Me te miret e kurseve !!


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

June 15 2023

To determine if you are obese, you can calculate your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a commonly used method to assess whether a person has a healthy body weight based on their height and weight. Here's how you can calculate your BMI:

  1. Measure your weight in kilograms (kg).
  2. Measure your height in meters (m).

Once you have these measurements, use the following formula to calculate your BMI:

BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m))^2

For example, if you weigh 80 kilograms and your height is 1.75 meters, the calculation would be:

BMI = 80 kg / (1.75 m)^2 = 26.1

After calculating your BMI, you can interpret the results using the following categories:

  • Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9
  • Obesity: BMI of 30 or higher

Keep in mind that while BMI is a useful tool for most individuals, it does have limitations. It doesn't account for factors such as muscle mass, bone density, and distribution of body fat. Therefore, it's essential to consider other factors and consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment of your health.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

05.06. 2023

here is a chart of the four types of conditional sentences, along with examples and exercises:

Zero ConditionalIf + present simple, present simpleIf it rains, the streets get wet.
First ConditionalIf + present simple, will + base verbIf I have time, I will go for a walk.
Second ConditionalIf + past simple, would/could/might + base verbIf I won the lottery, I would buy a new car.
Third ConditionalIf + past perfect, would/could/might + have + past participleIf I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

Zero Conditional Exercise: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If you (heat) ice, it (melt).
  2. If she (drink) too much coffee, she (get) nervous.
  3. If it (rain), the flowers (grow).
  4. If he (eat) too much sugar, he (get) a headache.
  5. If you (study) hard, you (get) good grades.

First Conditional Exercise: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If we (not be) late, we (catch) the train.
  2. If she (study) hard, she (pass) the test.
  3. If it (rain), I (stay) at home.
  4. If he (not finish) his work, he (get) in trouble.
  5. If they (go) to the party, they (have) a good time.

Second Conditional Exercise: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If I (win) the lottery, I (travel) around the world.
  2. If he (have) more time, he (read) more books.
  3. If we (live) in a bigger house, we (have) more space.
  4. If they (not work) hard, they (not succeed).
  5. If she (know) how to swim, she (go) to the beach more often.

Third Conditional Exercise: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If he (study) harder, he (have) passed the exam.
  2. If they (not miss) the train, they (arrive) on time.
  3. If she (not forget) her keys, she (not be) locked out.
  4. If we (not lose) the game, we (be) in the finals.
  5. If he (not leave) his job, he (still work) there.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

05.03. 2023

. Passives: complex structures

In complex sentences, the passive voice can be used to put the focus on the action, rather than the actor. Here are some examples of complex sentences in the passive voice:

  1. The book, which was written by a Nobel laureate, has been widely acclaimed by critics.
  2. The project, which had been funded by the government, was ultimately abandoned due to lack of interest.
  3. The proposal, which is being considered by the committee, has generated a lot of discussion among members.
  4. The report, which had been commissioned by the board of directors, was presented at the annual meeting.
  5. The program, which will be implemented next year, has already been approved by the executive committee.

In each of these sentences, the focus is on the action (e.g., writing a book, funding a project, considering a proposal), rather than on the person or entity performing the action.

Using the passive voice in complex sentences can be particularly effective when you want to avoid mentioning the actor or when the actor is not important. It can also be useful when you want to emphasize the action being performed, rather than who is doing it.

It's important to note that the passive voice can make complex sentences more difficult to understand, so be sure to use it appropriately and sparingly.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

05.02. 2023

1. active object complement - passive subject complement

In grammar, an object complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective that follows and describes or renames the direct object of a verb. When the verb is in the active voice, the object complement follows the direct object.

For example, in the sentence "She painted the wall blue", "blue" is the object complement that describes the direct object "the wall".

In the passive voice, the subject complement comes after the linking verb and describes or renames the subject of the sentence. The subject complement can be a noun, pronoun, or adjective.

For example, in the sentence "The wall was painted blue by her", "blue" is still the object complement that describes the direct object "the wall", but "was painted" is the passive voice of "painted", and "her" is the agent indicated by the preposition "by". In addition, the subject "the wall" becomes the subject complement of the sentence.

Using an active object complement and a passive subject complement can be useful in situations where the emphasis is on the end result rather than the person who caused it. Here are some examples:

Active Voice:

  • We elected her president.
  • They named the baby James.
  • She made the cake chocolate.

Passive Voice:

  • She was elected president.
  • The baby was named James.
  • The cake was made chocolate.

In each of these sentences, the object complement (president, James, chocolate) becomes the subject complement when the sentence is changed to the passive voice.

Using an active object complement and a passive subject complement can be a good way to vary sentence structures and to put the emphasis on the result, rather than the person who caused it. However, it's important to use it appropriately and sparingly, as it can make the sentence more complex and harder to understand.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

05.01. 2023

2.Structure with introductory 'it' in passive voice: It is thought ; it is believed

The structure with introductory "it" can also be used in the passive voice, with the verbs "thought" and "believed" being common in this usage. In this case, "it" serves as the grammatical subject and is followed by a form of "to be" and a past participle, such as "thought" or "believed".

Here are some examples of sentences with an introductory "it" in the passive voice:

  1. It is thought that the Mona Lisa was painted in the early 16th century by Leonardo da Vinci.
  2. It is believed that the first Thanksgiving feast took place in 1621.
  3. It is said that the building was designed by a famous architect.
  4. It is known that elephants have excellent memory.
  5. It is rumored that the company is about to go bankrupt.

In each of these sentences, "it" is used at the beginning of the sentence to introduce the topic or idea, which is then followed by the passive voice construction. This structure can be useful for emphasizing an idea or belief, without having to identify a specific person or entity responsible for the idea or belief.

It's important to use this structure appropriately and make sure that the actual subject of the sentence is clear and easy to understand.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.30. 2023

3. Subject+passive verb+ infinitive

A subject + passive verb + infinitive structure is a type of sentence in which the subject is acted upon by an unspecified agent, and the main verb is in the passive voice. This structure is often used to describe an action that is intended or expected to be performed by someone or something, without identifying who or what will perform the action.

Here are some examples of sentences with a subject + passive verb + infinitive structure:

  1. The package is supposed to be delivered tomorrow.
  2. The report needs to be completed by Friday.
  3. The car is expected to be repaired soon.
  4. The manuscript is intended to be published next year.
  5. The building is scheduled to be demolished next month.

In each of these sentences, the subject is being acted upon by an unspecified agent, and the main verb is in the passive voice. The infinitive that follows the passive verb describes the intended or expected action.

Using a subject + passive verb + infinitive structure can be useful for expressing expectations or intentions without explicitly identifying who or what will perform the action. However, it's important to use it appropriately and to make sure that the actual subject of the sentence is clear and easy to understand.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.29. 2023

4. Structure with : There is: There is thought/said to be etc

The structure "There is" is often used to introduce a statement about the existence or presence of something, and it can also be used to introduce a belief or opinion. Here are some examples of how this structure is used:

  1. There is a book on the table. (describing the existence of the book)
  2. There is a storm brewing in the distance. (describing the presence of the storm)
  3. There is said to be a treasure hidden in the cave. (introducing a belief or opinion)
  4. There is thought to be a connection between the two events. (introducing a belief or opinion)
  5. There is believed to be life on other planets. (introducing a belief or opinion)

In each of these examples, the phrase "there is" is used to introduce a statement about the existence or presence of something, or to introduce a belief or opinion about something. The structure is often followed by a noun, but it can also be followed by an adjective or a past participle.

Using the structure "There is" can be a useful way to introduce a statement or belief in a clear and concise manner. However, it's important to make sure that the actual subject of the sentence is clear and easy to understand.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.28. 2023

Here's a chart showing how to form passive sentences for progressive and perfect tenses:

Present Progressiveam/is/are being + past participleThe house is being cleaned by the maid.
Past Progressivewas/were being + past participleThe cake was being baked by the baker.
Present Perfecthas/have been + past participleThe report has been written by the team.
Past Perfecthad been + past participleThe game had been won by the home team.

In passive sentences for progressive and perfect tenses, the auxiliary verb "be" is used in its appropriate form, followed by the past participle of the main verb.

Here are some exercises to practice forming passive sentences for progressive and perfect tenses:

Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice:

  1. They are building a new hotel downtown.
  2. She has been teaching English for 10 years.
  3. The company had been developing a new product for months before it was cancelled.
  4. He is cooking dinner for us right now.


  1. A new hotel downtown is being built by them.
  2. English has been taught by her for 10 years.
  3. A new product had been developed by the company for months before it was cancelled.
  4. Dinner for us is being cooked by him right now.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice:

  1. The team has been winning the game for an hour.
  2. The chef had been cooking the meal for two hours when the power went out.
  3. The computer is processing the data right now.
  4. We have been waiting for the bus since 10 o'clock this morning.


  1. The game has been being won by the team for an hour.
  2. The meal had been being cooked by the chef for two hours when the power went out.
  3. The data is being processed by the computer right now.
  4. The bus has been being waited for by us since 10 o'clock this morning.

I hope these exercises help you practice forming passive sentences for progressive and perfect tenses!


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.29. 2023

Here's a chart showing how to form passive sentences for verbs with two objects:

Active VoicePassive Voice
Subject + verb + direct object + indirect objectIndirect object + be + past participle + to + direct object
He gave me a gift.I was given a gift by him.
She showed him the way.He was shown the way by her.
They offered us a discount.We were offered a discount by them.
He told her a story.She was told a story by him.

In passive sentences for verbs with two objects, the indirect object becomes the subject of the sentence, and the direct object becomes the object of the preposition "to". The past participle of the main verb is used, along with the appropriate form of the verb "to be".

I hope this chart helps you form passive sentences for verbs with two objects!

Sure, here are some more examples of passive sentences for verbs with two objects:

Active Voice:

  • The teacher gave the students a test.

Passive Voice:

  • The students were given a test by the teacher.

Active Voice:

  • The waiter brought us the check.

Passive Voice:

  • We were brought the check by the waiter.

Active Voice:

  • She lent me her book.

Passive Voice:

  • I was lent her book by her.

Active Voice:

  • They showed him the way to the train station.

Passive Voice:

  • He was shown the way to the train station by them.

Active Voice:

  • The company offered me the job.

Passive Voice:

  • I was offered the job by the company.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.28. 2023

Here are some sentences for you to choose from:

  1. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system. OR

  2. The Great Barrier Reef is a popular destination for tourists and divers.

  3. The reef is home to thousands of species of marine life. OR

  4. The reef is threatened by climate change and other human activities.

  5. Efforts are underway to protect and preserve the reef for future generations. OR

  6. There is little that can be done to save the reef from its inevitable demise.

  7. Despite the challenges it faces, the Great Barrier Reef remains one of the most stunning natural wonders of the world. OR

  8. The Great Barrier Reef is no longer a viable destination for tourists due to the damage it has suffered in recent years.

  9. Visitors can explore the reef through snorkeling, diving, and glass-bottom boat tours. OR

  10. Visitors are not allowed to touch or damage the reef in any way.

Choose the best sentence from each pair to create a coherent and accurate text about the Great Barrier Reef:



Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.27. 2023

Here's a text with pairs of sentences for you to choose from:


The city of Paris is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Its iconic landmarks and rich history make it a must-see for many travelers. However, Paris is not just a place for tourists to visit. It's also a vibrant and dynamic city with a rich cultural scene and a diverse population.

  1. Paris has been a popular tourist destination for centuries, attracting millions of visitors every year. OR

  2. The popularity of Paris as a tourist destination has grown rapidly in recent years, with millions of people visiting each year.

  3. Paris is famous for its iconic landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral. OR

  4. The Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral are two of Paris's most iconic landmarks, and are world-famous attractions.

  5. Despite its popularity as a tourist destination, Paris is also a living city with a rich cultural scene. OR

  6. Paris's cultural scene is overshadowed by its popularity as a tourist destination, but it is actually a vibrant and dynamic city with a lot to offer locals and visitors alike.

  7. One of the things that makes Paris unique is its diverse population, with people from all over the world living and working in the city. OR

  8. Paris's population is not very diverse, with most people being native French speakers and relatively few foreigners living in the city.

Choose the best sentence from each pair to create a coherent and accurate text about Paris:



Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.26. 2023

Here are some reasons why you might choose to use passive voice in your writing:

  1. To shift the focus to the object or the action being performed. In passive voice, the object or the action being performed becomes the subject of the sentence. This can be useful when you want to emphasize what is being done, rather than who is doing it.

Example: "The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci" (passive) versus "Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa" (active). In the passive sentence, the focus is on the painting itself, rather than on the artist who created it.

  1. To avoid assigning blame or responsibility. Passive voice can be used to avoid placing blame on a specific person or group.

Example: "Mistakes were made" (passive) versus "We made mistakes" (active). In the passive sentence, there is no specific actor responsible for the mistakes, whereas in the active sentence, "we" take responsibility for the mistakes.

  1. To sound more formal or objective. Passive voice can be used in formal or academic writing to sound more objective and detached.

Example: "The study was conducted to determine the effects of caffeine on the body" (passive) versus "We conducted the study to determine the effects of caffeine on the body" (active). In the passive sentence, the focus is on the study and its purpose, rather than on the researchers who conducted it.

It's important to note that while passive voice can be useful in certain contexts, it can also make your writing less clear and direct. When using passive voice, make sure that your sentences are still clear and easy to understand, and consider whether an active construction might be more appropriate.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here are some exercises to practice identifying and transforming sentences from active to passive voice and vice versa:

Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice:

  1. The teacher gave the students an assignment.
  2. The wind knocked down the tree.
  3. The waiter is serving the food to the customers.
  4. The company will launch a new product next month.
  5. The children broke the vase.


  1. An assignment was given to the students by the teacher.
  2. The tree was knocked down by the wind.
  3. The food is being served to the customers by the waiter.
  4. A new product will be launched by the company next month.
  5. The vase was broken by the children.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice:

  1. The door was opened by the cat.
  2. The letter will be sent by my sister.
  3. The ball was thrown by the boy.
  4. The car was driven by John.
  5. The cake was made by the baker.


  1. The cat opened the door.
  2. My sister will send the letter.
  3. The boy threw the ball.
  4. John drove the car.
  5. The baker made the cake.

I hope these exercises help you practice identifying and transforming sentences from active to passive voice and vice versa!


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here are some examples of active voice sentences and their corresponding passive voice sentences:

Active Voice:

  • She ate the pizza.

Passive Voice:

  • The pizza was eaten by her.

Active Voice:

  • They will clean the house.

Passive Voice:

  • The house will be cleaned by them.

Active Voice:

  • He is reading the book.

Passive Voice:

  • The book is being read by him.

Active Voice:

  • The teacher gave the students a test.

Passive Voice:

  • A test was given to the students by the teacher.

Active Voice:

  • The dog chased the cat.

Passive Voice:

  • The cat was chased by the dog.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Passive voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of a sentence is acted upon by the verb, rather than performing the action themselves. In passive voice, the focus is on the action being done rather than the person doing it.

Here's a chart showing how passive voice is formed in different tenses:

Simple Presentis/are + past participleThe cake is baked by the baker.
Present Continuousis/are being + past participleThe cake is being baked by the baker.
Simple Pastwas/were + past participleThe cake was baked by the baker.
Past Continuouswas/were being + past participleThe cake was being baked by the baker.
Present Perfecthas/have been + past participleThe cake has been baked by the baker.
Past Perfecthad been + past participleThe cake had been baked by the baker.
Future Simplewill be + past participleThe cake will be baked by the baker.
Future Perfectwill have been + past participleThe cake will have been baked by the baker.

Note that in passive voice, the object of the active voice sentence becomes the subject of the passive voice sentence, while the subject of the active voice sentence becomes the object of the preposition "by".

In a passive voice sentence, the subject is the receiver of the action, while the object is the doer of the action (as represented by the preposition "by").

Here's a chart to illustrate this:

Active VoicePassive Voice
Subject: ISubject: The cake
Verb: bakeVerb: is/are baked
Object: the cakeObject: (by) me

In the active voice sentence "I bake the cake", "I" is the subject performing the action of baking, while "the cake" is the object receiving the action.

In the corresponding passive voice sentence "The cake is baked by me", "the cake" is now the subject receiving the action of being baked, while "me" (represented by the preposition "by") is the object performing the action of baking.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Teaching idioms to students of English can be a fun and engaging way to help them prepare for the TOEFL test. Here are some tips for teaching idioms:

  1. Introduce idioms in context: Teach idioms within the context of a story or dialogue to help students understand how they are used in natural language.

  2. Focus on common idioms: Focus on the most common idioms used in English to help students build a strong foundation of idiomatic expressions.

  3. Provide examples: Provide plenty of examples of how idioms are used in context, and encourage students to practice using them in their own writing and speaking.

  4. Use visuals: Use visual aids such as pictures, videos, or illustrations to help students understand the literal and figurative meanings of idioms.

  5. Encourage critical thinking: Encourage students to think critically about the meanings and uses of idioms, and to explore the cultural and historical contexts in which they were developed.

  6. Practice, practice, practice: Provide plenty of opportunities for students to practice using idioms in context, both in writing and in speaking exercises.

  7. Incorporate idioms into test prep: Include idioms in TOEFL test prep materials to help students prepare for the reading, listening, and speaking sections of the test.

By incorporating idioms into English language instruction, you can help students build their vocabulary, improve their reading and listening comprehension, and prepare them for the idiomatic expressions they will encounter on the TOEFL test.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


here's a short passage with multiple-choice questions about idioms:


Idioms are a fun and interesting part of the English language. They are expressions that have a figurative or metaphorical meaning, which is often different from their literal meaning. For example, the idiom "break a leg" means "good luck" in theater slang, even though it has nothing to do with legs or breaking them.

Idioms can be difficult for non-native speakers to understand, as they often have no logical or literal explanation. However, learning idioms can be a fun way to build your English vocabulary and become more fluent in the language.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. What is an idiom? a) A word that has a figurative or metaphorical meaning b) A word that has a literal meaning c) A word that has a straightforward, logical meaning

  2. What does the idiom "break a leg" mean? a) To actually break a leg b) To have bad luck c) To have good luck

  3. Why can idioms be difficult for non-native speakers to understand? a) Because they often have no logical or literal explanation b) Because they are only used in certain contexts c) Because they are slang words that are not used in formal English

  4. What are some benefits of learning idioms? a) Building your English vocabulary and becoming more fluent in the language b) Improving your writing skills c) Learning about the history of the English language


  1. a) A word that has a figurative or metaphorical meaning
  2. c) To have good luck
  3. a) Because they often have no logical or literal explanation
  4. a) Building your English vocabulary and becoming more fluent in the language

Note: The TOEFL test often includes questions that test a student's knowledge of idiomatic expressions. By practicing with passages like this one, you can improve your comprehension of idiomatic expressions and be better prepared for the test.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


here's a longer test on idioms:

Choose the correct idiom to complete each sentence.

  1. She has a lot on her plate and is feeling __________. a) under the weather b) over the moon c) overwhelmed

  2. He has been working hard to save money for a new car, but he is still __________. a) counting his chickens before they hatch b) broke as a joke c) living on cloud nine

  3. The new project is really challenging, but I am determined to __________. a) put all my eggs in one basket b) hit the nail on the head c) go the extra mile

  4. She was really nervous before her job interview, but she managed to __________. a) bite the bullet b) pull her socks up c) face the music

  5. He was really surprised when he won the competition, but he didn't want to __________. a) let the cat out of the bag b) burn the midnight oil c) take it with a grain of salt

  6. She is really talented and always __________ in whatever she does. a) barking up the wrong tree b) going with the flow c) knocking it out of the park

  7. I can't wait to see my friends and __________ over old times. a) rock the boat b) kick the bucket c) reminisce

  8. I didn't believe him at first, but now I realize he was __________. a) pulling my leg b) burning his bridges c) crying over spilt milk

  9. I am feeling really __________ after eating all that pizza. a) on top of the world b) green with envy c) stuffed to the gills

  10. She is really good at managing her time and always __________. a) making ends meet b) hitting the nail on the head c) saving for a rainy day


  1. c) overwhelmed
  2. b) broke as a joke
  3. c) go the extra mile
  4. a) bite the bullet
  5. a) let the cat out of the bag
  6. c) knocking it out of the park
  7. c) reminisce
  8. a) pulling my leg
  9. c) stuffed to the gills
  10. b) hitting the nail on the head

Note: Idioms can be challenging for non-native speakers to understand, as they often have no logical or literal explanation. However, by practicing with exercises like this one, students can improve their comprehension of idiomatic expressions and be better prepared for the TOEFL test.

Here are the Albanian versions for the idioms:

c) Te mbingarkuar b) I varfër c) Bërë gjëra të shtuara a) Marrë vendimin e vështirë a) Zbuluar një sekret c) Bërë një gjë shumë mirë c) Keni kujtime të vjetra a) Duke tallur me mua c) Me veshët plot b) Përmbushur diçka saktë

Note: These are approximate translations and may vary depending on the context and region.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Once upon a time, in a small village in the countryside, there lived two best friends named Alex and Ryan. They had been friends since childhood, and their friendship was based on mutual respect and a shared love of adventure.

One day, they decided to go on a hiking trip together, hoping to find some hidden treasures in the nearby hills. They packed their bags with everything they needed, including food, water, and a map.

As they started their hike, they were full of energy and excitement. They talked and laughed, enjoying the beautiful scenery around them. After several hours of hiking, they came across a small stream. They were tired and thirsty, so they decided to take a break and rest for a while.

As they sat by the stream, they started talking about their lives and what they wanted to achieve in the future. Alex said that he wanted to make a lot of money and become rich, while Ryan said that he just wanted to be happy and enjoy life.

