Glei Dikellari and his coming Audi2014


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

June 15 2023

To determine if you are obese, you can calculate your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a commonly used method to assess whether a person has a healthy body weight based on their height and weight. Here's how you can calculate your BMI:

  1. Measure your weight in kilograms (kg).
  2. Measure your height in meters (m).

Once you have these measurements, use the following formula to calculate your BMI:

BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m))^2

For example, if you weigh 80 kilograms and your height is 1.75 meters, the calculation would be:

BMI = 80 kg / (1.75 m)^2 = 26.1

After calculating your BMI, you can interpret the results using the following categories:

  • Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9
  • Obesity: BMI of 30 or higher

Keep in mind that while BMI is a useful tool for most individuals, it does have limitations. It doesn't account for factors such as muscle mass, bone density, and distribution of body fat. Therefore, it's essential to consider other factors and consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment of your health.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

05.03. 2023

. Passives: complex structures

In complex sentences, the passive voice can be used to put the focus on the action, rather than the actor. Here are some examples of complex sentences in the passive voice:

  1. The book, which was written by a Nobel laureate, has been widely acclaimed by critics.
  2. The project, which had been funded by the government, was ultimately abandoned due to lack of interest.
  3. The proposal, which is being considered by the committee, has generated a lot of discussion among members.
  4. The report, which had been commissioned by the board of directors, was presented at the annual meeting.
  5. The program, which will be implemented next year, has already been approved by the executive committee.

In each of these sentences, the focus is on the action (e.g., writing a book, funding a project, considering a proposal), rather than on the person or entity performing the action.

Using the passive voice in complex sentences can be particularly effective when you want to avoid mentioning the actor or when the actor is not important. It can also be useful when you want to emphasize the action being performed, rather than who is doing it.

It's important to note that the passive voice can make complex sentences more difficult to understand, so be sure to use it appropriately and sparingly.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

05.02. 2023

1. active object complement - passive subject complement

In grammar, an object complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective that follows and describes or renames the direct object of a verb. When the verb is in the active voice, the object complement follows the direct object.

For example, in the sentence "She painted the wall blue", "blue" is the object complement that describes the direct object "the wall".

In the passive voice, the subject complement comes after the linking verb and describes or renames the subject of the sentence. The subject complement can be a noun, pronoun, or adjective.

For example, in the sentence "The wall was painted blue by her", "blue" is still the object complement that describes the direct object "the wall", but "was painted" is the passive voice of "painted", and "her" is the agent indicated by the preposition "by". In addition, the subject "the wall" becomes the subject complement of the sentence.

Using an active object complement and a passive subject complement can be useful in situations where the emphasis is on the end result rather than the person who caused it. Here are some examples:

Active Voice:

  • We elected her president.
  • They named the baby James.
  • She made the cake chocolate.

Passive Voice:

  • She was elected president.
  • The baby was named James.
  • The cake was made chocolate.

In each of these sentences, the object complement (president, James, chocolate) becomes the subject complement when the sentence is changed to the passive voice.

Using an active object complement and a passive subject complement can be a good way to vary sentence structures and to put the emphasis on the result, rather than the person who caused it. However, it's important to use it appropriately and sparingly, as it can make the sentence more complex and harder to understand.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

05.01. 2023

2.Structure with introductory 'it' in passive voice: It is thought ; it is believed

The structure with introductory "it" can also be used in the passive voice, with the verbs "thought" and "believed" being common in this usage. In this case, "it" serves as the grammatical subject and is followed by a form of "to be" and a past participle, such as "thought" or "believed".

Here are some examples of sentences with an introductory "it" in the passive voice:

  1. It is thought that the Mona Lisa was painted in the early 16th century by Leonardo da Vinci.
  2. It is believed that the first Thanksgiving feast took place in 1621.
  3. It is said that the building was designed by a famous architect.
  4. It is known that elephants have excellent memory.
  5. It is rumored that the company is about to go bankrupt.

In each of these sentences, "it" is used at the beginning of the sentence to introduce the topic or idea, which is then followed by the passive voice construction. This structure can be useful for emphasizing an idea or belief, without having to identify a specific person or entity responsible for the idea or belief.

It's important to use this structure appropriately and make sure that the actual subject of the sentence is clear and easy to understand.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.30. 2023

3. Subject+passive verb+ infinitive

A subject + passive verb + infinitive structure is a type of sentence in which the subject is acted upon by an unspecified agent, and the main verb is in the passive voice. This structure is often used to describe an action that is intended or expected to be performed by someone or something, without identifying who or what will perform the action.

Here are some examples of sentences with a subject + passive verb + infinitive structure:

  1. The package is supposed to be delivered tomorrow.
  2. The report needs to be completed by Friday.
  3. The car is expected to be repaired soon.
  4. The manuscript is intended to be published next year.
  5. The building is scheduled to be demolished next month.

