / is leaving) at 3 PM every day.
    17. What (do you do / are you doing) right now?
    18. I (am not understanding / don't understand) the instructions.
    19. The baby (sleeps / is sleeping) peacefully in the crib.
    20. He (travels / is traveling) to London next week.


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    Me poshte vijojne fjalet e reja per faqet 76 - 81 ne librin tuaj te studentit. Julutem i shikoni me kujdes edhe i mesoni keto fjale si ti shkruani.

    Here are the words with their International English pronunciation followed by the translation in Albanian:

    1. spend - /spɛnd/ - shpenzoj
    2. money - /ˈmʌni/ - para
    3. clothes - /kloʊðz/ - veshje
    4. talk - /tɔːk/ - flas
    5. clothing - /ˈkloʊðɪŋ/ - veshje
    6. expressing - /ɪkˈsprɛsɪŋ/ - shprehje
    7. simple - /ˈsɪmpəl/ - i thjeshtë
    8. ATMs - /eɪtiːˈɛmz/ - bankomate
    9. cash - /kæʃ/ - para në dorë
    10. penny - /ˈpɛni/ - qindarkë
    11. nickel - /ˈnɪkəl/ - një nickel (monedhë 5-qindarke)
    12. dime - /daɪm/ - një dime (monedhë 10-qindarke)
    13. quarter - /ˈkwɔrtər/ - një çerek (monedhë 25-qindarke)
    14. one dollar bill - /wʌn ˈdɒlər bɪl/ - një lek (monedhë 1-dollar)
    15. check - /ʧɛk/ - çek
    16. money order - /ˈmʌni ˈɔrdər/ - urdhër pagese
    17. currency - /ˈkɜːrənsi/ - valutë
    18. items - /ˈaɪtəmz/ - artikuj
    19. identify - /aɪˈdɛntɪˌfaɪ/ - identifikoj
    20. blouse - /blaʊz/ - bluzë
    21. customer - /ˈkʌstəmər/ - klient
    22. dress - /drɛs/ - fustan
    23. change - /ʧeɪndʒ/ - këmbim
    24. pants - /pænts/ - pantallona
    25. shirt - /ʃɜrt/ - këmishë
    26. shoes - /ʃuz/ - këpucë
    27. skirt - /skɜrt/ - fustan
    28. socks - /sɒks/ - çorap
    29. suit - /sut/ - kostum
    30. tie - /taɪ/ - kravatë
    31. t-shirt - /ˈtiː.ʃɜrt/ - bluzë me t
    32. how much - /haʊ mʌʧ/ - sa kushton
    33. how many - /haʊ ˈmɛni/ - sa (numri)
    34. life story - /laɪf ˈstɔːri/ - historia e jetës
    35. mall - /mɔːl/ - qendër tregtare
    36. at a mall - /æt ə mɔːl/ - në një qendër tregtare
    37. cold - /koʊld/ - ftohtë
    38. price - /praɪs/ - çmim
    39. inexpensive - /ˌɪnɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ - i lirë
    40. expensive - /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ - i shtrenjtë
    41. salespeople - /seɪlzˈpiːpl/ - shitës
    42. sweater - /ˈswɛtər/ - xhup
    43. beautiful - /ˈbjuːtɪfəl/ - bukur
    44. discount - /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ - zbritje
    45. perfect - /ˈpɜːrfɪkt/ - perfekt
    46. credit card - /ˈkrɛdɪt kɑːrd/ - karta krediti
    47. too - /tuː/ - edhe
    48. ways to pay - /weɪz tuː peɪ/ - mënyrat për të paguar
    49. hat - /hæt/ - kapelë
    50. uniform - /ˈjuːnɪˌfɔːrm/ - uniformë



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    Happy Holidays



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    Merry Christmas to you!



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    English Made Easier

    Here are ten sentences for you to practice forming negative sentences in the present continuous tense. Fill in the blanks:

    1. She ________ (not, read) a book right now.
    2. They ________ (not, play) soccer this afternoon.
    3. You ________ (not, study) for the exam at the moment.
    4. It ________ (not, rain) outside.
    5. We ________ (not, have) lunch together.
    6. He ________ (not, watch) TV.
    7. She ________ (not, teach) a class today.
    8. They ________ (not, travel) to Paris this weekend.
    9. I ________ (not, work) on a project currently.
    10. You ________ (not, listen) to music right now.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are ten sentences for you to practice forming interrogative sentences in the present continuous tense. Fill in the blanks:

    1. ________ she ________ (read) a book right now?
    2. ________ they ________ (play) soccer this afternoon?
    3. ________ you ________ (study) for the exam at the moment?
    4. ________ it ________ (rain) outside?
    5. ________ we ________ (have) lunch together?
    6. ________ he ________ (watch) TV?
    7. ________ she ________ (teach) a class today?
    8. ________ they ________ (travel) to Paris this weekend?
    9. ________ I ________ (work) on a project currently?
    10. ________ you ________ (listen) to music right now?



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are five exercises for you to practice using the present continuous tense in affirmative sentences. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs:

    1. Right now, she __________ (cook) dinner in the kitchen.
    2. The children __________ (play) in the park at the moment.
    3. I __________ (study) for my exams this week.
    4. They __________ (build) a new house in the neighborhood.
    5. We __________ (attend) a language course this semester.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are 20 more exercises for you to practice using present tense interrogative forms of verbs. Fill in the blanks:

    1. ________ she ________ (eat) sushi every Friday?
    2. ________ they ________ (watch) TV in the evenings?
    3. ________ you ________ (speak) Spanish fluently?
    4. ________ it ________ (snow) often in your hometown?
    5. ________ we ________ (visit) the museum tomorrow?
    6. ________ he ________ (like) to go hiking on weekends?
    7. ________ she ________ (play) the piano at parties?
    8. ________ you ________ (work) on Saturdays?
    9. ________ it ________ (take) a long time to get there?
    10. ________ they ________ (study) for exams right now?
    11. ________ he ________ (drive) a car to work?
    12. ________ she ________ (know) the answer to the question?
    13. ________ you ________ (visit) your grandparents often?
    14. ________ it ________ (rain) tomorrow?
    15. ________ we ________ (go) to the beach next weekend?
    16. ________ they ________ (live) in the same neighborhood?
    17. ________ he ________ (play) basketball on Sundays?
    18. ________ she ________ (teach) English at the university?
    19. ________ you ________ (have) lunch with me today?
    20. ________ it ________ (get) dark early in winter?



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are ten exercises for you to practice using the negative form of present tense verbs in interrogative sentences. Fill in the blanks:

    1. ________ she ________ (not, eat) sushi every Friday?
    2. ________ they ________ (not, watch) TV in the evenings?
    3. ________ you ________ (not, speak) Spanish fluently?
    4. ________ it ________ (not, snow) often in your hometown?
    5. ________ we ________ (not, visit) the museum tomorrow?
    6. ________ he ________ (not, like) to go hiking on weekends?
    7. ________ she ________ (not, play) the piano at parties?
    8. ________ you ________ (not, work) on Saturdays?
    9. ________ it ________ (not, take) a long time to get there?
    10. ________ they ________ (not, study) for exams right now?



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are fifteen exercises for you to practice forming negative sentences in the simple present tense. Fill in the blanks:

    1. She ________ (not, like) to eat spicy food.
    2. They ________ (not, live) in the city center.
    3. I ________ (not, have) time for a long chat right now.
    4. We ________ (not, play) video games on weekdays.
    5. It ________ (not, snow) in this part of the country.
    6. He ________ (not, speak) French fluently.
    7. She ________ (not, watch) horror movies.
    8. They ________ (not, work) on Sundays.
    9. I ________ (not, visit) the museum often.
    10. You ________ (not, need) to worry about that.
    11. It ________ (not, rain) much during the summer.
    12. We ________ (not, like) to wake up early.
    13. He ________ (not, play) the guitar very well.
    14. They ________ (not, know) the answer to the question.
    15. She ________ (not, travel) abroad frequently.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are 20 more exercises for you to practice using present tense interrogative forms of verbs. Fill in the blanks:

    1. ________ she ________ (eat) sushi every Friday?
    2. ________ they ________ (watch) TV in the evenings?
    3. ________ you ________ (speak) Spanish fluently?
    4. ________ it ________ (snow) often in your hometown?
    5. ________ we ________ (visit) the museum tomorrow?
    6. ________ he ________ (like) to go hiking on weekends?
    7. ________ she ________ (play) the piano at parties?
    8. ________ you ________ (work) on Saturdays?
    9. ________ it ________ (take) a long time to get there?
    10. ________ they ________ (study) for exams right now?
    11. ________ he ________ (drive) a car to work?
    12. ________ she ________ (know) the answer to the question?
    13. ________ you ________ (visit) your grandparents often?
    14. ________ it ________ (rain) tomorrow?
    15. ________ we ________ (go) to the beach next weekend?
    16. ________ they ________ (live) in the same neighborhood?
    17. ________ he ________ (play) basketball on Sundays?
    18. ________ she ________ (teach) English at the university?
    19. ________ you ________ (have) lunch with me today?
    20. ________ it ________ (get) dark early in winter?



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are fifteen exercises for you to practice using both the simple present and present continuous tenses in negative sentences. Fill in the blanks:

    1. She ________ (not, read) a book right now.
    2. They usually ________ (not, enjoy) hiking on weekends.
    3. You ________ (not, have) coffee in the morning.
    4. The train ________ (not, arrive) at 3 PM today.
    5. He ________ (not, write) emails in the afternoon.
    6. You ________ (not, live) in the city.
    7. The kids ________ (not, play) in the yard today.
    8. She ________ (not, speak) three languages.
    9. You ________ (not, visit) your grandparents every month.
    10. The company ________ (not, produce) new products regularly.
    11. Your parents ________ (not, watch) TV in the evenings.
    12. You ________ (not, exercise) at the gym twice a week.
    13. The cat ________ (not, sleep) on the couch right now.
    14. She ________ (not, take) the bus to work every day.
    15. We ________ (not, have) a family dinner every Sunday.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are fifteen exercises for you to practice using both the simple present and present continuous tenses in interrogative sentences. Fill in the blanks:

    1. ________ she ________ (read) a book right now?
    2. ________ they usually ________ (enjoy) hiking on weekends?
    3. ________ you ________ (have) coffee in the morning?
    4. ________ the train ________ (arrive) at 3 PM today?
    5. ________ he ________ (write) emails in the afternoon?
    6. ________ you ________ (live) in the city?
    7. ________ the kids ________ (play) in the yard today?
    8. ________ she ________ (speak) three languages?
    9. ________ you ________ (visit) your grandparents every month?
    10. ________ the company ________ (produce) new products regularly?
    11. ________ your parents ________ (watch) TV in the evenings?
    12. ________ you ________ (exercise) at the gym twice a week?
    13. ________ the cat ________ (sleep) on the couch right now?
    14. ________ she ________ (take) the bus to work every day?
    15. ________ we ________ (have) a family dinner every Sunday?


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are fifteen exercises for you to practice using both the simple present and present continuous tenses in affirmative sentences. Fill in the blanks:

    1. She usually __________ (read) a book, but today she __________ (read) a magazine.
    2. They always __________ (enjoy) hiking, but this week they __________ (plan) a beach vacation.
    3. I typically __________ (have) coffee in the morning, but right now I __________ (drink) tea.
    4. The train __________ (arrive) at 3 PM, and I __________ (wait) at the station.
    5. He usually __________ (write) emails in the afternoon, but today he __________ (work) on a report.
    6. We __________ (live) in the city, but this year we __________ (consider) moving to the suburbs.
    7. The kids __________ (play) in the yard every day, but today they __________ (build) a sandcastle.
    8. She __________ (speak) three languages, but currently, she __________ (learn) a fourth.
    9. I __________ (visit) my grandparents every month, but this month I __________ (travel) for work.
    10. The company __________ (produce) new products regularly, but this quarter they __________ (focus) on software development.
    11. My parents __________ (watch) TV in the evenings, but tonight they __________ (attend) a live performance.
    12. I __________ (exercise) at the gym twice a week, but this week I __________ (try) a new fitness class.
    13. The cat __________ (sleep) on the couch, and the dog __________ (play) in the garden.
    14. She __________ (take) the bus to work every day, but this week she __________ (drive) her own car.
    15. We __________ (have) a family dinner every Sunday, but this Sunday we __________ (celebrate) a special occasion.


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    English Made Easier

    Relative pronouns are pronouns that introduce relative clauses, which are clauses that describe or provide additional information about a noun or pronoun in the main clause of a sentence. In English, there are five main relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, and that. Here is a chart to help clarify their usage:

    Relative PronounFunctionExample
    WhoRefers to people, subject of the verb in the relative clauseThe woman who won the race is my friend.
    WhomRefers to people, object of the verb in the relative clauseThe person whom I met yesterday was very kind.
    WhoseShows possession, refers to people or thingsThe car whose tires were flat was towed away.
    WhichRefers to things, subject or object of the verb in the relative clauseThe book which I borrowed from the library was very interesting.
    ThatRefers to people or things, subject or object of the verb in the relative clauseThe restaurant that we went to last night was very good.

    Note that "whom" is becoming less common in everyday speech and writing, and is often replaced with "who" in modern English. Additionally, "that" is often used instead of "who" or "which" in informal contexts.

    Peremrat lidhës janë peremra që prezantojnë fjalitë lidhëse, të cilat janë fjalitë që përshkruajnë ose ofrojnë informacion shtesë në lidhje me një emër ose pronom në fjalën kryesore të një fjale. Në anglisht, ka pesë pronomina kryesorë lidhës: kush, kujt, i cili, i cili dhe që. Këtu është një tabelë për të ndihmuar në qartësimin e tyre:

    Pronomi lidhësFunksionShembull
    KushReferohet te njerëzit, subjekt i fjalës në fjalën lidhëseGruaja që fitoi garën është miqja ime.
    KujtReferohet te njerëzit, objekt i fjalës në fjalën lidhësePersoni që takova dje ishte shumë i mirë.
    I ciliTregon pronësi, referohet te njerëzit ose gjëraMakina, e cila kishte gomat e plasaritura, u tërhoq.
    I ciliReferohet te gjërat, subjekt ose objekt i fjalës në fjalën lidhëseLibri që mora nga biblioteka ishte shumë interesant.
    Referohet te njerëzit ose gjëra, subjekt ose objekt i fjalës në fjalën lidhëseRestoranti që shkuam së djeshme ishte shumë i mirë.

    Vërejtje se "kujt" po bëhet më pak i zakonshëm në fjalorin e përditshëm dhe shkrimin, dhe shpesh zëvendësohet me "kush" në anglisht moderne. Gjithashtu, "që" shpesh përdoret në vend të "kush" ose "i cili" në kontekste joformale.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Let's do a simple exercise with the simple present tense. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:

    1. She usually __________ (go) to the gym in the evenings.
    2. My friends and I __________ (enjoy) playing board games on weekends.
    3. The sun __________ (rise) in the east.
    4. They __________ (not, like) to eat spicy food.
    5. Do you often __________ (read) books in your free time?
    6. The train __________ (arrive) at the station at 3:15 PM.
    7. I __________ (work) in an office downtown.
    8. Cats __________ (sleep) a lot during the day.
    9. We __________ (not, have) classes on Saturdays.
    10. It __________ (rain) a lot in this region during the winter.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here's an exercise with the present continuous tense. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:

    1. Right now, they __________ (play) video games in the living room.
    2. I __________ (study) for my exams at the moment.
    3. Look! The chef __________ (cook) a delicious meal in the kitchen.
    4. She __________ (not, watch) TV; she's reading a book.
    5. We __________ (have) a meeting with the manager this afternoon.
    6. Why __________ he __________ (run) so fast?
    7. The children __________ (build) a sandcastle on the beach.
    8. It __________ (rain) outside, so take an umbrella.
    9. The teacher __________ (teach) a new lesson to the students.
    10. My parents __________ (travel) to Europe next month.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Below is a chart illustrating the differences between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense in English, including various forms of verbs during conjugation:

    AspectSimple Present TensePresent Continuous Tense
    Affirmative StatementsI/You/We/They play football.I am playing football.
    He/She/It plays football.
    Negative StatementsI/You/We/They do not play football.I am not playing football.
    He/She/It does not play football.
    Interrogative StatementsDo I/you/we/they play football?Am I playing football?
    Does he/she/it play football?
    Short AnswersYes, I/you/we/they do.Yes, I am.
    Yes, he/she/it does.No, I am not.
    General Use/ExamplesI eat breakfast every morning.I am eating breakfast right now.
    She reads a book every evening.She is reading a book at the moment.
    They live in New York.They are living in New York temporarily.


    • In the simple present tense, the third person singular (he/she/it) usually adds an "s" to the base form of the verb.
    • In the present continuous tense, the verb "to be" is used in the present tense (am/are/is) along with the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.
    • The negative forms are created by adding "not" after the auxiliary verb "do" in the simple present tense, and after the verb "to be" in the present continuous tense.
    • Interrogative statements are formed by switching the position of the auxiliary verb "do" or "to be" and the subject in the simple present and present continuous tenses, respectively.
    • Short answers are formed using either "Yes, I/you/we/they do." or "Yes, he/she/it does." in the simple present tense, and "Yes, I am." or "No, I am not." in the present continuous tense.

    I hope this chart helps clarify the differences between the two tenses!



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here's the chart with Albanian translations for the simple present tense and the present continuous tense:

    AspectSimple Present TensePresent Continuous Tense
    Affirmative StatementsUnë/Ti/Ai, etj. luaj futboll.Unë po luaj futboll.
    Ajo/Ai/Ajo luan futboll.
    Negative StatementsUnë/Ti/Ai, etj. nuk luaj futboll.Unë nuk po luaj futboll.
    Ajo/Ai/Ajo nuk luan futboll.
    Interrogative StatementsA unë/ti/ai, etj. luaj futboll?A po luaj futboll?
    A ajo/ai/ajo luan futboll?
    Short AnswersPo, unë/ti/ai, etj. bëj.Po, unë po bëj.
    Po, ajo/ai/ajo bën.Jo, unë nuk po bëj.
    General Use/ExamplesUnë ha mëngjes çdo ditë.Unë po ha mëngjes tani.
    Ajo lexon një libër çdo mbrëmje.Ajo po lexon një libër në këtë moment.
    Ata jetojnë në New York.Ata po jetojnë në New York përkohësisht.


    • In the simple present tense, the third person singular (he/she/it) usually adds an "s" to the base form of the verb. In Albanian, this is reflected in the change of verb conjugation.
    • In the present continuous tense, the verb "to be" is used in the present tense (jam/jemi/jeni/jane) along with the present participle (-uar or -yuar form) of the main verb.
    • The negative forms are created by adding "nuk" after the verb in both the simple present and present continuous tenses.
    • Interrogative statements are formed by switching the position of the auxiliary verb "a" and the subject in both the simple present and present continuous tenses.
    • Short answers are formed using "Po" for "Yes" and "Jo" for "No" in both the simple present and present continuous tenses.

    I hope this provides the information you're looking for!



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here's the chart with Albanian translations for the notes:

    ShënimeThjeshtë Të Tashme (Presente Thjesht)Të Tashme Ndërprerëse (Presente Ndërprerëse)
    Pohim i AfirmuarUnë/Ti/Ai, etj. luaj futboll.Unë po luaj futboll.
    Ajo/Ai/Ajo luan futboll.
    Pohim i MohuarUnë/Ti/Ai, etj. nuk luaj futboll.Unë nuk po luaj futboll.
    Ajo/Ai/Ajo nuk luan futboll.
    PyetjeA unë/ti/ai, etj. luaj futboll?A po luaj futboll?
    A ajo/ai/ajo luan futboll?
    Përgjigje të ShkurtraPo, unë/ti/ai, etj. bëj.Po, unë po bëj.
    Po, ajo/ai/ajo bën.Jo, unë nuk po bëj.
    Përdorim/ ShembujUnë ha mëngjes çdo ditë.Unë po ha mëngjes tani.
    Ajo lexon një libër çdo mbrëmje.Ajo po lexon një libër në këtë moment.
    Ata jetojnë në New York.Ata po jetojnë në New York përkohësisht.


