Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
As a new student, here’s a simple guide to the Parts of Speech, which are the building blocks of the English language.
Si student i ri, ja një udhëzim i thjeshtë për Pjesët e të Folurit, të cilat janë gurët themelorë të gjuhës angleze.
Understanding these will help you form sentences correctly.
Kuptimi i këtyre do t’ju ndihmojë të formoni fjalitë në mënyrë të saktë.
There are 8 main parts of speech:
Ka 8 pjesë kryesore të të folurit:
As a new student, here’s a simple guide to the Parts of Speech, which are the building blocks of the English language.
Si student i ri, ja një udhëzim i thjeshtë për Pjesët e të Folurit, të cilat janë gurët themelorë të gjuhës angleze.
Understanding these will help you form sentences correctly.
Kuptimi i këtyre do t’ju ndihmojë të formoni fjalitë në mënyrë të saktë.
There are 8 main parts of speech:
Ka 8 pjesë kryesore të të folurit:
1. Noun (Naming Word)
- Noun (Naming Word)
Albanian: - Emër (Fjala që emëron)
A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.
Një emër emëron një person, një vend, një gjë ose një ide.
Examples: teacher, city, book, happiness
Shembuj: mësues, qytet, libër, lumturi
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Nouns can be common (dog, city) or proper (John, London).
Emrat mund të jenë të përbashkët (qen, qytet) ose të veçantë (John, London).
They can also be countable (apple, car) or uncountable (water, air).
Ata gjithashtu mund të jenë të numërueshëm (mollë, makinë) ose të pa-numërueshëm (ujë, ajër).
- Noun (Naming Word)
Albanian: - Emër (Fjala që emëron)
A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.
Një emër emëron një person, një vend, një gjë ose një ide.
Examples: teacher, city, book, happiness
Shembuj: mësues, qytet, libër, lumturi
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Nouns can be common (dog, city) or proper (John, London).
Emrat mund të jenë të përbashkët (qen, qytet) ose të veçantë (John, London).
They can also be countable (apple, car) or uncountable (water, air).
Ata gjithashtu mund të jenë të numërueshëm (mollë, makinë) ose të pa-numërueshëm (ujë, ajër).
2. Pronoun (Replaces a Noun)
2. Pronoun (Replaces a Noun)
2. Përemër (Zëvendëson një emër)
A pronoun takes the place of a noun to avoid repetition.
Një përemër merr vendin e një emri për të shmangur përsëritjen.
Examples: he, she, it, they, we, you, this
Shembuj: ai, ajo, (për “it” përdorni formën sipas gjinisë), ata, ne, ju, kjo
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Use the correct pronoun for gender and number: he, she, it (singular); they (plural).
Përdorni përemrin e duhur për gjini dhe numër: ai, ajo, (njëjës); ata (shumës).
Pronouns have different forms for subject and object (I/me, she/her).
Përemrat kanë forma të ndryshme për subjektin dhe objektin (unë/mua, ajo/ta).
2. Pronoun (Replaces a Noun)
2. Përemër (Zëvendëson një emër)
A pronoun takes the place of a noun to avoid repetition.
Një përemër merr vendin e një emri për të shmangur përsëritjen.
Examples: he, she, it, they, we, you, this
Shembuj: ai, ajo, (për “it” përdorni formën sipas gjinisë), ata, ne, ju, kjo
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Use the correct pronoun for gender and number: he, she, it (singular); they (plural).
Përdorni përemrin e duhur për gjini dhe numër: ai, ajo, (njëjës); ata (shumës).
Pronouns have different forms for subject and object (I/me, she/her).
Përemrat kanë forma të ndryshme për subjektin dhe objektin (unë/mua, ajo/ta).
3. Verb (Action or State of Being)
3. Verb (Action or State of Being)
3. Folje (Veprim ose Gjendje të qenies)
A verb shows an action or a state of being.
Një folje tregon një veprim ose një gjendje të qenies.
Examples: run, jump, eat, be, have, think
Shembuj: vrapo, kërcen, ha, jam, kam, mendo
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Verbs change according to tense (past, present, future).
Foljet ndryshojnë sipas kohës (e kaluara, e tashmja, e ardhmja).
I eat (present), I ate (past), I will eat (future).
Unë ha (tani), unë hëngra (e kaluara), unë do të ha (e ardhmja).
Some verbs are regular (play - played) and some are irregular (go - went).
Disa folje janë të rregullta (luaj – luajt) dhe disa janë të parregullta (shkoj – shkova).
3. Verb (Action or State of Being)
3. Folje (Veprim ose Gjendje të qenies)
A verb shows an action or a state of being.
Një folje tregon një veprim ose një gjendje të qenies.
Examples: run, jump, eat, be, have, think
Shembuj: vrapo, kërcen, ha, jam, kam, mendo
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Verbs change according to tense (past, present, future).
Foljet ndryshojnë sipas kohës (e kaluara, e tashmja, e ardhmja).
I eat (present), I ate (past), I will eat (future).
Unë ha (tani), unë hëngra (e kaluara), unë do të ha (e ardhmja).
Some verbs are regular (play - played) and some are irregular (go - went).
Disa folje janë të rregullta (luaj – luajt) dhe disa janë të parregullta (shkoj – shkova).
4. Adjective (Describes a Noun)
4. Adjective (Describes a Noun)
4. Mbiemër (Përshkruan një emër)
An adjective describes or gives more information about a noun.
Një mbiemër përshkruan ose jep më shumë informacion rreth një emri.
Examples: big, red, happy, tall, interesting
Shembuj: i madh, i kuq, i lumtur, i gjatë, interesant
(Shënim: Këto janë forma mashkullore në njëjës, por mbiemrat në shqip ndryshojnë sipas gjinisë dhe numrit.)
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Adjectives answer: What kind? Which one? How many?
Mbiemrat përgjigjen: Çfarë lloj? Cili? Sa?
They can show comparison:
Ata mund të tregojnë krahasim:
tall taller tallest
i gjatë, më i gjatë, më i gjatë se të gjithë
4. Adjective (Describes a Noun)
4. Mbiemër (Përshkruan një emër)
An adjective describes or gives more information about a noun.
Një mbiemër përshkruan ose jep më shumë informacion rreth një emri.
Examples: big, red, happy, tall, interesting
Shembuj: i madh, i kuq, i lumtur, i gjatë, interesant
(Shënim: Këto janë forma mashkullore në njëjës, por mbiemrat në shqip ndryshojnë sipas gjinisë dhe numrit.)
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Adjectives answer: What kind? Which one? How many?
Mbiemrat përgjigjen: Çfarë lloj? Cili? Sa?
They can show comparison:
Ata mund të tregojnë krahasim:
tall taller tallest
i gjatë, më i gjatë, më i gjatë se të gjithë
5. Adverb (Describes a Verb, Adjective, or Another Adverb)
5. Adverb (Describes a Verb, Adjective, or Another Adverb)
5. Rrethanor (Përshkruan një folje, mbiemër, ose një rrethanor tjetër)
An adverb describes how, when, where, or to what extent an action happens.
Një rrethanor përshkruan se si, kur, ku, ose në çfarë masë ndodh një veprim.
Examples: quickly, today, very, well
Shembuj: shpejt, sot, shumë, mirë
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Many adverbs end in -ly (slowly, quietly).
Shumë rrethanorë mbarojnë me -ly (ngadalë, qetësisht).
(Kjo vëzhgim i referohet formimit në anglisht; në shqip nuk përdoret prapashtesa -ly.)
They answer: How? When? Where? How often?
Ata përgjigjen: Si? Kur? Ku? Sa shpesh?
She runs quickly. I’ll go tomorrow.
Ajo vrapon shpejt. Unë do të shkoj nesër.
5. Adverb (Describes a Verb, Adjective, or Another Adverb)
5. Rrethanor (Përshkruan një folje, mbiemër, ose një rrethanor tjetër)
An adverb describes how, when, where, or to what extent an action happens.
Një rrethanor përshkruan se si, kur, ku, ose në çfarë masë ndodh një veprim.
Examples: quickly, today, very, well
Shembuj: shpejt, sot, shumë, mirë
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Many adverbs end in -ly (slowly, quietly).
Shumë rrethanorë mbarojnë me -ly (ngadalë, qetësisht).
(Kjo vëzhgim i referohet formimit në anglisht; në shqip nuk përdoret prapashtesa -ly.)
They answer: How? When? Where? How often?
Ata përgjigjen: Si? Kur? Ku? Sa shpesh?
She runs quickly. I’ll go tomorrow.
Ajo vrapon shpejt. Unë do të shkoj nesër.
6. Preposition (Shows Relationship)
6. Preposition (Shows Relationship)
6. Parafjalë (Tregon marrëdhënie)
A preposition shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words.
Një parafjalë tregon marrëdhënien midis një emri (ose përemri) dhe fjalëve të tjera.
Examples: in, on, under, between, with
Shembuj: në, mbi, poshtë, midis, me
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Prepositions show place (on the table), time (at 5 o’clock), or direction (to the park).
Parafjalët tregojnë vendndodhjen (mbi tavolinë), kohën (në orën 5) ose drejtimin (në park).
6. Preposition (Shows Relationship)
6. Parafjalë (Tregon marrëdhënie)
A preposition shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words.
Një parafjalë tregon marrëdhënien midis një emri (ose përemri) dhe fjalëve të tjera.
Examples: in, on, under, between, with
Shembuj: në, mbi, poshtë, midis, me
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Prepositions show place (on the table), time (at 5 o’clock), or direction (to the park).
Parafjalët tregojnë vendndodhjen (mbi tavolinë), kohën (në orën 5) ose drejtimin (në park).
7. Conjunction (Joins Words or Sentences)
7. Conjunction (Joins Words or Sentences)
7. Lidhje (Bashkon fjalë ose fjalitë)
A conjunction connects words, phrases, or clauses.
Një lidhje bashkon fjalë, fraza ose klauza.
Examples: and, but, or, because, although
Shembuj: dhe, por, ose, sepse, megjithëse
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Coordinating conjunctions ("FANBOYS": = for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) join equal parts of a sentence.
Lidhjet koordinative (“FANBOYS”: për, dhe, nor, por, ose, ende, kështu) bashkojnë pjesë të barabarta të një fjalie.
I like apples and oranges.
Më pëlqejnë mollët dhe portokallet.
Subordinating conjunctions (because, although, if) connect dependent clauses.
Lidhjet nënrendës (sepse, megjithëse, nëse) lidhin fjalitë varësie.
I stayed home because it was raining.
Rrova në shtëpi sepse po binte shi.
7. Conjunction (Joins Words or Sentences)
7. Lidhje (Bashkon fjalë ose fjalitë)
A conjunction connects words, phrases, or clauses.
Një lidhje bashkon fjalë, fraza ose klauza.
Examples: and, but, or, because, although
Shembuj: dhe, por, ose, sepse, megjithëse
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Coordinating conjunctions ("FANBOYS": = for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) join equal parts of a sentence.
Lidhjet koordinative (“FANBOYS”: për, dhe, nor, por, ose, ende, kështu) bashkojnë pjesë të barabarta të një fjalie.
I like apples and oranges.
Më pëlqejnë mollët dhe portokallet.
Subordinating conjunctions (because, although, if) connect dependent clauses.
Lidhjet nënrendës (sepse, megjithëse, nëse) lidhin fjalitë varësie.
I stayed home because it was raining.
Rrova në shtëpi sepse po binte shi.
8. Interjection (Shows Emotion)
8. Interjection (Shows Emotion)
8. Pasthirrma (Shfaq emocion)
An interjection expresses a sudden emotion or reaction.
Një pasthirrme shpreh një emocion të papritur ose një reagim.
Examples: Wow! Oh! Oops! Hurray!
Shembuj: Uau! Oh! Ups! Hurra!
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Often followed by an exclamation mark. (Wow! That’s amazing!)
Shpesh pasohet nga një shenjë pikëthimi. (Uau! Kjo është e mrekullueshme!)
8. Interjection (Shows Emotion)
8. Pasthirrma (Shfaq emocion)
An interjection expresses a sudden emotion or reaction.
Një pasthirrme shpreh një emocion të papritur ose një reagim.
Examples: Wow! Oh! Oops! Hurray!
Shembuj: Uau! Oh! Ups! Hurra!
What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:
Often followed by an exclamation mark. (Wow! That’s amazing!)
Shpesh pasohet nga një shenjë pikëthimi. (Uau! Kjo është e mrekullueshme!)
What You Should Focus on as a New Student
What You Should Focus on as a New Student:
Çfarë duhet të përqendroheni si student i ri:
- Start with Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives: These are the most essential for building sentences.
Albanian: - Filloni me emrat, foljet dhe mbiemrat: Këto janë më të domosdoshmet për ndërtimin e fjalive.
2. Learn Pronouns and Prepositions. They help you create more natural, fluid sentences.
2. Mësoni përemrat dhe parafjalët. Ata ju ndihmojnë të krijoni fjali më natyrale dhe të rrjedhshme.
3. Practice Identifying Parts of Speech: Try reading sentences and asking: Is this a noun, verb, or adjective?
3. Praktikoni identifikimin e pjesëve të të folurit: Provoni të lexoni fjali dhe të pyesni: A është kjo një emër, folje apo mbiemër?
4. Gradually Learn Tenses and Sentence Structure: It will help you build full, meaningful sentences.
4. Mësoni gradualisht kohët dhe strukturën e fjalive: Kjo do t’ju ndihmojë të ndërtoni fjali të plota dhe me kuptim.
Let me know if you want examples or exercises to help practice these!
Më njofto nëse dëshiron shembuj ose ushtrime për t’i praktikuar këto!
Feel free to ask if you need any clarifications or further assistance!
What You Should Focus on as a New Student:
Çfarë duhet të përqendroheni si student i ri:
- Start with Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives: These are the most essential for building sentences.
Albanian: - Filloni me emrat, foljet dhe mbiemrat: Këto janë më të domosdoshmet për ndërtimin e fjalive.
2. Learn Pronouns and Prepositions. They help you create more natural, fluid sentences.
2. Mësoni përemrat dhe parafjalët. Ata ju ndihmojnë të krijoni fjali më natyrale dhe të rrjedhshme.
3. Practice Identifying Parts of Speech: Try reading sentences and asking: Is this a noun, verb, or adjective?
3. Praktikoni identifikimin e pjesëve të të folurit: Provoni të lexoni fjali dhe të pyesni: A është kjo një emër, folje apo mbiemër?
4. Gradually Learn Tenses and Sentence Structure: It will help you build full, meaningful sentences.
4. Mësoni gradualisht kohët dhe strukturën e fjalive: Kjo do t’ju ndihmojë të ndërtoni fjali të plota dhe me kuptim.
Let me know if you want examples or exercises to help practice these!
Më njofto nëse dëshiron shembuj ose ushtrime për t’i praktikuar këto!
Feel free to ask if you need any clarifications or further assistance!
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Lesson 12 Step Forward Book 1
English Word | IPA Transcription | Albanian Translation |
free | /friː/ | i lirë |
time | /taɪm/ | kohë |
weather | /ˈweð.ər/ | mot |
leisure | /ˈleʒ.ər/ (UK) /ˈliː.ʒɚ/ (US) | kohë e lirë |
activity | /ækˈtɪv.ɪ.ti/ | aktivitet |
be going to | /bi ˈɡoʊ.ɪŋ tu/ | do të |
future | /ˈfjuː.tʃər/ | e ardhmja |
plan | /plæn/ | plan |
holiday | /ˈhɒl.ɪ.deɪ/ (UK) /ˈhɑː.lə.deɪ/ (US) | pushim/festë |
card | /kɑːrd/ | kartë |
President’s Day | /ˈprez.ɪ.dənts deɪ/ | Dita e Presidentit |
Thanksgiving | /ˌθæŋksˈɡɪv.ɪŋ/ | Falënderimet |
closed | /kloʊzd/ | mbyllur |
snowing | /ˈsnoʊ.ɪŋ/ | po bie borë |
raining | /ˈreɪ.nɪŋ/ | po bie shi |
cloudy | /ˈklaʊ.di/ | me re |
sunny | /ˈsʌn.i/ | me diell |
hot | /hɒt/ (UK) /hɑːt/ (US) | nxehtë |
cold | /koʊld/ | ftohtë |
condition | /kənˈdɪʃ.ən/ | kusht |
discuss | /dɪˈskʌs/ | diskutoj |
go out to eat | /ɡoʊ aʊt tu iːt/ | dal për të ngrënë |
go swimming | /ɡoʊ ˈswɪm.ɪŋ/ | shkoj për të notuar |
have a picnic | /hæv ə ˈpɪk.nɪk/ | bëj piknik |
play soccer | /pleɪ ˈsɒk.ər/ | luaj futboll |
stay home | /steɪ hoʊm/ | rri në shtëpi |
go to the movies | /ɡoʊ tu ðə ˈmuː.viz/ | shkoj në kinema |
make a snowman | /meɪk ə ˈsnoʊ.mæn/ | bëj një burrë bore |
go to the beach | /ɡoʊ tu ðə biːtʃ/ | shkoj në plazh |
favorite | /ˈfeɪ.vər.ɪt/ | i preferuar |
beach | /biːtʃ/ | plazh |
fall | /fɔːl/ (US) | vjeshtë |
other | /ˈʌð.ər/ | tjetër |
trip | /trɪp/ | udhëtim |
baseball | /ˈbeɪs.bɔːl/ | bejsboll |
fun | /fʌn/ | argëtim |
catch | /kætʃ/ | kap |
schedule | /ˈʃed.juːl/ (UK) /ˈskedʒ.uːl/ (US) | orar |
below | /bɪˈloʊ/ | poshtë |
between | /bɪˈtwiːn/ | midis |
riverside | /ˈrɪv.ər.saɪd/ | buzë lumit |
city park | /ˈsɪt.i pɑːrk/ | parku i qytetit |
tonight | /təˈnaɪt/ | sonte |
watch | /wɒtʃ/ (UK) /wɑːtʃ/ (US) | shikoj |
feed | /fiːd/ | ushqej |
tomorrow | /təˈmɒr.oʊ/ | nesër |
then | /ðen/ | pastaj |
relaxed | /rɪˈlækst/ | i qetë |
formal | /ˈfɔːr.məl/ | zyrtar |
ads | /ædz/ | reklama |
town mall | /taʊn mɔːl/ | qendra tregtare e qytetit |
conversation | /ˌkɒn.vəˈseɪ.ʃən/ | bisedë |
how much | /haʊ mʌtʃ/ | sa kushton? |
balloons | /bəˈluːnz/ | tullumbace |
display | /dɪˈspleɪ/ | ekspozim |
see | /siː/ | shoh |
gift | /ɡɪft/ | dhuratë |
anniversary | /ˌæn.ɪˈvɜː.sər.i/ | përvjetor |
special | /ˈspeʃ.əl/ | i veçantë |
party | /ˈpɑːr.ti/ | festë |
supply | /səˈplaɪ/ | furnizim |
occasion | /əˈkeɪ.ʒən/ | rast |
greeting cards | /ˈɡriː.tɪŋ kɑːrdz/ | kartolina përshëndetëse |
buy | /baɪ/ | blej |
Valentine’s Day | /ˈvæl.ən.taɪnz deɪ/ | Shën Valentini |
source | /sɔːrs/ | burim |
article | /ˈɑːr.tɪ.kəl/ | artikull |
again | /əˈɡen/ (UK) /əˈɡeɪn/ (US) | përsëri |
billion | /ˈbɪl.jən/ | miliard |
more | /mɔːr/ | më shumë |
store | /stɔːr/ | dyqan |
possible | /ˈpɒs.ɪ.bəl/ | e mundur |
drive | /draɪv/ | ngas (makinën) |
expand | /ɪkˈspænd/ | zgjeroj |
yesterday | /ˈjes.tɚ.deɪ/ | dje ============ |
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Çfarë janë foljet lidhore (linking verbs)?
Foljet lidhore (në anglisht quhen “linking verbs” ose “copular verbs”) nuk tregojnë veprim. Në vend të kësaj, ato lidhin (ose linkojnë) kryefjalën e fjalisë me më shumë informacion—zakonisht me një mbiemër, emër, ose përemër që përshkruan ose rimëron kryefjalën. Fjalët që vijnë pas një foljeje lidhore quhen “pjesë plotësuese të kryefjalës” (në anglisht “subject complements”).
Shembull (në anglisht):
She is happy.
- Kryefjalë (Subject) = She
- Folje lidhore (Linking Verb) = is
- Pjesë plotësuese (Subject Complement, mbiemër) = happy
Në këtë shembull, folja “is” (është) e lidh kryefjalën (She) me gjendjen ose cilësinë e saj (happy = e lumtur).
Tabela e foljeve lidhore të zakonshme në anglisht
Më poshtë është një tabelë me folje lidhore që përdoren shpesh në gjuhën angleze, shoqëruar me komente dhe me fjali shembull (në anglisht). Disa prej tyre gjithmonë janë folje lidhore (si p.sh. format e “be,” “become,” “seem”), ndërsa disa të tjera mund të jenë edhe folje lidhore, edhe folje veprimi, në varësi të kontekstit (p.sh. “smell,” “taste,” “feel” etj.).
Linking Verb | Format ose folje të ngjashme | Shënime | Shembull (në anglisht) |
Be | am, is, are, was, were, being, been | Folja më e zakonshme lidhore. Ka shumë forma, sipas kohës dhe kryefjalës. | They are teachers. (Ata janë mësues.) |
Become | become, becomes, became | Gjithmonë lidhore kur do të thotë “to grow or change into a new state.” | He became a doctor. (Ai u bë mjek.) |
Seem | seem, seems, seemed | Gjithmonë lidhore kur do të thotë “to appear as if.” | It seems impossible. (Duket e pamundur.) |
Appear | appear, appears, appeared | Lidhore kur do të thotë “to look or to seem.” Mund të shprehë veprim nëse do të thotë “to come into view.” | You appear tired. (Dukesh i/e lodhur.) |
Feel | feel, feels, felt | Lidhore kur përshkruan gjendje emocionale/fizike. Veprim kur përshkruan aktin e prekjes (fizike). | I feel happy today. (Unë ndihem i/e lumtur sot.) I felt the fabric. (Unë preka copën e rrobës.) |
Look | look, looks, looked | Lidhore kur përshkruan pamjen. Veprim kur do të thotë “shikoj diçka.” | You look great today. (Dukesh shumë mirë sot.) She looked at the map. (Ajo pa hartën.) |
Sound | sound, sounds, sounded | Lidhore kur përshkruan se si “duket” diçka nga tingulli. | That idea sounds interesting. (Ajo ide duket interesante.) |
Smell | smell, smells, smelled | Lidhore kur përshkruan gjendjen e diçkaje bazuar në erë. Veprim kur dikush po nuhat aktivisht. | The roses smell wonderful. (Trëndafilat kanë erë të mrekullueshme.) He smelled the roses. (Ai nuhati trëndafilat.) |
Taste | taste, tastes, tasted | Lidhore kur përshkruan shijen e diçkaje. Veprim kur dikush po e provon ushqimin p.sh. | This soup tastes delicious. (Kjo supë ka shije të shkëlqyer.) She tasted the soup. (Ajo provoi supën.) |
Remain | remain, remains, remained | Gjithmonë lidhore kur do të thotë “to continue to be in a certain state.” | They remain hopeful. (Ata mbeten me shpresë.) |
Stay | stay, stays, stayed | Lidhore kur do të thotë “to continue being” ose “të qëndrosh në një gjendje të caktuar.” | Please stay calm. (Ju lutem, qëndroni të qetë.) |
Grow | grow, grows, grew, growing, grown | Zakonisht lidhore kur përshkruan një ndryshim gjendjeje me kalimin e kohës. (Mund të përdoret edhe si veprim nëse flet për rritjen e bimëve, etj.) | He grew tired after the long day. (Ai u bë i lodhur pas ditës së gjatë.) |
Pse i grupojmë këto folje së bashku?
Këto folje i grupojmë së bashku sepse:
- Lidhin: Funksioni i tyre kryesor është të lidhin kryefjalën me një mbiemër ose emër që e përshkruan ose e rimëron kryefjalën.
- Nuk tregojnë veprim të vërtetë: Ndryshe nga foljet e veprimit (“run,” “eat,” “jump”), foljet lidhore nuk shprehin diçka që bën kryefjala, por shprehin gjendjen e të qenit ose konditën e saj.
- Rregullat gramatikore: Pas një foljeje lidhore zakonisht përdoret një mbiemër (jo ndajfolje) për të përshkruar kryefjalën. Për shembull, në anglisht:
- Saktë: The food smells good. (Mbiemri “good” përshkruan “food”)
- Gabim: The food smells well. (Fjala “well” është ndajfolje, që do të nënkuptonte se ushqimi “nuha(ste) mirë.”)
Pra, foljet lidhore “lidhin” kryefjalën me informacion rreth saj, sesa të tregojnë një veprim të jashtëm. Kjo është arsyeja pse i trajtojmë si një grup në gramatikën e gjuhës angleze.
Shembull: Folje lidhore kundrejt foljes së veprimit
Folje Lidhore: She feels happy.
- (Këtu “feels” lidh “she” me “happy.”)
Folje Veprimi: She feels the fabric.
- (Këtu “feels” shpreh diçka që ajo bën fizikisht — prek.)
Folje Lidhore: She feels happy.
- (Këtu “feels” lidh “she” me “happy.”)
Folje Veprimi: She feels the fabric.
- (Këtu “feels” shpreh diçka që ajo bën fizikisht — prek.)
Përfundime Kryesore
- Foljet lidhore përdoren për të përshkruar gjendjen ose konditën e kryefjalës, ose për ta rimëruar atë me një emër/mbiemër tjetër.
- Shumë folje mund të jenë si lidhore, ashtu edhe folje veprimi (p.sh. “feel,” “taste,” “look,” “smell”). Ajo që vendos është si përdoret folja në fjali:
- A lidhet thjesht kryefjala me një cilësi/karakteristikë? (lidhore)
- Apo kryefjala bën një veprim të caktuar? (veprimi)
- “Be” (jam, je, është, jemi, jeni, janë) dhe format e tij janë foljet lidhore më të zakonshme në anglisht.
- A lidhet thjesht kryefjala me një cilësi/karakteristikë? (lidhore)
- Apo kryefjala bën një veprim të caktuar? (veprimi)
Duke i mësuar këto folje bazë dhe duke vëzhguar sesi funksionojnë, do të mund të ndërtoni fjali më të qarta dhe gramatikisht të sakta që shprehin gjendjen ose konditën e kryefjalës në anglisht.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
1. What Are Linking Verbs?
Linking verbs (sometimes called copular verbs) are verbs that do not express an action. Instead, they connect (or “link”) the subject of a sentence to additional information about that subject—often an adjective (subject complement) or a noun that renames or identifies the subject.
Albanian (Shqip):
Foljet lidhëse (nganjëherë quhen folje kopulative) janë folje që nuk shprehin një veprim. Përkundrazi, ato lidhin (ose “bashkojnë”) kryefjalën e fjalisë me informacion shtesë rreth asaj kryefjale—zakonisht një mbiemër (plotës i kryefjalës) ose një emër që e riemërton ose e identifikon kryefjalën.
Linking verbs (sometimes called copular verbs) are verbs that do not express an action. Instead, they connect (or “link”) the subject of a sentence to additional information about that subject—often an adjective (subject complement) or a noun that renames or identifies the subject.
Albanian (Shqip):
Foljet lidhëse (nganjëherë quhen folje kopulative) janë folje që nuk shprehin një veprim. Përkundrazi, ato lidhin (ose “bashkojnë”) kryefjalën e fjalisë me informacion shtesë rreth asaj kryefjale—zakonisht një mbiemër (plotës i kryefjalës) ose një emër që e riemërton ose e identifikon kryefjalën.
2. Example
For example, in the sentence:
She is happy.
The verb is links the subject “she” to the description “happy.” No action is happening; the verb simply “connects” the subject to the descriptor.
Albanian (Shqip):
Për shembull, në fjalinë:
Ajo është e lumtur.
Folja është lidh kryefjalën “ajo” me përshkrimin “e lumtur.” Nuk kryhet asnjë veprim; folja thjesht “lidh” kryefjalën me përshkrimin.
For example, in the sentence:
She is happy.
The verb is links the subject “she” to the description “happy.” No action is happening; the verb simply “connects” the subject to the descriptor.
Albanian (Shqip):
Për shembull, në fjalinë:
Ajo është e lumtur.
Folja është lidh kryefjalën “ajo” me përshkrimin “e lumtur.” Nuk kryhet asnjë veprim; folja thjesht “lidh” kryefjalën me përshkrimin.
3. Common English Linking Verbs
Forms of “to be”: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been
Albanian (Shqip):
Format e foljes “to be” (me qenë): am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been
Become (bëhem)
Seem (dukem)
Appear (shfaqem/dukem)
Feel (ndjehem)
Grow (rritem/bëhem)
Look (dukem/shfaqem)
Remain (mbetem)
Smell (kam erë/ndihet)
Sound (tingëlloj)
Stay (qëndroj)
Taste (kam shije/ndihet shija)
Forms of “to be”: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been
Albanian (Shqip):
Format e foljes “to be” (me qenë): am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been
Become (bëhem)
Seem (dukem)
Appear (shfaqem/dukem)
Feel (ndjehem)
Grow (rritem/bëhem)
Look (dukem/shfaqem)
Remain (mbetem)
Smell (kam erë/ndihet)
Sound (tingëlloj)
Stay (qëndroj)
Taste (kam shije/ndihet shija)
4. Important Note
Note: Verbs like feel, look, smell, taste, sound, etc. can be linking verbs or action verbs depending on context. For example, in “I feel sick,” “feel” is linking, but in “I feel the fabric,” “feel” is an action verb.
Albanian (Shqip):
Shënim: Foljet si feel, look, smell, taste, sound, etj. mund të jenë folje lidhëse ose folje veprimi, në varësi të kontekstit. Për shembull, në “I feel sick” (“Unë ndjehem i sëmurë”), “feel” është folje lidhëse, por në “I feel the fabric” (“Prek pëlhurën” ose “Ndiej pëlhurën”), “feel” është folje veprimi.
Note: Verbs like feel, look, smell, taste, sound, etc. can be linking verbs or action verbs depending on context. For example, in “I feel sick,” “feel” is linking, but in “I feel the fabric,” “feel” is an action verb.
Albanian (Shqip):
Shënim: Foljet si feel, look, smell, taste, sound, etj. mund të jenë folje lidhëse ose folje veprimi, në varësi të kontekstit. Për shembull, në “I feel sick” (“Unë ndjehem i sëmurë”), “feel” është folje lidhëse, por në “I feel the fabric” (“Prek pëlhurën” ose “Ndiej pëlhurën”), “feel” është folje veprimi.
Summary in Albanian
- Foljet lidhëse nuk shprehin veprim, por i lidhin kryefjalën me një përshkrim (mbiemër) ose një emër identifikues.
- “To be” (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been) është folja lidhëse më e zakonshme, me format e saj të parregullta.
- Shumë folje si feel, look, taste, smell, sound mund të përdoren si folje lidhëse ose veprimi. Gjithçka varet nga konteksti.
- Foljet lidhëse nuk shprehin veprim, por i lidhin kryefjalën me një përshkrim (mbiemër) ose një emër identifikues.
- “To be” (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been) është folja lidhëse më e zakonshme, me format e saj të parregullta.
- Shumë folje si feel, look, taste, smell, sound mund të përdoren si folje lidhëse ose veprimi. Gjithçka varet nga konteksti.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
English | IPA | Albanian |
1. safety | /ˈseɪf.ti/ | siguri |
2. traffic signs | /ˈtræf.ɪk saɪnz/ | shenja trafiku |
3. safety at home | /ˈseɪf.ti ət hoʊm/ | siguri në shtëpi |
4. should | /ʃʊd/ | duhet |
5. shouldn't calls | /ˈʃʊd.ənt kɔːlz/ | nuk duhet të bësh telefonata (jo e zakonshme) |
6. emergency | /ɪˈmɜːr.dʒən.si/ | emergjencë |
7. stop | /stɑːp/ | ndalo |
8. road signs | /roʊd saɪnz/ | shenja rrugore |
9. school crossings | /skuːl ˈkrɔːs.ɪŋz/ | vija kalimi për shkolla |
10. no left turn | /noʊ lɛft tɜːrn/ | ndalohet kthimi majtas |
11. speed limit | /spiːd ˈlɪm.ɪt/ | kufi shpejtësie |
12. road work | /roʊd wɜːrk/ | punime rrugore |
13. no parking | /noʊ ˈpɑːr.kɪŋ/ | ndalohet parkimi |
14. workplace | /ˈwɝːk.pleɪs/ | vend pune |
15. equipment | /ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ | pajisje |
16. careful | /ˈker.fəl/ | i kujdesshëm / e kujdesshme |
17. careless | /ˈker.ləs/ | i pakujdesshëm / e pakujdesshme |
18. factory | /ˈfæk.tər.i/ | fabrikë |
19. workers | /ˈwɝː.kərz/ | punëtorë |
20. safety boots | /ˈseɪf.ti buːts/ | çizme sigurie |
21. safety glasses | /ˈseɪf.ti ˈɡlæs.ɪz/ | syze mbrojtëse |
22. safety gloves | /ˈseɪf.ti ɡlʌvz/ | dorashka mbrojtëse |
23. wet floor | /wɛt flɔːr/ | dysheme e lagur |
24. safe | /seɪf/ | i sigurt / e sigurt |
25. hard hat | /hɑːrd hæt/ | helmetë mbrojtëse |
26. fire extinguisher | /faɪər ɪkˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪ.ʃər/ | fikës zjarri |
27. unsafe | /ʌnˈseɪf/ | i pasigurt / e pasigurt |
28. dangerous | /ˈdeɪn.dʒər.əs/ | i rrezikshëm / e rrezikshme |
29. emergency exit | /ɪˈmɜːr.dʒən.si ˈɛɡ.zɪt/ | dalje emergjence |
30. description | /dɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/ | përshkrim |
31. wear | /wɛr/ | vesh |
32. check | /tʃɛk/ | kontrollo |
33. spelling | /ˈspɛl.ɪŋ/ | drejtshkrimi (ose “shkrimi drejt”) |
34. careful (duplicate) | /ˈker.fəl/ | i kujdesshëm / e kujdesshme |
35. behavior | /bɪˈheɪ.vjər/ | sjellje |
36. smoke | /smoʊk/ | tym |
37. detector | /dɪˈtɛk.tər/ | detektor |
38. look out | /lʊk aʊt/ | kujdes |
39. slow down | /sloʊ daʊn/ | ngadalëso |
40. drive fast | /draɪv fæst/ | drejto shpejt |
41. always | /ˈɔːl.weɪz/ | gjithmonë |
42. worry | /ˈwɜːr.i/ | merakosem / shqetësohem |
43. relax | /rɪˈlæks/ | relaksohu |
44. seat belt | /siːt bɛlt/ | rrip sigurimi |
45. usually | /ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li/ | zakonisht |
46. sometimes | /ˈsʌm.taɪmz/ | nganjëherë |
47. never | /ˈnɛv.ər/ | kurrë |
48. accident | /ˈæk.sɪ.dənt/ | aksident |
49. prevention | /prɪˈvɛn.ʃən/ | parandalim |
50. unsafe (duplicate) | /ʌnˈseɪf/ | i pasigurt / e pasigurt |
51. identify | /aɪˈdɛn.tɪ.faɪ/ | identifikoj |
52. interpret | /ɪnˈtɜːr.prɪt/ | interpretoj |
53. checklist | /ˈtʃɛk.lɪst/ | listë kontrolli |
54. kitchen | /ˈkɪtʃ.ən/ | kuzhinë |
55. hundred | /ˈhʌn.drəd/ | njëqind |
56. gloves | /ɡlʌvz/ | dorashka |
57. chemical | /ˈkɛm.ɪ.kəl/ | kimik |
58. factory (duplicate) | /ˈfæk.tər.i/ | fabrikë |
59. strangers | /ˈstreɪn.dʒərz/ | të panjohur |
60. below | /bɪˈloʊ/ | poshtë |
61. lock | /lɑːk/ | kyç |
62. alone | /əˈloʊn/ | vetëm |
63. rules | /ruːlz/ | rregulla |
64. neighbors | /ˈneɪ.bɚz/ | fqinjët |
65. leave | /liːv/ | lë |
66. alone (duplicate) | /əˈloʊn/ | vetëm |
67. be safe | /bi seɪf/ | ji i sigurt / ji e sigurt |
68. at home | /ət hoʊm/ | në shtëpi |
69. below (duplicate) | /bɪˈloʊ/ | poshtë |
70. follow | /ˈfɑː.loʊ/ | ndiq |
71. hurt | /hɜːrt/ | lëndoj |
72. make | /meɪk/ | bëj |
73. headache | /ˈhɛd.eɪk/ | dhimbje koke |
74. stomachache | /ˈstʌm.ək.eɪk/ | dhimbje barku |
75. prescription | /prɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/ | recetë |
76. robbery | /ˈrɑː.bɚ.i/ | grabitje |
77. on the way | /ɑːn ðə weɪ/ | rrugës |
78. police officer | /pəˈliːs ˈɔː.fɪ.sər/ | oficer policie |
79. ambulance | /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/ | ambulancë |
80. anyone | /ˈɛni.wʌn/ | kushdo |
81. oak | /oʊk/ | lis |
82. hurt (duplicate) | /hɜːrt/ | lëndoj |
83. smart | /smɑːrt/ | i zgjuar / e zgjuar |
84. pull over | /pʊl ˈoʊ.vər/ | ndalo në anë |
85. tired | /ˈtaɪ.ərd/ | i lodhur / e lodhur |
86. cause | /kɑːz/ | shkak / shkaktoj |
87. be safe (duplicate) | /bi seɪf/ | ji i sigurt / e sigurt |
88. be smart | /bi smɑːrt/ | ji i zgjuar / ji e zgjuar |
89. pay attention | /peɪ əˈtɛn.ʃən/ | kushto vëmendje |
90. safe driver | /seɪf ˈdraɪ.vər/ | shofer i sigurt |
91. forget | /fɚˈɡɛt/ | harroj |
92. law | /lɑː/ | ligj |
93. source | /sɔːrs/ | burim |
94. tips | /tɪps/ | këshilla |
95. traffic safety | /ˈtræf.ɪk ˈseɪf.ti/ | siguri rrugore |
96. weather | /ˈwɛð.ər/ | mot |
97. happen | /ˈhæp.ən/ | ndodh |
98. watch | /wɑːtʃ/ | shikoj |
99. stop sign | /stɑːp saɪn/ | shenja “STOP” |
100. road work sign | /roʊd wɝːk saɪn/ | shenja punimesh rrugore |
101. alcohol | /ˈæl.kə.hɑːl/ | alkool |
102. other | /ˈʌð.ər/ | tjetër |
103. bad | /bæd/ | keq |
104. pay attention (duplicate) | /peɪ əˈtɛn.ʃən/ | kushto vëmendje |
105. car problems | /kɑːr ˈprɒb.ləmz/ | probleme me makinën |
106. fifty miles per hour | /ˈfɪf.ti maɪlz pər ˈaʊ.ɚ/ | pesëdhjetë milje në orë |
107. around | /əˈraʊnd/ | rreth |
108. possible | /ˈpɑː.sə.bəl/ | e mundur |
109. manager | /ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒər/ | menaxher |
110. more | /mɔːr/ | më shumë |
111. supermarket | /ˈsuː.pɚˌmɑːr.kɪt/ | supermarket |
112. next to | /nɛkst tuː/ | ngjitur me |
113. look around | /lʊk əˈraʊnd/ | shiko përreth |
114. any time | /ˈɛni taɪm/ | në çdo kohë |
115. battery | /ˈbæt.ər.i/ | bateri |
116. every | /ˈɛv.ri/ | çdo |
117. note | /noʊt/ | shënim |
118. put on | /pʊt ɒn/ | vendos / vish (sipas kontekstit) |
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
January 13th 2025
3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know)
1 We form the Present Simple like this:
I know.
You know.
He/she/it knows.
We know.
You know.
They know.
I know the answer.
She starts work at 9.30.
We add -s after he/she/it:
I start→ he starts I live→ she lives
If a verb ends in –ch ,-o ,-sh , or -ss , we add –es after he/she/it:
I watch→he watches
You do→he does
They go→it goes
We wash→she washes
If a verb ends in a consonant (b,c,d etc.) + y (e.g.study) , we use –ies after he/she/it:
I study→he studies I fly→it flies
( For more examples,see Table B, page 94.)
2 Now look at these examples of the negative:
I don’t like that music.
He doesn’t listen to his teacher.
Full form
Short form
I do not know.
I don’t know.
You do not know.
You don’t know.
does not know.
He doesn’t know.
We do not know.
We don’t know.
You do not know.
You don’t know.
They do not know.
They don’t know.
Note that we say:
He does not know. (Not He does not knows.)
3 We use the Present Simple:
To talk about things that happen regularly:
Monday Tuesday Wensday
He plays golf every day.
To talk about facts:
She comes from France. (=She is French.)
Greengrocers sell vegetables.
I don’t speak Chinese.
A Add -s or -es to the verbs in the sentences if it is necessary. If it is not necessary,put a (ü) in the gap.
He works in a bank.
They live ü in the France.
I watch ü TV every day.
She goes to work by car.
The film finish ü at ten o’clock.
We play ü tennis every weekend.
They go ü on holiday in August.
He speaks Italian and French.
She does her homework every night.
We start ü work at 8:30.
B Now finish these sentences using a verb from the box. Use each verb once. Remember to add -s or -es if necessary.
He eats toast for breakfast.
I drink coffee three times a day.
My father studies a new language every year.
She flies to New York once a month.
He smokes cigarettes a day.
They live in Ireland.
He finish work at six o’clock.
I sell fruit in a shop.
C Write these sentences, using the negative form of Present Simple.
(He/not/live/in Mexico)→ He doesn’t live in Mexico.
(She/not/work/in a bank)→ She doesn’t work in a bank.
(I/not/play/golf) → I don’t play golf.
(Paul/not/listen/to the radio) → Paul doesn’t listen to the radio.
(We/not/speak/French)→We don’t speak French.
(You/not/listen/to me!)→You don’t listen to me.
(My car/not/work)→My car don’t work.
(I/not/drink/tea)→I don’t drink tea.
(Sheila/not/eat/meat)→Sheila don’t eat meat.
(I/not/understand/you)→I don’t understand you.
D Put in the verbs from the box, in the Present Simple. Use each verb once.
How do you start day, Jim?
Well, I get up at six o’clock. I get washed and dressed, and I eat breakfast at seven o’clock. After breakfast,I brush my teeth. I go to work at eight o’clock.
When do you get to work?
I usually arrive at my office at about half past eight. First, I drink a cup of coffee, and then I start work at 8.45 am.
Where do you work?
I work in a bank. I am a computer operator. I like my job. It’s very interesting.
When do you eat lunch?
I stop work and I have lunch at one o’clock. I have a cup of tea at half past three.
When do you finish work?
I leave the office at six o’clock. I eat dinner when I get home. Then I watch TV for an hour or two.
E Use the table to write facts about Joan. A tick (ü) means that something is true. A cross (û) means that something is not true. Use the verbs in brackets.
from Scotland ü
in a bank û
in a flat ü
French ü
new films û
from England û
in a shop ü
in a house û
Italian û
old films ü
She comes from Scotland.
She doesn’t come from England.
She doesn’t in a bank.
She work in a shop.
She lives in a flat.
She doesn’t live in a house.
She speaks French.
She doesn’t speak Italian.
She doesn’t like new films.
She likes old films.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Modeli i një fjalie bazë në Anglisht
In English, our sentences usually operate using a similar pattern: subject, verb, then object. The nice part about this type of structure is that it lets your reader easily know who is doing the action and what the outcome of the action is.
A subject performs the action in a sentence.
For instance, in the sentence, “Matt eats pizza,” Matt is the subject because he is the one eating the pizza.
Në anglisht, fjalitë zakonisht funksionojnë duke përdorur një model të ngjashëm: kryefjala, folja, dhe më pas kundrina. E bukura e kësaj strukture është se e lejon lexuesin të kuptojë lehtësisht se kush po e bën veprimin dhe çfarë pasoje sjell veprimi.