In each of these sentences, the subject is being acted upon by an unspecified agent, and the main verb is in the passive voice. The infinitive that follows the passive verb describes the intended or expected action.

Using a subject + passive verb + infinitive structure can be useful for expressing expectations or intentions without explicitly identifying who or what will perform the action. However, it's important to use it appropriately and to make sure that the actual subject of the sentence is clear and easy to understand.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.29. 2023

4. Structure with : There is: There is thought/said to be etc

The structure "There is" is often used to introduce a statement about the existence or presence of something, and it can also be used to introduce a belief or opinion. Here are some examples of how this structure is used:

  1. There is a book on the table. (describing the existence of the book)
  2. There is a storm brewing in the distance. (describing the presence of the storm)
  3. There is said to be a treasure hidden in the cave. (introducing a belief or opinion)
  4. There is thought to be a connection between the two events. (introducing a belief or opinion)
  5. There is believed to be life on other planets. (introducing a belief or opinion)

In each of these examples, the phrase "there is" is used to introduce a statement about the existence or presence of something, or to introduce a belief or opinion about something. The structure is often followed by a noun, but it can also be followed by an adjective or a past participle.

Using the structure "There is" can be a useful way to introduce a statement or belief in a clear and concise manner. However, it's important to make sure that the actual subject of the sentence is clear and easy to understand.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.28. 2023

Here's a chart showing how to form passive sentences for progressive and perfect tenses:

Present Progressiveam/is/are being + past participleThe house is being cleaned by the maid.
Past Progressivewas/were being + past participleThe cake was being baked by the baker.
Present Perfecthas/have been + past participleThe report has been written by the team.
Past Perfecthad been + past participleThe game had been won by the home team.

In passive sentences for progressive and perfect tenses, the auxiliary verb "be" is used in its appropriate form, followed by the past participle of the main verb.

Here are some exercises to practice forming passive sentences for progressive and perfect tenses:

Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice:

  1. They are building a new hotel downtown.
  2. She has been teaching English for 10 years.
  3. The company had been developing a new product for months before it was cancelled.
  4. He is cooking dinner for us right now.


  1. A new hotel downtown is being built by them.
  2. English has been taught by her for 10 years.
  3. A new product had been developed by the company for months before it was cancelled.
  4. Dinner for us is being cooked by him right now.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice:

  1. The team has been winning the game for an hour.
  2. The chef had been cooking the meal for two hours when the power went out.
  3. The computer is processing the data right now.
  4. We have been waiting for the bus since 10 o'clock this morning.


  1. The game has been being won by the team for an hour.
  2. The meal had been being cooked by the chef for two hours when the power went out.
  3. The data is being processed by the computer right now.
  4. The bus has been being waited for by us since 10 o'clock this morning.

I hope these exercises help you practice forming passive sentences for progressive and perfect tenses!


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.29. 2023

Here's a chart showing how to form passive sentences for verbs with two objects:

Active VoicePassive Voice
Subject + verb + direct object + indirect objectIndirect object + be + past participle + to + direct object
He gave me a gift.I was given a gift by him.
She showed him the way.He was shown the way by her.
They offered us a discount.We were offered a discount by them.
He told her a story.She was told a story by him.

In passive sentences for verbs with two objects, the indirect object becomes the subject of the sentence, and the direct object becomes the object of the preposition "to". The past participle of the main verb is used, along with the appropriate form of the verb "to be".

I hope this chart helps you form passive sentences for verbs with two objects!

Sure, here are some more examples of passive sentences for verbs with two objects:

Active Voice:

  • The teacher gave the students a test.

Passive Voice:

  • The students were given a test by the teacher.

Active Voice:

  • The waiter brought us the check.

Passive Voice:

  • We were brought the check by the waiter.

Active Voice:

  • She lent me her book.

Passive Voice:

  • I was lent her book by her.

Active Voice:

  • They showed him the way to the train station.

Passive Voice:

  • He was shown the way to the train station by them.

Active Voice:

  • The company offered me the job.

Passive Voice:

  • I was offered the job by the company.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.28. 2023

Here are some sentences for you to choose from:

  1. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system. OR

  2. The Great Barrier Reef is a popular destination for tourists and divers.

  3. The reef is home to thousands of species of marine life. OR

  4. The reef is threatened by climate change and other human activities.

  5. Efforts are underway to protect and preserve the reef for future generations. OR

  6. There is little that can be done to save the reef from its inevitable demise.

  7. Despite the challenges it faces, the Great Barrier Reef remains one of the most stunning natural wonders of the world. OR

  8. The Great Barrier Reef is no longer a viable destination for tourists due to the damage it has suffered in recent years.