Alex couldn't understand why Ryan didn't care about money, but he respected his friend's opinion. Ryan, on the other hand, couldn't understand why Alex was so obsessed with money, but he still loved him as a friend.

After their break, they continued their hike and soon found a hidden cave. Inside the cave, they found a chest full of gold coins and precious gems. Alex's eyes widened with excitement, and he immediately started thinking about how much money he could make if he sold the treasure. Ryan, however, suggested that they share the treasure equally and use it to make their dreams come true.

In the end, they decided to split the treasure equally, and each used their share to pursue their dreams. Alex invested his money wisely and became very rich, while Ryan used his to travel the world and experience new adventures.

Years passed, and they both achieved their dreams, but they never forgot their friendship and the respect they had for each other's choices. They continued to support each other and remained the best of friends, finding happiness in their own way.

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What was the basis of Alex and Ryan's friendship? a. Their shared love of adventure b. Their mutual respect c. Their love of money d. Their shared interest in hiking

  2. What did Alex want to achieve in the future? a. To be happy and enjoy life b. To make a lot of money and become rich c. To travel the world and experience new adventures d. To find hidden treasures in the nearby hills

  3. What did Ryan want to achieve in the future? a. To be happy and enjoy life b. To make a lot of money and become rich c. To travel the world and experience new adventures d. To find hidden treasures in the nearby hills

  4. What did Alex and Ryan find inside the hidden cave? a. A map b. A chest full of gold coins and precious gems c. A hidden treasure d. A small stream

  5. What did Alex do with his share of the treasure? a. He invested it wisely and became rich b. He traveled the world and experienced new adventures c. He gave it all away to charity d. He lost it all in bad investments


  1. b. Their mutual respect
  2. b. To make a lot of money and become rich
  3. a. To be happy and enjoy life
  4. b. A chest full of gold coins and precious gems
  5. a. He invested it wisely and became rich

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here's a chart explaining adverbs of frequency for B2 level learners:

Adverb of FrequencyUsageExample
AlwaysTo describe a repeated action that happens all the time.She always eats breakfast before work.
UsuallyTo describe a repeated action that happens most of the time.He usually takes the bus to work.
OftenTo describe a repeated action that happens many times.They often go out to eat on the weekends.
SometimesTo describe a repeated action that happens occasionally.I sometimes forget my keys at home.
RarelyTo describe a repeated action that happens infrequently.She rarely goes to the gym after work.
Hardly everTo describe a repeated action that almost never happens.He hardly ever drinks coffee.
NeverTo describe a repeated action that doesn't happen at all.They never miss their morning jog.

Here are some exercises and examples to help you practice using adverbs of frequency:

  1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverb of frequency:

a) She ____________ (always/never) forgets her keys at home. b) They ____________ (usually/rarely) go to the movies on weekdays. c) I ____________ (often/hardly ever) eat fast food. d) He ____________ (sometimes/never) goes to bed early. e) We ____________ (rarely/always) take the train to work.

  1. Use adverbs of frequency to describe your daily routine:

a) I ____________ (always/usually) wake up at 6 a.m. and ____________ (often/sometimes) exercise in the morning. b) During the day, I ____________ (usually/often) work on my computer and ____________ (sometimes/rarely) take breaks. c) In the evening, I ____________ (often/rarely) cook dinner and ____________ (sometimes/hardly ever) watch TV.

  1. Use adverbs of frequency to describe your habits or preferences:

a) When it comes to eating, I ____________ (always/usually) prefer healthy food and ____________ (rarely/never) eat junk food. b) In terms of exercise, I ____________ (often/usually) go to the gym and ____________ (sometimes/hardly ever) go for a run outside. c) When it comes to hobbies, I ____________ (usually/often) read books and ____________ (sometimes/rarely) play video games.

It's important to use adverbs of frequency in the correct order in a sentence, which is usually subject + adverb of frequency + verb. For example, "I always eat breakfast before work" or "She never forgets her keys at home." Adverbs of frequency can be used in various situations such as describing daily routines, habits, and preferences. Practicing with these exercises can help you use adverbs of frequency correctly and effectively in your spoken and written communication.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier



Here are some famous sayings where we don't use "the":

  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • Time heals all wounds.
  • Knowledge is power.
  • Honesty is the best policy.
  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • Practice makes perfect.
  • Love is blind.

In each of these sayings, we're referring to broad concepts or ideas, rather than specific instances of those concepts. As such, we don't use "the" before the noun.

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


In English, we use the definite article "the" to refer to specific, individual items or things. However, there are some cases where we don't use "the," and instead refer to a more general or non-specific item or thing.

Here are some examples of words that are typically used without "the":

ColorsBlue is my favorite color.
MealsI usually have oatmeal for breakfast.
LanguagesShe speaks Spanish fluently.
SportsSoccer is a popular sport worldwide.
Academic subjectsMath was always my best subject in school.
HolidaysI love spending time with family during Thanksgiving.

As you can see, these words are used to refer to general or non-specific items or things. Here are some examples of sentences that use these words without "the":

  • I love the color blue.
  • For breakfast, I usually have oatmeal.
  • She speaks the Spanish fluently.
  • Soccer is a popular sport worldwide.
  • Math was always my best subject in school.
  • During Thanksgiving, I love spending time with the family.

Exercise: Choose the correct form of the article to complete the following sentences:

  1. I need to buy ___ bread at the store. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

  2. ___ people love to travel. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

  3. ___ music helps me relax. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

  4. I want to learn ___ French. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

  5. ___ basketball is my favorite sport. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

Answer Key:

  1. (c) no article needed
  2. (c) no article needed
  3. (c) no article needed
  4. (b) a
  5. (c) no article needed

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


We do not normally use 'the' in generalisations with plural and uncountable nous, even if there is an adjective before the noun.

We typically don't use "the" when making generalizations with plural and uncountable nouns, even if there is an adjective before the noun. Here are some examples:

  • Classical music is very relaxing.
  • Spicy food is not for everyone.
  • Historical landmarks are important to preserve.
  • Casual attire is appropriate for this event.
  • Albanian culture is rich and diverse.

In each of these examples, we're talking about a broad category of things, rather than specific instances of those things. As such, we don't use "the" before the noun.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with either "the" or no article in the following sentences:

  1. ___ foggy weather made it difficult to see.
  2. ___ stormy seas forced the boat to turn back.
  3. ___ romantic movies are perfect for a date night.
  4. ___ formal attire is required for this event.
  5. ___ spicy foods can be overwhelming for some people.
  6. ___ historical artifacts can teach us a lot about the past.
  7. ___ classical music is often played at weddings.

Answer Key:

  1. No article
  2. The
  3. No article
  4. The
  5. No article
  6. No article
  7. No article


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


In scientific and technical language, we often use "the" to refer to a whole class of things, even when talking about a singular countable noun. Here are some examples:

  • The elephant is a large mammal.
  • The computer has revolutionized the way we work.
  • The human brain is an amazing organ.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with the correct article (either "the" or no article) in the following sentences:

  1. ___ gold is a very valuable metal.
  2. ___ tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.
  3. ___ horse is a domesticated animal that is used for transportation and work.
  4. ___ water is an essential component of life.
  5. ___ oxygen is necessary for human survival.
  6. ___ cheese is made from milk and is often used as a topping for pizza.

Answer Key:

  1. The
  2. The
  3. The
  4. No article
  5. The
  6. No article

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


To write a sentence in English, keep the following in mind:

  1. Grammar - Make sure that your sentence is grammatically correct. This includes using the correct verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and proper sentence structure.

  2. Clarity - Make sure that your sentence is clear and easy to understand. Avoid using overly complex vocabulary or sentence structures that can confuse the reader.

  3. Punctuation - Use proper punctuation to help clarify the meaning of your sentence. This includes using commas, periods, and other punctuation marks correctly.

  4. Conciseness - Try to make your sentence as concise as possible. Avoid using unnecessary words or phrases that do not add to the meaning of the sentence.

  5. Variety - Use a variety of sentence structures and lengths to make your writing more interesting and engaging.

  6. Context - Make sure that your sentence makes sense in the context of the larger piece of writing. Your sentence should flow smoothly and fit in with the overall message that you are trying to convey.

By keeping these things in mind, you can write effective and engaging sentences that are clear, concise, and easy to understand.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here are some suggestions for writing an essay for the TOEFL test:

  1. Plan your essay - Before you start writing, take some time to plan your essay. Think about your topic, your main points, and how you will structure your essay.

  2. Follow the prompt - Make sure you read the prompt carefully and understand what is being asked of you. Stick to the topic and address all parts of the prompt in your essay.

  3. Use clear and concise language - Write in a clear and concise manner. Use simple sentences and avoid using overly complex vocabulary that you are not comfortable with.

  4. Organize your essay - Structure your essay into paragraphs with clear topic sentences and supporting details. Make sure your essay has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

  5. Provide examples - Use examples to support your points and make your essay more convincing. Provide specific details and examples that relate to the topic you are discussing.

  6. Proofread your essay - Take some time to proofread your essay and check for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure your essay is easy to read and understand.

  7. Practice writing essays - The best way to improve your essay writing skills is to practice writing essays. Try writing essays on a variety of topics and get feedback from others to help you improve.

Remember that the essay is an important part of the TOEFL test and it is important to take the time to write a well-organized and convincing essay. With practice and preparation, you can improve your essay writing skills and do well on the test.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Write your own essay with the same title.

Parents are the best teachers

Parents are the first teachers that we encounter in our lives. From infancy, they teach us everything from basic motor skills to language and communication. As we grow older, our parents continue to play a crucial role in our education and development. Many people believe that parents are the best teachers, and there are several reasons to support this claim.

Firstly, parents have an intimate knowledge of their children's strengths and weaknesses. They know how to motivate their children and how to get the best out of them. Parents understand their children's learning style and can tailor their teaching methods to suit their child's individual needs. In this way, parents are able to provide a personalized education that can be difficult for schools to replicate.

Secondly, parents are with their children all the time, and can teach them valuable life skills that are not taught in schools. They can teach their children important values such as honesty, responsibility, and respect. These skills are not just important for academic success but are also essential for success in life.

Thirdly, parents are able to provide emotional support and encouragement that is essential for a child's success. Children who have supportive parents are more likely to do well in school and in life. When parents take an active interest in their children's education, they can help them to develop a love of learning that will stay with them throughout their lives.

However, it is important to note that not all parents are good teachers. Some parents may not have the necessary knowledge or skills to provide their children with a good education. In such cases, it is important to seek out other sources of education, such as schools or private tutors.

In conclusion, parents are the best teachers because of their intimate knowledge of their children, their ability to teach valuable life skills, and their emotional support and encouragement. Parents play a crucial role in their children's education and development, and it is important to recognize the important contribution that they make. By working together with schools and other educational institutions, parents can provide their children with the best possible education and help them to succeed in life.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


To write a paragraph in English, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a topic - Decide on the topic that you want to write about. Make sure it is something that you are interested in and have some knowledge about.

  2. Write a topic sentence - Start your paragraph with a clear and concise topic sentence that introduces the main idea or point of the paragraph.

  3. Provide supporting details - Use specific examples, facts, and details to support your topic sentence. Make sure that your supporting details are relevant and help to explain or illustrate your main point.

  4. Use transitional words and phrases - Use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your paragraph flow smoothly. Examples of transitional words and phrases include "however," "therefore," "in addition," and "furthermore."

  5. Conclude your paragraph - End your paragraph with a concluding sentence that summarizes your main point and leads into the next paragraph.

  6. Edit your paragraph - After you have written your paragraph, take some time to edit and revise it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure that your paragraph is clear, concise, and easy to read.

Remember that a paragraph should be focused on one main idea or point, and should be well-organized with supporting details that help to explain or illustrate that point. With practice and patience, you can become a skilled writer of English paragraphs.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Parents play an important role in the lives of their children. They are the first teachers, caregivers, and role models that we encounter. From infancy, parents provide us with love, support, and guidance. They teach us basic skills such as walking and talking, and help us to develop a sense of self-esteem and confidence. As we grow older, parents continue to be an important source of emotional support and encouragement. They help us to navigate the challenges of adolescence and provide us with advice and guidance as we begin to make our way in the world. Parents are an invaluable resource, and their love and support are essential for a happy and fulfilling life. We should always appreciate the sacrifices and hard work that our parents put into raising us, and strive to be the best that we can be in order to make them proud.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


In English, there are four forms of a verb: the base form, the present participle, the past form, and the past participle. Here is a chart that shows the different forms of the verb "walk":

Form Example Explanation Base form walk The most basic form of the verb. Present participle walking Formed by adding -ing to the base form. It is used to form the present continuous tense (e.g. "I am walking"). Past form walked Formed by adding -ed to the base form for regular verbs, or through a vowel or spelling change for irregular verbs. It is used to form the simple past tense (e.g. "I walked to the store"). Past participle walked/walked (irregular) Formed by adding -ed to the base form for regular verbs, or through a vowel or spelling change for irregular verbs. It is used to form the present perfect tense (e.g. "I have walked this path before").

Note that irregular verbs may have different past and past participle forms, while regular verbs follow a predictable pattern for forming the past and past participle forms by adding -ed to the base form.

Learning the different forms of the verb can help them understand how to use the verb in different tenses and forms, leading to better overall fluency in English.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here is a basic chart of the verb forms in English:

TenseExample of "to walk"Affirmative ExampleNegative ExampleInterrogative Example
PresentI walkI walkI do not walkDo I walk?
PresentYou walkYou walkYou do not walkDo you walk?
PresentHe/She/It walksHe/She/It walksHe/She/It does not walkDoes he/she/it walk?
PresentWe walkWe walkWe do not walkDo we walk?
PresentThey walkThey walkThey do not walkDo they walk?
PastI walkedI walkedI did not walkDid I walk?
PastYou walkedYou walkedYou did not walkDid you walk?
PastHe/She/It walkedHe/She/It walkedHe/She/It did not walkDid he/she/it walk?
PastWe walkedWe walkedWe did not walkDid we walk?
PastThey walkedThey walkedThey did not walkDid they walk?
FutureI will walkI will walkI will not walkWill I walk?
FutureYou will walkYou will walkYou will not walkWill you walk?
FutureHe/She/It will walkHe/She/It will walkHe/She/It will not walkWill he/she/it walk?
FutureWe will walkWe will walkWe will not walkWill we walk?
FutureThey will walkThey will walkThey will not walkWill they walk?

To teach verb forms to students, it is important to start with the basics of verb tenses and gradually build on them. Here are some tips:

  1. Start with the simple present tense and teach students how to form affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences.

  2. Move on to the simple past tense and teach students how to form sentences using regular and irregular verbs.

  3. Teach the present continuous tense and how to form sentences using the verb "to be" and the present participle (-ing form).

  4. Teach the future tense and how to form sentences using "will" or "going to" plus the base form of the verb.

  5. Encourage students to practice using verb forms in context, such as in storytelling or role-playing activities.

  6. Use visual aids such as charts or diagrams to help students visualize the different verb forms and how they are used.

  7. Provide plenty of opportunities for practice and feedback, both in written exercises and in oral communication.

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here is an example of a chart that can help students visualize the different verb forms in English:

Verb FormExample
Base Form (Infinitive)to be
Present SimpleI am
Present ContinuousI am being
Present PerfectI have been
Present Perfect ContinuousI have been being
Past SimpleI was
Past ContinuousI was being
Past PerfectI had been
Past Perfect ContinuousI had been being
Future SimpleI will be
Future ContinuousI will be being
Future PerfectI will have been
Future Perfect ContinuousI will have been being

You can use this chart to help students understand the different forms of a verb and how they are used in different tenses. You can also use visual aids such as diagrams to help students see the relationship between the different verb forms and how they are used in different contexts. For example, you can draw a timeline to show the different tenses and how they are used to describe actions in the past, present, and future.

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Hi there, here's a general plan for how to prepare for the TOEFL test:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the test format: Before you begin preparing for the TOEFL test, it's important to know what the test format looks like. Take some time to research the different sections of the test, the types of questions you can expect, and the time limits for each section.

  2. Assess your current English language skills: Take a practice test to determine your current skill level and identify areas where you need improvement. This will help you create a personalized study plan.

  3. Set a study schedule: Plan out a study schedule that works best for you. You may want to consider studying for 1-2 hours per day, several times per week, for a period of several weeks or months leading up to the test.

  4. Practice with TOEFL materials: Utilize official TOEFL study materials such as books, sample tests, and online resources to practice each section of the test. This will help you become familiar with the types of questions, the structure of the test, and the timing for each section.

  5. Focus on weak areas: Identify the areas where you need improvement and focus your study efforts on those areas. If you struggle with speaking or listening, for example, focus more on those areas.

  6. Practice time management: One of the most important factors in succeeding on the TOEFL test is time management. During your practice sessions, be sure to time yourself and practice answering questions within the given time limits.

  7. Seek support from others: Consider joining a study group or working with a tutor who can provide support and guidance as you prepare for the test.

  8. Take practice tests: Take multiple practice tests to assess your progress and identify areas where you still need improvement. This will help you become more comfortable with the test format and prepare you for test day.

  9. Review your mistakes: After taking practice tests, review your mistakes to identify patterns and areas where you still need improvement. Focus on those areas during your study sessions.

  10. Stay motivated and focused: Preparing for the TOEFL test can be a long process, so it's important to stay motivated and focused. Keep your study schedule consistent, take breaks when you need them, and stay positive.

Remember that everyone's study plan will be different, so adjust your plan according to your own needs and progress. Good luck with your TOEFL test preparation!


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Hi Enxhi and friends,

Here's a sample listening section from the TOEFL test, along with multiple-choice questions and answers:

Listening Passage

You will hear a lecture by a professor on the topic of ancient civilizations. Listen to the lecture and answer the questions that follow.

Ancient civilizations are a fascinating topic for historians, archaeologists, and the general public alike. One of the most interesting aspects of these civilizations is their architectural achievements. From the Pyramids of Giza to the temples of Angkor Wat, ancient civilizations have left behind impressive structures that continue to amaze and inspire us today.

One of the most famous ancient civilizations is the Mayan civilization. This civilization thrived in what is now Mexico and Central America from approximately 2000 BC to 1500 AD. Mayan architecture is known for its use of stone and intricate carvings. One of the most impressive Mayan structures is the Temple of Kukulcan, which is located at the Chichen Itza archaeological site in Mexico. The Temple of Kukulcan was built around 1000 AD and is known for its impressive stepped pyramid design.

Another impressive ancient civilization is the Roman civilization. The Romans were known for their engineering feats, such as the aqueducts and the Colosseum. The Colosseum is a massive amphitheater that was used for public spectacles such as gladiator fights and animal hunts. It was built in 80 AD and could seat up to 50,000 people.

The Egyptians also left behind impressive architectural achievements, such as the Pyramids of Giza. These pyramids were built around 2500 BC as tombs for Pharaohs. They are made of stone and are still standing today, over 4,000 years later.


  1. What is the focus of the lecture? a. The history of ancient civilizations b. The architectural achievements of ancient civilizations c. The cultural practices of ancient civilizations d. The economic systems of ancient civilizations

  2. What is one example of Mayan architecture mentioned in the lecture? a. The Colosseum b. The Pyramids of Giza c. The Temple of Kukulcan d. The Great Wall of China

  3. What is one example of Roman engineering mentioned in the lecture? a. The Pyramids of Giza b. The Temple of Kukulcan c. The Colosseum d. The Great Wall of China

  4. What is the purpose of the Pyramids of Giza? a. To provide housing for Egyptian citizens b. To serve as a place for public spectacles c. To store food for the Pharaohs d. To serve as tombs for Pharaohs


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here's a sample reading section from the TOEFL test, along with some questions and answers:

Reading Passage

The following passage is adapted from a newspaper article about sustainable energy.

As the world continues to grapple with climate change and its effects, there has been an increasing focus on sustainable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. These sources of energy are becoming more popular for a number of reasons. First, they are cleaner and produce fewer emissions than traditional fossil fuel sources. Second, they are renewable, which means they will not run out in the same way that non-renewable sources will. Finally, they are becoming increasingly affordable and cost-competitive with traditional sources of energy.

One of the most popular sustainable energy sources is wind power. Wind turbines have been around for decades, but recent advances in technology have made them more efficient and more cost-effective. In many parts of the world, wind energy is now competitive with traditional sources of electricity, and many countries are investing heavily in wind power as a way to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.

Another popular sustainable energy source is solar power. Solar panels can be installed on rooftops, in fields, or even in space, and they convert sunlight into electricity. Like wind power, solar power has become increasingly cost-competitive with traditional sources of energy. However, solar power is not always feasible in every location due to factors such as climate and geography.

Hydroelectric power is another sustainable energy source that has been used for decades. Hydroelectric power plants generate electricity by using the power of falling water to turn turbines. This energy source is particularly popular in areas with large rivers or waterfalls, and it is also one of the most efficient and reliable forms of renewable energy.


  1. What is the focus of sustainable energy sources?
  2. What is the main advantage of renewable energy sources?
  3. What recent technological advances have made wind turbines more efficient and cost-effective?
  4. What are some factors that can make solar power unfeasible in certain locations?
  5. In what types of areas is hydroelectric power particularly popular?