Në një fjali, kryefjala e kryen veprimin.
Për shembull, në fjalinë, “Matt eats pizza”, Matt është kryefjala sepse ai është personi që po ha picën.
A verb is a word that usually indicates some type of action. There are two basic types of verbs in English: action verbs and linking verbs. An action verb represents something the subject of a sentence does, whereas a linking verb connects the subject to a specific state of being. In other words, a linking verb describes a subject instead of expressing an action. Linking verbs are also known at state of being verbs, and the most common one in English is the verb to be.
Një folje është një fjalë e cila tregon një lloj veprimi. Ndodhen dy lloje bazë të foljeve në anglisht: “action verbs” dhe “linking verbs”. Një “action verb” tregon një veprim që bën kryefjala e një fjalie, ndërsa një “linking verb” lidh kryefjalën me një gjendje të caktuar. Me fjalë të tjera, një “linking verb” përshkruan një kryefjalë, por nuk shpreh një veprim. “Linking verbs” janë gjithashtu të njohura si folje që shprehin gjendje, dhe folja më e njohur në gjuhën angleze është folja to be.
If we consider the above sentence, “Matt eats pizza,” the verb is eats, which is an action verb because it tells us what Matt does – he eats.
In this sentence, “Matt is hungry,” our verb is is, which is a form of to be, a linking verb. Notice how Matt does not do anything in this sentence. Instead, the verb is describes how Matt feels – hungry. Is links Matt with hunger.
Nëse marrim në konsideratë fjalinë e mësipërme, “Matt eats pizza”, folja është eats, dhe është një “action verb” sepse na tregon se cfarë bën Matt – he eats (ai ha).
Në këtë fjali, “Matt is hungry”, folja është is, një formë e to be, e cila është një “linking verb”. Vini re se si në këtë fjali Matt nuk vepron. Në të kundërt, folja përshkruan se si ndihet Matt – i uritur. Is lidh Matt-in me urinë.
An object usually appears after the verb. There are two (2) types of objects in the English language: direct and indirect.
Një kundrinë zakonisht shfaqet pas foljes. Ndodhen dy (2) lloje kundrinash në gjuhën angleze: e drejtë dhe e zhdrejtë.
A direct object takes or receives the action of the verb. In other words, the subject of the sentence acts on the direct object.
The direct object in our sample sentence “Matt eats pizza” is pizza. Matt eats what? Pizza.
Një kundrinë e drejtë kap ose merr një veprim të foljes. Me fjalë të tjera, kryefjala vepron mbi kundrinën e drejtë.
Kundrina e drejtë në shembullin tonë “Matt eats pizza” është “pizza”. Cfarë ha Matt? – Pizza.
An indirect object tells us to whom or for whom an action is done. To understand this concept, we need to come up with a longer sentence.
Një kundrinë e zhdrejtë na tregon se te kush apo për kë është bërë një veprim. Për të kuptuar këtë koncept, duhet të marrim një shembull më të gjatë.
Our new sample sentence will be: “Matt cuts the pizza for Nate.” In this sentence, our subject is Matt, our verb is cuts, the direct object is the pizza, and our indirect object is Nate. The pizza is cut for whom? Nate because Matt cuts the pizza for him.
Shembulli ynë i ri do të jetë: “Matt cuts the pizza for Nate.” Në këtë fjali, kryefjala është Matt, folja është cuts, kundrina e drejtë është pizza, dhe kundrina e zhdrejtë është Nate. Për kë pritet pizza? – Nate, sepse Matt e pret picën për të.
So, remember, this is the basic pattern of an English sentence: SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECT.
Pra, mbani mend, Ky është modeli bazë i një foljeje në gjuhën angleze:
paf27.12.2024Unit 1 Present Continuous (I am doing)
Mësimi 1 E tashmja e vazhduar (Jam duke bërë)
A. Study this example situation:
Studioni këtë shembull situate:
Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work.
She’s driving to work. (=She is driving…)
This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking. The action is not finished.
Kjo do të thotë: ajo është duke ngarë makinën tani, në kohën që jemi duke folur. Veprimi nuk është i përfunduar.
am/is/are + -ing is the present continuous:
am/is/are + -ing është e tashmja e vazhduar:
I he/she/it we/you/they am is are (=I’m) (=he’s, etc.) (=we’re, etc.) driving working doing, etc.
B. I am doing something = I started doing it, and I haven’t finished. I’m in the middle of doing it.
Unë jam duke bërë diçka = fillova ta bëja, por nuk kam përfunduar. Jam në mes të kryerjes së këtij veprimi.
ÿ Please don’t make so much noise. I’m trying to work. (not I try)
ÿ “Where’s Mark?” “He’s taking a shower.” (not He takes a shower)
ÿ Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining anymore. (not It doesn’t rain)
ÿ How’s your new job? Are you enjoying it?
ÿ What’s all that noise? What’s going on? or What’s happening?
Sometimes the action is not happening at the time of speaking. For example:
Ndonjëherë veprimi nuk është duke ndodhur në momentin që jemi duke folur. Për shembull:
Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. He says:
Stiv po i flet një miku në telefon. Ai thotë:
Steve says “I’m reading…” but he is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means that he has started reading the book but has not finished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it.
Stiv thotë “Jam duke lexuar…” por ai nuk është duke e lexuar librin në momentin që është duke folur. Kjo nënkupton se ai ka filluar të lexojë librin, por nuk e ka përfunduar ende. Ai është në mes të këtij veprimi, pra leximit të librit.
Some more examples:
Disa shembuj të tjerë:
ÿ Kate wants to work in Italy, so she’s learning Italian.
(but perhaps she isn’t learning Italian at the time of speaking)
Keit dëshiron të punojë në Itali, kështu që ajo është duke mësuar gjuhën italiane.
(por ndoshta ajo nuk është duke mësuar italisht në momentin që po flitet)
ÿ Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope to finish it next summer.
C. You can use the present continuous with today, this week, this year, etc. (period around now):
Ju mund ta përdorni të tashmen e vazhduar me sot, këtë javë, këtë vit, etj. (periudhë rreth të tashmes):
ÿ A: You’re working hard today. (not You work hard today)
B: Yes, I have a lot to do.
ÿ The company I work for isn’t doing so well this year.
We use the present continuous when we talk about a change that has started to happen. We often use these verbs in this way:
E përdorim të tashmen e vazhduar kur flasim rreth një ndryshimi që ka filluar të ndodhë. Shpesh përdorim këto folje në këtë mënyrë:
getting changing increasing rising starting
becoming improving growing failing beginning
ÿ Is your English getting better? (not Does your English get better)
ÿ The population of the world is increasing very fast. (not increases)
ÿ At first I didn’t like my job, but I’m starting to enjoy it now. (not I start)
Exercises ~ Ushtrime
1.1 What’s happening in the pictures? Choose from these verbs:
Çfarë është duke ndodhur në figura? Zgjidhni nga këto folje:
1 She’s taking a picture. 2 He _____________ his shoelaces. 3 ______________ the road. 4 _____________ his head. 5 _____________ behind a tree. 6 _____________ to somebody.
1.2 The sentences on the right follow those on the left. Which sentence goes with which?
Fjalitë në të djathtë ndjekin ato në të majtë. Cilat fjali lidhen me njëra-tjetrën?
1.3 Write questions. Use the present continuous.
Formoni pyetje. Përdorni të tashmen e vazhduar.
1. What’s all that noise? What’s happening? (what / happen?)
2. What’s the matter? _____________________ (why / you / cry?)
3. Where’s your mother? ___________________ (she / work / today?)
4. I haven’t seen you in ages. __________________ (what / you / do / these days?)
5. Amy is a student. ___________________ (what / she / study?)
6. Who are those people? __________________ (what / they / do?)
7. I heard you started a new job. _________________ (you / enjoy / it?)
8. We’re not in a hurry. ___________________ (why / you / walk / so fast?)
1.4 Put the verb into the correct form, affirmative (I’m doing, etc.) or negative (I’m not doing, etc.).
Vendosni foljen në formën e duhur, dëftore (Jam duke bërë, etj.) ose negative (nuk jam duke bërë, etj.).
1. Please don’t make so much noise. I’m trying (I / try) to work.
2. Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining (it / rain) anymore.
3. You can turn off the music. __________________ (I / listen) to it.
4. Kate called last night. She’s on a trip with friends. _____________ (She / have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.
5. Andrew started evening classes recently. _______________ (He / learn) Japanese.
6. Jason and Sarah have had an argument and now ______________ (they / speak) to each other.
7. The situation is already very bad, and now _______________ (it / get) worse.
8. Tim ______________ (work) today. He’s taken the day off.
9. ________________ (I / look) for Allison. Do you know where she is?
10. The washing machine has been repaired. _____________ (It / work) now.
11. ________________ (They / build) a new hospital. It will be finished next year.
12. Ben is a student, but he’s not very happy. ______________(He / enjoy) his courses.
13. ________________ (The weather / change). I think it’s going to rain.
14. Dan has been in the same job for a long time. ________________ (He/ start) to get bored with it.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
87 words you must know in English !
English Pronunciation Albanian Translation
apple /ˈæp.l/ mollë
ball /bɔːl/ top
cat /kæt/ mace
dog /dɒɡ/ qen
egg /ɛɡ/ vezë
fish /fɪʃ/ peshk
good /ɡʊd/ mirë
hat /hæt/ kapelë
ice /aɪs/ akull
jump /dʒʌmp/ kërcim
key /kiː/ çelës
love /lʌv/ dashuri
milk /mɪlk/ qumësht
nice /naɪs/ bukur
open /ˈəʊ.pən/ hapur
pen /pɛn/ stilolaps
queen /kwiːn/ mbretëreshë
red /rɛd/ e kuqe
sun /sʌn/ diell
tree /triː/ pemë
umbrella /ʌmˈbrɛl.ə/ çadër
voice /vɔɪs/ zë
water /ˈwɔː.tə(r)/ ujë
yellow /ˈjɛl.əʊ/ e verdhë
zebra /ˈziː.brə/ zebra
big /bɪɡ/ i madh
happy /ˈhæp.i/ i lumtur
small /smɔːl/ i vogël
eat /iːt/ ha
walk /wɔːk/ ec
sleep /sliːp/ fle
table /ˈteɪ.bəl/ tryezë
chair /tʃeə(r)/ karrige
book /bʊk/ libër
house /haʊs/ shtëpi
car /kɑː(r)/ makinë
bird /bɜːd/ zog
girl /ɡɜːl/ vajzë
boy /bɔɪ/ djalë
family /ˈfæm.ɪ.li/ familje
friend /frɛnd/ mik
school /skuːl/ shkollë
work /wɜːk/ punë
play /pleɪ/ luaj
run /rʌn/ vrapoj
stop /stɒp/ ndalo
yes /jɛs/ po
no /nəʊ/ jo
please /pliːz/ ju lutem
thank you /ˈθæŋk ˌjuː/ faleminderit
sorry /ˈsɒr.i/ më fal
help /hɛlp/ ndihmë
time /taɪm/ kohë
day /deɪ/ ditë
night /naɪt/ natë
cold /kəʊld/ ftohtë
hot /hɒt/ nxehtë
rain /reɪn/ shi
snow /snəʊ/ borë
sky /skaɪ/ qiell
star /stɑːr/ yll
moon /muːn/ hënë
flower /ˈflaʊər/ lule
door /dɔːr/ derë
window /ˈwɪn.dəʊ/ dritare
bread /brɛd/ bukë
cheese /tʃiːz/ djathë
fruit /fruːt/ fruta
meat /miːt/ mish
chair /tʃeə(r)/ karrige
game /ɡeɪm/ lojë
happy /ˈhæp.i/ i lumtur
quick /kwɪk/ i shpejtë
slow /sləʊ/ i ngadaltë
sing /sɪŋ/ këndoj
dance /dɑːns/ kërcej
laugh /lɑːf/ qesh
cry /kraɪ/ qaj
smile /smaɪl/ buzëqesh
mountain /ˈmaʊn.tɪn/ mal
river /ˈrɪv.ər/ lumë
sea /siː/ det
city /ˈsɪt.i/ qytet
country /ˈkʌn.tri/ vend
road /rəʊd/ rrugë
happy /ˈhæp.i/ i lumtur
3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know)
1 We form the Present Simple like this:
Singular | I know. |
| You know. |
| He/she/it knows. |
Plural | We know. |
| You know. |
| They know. |
I know the answer.
She starts work at 9.30.
We add -s after he/she/it:
I start→ he starts I live→ she lives
If a verb ends in –ch ,-o ,-sh , or -ss , we add –es after he/she/it:
I watch→he watches | You do→he does |
They go→it goes | We wash→she washes |
If a verb ends in a consonant (b,c,d etc.) + y (e.g.study) , we use –ies after he/she/it:
I study→he studies I fly→it flies
( For more examples,see Table B, page 94.)
2 Now look at these examples of the negative:
I don’t like that music.
He doesn’t listen to his teacher.
Full form | Short form |
I do not know. | I don’t know. |
You do not know. | You don’t know. |
He/she/it |
does not know. | He doesn’t know. |
We do not know. | We don’t know. |
You do not know. | You don’t know. |
They do not know. | They don’t know. |
Note that we say:
He does not know. (Not He does not knows.)
3 We use the Present Simple:
To talk about things that happen regularly:
Monday Tuesday Wensday
He plays golf every day.
To talk about facts:
She comes from France. (=She is French.)
Greengrocers sell vegetables.
I don’t speak Chinese.
A Add -s or -es to the verbs in the sentences if it is necessary. If it is not necessary,put a (ü) in the gap.
He works in a bank.
They live ü in the France.
I watch ü TV every day.
She goes to work by car.
The film finish ü at ten o’clock.
We play ü tennis every weekend.
They go ü on holiday in August.
He speaks Italian and French.
She does her homework every night.
We start ü work at 8:30.
B Now finish these sentences using a verb from the box. Use each verb once. Remember to add -s or -es if necessary.
Fly | Study | Finish | Eat |
Sell | Smoke | Drink | Live |
He eats toast for breakfast.
I drink coffee three times a day.
My father studies a new language every year.
She flies to New York once a month.
He smokes cigarettes a day.
They live in Ireland.
He finish work at six o’clock.
I sell fruit in a shop.
C Write these sentences, using the negative form of Present Simple.
(He/not/live/in Mexico)→ He doesn’t live in Mexico.
(She/not/work/in a bank)→ She doesn’t work in a bank.
(I/not/play/golf) → I don’t play golf.
(Paul/not/listen/to the radio) → Paul doesn’t listen to the radio.
(We/not/speak/French)→We don’t speak French.
(You/not/listen/to me!)→You don’t listen to me.
(My car/not/work)→My car don’t work.
(I/not/drink/tea)→I don’t drink tea.
(Sheila/not/eat/meat)→Sheila don’t eat meat.
(I/not/understand/you)→I don’t understand you.
D Put in the verbs from the box, in the Present Simple. Use each verb once.
Leave | Start | Arrive | Get | Watch | Work | Brush |
Eat | Have | Like | Drink | Go | Stop |
Interviewer: | How do you start day, Jim? |
Jim: | Well, I get up at six o’clock. I get washed and dressed, and I eat breakfast at seven o’clock. After breakfast,I brush my teeth. I go to work at eight o’clock. |
Interviewer: | When do you get to work? |
Jim: | I usually arrive at my office at about half past eight. First, I drink a cup of coffee, and then I start work at 8.45 am. |
Interviewer: | Where do you work? |
Jim: | I work in a bank. I am a computer operator. I like my job. It’s very interesting. |
Interviewer: | When do you eat lunch? |
Jim: | I stop work and I have lunch at one o’clock. I have a cup of tea at half past three. |
Interviewer: | When do you finish work? |
Jim: | I leave the office at six o’clock. I eat dinner when I get home. Then I watch TV for an hour or two. |
E Use the table to write facts about Joan. A tick (ü) means that something is true. A cross (û) means that something is not true. Use the verbs in brackets.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
from Scotland ü | in a bank û | in a flat ü | French ü | new films û |
from England û | in a shop ü | in a house û | Italian û | old films ü |
0 | (come) | She comes from Scotland. | She doesn’t come from England. |
1 | (work) | She doesn’t in a bank. | She work in a shop. |
2 | (live) | She lives in a flat. | She doesn’t live in a house. |
3 | (speak) | She speaks French. | She doesn’t speak Italian. |
4 | (like) | She doesn’t like new films. | She likes old films. |
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Modeli i një fjalie bazë në Anglisht
In English, our sentences usually operate using a similar pattern: subject, verb, then object. The nice part about this type of structure is that it lets your reader easily know who is doing the action and what the outcome of the action is.
A subject performs the action in a sentence.
For instance, in the sentence, “Matt eats pizza,” Matt is the subject because he is the one eating the pizza.
Në anglisht, fjalitë zakonisht funksionojnë duke përdorur një model të ngjashëm: kryefjala, folja, dhe më pas kundrina. E bukura e kësaj strukture është se e lejon lexuesin të kuptojë lehtësisht se kush po e bën veprimin dhe çfarë pasoje sjell veprimi.
Në një fjali, kryefjala e kryen veprimin.
Për shembull, në fjalinë, “Matt eats pizza”, Matt është kryefjala sepse ai është personi që po ha picën.
A verb is a word that usually indicates some type of action. There are two basic types of verbs in English: action verbs and linking verbs. An action verb represents something the subject of a sentence does, whereas a linking verb connects the subject to a specific state of being. In other words, a linking verb describes a subject instead of expressing an action. Linking verbs are also known at state of being verbs, and the most common one in English is the verb to be.
Një folje është një fjalë e cila tregon një lloj veprimi. Ndodhen dy lloje bazë të foljeve në anglisht: “action verbs” dhe “linking verbs”. Një “action verb” tregon një veprim që bën kryefjala e një fjalie, ndërsa një “linking verb” lidh kryefjalën me një gjendje të caktuar. Me fjalë të tjera, një “linking verb” përshkruan një kryefjalë, por nuk shpreh një veprim. “Linking verbs” janë gjithashtu të njohura si folje që shprehin gjendje, dhe folja më e njohur në gjuhën angleze është folja to be.
If we consider the above sentence, “Matt eats pizza,” the verb is eats, which is an action verb because it tells us what Matt does – he eats.
In this sentence, “Matt is hungry,” our verb is is, which is a form of to be, a linking verb. Notice how Matt does not do anything in this sentence. Instead, the verb is describes how Matt feels – hungry. Is links Matt with hunger.
Nëse marrim në konsideratë fjalinë e mësipërme, “Matt eats pizza”, folja është eats, dhe është një “action verb” sepse na tregon se cfarë bën Matt – he eats (ai ha).
Në këtë fjali, “Matt is hungry”, folja është is, një formë e to be, e cila është një “linking verb”. Vini re se si në këtë fjali Matt nuk vepron. Në të kundërt, folja përshkruan se si ndihet Matt – i uritur. Is lidh Matt-in me urinë.
An object usually appears after the verb. There are two (2) types of objects in the English language: direct and indirect.
Një kundrinë zakonisht shfaqet pas foljes. Ndodhen dy (2) lloje kundrinash në gjuhën angleze: e drejtë dhe e zhdrejtë.
A direct object takes or receives the action of the verb. In other words, the subject of the sentence acts on the direct object.
The direct object in our sample sentence “Matt eats pizza” is pizza. Matt eats what? Pizza.
Një kundrinë e drejtë kap ose merr një veprim të foljes. Me fjalë të tjera, kryefjala vepron mbi kundrinën e drejtë.
Kundrina e drejtë në shembullin tonë “Matt eats pizza” është “pizza”. Cfarë ha Matt? – Pizza.
An indirect object tells us to whom or for whom an action is done. To understand this concept, we need to come up with a longer sentence.
Një kundrinë e zhdrejtë na tregon se te kush apo për kë është bërë një veprim. Për të kuptuar këtë koncept, duhet të marrim një shembull më të gjatë.
Our new sample sentence will be: “Matt cuts the pizza for Nate.” In this sentence, our subject is Matt, our verb is cuts, the direct object is the pizza, and our indirect object is Nate. The pizza is cut for whom? Nate because Matt cuts the pizza for him.
Shembulli ynë i ri do të jetë: “Matt cuts the pizza for Nate.” Në këtë fjali, kryefjala është Matt, folja është cuts, kundrina e drejtë është pizza, dhe kundrina e zhdrejtë është Nate. Për kë pritet pizza? – Nate, sepse Matt e pret picën për të.
So, remember, this is the basic pattern of an English sentence: SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECT.
Pra, mbani mend, Ky është modeli bazë i një foljeje në gjuhën angleze:
Unit 1 Present Continuous (I am doing)
Mësimi 1 E tashmja e vazhduar (Jam duke bërë)
A. Study this example situation:
Studioni këtë shembull situate:
Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work.
She’s driving to work. (=She is driving…)
This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking. The action is not finished.
Kjo do të thotë: ajo është duke ngarë makinën tani, në kohën që jemi duke folur. Veprimi nuk është i përfunduar.
am/is/are + -ing is the present continuous:
am/is/are + -ing është e tashmja e vazhduar:
I he/she/it we/you/they am is are (=I’m) (=he’s, etc.) (=we’re, etc.) driving working doing, etc.
B. I am doing something = I started doing it, and I haven’t finished. I’m in the middle of doing it.
Unë jam duke bërë diçka = fillova ta bëja, por nuk kam përfunduar. Jam në mes të kryerjes së këtij veprimi.
ÿ Please don’t make so much noise. I’m trying to work. (not I try)
ÿ “Where’s Mark?” “He’s taking a shower.” (not He takes a shower)
ÿ Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining anymore. (not It doesn’t rain)
ÿ How’s your new job? Are you enjoying it?
ÿ What’s all that noise? What’s going on? or What’s happening?
Sometimes the action is not happening at the time of speaking. For example:
Ndonjëherë veprimi nuk është duke ndodhur në momentin që jemi duke folur. Për shembull:
Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. He says:
Stiv po i flet një miku në telefon. Ai thotë:
Steve says “I’m reading…” but he is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means that he has started reading the book but has not finished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it.
Stiv thotë “Jam duke lexuar…” por ai nuk është duke e lexuar librin në momentin që është duke folur. Kjo nënkupton se ai ka filluar të lexojë librin, por nuk e ka përfunduar ende. Ai është në mes të këtij veprimi, pra leximit të librit.
Some more examples:
Disa shembuj të tjerë:
ÿ Kate wants to work in Italy, so she’s learning Italian.
(but perhaps she isn’t learning Italian at the time of speaking)
Keit dëshiron të punojë në Itali, kështu që ajo është duke mësuar gjuhën italiane.
(por ndoshta ajo nuk është duke mësuar italisht në momentin që po flitet)
ÿ Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope to finish it next summer.
C. You can use the present continuous with today, this week, this year, etc. (period around now):
Ju mund ta përdorni të tashmen e vazhduar me sot, këtë javë, këtë vit, etj. (periudhë rreth të tashmes):
ÿ A: You’re working hard today. (not You work hard today)
B: Yes, I have a lot to do.
ÿ The company I work for isn’t doing so well this year.
We use the present continuous when we talk about a change that has started to happen. We often use these verbs in this way:
E përdorim të tashmen e vazhduar kur flasim rreth një ndryshimi që ka filluar të ndodhë. Shpesh përdorim këto folje në këtë mënyrë:
getting changing increasing rising starting
becoming improving growing failing beginning
ÿ Is your English getting better? (not Does your English get better)
ÿ The population of the world is increasing very fast. (not increases)
ÿ At first I didn’t like my job, but I’m starting to enjoy it now. (not I start)
Exercises ~ Ushtrime
1.1 What’s happening in the pictures? Choose from these verbs:
Çfarë është duke ndodhur në figura? Zgjidhni nga këto folje:
1 She’s taking a picture. 2 He _____________ his shoelaces. 3 ______________ the road. 4 _____________ his head. 5 _____________ behind a tree. 6 _____________ to somebody.
1.2 The sentences on the right follow those on the left. Which sentence goes with which?
Fjalitë në të djathtë ndjekin ato në të majtë. Cilat fjali lidhen me njëra-tjetrën?
1.3 Write questions. Use the present continuous.
Formoni pyetje. Përdorni të tashmen e vazhduar.
1. What’s all that noise? What’s happening? (what / happen?)
2. What’s the matter? _____________________ (why / you / cry?)
3. Where’s your mother? ___________________ (she / work / today?)
4. I haven’t seen you in ages. __________________ (what / you / do / these days?)
5. Amy is a student. ___________________ (what / she / study?)
6. Who are those people? __________________ (what / they / do?)
7. I heard you started a new job. _________________ (you / enjoy / it?)
8. We’re not in a hurry. ___________________ (why / you / walk / so fast?)
1.4 Put the verb into the correct form, affirmative (I’m doing, etc.) or negative (I’m not doing, etc.).
Vendosni foljen në formën e duhur, dëftore (Jam duke bërë, etj.) ose negative (nuk jam duke bërë, etj.).
1. Please don’t make so much noise. I’m trying (I / try) to work.
2. Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining (it / rain) anymore.
3. You can turn off the music. __________________ (I / listen) to it.
4. Kate called last night. She’s on a trip with friends. _____________ (She / have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.
5. Andrew started evening classes recently. _______________ (He / learn) Japanese.
6. Jason and Sarah have had an argument and now ______________ (they / speak) to each other.
7. The situation is already very bad, and now _______________ (it / get) worse.
8. Tim ______________ (work) today. He’s taken the day off.
9. ________________ (I / look) for Allison. Do you know where she is?
10. The washing machine has been repaired. _____________ (It / work) now.
11. ________________ (They / build) a new hospital. It will be finished next year.
12. Ben is a student, but he’s not very happy. ______________(He / enjoy) his courses.
13. ________________ (The weather / change). I think it’s going to rain.
14. Dan has been in the same job for a long time. ________________ (He/ start) to get bored with it.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
87 words you must know in English !
English Pronunciation Albanian Translation
apple /ˈæp.l/ mollë
ball /bɔːl/ top
cat /kæt/ mace
dog /dɒɡ/ qen
egg /ɛɡ/ vezë
fish /fɪʃ/ peshk
good /ɡʊd/ mirë
hat /hæt/ kapelë
ice /aɪs/ akull
jump /dʒʌmp/ kërcim
key /kiː/ çelës
love /lʌv/ dashuri
milk /mɪlk/ qumësht
nice /naɪs/ bukur
open /ˈəʊ.pən/ hapur
pen /pɛn/ stilolaps
queen /kwiːn/ mbretëreshë
red /rɛd/ e kuqe
sun /sʌn/ diell
tree /triː/ pemë
umbrella /ʌmˈbrɛl.ə/ çadër
voice /vɔɪs/ zë
water /ˈwɔː.tə(r)/ ujë
yellow /ˈjɛl.əʊ/ e verdhë
zebra /ˈziː.brə/ zebra
big /bɪɡ/ i madh
happy /ˈhæp.i/ i lumtur
small /smɔːl/ i vogël
eat /iːt/ ha
walk /wɔːk/ ec
sleep /sliːp/ fle
table /ˈteɪ.bəl/ tryezë
chair /tʃeə(r)/ karrige
book /bʊk/ libër
house /haʊs/ shtëpi
car /kɑː(r)/ makinë
bird /bɜːd/ zog
girl /ɡɜːl/ vajzë
boy /bɔɪ/ djalë
family /ˈfæm.ɪ.li/ familje
friend /frɛnd/ mik
school /skuːl/ shkollë
work /wɜːk/ punë
play /pleɪ/ luaj
run /rʌn/ vrapoj
stop /stɒp/ ndalo
yes /jɛs/ po
no /nəʊ/ jo
please /pliːz/ ju lutem
thank you /ˈθæŋk ˌjuː/ faleminderit
sorry /ˈsɒr.i/ më fal
help /hɛlp/ ndihmë
time /taɪm/ kohë
day /deɪ/ ditë
night /naɪt/ natë
cold /kəʊld/ ftohtë
hot /hɒt/ nxehtë
rain /reɪn/ shi
snow /snəʊ/ borë
sky /skaɪ/ qiell
star /stɑːr/ yll
moon /muːn/ hënë
flower /ˈflaʊər/ lule
door /dɔːr/ derë
window /ˈwɪn.dəʊ/ dritare
bread /brɛd/ bukë
cheese /tʃiːz/ djathë
fruit /fruːt/ fruta
meat /miːt/ mish
chair /tʃeə(r)/ karrige
game /ɡeɪm/ lojë
happy /ˈhæp.i/ i lumtur
quick /kwɪk/ i shpejtë
slow /sləʊ/ i ngadaltë
sing /sɪŋ/ këndoj
dance /dɑːns/ kërcej
laugh /lɑːf/ qesh
cry /kraɪ/ qaj
smile /smaɪl/ buzëqesh
mountain /ˈmaʊn.tɪn/ mal
river /ˈrɪv.ər/ lumë
sea /siː/ det
city /ˈsɪt.i/ qytet
country /ˈkʌn.tri/ vend
road /rəʊd/ rrugë
happy /ˈhæp.i/ i lumtur
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English Made Easier
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Read the sentences and try to answer the questions:
It is 6:15 a.m.
- It is time to wake up.
It is time to take a shower.
It is time to brush my teeth.
It is time to get dressed.
It is time to eat breakfast.
It is time to go to work.
It is time to eat lunch.
It is time to go back to work.
It is time to go home.
It is time to eat dinner.
It is time to go to sleep.
“Billy,” she says. "Billy!"
“What?” Billy says.
"It is time to wake up!"- What time is it?
- 5:30 in the morning
- 5:30 at night
- 6:15 in the morning
- 6:15 at night
- What is it time to do first?
- brush my teeth
- take a shower
- wake up
- go to work
- What is it time to do second?
- brush my teeth
- wake up
- take a shower
- go home
- What is it time to do last?
- go to sleep
- go to work
- go to a movie
- go to a soccer game
- What is it time to do after it is time to go home?
- eat dinner
- brush my teeth
- get dressed
- wake up
- The first thing Billy does is wake up. So, the first thing he does is...
- start sleeping
- start dreaming
- stop sleeping
- eat dinner
- Billy brushes his teeth. This means he...
- cleans his teeth
- uses his teeth
- moves his teeth
- eats with his teeth
- Billy gets dressed. This means he...
- eats breakfast
- takes a shower
- puts on clothes
- goes to work
- After lunch, BIlly goes back to work. This means he...
- leaves work
- is late for work
- returns to work
- stays home
- Which is the correct order?
- Breakfast - Dinner - Lunch
- Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner
- Dinner - Lunch - Breakfast
- Lunch - Dinner - Breakfast
- What is a good word to describe Billy?
- sad
- nice
- busy
- short
- honest
- nervous
- It is time to wake up.
It is time to take a shower.
It is time to brush my teeth.
It is time to get dressed.
It is time to eat breakfast.
It is time to go to work.
It is time to eat lunch.
It is time to go back to work.
It is time to go home.
It is time to eat dinner.
It is time to go to sleep.
“Billy,” she says. "Billy!"
“What?” Billy says.
"It is time to wake up!"- What time is it?
- 5:30 in the morning
- 5:30 at night
- 6:15 in the morning
- 6:15 at night
- What is it time to do first?
- brush my teeth
- take a shower
- wake up
- go to work
- What is it time to do second?
- brush my teeth
- wake up
- take a shower
- go home
- What is it time to do last?
- go to sleep
- go to work
- go to a movie
- go to a soccer game
- What is it time to do after it is time to go home?
- eat dinner
- brush my teeth
- get dressed
- wake up
- The first thing Billy does is wake up. So, the first thing he does is...
- start sleeping
- start dreaming
- stop sleeping
- eat dinner
- Billy brushes his teeth. This means he...
- cleans his teeth
- uses his teeth
- moves his teeth
- eats with his teeth
- Billy gets dressed. This means he...
- eats breakfast
- takes a shower
- puts on clothes
- goes to work
- After lunch, BIlly goes back to work. This means he...
- leaves work
- is late for work
- returns to work
- stays home
- Which is the correct order?
- Breakfast - Dinner - Lunch
- Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner
- Dinner - Lunch - Breakfast
- Lunch - Dinner - Breakfast
- What is a good word to describe Billy?
- sad
- nice
- busy
- short
- honest
- nervous
Hope you enjoyed it !
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
- ___________________________________________
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English Made Easier
Simple Present 1
What's the best word to complete the sentence?
Please try to find the correct answer. You can copy or print this exercise. if you have no time then just read it and try to do it.- It ________ almost every day in Manchester.
- rain
- rains
- raines
- We ________ to Spain every summer.
- fly
- aircraft
- flies
- My best friend ________ to me every week.
- write
- writies
- writes
- Jo is so smart that she ________ every exam without even trying.
- pass
- passions
- passes
- John ________ very hard in class, but I don't think he'll pass the course.
- try
- three
- tries
- I ________ in a bank.
- work
- works
- workes
- She ________ in Florida.
- live
- lives
- The bank ________ at four o'clock.
- close
- closies
- closes
- My life is so boring -- I just ________ TV every night.
- watch
- watchies
- watches
- My mother ________ eggs for breakfast every morning.
- fry
- urgency
- fries
- It ________ almost every day in Manchester.
- rain
- rains
- raines
- We ________ to Spain every summer.
- fly
- aircraft
- flies
- My best friend ________ to me every week.
- write
- writies
- writes
- Jo is so smart that she ________ every exam without even trying.
- pass
- passions
- passes
- John ________ very hard in class, but I don't think he'll pass the course.
- try
- three
- tries
- I ________ in a bank.
- work
- works
- workes
- She ________ in Florida.
- live
- lives
- The bank ________ at four o'clock.
- close
- closies
- closes
- My life is so boring -- I just ________ TV every night.
- watch
- watchies
- watches
- My mother ________ eggs for breakfast every morning.
- fry
- urgency
- fries
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes tekstin e bashkengjitur per te kuptuar se si eshte zbatuar modeli " to do something".
Here are simpler explanations for each rule:
Be on Time – Come to class when it starts. This helps you learn more and shows respect.
Listen Carefully – Pay attention when others talk. This will help you understand.
Raise Your Hand – If you have a question or want to speak, lift your hand first. This keeps things fair.
Be Kind – Use polite words like "please" and "thank you." Being kind is important.
Follow Directions – Do what the teacher says, step by step. It’s okay to ask if you don’t understand.
Use Simple English – Speak with words you know. Don’t worry if your English isn’t perfect.
Ask for Help – If you don’t understand, ask the teacher or a friend. It’s good to ask.
Keep Your Area Clean – Keep your desk neat. A clean space helps you focus.
Work Together – In groups, work well with others. Share ideas and help each other.
Respect School Rules – Follow all school rules. For example, don’t use your phone in class.
Here are simpler explanations for each rule:
Be on Time – Come to class when it starts. This helps you learn more and shows respect.
Listen Carefully – Pay attention when others talk. This will help you understand.
Raise Your Hand – If you have a question or want to speak, lift your hand first. This keeps things fair.
Be Kind – Use polite words like "please" and "thank you." Being kind is important.
Follow Directions – Do what the teacher says, step by step. It’s okay to ask if you don’t understand.
Use Simple English – Speak with words you know. Don’t worry if your English isn’t perfect.
Ask for Help – If you don’t understand, ask the teacher or a friend. It’s good to ask.
Keep Your Area Clean – Keep your desk neat. A clean space helps you focus.
Work Together – In groups, work well with others. Share ideas and help each other.
Respect School Rules – Follow all school rules. For example, don’t use your phone in class.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes tekstin e bashkengjitur
Albanian Translation
Here’s the chart translated into Albanian:
Përkthim i shembullit:
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes tekstin e bashkengjitur;E lexoni disa here edhe mundesisht e perktheni tekstin ne fletoren tuaj te detyrave te shtepise.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes mesimin e bashkengjitur :
Here’s a simple chart on how to form and conjugate the verb "to speak" in the present simple tense:
Subject Verb Form Example Sentence I speak I speak English. You speak You speak French. He/She/It speaks She speaks Spanish. We speak We speak Italian. You (plural) speak You speak German. They speak They speak Russian.
- Affirmative: Subject + base form of the verb (add "s" for third-person singular).
- Negative: Subject + do/does + not + base form of the verb (e.g., "I do not speak").
- Question: Do/Does + subject + base form of the verb? (e.g., "Do you speak?")
To make questions in the present simple tense, you use "do" or "does" at the beginning of the sentence, depending on the subject. Here's how it works:
For subjects "I," "you," "we," and "they":
- Start with "do".
- Follow it with the subject.
- Then the base form of the verb.
- Do I speak English?
- Do you like coffee?
- Do they play football?
For subjects "he," "she," and "it":
- Start with "does".
- Follow it with the subject.
- Then the base form of the verb (no "s" added to the verb here).
- Does he speak English?
- Does she eat vegetables?
- Does it rain a lot here?
To make questions in the present simple tense, you use "do" or "does" at the beginning of the sentence, depending on the subject. Here's how it works:
For subjects "I," "you," "we," and "they":
- Start with "do".
- Follow it with the subject.
- Then the base form of the verb.
- Do I speak English?
- Do you like coffee?
- Do they play football?
For subjects "he," "she," and "it":
- Start with "does".
- Follow it with the subject.
- Then the base form of the verb (no "s" added to the verb here).
- Does he speak English?
- Does she eat vegetables?
- Does it rain a lot here?
- Do for I, you, we, they.
- Does for he, she, it.
In both cases, the main verb stays in its base form (without "s" for third-person singular).
1. For subjects "I," "you," "we," and "they":
2. For subjects "he," "she," and "it":
Here's a chart showing how to form negative sentences in the present simple tense:
Key Notes:
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English Made Easier
Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes mesimin e bashkengjitur :
Shprehja "to do something" në anglisht është një frazë shumë e zakonshme që i referohet kryerjes së një veprimi ose përfundimit të një detyre. Ajo është një shprehje shumë e përdorur në shumë kontekste të ndryshme, nga aktivitetet fizike deri tek detyrat mendore. Veprimi "do" është një folje ndihmëse në anglisht, por gjithashtu mund të funksionojë si një folje kryesore kur i referohet realizimit të një veprimi.
Shpjegimi i Plotë:
Kryerja e një Veprimi:
- Kjo do të thotë të angazhohesh në një aktivitet ose të përfundosh një detyrë. Për shembull: "I need to do my homework."
- Në këtë rast, "to do" i referohet përfundimit të një detyre, në këtë rast detyrave të shkollës.
Veprim ose Detyrë e Përgjithshme:
- "Do" mund të i referohet diçkaje më të përgjithshme, jo domosdoshmërisht diçkaje specifike. Për shembull: "I don't know what to do today."
- Këtu, shprehja i referohet vendosjes për një aktivitet ose detyrë.
Punë ose Punëtorinë:
- Mund të përdoret për të treguar punë, veçanërisht në një kuptim më formale. Për shembull: "He is doing a great job."
- Këtu, "doing" i referohet kryerjes së detyrave ose angazhimeve me efikasitet.
Përfundimi i një Detyre:
- Tregon se një detyrë është përfunduar ose është në proces. Për shembull: "She has already done the dishes."
- Në këtë rast, "done" i referohet përfundimit të një detyre (larja e enëve).
Në Pyetje:
- Përdoret në pyetje për të kërkuar për kryerjen e aktiviteteve. Për shembull: "What did you do yesterday?"
- Pyetja kërkon të dijë se cilat aktivitete ose veprime janë kryer.
Në Frazat Negativë:
- Përdoret në deklarata negative. Për shembull: "I don’t do that anymore."
- Kjo tregon se folësi nuk angazhohet më në atë aktivitet.
Kryerja e një Veprimi:
- Kjo do të thotë të angazhohesh në një aktivitet ose të përfundosh një detyrë. Për shembull: "I need to do my homework."
- Në këtë rast, "to do" i referohet përfundimit të një detyre, në këtë rast detyrave të shkollës.
Veprim ose Detyrë e Përgjithshme:
- "Do" mund të i referohet diçkaje më të përgjithshme, jo domosdoshmërisht diçkaje specifike. Për shembull: "I don't know what to do today."
- Këtu, shprehja i referohet vendosjes për një aktivitet ose detyrë.
Punë ose Punëtorinë:
- Mund të përdoret për të treguar punë, veçanërisht në një kuptim më formale. Për shembull: "He is doing a great job."
- Këtu, "doing" i referohet kryerjes së detyrave ose angazhimeve me efikasitet.
Përfundimi i një Detyre:
- Tregon se një detyrë është përfunduar ose është në proces. Për shembull: "She has already done the dishes."
- Në këtë rast, "done" i referohet përfundimit të një detyre (larja e enëve).
Në Pyetje:
- Përdoret në pyetje për të kërkuar për kryerjen e aktiviteteve. Për shembull: "What did you do yesterday?"
- Pyetja kërkon të dijë se cilat aktivitete ose veprime janë kryer.
Në Frazat Negativë:
- Përdoret në deklarata negative. Për shembull: "I don’t do that anymore."
- Kjo tregon se folësi nuk angazhohet më në atë aktivitet.
Përkthimi në Shqip:
Shprehja "to do something" mund të përkthehet në shqip si "të bësh diçka."
- "Të" është shenjë infinitivi në shqip, e ngjashme me "to" në anglisht para foljes.
- "Bësh" është folja "to do" në mënyrën nënkapital (e përdorur në formën e infinitivit për veprime).
- "Diçka" do të thotë "diçka."
Prandaj, "të bësh diçka" përkthehet drejtpërdrejt si "to do something" dhe i referohet veprimit të kryerjes ose përfundimit të një detyre ose veprimi në shqip.
Shembuj Frazash në Të Dyja Gjuhët:
Anglisht: I need to do my homework.
- Shqip: Duhet të bëj detyrat e mia.
Anglisht: What did you do yesterday?
- Shqip: Çfarë bërë dje?
Anglisht: She will do her best.
- Shqip: Ajo do të bëjë më të mirën e saj.
Në këto shembuj, "to do" përdoret në kontekste të ndryshme, dhe përkthimi në shqip ndryshon paksa në varësi të kohës dhe formës së fjalive, por kuptimi themelor i kryerjes ose përfundimit të një veprimi mbetet i njëjtë.
Anglisht: I need to do my homework.
- Shqip: Duhet të bëj detyrat e mia.
Anglisht: What did you do yesterday?
- Shqip: Çfarë bërë dje?
Anglisht: She will do her best.