  9. Visitors can explore the reef through snorkeling, diving, and glass-bottom boat tours. OR

  10. Visitors are not allowed to touch or damage the reef in any way.

Choose the best sentence from each pair to create a coherent and accurate text about the Great Barrier Reef:



Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.27. 2023

Here's a text with pairs of sentences for you to choose from:


The city of Paris is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Its iconic landmarks and rich history make it a must-see for many travelers. However, Paris is not just a place for tourists to visit. It's also a vibrant and dynamic city with a rich cultural scene and a diverse population.

  1. Paris has been a popular tourist destination for centuries, attracting millions of visitors every year. OR

  2. The popularity of Paris as a tourist destination has grown rapidly in recent years, with millions of people visiting each year.

  3. Paris is famous for its iconic landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral. OR

  4. The Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral are two of Paris's most iconic landmarks, and are world-famous attractions.

  5. Despite its popularity as a tourist destination, Paris is also a living city with a rich cultural scene. OR

  6. Paris's cultural scene is overshadowed by its popularity as a tourist destination, but it is actually a vibrant and dynamic city with a lot to offer locals and visitors alike.

  7. One of the things that makes Paris unique is its diverse population, with people from all over the world living and working in the city. OR

  8. Paris's population is not very diverse, with most people being native French speakers and relatively few foreigners living in the city.

Choose the best sentence from each pair to create a coherent and accurate text about Paris:



Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

04.26. 2023

Here are some reasons why you might choose to use passive voice in your writing:

  1. To shift the focus to the object or the action being performed. In passive voice, the object or the action being performed becomes the subject of the sentence. This can be useful when you want to emphasize what is being done, rather than who is doing it.

Example: "The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci" (passive) versus "Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa" (active). In the passive sentence, the focus is on the painting itself, rather than on the artist who created it.

  1. To avoid assigning blame or responsibility. Passive voice can be used to avoid placing blame on a specific person or group.

Example: "Mistakes were made" (passive) versus "We made mistakes" (active). In the passive sentence, there is no specific actor responsible for the mistakes, whereas in the active sentence, "we" take responsibility for the mistakes.

  1. To sound more formal or objective. Passive voice can be used in formal or academic writing to sound more objective and detached.

Example: "The study was conducted to determine the effects of caffeine on the body" (passive) versus "We conducted the study to determine the effects of caffeine on the body" (active). In the passive sentence, the focus is on the study and its purpose, rather than on the researchers who conducted it.

It's important to note that while passive voice can be useful in certain contexts, it can also make your writing less clear and direct. When using passive voice, make sure that your sentences are still clear and easy to understand, and consider whether an active construction might be more appropriate.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here are some exercises to practice identifying and transforming sentences from active to passive voice and vice versa:

Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice:

  1. The teacher gave the students an assignment.
  2. The wind knocked down the tree.
  3. The waiter is serving the food to the customers.
  4. The company will launch a new product next month.
  5. The children broke the vase.


  1. An assignment was given to the students by the teacher.
  2. The tree was knocked down by the wind.
  3. The food is being served to the customers by the waiter.
  4. A new product will be launched by the company next month.
  5. The vase was broken by the children.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice:

  1. The door was opened by the cat.
  2. The letter will be sent by my sister.
  3. The ball was thrown by the boy.
  4. The car was driven by John.
  5. The cake was made by the baker.


  1. The cat opened the door.
  2. My sister will send the letter.
  3. The boy threw the ball.
  4. John drove the car.
  5. The baker made the cake.

I hope these exercises help you practice identifying and transforming sentences from active to passive voice and vice versa!


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here are some examples of active voice sentences and their corresponding passive voice sentences:

Active Voice:

  • She ate the pizza.

Passive Voice:

  • The pizza was eaten by her.

Active Voice:

  • They will clean the house.

Passive Voice:

  • The house will be cleaned by them.

Active Voice:

  • He is reading the book.

Passive Voice:

  • The book is being read by him.

Active Voice:

  • The teacher gave the students a test.

Passive Voice:

  • A test was given to the students by the teacher.

Active Voice:

  • The dog chased the cat.

Passive Voice:

  • The cat was chased by the dog.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Passive voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of a sentence is acted upon by the verb, rather than performing the action themselves. In passive voice, the focus is on the action being done rather than the person doing it.

Here's a chart showing how passive voice is formed in different tenses:

Simple Presentis/are + past participleThe cake is baked by the baker.
Present Continuousis/are being + past participleThe cake is being baked by the baker.
Simple Pastwas/were + past participleThe cake was baked by the baker.
Past Continuouswas/were being + past participleThe cake was being baked by the baker.
Present Perfecthas/have been + past participleThe cake has been baked by the baker.
Past Perfecthad been + past participleThe cake had been baked by the baker.
Future Simplewill be + past participleThe cake will be baked by the baker.
Future Perfectwill have been + past participleThe cake will have been baked by the baker.