Verb Tense List

  1. Simple Present or Present Simple

    • e.g., I play, you play, she/he/it plays, we play, they play

  2. Present Progressive, Present Continuous, Simple Present Progressive or Simple Present Continuous

    • e.g., I am playing, you are playing, she/he/it is playing, we are playing, they are playing

  3. Simple Past or Past Simple

    • e.g., I played, you played, he/she/it played, we played, they played

  4. Past Progressive, Past Continuous, Simple Past Progressive or Simple Past Continuous

    • e.g., I was playing, you were playing, she/he/it was playing, we were playing, they were playing

  5. Present Perfect or Simple Present Perfect

    • e.g., I have played, you have played, he/she/it has played, we have played, they have played

  6. Present Perfect Progressive or Present Perfect Continuous

    • e.g., I have been playing, you have been playing, he/she/it has been playing, we have been playing, they have been playing

  7. Past Perfect or Simple Past Perfect

    • e.g., I had played, you had played, he/she/it had played, we had played, they had played

  8. Past Perfect Progressive or Past Perfect Continuous

    • e.g., I had been playing, you had been playing, he/she/it had been playing, we had been playing, they had been playing

  9. Simple Future or Future Simple

    • e.g., I will play, you will play, he/she/it will play, they will play, we will play or I am going to play, you are going to play, he/she/it is going to play, we are going to play, they are going to play

  10. Future Progressive, Future Continuous, Simple Future Progressive or Simple Future Continuous

    • e.g., I will be playing, you will be playing, he/she/it will be playing, they will be playing, we will be playing

  11. Future Perfect or Simple Future Perfect

    • e.g., I will have played, you will have played, he/she/it will have played, they will have played, we will have played

  12. Future Perfect Progressive

    • e.g., I will have been playing, you will have been playing, he/she/it will have been playing, they will have been playing, we will have been playing


Dear students of the group the best of the best,    

We often have problems with the English tenses. Please, have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense ( only the ones you know so far ).
As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind.
If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions.

Try to understand this legend:



moment in time
  • action that takes place once, never or several times
  • actions that happen one after another
  • actions that suddenly take place
period of time
  • action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment
  • actions taking place at the same time
  • action taking place before a certain moment in time
  • puts emphasis on the result
Course / Duration
  • action taking place before a certain moment in time
  • puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action



Relative clauses – non-defining relative clauses 


Fjalitë lidhore me pjesë të nënrenditur jo-përcaktore 


   Do you know how to give extra information about someone or something using relative clauses? Look at these examples to see how non-defining relative clauses are used. 

   A dini si të jepni më shumë të dhëna rreth dikujt apo diçkaje duke përdorur fjalitë lidhore? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren fjalitë lidhore me pjesë të nënrenditur jo-përcaktore. 

  • Jack, whos retired now, spends a lot of time with his grandchildren. 

  • We want to see the new Tom Carter film, which was released on Friday. 

  • My sister, whose dog Im looking after, is visiting a friend in Australia. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



   Complete the sentences with who, which, whose, when or where. 

   Plotësoni fjalitë me who, which, whose, when ose where. 


  1. The new school, ________ has a pool, opened last week. 

  1. My cousin, _________ you met last year, just got married. 

  1. We visited the museum, _________ we all bought something. 

  1. She offered me a coffee, _________ was just what I needed! 

  1. Yesterday, __________ was a holiday, we visited my sister-in-law. 

  1. He works with his parents, __________ company makes furniture. 

  1. The partys at the weekend, ___________ more people can come. 

  1. The hospital, ________ local people depend on, is being closed down. 



Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për të mësuar më shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

   Relative clauses give us information about the person or thing mentioned. 

Non-defining relative clauses give us extra information about someone or something. It isnt essential for understanding who or what we are talking about. 

   Fjalitë lidhore na japin të dhëna rreth personit apo gjësë së përmendur. 

Fjalitë lidhore me pjesë të nënrenditur jo-përcaktore na japin më shumë të dhëna rreth dikujt apo diçkaje. Nuk është e rëndësishme për kuptuar se për ose për çfarë po flasim. 

  • My grandfather, whos 87, goes swimming every day. 

  • The house, which was built in 1883, has just been opened to the public. 

  • The award was given to Sara, whose short story impressed the judges.  


   We always use a relative pronoun or adverb to start a non-defining relative clause: who, which, whose, when or where (but not that). We also use commas to separate the clause from the rest of the sentence. 

   Ne gjithmonë përdorim një përemër lidhor apo ndajfolje për të filluar fjalinë lidhore jo-përcaktore: i/e cili/a, i/e të cilit/ës, kur apo ku (por jo që). Ne gjithashtu përdorim presjet për të ndarë klauzolat nga pjesët e tjera të fjalisë 




who, which and whose 

i/e cili/cila dhe i/e cilit/cilës 

   We can use who to talk about people, which to talk about things and whose to refer to the person or thing that something belongs to. 

   Ne mund të përdorim who për të folur rreth njerëzve, which për të folur rreth sendeve dhe whose për tiu referuar personit apo gjësë që i përket diçka. 

  • Yesterday I met my new boss, who was very nice. 

  • The house, which is very big, is also very cold! 

  • My next-door neighbour, whose children go to school with ours, has just bought a new car. 

  • After the port there is a row of fishermens houses, whose lights can be seen from across the bay. 



Places and times 

Vende dhe kohë 

   We can use which with a preposition to talk about places and times. In these cases its more common to use where or when instead of which and the preposition. 

   Ne mund të përdorim which me një parafjalë për të folur rreth vendeve dhe kohëve. Në këto raste është më e zakontë të përdorim ku apo kur në vend të which dhe parafjalës. 

  • City Park, which we used to go to, has been closed down. 

City Park, where we used to go, has been closed down. 

  • December, which Christmas is celebrated in, is a summer month for the southern hemisphere. 

December, when Christmas is celebrated, is a summer month for the southern hemisphere. 


   However, when we use which without a preposition, we cant use where or when. 

   Megjithatë, kur përdorim which pa një parafjalë, ne nuk mund të përdorim ku apo kur. 

  • Centre Park, which we love, is always really busy on Saturdays. 

  • February, which is my favourite month, lasts 29 days this year. 





Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



   Complete the sentences with who, which, whose, when or where. 

   Plotësoni fjalitë me who, which, whose, when ose where. 


  1. Last week he got a phone call from his father, ________ he hadnt spoken to in years. 

  1. When I left they threw me a party, _________ was a complete surprise. 

  1. My birthday, _________ was my 40th, turned out to be a wonderful day! 

  1. The Javan tiger, __________ habitat was largely destroyed by humans, is now extinct. 

  1. The hostel, _________ weve stayed at several times, is simple but clean. 

  1. I sometimes go and study in my local park, _____I can get some fresh air. 

  1. Winter, ________ temperatures are lower, sees higher rainfall. 

  1. They went to a concert at the new arena, ________ was built last year. 



Enjoy reading

In Jerusalem, a journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Wailing Wall to pray, twice a day, everyday, for a long, long time. She went to the Wailing Wall and there he was! She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, she approached him for an interview. “Sir, how long have you been coming to the Wall and praying?” “For about 50 years.” Said the old man. “50 years! That’s amazing! What do you pray for?” “Well, I pray for peace. I pray for all the hatred to stop and I pray for all our children to grow up wise, in safety and friendship.” “How do you feel after doing this for 50 years?” “Like I’m talking to a wall!”



Dear best of students, 

We often have problems with the English tenses. Please, have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense ( only the ones you know so far ).
As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind.
If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions.

Try to understand this legend: 



moment in time
  • action that takes place once, never or several times
  • actions that happen one after another
  • actions that suddenly take place
period of time
  • action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment
  • actions taking place at the same time
  • action taking place before a certain moment in time
  • puts emphasis on the result
Course / Duration   
  • action taking place before a certain moment in time
  • puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action



Present Perfect Verb Tense 

Koha e kryer e foljes 

Although it’s easy to confuse this verb tense with present simple, the main difference is that the action is complete for present perfect. In other words, you are looking at the result right now without any words referring to time. 

Edhe pse është e lehtë të ngatërrosh këtë kohë foljeje me të tashmenndryshimi kryesor është se në kohën e kryer veprimi është i kryer. Me fjalë të tjeraju në këtë moment jeni duke kërkuar rezultatin pa asnjë fjalë që i referohet kohës. 




  • I, You, We, Theyhave traveled to France. 

  • He, She, Ithas traveled to France. 



Verb Tense List

  1. Simple Present or Present Simple

    • e.g., I play, you play, she/he/it plays, we play, they play

  2. Present Progressive, Present Continuous, Simple Present Progressive or Simple Present Continuous

    • e.g., I am playing, you are playing, she/he/it is playing, we are playing, they are playing

  3. Simple Past or Past Simple

    • e.g., I played, you played, he/she/it played, we played, they played

  4. Past Progressive, Past Continuous, Simple Past Progressive or Simple Past Continuous

    • e.g., I was playing, you were playing, she/he/it was playing, we were playing, they were playing

  5. Present Perfect or Simple Present Perfect

    • e.g., I have played, you have played, he/she/it has played, we have played, they have played

  6. Present Perfect Progressive or Present Perfect Continuous

    • e.g., I have been playing, you have been playing, he/she/it has been playing, we have been playing, they have been playing

  7. Past Perfect or Simple Past Perfect

    • e.g., I had played, you had played, he/she/it had played, we had played, they had played

  8. Past Perfect Progressive or Past Perfect Continuous

    • e.g., I had been playing, you had been playing, he/she/it had been playing, we had been playing, they had been playing

  9. Simple Future or Future Simple

    • e.g., I will play, you will play, he/she/it will play, they will play, we will play or I am going to play, you are going to play, he/she/it is going to play, we are going to play, they are going to play

  10. Future Progressive, Future Continuous, Simple Future Progressive or Simple Future Continuous

    • e.g., I will be playing, you will be playing, he/she/it will be playing, they will be playing, we will be playing

  11. Future Perfect or Simple Future Perfect

    • e.g., I will have played, you will have played, he/she/it will have played, they will have played, we will have played

  12. Future Perfect Progressive

    • e.g., I will have been playing, you will have been playing, he/she/it will have been playing, they will have been playing, we will have been playing



Per te bere dallimet midis ketyre dy foljeve edhe perdorimeve te tyre shikoni me kujdes mesimin  e meposhtem.


These two verbs have different meanings depending on whether they are followed by a GERUND or an INFINITIVE. Even very advanced English learners sometimes make mistakes with these verbs!

Take a look at these examples with the verb FORGET:
1. I forgot posting the birthday card to my mother so I was surprised when she called me to say thank you.

2. I forgot to post the birthday card to my mother so I apologised on the telephone when I called to wish her Happy Birthday.
In sentence 1, with FORGOT + GERUND, the actions happened in this order: First, I posted the birthday card but then second, I forgot that I had done it. So my mother received the card because I had posted it.
In sentence 2, with FORGOT + INFINITIVE the actions happened in this order: First, I forgot and second, I did not post the birthday card. So mother did not receive it on her birthday. 
The verb REMEMBER has the same grammar, as you can see here:
3. I remember telling him about the meeting, so I am surprised that he did not attend.
4. I’m glad I remembered to tell him about the meeting because it was important for him to attend.
In sentence 3, with REMEMBER + GERUND, it happened in this order: First, I told him about the meeting and then second, I remembered that I had done it.
In sentence 4, with REMEMBER + INFINITIVE, the order was as follows: First I remembered and second, I told him about the meeting. 

So this is the grammar rule:

Now let’s check your understanding of this grammar point. Can you decide which form of the verb in brackets (…) goes in each of these sentences?
5. I forgot (lock) the front door of my house, so it was easy for the burglars to enter.
6. Did you remember (turn off) the lights when you left the house this morning?
7. I forget (meet) him at your party so you will have to introduce us again.
8. I remember (play) in the garden a lot when I was a child.



Simple Past

I stopped
Did I stop?
I did not (didn’t) stop.
You stopped
Did you stop?
You did not (didn’t) stop.
He/she /it stopped
Did he/she/it stop?
He/she/it did not (didn’t) stop.
We stopped
Did we stop?
We did not (didn’t) stop.
You stopped
Did you stop?
You did not (didn’t) stop.
They stopped
Did they stop?
They did not (didn’t) stop.

When Angela was younger, she hated school.
Did your family have a television when you were a child?
No we didn’t.
Did you like school when you were a child?

I didn’t like cheese when I was a small child, but I do now.

A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up.
"Wow!," said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"
"Wrong number," replied the girl.

PUPIL: "Would you punish me for something I didn`t do?" 
TEACHER:" Of course not." 
PUPIL: "Good, because I haven`t done my homework." 

A teacher asked a student to write 55. 
Student asked: How? 
Teacher: Write 5 and beside it another 5! 
The student wrote 5 and stopped. 
teacher: What are you waiting for? 
student: I don't know which side to write the other 5! 

When I want to teach the colours, I just ask my students to pretend the phone is ringing and they will answer:
Phone rings: "Green, green!"
They answer: "Yellow?"
They ask: "White?"
They hang up: "Pink!"
While teaching this use your hands pretending you are holding the phone.

Little Johnny: Teacher, can I go to the bathroom? 
Teacher: Little Johnny, MAY I go to the bathroom? 
Little Johnny: But I asked first! 

Two goldfish in a bowl talking: 
Goldfish 1: Do you believe in God? 
Goldfish 2: Of course, I do! Who do you think changes the water?

Son: Dad, what is an idiot? 
Dad: An idiot is a person who tries to explain his ideas in such a strange and long way that another person who is listening to him can't understand him. Do you understand me? 
Son: No.

Man: I could go to the end of the world for you. 
Woman: Yes, but would you stay there?
Man: I offer you myself.
Woman: I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts.
Man: I want to share everything with you.
Woman: Let's start from your bank account.

Teacher: Why are you late? 
Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill. 
Teacher: That's nice. Were you helping him look for it? 
Student: No. I was standing on it. 




 Happy National Days !

Shikoni me kujdes tabelen e meposhteme. Mesoni fjalet e reja ne text. Plotesoni tabelen. Argumentoni zgjidhjen tuaj duke filluar…

“ If the photographer and the doctor are women…..

Pergjigjen tuaj e shkruani ne fletoren e detyrave te shtepise.




There are four floors in a block of flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer. The architect lives on the ground floor.
The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.



Hi everyone,

I have chosen a game for you. Simply follow the link and enjoy it.




Here is a nice easy lesson for you

Dear students,
Have a close look at the following link.

Time for another look at Present Forms.



Give your answers to the following the exercises.


Verb forms  and their names

1.       What is another name for progressive?

2.  Which of these are not the names of English verb forms?
-simple past
-present progressive
-future prefect
-perfect present
-Simple progressive
-past perfect
-Future past

3. Choose the correct name from the box for each verb form.
You won’t need to use all of them.

Simple future, future progressive, future perfect, future perfect progressive, present perfect, present progressive, simple present.

1.       Is singing
2.        Will have explained
3.       Will arrive
4.       Works
5.       Will be playing
6.       Will have been studying

4. Choose the correct name from the box for each verb form.
you won’t need to use all of them.
past perfect, past perfect progressive, past progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive, simple past, simple present.

1.       Was talking
2.       Had telephoned
3.       Stopped
4.       Has seen
5.       Had been waiting
6.       Has been waiting

5. Are these verb forms active, passive P, or wrong W?

1. was invited
2. was starting
3.Were sent
4.Were been talking
5.Has given
6.Is being written
7. has been working
8.Will been studying
9.Had writing
10. will be asked
11.will be working

6. Choose the correct name from the box for each passive verb form. you won’t need to use all of them.

Future progressive, infinitive, past perfect, past progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive, present progressive, simple past simple progressive.

1.       Had been expected
2.       To be heard
3.       Was being cleaned
4.       Is being watched
5.       Has been told
6.       Was sold

7.Are these forms normal N, unusual U, or wrong U?

1. how long has this work been being done?
2. she will be being interviewed tomorrow morning.

8. In the text, find one modal verb, one infinitive, one passive verb and one third- person singular verb.

I can’t see my brother as often as I want. His wife hates me for some reason, so I am only invited to their house once a year at Christmas.

1.       Modal verb
2.       Infinitive
3.       Passive verb
4.       Third-person singular form

9. In the text, find two auxiliary verbs, one past participle and one prepositional verb.
What have you done with that book that I was looking at when you arrived?

1.       Auxiliary verbs
2.       Past participle
3.       Prepositional verb

Present and future verbs

1.       Write the third person singular forms of these verbs, e.g.
-Work- works

2. Are these spellings right R or Wrong W? Correct the ones that are wrong.

1. I’m sitting at the back of the train.
2. He’s travelling this week.
3. is this train stopping in Birmingham?
4. she’s showing the new design to her manager.
5. I’m hopping she’ll arrive on time.
6. My sister is always beating me at tennis.
7. it’s beginning to rain.
8. We’re developing a new product.

3. Say the words aloud. One word in each list has a different vowel sound. Which word?
- stays, pays, says, rains
-does, goes, knows, throws

4. Which of these present tense forms is/are correctly used?

-What are frogs usually eating?
The kettle boils. Please take it off the stove
-Water boils at 100°celcius
-I’m playing tennis every Wednesday
-Alice works for an instance company.
-Look-it snows!

5. Which of these sentences is/are possible?
- Fred works as a waiter.
-Fred is working as a waiter.

Choose the best reply: A or B.
Why do you work so hard?

1.       Because I’m only happy when I’m busy.
2.       Because I have to finish my report by the end of this week.

Which of these sentences is/are possible?
My dishwasher doesn’t work.
-My dishwater isn’t working.
My dishwater won’t start.

7.       Right or wrong?

-I’m liking this wine very much.
-Of course I’m believing you.
-I’m knowing her very well.

9. Which of these answers is/are possible: A, B or both.

Excuse me. How do I get to the station?
-          You go straight ahead on the traffic lights, then you turn left.
-          You’re going straight on the traffic lights, then you’re turning left.

10. A TV chef is describing a recipe as she’s cooking it. Which sentence(s) is/are possible: A, B or both?
First I take a bowl and break two eggs into it.
-          First I’m taking a bowl and I’m breaking two eggs into it.

11. Is this exchange right or wrong? If it’s wrong, correct it.

How long do you know her? 
I know her since 1980.

12. Which is the correct reply: A, B, C?

 Remember to phone me when you arrive.

-         Yes, I do.

-          Yes, I’m doing
-          Yes, I will.

13. Which is the best reply? A or B?

Do you see those clouds?
Yes, it’ll rain
Yes, it’s going to rain.

14. which of these sentences is/are right?

His train will arrive at 11.30
His train arrives at 11.30
The summer term starts on April 10th
The summer term will start on April 10th.

15. Which is the correct continuation? A or B
Be careful while you’re driving home tomorrow.

Be careful while you’ll be driving home tomorrow.



Hi Leo,

Hope your day was nice. Try reading this joke and let me know if you like it.


A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. 

The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, “Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel. “I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents.” 

“The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I’d accumulated a fortune of $1.37.” 

“Then my wife’s father died and left us two million dollars."

paf 31.01.2016

Lexoni me kujdes materialin  e meposhtem. Ne qofte se do te gjeni dicka te paqarte e diskutojme bashke ne oren tuaj qe vijon te shtune.

There are some common mistakes that many English learners make. But don't worry! They are usually very easy to identify and correct.

One good example is how to use stative verbs. These special verbs in English are always used in the simple tensesnot in the progressive tenses. Most verbs in English are dynamic verbs, and we can use them in any tense.

There are only a few stative verbs in English that you must know, but some are very common.

For example:
  • be
  • want
  • need
  • understand
  • love
We usually use these verbs only in the simple tenses.

Incorrect: I will be wanting a glass of lemonade.
Correct: I will want a glass of lemonade.

Incorrect: They were not understanding the lesson.
Correct: They did not understand the lesson.

Incorrect: He is being tired.
Correct: He is tired.

Also, you will see that some verbs in English, like have, have different meanings if we use them as stative or dynamic verbs.

For example, as a stative verb, have means "to own" or "to possess."

Incorrect: I am having a bicycle.
Correct: I have a bicycle.

As a dynamic verb, have can be used in many different ways. It can even mean "to eat!" Remember that dynamic verbs can be used in the simple or the progressive tenses.

Correct: I am having pizza for dinner.
Correct: I have pizza for dinner sometimes.

Be sure to review the full article on stative verbs for more illustrated examples so that you can feel comfortable with how to use them. Also check out the examples and exercises using stative and dynamic verbs.

paf 01.29.2016

Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet e meposhteme:


Exercise A: Prepositions of place

Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence and describe the picture.
Greg has a big pile of papers _______ his desk.
a) under
b) in
c) on
Manny is standing ________ Paul and Roger.
a) behind
b) near
c) at
Phyllis is standing ________ Henry.
a) over
b) beside
c) in
The dog put the pillow ________ his head.
a) under
b) beside
c) at
The cat is ________ the bars.
a) above
b) through
c) behind
Joe is ________ the door.
a) in
b) at
c) on
Mickey is sitting _______ the telephone.
a) in front of
b) next to
c) on
The cow is standing _______ the two farmers.
a) under
b) between
c) at
Bob is frying eggs ________ a pan.
a) in
b) on
c) through
Gladys feels nice and warm _______ her house.
a) behind
b) above
c) inside

Exercise B: Prepositions of place

Use the prepositions from the list to complete the sentence below each picture.
a) around
b) behind
c) into
d) in front of
e) on
f) inside
g) under
h) among
i) through
j) on top of
Maria does not want to step _________ the ice.
Liam is putting the pasta ________ his mouth with a fork.
Rick is sitting ________ his gifts.
The dog is wearing a collar ________ his neck.
Frank wants to hide ________ his pillow.
I cannot see Beth ________ all those bags!
The rabbit was ________ the hat.
Eric is standing _________ the doctor.
Tina has a plant ________ her computer.
Don threw the ball ________ the window.