    • Në thjeshtën e tashme, personi i tretë i shkallës së njëjtin, zakonisht shton "s" në formën bazë të fjalës. Në shqip, kjo shfaqet në ndryshimin e konjugimit të fjalës.
    • Në të tashmen ndërprerëse, përdoret fjalëkalimi "jam/jemi/jeni/jane" së bashku me pjesën e tashme (-uar ose -yuar) të fjalës kryesore.
    • Forma negative krijohet duke shtuar "nuk" pas fjalës në të dy thjeshten e tashme dhe të tashmen ndërprerëse.
    • Pyetjet formohen duke ndërruar pozicionin e fjalëkalimit "a" dhe subjektit në të dy thjeshten e tashme dhe të tashmen ndërprerëse.
    • Përgjigjet e shkurtra formohen duke përdorur "Po" për "Po" dhe "Jo" për "Jo" në të dy thjeshten e tashme dhe të tashmen ndërprerëse.

    Shpresoj që kjo të sjell informacionin që kërkoni!



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here's a simplified chart highlighting the key differences between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense in English:

    AspectSimple Present TensePresent Continuous Tense
    FormSubject + Base Verb (+s for 3rd person singular)Subject + "to be" (am/are/is) + Present Participle (-ing form of the verb)
    UsageGeneral facts, routines, habitsActions happening now, temporary situations
    Signal WordsAlways, usually, often, sometimesNow, at the moment, currently
    Negative FormSubject + Do/Does + Not + Base VerbSubject + "to be" (am/are/is) + Not + Present Participle
    QuestionsDo/Does + Subject + Base Verb?"To be" (am/are/is) + Subject + Present Participle?
    ExamplesI play soccer every weekend.I am playing soccer right now.


    • The simple present tense is used for general truths, habits, routines, and timeless facts.
    • The present continuous tense is used for actions happening at the moment of speaking, temporary actions, and ongoing situations.
    • Signal words help identify which tense to use based on the context.
    • The negative forms and questions are formed differently for each tense.

    I hope this simplified chart helps clarify the main differences between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense in English!



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here's the chart with differences between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense translated into Albanian:

    AspektiThjeshtë Të Tashme (Presente Thjesht)Të Tashme Ndërprerëse (Presente Ndërprerëse)
    FormaSubjekti + Fjalë e Thjeshtë (+s për personin e tretë singular)Subjekti + "to be" (jam/jemi/jeni/jane) + Pjesa e Tashme (-uar ose -yuar e fjalës)
    PërdorimiFakte të përgjithshme, rutinat, zakonetVeprimet që po ndodhin tani, situata të përkohshme
    Fjalë SinjalGjithmonë, zakonisht, shpesh, ndonjëherëTani, në këtë moment, aktualisht
    Forma NegativeSubjekti + Do/Does + Not + Fjalë e ThjeshtëSubjekti + "to be" (jam/jemi/jeni/jane) + Not + Pjesa e Tashme
    PyetjeDo/Does + Subjekti + Fjalë e Thjeshtë?"To be" (jam/jemi/jeni/jane) + Subjekti + Pjesa e Tashme?
    ShembujUnë luaj futboll çdo fundjavë.Unë po luaj futboll tani.


    • Thjeshta e tashme përdoret për të shprehur fakte të përgjithshme, rutina, zakone dhe fakte kohore.
    • Të tashmen ndërprerëse e përdorim kur flasim për veprime që po ndodhin në momentin e foljes, veprime të përkohshme dhe situata që vazhdojnë.
    • Fjalë sinjal ndihmojnë të identifikohet cilën kohë të përdorim në kontekst.
    • Format negative dhe pyetjet formohen ndryshe për secilën kohë.

    Shpresoj që ky shpjegim të ndihmojë për të kuptuar dallimet kryesore midis thjeshtës të tashmes dhe të tashmes ndërprerëse në anglisht dhe shqip!




    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here's the English pronunciation of the words you provided, along with their Albanian equivalents:

    Me poshte vijojne fjalet e reja per faqet 70n - 75.

    1. Conversation - /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʒən/ - bisedë
    2. Copy - /ˈkɒpi/ - kopjoj
    3. Stapler - /ˈsteɪplər/ - grampë
    4. Fill - /fɪl/ - mbush
    5. Out - /aʊt/ - jashtë
    6. Copy machine - /ˈkɒpi məˈʃiːn/ - makinë kopjimi
    7. Paper - /ˈpeɪpər/ - letër
    8. Button - /ˈbʌtn̩/ - buton
    9. Turn off - /tɜːrn ɒf/ - fik
    10. Push - /pʊʃ/ - shtyj
    11. Turn on - /tɜːrn ɒn/ - ndiz
    12. Then - /ðɛn/ - pastaj
    13. Equipment - /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ - pajisje
    14. Learn about - /lɜrn əˈbaʊt/ - mësoj për
    15. Office - /ˈɒfɪs/ - zyrë
    16. Practice - /ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikoj
    17. Use - /juːz/ - përdor
    18. Identify - /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/ - identifikoj
    19. Follow - /ˈfɒloʊ/ - ndjek
    20. Operating - /ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ/ - veprues, qe vepron ne .
    21. Instructions - /ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz/ - udhëzime
    22. Office machine - /ˈɒfɪs məˌʃiːn/ - makinë zyre
    23. Supermarket - /ˈsuːpərmɑːrkɪt/ - supermarket
    24. Talk about - /tɔːk əˈbaʊt/ - bisedoj për
    25. Routine - /ruːˈtiːn/ - rutinë
    26. Count - /kaʊnt/ - numëroj
    27. Pronunciation - /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən/ - shqiptim
    28. True - /truː/ - e vërtetë
    29. False - /fɔːls/ - e pasaktë
    30. Drive - /draɪv/ - drejtoj
    31. Ready - /ˈrɛdi/ - i gatshëm
    32. Hour - /aʊər/ - orë
    33. Relax - /rɪˈlæks/ - pushoj
    34. Housework - /ˈhaʊswɜːrk/ - punë shtëpie
    35. Real life - /riːl laɪf/ - jeta reale
    36. Reading - /ˈriːdɪŋ/ - lexim
    37. A little - /ə ˈlɪtl̩/ - pak
    38. A lot - /ə lɒt/ - shumë
    39. Daily - /ˈdeɪli/ - i përditshëm
    40. Many - /ˈmɛni/ - shumë
    41. People - /ˈpiːpl̩/ - njerëz
    42. Free time - /friː taɪm/ - kohë e lirë
    43. Source - /sɔːrs/ - burim
    44. Article - /ˈɑːrtɪkl̩/ - artikull
    45. Again - /əˈɡɛn/ - përsëri
    46. Responsibility - /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪlɪti/ - përgjegjësi
    47. Graphs - /ɡræfs/ - grafe
    48. Get ready - /ɡɛt ˈrɛdi/ - përgatitem
    49. Before - /bɪˈfɔːr/ - para
    50. Leave - /liːv/ - largohem
    51. Clean - /kliːn/ - pastron
    52. Cook - /kʊk/ - gatuaj
    53. Yard - /jɑːrd/ - oborr
    54. Home - /hoʊm/ - shtëpi
    55. Repairs - /rɪˈpɛrz/ - riparime
    56. Weekly - /ˈwikli/ - javor
    57. Kitchen - /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ - kuzhinë
    58. Newspaper - /ˈnuzˌpeɪpər/ - gazetë
    59. Women - /ˈwɪmɪn/ - gra
    60. Activity - /ækˈtɪvɪti/ - aktivitet
    61. Magazine - /ˌmæɡəˈziːn/ - revistë
    62. Bring - /brɪŋ/ - sjell
    63. Solving - /ˈsɒlvɪŋ/ - zgjidhje
    64. More than - /mɔːr ðæn/ - më shumë se
    65. Possible - /ˈpɒsəbl̩/ - e mundur
    66. List - /lɪst/ - listë
    67. Make - /meɪk/ - bëj
      1. Things - /θɪŋz/ - gjëra
      2. Problem - /ˈprɒbləm/ - problem
      3. Manager - /ˈmænɪdʒər/ - menaxher
      4. Note - /noʊt/ - shënim
      5. Grammar - /ˈɡræmər/ - gramatikë
      6. Circle - /ˈsɜːrkəl/ - rreth
      7. Breakfast - /ˈbrɛkfəst/ - mëngjes
      8. Lunch - /lʌntʃ/ - drekë


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

                               Happy Holidays !

    Shikoni me kujdes tabelen e meposhteme. Mesoni fjalet e reja ne text. Plotesoni tabelen. Argumentoni zgjidhjen tuaj duke filluar…

    “ If the photographer and the doctor are women…..

    Pergjigjen tuaj e shkruani ne fletoren e detyrave te shtepise.




    There are four floors in a block of flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer. The architect lives on the ground floor.
    The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
    Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Hi there,

    Disa njohuri minimale te domosdoshme per emrat e numurueshem edhe jo te numurueshem mund ti gjeni ne leksionin e meposhtem.


     Countable & Uncountable nouns 

    (Emrat e numurueshem dhe emrat e panumurueshem)

    Pergjithesisht emrat te cilet ne mund ti numurojme quhen emra te numurueshem.
    The nouns which we can count are called countable nouns.

    Emrat te cilet nuk mund ti numurojme quhen emra te panumurueshem.
    The nouns we can not count are called uncountable nouns.

    Emrat e panumurueshem nuk marrin nyjet a ose an. Ata gjithashtu nuk marrin formen e zakonshme te numurit shumes.
    Uncountable nouns do not take the indefinite articles a or an. They do not have a plural form, either.

    I. Countable nouns:

           Singular                         Plural

    • a book                          books
    • a cat                              cats
    • one dog                         three dogs
    • one hen                          four hens

    II. Uncountable nouns

              Singular                                                       Plural
    • water                                                         -------------
    • some water                                                -------------
    • a lot of water                                             -------------
    • much water                                                -------------
    • a little water                                             --------------

    III. Dy peremra shume te gjendur te gjuhes angleze, some and any, nenkuptojne nje sasi te pacaktuar. Te dy peremrat  e pacaktuar mund te perdoren ne fjalite pyetese, por peremri some nuk perdoret ne fjalite negative.

    Some and any mean an unspecified amount. Both may be used in the question form, but some is not used in the negative form.

    IV. Peremerat pyetes How much dhe How many sherbejne per te ndertuar fjali pyetese per sasiore te caktuar. Nese deshirojme te shprehim  nje sasi te pacaktuar edhe emri eshte i panumurueshem atehere duhet te perdorim shprehjen'How much". Ndersa nese duhet te ndertojme nje fjali pyetese kur emeri eshte i numurueshem, dmth kur sasia perbehet nga emra te numurueshem atehere duhet te perdorim shprehjen "How many".

    How much and how many  ask a question of quantity.

    How much sugar would you like?
    How much water do you drink?
    How much butter should I buy?

    How many students are there?
    How many people do you know?
    How many children are missing today?

    Ne ushtrimin e meposhtem shkruani ne krahun e djathte te fjaleve shkronjen 'C' nese emri eshte i numurueshem edhe nese jo shkruani shkronjat: 'NC'.

    1. flour
    2. tea
    3. apple
    4. money
    5. sand
    6. chairs
    7. help
    10. cats
    12. rice
    17. juice
    18. eggs
    19. glass
    20. chicken


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    1. Read the sentences and try to answer the questions:


      It is 6:15 a.m.

      It is time to wake up.
      It is time to take a shower.
      It is time to brush my teeth.
      It is time to get dressed.
      It is time to eat breakfast.
      It is time to go to work.
      It is time to eat lunch.
      It is time to go back to work.
      It is time to go home.
      It is time to eat dinner.
      It is time to go to sleep.

      “Billy,” she says. "Billy!"
      “What?” Billy says.
      "It is time to wake up!"
      1. What time is it?
        1.   5:30 in the morning
        2.   5:30 at night
        3.   6:15 in the morning
        4.   6:15 at night

      2. What is it time to do first?
        1.   brush my teeth
        2.   take a shower
        3.   wake up
        4.   go to work

      3. What is it time to do second?
        1.   brush my teeth
        2.   wake up
        3.   take a shower
        4.   go home

      4. What is it time to do last?
        1.   go to sleep
        2.   go to work
        3.   go to a movie
        4.   go to a soccer game

      5. What is it time to do after it is time to go home?
        1.   eat dinner
        2.   brush my teeth
        3.   get dressed
        4.   wake up

      6. The first thing Billy does is wake up. So, the first thing he does is...
        1.   start sleeping
        2.   start dreaming
        3.   stop sleeping
        4.   eat dinner

      7. Billy brushes his teeth. This means he...
        1.   cleans his teeth
        2.   uses his teeth
        3.   moves his teeth
        4.   eats with his teeth

      8. Billy gets dressed. This means he...
        1.   eats breakfast
        2.   takes a shower
        3.   puts on clothes
        4.   goes to work

      9. After lunch, BIlly goes back to work. This means he...
        1.   leaves work
        2.   is late for work
        3.   returns to work
        4.   stays home

      10. Which is the correct order?
        1.   Breakfast - Dinner - Lunch
        2.   Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner
        3.   Dinner - Lunch - Breakfast
        4.   Lunch - Dinner - Breakfast

      11. What is a good word to describe Billy?
        1.   sad
        2.   nice
        3.   busy
        4.   short
        5.   honest
        6.   nervous

       Hope you enjoyed it !



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Plotesoni ushtrimet

    Simple Present 1

    What's the best word to complete the sentence?

    Please try to find the correct answer. You can copy or print this exercise. if you have no time then just read it and try to do it.

    1. It ________ almost every day in Manchester.
      1.   rain
      2.   rains
      3.   raines
    2. We ________ to Spain every summer.
      1.   fly
      2.   aircraft
      3.   flies
    3. My best friend ________ to me every week.
      1.   write
      2.   writies
      3.   writes
    4. Jo is so smart that she ________ every exam without even trying.
      1.   pass
      2.   passions
      3.   passes
    5. John ________ very hard in class, but I don't think he'll pass the course.
      1.   try
      2.   three
      3.   tries
    6. I ________ in a bank.
      1.   work
      2.   works
      3.   workes
    7. She ________ in Florida.
      1.   live
      2.   lives
      3.   LIVES
    8. The bank ________ at four o'clock.
      1.   close
      2.   closies
      3.   closes
    9. My life is so boring -- I just ________ TV every night.
      1.   watch
      2.   watchies
      3.   watches
    10. My mother ________ eggs for breakfast every morning.
      1.   fry
      2.   urgency
      3.   fries



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Hi there,

    Lexoni tregimin e meposhtem edhe gjeni fjalet te cilat nuk i njihni.

    Certainly! Here's a short story using the verb "to be" in the simple present tense:

    Certainly! Here's a short story using the verb "to be" in the simple present tense:

    The Magical Garden

    Once upon a time in a small village, there is a magical garden at the edge of the forest. The garden is a mysterious place where colorful flowers bloom all year round, and butterflies dance in the air.

    In the village, there is a curious little girl named Emma. Every day after school, she goes to the garden to explore its wonders. The flowers in the garden are so vibrant that they seem to glow in the sunlight.

    Emma's best friend, Jake, often joins her on these adventures. They are convinced that the garden holds a secret. They believe that the butterflies are messengers from a magical creature that watches over the enchanted land.

    One day, as Emma and Jake are playing near a sparkling pond, they see a friendly squirrel. It is a talking squirrel named Sparkle, who has lived in the garden for many years. Sparkle knows the secret of the garden and wants to share it with Emma and Jake.

    Excitedly, Sparkle tells them that the garden is protected by a kind-hearted fairy who takes care of the flowers and animals. The fairy's name is Luna, and she has been the guardian of the garden for centuries.

    From that day forward, Emma and Jake visit the magical garden regularly. They are grateful for the beauty and magic that surrounds them. The garden is a place where dreams come true, and friendships are cherished forever.

    And so, in the heart of the small village, the magical garden continues to be a source of joy and wonder for all who visit.



    Hi everyone,

    Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte. 
    Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te  kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthshme. 


    Mesimi # 1

    A. Sentence structure
          Struktura e fjalise.

    The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
    Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me  nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.

    1  Subject             Verb   
       Kryefjale    +      Folje
    My arms           are aching
        Something        happened

    2. Subject               Verb                  Object   
       Kryefjale      +     Folje        +        Kundrinor

        I                           need                 a rest
        Five people       are moving      the piano

    The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun 
    (e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg  the piano)

    Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:

    a) emer
    b) peremer
    c) grup emeror)

    3. Subject                Verb                  Complement
        Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

       This piano            is                        heavy
       It                            was                    a big problem

    The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

    Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

    a) mbiemer
    b) emer
    c) grup emeror.

    Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.

    4.  Subject                 Verb                 Adverbial    
         Kryefjale        +     Folje        +      Ndajfolje ose rrethanor

        It                             is                      on my foot.
        Their house          is                       nearby.
    An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
    Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.

    5.  Subject                  Verb                Object                      Object
         Kryefjale      +        Folje        +      Kundrinor        +        Kundrinor 

        It                             ‘s giving           me                            backache.
        David                      bought            Melanie                   a present.

    We use two objects after verbs like give and  send.
    Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.

    B. Adverbials

    We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
    Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.

    My arms are aching terribly.                        I really need a rest.
    Of course this piano is heavy .                    Fortunately their house is nearby .



    Fatmir Mani's English School

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    Kur përdorni kohën e tashme të vazhduar në anglisht, këto janë disa pika kyçe që duhet të mbani mend:

    1. Struktura Themelore:

      • Koha e tashme e vazhduar krijohet duke përdorur kohën e tashme të foljes "to be" (jam/jemi/jeni/janë) + pjesën tjetër të tashme (forma -ing e foljes kryesore).
        • Shembuj: Unë po punoj, ai po mëson, ata po luajnë.
    2. Veprime të Vazhduara:

      • Përdoret për të përshkruar veprime që po ndodhin në momentin e foljes ose rreth kohës së tashme.
        • Shembull: Ajo po lexon një libër tani.
    3. Gjendje ose Veprime të Përkohshme:

      • Koha e tashme e vazhduar mund të përdoret për të përshkruar gjendje ose veprime të përkohshme që ndodhin në një periudhë të caktuar.
        • Shembull: Unë po jetoj në Londër për disa muaj.
    4. Planifikime për të Ardhmen:

      • Përdoret gjithashtu për të shprehur planifikime apo marrëveshje për të ardhmen, veçanërisht kur marrëveshja është e sigurt.
        • Shembull: Ne do të takohemi për drekë nesër.
    5. Tejkalojti Ndryshimet:

      • Koha e tashme e vazhduar mund të përdoret për të theksuar se diçka po ndryshon ose po zhvillohet.
        • Shembull: Moti po bëhet më i ftohtë.
    6. Foljet që Nuk Janë të Vazhduara:

      • Disa folje zakonisht nuk përdoren në formën e vazhduar (, pëlqej, dua, besoj). Mbani parasysh cilat folje nuk përdoren në kohën e tashme të vazhduar.
        • Shembull: Unë dua këngën. (Jo: Unë po dua këngën.)
    7. Folje Gjendjeje kundër Foljeve Veprimi:

      • Foljet gjendjeje (, di, kuptoj, besoj) nuk përdoren shpesh në formën e vazhduar sepse përshkruajnë një gjendje më shumë se një veprim.
        • Shembull: Unë di përgjigjen. (Jo: Unë po di përgjigjen.)
    8. Forma Negative:

      • Forma negative krijohet duke shtuar "jo" pas kohës së tashme të foljes "to be."
        • Shembuj:
          • Unë nuk po punoj.
          • Ata nuk po luajnë.
    9. Pyetje:

      • Në pyetje, ktheni në vend subjektin dhe kohën e tashme të foljes "to be."
        • Shembuj:
          • A po mëson ti?
          • A po vjen ajo në festë?
    10. Kujdes me Shprehjet Kohore:

      • Merrni vëmendje te shprehjet kohore si "tani," "në këtë moment," "aktualisht," që shpesh tregojnë përdorimin e kohës së tashme të vazhduar.

    Kujtohuni që koha e tashme e vazhduar përdoret për të komunikuar veprime ose gjendje që po ndodhin rreth momentit aktual. Përmes kuptimit të përdorimit të saj, mund të komunikoni efektivisht aktivitete dhe ngjarje që vazhdojnë në anglisht.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

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    Kur përdorim kohën e tashme të thjeshtë në anglisht, ka disa pika kyçe që duhet të mbani mend:

    1. Struktura Themelore:

      • Për shumicën e foljeve, koha e tashme e thjeshtë ndjek modelin: Subjekti + Forma Baze e Foljes (+ -s ose -es për shifrën e tretë të shqiptarit singular).
        • Shembull: Unë punoj, ai punon, ajo punon, ata punojnë.
    2. Shifra e Tretë e Singularit:

      • Në veten e trete te numurit njejesit (ai, ajo, ai), foljet e rregullta shpesh marrin fundin -s ose -es.
        • Shembuj:
          • Unë flas anglisht.
          • Ajo flet anglisht.
    3. Ndryshimet e Shkrimit:

      • Disa folje ndryshojnë shkrim Në veten e trete te numurit njejesit .