Note that in passive voice, the object of the active voice sentence becomes the subject of the passive voice sentence, while the subject of the active voice sentence becomes the object of the preposition "by".

In a passive voice sentence, the subject is the receiver of the action, while the object is the doer of the action (as represented by the preposition "by").

Here's a chart to illustrate this:

Active VoicePassive Voice
Subject: ISubject: The cake
Verb: bakeVerb: is/are baked
Object: the cakeObject: (by) me

In the active voice sentence "I bake the cake", "I" is the subject performing the action of baking, while "the cake" is the object receiving the action.

In the corresponding passive voice sentence "The cake is baked by me", "the cake" is now the subject receiving the action of being baked, while "me" (represented by the preposition "by") is the object performing the action of baking.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

In English, there are several ways to express future actions or events, including the simple future, future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous, and the use of modal verbs.

Here's a chart showing the differences and meanings of each tense:

Simple futureSubject + "will" + base form of verbI will walk to work tomorrow.Future actions or predictions.
Future continuousSubject + "will be" + present participle (-ing)I will be walking to work at this time tomorrow.Ongoing actions in the future.
Future perfectSubject + "will have" + past participleBy this time next week, I will have walked to work ten times.Completed actions in the future before another future action.
Future perfect continuousSubject + "will have been" + present participle (-ing)By the end of the year, I will have been walking to work for six months.Ongoing actions in the future before another future action, with a focus on the duration of the action.
Modal verbsSubject + modal verb + base form of verbShe might walk to work tomorrow.Expresses probability, possibility, ability, or obligation.

And here are some exercises to practice using these future tenses:

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct future tense:

a. I ____________ to work tomorrow. (simple future) b. She ____________ to be walking to work at this time next week. (future continuous) c. They ____________ finished packing by the time we arrive. (future perfect) d. We ____________ walking to work for three hours by the time we get home. (future perfect continuous) e. He ____________ the news by the end of the day. (simple future) f. She ____________ take the day off if she's not feeling well. (modal verb)

  1. Choose the correct future tense to complete the sentences:

a. We (will/will be) traveling to Europe next summer. b. They (will have/will have been) living in this city for ten years next month. c. She (might/will) come to the party if she finishes her work on time. d. I (will/will have) finished my project by the end of the week. e. He (will be/will have been) playing soccer for two hours by the time we arrive. f. They (could/will) win the game if they play well.

I hope this helps!



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

In English, there are four past tenses: simple past, past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous.

Here's a chart showing the differences and meanings of each tense:

Simple pastSubject + past tense of verbI walked to work yesterday.Completed actions in the past.
Past continuousSubject + "was/were" verb + present participle (-ing)I was walking to work when it started to rain.Ongoing actions in the past (interrupted by another action or event).
Past perfectSubject + "had" + past participleI had walked to work before it started to rain.Completed actions before another past action.
Past perfect continuousSubject + "had been" + present participle (-ing)I had been walking to work for an hour before it started to rain.Ongoing actions before another past action, with a focus on the duration of the action.

And here are some exercises to practice using these past tenses:

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct past tense:

a. I ____________ to work yesterday. (simple past) b. She ____________ when she saw the accident. (past continuous) c. They ____________ already left by the time we arrived. (past perfect) d. We ____________ for hours before we finally found the right street. (past perfect continuous) e. He ____________ the news and immediately called his family. (simple past) f. She ____________ studying for the exam all night. (past continuous)

  1. Choose the correct past tense to complete the sentences:

a. I (saw/had seen) that movie three times already. b. They (were/had been) waiting for the bus for half an hour. c. She (went/had gone) to the store before she realized she forgot her wallet. d. We (were/had been) watching TV when the power went out. e. He (played/had played) soccer since he was a child. f. They (had been/were) living in that house for ten years before they decided to sell it.

I hope this helps!



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

In English, there are four present tenses: simple present, present continuous, present perfect, and present perfect continuous.

Here's a chart showing the differences and meanings of each tense:

Simple presentSubject + base form of verbI walk to work every day.Repeated actions, general truths/facts, and permanent situations.
Present continuousSubject + "to be" verb + present participle (-ing)I am walking to work right now.Actions happening now or around now (temporary situations).
Present perfectSubject + "have/has" + past participleI have walked to work many times.Actions that started in the past and continue until now (unfinished time period) or past actions with a present result.
Present perfect continuousSubject + "have/has been" + present participle (-ing)I have been walking to work a lot lately.Actions that started in the past and continue until now (unfinished time period) or past actions with a present result, with a focus on the duration of the action.

