Monday, November 9, 2015

The concept of freedom

There is a lot of confusion about the concept of
Freedom. It exists amongst older folk as well as the
In the name of freedom there are men and women
who are casual about faithfulness in marriage, there are
children who totally ignore their parents, and the gutter
press prints blatant lies. In the name of freedom people
can do their own thing and turn their backs when
someone needs help. People continue to live to suit
their feelings, their likes, their whims. This is the
freedom that is respected, even worshipped by the selfish. This freedom leads dead-straight towards the
jungle, to the tyranny of the strongest, the most wily,
the most brutal.
Freedom is only meaningful, valuable and joyful in a
climate of love. Because it so happens, that in this
world, what matters most is not freedom, but love.
A person who loves, forgets himself and gives others
power over him, gives a slice of his freedom to others.
Love sets a person free for the beautiful, the good, the
true and for the deep joys of life.