Exercise C: Prepositions of time

Complete the sentence under each picture using in, on, or at.
Brad has to send his finished book ________ September 1st.
Kyle enjoys going to restaurants ________ the weekends.
This area looks beautiful ________ the winter.
Hugo will sign copies of his books ________ 3:00 p.m.
We will put the star on top of the tree ________ Christmas Eve.
Henry feels most creative ________ night.
Nate likes to listen to music when he drives to work ________ the morning.
Jane starts her class _______ 7:00 a.m.
Natalie's team won the championship ________ 2014.
Rob must send the report to his teacher _______ Thursday.



paf 01.29.2016

Teaching reported speech is highly important, because we use it all the time!

Every time we need to tell someone what another person said earlier, we use reported speech

We do this constantly to:

  • share information
  • tell stories
  • explain situations

So to truly master English, your students must understand and feel comfortable with direct and reported speech.

In English, there are specific rules regarding how to form reported speech.

But the first thing to know is which words to use when reporting.

Here are the most common reporting verbs:

  • say (to express something in words)
  • tell (to express something in words, to someone)
  • announce (to say something officially)
  • explain (to say in a way that makes things clear)
  • mention (to speak about something shortly)
  • promise (to say your intention for the future)
  • warn (to tell someone about something dangerous)


paf 01.24.2016

Hi everyone,

Please follow the link and try to retell the story using your own way.




Today, let's talk about English grammar articles.
thea, and an

Definite article: the

The is the definite article. It is used before a noun to refer to a specific one. 

  • Can you please hand me the green towel? (I only want the green towel.)
  • I want the cherry pie. (I want a specific pie.)
  • She wants the apple. (She want the specific apple you are holding.)
  • I like the elephants at the zoo. (I like those elephants at that zoo.)

Indefinite articles: a/an

and an are indefinite articles. They are used before nouns to refer to something in general. 

A is used before words that start with a consonant
An is used before words that start with a vowel.

  • Can you please hand me towel? (It doesn't matter which towel.)
  • I want pie. (I don't care what type of pie.)
  • She wants an apple(She doesn't care which apple.)
  • I like an elephant at a zoo. (I don't care which zoo. I am not talking about a specific elephant.)

So how do you know when to use each one?

1) Use A or An when
  • you mention something for the first time.

    • I need a volunteer.
    • We have a winner!
    • Do you have an eraser?
  • you want to say something belongs to a certain group or category.

    • That is a horse.
    • Brownie is a dog.
    • That is an electric car.
  • you want to say that someone belongs to a certain group.

    • Stacy is a girl.
    • He is student at that high school.
    • Mr. Jones is an electrician.
  • you want to say that something is "that kind of thing."

    • It is a pretty flower.
    • The table is a strong table.
    • It was an early morning.
  • you want to say that someone is "that kind of person."

    • He is a smart teacher.
    • She is an attractive woman.
    • You are a special friend.

2) Use the when
  • you talk about a specific thing.

    • Did you find the keys to my car?
    • I bought the red bicycle at the bicycle store.
    • The sound I heard was loud!
  • it is clear which thing you are talking about.

    • She brought the cake!
    • I love the rain.
    • It was the dog!
  • there is only one such thing.

    • The moon is bright tonight.
    • I love to visit the Atlantic ocean.
    • She is the English teacher.

3) Do not use an article when
  • you talk about something general.

    • Incorrect: The monkeys are the funny animals!
    • Correct: Monkeys are funny animals!
    • Incorrect: Learning the English can be difficult.
    • Correct: Learning English can be difficult.
    • Incorrect: The dogs are a man's best friend.
    • Correct: Dogs are man's best friend.
  • you talk about cities, countries, streets, people, etc.

    • Incorrect: She moved from the Kansas.
    • Correct: She moved from Kansas.
    • Incorrect: I visited the Mrs. Smith.
    • Correct: I visited Mrs. Smith.
    • Incorrect: We live on the Main Street.
    • Correct: We live on Main Street.



Read the following joke. Try to retell it.


A lawyer went duck hunting for the first time in Texas. He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer's field on the other side of the fence. As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing.

The litigator responded, "I shot a duck, it fell into this field, and now I'm going to retrieve it."

The old farmer replied, "This is my property and you are not coming over here."

The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of the best trial attorneys in the U.S. and if you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything you own."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Apparently, you don't know how we do things in Texas. We settle small disagreements like this with the Texas Three-Kick Rule."

The lawyer asked, "What is the Texas Three-Kick Rule?"

The Farmer replied, "Well, first I kick you three times and then you kick me three times, and so on, back and forth, until someone gives up." The attorney quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take the old codger. He agreed to abide by the local custom.

The old farmer slowly climbed down from the tractor and walked up to the city feller. His first kick planted the toe of his heavy work boot into the lawyer's groin and dropped him to his knees. His second kick nearly wiped the man's nose off his face. The barrister was flat on his belly when the farmer's third kick to a kidney nearly caused him to give up.

The lawyer summoned every bit of his will and managed to get to his feet and said, "Okay, you old coot! Now, it's my turn!"

The old farmer smiled and said, "No, I give up. You can have the duck."




Let's talk about the difference between to, too, and two.

These three words are English homophones.

They sound the same in spoken English, but they have very different meanings. 
They are very common in English, so it is important that you know the differences.


To is a preposition

It is used in several ways. We will look at two of the most common ways.
1. To is used to show a relation or connection.

  • She is married to John.
  • Is Sally related to you? Yes, she is my aunt.
  • How is John related to you? He is my uncle.
2. To means to go toward something in the direction of something

  • I will throw the ball to him.
  • We are driving to California.
  • When are you going to church?


Too is an English adverb meaning:

1. also

  • She will be visiting too.
  • Are you going too?
  • Hand me the pencils and the paper too.
2. an excessive amount

  • I ate too much cake.
  • Her hair is too curly.
  • It is too much work.


Two is the number that comes after one.

  • There are two boys in my family.
  • I have two questions.
  • She ate two slices of bread.



Adresen e meposhteme do ta ndiqni me shume vemendje. Kapni ato tema te cilat ju duken me shume interes per veten tuaj.
Ruajeni kete faqe ne arkiven tuaj edhe drejtojuni here pas here per shume probleme qe mund  te hasni me perdorimin e koheve ne gjuhen angleze.




Lexoni me kujdes materialin  e meposhtem. Ne perfundim zgjidhni edhe ushtrimin e ofruar.
Nese kini pytje i diskutojme bashke ne oren qe vijon.


Participle Adjectives – are they Interested or Interesting?
It is such a common mistake – and I hear it even from advanced learners! I’m talking about the confusion between present and past participle adjectives. For example, Interested and Interesting, Bored and Boring, Excited and Exciting.

Participle Adjectives in English- Interested or Interesting
But first – quick grammar check…. Do you know what a participle is?
It’s simple: all verbs have a present participle (verb + -ING) and a past participle, which in regular verbs is always VERB + -ED.

So, how can you use participle as adjectives? Let’s take a look:
1. This book is interesting.
2. I am interested in this book.
In sentence 1 the present participle INTERESTING describes the book.

In sentence 2, the past participle INTERESTED describes how I feel about the book.
So, the rule is this:
The Present participle (- ING) describes a person or thing
The past participle (- ED) describes how you feel about a person or thing.

This is an easy rule to remember, so if you learn it, your English will immediately get much better.
Why is this? Because we can make participle adjectives out of so many verbs. Also, spoken and written English exams (such as IELTS, Cambridge First Certificate, Cambridge Proficiency and so on) ask you to say how you feel about things. So if you get these participle adjectives mixed up, you will lose marks in exams and people will misunderstand you when you speak.
**Always remember to learn the correct preposition, for example INTERESTED IN, WORRIED ABOUT, BORED WITH and so on.**
If you really want to impress your examinermake sure you use different ways of expressing the same thing. So in addition to sentences 1 and 2 above, you can also express the same ideas like this:
3. This book interests me. (note: the passive form of this is “I am interested in this book.”)
4. I find this book interesting(note: this means “I think that this book is interesting.”)
Here are some more examples of participle adjectives, showing their correct preposition:
Present participle
Past participle
excited about
relaxed  about
frightened of
bored with
worried about


It’s time to check your understanding! Choose the right form in the sentences below. The answers are at the bottom of this blog page:
1. The film was very __________  . (frightened/frightening)
2. He was so __________  after his holiday .  (relaxed/relaxing)
3. Your new job sounds __________  - I guess you are very __________ about it. (excited/exciting)
4. These instructions are really __________ . I’m so __________. Can you help me please? (confused / confusing)
5. I’m __________. I find this museum  very __________ . I can’t stop yawning! (bored/boring)
6. He is extremely __________ about this political situation. He finds it __________. (worried/worrying)
The answers to this quiz are at the bottom of this page.
Now write your own sentences using participle adjectives. Make sure they are true to your own life as this will help you to remember them better.



Hi there,

We are back on our page. Read it carefully. Try to do the following exercise.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights describes 30 basic rights that each person has, simply because he or she is human.

This is human right number 14 (the simplified version):

"14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe."

Now read the short story about this important human right.

The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live  

Lily is sixteen. Her brother Georgie is only eleven. They live together with their single mother. Their parents are divorced. 

Lily and Georgie's mother is not well. She is depressed and drinks a lot. When she drinks, she gets very angry. She screams at them, throws things, and sometimes even hits them. Lily worries that she and her brother are not really safe at home.

Lily tells Georgie to pack a bag. One Friday after school, Lily and Georgie take a bus to their father's city. 

He is happy to see them, but he is also surprised. He asks them why they are there. Lily explains that they are scared of their mother, and that they need a safe place to live. 

Their father is shocked. He does not know that their mother is in such bad shape. He invites them to stay with him. He takes care of everything so they can live together. He gets their mother the help she needs.

Lily and Georgie are very happy with their father. They feel safe and are able to get the care they need. They make new friends and do well at their new school. They miss their mother but they also know they were right to seek a safe place to live. 

And now, practice:

Exercise 01



Have a look at the following link. Read and learn some expressions from this unit.



Today, let's talk about the "cliche."

The cliche is one type of figurative language in the English language.

Cliches are phrases and expressions in the English language that have been used too much.

When phrases and expressions are overused, they can become boring orannoying.

Sometimes writers use cliches for humor or to make a point. However, using too many cliches in your writing can annoy and bore your readers.

People may also be annoyed if you use too many cliches when you talk.

Note that an expression that is annoying to one person may be completely new to someone else.

Here are some common American English cliches that you should know.

Cliches for when bad things happen:

  • "Every cloud has a silver lining." (Look for the positive in a bad situation.)
  • "This too shall pass." (Things will get better in time.)
  • "When it rains, it pours." (Many bad things seem to happen at one time.)
  • "Everything happens for a reason." (Everything is the result of something else.)
  • "Smile! It's not the end of the world." (Don't be so sad. Things could be worse.)

Cliches about success:

  • "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." (Keep trying until you get it right.)
  • "The early bird catches the worm." (Success comes to people who are prepared and work hard.)

Cliches that give warnings or advice:

  • "Curiosity killed the cat." (It is not good to be too curious.)
  • "Just go with the flow." (Be flexible.)
  • "It is what it is." (You cannot change what has already happened. Accept things that you cannot change.)
  • "Money doesn't buy happiness." (Being wealthy does not make people happy.)

Funny cliches:

  • "It's the best thing since sliced bread." (It is something that is very good.)
  • "I'll kiss him when pigs fly." (I will never kiss him.)
  • "Of course I know him. I wasn't born yesterday." (I am not stupid.)

Cliches about relationships:

  • "The boys are like two peas in a pod." (They are similar. They are good friends.)
  • "It takes two to tango." (If something happens with two people, they both are responsible.)

Descriptive cliches:

  • "That was as clear as mud." (That was hard to understand.)
  • "It happens once in a blue moon." (It does not happen often.)
  • "She must be the blushing bride." (She just got married.)
  • "I'm sweating like a pig." (I'm sweating a lot.)

General cliches:

  • "No news is good news." (If there isn't bad news, then everything is probably good. This expression is often used when you haven't heard any news from someone.)
  • "It was a dark and stormy night..." (This is a common cliche used to begin a story.)
  • "I can sleep when I'm dead." (This expression is often used by someone who works too much.)



Try this exercise and keep notes on your mistakes. Let's discuss things when we see each other.




Hi everyone!

Hope and wish you are enjoying the best of your time with your leaning of English.
I would like you to read and learn a few things about American history. In the following days I would like to share with you some certain easy stories.
Enjoy reading.


                        Early American History


Image America without big towns or cities without cars, trucks or buses  without movies, radios or T.V. Imagine America as a land full of woods and wild animals. Imagine small groups  of people living here and there-hunting , fishing, gathering seeds, growing food, and making everything  else they needed. This was the America of long, long ago. This was the land of the Indians.  About 500 years ago, new people began to come to the land of the Indians. They came on sailing ships from far across the sea.


               Christopher Columbus and Other Explorers

About  500  years ago , India and China were the richest countries  in the world. They were rich in gold , silk and  spices . The kings and queens of many countries had their eyes on the those riches . They sent traders to buy things from India  and China .  The traders had to cross high mountains and deserts .  Many were robbed and killed  along the way.
The kings and queens hired explorers  to look for ways  to get to India  and China  by boat.  One of these explorers was in Italian sailor named Christopher  Columbus.  He told the Queen of Spain that her traders  could  sail west across the ocean instead of going  east  across the land to get to India .  He believed  that to earth  was round and that  India was on the other side of the ocean from Spain.
The Queen decided to give him the money  for the  journey.  With the money  , he bought  three  ships the Nina , the Pinta  and the  Santa Maria  .  After thirty – six days at sea , the sailors saw land.  After they rowed ashore,  the people who lived there cane to greet  called the people Indians .  We still call those people  Indians  today.
The land Columbus found on October 12, 1492 was not India.  It was an island  off the place we now call America .  India was still very far away .  When the queen of Spain  learned that  Columbus had found a new land , she and other kings  and queens from the Old World sent  explorers to the new World in search  of gold . Balboa   and Colorado were two other explorers  sent by the queen of Spain  Neither of then found any gold.
People  eventually  became interested in the new World  as a place to live.   Explorers started looking for places  that very good for farming  and hunting .  Father Marquette  was a French explorer  who traveled down the Mississippi River .  He wanted  to find good places  for French  to come to live .  He made maps  of the long river  which were very helpful  to people who later came  to live along the Mississippi River.

   The Early Setters

When the explorers returned home , they told exciting  stories about life in the New World .  They told people  about  the rich forests  , animals  , wild plants , and the fish in the many lakes and rivers.  They told  then how helpful and friendly  the Indians  were and how they grey  vegetables that were never seen in the Old World – such as corn , potatoes and tomatoes .
Many people in the Old World  were having  a hard time making a living.  They decided to go to the New  World to hunt or farm.  Other people   in the Old World  could not have their own church and  pray the way they wanted to.  They decided  to go to the New World , too. Some people  just wanted to get rich and went there in search of the gold that no one  else had found  .  At first , most of the settlers  came from England and Spain.  They later came from France , Holland and other countries.



                        The First Town

Captain John Smith and his men came from England .  They named their town Jamestown , after Kings James of England.  They hoped to find gold and an easy life , but there was no gold. There was little food  and the first winter was very hard . Smith went to the Indians for help.  They gave him food, but their chief became angry with Smith. He wanted to kill Smith , but the chiefs daughter, Pocahontas ,told her father to let  the man live.  Smith sent some men to live with the Indians so that  they could learn how to grow corn and other vegetables . The men  protested and did not  want to be farmers . Smith told them to farm or starve .  Soon  all the men were working .  The Indians showed the  settlers how to grow tobacco.  It grew  very well there .  The settlers starting selling shiploads of tobacco the people  back  in England.  The settlers needed  more workers and bought slaves from Africa to do the work.
The  planters became rich and built big houses .  They filled then with beautiful things from England and other Old World  countries. These rich settlers  started  a new government.  Instead  of having one person rule like a king  or queen , they chose a group of people to rule .  Other English people came  and set up  other towns near Jamestown.  Later on, all the towns formed  one big colony called Virginia.  A colony is a group of people  who settle  in a new land, but keep their ties with the country they came from.



For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices below.




Provoni te zgjidhni kete numur ushtrimesh ne vijim per diten e arthme te takimit.


Adjective exercises

much vs many

Decide whether you have to use much or many:
  1. We saw _____ animals at the zoo.
  2. How _____ oranges did you put in the box?
  3. There isn’t _____ sugar in my coffee.
  4. I don’t have ______ friends.
  5. The old man hasn’t got _____ hair on his head.
  6. I’ve packed _____ bottles of water.
  7. I didn’t get _____ sleep last night.
  8. How _____ fruit do you eat in an average day?

a little vs a few

Decide whether you have to use a little or a few:
  1. Can you please buy _______ apples.
  2. We need _______ water.
  3. I have _______ money left.
  4. I take _______ sugar with my coffee.
  5. We had _______ pints of beer there.
  6. You have _______ time left.
  7. There are _______ chairs in the room.
  8. He only spent _______ dollars there.

some vs any

Decide whether you have to use some or any:
  1. Is there _______ milk left?
  2. There is _______ juice in the bottle.
  3. Do you have _______ coffee?
  4. I don’t have _______ money left.
  5. She has _______ money.
  6. Do you know _______ of these singers?
  7. I don’t know _______ of them.
  8. I know _______ of them.

some vs many

Decide whether you have to use some or many:
  1. The child put _______ sand into the bucket.
  2. I can lend you _______ money if you need it.
  3. There aren’t _______ pears left. Only two.
  4. We had _______ cake with the tea.
  5. Don’t eat so _______ sweets or you’ll get fat.
  6. I had _______ beer last night at the bar.
  7. I don’t have _______ friends.
  8. He brought _______ food with him.

little vs less

Decide whether you have to use little or less:
  1. I have _______ interest in classical music.
  2. I have _______ faith in him.
  3. We need _______ furniture in this dance hall than in the big one.
  4. You have to drink _______ coffee.
  5. He has _______ money than I thought.
  6. Tonight I drank _______ wine than last night.
  7. She dedicates _______ time to her homework than to her hobbies.
  8. This will take _______ time to finish than the last time we tried.

a little vs a lot

Decide whether you have to use a little or a lot:
  1. That may cost you _______ of money.
  2. I added _______ sugar to the mix.
  3. You’ll have to spend _______ of cash on this car. (a lot)
  4. I can do it with _______ help from my friends.
  5. _______ change can really make a difference.
  6. I don’t have _______ of free time today.
  7. He left _______ of laundry for me to do.
  8. She gave him _______ attention.

few vs little

Decide whether you have to use few or little:
  1. There’s _______ point in calling.
  2. _______ people understood what he said.
  3. There is _______ use in trying to do this.
  4. There’s _______ space here as it is.
  5. There’s _______ I can do about this.
  6. Dan is a great student. He has _______ problems with history.
  7. There was _______ traffic on the road.
  8. I think Coventry will win the match but _______ people agree with me.

fewer vs less

Decide whether you have to use fewer or less:
  1. There were _______ days below freezing last winter.
  2. I drank _______ water than she did.
  3. I have _______ than an hour to do this work.
  4. People these days are buying _______ newspapers.
  5. I have _______ time to do this work.
  6. _______ than thirty children each year develop the disease.
  7. I wear _______ makeup on weekdays.
  8. He worked _______ hours than I did.

farther vs further

Decide whether you have to use farther or further:
  1. How much _______ do you plan to drive tonight?
  2. I just can’t go any _______.
  3. Do you have any _______ plans for adding on to the building?
  4. That’s a lot _______ than I want to carry this heavy suitcase!
  5. The _______ that I travel down this road, the _______ behind schedule I get.
  6. How much _______ do you intend to take this legal matter?
  7. It’s not that much _______ to the gas station.
  8. How much _______ do I have to run, coach?

later vs latter

Decide whether you have to use later or latter:
  1. My neighbours have a son and a daughter : the former is a teacher, the _______ is a nurse.
  2. I will address that at a _______ time.
  3. Of the first two Harry Potter books, I prefer the _______.
  4. John arrived at the party _______ than Mary did.
  5. I prefer the _______ offer to the former one.
  6. I will be back _______.
  7. I was given the choice between a hamburger or a hot dog, I chose the _______ of the two; the hot dog.
  8. When it comes to soy burgers or a juicy cow burger, I prefer the _______.

last vs latter

Decide whether you have to use last or latter:
  1. Jack, Jill and Bob went up the hill; the _______ watched the other two fall down.
  2. The former half of the film is more interesting than the _______ half.
  3. Out of chapters 1, 2, and 3, the _______ one is the most difficult to learn.
  4. Dan is now friends with Ruth, Maya and Ben. The _______ is his cousin.
  5. Jane speaks Italian and English : the former language fairly well and the _______ fluently.
  6. There are two versions, A and B, but the _______ is more popular.
  7. Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the _______ is remembered today.
  8. I study math, English and history. I enjoy the _______ one most.



Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet e meposhteme ne fletoren tuaj.

Gammar,vocabulary and natural English 

test                                                                                30 minutes

grammar    - ing form and infinitive

Complete the text  using the verbs in brackets in the –ing form and infinitive

I’m really looking forward to visiting   (visit) my friends.

1                  (run) is very good for your heart.
2 I loathe               (be) late for work.
3                     (stay) at home is the only thing to do in winter.
4 Instead of                           (do) my homework,I watched a video.
5 Will you remember                (close) the door when you go out?    
6 I can’t get used to               (be) without him.
7 I regret                    (inform) you that your application has been unsuccessful.
8 I stopped                   (have) piano lessons months ago.
9 I meant                      (invite) him to the party, but I forgot all about it .
10 It’s not worth                      (finish) the test. I can’t rememeber a thing.


 grammar  wishes and regrets

Review  the sentences using  wish/regret  and the correct form of the verb.

I haven’t got her phone number.
I wish I had her phone number.
1 I didn’t study hard at school.