        • Shembuj:
          • shkoj → shkon
          • shikoj → shikon
    4. Fakte dhe Teori të Përgjithshme:

      • Koha e tashme e thjeshtë përdoret për të shprehur fakte të përgjithshme, të vërteta, zakone, ose rutina.
        • Shembull: Dielli lind në lindje.
    5. Ngjarje të Planifikuara:

      • Mund të përdoret gjithashtu për të treguar ngjarje të planifikuara në të ardhmen, sidomos me një shprehje kohore.
        • Shembull: Treni largohet në orën 9 të mëngjesit.

    6. Veprime të Rregullta:

      • Përdoret zakonisht për veprime të rregullta ose rutinore.
        • Shembull: Unë gjithmonë pi kafe në mëngjes.
    7. Folje Gjendjeje:

      • Për përdorimin e kohës së tashme të thjeshtë me folje gjendjeje (, pëlqej, dua, di) për të shprehur gjendje të vazhdueshme më shumë se veprime.
        • Shembull: Ajo e di përgjigjen.
    8. Fjalë Sinjalizuese:

      • Fjalë sinjalizuese si "gjithmonë," "zakonisht," "shpesh," "ndoshta," dhe "kurrë" shpesh përdoren me kohën e tashme të thjeshtë për të treguar shpeshësi.
        • Shembull: Ata zakonisht shkojnë në palestër.
    9. Forma Negative:

      • Forma negative krijohet duke përdorur "nuk" ose "s'ka" + forma baze e foljes.
        • Shembuj:
          • Unë nuk pëlqej ushqim të skuqur.
          • Ai nuk punon në fundjavë.
    10. Pyetje:

      • Në pyetje, përdoret "a" ose "apo" + subjekti + forma baze e foljes.
      • Shembuj:
        • A ju pëlqen pizza?
        • Ajo luan piano?

    Kujtohuni, koha e tashme e thjeshtë është e përdorshme në shumë kontekste, kështu që kuptimi i përdorimit të saj në situata të ndryshme do të rrisë aftësinë tuaj për të komunikuar efektivisht në anglisht.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    When using the simple present tense in English, there are a few key points to keep in mind:

    1. Basic Structure:

      • For most verbs, the simple present tense follows the pattern: Subject + Base Form of the Verb (+ -s or -es for third person singular).
        • Example: I work, he works, she works, they work.
    2. Third Person Singular:

      • In the third person singular (he, she, it), regular verbs often take an -s or -es ending.
        • Examples:
          • I speak English.
          • She speaks English.
    3. Spelling Changes:

      • Some verbs undergo spelling changes in the third person singular.
        • Examples:
          • go → goes
          • watch → watches
    4. General Truths and Facts:

      • The simple present is used to express general truths, facts, habits, or routines.
        • Example: The sun rises in the east.
    5. Scheduled Events:

      • It can also be used to indicate scheduled events in the future, particularly with a time expression.
        • Example: The train leaves at 9 AM.
    6. Habitual Actions:

      • It is commonly used for habitual actions or routines.
        • Example: I always drink coffee in the morning.
    7. State Verbs:

      • Simple present is often used with state verbs (e.g., like, love, know) to express ongoing states rather than actions.
        • Example: She knows the answer.
    8. Signal Words:

      • Signal words such as "always," "usually," "often," "sometimes," and "never" are often used with the simple present to indicate frequency.
        • Example: They usually go to the gym.
    9. Negative Form:

      • The negative form is created using "do not" (don't) or "does not" (doesn't) + base form of the verb.
        • Examples:
          • I do not like spicy food.
          • He does not work on weekends.
    10. Questions:

    • In questions, use "do" or "does" + subject + base form of the verb.
      • Examples:
        • Do you like pizza?
        • Does she play the piano?

    Remember, the simple present tense is versatile and can be used in various contexts, so understanding its usage in different situations will enhance your ability to communicate effectively in English.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

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    Lesson 6

    Pages 64-70

    Here are the English words with their pronunciations and Albanian translations:

    1. daily - /ˈdeɪli/ - përditshëm
    2. routine - /ruːˈtiːn/ - rutinë
    3. schedule - /ˈʃɛdjuːl/ - orar
    4. office - /ˈɒfɪs/ - zyrë
    5. machine - /məˈʃiːn/ - makinë
    6. equipment - /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ - pajisje
    7. vocabulary - /voʊˈkæbjəlˌɛri/ - fjalor

    1. activity - /ækˈtɪvɪti/ - aktivitet
    2. get up - /ɡɛt ʌp/ - ngrihem
    3. get dressed - /ɡɛt drɛst/ - vishem
    4. make dinner - /meɪk ˈdɪnər/ - përgatis darkë
    5. go to bed - /ɡoʊ tu bɛd/ - shkoj në shtrat
    6. come home - /kʌm hoʊm/ - vij në shtëpi
    7. eat breakfast - /it ˈbrɛkfəst/ - ha mëngjes
    8. discuss - /dɪˈskʌs/ - diskutoj
    9. match - /mætʃ/ - ndeshje
    10. classmates - /ˈklæsˌmeɪts/ - shokët e klasës
    11. homework - /ˈhoʊmwɜːrk/ - detyrat për shtëpi
    12. housework - /ˈhaʊswɜːrk/ - punë shtëpie
    13. have lunch - /hæv lʌntʃ/ - ha drekë
    14. take a shower - /teɪk ə ˈʃaʊər/ - marr duş
    15. ride the bus - /raɪd ðə bʌs/ - udhëtoj me autobus
    16. walk to school - /wɔːk tuː skuːl/ - ec në shkollë
    17. drink coffee - /drɪŋk ˈkɒfi/ - pi kafe
    18. check - /tʃɛk/ - kontrolloj
    19. then - /ðɛn/ - pastaj
    20. practice - /ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikoj
    21. use - /juːz/ - përdor
    22. own - /oʊn/ - i/e vetë
    23. sentence - /ˈsɛntəns/ - frazë
    24. evening - /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ - mbrëmje
    25. morning - /ˈmɔːrnɪŋ/ - mëngjes
    26. afternoon - /ˌæftərˈnuːn/ - pasdite
    27. ways - /weɪz/ - mënyra
    28. relax - /rɪˈlæks/ - pushoj
    29. talk - /tɔːk/ - bisedoj
    30. go to the park - /ɡoʊ tuː ðə pɑːrk/ - shkoj në park
    31. take a walk - /teɪk ə wɔːk/ - bëj një ecje
    32. story - /ˈstɔːri/ - histori
    33. information - /ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/ - informacion
    34. at noon - /æt nuːn/ - në mesditë
    35. describe - /dɪˈskraɪb/ - përshkruaj
    36. report - /rɪˈpɔːrt/ - raportoj
    37. kids - /kɪdz/ - fëmijë
    38. turn on - /tɜːrn ɒn/ - ndez
    39. copy machine - /ˈkɒpi məˈʃiːn/ - makinë kopje
    40. understanding - /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ - kuptim
    41. mop the floor - /mɒp ðə flɔːr/ - laj dhomën
    42. vacuum the rug - /ˈvækjuːm ðə rʌɡ/ - përpjekur tapetin
    43. wash - /wɒʃ/ - laj
    44. turn on - /tɜːrn ɒn/ - ndez
    45. manager - /ˈmænɪdʒər/ - menaxher
    46. brush - /brʌʃ/ - shuaj
    47. contraction - /kənˈtrækʃən/ - kontraktim
    48. exercise - /ˈɛksərsaɪz/ - ushtrim
    49. complete - /kəmˈpliːt/ - plotësoj
    50. simple - /ˈsɪmpəl/ - i thjeshtë
    51. present - /ˈprɛzənt/ - prezantoj
    52. simple present - /ˈsɪmpəl ˈprɛzənt/ - thjesht prezant
    53. chart - /ʧɑːrt/ - diagramë
    54. ask - /æsk/ - pyes
    55. answer - /ˈænsər/ - përgjigjem
    56. when - /wɛn/ - kur
    57. interview - /ˈɪntərvjuː/ - intervistë
    58. teeth - /tiːθ/ - dhëmbë
    59. leave - /liːv/ - largohem
    60. below - /bɪˈloʊ/ - nën
    61. weekend - /ˈwiːkɛnd/ - fundjavë


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    I'll provide the words with their pronunciation in red color, followed by their translation into Albanian:

    1. Direction - dɪˈrɛkʃən - Drejtim
    2. Everyday - ˈɛvrɪˌdeɪ - Çdo ditë
    3. Conversation - ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən - Bisedë
    4. Grand - ɡrænd - Madh
    5. Avenue - ˈævəˌnjuː - Bulvar
    6. Turn right - tɜːrn raɪt - Kthehu djathtas
    7. Turn left - tɜːrn lɛft - Kthehu majtas
    8. Go straight - ɡoʊ streɪt - Shko drejt
    9. Clinic - ˈklɪnɪk - Klinike
    10. Pharmacy - ˈfɑrməsi - Farmaci
    11. Excuse me - ɪkˈskjuːz mi - Më falni
    12. Main - meɪn - Kryesor
    13. Corner - ˈkɔːrnər - Katror
    14. Next to - nɛkst tu - Pranë
    15. Follow - ˈfɒloʊ - Ndjeke
    16. Simple - ˈsɪmpəl - I thjeshtë
    17. Map - mæp - Hartë
    18. Ask for - æsk fɔr - Pyet për
    19. Police - pəˈlis - Polici
    20. Station - ˈsteɪʃən - Stacion
    21. Across - əˈkrɒs - Gjatë
    22. Stressed - strɛst - Stresuar
    23. Behind - bɪˈhaɪnd - Prapa
    24. Parking lot - ˈpɑrkɪŋ lɒt - Parkim
    25. Post office - poʊst ˈɔfɪs - Zyra postare
    26. Bus stop - bʌs stɒp - Stacion autobusi
    27. Restaurant - ˈrɛstəˌrɒnt - Restorant
    28. Miles - maɪlz - Milje
    29. Beach - biːʧ - Plazh
    30. Far - fɑr - Larg
    31. Map - mæp - Hartë
    32. Yourself - jərˈsɛlf - Vetja
    33. Place - pleɪs - Vend
    34. Change - ʧeɪndʒ - Ndrysho
    35. Roles - roʊlz - Role
    36. Then - ðɛn - Më pas
    37. Prepare - prɪˈpɛr - Përgatitu
    38. Emergency - ɪˈmɜrdʒənsi - Emergjencë
    39. Important - ɪmˈpɔrtənt - E rëndësishme
    40. Exit - ˈɛksɪt - Dalje
    41. Kit - kɪt - Set
    42. Power - ˈpaʊər - Energji
    43. Outage - ˈaʊtɪdʒ - Pamundësi furnizimi me energji elektrike
    44. Fire - faɪr - Zjarr
    45. Accident - ˈæksɪdənt - Aksident
    46. Get ready - ɡɛt ˈrɛdi - Përgatitu
    47. Real life - rɪəl laɪf - Jeta reale
    48. Meet - miːt - Takohu
    49. Extinguisher - ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃər - Shuaj
    50. Legend - ˈlɛdʒənd - Legjendë
    51. Draw - drɔ - Vizato
    52. Roommate - ˈrumˌmeɪt - Dhoma e bashkëjetesës
    53. Bring - brɪŋ - Sjell
    54. Review - rɪˈvjuː - Rishiko
    55. Expand - ɪkˈspænd - Zmadhoj
    56. Apartment - əˈpɑrtmənt - Apartament
    57. Building - ˈbɪldɪŋ - Ndërtesë
    58. Unscramble - ˌʌnˈskræmbəl - Zbardh
    59. Theater - ˈθiːətər - Teatër
    60. Solving - ˈsɒlvɪŋ - Zgjidhj
    61. Confused - kənˈfjuːzd - I përplasur
    62. More - mɔːr - Më shumë
    63. Than - ðæn - Në krahasim me
    64. Possible - ˈpɑsəbl - E mundur


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    -------------------------------------------------------------- | Tense Name: Present Continuous | -------------------------------------------------------------- | Structure: Subject + Am/Is/Are + Verb-ing (present participle) | | | | Example: I am eating lunch. | | She is studying for an exam. | | They are playing football. | | | | Usage: 1. To describe actions happening right now. | | 2. To describe temporary actions or situations. | | 3. To indicate future arrangements. | | | | Signal Words: Now, at the moment, currently, right now, etc. | ----------------------------------------------------------

    -------------------------------------------------------------- | Emri i kohës: Tashmëm i Vazhdueshëm i Pranisë | -------------------------------------------------------------- | Struktura: Subjekti + Jam/Je/Është + Duke + Veproj (pjesa | | tashmëm e prezentes) | | | | Shembuj: Unë po ha drekën. | | Ajo po mëson për një provim. | | Ata po luajnë futboll. | | | | Përdorimi: 1. Për të përshkruar veprimet që po ndodhin | | tani. | | 2. Për të përshkruar veprime ose situata të | | përkohshme. | | 3. Për të treguar planifikime të ardhshme. | | | | Fjalë sinjalizuese: Tani, në këtë moment, aktualisht, tani, | | etj. | --------------------------------------------------------------

    Here are some examples of sentences in the present continuous tense in Albanian:

    1. Unë po lexoj një libër. (I am reading a book.)
    2. Ata po luajnë futboll në park. (They are playing soccer in the park.)
    3. Ajo po gatuari drekën. (She is cooking lunch.)
    4. Ne po bisedojmë për projektin. (We are discussing the project.)
    5. Ti po shikon një film interesant. (You are watching an interesting movie.)
    6. Ai po mëson për provimin e gjuhës angleze. (He is studying for the English exam.)
    7. Ju po punoni shumë sot. (You are working hard today.)
    8. Ata po shikojnë televizorën. (They are watching TV.)
    9. Ajo po viziton një mik. (She is visiting a friend.)
    10. Unë po udhëtoj në Itali këtë verë. (I am traveling to Italy this summer.)

    These sentences illustrate various uses of the present continuous tense in Albanian to describe actions happening right now, temporary actions or situations, and future arrangements or plans.

    --------------------------------------------------------------- | Person | Verb "to act" Conjugation | --------------------------------------------------------------- | I (first person singular) | am acting | | You (second person singular) | are acting | | He/She/It (third person singular) | is acting | | We (first person plural) | are acting | | You (second person plural) | are acting | | They (third person plural) | are acting | ---------------------------------------------------------------

    | Sentence Type          | Positive (Full Form) | Interrogative (Full Form) | Negative (Full Form)  |
    | I (first person singular)   | I am acting.        | Am I acting?             | I am not acting.     |
    | You (second person singular) | You are acting.     | Are you acting?          | You are not acting.  |
    | He/She/It (third person singular) | He/She/It is acting. | Is he/she/it acting?  | He/She/It is not acting. |
    | We (first person plural)     | We are acting.     | Are we acting?           | We are not acting.   |
    | You (second person plural)   | You are acting.     | Are you acting?          | You are not acting.  |
    | They (third person plural)   | They are acting.   | Are they acting?         | They are not acting. |

    Here are examples using these charts:

    Interrogative (Question) Form:

    • "Am I acting?"
    • "Are you acting?"
    • "Is he/she/it acting?"
    • "Are we acting?"
    • "Are you acting?"
    • "Are they acting?"

    Negative Full Form:

    • "I am not acting."
    • "You are not acting."
    • "He/She/It is not acting."
    • "We are not acting."
    • "You are not acting."
    • "They are not acting."



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Bashkengjitur keni nje liste me fjale , ju lutem shikojeni me kujdes kete tabele edhe sigurohuni se i njihni te gjitha fjalet qe gjenden aty.

    I'll provide the English words with their correct pronunciation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and their Albanian equivalents without repeating "Albanian." Here's the list:

    1. I - /aɪ/ (Unë)
    2. You - /ju/ (Ti)
    3. He - /hi/ (Ai)
    4. She - /ʃi/ (Ajo)
    5. It - /ɪt/ (Ai/ajo - for objects and animals)
    6. We - /wi/ (Ne)
    7. They - /ðeɪ/ (Ata/ato)
    8. Me - /mi/ (Mua/më)
    9. Him - /hɪm/ (Atij)
    10. Her - /hɜr/ (Atyre)
    11. Us - /ʌs/ (Neve)
    12. Them - /ðɛm/ (Ata/ato)
    13. This - /ðɪs/ (Ky/kjo)
    14. That - /ðæt/ (Ajo)
    15. A - /eɪ/ (Një)
    16. An - /æn/ (Një)
    17. The - /ðə/ (I/është)
    18. And - /ænd/ (Dhe)
    19. Or - /ɔr/ (Ose)
    20. But - /bʌt/ (Por)
    21. Not - /nɒt/ (Jo)
    22. Is - /ɪz/ (Është)
    23. Are - /ɑr/ (Janë)
    24. Was - /wʌz/ (Ishte)
    25. Were - /wɜr/ (Ishin)
    26. Have - /hæv/ (Kam)
    27. Has - /hæz/ (Ka)
    28. Do - /du/ (Bëj)
    29. Does - /dʌz/ (Bën)
    30. Did - /dɪd/ (Bëri)
    31. Will - /wɪl/ (Do)
    32. Would - /wʊd/ (Doje)
    33. Can - /kæn/ (Mund)
    34. Could - /kʊd/ (Mund të)
    35. Should - /ʃʊd/ (Duhet)
    36. May - /meɪ/ (Mund të)
    37. Might - /maɪt/ (Mund të)
    38. Must - /mʌst/ (Duhet)
    39. Here - /hɪr/ (Këtu)
    40. There - /ðɛr/ (Atje)
    41. Now - /naʊ/ (Tani)
    42. Then - /ðɛn/ (Pastaj)
    43. When - /wɛn/ (Kur)
    44. Where - /wɛr/ (Ku)
    45. How - /haʊ/ (Si)
    46. What - /wʌt/ (Çfarë)
    47. Why - /waɪ/ (Pse)
    48. Who - /hu/ (Kush)
    49. Whom - /huːm/ (Kë)
    50. Whose - /huːz/ (I cili/i cila)


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Fjalet e meposhteme i perkasin mesimit 5 edhe konkretisht faqeve 52-53-54-55 te librit te studentit.

    Here are some additional words with their respective numbers, pronunciations, and Albanian translations:

    1. Neighborhood: /ˈneɪbərˌhʊd/ (krahina, lagje)
    2. Place: /pleɪs/ (vend)
    3. Transportation: /ˌtrænspɔrˈteɪʃən/ (transporti)
    4. Location: /loʊˈkeɪʃən/ (vendndodhja)
    5. Describing: /dɪˈskraɪbɪŋ/ (përshkrim)
    6. Focus: /ˈfəʊkəs/ (fokus)
    7. There is: /ðɛr ɪz/ (ka)
    8. There are: /ðɛr ɑr/ (ka)
    9. Is there: /ɪz ðɛr/ (a ka)
    10. Are there: /ɑr ðɛr/ (a ka)
    11. There is not: /ðɛr ɪz nɑt/ (nuk ka)
    12. There are not: /ðɛr ɑr nɑt/ (nuk ka)
    13. Map: /mæp/ (hartë)
    14. Streets: /strits/ (rrugët)
    15. Oak: /oʊk/ (dëgë e dardhës)
    16. Pine: /paɪn/ (dëgë e pishës)
    17. Food: /fud/ (ushqim)
    18. State: /steɪt/ (shtet)
    19. Hospital: /ˈhɑːspɪtəl/ (spital)
    20. Fire station: /ˈfaɪər ˈsteɪʃən/ (stacion zjarrfikës)
    21. Police station: /pəˈliːs ˈsteɪʃən/ (komisariati i policisë)
    22. Supermarket: /ˈsuːpərˌmɑːrkɪt/ (market i madh)
    23. Bank: /bæŋk/ (bankë)
    24. School: /skul/ (shkollë)
    25. Common: /ˈkɑːmən/ (i zakonshëm)
    26. Mode: /moʊd/ (mënyrë)
    27. Bicycle: /ˈbaɪsɪkəl/ (bicikletë)
    28. Bus stop: /bʌs stɑp/ (prag autobusi)
    29. Parking lot: /ˈpɑːrkɪŋ lɒt/ (parking)
    30. Movie theater: /ˈmuːvi ˈθiːətər/ (kinema)
    31. Pharmacy: /ˈfɑːrməsi/ (farmaci)
    32. Stop sign: /stɑp saɪn/ (shenja e ndalimit)
    33. Restaurant: /ˈrɛstərɒnt/ (restorant)
    34. Bus: /bʌs/ (autobus)
    35. Car: / ka: / makine

    Here are the remaining words with their respective numbers, pronunciations, and Albanian translations:

    1. Gas station: /ɡæs ˈsteɪʃən/ (stacion karburanti)
    2. Apartment: /əˈpɑrtmənt/ (apartament)
    3. Favorite: /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ (favorit)
    4. Let: /lɛt/ (lejoj)
    5. Me: /mi/ (mua)
    6. Building: /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ (ndërtesë)
    7. Behind: /bɪˈhaɪnd/ (prapa)
    8. Across: /əˈkrɒs/ (në anën tjetër)
    9. Clinic: /ˈklɪnɪk/ (klinikë)
    10. Waiting: /ˈweɪtɪŋ/ (pritje)
    11. In front of: /ɪn frʌnt ʌv/ (para)
    12. From: /frʌm/ (nga)
    13. Next to: /nɛkst tuː/ (pranë)
    14. Between: /bɪˈtwiːn/ (midis)
    15. Library: /ˈlaɪbrɛri/ (bibliotekë)
    16. Main: /meɪn/ (kryesor)
    17. Locate: /loʊˈkeɪt/ (lokacion)
    18. Preposition: /ˌprɛpəˈzɪʃən/ (përjashtëzë)
    19. Label: /ˈleɪbəl/ (etiketë)
    20. Directions: /dɪˈrɛkʃənz/ (drejtime)
    21. Post office: /poʊst ˈɔfɪs/ (zyra postare)
    22. Give: /ɡɪv/ (jep)

    Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Me poshte jane fjalet e mesimit kater marre nga libri i praktikes.

