Monday, March 26, 2018

Mesimi 20

Lesson 20/twentieth lesson

Si shkruhet
Si lexohet
Si perkthehet
fillim, nisje
/bɔt əm/
fund (pjesa fundore e dickaje, e detit, e nje ene)
i, e, te zene
(to) feel
perballe, pjesa e perparme
mes, midis (per vend)
pjese ( e nje sasie)
i duruar
i varfer
/‘kwɔt ə*/
(to) rest
pushoj, prehem
i, e, te pasur
shume, teper, gjithashtu
too much
/tu: mʌ tʃ/
shume, teper
maje, kulm, siper

Shprehje te tjera te sasise:

Ø Part of, do te thote nje pjese e…., nje pjese te

·       Ndonjehere shprehja part of, mund te paraprihet nga nyja joshquese a, me kuptimin njeren pjese te..ose nje pjese te…, njera pjese e…., nje pjese e…
She has part of her money in her box.  Ajo ka ne kutine e saj nje pjese te parave.
She has a part of her money in her box. Ajo ka ne kuti njeren pjese te parave.

Ø Ne qofte se shprehja part of, eshte ne rolin e kryefjales dhe ndiqet nga nje emer ne numrin njejes, atehere edhe folja duhet te jete ne numrin njejes dhe kur ndiqet nga nje emer ne numrin shumes, folja duhet te jete ne shumes.

Part of his money is in the bank. Nje pjese e parave te tij eshte ne banke.
Part of her documents are there. Nje pjese e dokumentave te saj jane atje.

Ø Some, pervec kuptimit disa dhe ndonje, mund te kete gjithashtu kuptimin nje pjese, nje cike, pak. Kur kjo tregon pjese ose disa prej, atehere some ndiqet nga parafjala of.
Some of my friends. Nje pjese e miqve te mi.
Some of my pencils. Disa nga lapsat e mi.

Ø Peremri pronor nuk merr perpara asnje percaktor, qofte nyje, numeror, rreshtor, peremer deftor ose te pacaktuar. Prandaj per te thene nje shoku juaj, disa shoket tuaj, ky shoku juaj dhe shprehje te tjera peremerore, perdorim shprehjet e meposhtme:

One of your books. Nje nga librat e tu.
A book of yours. Nje liber i yti.
This book of yours. Ky libri yt.
These books of yours. Keta librat e tu.
One of your friends. Nje nga shoket e tu.
 A friend of yours. Nje shoku yt.
Some of your friends. Disa nga shoket e tu.
This friend of yours. Ky shoku yt.
These friends of yours. Keta shoket e tu.

Ø Me peremrat deftore this dhe that nuk mund te ndertohet shprehja e llojit te pare. Most of do te thote pjesa me e madhe e …
Edhe ketu vlen te shenojme se folja vendoset ne numrin njejes, nese emri qe ndjek most of eshte ne numrin njejes dhe po keshtu, vendoset ne shumes kur emir eshte ne numrin shumes:
Most of my money is in the bank. Pjesa me e madhe e parave te mia eshte ne banke.
Most of my children are here. Pjesa me e madhe(shumica) e femijeve te mi jane ketu.

Ø Peremri all( te gjithe, i gjithe, e gjithe, te gjitha) eshte i pacaktuar dhe nuk merr pas parafjalen of, pervec rasteve kur ndiqen nga nje peremer vetor, si
All his children are boys. Te gjithe femijet e tij jane djem
All of us are here. Te gjithe ne jemi ketu.
Ø All mund te gjendet edhe pas peremrit vetor, si psh.:
They all know her.  Ata te gjithe e njohin ate.
Ø Por ky ndertim nuk eshte i pranueshem nese fjalia eshte mohore si
Not all of us are there. Jo te gjithe ne jemi atje.

