Andrea Vesho

Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

June 07 2024

Here are the adjectives with their corresponding meanings:

  1. Ambitious - Having a strong desire for success or achievement.
  2. Brave - Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
  3. Compassionate - Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
  4. Diligent - Having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties.
  5. Energetic - Showing or involving great activity or vitality.
  6. Friendly - Kind and pleasant.
  7. Generous - Showing a readiness to give more of something than is strictly necessary or expected.
  8. Honest - Free of deceit; truthful and sincere.
  9. Intelligent - Having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level.
  10. Joyful - Feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness.
  11. Kind - Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.
  12. Loyal - Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
  13. Motivated - Very enthusiastic or determined because one wants to succeed.
  14. Noble - Having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles.
  15. Optimistic - Hopeful and confident about the future.
  16. Patient - Able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
  17. Quirky - Characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits.
  18. Respectful - Feeling or showing deference and respect.
  19. Sincere - Free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.
  20. Thoughtful - Showing consideration for the needs of other people.
  21. Understanding - Sympathetically aware of other people's feelings; tolerant and forgiving.
  22. Versatile - Able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.
  23. Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
  24. Xenodochial - Friendly to strangers.
  25. Youthful - Having the qualities of youth, such as vigor, freshness, or immaturity.
  26. Zealous - Having or showing zeal; passionate and enthusiastic.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

June 15 2023

To determine if you are obese, you can calculate your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a commonly used method to assess whether a person has a healthy body weight based on their height and weight. Here's how you can calculate your BMI:

  1. Measure your weight in kilograms (kg).
  2. Measure your height in meters (m).

Once you have these measurements, use the following formula to calculate your BMI:

BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m))^2

For example, if you weigh 80 kilograms and your height is 1.75 meters, the calculation would be:

BMI = 80 kg / (1.75 m)^2 = 26.1

After calculating your BMI, you can interpret the results using the following categories:

  • Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9
  • Obesity: BMI of 30 or higher

Keep in mind that while BMI is a useful tool for most individuals, it does have limitations. It doesn't account for factors such as muscle mass, bone density, and distribution of body fat. Therefore, it's essential to consider other factors and consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment of your health.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here are the first ten simple grammar rules to know in English that will help you avoid making mistakes:

  1. Subject-verb agreement: Make sure the subject and verb agree in number (singular or plural). For example, "He plays soccer" (not "He play soccer").

  2. Pronoun usage: Use the correct pronoun for the subject of the sentence. For example, "I went to the store" (not "Me went to the store").

  3. Use of articles: Use "a" or "an" before a singular noun, and "the" before a specific noun. For example, "I bought a book" (not "I bought book").

  4. Verb tense: Use the correct tense of the verb to indicate when the action is taking place. For example, "I am eating breakfast" (present tense) vs. "I ate breakfast" (past tense).

  5. Use of prepositions: Use prepositions correctly to show the relationship between words. For example, "I am going to the store" (not "I am going at the store").

  6. Adjective placement: Place adjectives before the noun they describe. For example, "the red car" (not "the car red").

  7. Adverb usage: Use adverbs to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. For example, "She sings beautifully" (adverb modifying verb).

  8. Use of comparative and superlative forms: Use "er" or "more" to compare two things, and "est" or "most" to compare more than two things. For example, "She is taller than her sister" (comparative) vs. "She is the tallest person in her class" (superlative).

  9. Sentence structure: Make sure your sentences have a subject, verb, and object. For example, "I am reading a book" (subject-verb-object).

  10. Use of contractions: Use contractions (such as "can't" or "won't") in informal writing or conversation, but avoid them in formal writing.

Mastering these grammar rules will help you communicate more effectively and avoid common mistakes in English.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

The story of King Midas is a tale from Greek mythology that teaches a moral lesson about the dangers of greed.

King Midas was a wealthy ruler who loved gold more than anything else in the world. One day, a satyr named Silenus, who was a friend of the god Dionysus, got lost in Midas' kingdom. Midas found Silenus and treated him kindly, and Dionysus was so grateful that he offered Midas a wish.

Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Dionysus granted his wish, but soon Midas realized the terrible mistake he had made. Everything he touched, including food and drink, turned to gold, and he could no longer eat or drink. He soon became hungry and thirsty, and even his beloved daughter turned to gold when he touched her.

Midas begged Dionysus to take back his gift, and Dionysus agreed on the condition that Midas would learn a valuable lesson. Midas washed his hands in a nearby river to remove the curse, and he learned that gold was not the most important thing in life. He learned to value the love of his family and the simple pleasures of life, such as food, drink, and companionship.

From that day on, Midas lived a humble and content life, and he was known for his wisdom and generosity. The story of King Midas serves as a warning against the dangers of greed and the importance of valuing the things that truly matter in life.

Here's a multiple choice question exercise based on the story of King Midas:

  1. What did King Midas wish for when he was given the opportunity to make a wish? a) To become the richest man in the world b) To have the ability to turn everything he touched into gold c) To become immortal and never die d) To rule the entire world

  2. What was the consequence of King Midas' wish? a) Everything he touched turned to diamonds b) Everything he touched turned to gold c) Everything he touched disappeared d) Everything he touched turned to stone

  3. Why did King Midas regret his wish? a) He realized that gold was not as valuable as he thought it was b) He lost his ability to touch anything c) His daughter turned to gold when he touched her d) He was unable to share his wealth with others

  4. What did King Midas learn from his experience? a) That gold is the most important thing in life b) That wealth should be shared with others c) That it is important to value the love of family and simple pleasures in life d) That it is important to be selfish and greedy



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

A simple poem for the spring season dedicated to children:

Spring is here, oh so dear, With flowers blooming far and near, The sun shines bright, the sky so clear, The birds sing sweet, we clap and cheer.

The trees are green, the grass so tall, The rain showers, the earth does call, The butterflies dance, the bees do crawl, We chase them all, having a ball.

We jump and skip, we run and play, In the park, all throughout the day, The breeze is warm, we shout hooray, Spring is here, it's here to stay.

So let's enjoy this lovely season, With all its beauty and good reason, For spring brings joy and happiness, To all the children, in sweet caress.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

In grammar, a subject is the part of a sentence that performs the action of the verb or is the main topic of the sentence. It usually comes before the verb and answers the question "who" or "what" is doing the action.

Here is a chart to explain the concept of a subject:

SubjectThe part of a sentence that performs the action of the verb or is the main topic of the sentence.
Examples"The dog barks loudly" (The subject is "dog") "John and Jane are playing soccer" (The subject is "John and Jane")
PositionThe subject usually comes before the verb in a sentence.
ImportanceThe subject is important because it tells us who or what is performing the action in the sentence.
AgreementThe subject and verb must agree in number (singular or plural).
IdentificationTo identify the subject, ask "who" or "what" is doing the action in the sentence.

For example, in the sentence "The cat is sleeping on the mat," the subject is "cat" because it is the one doing the action of sleeping. To identify the subject, ask "who is sleeping?" and the answer is "cat."

Teaching this concept with the help of a chart can be useful in helping students understand the importance and position of the subject in a sentence, as well as how to identify it.




Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here's a chart with rules for using "used to" correctly:

Meaning"Used to" is used to talk about past habits, states or actions that are no longer true or have stopped happening.
FormSubject + used to + base form of the verb
Example (Positive)I used to play soccer every Saturday.
Example (Negative)He didn't use to like spicy food.
Example (Question)Did you use to live in New York?
SpellingIt is important to spell "used to" as two separate words, and not as "use to" or "used too".

Here are some additional examples:

  1. She used to be a vegetarian, but now she eats meat.
  2. We used to live in the city, but now we live in the countryside.
  3. He used to smoke, but he quit last year.
  4. Did you use to go camping with your family when you were younger?
  5. I didn't use to enjoy reading, but now I love it.

And here are some exercises to practice using "used to" correctly:

  1. ________ you ________ to be afraid of the dark when you were a child? (use / be)
  2. She ________ to dance ballet when she was younger. (use)
  3. He ________ not ________ to wear glasses, but now he needs them. (use / have)
  4. They ________ to have a cat, but now they have a dog. (use)
  5. Did you ________ to study French in school? (use)


  1. Did / used
  2. Used
  3. Used / have
  4. Used
  5. Used



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here's a chart of some common verbs in the past continuous (progressive) tense with their meanings and main uses:

VerbPast Continuous TenseMeaningMain Uses
BeWas / Were beingIndicates an ongoing state or action in the pastDescribing a past ongoing state or action.
DoWas / Were doingIndicates an ongoing action in the pastDescribing a past ongoing action or activity.
HaveWas / Were havingIndicates an ongoing experience or possession in the pastTalking about a past ongoing experience or possession.
MakeWas / Were makingIndicates an ongoing creation of something in the pastDescribing an ongoing creation in the past.
GoWas / Were goingIndicates ongoing movement from one place to another in the pastDescribing an ongoing movement in the past.
SeeWas / Were seeingIndicates an ongoing perception through the eyes in the pastDescribing an ongoing perception in the past.
EatWas / Were eatingIndicates an ongoing consumption of food in the pastDescribing an ongoing consumption in the past.
DrinkWas / Were drinkingIndicates an ongoing consumption of a liquid in the pastDescribing an ongoing consumption in the past.

The past continuous tense is formed by using the verb "to be" in the past tense, followed by the present participle (verb + -ing). The main uses of the past continuous tense are to describe an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past, or to describe an ongoing situation or background to a past event.

The rules of using the past continuous tense include:

  1. Use the past continuous tense to describe an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past. Example: I was watching TV when the phone rang.

  2. Use the past continuous tense to describe an ongoing situation or background to a past event. Example: It was raining all day yesterday.

  3. Use the past continuous tense with "when" or "while" to describe two actions happening simultaneously in the past. Example: While I was cooking dinner, my husband was setting the table.

  4. Use the past continuous tense with "for" and "since" to describe an action that started in the past and is still ongoing. Example: She has been practicing piano for three years.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here's a chart of some common verbs in simple past tense with their meanings and main uses:

VerbSimple Past TenseMeaningMain Uses
BeWas / WereIndicates the state or condition in the pastDescribing a past state, condition, or identity.
Describing a past action or event with an indefinite time.
DoDidIndicates the completion of an actionAsking questions in the past tense
HaveHadIndicates possession or experienceTalking about past experiences, actions or states
MakeMadeIndicates the creation of somethingDescribing completed actions in the past
GoWentIndicates movement from one place to anotherTalking about past travels or movement
SeeSawIndicates perception through the eyesDescribing past events or experiences
EatAteIndicates the consumption of foodTalking about past meals or dining experiences
DrinkDrankIndicates the consumption of a liquidTalking about past beverage consumption

It's important to note that these are just a few examples of common verbs in simple past tense, and that there are many other verbs that can be used in this tense as well. The main uses of simple past tense include describing completed actions in the past, discussing past experiences, events or states, and asking questions in the past tense.




Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here's a chart that shows the differences between simple past tense and present perfect tense:

Simple Past TensePresent Perfect Tense
FormSubject + Verb (past tense)Subject + Have/Has + Verb (past participle)
UseCompleted actions or eventsActions or experiences that started in the past and continue to the present
with a specific time frameActions or experiences that have occurred at an unspecified time in the past
ExamplesI walked to work yesterday.I have seen that movie before.
She finished her homeworkThey have been to Europe twice.
last night.
He played soccer on Saturday.I have never tried sushi.
She has studied French for 5 years.