    Here are the words you requested with their pronunciations and Albanian translations:

    1. At home: /æt həʊm/ (në shtëpi)
    2. Dresser: /ˈdrɛsər/ (dollap)
    3. Rug: /rʌɡ/ (tapet)
    4. Kitchen: /ˈkɪtʃən/ (kuzhinë)
    5. Yard: /jɑrd/ (oborr)
    6. Bedroom: /ˈbedˌrum/ (dhomë gjumi)
    7. Living room: /ˈlɪvɪŋ ˌrum/ (dhomë ndenjeje)
    8. Washing the car: /ˈwɑʃɪŋ ðə kɑr/ (larja e makinës)
    9. Dinner: /ˈdɪnər/ (darkë)
    10. Beautiful: /ˈbjutiful/ (bukur)
    11. Outside: /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ (jashtë)
    12. Great: /ɡreɪt/ (shumë mirë)
    13. Relax: /rɪˈlæks/ (pushim)
    14. Pretty: /ˈprɪti/ (e bukur)
    15. Cleaning: /ˈklinɪŋ/ (pastrim)
    16. Study: /ˈstʌdi/ (studim)
    17. Tonight: /təˈnaɪt/ (sot në mbrëmje)
    18. Dusting: /ˈdʌstɪŋ/ (heqja e pluhurit)
    19. Newspaper: /ˈnuzˌpeɪpər/ (gazetë)
    20. Vacuum: /ˈvækˌjum/ (vajçim)
    21. Then: /ðen/ (pastaj)
    22. Add: /æd/ (shto)
    23. Boost: /bust/ (ngritje)
    24. Mop: /mɑp/ (pastruese)
    25. Central: /ˈsentrəl/ (qendror)
    26. Amount: /əˈmaʊnt/ (sasi)
    27. Clear: /klɪr/ (i qartë)
    28. Send: /send/ (dërgo)

    Please let me know if there are any more words or if you need further assistance!


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Ketu keni fjalet e reja te faqeve 48-49:

    Here are the additional words you requested with their respective international English pronunciation and Albanian translation:

    1. Reading: /ˈriːdɪŋ/ - leximi
    2. Doing: /ˈduːɪŋ/ - bërja
    3. Turn off: /təːrn ɒf/ - fik
    4. Long distance: /lɒŋ ˈdɪstəns/ - largësi e gjatë
    5. Calling: /ˈkɔːlɪŋ/ - thirrje
    6. Take a shower: /teɪk ə ˈʃaʊər/ - merr një dush
    7. Lights: /laɪts/ - dritat
    8. How long: /haʊ lɒŋ/ - sa kohë
    9. Saving: /ˈseɪvɪŋ/ - kursimi
    10. Money: /ˈmʌni/ - para
    11. Website: /ˈwebsaɪt/ - faqja internet
    12. Search: /sɜːrtʃ/ - kërkoj
    13. Home: /hoʊm/ - shtëpia
    14. Expensive: /ɪkˈspensɪv/ - i shtrenjtë
    15. Ways to save: /weɪz tuː seɪv/ - mënyra për të kursyer
    16. Many: /ˈmeni/ - shumë
    17. For distance: /fɔːr ˈdɪstəns/ - për distancë
    18. Stove: /stəʊv/ - sobë
    19. Pay less: /peɪ les/ - paguaj më pak
    20. Mark: /mɑːrk/ - shënjoj
    21. Kind: /kaɪnd/ - lloji
    22. Correct: /kəˈrekt/ - korrekt
    23. Envelope: /ˈenvələʊp/ - zarf
    24. Addressing: /əˈdresɪŋ/ - adresimi
    25. Oak: /oʊk/ - druri i gëlqeror
    26. Payment: /ˈpeɪmənt/ - pagesa
    27. Life: /laɪf/ - jeta
    28. Bring: /brɪŋ/ - sjell
    29. Bring to life: /brɪŋ tuː laɪf/ - sjell në jetë
    30. Important: /ɪmˈpɔːrtənt/ - i rëndësishëm


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Ketu keni fjalet e reja te faqeve 46-47:

    Here are the words with their respective international English pronunciation and Albanian translation:

    1. Utility: /juːˈtɪləti/ - shërbim publik
    2. Bills: /bɪlz/ - fatura
    3. Conversations: /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃənz/ - biseda
    4. Below: /bɪˈləʊ/ - nën
    5. Due dates: /duː deɪts/ - datat e maturimit
    6. Electric: /ɪˈlɛktrɪk/ - elektrik
    7. Atlantic: /ətˈlæntɪk/ - Atlantiku
    8. Service: /ˈsɜːrvɪs/ - shërbimi
    9. Globe: /ɡləʊb/ - globi
    10. Gas: /ɡæs/ - gaz
    11. Company: /ˈkʌmpəni/ - kompania
    12. West: /wɛst/ - perëndimi
    13. Water: /ˈwɔːtər/ - ujë
    14. By: /baɪ/ - nga
    15. Total: /ˈtəʊtəl/ - totali
    16. Pronoun: /ˈprəʊnaʊn/ - pronomi
    17. Subject: /ˈsʌbdʒikt/ - subjekti
    18. Object: /ˈɒbdʒɛkt/ - objekti
    19. Note: /nəʊt/ - shënim
    20. Get ready: /ɡɛt ˈredi/ - përgatitu


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the words with their international pronunciations and Albanian translations:

    1. Present: /ˈprezənt/ - e tashme
    2. Continuous: /kənˈtɪnjuəs/ - i vazhdueshëm
    3. Tense: /tens/ - kohë n egramatike
    4. Paying: /ˈpeɪɪŋ/ - pagesë
    5. Bills: /bɪlz/ - llogaritë
    6. Envelope: /ˈenvəˌləʊp/ - zarf
    7. Bathroom: /ˈba:θˌrum/ - banjo
    8. Bedroom: /ˈbedˌrum/ - dhomë gjumi
    9. Garage: /ɡəˈrɑʒ/ - garazh
    10. Living room: /ˈlɪvɪŋ rum/ - dhomë e ndenjes
    11. Dining area: /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˈɛriə/ - zonë ngrenie
    12. Kitchen: /ˈkɪtʃən/ - kuzhinë
    13. Furniture: /ˈfənɪʧər/ - mobilje
    14. Appliance: /əˈplaɪəns/ - pajisje
    15. Roommate: /ˈrumˌmeɪt/ - shok dhome
    16. Lake: /leɪk/ - liqen
    17. College: /ˈkolɪdʒ/ - kolegj
    18. Grass /ɡra:s/ - bar
    19. Cut: /kʌt/ - pres
    20. Watch: /wɑtʃ/ - shiko
    21. Video game: /ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪm/ - lojë video
    22. Dinner: /ˈdɪnər/ - darkë
    23. Great: /ɡreɪt/ - i mrekullueshëm
    24. Understanding: /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ - kuptim
    25. Mark: /mɑrk/ - shënjoj

    26. False: /fɔls/ - e pavërtetë
    27. Describe: /dɪsˈkraɪb/ - përshkruaj
    28. To do: /tuː duː/ - bëj
    29. Need: /ni:d/ - kam nevojë
    30. Help: /help/ - ndihmoj
    31. Special: /ˈspeʃəl/ - i veçantë
    32. Nice: /naɪs/ - i bukur
    33. Quiet: /ˈkwaɪət/ - i qetë
    34. Sofa: /ˈsəʊfə/ - divan
    35. Dresser: /ˈdresər/ - komodinë
    36. Stove: /stoʊv/ - sobë
    37. Bed: /bed/ - krevat

    Here are the remaining words with their international pronunciations and Albanian translations:

    1. Refrigerator: /rɪˈfrɪʤəˌreɪtər/ - frigorifer
    2. Sink: /sɪŋk/ - lavaman
    3. Bookcase: /ˈbʊkˌkeɪs/ - librar
    4. Bathtube /ˈbæθˌtjub/ - vaskë banje
    5. Rug: /rʌg/ - qilim
    6. Spelling: /ˈspelɪŋ/ - drejtshkrim
    7. Dictionary: /ˈdɪkʃəˌnəri/ - fjalor
    8. Close: /kləʊs/ - mbyll
    9. Then: /ðen/ - pastaj
    10. Practice: /ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikoj
    11. Draw: /drɔ/ - vizatoj
    12. Page: /peɪʤ/ - faqe
    13. Yourself: /jɔrˈsɛlf/ - veten
    14. Story: /ˈstɔri/ - tregim
    15. These: /ðiz/ - këto
    16. Those: /ðoʊz/ - ata/ato
    17. This: /ðɪs/ - ky/kjo
    18. That: /ðæt/ - ai/ajo
    19. Plural: /ˈplʊərəl/ - shumës
    20. Singular: /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlər/ - njësor
    21. Study: /ˈstʌdi/ - studioj
    22. Board: /bɔrd/ - tabelë
    23. Chairs: /ʧeəz/ - karrige


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

     Here are the words with their corresponding numbers, pronunciations, and Albanian equivalents:

    1. Identification: /aɪˌdɛntɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ - identifikim
    2. Sentence: /ˈsɛntəns/ - fjalëshënim
    3. Own: /oʊn/ - i/e tij/i saj
    4. Average: /ˈævərɪdʒ/ - mesatar
    5. Thin: /θɪn/ - i/e hollë
    6. Heavy: /ˈhɛvi/ - i/e rëndë
    7. Tall: /tɔːl/ - i/e gjatë
    8. Short: /ʃɔːrt/ - i/e shkurtër
    9. Young: /jʌŋ/ - i/e ri/e
    10. Blond: /blɒnd/ - i/e biondë
    11. Vocabulary: /voʊˈkæbjʊlɛri/ - fjalor
    12. Then: /ðɛn/ - pastaj
    13. Possessive: /pəˈzɛsɪv/ - posesiv
    14. Match: /mætʃ/ - përputhje
    15. Underlined: /ˈʌndərˌlaɪnd/ - nënvizuar
    16. Adjective: /ˈædʒɪktɪv/ - pridhës
    17. South: /saʊθ/ - jug
    18. Training: /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ - trajnim
    19. New: /nuː/ - i/e ri/e
    20. Nice: /naɪs/ - i/e bukur
    21. That: /ðæt/ - që
    22. But: /bʌt/ - por
    23. Center: /ˈsɛntər/ - qendër
    24. Hair: /hɛr/ - flokë
    25. About: /əˈbaʊt/ - rreth
    26. Cards: /kɑ:dz/ - letra
    27. Each: /iːtʃ/ - secila
    28. Sentences: /ˈsɛntənsɪz/ - fjalëshënime
    29. Papers: /ˈpeɪpərz/ - gazetat
    30. Everyday: /ˈɛvridɛɪ/ - çdo ditë
    31. Calendar: /ˈkæləndər/ - kalendar
    32. United States: /juːˌnaɪtɪd ˈsteɪts/ - Shtetet e Bashkuara
    33. Male: /meɪl/ - mashkull
    34. Female: /ˈfiːmeɪl/ - femër
    35. Only: /ˈoʊnli/ - vetëm
    36. Single: /ˈsɪŋɡəl/ - i/e vetëm
    37. Married: /ˈmærɪd/ - i/e martuar
    38. Couple: /ˈkʌpl/ - çif
    39. adult / ə'dʌlt / i rritur, e rritur ;
    1. Other: /ˈʌðər/ - tjetër
    2. Many: /ˈmɛni/ - shumë
    3. Adult: /əˈdʌlt/ - i/e rritur
    4. Unscramble: /ʌnˈskræmbəl/ - shpërbej
    5. Another: /əˈnʌðər/ - një tjetër
    6. Letter: /ˈlɛtər/ - letër- shkronje;
    7. Beautiful: /ˈbju:tiful/ - e bukur


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the words you provided with their Albanian translations attached to their English pronunciation:

    1. pie: /paɪ/ - byrek
    2. article: /ˈɑːrtɪkl/ - artikull
    3. large: /lɑːrdʒ/ - i madh
    4. small: /smɔːl/ - i vogël
    5. source: /sɔːs/ - burim
    6. census: /ˈsɛnsəs/ - sensus
    7. bureau: /ˈbjʊəroʊ/ - zyrë
    8. these: /ðiːz/ - këto
    9. those: /ðoʊz/ - ato
    10. adult: /əˈdʌlt/ - i rritur
    11. percent: /pərˈsɛnt/ - për qind
    12. get: /ɡɛt/ - marr
    13. get ready: /ɡet ˈredi/ - përgatitem
    14. real: /riːl/ - i vërtetë
    15. life: /laɪf/ - jeta
    16. reading: /ˈriːdɪŋ/ - leximi
    17. size: /saɪz/ - madhësia
    18. at home: /æt hoʊm/ - në shtëpi
    19. magazine: /ˌmæɡəˈzin/ - revistë
    20. bring: /brɪŋ/ - sjell
    21. think: /θɪŋk/ - mendoj
    22. more: /mɔːr/ - më shumë
    23. newspaper: /ˈnuzˌpeɪpər/ - gazetë
    24. talk about: /tɔːk əˈbaʊt/ - flas për
    25. ID card: /ˌaɪˈdiː ˌkɑːrd/ - karta e identitetit
    26. than: /ðæn/ - se
    27. possible: /ˈpɑːsəbəl/ - e mundshme


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the pronunciations in English and the translations in Albanian for the words you mentioned without the phrase "Albanian translation":

    • Cycling: /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ - bicikletarizëm
    • Karate: /kəˈrɑːti/ - karate
    • Skiing (verb): /ˈskiːɪŋ/ - skijimi (veprim)
    • Rules: /ruːlz/ - rregulla
    • Endings: /ˈɛndɪŋz/ - përfundimet
    • Beginnings: /bɪˈɡɪnɪŋz/ - fillimet
    • Below: /bɪˈloʊ/ - nën
    • Telling time: /ˈtɛlɪŋ taɪm/ - tregimi i kohës
    • Quarter: /ˈkwɔrtər/ - çerek
    • Half: /hɑːf/ - gjysmë
    • Careful: /ˈkɛrfəl/ - kujdes
    • O'clock: /əˈklɑːk/ - në pikë
    • Past: /pæst/ - më shumë se
    • Tell: /tɛl/ - trego
    • Check: /tʃɛk/ - kontrollo
    • Finish: /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ - përfundoj
    • Details: /ˈdiːteɪlz/ - detajet
    • Remember: /rɪˈmɛmbər/ - kujtoj
    • Carefully: /ˈkɛrfəli/ - me kujdes
    • Task: /tæsk/ - detyrë
    • Camp: /kæmp/ - kamp
    • Against: /əˈɡɛnst/ - kundër
    • Arrive: /əˈraɪv/ - mbërrij
    • Soon: /sun/ - së shpejti
    • Luck: /lʌk/ - fat

    Here are the words with their international pronunciation in IPA symbols, along with the Albanian translation and ranking numbers:

    1. Conversation - /ˌkɒnvərˈseɪʃən/ - bisedë
    2. Hair - /hɛər/ - flokë
    3. Thin - /θɪn/ - i/e hollë
    4. Blond - /blɒnd/ - biond
    5. Describe - /dɪˈskraɪb/ - përshkruaj
    6. Identify - /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/ - identifikoj
    7. Close - /kloʊz/ - afër
    8. Eye - /aɪ/ - sy
    9. Attractive - /əˈtræktɪv/ - i/e bukur
    10. More - /mɔːr/ - më shumë
    11. Yourself - /jɔːrˈsɛlf/ - veten
    12. Story - /ˈstɔːri/ - histori
    13. Sentences - /ˈsɛntənsɪz/ - fjali
    14. Our - /aʊər/ - jonë
    15. Their - /ðɛər/ - tyre
    16. Circle - /ˈsɜːrkl/ - rreth
    17. Possessive - /pəˈzɛsɪv/ - e pronësisë
    18. Below - /bɪˈloʊ/ - nën
    19. Parentheses - /pəˈrɛnθəsiz/ - paranteza
    20. Grammar - /ˈɡræmər/ - gramatikë
    21. Repeat - /rɪˈpiːt/ - përsërit
    22. Give - /ɡɪv/ - jep
    23. Date - /deɪt/ - data
    24. Interpret - /ɪnˈtɜːrprɪt/ - interpretoj
    25. Message - /ˈmɛsɪdʒ/ - mesazh
    26. Phone - /foʊn/ - telefon
    27. Ask for - /æsk fɔːr/ - kërko
    28. Practice - /ˈpræktɪs/ - ushtrim
    29. Real life - /riːl laɪf/ - jete reale
    30. Math - /mæθ/ - matematikë
    31. Calendar - /ˈkæləndər/ - kalendar
    32. Which - /wɪtʃ/ - cilësi
    33. Call - /kɔːl/ - thirrje
    34. Member - /ˈmɛmbər/ - anëtar
    35. Point to - /pɔɪnt tuː/ - trego drejt
    36. Birthday - /ˈbɜːrθdeɪ/ - ditëlindje
    37. From - /frɒm/ - nga
    38. Spring - /sprɪŋ/ - pranverë
    39. Summer - /ˈsʌmər/ -


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Me poshte vijojne fjalet e reja te mesimit 3 perkatesisht te gjendura ne faqet 28-29 te librit te studentit.