- Shqip: Ajo do të bëjë më të mirën e saj.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes mesimin e bashkengjitur :
Lessson 10Here's the translation along with IPA pronunciation for each word. The Albanian translation is next to the pronunciation:
- job /dʒɒb/ – punë
- skill /skɪl/ – aftësi
- look for /lʊk fɔːr/ – kërkoj
- bus person /bʌs ˈpɜːrsən/ – ndihmës kamarieri
- delivery person /dɪˈlɪvəri ˈpɜːrsən/ – postier
- clean /kliːn/ – pastroj
- manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/ – menaxhoj
- business /ˈbɪznɪs/ – biznes
- package /ˈpækɪdʒ/ – paketë
- server /ˈsɜːrvər/ – kamarier
- plumber /ˈplʌmər/ – hidraulik
- painter /ˈpeɪntər/ – piktor
- serve /sɜːrv/ – shërbej
- food /fuːd/ – ushqim
- building /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ – ndërtesë
- paint /peɪnt/ – bojë
- gardener /ˈɡɑːrdənər/ – kopshtar
- sink /sɪŋk/ – lavaman
- fix /fɪks/ – rregulloj
- use /juːz/ – përdor
- opening /ˈoʊpənɪŋ/ – hapje
- today /təˈdeɪ/ – sot
- grand /ɡrænd/ – madhështor
- talk about /tɔːk əˈbaʊt/ – flas për
- garage /ɡəˈrɑːʒ/ – garazh
- home /hoʊm/ – shtëpi
- childcare home /ˈtʃaɪldkeər hoʊm/ – shtëpi për kujdesin e fëmijëve
- pharmacy /ˈfɑːrməsi/ – farmaci
- restaurant /ˈrɛstrɒnt/ – restorant
- mechanic /məˈkænɪk/ – mekanik
- janitor /ˈdʒænɪtər/ – pastrues
- pharmacist /ˈfɑːrməsɪst/ – farmacist
- homemaker /ˈhoʊmˌmeɪkər/ – shtëpiake
- work /wɜːrk/ – punë
- identify /aɪˈdɛntɪˌfaɪ/ – identifikoj
- point to /pɔɪnt tuː/ – tregoj
- check /tʃɛk/ – kontrolloj
- dictionary /ˈdɪkʃəˌnɛri/ – fjalor
- match /mætʃ/ – përputh
- full time /fʊl taɪm/ – kohë e plotë
- street /striːt/ – rrugë
- talk /tɔːk/ – flas
- newspaper /ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpər/ – gazetë
- sign /saɪn/ – shenjtë
- story /ˈstɔːri/ – histori
- life /laɪf/ – jetë
- store /stɔːr/ – dyqan
- help wanted /hɛlp ˈwɑːntɪd/ – kërkohet ndihmë
- application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/ – aplikim
- apply /əˈplaɪ/ – aplikoj
- pet /pɛt/ – kafshë shtëpiake
- look for /lʊk fɔːr/ – kërkoj
- then /ðɛn/ – atëherë
- main /meɪn/ – kryesor
- part time /pɑːrt taɪm/ – kohë e pjesshme
- correct /kəˈrɛkt/ – saktë
- needed /ˈniːdɪd/ – nevojitur
- southside /ˈsaʊθˌsaɪd/ – ana jugore
- repair /rɪˈpɛr/ – riparoj
- hour /ˈaʊər/ – orë
- late /leɪt/ – vonë
- night /naɪt/ – natë
- simple past tense /ˈsɪmpəl pæst tɛns/ – koha e thjeshtë e kaluar
- was /wəz, wɒz/ – ishte
- were /wɜːr/ – ishin
- business owner /ˈbɪznɪs ˈoʊnər/ – pronar biznesi
- present /ˈprɛzənt/ – prezent
- describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ – përshkruaj
- experience /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ – përvojë
- ago /əˈɡoʊ/ – më parë
- last /læst/ – i fundit
- month /mʌnθ/ – muaj
- yesterday /ˈjɛstərˌdeɪ/ – dje
- farmer /ˈfɑːrmər/ – fermer
- country /ˈkʌntri/ – shtet
- sentence /ˈsɛntəns/ – fjali
- receptionist /rɪˈsɛpʃənɪst/ – recepsionist
- education /ˌɛdʒuˈkeɪʃən/ – arsim
- office /ˈɔfəs/ – zyrë
- assistant /əˈsɪstənt/ – ndihmës
- position /pəˈzɪʃən/ – pozicion
- city /ˈsɪti/ – qytet
- manager /ˈmænɪdʒər/ – menaxher
- computer classes /kəmˈpjuːtər ˈklæsɪz/ – klasa kompjuteri
- yourself /jʊərˈsɛlf/ – vetvetja
- lived /lɪvd/ – jetoi
- wash /wɒʃ/ – laj
- dishes /ˈdɪʃɪz/ – pjata
- too /tuː/ – gjithashtu
- hired /ˈhaɪərd/ – punësuar
- quickly /ˈkwɪkli/ – shpejt
- learn /lɜrn/ – mësoj
- toilet /ˈtɔɪlɪt/ – tualet
- patient /ˈpeɪʃənt/ – pacient
- prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃən/ – reçetë
- pay bills /peɪ bɪlz/ – paguaj faturat
- take care of /teɪk kɛr əv/ – kujdesem për
- pronunciation /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən/ – shqiptim
- can /kæn/ – mund
- ride /raɪd/ – ngas
- bicycle /ˈbaɪsɪkəl/ – biçikletë
- Chinese role /tʃaɪˈniːz roʊl/ – rol kinez
- review /rɪˈvjuː/ – rishikim
- expand /ɪkˈspænd/ – zgjeroj
- math /mæθ/ – matematikë
- teach /tiːtʃ/ – mësoj
- twice /twaɪs/ – dy herë
- moved /muːvd/ – u zhvendos
- worried /ˈwɜrid/ – i shqetësuar
- needs /niːdz/ – nevoja
- make /meɪk/ – bëj
- list /lɪst/ – listë
- other /ˈʌðər/ – tjetër
- do /duː/ – bëj
- assistant manager /əˈsɪstənt ˈmænɪdʒər/ – ndihmës menaxher
- ads /ædz/ – reklama
- more /mɔːr/ – më shumë
- than /ðæn/ – se
- possible /ˈpɑːsɪbəl/ – e mundshme
- best /bɛst/ – më e mirë
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes mesimin e bashkengjitur :
Teaching basic English patterns to beginners starts with a focus on foundational structures and building blocks of the language. Here’s a breakdown of some of the essential patterns, along with teaching tips to make them easy and engaging for students:
1. Subject + Verb (SV)
Example Sentences:
- I eat.
- She runs.
Teaching Tips:
- Start by introducing simple, common verbs and pronouns (e.g., I, you, he, she).
- Use real-life examples and classroom objects to create sentences like “I read,” “You write,” etc.
- Practice with students using flashcards of verbs and pronouns to match and create sentences.
2. Subject + Verb + Object (SVO)
Example Sentences:
- She reads books.
- They play soccer.
Teaching Tips:
- First, clarify what an "object" is (often a noun that receives the action).
- Engage students with fill-in-the-blank exercises, where they choose objects to complete the sentence.
- Use visual aids, like pictures of actions, to show examples and encourage students to create sentences based on what they see.
3. Subject + Verb + Adjective (SVA)
Example Sentences:
- I feel happy.
- The cat looks tired.
Teaching Tips:
- Focus on describing emotions and physical states (e.g., happy, sad, tired).
- Introduce adjectives gradually and associate them with emotions or common situations.
- Practice with role-playing games where students can act out or describe how they feel.
4. Subject + Verb + Adverb (SVA)
Example Sentences:
- He runs fast.
- She speaks softly.
Teaching Tips:
- Use actions students can mimic, like "run," "walk," or "jump," and match them with adverbs.
- Pair adverbs with familiar verbs to build understanding and comfort with this pattern.
- Play a game where students draw a verb and an adverb from separate piles and act it out.
5. Question Patterns (Wh- and Yes/No Questions)
- Wh- Questions: What is this? Where are you from?
- Yes/No Questions: Do you like pizza? Can you swim?
Teaching Tips:
- Start with Wh- questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why) and teach their basic uses.
- Use real items or actions to help students practice questions, like “What is this?” while pointing to an object.
- For yes/no questions, begin with simple verbs they know, like “Do you eat apples?” and encourage responses.
6. Using “Be” in Sentences
Example Sentences:
- I am a student.
- They are friends.
Teaching Tips:
- Focus on the forms of “be” (am, is, are) with various subjects.
- Practice creating short descriptive sentences, encouraging students to talk about themselves or others.
- Use drills where students respond to prompts with “I am…” or “He/She is…”
7. Possessive Patterns
Example Sentences:
- This is my book.
- That is her pencil.
Teaching Tips:
- Introduce possessive pronouns gradually (my, your, his, her, our, their).
- Use classroom objects to practice sentences like “This is my marker.”
- Encourage students to talk about their belongings to reinforce possessive forms.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Ju lutem shikoni me kujdes mesimin e bashkengjitur :
1. Kryefjalë + Folje (SV)
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "I eat."
- Shqip: Unë ha.
Kjo strukturë përfshin kryefjalën (kush ose çfarë po kryen veprimin) dhe foljen (veprimin vetë). Është forma më e thjeshtë e fjalisë dhe ideale për fillestarët.
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "I eat."
- Shqip: Unë ha.
Kjo strukturë përfshin kryefjalën (kush ose çfarë po kryen veprimin) dhe foljen (veprimin vetë). Është forma më e thjeshtë e fjalisë dhe ideale për fillestarët.
2. Kryefjalë + Folje + Kundrinor (SVO)
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "She reads a book."
- Shqip: Ajo lexon një libër.
Këtu shtohet kundrinori, që është objekti mbi të cilin vepron folja. Kjo është një nga format më të zakonshme të fjalisë dhe është thelbësore për komunikimin e përditshëm.
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "She reads a book."
- Shqip: Ajo lexon një libër.
Këtu shtohet kundrinori, që është objekti mbi të cilin vepron folja. Kjo është një nga format më të zakonshme të fjalisë dhe është thelbësore për komunikimin e përditshëm.
3. Kryefjalë + Folje + Mbiemër (SVA)
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "They are happy."
- Shqip: Ata janë të lumtur.
Kjo strukturë ndihmon fillestarët të mësojnë se si të përshkruajnë gjendjen ose ndjenjat e kryefjalës. Është shumë e mirë për të mësuar mbiemra si “i lumtur,” “i trishtuar,” ose “i lodhur.”
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "They are happy."
- Shqip: Ata janë të lumtur.
Kjo strukturë ndihmon fillestarët të mësojnë se si të përshkruajnë gjendjen ose ndjenjat e kryefjalës. Është shumë e mirë për të mësuar mbiemra si “i lumtur,” “i trishtuar,” ose “i lodhur.”
4. Kryefjalë + Folje + Ndajfolje (SVA)
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "He walks quickly."
- Shqip: Ai ecën shpejt.
Në këtë strukturë, ndajfolja përshkruan si kryhet veprimi. Kjo është e dobishme për të përshkruar veprimet dhe shpejtësinë dhe ndihmon nxënësit të mësojnë ndajfoljet si “shpejt,” “ngadalë,” dhe “qetësisht.”
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "He walks quickly."
- Shqip: Ai ecën shpejt.
Në këtë strukturë, ndajfolja përshkruan si kryhet veprimi. Kjo është e dobishme për të përshkruar veprimet dhe shpejtësinë dhe ndihmon nxënësit të mësojnë ndajfoljet si “shpejt,” “ngadalë,” dhe “qetësisht.”
5. Pyetje Po/Jo
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "Do you like coffee?"
- Shqip: A të pëlqen kafeja?
Pyetjet Po/Jo fillojnë me fjalë ndihmëse si “do” ose “can” dhe janë shumë të mira për përgjigje të shkurtra. Kjo ndihmon nxënësit të ndihen më rehat me bisedat e thjeshta.
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "Do you like coffee?"
- Shqip: A të pëlqen kafeja?
Pyetjet Po/Jo fillojnë me fjalë ndihmëse si “do” ose “can” dhe janë shumë të mira për përgjigje të shkurtra. Kjo ndihmon nxënësit të ndihen më rehat me bisedat e thjeshta.
6. Pyetje Me Wh-
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "Where are you from?"
- Shqip: Nga je?
Këto pyetje fillojnë me fjalë si “what,” “where,” dhe “who.” Ato janë thelbësore që nxënësit të fillojnë biseda dhe të njohin të tjerët.
Shembuj Fjalish:
- Anglisht: "Where are you from?"
- Shqip: Nga je?
Këto pyetje fillojnë me fjalë si “what,” “where,” dhe “who.” Ato janë thelbësore që nxënësit të fillojnë biseda dhe të njohin të tjerët.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Lesson 9
Here's the complete list of words numbered with their English word, international pronunciation, and Albanian translation:
- Health: /hɛlθ/ - shëndet
- Injury: /ˈɪndʒəri/ - dëmtim
- Parts of the body: /pɑrts ʌv ði ˈbɒdi/ - pjesë të trupit
- Illness: /ˈɪlnəs/ - sëmundje
- Medical: /ˈmɛdɪkəl/ - mjekësor
- Instructions: /ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz/ - udhëzime
- Advice: /ədˈvaɪs/ - këshillë
- Verb: /vɜːrb/ - folje
- Phrase: /freɪz/ - fjalë
- Making an appointment: /ˈmeɪkɪŋ əˈpɔɪntmənt/ - bërja e një takimi
- Preventive care: /prɪˈvɛntɪv kɛr/ - kujdes parandalues
- Medicine: /ˈmɛdəsɪn/ - ilaç
- Nose: /noʊz/ - hundë
- Head: /hɛd/ - koka
- Neck: /nɛk/ - qafa
- Chest: /tʃɛst/ - gjoksi
- Back: /bæk/ - shpinë
- Arm: /ɑːrm/ - krah
- Hand: /hænd/ - dorë
- Leg: /lɛɡ/ - këmbë
- Foot: /fʊt/ - këmbë
- Feet: /fiːt/ - këmbë
- Hurt: /hɜːrt/ - dhimbje
- Backache: /ˈbæk.eɪk/ - dhimbje në shpinë
- Broken leg: /ˈbroʊkən lɛɡ/ - këmbë e thyer
- Cold: /koʊld/ - ftohje
- Earache: /ˈɪr.eɪk/ - dhimbje në vesh
- Doctor: /ˈdɒktər/ - doktor
- Office: /ˈɒfɪs/ - zyrë
- Fever: /ˈfiːvər/ - etje
- Headache: /ˈhɛd.eɪk/ - dhimbje koke
- Nurse: /nɜːrs/ - infermiere
- Patients: /ˈpeɪʃənts/ - pacientët
- Receptionist: /rɪˈsɛpʃənɪst/ - pritës
- Stomachache: /ˈstʌmək.eɪk/ - dhimbje stomaku
- Eyes: /aɪz/ - sytë
- Mouth: /maʊθ/ - gojë
- Normal: /ˈnɔːrməl/ - normal
- Blood pressure: /blʌd ˈprɛʃər/ - presion i gjakut
- Sore throat: /sɔr θroʊt/ - dhimbje në fyt
- Insurance card: /ɪnˈʃʊərəns kɑːrd/ - kartelë sigurimi
- Temperature: /ˈtɛmpərətʃər/ - temperatura
- Sick: /sɪk/ - i sëmurë
- Give: /ɡɪv/ - jep
- Prescription: /prɪˈskrɪpʃən/ - recetë
- Get well: /ɡɛt wɛl/ - shërohem
- Examine: /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ - shikoj
- Stay home: /steɪ hoʊm/ - qëndro në shtëpi
- Rest: /rɛst/ - pushim
- Take medicine: /teɪk ˈmɛdəsɪn/ - marr ilaç
- Exam: /ɪɡˈzæm/ - provim
- Describe: /dɪsˈkraɪb/ - përshkruaj
- Change: /tʃeɪndʒ/ - ndryshim
- Diet: /daɪət/ - dieta
- Quit: /kwɪt/ - ndaloj
- Smoking: /smoʊkɪŋ/ - pirja e duhanit
- Drink: /drɪŋk/ - pije
- Fluids: /fluːɪdz/ - lëngje
- Exercise: /ˈɛksərsaɪz/ - ushtrim
- Ways: /weɪz/ - mënyra
- Ideas: /aɪˈdɪəz/ - ide
- Have to: /hæv tuː/ - duhet
- Early: /ˈɜːrli/ - herët
- Leave: /liːv/ - largohem
- Party: /ˈpɑːrti/ - festë
- Toothache: /ˈtuːθ.eɪk/ - dhimbje dhëmbi
- Tomorrow: /təˈmɒroʊ/ - nesër
- Obligation: /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃən/ - detyrë
- Pick up: /pɪk
English Made Easier
Here are the English words with their pronunciation and Albanian translations:
- Expression - /ɪkˈsprɛʃən/ - shprehje
- Eating - /ˈiːtɪŋ/ - ngrënje
- Frequency - /ˈfriːkwənsi/ - frekuenca
- Where - /wɛər/ - ku
- Order - /ˈɔːrdər/ - porosi
- Restaurant - /ˈrɛstrɒnt/ - restorant
- Healthy - /ˈhɛlθi/ - i shëndetshëm
- Habit - /ˈhæbɪt/ - zakon
- Food - /fuːd/ - ushqim
- Learn - /lɜːrn/ - mësoj
- Well - /wɛl/ - mirë
- Fruit - /fruːt/ - fruta
- Vegetable - /ˈvɛdʒtəbəl/ - perime
- Basket - /ˈbɑːskɪt/ - shportë
- Cart - /kɑːrt/ - qarroc
- Checker - /ˈtʃɛkər/ - kontrollues
- Bagger - /ˈbæɡər/ - mbledhës
- Shirt - /ʃɜːrt/ - këmishë
- Blouse - /blaʊz/ - bluzë
- Tie - /taɪ/ - krawat
- Common - /ˈkɒmən/ - i zakonshëm
- Item - /ˈaɪtəm/ - artikull
- Supermarket - /ˈsuːpərˌmɑːrkɪt/ - supermarket
- Vocabulary - /vəˈkæbjʊləri/ - fjalor
- Apple - /ˈæpəl/ - mollë
- Banana - /bəˈnɑːnə/ - banane
- Chicken - /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ - pule
- Lettuce - /ˈlɛtɪs/ - marulë
- Potatoes - /pəˈteɪtəʊz/ - patate
- Egg - /ɛɡ/ - veze
- Milk - /mɪlk/ - qumësht
- Soup - /suːp/ - supë
- Bread - /brɛd/ - bukë
- Grapes - /ɡreɪps/ - rrush
- Onions - /ˈʌnjənz/ - qepë
- Tomatoes - /təˈmɑːtəʊz/ - domate
- Check - /tʃɛk/ - kontrolloj
- Then - /ðɛn/ - pastaj
- Cross out - /krɒs aʊt/ - shënoj kryq
- Belong - /bɪˈlɒŋ/ - i përket
- Each - /iːtʃ/ - secili
- Customer - /ˈkʌstəmər/ - klient
- Credit card - /ˈkrɛdɪt kɑːd/ - kartë krediti
- Spelling - /ˈspɛlɪŋ/ - shkrim
- Talk about - /tɔːk əˈbaʊt/ - bisedoj për
- Life - /laɪf/ - jete
- Story - /ˈstɔːri/ - histori
- Grocery - /ˈɡrəʊsəri/ - market ushqimor
- Corner - /ˈkɔːnər/ - kënd
- Orange - /ˈɒrɪndʒ/ - portokall
- Cookies - /ˈkʊkiz/ - biskota
- On sale - /ɒn seɪl/ - në shes
- Every - /ˈɛvri/ - çdo
- Once - /wʌns/ - një herë
- Buy - /baɪ/ - blej
- Always - /ˈɔːlweɪz/ - gjithmonë
- Price - /praɪs/ - çmim
- For - /fɔːr/ - për
- Bag - /bæɡ/ - çantë
- Jar - /dʒɑːr/ - shtepiak
- Pound - /paʊnd/ - paund
- Soup - /suːp/ - supë
- Carrots - /ˈkærəts/ - karrota
- Salad - /ˈsæləd/ - sallatë
- Spaghetti - /spəˈɡɛti/ - spageti
- Ads - /ædz/ - reklama
- Tell - /tɛl/ - tregoj
- Make - /meɪk/ - bëj
- Let's - /lets/ - le të
- Grammar - /ˈɡræmər/ - gramatikë
- At home - /æt həʊm/ - në shtëpi
- Cook - /kʊk/ - gatuaj
- More - /mɔːr/ - më shumë
- Pizza - /ˈpiːtsə/ - pica
- Dinner - /ˈdɪnər/ - darkë
- Breakfast - /ˈbrɛkfəst/ - mëngjes
- Lunch - /lʌnʧ/ - drekë
- Simple - /ˈsɪmpəl/ - i thjeshtë
- Present - /ˈprɛzənt/ - prezant
- Tense - /tɛns/ - kohë
- Schedule - /ˈʃɛdjuːl/ - orar
- How often - /haʊ ˈɒfən/ - sa shpesh
- Routine - /ruːˈtiːn/ - rutinë
- Interview - /ˈɪntəvjuː/ - intervistë
- Conversation - /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/ - bisedë
- Place - /pleɪs/ - vend
- Pappa - /ˈpɑːpə/ - baba
- Menu - /ˈmɛnjuː/ - menu
- Soda - /ˈsəʊdə/ - soda
- Medium - /ˈmiːdiəm/ - mesatar
- Large - /lɑːrdʒ/ - i madh
- Small - /smɔːl/ - i vogël
- Drinks - /drɪŋks/ - pije
- Pepperoni - /ˌpɛpəˈroʊni/ - piper
- Mushroom - /ˈmʌʃruːm/ - kërpudha
- Anything - /ˈɛnɪˌθɪŋ/ - çfarëdo
- Iced tea - /aɪst tiː/ - çaj i ngrohtë
- Right - /raɪt/ - drejt
- That's right - /ðæts raɪt/ - kjo është e drejtë
- Would - /wʊd/ - do
- Ready - /ˈrɛdi/ - gati
- Meals - /miːlz/ - vakt
- Guest - /ɡɛst/ - mysafir
- Date - /deɪt/ - takim
- Table - /ˈteɪbəl/ - tryezë
- Server - /ˈsɜːrvər/ - shërbyes
- Pronunciation - /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən/ - shqiptimi
- Circle - /ˈsɜːrkl/ - rreth
- Math - /mæθ/ - matematikë
- Real - /rɪəl/ - real
- Life - /laɪf/ - jete
- Toppings - /ˈtɒpɪŋz/ - lëndë
- Total - /ˈtoʊtl/ - total
- Page - /peɪdʒ/ - faqe
- Come again - /kʌm əˈɡɛn/ - vini përsëri
- Please - /pliːz/ - ju lutem
- Get ready - /ɡɛt ˈrɛdi/ - përgatitu
- Unhealthy - /ʌnˈhɛlθi/ - i pasëndërt
- Something - /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ - diçka
- Body - /ˈbɒdi/ - trup
- Doctor - /ˈdɒktər/ - mjek
- Nutritionist - /njuːˈtrɪʃənɪst/ - nutricionist
- Expensive - /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ - i shtrenjtë
- Same - /seɪm/ - i njëjti
- New - /njuː/ - i ri
- Source - /sɔːrs/ - burim
- Labels - /ˈleɪbəlz/ - etiketa
- Salt - /sɔːlt/ - kripë
- Ingredients - /ɪnˈɡriːdiənts/ - përbërësit
- A lot of - /ə lɒt əv/ - shumë
- Important - /ɪmˈpɔːrtənt/ - i rëndësishëm
- Water - /ˈwɔːtər/ - ujë
- Adverbs - /ˈædvɜːbz/ - prirje
- Note - /nəʊt/ - shënim
- Usually - /ˈjuːʒʊəli/ - zakonisht
- Always - /ˈɔːlweɪz/ - gjithmonë
- Never - /ˈnɛvər/ - kurrë
- Once a week - /wʌns ə wiːk/ - një herë në javë
- Ice cream - /aɪs kriːm/ - akullore
- Exercises - /ˈɛksərsaɪzɪz/ - ushtrime
- Kitchen - /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ - kuzhinë
- Teeth - /tiːθ/ - dhëmbë
- Eat - /iːt/ - ha
- Homework - /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ - detyra shtëpie
- Review - /rɪˈvjuː/ - rishikim
- Expand - /ɪkˈspænd/ - zgjeroj
- List - /lɪst/ - listë
- Different - /ˈdɪfərənt/ - ndryshëm
- Broccoli - /ˈbrɒkəli/ - brokoli
- Our - /aʊər/ - ynë
- Give - /ɡɪv/ - jap
- Think - /θɪŋk/ - mendoj
- How often - /haʊ ˈɒfən/ - sa shpesh
- Possible - /ˈpɒsəbl/ - e mundur
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Lesson 7
Me poshte vijojne fjalet e reja per faqet 76 - 87 ne librin tuaj te studentit. Julutem i shikoni me kujdes edhe i mesoni keto fjale si ti shkruani.
Here are the words with their International English pronunciation followed by the translation in Albanian:
- spend - /spɛnd/ - shpenzoj
- money - /ˈmʌni/ - para
- clothes - /kloʊðz/ - veshje
- talk - /tɔːk/ - flas
- clothing - /ˈkloʊðɪŋ/ - veshje
- expressing - /ɪkˈsprɛsɪŋ/ - shprehje
- simple - /ˈsɪmpəl/ - i thjeshtë
- ATMs - /eɪtiːˈɛmz/ - bankomate
- cash - /kæʃ/ - para në dorë
- penny - /ˈpɛni/ - qindarkë
- nickel - /ˈnɪkəl/ - një nickel (monedhë 5-qindarke)
- dime - /daɪm/ - një dime (monedhë 10-qindarke)
- quarter - /ˈkwɔrtər/ - një çerek (monedhë 25-qindarke)
- one dollar bill - /wʌn ˈdɒlər bɪl/ - një lek (monedhë 1-dollar)
- check - /ʧɛk/ - çek
- money order - /ˈmʌni ˈɔrdər/ - urdhër pagese
- currency - /ˈkɜːrənsi/ - valutë
- items - /ˈaɪtəmz/ - artikuj
- identify - /aɪˈdɛntɪˌfaɪ/ - identifikoj
- blouse - /blaʊz/ - bluzë
- customer - /ˈkʌstəmər/ - klient
- dress - /drɛs/ - fustan
- change - /ʧeɪndʒ/ - këmbim
- pants - /pænts/ - pantallona
- shirt - /ʃɜrt/ - këmishë
- shoes - /ʃuz/ - këpucë
- skirt - /skɜrt/ - fustan
- socks - /sɒks/ - çorap
- suit - /sut/ - kostum
- tie - /taɪ/ - kravatë
- t-shirt - /ˈtiː.ʃɜrt/ - bluzë me t
- how much - /haʊ mʌʧ/ - sa kushton
- how many - /haʊ ˈmɛni/ - sa (numri)
- life story - /laɪf ˈstɔːri/ - historia e jetës
- mall - /mɔːl/ - qendër tregtare
- at a mall - /æt ə mɔːl/ - në një qendër tregtare
- cold - /koʊld/ - ftohtë
- price - /praɪs/ - çmim
- inexpensive - /ˌɪnɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ - i lirë
- expensive - /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ - i shtrenjtë
- salespeople - /seɪlzˈpiːpl/ - shitës
- sweater - /ˈswɛtər/ - xhup
- beautiful - /ˈbjuːtɪfəl/ - bukur
- discount - /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ - zbritje
- perfect - /ˈpɜːrfɪkt/ - perfekt
- credit card - /ˈkrɛdɪt kɑːrd/ - karta krediti
- too - /tuː/ - edhe
- ways to pay - /weɪz tuː peɪ/ - mënyrat për të paguar
- hat - /hæt/ - kapelë
- uniform - /ˈjuːnɪˌfɔːrm/ - uniformë
- some - /sʌm/ - disa
- any - /ˈɛni/ - çdo
- singular - /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlər/ - i/e vetëm
- plural - /ˈplʊərəl/ - i/e shumëfishtë
- sock - /sɒk/ - çorap
- job - /dʒɒb/ - punë
- bank - /bæŋk/ - bankë
- shirt - /ʃɜrt/ - këmishë
- on sale - /ɒn seɪl/ - në shpallje
- dinner - /ˈdɪnər/ - darkë
- suit - /suːt/ - kostum
- need - /niːd/ - nevojitet
- lunch - /lʌntʃ/ - drekë
- customer - /ˈkʌstəmər/ - klient
- salesperson - /ˈseɪlzˌpɜrsən/ - shitës
- card - /kɑrd/ - kartë
- police - /pəˈliːs/ - policë
- call - /kɔːl/ - thirrje
- machine - /məˈʃiːn/ - makinë
- ask for - /æsk fɔːr/ - kërkoj
- receipt - /rɪˈsiːt/ - faturë
- ATM - /eɪ tiː ɛm/ - bankomat
- clothing store - /ˈkləʊðɪŋ stɔːr/ - dyqan veshjesh
- credit cards - /ˈkrɛdɪt kɑrdz/ - kartat e kreditit
- in order - /ɪn ˈɔːrdər/ - në rregull
- get money - /ɡɛt ˈmʌni/ - marr pará
- gas station - /ɡæs ˈsteɪʃən/ - stacioni i benzins
- free - /friː/ - falas
- charge - /ʧɑːrdʒ/ - tarifë
- bank charge - /bæŋk ʧɑːrdʒ/ - tarifë bankare
- expensive - /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/ - i/e shtrenjtë
- source - /sɔːrs/ - burim
- a fee - /ə fiː/ - një tarifë
- pay - /peɪ/ - paguaj
- article - /ˈɑːrtɪkl/ - artikull
- withdraw - /wɪðˈdrɔː/ - tërhiq
- withdraw your cash - /wɪðˈdrɔː jʊər kæʃ/ - tërhiq paratë tuaja
- take - /teɪk/ - marr
- prices - /ˈpraɪsɪz/ - çmimet
- compare - /kəmˈpɛr/ - krahasoj
- save - /seɪv/ - ruaj
- total - /ˈtoʊtl̩/ - total
- buy - /baɪ/ - blerje
- give - /ɡɪv/ - jep
- how much - /haʊ mʌʧ/ - sa kushton
- math - /mæθ/ - matematikë
- real life - /riəl laɪf/ - jetë reale
- practice - /ˈpræk.tɪs/ - ushtrime
- pronunciation - /prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃən/ - shqiptim
- size - /saɪz/ - madhësi
- what size - /wʌt saɪz/ - çfarë madhësie
- select clothing - /sɪˈlɛkt ˈkloʊðɪŋ/ - zgjidh veshjet
- based - /beɪst/ - bazuar
- price - /praɪs/ - çmim
- medium - /ˈmiːdiəm/ - mesatar
- labor - /ˈleɪbər/ - punë
- labor day - /ˈleɪbər deɪ/ - dita e punës
- medium - /ˈmiːdiəm/ - mesatar
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Lesson 6
Here is the list with the English word first, followed by the international pronunciation, then the Albanian translation with corresponding numbers:
- daily - /ˈdeɪ.li/ - ditor
- activity - /ækˈtɪv.ə.ti/ - aktivitet
- vocabulary - /voʊˈkæb.jəˌler.i/ - fjalor
- schedule - /ˈskedʒ.uːl/ - orar
- everyday - /ˈɛv.riˌdeɪ/ - çdo ditë
- simple - /ˈsɪm.pəl/ - i thjeshtë
- present - /ˈprez.ənt/ - i tashëm
- routine - /ruːˈtiːn/ - rutinë
- office - /ˈɒf.ɪs/ - zyrë
- machine - /məˈʃiːn/ - makinë
- equipment - /ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ - pajisje
- get up - /ɡet ʌp/ - ngrihem
- get dressed - /ɡet drɛst/ - vishem
- eat breakfast - /iːt ˈbrɛk.fəst/ - ha mëngjes
- come home - /kʌm hoʊm/ - vij në shtëpi
- make dinner - /meɪk ˈdɪn.ər/ - bëj darkë
- go to bed - /ɡoʊ tə bɛd/ - shkoj në shtrat
- complete - /kəmˈpliːt/ - përfundoj
- identify - /aɪˈdɛn.tɪ.faɪ/ - identifikoj
- do homework - /duː ˈhoʊm.wɜːrk/ - bëj detyrat e shtëpisë
- do housework - /duː ˈhaʊs.wɜːrk/ - bëj punët e shtëpisë
- drink coffee - /drɪŋk ˈkɔː.fi/ - pi kafe
- have lunch - /hæv lʌntʃ/ - ha drekë
- ride the bus - /raɪd ðə bʌs/ - hipi në autobus
- take a shower - /teɪk ə ˈʃaʊ.ər/ - bëj dush
- walk to school - /wɔːk tə skuːl/ - eci në shkollë
- work - /wɜːrk/ - punoj
- evening - /ˈiːv.nɪŋ/ - mbrëmje
- afternoon - /ˌæf.tɚˈnuːn/ - pasdite
- morning - /ˈmɔːr.nɪŋ/ - mëngjes
- lunch - /lʌntʃ/ - drekë
- spelling - /ˈspel.ɪŋ/ - drejtshkrim
- check - /tʃek/ - kontrolloj
- dictionary - /ˈdɪk.ʃən.ər.i/ - fjalor
- understanding - /ˌʌn.dɚˈstæn.dɪŋ/ - kuptim
- friend - /frɛnd/ - mik
- watch tv - /wɑːtʃ ˌtiːˈviː/ - shoh televizor
- go to the park - /ɡoʊ tə ðə pɑːrk/ - shkoj në park
- listen to music - /ˈlɪs.ən tə ˈmjuː.zɪk/ - dëgjoj muzikë
- take a walk - /teɪk ə wɑːk/ - bëj një shëtitje
- talk to friends - /tɔːk tə frɛndz/ - flas me miqtë
- mop the floor - /mɑːp ðə flɔːr/ - laj dyshemen
- vacuum the rug - /ˈvæk.juːm ðə rʌɡ/ - pastroj tapetin
- turn on - /tɜːrn ɑːn/ - ndez
- copy machine - /ˈkɑː.pi məˈʃiːn/ - makinë kopjimi
- manager - /ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒər/ - menaxher
- hear - /hɪər/ - dëgjoj
- life story - /laɪf ˈstɔː.ri/ - histori jete
- exercises - /ˈek.sɚ.saɪ.zɪz/ - ushtrime
- breakfast - /ˈbrɛk.fəst/ - mëngjes
- brush the teeth - /brʌʃ ðə tiːθ/ - laj dhëmbët
- leave - /liːv/ - largohem
- below - /bɪˈloʊ/ - poshtë
- interview - /ˈɪn.tərˌvjuː/ - intervistë
- practice - /ˈpræk.tɪs/ - praktikoj
- push - /pʊʃ/ - shtyj
- button - /ˈbʌt.ən/ - buton
- paper - /ˈpeɪ.pər/ - letër
- stapler - /ˈsteɪ.plər/ - kapëse
- fill - /fɪl/ - mbush
- here - /hɪər/ - këtu
- turn off - /tɜːrn ɒf/ - fik
- job - /dʒɒb/ - punë
- information - /ˌɪn.fɚˈmeɪ.ʃən/ - informacion
- conversation - /ˌkɒn.vəˈseɪ.ʃən/ - bisedë
- identify - /aɪˈdɛn.tɪ.faɪ/ - identifikoj
- follow - /ˈfɒl.oʊ/ - ndjek
- operating instructions - /ˈɒp.ərˌeɪ.tɪŋ ɪnˈstrʌk.ʃənz/ - udhëzime për përdorim
- customers - /ˈkʌs.tə.mərz/ - klientë
- cleans - /kliːnz/ - pastron
- pronunciation - /prəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/ - shqiptim
- close - /kloʊz/ - mbyll
- store - /stɔːr/ - dyqan
- counts - /kaʊnts/ - numëron
- open - /ˈoʊ.pən/ - hap
- relax - /rɪˈlæks/ - relaksohem
- time - /taɪm/ - kohë
- people - /ˈpiː.pəl/ - njerëz
- go - /ɡoʊ/ - shkoj
- ready - /ˈrɛd.i/ - gati
- get ready - /ɡɛt ˈrɛd.i/ - bëhem gati
- drive - /draɪv/ - ngas
- ride - /raɪd/ - hipi
- spend - /spɛnd/ - kaloj
- family - /ˈfæm.ə.li/ - familje
- watch - /wɒtʃ/ - shoh
- know - /noʊ/ - di
- again - /əˈɡɛn/ - përsëri
- responsibility - /rɪˌspɒn.sɪˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ - përgjegjësi
- source - /sɔːrs/ - burim
- group - /ɡruːp/ - grup
- article - /ˈɑːr.tɪ.kəl/ - artikull
- hours - /aʊrz/ - orë
- weekly - /ˈwiːk.li/ - javor
- yard - /jɑːrd/ - oborr
- little - /ˈlɪt.əl/ - pak
- women - /ˈwɪm.ɪn/ - gra
- men - /mɛn/ - burra
- what kind - /wʌt kaɪnd/ - çfarë lloj
- graph - /ɡræf/ - grafik
- look at the graph - /lʊk æt ðə ɡræf/ - shiko grafikun
- a lot - /ə lɒt/ - shumë
- a little - /ə ˈlɪt.əl/ - pak
- bring - /brɪŋ/ - sjell
- magazines - /ˌmæɡ.əˈziːnz/ - revista
- grammar - /ˈɡræm.ər/ - gramatikë
- note - /noʊt/ - shënim
- possible - /ˈpɒs.ə.bəl/ - e mundur
- more - /mɔːr/ - më shumë
- than - /ðæn/ - se
- today - /təˈdeɪ/ - sot
- new - /njuː/ - i ri
- bank - /bæŋk/ - bankë
- make - /meɪk/ - bëj
- them - /ðɛm/ - ata
- afternoon - /ˌæf.tərˈnuːn/ - pasdite
- weekend - /ˌwiːkˈɛnd/ - fundjavë
- review - /rɪˈvjuː/ - rishikoj
- expand - /ɪkˈspænd/ - zgjeroj
- with - /wɪð/ - me
- dinner - /ˈdɪn.ər/ - darkë
- doesn't - /ˈdʌz.ənt/ - nuk
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the words listed as requested:
- Neighborhood - /ˈneɪ.bərˌhʊd/ - lagje
- Focus on - /ˈfoʊ.kəs ɒn/ - përqendrohu në
- Place - /pleɪs/ - vend
- Transportation - /ˌtræn.spərˈteɪ.ʃən/ - transport
- Describe - /dɪˈskraɪb/ - përshkruaj
- Location - /loʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/ - vendndodhje
- There is - /ðɛr ɪz/ - ka
- There are - /ðɛr ɑr/ - ka
- Map - /mæp/ - hartë
- Prepare - /prɪˈpɛr/ - përgatit
- For - /fɔr/ - për
- Emergency - /ɪˈmɝː.dʒən.si/ - emergjencë
- Vocabulary - /voʊˈkæb.jəˌlɛr.i/ - fjalor
- Street - /striːt/ - rrugë
- Oak - /oʊk/ - lis
- Pine - /paɪn/ - pishe
- Hospital - /ˈhɒs.pɪ.təl/ - spital
- Fire station - /ˈfaɪər ˌsteɪ.ʃən/ - stacioni i zjarrfikësve
- Police station - /pəˈlis ˌsteɪ.ʃən/ - stacioni i policisë
- Bank - /bæŋk/ - bankë
- Supermarket - /ˈsuː.pərˌmɑːr.kɪt/ - supermarket
- Common - /ˈkɒm.ən/ - i zakonshëm
- Modes - /moʊdz/ - mënyra
- Ride - /raɪd/ - udhëtim
- Bicycle - /ˈbaɪ.sɪ.kəl/ - biçikletë
- Stop sign - /stɒp saɪn/ - tabela e ndalimit
- Stand - /stænd/ - qëndro
- Pharmacy - /ˈfɑːr.mə.si/ - farmaci
- Gas station - /ɡæs ˌsteɪ.ʃən/ - pikë karburanti
- Parking lot - /ˈpɑːr.kɪŋ lɑt/ - parkim
- Restaurant - /ˈrɛs.təˌrɑːnt/ - restorant
- Match - /mætʃ/ - ndeshje
- Classmates - /ˈklæs.meɪts/ - shokë klase
- Conversation - /ˌkɒn.vərˈseɪ.ʃən/ - bisedë
- Apartment - /əˈpɑrt.mənt/ - apartament
- Favorite - /ˈfeɪ.vər.ɪt/ - i preferuar
- Movie theater - /ˈmuː.vi ˌθiː.ə.tər/ - kinema
- Building - /ˈbɪl.dɪŋ/ - ndërtesë
- Library - /ˈlaɪ.brer.i/ - bibliotekë
- Post office - /poʊst ˈɔː.fɪs/ - zyrë postare
- Wait - /weɪt/ - prit
- Between - /bɪˈtwiːn/ - midis
- Clinic - /ˈklɪn.ɪk/ - klinikë
- Main - /meɪn/ - kryesor
- Next to - /nɛkst tu/ - pranë
- Behind - /bɪˈhaɪnd/ - pas
- In front of - /ɪn frʌnt ʌv/ - përballë
- Across from - /əˈkrɒs frəm/ - përballë
- Prepositions - /ˌprɛp.əˈzɪʃənz/ - parafjalët
- Community - /kəˈmjuː.nə.ti/ - komunitet
- Own - /oʊn/ - vetë
- Correct - /kəˈrɛkt/ - i saktë
- Statement - /ˈsteɪt.mənt/ - deklaratë
- Negative - /ˈnɛɡ.ə.tɪv/ - negativ
- Below - /bɪˈloʊ/ - poshtë
- Mailbox - /ˈmeɪl.bɒks/ - kutia postare
- Lunch - /lʌntʃ/ - drekë
- Find - /faɪnd/ - gjej
- Story - /ˈstɔːr.i/ - histori
- Bench - /bɛntʃ/ - stol
- Interview - /ˈɪn.tər.vjuː/ - intervistë
- Study - /ˈstʌd.i/ - studioj
- Sentence - /ˈsɛn.təns/ - fjali
- Live - /lɪv/ - jetoj
- Go straight - /ɡoʊ streɪt/ - shko drejt
- Go two blocks - /ɡoʊ tu blɑks/ - shko dy blloqe
- Turn right - /tɝn raɪt/ - kthehu djathtas
- Turn left - /tɝn lɛft/ - kthehu majtas
- Block - /blɑk/ - bllok
- Avenue - /ˈæv.ə.njuː/ - bulevard
- On the corner - /ɒn ðə ˈkɔːr.nər/ - në cep
- Here - /hɪr/ - këtu
- Nice - /naɪs/ - i këndshëm
- Problem - /ˈprɑː.bləm/ - problem
- Give - /ɡɪv/ - jep
- Simple - /ˈsɪm.pəl/ - i thjeshtë
- Practice - /ˈpræk.tɪs/ - praktikoj
- How far - /haʊ fɑr/ - sa larg
- Mile - /maɪl/ - milje
- Beach - /biːtʃ/ - plazh
- Kilometer - /ˈkɪl.əˌmiː.tər/ - kilometër
- Stressed - /strɛst/ - i stresuar
- Valley - /ˈvæl.i/ - luginë
- Exit - /ˈɛɡ.zɪt/ - dalje
- Map - /mæp/ - hartë
- Important - /ɪmˈpɔr.tənt/ - i rëndësishëm
- Some - /sʌm/ - disa
- Things - /θɪŋz/ - gjëra
- Doctor - /ˈdɑːk.tər/ - mjek
- Bring - /brɪŋ/ - sjell
- Make - /meɪk/ - bëj
- Stairs - /stɛrz/ - shkallë
- Elevators - /ˈɛləˌveɪtərz/ - ashensorë
- Home - /hoʊm/ - shtëpi
- Kit - /kɪt/ - komplet
- Emergency kit - /ɪˈmɝː.dʒən.si kɪt/ - komplet emergjence
- Look for - /lʊk fɔr/ - kërko
- Eat - /iːt/ - ha
- Unscramble - /ʌnˈskræm.bəl/ - zgjidh
- Then - /ðɛn/ - pastaj
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Me poshte jane fjalet e mesimit kater marre nga libri i praktikes.
Here are the words you requested with their pronunciations and Albanian translations:
- At home: /æt həʊm/ (në shtëpi)
- Dresser: /ˈdrɛsər/ (dollap)
- Rug: /rʌɡ/ (tapet)
- Kitchen: /ˈkɪtʃən/ (kuzhinë)
- Yard: /jɑrd/ (oborr)
- Bedroom: /ˈbedˌrum/ (dhomë gjumi)
- Living room: /ˈlɪvɪŋ ˌrum/ (dhomë ndenjeje)
- Washing the car: /ˈwɑʃɪŋ ðə kɑr/ (larja e makinës)
- Dinner: /ˈdɪnər/ (darkë)
- Beautiful: /ˈbjutiful/ (bukur)
- Outside: /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ (jashtë)
- Great: /ɡreɪt/ (shumë mirë)
- Relax: /rɪˈlæks/ (pushim)
- Pretty: /ˈprɪti/ (e bukur)
- Cleaning: /ˈklinɪŋ/ (pastrim)
- Study: /ˈstʌdi/ (studim)
- Tonight: /təˈnaɪt/ (sot në mbrëmje)
- Dusting: /ˈdʌstɪŋ/ (heqja e pluhurit)
- Newspaper: /ˈnuzˌpeɪpər/ (gazetë)
- Vacuum: /ˈvækˌjum/ (vajçim)
- Then: /ðen/ (pastaj)
- Add: /æd/ (shto)
- Boost: /bust/ (ngritje)
- Mop: /mɑp/ (pastruese)
- Central: /ˈsentrəl/ (qendror)
- Amount: /əˈmaʊnt/ (sasi)
- Clear: /klɪr/ (i qartë)
- Send: /send/ (dërgo)
Please let me know if there are any more words or if you need further assistance!