Here are some example sentences and exercises to illustrate the differences between simple past tense and present perfect tense:

  1. Simple Past Tense: I ate breakfast this morning.

Present Perfect Tense: I have already eaten breakfast today.

Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe an action that was completed in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action that started in the past and continues to the present.

  1. Simple Past Tense: She visited her grandmother last weekend.

Present Perfect Tense: She has been to her grandmother's house many times.

Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe an action or event that happened at a specific time in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action or experience that has occurred at an unspecified time in the past.

  1. Simple Past Tense: I saw that movie last night.

Present Perfect Tense: I have seen that movie before.

Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe an action that was completed in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action or experience that has occurred in the past and continues to the present.

  1. Simple Past Tense: He played basketball in college.

Present Perfect Tense: They have won several championships.

Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe a completed action or event in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an experience or result that has occurred in the past and continues to the present.


  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: I __________ (to eat/ate) pizza for dinner last night. a. eat b. ate c. have eaten

Answer: b. ate

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: He __________ (to work/has worked) at the same company for 10 years. a. work b. worked c. has worked

Answer: c. has worked

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: She __________ (to see/saw) that movie two years ago. a. see b. saw c. has seen

Answer: b. saw

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: They __________ (to travel/have traveled) to 10 different countries. a. travel b. traveled c. have traveled

Answer: c. have traveled

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: She __________ (to finish/finished) her homework an hour ago. a. finish b. finished c. has finished

Answer: b. finished


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here's a chart that shows the differences between simple present tense and present perfect tense:

Simple Present TensePresent Perfect Tense
FormSubject + Verb (base form)Subject + Have/Has + Verb (past participle)
UseHabitual or repeated actionsActions completed in the recent past
General facts or truthsActions or experiences with no specific time mentioned
Scheduled or fixed eventsResults or consequences of past actions
Commentary on a narrativeLife experiences or events that continue to the present
ExamplesI walk to work every day.I have lived in New York for 5 years.
The sun rises in the east.She has visited 10 countries.
The concert starts at 8pm.They have won 3 championships.
He jumps over the fence.I have lost my keys.
She opens the door and enters.We have already eaten dinner.

Here are some example sentences and exercises to illustrate the differences between simple present tense and present perfect tense:

  1. Simple Present Tense: I eat breakfast every day.

Present Perfect Tense: I have already eaten breakfast today.

Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe habitual or repeated actions, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action completed in the recent past with no specific time mentioned.

  1. Simple Present Tense: The Earth revolves around the Sun.

Present Perfect Tense: I have never been to space.

Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe general facts or truths, while the present perfect tense is used to describe actions or experiences with no specific time mentioned.

  1. Simple Present Tense: The train leaves at 7pm.

Present Perfect Tense: I have missed my train.

Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe scheduled or fixed events, while the present perfect tense is used to describe the result or consequence of a past action.

  1. Simple Present Tense: The hero defeats the villain and saves the day.

Present Perfect Tense: I have lost my keys.

Explanation: The simple present tense is used for commentary on a narrative, while the present perfect tense is used to describe a life experience or event that continues to the present.


  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: I __________ (to see/seen) that movie before. a. see b. saw c. have seen

Answer: c. have seen

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: She __________ (to eat/eats) dinner at 6pm every day. a. eat b. eats c. has eaten

Answer: b. eats

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: I __________ (to lose/have lost) my keys and I can't find them. a. lose b. lost c. have lost

Answer: c. have lost

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: He __________ (to run/has run) 10 marathons in his life. a. run b. ran c. has run

Answer: c. has run

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: The store __________ (to close/has closed) for the day. a. close b. closed c. has closed

Answer: c. has closed



Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


"The Little Lame Prince" is a classic children's story that tells the tale of Prince Dolor, a young prince who is born with a physical disability that leaves him lame and unable to walk. Despite his disability, Prince Dolor is a kind and intelligent child who is loved by all who know him.

However, tragedy strikes when Prince Dolor's parents die in a riding accident. With no other family to turn to, he is sent to live with his cruel and heartless uncle. His uncle is a cold and calculating man who treats Prince Dolor poorly, keeping him confined to a tower and refusing to allow him to leave or have any contact with the outside world.

One day, while exploring the tower, Prince Dolor discovers a magic cloak that allows him to fly. With the cloak, he is able to escape from the tower and embark on a series of adventures. Along the way, he meets a variety of interesting characters, including a kind and wise old lady, a talking crow, and a mischievous fairy.

Through his adventures, Prince Dolor learns many valuable lessons about courage, kindness, and the true meaning of happiness. He also discovers that his physical disability is not the result of any medical condition, but rather a curse that was placed on him at birth by a wicked fairy. With the help of his friends, he is able to break the curse and regain the use of his legs.

In the end, Prince Dolor returns to his kingdom as a just and fair ruler. He uses the lessons he learned on his adventures to bring happiness to his people and rule with compassion and kindness.

"The Little Lame Prince" is a heartwarming story that teaches important lessons about perseverance, kindness, and the true meaning of happiness. It has been beloved by children and adults alike for over a century, and continues to be a popular choice for bedtime stories and classroom reading.

Here are some multiple choice questions based on the summary of "The Little Lame Prince":

  1. What is the name of the young prince in the story? A) Prince Charming B) Prince Dolor C) Prince Lancelot D) Prince Alexander

  2. What physical disability does Prince Dolor have? A) He is blind B) He is deaf C) He is lame and unable to walk D) He has a heart condition

  3. Who does Prince Dolor live with after his parents die? A) His grandparents B) His aunt and uncle C) His godparents D) His nanny

  4. How does Prince Dolor escape from the tower where he is kept by his uncle? A) He finds a magic wand that transports him outside B) He persuades his uncle to let him go C) He discovers a magic cloak that allows him to fly D) He climbs down a rope that he made himself

  5. What lessons does Prince Dolor learn during his adventures? A) Courage, kindness, and the true meaning of happiness B) How to play the piano, speak French, and ride a horse C) How to build a boat, catch fish, and make a fire D) How to sword fight, climb trees, and swim in a river

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Androcles and the Lion is a fable of Aesop that tells the story of a slave who escapes his cruel master and becomes friends with a lion in the wilderness. Here is the story:

Androcles was a slave who had escaped from his cruel master. He ran into the wilderness and, while hiding in a cave, stumbled upon a lion with a huge thorn in its paw. Androcles approached the lion, and to his surprise, the lion did not attack him. Instead, the lion lay down and held out its paw for Androcles to remove the thorn.

Androcles carefully removed the thorn from the lion's paw, and the lion roared with relief. From that moment on, the lion became Androcles' companion, bringing him food and protecting him from other animals. But eventually, Androcles was captured and returned to his master, who condemned him to death in the arena, to be torn apart by wild animals.

On the day of the spectacle, Androcles was thrown into the arena with a fierce lion. But as the lion charged at him, it recognized Androcles and ran towards him, wagging its tail. The audience was amazed to see the lion licking Androcles' feet and nuzzling its head against his chest. Androcles explained to the amazed crowd how he had helped the lion when it was injured and how it had become his friend.

The emperor, who was in the audience, was so impressed by the story that he pardoned Androcles and set him free, along with his lion companion. Androcles and the lion lived happily ever after.

Here are some multiple-choice questions about the fable:

  1. How did Androcles become friends with the lion? A) He tamed the lion with his whip. B) He stumbled upon the lion with a thorn in its paw and removed it. C) He fought the lion and emerged victorious. D) He fed the lion and gained its trust.


  1. Why was Androcles condemned to death in the arena? A) He stole from his master. B) He killed a fellow slave. C) He helped a lion in the wilderness. D) He tried to escape his master's house.


  1. What happened when Androcles was thrown into the arena with a fierce lion? A) The lion attacked him and killed him. B) The lion recognized him and ran towards him, wagging its tail. C) Androcles tamed the lion with his whip. D) The lion fled in fear when it saw Androcles.


  1. What did the emperor do when he heard Androcles' story? A) He ordered Androcles to be killed. B) He pardoned Androcles and set him free. C) He gave Androcles a job in the palace. D) He ordered Androcles to be enslaved again.


  1. What was the moral of the fable of Androcles and the lion? A) It is possible to befriend even the fiercest of creatures. B) People should not try to escape from their masters. C) It is better to be cruel than to be kind. D) Animals should be feared and avoided at all costs.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 13. 2023

Here's the fable of the lion and the bulls:

Once upon a time, there was a lion who ruled over a vast kingdom of animals. One day, he called together all the bulls of the land and declared that they were to provide him with food. The bulls were outraged by this and refused to comply, saying that they would rather die fighting than be the lion's prey.

The lion, who was cunning and shrewd, came up with a plan. He went to each bull individually and promised to spare them if they agreed to come to him alone. The bulls, not realizing that the other bulls were also being targeted, foolishly agreed.

One by one, the lions killed the bulls until there were none left. The other animals in the kingdom, who had watched in horror as their fellow creatures were killed, realized too late that they should have banded together to fight the lion.

Multiple-choice questions:

  1. Who declared that the bulls were to provide the lion with food? a) The bulls themselves b) The other animals in the kingdom c) The lion

Answer: c) The lion

  1. Why did the bulls refuse to comply with the lion's demand? a) They were afraid of the lion b) They would rather die fighting than be the lion's prey c) They were too lazy to hunt for food

Answer: b) They would rather die fighting than be the lion's prey

  1. How did the lion manage to kill all the bulls? a) He attacked them all at once b) He promised to spare them if they came to him alone c) He made a deal with the other animals in the kingdom to help him

Answer: b) He promised to spare them if they came to him alone.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 12. 2023

Here's a chart explaining the English conjunctions "and," "or," "but," "so," "because," and "although," along with examples and exercises:

AndTo join two or more items or ideas.I like coffee and tea.
OrTo give a choice between two or more items or ideas.Do you want pizza or pasta for dinner?
ButTo show contrast between two ideas.I want to go out, but it's raining outside.
SoTo show the result or consequence of something.I was running late, so I took a taxi to work.
BecauseTo show the reason for something.I stayed home because I was feeling sick.
AlthoughTo show a contrast between two ideas.Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct conjunction to complete the sentence.

  1. She wants to order pizza __ pasta for dinner. a) and b) or c) but

  2. I woke up late, __ I had to skip breakfast. a) so b) or c) because

  3. __ it was cold outside, we decided to go for a walk. a) And b) Because c) Although

  4. I like both coffee __ tea. a) and b) or c) but

  5. He didn't want to come to the party, __ he had other plans. a) so b) because c) although

Exercise 2: Create a sentence using the conjunction given.

  1. And Example: I like to read books, and I also like to watch movies.

  2. Or Example: Do you want to go to the park or the beach this weekend?

  3. But Example: I want to go to the party, but I have to finish my work first.

  4. So Example: I studied hard for the test, so I got a good grade.

  5. Because Example: I didn't go to the gym because I was feeling tired.

  6. Although Example: Although it was late, we decided to stay up and watch a movie.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here's a chart explaining adverbs of frequency for B2 level learners:

Adverb of FrequencyUsageExample
AlwaysTo describe a repeated action that happens all the time.She always eats breakfast before work.
UsuallyTo describe a repeated action that happens most of the time.He usually takes the bus to work.
OftenTo describe a repeated action that happens many times.They often go out to eat on the weekends.
SometimesTo describe a repeated action that happens occasionally.I sometimes forget my keys at home.
RarelyTo describe a repeated action that happens infrequently.She rarely goes to the gym after work.
Hardly everTo describe a repeated action that almost never happens.He hardly ever drinks coffee.
NeverTo describe a repeated action that doesn't happen at all.They never miss their morning jog.