    1. Mother- /ˈmʌðər/ - Nënë (1)

    2. Father - /ˈfɑːðər/ - Baba (2)

    3. Husband - /ˈhʌz.bənd/ - Burri (3)

    4. Brother - /ˈbrʌðər/ - Vëlla (4)

    5. Sister - /ˈsɪs.tər/ - Motra (5)

    6. Daughter - /ˈdɔː.tər/ - Bijë (6)

    7. Parents - /ˈper.ənts/ - Prindërit (7)

    8. Children - /ˈtʃɪl.drən/ - Fëmijët (8)

    9. Child - /tʃaɪld/ - Fëmijë (9)

    10. Wife - /waɪf/ - Grua (10)

    11. Member - /ˈmem.bər/ - Anëtar (11)

    12. Family - /ˈfæm.əl.i/ - Familja (12)

    13. Baby - /ˈbeɪ.bi/ - Bebi (13)

    14. Welcome - /ˈwel.kəm/ - Mirësevini (14)

    15. Home - /hoʊm/ - Shtëpi (15)

    16. Aunt - /ænt/ - Mbesë (16)

    17. Cousin - /ˈkʌz.ən/ - kusheri(17)

    18. Grandfather - /ˈɡræn(d).ˌfɑː.ðər/ - Gjyshi (18)

    19. Grandmother - /ˈɡræn(d).ˌmʌð.ər/ - Gjyshe (19)

    20. Grandparents - /ˈɡræn(d).ˌper.ənts/ - Gjyshërit (20)

    21. Uncle - /ˈʌŋ.kəl/ - Xhaxhai (21)

    22. Grandson - /ˈɡræn(d).ˌsʌn/ - nip(22)

    1. Close - /kloʊz/ - Afër (23)
    2. Both - /boʊθ/ - Të dy (24)
    3. Next to - /nekst tuː/ - Pranë (25)
    4. Each - /iːtʃ/ - Secili (26)
    5. Dictionary - /ˈdɪk.ʃən.ər.i/ - Fjalor (27)
    6. Yourself - /jɔːrˈself/ - Veten (28)
    7. An - /æn/ - Një (29)
    8. Or - /ɔːr/ - Ose (30)


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the international pronunciations in English for the words you mentioned, with a number before each word:

    1. time: /taɪm/ - koha
    2. ways: /weɪz/ - rrugët, menyrat
    3. driver: /ˈdraɪvər/ - shofer
    4. license: /ˈlaɪsəns/ - patentë
    5. birth: /bɜːrθ/ - lindja
    6. date: /deɪt/ - data
    7. avenue: /ˈævənjuː/ - bulevardi
    8. apt: /æpt/ - apartament
    9. river: /ˈrɪvər/ - lumi
    10. place: /pleɪs/ - vend
    11. Miami: /maɪˈæmi/ - Majami
    12. Florida: /ˈflɔːrɪdə/ - Floridë
    13. tired: /ˈtaɪərd/ - i lodhur
    14. angry: /ˈæŋɡri/ - i zemëruar
    15. parentheses: /pəˈrɛnθəsiːz/ - thellëza
    16. zip code: /zɪp koʊd/ - kodi postar
    17. boost: /buːst/ - rritje
    18. unscramble: /ʌnˈskræmbəl/ - zgjidh
    19. real: /riəl/ - real
    20. reading: /ˈriːdɪŋ/ - leximi
    21. interesting: /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ - interesant
    22. state: /steɪt/ - shteti
    23. about: /əˈbaʊt/ - rreth
    24. student: /ˈstjuːdnt/ - student
    25. circle: /ˈsəːrkl/ - rreze
    26. cross out: /krɒs aʊt/ - vizato qark
    27. example: /ɪɡˈzæmpl/ - shembull
    28. belong: /bɪˈlɔŋ/ - i përket
    29. each: /iːtʃ/ - çdo
    30. line: /laɪn/ - vijë
    31. category: /ˈkætɪɡɔːri/ - kategoria
    32. feelings: /ˈfiːlɪŋz/ - ndjenjat
    33. continent: /ˈkɒntɪnənt/ - kontinenti
    34. Russia: /ˈrʌʃə/ - Rusia



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the IPA transcriptions and Albanian translations for the words you requested:

    1. marital - /ˈmærɪtəl/ - martesor
    2. status - /ˈsteɪtəs/ - statusi
    3. then - /ðɛn/ - pastaj
    4. single - /ˈsɪŋɡəl/ - beqar
    5. married - /ˈmærɪd/ - i martuar
    6. couple - /ˈkʌpl/ - çift
    7. title - /ˈtaɪtəl/ - titulli
    8. Mr. - /ˈmɪstər/ - Zoti
    9. Mrs. - /ˈmɪsɪz/ - Zonja
    10. Miss. - /ˈmɪsɪz/ - Zonjushë
    11. Ms. - /ˈmɪz/ - Zonjë
    12. woman - /ˈwʊmən/ - grua
    13. extended - /ɪkˈstɛndɪd/ - i zgjeruar
    14. sure - /ʃʊr/ - i sigurtë
    15. bubble - /ˈbʌbəl/ - flluskë
    16. change - /tʃeɪndʒ/ - ndryshim
    17. role - /roʊl/ - rol
    18. each - /itʃ/ - secili
    19. correct - /kəˈrekt/ - i saktë
    20. chart - /tʃɑːrt/ - grafik
    21. country - /ˈkʌntri/ - vend
    22. population - /ˌpɑːpjʊˈleɪʃən/ - popullsi
    23. article - /ˈɑːrtɪkl/ - artikull
    24. find - /faɪnd/ - gjej
    25. map - /mæp/ - hartë
    26. on - /ɒn/ - në
    27. million - /ˈmɪljən/ - milion
    28. Latin America - /ˈlætɪn əˈmɛrɪkə/ - Amerika Latine
    29. Asia - /ˈeɪʒə/ - Azi
    30. Africa - /ˈæfrɪkə/ - Afrika
    31. Australia - /ɔːˈstreɪliə/ - Australi
    32. interpret - /ɪnˈtɜːprət/ - interpretoj
    33. immigration - /ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃən/ - emigrimi
    34. source - /sɔːrs/ - burimi
    35. Department of Commerce - /dɪˈpɑːtmənt əv ˈkɒmɜːrs/ - Departamenti i Tregtisë
    36. Europe - /ˈjʊrəp/ - Evropa
    37. graph - /ɡræf/ - graf
    38. India - /ˈɪndiə/ - India


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the English international pronunciations of the words you requested, followed by their Albanian translations:

    1. favorite - /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ - të preferuar
    2. purple - /ˈpɜːrpəl/ - purpur
    3. colour - /ˈkʌlər/ - ngjyrë
    4. birth - /bɜːrθ/ - lindje
    5. community - /kəˈmjuːnɪti/ - komunitet
    6. college - /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/ - kolegj
    7. understanding - /ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ/ - kuptim
    8. California - /ˌkælɪˈfɔːniə/ - Kaliforni
    9. Mexico - /ˈmeksɪkəʊ/ - Meksikë
    10. story - /ˈstɔːri/ - përrallë
    11. basic - /ˈbeɪsɪk/ - bazë
    12. ask for - /æsk fɔːr/ - kërkoj
    13. give - /ɡɪv/ - jep
    14. yellow - /ˈjeləʊ/ - verdhë
    15. gray - /ɡreɪ/ - gri
    16. white - /waɪt/ - bardhë
    17. black - /blæk/ - zi
    18. tan - /tæn/ - ngjyrë leshi
    19. pink - /pɪŋk/ - rozë
    20. brown - /braʊn/ - kafe
    21. blue - /bluː/ - blu
    22. red - /red/ - kuq
    23. green - /ɡriːn/ - gjelbër
    24. know - /nəʊ/ - di
    25. east - /iːst/ - lindje
    26. city - /ˈsɪti/ - qytet
    27. identification - /aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ - identifikim
    28. university - /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti/ - universitet
    29. Vietnam - /ˌvjɛtˈnæm/ - Vietnam
    30. Philippines - /ˈfɪlɪpiːnz/ - Filipine
    31. card - /kɑːd/ - kartë
    32. note - /nəʊt/ - shënim
    33. own - /əʊn/ - i/e tij/e saj
    34. conversation - /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/ - bisedë
    35. place - /pleɪs/ - vend
    36. India - /ˈɪndiə/ - Indi
    37. need - /niːd/ - nevojë
    38. of - /ʌv/ - i/e nga


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are some exercises using the verb "have got" in its affirmative, interrogative, and negative forms:

    1. Affirmative: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of "have got."

    a) She ___ a new car. (has got) b) They ___ a big house. (have got) c) We ___ two cats and a dog. (have got)

    1. Negative: Make the following sentences negative.

    a) He has got a headache. (He hasn't got a headache.) b) They have got a lot of work to do. (They haven't got a lot of work to do.) c) You have got a nice house. (You haven't got a nice house.)

    1. Interrogative: Turn the following sentences into questions.

    a) She has got a new job. (Has she got a new job?) b) They have got three children. (Have they got three children?) c) We have got a problem. (Have we got a problem?)

    1. Mixed exercise: Complete the following sentences with the affirmative, negative, or interrogative form of "have got."

    a) I ___ a headache. (have got) b) ___ they a big family? (Have) c) She ___ not a lot of free time. (hasn't got) d) They ___ a new baby. (have got) e) ___ you a car? (Have)

    I hope these exercises help you practice using the verb "have got" in different forms.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are some exercises using the auxiliary verb "can" in its affirmative, interrogative, and negative forms:

    1. Affirmative: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of "can."

    a) I ___ speak Spanish fluently. (can) b) She ___ play the guitar very well. (can) c) They ___ swim for hours. (can)

    1. Negative: Make the following sentences negative.

    a) He can swim. (He cannot swim.) b) We can go to the party. (We cannot go to the party.) c) You can play the piano. (You cannot play the piano.)

    1. Interrogative: Turn the following sentences into questions.

    a) They can speak French. (Can they speak French?) b) She can drive a car. (Can she drive a car?) c) We can help you. (Can we help you?)

    1. Mixed exercise: Complete the following sentences with the affirmative, negative, or interrogative form of "can."

    a) ___ you play tennis? (Can) b) I ___ not swim very well. (cannot) c) She ___ cook a delicious meal. (can) d) They ___ not come to the party. (cannot) e) ___ he ride a bike? (Can)

    I hope these e


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    here are some additional exercises using the verb "to be":

    1. Affirmative: Write sentences using the affirmative form of "to be" with the following subjects:

    a) I (am) b) You (are) c) He (is) d) She (is) e) We (are) f) They (are)

    1. Negative: Write negative sentences using the negative form of "to be" with the following subjects:

    a) I (am not) b) You (are not) c) He (is not) d) She (is not) e) We (are not) f) They (are not)

    1. Interrogative: Write questions using the interrogative form of "to be" with the following subjects:

    a) I (am) b) You (are) c) He (is) d) She (is) e) We (are) f) They (are)

    1. Mixed exercise: Write sentences using the appropriate affirmative, negative, or interrogative form of "to be" in the present tense:

    a) John ___ a teacher. (is) b) ___ you hungry? (Are) c) The weather ___ nice today. (is) d) My friends ___ not here yet. (are not) e) ___ he from Canada? (Is) f) The movie ___ not very good. (is not)

    I hope these exercises help you practice using the verb "to be" in different forms and with different subjects.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are some simple exercises using the verb "to be" in its affirmative, interrogative, and negative forms:

    1. Affirmative: Complete the sentences with the correct form of "to be."

    a) I ___ happy today. (am) b) They ___ at home right now. (are) c) He ___ a doctor. (is)

    1. Negative: Make the following sentences negative.

    a) She is hungry. (She is not hungry.) b) They are tired. (They are not tired.) c) You are happy. (You are not happy.)

    1. Interrogative: Turn the following sentences into questions.

    a) I am tired. (Am I tired?) b) They are hungry. (Are they hungry?) c) She is happy. (Is she happy?)

    1. Mixed exercise: Complete the following sentences with the affirmative, negative, or interrogative form of "to be."

    a) We ___ not home right now. (are not) b) ___ you hungry? (Are) c) She ___ a great singer. (is) d) They ___ tired after the long day. (are) e) ___ he at work today? (Is)

    I hope these exercises help you practice using the verb "to be" in different forms.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    here are the ordinal numbers from one to 31 in English with their International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) pronunciation:

    1st - first (/fɜrst/) 2nd - second (/ˈsɛkənd/) 3rd - third (/θɜrd/) 4th - fourth (/fɔrθ/) 5th - fifth (/fɪfθ/) 6th - sixth (/sɪksθ/) 7th - seventh (/ˈsɛvənθ/) 8th - eighth (/eɪtθ/) 9th - ninth (/naɪnθ/) 10th - tenth (/tɛnθ/) 11th - eleventh (/ɪˈlɛvənθ/) 12th - twelfth (/twɛlfθ/) 13th - thirteenth (/ˌθɜrtiːnθ/) 14th - fourteenth (/ˈfɔːrtiːnθ/) 15th - fifteenth (/ˈfɪfˈtiːnθ/) 16th - sixteenth (/sɪksˈtiːnθ/) 17th - seventeenth (/ˌsɛvənˈtiːnθ/) 18th - eighteenth (/eɪˈtiːnθ/) 19th - nineteenth (/naɪnˈtiːnθ/) 20th - twentieth (/ˈtwɛntiəθ/) 21st - twenty-first (/ˈtwɛntiˌfɜrst/) 22nd - twenty-second (/ˈtwɛntiˌsɛkənd/) 23rd - twenty-third (/ˈtwɛntiˌθɜrd/) 24th - twenty-fourth (/ˈtwɛntiˌfɔrθ/) 25th - twenty-fifth (/ˈtwɛntiˌfɪfθ/) 26th - twenty-sixth (/ˈtwɛntiˌsɪksθ/) 27th - twenty-seventh (/ˈtwɛntiˌsɛvənθ/) 28th - twenty-eighth (/ˈtwɛntiˌeɪtθ/) 29th - twenty-ninth (/ˈtwɛntiˌnaɪnθ/) 30th - thirtieth (/ˈθɜrtiəθ/) 31st - thirty-first (/ˈθɜrtiˌfɜrst/)


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    • Here are the months of the year in English with their IPA pronunciations only:

      1. January /ˈdʒænjuəri/ - dʒænjuəri
      2. February /ˈfebruəri/ - februəri
      3. March /mɑːrtʃ/ - mɑrtʃ
      4. April /ˈeɪprəl/ - eɪprəl
      5. May /meɪ/ - meɪ
      6. June /dʒuːn/ - dʒuːn
      7. July /dʒʊlaɪ/ - dʒʊlaɪ
      8. August /ˈɔːɡəst/ - ɔːɡəst
      9. September /sepˈtembər/ - septembər
      10. October /ɒkˈtəʊbər/ - ɒktəʊbər
      11. November /nəʊˈvembər/ - nəʊvembər
      12. December /dɪˈsembər/ - dɪsembər

      And their Albanian translations:

      1. Janar
      2. Shkurt
      3. Mars
      4. Prill
      5. Maj
      6. Qershor
      7. Korrik
      8. Gusht
      9. Shtator
      10. Tetor
      11. Nëntor
      12. Dhjetor



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Me poshte vijojne fjali me cdo fjale te re per mesimin e ri 

    Here are some simple sentences for each of the words you listed:

    1. country - I am from a small country in Europe.
    2. population - The population of this city is growing rapidly.
    3. time - What time is it?
    4. date - Today is April 15th.
    5. personal vocabulary - I need to work on expanding my personal vocabulary.
    6. clock - The clock on the wall says it's 3 o'clock.
    7. evening - We're having dinner together this evening.
    8. night - I like to read before I go to bed at night.
    9. past - In the past, I used to play soccer every weekend.
    10. to - I need to go to the store to buy some groceries.
    11. half - It's half past six in the evening.
    12. noon - Let's meet for lunch at noon.
    13. p.m. - The movie starts at 7 p.m.
    14. a.m. - I usually wake up at 6 a.m.
    15. interpret - Can you help me interpret this document?
    16. day - Today is a beautiful day.
    17. month - My birthday is in October, which is my favorite month.
    18. midnight - I usually go to bed at midnight.
    19. match - This shirt matches my pants perfectly.
    20. Sunday - I like to relax and spend time with my family on Sundays.
    21. Monday - I have a lot of work to do on Mondays.
    22. Tuesday - I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday.
    23. Wednesday - Wednesday is my busiest day of the week.
    24. Thursday - Let's plan to go out for dinner on Thursday.
    25. Friday - I'm so glad it's Friday!
    26. Saturday - I usually go for a run on Saturday mornings.
    27. Sunday - I like to sleep in on Sunday mornings.
    28. tomorrow - I have a meeting tomorrow morning.
    29. week - This has been a really busy week.
    30. today - Today is a good day to go for a hike.
    31. year - My brother is getting married next year.
    32. yesterday - Yesterday, I went to the beach with my friends.
    33. calendar - I need to mark important dates on my calendar.
    34. dictionary - I always keep a dictionary on my desk when I'm studying.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Me poshte do te gjeni fjalorin e faqeve 16-17


    1. country - /ˈkʌntri/ - shtet
    2. population - /ˌpoːpjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ - popullsi
    3. time - /taɪm/ - koha
    4. date - /deɪt/ - data
    5. personal vocabulary - /ˈpɜːs(ə)n(ə)l vəʊˈkæbjʊləri/ - fjalor personal
    6. clock - /klɒk/ - ora
    7. evening - /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ - mbrëmje
    8. night - /naɪt/ - natë
    9. past - /pa:st/ - kaluar
    10. to - /tuː/ - për; ne drejtim te( Tek ora perdoret per te thene fjalen'pa'; pa dhjete;pa njezet;)
    11. half - /hɑːf/ - gjysmë
    12. noon - /nuːn/ - mesditë
    13. p.m. - /ˌpiː ˈem/ - pasdite
    14. a.m. - /ˌeɪ ˈem/ - paradite
    15. interpret - /ɪnˈtɜːprɪt/ - interpretoj
    16. day - /deɪ/ - ditë
    17. month - /mʌnθ/ - muaj
    18. midnight - /ˌmɪdˈnaɪt/ - mesnatë
    19. match - /mætʃ/ - përputhje
    20. Sunday - /ˈsʌndeɪ/ - e diel
    21. Monday - /ˈmʌndeɪ/ - e hënë
    22. Tuesday - /ˈtjuːzdeɪ/ - e martë
    23. Wednesday - /ˈwenzdeɪ/ - e mërkurë
    24. Thursday - /ˈθəːzdeɪ/ - e enjte
    25. Friday - /ˈfraɪdeɪ/ - e premte
    26. Saturday - /ˈsætədeɪ/ - e shtunë
    27. Sunday - /ˈsʌndeɪ/ - e dielë
    28. tomorrow - /təˈmɒrəʊ/ - nesër
    29. week - /wiːk/ - javë
    30. today - /təˈdeɪ/ - sot
    31. year - /jɪər/ - vit
    32. yesterday - /ˈjestədeɪ/ - dje
    33. calendar - /ˈkælɪndər/ - kalendar
    34. dictionary - /ˈdɪkʃən(ə)ri/ - fjalor

    I hope this helps you with the pronunciation and Albanian translation of these words!



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Provoni te gjeni cilat fjale kuptoni ne tregimin e dhene me poshte:

    Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tom who was very excited to start school. He went to the school to register for classes and fill out all the forms. The teacher welcomed him and showed him around the school.

    In the first lesson, they read about life in different countries. Tom looked at the pictures and listened to the sentences the teacher was saying. Then, he tried to spell some of the words himself.

    For homework, Tom had to tell his parents about what he learned in school that day. He used the telephone to call them and spell some of the words he had trouble with.

    The next day, Tom came to school and his teacher gave him a test to check his understanding. He worked with his partner to match numbers with letters and listened to his teacher repeat some of the important information.

    After class, Tom went home to practice what he learned in school. He used his own book to study and test himself. He felt proud of his hard work and was excited to go back to school the next day.

    As he walked down his street, he saw a sign with his school's name on it. He felt happy to be a part of the school and to have his own information to learn from.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the English words with their IPA pronunciations and Albanian translations:

    1. Brave - /breɪv/ - i guximshëm
    2. Puppy - /ˈpʌpi/ - qen i ri
    3. Lives - /lɪvz/ - jeton
    4. Big house - /bɪɡ haʊs/ - shtëpi e madhe
    5. Owner - /əʊnər/ - pronar
    6. Play - /pleɪ/ - luaj
    7. Run - /rʌn/ - vrapoj
    8. Around - /əˈraʊnd/ - përreth
    9. House - /haʊs/ - shtëpi
    10. Backyard - /ˈbækjɑ:rd/ - oborr
    11. Favorite - /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ - i preferuari
    12. Red - /red/ - i kuq
    13. Ball - /bɔl/ - top
    14. Scary - /ˈskeri/ - frikësues
    15. Barks - /bɑ:rks/ - lëshon grricë
    16. Loudly - /ˈlaʊdli/ - fort
    17. Tries - /traɪz/ - provon
    18. Move - /muːv/ - lëviz
    19. Chase - /tʃeɪs/ - ndjek
    20. Away - /əˈweɪ/ - larg
    21. Doesn't - /ˈdʌznt/ - nuk bën
    22. Scared - /skeərd/ - i frikësuar
    23. Give up - /ɡɪv ʌp/ - dorëzohet
    24. Growls - /ɡraʊlz/ - ulërit
    25. Finally - /ˈfaɪnəli/ - në fund
    26. Feels - /fi:ls/ - ndjen
    27. Proud - /praʊd/ - krenar
    28. Himself - /him-self/ - vetë
    29. Knows - /nəʊz/ - di
    30. From - /from/ - nga
    31. Anything - /ˈeniˌθɪŋ/ - diçka
    32. Runs - /rʌnz/ - vrapon
    33. Face - /feɪs/ - përballet
    34. Any - /ˈeni/ - çdo
    35. Challenge - /ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ - sfidë
    36. Comes - /kʌmz/ - vjen
    37. Way - /weɪ/ - mënyrë



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here's a short story in simple present tense for kids:

    Title: Max the Brave Puppy

    Max is a brave puppy. He lives in a big house with his owner, Emily. Max loves to play and run around in the backyard. He has a favorite red ball that he likes to play with.

