Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Future progressive

 Here is a chart to show how to form the future progressive tense:

PronounAuxiliary verb (will)Verb "to be"Present participle
Iwill beamworking
Youwill beareworking
He/She/Itwill beisworking
Wewill beareworking
Theywill beareworking

The future progressive tense is used to talk about ongoing actions that will be in progress at a specific point in the future. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb "will" followed by the verb "to be" in the present tense, and the present participle (-ing) form of the main verb.


  1. I will be working on my project all night.
  2. She will be studying for her exam tomorrow.
  3. We will be driving to the beach all day.
  4. They will be cooking dinner when we arrive.


  1. Choose the correct form of the future progressive tense to complete the sentence:

a. I ___________ (will be, will have been) studying for my exam all week. b. They ___________ (will be, will have been) hiking in the mountains all day tomorrow. c. She ___________ (will be, will have been) working on her book for months by the time it's published. d. We ___________ (will be, will have been) driving for hours when we get to our destination.

  1. Rewrite the following sentences using the future progressive tense:

a. I will be eating dinner at 7 pm tonight. b. They will be watching a movie later tonight. c. She will be playing soccer at the park tomorrow. d. We will be flying to Paris next week.


  1. a. will be, b. will be, c. will have been, d. will be
  2. a. I will be eating dinner at 7 pm tonight. b. They will be watching a movie later tonight. c. She will be playing soccer at the park tomorrow. d. We will be flying to Paris next week.


In these exercises, you need to choose the correct form of the future progressive tense and use it to complete the sentence or rewrite the sentence in the future progressive tense. Remember to use the auxiliary verb "will" followed by the present tense of "to be" and the present participle form of the main verb to form the future progressive tense.

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