Here are some exercises and examples to help you practice using adverbs of frequency:

  1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverb of frequency:

a) She ____________ (always/never) forgets her keys at home. b) They ____________ (usually/rarely) go to the movies on weekdays. c) I ____________ (often/hardly ever) eat fast food. d) He ____________ (sometimes/never) goes to bed early. e) We ____________ (rarely/always) take the train to work.

  1. Use adverbs of frequency to describe your daily routine:

a) I ____________ (always/usually) wake up at 6 a.m. and ____________ (often/sometimes) exercise in the morning. b) During the day, I ____________ (usually/often) work on my computer and ____________ (sometimes/rarely) take breaks. c) In the evening, I ____________ (often/rarely) cook dinner and ____________ (sometimes/hardly ever) watch TV.

  1. Use adverbs of frequency to describe your habits or preferences:

a) When it comes to eating, I ____________ (always/usually) prefer healthy food and ____________ (rarely/never) eat junk food. b) In terms of exercise, I ____________ (often/usually) go to the gym and ____________ (sometimes/hardly ever) go for a run outside. c) When it comes to hobbies, I ____________ (usually/often) read books and ____________ (sometimes/rarely) play video games.

It's important to use adverbs of frequency in the correct order in a sentence, which is usually subject + adverb of frequency + verb. For example, "I always eat breakfast before work" or "She never forgets her keys at home." Adverbs of frequency can be used in various situations such as describing daily routines, habits, and preferences. Practicing with these exercises can help you use adverbs of frequency correctly and effectively in your spoken and written communication.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 11. 2023

Here's a story that relates to the saying "Don't give people a value they don't deserve. Everyone is expendable."


Once upon a time, there was a man named John who worked as a manager at a big company. John was a hard worker and expected the same from his team. He often praised his top-performing employees and gave them special treatment, such as bonuses and promotions. However, he paid little attention to those who were not performing as well. He saw them as expendable and not deserving of his time or attention.

One day, the company faced financial difficulties and had to lay off some employees. To his surprise, John's top performers were among those who were let go. It turned out that the company valued their skills, but not enough to keep them on during tough times. John realized that he had been wrong in his thinking. He had given his top-performing employees a value that they didn't deserve, and had neglected the others who also had value.

Multiple choice questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the saying "Don't give people a value they don't deserve. Everyone is expendable"?

A. It means that everyone is valuable and deserves respect. B. It means that only some people are valuable and deserve respect. C. It means that people should be given more value than they deserve. D. It means that people are only valuable when they are useful.


  1. What was John's attitude towards his top-performing employees?

A. He saw them as expendable. B. He praised them and gave them special treatment. C. He neglected them. D. He didn't pay attention to them.


  1. What happened when the company faced financial difficulties?

A. John's top-performing employees were given bonuses. B. John's top-performing employees were promoted. C. John's top-performing employees were laid off. D. John's underperforming employees were laid off.


  1. What did John realize after the company faced financial difficulties?

A. He had been wrong in his thinking. B. He had been right in his thinking. C. He didn't care about the layoffs. D. He deserved a promotion.




Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 10. 2023 

Here is a chart to show the main uses of the definite article 'the' .

Referring to a specific noun that has already been mentioned"I saw a cat in the park. The cat was black and white."
Referring to a specific noun that is known to both the speaker and the listener"I parked the car in the garage."
Referring to a specific noun that is unique or one-of-a-kind"The sun is shining brightly."
Referring to a specific noun that is a part of a larger group or category"The red apple is my favorite fruit."
Referring to a specific noun that is used as a general concept"The rain can be a nuisance."

As you can see, "the" is used to refer to a specific noun in a variety of contexts.

Here are some examples:

  • The dog barked at the mailman. (referring to a specific dog)
  • Can you pass me the salt shaker? (referring to a specific container of salt)
  • The Eiffel Tower is a popular tourist attraction in Paris. (referring to a specific landmark)
  • Have you seen the movie that won the Oscar last year? (referring to a specific movie)
  • The car in the driveway needs to be washed. (referring to a specific car)

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with "the" in the following sentences:

  1. ___ cat is sleeping on ___ windowsill.
  2. Have you seen ___ latest episode of ___ Game of Thrones?
  3. ___ Earth orbits ___ sun.
  4. ___ children in ___ class are very well-behaved.
  5. I need to buy ___ milk from ___ store.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 09. 2023

"The" is a definite article in English. It is used to refer to a specific, known or previously mentioned noun.

When we use "the," we are referring to a particular item or thing, and both the speaker and listener know which item is being referred to. For example, if someone says "the book," they are referring to a specific book that has been mentioned before, or one that is clearly identifiable based on context.

Here are some examples:

  • Please pass me the salt. (referring to a specific container of salt)
  • Have you seen the movie we talked about? (referring to a specific movie that was previously discussed)
  • I parked my car in the garage. (referring to a specific garage that is known to the speaker and listener)
  • The cat is sleeping on the couch. (referring to a specific cat that is in the room)
  • She is wearing the blue dress that she bought last week. (referring to a specific dress that has been mentioned before)

In contrast, "a/an" are indefinite articles that are used to refer to a non-specific or unknown noun. They are placed before a singular noun and refer to any unspecified thing or item.

It is important to note that in some cases, no article is used at all. This occurs when referring to a non-specific, general noun or plural noun. For example:

  • Dogs are great pets. (referring to dogs in general)
  • I need to buy vegetables at the store. (referring to vegetables in general)

Overall, "the" is used to refer to a specific, known item or thing, while "a/an" are used to refer to non-specific or unknown items or things.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Write a paragraph about your mother:



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

To write a sentence in English, keep the following in mind:

  1. Grammar - Make sure that your sentence is grammatically correct. This includes using the correct verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and proper sentence structure.

  2. Clarity - Make sure that your sentence is clear and easy to understand. Avoid using overly complex vocabulary or sentence structures that can confuse the reader.

  3. Punctuation - Use proper punctuation to help clarify the meaning of your sentence. This includes using commas, periods, and other punctuation marks correctly.

  4. Conciseness - Try to make your sentence as concise as possible. Avoid using unnecessary words or phrases that do not add to the meaning of the sentence.

  5. Variety - Use a variety of sentence structures and lengths to make your writing more interesting and engaging.

  6. Context - Make sure that your sentence makes sense in the context of the larger piece of writing. Your sentence should flow smoothly and fit in with the overall message that you are trying to convey.

By keeping these things in mind, you can write effective and engaging sentences that are clear, concise, and easy to understand.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Për të shkruar një fjali në anglisht, mbani në mend këto gjëra:

Gramatikë - Sigurohuni që fjalët tuaja janë gramatikalisht të sakta. Kjo përfshin përdorimin e kohës së duhur të foljes, marrëveshjen mes subjektit dhe foljes, dhe strukturën e duhur të fjalëve.

Klariteti - Sigurohuni që fjalët tuaja janë të qarta dhe të lehta për tu kuptuar. Avoidoni përdorimin e fjalëve ose strukturave të fjalive shumë të kompleksa që mund të ngatërrojnë lexuesin.

Nënkuptimi - Përdorni nënkuptimin e duhur për të ndihmuar në kuptimin e fjalëve tuaja. Kjo përfshin përdorimin e shenjave të interpunktit që ndihmojnë në sqarimin e kuptimeve të fjalëve tuaja.

Konciziteti - Përpjekuni për të bërë fjalët tuaja sa më të shkurtër të jetë e mundur. Avoidoni përdorimin e fjalëve ose frazave të panevojshme që nuk shtojnë në kuptimin e fjalëve tuaja.

Varieteti - Përdorni një varietet të strukturave të fjalëve dhe gjatësive për të bërë shkrimin tuaj më interesant dhe tërheqës.

Konteksti - Sigurohuni që fjalët tuaja kanë kuptim në kontekstin e shkrimit të madh. Fjalët tuaja duhet të kenë një rrjedhë të shkurtër dhe të përshtaten me mesazhin e përgjithshëm që po përpiqeni të përcillni.

Duke mbajtur këto gjëra në mend, mund të shkruani fjalët e efektshme dhe tërheqëse që janë të qarta, të shkurtra dhe të lehta për tu kuptuar.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

To write a paragraph in English, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a topic - Decide on the topic that you want to write about. Make sure it is something that you are interested in and have some knowledge about.

  2. Write a topic sentence - Start your paragraph with a clear and concise topic sentence that introduces the main idea or point of the paragraph.

  3. Provide supporting details - Use specific examples, facts, and details to support your topic sentence. Make sure that your supporting details are relevant and help to explain or illustrate your main point.

  4. Use transitional words and phrases - Use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your paragraph flow smoothly. Examples of transitional words and phrases include "however," "therefore," "in addition," and "furthermore."

  5. Conclude your paragraph - End your paragraph with a concluding sentence that summarizes your main point and leads into the next paragraph.

  6. Edit your paragraph - After you have written your paragraph, take some time to edit and revise it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure that your paragraph is clear, concise, and easy to read.

Remember that a paragraph should be focused on one main idea or point, and should be well-organized with supporting details that help to explain or illustrate that point. With practice and patience, you can become a skilled writer of English paragraphs.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Për të shkruar një paragraf në anglisht, ndiqni këta hapa:

Zgjidhni një temë - Vendosni për temën që dëshironi të shkruani. Sigurohuni që është diçka që ju intereson dhe keni dijeni për të.

Shkruani një fjali kryesore- Filloni paragrafin tuaj me një fjalëkalim teme të qartë dhe të shkurtër që paraqet ideën kryesore ose pikën e paragrafit.

Sigurohuni që ofroni detaje mbështetëse - Përdorni shembuj specifike, fakte dhe detaje për të mbështetur fjalëkalimin tuaj teme. Sigurohuni që detajet mbështetëse janë relevante dhe ndihmojnë për të shpjeguar ose ilustruar pikën tuaj kryesore.

Përdorni fjalëkalime dhe fraza tranzicionale - Përdorni fjalëkalime dhe fraza tranzicionale për të lidhur idete tuaja dhe për të bërë që paragrafi juaj të rrjedhë lehtësisht. Shembuj të fjalëkalimeve dhe frazave tranzicionale përfshijnë "megjithatë", "prandaj", "sidoqoftë", "përveç kësaj" dhe "ndërsa".

Përfundoni paragrafin tuaj - Përfundoni paragrafin tuaj me një fjalëkalim përfundimtar që përmbledh pikën tuaj kryesore dhe udhëheq në paragrafin tjetër.

Redaktoni paragrafin tuaj - Pasi keni shkruar paragrafin tuaj, merrni disa minuta për ta redaktuar dhe ta rishikoni. Kontrolloni për gabime të drejshkrimit dhe gramatikore, dhe sigurohuni që paragrafi juaj është i qartë, i shkurtër dhe i lehtë për t'u lexuar.

Kujtoni se një paragraf duhet të jetë i fokusuar në një ide kryesore ose pikë, dhe duhet të jetë i mirë-organizuar me detaje mbështetëse që ndihmojnë për të shpjeguar ose ilustruar atë pikë. Me praktikë dhe durim, mund të bëheni një shkrimtar i aftë i paragrafeve anglisht.



Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

Write your own paragraph about parents.