    One day, Max sees a big scary cat in the backyard. Max barks loudly and tries to chase the cat away. But the cat doesn't move. Max is scared, but he doesn't give up.

    He barks and growls, and finally, the cat runs away. Max feels proud of himself. He knows that he is a brave puppy.

    From that day on, Max is not scared of anything. He runs and plays in the backyard with his favorite red ball, and he knows that he can face any challenge that comes his way.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Të filluarit për të mësuar anglisht mund të jetë një udhëtim emocionues dhe shpërblimor. Nëse ke 10 fjalë të reja dhe dëshiron të mësosh se si t'i shkruash ato, ja disa këshilla për të të ndihmuar:

    1. Shkruaj fjalët: Shkruaj secilën fjalë disa herë në një letër ose në një bllok shënimesh. Kjo do t'ju ndihmojë të mësoni drejtshkrimin dhe formën e fjalës.

    2. Ndaj fjalët në sillabe: Ndajini fjalët në pjesë më të vogla për t'i bërë ato më të lehta për t'u mësuar dhe shkruar. Për shembull, fjalën "provide" mund ta ndani në "pro" dhe "vide".

    3. Praktiko shqiptimin: Dëgjo shqiptimin e fjalëve, ose duke pyetur një folës natyror ose duke përdorur burime të internetit. Praktikimi i shqiptimit mund t'ju ndihmojë të përmirësoni drejtshkrimin e duhur të fjalës në mendjen tuaj.

    4. Përdor fjalët në kontekst: Shkruaj fjalë të plota ose paragrafë të shkurtër duke përdorur fjalët e reja. Kjo do t'ju ndihmojë të kuptoni si përdoren fjalët në kontekst dhe t'i mbani më lehtë drejtshkrimin e tyre në mendje.

    5. Përdor kartelina: Shkruaj çdo fjalë në një anë të një karteline ose një copë letre dhe kuptimin e saj ose përkthimin në anën tjetër. Rishikoni kartelinat rregullisht për të forcuar drejtshkrimin dhe kuptimin e fjalëve.

    6. Testo veten: Pas praktikimit të fjalëve për një kohë, testo veten duke i shkruar ato nga kujtesa. Kjo do t'ju ndihmojë të matni përparimin tuaj dhe të identifikoni ndonjë fjalë që mund t'ju duhet të praktikoni më shumë.

    7. Jini të qëndrueshëm: Praktiko fjalët e reja çdo ditë ose sa më shpesh të jetë e mundur. Qëndrueshmëria është çelësi për të përmirësuar aftësitë tuaja të drejtshkrimit dhe të shkrimit në përgjithësi.

    Duke ndjekur këto hapa dhe duke praktikuar rregullisht, do të përmirësoni



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Me poshte keni nje numur foljesh ne gjuhen angleze te cilat eshte e mira ti mesoni gradualisht gjate ketyre dhjete diteve duke mundesuar cdo dite nga pese folje te reja.

    Here's a list of 50 common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:

    1. be (bi) - të jesh (jam, është, jemi, janë)
    2. have (hæv) - të kesh (kam, ke, ka, kemi, kanë)
    3. do (du) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
    4. say (seɪ) - të thuash (them, thua, thotë, themi, thonë)
    5. get (get) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
    6. make (meɪk) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
    7. go (goʊ) - të shkosh (shkoj, shkon, shkojmë, shkojnë)
    8. know (nəʊ) - të dish (di, din, dimë, dinë)
    9. take (teɪk) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
    10. see (si:) - të shohësh (shoh, sheh, shohim, shohin)
    11. come (kʌm) - të vijësh (vij, vjen, vijmë, vijnë)
    12. think (θɪŋk) - të mendosh (mendoj, mendon, mendojmë, mendojnë)
    13. look (lʊk) - të shikosh (shikoj, shikon, shikojmë, shikojnë)
    14. want (wɒnt) - të doësh (dua, do, do, duam, duan)
    15. give (gɪv) - të japësh (jap, jep, japim, japin)
    16. use (ju:z) - të përdorësh (përdor, përdoron, përdorim, përdorin)
    17. find (faɪnd) - të gjesh (gjej, gjen, gjejme, gjejnë)
    18. tell (tel) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
    19. ask (a:sk) - të pyesësh (pyes, pyet, pyesim, pyesin)
    20. work (wə:rk) - të punosh (punoj, punon, punojmë, punojnë)
    21. seem (si:m) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
    22. feel (fi:l) - të ndjesh (ndiej, ndjen, ndiejmë, ndiejnë)
    23. try (traɪ) - të provosh (provoj, provon, provojmë, provojnë)
    24. leave (li:v) - të largohesh (largohem, largohet, largohemi, largohen)
    25. call (kɔ:l) - të thërrasësh (thërras, thërras, thërrasim, thërrisni )



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the next 25 most common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:

    1. put (pʊt) - të vendosësh (vendos, vendos, vendosim, vendosin)
    2. mean (min) - të doësh të thuash (kam për qëllim, ka për qëllim, kemi për qëllim, kanë për qëllim)
    3. keep (kip) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
    4. let (let) - të lejosh (lejoj, lejon, lejojmë, lejojnë)
    5. begin (bɪˈgɪn) - të fillosh (filloj, fillon, fillojmë, fillojnë)
    6. seem (sim) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
    7. help (help) - të ndihmosh (ndihmoj, ndihmon, ndihmojmë, ndihmojnë)
    8. talk (tɔk) - të flasësh (flas, flet, flasim, flasin)
    9. turn (tə:rn) - të kthehesh (kthehem, kthehet, kthehemi, kthehen)
    10. start (stɑ:rt) - të nisësh (nisi, nis, nisim, nisin)
    11. show (əʊ) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
    12. hear (hɪər) - të dëgjosh (dëgjoj, dëgjon, dëgjojmë, dëgjojnë)
    13. play (pleɪ) - të luash (luaj, luan, luajmë, luajnë)
    14. run (rʌn) - të vraposh (vrapoj, vrapon, vrapojmë, vrapojnë)
    15. move (muv) - të lëvizësh (lëviz, lëviz, lëvizi, lëvizin)
    16. like (laɪk) - të pëlqejë (pëlqej, pëlqen, pëlqejmë, pëlqejnë)
    17. live (lɪv) - të jetosh (jetoj, jeton, jetojmë, jetojnë)
    18. believe (bɪˈliv) - të besosh (besoj, beson, besojmë, besojnë)
    19. hold (həʊld) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
    20. bring (brɪŋ) - të sjellësh (sjell, sjell, sjellim, sjellin)
    21. happen (ˈhæpən) - të ndodhë (ndodh, ndodhin)
    22. write (raɪt) - të shkruash (shkruaj, shkruan, shkruaj


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Provoni te lexoni historine e meposhteme:

    Here's a short story using the words you already know :

    In a small city, there is a family of four: a mother, a father, a brother, and a sister. They live at 25 Love Street. One day, the brother asked the sister, "Can you read?" She replied, "Yes, I can read and write." Then the sister asked the brother, "What about you? Can you speak English?" The brother said, "Yes, I can speak, but I need more practice."

    The sister had an idea. "Let's practice together! We can learn numbers from 1 to 100 and use words like 'what,' 'when,' 'where,' 'who,' 'am,' 'is,' 'are,' 'be,' 'can,' 'have got,' and 'has got.'"

    So, they practiced every day. They would ask each other questions like, "What is your favorite number?" "When do you like to read?" "Where is our mother?" "Who can help us practice?" As they practiced, they became better at speaking, reading, and writing English. Their love for learning grew, and they were happy to have each other for support.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Nëse jeni fillestar në anglisht, është e rëndësishme të filloni me bazat dhe gradualisht të ndërtoni aftësitë tuaja. Ja një udhëzues hap pas hapi për t'ju ndihmuar të filloni:

    1. Mësoni alfabetin: Njihuni me alfabetin e gjuhës angleze dhe me shqiptimin e secilës shkronje. Kjo do të jetë themele për aftësitë tuaja të leximit dhe shkrimit.

    2. Studioni gramatikën bazë: Filloni me rregullat thelbësore të gramatikës, të tilla si struktura e fjalive, marrëveshja subjekt-folje dhe përdorimi i artikujve (a, an, dhe the). Mësimi i gramatikës bazë do t'ju ndihmojë të ndërtoni fjalitë në mënyrë korrekte.

    3. Ndërtoni fjalorin tuaj: Filloni duke mësuar fjalë dhe fraza të zakonshme të anglishtes. Përqendrohuni në tema të përditshme si përshëndetjet, numrat, ngjyrat, ushqimet dhe anëtarët e familjes. Kartelat e shpejta, listat e fjalëve dhe aplikacionet e mësimit të gjuhëve mund të jenë mjetet e dobishme për ndërtimin e fjalorit.

    4. Ushtroni dëgjimin: Dëgjoni sa më shumë folës të anglishtes për të përmirësuar aftësitë tuaja të dëgjimit dhe shqiptimit. Shikoni video, dëgjoni podcast-e ose përdorni aplikacione të mësimit të gjuhëve me regjistrime audio. Përpiquni të imitoni tingujt, ritmet dhe intonacionin e folësve natyrorë.

    5. Zhvilloni aftësitë e foljes: Flisni anglisht sa herë që mund, edhe nëse nuk jeni të sigurt në aftësitë tuaja. Ushtroni me miqtë, anëtarët e familjes ose partnerët e ndërrimit të gjuhës. Mos u shqetësoni për gabimet; të folurit në mënyrë të rregullt do t'ju ndihmojë të përmirësoheni me kohën.

    6. Lexoni tekste të thjeshta: Filloni duke lexuar materiale që janë të përshtatshme për nivelin tuaj, si libra për fëmijë, lexues të klasifikuar ose artikuj të thjeshtuar lajmesh. Ndërsa aftësitë tuaja të leximit përmirësohen, kaloni gradualisht në tekste më sfiduese.

    7. Shkruani në anglisht: Ushtroni të shkruani fjalime të thjeshta dhe paragrafë të shkurtër në tema të njohura. Përqendrohuni në përdorimin e gramatikës, drejtshkrimit dhe pikësimit të saktë. Ndërsa aftësitë tuaja të shkrimit përmirësohen, provoni të shkruani tekste më të gjata ose ese.

    8. Bashkohuni me grupe ose klasa gjuhësore: Merrni pjesë në klasa anglishte, grupe bisedash ose forume në internet ku mund të ushtroni të folurit, dëgjimin, leximin dhe shkrimin me të tjerë nxënës ose folës natyrorë.

    9. Vendosni objektiva realistë: Caktoni objektiva të arritshme për veten tuaj, si për shembull të zotëroni një koncept specifik të gramatikës, të mësoni një numër të caktuar të fjalëve të reja ose të jeni në gjendje të mbani një bisedë bazike.

    10. Jini të qëndrueshëm dhe të durueshëm: Mësimi i një gjuhe të re kërkon kohë dhe përkushtim. Caktoni kohë çdo ditë për të studiuar dhe ushtruar anglishten, dhe jini të durueshëm me veten tuaj ndërsa përparoni.

    Duke ndjekur këto hapa dhe duke ushtruar rregullisht, do të zhvilloni gradualisht aftësitë tuaja të leximit, shkrimit dhe të folurit në anglisht. Mos harroni, qëndrueshmëria është çelësi, dhe është e rëndësishme të qëndroni të motivuar dhe të durueshëm gjatë procesit të mësimit.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the pronunciations and translations of the words you requested:

    Keto fjale te reja ju perkasin faqeve 14-15

    1. review - /rɪˈvjuː/ - rishikim
    2. expand - /ɪkˈspænd/ - zgjerohem
    3. grammar - /ˈɡræmər/ - gramatikë
    4. note - /noʊt/ - shënim
    5. complete - /kəmˈpliːt/ - plotësoj
    6. chart - /tʃɑːrt/ - grafik
    7. singular - /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlər/ - njënumëror
    8. plural - /ˈplʊrəl/ - shumënumëror
    9. group - /ɡruːp/ - grup
    10. page - /peɪdʒ/ - faqe
    11. talk - /tɔːk/ - bisedoj
    12. about - /əˈbaʊt/ - rreth
    13. interview - /ˈɪntərˌvjuː/ - intervistë
    14. first - /fɜːrst/ - i pari (Albanian)
    15. or - /ɔːr/ - ose
    16. notebook - /ˈnəʊtbʊk/ - fletore
    17. here - /hɪr/ - këtu
    18. problem-solving - /ˈprɒbləm ˌsɒlvɪŋ/ - zgjidhja e problemeve
    19. adult - /ˈædʌlt/ - i rritur
    20. see you later - /siː juː ˈleɪtər/ - shihemi më vonë


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the English pronunciations of each word you listed, followed by their Albanian equivalents:

    Bashkengjitur do te gjeni fjalet e reja te mesimit tuaj qe ju perkasin faqeve 12-13 ne tekst. Ju uroj nje dite te mire.

    • Get ready: /ɡɛt ˈrɛdi/ - Përgatitu
    • Speak: /spiːk/ - Flas
    • Student: /ˈstjuːdnt/ - Student
    • Study: /ˈstʌdi/ - Stuhoj
    • About: /əˈbaʊt/ - Rreth
    • More: /mɔːr/ - Më shumë
    • News: /njuːz/ - Lajme
    • Home: /hoʊm/ - Shtëpi
    • Go: /ɡoʊ/ - Shkoj
    • Radio: /ˈreɪdi.oʊ/ - Radio
    • On: /ɑːn/ - Në
    • Identify: /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/ - Identifikoj
    • Language: /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ - Gjuhë
    • Effective: /ɪˈfɛktɪv/ - Efektiv
    • Habit: /ˈhæbɪt/ - Zakon
    • Bring: /brɪŋ/ - Sjell
    • Minute: /ˈmɪnɪt/ - Minutë
    • Today: /təˈdeɪ/ - Sot
    • Children: /ˈtʃɪldrən/ - Fëmijë
    • Work: /wɜːrk/ - Punoj
    • Fun: /fʌn/ - Argëtim
    • For: /fɔːr/ - Për
    • United States: /juːˌnaɪtɪd ˈsteɪts/ - Shtetet e Bashkuara
    • Citizenship: /ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp/ - Qytetërim
    • Health: /hɛlθ/ - Shëndet
    • Money: /ˈmʌni/ - Para
    • Shopping: /ˈʃɑːpɪŋ/ - Blerje
    • Goal: /ɡoʊl/ - Qëllim
    • Box: /bɑːks/ - Kuti

    I hope this helps you with your English pronunciation and understanding!



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    1. everyday - /ˈɛvriˌdeɪ/ - çdo ditë
    2. conversation - /ˌkɑnvərˈseɪʃən/ - bisedë, konversation;
    3. meet - /mi:t/ - takohem
    4. new - /nju:/ - i ri
    5. people - /ˈpipəl/ - njerëz
    6. morning - /ˈmɔrˌnɪŋ/ - mëngjes
    7. how - /haʊ/ - si
    8. evening - /ˈivnɪŋ/ - mbrëmje
    9. see - /si:/ - shoh
    10. later - /ˈleɪtər/ - më vonë
    11. goodbye - /ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ/ - mirupafshim
    12. morning - /ˈmɔrˌnɪŋ/ - mëngjes
    13. fine - /faɪn/ - mirë, kendshem
    14. begin - /bɪˈɡɪn/ - filloj
    15. end - /ɛnd/ - mbaroj
    16. social - /ˈsoʊʃəl/ - social
    17. pronunciation - /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən/ - shqiptim
    18. contraction - /kənˈtrækʃən/ - kontraktim; shkurtim;
    19. no - /nəʊ/ - jo
    20. ask - /æsk/ - pyes
    21. then - /ðɛn/ - pastaj
    22. change - /tʃeɪndʒ/ - ndryshoj
    23. role - /rəʊl/ - rol
    24. check - /tʃɛk/ - kontrolloj


    Fatmir Mani's English School

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    Sure! Here's the affirmative chart of the verb 'have got' with the pronunciation:

    II have gotaɪ hæv ɡɒt
    YouYou have gotju hæv ɡɒt
    He/She/ItHe/She/It has gothi/ʃi/ɪt hæz ɡɒt
    WeWe have gotwiː hæv ɡɒt
    You (Plural)You have gotjuː hæv ɡɒt
    TheyThey have gotðeɪ hæv ɡɒt

    Note: The pronunciation is written in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols.


    • I have got a headache. (aɪ hæv ɡɒt ə ˈhɛdˌeɪk)
    • You have got beautiful eyes. (ju hæv ɡɒt ˈbjutəfəl ˈaɪz)
    • He has got a lot of money. (hi hæz ɡɒt ə lɒt əv ˈmʌni)
    • She has got a new job. (ʃi hæz ɡɒt ə nu ʤɒb)
    • We have got two cats. (wiː hæv ɡɒt tuː kæts)
    • They have got a big house. (ðeɪ hæv ɡɒt ə bɪɡ haʊs)


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    Here's the affirmative chart of the verb 'have got' with the Albanian translation:

    AffirmativePronunciationAlbanian Translation
    II have gotaɪ hæv ɡɒtUnë kam
    YouYou have gotju hæv ɡɒtTi ke
    He/She/ItHe/She/It has gothi/ʃi/ɪt hæz ɡɒtAi/Ajo/Ato ka
    WeWe have gotwiː hæv ɡɒtNe kemi
    You (Plural)You have gotjuː hæv ɡɒtJu keni
    TheyThey have gotðeɪ hæv ɡɒtAta/ato kanë

    Note: The Albanian translation is written in the Latin alphabet.


    • I have got a headache. (Unë kam dhimbje koke)
    • You have got beautiful eyes. (Ti ke sy të bukur)
    • He has got a lot of money. (Ai ka shumë para)
    • She has got a new job. (Ajo ka një punë të re)
    • We have got two cats. (Ne kemi dy macja)
    • They have got a big house. (Ata kanë një shtëpi të madhe)



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    Here's the interrogative form of the verb 'have got' with the pronunciation and Albanian translation:

    InterrogativePronunciationAlbanian Translation
    IHave I got?hæv aɪ ɡɒt?Kam unë?
    YouHave you got?hæv ju ɡɒt?Ke ti?
    He/She/ItHas he/she/it got?hæz hi/ʃi/ɪt ɡɒt?Ka ai/ajo/ato?
    WeHave we got?hæv wiː ɡɒt?Kemi ne?
    You (Plural)Have you got?hæv juː ɡɒt?Keni ju?
    TheyHave they got?hæv ðeɪ ɡɒt?Kanë ata/ato?

    Note: The pronunciation is written in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols.


    • Have I got any messages? (Kam unë ndonjë mesazh?)
    • Have you got a pen I can borrow? (Ke ti një stilolaps që mund të më jepësh?)
    • Has he got a girlfriend? (Ka ai një vajzë?)
    • Have we got enough food for everyone? (Kemi ne mjaftushëm ushqim për të gjithë?)
    • Have you got tickets for the concert? (Keni ju bileta për koncertin?)
    • Have they got a friend who can help us? (Kanë ata një shok që mund të na ndihmojë?)



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    Here's the negative form of the verb 'have got' with the pronunciation and Albanian translation:

    NegativePronunciationAlbanian Translation
    II have not (haven't) gotaɪ hæv nɒt (ˈhævənt) ɡɒtUnë nuk kam
    YouYou have not (haven't) gotju hæv nɒt (ˈhævənt) ɡɒtTi nuk ke
    He/She/ItHe/She/It has not (hasn't) gothi/ʃi/ɪt hæz nɒt (ˈhæzənt) ɡɒtAi/Ajo/Ato nuk ka
    WeWe have not (haven't) gotwiː hæv nɒt (ˈhævənt) ɡɒtNe nuk kemi
    You (Plural)You have not (haven't) gotjuː hæv nɒt (ˈhævənt) ɡɒtJu nuk keni
    TheyThey have not (haven't) gotðeɪ hæv nɒt (ˈhævənt) ɡɒtAta/ato nuk kanë

    Note: The pronunciation is written in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols.