And here are some exercises to practice using these present tenses:

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct present tense:

a. I ____________ to music every day. (simple present) b. She ____________ on her homework right now. (present continuous) c. They ____________ their friends for ten years. (present perfect) d. We ____________ for the same company since 2010. (present perfect) e. He ____________ for a walk every morning. (simple present) f. She ____________ English for three hours. (present perfect continuous)

  1. Choose the correct present tense to complete the sentences:

a. I (am/was) watching TV when you called. b. They (have/had) been studying for the exam for three hours. c. She (plays/has played) the guitar since she was ten. d. We (are/were) eating dinner when the phone rang. e. He (is/was) always forgetting his keys. f. They (have been/had been) living in this city for five years.

I hope this helps!


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


The passive voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of a sentence receives the action of the verb rather than performing the action. In other words, the focus is on what is done to the subject rather than who is doing it.

To form the passive voice in English, the verb "to be" is combined with the past participle of the main verb. The subject of the sentence is often preceded by the preposition "by," which introduces the agent performing the action (although the agent is sometimes omitted). Here are some examples:

Active Voice:

  • The cat chased the mouse.
  • John painted the house.
  • The company hired a new employee.

Passive Voice:

  • The mouse was chased by the cat.
  • The house was painted by John.
  • A new employee was hired by the company.

Note that in the passive voice, the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence, while the subject of the active sentence is either omitted or introduced by the preposition "by." The verb form "to be" is followed by the past participle of the main verb (e.g., chased, painted, hired).

It's important to note that the passive voice is not always the best choice, as it can make sentences more complex and less direct. In general, it is preferable to use the active voice whenever possible, as it is usually more concise and clearer. However, there are situations where the passive voice can be useful, such as when the doer of the action is unknown, unimportant, or already known from the context.

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier



"Diateza Passive " është një konstruksion gramatikor në të cilin subjekti i një fjalie merr veprimin e foljes në vend të kryerjes së veprës. Me fjalë të tjera, fokusi është tek çfarë bëhet me subjektin dhe jo se kush e bën këtë veprim.

Për të formuar "diatezen e pesore" në anglisht, folja "to be" ndërtohet së bashku me pjesën e shkuar të foljes kryesore. Subjekti i fjalive shpesh është paraqitur nga parafjalja "nga", e cila shërben si një përshkrim i personit që kryen veprimin (megjithatë, përkthyesi mund të mos e përdorë këtë parafjalë). Ja disa shembuj:

Zëri Aktiv:

  • Macja ndoqi miun.
  • Johni vajzën e ngjyrosi.
  • Kompania punësuar një punonjës të ri.

Zëri Pasiv:

  • Miut iu ndoq nga macja.
  • Shtëpia u ngjyros nga Johni.
  • Një punonjës i ri u punësua nga kompania.

Vërejtje: Në zërin e pasivit, objekti i fjalive aktive bëhet subjekt i fjalive të pasivit, ndërsa subjekti i fjalive aktive është ose është paraqitur nga parafjalja "nga". Forma e foljes "to be" ndjeket nga pjesa e shkuar e foljes kryesore (, ndoqi, ngjyrosi, punësoi).

Është e rëndësishme të përmendet se "zëri i pasivit" nuk është gjithmonë zgjidhja më e mirë, pasi mund të bëjë fjalitë më të ndërlikuara dhe më pak të drejtpërdrejta. Përgjithësisht, është më e pëlqyeshme të përdoret "zëri aktiv" kur është e mundur, sepse kjo është zakonisht më e shkurtër dhe më e qartë. Megjithatë, ka situata kur "zëri i pasivit" mund të jetë i dobishëm, si kur kryerësi i veprës nuk është i njohur, i pakëndshëm ose tashmë i njohur nga konteksti.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here are some exercises to practice forming and using passive voice sentences:

Exercise 1: Convert the following active voice sentences to passive voice:

  1. The teacher graded the exams.
  2. The company is developing a new product.
  3. The chef cooked the meal.
  4. The mechanic fixed the car.
  5. The president will announce the winner.

Exercise 2: Convert the following passive voice sentences to active voice:

  1. The book was written by a famous author.
  2. The cake was baked by my sister.
  3. The film was directed by an award-winning filmmaker.
  4. The report was presented by the research team.
  5. The concert will be attended by thousands of fans.

Exercise 3: Write passive voice sentences for the following active voice sentences:

  1. The police arrested the suspect.
  2. My friend recommended this book to me.
  3. The storm destroyed the house.
  4. The doctor prescribed some medication.
  5. The committee rejected the proposal.

Exercise 4: Write active voice sentences for the following passive voice sentences:

  1. The contract was signed by the CEO.
  2. The letter was delivered by the postman.
  3. The package was opened by the recipient.
  4. The decision was made by the board of directors.
  5. The article will be published by the journal.

Remember to pay attention to verb tense and to include an appropriate subject and object for each sentence. Good luck with your practice!


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Hi Glei,

You asked me  a question today morning and I am trying to send you an answer to it. Hope you will find it helpful.


A causative construction is a grammatical structure used to express that someone causes or makes someone or something do something. This can involve two types of causation: direct causation, where the subject causes the action directly, or indirect causation, where the subject arranges for someone or something else to cause the action.