Parents play an important role in the lives of their children. They are the first teachers, caregivers, and role models that we encounter. From infancy, parents provide us with love, support, and guidance. They teach us basic skills such as walking and talking, and help us to develop a sense of self-esteem and confidence. As we grow older, parents continue to be an important source of emotional support and encouragement. They help us to navigate the challenges of adolescence and provide us with advice and guidance as we begin to make our way in the world. Parents are an invaluable resource, and their love and support are essential for a happy and fulfilling life. We should always appreciate the sacrifices and hard work that our parents put into raising us, and strive to be the best that we can be in order to make them proud.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Hi Andrea and friends, Here is a chart outlining the past continuous tense rules and examples of how and where to use it correctly:

Past Continuous TenseRules and UsageExamples
Formation"was/were" + present participle (-ing) of the verb"I was walking to the store."
Duration in the PastUse to describe an action that was happening in the past for a specific duration"He was watching TV all afternoon."
Interrupted ActionsUse to describe an ongoing action in the past that was interrupted by another action"She was cooking dinner when the phone rang."
Background InformationUse to describe an ongoing action in the past that sets the scene for another action or event"The sun was setting as we arrived at the beach."
Two Actions SimultaneouslyUse to describe two actions happening simultaneously in the past"While I was reading, my sister was studying."

It's important to note that the past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was in progress in the past and was ongoing at a specific time. It is formed by using the auxiliary verbs "was" or "were" and adding the present participle (-ing) of the verb. It's also essential to use the tense consistently throughout a sentence and to use it correctly with other past tenses, such as the simple past tense.



Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

Hi Andrea and friends, here is a chart outlining the simple past tense rules and examples of how and where to use it correctly:

Simple Past TenseRules and UsageExamples
Regular VerbsAdd "-ed" to the base form of the verb"I walked to the store."
Irregular VerbsUse the past tense form of the verb"I ate breakfast at 8:00 am."
Completed ActionsUse to describe a completed action in the past"She finished her homework yesterday."
Series of ActionsUse to describe a sequence of actions that occurred in the past"He woke up, brushed his teeth, and then ate breakfast."
Duration in the PastUse to describe a past action that lasted for a specific duration"I lived in New York for five years."
Past HabitsUse to describe a past routine or habit that is no longer occurring"She always went for a run in the morning."

It's important to note that the simple past tense is used to talk about completed actions in the past and is not used for ongoing or future actions. Additionally, it's essential to use the correct verb form, whether regular or irregular, and to pay attention to the subject-verb agreement.


Hi Andrea and friends,

Try these adjectives and prepositions.

Do you know how to use adjectives with prepositions like interested in or similar to?

Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.

Look at these examples to see how adjectives are used with prepositions.

I'm interested in the idea. My jacket is similar to yours. She's brilliant at maths. My neighbour is angry about the party. Try this exercise to test your grammar. Grammar explanation

Some adjectives go with certain prepositions. There are no grammatical rules for which preposition is used with which adjective, so it's a good idea to try to learn them together. To help you do this, write new vocabulary in your notebook in a sentence or phrase.

However, there are some patterns that can help you. Let's look at them first. Remember that a preposition is followed by a noun or a gerund (-ing form).

With at

We use at with adjectives like good/bad/amazing/brilliant/terrible, etc. to talk about skills and abilities.

He's really good at English. She's amazing at the piano. They're terrible at organising anything. I'm not very good at drawing.

With about

We often use about with adjectives of feelings like angry/excited/happy/nervous/sad/stressed/worried, etc. to explain what is causing that feeling.

I'm angry about the decision. He's nervous about the presentation. She's excited about the new job. They were worried about the exam.

With of

However, sometimes we use of with feelings. She was afraid of telling her mum. I'm frightened of having an accident. He's scared of flying. You should be proud of your progress.

With to

We can use to to show the connection between people or things.

He's married to the director. I'm addicted to my phone. I'm allergic to nuts. It's similar to the old one.

We can also use to to talk about someone's behaviour towards someone else.

They were really friendly to me. Was he nice to you? He is always polite to everyone. She was very rude to the waitress.

Here are some other useful adjectives with prepositions.

With for

Exercise is good for you. Stress is bad for you. The town is famous for its cheese. I'm responsible for the financial side of the business.

With in

She's interested in the project. They want someone who's experienced in design. I didn't want to get involved in the argument. Do this exercise to test your grammar again.



Day and Night

There are 24 hours in a day. The day is divided into day(time) and night(-time). Daytime is from sunrise (this varies, but we can say approximately 6am) to sunset (we can say approximately 6pm). Night-time is from sunset to sunrise.

Every day starts precisely at midnightAM (ante-meridiem = before noon) starts just after midnight. PM (post-meridiem=after noon) starts just after midday. This means that 12am and 12pm have no meaning.

This diagram shows the cycle of a 24-hour day and the words we use to describe its parts. The day starts at midnight (at the bottom of the diagram).

Day and night
The word day can have two meanings:
1. the 24 hours between one midnight and the next 2. the time between sunrise and sunset (as distinct from night)





A pronoun takes the place of a noun.  

Një përemër ze vendin e një emri. 
Example story: 

Shembull tregimi: 
Mary is one of the heads of the ToJi Corporation. Mary works with Mr. James and Mr. James' son Tom. Mr. James and Mr. James' son Tom are experts in biochemistry. Mary, Mr. James, and Tom researched and invented a drug for cancer treatment.  

Meri është një nga kokat e korporatës ToJi. Meri punon me Z.Xhejms dhe djalin e Z.Xhejms, Tomin. Z.Xhejms dhe djali i Z.Xhejms, Tomi, janë ekspertë në biokimi. Meri, Z.Xhejmsdhe Tomi hulumtuan dhe krijuan një bar për trajtimin e kancerit. 



If the story above is written using pronouns: 

Nëse tregimi i mësipërm është i shkruar duke përdorur përemrat: 
Mary is one of the heads of the ToJi Corporation. She works with Mr. James and his son Tom. He and his son Tom are experts in biochemistry. They researched and invented a drug for cancer treatment.  

Meri është një nga kokat e korporatës ToJiAjo punon me Z.Xhejms dhe djalin tij, Tomin. Ai dhe djali i tijjanë ekspertë në biokimiAta hulumtuan dhe krijuan një bar për trajtimin e kancerit. 


Personal Pronouns 

Përemrat Vetorë 

Personal pronouns refer to a person: 

Përemrat vetorë i referohen një personi: 

  • I go to school. 

  • You are a student. 

  • They are Koreans. 

  • He works here. 

  • We gave her food. 


The word ‘it’ refers to an object: 

Fjala ‘it’ i referohet një objekti: 

  • I drank it. 

  • It is big. 

  • They cut it into halves. 


Memorize the personal pronouns: 

Mbani mend përemrat vetorë: 








Singular Subject 

Kryefjalë në njëjës 








Singular Object 

Kundrinor në njëjës 








Singular Reflexive 

Vetvetore në njëjës 








Plural Subject 

Kryefjalë në shumës 





Plural Object 

Kundrinor në shumës 





Plural Reflexive 
Vetvetore në shumës 





Write the correct pronoun in each blank. 
Shkruani përemrin e duhur në secilin vend bosh. 

  1. I ate an apple.                     was delicious.  

  1. You look tired.                     should rest.  

  1. She is a teacher. I gave                    a book.  

  1. They are my friends. I like                     very much.  

  1. He saw the movie.                    . 




be: past Where were you? I was in Glasgow.

+ ? - I was you were he/she/it was we were they were was I? were you? was he/she/it? were we? were they? I was not you were not he/she/it was not we were not they were not

Contractions: wasn´t, weren´t

Where were you yesterday? My mother was a singer. I wasn´t well last week.

1.Put in was or were.

Ø In summer 1990 I …was… in Brasil

1. We ……………….. very happy to see you yesterday. And I ……………….. happy to see you.

2. Lunch ………………. OK, but the vegetables ………………… not very good.

3. I can`t find my keys. They ……………….. here this morning.

4. It ……………….. cold and dark, and we …………..…… tired.

5. My grandmother ……………….. a doctor, and her two brothers ……………….. both doctors too.

6. ……………….. you in London yesterday? No, I ……………….. in Glasgow.

7. When ……………….. your exam? It ……………….. yesterday.

8. Why ……………….. you late? The train ……………….. late.

2.Put the words to the correct order to make questions.

Ø Ann at home yesterday was …Was Ann at home yesterday? ……….

1. good party was the ………………………………………………………………………

2. people were the interesting …………………………………………………………

3. teacher father your was a …………………………………………………………….

4. everybody was late ………………………………………………………………………

5. your was driving test when ………………………………………………………….

6. Tuesday you where on were ………………………………………………………..

7. open windows why the all were …………………………………………………..

8. John´s brother school was with at you …………………………………………

3.Put in wasn´t or weren´t and words from the box. Make sure you understand actually. Use a dictionary if necessary.

a teacher good in England in their hotel interesting late warm well with Anna

Ø The lesson ….wasn´t interesting… Actually, it was very boring.

1. You ………………………… Actually, you arrived 10 minutes early.

2. My father ………………………… Actually, he worked as a bus driver

3. I ………………………… yesterday. Actually, I was with Susan.

4. The children ………………………… yesterday. The doctor came to see them.

5. We ………………………… last week. We went to Scotland for a few days.

6. The snow ………………………… at Christmas. We couldn´t ski.

7. Ann and Peter ………………………… when I phoned.

8. It ………………………… last night. Actually, it was quite cold.



Koha e shkuar e foljeve

Ø Koha e shkuar e anglishtes perkon me kohen e pakryer dhe te kryeren e thjeshte te shqipes. Koha e shkuar shpesh perdoret per te perkthyer te kryeren e thjeshte te shqipes kur ajo tregon nje veprim plotesisht te perfunduar, veprim qe nuk ka asnje lidhje me te tashmen.


Une isha
You were 
Ti ishe
He, she, it was
Ai, ajo; ai,ajo ishte
We were
Ne ishim
You were
Ju ishit
They were
Ata ishin


Ø Folje te rregullta quhen ato folje, te cilat formojne kohen e shkuar duke i shtuar paskajores ose temes se foljes mbaresen ed.
To work-punoj                            I worked-une punova
To cook-gatuaj                           I cooked-une gatova
·       Ne shqiptim zanorja e, e mbareses ed, nese vjen pas bashketingellores ose merr tingullin /i/

·       E shkuara eshte e pandryshueshme per te gjitha vetat, si per njejesin ashtu dhe per shumesin.

Zgjedhimi i foljes (to)work ne kohen e shkuar

I worked
Une punova, punoja
You worked
Ti punove, punoje
He worked
Ai punoi
She worked
Ajo punoi
It worked
Ai, ajo punoi
We worked
Ne punuam
You worked
Ju punuat
They worked
Ata punuan

·       Me poshte do te paraqesim kohen e shkuar te disa foljeve te regullta:

(to) push
(to) pull
(to) help
(to) happen
(to) finish
(to) cook
(to) brush
(to) boil
(to) work
(to) watch
(to) wash
(to) want
(to) walk
(to) wait
(to) use
(to) turn
(to) try
(to) telephone
(to) talk
(to) switch
(to) stop
(to) start
(to) show
(to) rest
(to) rain

·       Te rregullta jane edhe tri foljet qe dalin per here te pare ne kete mesim:
(To) row-rowed;    to visit-visited   dhe to enjoy-enjoyed.