    • I haven't got time for this. (Unë nuk kam kohë për këtë)
    • You haven't got any reason to worry. (Ti nuk ke asnjë arsye për të shqetësuar)
    • He hasn't got any siblings. (Ai nuk ka asnjë vëlla ose motër)
    • We haven't got enough money to buy a new car. (Ne nuk kemi mjaftueshëm para për të blerë një makinë të re)
    • You (plural) haven't got a permit to travel abroad. (Ju nuk keni leje për të udhëtuar jashtë shtetit)
    • They haven't got any desire to go out today. (Ata nuk kanë ndonjë dëshirë për të dalë sot)

    I hope this helps!



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    Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes te dyja tabelat; dmth tabelat ne shqip edhe ne anglisht edhe beni krahasimet.

    Here's the chart for the Albanian equivalent of 'have got' in the affirmative, interrogative, and negative forms:

    Unë (I)Unë kamKam unë?Unë nuk kam
    Ti (You)Ti keKe ti?Ti nuk ke
    Ai/Ajo/Ato (He/She/It/They)Ai/Ajo/Ato kaKa ai/ajo/ato?Ai/Ajo/Ato nuk ka
    Ne (We)Ne kemiKemi ne?Ne nuk kemi
    Ju (You)Ju keniKeni ju?Ju nuk keni
    Ata/ato (They)Ata/ato kanëKanë ata/ato?Ata/ato nuk kanë

    Note: The verb 'have got' does not have an exact equivalent in Albanian, so the verb 'to have' (kam, ke, ka, kemi, keni, kanë) is used instead.



    • Unë kam një makinë të re.
    • Ti ke një shokun shumë të mirë.
    • Ai ka shumë punë.
    • Ne kemi një libër të mirë.
    • Ju keni një restorant shumë të mirë.
    • Ata kanë një shtëpi të bukur.


    • Kam unë ndonjë mesazh?
    • Ke ti një stilolaps që mund të më jepësh?
    • Ka ai një plan të saktë për të ardhmen?
    • Kemi ne mjaftushëm ushqim për të gjithë?
    • Keni ju bileta për koncertin?
    • Kanë ata një shok që mund të na ndihmojë?


    • Unë nuk kam kohë për këtë.
    • Ti nuk ke asnjë arsye për të shqetësuar.
    • Ai nuk ka asnjë vëlla ose motër.
    • Ne nuk kemi mjaftueshëm para për të blerë një makinë të re.
    • Ju nuk keni leje për të udhëtuar jashtë shtetit.
    • Ata nuk kanë ndonjë dëshirë për të dalë sot.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Certainly! Here's a full chart showing the conjugation of 'have got' in the affirmative, interrogative, and negative forms:

    II have gotHave I got?I have not (haven't) got
    YouYou have gotHave you got?You have not (haven't) got
    He/She/ItHe/She/It has gotHas he/she/it got?He/She/It has not (hasn't) got
    WeWe have gotHave we got?We have not (haven't) got
    You (Plural)You have gotHave you got?You have not (haven't) got
    TheyThey have gotHave they got?They have not (haven't) got

    Note: In American English, the contraction "have" + "got" is often shortened to "have" or "got" alone, so "I have got a new car" can be shortened to "I have a new car" or "I got a new car." In British English, "have got" is more commonly used.



    • I have got a headache.
    • You have got beautiful eyes.
    • He has got a lot of money.
    • She has got a new job.
    • We have got two cats.
    • They have got a big house.


    • Have I got any messages?
    • Have you got a pen I can borrow?
    • Has he got a girlfriend?
    • Has she got plans for the weekend?
    • Have we got enough food for everyone?
    • Have they got tickets for the concert?


    • I haven't got time for that.
    • You haven't got to worry about it.
    • He hasn't got any siblings.
    • She hasn't got any experience in sales.
    • We haven't got enough money to buy a new car.
    • They haven't got permission to leave the building.



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    Here's a chart of personal pronouns in English, divided into subject pronouns and object pronouns:

    Subject PronounsObject Pronouns

    Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the verb, while object pronouns are used when the pronoun is the object of the verb or the object of a preposition.


    1. Subject Pronoun: I am reading a book. (Here, "I" is the subject of the verb "am.") Object Pronoun: She gave the book to me. (Here, "me" is the object of the preposition "to.")

    2. Subject Pronoun: He plays soccer. (Here, "he" is the subject of the verb "plays.") Object Pronoun: She invited him to the party. (Here, "him" is the object of the verb "invited.")

    Exercises: Choose the correct personal pronoun for each sentence.

    1. John and _____ are going to the store. (I/me)
    2. Can you help _____ with this problem? (I/me)
    3. They invited Sarah and _____ to the movie. (I/me)
    4. She told _____ a secret. (I/me)
    5. _____ can't find my keys. (I/me)

    Here's the chart of personal pronouns in English with their Albanian translations, divided into subject pronouns (Peremrat vetore, perdorur si kryefjale) and object pronouns (Peremrat vetore, perdorur si kundrinore)

    Subject PronounsPeremrat vetore
    youti (singular), ju (plural or formal)
    itai/ajo (for objects or animals)
    theyata (masculine), ato (feminine)
    Object PronounsPeremrat vetore perdorur si kundrinore
    youty (singular), ju (plural or formal)
    itatij/asaj (for objects or animals)

    Peremrat vetore, përdoren kur emri është subjekti i foljes, ndërsa Peremrat vetore përdoren si kundrinore,kur emri është objekti i foljes.


    Peremrat vetore si kryefjale:: Unë po lexoj një libër. (Këtu, "unë" është subjekti i foljes "po lexoj.") Peremrat vetore si kundrinore: Ajo me dha librin mua. (Këtu, "mua" është objekti i pyetjes:'Kujt?' - mua

    Peremri vetor: Ai luan futboll. (Këtu, "ai" është subjekti i foljes "luan.") Peremri vetor si kundrinor: Ajo e ftoi atij në festë. (Këtu, "atij" është objekti i foljes "e ftoi.")

    Ushtrime: Zgjidhni emrin personal të saktë për çdo fjali.

    John dhe _____ po shkojnë në dyqan. (unë/mua) Mund të më ndihmoj _____ me këtë problem? (unë/mua) Ata e ftuan Sarën dhe _____ në kinema. (unë/mua) Ajo më tregoi _____ një sekret. (unë/mua) _____ nuk mund t'i gjej çelësat e mi. (unë/mua)


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    Lexoni keti dialogje edhe mundesisht i perktheni ne gjuhen tuaj:

    Dialogue 1:

    Student: Teacher, is this our group work for the day? Teacher: Yes, it is. You and your partner will practice simple words together.

    Dialogue 2:

    Student: My partner and I are studying in the classroom. Teacher: Good! Make sure you use the words we've learned in class.

    Dialogue 3:

    Student: Teacher, is this the correct way to count the circles? Teacher: Yes, you're doing well. Keep practicing.

    Dialogue 4:

    Student: I am working on my reading with my partner. Teacher: That's great! Remember to talk about the words and help each other.

    Dialogue 5:

    Teacher: In today's class, we'll work on reading and counting. Student: I'll practice with my partner in our study group.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Me poshte vijojne fjalet e reja te cilat ju mund ti hasni ne faqen 8 edhe 9 te mesimit te pare.

    Here are the English pronunciations and Albanian translations for the words you've provided:

    1. grammar - /ˈɡræmər/ - gramatikë
    2. talk - /tɔːk/ - bisedë; flas
    3. contraction - /kənˈtrækʃən/ - kontraktë
    4. statement - /ˈsteɪtmənt/ - deklaratë
    5. with - /wɪð/ - me
    6. window - /ˈwɪndəʊ/ - dritare
    7. computer - /kəmˈpjuːtər/ - kompjuter
    8. pencil - /ˈpɛnsəl/ - laps
    9. door - /dɔːr/ - derë
    10. new - /njuː/ - i ri
    11. about - /əˈbaʊt/ - rreth
    12. yourself - /jɔːrˈsɛlf/ - veten
    13. below - /bɪˈləʊ/ - poshtë
    14. pronoun - /ˈprəʊnaʊn/ - emëror
    15. subject - /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ - subjekt
    16. simple - /ˈsɪmpl/ - i thjeshtë
    17. present tense - /ˈprɛzənt tɛns/ - koha e tashme
    18. each - /iːʧ/ - secili
    19. verb - /vɜːrb/ - folje

    Please note that some pronunciations may vary slightly depending on the accent or dialect.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

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    Here are the pronunciations and translations:

    1. life - [laif] - jeta
    2. story - [stori] - histori/rrefim
    3. school - [sku:l] - shkollë
    4. form - [fo:rm] - formular
    5. read - [ri:d] - lexoj
    6. registration - [rexhistreiʃn] - regjistrim
    7. street - [stri:t] - rrugë
    8. state - [steit] - shtet
    9. apartment - [ə'pɑ:(r)tmənt] - apartament
    10. signature - [sɪgnətʃə(r)] - nënshkrim
    11. email - [i:meil] - email
    12. tell - [tel] - tregoj
    13. last - [lɑ:st] - i fundit/ i mëparshmi
    14. print - [prɪnt] - printoj
    15. code - [kəʊd] - kod
    16. area - [eərɪə] - zonë
    17. then - [ðen] - pastaj
    18. sign - [saɪn] - nënshkruaj
    19. give - [gɪv] - jap
    20. check - [tʃek] - kontrolloj
    21. understanding - [ʌndəstændɪŋ] - kuptim
    22. match - [mætʃ] - përshtatje/kombinim
    23. personal - [pə:sənl] - personal
    24. circle - [sɜ:kl] - rreth
    25. practice - [præktɪs] - ushtrime/trajtim
    26. conversation - [kɒnvəˈseɪʃ(ə)n] - bisedë
    27. own - [əʊn] - i vetë
    28. close - [kləʊs] - afër/ mbyll/mbyllim/mbyllni/mbyllur



    Fatmir Mani's English School

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    Here's a chart showing the conjugation of the verb "can" in affirmative, interrogative, and negative forms:

    SubjectVerbAuxiliary Verb + Subject + VerbAuxiliary Verb + Subject + Verb
    IcanCan I...?cannot / can't
    YoucanCan you...?cannot / can't
    He/She/ItcanCan he/she/it...?cannot / can't
    WecanCan we...?cannot / can't
    You (plural)canCan you...?cannot / can't
    TheycanCan they...?cannot / can't

    Note: "Cannot" and "can't" are the negative forms of "can".


    • Affirmative: I can speak Spanish.
    • Interrogative: Can you swim?
    • Negative: She cannot play the guitar.

    Këtu është një tabelë që tregon zgjedhimin e foljes "can" në formën deftore, pyetëse dhe mohore:

    SubjektiFjala e veprimitFjala ndihmëse + Subjekti + Fjala e veprimitFjala ndihmëse + Subjekti + Fjala e veprimit
    Unëmund tëMund të...?nuk mund të
    Timund tëMund të...?nuk mund të
    Ai/Ajo/Atomund tëMund të...?nuk mund të
    Nemund tëMund të...?nuk mund të
    Ju (shumës)mund tëMund të...?nuk mund të
    Ata/atomund tëMund të...?nuk mund të

    Shënim: "Nuk mund të" është forma negative e "mund të".


    • Afirmative: Unë mund të flas spanjisht.
    • Pyetëse: A mund të notosh?
    • Negative: Ajo nuk mund të luajë gitarën.


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    Për të krijuar një fjalë të mirë në anglisht, ka disa gjëra që mund të bëni:

    Filloni me një subjekt të qartë: Fjalia juaj duhet të ketë një subjekt të qartë, i cili është personi ose gjëja që po kryen veprimin në fjali.

    Përdorni gramatikën e duhur: Kjo do të thotë të siguroheni që fjali juaj të kenë kohën e duhur të foljes, pajtimin e kryfjales edhe foljes dhe shenjat duhura te pikesimit.

    Ndryshoni strukturën e fjalisë: Përzierja e gjatësisë dhe strukturës së fjalisë do të bëjë shkrimin tuaj më interesant dhe më përfshirës.

    Përdorni fjalorin e duhur: Zgjidhni fjalë që janë të përshtatshme për audiencën dhe qëllimin e shkrimit tuaj. Evitoni përdorimin e gjuhës së rëndë ose teknike nëse nuk është e nevojshme.

    Rishikoni dhe redaktoni: Pasi keni shkruar fjalinë tuaj, kthehuni prapa dhe lexoni për të kontrolluar gabimet ose zonat ku mund të përmirësohen qartësia dhe koherenca e fjalisë.

    Duke ndjekur këto hapa, mund të krijoni fjalë të qarta dhe efektive në anglisht. Përveç kësaj, praktikimi i shkathtësive të shkrimit në mënyrë të rregullt mund t'ju ndihmojë të bëheni më të rehatshëm dhe më të sigurt në aftësinë tuaj për të shkruar mirë në anglisht.



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    Këtu janë disa fjali shumë të thjeshta duke përdorur këto fjalë në anglisht:

    Subjekti: Unë | Fjala e veprimit: pëlqej | Objekti: pica Unë pëlqej pica.

    Subjekti: Ajo | Fjala e veprimit: është | Objekti: duke lexuar | Komplementi i objektit: një libër Ajo është duke lexuar një libër.

    Subjekti: Macja | Fjala e veprimit: është duke fjetur | Objekti: në divan Macja është duke fjetur në divan.

    Subjekti: Ne | Fjala e veprimit: shkuam | Objekti: në park | Koha: dje Ne shkuam në park dje.

    Subjekti: Ai | Fjala e veprimit: luan | Objekti: gitarën | Adverbi: shumë mirë Ai luajt gitarën shumë mirë.

    Subjekti: Ata | Fjala e veprimit: po shikojnë | Objekti: një film Ata po shikojnë një film.



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    Sure, here are the pronunciations of each separate word:

    1. Good: ɡʊd i mire e mire Blood: blʌd gjak;

    2. bad : bæd i keq, e keqe Pronunciation: ɡʊd blʌd, bæd blʌd

    3. Unique: juːˈniːk unik, i vecante New: nju York: ˈjɔːrk Repeat: rɪˈpiːt Times: taɪmz / here; disa here Pronunciation: juːˈniːk nju ˈjɔːrk rɪˈpiːt taɪmz

    4. She: ʃi ajo; Sees: siːz shikon Cheese: tʃiːz djathe Pronunciation: ʃi siːz tʃiːz

    5. Black: blæk i zi; e zeze; Bug: bʌɡ buburec Bit: bɪt kafshoi Bear: beər ari Pronunciation: blæk bʌɡ bɪt blæk beər



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    Me poshte do te gjeni te gjitha fjalet e reja te mesimit te pare qe ju korespondojne me faqen 4 edhe 5 te librit tuaj. Ju lutem keto fjale i regjistroni ne fletoren tuaj te fjalorit edhe mandej detyre shtepie  shkruni te gjitha fjalet me nga pese rreshta.

    • Classroom: /ˈklæs.ruːm/ - Klasë
    • Personal: /ˈpɜː.sə.nəl/ - Personal
    • Information: /ˌɪn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən/ - Informacion
    • Meeting: /ˈmiː.tɪŋ/ - Takim
    • People: /ˈpiː.pl/ - Njerëz
    • Study: /ˈstʌd.i/ - Studioj
    • Goal: /ɡəʊl/ - Qëllim
    • Vocabulary: /vəˈkæb.jʊ.lər.i/ - fjalor i nje mesimi
    • Direction: /dəˈrek.ʃən/ - Drejtim
    • Point to: /pɔɪnt tuː/ - Tregoj
    • Open: /ˈəʊ.pən/ - Hap
    • Close: /kləʊz/ - Mbyll
    • Sit down: /sɪt daʊn/ - Ulem
    • Stand up: /stænd ʌp/ - Ngrihem
    • Complete: /kəmˈpliːt/ - Plotësoj
    • Sentence: /ˈsen.təns/ - fjali
    • Use: /juːz/ - Përdor
    • Notebook: /ˈnəʊt.bʊk/ - fletore pune
    • Book: /bʊk/ - Libër
    • Respond: /rɪˈspɒnd/ - Përgjigjem
    • Simple: /ˈsɪm.pəl/ - I thjeshtë
    • Command: /kəˈmɑːnd/ - Komandë
    • Talk: /tɔːk/ - Flas
    • Match: /mætʃ/ - Përshtatem
    • Board: /bɔːd/ - Tabela
    • Chair: /tʃeər/ - Karrige
    • Clock: /klɒk/ - Orë
    • Desk: /desk/ - Tavolinë
    • Dictionary: /ˈdɪk.ʃən.ər.i/ - Fjalor
    • Notebook: /ˈnəʊt.bʊk/ - fletore
    • Pen: /pen/ - Stilolaps
    • Student: /ˈstjuː.dənt/ - Student
    • Chart: /tʃɑːt/ - Grafik
    • Plural: /ˈplʊə.rəl/ - shumës
    • Singular: /ˈsɪŋ.ɡjʊ.lər/ - Numerues i pakës
    • Give: /ɡɪv/ - Jep
    • Grammar: /ˈɡræm.ər/ - Gramatikë
    • Note: /nəʊt/ - Shënim
    • Test: /test/ - Testim
    • Yourself: /jɔːˈself/ - Vetvetja,vetjajuaj
    • Thing: /θɪŋ/ - send


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Vendosni foljen " to be " ne vendin e duhur:

    1. I _____ not happy with my grade.
    2. She _____ not interested in playing sports.
    3. They _____ not from around here.
    4. We _____ not ready for the test.
    5. He _____ not feeling well today.
    6. The weather _____ not good today.
    7. The restaurant _____ not open on Sundays.
    8. My phone _____ not working properly.
    9. You _____ not late for class.
    10. The movie _____ not as good as I expected.

    1. _____ you hungry?
    2. _____ she your sister?
    3. _____ they coming to the party?
    4. _____ I late for the meeting?
    5. _____ we going to the beach tomorrow?
    6. _____ it hot outside?
    7. _____ you happy with your job?
    8. _____ he the new manager?
    9. _____ we going the right way?
    10. _____ they married?

    Vendosni foljen " to be " ne vendin e duhur:

    1. I _____ a student.
    2. She _____ from Canada.
    3. We _____ happy to see you.
    4. You _____ my best friend.
    5. They _____ always on time.
    6. He _____ a doctor.
    7. They _____ sisters.
    8. You _____ tired after work.
    9. We _____ ready to start.
    10. I _____ not feeling well.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Këtu janë disa këshilla për të mësuar numrat në anglisht:

    1. Filloni me numrat 1 deri në 10 dhe praktikoni përsëritjen e tyre.

    2. Merrni një listë të numrave dhe shkruani ata në mënyrë të përsëritshme.

    3. Merrni një partner të gjuhës së anglishtes dhe praktikoni numrat së bashku.

    4. Kërkoni video në internet që mësojnë numrat dhe ndiqni ato.

    5. Përdorni numrat në mënyrë praktike, siç janë numrat e telefonit, çmimet e produkteve në dyqan, dhe kohët.

    6. Përdorni flashcards për të mësuar numrat dhe përsëritje.

    7. Merrni pjesë në lojëra numrash dhe aplikacione që ndihmojnë në mësimin e numrave.

    8. Shikoni filma dhe seriale në anglisht dhe dëgjoni si numrat përdoren në situata të ndryshme.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Për të vazhduar të mësoni anglisht edhe me mire, këtu janë disa këshilla:

    1. Filloni me bazat: mësoni alfabetin, numrat, dhe fjalët e thjeshta.

    2. Shikoni filma dhe dëgjoni muzikë në anglisht: kjo ju ndihmon të mësoni një mënyrë të re të dëgjimit dhe kuptimit të gjuhës.

    3. Lexoni artikuj në internet në anglisht: kështu mund të mësoni fjalë dhe shprehje të reja dhe të zgjeroni fjalorin tuaj.

    4. Përdorni aplikacione për mësim: ka shumë aplikacione që ofrojnë kurse të ndryshme të gjuhës angleze, nga të cilat mund të mësoni me lehtësi.

    5. Mësoni me një partner: gjeni dikë tjetër që po mëson anglisht dhe bashkëpunoni për të praktikuar gjuhën bashkërisht.

    6. Mos u trembni nga gabimet: në fillim, ju mund të bëni gabime. Kjo është normale dhe nuk duhet të ndalojë motivimin tuaj për të mësuar.