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Ketu keni fjalet e reja te faqeve 48-49: Lesson 4
Here are the additional words you requested with their respective international English pronunciation and Albanian translation:
- Reading: /ˈriːdɪŋ/ - leximi
- Doing: /ˈduːɪŋ/ - bërja
- Turn off: /təːrn ɒf/ - fik
- Long distance: /lɒŋ ˈdɪstəns/ - largësi e gjatë
- Calling: /ˈkɔːlɪŋ/ - thirrje
- Take a shower: /teɪk ə ˈʃaʊər/ - merr një dush
- Lights: /laɪts/ - dritat
- How long: /haʊ lɒŋ/ - sa kohë
- Saving: /ˈseɪvɪŋ/ - kursimi
- Money: /ˈmʌni/ - para
- Website: /ˈwebsaɪt/ - faqja internet
- Search: /sɜːrtʃ/ - kërkoj
- Home: /hoʊm/ - shtëpia
- Expensive: /ɪkˈspensɪv/ - i shtrenjtë
- Ways to save: /weɪz tuː seɪv/ - mënyra për të kursyer
- Many: /ˈmeni/ - shumë
- For distance: /fɔːr ˈdɪstəns/ - për distancë
- Stove: /stəʊv/ - sobë
- Pay less: /peɪ les/ - paguaj më pak
- Mark: /mɑːrk/ - shënjoj
- Kind: /kaɪnd/ - lloji
- Correct: /kəˈrekt/ - korrekt
- Envelope: /ˈenvələʊp/ - zarf
- Addressing: /əˈdresɪŋ/ - adresimi
- Oak: /oʊk/ - druri i gëlqeror
- Payment: /ˈpeɪmənt/ - pagesa
- Life: /laɪf/ - jeta
- Bring: /brɪŋ/ - sjell
- Bring to life: /brɪŋ tuː laɪf/ - sjell në jetë
- Important: /ɪmˈpɔːrtənt/ - i rëndësishëm
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Ketu keni fjalet e reja te faqeve 46-47: Lesson 4
Here are the words with their respective international English pronunciation and Albanian translation:
- Utility: /juːˈtɪləti/ - shërbim publik
- Bills: /bɪlz/ - fatura
- Conversations: /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃənz/ - biseda
- Below: /bɪˈləʊ/ - nën
- Due dates: /duː deɪts/ - datat e maturimit
- Electric: /ɪˈlɛktrɪk/ - elektrik
- Atlantic: /ətˈlæntɪk/ - Atlantiku
- Service: /ˈsɜːrvɪs/ - shërbimi
- Globe: /ɡləʊb/ - globi
- Gas: /ɡæs/ - gaz
- Company: /ˈkʌmpəni/ - kompania
- West: /wɛst/ - perëndimi
- Water: /ˈwɔːtər/ - ujë
- By: /baɪ/ - nga
- Total: /ˈtəʊtəl/ - totali
- Pronoun: /ˈprəʊnaʊn/ - pronomi
- Subject: /ˈsʌbdʒikt/ - subjekti
- Object: /ˈɒbdʒɛkt/ - objekti
- Note: /nəʊt/ - shënim
- Get ready: /ɡɛt ˈredi/ - përgatitu
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Lesson 4
Here are the words with their international pronunciations and Albanian translations:
- Present: /ˈprezənt/ - e tashme
- Continuous: /kənˈtɪnjuəs/ - i vazhdueshëm
- Tense: /tens/ - kohë n egramatike
- Paying: /ˈpeɪɪŋ/ - pagesë
- Bills: /bɪlz/ - llogaritë
- Envelope: /ˈenvəˌləʊp/ - zarf
- Bathroom: /ˈba:θˌrum/ - banjo
- Bedroom: /ˈbedˌrum/ - dhomë gjumi
- Garage: /ɡəˈrɑʒ/ - garazh
- Living room: /ˈlɪvɪŋ rum/ - dhomë e ndenjes
- Dining area: /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˈɛriə/ - zonë ngrenie
- Kitchen: /ˈkɪtʃən/ - kuzhinë
- Furniture: /ˈfənɪʧər/ - mobilje
- Appliance: /əˈplaɪəns/ - pajisje
- Roommate: /ˈrumˌmeɪt/ - shok dhome
- Lake: /leɪk/ - liqen
- College: /ˈkolɪdʒ/ - kolegj
- Grass /ɡra:s/ - bar
- Cut: /kʌt/ - pres
- Watch: /wɑtʃ/ - shiko
- Video game: /ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪm/ - lojë video
- Dinner: /ˈdɪnər/ - darkë
- Great: /ɡreɪt/ - i mrekullueshëm
- Understanding: /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ - kuptim
- Mark: /mɑrk/ - shënjoj
- False: /fɔls/ - e pavërtetë
- Describe: /dɪsˈkraɪb/ - përshkruaj
- To do: /tuː duː/ - bëj
- Need: /ni:d/ - kam nevojë
- Help: /help/ - ndihmoj
- Special: /ˈspeʃəl/ - i veçantë
- Nice: /naɪs/ - i bukur
- Quiet: /ˈkwaɪət/ - i qetë
- Sofa: /ˈsəʊfə/ - divan
- Dresser: /ˈdresər/ - komodinë
- Stove: /stoʊv/ - sobë
- Bed: /bed/ - krevat
Here are the remaining words with their international pronunciations and Albanian translations:
- Refrigerator: /rɪˈfrɪʤəˌreɪtər/ - frigorifer
- Sink: /sɪŋk/ - lavaman
- Bookcase: /ˈbʊkˌkeɪs/ - librar
- Bathtube /ˈbæθˌtjub/ - vaskë banje
- Rug: /rʌg/ - qilim
- Spelling: /ˈspelɪŋ/ - drejtshkrim
- Dictionary: /ˈdɪkʃəˌnəri/ - fjalor
- Close: /kləʊs/ - mbyll
- Then: /ðen/ - pastaj
- Practice: /ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikoj
- Draw: /drɔ/ - vizatoj
- Page: /peɪʤ/ - faqe
- Yourself: /jɔrˈsɛlf/ - veten
- Story: /ˈstɔri/ - tregim
- These: /ðiz/ - këto
- Those: /ðoʊz/ - ata/ato
- This: /ðɪs/ - ky/kjo
- That: /ðæt/ - ai/ajo
- Plural: /ˈplʊərəl/ - shumës
- Singular: /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlər/ - njësor
- Study: /ˈstʌdi/ - studioj
- Board: /bɔrd/ - tabelë
- Chairs: /ʧeəz/ - karrige
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the words with their international pronunciations and Albanian translations:
- Present: /ˈprezənt/ - e tashme
- Continuous: /kənˈtɪnjuəs/ - i vazhdueshëm
- Tense: /tens/ - kohë n egramatike
- Paying: /ˈpeɪɪŋ/ - pagesë
- Bills: /bɪlz/ - llogaritë
- Envelope: /ˈenvəˌləʊp/ - zarf
- Bathroom: /ˈba:θˌrum/ - banjo
- Bedroom: /ˈbedˌrum/ - dhomë gjumi
- Garage: /ɡəˈrɑʒ/ - garazh
- Living room: /ˈlɪvɪŋ rum/ - dhomë e ndenjes
- Dining area: /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˈɛriə/ - zonë ngrenie
- Kitchen: /ˈkɪtʃən/ - kuzhinë
- Furniture: /ˈfənɪʧər/ - mobilje
- Appliance: /əˈplaɪəns/ - pajisje
- Roommate: /ˈrumˌmeɪt/ - shok dhome
- Lake: /leɪk/ - liqen
- College: /ˈkolɪdʒ/ - kolegj
- Grass /ɡra:s/ - bar
- Cut: /kʌt/ - pres
- Watch: /wɑtʃ/ - shiko
- Video game: /ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪm/ - lojë video
- Dinner: /ˈdɪnər/ - darkë
- Great: /ɡreɪt/ - i mrekullueshëm
- Understanding: /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ - kuptim
- Mark: /mɑrk/ - shënjoj
- great / greit / i e madh,e
- False: /fɔls/ - e pavërtetë
- Describe: /dɪsˈkraɪb/ - përshkruaj
- To do: /tuː duː/ - bëj
- Need: /ni:d/ - kam nevojë
- Help: /help/ - ndihmoj
- Special: /ˈspeʃəl/ - i veçantë
- Nice: /naɪs/ - i bukur
- Quiet: /ˈkwaɪət/ - i qetë
- Sofa: /ˈsəʊfə/ - divan
- Dresser: /ˈdresər/ - komodinë
- Stove: /stoʊv/ - sobë
- Bed: /bed/ - krevat
Here are the remaining words with their international pronunciations and Albanian translations:
- Refrigerator: /rɪˈfrɪʤəˌreɪtər/ - frigorifer
- Sink: /sɪŋk/ - lavaman
- Bookcase: /ˈbʊkˌkeɪs/ - librar
- Bathtube /ˈbæθˌtjub/ - vaskë banje
- Rug: /rʌg/ - qilim
- Spelling: /ˈspelɪŋ/ - drejtshkrim
- Dictionary: /ˈdɪkʃəˌnəri/ - fjalor
- Close: /kləʊs/ - mbyll
- Then: /ðen/ - pastaj
- Practice: /ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikoj
- Draw: /drɔ/ - vizatoj
- Page: /peɪʤ/ - faqe
- Yourself: /jɔrˈsɛlf/ - veten
- Story: /ˈstɔri/ - tregim
- These: /ðiz/ - këto
- Those: /ðoʊz/ - ata/ato
- This: /ðɪs/ - ky/kjo
- That: /ðæt/ - ai/ajo
- Plural: /ˈplʊərəl/ - shumës
- Singular: /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlər/ - njësor
- Study: /ˈstʌdi/ - studioj
- Board: /bɔrd/ - tabelë
- Chairs: /ʧeəz/ - karrige
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the words with their corresponding numbers, pronunciations, and Albanian equivalents:
- Identification: /aɪˌdɛntɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ - identifikim
- Sentence: /ˈsɛntəns/ - fjalëshënim
- Own: /oʊn/ - i/e tij/i saj
- Average: /ˈævərɪdʒ/ - mesatar
- Thin: /θɪn/ - i/e hollë
- Heavy: /ˈhɛvi/ - i/e rëndë
- Tall: /tɔːl/ - i/e gjatë
- Short: /ʃɔːrt/ - i/e shkurtër
- Young: /jʌŋ/ - i/e ri/e
- Blond: /blɒnd/ - i/e biondë
- Vocabulary: /voʊˈkæbjʊlɛri/ - fjalor
- Then: /ðɛn/ - pastaj
- Possessive: /pəˈzɛsɪv/ - posesiv
- Match: /mætʃ/ - përputhje
- Underlined: /ˈʌndərˌlaɪnd/ - nënvizuar
- Adjective: /ˈædʒɪktɪv/ - pridhës
- South: /saʊθ/ - jug
- Training: /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ - trajnim
- New: /nuː/ - i/e ri/e
- Nice: /naɪs/ - i/e bukur
- That: /ðæt/ - që
- But: /bʌt/ - por
- Center: /ˈsɛntər/ - qendër
- Hair: /hɛr/ - flokë
- About: /əˈbaʊt/ - rreth
- Cards: /kɑ:dz/ - letra
- Each: /iːtʃ/ - secila
- Sentences: /ˈsɛntənsɪz/ - fjalëshënime
- Papers: /ˈpeɪpərz/ - gazetat
- Everyday: /ˈɛvridɛɪ/ - çdo ditë
- Calendar: /ˈkæləndər/ - kalendar
- United States: /juːˌnaɪtɪd ˈsteɪts/ - Shtetet e Bashkuara
- Male: /meɪl/ - mashkull
- Female: /ˈfiːmeɪl/ - femër
- Only: /ˈoʊnli/ - vetëm
- Single: /ˈsɪŋɡəl/ - i/e vetëm
- Married: /ˈmærɪd/ - i/e martuar
- Couple: /ˈkʌpl/ - çif
- adult / ə'dʌlt / i rritur, e rritur ;
- Other: /ˈʌðər/ - tjetër
- Many: /ˈmɛni/ - shumë
- Adult: /əˈdʌlt/ - i/e rritur
- Unscramble: /ʌnˈskræmbəl/ - shpërbej
- Another: /əˈnʌðər/ - një tjetër
- Letter: /ˈlɛtər/ - letër- shkronje;
- Beautiful: /ˈbju:tiful/ - e bukur
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the words you provided with their Albanian translations attached to their English pronunciation:
- pie: /paɪ/ - byrek
- article: /ˈɑːrtɪkl/ - artikull
- large: /lɑːrdʒ/ - i madh
- small: /smɔːl/ - i vogël
- source: /sɔːs/ - burim
- census: /ˈsɛnsəs/ - sensus
- bureau: /ˈbjʊəroʊ/ - zyrë
- these: /ðiːz/ - këto
- those: /ðoʊz/ - ato
- adult: /əˈdʌlt/ - i rritur
- percent: /pərˈsɛnt/ - për qind
- get: /ɡɛt/ - marr
- get ready: /ɡet ˈredi/ - përgatitem
- real: /riːl/ - i vërtetë
- life: /laɪf/ - jeta
- reading: /ˈriːdɪŋ/ - leximi
- size: /saɪz/ - madhësia
- at home: /æt hoʊm/ - në shtëpi
- magazine: /ˌmæɡəˈzin/ - revistë
- bring: /brɪŋ/ - sjell
- think: /θɪŋk/ - mendoj
- more: /mɔːr/ - më shumë
- newspaper: /ˈnuzˌpeɪpər/ - gazetë
- talk about: /tɔːk əˈbaʊt/ - flas për
- ID card: /ˌaɪˈdiː ˌkɑːrd/ - karta e identitetit
- than: /ðæn/ - se
- possible: /ˈpɑːsəbəl/ - e mundshme
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the pronunciations in English and the translations in Albanian for the words you mentioned without the phrase "Albanian translation":
- Cycling: /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ - bicikletarizëm
- Karate: /kəˈrɑːti/ - karate
- Skiing (verb): /ˈskiːɪŋ/ - skijimi (veprim)
- Rules: /ruːlz/ - rregulla
- Endings: /ˈɛndɪŋz/ - përfundimet
- Beginnings: /bɪˈɡɪnɪŋz/ - fillimet
- Below: /bɪˈloʊ/ - nën
- Telling time: /ˈtɛlɪŋ taɪm/ - tregimi i kohës
- Quarter: /ˈkwɔrtər/ - çerek
- Half: /hɑːf/ - gjysmë
- Careful: /ˈkɛrfəl/ - kujdes
- O'clock: /əˈklɑːk/ - në pikë
- Past: /pæst/ - më shumë se
- Tell: /tɛl/ - trego
- Check: /tʃɛk/ - kontrollo
- Finish: /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ - përfundoj
- Details: /ˈdiːteɪlz/ - detajet
- Remember: /rɪˈmɛmbər/ - kujtoj
- Carefully: /ˈkɛrfəli/ - me kujdes
- Task: /tæsk/ - detyrë
- Camp: /kæmp/ - kamp
- Against: /əˈɡɛnst/ - kundër
- Arrive: /əˈraɪv/ - mbërrij
- Soon: /sun/ - së shpejti
- Luck: /lʌk/ - fat
Here are the words with their international pronunciation in IPA symbols, along with the Albanian translation and ranking numbers:
- Conversation - /ˌkɒnvərˈseɪʃən/ - bisedë
- Hair - /hɛər/ - flokë
- Thin - /θɪn/ - i/e hollë
- Blond - /blɒnd/ - biond
- Describe - /dɪˈskraɪb/ - përshkruaj
- Identify - /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/ - identifikoj
- Close - /kloʊz/ - afër
- Eye - /aɪ/ - sy
- Attractive - /əˈtræktɪv/ - i/e bukur
- More - /mɔːr/ - më shumë
- Yourself - /jɔːrˈsɛlf/ - veten
- Story - /ˈstɔːri/ - histori
- Sentences - /ˈsɛntənsɪz/ - fjali
- Our - /aʊər/ - jonë
- Their - /ðɛər/ - tyre
- Circle - /ˈsɜːrkl/ - rreth
- Possessive - /pəˈzɛsɪv/ - e pronësisë
- Below - /bɪˈloʊ/ - nën
- Parentheses - /pəˈrɛnθəsiz/ - paranteza
- Grammar - /ˈɡræmər/ - gramatikë
- Repeat - /rɪˈpiːt/ - përsërit
- Give - /ɡɪv/ - jep
- Date - /deɪt/ - data
- Interpret - /ɪnˈtɜːrprɪt/ - interpretoj
- Message - /ˈmɛsɪdʒ/ - mesazh
- Phone - /foʊn/ - telefon
- Ask for - /æsk fɔːr/ - kërko
- Practice - /ˈpræktɪs/ - ushtrim
- Real life - /riːl laɪf/ - jete reale
- Math - /mæθ/ - matematikë
- Calendar - /ˈkæləndər/ - kalendar
- Which - /wɪtʃ/ - cilësi
- Call - /kɔːl/ - thirrje
- Member - /ˈmɛmbər/ - anëtar
- Point to - /pɔɪnt tuː/ - trego drejt
- Birthday - /ˈbɜːrθdeɪ/ - ditëlindje
- From - /frɒm/ - nga
- Spring - /sprɪŋ/ - pranverë
- Summer - /ˈsʌmər/ -
Here are the remaining words with their international pronunciations and Albanian translations:
- Refrigerator: /rɪˈfrɪʤəˌreɪtər/ - frigorifer
- Sink: /sɪŋk/ - lavaman
- Bookcase: /ˈbʊkˌkeɪs/ - librar
- Bathtube /ˈbæθˌtjub/ - vaskë banje
- Rug: /rʌg/ - qilim
- Spelling: /ˈspelɪŋ/ - drejtshkrim
- Dictionary: /ˈdɪkʃəˌnəri/ - fjalor
- Close: /kləʊs/ - mbyll
- Then: /ðen/ - pastaj
- Practice: /ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikoj
- Draw: /drɔ/ - vizatoj
- Page: /peɪʤ/ - faqe
- Yourself: /jɔrˈsɛlf/ - veten
- Story: /ˈstɔri/ - tregim
- These: /ðiz/ - këto
- Those: /ðoʊz/ - ata/ato
- This: /ðɪs/ - ky/kjo
- That: /ðæt/ - ai/ajo
- Plural: /ˈplʊərəl/ - shumës
- Singular: /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlər/ - njësor
- Study: /ˈstʌdi/ - studioj
- Board: /bɔrd/ - tabelë
- Chairs: /ʧeəz/ - karrige
Here are the remaining words with their international pronunciations and Albanian translations:
- Refrigerator: /rɪˈfrɪʤəˌreɪtər/ - frigorifer
- Sink: /sɪŋk/ - lavaman
- Bookcase: /ˈbʊkˌkeɪs/ - librar
- Bathtube /ˈbæθˌtjub/ - vaskë banje
- Rug: /rʌg/ - qilim
- Spelling: /ˈspelɪŋ/ - drejtshkrim
- Dictionary: /ˈdɪkʃəˌnəri/ - fjalor
- Close: /kləʊs/ - mbyll
- Then: /ðen/ - pastaj
- Practice: /ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikoj
- Draw: /drɔ/ - vizatoj
- Page: /peɪʤ/ - faqe
- Yourself: /jɔrˈsɛlf/ - veten
- Story: /ˈstɔri/ - tregim
- These: /ðiz/ - këto
- Those: /ðoʊz/ - ata/ato
- This: /ðɪs/ - ky/kjo
- That: /ðæt/ - ai/ajo
- Plural: /ˈplʊərəl/ - shumës
- Singular: /ˈsɪŋɡjʊlər/ - njësor
- Study: /ˈstʌdi/ - studioj
- Board: /bɔrd/ - tabelë
- Chairs: /ʧeəz/ - karrige
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
English Made Easier
Here are the months of the year and the days of the week with their translations into Albanian and their pronunciation:
Months of the Year:
- January - Janar - /ˈdʒæn.ju.ə.ri/
- February - Shkurt - /ˈfɛb.ruː.ɛr.i/
- March - Mars - /mɑːrtʃ/
- April - Prill - /ˈeɪ.prɪl/
- May - Maj - /meɪ/
- June - Qershor - /dʒuːn/
- July - Korrik - /dʒʊˈlaɪ/
- August - Gusht - /ˈɔː.ɡəst/
- September - Shtator - /sɛpˈtɛm.bər/
- October - Tetor - /ɒkˈtoʊ.bər/
- November - Nëntor - /noʊˈvɛm.bər/
- December - Dhjetor - /dɪˈsɛm.bər/
Days of the Week:
- Monday - E hënë - /ˈmʌndeɪ/
- Tuesday - E martë - /ˈtjuːz.deɪ/
- Wednesday - E mërkurë - /ˈwɛnz.deɪ/
- Thursday - E enjte - /ˈθɜːz.deɪ/
- Friday - E premte - /ˈfraɪ.deɪ/
- Saturday - E shtunë - /ˈsætər.deɪ/
- Sunday - E diel - /ˈsʌndeɪ/
English Made Easier
English Made Easier
Here are the ordinal numbers from 1 to 31, along with their pronunciation and translation into Albanian:
- First - /fɜrst/ - i pari
- Second - /ˈsɛkənd/ - i dyti
- Third - /θɜrd/ - i treti
- Fourth - /fɔːrθ/ - i katërti
- Fifth - /fɪfθ/ - i pesti
- Sixth - /sɪksθ/ - i gjashti
- Seventh - /ˈsɛv.ənθ/ - i shtati
- Eighth - /eɪtθ/ - i teti
- Ninth - /naɪnθ/ - i nënti
- Tenth - /tɛnθ/ - i dhjeti
- Eleventh - /ɪˈlɛv.ənθ/ - i njembëdhjeti
- Twelfth - /twɛlfθ/ - i dymbëdhjeti
- Thirteenth - /θɜrˈtiːnθ/ - i trembedhjeti
- Fourteenth - /ˈfɔːrˈtiːnθ/ - i katërmbëdhjeti
- Fifteenth - /ˈfɪfˈtiːnθ/ - i pesëmbëdhjeti
- Sixteenth - /ˈsɪksˈtiːnθ/ - i gjashtëmbëdhjeti
- Seventeenth - /ˈsɛv.ənˈtiːnθ/ - i shtatëmbëdhjeti
- Eighteenth - /eɪˈtiːnθ/ - i tetëmbëdhjeti
- Nineteenth - /ˈnaɪnˈtiːnθ/ - i nëntëmbëdhjeti
- Twentieth - /ˈtwɛn.tiːθ/ - i njezeti
- Twenty-first - /ˈtwɛn.tiˈfɜrst/ - i njëzet e njti
- Twenty-second - /ˈtwɛn.tiˈsɛkənd/ - i njëzetëdyti
- Twenty-third - /ˈtwɛn.tiˈθɜrd/ - i njëzetëtreti
- Twenty-fourth - /ˈtwɛn.tiˈfɔːrθ/ - i njëzetëkatërti
- Twenty-fifth - /ˈtwɛn.tiˈfɪfθ/ - i njëzetëpesti
- Twenty-sixth - /ˈtwɛn.tiˈsɪksθ/ - i njëzetëgjashti
- Twenty-seventh - /ˈtwɛn.tiˈsɛvənθ/ - i njëzetështati
- Twenty-eighth - /ˈtwɛn.tiˈeɪtθ/ - i njëzet e teti
- Twenty-ninth - /ˈtwɛn.tiˈnaɪnθ/ - i njëzetë nënti
- Thirtieth - /ˈθɜrˈtiːəθ/ - i tridhjeti
- Thirty-first - /ˈθɜrˈtiːˈfɜrst/ - i tridhjetë e njeti ti
English Made Easier
Apologies for that oversight. Let me provide the remaining translations for you:
- Own - /oʊn/ - I vetë
- Information - /ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/ - Informacion
- Use - /juːs/ - Përdor
- With - /wɪð/ - Me
- Make - /meɪk/ - Bëj
- Chart - /tʃɑːrt/ - Grafik
- Know - /noʊ/ - Di
- Their - /ðer/ - Tyre
- Below - /bɪˈloʊ/ - Më poshtë
- Read - /riːd/ - Lexo
- Great kid - /ɡreɪt kɪd/ - Fëmijë i shkëlqyeshëm
- Favorite - /ˈfeɪ.vər.ɪt/ - I preferuari
- Study - /ˈstʌd.i/ - Studioj
- My - /maɪ/ - Im
- Your - /jʊər/ - Jotë
- His - /hɪz/ - I tij
- Her - /hɜːr/ - E saj
- Its - /ɪts/ - I tij
- Our - /aʊər/ - Ynë
- Their - /ðer/ - Tyre
- Circle - /ˈsɜːr.kəl/ - Rreth
- Correct - /kəˈrekt/ - Korrekt
- Possessive - /pəˈzɛs.ɪv/ - Pronësor
- Nouns - /naʊnz/ - Emra
- Adjectives - /ˈædʒ.ɪk.tɪvz/ - Vetëvendosës
- Questions - /ˈkwɛs.tʃənz/ - Pyetje
- Answers - /ˈɑːn.sərz/ - Përgjigje
- With - /wɪð/ - Me
- Book - /bʊk/ - Libër
- Pen - /pɛn/ - Penë
- Interview - /ˈɪn.tə.vjuː/ - Intervistë
- Close - /kloʊs/ - Mbyll
- Everyday - /ˈɛv.ri.deɪ/ - Çdo ditë
- Say - /seɪ/ - Thotë
- Help - /hɛlp/ - Ndihmoj
- Need - /niːd/ - Kam nevojë
- Calendar - /ˈkæl.ən.dɚ/ - Kalendar
- Today - /təˈdeɪ/ - Sot
- Birthday - /ˈbɜrθ.deɪ/ - Ditëlindja
- Spring - /sprɪŋ/ - Pranverë
- Summer - /ˈsʌm.ər/ - Verë
- Autumn - /ˈɔː.təm/ - Vjeshtë
- Winter - /ˈwɪn.tər/ - Dimër
- Give - /ɡɪv/ - Jep
- Dates - /deɪts/ - Datat
- Ask for - /æsk fɔːr/ - Kërkoj
- Interpret - /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt/ - Interpretim
- Again - /əˈɡɛn/ - Përsëri
- Evening - /ˈiːv.nɪŋ/ - Mbrëmje
- Please - /pliːz/ - Ju lutem
- From - /frʌm/ - Nga
- Time - /taɪm/ - Kohë
- Point to - /pɔɪnt tuː/ - Tregoj drejt
- Page - /peɪdʒ/ - Faqe
- Real life - /rɪəl laɪf/ - Jetë reale
- Math - /mæθ/ - Matematikë
- Reading - /ˈriː.dɪŋ/ - Leximi
- Adult - /ˈædʌlt/ - I rritur
- Large - /lɑːrdʒ/ - I madh
- Percent - /pərˈsɛnt/ - Përqind
- Small - /smɔːl/ - I vogël
- Only - /ˈoʊn.li/ - Vetëm
- Surprise - /səˈpraɪz/ - Surprise
- There is - /ðer ɪz/ - Ka
- There are - /ðer ɑːr/ - Ka
- There is not - /ðer ɪz nɒt/ - Nuk ka
- There are not - /ðer ɑːr nɒt/ - Nuk ka
- Is there - /ɪz ðer/ - A ka
- Are there - /ɑːr ðer/ - A ka
- No - /noʊ/ - Jo
- Article these - /ˈɑːr.tɪ.kəl ðiz/ - Artikulli këto
- This - /ðɪs/ - Ky
- That - /ðæt/ - Atë
- Those - /ðoʊz/ - Ata
- At home - /æt hoʊm
Apologies for that oversight. Let me provide the remaining translations for you:
English Made Easier
Here are the words, their international pronunciations, and their translations into Albanian:
- Family - /ˈfæm.ɪ.li/ - Familje
- Member - /ˈmɛmbər/ - Anëtar
- Description - /dɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/ - Përshkrim
- Possessive - /pəˈzɛs.ɪv/ - Pronësor
- Date - /deɪt/ - Data
- Message - /ˈmɛs.ɪdʒ/ - Mesazh
- People - /ˈpiːpəl/ - Njerëz
- Friend - /frɛnd/ - Mik
- Picture - /ˈpɪk.tʃər/ - Foto
- Wife - /waɪf/ - Grua
- Husband - /ˈhʌz.bənd/ - Burrë
- Father-Son - /ˈfɑː.ðər sʌn/ - Baba - Biri
- Mother - /ˈmʌð.ər/ - Nënë
- Daughter - /ˈdɔː.tər/ - Bijë
- Parents - /ˈpɛə.rənts/ - Prindër
- Cousins - /ˈkʌ.zɪn/ - Kushe
- Child - /tʃaɪld/ - Fëmijë
- Children - /ˈtʃɪl.drən/ - Fëmijë
- Identify - /aɪˈdɛn.tə.faɪ/ - Identifikoj
- Sentence - /ˈsɛn.təns/ - Frazë
- Complete - /kəmˈpliːt/ - Plotësoj
- Talk - /tɔːk/ - Bisedë
- Work - /wɜːrk/ - Punë
- Classmate - /ˈklɑːs.meɪt/ - Klasë
- Aunt - /ɑːnt/ - Halë
- Grandfather - /ˈɡrænˌfɑː.ðər/ - Gjyshi
- Grandmother - /ˈɡrænˌmʌð.ər/ - Gjyshja
- Uncle - /ˈʌŋ.kəl/ - Xhaxhai
- Sister - /ˈsɪs.tər/ - Motër
- Brother - /ˈbrʌð.ər/ - Vëlla
- Check - /tʃɛk/ - Kontrolloj
- Then - /ðɛn/ - Pastaj
- Practice - /ˈpræk.tɪs/ - Stërvitje
- Grammar - /ˈɡræm.ər/ - Gramatikë
- Note - /noʊt/ - Shënim
- Yourself - /jɔːrˈsɛlf/ - Vetëm
- Grandson - /ˈɡræn.sʌn/ - Mbretëri
- Close - /kloʊs/ - Afër
- Write - /raɪt/ - Shkruaj
- Spelling - /ˈspɛl.ɪŋ/ - Shkrirje
- Life - /laɪf/ - Jetë
- Story - /ˈstɔːr.i/ - Përrallë
- These - /ðiːz/ - Këto
- Tall - /tɔːl/ - Gjatë
- Photo - /ˈfoʊ.toʊ/ - Foto
- Hair - /hɛr/ - Flokë
- Grey - /ɡreɪ/ - Gri
- Beautiful - /ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl/ - E bukur
- Very - /ˈvɛri/ - Shumë
- Special - /ˈspɛʃ.əl/ - I veçantë
- Understanding - /ˌʌn.dərˈstænd.ɪŋ/ - Kuptim
- Match - /mætʃ/ - Përputhje
- Letter - /ˈlɛt.ər/ - Letër
- Identify - /aɪˈdɛn.tə.faɪ/ - Identifikoj
- Describe - /dɪˈskraɪb/ - Përshkruaj
- Blond - /blɒnd/ - Blond
- Black - /blæk/ - I zi
- Blue - /bluː/ - Blush
- Green - /ɡriːn/ - Jeshil
- Brown - /braʊn/ - Kafe
- White - /waɪt/ - Bardhë
- Colours - /ˈkʌ.lərz/ - Ngjyrat
- Brown - /braʊn/ - Kafe
- Red - /rɛd/ - Kuq
- Thin - /θɪn/ - Hark
- Attractive - /əˈtræk.tɪv/ - Iresistues
- More - /mɔːr/ - Më shumë
- Words - /wɜːrdz/ - Fjalë
- Describe - /dɪˈskraɪb/ - Përshkruaj
- Conversation - /ˌkɒn.vəˈse
English Made Easier
1- Welcome to Oxford online English lesson.
-Miresevini ne klasen online te anglishtes se Oxford-it.
2-In this lesson you can learn about English sentences structure.
-Ne kete mesim ju do te mesoni per strukturen e fjalive ne anglisht.
3-Every sentences need a verb.
-Cdo fjali deshiron nje folje
Example - Shembull
Verb – Folje
Run – vrapo
Leave – largohem
Work – punoj
-The simple sentence is an imperative which means when you tell someone to do something.
- Fjalia e thjeshte eshte urdher kur ti i thua dikujt te beje dicka.
4- Most sentences are longer than one verb.
-Fjalite jane me te gjata se nje folje.
5- Also we need a noun before the verb.
-Ne duhet te shtojme nje emer para foljes.
6- Noun is a subject.
-Emri eshte nje kryefjale.
7-Subject + verb you can make simple sentences.
-Me kryefjale + folje ju mund te ndertoni fjali te thjeshte.
Example – Shembull
He runs – Ai vrapon
She left – Ajo iku
They´re working – Ata po punojne
Verb can be the different forms – Foljet mund te behen ne forma te ndryeshme
Past or present – te shkuaren ose te tashme
Simple or continuous – e thjeshte ose e vazhdueshme
8-There are all the same subject+ verb
-Ato jane te tera te njejta kryefjale+ folje
9-You can´t say much with short sentences.
Ti nuk mund te thuash shume me fjali te shkurtra.
10- What could you after runs to make longer?
-Cfare mund te shtojme pas vrapoj qe ta bejme fjali te gjate?
He runs …
-You could add an adverb of place – Ti mund te shtosh nje ndajtolje vendi
He runs around the park – Ai vrapon perreth parkut
-You could add an adverb of time – mund te shtosh nje ndajfolje kohe
He runs every morning – Ai vrapon cdo mengjes
-You could add both – Mund ti shtosh te dyja
He runs around the park every morning – Ai vrapon perreth parkut cdo mengjes
You could add an adverb of manner – mund te shtosh nje ndajfolje menyre
He runs slowly – Ai vrapon ngadale.
11-You have many choices, but your choices are also limited.
-Ti ke shume zgjedhje, por zgjedhjet tende jane gjithashtu te limituara
Example – shembull
You can´t use an another verb after run,you can´t use an adjective and you can´t use a noun.
Ti nuk mund te perdoresh nje folje tjeter pas foljes vrapoj, nuk mund te perdoresh nje mbiemer dhe ti nuk mund te perdoresh nje emer.
12-We ask “What needs comes next?”
-Ne pyesim “ Cfare vjen me pas?”
He runs – une vrapoj
It´s a basic sentences , but it´s correct – Kjo eshte nje fjali baze ose e thjeshte, por eshte e sakte
She likes – Ajo pelqen
He wants – Ai deshiron
We go – Ne shkojme
These aren´t complete sentences. – Keto nuk jane fjali te plotesuara.
They aren´t comlete, because they aren´t finished- Keto nuk jane te plotesuara sepse skane perfunduar.
She likes …what? – Ajo pelqen … Cfare?
He wants …what? - Ai do …Cfare?
We go … where? – Ne shkojme … Ku?
You need complement – Ty te duhet plotesimi
The complement is the thing you add after a verb to make a sentence complete.
-Plotesimi eshte fjala qe ti shton pas folje qe te besh plotesimin e fjaleise.
A complement can have many different forms. noun, verb, adjective or adverb
-Plotesimi ka forma te ndryshme. Emer, folje, mbiemer ose ndajfolje
Example – shembull
She likes strawberries. – Ajo pelqen luleshtrydhet.
She likes swimming. – Ajo pelqen notin.
There are many possibilities. – Ka shume mundesi
You needs more information. - Ti shton me shume informacione.
She likes getting up .. When? Why? How?
You need a complement after getting up to complete the idea. – Ty te duhet nje fjale plotesuese pas foljes ngihem qe te plotesosh idene.
Ajo pelqen te zgjohet .. Kur? Pse? SI?
Remember that when you use a particular word, you have limited choices in what kind of word you use next.
-Kujtoni se kur perdorni nje fjale te caktuar, jane zgjedhje te kufizuara per fjalen qe do vendosni me pas.
To speak or write in English you don´t just need to know English words. You need to know what can come next.
-Per te folur ose shkruar ne anglisht nuk te duhet vetem te dish fjalet ne anglisht. Te duhet te dish edhe cfare mund te jete me pas.
Example – Shembull
With a verb like or want, it´s not enough to know the verb.
Me foljen pelqej ose deshiroj, nuk mjafton vetem ta njohesh foljen.
You also need to know whether the verb needs a complement, and what complements are- or aren´t – possible.
Ne gjithashtu duhet te dish nese folja do nje fjale ose shprehje plotesuese, dhe cfare fjale ose shprehje jane ose nuk jane te mundesuara.
-That way, you´ll know how to use the words you learn to make sentences you can use in your spoken or written English.
Ne kete rruge, ti njeh si ti perdoresh fjalet dhe te mesosh sit e besh fjal, qe perdor ne te folurin dhe te shkruajturen anglisht.
You can add information to a simple sentence in two ways: you can add adjectives or adverbs.
Ti mund te shtosh informacion ne fjali te thjeshte ne dy menyra: mund te shtojme mbiemer ose ndajfolje.
Example – shembull
He wants to buy a car. Ai deshiron te bleje nje makine.
-You could add adjective before the word car.
Ne mund te perdorim mbiemrin para fjales makine.
adjective – mbiemer
He wants to buy a new car. Ai deshiron te bleje nje makine te re.
-Adverbs can be single words or phrases.
Ndajfolet mund te jene nje fjale e vetme ose nje shprehje.
-Adjective can go before the noun they describe, or after some verbs.
Ndajfoljet mund te vendoset para emrit qe e pershkruan, ose pas foljes.
Adverbs can go in many different positions.
Ndajfoljet mund te vendosen ne pozicione te ndryshme.
Adverb – ndajfolje
He wants to buy a new car next month. - Muajin tjeter
If sentences is incomplete, then you can´t make it complete by adding adjective or adverbs.
Keto fjali jane te paperfunduara, ti nuk e perfundon dot duke shtuar nje mbiemer ose ndajfolje.
He wants to buy … - Ai deshiron te bleje
This sentence is incomplete. – Kjo fjali eshte e pa perfunduar
Adding adjective and adverbs won´t make it complete.
Shtimi i mbiemrave dhe ndajfoljeve nuk do ta beje te plotesuar.
Conjunction – Lidhezat
->Words like which join parts of a sentence together.
- Fjalet qe bashkojne dy pjese te fjalise bashke.
Complex sentence – fjali e nderlikuar
->a sentence 2+ parts (clauses), joined with a conjunction.
- nje fjali qe i shtohen 2 pjese (klauzolat), bashkohen me nje lidhez.
Independent clause – klauzole e pavarur
->part of a complex sentence which could stand by itself.
- Pjesa e nje fjalie te nderlikuar , e cila mund te qendronte me vete.
Dependent clause – klauzole e varur ( Klauzole-> pjese e fjalise)
->Part of a complex sentence which could not stand by itself.
- Pjesa e nje fjalie te nderlikuar e cila nuk mund te qendroje e pavarur.
Example – shembull
-He runs around the park every morning, so he´s in pretty shape.
Ai vrapon cdo dite, kesht qe ai eshte ne forme te mire.
-She likes strawberries, but she hardly ever eats them.
Ajo pelqen luleshtrydhet, por ajo pothuajse asnjehere nuk i ha ato.
-You should write to her and thank her for present.
Ti duhet te flasesh me ate dhe ta falenderosh per dhuraten.
Here´s your recipe: - Ja ku eshte formula
Independent clause + conjunction + independent clause
-Klauzole( pjese e fjalise) e pavarur + lidhez + klauzole e pavarur
He runs around the park every morning, so he´s in pretty shape.
Conjunction is so – lidheza eshte keshtu qe
We can split the sentence into two forms – Ne mund te ndajme fjaline ne dy pjese
1) He runs around the park every morning. – Ai vrapon pereth parkut cdo mengjes.
2) So, he´s in pretty shape . – Keshtu qe ai eshte ne forme te mire
-She likes strawberries, but she hardly eat them.
Conjunction is but – Lidheza eshte por
We can split the sentence into two forms
1) She likes strawberries – Ajo pelqen luleshtrydhet
2) But, she hardly eat them – Por ajo pothuajse asnjehere nuk i ha
2 Be: Present Simple (2) (Am I …? Are you…?)
1 We use be :
· To talk how we feel:
I’m happy. They’re sad.
They’re bored. She’s tired.
We’re hungry. I’m thirsty.
He isn’t afraid. They’re cold.
· To say hello:
Jane: I’m fine thanks.How are you?
· To apologize :
Mary : I’m sorry I’m late.
Chris : It doesn’t matter.
· To describe things :
It isn’t expensive.It’s cheap.
It’s an old film.It isn’t very good.
These photos are bad.
( For other uses of be,see unit 1.)
2 We often use there+be (e.g. there is , there are) to talk about where things are:
SINGULAR: There’s a supermarket in this street. There is a telephone in the flat. PLURAL: There are some good cafés in the centre of the town.
We also use there+be to talk about when things happen:
There is a bus to London at 6 o’clock.
There are taxis , but there aren’t any buses on Sunday.
There isn’t another train to Manchester today.
3 We form questions with be in the Present Simple like this:
Singular Am I
Are you late?
Is he/she/it
Plural Are we
Are you late?
Are they
Here are questions with all the forms of be:
Am I late for the film?
Are you twenty years old?
Is he at home now?
Is she French or Italian?
Is it time to go home?
Are we ready to leave?
Are you both at university?
Are they in London today?
A Make sentences about the pictures using the words in the box.Use He/She/They and the Present Simple of be.
tired sad thirsty happy
hungry bored afraid cold
0 She’s thirsty.
1 He ____________
2 They __________
3 He ____________
4 She____________
5 He _____________
6 They ___________
7 They ___________
B Use there+be to say what we can and cannot find in the town of Smallwood.
0 (a cinema: yes) There’s a cinema.
0 (a river) There isn’t a river.
1 (restaurants: 10) There are ten restaurants.
2 (any museums) There aren’t any museums.
3 (a castle) _____________ a castle.
4 (baker’s shops: 2) ____________ two baker’s shops.
5 (a zoo: yes) ____________ a zoo.
6 (banks: 6) _______________ six banks.
7 (a luxury hotel: yes)____________ a luxury hotel.
8 (a theatre) __________________ a theatre.
9 (newsagents: 6) ______________ six newsagents.
10 (many tourists)________________ many newsagents.
C Write questions by putting the words in brackets ( ) in the correct order.
0 (thirsty-you-are) Are you thirsty?_______________
1 (a teacher-you-are) __________________________
2 (they-bored-are) _____________________________
3 (is-afraid-he) _____________________
4 (she-tired-is) _____________________
5 (are-you-how) ____________________
6 (cold today-it-is) ______________________
7 (she-Spanish-is) ____________________
8 (they-from London-are) _________________________
D Write questions using the words in brackets ( ) and form of be.
0 (you/Spanish) Are you Spanish________? – No,I’m French.
1 (you/hungry) ______________________? – No,I’m thirsty.
2 (she/your sister) ____________________? –No,she’s my mother.
3 (I/ late) __________________________? –No,you’re on time.
4 (they/from America) ____________________? –No,they’re from Canada.
5 (he/a tennis player) _______________________? –No,he’s a footballer.
6 (you/happy) __________________________? –No,I’m sad.
7 (she/at home) __________________? –No,she’s at work.
8 (he/twenty) ________________________? –No,he’s eighteen years old.
E Put forms of be in these conversations.
Steve: This is Joan,my sister.
Tom: Hello,Joan._________ you a student?
Joan: No,I___________ a dentist.I work in Brighton.
Mike: How are you,Sally?
Sally: I_________ fine,thanks.
Mike: _________ you hungry,Sally?
Sally: Yes.__________ there a good restaurant near here?
Mike: Yes.There __________ a restaurant in Wellington Street.The food is good at it and
_______ very cheap.
English Made Easier
1 Be:Present Simple (1) (I am,I’m not)
1 Here are some examples of be in the Present Simple:
This is my brother.He’s ten years old.