Ø Half do te thote gjysme, gjysma dhe nuk e pranon parafjalen of, me perjashtim te rasteve kur ndiqet nga nje peremer vetor, si
I have half my money. Une kam gjysmen  e parave te mia.
I have half of it there. Une kam gjysmen e tyre atje.
Ø Kur half eshte ne rolin e mbiemrit, ne anglisht ndiqet pergjithesisht nga nyja joshquese a (an), ndersa ne shqip kerkon nje emer ne rasen rrjedhore. Psh.:
Half an hour. Gjysme ore.

Ø A quarter do te thote cerek, nje cerek dhe ndiqet nga parafjala of, si
This is a quarter of our house. Ky eshte nje cereku i kopshtit tone.
Ø Nese nje numeror ndiqet nga parafjala nga ose prej ne shqip, ne anglisht , ne kete rast perdorim parafjalen of.
One of my friends. Nje nga miqte e mi ose nje prej miqve te mi.
·       At the end of the movie. Ne fund te filmit.
·        At the beginning of the meeting. Ne fillim te mbledhjes
·       In the middle of the afternoon. Ne mes te pasdites.
·       At the other end of the school. Ne fundin tjeter te shkolles.


Bill: Is this Peter’s room?
Robert: No, his room is at the top of the house. I use three of the rooms at the front of the house for my work. My wife’s rooms are at the back.
Bill: Do you do all your work here?
Robert: No, I do part of it here, and part of it at the hospital. Some of my patients are rich, and some of them are poor. Perhaps most of them are poor. I usually work at the hospital all morning, then I come to lunch. After lunch I do a little work. But in the middle of the afternoon I rest for half an hour.
Bill: In the house?
Robert: No, not here; there is too much noise. No, I have a small shed at the bottom of the garden…!
Bill: At the bottom…?
Robert: Well, I mean at the other end of the garden!
Bill: Does most of your work come at the beginning of the week?
Robert: No, I am very busy all the time. At the end of the week I feel rather tired.
Bill: I’m sure you do!


1)    At the top of the house. Ne katin e siperm te shtepise, siper ( ne papafingo)
2)    My part of the house. Pjesa ime e shtepise.
3)    Are at the back. Jane prapa, jane nga ana e pasme
4)    I do part of it here, and part of it at the hospital. Nje pjese te punes e bej ketu dhe nje pjese ne spital.
5)    I do a little work. Une punoj pak, punoj nje cike.
6)    At the bottom of the garden. Ne fund te kopshtit;te fund i kopshtit.
7)    Does most of your work come? A e ke punen me te madhe ne…? A te vjen puna me e madhe ne..?
8)    I’m sure you do! Jam i sigurt se po! Jam i sigurt se ndiheni i lodhur!
Shenime per bashkebisedimin:

Ø Folja to mean do te thote dua te them, ka kuptimin, me kuptimin, si This word means…, kjo fjale ka kuptimin… ose kjo fjale do te thote…etj.
Kjo sherben per te dhenje nje fare shpjegimi per fjalite paraprirese, pra me kuptimin desha te them, doja te shpreh, kisha ndermend te thosha,
Her name is Jennifer. Ajo quhet Xhenifer.
I mean, Bill. Dua te them, Bill.
Ø Gjate bisedave te perditshme, perdorim shpesh shprehjen: What you mean? What do you mean?, qe ne shqip do te thote: C’do te thuash, ose Per cfare e ke fjalen?ose Cili eshte kuptimi i kesaj qe po thua?

Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:

o   Is part of your money in the bank? Yes, part of it is.
o   Is some of your money  in the bank? Yes, some of it.
o   Is most of your money in the bank? Yes, most of it.
o   Is a lot of your money in the bank? Yes, a lot of it is.
o   Is half of you money in the bank? Yes, half of it is.

o   How many of her books are thick? (three) Three of her books are thick.
o   How many of the pens are red? (two) Two of the pens are red.
o   How many of the houses are grey?(six) Six of the houses are grey.
o   How many of the shops are for rent? ( four) Four of the shops are for rent.
o   How many of the trees are orange-trees. (most). Most of the trees are orange-trees.

o   When did you go away? (at the end). I went at the end of the film.
o   When did you go away? (in the middle). I went in the middle of the film.
o   When did you go away? ( at the beginning). I went at the beginning of the film.
o   Where is Peter’s room? (top, house). It’s at the top of   the house.
o   Where’s Dr. Grande’s table( other side, room) It’s at the other side of the room.
o   Where’s your scarf? (top, stairs). It’s at the top of the stairs.
o   Where is the garage?( Other side, house). It’s at the other side of the house.

Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:

Perktheni ne anglisht:

o   Ata blejne 2 ton qymyr cdo muaj, dhe pjesen me te madhe e perdorin per zjarrin e oxhakut.
o   Gjysma e shkolles eshte e babait tim, por gjysma tjeter eshte e imja.
o   Shumica e njerezve ne kete qytet jane shqiptare.
o   Cereku i kesaj torte eshte e jotja.
o   Nese ti nuk ke buke, mund te marresh nje pjese te bukes time.
o   Mos e merr te gjithe birren.


o   Kushina jone eshte ne krye te koridorit.
o   Kopshti yne eshte ne anen tjeter te shtepise.
o   Ne krye te shkalleve eshte dhoma ime.
o   Ai ulet gjithmone ne radhen e pare kur shkon ne shkolle.
o   I zakonisht ha nje hamburger ne mesin e pasdites.
o   Ata do shkojne per pushime ne fund te muajit.
o   Vendosi keto libra ne anen e pasme te dollapit.
o   Pjesen me te madhe te kohes ajo e kalon duke punuar.

Perktheni ne anglisht:

o   Pjesa me e madhe e shokeve te mi nuk mesojne, por vetem Eva meson.
o   Nje nga shkollat tona eshte ne anen tjeter te qytetit.
o   Te gjithe ne do te shkojme ne kinema per te pare nje film.
o   A kendojne shume ata?
o   Jo, ata nuk kendojne shume.
o   Pas mengjesit une ha dicka.
o   Disa prej tyre jane te kenaqur nga universiteti.
o   Nje miku yne vjen sot nga Anglia.
o   Ne krye te shkalleve eshte dhoma e pritjes.
o   Ne fund te muajit do te largohemi nga shtepia.
o   Ejani dhe ju me ate.

Young Mouse

A very young Mouse, who had never seen anything of the world, almost came to grief the very first time he ventured out. And this is the story he told his mother about his adventures.
"I was strolling along very peaceably when, just as I turned the corner into the next yard, I saw two strange creatures. One of them had a very kind and gracious look, but the other was the most fearful monster you can imagine. You should have seen him.
"On top of his head and in front of his neck hung pieces of raw red meat. He walked about restlessly, tearing up the ground with his toes, and beating his arms savagely against his sides. The moment he caught sight of me he opened his pointed mouth as if to swallow me, and then he let out a piercing roar that frightened me almost to death."
Can you guess who it was that our young Mouse was trying to describe to his mother? It was nobody but the Barnyard Cock and the first one the little Mouse had ever seen.
"If it had not been for that terrible monster," the Mouse went on, "I should have made the acquaintance of the pretty creature, who looked so good and gentle. He had thick, velvety fur, a meek face, and a look that was very modest, though his eyes were bright and shining. As he looked at me he waved his fine long tail and smiled.
"I am sure he was just about to speak to me when the monster I have told you about let out a screaming yell, and I ran for my life."
"My son," said the Mother Mouse, "that gentle creature you saw was none other than the Cat. Under his kindly appearance, he bears a grudge against every one of us. The other was nothing but a bird who wouldn't harm you in the least. As for the Cat, he eats us. So be thankful, my child, that you escaped with your life, and, as long as you live, never judge people by their looks."
Do not trust alone to outward appearances.