I wish                                                        .
2 I can’t speak French.
I wish                                                              .
3 I’m sorry that I gave  up the guitar
I regret                                                      .
4 Unfortunately I’m going out later.
I wish                                                            .
5 You’re not my boyfriend.
I wish                                                           .

 grammar  -ing forms

Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective or preposition.

   We won the watch   by           scoring in the last five minutes.       
1                         leaving the exam room, I always check my answers carefully.
2 He’s never been interested                            drawing.
                                    finishing our meal, we did the wishing up.
4 It’s no               sitting there. He isn’t  going to come.
5 I’m looking forward                       starting my new course.


 4  wordbooster sporting collocations,collocation in dictionaries

Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box. There is one more word than you need.
the match     for a run     your technique     weightlifting    the gist   table tennis    an aerobics club                                                
a prize   magazines    three new words    poetry    a padge

I like going   for a run   early in the morning.

1 I tend to flick throught                                  .I never actually read them.
2 When I was young we used to learn                      by heart.
3 Why don’t you join                         ?
4 We lost                        3-0 .
5 I try to look up                     a day.
6 She won                          for writing the best short story.
7 You need to practice                          ,or you’ll never be a footballer.
8 He does                                    five time a week.
9 I never skip                            when I read a novel.
10 I got                                    of the text, which was enough to answer the question.

vocabulary  learning

Complete the sentences with the correct word
Alison doesn’t find learning French easy,but she always has    go.

1 Charlie   finds learning French difficult and he sometimes                         discouraged.
2 Jack tires to speak French all the time,but  he can’t                               it up for long.
3 Amy has difficulties ,but is always willing to                        it a try.
4 Matthew                                  everything up very easily
5 Sarah is                               slow progress , but  she is trying very hard.


natural English

Match the sentences with the responses.
    a          Do you do any sport?
1                 I didn’t know you spoke German
2                  I want to get something memorable for her birthday
3                  I’ve lost my house keys again.
             When I was five , I got lost in  a supermarket.
             I don’t do any sport at all.
             I found  the grammar quite tricky.
             What did you think of the fitness test?
             I’ve joined a Pilates class.
               Can you speak any languages?
10             I wish I could speak Russian.

a   I don’t a bit of wight lifting.
b   Well , it’s a bit rusty.
c    Yeah , that happened to me too.
d    Well, that sounds very unhealthy.
e    What sort of thing?
f     I was hopeless at balancing on one leg.
g    Really?  I thought it was easy.
h   For goodness sake . You’re useless.
I    I can get by in Italian.
j    Why don’t you join  an evening class?
k   I’ve never heard of that. What does it involve?




Read the text and think of the word  which best fits  each space. Use only one word  in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0)


When I was younger, I didn’t use to get (0)   much        exercise . For a long time I regretted
not  (1)           much sport,but recently, I decided things needed to change.  I saw a marathon on tv  and made up my mind that was what I wanted  to do. I started slowly because I felt needed 
to (2)                    used to thing gradually. I went (3)                      in the local pool and started going to a gym. I then(4)                   a group of runners. We met each week and we had an excellent coach  who gave us guidance and training tips. At first I (5)                                the training quite hard and I nearly gave up because I thought  that everyone was better  then me . However ,I decided to persevere (6)               it  and I’m really glad I did. I realized that is I wanted  to take (7)                 in such  a big race ,I had to be willing to try.I  now(8)                        running twice a day as well as going to the gym and I run marathons regularly. To tell the truth , I (9 )                          I’d run a marathon years ago.  I’r certainly advise anybody to give it (10)                    I’ts amazing how good it can make you feel.







 Hello again.
I have some listening activities for you that show the difference between the infinitive and the -ing form.



True or False? Try to understand the game and then play it. It's fun.




Choose the correct answer for each question.



paf 3.01.2015

Exercise 2.3

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first two exercises of the second level, don't start this one. Go back to exercises # 1,2,3,4 and 5, of the first level then click on the  following.




Choose the incorrect word.





Exercise 2.2 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first exercise of the second level. don't start level 2.1. Go back to exercise # 1, then click on the  following.




Exercise 2.1 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first five exercises don't start level 2. Go back to exercises # 1,2,3,4 and 5, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.5 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first four exercises don't start the fifth. Go back to exercises # 1,2,3 and 4, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.4 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first three exercises don't start the fourth. Go back to exercises # 1,2 and 3, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.3 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first two exercises don't start the third. Go back to exercises # 1 and 2, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.2 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first exercise don't start the second. Go back to exercise # 1 then click on the second as following.




Exercise 1.1

Nouns and derivations. Match the definitions on the left with the words on the right.




Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet e meposhteme.




Write your own constitution with ten articles in it. Discuss each one of them in the coming lesson.


Make each day count - learn,help,make laugh,teach,enjoy.



Hello again.
This week’s activity is about that tricky word ENOUGH. You can find it by clicking



Speculations about the past.

Have a look at the following link.




Plotesoni vendin bosh me nje folje te duhur modale.




Modal verb questions. Try to do the following exercise. 




Cikli i ushtrimeve te meposhteme ka per qellim njohjen dhe perdorimin e sakte te disa foljeve te caktuara te gjuhes angleze te njohura me emrin:"modal verbs." Ndiqini me kujdes te gjitha ushtrimet.
Shikoni se cfare rezultatesh arrini ne zgjidhjen  e ushtrimeve edh nese do te kini pyetje i diskitojme se bashke ne oren e dites se djele.


What is special about the modal verbs?

They are special because they behave differently from other verbs in English:
  1. English modal verbs are used together with the base form of another verb.

    "He might come late."
    "You may leave if you wish."
    "We must finish this on time."
  2. English modal verbs have only one form. You don't add "-ing""-ed"or "-s" to them.


    Correct: "We must go now."
    Incorrect: "We are musting go now."

    Correct: "They said we could park here."
    Incorrect: "They said we coulded park here."

    Correct: "She can help us."
    Incorrect: "She cans help us."
  3. To form questions use the modal verb itself, but change the order.


    "He can fix the car tomorrow."

    Correct: "Can he fix the car tomorrow?"
    Incorrect: "Does he can fix the car tomorrow?"

    "We should start packing our things."

    Correct: "Should we start packing our things?"
    Incorrect: "Do we should start packing our things?"

    "She will be ten years old next month."

    Correct: "Will she be ten years old next month?"
    Incorrect: "Does she will be ten years old next month?"
  4. To form negative sentences use the modal verb itself and add "not" or "n't" to it.


    "He can run fast enough."

    Correct: "He can't run fast enough."
    Incorrect: "He doesn't can run fast enough."

    "She could lift a feather."

    Correct: "She could not lift a feather."
    Incorrect: "She did not could lift a feather."

    "I thought he would come."

    Correct: "I thought he wouldn't come."
    Incorrect: "I thought he did not would come."

How and when do we use each of the English modal verbs?

Uses of "can" (negative: cannot, can't)

  1. To talk about what you are able to do
    "He is so strong! He can lift that car!"
    "She can't come before four o'clock."
    "Can he teach?"
  2. To talk about a general possibility
    "The weather here can get really bad."
    "These chairs can be folded."
    "Such things can happen."
  3. To say that something is allowed
    "He can borrow my book if he needs it."
    "You can't smoke in here".
    "You can pay with a credit card."
  4. To make a request
    (this is is an informal use, "may" is the formal version)

    "Can you help me with my homework?"
    "Can you make some tea?"
    "Can you come here, please?"

Uses of "could" (negative: could not, couldn't)

  1. As the past form of "can"
    "He said he couldn't come so early."
    "I couldn't remember who he was."
    "They couldn't pass the border."
  2. To make a polite request
    "Could you open the window, please?"
    "Could you turn up the heat?"
    "Could you remind him to call?"
  3. To show possibility ("may" and "might" are stronger)
    "She could be with her parents."
    "It could take you months to find a new place."
    "He could still win, but it's not very likely."

Uses of "may" (negative: may not)

  1. To show possibility (it is slightly stronger than "might")
    "What he said may be true."
    "It may rain."
    "You may win the race."
  2. To request or give permission
    (this is a formal use, "can" is the informal version)

    "You may sit down."
    "May I speak?"
    "He may not use the car."

Uses of "might" (negative: might not)

  1. As a past from of "may"
    "The weatherman said it might rain."
    "She mentioned that she might come."
    "We agreed that it might be dangerous."
  2. To show possibility (it is slightly weaker than "may")
    "He might pass the exam, but I wouldn't count on it."
    "We might fail, but let's not think about it."
    "I might visit on Saturday."

Uses of "must" (negative: must not, mustn't)

  1. To show that you have to do something, for example because it is very important or because it is a rule
    "You must stop the car when the traffic light turns red."
    "You must pay your taxes."
    "She must stop drinking if she wants to keep her job."
    "I must go now, otherwise I will miss my train."
  2. "Must not" (or "mustn't") is used to show you are not allowed to do something
    "You mustn't steal."
    "He mustn't talk to his parents like that."
    "The fruit of this bush must not be eaten because it is toxic."
  3. To show that something is very logical or very likely to be true
    "He left at noon, so he must be there already."
    "She is not stupid, so she must have known what she was doing!"
    "They must be really rich to live in such a house."

Uses of "ought to" (negative: ought not to)

  1. To say what is the right thing to do ("should" is the more common word)
    "In her condition, she ought to quit smoking."
    "I believe you ought to apologize."
    "He was watching TV when he ought to have been studying."

Uses of "shall" (short form: 'll, negative: shall not, shan't)

  1. Used with "I" and "we" to talk about the future (especially in formal British English)
    "I shall leave tomorrow morning."
    "I'll never forget you."
    "We shall overcome."
    "I shan't be late again."
  2. Used with "I" and "we" to ask questions or make suggestions
    "Shall I close the door?"
    "What shall we do tonight?"
    "Let's start, shall we?"

Uses of "should" (negative: should not, shouldn't)

  1. To say what is the right thing to do
    "You should be helping your mother."
    "If he doesn't like the job, he should tell it to his boss."
    "If you knew you were going to be so late, you should have called."
  2. To give advice or ask for advice
    "You should try the new restaurant down the street."
    "What should I do? Should I tell him the truth?"
    "Should I try to take the exam again?"
  3. To show that something is likely to be true or that it is expected
    "Let's return home, dinner should be ready by now."
    "We should arrive there by twelve o'clock."
    "I should get an e-mail from him soon."

Uses of "will" (short form: 'll, negative: will not, won't)

  1. To talk about future actions or future states (not plans)
    "I hope he will pass his exams."
    "She'll be very happy to hear this."
    "They will not be here on time."
    "You won't feel a thing."
  2. For promises or intentions
    "Leave it, I will do the dishes."
    "It must be Joe at the door, so I'll get it."
    "I won't do that again, I promise."

Uses of "would" (short form: 'd, negative: would not, wouldn't)

  1. As the past form of "will" in reported speech
    "I will handle it myself." --> "He said he would handle it himself."
    "I won't be late." --> "He said he wouldn't be late."
    "She'll change her mind in the end." --> "He said she'd change her mind in the end."
  2. To talk about an imagined situation
    "What would you do if you were a millionaire?"
    "I wish he'd take a break."
    "I would have cleaned the house, but I was too tired."
  3. To make a polite request
    "Would you mind closing the window?"
    "Would you get me the paper, please?"
    "Would someone please answer the phone?"
  4. To invite someone, or offer something, politely
    "Would you like a drink?"
    "We are going for a walk, would you like to join us?"
    "Would you like to meet her?"
  5. To say that you want something or want to do something

    I would like = a polite way of saying, "I want."
    I would hate = a polite way of saying, "I don't want."
    I would rather = a polite way of saying, "I prefer."

    "I would like a cup of coffee, please."
    "I would hate to miss this opportunity."
    "We'd rather study with you."
    - "Would you like to come with us?"
    -" I'd love to, but I can't."



Test yourself

These tests will help you decide what you need to learn.

Following are some basic grammar points:

 Choose the correct answers. One or more answers may be correct.

1. She is .................. university teacher.
     a)   a             b) an                c) the             d) one

2. I like ............... small animals.
    a) the            b) --                 c) every          d) all

3. Is this coat ............... ?
    a) yours        b) your              c) the yours      d) yor

4. Is Lucy .............. ?
    a) a friend of yours                 b) a your friend          c) your friend

5. Who are ............... people over there ?
    a) that            b) these             c) the               d) those

6. ........... is your phone number?
    a) Which         b) What            c) How            d) Why

7. Could I have ........................ drink?
    a) an other      b) other            c) another          d) others

8. There aren't ....................... for everybody.
    a) chairs enough             b) enough chairs           c)enough of chairs             d) of the chairs enough

9. They're ............. young to get married.
    a) too much                   b) too                           c) very too much               d) too many

10. Most ............... like dancing.
    a) of people                   b) of the people            c) people                    

11. Bill and Nancy phone ............. every day .
    a) them                         b) then                           c) each other                  d) one the other

12. It's ................. weather.
    a) terrible                     b) the terrible                   c) a nice                         d) the

13. The plural of car is cars. Which of these are correct plurals?
    a) journeys                   b) ladys                          c) minuts                          d) babies

14. Which of these is/are correct?
    a) happier                    b) more happier                 c) unhappier                   d) beautifuller

15. This is .................. winter for 20 years.
    a) the more bad            b) worse                           c) the worse                     d) the worst

16) She's much taller ... me
     A) than     B) as       C) that

17) He lives in the same street ... me
     A) that      B) like     C) as        D) than

18) Her eyes ... a very light blue.
     A) are       B) have    C) has

19) ... help me ?
     A) Can you to    B) Do you can    C) Can you

20) You ... worry about it.
     A) not must    B) don't must      C) must not         D) mustn't

21) It ... again. It ... all the time here in the winter.
     A) 's raining; 's raining
     B) rains; rains
     C) rains; 's raining
     D) 's raining; rains

22) I ... she ... you.
     A) think; likes
     B) am thinking; is liking
     C) think; is liking
     D) am thinking; likes

23) Who ... the window ?
     A) open      B) opened      C) did opened

24) Why ... ?
     A) those men are laughing
     B) are laughing
     C) are those men laughing

25) What ... ?
     A) does she want             B) does she wants              C) she wants

26) I didn't ... he was at home.
     A) to think            B) think        C) thinking           D) thought

27) ... a hole in my sock.
     A)  There's       B) There is        C) It's     D) It is     E) Is

28) I'll see you ... Tuesday afternoon.
     A) at            B) on        C) in

29) What time did you arrive ... the station ?
     A) at          B) to      C) ------

30) We're going ... the opera tomorrow night.
     A) at         B) ------      C) in          D) to

31) I went out without ... money.
     A) some     B) any

32) He's got ... money.
     A) much     B) many     C) me      D) lots of

33) ' Who's there? ' "..."
     A) It's me     B) It is I       C) Me     D) I

34) Although he felt very ... he smiled ... .
     A) angrily;friendly      B) angry;friendly         C) angry; in a friendly way.

35) I ... to America.
     A) have often been     B) often have been       C) have been often

36) My mother ... my birthday.
     A) always forgets      B) always is forgetting       C) forgets always

37) You look ... a teacher.
     A) like        B) as           C) the same like

38) How many brothers and sisters ... ?
     A) have you got         B) do you have          C) are you having

39) Good ! I ... work tomorrow.
     A) mustn't    B) don't have to         C) haven't got to

40) I ... smoke.
     A) ------ (= nothing)          B) use to           C) used to

41) Andrew ... too see us this evening.
     A) will come          B) comes           C) is coming

42) Alice ... have a baby.
     A) will           B) shall       C) is going to

43) I knew that he ... waiting for somebody.
     A) is          B) was           C) would

44) ... Gloria last week ?
      A) Have you seen          B) Did you see          C) Were you seeing

45) She's an old friend ----- I  ... her ... years.
      A) 've known, for         B) know, for             C) 've known, since      D) know, since

46) We met when we ... in France.
      A) studied       B) were studying        C) had studied

47) As soon as she came in I knew I ... her before .
     A) have seen           B) saw          C) had seen

48) This picture ... by a friend of my mother's.
     A) is painting       B) is painted         C) was painting          D) was painted

49) Can you ... ?
     A) make me some tea          B) make some tea for me         C) make for me some tea

50) Try ... be late.
     A) not to         B) to not

51) I went to London ... clothes.
     A) for buy       B) for to buy     C) for buying        D) to buy

52) You can't live very long without ...
     A) to eat          B) eat           C) eating           D) you eat

53) I enjoy ... , but I wouldn't like ... it all my life.
     A) to teach; to do          B) teaching; doing           C) to teach; doing          D) teaching; to do

54) Her parents don't want ... married.
    A) her to get           B) her get         C) that she get       D) that she gets

55) I'm not sure what ...
    A) do they want ?           B) do they want        C) they want.

56) The policeman ... me not to park there.
    A) asked       B) said         C) told           D) advised

57) I ... you if you ... that again.
    A) hit,say        B) 'll hit, 'll say        C) hit, 'll say           D) 'll hit, say

58) It would be nice if we ... a bit more room.
    A) would have        B) had            C) have

59) If ... you me, I ... in real trouble last year.
    A) didn't help, would have been
    B) hadn't helped, would have been
    C) hadn't helped, would be
    D) didn't help, would be

60) There's the man ... took your coat.
   A) which         B) who         C) that          D) -----

61) My family ... thinking of moving to Birmingham.
   A) is           B) are

62) We watched a ... on TV last night.
   A) war film         B) war's film           C) film of year

63) He was wearing ... riding boots.
   A) red old Spanish leather
   B) old leather red Spanish
   C) old red Spanish leather
   D) Spanish red old leather

64) ... he gets ... .
   A) The richer, the more friends he has
   B) Richer, more he has friends
   C) Richer, more friends he has
   D) The richer, the more he has friends

65) It's ... if you take the train.
   A) quicker          B) the quicker           C) quickest             D) the quickest

66) He ... very annoying.
  A) 's          B) 's being

67) That ... be Roger at the door -- it's too early.
 A) can't       B) mustn't       C) couldn't

68) At last, after three days, they ... get to the top of the mountain.
     A) could          B) managed to         C) succeeded to         D) were able to

69) I was crazy to drive like that. You ... killed somebody.
      A) may have        B) might have         C) could have           D) can have

70) I wonder if John ... this evening.
       A) will phone           B) phones

71) Who ... you that ring ?
        A) 's given        B) gave

72) He ... quite different since he ... married.
      A) is, has got           B) has been, has got       C) is, got       D) has been, got

73) This is the first time I ... a sports car.
      A) ' ve driven       B) 'm driving         C) drive

74) On her birthday .....
      A) she was given a new car        B) a new car was given to her

75) We  can't use the sports hall yet because it ... .
      A) is still built          B) is still building             C) is still being built

76) I look forward ... you soon.
      A) seeing           B) to seeing           C) to see

77) If you have trouble going to sleep, try ... a glass of milk before bedtime.
      A) drinking         B) to drink            C) drink

78) This is my friend Joe, I ... met , have you ?
      A) don't think you've           B) think you haven't

79) How ... !
      A) he works hard              B) hard he works

80) Which of these sentences are correct in spoken English ?
    A) Car's running badly.
    B) Seen Peter ?
    C) Can't come in here , sorry.
    D) Careful what you say.
    E) Lost my glasses.
    F) Have heard of her.

81) Nobody phoned, did ... ?
    A) he
    B) she
    C) they
    D) it
    E) he or she
    F) anybody

82) If you were ever in trouble, I would give you all the help you ... .
    A) will need       B) would need          C) need             D) needed

83) My wife will be upset ... .
   A) if I don't get back tomorrow            B) unless i get back tomorrow

84) Tell me at once ... Margaret arrives.
   A) if             B) when          C) in case

85) It's time you ... home, but I'd rather you ... here.
   A) go, stay        B) went, stayed                C) go, stayed                 D) went, stay

86) I wish I ... more time.
   A) had           B) have           C) would have            D) will have

87) John Hastings ... has just come to live in our street.

   A) that I was at school with
   B) I was at school with
   C) with who I was at school
   D) with whom I was at school.

88) She keeps tapping her fingers, ... get on my nerves.
   A) which           B) what               C) that which

89) Can you finish the job ... Friday ?
   A) till                 B) until             C) by               D) for

90) There's a supermarket ... our house.
   A) in front of                B) opposite             C) facing



Choose the best answers.




32 multiple choice questions.
Do your best choosing the best answers. Record the time doing this exercise.




Ne vijim te ushtrimit te dites se djeshme ndiqni nje ushtrim te ri dhe gjini se cila eshte zgjedhja me e mire duke klikuar ne fjalet te cilat jane dhene me ngjyre blu.




Ndiqni ushtrimin ne linkun e meposhtem. Jepni pergjigjet e duhura. Mbani shenim te gjitha fjalite ku ju gabuat me qellim qe ti rishikojme bashke edhe te perfitojme nga gabiimet e bera.




Pergjigjet per ushtrimet e dates 21.10.2014 jane keto:

1. C: Continuous

2. D,E, and G are not the names of English verb forms.

3. A. Present Progressive
     B. Future Perfect
     C. Simple Future
     D. Simple Present
     E. Future Progressive
     F. Future Perfect Progressive

4. A. Past progressive
    B. Past Perfect
    C. Simple Past
    D. Present Perfect
    E. Past Perfect progressive
    F. Present Perfect progressive



verb forms and their names

1. What is another name for progressive?

        A. conditional
        B. perfect
        C. continuous
        D. infinitive

 2. Which of these are not the names of the English verb forms?

        A. simple past

       B. present progressive

       C. future perfect 
      D. perfect present 
      E. simple progressive 
      F.  past perfect
      G. future past

   3. Choose the correct name for each verb form. ( You won't need to use all of them.)
          simple future; future progressive; future perfect;
          future perfect progressive; present perfect
         present progressive; simple present
    A. is doing
     B. will have explained
     C. will arrive
     D. works 
     E. will be playing
     F. will have been studying 
   4. Choose the correct name for each verb form. ( You won't need to use all of them.)

      past perfect; past perfect progressive; past progressive;

      present perfect;present perfect progressive; 

     simple past; simple present

        A. was talking

        B. had talked
       C. played
       D. has been
        E. had been playing 
        F. has been visiting


Pergjigjet per ushtrimin  e dates 13 tetor 2014 jane:

 A dhe D

Object + infinitive

After make + object, we use the infinitive without to.

eg. i made her cry. (NOT I made her to cry; or I made her crying )
Note that the infinitive must follow the object.