I’m a student.These are my books.
They aren’t at home.They’re at the theatre.
2 We form the Present Simple of be like this:
3 In speech,we usually use the short forms:
She’s my sister. He’s my brother.
I’m from Italy. They’re German.
Full form Short form
Singular I am I’m
You are You’re
He/she/it is He’s/she’s/it’s
Plural We are We’re
You are You’re
They are They’re
Full form Short form
Singular I am not I’m not
You are not You aren’t
He/she/it is not He/she/it isn’t
Plural We are not We aren’t
You are not You aren’t
They are not They aren’t
4 We use be:
· To say who we are:
I’m Steve and this is my friend Bill. We’re from Scotland.
I’m Janet and these are my sisters. This is Sandra and this is Patricia.
Sandra and Patricia are doctors.
· To talk about the weather:
It’s cold today.
It’s a beautiful day.
It’s usually hot here!
It isn’t very warm today.
· To talk about the time:
It’s ten o’clock.
It’s half past four.
You’re late!
· To talk about places:
Milan is in the north of Italy.
John and Mary are in Yorkshire.
· To talk about people’s ages:
My sister is six years old.
A. Maria is from Brazil. She is writing about herself and her family. Put full forms of be in the gaps.
0 I _am______ a student from Brazil.
0 My parents are not (not) rich.
1 My father _____________a teacher.
2 My mother ___________(not) Brazilian.
3 She __________________from America.
4 I ____________________twenty years old.
5 My little brother_____________ two.
6 My older brothers ______________(not) students.
7 They _____________in the army.
8 It ________________often very hot in Brazil.
B. Now fill these gaps.This time,use short forms of be,as in the examples.
0 I’m a doctor.
0 I’m not ______(not) a bank manager.
1 She __________(not) a teacher.
2 He ______________a student.
3 They___________ at home.
4 They ____________ (not) in the park.
5 It _______________ (not) cold today.
6 It________________ very hot.
7 We ________________ from Paris.
8 We ___________________ (not) from Bordeaux.
9 You ___________________( not) twenty-one.
10 I________________________ twenty-four.
C . Look at these pictures. These people are saying who they are. Write sentences, choosing the correct jobs from the box, as in the example.
policeman, an artist, a teacher, a film star, a scientist, a photographer.
a pop star a farmer a bank manager a footballer a dentist a doctor
a policeman an artist a teacher a film star a scientist a photographer
Names: Paolo, Federico
Nationality: Italy
Jobs: Policeman, footballer
Names: Bjorn, Liv
Nationality: Sweden
Jobs: Doctor, film star
Names: Maria, Pedro
Nationality: Mexico
Jobs: Teacher, pop star
Names: Jim, Mary
Nationality: Australia
Jobs: Bank manager, artist
Names: Tomoko, Akira
Nationality: Japan
Jobs: Dentist, photographer
Names: Rajiv, Vikram
Nationality: India
Jobs: Scientist, farmer
D . Choose words from the box to put in the gaps.
He’s She’s They’re It’s (x3)
are Is We isn’t
0 My parents live in Scotland They’re teachers.
1 New York ________ in England._________ in America.
2 Paul is from Germany.__________ German.
3 My sister is a doctor.___________ thirty years old.
4 ___________six o’clock! ____________ are late.
5 _______very cold today.Let’s stay at home.
6 Look at the time!Chris and Mary _____________ late.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Mesimi # 1
A. Sentence structure
Struktura e fjalise.
The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement. Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.
1 Subject Verb
Kryefjale + Folje My arms are aching
Something happened
2. Subject Verb Object
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor
I need a rest
Five people are moving the piano
The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun (e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg the piano)
Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:
a) emerb) peremerc) grup emeror)
3. Subject Verb Complement
Kryefjale + Folje + Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )
This piano is heavy It was a big problem
The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.
Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:
a) mbiemerb) emerc) grup emeror.
Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.
4. Subject Verb Adverbial
Kryefjale + Folje + Ndajfolje ose rrethanor
It is on my foot.
Their house is nearby. An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby). Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.
5. Subject Verb Object Object
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor + Kundrinor
It ‘s giving me backache.
David bought Melanie a present.
We use two objects after verbs like give and send.Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.
B. Adverbials Ndajfoljoret
We can add adverbials to all the five main structures. Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.
My arms are aching terribly. I really need a rest. Of course this piano is heavy . Fortunately their house is nearby .
Kryefjale + Folje
Something happened
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor
Five people are moving the piano
The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun
Kryefjale + Folje + Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )
Kryefjale + Folje + Ndajfolje ose rrethanor
Their house is nearby.
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor + Kundrinor
David bought Melanie a present.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the international pronunciations in English for the words you mentioned, with a number before each word:
- time: /taɪm/ - koha
- ways: /weɪz/ - rrugët, menyrat
- driver: /ˈdraɪvər/ - shofer
- license: /ˈlaɪsəns/ - patentë
- birth: /bɜːrθ/ - lindja
- date: /deɪt/ - data
- avenue: /ˈævənjuː/ - bulevardi
- apt: /æpt/ - apartament
- river: /ˈrɪvər/ - lumi
- place: /pleɪs/ - vend
- Miami: /maɪˈæmi/ - Majami
- Florida: /ˈflɔːrɪdə/ - Floridë
- tired: /ˈtaɪərd/ - i lodhur
- angry: /ˈæŋɡri/ - i zemëruar
- parentheses: /pəˈrɛnθəsiːz/ - thellëza
- zip code: /zɪp koʊd/ - kodi postar
- boost: /buːst/ - rritje
- unscramble: /ʌnˈskræmbəl/ - zgjidh
- real: /riəl/ - real
- reading: /ˈriːdɪŋ/ - leximi
- interesting: /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ - interesant
- state: /steɪt/ - shteti
- about: /əˈbaʊt/ - rreth
- student: /ˈstjuːdnt/ - student
- circle: /ˈsəːrkl/ - rreze
- cross out: /krɒs aʊt/ - vizato qark
- example: /ɪɡˈzæmpl/ - shembull
- belong: /bɪˈlɔŋ/ - i përket
- each: /iːtʃ/ - çdo
- line: /laɪn/ - vijë
- category: /ˈkætɪɡɔːri/ - kategoria
- feelings: /ˈfiːlɪŋz/ - ndjenjat
- continent: /ˈkɒntɪnənt/ - kontinenti
- Russia: /ˈrʌʃə/ - Rusia
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the IPA transcriptions and Albanian translations for the words you requested:
- marital - /ˈmærɪtəl/ - martesor
- status - /ˈsteɪtəs/ - statusi
- then - /ðɛn/ - pastaj
- single - /ˈsɪŋɡəl/ - beqar
- married - /ˈmærɪd/ - i martuar
- couple - /ˈkʌpl/ - çift
- title - /ˈtaɪtəl/ - titulli
- Mr. - /ˈmɪstər/ - Zoti
- Mrs. - /ˈmɪsɪz/ - Zonja
- Miss. - /ˈmɪsɪz/ - Zonjushë
- Ms. - /ˈmɪz/ - Zonjë
- woman - /ˈwʊmən/ - grua
- extended - /ɪkˈstɛndɪd/ - i zgjeruar
- sure - /ʃʊr/ - i sigurtë
- bubble - /ˈbʌbəl/ - flluskë
- change - /tʃeɪndʒ/ - ndryshim
- role - /roʊl/ - rol
- each - /itʃ/ - secili
- correct - /kəˈrekt/ - i saktë
- chart - /tʃɑːrt/ - grafik
- country - /ˈkʌntri/ - vend
- population - /ˌpɑːpjʊˈleɪʃən/ - popullsi
- article - /ˈɑːrtɪkl/ - artikull
- find - /faɪnd/ - gjej
- map - /mæp/ - hartë
- on - /ɒn/ - në
- million - /ˈmɪljən/ - milion
- Latin America - /ˈlætɪn əˈmɛrɪkə/ - Amerika Latine
- Asia - /ˈeɪʒə/ - Azi
- Africa - /ˈæfrɪkə/ - Afrika
- Australia - /ɔːˈstreɪliə/ - Australi
- interpret - /ɪnˈtɜːprət/ - interpretoj
- immigration - /ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃən/ - emigrimi
- source - /sɔːrs/ - burimi
- Department of Commerce - /dɪˈpɑːtmənt əv ˈkɒmɜːrs/ - Departamenti i Tregtisë
- Europe - /ˈjʊrəp/ - Evropa
- graph - /ɡræf/ - graf
- India - /ˈɪndiə/ - India
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the English international pronunciations of the words you requested, followed by their Albanian translations:
- favorite - /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ - të preferuar
- purple - /ˈpɜːrpəl/ - purpur
- colour - /ˈkʌlər/ - ngjyrë
- birth - /bɜːrθ/ - lindje
- community - /kəˈmjuːnɪti/ - komunitet
- college - /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/ - kolegj
- understanding - /ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ/ - kuptim
- California - /ˌkælɪˈfɔːniə/ - Kaliforni
- Mexico - /ˈmeksɪkəʊ/ - Meksikë
- story - /ˈstɔːri/ - përrallë
- basic - /ˈbeɪsɪk/ - bazë
- ask for - /æsk fɔːr/ - kërkoj
- give - /ɡɪv/ - jep
- yellow - /ˈjeləʊ/ - verdhë
- gray - /ɡreɪ/ - gri
- white - /waɪt/ - bardhë
- black - /blæk/ - zi
- tan - /tæn/ - ngjyrë leshi
- pink - /pɪŋk/ - rozë
- brown - /braʊn/ - kafe
- blue - /bluː/ - blu
- red - /red/ - kuq
- green - /ɡriːn/ - gjelbër
- know - /nəʊ/ - di
- east - /iːst/ - lindje
- city - /ˈsɪti/ - qytet
- identification - /aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ - identifikim
- university - /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti/ - universitet
- Vietnam - /ˌvjɛtˈnæm/ - Vietnam
- Philippines - /ˈfɪlɪpiːnz/ - Filipine
- card - /kɑːd/ - kartë
- note - /nəʊt/ - shënim
- own - /əʊn/ - i/e tij/e saj
- conversation - /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/ - bisedë
- place - /pleɪs/ - vend
- India - /ˈɪndiə/ - Indi
- need - /niːd/ - nevojë
- of - /ʌv/ - i/e nga
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Me poshte do te gjeni fjalorin e faqeve 16-17
- country - /ˈkʌntri/ - shtet
- population - /ˌpoːpjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ - popullsi
- time - /taɪm/ - koha
- date - /deɪt/ - data
- personal vocabulary - /ˈpɜːs(ə)n(ə)l vəʊˈkæbjʊləri/ - fjalor personal
- clock - /klɒk/ - ora
- evening - /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ - mbrëmje
- night - /naɪt/ - natë
- past - /pa:st/ - kaluar
- to - /tuː/ - për; ne drejtim te( Tek ora perdoret per te thene fjalen'pa'; pa dhjete;pa njezet;)
- half - /hɑːf/ - gjysmë
- noon - /nuːn/ - mesditë
- p.m. - /ˌpiː ˈem/ - pasdite
- a.m. - /ˌeɪ ˈem/ - paradite
- interpret - /ɪnˈtɜːprɪt/ - interpretoj
- day - /deɪ/ - ditë
- month - /mʌnθ/ - muaj
- midnight - /ˌmɪdˈnaɪt/ - mesnatë
- match - /mætʃ/ - përputhje
- Sunday - /ˈsʌndeɪ/ - e diel
- Monday - /ˈmʌndeɪ/ - e hënë
- Tuesday - /ˈtjuːzdeɪ/ - e martë
- Wednesday - /ˈwenzdeɪ/ - e mërkurë
- Thursday - /ˈθəːzdeɪ/ - e enjte
- Friday - /ˈfraɪdeɪ/ - e premte
- Saturday - /ˈsætədeɪ/ - e shtunë
- Sunday - /ˈsʌndeɪ/ - e dielë
- tomorrow - /təˈmɒrəʊ/ - nesër
- week - /wiːk/ - javë
- today - /təˈdeɪ/ - sot
- year - /jɪər/ - vit
- yesterday - /ˈjestədeɪ/ - dje
- calendar - /ˈkælɪndər/ - kalendar
- dictionary - /ˈdɪkʃən(ə)ri/ - fjalor
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Me poshte keni nje numur foljesh ne gjuhen angleze te cilat eshte e mira ti mesoni gradualisht gjate ketyre dhjete diteve duke mundesuar cdo dite nga pese folje te reja.
Here's a list of 50 common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:
- be (bi) - të jesh (jam, është, jemi, janë)
- have (hæv) - të kesh (kam, ke, ka, kemi, kanë)
- do (du) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
- say (seɪ) - të thuash (them, thua, thotë, themi, thonë)
- get (get) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
- make (meɪk) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
- go (goʊ) - të shkosh (shkoj, shkon, shkojmë, shkojnë)
- know (nəʊ) - të dish (di, din, dimë, dinë)
- take (teɪk) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
- see (si:) - të shohësh (shoh, sheh, shohim, shohin)
- come (kʌm) - të vijësh (vij, vjen, vijmë, vijnë)
- think (θɪŋk) - të mendosh (mendoj, mendon, mendojmë, mendojnë)
- look (lʊk) - të shikosh (shikoj, shikon, shikojmë, shikojnë)
- want (wɒnt) - të doësh (dua, do, do, duam, duan)
- give (gɪv) - të japësh (jap, jep, japim, japin)
- use (ju:z) - të përdorësh (përdor, përdoron, përdorim, përdorin)
- find (faɪnd) - të gjesh (gjej, gjen, gjejme, gjejnë)
- tell (tel) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
- ask (a:sk) - të pyesësh (pyes, pyet, pyesim, pyesin)
- work (wə:rk) - të punosh (punoj, punon, punojmë, punojnë)
- seem (si:m) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
- feel (fi:l) - të ndjesh (ndiej, ndjen, ndiejmë, ndiejnë)
- try (traɪ) - të provosh (provoj, provon, provojmë, provojnë)
- leave (li:v) - të largohesh (largohem, largohet, largohemi, largohen)
- call (kɔ:l) - të thërrasësh (thërras, thërras, thërrasim, thërrisni )
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the next 25 most common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:
- put (pʊt) - të vendosësh (vendos, vendos, vendosim, vendosin)
- mean (min) - të doësh të thuash (kam për qëllim, ka për qëllim, kemi për qëllim, kanë për qëllim)
- keep (kip) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
- let (let) - të lejosh (lejoj, lejon, lejojmë, lejojnë)
- begin (bɪˈgɪn) - të fillosh (filloj, fillon, fillojmë, fillojnë)
- seem (sim) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
- help (help) - të ndihmosh (ndihmoj, ndihmon, ndihmojmë, ndihmojnë)
- talk (tɔk) - të flasësh (flas, flet, flasim, flasin)
- turn (tə:rn) - të kthehesh (kthehem, kthehet, kthehemi, kthehen)
- start (stɑ:rt) - të nisësh (nisi, nis, nisim, nisin)
- show (əʊ) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
- hear (hɪər) - të dëgjosh (dëgjoj, dëgjon, dëgjojmë, dëgjojnë)
- play (pleɪ) - të luash (luaj, luan, luajmë, luajnë)
- run (rʌn) - të vraposh (vrapoj, vrapon, vrapojmë, vrapojnë)
- move (muv) - të lëvizësh (lëviz, lëviz, lëvizi, lëvizin)
- like (laɪk) - të pëlqejë (pëlqej, pëlqen, pëlqejmë, pëlqejnë)
- live (lɪv) - të jetosh (jetoj, jeton, jetojmë, jetojnë)
- believe (bɪˈliv) - të besosh (besoj, beson, besojmë, besojnë)
- hold (həʊld) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
- bring (brɪŋ) - të sjellësh (sjell, sjell, sjellim, sjellin)
- happen (ˈhæpən) - të ndodhë (ndodh, ndodhin)
- write (raɪt) - të shkruash (shkruaj, shkruan, shkruaj
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Me poshte do te gjeni numuroret rreshtore nga 1 deri ne 50, ju lutem mesoni ti njihni edhe ti shkruani keto numera.
Here are the first 50 ordinal numbers with their pronunciation in International English and their translation in Albanian:
- First - /fɜːrst/ - i pari
- Second - /ˈsɛk.ənd/ - i dyti
- Third - /θɜːrd/ - i treti
- Fourth - /fɔːrθ/ - i katërti
- Fifth - /fɪfθ/ - i pesti
- Sixth - /sɪkst/ - i gjashti
- Seventh - /ˈsɛv.ənθ/ - i shtati
- Eighth - /eɪtθ/ - i teti
- Ninth - /naɪnθ/ - i nënti
- Tenth - /tɛnθ/ - i dhjeti
- Eleventh - /ɪˈlɛv.ənθ/ - i nëntëmbëdhjeti
- Twelfth - /twɛlfθ/ - i dymbëdhjeti
- Thirteenth - /ˌθɜːrˈtiːnθ/ - i tridhjeti
- Fourteenth - /ˌfɔːrˈtiːnθ/ - i katërmbëdhjeti
- Fifteenth - /ˌfɪfˈtiːnθ/ - i pesëmbëdhjeti
- Sixteenth - /ˌsɪksˈtiːnθ/ - i gjashtëmbëdhjeti
- Seventeenth - /ˌsɛv.ənˈtiːnθ/ - i shtatëmbëdhjeti
- Eighteenth - /ˌeɪˈtiːnθ/ - i tetëmbëdhjeti
- Nineteenth - /ˌnaɪnˈtiːnθ/ - i nëntëmbëdhjeti
- Twentieth - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.əθ/ - i dhjetëmbëdhjeti
- Twenty-first - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.ˈfɜːrst/ - i njëzet e parë
- Twenty-second - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.ˈsɛk.ənd/ - i njëzet e dytë
- Twenty-third - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.ˈθɜːrd/ - i njëzet e tretë
- Twenty-fourth - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.ˈfɔːrθ/ - i njëzet e katërti
- Twenty-fifth - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.ˈfɪfθ/ - i njëzet e pesti
- Twenty-sixth - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.ˈsɪkst/ - i njëzet e gjashti
- Twenty-seventh - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.ˈsɛv.ənθ/ - i njëzet e shtati
- Twenty-eighth - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.ˈeɪtθ/ - i njëzet e teti
- Twenty-ninth - /ˈtwɛn.tiː.ˈnaɪnθ/ - i njëzet e nënti
- Thirtieth - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.əθ/ - i tridhjeti
- Thirty-first - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.ˈfɜːrst/ - i tridhjetë e parë
- Thirty-second - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.ˈsɛk.ənd/ - i tridhjetë e dytë
- Thirty-third - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.ˈθɜːrd/ - i tridhjetë e tretë
- Thirty-fourth - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.ˈfɔːrθ/ - i tridhjetë e katërti
- Thirty-fifth - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.ˈfɪfθ/ - i tridhjetë e pesti
- Thirty-sixth - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.ˈsɪkst/ - i tridhjetë e gjashti
- Thirty-seventh - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.ˈsɛv.ənθ/ - i tridhjetë e shtati
- Thirty-eighth - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.ˈeɪtθ/ - i tridhjetë e teti
- Thirty-ninth - /ˈθɜːr.tiː.ˈnaɪnθ/ - i tridhjetë e nënti
- Fortieth - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.əθ/ - i katërmbëdhjeti
- Forty-first - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.ˈfɜːrst/ - i dyzet e parë
- Forty-second - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.ˈsɛk.ənd/ - i dyzet e dytë
- Forty-third - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.ˈθɜːrd/ - i dyzet e tretë
- Forty-fourth - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.ˈfɔːrθ/ - i dyzet e katërti
- Forty-fifth - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.ˈfɪfθ/ - i dyzet e pesti
- Forty-sixth - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.ˈsɪkst/ - i dyzet e gjashti
- Forty-seventh - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.ˈsɛv.ənθ/ - i dyzet e shtati
- Forty-eighth - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.ˈeɪtθ/ - i dyzet e teti
- Forty-ninth - /ˈfɔːr.tiː.ˈnaɪnθ/ - i dyzet e nënti
- Fiftieth - /ˈfɪf.tiː.əθ/ - i pesëmbëdhjeti
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the months of the year with their pronunciation in International English and their translation in Albanian:
- January - /ˈdʒæn.juˌer.i/ - janar
- February - /ˈfɛb.ruˌɛr.i/ - shkurt
- March - /mɑːrtʃ/ - mars
- April - /ˈeɪ.prəl/ - prill
- May - /meɪ/ - maj
- June - /dʒuːn/ - qershor
- July - /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ - korrik
- August - /ɑːˈɡʌst/ - gusht
- September - /sɛpˈtɛmbər/ - shtator
- October - /ɒkˈtoʊbər/ - tetor
- November - /noʊˈvɛmbər/ - nëntor
- December - /dɪˈsɛmbər/ - dhjetor
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Me poshte do te gjeni fjalet e reja te faqeve 12 - 21 ne librin tuaj te studentit. Ju lutem i shikoni me kujdes edhe filloni te mesoni fjalet:
Here are all the words with their International English pronunciation followed by the translation in Albanian:
- time - /taɪm/ - kohë
- date - /deɪt/ - datë
- complete - /kəmˈpliːt/ - i plotë
- country - /ˈkʌntri/ - vend
- population - /ˌpɒp.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/ - popullsi
- clock - /klɒk/ - orë
- morning - /ˈmɔː.nɪŋ/ - mëngjes
- evening - /ˈiː.və.nɪŋ/ - mbrëmje
- night - /naɪt/ - natë
- noon - /nuːn/ - mesditë
- midnight - /ˈmɪd.naɪt/ - mesnata
- sentence - /ˈsen.təns/ - fjali
- interpret - /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt/ - interpretoj
- month - /mʌnθ/ - muaj
- day - /deɪ/ - ditë
- calendar - /ˈkæl.ɪn.dər/ - kalendar
- start - /stɑːt/ - filloj
- class - /klæs/ - klasë
- Monday - /ˈmʌndeɪ/ - e hënë
- Tuesday - /ˈtjuːz.deɪ/ - e martë
- Wednesday - /ˈwɛnz.deɪ/ - e mërkurë
- Thursday - /ˈθɜːz.deɪ/ - e enjte
- Friday - /ˈfraɪ.deɪ/ - e premte
- Saturday - /ˈsæt.ə.deɪ/ - e shtunë
- year - /jɪər/ - vit
- yesterday - /ˈjɛs.tə.deɪ/ - dje
- week - /wiːk/ - javë
- check - /ʧɛk/ - kontrolloj
- favourite - /ˈfeɪ.vərɪt/ - i preferuari
- purple - /ˈpɜː.pəl/ - lejla
- favorite - /ˈfeɪ.vərɪt/ - i preferuari
- colour - /ˈkʌl.ər/ - ngjyrë
- birth - /bɜːθ/ - lindje
- color - /ˈkʌl.ər/ - ngjyrë
- read - /riːd/ - lexoj
- basic - /ˈbeɪ.sɪk/ - bazë
- ask for - /æsk fɔːr/ - kërkoj
- give - /ɡɪv/ - jap
- story - /ˈstɔː.ri/ - rrëfim
- from - /frəm/ - nga
- green - /ɡriːn/ - jeshil
- circle - /ˈsɜː.kəl/ - rreth
- understanding - /ˌʌn.dəˈstæn.dɪŋ/ - kuptim
- community - /kəˈmjuː.nə.ti/ - komunitet
- college - /ˈkɒl.ɪdʒ/ - kolegj
- again - /əˈɡen/ - përsëri
- sentence - /ˈsen.təns/ - fjali
- red - /rɛd/ - i kuq
- blue - /bluː/ - blu
- yellow - /ˈjɛloʊ/ - i verdhë
- gray - /ɡreɪ/ - gri
- white - /waɪt/ - i bardhë
- black - /blæk/ - i zi
- tan - /tæn/ - kafe
- brown - /braʊn/ - i kafe
- orange - /ˈɒr.ɪndʒ/ - portokalli
- conversation - /ˌkɒn.vəˈseɪ.ʃən/ - bisedë
- identification card - /aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃən kɑːrd/ - kartë identiteti
- last - /læst/ - i fundit
- first - /fɜːrst/ - i parë
- place - /pleɪs/ - vend
- name - /neɪm/ - emër
- cards - /kɑːrdz/ - letra
- ID - /aɪ ˈdiː/ - ID
- repeat - /rɪˈpiːt/ - përsërit
- with - /wɪð/ - me
- where - /wɛər/ - ku
- student - /ˈstuː.dənt/ - student
- grammar - /ˈɡræm.ər/ - gramatikë
- worried - /ˈwʌr.id/ - shqetësuar
- hungry - /ˈhʌŋ.ɡri/ - i uritur
- tired - /taɪəd/ - i lodhur
- feel - /fiːl/ - ndiej
- proud - /praʊd/ - krenar
- angry - /ˈæŋ.ɡri/ - i zemëruar
- happy - /ˈhæpi/ - i lumtur
- below - /bɪˈloʊ/ - nën
- interview - /ˈɪn.tə.vjuː/ - intervistë
- chart - /ʧɑːrt/ - grafik
- own - /oʊn/ - i vetë
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the English international pronunciations of the words you provided, along with their Albanian equivalents:
- Life - /laɪf/ - jeta
- Story - /ˈstɔːri/ - histori
- Stories - /ˈstɔːriz/ - histori
- Read - /riːd/ - lexoj
- School - /skuːl/ - shkollë
- Form - /fɔːrm/ - formular
- Registration - /ˌrɛdʒɪˈstreɪʃən/ - regjistrim
- Name - /neɪm/ - emër
- Address - /əˈdrɛs/ - adresë
- Street - /striːt/ - rrugë
- First - /fɜːrst/ - i pari
- Last - /læst/ - i fundit
- Telephone - /ˈtɛlɪfoʊn/ - telefon
- Area - /ˈɛəriə/ - zonë
- Zone - /zoʊn/ - zonë
- Area Zone - /ˈɛəriə zoʊn/ - zonë e zonës
- Email - /ˈiːmeɪl/ - email
- Signature - /ˈsɪɡnətʃər/ - nënshkrim
- Tell - /tɛl/ - trego
- Sentence - /ˈsɛntəns/ - fjali
- Then - /ðɛn/ - pastaj
- Give - /ɡɪv/ - jep
- Please - /pliːz/ - ju lutem
- Check - /ʧɛk/ - kontrollo
- Understanding - /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ - kuptim
- Letters - /ˈlɛtərz/ - shkronja
- Complete - /kəmˈpliːt/ - plotësoj
- Personal - /ˈpɜːrsənl̩/ - personal
- Information - /ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/ - informacion
- Sign - /saɪn/ - nënshkruaj
- Line - /laɪn/ - vijë
- Circle - /ˈsɜːrkəl/ - rreth
- Repeat - /rɪˈpiːt/ - përsëris
- Practice - /ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikoj
- Yourself - /jʊrˈsɛlf/ - veten
- Close - /kloʊz/ - mbylle
- Test - /tɛst/ - provë
- Use - /juːz/ - përdor
- Own - /oʊn/ - i vetë
- Conversation - /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʒən/ - bisedë
- Write - /raɪt/ - shkruaj
- Unit - /juːnɪt/ - njësi
- Grammar - /ˈɡræmər/ - gramatikë
- Count - /kaʊnt/ - numëroj
- Student - /ˈstuːdənt/ - student
- Group - /ɡruːp/ - grup
- Classroom - /ˈklæsruːm/ - klasë
- Statement - /ˈsteɪtmənt/ - deklaratë
- To Be - /tu bi/ - të jesh
- Negative - /ˈnɛɡətɪv/ - negativ
- Affirmative - /əˈfɜːrmətɪv/ - afirmativ
- Interrogative - /ˌɪntəˈrɒɡətɪv/ - pyetës
- Talk - /tɔːk/ - flas
- About - /əˈbaʊt/ - rreth
- Talk About - /tɔːk əˈbaʊt/ - flas për
- Subject - /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ - subjekt
- Pronoun - /ˈproʊnaʊn/ - pronomen
- Simple Present Tense - /ˈsɪmpəl ˈprɛzənt tɛns/ - koha e tashme e thjeshtë
- Yourself - /jʊrˈsɛlf/ - veten
- Test - /tɛst/ - provë
- Partner - /ˈpɑːrtnər/ - partner
- Windows - /ˈwɪndoʊz/ - dritaret
- Computer - /kəmˈpjuːtər/ - kompjuter
- Door - /dɔːr/ - derë
- Student - /ˈstuːdənt/ - student
- Pencil - /ˈpɛnsəl/ - laps
- Words - /wɜːrdz/ - fjalë
- Read - /riːd/ - lexoj
- Practice - /ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikoj
- Use - /juːz/ - përdor
- Contractions - /kənˈtrækʃənz/ - kontraksione
- Circle - /ˈsɜːrkəl/ - rreth
- Below - /bɪˈloʊ/ - poshtë
- Study - /ˈstʌdi/ - studioj
- Correct - /kəˈrɛkt/ - korrekt
- Chart - /ʧɑːrt/ - diagramë
- Aren't - /ɑːnt/ - nuk janë
- Are - /ɑːr/ - janë
- Is - /ɪz/ - është
- Am - /æm/ - jam
- Picture - /ˈpɪktʃər/ - imazh
- Everyday Meeting - /ˈɛvrɪdeɪ ˈmiːtɪŋ/ - takim i përditshëm
- People Conversations - /ˈpipəl ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʒənz/ - bisedat e njerëzve
- How - /haʊ/ - si
- New - /njuː/ - i ri
- Meet - /miːt/ - takohem
- Nice - /naɪs/ - i bukur
- Good Morning - /ɡʊd ˈmɔːrnɪŋ/ - mirëmëngjes
- Good Afternoon - /ɡʊd ˌæftərˈnuːn/ - mirëdita
- Fine, Thanks - /faɪn, θæŋks/ - mirë, faleminderit
- Good Evening - /ɡʊd ˈivnɪŋ/ - mirëmbrëma
- Too - /tuː/ - po ashtu
- Again - /əˈɡɛn/ - përsëri
- Repeat - /rɪˈpiːt/ - përsëris
- Begin - /bɪˈɡɪn/ - filloj
- End - /ɛnd/ - përfundoj
- And - /ænd/ - dhe
- Social - /ˈsoʊʃəl/ - shoqëror
- Use - /juːz/ - përdor
- Partner - /ˈpɑːrtnər/ - partner
- Information Practice - /ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən ˈpræktɪs/ - praktikë informacioni
- Pronunciation Study - /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən ˈstʌdi/ - studim shqiptimi
- Chart - /ʧɑːrt/ - diagramë
- Contractions - /kənˈtrækʃənz/ - kontraksione
- No - /noʊ/ - jo
- Yes - /jɛs/ - po
- Questions - /ˈkwɛstʃənz/ - pyetje
- Ask - /æsk/ - pyes
- Answer - /ˈænsər/ - përgjigjem
- Hello - /həˈloʊ/ - përshëndetje
- Say - /seɪ/ - thotë
- Goodbye - /ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ/ - mirupafshim
- Roles - /roʊlz/ - role
- This - /ðɪs/ - ky
- That - /ðæt/ - ai
- These - /ðiz/ - këta
- Those - /ðoʊz/ - ata
- See You - /si juː/ - shihemi
- Your - /jʊr/ - yt
- Unit - /juːnɪt/ - njësi
- Lesson - /ˈlɛsən/ - mësim
- Real Life - /riːl laɪf/ - jeta reale
- Get Ready - /ɡɛt ˈrɛdi/ - përgatitu
- Reading - /ˈriːdɪŋ/ - lexim
- To Read - /tu rid/ - për të lexuar
- To Write - /tu raɪt/ - për të shkruar
- To Say - /tu seɪ/ - për të thënë
- To Speak - /tu spiːk/ - për të folur
- To Understand - /tu ˌʌndərˈstænd/ - për të kuptuar
- To Go - /tu ɡoʊ/ - për të shkuar
- To Ask - /tu æsk/ - për të pyetur
- To Help - /tu hɛlp/ - për të ndihmuar
- English - /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ - anglisht
- Box - /bɒks/ - kuti
- To Study - /tu ˈstʌdi/ - për të studiuar
- Learn - /lɜːrn/ - mësoj
- Today - /təˈdeɪ/ - sot
- Poster - /ˈpoʊstər/ - poster
- Home - /hoʊm/ - shtëpi
- School Radio - /skuːl ˈreɪdioʊ/ - radio shkollore
- For - /fɔːr/ - për
- Classmates - /ˈklæsˌmeɪts/ - shok
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Hi there,
Here are the English words with their phonetic representation and Albanian translations
Faqet 4-7
- Goal - /ɡoʊl/ - Qëllim
- Personal - /ˈpɜːrsənl/ - Personal
- Study - /ˈstʌdi/ - Studim;studioj
- Meeting - /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ - Takim
- Vocabulary - /vəˈkæbjʊləri/ - Fjalor i nje pasazhi, i nje mesimi;
- Direction - /dɪˈrɛkʃən/ - Drejtim
- Listen to - /ˈlɪsən tuː/ - Dëgjo
- Point to - /pɔɪnt tuː/ - Trego me gisht
- Repeat - /rɪˈpiːt/ - Përsëris
- Close - /kloʊs/ - Mbyll
- Sit down - /sɪt daʊn/ - Ulu
- Stand up - /stænd ʌp/ - Ngrihu
- Look at - /lʊk æt/ - Shiko
- Complete - /kəmˈpliːt/ - Përfundo
- Respond - /rɪˈspɒnd/ - Përgjigju
- Simple - /ˈsɪmpəl/ - I thjeshtë
- Command - /kəˈmænd/ - Komandë
- Items - /ˈaɪtəmz/ - Artikuj
- Use - /juːz/ - Përdor
- Open with - /ˈoʊpən wɪð/ - Hap me
- Match - /mætʃ/ - Përputh
- Board - /bɔːrd/ - Tabelë
- Notebook - /ˈnoʊtˌbʊk/ - Të shënueshme
- Dictionary - /ˈdɪkʃəˌnɛri/ - Fjalor
- Clock - /klɒk/ - Ora
- Singular - /ˈsɪŋɡjələr/ - I njëjtit
- Plural - /ˈplʊərəl/ - I shumtë
- Chart - /ʧɑːrt/ - Grafik
- Give - /ɡɪv/ - Jep
- Note - /noʊt/ - Shënim
- Grammar - /ˈɡræmər/ - Gramatikë
- Spelling - /ˈspɛlɪŋ/ - Shkrim
- Thing - /θɪŋ/ - Gjë
- Conversation - /ˌkɒnvərˈseɪʃən/ - Bisedë
- Tell - /tɛl/ - Trego
- Circle - /ˈsɜːrkl̩/ - Rreth
- Read - /riːd/ - Lexo
- Signature - /ˈsɪɡnətʃər/ - Nënshkrim
- Area code - /ˈɛriə koʊd/ - Kodi i zonës
- Form - /fɔːrm/ - Formular
- Sign - /saɪn/ - Nënshkruaj
- Line - /laɪn/ - Vizë
- On - /ɒn/ - Në
- Registration - /ˌrɛdʒɪˈstreɪʃən/ - Regjistrim
- About - /əˈbaʊt/ - Rreth
- Welcome - /ˈwɛlkəm/ - Mirë se vini
- Understanding - /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ - Kuptim
- Then - /ðɛn/ - Pastaj
- Complete - /kəmˈpliːt/ - Përfundo
- Last name - /læst neɪm/ - Mbiemër
- Me - /miː/ - Mua
- Print - /prɪnt/ - Shtyp
- Life - /laɪf/ - Jeta
- Story - /ˈstɔːri/ - Përrallë
- Stories - /ˈstɔːriz/ - Për rrëfim
- City - /ˈsɪti/ - Qyteti
- State - /steɪt/ - Shteti
- Zip code - /zɪp koʊd/ - Kodi postar
- Audio - /ˈɔːdi.oʊ/ - Audio
- Sentence - /ˈsɛntəns/ - Fraza
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Hi there,
Lexoni tregimin e meposhtem edhe gjeni fjalet te cilat nuk i njihni.
The Magical Garden
Once upon a time in a small village, there is a magical garden at the edge of the forest. The garden is a mysterious place where colorful flowers bloom all year round, and butterflies dance in the air.
In the village, there is a curious little girl named Emma. Every day after school, she goes to the garden to explore its wonders. The flowers in the garden are so vibrant that they seem to glow in the sunlight.
Emma's best friend, Jake, often joins her on these adventures. They are convinced that the garden holds a secret. They believe that the butterflies are messengers from a magical creature that watches over the enchanted land.
One day, as Emma and Jake are playing near a sparkling pond, they see a friendly squirrel. It is a talking squirrel named Sparkle, who has lived in the garden for many years. Sparkle knows the secret of the garden and wants to share it with Emma and Jake.
Excitedly, Sparkle tells them that the garden is protected by a kind-hearted fairy who takes care of the flowers and animals. The fairy's name is Luna, and she has been the guardian of the garden for centuries.
From that day forward, Emma and Jake visit the magical garden regularly. They are grateful for the beauty and magic that surrounds them. The garden is a place where dreams come true, and friendships are cherished forever.
And so, in the heart of the small village, the magical garden continues to be a source of joy and wonder for all who visit.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the English words with their pronunciations and Albanian translations:
- unit - /ˈjuːnɪt/ - njësi
- pre - /priː/ - paraprak
- the - /ðə/ - ai/ajo (definite article)= nyje shqyese vendoset para emrave te gjuhes angleze per te bere dallimin e tyre.
- first - /fɜːrst/ - i pari
- step - /stɛp/ - hap
- focus - /ˈfoʊkəs/ - fokus
- on - /ɒn/ - në (preposition)
- alphabet - /ˈælfəbɛt/ - alfabet
- number - /ˈnʌmbər/ - numër
- name - /neɪm/ - emër
- spell - /spɛl/ - shkruaj me shkronja
- your - /jʊər/ - yt/juaj (possessive pronoun)
- listen - /ˈlɪsən/ - dëgjoj
- and - /ænd/ - dhe
- look - /lʊk/ - shikoj
- work with classmates - /wɜːrk wɪð ˈklæsmeɪts/ - punoj me kolegët e klasës
- say - /seɪ/ - thotë
- identify - /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/ - identifikoj
- letter - /ˈlɛtər/ - shkronjë
- or - /ɔːr/ - ose (conjunction)
- of - /əv/ - i/e (preposition)
- words - /wɜːrdz/ - fjalë
- identify - /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/ - identifikoj
- one - /wʌn/ - një
- two - /tuː/ - dy
- three - /θriː/ - tre
- four - /fɔːr/ - katër
- five - /faɪv/ - pesë
- six - /sɪks/ - gjashtë
- seven - /ˈsɛvən/ - shtatë
- eight - /eɪt/ - tetë
- nine - /naɪn/ - nëntë
- ten - /tɛn/ - dhjetë
- eleven - /ɪˈlɛvən/ - njembedhjete
- twelve - /twɛlv/ - dymbëdhjetë
- thirteen - /ˌθɜːrˈtiːn/ - trembedhjete
- fourteen - /ˌfɔːrˈtiːn/ - 14
- fifteen - /ˌfɪfˈtiːn/ - pesëmbëdhjetë
- sixteen - /ˌsɪksˈtiːn/ - gjashtëmbëdhjetë
- seventeen - /ˌsɛvənˈtiːn/ - shtatëmbëdhjetë
- eighteen - /ˌeɪˈtiːn/ - tetëmbëdhjetë
- nineteen - /ˌnaɪnˈtiːn/ - nëntëmbëdhjetë
- twenty - /ˈtwɛnti/ - njëzet
- thirty - /ˈθɜːrti/ - tridhjetë
- forty - /ˈfɔːrti/ - dyzet
- fifty - /ˈfɪfti/ - pesëdhjetë
- sixty - /ˈsɪksti/ - gjashtëdhjetë
- seventy - /ˈsɛvənti/ - shtatëdhjetë
- eighty - /ˈeɪti/ - tetëdhjetë
- ninety - /ˈnaɪnti/ - nëntëdhjetë
- hundred - /ˈhʌndrəd/ - qind
- write - /raɪt/ - shkruaj
- count by tens - /kaʊnt baɪ tɛnz / - numëroj me dhjeteshe
- more - /mɔːr/ - më shumë
- partner - /ˈpɑːtnər/ - partner
- listen - /ˈlɪsən/ - dëgjoj
- say an address - /seɪ ən əˈdrɛs/ - thotë një adresë
- partner phone - /ˈpɑ
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
here's a chart with some common prepositions of place in English:
Preposition Example in The cat is in the box. on The book is on the table. at The party is at the park. under The dog is under the table. over The plane flew over the city. next to The car is parked next to the house. between The pencil is between the books. behind The tree is behind the house. in front of The flower is in front of the window.
Here are some exercises to practice using these prepositions:
The ball is _____ the box.
a) in
b) on
c) at
The cat is _____ the chair.
a) under
b) over
c) next to
The party is _____ the beach.
a) in
b) on
c) at
The book is _____ the desk.
a) behind
b) in front of
c) next to
The plane flew _____ the mountains.
a) over
b) under
c) between
- a) in
- c) next to
- b) on
- c) next to
- a) over
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
The ball is _____ the box. a) in b) on c) at
The cat is _____ the chair. a) under b) over c) next to
The party is _____ the beach. a) in b) on c) at
The book is _____ the desk. a) behind b) in front of c) next to
The plane flew _____ the mountains. a) over b) under c) between
The Visual Guide to English Prepositions Part 1/2 (Infographic)
The Visual Guide to English Prepositions Part 2/2 (Infographic)
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are fifty commonly used phrasal verbs in English with their Albanian equivalent and examples of how to use them in a sentence:
- Turn down (refuzoj) - He turned down the job offer because he didn't like the salary.
- Take off (heq) - The plane took off at 6:00 AM.
- Put off (shtyj) - She decided to put off the meeting until next week.
- Get over (te ndryshoje mendjen) - It took him a long time to get over his ex-girlfriend.
- Look forward to (prit me padurim) - I'm looking forward to the weekend.
- Give up (ndonjëherë mos e bëj më) - She gave up smoking last year.
- Bring up (rrit) - He was brought up in a small town in Albania.
- Call off (anuloj) - The soccer game was called off due to bad weather.
- Go on (vazhdoj) - What's going on in the world today?
- Take up (filloj) - She decided to take up tennis last year.
- Come across (has) - I came across an interesting book at the library.
- Set up (ngre) - He set up a business in his hometown.
- Break up (ndahem) - They broke up after two years of dating.
- Put up with (pranoj) - I can't put up with his constant complaining.
- Run into (takoj rastësisht) - I ran into my old friend at the grocery store.
- Look up (kërkoj) - Can you look up the phone number for me?
- Bring in (sjell) - The company brought in a new CEO last year.
- Give in (prit) - He finally gave in to her demands.
- Get along (bisedoj) - We get along very well with our neighbors.
- Go back (kthehem) - I'm planning to go back to Albania next year.
- Make up (gjej zgjidhje) - We need to make up our minds about what to do next.
- Show up (shfaqem) - She didn't show up for the meeting.
- Carry on (vazhdoj) - He decided to carry on with his plans despite the setbacks.
- Find out (zbuloj) - I found out that he was married.
- Give away (jep falas) - She gave away all of her old clothes to charity.
- Hold on (prit) - Please hold on while I transfer you to another department.
- Look out (kujdesem) - Look out for that car!
- Run out (mbaroj) - We ran out of milk this morning.
- Take over (mer përsipër) - The new manager took over the company last month.
- Break down (prit) - The car broke down on the way to work.
- Bring back (rri) - He brought back some souvenirs from his trip to Italy.
- Give back (kthej) - Can you give back my book when you're done reading it?
- Put on (vendos) - She put on her coat and went outside.
- Show off (shfaq) - He's always showing off his new car.
- Carry out (realizoj) - The company carried out a market survey last year.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
"The Father and His Two Daughters" by Aesop:
Once upon a time, a wealthy man had two daughters who were always fighting over their inheritance. The older daughter was greedy and selfish, while the younger daughter was kind and generous. The father grew tired of their quarreling and decided to teach them a lesson.