Shenim per kohen e shkuar:

v Ne foljet qe vijojne dhe ne foljet e tjera te ngjashme me keto, zanorja e shqiptohet /i/, si tek keto folje: to want-wanted, to wait-waited, to rest-rested, to start-startedsepse ajo paraprihet nga bashketingellorja t. Ajo lexohet gjithashtu /i/ tek folja to end-ended, to defend-defended, to need-needed etj.

v Mbaresa ed, lexohet /t/ kur rrenja apo tema e foljes mbaron me ch, sh, f, k, p,ss,x, si, tek foljet qe vijojne: to reach-reached,to wash-washed, to ask-asked, to help-helped, to miss-missed, to fix-fixed etj, pra kur folja mbaron me bashketingellore te pazeshme.

v Kjo mbarese lexohet /d/ ne rastet kur folja mbaron me zanore dhe me bashketingellore te zeshme, pervec bashketingellores d, si tek foljet: to call-called, to stay-stayed, to suffer-suffered, to aim-aimed etj.

v Ato folje te cilat mbarojne vetem me nje bashketingellore te paraprire nga nje zanore e shkurter mbi te cilen bie theksie dyfishojne kete bashketingellore perpara se ato te marrin mbaresen ed te se shkuares. Eshte i njejti rregull qe vepron per pjesoren e tashme. Si to stop-stopped, to drop-dropped.

v Foljet qe mbarojne me y e shnderrojne kete y ne i, ne qofte se kjo paraprihet nga nje bashketingellorepor perkundrazi e ruajne ate kur paraprihet nga nje zanore, to try-tried;  to hurry-hurried, kur y paraprihet nga nje bashketingellore dhe to enjoy-enjoyed, to play-playedkur y paraprihet nga nje zanore. ( per rregullen per formimin e vetes se trete njejes koha e tashme shiko mesimin 13)

v Ne qofte se nje folje mbaron me zanoren ekoha e shkuar formohet duke shtuar vetem bashketingelloren d. to decide-decided, to move-moved, to like-liked, to dance-danced, to promise-promised, to cure-cured.

v Pervec rastit te shpjeguar ne piken e pare, zanorja e ne kohen e shkuar te foljeve  nuk lexohet kurre.


Ø Edhe per kohen e shkuar vlejne po ato rregulla te pergjithshme te dhena per kohen e tashme. Pra, per foljet ndihmese, ndertimet pyetese dhe mohore jane si ato te kohes se tashmeme dallimin per te patur kujdes zevendesimin e trajtave to be (am, is dhe are), me was ( per numrin njejes) dhe are me were per numrin shumes). Si

Koha e tashme/deftore 
Koha e shkuar/deftore
I am               une jam
was                   –une isha
You are         - ti je
You were          - ti ishe
He is              - ai eshte
He was              -ai ishte
She is            - ajo eshte
She was            - ajo ishte
It is                - ai, ajo eshte
It was                -ai, ajo ishte
We are         - ne jemi
We were            -ne ishim
You are          - ju jeni
You were           - ju ishit
They are        - ata jane
They were        - ata ishin

Koha e tashme/mohore
Koha e shkuar/mohore
am not            -une nuk jam
was not             -une nuk isha
You are not      -ti nuk je
You were not     -ti nuk ishe
He is not           - ai nuk eshte
He was not         -ai nuk ishte
She is not         -ajo nuk eshte
She was not        -ajo nuk ishte
It is not             -ai, ajo nuk eshte
It was not             -ai, ajo nuk ishte
We are not      - ne nuk jemi
We were not       -ne nuk ishim
You are not      - ju nuk jeni
You were not        -ju nuk ishit
They are not     - ata, ato nuk jane
They were not       - ata nuk ishin

Koha e tashme/pyetese
Koha e shkuar/pyetese
Am I?               -a jam une?
Was I?                     A Isha une?
Are you?         -a je ti?
Were you?             A ishe ti?
Is he?               -a eshte ai?
Was he?                 A ishte ai?
Is she?             - a eshte ajo?
Was she?                A ishte ajo?
Is It?                 -a eshte ai,ajo?
Was it?                   A ishte ai, ajo?
Are we?           -a jemi ne?
Were we?               A ishim ne?
Are you?          -a jeni ju?
Were you?             A ishit ju?
Are they?         -a jane ata?
Were they?            A ishin ata?

Ø Shkurtimet per was dhe were gjate perdorimit ne ndertimet mohore jane: wasn’t /wɔzn’t/ dhe weren’t /w ə:nt/.

Ø Per te gjitha foljet e tjera, ndertimet ne mohore dhe pyetese, behen si ne kohen e tashme duke zevendesuar do ose does me did dhe duke mbajtur mend mire se did eshte e njejte per te gjitha vetat, si per njejesin ashtu dhe per shumesin.

Ø Kujtojme se eshte folja ndihmese to do ajo qe zgjedhohet ne kohen e shkuar dhe jo vete folja perkatese, e cila ruan trajten e paskajores, pa pjesezen to, si psh.:

I did not cook.   Did I cook?
I did not want it.   Did I want it?

Zgjedhimi i foljes (to) help ne kohen e shkuar, forma pyetese.

Koha e shkuar
E kryer e plote
E pakryer
Did I help?
A ndihmova une?
A ndihmoja une?
Did you help?
A ndihmove ti?
A ndihmoje ti?
Did he help?
A ndihmoi ai?
A ndihmonte ai?
Did she help?
A ndihmoi ajo?
A ndihmonte ajo?
Did it help?
A ndihmoi ai, ajo?
A ndihmonte ai,ajo?
Did we help?
A ndihmuam ne?
A ndihmonim ne?
Did you help?
A ndihmuat ju?
A ndihmonit ju
Did they help?
A ndihmuan ata?
A ndihmonin ata?

Zgjedhimi i foljes (to) help ne kohen e shkuar, forma mohore.

I did not help
Une nuk ndihmova

You did not help
Ti nuk ndihmove
Une nuk ndihmoja
He did not help
Ai nuk ndihmoi
Ti nuk ndihmoje
She did not help
Ajo nuk ndihmoi
Ai nuk ndihmonte
It did not help
Ai, ajo nuk ndihmoi
Ai, ajo nuk ndihmonte
We did not help
Ne nuk ndihmuam
Ne nuk ndihmonim
You did not help
Ju nuk ndihmuat
Ju nuk ndihmonit
They did not help
Ata nuk ndihmuan
Ata,ato nuk ndihmonin


Robert: Did you enjoy your day in Oxford yesterday?
Jennifer: Oh, yes, thank you Dr. Grande, it was splendid. We were lucky, the weather stayed fine all day. We parked the car in the market-square. Then, we walked around the city. The old buildings and the gardens looked beautiful.
Robert:  Did you see the river?
Jennifer: Yes, we walked along the bank of the river. Some young men were rowing in boats.
Robert:  I hope you visited my old college, Mrs. Gates.
Jennifer: We wanted to see it, but it wasn’t possible.
Robert:  Why, what happened?
Jennifer: When we tried to get in, the door was shut.
Robert:  Really?  You didn’t push hard enough.
Jennifer: No, we weren’t allowed to go in. But the garden was very nice.
Robert: How do you know?
Jennifer: Well, first we looked at it over the wall. Then we talked to a man, and he showed us the way in. oh, yes, we liked Oxford very much. But when we finished our tour, I was really very tired. We started back at about at seven.
Robert: Didn’t you stop for a meal?
Jennifer: Yes, we stopped at a pub on the way home.
Robert: So, you really enjoyed your day. That’s good.


·       Did you enjoy your day in Oxford?  A u kenaqet ne Oksford? Si e kaluat diten ne Oksford?
·       Stayed fine all day.  Moti qendroi mire gjithe diten
·       We walked around the city. Ne shetitem perreth qytetit ne kembe.
·       Why, what happened? Perse? Cfare ndodhi?
·       You didn’t push hard enough. Ju nuk e shtyte fort.
·       We weren’t allowed to go in. nuk u lejuam te hynim Brenda.
·       He showed us the way. Ai na tregoi rrugen nga te hynim.
·       We started back. U nisem per tu kthyer.
·       Didn’t you stop for a meal? Nuk u ndalet per te ngrene?
·       On the way home. Rruges per ne shtepi.
·       Help your brother, please. I helped him yesterday.
·       Do you homework, please. I did them yesterday.
·       Watch the movie, please. I watched it yesterday.
·       Telephone your sister, please. I telephoned her yesterday.
·       Open the garage, please. I opened it yesterday.
·       Wash the dishes, please. I washed them yesterday.
·       Cook the lunch, please. I cooked it yesterday.
·       Visit your grandparents, please. I visited them yesterday.
·       Wash, dishes. Did she wash the dishes?
·       Watch a film. Did she watch a film?
·       Visit, grandparents. Did she visit her grandparents?
·       Eat, lunch. Did he eat lunch?

Thenie dhe frazeologji:

o   They were all ready at seven o’clock.  Ata te gjithe ishin gati ne oren 7.
o   She was reading yesterday. Ajo ishte duke lexuar dje.
o   Where were you after dinner? Ku ishe ti pas darkes?
o   They studied all the evening. Ata studjuan gjithe mbremjen.
o   In the morning I wasn’t happy. Ne mengjes nuk isha e gezuar.
o   I washed the dishes. Lava enet.
o   The third of May. 3 Maj.
o   The fourth of December. 4 Dhjetor.
o   The fifth of July. 5 korrik.
o   The eighth of October. 8 tetor
o   The twenty-first of October. 21 tetor.
o   The seventh of August. 7 gusht.
o   The eleventh of September. 11 shtator.


v Rikujtojme se forma e pjesores se shkuar te foljeve te rregullta eshte e njejte me ate te se kryeres se thjeshte.

Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:

§  Me 10 folje te paraqitura ne kete mesim formoni fjali per te pershkruar veprime te kryera nje dite me pare si  Ben showed me his new car yesterday.
§  Me 10 folje te paraqitura ne kete mesim formoni fjali per te pershkruar veprime qe nuk u kryen nje dite me pare si  She didn’t write yesterday.
§  Me 10 folje te paraqitura ne kete mesim beni pyetje mbi bazen e asaj qe ndodhi nje dite me pare si Did she run yesterday?

§  Perktheni ne anglisht: 

o   Ajo shtepi ishte shume e bukur.
o   A ishit me ata gjate vrapimit tuaj?
o   Poshte ndenjeses se shoferit ishin disa dokumenta.
o   Perse ishte e acaruar ajo sot?
o   Prinderit e tyre ecen pergjate bregut te lumit.

Ktheni fjalite e meposhtme ne kohen e shkuar duke perdorur shprehjet kohore si yesterday, at ten o’clock, on the fifth of February.
She is using  her grandmother’s phone.
I am listening to you.
They are watching a film today.
The music starts in a minute.

§  Ktheni fjalite e mesiperme ne mohore dhe pyetese.

§  Shkruani edhe nje here listen e foljeve te paraqitura ne kete mesim dhe dhe perballe trajtes angleze ne secilen nga kater kolonat, pra perballe kohes se tashme dhe asaj te shkuar, shkruani trajten perkatese te shqipes, kuptimin qe keni mesuar ne meismet e meparshme.

Ushtrime per tu perkthyer:

o   Oksfordi me pelqeu shume.
o   Qyteti ishte i mrekullueshem dhe koha ishte e bukur.
o   Ata donin te vozisnin, por nuk i lejuan.
o   Djemte shetiten pergjate bregut te lumit dhe pastaj shkuan ne shkolle.
o   A ra bore dje ne Pogradec?
o   Pse nuk studjon ti?
o   Sot une po lexoj, por dje nuk lexova.
o   Ti hodhe shigjeten ne oren 10:00.



