Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Scorpion and the Frog
One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river.
The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back.
Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream.
"Hellooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?"
"Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly.
"Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!"
Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked. "What about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!"
"This is true," agreed the scorpion, "But then I wouldn't be able to get to the other side of the river!"
"Alright do I know you wont just wait till we get to the other side and THEN kill me?" said the frog.
"Ahh...," crooned the scorpion, "Because you see, once you've taken me to the other side of this river, I will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?!"
So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled onto the frog's back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog's soft hide, and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the surface so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half of the stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current.
Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back and, out of the corner of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog's back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.
"You fool!" croaked the frog, "Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?"
The scorpion shrugged, and did a little jig on the drownings frog's back.
"I could not help myself. It is my nature."
Then they both sank into the muddy waters of the swiftly flowing river.
Self destruction - "Its my Nature", said the Scorpion...

Sunday, February 17, 2019

                 Good evening where ever you are at this moment,

Hope and wish your Sunday was good enough to have created possibilities of good relaxation for yourself and yours.
 While sitting at my usual place, at the end of this working day , I thought of sending this message with the feeling that whatever I am going to write, will be some certain kind of help to you.

Enjoy a nice evening.


Ne gjuhen angleze disa fjale sjellin gjithmone veshtiresi per tu perdor sa me korrekt. Kete mbremje po ju paraqes vetem nje fjale te tille.
Sigurohuni se e dini kuptimin e fjales after ne gjuhen tone. Nese deshironi ta perdorni drejt kete fjale atehere le te mesojme se fjala
 e pare 
after /  'ɑːftə(r) / eshte parafjale ( preposition) edhe ka keto kuptime:

1) later than somebody or something:
2) behind or following somebody or something:
3) trying to get or catch somebody or something:

Nese deshironi te shprehni nje kuptim te tille te perafert si " ... edhe mbas kesaj ndodhi ... dicka  X, a nje Y veprim ) atehere , termi i duhur nuk eshte me fjala 'after' por ' afterwords ose after that'

               after   We  don’t usually say and after, X happened. We prefer afterwards or after that.
                 We had a simple lunch, and afterwards /after that we went out walking by the lake.  (NOT … and after, we went         …)

              Nese deshironi te shprehni nje mendim se dicka ndryshe do te mund te ndodhte atehere termi i duhur eshte ' after all'. ( 'after all' - is used when you thought something different would happen: 

eg. My son was worried about the wedding day, but it wasn't that bad after all.

 ' After all ' ka edhe nje kuptim tjeter interesant. Ajo perdoret per te thene' mos harro'. ( It is used to mean " do not forget ".
                      eg. She doesn't understand. After all, she is only five.'

Friday, February 15, 2019

Lesson 14

14 adjectives – mbiemrat : rradha përpara emrave

Kur mbiemrat që vendosen përpara një emri janë disa (ose kur disa emra përdoren për të modifikuar/cilësuar. Për shembull themi: a fat old lady, dhe JO: an old fat lady, a small shiny black leather, dhe JO: a leather black shiny small handbag. Për fat të keq, rregullat për rendin e vendosjes së mbiemrave janë shumë të ndërlikuara dhe tekste të ndryshme gramatikore në këtë pikë shpesh harë nuk përputhen. Më poshtë jepen disa nga rregullat më të rëndësishme.

1. ngjyra, origjina, lloji i materialit dhe përdorimi
Mbiemrat (që cilësojnë emrat) e ngjyrës, të origjinës, të materialit dhe përdorimin, vendosen zakonisht në këtë rend.
ngjyra origjina materiali përdorimi emri
red Spanish leather riding boots
a brown German beer mug
a Venetian glass flower

2. mbiemrat e tjerë

Mbiemrat e tjerë vendosen zakonisht përpara fjalëve që shprehin ngjyrën, origjinën, materialin dhe qëllimin e përdorimit. është e pamundur të jepen rregulla të sakta dhe fikse, por mbiemrat që shprehin madhësi, gjatësi dhe lartësi vendosen zakonisht në fillim.
* the round glass table (JO: the glass round the table)
* a big, modern brick house (JO: a modern, big brick house)
* long, flexible steel poles
* a tall, ancient oak-tree.

3. gjykime dhe qëndrime/pikëpamje

Mbiemrat të cilat shprehin gjykim ose qëndrime/pikëpamje vendosen zakonisht përpara të gjithë të tjerëve. Shembuj janë lovely, definite, pure, absolute, extreme, perfect, wonderful, silly.
* a lovely, long, cool drink
* Who’s that silly fat man over there?

4. numërat

Numrat vendosen zakonisht përpara mbiemrave.
* Six large eggs.
* The second big shock.
Në shumicën e rasteve, first dhe next dhe last vendosen përpara numërorëve themelorë one, two, three, etj.
* the first three days (Më e rregullt se the three first days)
* my last two jobs (Më e rregullt se my two last jobs)

5. presjet

Ndërmjet mbiemrave që ndodhen përpara emrave (vecanërisht në frazat e gjata), vendosim zakonisht presje. Të tilla janë për shembull përshkrimet fizike dhe përshkrimet në përgjithësi.
* a lovely, long, cool, refreshing drink
* an expensive ill-planned, wasteful project
Por në rastet si më poshtë presjet mund të eliminohen:
* a tall (,) dark(,) handsome cowboy

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Milkmaid & Her Pail

A Milkmaid had been out to milk the cows and was returning from the field with the shining milk pail balanced nicely on her head. As she walked along, her pretty head was busy with plans for the days to come.
"This good, rich milk," she mused, "will give me plenty of cream to churn. The butter I make I will take to market, and with the money I get for it I will buy a lot of eggs for hatching. How nice it will be when they are all hatched and the yard is full of fine young chicks. Then when May day comes I will sell them, and with the money I'll buy a lovely new dress to wear to the fair. All the young men will look at me. They will come and try to make love to me,—but I shall very quickly send them about their business!"
As she thought of how she would settle that matter, she tossed her head scornfully, and down fell the pail of milk to the ground. And all the milk flowed out, and with it vanished butter and eggs and chicks and new dress and all the milkmaid's pride.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.