He asked each of them to bring him a bundle of sticks and then tied the bundles together, asking them to break the bundle in half. When they were unable to break the bundle, he untied it and gave each daughter a single stick, which they were easily able to break.
The father then explained to his daughters that they were like the bundle of sticks, stronger when they were united than when they were divided. He urged them to work together and to stop fighting over their inheritance, as they would be much stronger and happier if they were united.
The older daughter, however, was not convinced. She was determined to get her fair share of the inheritance, even if it meant going to court. She hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit against her younger sister, claiming that she was entitled to more of their father's estate.
The younger daughter was heartbroken by her sister's actions, and she prayed for guidance. One day, a wise man visited her and offered her some advice. He suggested that she offer to share her inheritance with her sister, even though she knew it was unfair. The younger daughter took the wise man's advice and approached her sister with a proposal.
"I know you are upset about the inheritance," she said, "but I am willing to share it with you. I want us to be united and to work together, just like our father taught us."
The older daughter was surprised by her sister's offer, but she accepted it. Together, they divided their inheritance and used it to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.
As they worked together, the two sisters grew closer and their bond became stronger than ever. They realized that their father had been right: there was strength in unity, and they were much happier working together than they ever were when they were fighting over their inheritance.
The moral of the fable is that there is strength in unity, and that we can accomplish more when we work together than when we are divided. It is important to put aside our differences and to work towards a common goal, rather than focusing on our individual desires and needs. We should always strive to be kind and generous, even when it may be difficult or unfair, as it will ultimately lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in our lives.
Here are some multiple choice comprehension questions based on the fable "The Father and His Two Daughters" by Aesop:
What was the father's problem with his daughters?
A) They were lazy and refused to help him.
B) They were constantly fighting over their inheritance.
C) They were disrespectful and disobedient.
D) They were too busy with their own lives to spend time with him.
What did the father ask his daughters to bring him?
A) A piece of jewelry
B) A bundle of sticks
C) A valuable artifact
D) A rare flower
What did the father do with the bundles of sticks that his daughters brought him?
A) He burned them in the fireplace.
B) He used them to build a house.
C) He tied them together and asked his daughters to break the bundle in half.
D) He gave them to his servants to use as firewood.
What was the moral of the story?
A) Greed leads to unhappiness.
B) Unity is strength.
C) Wealth is not important.
D) Fighting is a waste of time.
What did the older daughter do when she was not satisfied with her inheritance?
A) She went on a trip.
B) She hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit against her younger sister.
C) She gave up and moved away.
D) She became depressed and stopped eating.
What advice did the wise man give to the younger daughter?
A) To sue her sister and fight for what was rightfully hers.
B) To share her inheritance with her sister, even though it was unfair.
C) To run away and start a new life.
D) To give up and forget about the inheritance.
What was the outcome of the story?
A) The sisters continued to fight over their inheritance and never reconciled.
B) The younger sister gave in to the older sister's demands.
C) The sisters shared their inheritance and worked together.
D) The sisters became even more divided and never spoke to each other again.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Relative pronouns are pronouns that are used to link a main clause to a subordinate clause. They are used to refer to a noun or pronoun that was mentioned earlier in the sentence. Here is a chart of the most common relative pronouns for level A:
Pronoun Function Example who Refers to people The man who lives next door is a doctor. whom Refers to people (object) The woman whom he met yesterday is my neighbor. which Refers to things The book which I borrowed from the library is due next week. that Refers to people or things The car that I bought last month is very reliable. whose Shows possession The woman whose car was stolen called the police.
Note: It's important to teach your students that the use of relative pronouns can be different in certain contexts or sentences, so this chart may not cover all possible uses of relative pronouns.
Here is an example sentence to demonstrate the use of a relative pronoun:
"The teacher, who is very kind, helped the students with their homework."
In this sentence, "who" is a relative pronoun that links the main clause ("The teacher helped the students with their homework") to the subordinate clause ("who is very kind").
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are fifty commonly used phrasal verbs in English with their Albanian equivalent and examples of how to use them in a sentence:
- Turn down (refuzoj) - He turned down the job offer because he didn't like the salary.
- Take off (heq) - The plane took off at 6:00 AM.
- Put off (shtyj) - She decided to put off the meeting until next week.
- Get over (te ndryshoje mendjen) - It took him a long time to get over his ex-girlfriend.
- Look forward to (prit me padurim) - I'm looking forward to the weekend.
- Give up (ndonjëherë mos e bëj më) - She gave up smoking last year.
- Bring up (rrit) - He was brought up in a small town in Albania.
- Call off (anuloj) - The soccer game was called off due to bad weather.
- Go on (vazhdoj) - What's going on in the world today?
- Take up (filloj) - She decided to take up tennis last year.
- Come across (has) - I came across an interesting book at the library.
- Set up (ngre) - He set up a business in his hometown.
- Break up (ndahem) - They broke up after two years of dating.
- Put up with (pranoj) - I can't put up with his constant complaining.
- Run into (takoj rastësisht) - I ran into my old friend at the grocery store.
- Look up (kërkoj) - Can you look up the phone number for me?
- Bring in (sjell) - The company brought in a new CEO last year.
- Give in (prit) - He finally gave in to her demands.
- Get along (bisedoj) - We get along very well with our neighbors.
- Go back (kthehem) - I'm planning to go back to Albania next year.
- Make up (gjej zgjidhje) - We need to make up our minds about what to do next.
- Show up (shfaqem) - She didn't show up for the meeting.
- Carry on (vazhdoj) - He decided to carry on with his plans despite the setbacks.
- Find out (zbuloj) - I found out that he was married.
- Give away (jep falas) - She gave away all of her old clothes to charity.
- Hold on (prit) - Please hold on while I transfer you to another department.
- Look out (kujdesem) - Look out for that car!
- Run out (mbaroj) - We ran out of milk this morning.
- Take over (mer përsipër) - The new manager took over the company last month.
- Break down (prit) - The car broke down on the way to work.
- Bring back (rri) - He brought back some souvenirs from his trip to Italy.
- Give back (kthej) - Can you give back my book when you're done reading it?
- Put on (vendos) - She put on her coat and went outside.
- Show off (shfaq) - He's always showing off his new car.
- Carry out (realizoj) - The company carried out a market survey last year.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
"The Father and His Two Daughters" by Aesop:
Once upon a time, a wealthy man had two daughters who were always fighting over their inheritance. The older daughter was greedy and selfish, while the younger daughter was kind and generous. The father grew tired of their quarreling and decided to teach them a lesson.
He asked each of them to bring him a bundle of sticks and then tied the bundles together, asking them to break the bundle in half. When they were unable to break the bundle, he untied it and gave each daughter a single stick, which they were easily able to break.
The father then explained to his daughters that they were like the bundle of sticks, stronger when they were united than when they were divided. He urged them to work together and to stop fighting over their inheritance, as they would be much stronger and happier if they were united.
The older daughter, however, was not convinced. She was determined to get her fair share of the inheritance, even if it meant going to court. She hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit against her younger sister, claiming that she was entitled to more of their father's estate.
The younger daughter was heartbroken by her sister's actions, and she prayed for guidance. One day, a wise man visited her and offered her some advice. He suggested that she offer to share her inheritance with her sister, even though she knew it was unfair. The younger daughter took the wise man's advice and approached her sister with a proposal.
"I know you are upset about the inheritance," she said, "but I am willing to share it with you. I want us to be united and to work together, just like our father taught us."
The older daughter was surprised by her sister's offer, but she accepted it. Together, they divided their inheritance and used it to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.
As they worked together, the two sisters grew closer and their bond became stronger than ever. They realized that their father had been right: there was strength in unity, and they were much happier working together than they ever were when they were fighting over their inheritance.
The moral of the fable is that there is strength in unity, and that we can accomplish more when we work together than when we are divided. It is important to put aside our differences and to work towards a common goal, rather than focusing on our individual desires and needs. We should always strive to be kind and generous, even when it may be difficult or unfair, as it will ultimately lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in our lives.
Here are some multiple choice comprehension questions based on the fable "The Father and His Two Daughters" by Aesop:
What was the father's problem with his daughters? A) They were lazy and refused to help him. B) They were constantly fighting over their inheritance. C) They were disrespectful and disobedient. D) They were too busy with their own lives to spend time with him.
What did the father ask his daughters to bring him? A) A piece of jewelry B) A bundle of sticks C) A valuable artifact D) A rare flower
What did the father do with the bundles of sticks that his daughters brought him? A) He burned them in the fireplace. B) He used them to build a house. C) He tied them together and asked his daughters to break the bundle in half. D) He gave them to his servants to use as firewood.
What was the moral of the story? A) Greed leads to unhappiness. B) Unity is strength. C) Wealth is not important. D) Fighting is a waste of time.
What did the older daughter do when she was not satisfied with her inheritance? A) She went on a trip. B) She hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit against her younger sister. C) She gave up and moved away. D) She became depressed and stopped eating.
What advice did the wise man give to the younger daughter? A) To sue her sister and fight for what was rightfully hers. B) To share her inheritance with her sister, even though it was unfair. C) To run away and start a new life. D) To give up and forget about the inheritance.
What was the outcome of the story? A) The sisters continued to fight over their inheritance and never reconciled. B) The younger sister gave in to the older sister's demands. C) The sisters shared their inheritance and worked together. D) The sisters became even more divided and never spoke to each other again.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Relative pronouns are pronouns that are used to link a main clause to a subordinate clause. They are used to refer to a noun or pronoun that was mentioned earlier in the sentence. Here is a chart of the most common relative pronouns for level A:
Pronoun | Function | Example |
who | Refers to people | The man who lives next door is a doctor. |
whom | Refers to people (object) | The woman whom he met yesterday is my neighbor. |
which | Refers to things | The book which I borrowed from the library is due next week. |
that | Refers to people or things | The car that I bought last month is very reliable. |
whose | Shows possession | The woman whose car was stolen called the police. |
Note: It's important to teach your students that the use of relative pronouns can be different in certain contexts or sentences, so this chart may not cover all possible uses of relative pronouns.
Here is an example sentence to demonstrate the use of a relative pronoun:
"The teacher, who is very kind, helped the students with their homework."
In this sentence, "who" is a relative pronoun that links the main clause ("The teacher helped the students with their homework") to the subordinate clause ("who is very kind").
Happy Easter Day !
Shikoni me kujdes tabelen e meposhteme. Mesoni fjalet e reja ne text. Plotesoni tabelen. Argumentoni zgjidhjen tuaj duke filluar…
“ If the photographer and the doctor are women…..
Pergjigjen tuaj e shkruani ne fletoren e detyrave te shtepise.
There are four floors in a block of flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer. The architect lives on the ground floor.
The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.
Name | Job | Floor |
The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the first ten simple grammar rules to know in English that will help you avoid making mistakes:
Subject-verb agreement: Make sure the subject and verb agree in number (singular or plural). For example, "He plays soccer" (not "He play soccer").
Pronoun usage: Use the correct pronoun for the subject of the sentence. For example, "I went to the store" (not "Me went to the store").
Use of articles: Use "a" or "an" before a singular noun, and "the" before a specific noun. For example, "I bought a book" (not "I bought book").
Verb tense: Use the correct tense of the verb to indicate when the action is taking place. For example, "I am eating breakfast" (present tense) vs. "I ate breakfast" (past tense).
Use of prepositions: Use prepositions correctly to show the relationship between words. For example, "I am going to the store" (not "I am going at the store").
Adjective placement: Place adjectives before the noun they describe. For example, "the red car" (not "the car red").
Adverb usage: Use adverbs to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. For example, "She sings beautifully" (adverb modifying verb).
Use of comparative and superlative forms: Use "er" or "more" to compare two things, and "est" or "most" to compare more than two things. For example, "She is taller than her sister" (comparative) vs. "She is the tallest person in her class" (superlative).
Sentence structure: Make sure your sentences have a subject, verb, and object. For example, "I am reading a book" (subject-verb-object).
Use of contractions: Use contractions (such as "can't" or "won't") in informal writing or conversation, but avoid them in formal writing.
Mastering these grammar rules will help you communicate more effectively and avoid common mistakes in English.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
The story of King Midas is a tale from Greek mythology that teaches a moral lesson about the dangers of greed.
King Midas was a wealthy ruler who loved gold more than anything else in the world. One day, a satyr named Silenus, who was a friend of the god Dionysus, got lost in Midas' kingdom. Midas found Silenus and treated him kindly, and Dionysus was so grateful that he offered Midas a wish.
Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Dionysus granted his wish, but soon Midas realized the terrible mistake he had made. Everything he touched, including food and drink, turned to gold, and he could no longer eat or drink. He soon became hungry and thirsty, and even his beloved daughter turned to gold when he touched her.
Midas begged Dionysus to take back his gift, and Dionysus agreed on the condition that Midas would learn a valuable lesson. Midas washed his hands in a nearby river to remove the curse, and he learned that gold was not the most important thing in life. He learned to value the love of his family and the simple pleasures of life, such as food, drink, and companionship.
From that day on, Midas lived a humble and content life, and he was known for his wisdom and generosity. The story of King Midas serves as a warning against the dangers of greed and the importance of valuing the things that truly matter in life.
Here's a multiple choice question exercise based on the story of King Midas:
What did King Midas wish for when he was given the opportunity to make a wish?
a) To become the richest man in the world
b) To have the ability to turn everything he touched into gold
c) To become immortal and never die
d) To rule the entire world
What was the consequence of King Midas' wish?
a) Everything he touched turned to diamonds
b) Everything he touched turned to gold
c) Everything he touched disappeared
d) Everything he touched turned to stone
Why did King Midas regret his wish?
a) He realized that gold was not as valuable as he thought it was
b) He lost his ability to touch anything
c) His daughter turned to gold when he touched her
d) He was unable to share his wealth with others
What did King Midas learn from his experience?
a) That gold is the most important thing in life
b) That wealth should be shared with others
c) That it is important to value the love of family and simple pleasures in life
d) That it is important to be selfish and greedy
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here's a chart that outlines the differences between the simple past tense and the past continuous tense:
Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Tense Form Subject + Verb + -ed Subject + "to be" (in past tense) + Verb + -ing Example (Positive) I walked to the store. I was walking to the store. Example (Negative) He didn't play soccer. He wasn't playing soccer. Example (Question) Did you eat breakfast? Were you eating breakfast? Use To describe completed actions in the past. To describe actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past. Duration The simple past tense describes a completed action with a specific duration. The past continuous tense describes an action that was ongoing and may not have been completed. Interrupted Action The simple past tense is used to describe an action that was interrupted by another action. The past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was in progress when another action interrupted it.
The main difference between the simple past tense and the past continuous tense is that the simple past tense describes completed actions in the past, while the past continuous tense describes actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past. The simple past tense is used to describe an action that occurred at a specific point in the past, while the past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was ongoing and may not have been completed.
Another difference between the two tenses is that the past continuous tense is often used to describe interrupted actions, while the simple past tense is used to describe actions that were completed without interruption.
It's important to note that both tenses are commonly used in English, and the choice between the two depends on the context and the speaker's intention.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
"The Elephant Rope (Belief)." is a popular anecdote that is often used to illustrate the power of limiting beliefs and the importance of challenging our assumptions.
The story goes like this:
A man was walking through an elephant camp and he spotted that the elephants weren't being kept in cages or held by chains. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs.
As the man gazed upon the elephants, he was completely puzzled as to why the elephants didn't just use their strength to break the rope and escape the camp. They could easily have done so, but instead they didn't even try.
The trainer explained to the man that when the elephants were very young and much smaller, they had tried to break free from the same kind of rope. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break the rope. Believing that they couldn't break free, the elephants gave up trying and never attempted to break free again.
The man was amazed. These huge elephants could break free from their bonds at any time, but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were.
The lesson of this story is that we are often limited by our beliefs and assumptions about what is possible. If we challenge these beliefs and try to break free from our self-imposed limitations, we may be surprised at what we are truly capable of achieving.
here are some multiple-choice questions based on the story of "The Elephant Rope (Belief)":
What was holding the elephants back from escaping the camp?
a) A cage
b) Chains
c) A small piece of rope tied to one of their legs
Why did the elephants never try to break free from the rope?
a) They were too weak
b) They didn't want to escape
c) They believed they couldn't break free
What did the man learn from the trainer about the elephants?
a) They were very strong
b) They were happy in the camp
c) They had tried to break free when they were young
What is the lesson of this story?
a) That elephants are very strong
b) That we are often limited by our beliefs and assumptions about what is possible
c) That it's impossible to escape from a camp
- c) A small piece of rope tied to one of their legs
- c) They believed they couldn't break free
- c) They had tried to break free when they were young
- b) That we are often limited by our beliefs and assumptions about what is possible
Note: This story is often used to illustrate the power of limiting beliefs and the importance of challenging our assumptions. By practicing with exercises like this one, students can improve their comprehension of the story and the underlying lesson.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here's a short test on using the future tense correctly:
Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence.
- I __________ (will/would) study for my exam tomorrow.
- She __________ (is going to/will) visit her grandparents next weekend.
- They __________ (are/will be) moving to a new city next month.
- He __________ (will/would) help us with the project tomorrow.
- We __________ (will/would) go to the beach this summer.
Note: The future tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. The most common ways to express the future tense in English are with "will" or "be going to." "Will" is often used for predictions, promises, and decisions made at the moment of speaking. "Be going to" is often used to describe plans or intentions that have already been made. In addition, the present continuous and future continuous verb forms can also be used to express the future tense. It's important to choose the correct verb form to express the intended meaning.
here are ten more questions to test your knowledge of using the future tense correctly:
- By this time next year, she __________ (will/would) have finished her degree.
- They __________ (will/would) start their vacation in two weeks.
- He __________ (will/would) be visiting his family over the holidays.
- We __________ (are going to/will) have a party next weekend.
- The train __________ (is going to/will) arrive in five minutes.
- She __________ (will/would) not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.
- We __________ (will/would) not forget to bring the tickets to the concert.
- They __________ (will/would) be volunteering at the local food bank next Saturday.
- By the end of the week, I __________ (will have/would have) completed all my assignments.
- She __________ (will/would) try her best to make it to the wedding next month.
Note: The future perfect tense is often used to describe an action that will have been completed by a certain time in the future. The future continuous tense is often used to describe an action that will be in progress at a certain time in the future. It's important to choose the correct verb form to express the intended meaning.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Starting to learn English can be an exciting and rewarding journey. If you have 10 new words and want to learn how to write them, here are some tips to help you:
Write the words down: Write each word multiple times on a piece of paper or in a notebook. This will help you become familiar with the spelling and shape of the word.
Break the words into syllables: Breaking the words into smaller parts can make them easier to remember and write. For example, the word "provide" can be broken down into "pro" and "vide."
Practice pronunciation: Listen to the pronunciation of the words, either by asking a native speaker or using online resources. Practicing pronunciation can help reinforce the correct spelling of the word in your mind.
Use the words in context: Write sentences or short paragraphs using the new words. This will help you understand how the words are used in context and make it easier to remember their spelling.
Use flashcards: Write each word on one side of an index card or a piece of paper, and its meaning or translation on the other side. Review the flashcards regularly to reinforce the spelling and meaning of the words.
Test yourself: After practicing the words for some time, test yourself by writing them down from memory. This will help you gauge your progress and identify any words you may need to practice more.
Be consistent: Practice the new words daily or as often as possible. Consistency is key to improving your spelling and overall writing skills.
By following these steps and practicing regularly, you will improve your ability to write English words and expand your vocabulary.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
In English, "do" and "make" are both verbs that are used to talk about actions. Here is a chart that summarizes the differences between "do" and "make":
Verb Use Example Do Used for general activities or tasks I need to do my homework. Make Used to create or produce something She made a cake for the party.
As you can see, "do" is used for general activities or tasks, while "make" is used to create or produce something. Here are some more examples:
- I need to do the dishes before dinner. (general activity)
- She made a painting for her art class. (creation)
- He is doing his best to learn English. (general activity)
- They made a plan for the weekend. (creation)
- We need to do some grocery shopping. (general activity)
- She made a dress for her daughter. (creation)
Here are some common expressions that use "do" or "make":
- Do your best: Try as hard as you can.
- Make a decision: Choose between options.
- Do the right thing: Make a moral choice.
- Make a mistake: Do something incorrectly.
- Do your hair: Style your hair.
- Make a reservation: Book a place or time.
To help you practice using "do" and "make" correctly, here are some exercises:
- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "do" or "make":
a) She ___________ a great job on her project. (did/made)
b) I need to ___________ the laundry this weekend. (do/make)
c) He ___________ a mistake on his test and got a low grade. (did/made)
d) We need to ___________ a decision soon. (do/make)
e) She ___________ a lot of progress in her English class. (did/made)
- Rewrite the following sentences using the opposite verb:
a) She made a cup of tea. --> _________________________________________
b) He did his makeup before going out. --> ______________________________
c) They made a mess in the kitchen. --> __________________________________
d) She did a drawing for her art class. --> _______________________________
e) We need to make some time for exercise. --> ___________________________
- Write a paragraph about a recent activity using "do" and "make." Include at least 5 sentences.
Example: Yesterday, I made dinner for my family. I made a delicious pasta dish with homemade sauce and fresh vegetables. It took a lot of time and effort to make, but it was worth it in the end. After dinner, we did the dishes together and then watched a movie. It was a fun and relaxing evening, and I was happy to spend time with my loved ones.
I hope these examples and exercises help you understand the differences between "do" and "make" in English, and help you practice using them correctly.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Me poshte keni nje numur foljesh ne gjuhen angleze te cilat eshte e mira ti mesoni gradualisht gjate ketyre dhjete diteve duke mundesuar cdo dite nga pese folje te reja.
Here's a list of 50 common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:
- be (bi) - të jesh (jam, është, jemi, janë)
- have (hæv) - të kesh (kam, ke, ka, kemi, kanë)
- do (du) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
- say (seɪ) - të thuash (them, thua, thotë, themi, thonë)
- get (get) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
- make (meɪk) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
- go (goʊ) - të shkosh (shkoj, shkon, shkojmë, shkojnë)
- know (nəʊ) - të dish (di, din, dimë, dinë)
- take (teɪk) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
- see (si:) - të shohësh (shoh, sheh, shohim, shohin)
- come (kʌm) - të vijësh (vij, vjen, vijmë, vijnë)
- think (θɪŋk) - të mendosh (mendoj, mendon, mendojmë, mendojnë)
- look (lʊk) - të shikosh (shikoj, shikon, shikojmë, shikojnë)
- want (wɒnt) - të doësh (dua, do, do, duam, duan)
- give (gɪv) - të japësh (jap, jep, japim, japin)
- use (ju:z) - të përdorësh (përdor, përdoron, përdorim, përdorin)
- find (faɪnd) - të gjesh (gjej, gjen, gjejme, gjejnë)
- tell (tel) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
- ask (a:sk) - të pyesësh (pyes, pyet, pyesim, pyesin)
- work (wə:rk) - të punosh (punoj, punon, punojmë, punojnë)
- seem (si:m) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
- feel (fi:l) - të ndjesh (ndiej, ndjen, ndiejmë, ndiejnë)
- try (traɪ) - të provosh (provoj, provon, provojmë, provojnë)
- leave (li:v) - të largohesh (largohem, largohet, largohemi, largohen)
- call (kɔ:l) - të thërrasësh (thërras, thërras, thërrasim, thërrisni )
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the next 25 most common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:
- put (pʊt) - të vendosësh (vendos, vendos, vendosim, vendosin)
- mean (min) - të doësh të thuash (kam për qëllim, ka për qëllim, kemi për qëllim, kanë për qëllim)
- keep (kip) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
- let (let) - të lejosh (lejoj, lejon, lejojmë, lejojnë)
- begin (bɪˈgɪn) - të fillosh (filloj, fillon, fillojmë, fillojnë)
- seem (sim) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
- help (help) - të ndihmosh (ndihmoj, ndihmon, ndihmojmë, ndihmojnë)
- talk (tɔk) - të flasësh (flas, flet, flasim, flasin)
- turn (tə:rn) - të kthehesh (kthehem, kthehet, kthehemi, kthehen)
- start (stɑ:rt) - të nisësh (nisi, nis, nisim, nisin)
- show (əʊ) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
- hear (hɪər) - të dëgjosh (dëgjoj, dëgjon, dëgjojmë, dëgjojnë)
- play (pleɪ) - të luash (luaj, luan, luajmë, luajnë)
- run (rʌn) - të vraposh (vrapoj, vrapon, vrapojmë, vrapojnë)
- move (muv) - të lëvizësh (lëviz, lëviz, lëvizi, lëvizin)
- like (laɪk) - të pëlqejë (pëlqej, pëlqen, pëlqejmë, pëlqejnë)
- live (lɪv) - të jetosh (jetoj, jeton, jetojmë, jetojnë)
- believe (bɪˈliv) - të besosh (besoj, beson, besojmë, besojnë)
- hold (həʊld) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
- bring (brɪŋ) - të sjellësh (sjell, sjell, sjellim, sjellin)
- happen (ˈhæpən) - të ndodhë (ndodh, ndodhin)
- write (raɪt) - të shkruash (shkruaj, shkruan, shkruaj
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the first ten simple grammar rules to know in English that will help you avoid making mistakes:
Subject-verb agreement: Make sure the subject and verb agree in number (singular or plural). For example, "He plays soccer" (not "He play soccer").
Pronoun usage: Use the correct pronoun for the subject of the sentence. For example, "I went to the store" (not "Me went to the store").
Use of articles: Use "a" or "an" before a singular noun, and "the" before a specific noun. For example, "I bought a book" (not "I bought book").
Verb tense: Use the correct tense of the verb to indicate when the action is taking place. For example, "I am eating breakfast" (present tense) vs. "I ate breakfast" (past tense).
Use of prepositions: Use prepositions correctly to show the relationship between words. For example, "I am going to the store" (not "I am going at the store").
Adjective placement: Place adjectives before the noun they describe. For example, "the red car" (not "the car red").
Adverb usage: Use adverbs to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. For example, "She sings beautifully" (adverb modifying verb).
Use of comparative and superlative forms: Use "er" or "more" to compare two things, and "est" or "most" to compare more than two things. For example, "She is taller than her sister" (comparative) vs. "She is the tallest person in her class" (superlative).
Sentence structure: Make sure your sentences have a subject, verb, and object. For example, "I am reading a book" (subject-verb-object).
Use of contractions: Use contractions (such as "can't" or "won't") in informal writing or conversation, but avoid them in formal writing.
Mastering these grammar rules will help you communicate more effectively and avoid common mistakes in English.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
The story of King Midas is a tale from Greek mythology that teaches a moral lesson about the dangers of greed.
King Midas was a wealthy ruler who loved gold more than anything else in the world. One day, a satyr named Silenus, who was a friend of the god Dionysus, got lost in Midas' kingdom. Midas found Silenus and treated him kindly, and Dionysus was so grateful that he offered Midas a wish.
Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Dionysus granted his wish, but soon Midas realized the terrible mistake he had made. Everything he touched, including food and drink, turned to gold, and he could no longer eat or drink. He soon became hungry and thirsty, and even his beloved daughter turned to gold when he touched her.
Midas begged Dionysus to take back his gift, and Dionysus agreed on the condition that Midas would learn a valuable lesson. Midas washed his hands in a nearby river to remove the curse, and he learned that gold was not the most important thing in life. He learned to value the love of his family and the simple pleasures of life, such as food, drink, and companionship.
From that day on, Midas lived a humble and content life, and he was known for his wisdom and generosity. The story of King Midas serves as a warning against the dangers of greed and the importance of valuing the things that truly matter in life.
Here's a multiple choice question exercise based on the story of King Midas:
What did King Midas wish for when he was given the opportunity to make a wish? a) To become the richest man in the world b) To have the ability to turn everything he touched into gold c) To become immortal and never die d) To rule the entire world
What was the consequence of King Midas' wish? a) Everything he touched turned to diamonds b) Everything he touched turned to gold c) Everything he touched disappeared d) Everything he touched turned to stone
Why did King Midas regret his wish? a) He realized that gold was not as valuable as he thought it was b) He lost his ability to touch anything c) His daughter turned to gold when he touched her d) He was unable to share his wealth with others
What did King Midas learn from his experience? a) That gold is the most important thing in life b) That wealth should be shared with others c) That it is important to value the love of family and simple pleasures in life d) That it is important to be selfish and greedy
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here's a chart that outlines the differences between the simple past tense and the past continuous tense:
Simple Past Tense | Past Continuous Tense | |
Form | Subject + Verb + -ed | Subject + "to be" (in past tense) + Verb + -ing |
Example (Positive) | I walked to the store. | I was walking to the store. |
Example (Negative) | He didn't play soccer. | He wasn't playing soccer. |
Example (Question) | Did you eat breakfast? | Were you eating breakfast? |
Use | To describe completed actions in the past. | To describe actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past. |
Duration | The simple past tense describes a completed action with a specific duration. | The past continuous tense describes an action that was ongoing and may not have been completed. |
Interrupted Action | The simple past tense is used to describe an action that was interrupted by another action. | The past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was in progress when another action interrupted it. |
The main difference between the simple past tense and the past continuous tense is that the simple past tense describes completed actions in the past, while the past continuous tense describes actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past. The simple past tense is used to describe an action that occurred at a specific point in the past, while the past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was ongoing and may not have been completed.
Another difference between the two tenses is that the past continuous tense is often used to describe interrupted actions, while the simple past tense is used to describe actions that were completed without interruption.
It's important to note that both tenses are commonly used in English, and the choice between the two depends on the context and the speaker's intention.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
"The Elephant Rope (Belief)." is a popular anecdote that is often used to illustrate the power of limiting beliefs and the importance of challenging our assumptions.
The story goes like this:
A man was walking through an elephant camp and he spotted that the elephants weren't being kept in cages or held by chains. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs.
As the man gazed upon the elephants, he was completely puzzled as to why the elephants didn't just use their strength to break the rope and escape the camp. They could easily have done so, but instead they didn't even try.
The trainer explained to the man that when the elephants were very young and much smaller, they had tried to break free from the same kind of rope. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break the rope. Believing that they couldn't break free, the elephants gave up trying and never attempted to break free again.
The man was amazed. These huge elephants could break free from their bonds at any time, but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were.
The lesson of this story is that we are often limited by our beliefs and assumptions about what is possible. If we challenge these beliefs and try to break free from our self-imposed limitations, we may be surprised at what we are truly capable of achieving.
here are some multiple-choice questions based on the story of "The Elephant Rope (Belief)":
What was holding the elephants back from escaping the camp? a) A cage b) Chains c) A small piece of rope tied to one of their legs
Why did the elephants never try to break free from the rope? a) They were too weak b) They didn't want to escape c) They believed they couldn't break free
What did the man learn from the trainer about the elephants? a) They were very strong b) They were happy in the camp c) They had tried to break free when they were young
What is the lesson of this story? a) That elephants are very strong b) That we are often limited by our beliefs and assumptions about what is possible c) That it's impossible to escape from a camp
- c) A small piece of rope tied to one of their legs
- c) They believed they couldn't break free
- c) They had tried to break free when they were young
- b) That we are often limited by our beliefs and assumptions about what is possible
Note: This story is often used to illustrate the power of limiting beliefs and the importance of challenging our assumptions. By practicing with exercises like this one, students can improve their comprehension of the story and the underlying lesson.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here's a short test on using the future tense correctly:
Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence.
- I __________ (will/would) study for my exam tomorrow.
- She __________ (is going to/will) visit her grandparents next weekend.
- They __________ (are/will be) moving to a new city next month.
- He __________ (will/would) help us with the project tomorrow.
- We __________ (will/would) go to the beach this summer.
Note: The future tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. The most common ways to express the future tense in English are with "will" or "be going to." "Will" is often used for predictions, promises, and decisions made at the moment of speaking. "Be going to" is often used to describe plans or intentions that have already been made. In addition, the present continuous and future continuous verb forms can also be used to express the future tense. It's important to choose the correct verb form to express the intended meaning.
here are ten more questions to test your knowledge of using the future tense correctly:
- By this time next year, she __________ (will/would) have finished her degree.
- They __________ (will/would) start their vacation in two weeks.
- He __________ (will/would) be visiting his family over the holidays.
- We __________ (are going to/will) have a party next weekend.
- The train __________ (is going to/will) arrive in five minutes.
- She __________ (will/would) not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.
- We __________ (will/would) not forget to bring the tickets to the concert.
- They __________ (will/would) be volunteering at the local food bank next Saturday.
- By the end of the week, I __________ (will have/would have) completed all my assignments.
- She __________ (will/would) try her best to make it to the wedding next month.
Note: The future perfect tense is often used to describe an action that will have been completed by a certain time in the future. The future continuous tense is often used to describe an action that will be in progress at a certain time in the future. It's important to choose the correct verb form to express the intended meaning.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Starting to learn English can be an exciting and rewarding journey. If you have 10 new words and want to learn how to write them, here are some tips to help you:
Write the words down: Write each word multiple times on a piece of paper or in a notebook. This will help you become familiar with the spelling and shape of the word.
Break the words into syllables: Breaking the words into smaller parts can make them easier to remember and write. For example, the word "provide" can be broken down into "pro" and "vide."
Practice pronunciation: Listen to the pronunciation of the words, either by asking a native speaker or using online resources. Practicing pronunciation can help reinforce the correct spelling of the word in your mind.
Use the words in context: Write sentences or short paragraphs using the new words. This will help you understand how the words are used in context and make it easier to remember their spelling.
Use flashcards: Write each word on one side of an index card or a piece of paper, and its meaning or translation on the other side. Review the flashcards regularly to reinforce the spelling and meaning of the words.
Test yourself: After practicing the words for some time, test yourself by writing them down from memory. This will help you gauge your progress and identify any words you may need to practice more.
Be consistent: Practice the new words daily or as often as possible. Consistency is key to improving your spelling and overall writing skills.
By following these steps and practicing regularly, you will improve your ability to write English words and expand your vocabulary.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
In English, "do" and "make" are both verbs that are used to talk about actions. Here is a chart that summarizes the differences between "do" and "make":
Verb | Use | Example |
Do | Used for general activities or tasks | I need to do my homework. |
Make | Used to create or produce something | She made a cake for the party. |
As you can see, "do" is used for general activities or tasks, while "make" is used to create or produce something. Here are some more examples:
- I need to do the dishes before dinner. (general activity)
- She made a painting for her art class. (creation)
- He is doing his best to learn English. (general activity)
- They made a plan for the weekend. (creation)
- We need to do some grocery shopping. (general activity)
- She made a dress for her daughter. (creation)
Here are some common expressions that use "do" or "make":
- Do your best: Try as hard as you can.
- Make a decision: Choose between options.
- Do the right thing: Make a moral choice.
- Make a mistake: Do something incorrectly.
- Do your hair: Style your hair.
- Make a reservation: Book a place or time.
To help you practice using "do" and "make" correctly, here are some exercises:
- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "do" or "make":
a) She ___________ a great job on her project. (did/made) b) I need to ___________ the laundry this weekend. (do/make) c) He ___________ a mistake on his test and got a low grade. (did/made) d) We need to ___________ a decision soon. (do/make) e) She ___________ a lot of progress in her English class. (did/made)
- Rewrite the following sentences using the opposite verb:
a) She made a cup of tea. --> _________________________________________ b) He did his makeup before going out. --> ______________________________ c) They made a mess in the kitchen. --> __________________________________ d) She did a drawing for her art class. --> _______________________________ e) We need to make some time for exercise. --> ___________________________
- Write a paragraph about a recent activity using "do" and "make." Include at least 5 sentences.
Example: Yesterday, I made dinner for my family. I made a delicious pasta dish with homemade sauce and fresh vegetables. It took a lot of time and effort to make, but it was worth it in the end. After dinner, we did the dishes together and then watched a movie. It was a fun and relaxing evening, and I was happy to spend time with my loved ones.
I hope these examples and exercises help you understand the differences between "do" and "make" in English, and help you practice using them correctly.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Me poshte keni nje numur foljesh ne gjuhen angleze te cilat eshte e mira ti mesoni gradualisht gjate ketyre dhjete diteve duke mundesuar cdo dite nga pese folje te reja.
Here's a list of 50 common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:
- be (bi) - të jesh (jam, është, jemi, janë)
- have (hæv) - të kesh (kam, ke, ka, kemi, kanë)
- do (du) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
- say (seɪ) - të thuash (them, thua, thotë, themi, thonë)
- get (get) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
- make (meɪk) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
- go (goʊ) - të shkosh (shkoj, shkon, shkojmë, shkojnë)
- know (nəʊ) - të dish (di, din, dimë, dinë)
- take (teɪk) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
- see (si:) - të shohësh (shoh, sheh, shohim, shohin)
- come (kʌm) - të vijësh (vij, vjen, vijmë, vijnë)
- think (θɪŋk) - të mendosh (mendoj, mendon, mendojmë, mendojnë)
- look (lʊk) - të shikosh (shikoj, shikon, shikojmë, shikojnë)
- want (wɒnt) - të doësh (dua, do, do, duam, duan)
- give (gɪv) - të japësh (jap, jep, japim, japin)
- use (ju:z) - të përdorësh (përdor, përdoron, përdorim, përdorin)
- find (faɪnd) - të gjesh (gjej, gjen, gjejme, gjejnë)
- tell (tel) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
- ask (a:sk) - të pyesësh (pyes, pyet, pyesim, pyesin)
- work (wə:rk) - të punosh (punoj, punon, punojmë, punojnë)
- seem (si:m) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
- feel (fi:l) - të ndjesh (ndiej, ndjen, ndiejmë, ndiejnë)
- try (traɪ) - të provosh (provoj, provon, provojmë, provojnë)
- leave (li:v) - të largohesh (largohem, largohet, largohemi, largohen)
- call (kɔ:l) - të thërrasësh (thërras, thërras, thërrasim, thërrisni )
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here are the next 25 most common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:
- put (pʊt) - të vendosësh (vendos, vendos, vendosim, vendosin)
- mean (min) - të doësh të thuash (kam për qëllim, ka për qëllim, kemi për qëllim, kanë për qëllim)
- keep (kip) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
- let (let) - të lejosh (lejoj, lejon, lejojmë, lejojnë)
- begin (bɪˈgɪn) - të fillosh (filloj, fillon, fillojmë, fillojnë)
- seem (sim) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
- help (help) - të ndihmosh (ndihmoj, ndihmon, ndihmojmë, ndihmojnë)
- talk (tɔk) - të flasësh (flas, flet, flasim, flasin)
- turn (tə:rn) - të kthehesh (kthehem, kthehet, kthehemi, kthehen)
- start (stɑ:rt) - të nisësh (nisi, nis, nisim, nisin)
- show (əʊ) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
- hear (hɪər) - të dëgjosh (dëgjoj, dëgjon, dëgjojmë, dëgjojnë)
- play (pleɪ) - të luash (luaj, luan, luajmë, luajnë)
- run (rʌn) - të vraposh (vrapoj, vrapon, vrapojmë, vrapojnë)
- move (muv) - të lëvizësh (lëviz, lëviz, lëvizi, lëvizin)
- like (laɪk) - të pëlqejë (pëlqej, pëlqen, pëlqejmë, pëlqejnë)
- live (lɪv) - të jetosh (jetoj, jeton, jetojmë, jetojnë)
- believe (bɪˈliv) - të besosh (besoj, beson, besojmë, besojnë)
- hold (həʊld) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
- bring (brɪŋ) - të sjellësh (sjell, sjell, sjellim, sjellin)
- happen (ˈhæpən) - të ndodhë (ndodh, ndodhin)
- write (raɪt) - të shkruash (shkruaj, shkruan, shkruaj
Fatmir Mani's English SchoolEnglish Made Easier
"Going to" is a form of the future tense in English that is used to talk about plans or intentions. Here is a chart that summarizes the differences between "going to" and the other forms of future tense:
Form of Future Tense Use Example Going to Used to talk about plans or intentions We are going to visit our friends next weekend. Will Used to talk about predictions or promises I think it will rain tomorrow. Present progressive Used to talk about scheduled events in the future She is flying to Paris next month.
As you can see, "going to" is used to talk about plans or intentions that are already established. It is different from "will," which is used to talk about predictions or promises, and the present progressive, which is used to talk about scheduled events in the future.
To help you practice using "going to" in English, here are some exercises:
- Complete the following sentences with the correct form of "going to":
a) They ___________ buy a new car next year. (are/were/will be/going to)
b) She ___________ take a vacation in Hawaii next month. (is/was/will be/going to)
c) We ___________ have a party for her birthday. (are/were/will be/going to)
d) He ___________ start a new job next week. (is/was/will be/going to)
e) I ___________ study for the exam tonight. (am/was/will be/going to)
- Rewrite the following sentences using "going to":
a) I think it will snow tomorrow. --> ____________________________________________
b) She will graduate from college next year. --> ___________________________________
c) They will travel to Europe this summer. --> ____________________________________
d) He will buy a new car next month. --> __________________________________________
e) We will have dinner at a fancy restaurant tonight. --> ____________________________
- Write a paragraph about your plans for the future using "going to." Include at least 5 sentences.
Example: I am going to visit my family next month. We are going to have a big reunion and spend some quality time together. We are going to go to the beach and have a barbecue, and we are also going to go hiking in the mountains. I am going to take a week off from work and enjoy the time with my loved ones. I am very excited about the trip and can't wait to see everyone.
I hope these exercises and examples help you understand the differences between "going to" and other forms of future tense in English, and help you practice using "going to" correctly.
"Going to" is a form of the future tense in English that is used to talk about plans or intentions. Here is a chart that summarizes the differences between "going to" and the other forms of future tense:
Form of Future Tense | Use | Example |
Going to | Used to talk about plans or intentions | We are going to visit our friends next weekend. |
Will | Used to talk about predictions or promises | I think it will rain tomorrow. |
Present progressive | Used to talk about scheduled events in the future | She is flying to Paris next month. |
As you can see, "going to" is used to talk about plans or intentions that are already established. It is different from "will," which is used to talk about predictions or promises, and the present progressive, which is used to talk about scheduled events in the future.
To help you practice using "going to" in English, here are some exercises:
- Complete the following sentences with the correct form of "going to":
a) They ___________ buy a new car next year. (are/were/will be/going to) b) She ___________ take a vacation in Hawaii next month. (is/was/will be/going to) c) We ___________ have a party for her birthday. (are/were/will be/going to) d) He ___________ start a new job next week. (is/was/will be/going to) e) I ___________ study for the exam tonight. (am/was/will be/going to)
- Rewrite the following sentences using "going to":
a) I think it will snow tomorrow. --> ____________________________________________ b) She will graduate from college next year. --> ___________________________________ c) They will travel to Europe this summer. --> ____________________________________ d) He will buy a new car next month. --> __________________________________________ e) We will have dinner at a fancy restaurant tonight. --> ____________________________
- Write a paragraph about your plans for the future using "going to." Include at least 5 sentences.
Example: I am going to visit my family next month. We are going to have a big reunion and spend some quality time together. We are going to go to the beach and have a barbecue, and we are also going to go hiking in the mountains. I am going to take a week off from work and enjoy the time with my loved ones. I am very excited about the trip and can't wait to see everyone.
I hope these exercises and examples help you understand the differences between "going to" and other forms of future tense in English, and help you practice using "going to" correctly.
Fatmir Mani's English SchoolEnglish Made Easier
To make the future tense in English, there are several ways, including:
- Using "will" + base form of the verb (e.g. I will go to the store).
- Using "be going to" + base form of the verb (e.g. She is going to study tonight).
- Using present continuous (also called present progressive) verb form (e.g. They are flying to Paris next week).
Using present continuous to indicate future can imply a fixed plan or arrangement, especially if there are specific time expressions such as tomorrow, next week, etc. Here are some examples of how to use present continuous to indicate future:
- We are going to the beach tomorrow.
- She is leaving for Paris next week.
- They are meeting at the restaurant at 7 pm tonight.
Here is a chart that shows the different forms of the future tense in English:
Future Tense Example Simple Future (will + base form) I will visit my grandparents next weekend. Be Going To (am/is/are + going to + base form) He is going to buy a new car soon. Present Continuous (am/is/are + verb + -ing) They are flying to Rome next month.