One way to explain causative constructions to students is to use examples and show them how the structure is formed. For example, in English, causative constructions are often formed using the verbs "make," "let," "have," or "get," followed by the base form of the verb. Here are some examples:

Direct causation:

  • I made him clean his room.
  • She let me borrow her car.
  • They had their house painted.
  • He got his hair cut.

Indirect causation:

  • I had my car repaired.
  • She got her paper proofread.
  • They had their dog groomed.

Once students have seen some examples, you can explain that the causative verb (make, let, have, or get) is the main verb of the sentence, and that the following verb (clean, borrow, paint, cut, etc.) is in the base form. You can also point out that the causative construction often involves a change in agency: the person or thing doing the action is different from the one causing the action.

To help students understand the meaning of causative constructions, you can ask them to think of situations where they might use these structures. For example, you could ask them to imagine a scenario where they need to ask someone else to do something for them, or where they are responsible for making someone else do something. You could also ask them to identify examples of causative constructions in books or movies they have seen.

Overall, it's important to give students lots of examples and practice with causative constructions, and to encourage them to use these structures in their own speaking and writing.

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Një konstruksion shkaqësor është një strukturë gramatikore e përdorur për të shprehur se dikush shkakton ose bën dikë ose diçka të bëjë diçka. Kjo mund të përfshijë dy lloje shkaqësimi: shkaqësimi direkt, ku subjekti shkakton veprimin drejtpërdrejtë, ose shkaqësimi indirekt, ku subjekti organizon që dikush ose diçka tjetër të shkaktojë veprimin.

Një mënyrë për të shpjeguar konstruksionet shkaqësore për studentët është të përdoren shembuj dhe të tregohen si formohet struktura. Për shembull, në anglisht, konstruksionet shkaqësore shpesh formohen duke përdorur foljet "bëj", "le", "kam", ose "marr", të ndjekura nga forma bazë e foljes. Ja disa shembuj:

Shkaqësimi direkt:

  • E bëra që ai të pastronte dhomën e tij.
  • Ajo më lejoi të marr makinen e saj në huazim.
  • Ata e kanë shtëpinë e tyre të lyer.
  • Ai u pre mjekrën.

Shkaqësimi indirekt:

  • E kisha marrë makinën time për ta riparuar.
  • Ajo kishte bërë që letërën e saj të kishte një korrektim.
  • Ata kishin bërë që qenin e tyre të kishte një trimërim.

Në përgjithësi, është e rëndësishme që ju të keni shumë shembuj dhe praktikë me konstruksionet shkaqësore dhe të nxiten të përdorin këto struktura në gjuhën e tuaj.

Këtu janë disa shembuj të tjerë të konstruksioneve shkaqësore në anglisht dhe përkthimet e tyre në shqip:

  • I had my hair cut. - E kisha prerë flokët.
  • She got her car repaired. - Ajo kishte bërë që makina e saj të riparohej.
  • They made the children clean their rooms. - Ata kishin bërë që fëmijët të pastrojnë dhomat e tyre.
  • He let me use his computer. - Ai më lejoi që të përdorja kompjuterin e tij.
  • We had the plumber fix the leaky faucet. - Ne kishim bërë që ujësjellësi të rregullonte llambën që shpërthente.
  • They made him apologize. - Ata e bënë që ai të kërkonte falje.
  • She got her friend to help her move. - Ajo kishte bërë që shoku i saj të ndihmonte në lëvizjen e saj.
  • He had his suit dry cleaned. - Ai kishte bërë që kostumin e tij të pastronte me kimikate.
  • They let us choose the movie. - Ata na lejuan të zgjidhnim filmin.
  • I made her study for the test. - E bëra që ajo të mësonte për provën.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Androcles and the Lion is a fable of Aesop that tells the story of a slave who escapes his cruel master and becomes friends with a lion in the wilderness. Here is the story:

Androcles was a slave who had escaped from his cruel master. He ran into the wilderness and, while hiding in a cave, stumbled upon a lion with a huge thorn in its paw. Androcles approached the lion, and to his surprise, the lion did not attack him. Instead, the lion lay down and held out its paw for Androcles to remove the thorn.

Androcles carefully removed the thorn from the lion's paw, and the lion roared with relief. From that moment on, the lion became Androcles' companion, bringing him food and protecting him from other animals. But eventually, Androcles was captured and returned to his master, who condemned him to death in the arena, to be torn apart by wild animals.

On the day of the spectacle, Androcles was thrown into the arena with a fierce lion. But as the lion charged at him, it recognized Androcles and ran towards him, wagging its tail. The audience was amazed to see the lion licking Androcles' feet and nuzzling its head against his chest. Androcles explained to the amazed crowd how he had helped the lion when it was injured and how it had become his friend.