Dear students,

We have often talked about irregular verbs. Follow the charts below and let's start learning them, at least one verb per day.


All new verbs in English are regular.
  • I photocopied the report.
  • She faxed it to me.
  • They emailed everybody about it.
  • I googled my name and got more than 20 000 responses.
There are approximately 180 irregular verbs. You don’t need to learn all of them because some of these are very rare but many others are very useful and you do need to know them.
What’s the easiest way to learn them? Some people think you should learn a list ‘by heart’. Others think you should not learn them at all – you will just gradually acquire them over time.
One useful method is to note down new irregular verbs as you meet them. It is useful to write these verbs (or any vocabulary you want to learn) in sentences and learn those rather than the individual word.
Which is easier to learn?
  • Swim swam swum
  • I swam In the pool.
Another technique is to classify the irregular verbs into 4 categories.
1. All forms the same
  • set set set
  • cost cost cost
2. Similar sound groups
  • beat beat beaten 
  • eat ate eaten
  • blow blew blown
  • throw threw thrown
  • drink drank drunk
  • sing sang sung
  • speak spoke spoken
  • wake woke woken
3. The second and third forms are the same. 
  • bend bent bent 
  • sleep slept slept
  • spend spent spent
  • bring brought brought
  • buy bought bought
  • teach taught 8
  • have had had
  • pay paid paid
  • say said said
4. The “unclassifiables” 
  • come came come 
  • do did done
  • go went gone
  • show showed show8


paf 04.02.2020

Dear students,

Have a close look at the following lecture prepared by an English teacher. Hope you are going to enjoy it.


Had better

   By admin  No comments 

We use “had better” plus the infinitive without “to”  to give advice. Although “had” is the past form of “have”, we use “had better” to give advice about the present or future.
  • You’d better tell her everything.
  • I’d better get back to work.
  • We’d better meet early.
The negative form is “had better not”.
  • You’d better not say anything.
  • I’d better not come.
  • We’d better not miss the start of his presentation.
We use “had better” to give advice about specific situations, not general ones. If you want to talk about general situations, you must use “should”.
  • You should brush your teeth before you go to bed.
  • I shouldn’t listen to negative people.
  • He should dress more appropriately for the office.
When we give advice about specific situations, it is also possible to use “should”. 
  • You shouldn’t say anything.
  • I should get back to work.
  • We should meet early.
However, when we use “had better” there is a suggestion that if the advice is not followed, that something bad will happen
  • You’d better do what I say or else you will get into trouble.
  • I’d better get back to work or my boss will be angry with me.
  • We’d better get to the airport by five or else we may miss the flight.


Hi everyone,

Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte. 
Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te  kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthshme. 


Mesimi # 1

A. Sentence structure
      Struktura e fjalise.

The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me  nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.

1  Subject             Verb   
   Kryefjale    +      Folje
My arms           are aching
    Something        happened

2. Subject               Verb                  Object   
   Kryefjale      +     Folje        +        Kundrinor

    I                           need                 a rest
    Five people       are moving      the piano

The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun 
(e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg  the piano)

Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:

a) emer
b) peremer
c) grup emeror)

3. Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.

4.  Subject                 Verb                 Adverbial    
     Kryefjale        +     Folje        +      Ndajfolje ose rrethanor

    It                             is                      on my foot.
    Their house          is                       nearby.
An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.

5.  Subject                  Verb                Object                      Object
     Kryefjale      +        Folje        +      Kundrinor        +        Kundrinor 

    It                             ‘s giving           me                            backache.
    David                      bought            Melanie                   a present.

We use two objects after verbs like give and  send.
Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.

B. Adverbials

We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.

My arms are aching terribly.                        I really need a rest.
Of course this piano is heavy .                    Fortunately their house is nearby .




Hi every one,

Read the following material and make your own examples.


Special verbs: be, have (got) and can
Present tense
I am (I’m)
You are (You’re)
He is (He’s)
She is (she’s)
It is (it’s)
We are (we’re)
You are ( you’re)
They are ( they’re)

Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?
I am (I’m) not
You are not (aren’t)
He is not (isn’t)
She is not (isn’t)
It is not (isn’t)
We are not (aren’t)
You are not (aren’t)
They are not (aren’t)

I’m sixteen. ( I have sixteen)
Are you English? Yes, I am (yes, I’m)
Her name’s Ann.
Is Susan an engineer? Yes, she is. (yes, she’s)
Are John and his father doctors? (Are doctors John and his father?)
You’re Canadian, aren’t you? Yes, that’s right.



Hi everyone,

Following you are going to find  a link which will lead you to some very simple stories
for reading during December 2016, until January the 5th 2017. read with a motto:"One short story per day"



Dear students of SF-1 Sunday,

Follow the link below and listen to the story. Then Write the whole story in your notebook.



paf 01.31.2016

Hi there,

Ju lutem provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin e meposhtem ne nje kohe te pershtateshme per ju.



 paf 01.25.2016

Hi everyone,

Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet ne linkun e meposhtem.




                           Happy Sunday Day !

Shikoni me kujdes tabelen e meposhteme. Mesoni fjalet e reja ne text. Plotesoni tabelen. Argumentoni zgjidhjen tuaj duke filluar…

“ If the photographer and the doctor are women…..

Pergjigjen tuaj e shkruani ne fletoren e detyrave te shtepise.




There are four floors in a block of flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer. The architect lives on the ground floor.
The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.






pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun.

A few examples for pronouns are he, sheit, they, and them.

If you're talking about the singing group "Peter, Paul and Mary," it can be boring if you have to say all three names each time you talk about them. 

"I think Peter, Paul and Mary make great music, I really enjoy everything I've heard from Peter, Paul and Mary. What do you think of Peter, Paul and Mary?" 

That's only three repetitions of their names, but you can see how annoying it can be.

When you decide to use a pronoun to replace a direct object, we move the direct object next to the verb and, if there's an indirect object, we use to or forto move it, like in the example above.

Some examples: 
(The indirect object is purple, the direct object is green, and the preposition is red)
  • I gave it to John.
  • We chose it for Mom.
  • It made him strong
  • Two New Yorkers gave them to me in the subway.

We'll continue next time!



Lexoni dialogun dhe provoni te ndertoni nje tjeter dialog te ngjashem me te.


Buying other things

A:May I help you?
B:Yes. I need to buy a few things. I would like to buy two big packages of toilet paper, some razor blades, two bars of bath soap, and a bottle of shampoo.
A: Anything else?
 B: Yes. I also need a handkerchief, a tube of toothpaste, a toothbrush, and some deodorant.
A: Will that be all?
B: Yes. Now you can total up everything.

Duke blere gjera te tjera

A:A mund t’ju ndihmoj?
B:Po. Mua me duhet te blej disa gjera.Do doja te blija dy pako te medha me leter higjenike, ca brisqe, dy kallepe sapuni per dush dhe nje shampo.
A:Ndonje gje tjeter?
B:Po. Edhe nje shami duarsh, nje paste dhembesh, nje furce dhembesh dhe nje deodorant.
B:Po. Tani mund t’i mblidhni te gjitha.



Ndiqni me vemendje kete video. Shikojeni edhe degjojeni ate gjate cdo dite te kesaj jave deri sa te jeni shume te familjarizuar me cdo fjale te perdorur ne te.




Ne gjuhen angleze ju, shpesh mund te hasni fjali te tilla si me poshte:

I am doing( present continuous)

( Une jam duke bere ) . Kjo kohe ne gjuhen shqipe quhet " e tashme e vazhduar". Pavaresihst perkthimit qe mund ti bejme kohes, ju jeni te lutur te kuptoni se nese ju duhet te pershkruani nje veprim i cili realisht eshte duke ndodhur ne momentin qe jeni duke folur atehere pikerisht kini gjetur kohen  e duhur per te shprehur kete veprim, dmth Present Continuous Tense. 
Veprimet e gjithkujt ndodhin ne kohe te ndryshme e si te tilla ato duan kohe te ndryshme per tu reflektuar.
Nese ju jeni duke bere nje veprim ne momentin qe flisni apo jeni duke e pare veprimin, apo e merrni me mend se ashtu sic mendoni ju po ndosh atehere eshte momenti i duhur per te perdorur kohen:' Present Continuous Tense".
Lexoni fjalite  e meposhteme: 


I’m eating.
She’s eating.
She isn’t reading.
It’s raining.
The sun isn’t shining.
We’re running.
They’re running.
They aren’t walking.

The present continuous is:
Am/is/are + doing/ eating/running/writing etc.

Koha "Present Continuous Tense", ndertohet nga tre elemente:

1: folja to be ( am/is/are) + verb ( nje folje kuptimore) + -ing

I am ( not) – ing                           I’m working.

She     is   ( not) –ing                  Chris is writing a letter.
It is eating.
                                                       She isn’t eating . ( or She’s not eating)
The phone is ringing.
We’re having dinner.
You’re not listening to me. ( or you aren’t)
The children are doing their homework.

You  are  ( not) reading
They are playing

B am/is/are+ ing= something is happening now:

I’m working.
She’s wearing a hat.
They’re  playing football.
I’m not watching television.
past                         now                     future
Please be quiet. I’m working. (= I’m working now)
Look at Sue! She’ s wearing her new hat.( = she is wearing it now)
The weather is nice at the moment. It’s not raining.
Where are the children? They’re playing in the park.
(on the phone) We’re having dinner now. Can you phone again later?

You can turn off the television. I’m not watching it.
come→coming                write→writing      dance→ dancing
run→running     sit→sitting      swim→swimming


3.1 What are these people doing? Use these verbs to complete the sentences:
Eat    have   lie            play            sit         wait

She’s eating an apple.

He …………………………………………..  for a bus.
They …………………………
 …………………………………………………..on the floor.
……………………………………………….on the table.

3.2 Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs:
Build     cook     go     have   stand       stay     swim    work

Please be quiet. I’m working.
Where’s John? He’s in the kitchen. He …………………………………….
You ………………………………………………on my foot. Oh, I’m sorry.
Look!  Somebody …………………………………… the river.
We’re here on holiday. We …………………….at the Central Hotel.
Where’s Ann? She ……………………………………..a shower.
They …………………………….a new theatre in the city centre at the moment.
I ……………………………………………….now. Goodbye.

3.3. Look at the picture. Write sentences about Jane. Use she’s- ing or she isn’t- ing.
( have dinner) Jane isn’t having dinner.
( watch television) She’s watching television.
( sit on the floor) She…………………………………………….
( read a book) …………………………………………………………..
(play the piano) ………………………………………………………..
( laugh) ………………………………………………………………………….
( wear a hat) ………………………………………………………………….
(write a letter) …………………………………………………………………

3.4 What’s happening at the moment? Write true sentences.

( I /wash/my hair) I’m not watching my hair.
( it/snow) It’s snowing. Or It isn’t snowing.
(I/sit/on a chair)…………………………………………………………………
( it/ rain) ………………………………………………………………………………..
( I/ learn/ English)……………………………………………………………………
( I/ listen/ to music)……………………………………………………………………..
( the sun/shine)…………………………………………………………………………………..
( I/wear/ shoes)…………………………………………………………………………………
 ( I/read/ a newspaper)………………………………………………………………………

Are you doing? ( present continuous questions)                     question           



                           Happy Easter Day !