Note: The future tense in English can be used to talk about events that will happen in the future, plans and intentions, predictions and possibilities, and future actions that are already arranged or scheduled.
To make the future tense in English, there are several ways, including:
- Using "will" + base form of the verb (e.g. I will go to the store).
- Using "be going to" + base form of the verb (e.g. She is going to study tonight).
- Using present continuous (also called present progressive) verb form (e.g. They are flying to Paris next week).
Using present continuous to indicate future can imply a fixed plan or arrangement, especially if there are specific time expressions such as tomorrow, next week, etc. Here are some examples of how to use present continuous to indicate future:
- We are going to the beach tomorrow.
- She is leaving for Paris next week.
- They are meeting at the restaurant at 7 pm tonight.
Here is a chart that shows the different forms of the future tense in English:
Future Tense | Example |
Simple Future (will + base form) | I will visit my grandparents next weekend. |
Be Going To (am/is/are + going to + base form) | He is going to buy a new car soon. |
Present Continuous (am/is/are + verb + -ing) | They are flying to Rome next month. |
Note: The future tense in English can be used to talk about events that will happen in the future, plans and intentions, predictions and possibilities, and future actions that are already arranged or scheduled.
Fatmir Mani's English SchoolEnglish Made Easier
Here are some exercises to practice forming the future tense in English:
- Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the future tense:
a) I __________ (meet) my friends for lunch tomorrow.
b) He __________ (study) for his exam next week.
c) They __________ (travel) to Europe next month.
d) She __________ (move) to a new apartment next year.
e) We __________ (watch) the movie tonight.
- Rewrite the following sentences using the future tense:
a) I am going to the concert next Friday. --> ____________________________________
b) They are visiting their grandparents next weekend. --> ___________________________
c) She is reading a book tonight. --> ___________________________________________
d) We are studying for our exam tomorrow. --> ____________________________________
e) He is meeting his boss at 3 pm. --> __________________________________________
- Write a paragraph about your future plans using the future tense. Include at least 5 sentences.
Example: I will graduate from college next year. After that, I am going to travel around Europe for a few months. I will visit France, Italy, and Spain. Then, I will start looking for a job in my field. I hope to find a job that allows me to use my skills and knowledge. In the long term, I am planning to start my own business.
I hope these exercises help you practice forming the future tense in English. Good luck!
Here are some exercises to practice forming the future tense in English:
- Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the future tense:
a) I __________ (meet) my friends for lunch tomorrow. b) He __________ (study) for his exam next week. c) They __________ (travel) to Europe next month. d) She __________ (move) to a new apartment next year. e) We __________ (watch) the movie tonight.
- Rewrite the following sentences using the future tense:
a) I am going to the concert next Friday. --> ____________________________________ b) They are visiting their grandparents next weekend. --> ___________________________ c) She is reading a book tonight. --> ___________________________________________ d) We are studying for our exam tomorrow. --> ____________________________________ e) He is meeting his boss at 3 pm. --> __________________________________________
- Write a paragraph about your future plans using the future tense. Include at least 5 sentences.
Example: I will graduate from college next year. After that, I am going to travel around Europe for a few months. I will visit France, Italy, and Spain. Then, I will start looking for a job in my field. I hope to find a job that allows me to use my skills and knowledge. In the long term, I am planning to start my own business.
I hope these exercises help you practice forming the future tense in English. Good luck!
Fatmir Mani's English SchoolEnglish Made Easier
In English, there are some special cases when it comes to forming the plural of nouns. Here's an overview of some of the most common special cases:
- Irregular plurals: Some nouns have irregular plural forms that do not follow the standard "-s" or "-es" rules.
- man -> men
- woman -> women
- child -> children
- tooth -> teeth
- foot -> feet
- goose -> geese
- mouse -> mice
- louse -> lice
- Nouns ending in "-y": For nouns ending in "-y," the plural form is typically formed by changing "-y" to "-ies" if the noun ends in a consonant + "-y." If the noun ends in a vowel + "-y," add "-s" to form the plural.
- baby -> babies (consonant + -y)
- city -> cities (consonant + -y)
- toy -> toys (vowel + -y)
- boy -> boys (vowel + -y)
- Nouns ending in "-f" or "-fe": Some nouns ending in "-f" or "-fe" change to "-ves" in the plural.
- leaf -> leaves
- half -> halves
- knife -> knives
- wife -> wives
However, this rule does not apply to all such nouns. Some just add "-s" to form the plural.
- roof -> roofs
- belief -> beliefs
- chef -> chefs
- Nouns with the same singular and plural forms: Some nouns have the same form in both singular and plural.
- sheep -> sheep
- deer -> deer
- fish -> fish (though "fishes" is also accepted in some contexts)
- aircraft -> aircraft
- Compound nouns: For compound nouns, usually, the main or first part of the word changes to form the plural.
- toothbrush -> toothbrushes
- passer-by -> passers-by
- mother-in-law -> mothers-in-law
- Foreign plurals: Some nouns borrowed from other languages retain their original plural forms.
- cactus -> cacti (Latin origin)
- fungus -> fungi (Latin origin)
- datum -> data (Latin origin)
- index -> indices (Latin origin)
- crisis -> crises (Greek origin)
- phenomenon -> phenomena (Greek origin)
- Collective nouns: Some nouns represent a group or collection of things and can be treated as singular or plural, depending on the context.
- team -> teams (plural)
- family -> families (plural)
- government -> governments (plural)
These special cases might seem confusing at first, but with practice and exposure to different contexts, you will become more adept at forming and recognizing plural nouns.
Ja përkthimi i leksionit të fundit në shqip:
Në anglisht, ka disa raste të veçanta kur bëhet fjalë për formimin e shumës së emrave. Ja një përmbledhje e disa rasteve më të zakonshme:
- Shumësja e rregullt: Disa emra kanë forma të shumës së rregullt që nuk ndjekin rregullat standarde të "-s" ose "-es".
- man (burrë) -> men (burra)
- woman (grua) -> women (grate)
- child (fëmijë) -> children (fëmijë)
- tooth (dhëmb) -> teeth (dhëmbë)
- foot (këmbë) -> feet (këmbë)
- goose (patë) -> geese (pata)
- mouse (miu) -> mice (mi)
- louse (morr) -> lice (morra)
- Emrat që mbarojnë me "-y": Për emrat që mbarojnë me "-y," forma e shumës zakonisht formohet duke ndryshuar "-y" në "-ies" nëse emri mbaron me një bashkëtingëllore + "-y." Nëse emri mbaron me një zanore + "-y," shto "-s" për të formuar shumësin.
- baby (foshnjë) -> babies (foshnja)
- city (qytet) -> cities (qytete)
- toy (lodër) -> toys (lodra)
- boy (djalë) -> boys (djemte)
- Emrat që mbarojnë me "-f" ose "-fe": Disa emra që mbarojnë me "-f" ose "-fe" ndryshojnë në "-ves" në shumës.
- leaf (gjethe) -> leaves (gjethe)
- half (gjysmë) -> halves (gjysma)
- knife (thikë) -> knives (thika)
- wife (grua) -> wives (graja)
Megjithatë, ky rregull nuk zbatohet për të gjitha këto emra. Disa thjesht shtojnë "-s" për të formuar shumësin.
- roof (çati) -> roofs (çatitë)
- belief (besim) -> beliefs (besimet)
- chef (shef) -> chefs (shefat)
- Emrat me forma të njëjta në shumës dhe në njëjës: Disa emra kanë të njëjtin formë në të dyja shumësin dhe njëjësin.
- sheep (dhenë) -> sheep (dhena)
- deer (dre) -> deer (drenj)
- fish (peshk) -> fish (peshq) (megjithatë, "fishes" është e pranuar në disa kontekste)
- aircraft (aeroplan) -> aircraft (aeroplanë)
5. Emrat e përberë: Për emrat e përberë, zakonisht, pjesa kryesore ose e parë e fjalës ndryshon për të formuar shumësin.
toothbrush (furçë dhëmbësh) -> toothbrushes (furça dhëmbësh)
passer-by (kalimtar) -> passers-by (kalimtarë)
mother-in-law (vajzë) -> mothers-in-law (vajza)
6. Shumësa të huaja: Disa emra të huazuar nga gjuhë të tjera ruajnë format e tyre origjinale të shumësve.
cactus (kaktus) -> cacti (kaktusë) (origjinë latine)
fungus (kërpudhë) -> fungi (kërpudha) (origjinë latine)
datum (datum) -> data (të dhëna) (origjinë latine)
index (indeks) -> indices (indeksa) (origjinë latine)
crisis (krize) -> crises (krizat) (origjinë greke)
phenomenon (fenomen) -> phenomena (fenomene) (origjinë greke)
7. Emrat kolektivë: Disa emra përfaqësojnë një grup ose koleksion gjërash dhe mund të trajtohen si njëjës ose shumës, në varësi të kontekstit.
team (ekip) -> teams (ekipe) (shumës)
family (familje) -> families (familje) (shumës)
government (qeveri) -> governments (qeveri) (shumës)
Këto raste të veçanta mund të duken të ngatërruara në fillim, por me praktikë dhe ekspozim ndaj konteksteve të ndryshme, do të bëheni më të aftë në formimin dhe njohjen e emrave në shumës.
In English, there are some special cases when it comes to forming the plural of nouns. Here's an overview of some of the most common special cases:
- Irregular plurals: Some nouns have irregular plural forms that do not follow the standard "-s" or "-es" rules.
- man -> men
- woman -> women
- child -> children
- tooth -> teeth
- foot -> feet
- goose -> geese
- mouse -> mice
- louse -> lice
- Nouns ending in "-y": For nouns ending in "-y," the plural form is typically formed by changing "-y" to "-ies" if the noun ends in a consonant + "-y." If the noun ends in a vowel + "-y," add "-s" to form the plural.
- baby -> babies (consonant + -y)
- city -> cities (consonant + -y)
- toy -> toys (vowel + -y)
- boy -> boys (vowel + -y)
- Nouns ending in "-f" or "-fe": Some nouns ending in "-f" or "-fe" change to "-ves" in the plural.
- leaf -> leaves
- half -> halves
- knife -> knives
- wife -> wives
However, this rule does not apply to all such nouns. Some just add "-s" to form the plural.
- roof -> roofs
- belief -> beliefs
- chef -> chefs
- Nouns with the same singular and plural forms: Some nouns have the same form in both singular and plural.
- sheep -> sheep
- deer -> deer
- fish -> fish (though "fishes" is also accepted in some contexts)
- aircraft -> aircraft
- Compound nouns: For compound nouns, usually, the main or first part of the word changes to form the plural.
- toothbrush -> toothbrushes
- passer-by -> passers-by
- mother-in-law -> mothers-in-law
- Foreign plurals: Some nouns borrowed from other languages retain their original plural forms.
- cactus -> cacti (Latin origin)
- fungus -> fungi (Latin origin)
- datum -> data (Latin origin)
- index -> indices (Latin origin)
- crisis -> crises (Greek origin)
- phenomenon -> phenomena (Greek origin)
- Collective nouns: Some nouns represent a group or collection of things and can be treated as singular or plural, depending on the context.
- team -> teams (plural)
- family -> families (plural)
- government -> governments (plural)
These special cases might seem confusing at first, but with practice and exposure to different contexts, you will become more adept at forming and recognizing plural nouns.
Ja përkthimi i leksionit të fundit në shqip:
Në anglisht, ka disa raste të veçanta kur bëhet fjalë për formimin e shumës së emrave. Ja një përmbledhje e disa rasteve më të zakonshme:
- Shumësja e rregullt: Disa emra kanë forma të shumës së rregullt që nuk ndjekin rregullat standarde të "-s" ose "-es".
- man (burrë) -> men (burra)
- woman (grua) -> women (grate)
- child (fëmijë) -> children (fëmijë)
- tooth (dhëmb) -> teeth (dhëmbë)
- foot (këmbë) -> feet (këmbë)
- goose (patë) -> geese (pata)
- mouse (miu) -> mice (mi)
- louse (morr) -> lice (morra)
- Emrat që mbarojnë me "-y": Për emrat që mbarojnë me "-y," forma e shumës zakonisht formohet duke ndryshuar "-y" në "-ies" nëse emri mbaron me një bashkëtingëllore + "-y." Nëse emri mbaron me një zanore + "-y," shto "-s" për të formuar shumësin.
- baby (foshnjë) -> babies (foshnja)
- city (qytet) -> cities (qytete)
- toy (lodër) -> toys (lodra)
- boy (djalë) -> boys (djemte)
- Emrat që mbarojnë me "-f" ose "-fe": Disa emra që mbarojnë me "-f" ose "-fe" ndryshojnë në "-ves" në shumës.
- leaf (gjethe) -> leaves (gjethe)
- half (gjysmë) -> halves (gjysma)
- knife (thikë) -> knives (thika)
- wife (grua) -> wives (graja)
Megjithatë, ky rregull nuk zbatohet për të gjitha këto emra. Disa thjesht shtojnë "-s" për të formuar shumësin.
- roof (çati) -> roofs (çatitë)
- belief (besim) -> beliefs (besimet)
- chef (shef) -> chefs (shefat)
- Emrat me forma të njëjta në shumës dhe në njëjës: Disa emra kanë të njëjtin formë në të dyja shumësin dhe njëjësin.
- sheep (dhenë) -> sheep (dhena)
- deer (dre) -> deer (drenj)
- fish (peshk) -> fish (peshq) (megjithatë, "fishes" është e pranuar në disa kontekste)
- aircraft (aeroplan) -> aircraft (aeroplanë)
5. Emrat e përberë: Për emrat e përberë, zakonisht, pjesa kryesore ose e parë e fjalës ndryshon për të formuar shumësin. toothbrush (furçë dhëmbësh) -> toothbrushes (furça dhëmbësh) passer-by (kalimtar) -> passers-by (kalimtarë) mother-in-law (vajzë) -> mothers-in-law (vajza)
6. Shumësa të huaja: Disa emra të huazuar nga gjuhë të tjera ruajnë format e tyre origjinale të shumësve. cactus (kaktus) -> cacti (kaktusë) (origjinë latine) fungus (kërpudhë) -> fungi (kërpudha) (origjinë latine) datum (datum) -> data (të dhëna) (origjinë latine) index (indeks) -> indices (indeksa) (origjinë latine) crisis (krize) -> crises (krizat) (origjinë greke) phenomenon (fenomen) -> phenomena (fenomene) (origjinë greke)
7. Emrat kolektivë: Disa emra përfaqësojnë një grup ose koleksion gjërash dhe mund të trajtohen si njëjës ose shumës, në varësi të kontekstit. team (ekip) -> teams (ekipe) (shumës) family (familje) -> families (familje) (shumës) government (qeveri) -> governments (qeveri) (shumës)
Këto raste të veçanta mund të duken të ngatërruara në fillim, por me praktikë dhe ekspozim ndaj konteksteve të ndryshme, do të bëheni më të aftë në formimin dhe njohjen e emrave në shumës.
Fatmir Mani's English SchoolEnglish Made Easier
Here's a chart that shows the differences between simple past tense and present perfect tense:
Simple Past Tense Present Perfect Tense Form Subject + Verb (past tense) Subject + Have/Has + Verb (past participle) Use Completed actions or events Actions or experiences that started in the past and continue to the present with a specific time frame Actions or experiences that have occurred at an unspecified time in the past Examples I walked to work yesterday. I have seen that movie before. She finished her homework They have been to Europe twice. last night. He played soccer on Saturday. I have never tried sushi. She has studied French for 5 years.
Here are some example sentences and exercises to illustrate the differences between simple past tense and present perfect tense:
- Simple Past Tense:
I ate breakfast this morning.
Present Perfect Tense:
I have already eaten breakfast today.
Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe an action that was completed in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action that started in the past and continues to the present.
- Simple Past Tense:
She visited her grandmother last weekend.
Present Perfect Tense:
She has been to her grandmother's house many times.
Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe an action or event that happened at a specific time in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action or experience that has occurred at an unspecified time in the past.
- Simple Past Tense:
I saw that movie last night.
Present Perfect Tense:
I have seen that movie before.
Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe an action that was completed in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action or experience that has occurred in the past and continues to the present.
- Simple Past Tense:
He played basketball in college.
Present Perfect Tense:
They have won several championships.
Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe a completed action or event in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an experience or result that has occurred in the past and continues to the present.
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
I __________ (to eat/ate) pizza for dinner last night.
a. eat
b. ate
c. have eaten
Answer: b. ate
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
He __________ (to work/has worked) at the same company for 10 years.
a. work
b. worked
c. has worked
Answer: c. has worked
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She __________ (to see/saw) that movie two years ago.
a. see
b. saw
c. has seen
Answer: b. saw
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
They __________ (to travel/have traveled) to 10 different countries.
a. travel
b. traveled
c. have traveled
Answer: c. have traveled
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She __________ (to finish/finished) her homework an hour ago.
a. finish
b. finished
c. has finished
Answer: b. finished
Here's a chart that shows the differences between simple past tense and present perfect tense:
Simple Past Tense | Present Perfect Tense | |
Form | Subject + Verb (past tense) | Subject + Have/Has + Verb (past participle) |
Use | Completed actions or events | Actions or experiences that started in the past and continue to the present |
with a specific time frame | Actions or experiences that have occurred at an unspecified time in the past | |
Examples | I walked to work yesterday. | I have seen that movie before. |
She finished her homework | They have been to Europe twice. | |
last night. | ||
He played soccer on Saturday. | I have never tried sushi. | |
She has studied French for 5 years. |
Here are some example sentences and exercises to illustrate the differences between simple past tense and present perfect tense:
- Simple Past Tense: I ate breakfast this morning.
Present Perfect Tense: I have already eaten breakfast today.
Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe an action that was completed in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action that started in the past and continues to the present.
- Simple Past Tense: She visited her grandmother last weekend.
Present Perfect Tense: She has been to her grandmother's house many times.
Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe an action or event that happened at a specific time in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action or experience that has occurred at an unspecified time in the past.
- Simple Past Tense: I saw that movie last night.
Present Perfect Tense: I have seen that movie before.
Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe an action that was completed in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action or experience that has occurred in the past and continues to the present.
- Simple Past Tense: He played basketball in college.
Present Perfect Tense: They have won several championships.
Explanation: The simple past tense is used to describe a completed action or event in the past, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an experience or result that has occurred in the past and continues to the present.
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: I __________ (to eat/ate) pizza for dinner last night. a. eat b. ate c. have eaten
Answer: b. ate
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: He __________ (to work/has worked) at the same company for 10 years. a. work b. worked c. has worked
Answer: c. has worked
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: She __________ (to see/saw) that movie two years ago. a. see b. saw c. has seen
Answer: b. saw
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: They __________ (to travel/have traveled) to 10 different countries. a. travel b. traveled c. have traveled
Answer: c. have traveled
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: She __________ (to finish/finished) her homework an hour ago. a. finish b. finished c. has finished
Answer: b. finished
Fatmir Mani's English SchoolEnglish Made Easier
Fatmir Mani's English School
Here's a chart that shows the differences between simple present tense and present perfect tense:
Simple Present Tense Present Perfect Tense Form Subject + Verb (base form) Subject + Have/Has + Verb (past participle) Use Habitual or repeated actions Actions completed in the recent past General facts or truths Actions or experiences with no specific time mentioned Scheduled or fixed events Results or consequences of past actions Commentary on a narrative Life experiences or events that continue to the present Examples I walk to work every day. I have lived in New York for 5 years. The sun rises in the east. She has visited 10 countries. The concert starts at 8pm. They have won 3 championships. He jumps over the fence. I have lost my keys. She opens the door and enters. We have already eaten dinner.
Here are some example sentences and exercises to illustrate the differences between simple present tense and present perfect tense:
- Simple Present Tense:
I eat breakfast every day.
Present Perfect Tense:
I have already eaten breakfast today.
Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe habitual or repeated actions, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action completed in the recent past with no specific time mentioned.
- Simple Present Tense:
The Earth revolves around the Sun.
Present Perfect Tense:
I have never been to space.
Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe general facts or truths, while the present perfect tense is used to describe actions or experiences with no specific time mentioned.
- Simple Present Tense:
The train leaves at 7pm.
Present Perfect Tense:
I have missed my train.
Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe scheduled or fixed events, while the present perfect tense is used to describe the result or consequence of a past action.
- Simple Present Tense:
The hero defeats the villain and saves the day.
Present Perfect Tense:
I have lost my keys.
Explanation: The simple present tense is used for commentary on a narrative, while the present perfect tense is used to describe a life experience or event that continues to the present.
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
I __________ (to see/seen) that movie before.
a. see
b. saw
c. have seen
Answer: c. have seen
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She __________ (to eat/eats) dinner at 6pm every day.
a. eat
b. eats
c. has eaten
Answer: b. eats
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
I __________ (to lose/have lost) my keys and I can't find them.
a. lose
b. lost
c. have lost
Answer: c. have lost
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
He __________ (to run/has run) 10 marathons in his life.
a. run
b. ran
c. has run
Answer: c. has run
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
The store __________ (to close/has closed) for the day.
a. close
b. closed
c. has closed
Answer: c. has closed
Fatmir Mani's English SchoolEnglish Made Easier
Here's a chart that shows the differences between simple present tense and present perfect tense:
Simple Present Tense | Present Perfect Tense | |
Form | Subject + Verb (base form) | Subject + Have/Has + Verb (past participle) |
Use | Habitual or repeated actions | Actions completed in the recent past |
General facts or truths | Actions or experiences with no specific time mentioned | |
Scheduled or fixed events | Results or consequences of past actions | |
Commentary on a narrative | Life experiences or events that continue to the present | |
Examples | I walk to work every day. | I have lived in New York for 5 years. |
The sun rises in the east. | She has visited 10 countries. | |
The concert starts at 8pm. | They have won 3 championships. | |
He jumps over the fence. | I have lost my keys. | |
She opens the door and enters. | We have already eaten dinner. |
Here are some example sentences and exercises to illustrate the differences between simple present tense and present perfect tense:
- Simple Present Tense: I eat breakfast every day.
Present Perfect Tense: I have already eaten breakfast today.
Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe habitual or repeated actions, while the present perfect tense is used to describe an action completed in the recent past with no specific time mentioned.
- Simple Present Tense: The Earth revolves around the Sun.
Present Perfect Tense: I have never been to space.
Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe general facts or truths, while the present perfect tense is used to describe actions or experiences with no specific time mentioned.
- Simple Present Tense: The train leaves at 7pm.
Present Perfect Tense: I have missed my train.
Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe scheduled or fixed events, while the present perfect tense is used to describe the result or consequence of a past action.
- Simple Present Tense: The hero defeats the villain and saves the day.
Present Perfect Tense: I have lost my keys.
Explanation: The simple present tense is used for commentary on a narrative, while the present perfect tense is used to describe a life experience or event that continues to the present.
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: I __________ (to see/seen) that movie before. a. see b. saw c. have seen
Answer: c. have seen
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: She __________ (to eat/eats) dinner at 6pm every day. a. eat b. eats c. has eaten
Answer: b. eats
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: I __________ (to lose/have lost) my keys and I can't find them. a. lose b. lost c. have lost
Answer: c. have lost
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: He __________ (to run/has run) 10 marathons in his life. a. run b. ran c. has run
Answer: c. has run
- Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: The store __________ (to close/has closed) for the day. a. close b. closed c. has closed
Answer: c. has closed
Fatmir Mani's English School
"The Little Lame Prince" is a classic children's story that tells the tale of Prince Dolor, a young prince who is born with a physical disability that leaves him lame and unable to walk. Despite his disability, Prince Dolor is a kind and intelligent child who is loved by all who know him.
"The Little Lame Prince" is a classic children's story that tells the tale of Prince Dolor, a young prince who is born with a physical disability that leaves him lame and unable to walk. Despite his disability, Prince Dolor is a kind and intelligent child who is loved by all who know him.
However, tragedy strikes when Prince Dolor's parents die in a riding accident. With no other family to turn to, he is sent to live with his cruel and heartless uncle. His uncle is a cold and calculating man who treats Prince Dolor poorly, keeping him confined to a tower and refusing to allow him to leave or have any contact with the outside world.
One day, while exploring the tower, Prince Dolor discovers a magic cloak that allows him to fly. With the cloak, he is able to escape from the tower and embark on a series of adventures. Along the way, he meets a variety of interesting characters, including a kind and wise old lady, a talking crow, and a mischievous fairy.
Through his adventures, Prince Dolor learns many valuable lessons about courage, kindness, and the true meaning of happiness. He also discovers that his physical disability is not the result of any medical condition, but rather a curse that was placed on him at birth by a wicked fairy. With the help of his friends, he is able to break the curse and regain the use of his legs.
In the end, Prince Dolor returns to his kingdom as a just and fair ruler. He uses the lessons he learned on his adventures to bring happiness to his people and rule with compassion and kindness.
"The Little Lame Prince" is a heartwarming story that teaches important lessons about perseverance, kindness, and the true meaning of happiness. It has been beloved by children and adults alike for over a century, and continues to be a popular choice for bedtime stories and classroom reading.
Here are some multiple choice questions based on the summary of "The Little Lame Prince":
What is the name of the young prince in the story?
A) Prince Charming
B) Prince Dolor
C) Prince Lancelot
D) Prince Alexander
What physical disability does Prince Dolor have?
A) He is blind
B) He is deaf
C) He is lame and unable to walk
D) He has a heart condition
Who does Prince Dolor live with after his parents die?
A) His grandparents
B) His aunt and uncle
C) His godparents
D) His nanny
How does Prince Dolor escape from the tower where he is kept by his uncle?
A) He finds a magic wand that transports him outside
B) He persuades his uncle to let him go
C) He discovers a magic cloak that allows him to fly
D) He climbs down a rope that he made himself
What lessons does Prince Dolor learn during his adventures?
A) Courage, kindness, and the true meaning of happiness
B) How to play the piano, speak French, and ride a horse
C) How to build a boat, catch fish, and make a fire
D) How to sword fight, climb trees, and swim in a river
However, tragedy strikes when Prince Dolor's parents die in a riding accident. With no other family to turn to, he is sent to live with his cruel and heartless uncle. His uncle is a cold and calculating man who treats Prince Dolor poorly, keeping him confined to a tower and refusing to allow him to leave or have any contact with the outside world.
One day, while exploring the tower, Prince Dolor discovers a magic cloak that allows him to fly. With the cloak, he is able to escape from the tower and embark on a series of adventures. Along the way, he meets a variety of interesting characters, including a kind and wise old lady, a talking crow, and a mischievous fairy.
Through his adventures, Prince Dolor learns many valuable lessons about courage, kindness, and the true meaning of happiness. He also discovers that his physical disability is not the result of any medical condition, but rather a curse that was placed on him at birth by a wicked fairy. With the help of his friends, he is able to break the curse and regain the use of his legs.
In the end, Prince Dolor returns to his kingdom as a just and fair ruler. He uses the lessons he learned on his adventures to bring happiness to his people and rule with compassion and kindness.
"The Little Lame Prince" is a heartwarming story that teaches important lessons about perseverance, kindness, and the true meaning of happiness. It has been beloved by children and adults alike for over a century, and continues to be a popular choice for bedtime stories and classroom reading.
Here are some multiple choice questions based on the summary of "The Little Lame Prince":
What is the name of the young prince in the story? A) Prince Charming B) Prince Dolor C) Prince Lancelot D) Prince Alexander
What physical disability does Prince Dolor have? A) He is blind B) He is deaf C) He is lame and unable to walk D) He has a heart condition
Who does Prince Dolor live with after his parents die? A) His grandparents B) His aunt and uncle C) His godparents D) His nanny
How does Prince Dolor escape from the tower where he is kept by his uncle? A) He finds a magic wand that transports him outside B) He persuades his uncle to let him go C) He discovers a magic cloak that allows him to fly D) He climbs down a rope that he made himself
What lessons does Prince Dolor learn during his adventures? A) Courage, kindness, and the true meaning of happiness B) How to play the piano, speak French, and ride a horse C) How to build a boat, catch fish, and make a fire D) How to sword fight, climb trees, and swim in a river
The present perfect tense is used to describe actions or events that happened at an unspecified time in the past or actions that started in the past and continue to the present. It emphasizes the result or consequences of the action rather than the exact time it occurred.
To form the present perfect tense, you need to use the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" followed by the past participle of the main verb. "Have" is used with "I," "you," "we," and "they," while "has" is used with "he," "she," and "it."
Present Perfect Tense Formula: Subject + have/has + past participle of the main verb
Here are some examples of present perfect tense:
- I have finished my homework. (The action is completed in the past, but the exact time is not mentioned)
- She has lived in Paris for five years. (The action started in the past and continues to the present)
- They have visited the museum several times. (The action happened at an unspecified time in the past)
The present perfect tense is used for:
- Actions completed in the past without mentioning a specific time: They have already eaten dinner.
- Life experiences: I have traveled to many countries.
- Changes over time: The city has grown rapidly in the past decade.
- Actions that started in the past and continue to the present: She has worked at the company for ten years.
- Multiple actions at different times: We have watched that movie three times.
Ne variantin e gjuhes shqipe mund te lexoni:
Koha e kryer e thjeshte përdoret për të përshkruar veprime ose ngjarje që kanë ndodhur në një kohë të pacaktuar në të kaluarën ose veprime që fillojnë në të kaluarën dhe vazhdojnë në të tashmen. Ajo thekson rezultatin ose pasojat e veprimit sesa koha e saktë ka kaluar kur ndodhi.
Për të formuar kohën e kryer te thjeshte,, duhet të përdorni ndihmësin "have" ose "has" të ndjekur nga pjesa e kaluar e pjesëmarrëse e foljes kryesore. "Have" përdoret me "I," "you," "we," dhe "they," ndërsa "has" përdoret me "he," "she," dhe "it."
Formula e Kohës së kryer te thjeshte:
Subjekti + have/has + pjesorja e foljes kryesore
Këtu janë disa shembuj të kohës së kryer te thjeshte:
I have finished my homework. (Veprimi është përfunduar në të kaluarën, por nuk përmendet koha e saktë)
She has lived in Paris for five years. (Veprimi ka filluar në të kaluarën dhe vazhdon në të tashmen)
They have visited the museum several times. (Veprimi ka ndodhur në një kohë të pacaktuar në të kaluarën)
Koha e kryer e thjeshte përdoret për:
Veprime të përfunduara në të kaluarën pa përmendur një kohë të caktuar: Ata tashmë kanë ngrënë darkën.
Përvoja jetësore: Kam udhëtuar në shumë vende.
Ndryshime me kalimin e kohës: Qyteti është rritur shpejt në dekadën e kaluar.
Veprime që kanë filluar në të kaluarën dhe vazhdojnë në të tashmen: Ajo ka punuar në kompani për dhjetë vjet.
Veprime të shumëfishta në kohë të ndryshme: Ne e kemi parë atë film tri herë.
Fatmir Mani's English SchoolEnglish Made Easier
We often have problems with the English tenses. Please, have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense ( only the ones you know so far ).
As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind.If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions.
Try to understand this legend:

Koha e kryer e thjeshte përdoret për të përshkruar veprime ose ngjarje që kanë ndodhur në një kohë të pacaktuar në të kaluarën ose veprime që fillojnë në të kaluarën dhe vazhdojnë në të tashmen. Ajo thekson rezultatin ose pasojat e veprimit sesa koha e saktë ka kaluar kur ndodhi.
Për të formuar kohën e kryer te thjeshte,, duhet të përdorni ndihmësin "have" ose "has" të ndjekur nga pjesa e kaluar e pjesëmarrëse e foljes kryesore. "Have" përdoret me "I," "you," "we," dhe "they," ndërsa "has" përdoret me "he," "she," dhe "it."
Formula e Kohës së kryer te thjeshte: Subjekti + have/has + pjesorja e foljes kryesore
Këtu janë disa shembuj të kohës së kryer te thjeshte:
I have finished my homework. (Veprimi është përfunduar në të kaluarën, por nuk përmendet koha e saktë)
She has lived in Paris for five years. (Veprimi ka filluar në të kaluarën dhe vazhdon në të tashmen) They have visited the museum several times. (Veprimi ka ndodhur në një kohë të pacaktuar në të kaluarën) Koha e kryer e thjeshte përdoret për:
Veprime të përfunduara në të kaluarën pa përmendur një kohë të caktuar: Ata tashmë kanë ngrënë darkën. Përvoja jetësore: Kam udhëtuar në shumë vende. Ndryshime me kalimin e kohës: Qyteti është rritur shpejt në dekadën e kaluar. Veprime që kanë filluar në të kaluarën dhe vazhdojnë në të tashmen: Ajo ka punuar në kompani për dhjetë vjet. Veprime të shumëfishta në kohë të ndryshme: Ne e kemi parë atë film tri herë.
As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind.

moment in time- action that takes place once, never or several times
- actions that happen one after another
- actions that suddenly take place

period of time- action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment
- actions taking place at the same time

Result- action taking place before a certain moment in time
- puts emphasis on the result

Course / Duration- action taking place before a certain moment in time
- puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action
moment in time |
period of time |
Result |
Course / Duration |
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Can you please provide some short story using only these words: student-teacher-partner-is-are-am-group-my-his-her-ourwork-talk-clasrroom-about-with-simple-read-count-study-circle-practice-work-use-talk-words-correct
Kerkesa e mesiperme duhet te realizohet prej jush vetem me fjalet qe ju jane dhene. Modeli eshte si vijon. Provoni te jepni historine tuaj.
In a small classroom, a student named Amy works with her partner, Tom. They are part of a study group led by their teacher, Mr. Smith. Their task is simple: they read a short story and count the words they don't know.
Amy and Tom practice, reading out loud and helping each other with the difficult words. As they work together, they realize that their partnership makes the task much easier.
In the classroom, other students also work in groups, using the same method. Mr. Smith walks around, ensuring everyone is on the right track. He often stops to talk to the students about their progress and gives them guidance.
Throughout the exercise, the students discover that their reading skills improve. By practicing together, they correct each other's mistakes and learn from one another.
At the end of the class, Mr. Smith praises the students for their hard work and dedication. He reminds them that practice makes perfect, and by working together, they achieve great results.
This version of the short story is written in simple present tense, describing the events as if they are happening now.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
A father and a son were out riding their bikes and while talking about certain stories especially the father telling parts of his past life to his son there came a moment when his son saw the old clothes and shoes of an old poor farmer who had left them on the side of his land and kept working. His shoes were rotten and the son said to his father; "Shall we take these shoes away and hide ourselves to see what the old man would do when he doesn't find them at the right place?" His father got angry and said instead, "Let's put a golden coin on each shoe and hide ourselves to see what is going on with him."
The father and son placed the gold coins on the farmer's shoes and hid in a nearby bush to observe. After a while, the farmer returned to the spot where he had left his shoes and saw the golden coins. At first, he was confused and looked around to see if anyone was watching him. Then, he picked up the coins and examined them closely, still unsure of what was going on. Suddenly, the farmer looked up and saw the father and son hiding in the bush. He smiled and waved to them, holding up the gold coins as if to say thank you.
The father and son emerged from the bush, and the father explained that he wanted to teach his son a lesson about empathy and kindness. He told him that the farmer was poor and probably needed new shoes, and that the gold coins would be a great help to him. The son nodded in understanding and apologized for his earlier suggestion.
What were the father and son doing when they saw the old farmer's shoes? a. Fishing b. Hiking c. Riding their bikes d. Shopping
What was wrong with the farmer's shoes? a. They were brand new b. They were too big c. They were rotten d. They were too small
What did the son suggest they do with the shoes? a. Take them and hide them b. Leave them where they were c. Give them to the farmer d. Throw them away
What did the father suggest they do with the shoes? a. Take them and hide them b. Leave them where they were c. Give them to the farmer d. Throw them away
What did the father put on the shoes? a. Silver coins b. Gold coins c. Diamonds d. Nothing
Why did the farmer look around when he found the gold coins? a. He thought someone might be watching him b. He was confused c. He was scared d. He was looking for the person who left the coins
How did the farmer react when he saw the father and son? a. He got angry b. He ignored them c. He smiled and waved d. He ran away
What did the father want to teach his son? a. A lesson about empathy and kindness b. A lesson about stealing c. A lesson about farming d. A lesson about hard work
Why did the father put gold coins on the shoes? a. To trick the farmer b. To help the farmer c. To impress his son d. To show off his wealth
How did the son react after the father explained the lesson to him? a. He nodded in understanding b. He got angry c. He cried d. He laughed.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
To make a good English sentence, there are a few things you can do:
Start with a clear subject: Your sentence should have a clear subject, which is the person or thing that is doing the action in the sentence.
Use proper grammar: This means making sure your sentences have proper verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and proper punctuation.
Vary your sentence structure: Mix up the length and structure of your sentences to make your writing more interesting and engaging.
Use appropriate vocabulary: Choose words that are appropriate for the audience and purpose of your writing. Avoid using overly complicated or technical language if it isn't necessary.
Revise and edit: After you've written your sentence, go back and read it over to check for errors or areas where you can improve the clarity and coherence of the sentence.
By following these steps, you can create clear, effective English sentences. Additionally, practicing your writing skills regularly can help you become more comfortable and confident in your ability to write well in English.
Here are six simple sentences in English and their Albanian translations:
- I like to eat pizza.
- She is reading a book.
- The cat is sleeping on the couch.
- We went to the park yesterday.
- He plays the guitar very well.
- They are watching a movie.
- Më pëlqen të ha pica.
- Ajo po lexon një libër.
- Macja po fle në divan.
- Ne shkuam në park dje.
- Ai luajt gitarën shumë mirë.
- Ata po shikojnë një film.
Për të krijuar një fjalë të mirë në anglisht, ka disa gjëra që mund të bëni:
Filloni me një subjekt të qartë: Fjalia juaj duhet të ketë një subjekt të qartë, i cili është personi ose gjëja që po kryen veprimin në fjali.
Përdorni gramatikën e duhur: Kjo do të thotë të siguroheni që fjali juaj të kenë kohën e duhur të foljes, pajtimin e kryfjales edhe foljes dhe shenjat duhura te pikesimit.
Ndryshoni strukturën e fjalisë: Përzierja e gjatësisë dhe strukturës së fjalisë do të bëjë shkrimin tuaj më interesant dhe më përfshirës.
Përdorni fjalorin e duhur: Zgjidhni fjalë që janë të përshtatshme për audiencën dhe qëllimin e shkrimit tuaj. Evitoni përdorimin e gjuhës së rëndë ose teknike nëse nuk është e nevojshme.
Rishikoni dhe redaktoni: Pasi keni shkruar fjalinë tuaj, kthehuni prapa dhe lexoni për të kontrolluar gabimet ose zonat ku mund të përmirësohen qartësia dhe koherenca e fjalisë.
Duke ndjekur këto hapa, mund të krijoni fjalë të qarta dhe efektive në anglisht. Përveç kësaj, praktikimi i shkathtësive të shkrimit në mënyrë të rregullt mund t'ju ndihmojë të bëheni më të rehatshëm dhe më të sigurt në aftësinë tuaj për të shkruar mirë në anglisht.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
March 20. 2023
Këtu është një tabelë që shpjegon kuptimin dhe përdorimin e peremrave te pacaktuar "some" dhe "any":
Kuptimi | Pozitiv | Negativ | Pyetje dhe kërkesa | |
Some | Përcakton një sasi specifike të diçkaje ose dikujt | Unë kam disa mollë. | Unë nuk kam asnjë | A mund të më sjellësh disa? |
mollë. | ||||
Mund të përdoret gjithashtu për ofertat ose sugjerimet | Dëshironi ndonjë ndihmë me atë? | Nuk dua asnjë. | Mund të marr një gotë ujë? | |
Any | Përcakton çdo sasi, shumësi ose person/e. | A keni ndonjë ide për darkë? | Unë nuk kam asnjë. | Mund të marr ndonjë libër me huazim? |
Mund të përdoret gjithashtu për pyetjet ose kërkesat. | A ka ndonjë djathë në frigorifer? | Nuk ka asnjë qumësht. | Mund të marr ndonjë sheqer? |
Diferenca kryesore midis "some" dhe "any" është se "some" përcakton një sasi të caktuar, ndërsa "any" përcakton çdo sasi, shumësi ose person/e. "Some" përdoret në fjaline pozitive dhe ofertat ose sugjerimet, ndërsa "any" përdoret në fjaine negative dhe pyetje ose kërkesa.
Këtu janë disa shembuj që ndihmojnë të ilustrojnë përdorimin e tyre:
- Some:
- Unë kam disa para në xhepin tim. (përcakton një sasi të caktuar të parave)
- A dëshironi ndonjë ndihmë me projektin tuaj? (ofertë ose sugjerim)
- Any:
- Unë nuk kam asnjë ujë më. (përcakton çdo sasi uji)
- A keni ndonjë plan për fundjavën? (pyetje)
Vlen të theksohet se "some" dhe "any" mund të përdoren me emrat të numurueshëm dhe të pa numurueshëm, dhe mund të përdoren si peremra te pacaktuar.
Shpresoj që kjo ju ndihmon të kuptoni kuptimin dhe përdorimin e "some" dhe "any"! Më thoni në qoftë se keni pyetje të tjera.
Here is a chart explaining the meaning and usage of the indefinite pronouns "some" and "any":
Meaning | Positive | Negative | Questions and Requests | |
Some | Refers to a specific quantity | I have some apples. | I don't have any | Can you bring me some? |
of something or someone. | apples. | |||
Can also be used to make | Would you like some | I don't want any. | Can I have some water? | |
offers or suggestions. | help with that? | |||
Any | Refers to any quantity, | Do you have any | I don't have any. | Can I borrow any books? |
amount or person(s). | ideas for dinner? | |||
Can also be used to ask | Is there any cheese | There isn't any milk. | Can I have any sugar? | |
questions or make requests. | in the fridge? |
The main difference between "some" and "any" is that "some" refers to a specific quantity, while "any" refers to any quantity, amount or person(s). "Some" is used in positive sentences and offers or suggestions, while "any" is used in negative sentences and questions or requests.
Here are some examples to help illustrate their usage:
- Some:
- I have some money in my wallet. (refers to a specific quantity of money)
- Would you like some help with your project? (offer or suggestion)
- Any:
- I don't have any water left. (refers to any quantity of water)
- Do you have any plans for the weekend? (question)
It's also worth noting that "some" and "any" can be used with countable and uncountable nouns, and can be used as determiners or pronouns.
I hope this helps clarify the meaning and usage of "some" and "any" for you! Let me know if you have any further questions.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
March 19. 2023
here are some sentences to help illustrate the difference between "some" and "any" in usage:
I need _______ sugar to make this cake. Answer: I need some sugar to make this cake. (refers to a specific quantity of sugar)
Do you have _______ suggestions for what we should do this weekend? Answer: Do you have any suggestions for what we should do this weekend? (refers to any quantity of suggestions)
I have _______ free time tomorrow afternoon. Answer: I have some free time tomorrow afternoon. (refers to a specific quantity of free time)
I don't have _______ milk for my cereal. Answer: I don't have any milk for my cereal. (refers to any quantity of milk)
Could you please bring me _______ water? Answer: Could you please bring me some water? (refers to a specific quantity of water)
I don't have _______ plans for this evening. Answer: I don't have any plans for this evening. (refers to any quantity of plans)
Can you give me _______ information about the job? Answer: Can you give me some information about the job? (refers to a specific quantity of information)
I'm looking for _______ new books to read. Answer: I'm looking for some new books to read. (refers to a specific quantity of books)
Are there _______ good restaurants in this area? Answer: Are there any good restaurants in this area? (refers to any quantity of good restaurants)
I have _______ friends coming over for dinner tonight. Answer: I have some friends coming over for dinner tonight. (refers to a specific quantity of friends)
I hope these examples help illustrate when to use "some" and "any" in different contexts! Let me know if you have any questions
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
March 18. 2023
Here's a chart explaining the English conjunctions "and," "or," "but," "so," "because," and "although," along with examples and exercises:
Conjunction | Usage | Example |
And | To join two or more items or ideas. | I like coffee and tea. |
Or | To give a choice between two or more items or ideas. | Do you want pizza or pasta for dinner? |
But | To show contrast between two ideas. | I want to go out, but it's raining outside. |
So | To show the result or consequence of something. | I was running late, so I took a taxi to work. |
Because | To show the reason for something. | I stayed home because I was feeling sick. |
Although | To show a contrast between two ideas. | Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk. |
Exercise 1: Choose the correct conjunction to complete the sentence.