I can't make the washing machine work. ( NOT: I cant make work the washing machine )

In passive structures the infinitive with to is used.

eg. She was made to repeat the whole story. 

The structure with an -ing form can mean: " cause sb to be doing smth"

eg. He had us laughing all through the meal



Hello again.
Today’s lesson is about the difference between WILL and WOULD in conditional sentences.


Mesimi # 6

Gjate javes qe kaloi, ne ushtrimet e zhvilluara, u vu re se dy fjale te gjuhes angleze te permendura si me poshte paraqesin nje veshtiresi te caktuar. Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes diferencat e tyre si me poshte duke shpresuar se mund tju kem dhene nje ndihmese te vogel per te bere dallimin midis ketyre dy fjaleve.


Either and Neither

The English words either and neither can cause some problems for native and non-native speakers of 

Fjalet e gjuhes angleze either dhe neither mund te shkaktojne pak veshtiresi si per folsin autokton ashtu edhe per ne te tjeret te cilet mundohemi te mesojme dhe flasim gjuhen angleze.

Sometimes you can use either one and sometimes you have to choose either one or the other, but neither one is very difficult.
Hera heres na duhet te gjejme se cila fjale eshte e duhura ne nje kontekst te dhene per tu perdorur.

Either… Or   ( Ose ... ose )
Either... or is used to offer a choice between two possibilities:
Either ...or perdoret per te ofruar nje perzgjedhje midis dy mundesive:
Shikoni fjalite si me poshte edhe beni perkthimin e tyre.
Either Mike or Lisa will be there.
Either you leave me alone or I will call the police.
We should bring either coffee or tea.
You can either help us or go to your room.
Either can also be followed by (one) of + group of two:
Either gjithashtu mund te perdoret ne nje fjali e ndjekur nga shprehja (one) of + group of two. Shikoni me kujdes fjalite qe vijojne per ta kuptuar perdorimin.

Either of us could do it
Either one of us could do it
Either of you should know
Either one of you should know
Not… either… or denies both possibilities:

Not ... either ...or i mohon keto dy mundesi:
I don’t think either Mike or Lisa will be there.
He doesn’t speak either English or French.
Not… either is used after a negative statement.
Not ... either perdoret mbas nje deklarate mohore.
I don’t speak French.
You don’t either.
He isn’t ready to go.
We aren’t either.
Neither… Nor
Neither… nor is equivalent to not… either… or.
Neither ... nor eshte e barabarte ne kuptim me perdorimin not ... either ... or.

Neither Mike nor Lisa will be there.
He speaks neither English nor French.
We brought neither coffee nor tea.
I will neither help you nor go to my room.
Neither can also be followed by (one) of + group of two:
Neither gjithashtu mund te shoqerohet nga shprehja (one) of + group of two.
Neither of them is ready.
Neither one of them is ready.
Neither of us has any money.
Neither one of us has any money.
Neither is used like not… either.
Neither perdoret njesoj si kuptimi i not ...either.
I don’t speak French.
Neither do I.
(informal): Me neither.
He isn’t ready to go.
Neither are we.
The Bottom Line
Either means one, neither means none, and not either equals neitherOr goes with either and norgoes with neither
Ne gjuhen tone fjale either nenkupton nje, kurse fjala neither nenkupton asnje. Keshtu not either
patjeter qe do te thote neither. Fjala or shoqeron fjalen either ndersa fjala nor preferon fjalen 

Ne vijim kini disa ushtrime te cilat besoj se do ta lehtesojne kuptimin e ketyre mendimeve qe dhame me siper.








auxiliary verbs

Ne ushtrimin e dites se sotme do te kini mundesine te jepni zgjidhjen tuaj se cila eshte alternativa me e mire ose pse jo se cilat jane alternativat e mundeshme edhe te sakta te ushtrimit te meposhtem.


Exercise 4

Which expression(s) can complete the sentence correctly?

He _____________________ all through the meeting. 
A. made us  laugh

B. made us laughing 

C. had us laugh

D. had us laugh


Per nje te mesuar sa me te efektshem te gjuhes angleze, eshte shume e dobishme  qe seicili prej nesh te mundesoje te lexoje edhe te degjoje tekste apo tregime te ndryshme te lexuara nga foles amtare te gjuhes angleze. Ju mund ta arrini kete objektiv duke ndjekur  radio te tilla si BBC apo tregime te regjistruara si ky i meposhtemi.
Provoni ta degjoni edhe ridegjoni sa here te kini mundesi.




Shikoni me kujdes materialin ne fabulen  e dhene ne faqen e meposhteme.
Pergjigjuni pyetjeve mbas leximit. Vazhdoni me plotesimin e tekstit.
Provoni te shkruani me fjalet tuaja se cfare ju kujtohet nga fabula.
Pergjigjet tuaja i degjojme diten e djele me date 12 tetor 2014.




Answer: 3    A,C,D,H,I

Pergjigjet e ushtrimit te trete paraqitur per ju per daten 5 tetor, jane si me siper.

After some verbs we can use an -ing form ( gerund ) but not normally an infinitive.

Ne gjuhen angleze mbas disa foljeve te caktuara, ne mund te perdorim nje emer foljor, por jo nje pjesore.
Ndiqni me kujdes fjalite e me poshteme.

I enjoy travelling. ( NOT I enjoy to travel)
He has finished mending the car. NOT He finished to mend the car.
She has given up smoking . NOT ... given up to smoke.
The doctor suggested taking a long holiday. NOT The doctor suggested me to take 

Some common verbs that are normally followed by -ing  forms:

Disa folje te zakonshme te cilat preferojne te marrim emer foljor mbas vetes se tyre jane keto si me poshte:

admit ( pranoj )
appreciate ( vleresoj )
endure ( duroj )
give up
can't help ( nuk mund te rrij pa )
put off ( shtyj, anulloj )



Lesson 3

Mbas dy ushtrimeve praktike te diteve te fundit, sot do te gjeni mundesine te jepni nje pergjigje per ushtrimin e meposhtem. Ne gjuhen angleze ka disa folje te cilat preferojne te shoqerohen gjithmone nga nje emer foljor ( gerund ), sikunderse gjendet edhe disa folje te tjera te cilat preferojne te shoqerohen nga nje pjesore   ( infinitive ). 
Provoni te jepni zgjidhjen tuaj, persa me poshte vijon ushtrimi.


-ing forms and past participles

Which of these verbs can be followed by an -ing form?

A. avoid         
B. hope
C. suggest
D. give up
E. want
F. decide
G. expect
H. delay
I. put off
J. agree 



Pergjigja e sakte e ushtrimit te dates 2.10.2014 te dhene ne faqen tuaj eshte:

2. B

Nese ne gjuhen angleze, ne nje fjali te caktuar, do te gjeni fjalen since, atehere perdorimi i kohes present perfect ose past perfect do te ishte nje zgjidhje pergjithesisht e  drejte.
Por kete ndajfolje kohe e gjejme te perdorur edhe ne kohe te tjera te gjuhes te perdorur si me poshte:

since : tenses

main clause: I have known her since...

In sentences with since ( referring to time), we normally use present perfect and past perfect tenses in the main clause.

I have known her since 1984. ( NOT I know her since ...
I haven't seen Bill since 2003.

However, present and past tenses are also occasionally found, especially in sentences about changes.

You are looking much better since your operation
She doesn't come round to see us since her marriage.
Since last Sunday I can't stop thinking about you.
Things weren't going so well since Father's illness.



A  e dni se pergjigjet  e sakta per zgjidhje te drejta ne alternativat e meposhteme ju mundesojne te kuptoni gjithnje  e me mire dallimet midis koheve te foljeve ne gjuhen angleze?

Provoni te merrni pjese ne keto zgjidhje. Nje mendim i gabuar ju con drejt mesimit me te thelluar e me te sakte te gjuhes.


past and perfect verbs

2. Which of these is/are right:A,B or both ?

A. My friends helped me  a lot since I lost my job.
B. My friends have helped me a lot since I lost my job.

 P. S. Try to make your choice. I'll show the answer later.

Answer: 1 A

Ne qofte se do te rishikoni ushtrimin e dates 29 shtator 2014, do te gjeni se cila ka qene zgjedhja  e vertete edhe arsyeja se perse duhej bere ajo zgjedhje.
Sa here qe nje ngjarje percaktohet si e perhershme apo ndodh vazhdimisht ne periudha te caktuara kohore, apo qe perseritet me nje ritual te caktuar, atehere koha e duhur duhet te jete simple present tense.

We often use the simple present to talk about permanent situations or about things that happen regularly, repeatedly or all the time.

It always snows here at this time of the year.
I play football every Saturday evening.
Bill translates for a British company.



present and future verbs

1. Choose the best reply: A or B.

Why  do you work so hard?

A. - Because I'm only happy when I'm busy.
B.-  Because I have to finish my report by the end of this week.

P. S. Try to make your choice. I'll show the answer later.  


Hello again.
Today I have a lesson for you on Socializing or Socialising. That is one of those words which American and British speakers often write differently, with either a Z or an S.
It’s a listening lesson.



Have  a look at the following link. Read the fable  and try to retell it.




Read the following fable and try to retell it.




Try to find which verbs are used correctly.



As your first impressions are gone, it is time to go back to work. Have a look on the following page. Hope and wish you enjoy it.




Dear students of SF3-Sun,

As you have already made your choice of studying together for the coming year, I would like to thank you all and promise at the same time that the new season will never make me get tired of helping each one of you. I will help you learn something new each time we see each other.

May the coming school year bring joy to your eyes.  

May it also give time to you to study. 

Time is a very important factor. According to a research conducted, human brain is in its most active state between 5 to 8 a.m or 7 to 11 p.m. Students who study during these timings have the maximum retention power in comparison with others. 

Hope and wish you take it into consideration.


======================================================================= paf30.06.2015

Shprehjet dhe frazat e meposhteme jane shume frekuentive ne gjuhen angleze.
Shikojini me kujdes dhe mundesoni ti beni pjese te fjalorit tuaj. Ne qofte se deshironi edhe ti degjoni atehere klikoni ne linkun e meposhtem.

Ju uroj nje mbremje te qete.


I'm off!
All right,
Well then,
Right then,
it's time to
we should
I'm going to
we're going to
make a move.
head off.
leave you.
See you...
See you
at 8!
at work!
at the party!

Nice to see you...
Nice to
It's been lovely to
It was great to
Good to
see you.
catch up.

Have a lovely...
Have a

Thanking your host...
Thanks very much for
dinner/lunch - it was lovely!
a lovely evening.
having me. (if you have stayed overnight)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- paf25.06.2014

Dear students,

Hope you will enjoy the following short story. 

                        The Foolish Milkmade.

 One day a milkmaid was walking along, carrying a jar of milk on her head. As  she went  she thought:
                            With the money I earn from  selling this milk I shall buy some eggs. Then I shall have three hundred eggs. From those I should  get at least two hundred and fifty  baby chicks. When the chickens are old enough I shall sell them in the market and with the money they bring I shall buy  a new dress. It will be, let’s see.  I think blue is my most becoming color, so it will be blue.. I’ll wear  my new dress  to the fair  and I shall  look so beautiful that  all the young  men will  be begging for a dance with me. But I shall just toss my head and walk away. As she thought about it , she tossed her head proudly and  down in the dust  rolled the jar from her head, spilling milk all around. And away flew all her fine dreams. It never  pays to count your chickens before they are hatched.


This following exercise will help you with preposition.
Try to do them. If you will have certain questions we can discuss them on Sunday.




It is important that we should often stop and check the level of our knowledge received so far.
Following you are going to find several exercises which will help you find your placement in English.
Please, bring with you the results scored when we see each other next time.




Ushtrimet ne linkun  e meposhtem do tju krijojne mundesine  e nje perseritje te plote te te gjitha mesimeve qe kemi bere bashke e me gjere.  Ato i perkasin periudhes midis dates 12 maj deri ne fund te muajit. Shikojini me kujdes. Nese do te kini pyetje te ndryshme i diskutojme bashke ne fund te muajit.




Reading Comprehension Test 5




Reading Comprehension Test 4.




Reading Comprehension test 3.




Reading Comprehension Test 2.


Comprehensive test 1.
During this month we will try to have several tests on reading. Please follow the dirsctions carefully and keep your scores.



In the coming exercise try to find the equivalent meaning of the given sentences.



Hi there,

Please follow the link below and try to take part in the competition.
We will check your answers when we see each other next Thursday.




Elementary Reading Comprehension test 3.




Improve reading skills and vocabulary. There follows another test. Try to give the right answers after a careful reading of the passage.



paf 01.05.2014

Hi everyone,

The following text will enable you to read and try to give the right  answer for the given questions.




Put in the right form of be and the verb.




What are Sponge Bob and his friends doing in the pictures?



Put the verbs into the correct tense.



I have a new listening activity for you. Try number six. Don't leave the others out of your 



More useful phrases for dialogues. Keep them in your records.



More useful phrases in dialogues. Try to learn them.


Some more useful expressions.



Some of the following expressions are really very useful. Try to learn them.



Hi there,

Have you ever heard the following?

The words of the National Anthem are as follows:

God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen.
Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign.
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen.

Hope you enjoyed it!


Hello again.
Have a close look at the first two exercises. Then you can do the others in case you want to.



Give the right answer to the following questions.


====================================================================== paf19.04.2014

Hello again.
Have a close look at the first two exercises. Then you can do the others in case you want to.



Listen to the following story. Try to write the whole story in the form of a dictation.



The dog and the cat. Listen to this story and try to retell it using your own words.




Listen to the following story. Try to write the whole story in the form of a dictation.



Hello again.
Following you will find an exercise by my English grammar teacher.
The exercise this time is about some useful expressions. Look at number 12 on this page.
You can try to do them all in case you find them interesting. My English grammar teacher is great.


Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.
Click the letter next to the correct explanation.


Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.
Click the letter next to the correct explanation.


Enjoy reading the following link.



Look at the sign in each question. Someone asks you what it means.
Click the letter next to the correct explanation.



Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet e ketij testi.



Decide whether you need the definite article 'the' or not in the following exercise.


Ne ushtrimin e meposhtem do te gjeni mundesine per te perdorur fjalen e duhur ne nje fjali te caktuar.




Provoni ushtrimet ne testin e meposhtem. Sillni proven e rezultatit permes pergjigjes qe kini merituar nga qendra e kontrollit te testit.



Dear students of 'Matrix,'

Following you will find a kind of sentence which is typical for English. In the first part you will see my own try to explain it to you.
Just after that, you will see a real original version to help you better understand the meaning of the word "complement." Enjoy your lesson.


 Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.


"Linking verbs link the subject to a subject complement, a word or word group that completes the meaning of the subject by renaming or describing it. If the subject complement renames the subject, it is a noun or noun equivalent (sometimes call a predicate noun).

[Example:] The handwriting on the wall [s] may be [v] a forgery [sc].
If the subject complement describes the subject, it is an adjective or adjective equivalent (sometimes called a predicate adjective).
[Example:] Love [s] is [v] blind [sc]." (Hacker, A Writer's Reference 814).
"When a pronoun is used as a subject complement (a word following a linking verb), your ear may mislead you, since the incorrect form is frequently heard in casual speech. . . .

[Example:] During the Lindbergh trial, Bruno Hauptmann repeatedly denied that the kidnapper was he [not him].

If kidnapper was he seems too stilted, rewrite the sentence: During the Lindbergh trial, Bruno Hauptmann repeatedly denied that he was the kidnapper."(Hacker, The Bedford Handbook 287).


Vendosni fjalet ne vendin e duhur.




Listen to the following fable. Retell it with your own words.




Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.




Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.




Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.


Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.



Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.




Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.




Read the passage and answer the questions.




Read the fable and answer all the question. Try to retell the fable.



Read the fable and answer all the question. Try to retell the fable.



paf 04.03.2014

Read the story and answer the questions.




Hi everyone,

Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte. 
Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te  kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthshme. 


Mesimi # 9

A. Sentence structure
      Struktura e fjalise.

The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me  nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.

1  Subject             Verb   
   Kryefjale    +      Folje
My arms           are aching
    Something        happened

2. Subject               Verb                  Object   
   Kryefjale      +     Folje        +        Kundrinor

    I                           need                 a rest
    Five people       are moving      the piano

The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun 
(e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg  the piano)

Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:

a) emer
b) peremer
c) grup emeror)

3. Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.

4.  Subject                 Verb                 Adverbial    
     Kryefjale        +     Folje        +      Ndajfolje ose rrethanor

    It                             is                      on my foot.
    Their house          is                       nearby.
An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.

5.  Subject                  Verb                Object                      Object
     Kryefjale      +        Folje        +      Kundrinor        +        Kundrinor 

    It                             ‘s giving           me                            backache.
    David                      bought            Melanie                   a present.

We use two objects after verbs like give and  send.
Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.

B. Adverbials

We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.

My arms are aching terribly.                        I really need a rest.
Of course this piano is heavy .                    Fortunately their house is nearby .


Click on the buttons until you find the best answer.



Vendosni ne vendin e duhur keto fjale: there; their; they're; there're.



Read the story and then select the correct answer for each question.




Lexoni tekstin dhe zgjidhni ushtrimet q e shoqerojne.



Vendosni keta mbiemra ne vendin e duhur.





Choose the best answer for each question.




Choose the correct answer for each question.


Choose the best answer.





Read the following story.Then read each question and choose your answer. Follow the rest of the exercises.



Degjoni me kujdes bisedat dhe provoni tju pergjigjeni pyetjeve te cilat shoqerojne bisedat per te provuar se ne cfare mase arrini te kuptoni nje ngjarje.




For each sentence choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices below the sentences.



Mesimi # 6

Gjate javes qe kaloi, ne ushtrimet e zhvilluara, u vu re se dy fjale te gjuhes angleze te permendura si me poshte paraqesin nje veshtiresi te caktuar. Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes diferencat e tyre si me poshte duke shpresuar se mund tju kem dhene nje ndihmese te vogel per te bere dallimin midis ketyre dy fjaleve.


Either and Neither

The English words either and neither can cause some problems for native and non-native speakers of 

Fjalet e gjuhes angleze either dhe neither mund te shkaktojne pak veshtiresi si per folsin autokton ashtu edhe per ne te tjeret te cilet mundohemi te mesojme dhe flasim gjuhen angleze.

Sometimes you can use either one and sometimes you have to choose either one or the other, but neither one is very difficult.
Hera heres na duhet te gjejme se cila fjale eshte e duhura ne nje kontekst te dhene per tu perdorur.

Either… Or   ( Ose ... ose )
Either... or is used to offer a choice between two possibilities:
Either ...or perdoret per te ofruar nje perzgjedhje midis dy mundesive:
Shikoni fjalite si me poshte edhe beni perkthimin e tyre.
Either Mike or Lisa will be there.
Either you leave me alone or I will call the police.
We should bring either coffee or tea.
You can either help us or go to your room.
Either can also be followed by (one) of + group of two:
Either gjithashtu mund te perdoret ne nje fjali e ndjekur nga shprehja (one) of + group of two. Shikoni me kujdes fjalite qe vijojne per ta kuptuar perdorimin.

Either of us could do it
Either one of us could do it
Either of you should know
Either one of you should know
Not… either… or denies both possibilities:

Not ... either ...or i mohon keto dy mundesi:
I don’t think either Mike or Lisa will be there.
He doesn’t speak either English or French.
Not… either is used after a negative statement.
Not ... either perdoret mbas nje deklarate mohore.
I don’t speak French.
You don’t either.
He isn’t ready to go.
We aren’t either.
Neither… Nor
Neither… nor is equivalent to not… either… or.
Neither ... nor eshte e barabarte ne kuptim me perdorimin not ... either ... or.

Neither Mike nor Lisa will be there.
He speaks neither English nor French.
We brought neither coffee nor tea.
I will neither help you nor go to my room.
Neither can also be followed by (one) of + group of two:
Neither gjithashtu mund te shoqerohet nga shprehja (one) of + group of two.
Neither of them is ready.
Neither one of them is ready.
Neither of us has any money.
Neither one of us has any money.
Neither is used like not… either.
Neither perdoret njesoj si kuptimi i not ...either.
I don’t speak French.
Neither do I.
(informal): Me neither.
He isn’t ready to go.
Neither are we.
The Bottom Line
Either means one, neither means none, and not either equals neitherOr goes with either and norgoes with neither
Ne gjuhen tone fjale either nenkupton nje, kurse fjala neither nenkupton asnje. Keshtu not either
patjeter qe do te thote neither. Fjala or shoqeron fjalen either ndersa fjala nor preferon fjalen 

Ne vijim kini disa ushtrime te cilat besoj se do ta lehtesojne kuptimin e ketyre mendimeve qe dhame me siper.








Read the passage and answer the questions.




Degjoni me vemendje historine e meposhteme. Ju lutem shkruani te gjithe dialogun qe do te degjoni midis personazheve te fabules.




Degjoni me vemendje historine e meposhteme. Ju lutem shkruani te gjithe dialogun qe do te degjoni midis personazheve te fabules.