The emperor, who was in the audience, was so impressed by the story that he pardoned Androcles and set him free, along with his lion companion. Androcles and the lion lived happily ever after.

Here are some multiple-choice questions about the fable:

  1. How did Androcles become friends with the lion? A) He tamed the lion with his whip. B) He stumbled upon the lion with a thorn in its paw and removed it. C) He fought the lion and emerged victorious. D) He fed the lion and gained its trust.


  1. Why was Androcles condemned to death in the arena? A) He stole from his master. B) He killed a fellow slave. C) He helped a lion in the wilderness. D) He tried to escape his master's house.


  1. What happened when Androcles was thrown into the arena with a fierce lion? A) The lion attacked him and killed him. B) The lion recognized him and ran towards him, wagging its tail. C) Androcles tamed the lion with his whip. D) The lion fled in fear when it saw Androcles.


  1. What did the emperor do when he heard Androcles' story? A) He ordered Androcles to be killed. B) He pardoned Androcles and set him free. C) He gave Androcles a job in the palace. D) He ordered Androcles to be enslaved again.


  1. What was the moral of the fable of Androcles and the lion? A) It is possible to befriend even the fiercest of creatures. B) People should not try to escape from their masters. C) It is better to be cruel than to be kind. D) Animals should be feared and avoided at all costs.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Here's a chart explaining adverbs of frequency for B2 level learners:

Adverb of FrequencyUsageExample
AlwaysTo describe a repeated action that happens all the time.She always eats breakfast before work.
UsuallyTo describe a repeated action that happens most of the time.He usually takes the bus to work.
OftenTo describe a repeated action that happens many times.They often go out to eat on the weekends.
SometimesTo describe a repeated action that happens occasionally.I sometimes forget my keys at home.
RarelyTo describe a repeated action that happens infrequently.She rarely goes to the gym after work.
Hardly everTo describe a repeated action that almost never happens.He hardly ever drinks coffee.
NeverTo describe a repeated action that doesn't happen at all.They never miss their morning jog.

Here are some exercises and examples to help you practice using adverbs of frequency:

  1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverb of frequency:

a) She ____________ (always/never) forgets her keys at home. b) They ____________ (usually/rarely) go to the movies on weekdays. c) I ____________ (often/hardly ever) eat fast food. d) He ____________ (sometimes/never) goes to bed early. e) We ____________ (rarely/always) take the train to work.

  1. Use adverbs of frequency to describe your daily routine:

a) I ____________ (always/usually) wake up at 6 a.m. and ____________ (often/sometimes) exercise in the morning. b) During the day, I ____________ (usually/often) work on my computer and ____________ (sometimes/rarely) take breaks. c) In the evening, I ____________ (often/rarely) cook dinner and ____________ (sometimes/hardly ever) watch TV.

  1. Use adverbs of frequency to describe your habits or preferences:

a) When it comes to eating, I ____________ (always/usually) prefer healthy food and ____________ (rarely/never) eat junk food. b) In terms of exercise, I ____________ (often/usually) go to the gym and ____________ (sometimes/hardly ever) go for a run outside. c) When it comes to hobbies, I ____________ (usually/often) read books and ____________ (sometimes/rarely) play video games.

It's important to use adverbs of frequency in the correct order in a sentence, which is usually subject + adverb of frequency + verb. For example, "I always eat breakfast before work" or "She never forgets her keys at home." Adverbs of frequency can be used in various situations such as describing daily routines, habits, and preferences. Practicing with these exercises can help you use adverbs of frequency correctly and effectively in your spoken and written communication.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Sure! Here's a long exercise to help with revision on articles:

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct article ("a," "an," "the") or leave the space blank ("-") if no article is needed.

  1. I need ___ pencil to take notes.

  2. Do you have ___ book I could borrow?

  3. She's starting ___ new job next week.

  4. ___ elephant is the largest land animal.

  5. Can you pass me ___ salt, please?

  6. My favorite color is ___ blue.

  7. She's studying ___ English at university.

  8. He's a fan of ___ classical music.

  9. ___ Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.

  10. I saw ___ dog in the park earlier.

  11. I need to buy ___ new pair of shoes.

  12. ___ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

  13. She's wearing ___ red dress to the party.

  14. He's taking ___ Italian lessons.

  15. We went to ___ beach last weekend.

  16. ___ United States is a large country in North America.