Shikoni me kujdes tabelen e meposhteme. Mesoni fjalet e reja ne text. Plotesoni tabelen. Argumentoni zgjidhjen tuaj duke filluar…

“ If the photographer and the doctor are women…..

Pergjigjen tuaj e shkruani ne fletoren e detyrave te shtepise.




There are four floors in a block of flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer. The architect lives on the ground floor.
The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.



Sot po ju paraqes mesimin # 2. Shpresoj t'ju pelqeje kjo faqe ushtrimi.


In lesson 01 we went over two basic meanings of the verb BE, when it is not used as a helping verb.

In this lesson we will go over three more basic meanings.

Ne mesimin e kaluar ne pame se bashku dy kuptime te foljes baze te gjuhes angleze: to be.

Ne kete mesim ju do te gjeni tre kuptime te reja te kesaj folje kur ajo paraqitet si folje ndihmese.

Ndiqni me kujdes vijimin:

The verb BE

Quick note:
In the simple present tense the verb BE has these three forms:
  • I => am
  • She, he, it => is
  • We, you, they => are
We will use these forms in our examples and exercises. 

The meanings of the verb BE (continued):

3. Shows location.

She is at school.
Online Lesson 02

She is home.
Online Lesson 02

The food is on the table.

Online Lesson 02

4. Shows identity.

She is Alexis and this is Bob.

Online Lesson 02

He is a singer.

Online Lesson 02

He is not a singer.

Online Lesson 02

5. Shows a quality or qualities.

She is beautiful.

Online Lesson 02

It is green and stinky.

Online Lesson 02

This is dangerous.

Online Lesson 02


Shikoni  mesimin e meposhtem. Ndiqni me kujdes fjalite e meposhteme. Nese do te kini probleme i diskutojme se bashku ne oren e dites se enjte.


Lesson 01

The verb BE

Quick note:
In the simple present tense the verb BE has these three forms:
  • I => am
  • She, he, it => is
  • We, you, they => are
We will use these forms in our examples and exercises.
Now, before going over BE as a helping verb, it's important to go over some of its other basic meanings.
In this lesson we will go over two of the meanings of the verb BE.

The meanings of the verb BE:

1. Exists

In this meaning BE usually comes with there:
There is = exists
There are = exist

There is a rabbit inside.
A rabbit

There is nothing in the fridge.

An empty fridge

There is
 a problem...

A problem

There is a difference between the balloons.

Party kids

There are
crazy people in the world.
There are crazy people in the world.

2. Happens

The party is tonight.

A party

The meeting is down the hall.

A meeting

Come, it is over there.

Over there!



Telling the time in English. Try.



Numbers from 1 - 100 in English.




Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin  e meposhtem. Punoni per shkrimin e numurave.




Match the words and the pictures correctly;




Mesimi # 2

Koha e tashme e foljes te jesh ( The present tense of the verb to be )

Folja to be eshte nje folje shume e rendesishme e gjuhes angleze. Gjate zgjedhimit ajo merr forma te ndryshme. Ne veten e pare te numurit njejes ajo behet am, ne veten e dyte numuri njejes apo shumes ajo eshte njesoj: are; ne veten e trete numuri njejes ajo del si: is. Ne veten e pare shumes apo ne veten e trete shumes kjo folje del ne formen: are. Me poshte po ju paraqes nje tabele te zgjedhimit te kesaj folje.
Gjate nje zgjedhimi normal nje folje paraqitet ne formen e saj deftore ( affirmative ); pastaj del ne formen pyetese ( Interrogative ) edhe gjithashtu del edhe ne formen mohore ( negative ).

( Full form )

I        am
You   are
He     is
She    is
It        is
We     are
You    are
They   are

Forma pyetese

Ne qofte se deshironi te ndertoni nje fjali pyetese ne gjuhen angleze kur ne kete fjali eshte pikerisht folja to be, atehere duhet ta vendosni kete folje perpara kryefjales. to be + subject.


Am      I?
Are     You?
Is         he?
Is         She?
Is         it?
Are      We?
Are      you?
Are      they?

Forma mohore e plote

Negative ( Full form )

I           am   not
You     are   not
He       is     not
She      is     not
It          is    not
We       are  not
You      are  not
They     are  not

Ne gjuhen e perditeshme, te bisedave, folja to be preferon te perdoret ne formen e shkurtuar te saj, dmth, ajo pergjithesisht lidhet me kryefjalen e vet me ane te nje apostrofi.
Forma deftore do te dukej si me psohte:

Affirmative ( Short form )

Ne gjuhen angleze ne shpesh kombinojme dy fjale bashke per te formuar nje fjale tjeter. Keto fjale te reja quhen shkurtime ( = contractions ). 
Ne shpesh perdorim (') apostrofin per te formuar keto shkurtime.

Shkurtimet e numurit njejes jane:
( Contractions in the singular are )


Shkurtimet e numurit shumes jane:
( Contractions in the plural are )


Ne formen e vet mohore, ne biseda folja to be bashkohet edhe me pjesezen mohuese not edhe formon kete lloj shkurtimi:

I'm not
You aren't
He isn't
She isn't
It isn't
We aren't
You aren't
They aren't



Shikoni me kujdes  te gjithe materialin e meposhtem. Lexoni cdo fjali edhe pastaj provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet sipas modelit te dhene si me poshte:


My name is Lisa.
I’m 22.
I’m not married.
I’m American. I’m from Chicago.
I’m a student.
My favorite color is blue.
My favorite sports are football and swimming.
I’m interested in art.
My father is a doctor and my mother is a journalist.


positive                                            negative

I am           ( I’m)
He              (he’s)      
She       is   (she’s)
It                 (it’s)

We               (we’re)
You     are    (you’re)
They              ( they’re)

I am not     ( I’m not)
He                ( he’s not or he isn’t)
She  is not    ( she’s not or she isn’t)
It                    (it’s not or it isn’t)

We                   (we’re not or we aren’t)
You  are not   (you’re not or you aren’t)
They                 ( they’re not or they aren’t)

I’m cold. Can you close the window, please?
I’m 32 years old. My sister is 29.
My brother is very tall. He’s a policeman.
John is  afraid of dogs.
It’s ten o’clock. You’re late again.
Ann and I are good friends.
Your keys are on the table.
I’ m tired but I’m not hungry.
Tom isn’t interested in politics. He’s interested in music.
Jane isn’t at home at the moment. She’s at work.
Those people aren’t English. They’re Australian.
It’s sunny today but it isn’t warm.


That’s= that is      there’s= there is          here’s= here is
Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
Look! There’s Chris.
Here’s your key. ‘Thank you’.


1) Write the short form.( she’s/ we aren’t etc.)

 Shkruaj formen e shkurter.

She is…she’s……………… 3. It is not…………………5. I am not…………
They are …………………..  4. That is …………………..6. you are not………

2) Put in am, is or are.

    Vendos: am, is or are.

The weather is nice today.
I ……….not tired.
This bag……….heavy.
Look! There …………Carol.
My brother and I………good tennis player.
Ann…….at home. Her children………………at school.
I ………..a taxi driver. My sister…………a nurse.

3) Write full sentences. Use is/isn’t/are/aren’t.

Shkruaj fjali te plota. Perdor is/isn’t/are/aren’t.

( your shoes very dirty) Your shoes are very dirty.
( my brother a teacher) My…………………………………………………….
(this house not very big)………………………………………………………….
( the shops not open today)…………………………………………………….
( my keys in my bag) ……………………………………………………………….
( Jenny 18 years old)……………………………………………………………….
( you not very tall)……………………………………………………………………

4) Look at Lisa’s sentences.( Unit 1A) Now write sentences about yourself.

Shiko fjalite e Lises. Tani shkruaj rreth vetes tende.

1. ( name?) My………………………………………………………………………
2.( from?) I …………………………………………………………………………….
3.(age?) I …………………………………………………………………………………
4.( job?) I ……………………………………………………………………………………
5. ( married?) I…………………………………………………………………………….
6. ( favourite colour or colors?) My……………………………………………………
7. ( interested in…?) I ………………………………………………………………………..

5)  Write sentences for the pictures. Use: afraid, angry, cold, hot, hungry, thirsty.

Shkruaj fjali per pikturat. Perdor : afraid, angry, cold, hot, hungry, thirsty.

1. She’s thirsty.
2 they .………………………….
3.he ………………………………
4. …………………………………..

6) Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use am/am not/ is/ isn’t/are/aren’t.

1. (i/interested in politics) I’m interested( Or I’m not interested) in politics.
2. ( I/Hungry) I ………………………………………………………………………………..
3. (it/warm today) It ……………………………………………………………………….
4.( I/afraid of dogs) …………………………………………………………………………
5.( my hands/ cold)…………………………………………………………………………..
6. ( Canada/ a very big country)……………………………………………………….
7. ( diamonds/ cheap)……………………………………………………………………..
8.( I /interested in football) …………………………………………………………………
9. ( Rome/in Spain)………………………………………………………………………………



 Positive               Negative

I am ( I’m )
I’m cold. Can you close the window please?
I’m 32 years old. My sister is 29.
My brother is very tall. He’s a policeman.
John is afraid of dogs.
It’s ten o’clock. You’re late again.
Ann and I are good friends.
Your keys are on the table.
I’m tired but I’m not hungry.
Tom isn’t interested in politics. He’s interested in music.
Jane isn’t at home at the moment. She’s at work.
Those people aren’t English. They’re Australian.
It’s sunny today but it isn’t warm.
that’s = that is   there’s = there is                    here’s = here is
Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
Look! There’s Chris.
‘Here’s your key.’ ‘Thank you.’

am/is/are  ( questions )

positive                               question
I    am
am      I ?             
           -How old are you?
            -Are you a student?
            -Yes, I am.  

Am I late?’    ‘ No, you’re on time.’
Is your mother at home?’   ‘No, she’s out.’
Are your parents at home?’     ‘No, they’re out.’
Is it cold in your room?’   ‘Yes, a little.’
Your shoes are nice. Are they new?
We say :
Is she at home? / Is your mother at home? (not  ‘Is at home your mother?’)
Are they new? / Are your shoes new? (not  ‘Are new your shoes?’)


Where … ? / What … ? / Who … ? / How … ? / Why … ?
Where is your grandmother? Is she at home?
‘What color is your car?  ‘It’s red.’
How are your parents? Are they well?
‘How much are these postcards?’  ‘Fifty pence.’
‘Where are you from?’   ‘Canada.’
‘How old is Joe?’   ‘He’s 24.’
Why are you angry?

what’s = what is         who’s =who is             how’s = how is          where’s = where is
What’s the time?                                    
Where’s Juliet?
Who’s that man?
How’s your father?


Short answers                                                            

Yes,        She        is

No, I’m not.
                 He’s           he
No,           She’s        not.     Or     No,       she        isn’t.
                 It’s                                                it
                 We’re  we
No,           You’re       not.    Or   No,         you           aren’t.
                 They’re                                       they

‘Are you tired?’                ‘Yes, I am.’
‘Are you hungry?’             ‘No, I’m not but I’m thirsty.’
‘Is your friend English?’   ‘Yes, he is.’
‘Are these your keys?’    ‘Yes, they are.’
‘That’s my seat.’                ‘No, it isn’t.’
Find the right answer for the questions.

Where’s the camera?
Is your car blue?
Is Linda from London?
Am I late?
Where’s Ann from?
What color is your bag?
Are you hungry?
How is George?
Who’s that woman?

No, I’m not.
Yes, you are.
My sister.
No, it’s black.
In your bag.
No, she’s American.
Very well.