    Të gjitha këto këshilla mund t'ju ndihmojnë të fillojnë të mësoni gjuhën angleze. Për fat të mirë, ka shumë burime në internet që mund t'ju ndihmojnë në këtë proces dhe mund t'ju ndihmojnë të mësoni me kohë. Suksese në mësim!



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Adverb of FrequencyUsageExample
    AlwaysUsed to describe something that happens all the time, without exception.She always wakes up at 6 AM.
    UsuallyUsed to describe something that happens most of the time.I usually take a walk in the park after dinner.
    OftenUsed to describe something that happens frequently, but not all the time.He often forgets his keys at home.
    SometimesUsed to describe something that happens occasionally, but not regularly.Sometimes I like to watch a movie instead of going out.
    RarelyUsed to describe something that happens infrequently.She rarely eats fast food.
    Hardly everUsed to describe something that almost never happens.He hardly ever goes to the gym.
    NeverUsed to describe something that does not happen at any time.I never eat sushi.

    These adverbs can be used in various tenses and with different types of verbs to describe how often something happens or how likely it is to happen. It's important to note that these adverbs are subjective and can vary based on an individual's perception of frequency.

    Ndajfoljet e FrekuencësPërdorimiShembull
    Gjithmonë (Always)Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh gjithmonë, pa përjashtim.Ajo gjithmonë zgjohet në orën 6 të mëngjesit.
    Zakonisht (Usually)Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh shumicën e kohës.Zakonisht shkoj për një shëtitje në park pas darkës.
    Shpesh (Often)Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh shpesh, por jo gjithmonë.Ai shpesh harrohet qelsat në shtëpi.
    Ndonjëherë (Sometimes)Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh rastësisht, por jo rregullisht.Ndonjëherë më pëlqen të shoh një film në vend që të dal.
    Rrallë (Rarely)Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh rrallë.Ajo rrallë ha ushqim të shpejtë.
    Shumë rrallë (Hardly ever)Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh shumë rrallë.Ai shumë rrallë shkon në palestër.
    Asnjëherë (Never)Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që nuk ndodh në asnjë kohë.Unë kurrë nuk ha sushi.

    Këto ndajfolje të frekuencës mund të përdoren në kohë të ndryshme dhe me lloje të ndryshme të foljeve për të përshkruar se sa shpesh ndodh diçka ose sa e mundshme është të ndodhë. Është e rëndësishme të vini re se këto ndajfolje janë subjektivë dhe mund të ndryshojnë bazuar në perceptimin e një individi për frekuencën.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Hi there, këtu është një tabelë që shpjegon përdorimin e foljes "to be" në kohën e thjeshtë të tashme në anglisht në formën negative të shkurtër, si dhe shpjegimin e tyre në shqip:

    PronounForma negative e shkurtër e foljes "To be"Përkthimi në shqipShembuj
    I'm not (nuk jam)nuk jamUnë nuk jam i/e lodhur. (I'm not tired.)
    Youaren't (nuk je / nuk jeni)nuk je / nuk jeniTi nuk je i/e shpejtë. (You're not fast.)
    He/She/Itisn't (nuk është)nuk ështëAi/ajo/ajo nuk është këtu. (He/She/It isn't here.)
    Wearen't (nuk jemi)nuk jemiNe nuk jemi të kënaqur. (We aren't happy.)
    Youaren't (nuk jeni)nuk jeniJu nuk jeni të zgjuar. (You aren't smart.)
    Theyaren't (nuk janë)nuk janëAta/ato nuk janë të kënaqur. (They aren't happy.)

    Në anglisht, për të shprehur diçka negative në kohën e thjeshtë të tashme me foljen "to be", përdoret forma negative e shkurtër "n't" në vend të fjalës "not". Forma negative e shkurtër e foljes "to be" ndryshon në varësi të personit që po flitet dhe konsiston në "n't" (nuk jam) për "I", "n't" (nuk je/jeni) për "you", dhe "n't" (nuk është) për "he/she/it". Për më shumë se një person, përdoret "n't" (nuk jemi/jeni/janë) si formë e foljes.

    Në shqip, për të shprehur diçka negative me foljen "to be", përdoret fjalëkalimi "nuk" shtuar pas formës së foljes "to be". Për shembull:

    • Unë nuk jam i/e lodhur. (I'm not tired.)
    • Ti nuk je i/e shpejtë. (You're not fast.)
    • Ai/ajo/ajo nuk është këtu. (He/She/It isn't here.)
    • Ne nuk jemi të kënaqur. (We aren't happy.)
    • Ju nuk jeni të zgjuar. (You aren't smart.)
    • Ata/ato nuk janë të kënaqur. (They aren't happy.)

    Shpresoj që kjo tabelë dhe shpjegime të ndihmojnë në kuptimin e saj.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Hi students, këtu është një tabelë që shpjegon përdorimin e foljes "to be" në kohën e thjeshtë të tashme në anglisht në formën negative të plotë, si dhe shpjegimin e tyre në shqip:

    PronounForma negative e foljes "To be"Përkthimi në shqipShembuj
    Iam notnuk jamUnë nuk jam i/e lodhur. (I am not tired.)
    Youare notnuk je / nuk jeniTi nuk je i/e shpejtë. (You are not fast.)
    He/She/Itis notnuk ështëAi/ajo/ajo nuk është këtu. (He/She/It is not here.)
    Weare notnuk jemiNe nuk jemi të kënaqur. (We are not happy.)
    Youare notnuk jeniJu nuk jeni të zgjuar. (You are not smart.)
    Theyare notnuk janëAta/ato nuk janë të kënaqur. (They are not happy.)

    Në anglisht, për të shprehur diçka negative në kohën e thjeshtë të tashme me foljen "to be", "not" shtohet pas formës së foljes "to be". Forma negative e foljes "to be" ndryshon në varësi të personit që po flitet dhe konsiston në: "am not" (nuk jam) për "I", "are not" (nuk je/jeni) për "you", dhe "is not" (nuk është) për "he/she/it". Për më shumë se një person, përdoret "are not" (nuk jemi/jeni/janë) si formë e foljes.

    Në shqip, për të shprehur diçka negative me foljen "to be", fjaleza "nuk" shtohet para formës së foljes "to be". Ne gjuhen angleze kjo fjalez vendoset mbas foljes "to be ". Për shembuj:

    • Unë nuk jam i/e lodhur. (I am not tired.)
    • Ti nuk je i/e shpejtë. (You are not fast.)
    • Ai/ajo/ajo nuk është këtu. (He/She/It is not here.)
    • Ne nuk jemi të kënaqur. (We are not happy.)
    • Ju nuk jeni të zgjuar. (You are not smart.)
    • Ata/ato nuk janë të kënaqur. (They are not happy.)

    Shpresoj që kjo tabelë dhe shpjegime të ndihmojnë në kuptimin e përdorimit të foljes "to be" në anglisht në kohën e tashme në formën negative të plotë.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Hi students, këtu është një tabelë që shpjegon përdorimin e foljes "to be" në kohën e thjeshtë të tashme në anglisht në formën e pyetës, si dhe shpjegimin e tyre në shqip:

    PronounForma e foljes "To be" në pyetjePërkthimi në shqipShembuj
    IAm I?A jam unë?A jam unë i/e lodhur? (Am I tired?)
    YouAre you?A je / jeni ti?A je i/e shpejtë? (Are you fast?)
    He/She/ItIs he/she/it?A është ai/ajo/ajo?A është ai/ajo/ajo në shtëpi? (Is he/she/it at home?)
    WeAre we?A jemi ne?A jemi ne të kënaqur? (Are we happy?)
    YouAre you?A jeni ju?A jeni ju të zgjuar? (Are you smart?)
    TheyAre they?A janë ata/ato?A janë ata/ato të kënaqur? (Are they happy?)

    Në anglisht, kur bëjmë një pyetje me foljen "to be" në kohën e thjeshtë të tashme, forma e foljes ndryshon duke filluar me "am" (jam) për "I", "are" (je/jeni) për "you", dhe "is" (është) për "he/she/it". Për më shumë se një person, përdoret "are" (jemi/jeni/janë) si formë e foljes. Pyetjet në anglisht fillojnë me fjalinë ndërhyrëse "am", "are", ose "is", ndjekur nga subjekti i pyetjes dhe një pikëpyetje.

    Në shqip, forma e pyetjes është "A", e cila fillon fjalën e pyetjes, ndjekur nga subjekti dhe forma e foljes "to be". Për shembuj:

    • A jam unë i/e lodhur? (Am I tired?)
    • A je ti i/e shpejtë? (Are you fast?)
    • A është ai/ajo/ajo në shtëpi? (Is he/she/it at home?)
    • A jemi ne të kënaqur? (Are we happy?)
    • A jeni ju të zgjuar? (Are you smart?)
    • A janë ata/ato të kënaqur? (Are they happy?)

    Shpresoj që kjo tabelë dhe shpjegime të ndihmojnë në kuptimin e përdorimit të foljes "to be" në anglisht në kohën e tashme në formën e pyetjes.


    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Hi there, këtu është një tabelë që shpjegon përdorimin e foljes "to be" në kohën e thjeshtë të tashme në anglisht, si dhe shpjegimin e tyre në shqip:

    PronounForma e foljes "To be"Përkthimi në shqipShembuj
    IamjamUnë jam i lodhur. (I am tired.)
    Youareje / jeniTi je i/e fortë. (You are strong.)
    He/She/ItisështëAi/ajo/ajo është shumë e kujdesshme. (He/She/It is very careful.)
    WearejemiNe jemi shumë të lumtur. (We are very happy.)
    YouarejeniJu jeni shumë miqësorë. (You are very friendly.)
    TheyarejanëAta/ato janë shumë të organizuara. (They are very organized.)

    Folja "to be" në anglisht përdoret për të treguar gjendjen ose pozicionin e një personi, vendi, sendi, etj. Në shqip, folja "to be" përkthehet si "të jem" dhe përdoret në kohën e tashme për të treguar gjendjen ose pozicionin e një personi, vendi, sendi, etj. Në tabelën e mësipërme, forma e foljes "to be" ndryshon në varësi të personit që po flitet dhe konsiston në: "am" (jam) për "I", "are" (je/jeni) për "you", dhe "is" (është) për "he/she/it". Për më shumë se një person, përdoret "are" (jemi/jeni/janë) si formë e foljes.

    Këtu janë disa shembuj të thjeshtë që tregojnë përdorimin e foljes "to be" në kohën e tashme:

    • Unë jam i/e lodhur. (I am tired.)
    • Ti je shumë i/e shpejtë. (You are very fast.)
    • Ai/ajo/ajo është në shtëpi. (He/She/It is at home.)
    • Ne jemi shumë të kënaqur. (We are very happy.)
    • Ju jeni shumë të zgjuar. (You are very smart.)
    • Ata/ato janë shumë të kënaqur. (They are very happy.)

    Shpresoj që kjo tabelë dhe shpjegime të ndihmojnë në kuptimin e përdorimit të foljes "to be" në anglisht në kohën e tashme.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Hi! Here's a chart that explains the usage of the demonstrative pronouns "this", "that", "these", and "those":

    Demonstrative PronounUsageExample
    ThisRefers to a singular noun that is close in distance or time.This book is really interesting. (Ky libër është shumë interesant.)
    ThatRefers to a singular noun that is far in distance or time.That movie was terrible. (Ai film ishte i tmerrshëm.)
    TheseRefers to plural nouns that are close in distance or time.These cookies are delicious. (Këto ëmbëlsira janë shumë të shijshme.)
    ThoseRefers to plural nouns that are far in distance or time.Those buildings over there are very old. (Ata ndërtesa atje janë shumë të vjetra.)

    "Demonstrative pronouns" janë fjalët që përdoren për të treguar ose përshkruar një send në një mënyrë të qartë dhe të përcaktuar. Këto fjalë shpesh përdoren në anglisht për të treguar nëse një send është i afërt ose i larg, i përshtatshëm ose i papërshtatshëm, ose i njëjtë ose i ndryshëm nga sendet e tjera.

    Në shqip, "demonstrative pronouns" përkthehen si "pronominat deftore". Për shembull:

    • "This" përkthehet si "ky" ose "kjo" në shqip dhe përdoret për një send të vetëm që është afër në distancë ose kohë: "Ky libër është shumë interesant."
    • "That" përkthehet si "ai" ose "ajo" në shqip dhe përdoret për një send të vetëm që është larg në distancë ose kohë: "Ai film ishte i tmerrshëm."
    • "These" përkthehet si "këta" ose "këto" në shqip dhe përdoret për sende të shumta që janë afër në distancë ose kohë: "Këto ëmbëlsira janë shumë të shijshme."
    • "Those" përkthehet si "ata" ose "ato" në shqip dhe përdoret për sende të shumta që janë larg në distancë ose kohë: "Ata ndërtesa atje janë shumë të vjetra."

    Shpresoj që kjo tabelë dhe shpjegime të ndihmojnë në kuptimin e përdorimit të pronominave deftore në anglisht.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Me poshte vijojne te gjitha fjalet e mesimit No. 1 te gjendura ne faqen 2-3.

    Here are the pronunciations of the English words you requested:

    • unit: /ˈjuːnɪt/ mesim
    • focus: /ˈfəʊkəs/ perqendrohu tek
    • first: /fɜːst/ i pari, e para
    • step: /stɛp/ hap, hapi qe hedhim me kembe,
    • spell: /spɛl/ germezoj
    • at: /æt/ tek
    • repeat: /rɪˈpiːt/ perserit
    • work: /wɜːrk/ punoj
    • classmate: /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/ shok klase
    • this: /ðɪs/ ky;kjo
    • that: /ðæt/ ai;ajo
    • these: /ðiːz/ keta; keto per sende edhe objekte qe i kemi afer
    • those: /ðəʊz/ ata; ato; per sende edhe objekte qe i kemi larg;
    • excuse: /ɪkˈskjuːs/ me falni
    • don't: /doʊnt/ nuk, mos
    • understand: /ˌʌndərˈstænd/ kuptoj
    • identify: /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/ identifikoj
    • letter: /ˈlɛtər/ shkronje
    • please: /pliːz/ ju lutem
    • need: /niːd/ kam nevoje
    • zero: /ˈzɪərəʊ/ zero
    • help: /hɛlp/. ndihmoj
    • phone: /fəʊn/ telefon
    • address: /əˈdrɛs/ adrese; adresoj
    • with: /wɪð/ me
    • partner: /ˈpɑːtnər/ partner
    • count: /kaʊnt/ numuroj

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the English numbers by tens from ten to one hundred and their pronunciations:

    10: ten (tɛn) 20: twenty (ˈtwɛnti) 30: thirty (ˈθɜːrti) 40: forty (ˈfɔːrti) 50: fifty (ˈfɪfti) 60: sixty (ˈsɪksti) 70: seventy (ˈsɛvənti) 80: eighty (ˈeɪti) 90: ninety (ˈnaɪnti) 100: one hundred (wʌn ˈhʌndrəd)

    I hope this helps you with your English numbers! Let me know if you have any more questions.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here are the English numbers from one to twenty and their pronunciations:

    Me poshte do te gjeni sipas radhes, numurat e gjuhes angleze edhe si shqiptohen ata.

    Ju lutem provoni te mesoni shkrimin e tyre.

    1. one (wʌn)
    2. two (tuː)
    3. three (θriː)
    4. four (fɔːr)
    5. five (faɪv)
    6. six (sɪks)
    7. seven (ˈsɛv.ən)
    8. eight (eɪt)
    9. nine (naɪn)
    10. ten (tɛn)
    11. eleven (ɪˈlɛvən)
    12. twelve (twɛlv)
    13. thirteen (θərˈtiːn)
    14. fourteen (ˌfɔːrˈtiːn)
    15. fifteen (fɪfˈtiːn)
    16. sixteen (sɪksˈtiːn)
    17. seventeen (ˌsɛvənˈtiːn)
    18. eighteen (eɪˈtiːn)
    19. nineteen (naɪnˈtiːn)
    20. twenty (ˈtwɛnti)

    I hope this helps you with your English numbers and pronunciation! Let me know if you have any more questions.



    Fatmir Mani's English School

    English Made Easier

    Here is a chart that shows the various forms of the verb "to be" in English with their Albanian translations:

    I amUnë jam
    You areTi je
    He/She/It isAi/Ajo/Ajo është
    We areNe jemi
    You (plural) areJu jeni
    They areAta/Ato janë

    The verb "to be" is used to describe a state of being or existence. It can be used to describe a person, a thing, or a situation. Here are some example sentences using the verb "to be" in different forms:

    1. I am a teacher. (Unë jam mësues.)
    2. You are my friend. (Ti je miku im.)
    3. She is a doctor. (Ajo është mjeke.)
    4. We are students. (Ne jemi studentë.)
    5. You (plural) are from Albania. (Ju jeni nga Shqipëria.)
    6. They are in the park. (Ata janë në park.)

    I hope this chart and these example sentences help you understand the different forms of the verb "to be" in English and their translations in Albanian. Let me know if you have any more questions!



    Pershendetje kudo qofshi,

    Ne vijim te disa mesimeve paraprake, sot do te deshiroja te mesonim se bashku disa elemente gjuhesore si me poshte. Lexoni me kujdes permbajtjen e ketij mesimi. Behet fjale per kater peremra. Quhen peremra deftore ne gjuhen tone edhe ne gjuhen angleze jane si me poshte:

    Demonstratives: This/ That / These / Those

    Peremrat deftore: ky/kjo - ai ajo - keta keto- ata ato.

    1. This and these point to something near.  

    Peremrat this and these, sherbejne per te treguar sende apo objekte te cilat ndodhen prane nesh. This - sherben per te emertuar sende te numurit njejes te gjendura ne nje distance shume te afert gati tek dora; dhe these me te njejtin kuptim por ne rolin e numurit shumes.

    2. That and those point to something far.

    That  dhe Those sherbejne per te treguar sende apo objekte te cilat nuk ndodhen prane nesh, por jane ne nje distance te caktuar. That tregon objekete te numurin njejes te ndodhura ne nje distance dhe those objekte te numurit shumes por te ndodhura ne largesi.

    Affirmative statements:

    This is a dog.                     These are dogs.
    This is a cat.                        These are cats.
    That is a book.                       Those are books.
    That is a star.                           Those are stars.

    Negative statements:

    This is not a mountain.        These are not mountains.
    This is not a door.                These are not doors.
    That is not a rabbit.                Those are not rabbits.
    That is not a window                Those are not windows.

    Question forms:

    Is this a car?                        Are these cars?
    Is this a house?                       Are these houses?
    Is that a farm?                            Are those farms ?
    Is that a hospital?                          Are those hospitals ?

    In short answers and tag questions, we use it, and they instead of this,that,these, and those.

    Is this a good book?            Yes, it is.
    Is that a good car?                  No, it isn't.
    Are these good books?              Yes, they are.
    Are those good cars?                    No, they aren't.

    Me poshte po ju paraqes dy ushtrime ne te cilet kerkesa eshte:

    Change these sentences from singular into plural. Do not use a or an in plural sentences.

    1. This is a nice book.
    2. This is an apple.
    3. That is an old house.
    4. That is a red pencil case.
    5. This is a nice lake.
    6. That is a big car.
    7. This is an empty bottle.
    8. This is a university teacher.
    9. That is  a tree.
    10. This is Columbia University.

    II. Change the following sentences from plural into singular. Don't forget to use a or an in singular if necessary.

    1. These are cats.
    2. These are trousers.
    3.  These are apples.
    4. Those are oranges.
    5.  These are new houses.
    6. Those are elephants.
    7. Those are students.
    8. These are starts.
    9. These are old stories.
    10. Those are restaurants.

    I wish you a nice day tomorrow.




    Hi every one,

    Read the following material and make your own examples.


    Special verbs: be, have (got) and can
    Present tense
    I am (I’m)
    You are (You’re)
    He is (He’s)
    She is (she’s)
    It is (it’s)
    We are (we’re)
    You are ( you’re)
    They are ( they’re)

    Am I?
    Are you?
    Is he?
    Is she?
    Is it?
    Are we?
    Are you?
    Are they?
    I am (I’m) not
    You are not (aren’t)
    He is not (isn’t)
    She is not (isn’t)
    It is not (isn’t)
    We are not (aren’t)
    You are not (aren’t)
    They are not (aren’t)

    I’m sixteen. ( I have sixteen)
    Are you English? Yes, I am (yes, I’m)
    Her name’s Ann.
    Is Susan an engineer? Yes, she is. (yes, she’s)
    Are John and his father doctors? (Are doctors John and his father?)
    You’re Canadian, aren’t you? Yes, that’s right.

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