Listen to the audio segment and try to answer the questions. If the answer will be wrong then you have to listen again to the story till you get the right answers.




Mesimi # 3

Shumesi i emrave ne gjuhen angleze.

  1. Nje fjale e cila emerton vetem nje person, vend apo send thuhet se eshte fjale e numurit njejes.                house            garden          flower 
          Nese nje fjale emerton me teper se nje njeri, vend a send, eshte  nje fjale ne numurin shumes.
                Exapmle:         houses         gardens        flowers

         Shikoni dhe studioni shembujt e meposhtem:

                          Singular                                     Plural

                          telephone                                telephones
                          book                                       books
                          bus                                         buses
                          story                                      stories
                          key                                         keys
                          potato                                    potatoes

Cfare duhet te kemi parasysh kur duam te ndertojme numurin shumes te emrave te gjuhes angleze?
Le te ndjekim disa rregulla si me poshte:

a) Pjesa me e madhe  e emrave te gjuhes angleze e nderton shumesin e vet thjesht duke i shtuar mbaresen -s fjales baze.
                                        eg. book - books          garden - gardens        place - places     room - rooms

b) Ne qofte se emri baze ne gjuhen angleze mbaron me tingujt -s, -sh, -ch, -x, ose me -z, atehere atij i shtohet mbaresa -es.

                                   eg. bus - buses    dish - dishes    match - matches    fax - faxes

c) Ne qofte se emri mbaron me nje tingull bashketingellor edhe shoqerohet ne fund me nje -y, atehere kjo -y, bie edhe shnderrohet ne mbaresen -ies.

                                    eg. army - armies        baby - babies    countr- countries  story - stories

d) Por ne qofte se nje emer mbaron me tingull zanor edhe perfundon me -y, atehere atij i shtohet vetem mbaresa -s per te dhene idene e numurit shumes.

                                  eg. day - days        toy - toys      boy - boys     key  - keys

e) ne qofte se nje emer perfundon me tingullin -f ose -fe, atehere -f, shndrohet ne -v, edhe asaj i shtohet mbaresa -s ose -es.

                                eg. wife - wives    knife - knives    leaf - leaves       loaf  - loaves

Por nuk duhet harruar se rregullat kane edhe perjashtimet e veta. Ne rastin tone bejne perjashtim dy emra:                        chief - chiefs                    dhe roof  - roofs

f) Ne qofte se emri mbaron me tingullin -o, edhe paraprihet nga nje bashketingellore atehere ne numurin shumes ketij emri i shtohet mbaresa - es.

                                eg. potato - potatoes            tomato - tomatoes         hero - heroes

Ne kete rregull bejne perjashtim disa emra te cilet lidhen me muziken si psh:

                                eg. piano - pianos            solo - solos       soprano - sopranos

g) Ne qofte se emri te cilin duam ta kthejme ne numurin shumes mbaron me zanoren -o edhe njekohesisht paraprihet nga nje tjeter zanore atehere ketij emri i shtohet vetem mbaresa - s.

                               eg. radio - radios          zoo - zoos      video - videos    patio - patios

h) Ne qofte se nje emer eshte i perbere, atehere shumesi i tij ndertohet duke kaluar ne shumes vete emerin  ne perberje edhe jo pjesen tjeter.

                              eg. pair of pants - pairs of pants
                                   piece of cake - pieces of cake
                                   mother-in-law  _ mothers -in-law
                                   loaf of bread - loaves of bread

i) Ne qofte se nje nje numur , nje shkronje apo nje shenje do te konsiderohet si nje fjale- emer e gjuhes angleze atehere per te ndertuar numurin shumes do te na duhet te vendosim apostrof ne fund te tyre edhe pas apostriofit te shtojme mbaresen -s.

             eg.  1960 - 1960's   10 - 10's  ABC - ABC's   A- A's

j) Por Mos u cudisni kur te shikoni se disa fjale jane njesoj si ne numurin njejes po ashtu edhe ne numurin shumes.

               eg.  fish - fish           deer - deer      sheep  - sheep     trout  - trout

k) Ka emra te tjere ne gjuhen angleze te cilet e ndertojne  numurin shumes ne menyre te crregullt, dmth me ndryshime fonetike, me ndryshime shqiptimi te fjaleve.

               eg.            man - men                        person - people                         mouse - mice
                                woman - women             tooth   - teeth                              goose - geese
                               child - children               foot - feet                                    ox - oxen

l) Ka gjithashtu disa emra te tjere te cilet jane gjithmone ne numurin shumes.

                             eg. clothes            pajamas                 pants            mathematics  
                                   scissors          physics                  mumps          pants 
                                   gloves             slacks                    pliers                             



Te dashur studente,

Mendoj se leksioni i meposhtem mund t'ju ndihmoje per te sqaruar nje problem te vogel ne gjuhen angleze. Nese mund t'ju linde ndonje pyetje, ju lutem e sqarojme ne oren perkatese.


Ne gjuhen angleze perdorimi i apostrofit + s, apo s + apostrof, shpesh sjell probleme, madje edhe per vete folesit autoktone.
Ne pjesen e meposhteme ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes disa keshilla te cilat mendoj se mund tju ndihmojne per te mesuar si te perdorini me mire kuptimet qe fshihen ne keto raste perdorimi te apostrofit. Nje perdorim i mire i apostrofit ju mundeson te jeni te sakte ne percaktimin e pronesise ( possessives ) apo te shkurtimeve ( contractions )                                                                                

The apostrophe has two purposes in English( Perdorimi i apostrofit ka dy qellime ne  gjuhen angleze)
  1. To indicate that one or more letters was dropped in a contraction:(= Ai perdoret per te treguar se nje ose me shume shkronja mund te largohen ne nje shkurtim fjale.)it is > it's
    we are > we're
    does not > doesn't
    of the clock > o'clock
  2. To indicate possession: (= Apostrofi sherben per te treguar marredhenie pronesie;kur emri eshte ne numurin njejes atehere mbas tij vendoset apostrofi edhe objekti i cili e ndjek ate pergjithesisht duhet te njihet si prone e emrit qe e  shoqeron. Pronari mund te jete ne njejes e prona mund te jete ne njejes; gjithashtu pronari mund te jete ne njejes e prona te jete ne shumes sipas rastit; )
    a) singular with 's
        Tom's book
        Jeannie's idea
        the girl's toys (toys belong to one girl)
    b) plural with s' (= pronari mund te jete ne shumes e prona gjithashtu mund te jete ne shumes)
        the books' covers
        my brothers' jobs
        the girls' toys (toys belong to several girls)
The apostrophe should never be used when you are just talking about something that is plural, with no possession. ( Pergjithesisht eshte e keshillueshme qe apostrofi te mos perdoret kurre kur ju jeni duke folur per dicka ne numurin shumes dhe nuk jeni duke perdorur marredheniet e pronesise.Shikoni rastet me poshte:)
The girl's walked by > The girls walked by
My brother's are tall > My brothers are tall
Welcome traveler's > Welcome travelers
Mos harroni: Apostrofi ka nje natyre te dyfishte: ai sherben ose per te dhene nje shkurtim gjuhesor ose per te dhene nje marredhenie pronesie. Ai nuk sherben per te dhene nje kuptim ne numurin shumes ne asnje rast.

Just remember that the apostrophe has a purpose: to indicate a contraction or possession. It does not indicate a plural - the letter s does a fine job of that all by itself.


Hello again.
I have a new listening activity for you. Number four on this list -
Hope to see you soon.



Click on the numbers and try to give the right meaning of the hidden words.




Read the story and answer the questions.




Greetings to you Mario,

Try this game and send me a message telling what level you achieved.


This is  a list of important two-word verbs.

You already know  some phrasal verbs in English. Following you are going to find a few more which you can add to your own vocabulary.
Try to use them in your own sentences.


Out   look out/ watch out = be careful!
Look out! There’s a car coming
           Work out = exercise (to become stronger or more fit)
·          Sarah works out at the gym two or three times a week.
                     On                        Come on = be quick/ hurry
                            Come on! Everybody is waiting for you.
Go on = continue
                            I’m sorry I interrupted you. Go on. (continue what you were saying)
                            How long will my cold go on, doctor?
Keep on = continue (talking, etc)
                            I asked them to be quiet, but they kept on talking.
          take off = leave the ground (for airplanes)
·         The plane took off 20 minutes late, but landed on time.

wake up = stop sleeping
·         I often wake up in the middle of the night.
Speak up = speak more loudly
·         I can’t hear you. Can you speak up, please?
Hurry up = do something more quickly
·         Hurry up! We haven’t got much time.
Clean up = make neat or clean
·         After the party, it took two hours to clean up.
Grow up = become an adult
·         What does your son want to do when he grows up?
Give up = stop trying
·         I know it’s difficult, but don’t give up.

 Slow down = go more slowly
·         You’re driving too fast. Slow down!
Break down = stop working (for cars/ machines, etc)
·         Sue was very late because her car broke down.
Get along = be together without problems
·         Do you like living with Mike? Do you two get along?
Sam doesn’t visit his parents often .He doesn’t get along with his father .

§   ===============================================




Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes kete adrese, lexoni me kujdes  tekstin edhe njekohesisht degjoheni ate.




The Farmer and his three sons.
Listen to this story and write a short retelling for Saturday January 19 2014.





Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin qe vijon. Nese kini probleme me zgjidhjen e ndonje ushtrimi te caktuar mbajeni shenim edhe ediskutojme diten e marte.




Hello again!

Following there will be a number of exercises which you can do on the following days. Just click on the exercises and you will get the right link for the right exercise. Number ten will be the most important.
Till next time.




1. Who's in charge?

Match up the expressions 
Put in the prepositions 
Put the words in order
2. Meeting a visitor

Match up the expressions 
Complete the sentences 

3. Socializing

Match up the sentences 
Who says what? 
Complete the sentences 
4. Sports

Do, play or go? 
Choose the correct answer 
Match up the sentences 
5. Meetings 1

Match up the sentences 
Complete the sentences 
Put the words in order 
6. Multi-word Verbs 1

Match up the verbs 
Complete the sentences 
Match up the sentences
7. On the Phone

Match up the mini-dialogues 
Put the words in order 
Match up the sentences 
8. Meetings 2

Multi-word verbs 
Expressions with prepositions 
Complete the sentences 
9. Meetings 3

Complete the sentences 
Complete the sentences 
Multi-word verbs 
10. Orders

Match up the sentences 
Choose the correct word 
Complete the sentences



Dear students,

 The following story is meant only for those who find entertainment in reading it.
I hope it will help you better understand many colorful words and expressions that American people use today.    
    This story is taken from the book: "Words and their Stories". 
Time and again I will mail to your page stories like this, which in the process, will give some ideas about past and present life in America.


 Santa Claus

Santa Claus is someone who will remain in the hearts of children forever. He is the make-believe person who brings toys and other gifts to children at Christmas. To grown-ups, he is a special symbol of good will and selfless giving.

         Santa Claus also has some other  names: Saint Nicholas, St, Nick, Kris Kringle, Pelznickel.
Two of his names, Santa Claus and saint Nicholas, both come from the Dutch who settled in New York long ago.

      The Dutch believed Saint Nicholas gave gifts to children, and honoured this kindly saint, with a yearly festival on December sixth. The English-speaking people who lived nearby greatly enjoyed Dutch festivals.And they brought the saint and the custom of giving gifts into their own celebration at Christmas time.
       The Dutch spoke the name "Saint Nicholas" very fast. It sounded like Sinterklaas. And so,when the English said this word, it sounded like - Santa Claus.

      West of New York, in Pennsylvania, many German farmers had also heard of Saint Nicholas. but they called him Pelznickel. This word came from pelz, meaning fur, and nickel for Nicholas. And so, to the Germans of Pennsylvania, Saint Nicholas or Pelznickel, was a man dressed in fur, who came once  a year with gifts for good children.

       Soon, people began to feel that the love and kindness Pelznickel brought should be part of a celebration honouring the Christkindl, as the Germans called Christ Child.  After a time this became Kris Kingle. Later, Kris Kingle became another name for Santa Claus himself.

     Whatever he is called- Santa Claus, St.Nick, Saint Nicholas, Pelznickel or Kris Kingle- he is still the same short, fat jolly old man with a long beard, wearing a red suit with white fur.

     The picture of Santa Claus, as we see him, came from Thomas Nast, an American painter born in Bavaria. he painted pictures for Christmas poems. Someone asked him to paint a picture of Santa Claus. Nast remembered when he was a little boy in southern Germany. Every Christmas, a fat, little old man gave toys cakes to the children.

So, when Nast painted the picture, his Santa Claus looked like  the kindly old man of his childhood. And through the years, Nast's painting has remained as the most popular picture of Santa Claus.

Santa can be seen almost everywhere in large American cities during the Christmas season. Men dressed in red coats and pants, with hair and beards, stand on street corners  asking for money to buy food and gifts for the needy. Other Santa Clauses are found in stores and shopping centers.  It is easy to find them.... by the long line of children waiting to tell Santa what they want for Christmas.

         If one took  a vote among children to learn who their favourite person was, there is no question who would win:
Santa Claus!



Dear students of SF3- Sunday 9:25,

Follow the link below and listen to the story chosen for you today. Try to write your own story while imitating the one following. 
You can make certain changes.



Dear students of SF book 3,

A very Happy New Year to you!
I wish you enjoy everyday of the 2014!
May 2014 be the best year of your life so far.


Following you will find a famous fable. Read it and please try to retell it when we see each other on Sunday.

The Miser and his Gold
Illustrated by Paul Engin

Once upon a time there was a Miser who used to hide his gold at the foot of a tree in his garden; but every week he used to go and dig it up and gloat over his gains.

A robber, who had noticed this, went and dug up the gold and decamped with it. When the Miser next came to gloat over his treasures, he found nothing but the empty hole. He tore his hair, and raised such an outcry that all the neighbours came around him, and he told them how he used to come and visit his gold.

"Did you ever take any of it out?" asked one of them.

"Nay, said he, "I only came to look at it."
"Then come again and look at the hole," said a neighbour; "it will do you just as much good."

Wealth unused might as well not exist.


Ndiqni me kujdes tregimin e meposhtem edhe  shkruani nje paragraf per te, ku duhet te permendni disa nga ngjarjet qe ju  lane me shume mbresa.




Listen to the following story and try to write a short retelling.




WORD STUDYalready, yet, still

These three words sometimes cause certain difficulties.


Already, means before now, up to now, by this time, so far;

e.g. I have already seen that film.

Barbara has already cooked dinner.

By the way, don't confuse already and all ready. Let's ilustrate:

James has already set the table for the guests.

It's all ready at this time.

At last all is ready.


Yet has the meanings, up to now, so far, at this moment, e.g.

H e hasn't yet replied to my letter.

I haven't finished my work yet;I can't come out just yet.

Has the postman come yet?

Have you heard from your sister yet?

 Already is used in affirmative sentences, yet is used in negative and interrogative sentences.

But already can be used in interrogative sentences where you can expect an answer "yes", e.g.

"Here's my work, Mr.Brown." " What! Have you finished it already?"

Already and yet are generally used with the Present Perfect Tenses of a verb, but can be used with a Continuous tense,e.g.

" The girls are already planning the dresses they will wear"


Still has the meaning" right up to the present moment", e.g. The doctor is still there.

It is eleven o'clock but Bill is still at work.



Mesoni foljet e meposhtme.Provoni te shkruani nga nje fjali me cdo folje ne kohen e shkuar.




Read the following text and then answer the questions.




 The Trees and the Ax.

Follow the link and do the exercise.



Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.




Match the words on the right with the definitions on the left.


Degjoni mekujdes dialogjet e meposhteme edhe mundesoni te shkruani te gjitha fjalite qe gjenden ne to.




Read the following. Guess what time of the year it is. Find our if the poet is young or old. What opposite words can you find in the poem? Do you like the poem? Why? Why not?


                                     Looking forward 

                                                      The days are getting longer.
                                                      From my first-floor window
                                                            I can sit and watch
                                                    the tide of people ebb and flow.
                                                             I know them all
                                                       the early-morning milkman
                                                                the school children
                                                           I invent their lives.
                                            Now I have started looking forward
                                                          to the sights and sounds
                                                            of summer evenings
                                                             by my open window
                                                            children playing late
                                                           couples walking dogs. 
                                                                    And yet
                                                 perhaps this summer I shall not be
                                                     My days are getting shorter.
                                                                                                                     by Sue Cowling


Perseri disa ushtrime me teper mbi 'phrasal verbs'.




Read the story and then answer the questions.




Listen to the conversation and read along with it.



Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.




Listen to the conversation several times and then answer the following questions.




Students of Step Forward book 3,

This activity will help each one of you with the first part of the PET Reading test. In this part you have to look at very short texts, such as signs and messages, postcards, notes, emails, labels etc.
First follow the link down and then simply click on the link on the right. You can do another PET reading part 1 test here.




Read the extract about a famous English story and then answer the questions.




Listen to the conversation and read along with it.



Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.




Listen to the conversation several times and then answer the following questions.


Perseri disa ushtrime mbi nje teme te njohur sic jane foljet frazale ( phrasal verbs ) ne gjuhen angleze.
Se pari, provoni te beni zgjedhjen  e duhur, pastaj mundesoni te ndertoni fjalite tuaja.Ato fraza te cilat nuk i kini perdorur me pare, mundesisht i nxirrni edhe i vendosni si njesi te reja leksikore ne fletoren tuaj te fjaleve te  reja.






Read  the text and answer the following questions:

Elvis  Presley  was  one  of  the  most  popular  singers  of  his  time. He was  called  ‘The King of Rock n Roll’ and  almost thirty  years  after  his  death  people  still  listen  to his music .
Elvis   Aaron   Presley   was born  on 8th January , 1935 , Mississippi , USA. He won  a singing   contest  at the age of six  and played  his first  guitar  at the  age of eleven . As a young   man ,  Elvis worked as a lorry driver before he became  a singer.
He had his first   hit ‘ Heartbreak  Hotel’ in 1956 . In the   same  year  , he made his first  film , ‘Love me  Tender’. In  1958 , Elvis  joined  the army and went  to  Germany . There   he met  Priscilla Beaulieu. They married   in 1967. Elvis became one of the richest singers in history. During   his lifetime he recorded  a large number  of songs and many  of them  were  big hits. He performed   his last concert  on 26th June 1977.
Sadly , Elvis died  a few  weeks later on 16th August . He was   only 42 years old.‘ The King’ is dead , but his legend lives on !

1 What was Elvis Presley   called ?

2 What   did  he do  before he became  a singer ?

3 When   did he make his first film ?

4 Where did he meet his  wife ?

5 How old was he when   he died ?



Kontrolloni me kujdes te dhenat e paraqitura ne ushtrimin e meposhtem.
 Provoni te jepni zgjidhjet tuaja per ushtrimet.


Read and   choose.

To : Mrs. Jones
From : Sandra, Peter
Date  : 22nd April
Subject  : Charity party

Here is our report on what we have done so far.


We have already booked the DJ   and she is arriving at 6 o ‘clock on Saturday evening . We have not booked her   taxi  yet. We are doing that on Friday morning.


We have  printed  300 tickets and we have already sold 250!

School Hall

We have prepared the school hall. We have put tables and chairs in there  and we have decorated the walls.

Food and Drinks

We have ordered the sandwiches , pizza and cakes. We have not ordered the drinks yet. We are doing that on Friday afternoon.

1 The DJ is arriving at 6 o ‘ clock on Sunday afternoon.

A.      Right    B. wrong     C. doesn’t say

2 They planed  the DJ last Tuesday

A.      right   B. Wrong     C. doesn’t say

3 They   have sold three  hundred  tickets

A.      right         B. wrong      C. doesn’t say

4 The   charity party is in the school hall

A.      right     B. wrong    C. doesn’t say

5. They are ordering the drinks on Friday afternoon.

A.      right   B. wrong     C. doesn’t say



Po ju dergoj nje tregim te shkurter. Ju lutem lexojeni me kujdes edhe jepni pergjigjet tuaja per pyetjet qe e shoqerojne tregimin.


Read the text and answer the questions following: 

Robert Louis Stevenson was a famous Scottish writer. He was the person who created characters such as Dr Jekyll, Mr. Hyde and Long John Silver. People all over the world, young and old, still read   his popular  stories.
Robert   Louis Stevenson   was born in Edinburgh  in 1850.As a child , he was often ill in bed , so he read a lot of books . He loves reading stores and began writing when he was quite young. Stevenson studied  at Edinburgh  University. His father wanted him to   be an engineer, but Stevenson didn’t like the idea. Instead, he agreed to become a lawyer.
In  1880, Stevenson married an American woman , Fanny   Osborne .  Together   they   travelled to many different   countries! Finally, in  1890 , they decided  to  live  on  island of  Samoa . Some   of Stevenson’s greatest   stories   are   ‘Treasure Island ‘ , ‘Kidnapped’ and  ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll  and  Mr.  Hyde’.
Robert Louis  Stevenson  died in  1894 , at the age of 44 . He died   young , but he left behind his wonderful   stories  for us  to remember  him  by !

1 When   and  where was  Robert Louis  Stevenson born ?

2 What   did  he like doing  as  a  child ?

3 What did   his father  want him to be ?

4 What   did  he do in 1880 ?

5 When   did he die?


Dear students of Step Forward book 3,

Ne njesite frazeologjike te mesimit numur 9, ju duhet te kini vere re dy shprehje te tilla si:

"Would you like ...?" apo " I'd like..." 

Ne pergjithesi ne gjuhen angleze n e perdorim shprehjen: "Would you like ..?" sa here kur duam te shprehim kuptimin;" Do you want....?"