Make questions with those words. Use is or are.

1.( at home/your mother?). Is your mother at home?
2. ( your parents/well?). Are your parents well?
3. ( interesting/your job?)……………………………………………………………………..
4. ( the shops/open today?) …………………………………………………………………..
5. ( interested in sport/you?) …………………………………………………………………
6. ( near here/ the post office?) ……………………………………………………………..
7. ( at school/your children?) ……………………………………………………………….
8. ( why/you/late?)………………………………………………………………………………….

2.3. Complete the questions. Use what …./Who…../Where…./How…
                            How are your parents?
……………………………………the bus stop?

……………………………………your children?

…………………………………..these oranges?
…………………………………….your favourite sport?
…………………………..the man in this photograph?
……………………………..your new shoes?
They’re very well.
At the end of the street.
Five, six and ten.
 £1.20 a kilo.
That’s my father.

2.4.  Write the questions. ( read the answers first.)

( name) what’s your name?
( married or single?) …………………………..
(American?) ………………………………………..
( how old?) …………………………………………
( a teacher) ………………………………………..
(wife a lawyer?)………………………………
(from?) ………………………………………………..
( her name) …………………………………………
(how old?) ………………………………………….
I’m married.
No, I’m Australian.
I’m  30.
No, I’m a lawyer.
No, she’s a designer.
She’s Italian.
She’s 27

2.5 Write short answers( yes, I am./ No, he isn’t. etc.)
1 Are you married? No, I’m not.
Are you thirsty? ……………………………………………………….
Is it cold today? ………………………………………………………..
Are your hands cold? ……………………………………………………
Is  it dark now? ………………………………………………………………

Are you a teacher? …………………………………………………………….



Te dashur studente,

Me poshte do te mundohem t'ju paraqes nje mesim te gjuhes angleze, te cilin ju duhet ta lexoni me kujdes edhe ne qofte se do te keni gjera te paqarta atehere do ti diskutojme bashke kur te takohemi ne mesimin e radhes se dites se shtune.


Sot tema do te jete:

 Peremrat vetore ( = Personal Pronouns ) ose sic njihen ndryshe (= Subject Pronouns )

Ne gjuhen angleze peremrat vetore jane: Iyouhe,she,it,we,you,they.

Permemrat vetore ndahen ne numurin njejes dhe shumes. Singular ( one person )  and plural ( more than one person )

Peremrat e numurit njejes jane:

I - peremer vetor, veta e pare numuri njejes = personal pronoun, first person, singular.

You peremer vetor veta e dyte numuri njejes = personal pronoun,second person singularKy peremer pergjithesisht ju drejtohet formalisht dhe informalisht individeve te vetes se dyte ne numurin njejes edhe ne numurin shumes. Edhe ne rastet kur ne i drejtohemi me respekt dikujt si i panjohur apo kur  i drejtohemi dikujt te cilin ne e njohim shume mire, ne perdorim te njejten menyre adressimi: You.

He - peremer vetor veta e trete numuri njejes, gjinia mashkullore; = third person, singular, masculine. It refers to a male person or male animal.

She - peremer vetor veta e trete numuri njejes, gjinia femerore; = personal pronoun, third person, singular, feminine. She refers to a female person,or sometimes to a female animal.

It - peremer veteor, veta e trete, numuri njejes, pergjithesisht sherben per t'ju referuar sendeve, objekteve, fenomeneve, ose kafsheve. It refers to a thing, or animal, but not to a person.

Peremrat e numurit shumes jane( The plural personal pronouns are: )

We - peremer vetor, veta e pare numuri shumes. = personal pronoun, first person, plural.

They -  peremer vetor veta e trete numuri shumes. = personal pronoun, third person, plural. 

Peremrat vetore te vetes se trete numuri njejes: he, she,it; apo te vetes se pare shumes : we, te vetes se dyte njejes dhe shumes You, apo they te vetes se trete shumes mund t'ju referohen sendeve, objekteve, frymoreve si me psohte:

  • He                                She                                 It                                       We
  • the boy                     the girl                           the book                 you and I         the students and I
  • the man                     the woman                     the tree                  Bill and I         the doctor and I
  • Bill                           Nency                            the dog              my brother and I      my aunt and I
  • my son                      my mother                      the cat              my family and I     my uncle and I
  • my friend                  my sister                        the bottle          my cousin and I     my wife and I
  • my uncle                   my aunt                          the clock          Kate, Peter and I    my nieces and I
  • the waiter                 the waitress                   the flower        my parents and I     my friends and I
  • the mechanic            the nurse                        the pencil          James and I            my sisters and I
  • Mr. Salesman           Mrs. Salesman              the computer     my sons and I         
  • her boyfriends             his girlfriend              the movie

             You                                                                         They

  • you and Bill                                                    the cousins
  • you and Nency                                                the friends
  • you and your family                                        the cats              
  • you and your cousins                                      the houses
  • you and your students                                     the cars
  • you and your friends                                       the windows
  • you and your sons                                           James and Barbara
  • you and James                                                the students

Lexoni me kujdes te gjitha fjalet e mesiperme. Nese ato perbejne fjale te panjohura per ju, atehere do te jete mire qe ato fjale ti regjistroni ne fletoren tuaj te fjalorit. Mesojini ato edhe mbas ketij momenti provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet e meposhteme.

  1. Provoni te zevendesoni fjalet e nenvizuara me nje peremer respektiv. Perdorni keta tre peremra: he, she ose it.
  • The student is in the kitchen
  • Edmond is my best friend
  • The cat is under the bed.
  • The movie will be very good.
  • His girlfriend is from New York.
  • The play station is on the table.
  • My uncle lives in Canada.
  • My son is going to be a physicist.
  • My mother was very thin.
  • The house is big.
  • My aunt doesn't live with us.
  • My sister doesn't speak English.
  • The food is in the fridge.
  • My father is away.
  • My house is big.
  • Mr. Hamolli is a dentist.
  • The woman can't find her cat.
  • My son likes football.

2. Ne vend te fjaleve te fjaleve te nenvizuara perdorni: we, you, ose they.

  • James and Barbara live in Africa.
  • Judy and Sam are friends.
  • Two of my friends drink a lot.
  • You and your brother have a good business.
  • Sandy you and I live in Seatle.
  • The cats are out tonight.
  • You and your friends go out a lot.
  • You and I need to talk a lot.
  • Are you and your parents from Bremen?
  • Where are my shoes?
  • Barbara and I hate boxing.
  • Bill and Nancy are late again.
  • My arms hurt.
  • My friends and I often walk to school.                         


Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet duke kuptuar lojen ne fillim.




Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin ne formen e lojes se meposhteme:




Shkruani ne kuti formen e duhur te foljes " to be ". Nese kini fjale te panjohura, vecojini edhe mesojini.




Plotesoni ushtrimin e meposhtem:



Vendosni formen e duhur te foljes "to be" ne ushtrimet e meposhteme.




Replace the noun by the right pronoun. ( Zevendesoni emrat me peremrat perkates.)




Mesimi # 1

Shumesi i emrave ne gjuhen angleze.

  1. Nje fjale e cila emerton vetem nje person, vend apo send thuhet se eshte fjale e numurit njejes.                house            garden          flower 
          Nese nje fjale emerton me teper se nje njeri, vend a send, eshte  nje fjale ne numurin shumes.
                Exapmle:         houses         gardens        flowers

         Shikoni dhe studioni shembujt e meposhtem:

                          Singular                                     Plural

                          telephone                                telephones
                          book                                       books
                          bus                                         buses
                          story                                      stories
                          key                                         keys
                          potato                                    potatoes

Cfare duhet te kemi parasysh kur duam te ndertojme numurin shumes te emrave te gjuhes angleze?
Le te ndjekim disa rregulla si me poshte:

a) Pjesa me e madhe  e emrave te gjuhes angleze e nderton shumesin e vet thjesht duke i shtuar mbaresen -s fjales baze.
                                        eg. book - books          garden - gardens        place - places     room - rooms

b) Ne qofte se emri baze ne gjuhen angleze mbaron me tingujt -s, -sh, -ch, -x, ose me -z, atehere atij i shtohet mbaresa -es.

                                   eg. bus - buses    dish - dishes    match - matches    fax - faxes

c) Ne qofte se emri mbaron me nje tingull bashketingellor edhe shoqerohet ne fund me nje -y, atehere kjo -y, bie edhe shnderrohet ne mbaresen -ies.

                                    eg. army - armies        baby - babies    countr- countries  story - stories

d) Por ne qofte se nje emer mbaron me tingull zanor edhe perfundon me -y, atehere atij i shtohet vetem mbaresa -s per te dhene idene e numurit shumes.

                                  eg. day - days        toy - toys      boy - boys     key  - keys

e) ne qofte se nje emer perfundon me tingullin -f ose -fe, atehere -f, shndrohet ne -v, edhe asaj i shtohet mbaresa -s ose -es.

                                eg. wife - wives    knife - knives    leaf - leaves       loaf  - loaves

Por nuk duhet harruar se rregullat kane edhe perjashtimet e veta. Ne rastin tone bejne perjashtim dy emra:                        chief - chiefs                    dhe roof  - roofs

f) Ne qofte se emri mbaron me tingullin -o, edhe paraprihet nga nje bashketingellore atehere ne numurin shumes ketij emri i shtohet mbaresa - es.

                                eg. potato - potatoes            tomato - tomatoes         hero - heroes

Ne kete rregull bejne perjashtim disa emra te cilet lidhen me muziken si psh:

                                eg. piano - pianos            solo - solos       soprano - sopranos

g) Ne qofte se emri te cilin duam ta kthejme ne numurin shumes mbaron me zanoren -o edhe njekohesisht paraprihet nga nje tjeter zanore atehere ketij emri i shtohet vetem mbaresa - s.

                               eg. radio - radios          zoo - zoos      video - videos    patio - patios

h) Ne qofte se nje emer eshte i perbere, atehere shumesi i tij ndertohet duke kaluar ne shumes vete emerin  ne perberje edhe jo pjesen tjeter.

                              eg. pair of pants - pairs of pants
                                   piece of cake - pieces of cake
                                   mother-in-law  _ mothers -in-law
                                   loaf of bread - loaves of bread

i) Ne qofte se nje nje numur , nje shkronje apo nje shenje do te konsiderohet si nje fjale- emer e gjuhes angleze atehere per te ndertuar numurin shumes do te na duhet te vendosim apostrof ne fund te tyre edhe pas apostriofit te shtojme mbaresen -s.

             eg.  1960 - 1960's   10 - 10's  ABC - ABC's   A- A's

j) Por Mos u cudisni kur te shikoni se disa fjale jane njesoj si ne numurin njejes po ashtu edhe ne numurin shumes.

               eg.  fish - fish           deer - deer      sheep  - sheep     trout  - trout

k) Ka emra te tjere ne gjuhen angleze te cilet e ndertojne  numurin shumes ne menyre te crregullt, dmth me ndryshime fonetike, me ndryshime shqiptimi te fjaleve.

               eg.            man - men                        person - people                         mouse - mice
                                woman - women             tooth   - teeth                              goose - geese
                               child - children               foot - feet                                    ox - oxen

l) Ka gjithashtu disa emra te tjere te cilet jane gjithmone ne numurin shumes.

                             eg. clothes            pajamas                 pants            mathematics  
                                   scissors          physics                  mumps          pants 
                                   gloves             slacks                    pliers                             



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