She wants to order pizza __ pasta for dinner. a) and b) or c) but
I woke up late, __ I had to skip breakfast. a) so b) or c) because
__ it was cold outside, we decided to go for a walk. a) And b) Because c) Although
I like both coffee __ tea. a) and b) or c) but
He didn't want to come to the party, __ he had other plans. a) so b) because c) although
Exercise 2: Create a sentence using the conjunction given.
And Example: I like to read books, and I also like to watch movies.
Or Example: Do you want to go to the park or the beach this weekend?
But Example: I want to go to the party, but I have to finish my work first.
So Example: I studied hard for the test, so I got a good grade.
Because Example: I didn't go to the gym because I was feeling tired.
Although Example: Although it was late, we decided to stay up and watch a movie.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
March 17. 2023
Here's a story that relates to the saying "Don't give people a value they don't deserve. Everyone is expendable."
Once upon a time, there was a man named John who worked as a manager at a big company. John was a hard worker and expected the same from his team. He often praised his top-performing employees and gave them special treatment, such as bonuses and promotions. However, he paid little attention to those who were not performing as well. He saw them as expendable and not deserving of his time or attention.
One day, the company faced financial difficulties and had to lay off some employees. To his surprise, John's top performers were among those who were let go. It turned out that the company valued their skills, but not enough to keep them on during tough times. John realized that he had been wrong in his thinking. He had given his top-performing employees a value that they didn't deserve, and had neglected the others who also had value.
Multiple choice questions:
- What is the meaning of the saying "Don't give people a value they don't deserve. Everyone is expendable"?
A. It means that everyone is valuable and deserves respect. B. It means that only some people are valuable and deserve respect. C. It means that people should be given more value than they deserve. D. It means that people are only valuable when they are useful.
- What was John's attitude towards his top-performing employees?
A. He saw them as expendable. B. He praised them and gave them special treatment. C. He neglected them. D. He didn't pay attention to them.
- What happened when the company faced financial difficulties?
A. John's top-performing employees were given bonuses. B. John's top-performing employees were promoted. C. John's top-performing employees were laid off. D. John's underperforming employees were laid off.
- What did John realize after the company faced financial difficulties?
A. He had been wrong in his thinking. B. He had been right in his thinking. C. He didn't care about the layoffs. D. He deserved a promotion.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
March 16. 2023
"The" is a definite article in English. It is used to refer to a specific, known or previously mentioned noun.
When we use "the," we are referring to a particular item or thing, and both the speaker and listener know which item is being referred to. For example, if someone says "the book," they are referring to a specific book that has been mentioned before, or one that is clearly identifiable based on context.
Here are some examples:
- Please pass me the salt. (referring to a specific container of salt)
- Have you seen the movie we talked about? (referring to a specific movie that was previously discussed)
- I parked my car in the garage. (referring to a specific garage that is known to the speaker and listener)
- The cat is sleeping on the couch. (referring to a specific cat that is in the room)
- She is wearing the blue dress that she bought last week. (referring to a specific dress that has been mentioned before)
In contrast, "a/an" are indefinite articles that are used to refer to a non-specific or unknown noun. They are placed before a singular noun and refer to any unspecified thing or item.
It is important to note that in some cases, no article is used at all. This occurs when referring to a non-specific, general noun or plural noun. For example:
- Dogs are great pets. (referring to dogs in general)
- I need to buy vegetables at the store. (referring to vegetables in general)
Overall, "the" is used to refer to a specific, known item or thing, while "a/an" are used to refer to non-specific or unknown items or things.
To write a sentence in English, keep the following in mind:
Grammar - Make sure that your sentence is grammatically correct. This includes using the correct verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and proper sentence structure.
Clarity - Make sure that your sentence is clear and easy to understand. Avoid using overly complex vocabulary or sentence structures that can confuse the reader.
Punctuation - Use proper punctuation to help clarify the meaning of your sentence. This includes using commas, periods, and other punctuation marks correctly.
Conciseness - Try to make your sentence as concise as possible. Avoid using unnecessary words or phrases that do not add to the meaning of the sentence.
Variety - Use a variety of sentence structures and lengths to make your writing more interesting and engaging.
Context - Make sure that your sentence makes sense in the context of the larger piece of writing. Your sentence should flow smoothly and fit in with the overall message that you are trying to convey.
By keeping these things in mind, you can write effective and engaging sentences that are clear, concise, and easy to understand.
Për të shkruar një fjali në anglisht, mbani në mend këto gjëra:
Gramatikë - Sigurohuni që fjalët tuaja janë gramatikalisht të sakta. Kjo përfshin përdorimin e kohës së duhur të foljes, marrëveshjen mes subjektit dhe foljes, dhe strukturën e duhur të fjalëve.
Klariteti - Sigurohuni që fjalët tuaja janë të qarta dhe të lehta për tu kuptuar. Avoidoni përdorimin e fjalëve ose strukturave të fjalive shumë të kompleksa që mund të ngatërrojnë lexuesin.
Nënkuptimi - Përdorni nënkuptimin e duhur për të ndihmuar në kuptimin e fjalëve tuaja. Kjo përfshin përdorimin e shenjave të interpunktit që ndihmojnë në sqarimin e kuptimeve të fjalëve tuaja.
Konciziteti - Përpjekuni për të bërë fjalët tuaja sa më të shkurtër të jetë e mundur. Avoidoni përdorimin e fjalëve ose frazave të panevojshme që nuk shtojnë në kuptimin e fjalëve tuaja.
Varieteti - Përdorni një varietet të strukturave të fjalëve dhe gjatësive për të bërë shkrimin tuaj më interesant dhe tërheqës.
Konteksti - Sigurohuni që fjalët tuaja kanë kuptim në kontekstin e shkrimit të madh. Fjalët tuaja duhet të kenë një rrjedhë të shkurtër dhe të përshtaten me mesazhin e përgjithshëm që po përpiqeni të përcillni.
Duke mbajtur këto gjëra në mend, mund të shkruani fjalët e efektshme dhe tërheqëse që janë të qarta, të shkurtra dhe të lehta për tu kuptuar.
To write a paragraph in English, follow these steps:
Choose a topic - Decide on the topic that you want to write about. Make sure it is something that you are interested in and have some knowledge about.
Write a topic sentence - Start your paragraph with a clear and concise topic sentence that introduces the main idea or point of the paragraph.
Provide supporting details - Use specific examples, facts, and details to support your topic sentence. Make sure that your supporting details are relevant and help to explain or illustrate your main point.
Use transitional words and phrases - Use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your paragraph flow smoothly. Examples of transitional words and phrases include "however," "therefore," "in addition," and "furthermore."
Conclude your paragraph - End your paragraph with a concluding sentence that summarizes your main point and leads into the next paragraph.
Edit your paragraph - After you have written your paragraph, take some time to edit and revise it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure that your paragraph is clear, concise, and easy to read.
Remember that a paragraph should be focused on one main idea or point, and should be well-organized with supporting details that help to explain or illustrate that point. With practice and patience, you can become a skilled writer of English paragraphs.
Për të shkruar një paragraf në anglisht, ndiqni këta hapa:
Zgjidhni një temë - Vendosni për temën që dëshironi të shkruani. Sigurohuni që është diçka që ju intereson dhe keni dijeni për të.
Shkruani një fjali kryesore- Filloni paragrafin tuaj me një fjalëkalim teme të qartë dhe të shkurtër që paraqet ideën kryesore ose pikën e paragrafit.
Sigurohuni që ofroni detaje mbështetëse - Përdorni shembuj specifike, fakte dhe detaje për të mbështetur fjalëkalimin tuaj teme. Sigurohuni që detajet mbështetëse janë relevante dhe ndihmojnë për të shpjeguar ose ilustruar pikën tuaj kryesore.
Përdorni fjalëkalime dhe fraza tranzicionale - Përdorni fjalëkalime dhe fraza tranzicionale për të lidhur idete tuaja dhe për të bërë që paragrafi juaj të rrjedhë lehtësisht. Shembuj të fjalëkalimeve dhe frazave tranzicionale përfshijnë "megjithatë", "prandaj", "sidoqoftë", "përveç kësaj" dhe "ndërsa".
Përfundoni paragrafin tuaj - Përfundoni paragrafin tuaj me një fjalëkalim përfundimtar që përmbledh pikën tuaj kryesore dhe udhëheq në paragrafin tjetër.
Redaktoni paragrafin tuaj - Pasi keni shkruar paragrafin tuaj, merrni disa minuta për ta redaktuar dhe ta rishikoni. Kontrolloni për gabime të drejshkrimit dhe gramatikore, dhe sigurohuni që paragrafi juaj është i qartë, i shkurtër dhe i lehtë për t'u lexuar.
Kujtoni se një paragraf duhet të jetë i fokusuar në një ide kryesore ose pikë, dhe duhet të jetë i mirë-organizuar me detaje mbështetëse që ndihmojnë për të shpjeguar ose ilustruar atë pikë. Me praktikë dhe durim, mund të bëheni një shkrimtar i aftë i paragrafeve anglisht.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Koha e kryer e plote - Past perfect tense
Në gjuhën shqipe, past perfect tense quhet "koha e kryer e plote". Ky kohë tregon një ngjarje të kryer në të kaluarën para një ngjarjeje të caktuar në të kaluarën.
Past perfect tense krijohet duke përdorur foljen ndihmëse "kam pasur" (had) dhe pjesën e dytë të foljes (past participle) të foljes kryesore. Forma e trete e foljes (past participle) krijohet duke shtuar "-ed" në fund të formës së parë të foljes (base form) për foljet e rregullta. Për foljet e crregullta, pjesa e trete e foljes është e caktuar në një listë të foljeve të crregullta.
Këtu është një shembull i një fjaleje në past perfect tense në shqip:
Unë kisha shkuar në kinema para se fillonte filmi. (I had gone to the cinema before the movie started.)
Në këtë rast, "kisha shkuar" është forma e past perfect tense, e cila tregon një veprim që ishte kryer para një ngjarjeje të caktuar në të kaluarën ("para se fillonte filmi").
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
The past perfect tense is formed using the auxiliary verb "had" and the past participle of the main verb. The past participle of regular verbs is formed by adding "-ed" to the base form of the verb. The past participle of irregular verbs can be found in a list of irregular verbs.
Here is a chart showing the formation of past perfect tense:
Pronoun | Auxiliary verb | Past participle | Example sentence |
I | had | visited | I had visited my friend before I went to the party. |
You | had | walked | You had walked to the store before it started raining. |
He/She/It | had | finished | He had finished his homework before he watched TV. |
We | had | eaten | We had eaten breakfast before we left for work. |
You | had | studied | You had studied for the exam before you took it. |
They | had | traveled | They had traveled to Europe before they got married. |
Note that the past perfect tense describes an action that was completed before another past action or time.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Here is a chart that shows the differences between the simple past tense and past participle tense in English:
Verb | Simple past tense | Past participle tense |
Be | Was/Were | Been |
Go | Went | Gone |
Eat | Ate | Eaten |
Drink | Drank | Drunk |
Write | Wrote | Written |
Break | Broke | Broken |
Run | Ran | Run |
Fly | Flew | Flown |
Give | Gave | Given |
See | Saw | Seen |
Have | Had | Had |
Do | Did | Done |
Simple past tense is used to describe a completed action in the past. It is formed by adding "-ed" to the base form of regular verbs, or by using the second form of irregular verbs. It is commonly used to talk about a specific point in time or a duration in the past.
Past participle tense is used with auxiliary verbs to form the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses. It is also used as an adjective or a noun in some cases. It is formed by adding "-ed" to the base form of regular verbs or by using the third form of irregular verbs.
Note that there are some verbs in English that have irregular simple past and past participle forms, and these verbs must be memorized separately.
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Këtu është një tabelë që tregon dallimet midis tenseve të kaluara të thjeshta (simple past) dhe tenseve të kaluara të pjesëmarrës (past participle) në anglisht, së bashku me përkthimin e tyre në shqip:
Folje | Tense i kaluar i thjeshtë | Tense i kaluar i pjesëmarrës |
Qenë | Ishin/Jetuan | Qenë |
Shkoj | Shkova | Shkuar |
Ha | Hengra/ | ngrene |
Pij | Piva | Pire |
Shkruaj | Shkrova | Shkruar |
Thyej | Theva/Thyeva | Thyer/thyer |
Vrapoj | Vrapova | Vrapuar |
Fluturoj | Fluturova | Fluturuar |
Jap | Dhashë | Dhënë |
Shoh | Pashë | Parë |
Kam | Kisha/Ka | Pasur |
Bëj | Bëra | Bërë |
Koha e kaluar e thjeshtë përdoret për të përshkruar një veprim të kryer në të kaluarën. Formohet duke shtuar "-ed" në fund të formës së parë të foljes (base form) për foljet e rregullta, ose duke përdorur formën e dytë të foljeve të crregullta. Përdoret për të folur rreth një pikë të caktuar në kohë ose një periudhe në të kaluarën.
Tense i kaluar i pjesëmarrës përdoret me foljet ndihmëse për të formuar tense të tashme perfekte, tense të kaluara perfekte dhe tense të ardhshme perfekte. Përdoret gjithashtu si një mbiemer ose një emër në disa raste. Formohet duke shtuar "-ed" në fund të formës së parë të foljes për foljet e rregullta, ose duke përdorur formën e tretë të foljeve të parregullta.
Vërejtje: Në anglisht ka disa folje që kanë forma të padukshme të tenseve të kaluara të thjeshta dhe të pjesëmarrës, dhe këto folje duhet të memorizohen veçmas.
The Magic of the Moon
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a kingdom ruled by a kind and wise queen. She was known for her love of nature and her appreciation for the magic that could be found in the world around her.
One night, as the queen was taking a walk through her kingdom, she looked up at the sky and saw the full moon shining bright. She felt a sense of wonder and awe as she gazed up at the celestial body, and she knew that she wanted to experience the magic of the moon more deeply.
So, the queen called upon her most trusted advisors and asked them to help her find a way to harness the magic of the moon. They searched far and wide, but they couldn't find a way to capture the moon's magic and bring it to the kingdom.
One day, a young girl who lived in a small village near the edge of the kingdom came to the queen's palace. She had heard about the queen's desire to capture the magic of the moon, and she had an idea.
"Your Majesty," she said, "the magic of the moon cannot be captured and brought to us. It is something that we must seek out and experience for ourselves."
The queen was intrigued by the girl's words and asked her to explain more.
"Every full moon," the girl said, "my village holds a special celebration. We gather together and dance under the moon's light, singing songs and celebrating the beauty of the night. Perhaps if you came to our village and experienced the magic of the moon for yourself, you would find what you seek."
The queen was delighted by the girl's suggestion and decided to visit the village on the next full moon. She arrived just as the celebrations were starting and joined in with the villagers as they danced and sang.
As the night went on, the queen felt a sense of peace and wonder that she had never experienced before. She looked up at the full moon and felt as though she was connecting with a deep, powerful magic.
From that day on, the queen made it a point to seek out the magic of the moon on every full moon night. She would venture out into the kingdom and find a quiet spot to sit and reflect, basking in the moon's glow and feeling the magic of the night.
The moral of the story is that the magic of the world is all around us, waiting to be discovered. We just need to open our hearts and minds to the beauty and wonder of the world, and we will find the magic that we seek.
Here are some multiple choice comprehension questions for "The Magic of the Moon" story:
What did the villagers believe about the moon? a) It was made of cheese b) It had magical powers c) It was a symbol of bad luck
What did the old man ask for in return for the magical herb? a) Money b) A favor c) Nothing
What did the young boy do with the magical herb? a) He ate it b) He sold it to the villagers c) He gave it to the sick man
What did the sick man do after eating the magical herb? a) He died b) He became healthy again c) He became a magician
What did the young boy do when he realized the magical powers of the herb? a) He became greedy and started selling it for a high price b) He kept it a secret and only used it when necessary c) He gave it away to anyone who asked for it
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
"The Helpful Neighbor"
Sophie was a new student in a small town. She had moved from a big city and was feeling a bit lonely and lost. One day, she decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to explore and see what was around.
As she was walking, she noticed an older woman sitting on her porch, waving and smiling at her. Sophie waved back and walked over to the woman's porch to say hello.
The woman, whose name was Mrs. Johnson, welcomed Sophie warmly and asked her where she was from. Sophie told her about her move to the small town and how she was feeling a bit lost.
Mrs. Johnson listened sympathetically and then offered to show Sophie around the town and introduce her to some of her neighbors. Sophie gratefully accepted and spent the rest of the day with Mrs. Johnson, meeting new people and learning about the town.
Over the next few weeks, Sophie became good friends with Mrs. Johnson and the other people she had met. She realized that even though the town was small, it was full of kind and friendly people who were willing to help her out.
Sophie felt grateful for the kindness of her new neighbors and knew that she had found a new home in her new town.
The end.
I hope you enjoyed the story and found it helpful for your English learning at the A1 level!
Sure, here are some multiple choice comprehension questions based on the story "The Helpful Neighbor":
Who did Sophie meet sitting on her porch? a) A cat b) An old woman c) A group of children
What did Mrs. Johnson offer Sophie? a) A job b) To show her around the town and introduce her to some of her neighbors c) To go on a trip together
How did Sophie feel after meeting Mrs. Johnson and the other people she had met? a) Grateful b) Lonely c) Lost
What did Sophie learn about the town? a) It was big and overwhelming b) It was small and friendly c) It was dangerous and scary
What did Sophie realize about her new home? a) It was full of mean and unfriendly people b) It was full of kind and friendly people c) It was a place she didn't want to be in
I hope these questions help with your comprehension of the story!
Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier
Adverb of Frequency | Usage | Example |
Always | Used to describe something that happens all the time, without exception. | She always wakes up at 6 AM. |
Usually | Used to describe something that happens most of the time. | I usually take a walk in the park after dinner. |
Often | Used to describe something that happens frequently, but not all the time. | He often forgets his keys at home. |
Sometimes | Used to describe something that happens occasionally, but not regularly. | Sometimes I like to watch a movie instead of going out. |
Rarely | Used to describe something that happens infrequently. | She rarely eats fast food. |
Hardly ever | Used to describe something that almost never happens. | He hardly ever goes to the gym. |
Never | Used to describe something that does not happen at any time. | I never eat sushi. |
These adverbs can be used in various tenses and with different types of verbs to describe how often something happens or how likely it is to happen. It's important to note that these adverbs are subjective and can vary based on an individual's perception of frequency.
Ndajfoljet e Frekuencës | Përdorimi | Shembull |
Gjithmonë (Always) | Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh gjithmonë, pa përjashtim. | Ajo gjithmonë zgjohet në orën 6 të mëngjesit. |
Zakonisht (Usually) | Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh shumicën e kohës. | Zakonisht shkoj për një shëtitje në park pas darkës. |
Shpesh (Often) | Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh shpesh, por jo gjithmonë. | Ai shpesh harrohet qelsat në shtëpi. |
Ndonjëherë (Sometimes) | Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh rastësisht, por jo rregullisht. | Ndonjëherë më pëlqen të shoh një film në vend që të dal. |
Rrallë (Rarely) | Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh rrallë. | Ajo rrallë ha ushqim të shpejtë. |
Shumë rrallë (Hardly ever) | Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që ndodh shumë rrallë. | Ai shumë rrallë shkon në palestër. |
Asnjëherë (Never) | Përdoret për të përshkruar diçka që nuk ndodh në asnjë kohë. | Unë kurrë nuk ha sushi. |
Këto ndajfolje të frekuencës mund të përdoren në kohë të ndryshme dhe me lloje të ndryshme të foljeve për të përshkruar se sa shpesh ndodh diçka ose sa e mundshme është të ndodhë. Është e rëndësishme të vini re se këto ndajfolje janë subjektivë dhe mund të ndryshojnë bazuar në perceptimin e një individi për frekuencën.
Hi Mikena! Këtu është një tabelë që mund të ndihmojë në kuptimin e përdorimit të foljes "used to" në anglisht, me shpjegime në shqip:
Përdorimi | Shpjegim | Shembuj |
Used to + Infinitiv | Përshkruan veprime të rregullta në të kaluarën që nuk ndodhin më. | Unë zakonisht shikoja televizorin në darkë. (Tani nuk e bëj më.) |
Used to + Infinitiv | Përshkruan gjendje, situata ose zakone të rregullta në të kaluarën që nuk ekzistojnë më. | Ne zakonisht shkonim në plazh çdo verë. (Tani nuk e bëjmë më.) |
Didn't use to + Infinitiv | Përshkruan veprime që nuk ishin të zakonshme në të kaluarën, por tashmë janë të zakonshme. | Unë nuk shkruaja shumë poezi, por tani shkruaj shumë. |
Used to + Infinitiv | Përshkruan veprime ose situata të caktuara në të kaluarën që nuk ndodhin më. | Unë shkova në shkollë në Tiranë për 4 vite, por tani jam në universitet në Vlorë. |
Used to + Infinitiv | Përshkruan zakone, gjendje ose situata të rregullta në të kaluarën që nuk janë më të vërteta, por që ishin atëherë. | Ne zakonisht bënim një turmë njerëzish për të parë futbollin në televizor, por tani kemi marrë një televizor më të madh. |
Shpresoj që kjo tabelë do të ndihmojë në kuptimin e përdorimit të foljes "used to" në anglisht.
Hi Mikena, Here is a chart outlining the past continuous tense rules and examples of how and where to use it correctly:
Past Continuous Tense | Rules and Usage | Examples |
Formation | "was/were" + present participle (-ing) of the verb | "I was walking to the store." |
Duration in the Past | Use to describe an action that was happening in the past for a specific duration | "He was watching TV all afternoon." |
Interrupted Actions | Use to describe an ongoing action in the past that was interrupted by another action | "She was cooking dinner when the phone rang." |
Background Information | Use to describe an ongoing action in the past that sets the scene for another action or event | "The sun was setting as we arrived at the beach." |
Two Actions Simultaneously | Use to describe two actions happening simultaneously in the past | "While I was reading, my sister was studying." |
It's important to note that the past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was in progress in the past and was ongoing at a specific time. It is formed by using the auxiliary verbs "was" or "were" and adding the present participle (-ing) of the verb. It's also essential to use the tense consistently throughout a sentence and to use it correctly with other past tenses, such as the simple past tense.
Hi Mikena,, here is a chart outlining the simple past tense rules and examples of how and where to use it correctly:
Simple Past Tense | Rules and Usage | Examples |
Regular Verbs | Add "-ed" to the base form of the verb | "I walked to the store." |
Irregular Verbs | Use the past tense form of the verb | "I ate breakfast at 8:00 am." |
Completed Actions | Use to describe a completed action in the past | "She finished her homework yesterday." |
Series of Actions | Use to describe a sequence of actions that occurred in the past | "He woke up, brushed his teeth, and then ate breakfast." |
Duration in the Past | Use to describe a past action that lasted for a specific duration | "I lived in New York for five years." |
Past Habits | Use to describe a past routine or habit that is no longer occurring | "She always went for a run in the morning." |
It's important to note that the simple past tense is used to talk about completed actions in the past and is not used for ongoing or future actions. Additionally, it's essential to use the correct verb form, whether regular or irregular, and to pay attention to the subject-verb agreement.
Hi Mikena
Try these adjectives and prepositions.
Do you know how to use adjectives with prepositions like interested in or similar to?
Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.
Look at these examples to see how adjectives are used with prepositions.
I'm interested in the idea. My jacket is similar to yours. She's brilliant at maths. My neighbour is angry about the party. Try this exercise to test your grammar. Grammar explanation
Some adjectives go with certain prepositions. There are no grammatical rules for which preposition is used with which adjective, so it's a good idea to try to learn them together. To help you do this, write new vocabulary in your notebook in a sentence or phrase.
However, there are some patterns that can help you. Let's look at them first. Remember that a preposition is followed by a noun or a gerund (-ing form).
With at
We use at with adjectives like good/bad/amazing/brilliant/terrible, etc. to talk about skills and abilities.
He's really good at English. She's amazing at the piano. They're terrible at organising anything. I'm not very good at drawing.
With about
We often use about with adjectives of feelings like angry/excited/happy/nervous/sad/stressed/worried, etc. to explain what is causing that feeling.
I'm angry about the decision. He's nervous about the presentation. She's excited about the new job. They were worried about the exam.
With of
However, sometimes we use of with feelings. She was afraid of telling her mum. I'm frightened of having an accident. He's scared of flying. You should be proud of your progress.
With to
We can use to to show the connection between people or things.
He's married to the director. I'm addicted to my phone. I'm allergic to nuts. It's similar to the old one.
We can also use to to talk about someone's behaviour towards someone else.
They were really friendly to me. Was he nice to you? He is always polite to everyone. She was very rude to the waitress.
Here are some other useful adjectives with prepositions.
With for
Exercise is good for you. Stress is bad for you. The town is famous for its cheese. I'm responsible for the financial side of the business.
With in
She's interested in the project. They want someone who's experienced in design. I didn't want to get involved in the argument. Do this exercise to test your grammar again.
Hi Mikena, here's a short reading passage with some comprehension questions for you:
Reading Passage:
Sarah loves to read books. She usually reads a book every week. Her favorite type of books are mysteries. She likes to try to figure out who the culprit is before the end of the story. She also enjoys reading romance novels. She loves to get lost in the love story and imagine herself as the main character.
Comprehension Questions:
- What does Sarah enjoy doing?
- How often does Sarah read a book?
- What is Sarah's favorite type of book?
- What does Sarah try to do while reading mysteries?
- What type of book does Sarah also like to read?
- What does Sarah imagine when she reads romance novels?
paf 02.19.20223
Hi Mikena,
Sigurisht, mund të shpjegoj se si përdoren parafjalet e kohës në gjuhën angleze "in", "at" dhe "on" me fjalë shqip.
"In" përdoret për të treguar një kohë të përgjithshme, një periudhë kohore ose një muaj të caktuar. Për shembull, "in the morning" (në mëngjes), "in May" (në maj), "in the 1980s" (në vitet 1980).
"At" përdoret për të treguar një kohë të saktë ose një pikë kohore të caktuar. Për shembull, "at 3 o'clock" (në ora 3), "at noon" (në mesditë), "at midnight" (në mesnatë), "at the moment" (në këtë moment).
"On" përdoret për të treguar një ditë të caktuar ose një datë të saktë. Për shembull, "on Monday" (të hënën), "on May 1st" (më 1 maj), "on New Year's Day" (në ditën e vitit të ri), "on my birthday" (në ditëlindjen time).
Përveç kësaj, këto parafjale mund të përdoren edhe në mënyra të ndryshme në varësi të kontekstit. Për shembull, "at Christmas" (në Krishtlindje), "on the weekend" (në fundjavë), "in the afternoon" (në pasdite), "at the beginning of the year" (në fillim të vitit).
Në përgjithësi, këto parafjale të kohës janë shumë të rëndësishme në gjuhën angleze dhe duhet t'u acarohet vëmendja e mjaftueshme për t'i përdorur ato në mënyrë të saktë në kontekstin e duhur.
Hi Mikena,
Fjala "to be" në gjuhën angleze është fjala që përdoret për të shprehur praninë, ekzistencën, ose gjendjen e diçkaje ose dikujt. Për të kuptuar se si ta përdorni atë, është e rëndësishme të kuptoni format e ndryshme të fjalisë në kohë dhe në person.
Në kohën e tashme (present tense), format e mundshme janë:
- I am (unë jam)
- You are (ti je)
- He/She/It is (ai/ajo/ajo është)
- We are (ne jemi)
- You are (ju jeni)
- They are (ata/ato janë)
Për shembull, nëse dëshironi të thoni se "Unë jam shumë i/e lumtur", do të thoni "I am very happy".
Në kohën e shkuar të thjeshtë (simple past tense), format e mundshme janë:
- I was (unë isha)
- You were (ti ishe)
- He/She/It was (ai/ajo/ajo ishte)
- We were (ne ishim)
- You were (ju ishit)
- They were (ata/ato ishin)
Për shembull, nëse dëshironi të thoni se "Ai ishte shumë i/e lodhur dje", do të thoni "He was very tired yesterday".
Në kohën e ardhshme të thjeshtë (simple future tense), format e mundshme janë:
- I will be (unë do të jem)
- You will be (ti do të jesh)
- He/She/It will be (ai/ajo/ajo do të jetë)
- We will be (ne do të jemi)
- You will be (ju do të jeni)
- They will be (ata/ato do të jenë)
Për shembull, nëse dëshironi të thoni se "Ne do të jemi në plazh nesër", do të thoni "We will be at the beach tomorrow".
Së fundi, ekzistojnë edhe format e tjera të kohëve, si koha e tashme e thjeshtë (present simple), koha e shkuar e përfunduar (present perfect), etj. Por, këto janë format kryesore që mund të përdoren për të shprehur fjalinë "to be" në gjuhën angleze.
Mikena, her mum, and her sister's children decided to spend the afternoon in the park. They packed a picnic basket and some games to play. When they arrived at the park, they spread out a blanket and unpacked their snacks.
Mikena's nieces and nephews were very excited to play. They started a game of tag, and Mikena and her mum watched and cheered them on. Soon, they got tired and decided to play a board game.
As they played, Mikena's nieces and nephews asked her and her mum lots of questions. They wanted to know how to spell words and how to solve math problems. Mikena and her mum were happy to help them.
After they finished the game, they played with a frisbee and a soccer ball. Mikena's nieces and nephews were very good at soccer, and they had a lot of fun playing together.
As the sun started to set, they packed up their things and headed home. They were all tired but happy from their day in the park. Mikena's nieces and nephews thanked her and her mum for spending time with them and teaching them new things.
Comprehension Questions:
- What did Mikena, her mum, and her sister's children do in the park?
- What did they pack for their trip?
- What game did Mikena's nieces and nephews start playing?
- What did Mikena and her mum help the children with?
- What did they play with after the board game?
- What were Mikena's nieces and nephews good at?
- How did they feel at the end of their day in the park?
- What did Mikena's nieces and nephews say to her and her mum at the end of the day?
The story of St. Valentine is a mix of history and legend, and it is believed that he lived in the 3rd century in Rome. Here is the most widely accepted version of the story:
St. Valentine was a priest who lived during a time when the Roman Empire was ruled by Emperor Claudius II. Emperor Claudius believed that single men made better soldiers than those who were married, so he banned marriages. However, St. Valentine continued to secretly perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers.
When the Emperor found out, he had St. Valentine arrested and thrown into prison. While he was in prison, St. Valentine became friends with the jailer's daughter and he is said to have cured her of her blindness. Before he was executed, St. Valentine wrote a letter to the jailer's daughter and signed it "From your Valentine".
St. Valentine was executed on February 14th and was later canonised as a saint. The Catholic Church recognises him as the patron saint of lovers and the feast of St. Valentine is celebrated on February 14th each year.
Comprehension Questions:
When did St. Valentine live?
Who was the ruler of the Roman Empire during St. Valentine's time?
Why did Emperor Claudius ban marriages?
What did St. Valentine do in secret?
Why did St. Valentine write a letter to the jailer's daughter?
When is the feast of St. Valentine celebrated?
Hi Mikena,
Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte. Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthme.
Mesimi # 6
A. Sentence structure
Struktura e fjalise.
The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement. Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.
1 Subject Verb
Kryefjale + Folje My arms are aching
Something happened
2. Subject Verb Object
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor
I need a rest
Five people are moving the piano
The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun (e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg the piano)
Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:
a) emerb) peremerc) grup emeror)
3. Subject Verb Complement
Kryefjale + Folje + Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )
This piano is heavy It was a big problem
The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.
Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:
a) mbiemerb) emerc) grup emeror.
Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.
4. Subject Verb Adverbial
Kryefjale + Folje + Ndajfolje ose rrethanor
It is on my foot.
Their house is nearby. An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby). Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.
5. Subject Verb Object Object
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor + Kundrinor
It ‘s giving me backache.
David bought Melanie a present.
We use two objects after verbs like give and send.Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.
B. Adverbials Ndajfoljoret
We can add adverbials to all the five main structures. Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.
My arms are aching terribly. I really need a rest. Of course this piano is heavy . Fortunately their house is nearby .
Kryefjale + Folje
Something happened
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor
Five people are moving the piano
The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun
Kryefjale + Folje + Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )
Kryefjale + Folje + Ndajfolje ose rrethanor
Their house is nearby.
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor + Kundrinor
David bought Melanie a present.
Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know)
1 We form the Present Simple like this:
Singular | I know. |
| You know. |
| He/she/it knows. |
Plural | We know. |
| You know. |
| They know. |
I know the answer.
She starts work at 9.30.
We add -s after he/she/it:
I start→ he starts I live→ she lives
If a verb ends in –ch ,-o ,-sh , or -ss , we add –es after he/she/it:
I watch→he watches | You do→he does |
They go→it goes | We wash→she washes |
If a verb ends in a consonant (b,c,d etc.) + y (e.g.study) , we use –ies after he/she/it:
I study→he studies I fly→it flies
2 Now look at these examples of the negative:
I don’t like that music.
He doesn’t listen to his teacher.
Full form | Short form |
I do not know. | I don’t know. |
You do not know. | You don’t know. |
He/she/it |
does not know. | He doesn’t know. |
We do not know. | We don’t know. |
You do not know. | You don’t know. |
They do not know. | They don’t know. |
Note that we say:
He does not know. (Not He does not knows.)
3 We use the Present Simple:
To talk about things that happen regularly:
Monday Tuesday Wensday
He plays golf every day.
To talk about facts:
She comes from France. (=She is French.)
Greengrocers sell vegetables.
I don’t speak Chinese.
A Add -s or -es to the verbs in the sentences if it is necessary. If it is not necessary, put a (ü) in the gap.
He works_______ in a bank.
They live ü____ in the France.
I watch _________TV every day.
She go________ to work by car.
The film finish ________ at ten o’clock.
We play _________tennis every weekend.
They go_______ on holiday in August.
He speak__________ Italian and French.
She do____________ her homework every night.
We start __________work at 8:30.
B Now finish these sentences using a verb from the box. Use each verb once. Remember to add -s or -es if necessary.
Fly | Study | Finish | Eat |
Sell | Smoke | Drink | Live |
He eats toast for breakfast.
I ________coffee three times a day.
My father ____________ a new language every year.
She__________ to New York once a month.
He ___________ cigarettes a day.
They ______ in Ireland.
He ____________ work at six o’clock.
I _________ fruit in a shop.
C Write these sentences, using the negative form of Present Simple.
(He/not/live/in Mexico)→ He doesn’t live in Mexico.
(She/not/work/in a bank)→ _________________________________
(I/not/play/golf) → __________________________________________
(Paul/not/listen/to the radio) → ____________________________
(You/not/listen/to me!)→_____________________________________
(My car/not/work)→__________________________________________
D Put in the verbs from the box, in the Present Simple. Use each verb once.
Leave | Start | Arrive | Get | Watch | Work | Brush |
Eat | Have | Like | Drink | Go | Stop |
Interviewer: | How do you start day, Jim? |
Jim: | Well, I get up at six o’clock. I get washed and dressed, and I ____ breakfast at seven o’clock. After breakfast,I ______ my teeth. I ___to work at eight o’clock. |
Interviewer: | When do you get to work? |
Jim: | I usually _______ at my office at about half past eight. First, I ______ a cup of coffee, and then I ______ work at 8.45 am. |
Interviewer: | Where do you work? |
Jim: | I _____ in a bank. I am a computer operator. I ______ my job. It’s very interesting. |
Interviewer: | When do you eat lunch? |
Jim: | I ________ work and I have lunch at one o’clock. I _____ a cup of tea at half past three. |
Interviewer: | When do you finish work? |
Jim: | I ______ the office at six o’clock. I eat dinner when I get home. Then I _____TV for an hour or two. |
E Use the table to write facts about Joan. A tick (ü) means that something is true. A cross (û) means that something is not true. Use the verbs in brackets.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
from Scotland ü | in a bank û | in a flat ü | French ü | new films û |
from England û | in a shop ü | in a house û | Italian û | old films ü |
0 | (come) | She comes from Scotland. | She doesn’t come from England. |
1 | (work) | She____________ in a bank. | She___________________ in a shop. |
2 | (live) | She ______________________ | She ____________________________ |
3 | (speak) | __________________________ | _________________________________ |
4 | (like) | __________________________ | _________________________________ |
Stative verbs
Foljet e gjendjes
Do you know how to use stative verbs like think, love, smell and have? Look at these examples to see how stative verbs are used.
A dini se si t’i përdorni foljet e gjendjes si mendoj, dua, nuhas dhe kam? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren foljet e gjendjes.
I think that’s a good idea.
I love this song!
That coffee smells good.
Do you have a pen?
Try this exercise to test your grammar.
Provoni këtë ushtrim për të testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore.
Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences.
Zgjidhni formën e saktë të foljes për të plotësuar fjalitë.
That can’t be right. I _____ you!
don’t believe
‘m not believing
My holiday’s next week. I _____ myself on the beach right now!
‘m imagining
I’ve changed the design slightly. What _____?
do you think
are you thinking
She’s not answering. _____ her phone with her?
Does she have
Is she having
Fifty-three? Are you sure that’s the answer, or _____?
do you guess
are you guessing
The film’s on at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Which _____?
do you prefer
are you preferring
Where’s Grandad? Oh, he _____ the flowers in the garden.
‘s smelling
I don’t know, but I _____ he’ll win the election.
‘m doubting
Read the explanation to learn more.
Lexoni shpjegimin për të mësuar më shumë.
Grammar explanation
Shpjegimi gramatikor
Stative verbs describe a state rather than an action. They aren’t usually used in the present continuous form.
Foljet e gjendjes përshkuajnë një gjendje se sa një veprim. Ato zakonisht nuk përdoren në të tashmen e vazhduar.
I don’t know the answer. I’m not knowing the answer.
She really likes you. She’s really liking you.
He seems happy at the moment. He’s seeming happy at the moment.
Stative verbs often relate to:
Foljet e gjendjes shpesh lidhen me:
thoughts and opinions: agree, believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, mean, recognise, remember, suspect, think, understand
mendimet dhe opinionet: pranoj, besoj, dyshoj, imagjinoj, di, nënkuptoj, njoh, mbaj mend, dyshoj, mendoj, kuptoj
feelings and emotions: dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish
ndjenjat dhe emocionet: nuk pëlqej, urreoj, pëlqej, preferoj, dëshiroj, uroj
senses and perceptions: appear, be, feel, hear, look, see, seem, smell, taste
shqisat dhe perceptimet: shfaq, jam, ndiej, dëgjoj, vështroj, shoh, dukem, nuhas, shijoj
possession and measurement: belong, have, measure, own, possess, weigh.
pronësi dhe matjet: përket, kam, mat, zotëroj, kam në pronësi, peshoj.
Verbs that are sometimes stative
Foljet që tregojnë ndonjëherë gjendje
A number of verbs can refer to states or actions, depending on the context.
Një numër foljesh mund t’i referohet gjendjeve apo veprimeve, në varësi të kontekstit.
I think it’s a good idea.
Wait a moment! I’m thinking.
The first sentence expresses an opinion. It is a mental state, so we use present simple. In the second example the speaker is actively processing thoughts about something. It is an action in progress, so we use present continuous.
Fjalia e parë shpreh një mendim. Ajo është një gjendje mendore, kështu që përdorim kohën e tashme. Në shembullin e dytë folësi është duke përpunuar mendimet për diçka në mënyrë aktive, kështu që përdorim kohën e tashme të vazhduar.
Some other examples are:
Disa shembuj të tjerë janë:
I have an old car. (state – possession)
(gjendje – pronësi)
I’m having a quick break. (action – having a break is an activity)
(veprim – të pushosh pak është një veprimtari)
Do you see any problems with that? (state – opinion)
(gjendje – mendim)
We’re seeing Tadanari tomorrow afternoon. (action – we’re meeting him)
(veprim – do ta takojmë atë)
He’s so interesting! (state – his permanent quality)
(gjendje – cilësi e tij e përhershme)
He’s being very unhelpful. (action – he is temporarily behaving this way)
(veprim – ai po sillet kështu përkohësisht)
This coffee tastes delicious. (state – our perception of the coffee)
(gjendje – perceptimi ynë për kafen)
Look! The chef is tasting the soup. (action – tasting the soup is an activity)
(veprim – të shijuarit e supës është veprim)
Other verbs like this include: agree, appear, doubt, feel, guess, hear, imagine, look, measure, remember, smell, weigh, wish.
Folje të tjera kështu, përfshijnë: pranoj, shfaq, dyshoj, ndiej, hamendësoj, dëgjoj, imagjinoj, vështroj, mat, mbaj mend, nuhas, peshoj, uroj.
Do this exercise to test your grammar again.
Bëni këtë ushtrim për të testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore.
Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences.
Zgjidhni formën e saktë të foljes për të plotësuar fjalitë.
Are you making bread? It _____ amazing.
‘s smelling
I _____ they’ll be here quite soon.
‘m imagining
We _____ coffee with Xavier later today.
‘re having
I’m sorry, I _____.
don’t understand
‘m not understanding
Sam thinks it’s a good idea, and Ben _____.
‘s agreeing
I _____ this avocado to see if it’s ready to eat.
‘m feeling
She _____ the dentist at 4 p.m. today.
‘s seeing
Do you know what I _____?
‘m meaning
Let's talk about the difference between to, too, and two.
These three words are English homophones.
They sound the same in spoken English, but they have very different meanings. They are very common in English, so it is important that you know the differences.
1. To is used to show a relation or connection.
Examples:- She is married to John.
- Is Sally related to you? Yes, she is my aunt.
- How is John related to you? He is my uncle.
2. To means to go toward something in the direction of something
Examples:- I will throw the ball to him.
- We are driving to California.
- When are you going to church?
Too is an English adverb meaning:
1. also
Examples:- She will be visiting too.
- Are you going too?
- Hand me the pencils and the paper too.
2. an excessive amount
Examples:- I ate too much cake.
- Her hair is too curly.
- It is too much work.
Two is the number that comes after one.
Examples:- There are two boys in my family.
- I have two questions.
- She ate two slices of bread.
Non-progressive verbs
With some verbs (for example know, want, like, remember, have meaning ´possess´, be), we usually use simple tenses, not progressive tenses.
Me disa folje (si per shembull di, dua, pelqej, kujtoj, ka - "ne kuptimin = ‘zoteroj’ , jam), zakonisht perdorim kohet e tashme , jo kohet e tashme te vazhduara.
I know who she is. Jo --(I am knowing …)
Do you want to go home now? Jo -- (Are you wanting …)
I don´t like this music. jo --(I am not liking …)
Halil has (got) a headache. jo (He is having …)
Spelling of -ing forms
MOST VERBS: | Work – working eat – eating |
VERBS ENDING IN -e: | Make – making(makeing) write – writing |
SHORT VERBS ENDING IN ONE VOWEL + ONE CONSONANT: | Stop – stopping sit – sitting run – running |
VERBS ENDING IN -ie: | Lie – lying die – dying |
Concentrate on little things
I like the people around me.
I like the joy, and this way joy comes back to me.
I like friendship, and this way my life is blessed,
And my days are full of smiles.
I don’t have to possess a thing to enjoy it all.
There is so much to gain
If I concentrate on little things,
And on ordinary little people.
There are so many surprises
And so many wonders to be discovered.
In all things there is a memory of lost joy.
Being able to see this is the art of living.
I know, for sure, that it is impossible
If heaven has not come to me first.
Heaven must start on earth wherever people are friends
And where kindness is passed on with joy,
Form hand to hand.
But, of course, every sky has its clouds.
I am not always in the best of moods
And friendships becomes like dried prunes.
Still, that is not a problem to feel sad about.
Life is a compulsive adventure, with God and people,
In a world of give and take.
I want to be neither a hero nor a martyr.
But a funny little man, who gathers the forgotten flowers
And laughs at the big people of this world
Who sit on power and riches.
I like the people around me.
I like the joy, and this way my life is blessed,
and my days are full of smiles.
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