Me nje fjale, ne qofte se ju, do te deshironi ti ofroni dikujt dicka, atehere do te ishte shume mire te perdornit shprehjen:' Would you like...?"

psh:" Would you like some coffee?"
"Would you like an orange?"
"What would you like?"

Gjithashtu ju mund  te perdorni te njejten shprehje ne qofte se do te deshironit te ndertonit nje ftese per dike, s psh ne fjaline pyetese:"  Would you like to go for a walk?"
Would you like to come for dinner?"
"What would you like to do this evening?"

I would like.., eshte nje forme te shprehuri gjuhesor me nje doze te larte miresjellje kur ne deshirojme te shprehim mendimin:" Une dua, deshiroj;" Forma e  shkurter e kesaj shprehjeje eshte:"I'd..."

* I am thirsty. I would like a drink.
* I would like some information about Nehemia Gateway Unversity.
* I'd like to see your university.

Shpesh here ju mund te gjendeni para perdoimit te dy shprehjeve te tilla si:

"Would you like ...?" "I'd like.....  apo "Do you like ...?" " I like...."

Ne qofte se fjalia gjendet si:" Would you like some tea?" Atehere kuptimi i saj do te jete = "Do you want some tea?"

Nese fjalia eshte :' Do you like tea?" atehere kuprtimi duhet te jete:=" Do you think tea is nice?"

"Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?"(= Do you want to go tonight?")

Ndersa fjalia:' Do you like going to the cinema?"= ( nje mendim ne pergjithsi; in general)

"I'd like an orange" = ( Can I have an orange?") 

"I like oranges ( in general)

Ushtrim: Gjeni se cili nga ushtrimet e meposhteme eshte i sakte:

1) "Do you like?/ Would you like a chocolate ?"
                           'Yes, please.'

2) "Do you like/Would you like bananas?"
                             'Yes, I love them.'

3) "Do you like/ Would you like an ice-cream?
                              'No, thank you.'

4) "What do you like/ would you like.?"
                               'A glass of water please.'

5) " Do you like/ Would you like to go out for a walk?"
                               'Not now,. Perhaps later.'

6) " I like/ I'd like tomatoes but I don't eat them very often."

7) "What time do you like?/ would you like to have dinner this evening?"

8) " Do you like/ Would you like your new job?"
                                        ' Yes,  am enjoying it.'

9) " Do you like / Would you like something to eat?"
                                               'No, thanks. I am not hungry.'

10) I'm tired. I like/ I'd like to go to sleep now.  

Ne qofte se do te kini pyetje, ju lutem i mundesoni kur te takohemi diten e djele.




Read the following story hidden in this link and try to retell it.




Follow this link. Try to learn the irregular verbs.




Dear students of Step Forward book 3,

Follow this link and fill in the boxes  with the correct words or with your best guess. Your results will be calculated at the very end and even printed in case you like.



Listen to the sentences. First try the version with slow listening. Try and write it once or two times.



Baza e ushtrimeve te meposhteme eshte Present Perfect tense. Zgjidhni te gjitha ushtrimet e meposhteme edhe beni kontrollin e tyre.

Ne gjuhen shqipe koha e cituar me siper quhet " Koha e kryer, dmth ' une kam pasur = I have had". Ne qofte se ne gjuhen shqipe njohurite tuaja per kete kohe jane te mjaftueshme atehere ju thjesht mund te beni nje krahasim te lehte te tyre por ju lutem per te kuptuar se cfare eshte nje Present Perfect Tense ne gjuhen angleze me mire referojuni ushtrimeve te meposhteme sesa krahasimeve te mundeshme te termave gjuhesore.
Gjithsesi une po j jap nje mendim te shkurter per kete kohe per ta patur parasysh faktin se ndoshta  mund ti kuptoni me mire ushtrimet.

Ne gjuhen angleze per te ndertuar nje mendim ne kohen Present Perfect Tense duhet te perdorni foljen have ose has te shoqeruar gjithmone me nje folje kuptimore te njohur si past participle, ose forma e trete e nje folje. Te gjitha foljet e rregullta e ndertojne kete forme me ndihmen e mbareses - ed; ndersa foljet e crregullta e ndertojne kete forme ne menyre te crregult. Ju mund edhe duhet ti drejtoheni listes se foljeve te crregullta te gjendur ne cdo fjalor te gjuhes angleze ose ne fleten qe kini marre prej meje.

Besoj se duhet te jeni te njohur me fjali te kesaj natyre:

1)  I have made a mistake.

2) You have shut the door
3) Bill has worked very hard.
4) Nency has broken a cup.
5) Barbara hasn't heard anything from James.
6) The rain has stopped.
7) I haven't seen the newspaper today.
8) James has spoken to the boss.
9) She has forgotten my address.
10) They haven't eaten anything.

Atehere nese keto tipe fjalish jane te qarta, ju mund te vazhdoni te zgjidhni ushtimet e meposhteme. Nese jo, do te ishte e keshillueshme te sqaroheni edhe njehere para se te filloni te zgjidhni ushtrimet me radhe.









Listen to this story very carefully. Then try to retell it. You can probably give any other version of the same story as there are a few. It's better if you write it down.



Follow this link and give the right answers to the questions.



Dear students of SF  Book 3,

Following you will find ten more rules on grammar. Before you start studying them, please check for the first thirty and then go for the last ten included on this page. You have to be very careful with each one of them. At least study one rule per day.


31. Use a present tense to talk about the future after when, until, as soon as, after, before etc.
I’ll phone you when I arrive. (NOT I’ll phone you when I will arrive.)
Let’s wait until it gets dark. (NOT Let’s wait until it will get dark.)
We’ll start as soon as Mary arrives. (NOT We’ll start as soon as Mary will arrive.)

32. Before most abstract nouns, we use great, not big.
I have great respect for her ideas. (NOT I have big respect for her ideas.)
We had great difficulty in understanding him. (NOT We had big difficulty in understanding him.)

33. Don’t use the with a superlative when you are not comparing one person or thing with another.
  • She’s the nicest of the three teachers.
  • She’s nicest when she’s working with small children.
  • This is the best wine I’ve got.
  • This wine is best when it’s three or four years old.
34. Put enough after, not before, adjectives.
This soup isn’t hot enough. (NOT This soup isn’t enough hot.)
She’s old enough to walk to school by herself.

35. Don’t use a structure with that … after want or would like.
My parents want me to go to university. (NOT My parents want that I go to university.)
I’d like everybody to leave. (NOT I’d like that everybody leaves.)

36. After link verbs like be, seem, feel, look, smell, sound, taste, we use adjectives, not adverbs.
I feel happy today. (NOT I feel happily today.)
This soup tastes strange. (NOT This soup tastes strangely.)

37. Use than after comparatives.
My mother is three years older than my father. (NOT My mother is three years older that/as my father.)
Petrol is more expensive than diesel.

38. In questions, put the subject immediately after the auxiliary verb.
Where are the President and his family staying? (NOT Where are staying the President and his family?)
Have all the guests arrived? (NOT Have arrived all the guests?)

39. Used to has no present.
I play tennis at weekends. (NOT I use to play tennis at weekends.)
Where do you usually have lunch? (NOT Where do you use to have lunch?)

40. Use through, not along, for periods of time.
All through the centuries, there have been wars. (NOT All along the centuries, there have been wars.)



Read the story and answer the questions.



Follow the commands and do the actions.




 Try to find the right answer.



Listen and read to the following story.




Do this exercise on phonetics.




Memory game.



Match up the sentences.



Try to put the sentences into the correct order and build up the real dialogue.




Read the story and try to answer the questions following.




Dear students of Step Forward Book 3,

Read the story and answer the questions following:



It is Sunday. It's a great day. We like days off school, don't we? Anyway, a crossword will not be a bad idea as the weather forecast is gloomy today. If you find a little time today probably, you do this crossword.




Students of Step Forward Book 3,

Read the story and answer the following questions.




Students of Step Forward Book 3,

Read the story and answer the following questions.




Follow this link and listen carefully to the story. Try to retell the story with your own words.




 Follow this link and write down the  whole story in your copybook.




Dear students of Step Forward book 3,

Baza e ushtrimeve te meposhteme eshte Present Perfect tense. Zgjidhni te gjitha ushtrimet e meposhteme edhe beni kontrollin e tyre.
Ne gjuhen shqipe koha e cituar me siper quhet " Koha e kryer, dmth ' une kam pasur = I have had". Ne qofte se ne gjuhen shqipe njohurite tuaja per kete kohe jane te mjaftueshme atehere ju thjesht mund te beni nje krahasim te lehte te tyre por ju lutem per te kuptuar se cfare eshte nje Present Perfect Tense ne gjuhen angleze me mire referojuni ushtrimeve te meposhteme sesa krahasimeve te mundeshme te termave gjuhesore.
Gjithsesi une po j jap nje mendim te shkurter per kete kohe per ta patur parasysh faktin se ndoshta  mund ti kuptoni me mire ushtrimet.

Ne gjuhen angleze per te ndertuar nje mendim ne kohen Present Perfect Tense duhet te perdorni foljen have ose has te shoqeruar gjithmone me nje folje kuptimore te njohur si past participle, ose forma e trete e nje folje. Te gjitha foljet e rregullta e ndertojne kete forme me ndihmen e mbareses - ed; ndersa foljet e crregullta e ndertojne kete forme ne menyre te crregult. Ju mund edhe duhet ti drejtoheni listes se foljeve te crregullta te gjendur ne cdo fjalor te gjuhes angleze ose ne fleten qe kini marre prej meje.

Besoj se duhet te jeni te njohur me fjali te kesaj natyre:

1)  I have made a mistake.
2) You have shut the door
3) Bill has worked very hard.
4) Nency has broken a cup.
5) Barbara hasn't heard anything from James.
6) The rain has stopped.
7) I haven't seen the newspaper today.
8) James has spoken to the boss.
9) She has forgotten my address.
10) They haven't eaten anything.

Atehere nese keto tipe fjalish jane te qarta, ju mund te vazhdoni te zgjidhni ushtimet e meposhteme. Nese jo, do te ishte e keshillueshme te sqaroheni edhe njehere para se te filloni te zgjidhni ushtrimet me radhe.










 Students of Step Forward book 3,

Kjo faqe do t'ju mundesoje  te ndiqni nga afer cdo mesim te mundshem te ketyre metodikave. Ju lutem bejeni tuajen kete faqe.





Students of Step Forward Book 3,

Follow this link and listen to the story. Then try to write a summery with your own words.




 Students of Step Forward Book 3,

Follow this link and try to retell the story in your own words.



Read this short story and try to tell the story using your own words.


Martin is in a hurry.

He is late to work again.

Martin's boss doesn't like it when he is late. Martin was late last week. His boss told him not to be late again.

“You can’t be late anymore,” said Martin’s boss. "I mean it."

Martin thinks he might lose his job if he is late again.

The time is now 7:15 am.

Martin needs to be to work by 7:30.

It takes him 22 minutes to drive to work.

“Things don’t look good,” he says to himself.

Martin runs out of the house.

He jumps in his car.

He puts the car in reverse.

He backs up without looking.


There is a sound like someone hitting a drum. Martin’s car jerks to a stop.

He has hit the car parked behind him.

“Oh no!” Martin exclaims. He is angry now.

Martin looks at his watch. It is 7:18.

He needs to get to work.

He looks around. There is no one on the street. There is no one

He looks in the parked car. It is empty.

Martin drives off quickly.

He gets to work 10 minutes late.

Martin’s boss is not around. “Thank goodness,” he says to himself.

He stops worrying. He sits at his desk to work.

During lunch, Martin goes out to the parking lot. He looks at his car. There is a big dent in the back.

Then he thinks about the other car - the car he hit this morning. "I know that car is damaged too," he thinks.

He feels

“That was not right,” Martin says to himself.

He will see if the car is still outside his house when he gets off work.



Happy Teacher's Day! 




Students of  Step Forward, Book 3,

I want to remind you that before following the rules below, try to remember the other rules read during previous lessons, and bring them together to your notes.


21. Use the present perfect, not the present, to say how long things have been going on.
I've been waiting since 10 o'clock. (NOT I'm waiting since 10 o'clock.)
We've lived here for nine years. (NOT We live here for nine years.)

22. The majority is normally plural.
Some people are interested, but the majority don't care. (NOT ... but the majority doesn't care.)
The majority of these people are very poor. (NOT The majority of these people is very poor.)

23. Use too much/many before (adjective +) noun; use too before an adjective with no noun.
There's too much noise.
I bought too much red paint.
Those shoes are too expensive. (NOT Those shoes are too much expensive.)

24. Use that, not what, after all.
I've told you all that I know. (NOT I've told you all what I know.)
He gave her all that he had.

25. Don't say according to me to give your opinion.
I think it's a good film. (NOT According to me, it's a good film.)
In my opinion, you're making a serious mistake. (NOT According to me, you're making a serious mistake.)

26. Don't ask about possibilities with May you ...? etc.
Do you think you'll go camping this summer? (NOT May you go camping this summer?)
Is Joan likely to be here tomorrow? (NOT May Joan be here tomorrow?)

27. Use who, not which, for people in relative structures.
The woman who lives upstairs is from Thailand. (NOT The woman which lives upstairs is from Thailand.)
I don't like people who shout all the time. (NOT I don't like people which shout all the time.)

28. Use for, not during, to say `how long'.
We waited for six hours. (NOT We waited during six hours.)
He was ill for three weeks. (NOT He was ill during three weeks.)

29. Use to ..., not for ..., to say why you do something.
I came here to study English. (NOT I came here for study English.)
She telephoned me to explain the problem. (NOT She telephoned me for explain the problem.)

30. Use reflexives (myself etc) when the object is the same as the subject.
I looked at myself in the mirror. (NOT I looked at me in the mirror.)
Why are you talking to yourself? (NOT Why are you talking to you




Find this link. Fill it up with the missing words then check it.





Fill in the boxes with the correct answer.

(1) This is my friend …………… father owns that house.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________
(2) Is that the snake …………… killed the rat ?
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________

(3) That is the man …………… told us the bad news.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________

(4) I know the boy …………… father is a doctor in this hospital.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________

(5) This is the book …………… my father gave me five years ago.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________

(6) The boy to …………… I gave the money, did not return.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________

(7) David, …………… is my friend, has bought a new car.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________

(8) My teacher, to …………… we gave the present, is sixty today.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________

(9) The dress …………… you gave me is beautiful.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________

(10) There is a man at the door …………… wants to see you.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
My answer is ________



Follow this exercise. You can not write on it. So, it will be better, if you copy it or write it down.



Choose the most suitable answer.

(1) …………… is in the bag ?
A. Whose
B. When
C. What
My answer is ________

(2) …………… of these pens do you like ?
A. Why
B. What
C. Which
My answer is ________

(3) …………… is she in such a hurry ?
A. Where
B. Why
C. Who
My answer is ________

(4) …………… does your father do during week-ends ?
A. What
B. Whose
C. Why
My answer is ________

(5) …………… will the school holidays begin ?
A. How
C. Where
My answer is ________

(6) …………… much does this hat cost ?
A. How
My answer is ________

(7) …………… did your son lie to you ?
A. Why
B.  Who
C. When
My answer is ________

(8) …………… is your bag ?
A. Why
My answer is ________

(9) …………… are you going, Mr.Wong ?
A. Which
B. Whose
C. Where
My answer is ________

(10) ……………. did the bus come ?
A. Which
B. Who
C. When
My answer is ________



Follow this exercise. You can not write on it. So, it will be better, if you copy it or write it down.



Choose the most suitable answer.

(1) …………… is in the bag ?
A. Whose
B. When
C. What
My answer is ________

(2) …………… of these pens do you like ?
A. Why
B. What
C. Which
My answer is ________

(3) …………… is she in such a hurry ?
A. Where
B. Why
C. Who
My answer is ________

(4) …………… does your father do during week-ends ?
A. What
B. Whose
C. Why
My answer is ________

(5) …………… will the school holidays begin ?
A. How
C. Where
My answer is ________

(6) …………… much does this hat cost ?
A. How
My answer is ________

(7) …………… did you son lie to you ?
A. Why
B.  Who
C. When
My answer is ________

(8) …………… is your bag ?
A. Why
My answer is ________

(9) …………… are you going, Mr.Wong ?
A. Which
B. Whose
C. Where
My answer is ________

(10) ……………. did the bus come ?
A. Which
B. Who
C. When
My answer is ________




Choose the most suitable answer.

(1) Jane has a dog. The dog is …………… best friend.
A. his
B. her
C. their
My answer is ________

(2) You have a bicycle. Is that …………… bicycle.
A. your
B. his
C. their
My answer is ________

(3) I do not know …………… father.
A. her
B. her’s
C. hers
My answer is ________

This is not …………… book. It is mine.
A. my
B. its
C. your
My answer is ________

(5) The boys took off …………… shoes before entering the hall.
A. her
B. his
C. their
My answer is ________

(6) Her baby is sleeping in …………… arms.
A. she
B. her
C. its
My answer is ________

(7) This is a monkey. …………… tail is long.
A. His
B. It
C. Its
My answer is ________

(8) The man took off …………… clothes and jumped into the pool.
A. their
B. its
C. his
My answer is ________

(9) My mother gave me this watch for …………… birthday.
A. her
B. my
C. our
My answer is ________

(10) We love …………… parents.
A. my
B. mine
C. our
My answer is ________



Dear students of Step Forward Book 3,

Following is a listening exercise. Finish the exercises enclosed, as well.





  Listen to this story and try to write it down on your copybook. Bring it to class on Sunday's session at 09:25.




Try this kind of dictation!



Follow this link and finish the exercise on Present Perfect Tense.




Students of Step Forward Book 3,

Follow this link and finish the test.Please record your scores.




Listen to this recording then give your own opinion using only 24 words.



 Follow this link. Listen to the passages and answer the questions. Make it ready for Sunday's session at 09:25.



Listen to the story and try to say it with your own words. You had better write it briefly using no more than 60-70 words.


Follow this link. Finish the quiz. Read the explanations.

Follow this link and do the quiz. Read the explainations as well.

Follow this link and try to do the exercises from 1 to 6.




Explanation Past Present Future
Simple Past Simple Present Future I Simple
a moment in time action that takes place once, never or several times He played football every Tuesday. He plays football every Tuesday. He will / is going to play football every Tuesday.
actions that happen one after another He played football and then he went home. He plays football and then he goes home. He will play football and then he will go home.
state He loved football. He loves football. He will love football.




Listen to this story and try to retell it using your own words.




The following video has a game on adjectives. Enjoy it.




Hello Klea,

Following you can watch a video and hope you will get an answer to your question about Present Perfect Tense.





Listen to this story and then write it using your own words.




Students of Step Forward Book 3, Sunday's session at 9:25,

Please watch and follow this video. Try to retell the story.




Dear students of Step Forawd Book 3, Sunday's session at 9:25,

As the first minutes of this day are mixed with the noise of the rain on the roof and my hands are still on the last pages of the book "The Seeing Stone', I would like to encourage each one of you that if your preferred strategy for improving your English is, reading, then simply read on!
Reading is a great activity. 
You need just yourself and a good book.
My advice is to choose stories that will grip your attention,
ones where the plot structure is fairly straightforward, 
ones with not many characters, 
ones with relatively easy-to-understand syntax and vocabulary. 
And the most important, ones that are not long! 
It will be great if you will stand to read your choice from the beginning to the end!
If the following stories satisfy your wishes don't let them run away. 
Read and finish a story in an afternoon or over a couple of days. 
Maybe, you will do that tomorrow.
I will consider it great news.




 Watch the following video.



Dear students of Step Forward Book 3 Sunday's session 09:25,

I would like to suggest you starting together a page on which we should present some grammar rules and try to avoid certain mistakes.
Let's call this page: " How not to make 100 mistakes!" You can change this name any time you like. Just simply suggest a better one.
I know from my experience that it is difficult to learn a language through rules. Personally, I wouldn't advice you that but if I were you, time and again I'd dare read some great grammar lessons of  famous authors like Michael Swan. Following you will find ten of them and in case you find them useful, let me know.
I encourage you to add certain rules you like.



By Michael Swan

1. Don’t use an with own.
Sue needs her own room. (NOT Sue needs an own room.)
I’d like a phone line of my own. (NOT … an own phone line.)

2. Use or rather to correct yourself.
She’s German – or rather, Austrian. (NOT She’s German – or better, Austrian.)
I’ll see you on Friday – or rather, Saturday.

3. Use the simple present – play(s), rain(s) etc – to talk about habits and repeated actions.
I play tennis every Saturday. (NOT I am playing tennis every Saturday.)
It usually rains a lot in November.

4. Use will …, not the present, for offers and promises.
I’ll cook you supper this evening. (NOT I cook you supper this evening.)
I promise I’ll phone you tomorrow. (NOT I promise I phone you tomorrow.)

5. Don’t drop prepositions with passive verbs.
I don’t like to be shouted at. (NOT I don’t like to be shouted.)
This needs to be thought about some more. (NOT This needs to be thought some more.)

6. Don’t use a present tense after It’s time.
It’s time you went home. (NOT It’s time you go home.)
It’s time we invited Bill and Sonia. (NOT It’s time we invite Bill and Sonia.)

7. Use was/were born to give dates of birth.
I was born in 1975. (NOT I am born in 1975.)
Shakespeare was born in 1564.

8. Police is a plural noun.
The police are looking for him. (NOT The police is looking for him.)
I called the police, but they were too busy to come.

9. Don't use the to talk about things in general.
Books are expensive. (NOT The books are expensive.)
I love music. (NOT I love the music.)

10. Use had better, not have better.
I think you’d better see the doctor. (NOT I think you have better see the doctor.)
We’d better ask John to help us.



Students of Step Forward Book 3, Sunday's session at 9:25,

Please watch and follow this video. Try to retell the story.


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