Monday, March 3, 2025

Articles in English Lesson 2

 Articles (2) 

Nyjet (2) 


     Do you know when you need to use the in common phrases and place names? Look at these examples to see when the is and isnt used. 

     A e dini se kur ju nevojitet të përdorni nyjen shquese the në shprehje të zakonshme dhe emra vendesh? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se kur përdoret dhe kur nuk përdoret nyja shquese the. 

  • Im going to bed. 

  • I walk to work. 

  • My children are going to start school. 

  • I visited the school yesterday. 

  • Mount Everest is in the Himalayas. 


     Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

     Provoni këtë ushtrim për të testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 

  1. What time do you finish __________ work?  

  1. Hes in ______________ India.  

  1. When she finishes __________ school, she wants to study medicine at  university 

  1. Nile  is the longest river in _________ Africa. It flows north from _________ Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea.  

  1. Hes at ___________ hospital visiting his mum.  

  1. Im really tired. Im going to go ____________ home and go to __________ bed early.  

  1. Theyre in ________________ Alps on a climbing holiday.  

  1. They caught him and he was sent to ________________ prison. 



Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

     Here are some ways we use articles in common phrases and place names. 

     Ja disa mënyra se si i përdorim nyjet në shprehjet e zakonshme dhe emrat e vendeve. 



Common phrases 

Shprehjet e zakonshme 

     We dont usually use an article in expressions with bed, work and home. 

     Ne zakonisht përdorim një nyje në shprehje me shtrat, punë dhe shtëpi. 

  • go to bed / be in bed 

  • go to work / be at work / start work / finish work 

  • go home / be at home / get home / stay at home 


     We also dont normally use an article in expressions with school, university, prison and hospital. 

     Gjithashtu nuk përdorim normalisht një nyje në shprehjet me shkollë, universitet, burg dhe spital. 

  • start school / go to school / be at school 

  • go to university / be at university 

  • be sent to prison / go to prison / be in prison 

  • go to hospital / be in hospital 


     But we usually use the if someone is just visiting the place, and not there as a student/prisoner/patient, etc. 

     Por zakonisht përdorim the nëse dikush sapo po e viziton vendin, dhe nuk ndodhet atje si një student, i burgosur apo pacient, etj. 

  • My son has started school now. I went to the school to meet his teacher. 

  • I went to the prison a lot when I was a social worker. 

  • Im at the hospital. My sister has just had a baby. 



Place names 

Emra vendesh 

     We dont normally use an article for continents, most countries, cities, towns, lakes, mountains or universities. So, we say: 

      Normalisht nuk përdorim një nyje për kontinentet, shumicën e vendeve, qytetet, qytezatliqenet, malet apo universitetet. Kështu që themi: 

  • Africa, Asia, Europe 

  • India, Ghana, Peru, Denmark 

  • Addis Ababa, Hanoi, New York, Moscow 

  • Lake Victoria, Lake Superior, Lake Tanganyika 

  • Mount Everest, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Elbrus 

  • Cardiff University, Harvard University, Manchester University 


     Some countries are different. Country names with United have the. There are other countries which are exceptions too. So, we say: 

     Disa vende janë ndryshe. Emrat e vendeve me E Bashkuara marrin the. Ka edhe vende të tjera të cilat bëjnë gjithashtu përjashtim. Kështu që themi: 

  • the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States of America 

  • the Bahamas, the Gambia 

  • Seas and oceans, mountain ranges and rivers have the: 

  • the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Mediterranean 

  • the Andes, the Himalayas, the Alps 

  • the Nile, the Amazon, the Yangtze 

  • Universities with of in the title also have the: 

  • the University of Cape Town, the University of Delhi, the University of Tokyo 



     Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

     Bëni këtë ushtrim për të testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


          Complete the sentences with the or - if no article is needed. 

          Plotësoni fjalitë me nyjen shquese the’ ose ‘-’ nëse nuk nevojitet asnjë nyje. 

  1. Im still at _______________ work but Ill leave soon.  

  1. Im going to _________ prison to see my uncle.  

  1. University of Nottingham is in ____________ United Kingdom.  

  1. Every Friday my grandad goes to _________ prison to teach a maths class.  

  1. She was born in Japan, but she went to __________ university in __________ Bahamas.  

  1. My daughter does piano classes after __________ school.  

  1. Im going to ___________ school for a parents meeting.  

  1. The Danube flows from ___________ Germany, through _____________ Central Europe to _____________ Black Sea.  

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