  17. Can you please give me ___ apple?

  18. I have ___ headache today.

  19. We saw ___ movie last night.

  20. He's drinking ___ coffee before work.

Answer Key:

  1. a
  2. the
  3. a
  4. an
  5. the
  6. no article
  7. no article
  8. no article
  9. the
  10. a
  11. a
  12. no article
  13. a
  14. no article
  15. the
  16. the
  17. an
  18. a
  19. a
  20. no article

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


There are some special cases in English where we don't use "the" or any article at all. Here are a few examples:

  1. Names: We don't use "the" or any article before people's names, cities, countries, and other proper nouns. For example:
  • Mary is coming over for dinner tonight.
  • I've always wanted to visit Paris.
  • My parents are from India.
  1. Unspecified locations: We don't use "the" or any article when talking about an unspecified location, like a city or country. For example:
  • She's moving to New York.
  • Have you ever been to Japan?
  • I'm planning a trip to Europe.
  1. Activities: We don't use "the" or any article when talking about activities in general. For example:
  • I enjoy reading.
  • He likes playing basketball.
  • They love traveling.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with either "the" or no article in the following sentences:

  1. ___ sky is so clear today.
  2. Have you ever been to ___ United States?
  3. She's going to ___ gym after work.
  4. I love listening to ___ classical music.
  5. They're planning a trip to ___ beach.

Answer Key:

  1. No article
  2. The
  3. The
  4. No article
  5. The

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier



Here are some famous sayings where we don't use "the":

  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • Time heals all wounds.
  • Knowledge is power.
  • Honesty is the best policy.
  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • Practice makes perfect.
  • Love is blind.

In each of these sayings, we're referring to broad concepts or ideas, rather than specific instances of those concepts. As such, we don't use "the" before the noun.

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


In English, we use the definite article "the" to refer to specific, individual items or things. However, there are some cases where we don't use "the," and instead refer to a more general or non-specific item or thing.

Here are some examples of words that are typically used without "the":

ColorsBlue is my favorite color.
MealsI usually have oatmeal for breakfast.
LanguagesShe speaks Spanish fluently.
SportsSoccer is a popular sport worldwide.
Academic subjectsMath was always my best subject in school.
HolidaysI love spending time with family during Thanksgiving.

As you can see, these words are used to refer to general or non-specific items or things. Here are some examples of sentences that use these words without "the":

  • I love the color blue.
  • For breakfast, I usually have oatmeal.
  • She speaks the Spanish fluently.
  • Soccer is a popular sport worldwide.
  • Math was always my best subject in school.
  • During Thanksgiving, I love spending time with the family.

Exercise: Choose the correct form of the article to complete the following sentences:

  1. I need to buy ___ bread at the store. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

  2. ___ people love to travel. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

  3. ___ music helps me relax. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

  4. I want to learn ___ French. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

  5. ___ basketball is my favorite sport. (a) the (b) a (c) no article needed

Answer Key:

  1. (c) no article needed
  2. (c) no article needed
  3. (c) no article needed
  4. (b) a
  5. (c) no article needed

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


We do not normally use 'the' in generalisations with plural and uncountable nous, even if there is an adjective before the noun.

We typically don't use "the" when making generalizations with plural and uncountable nouns, even if there is an adjective before the noun. Here are some examples:

  • Classical music is very relaxing.
  • Spicy food is not for everyone.
  • Historical landmarks are important to preserve.
  • Casual attire is appropriate for this event.
  • Albanian culture is rich and diverse.

In each of these examples, we're talking about a broad category of things, rather than specific instances of those things. As such, we don't use "the" before the noun.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with either "the" or no article in the following sentences:

  1. ___ foggy weather made it difficult to see.
  2. ___ stormy seas forced the boat to turn back.
  3. ___ romantic movies are perfect for a date night.
  4. ___ formal attire is required for this event.
  5. ___ spicy foods can be overwhelming for some people.
  6. ___ historical artifacts can teach us a lot about the past.
  7. ___ classical music is often played at weddings.

Answer Key:

  1. No article
  2. The
  3. No article
  4. The
  5. No article
  6. No article
  7. No article


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


In scientific and technical language, we often use "the" to refer to a whole class of things, even when talking about a singular countable noun. Here are some examples:

  • The elephant is a large mammal.
  • The computer has revolutionized the way we work.
  • The human brain is an amazing organ.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with the correct article (either "the" or no article) in the following sentences:

  1. ___ gold is a very valuable metal.
  2. ___ tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.
  3. ___ horse is a domesticated animal that is used for transportation and work.
  4. ___ water is an essential component of life.
  5. ___ oxygen is necessary for human survival.
  6. ___ cheese is made from milk and is often used as a topping for pizza.

Answer Key:

  1. The
  2. The
  3. The
  4. No article
  5. The
  6. No article

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


To write a paragraph in English, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a topic - Decide on the topic that you want to write about. Make sure it is something that you are interested in and have some knowledge about.

  2. Write a topic sentence - Start your paragraph with a clear and concise topic sentence that introduces the main idea or point of the paragraph.

  3. Provide supporting details - Use specific examples, facts, and details to support your topic sentence. Make sure that your supporting details are relevant and help to explain or illustrate your main point.

  4. Use transitional words and phrases - Use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your paragraph flow smoothly. Examples of transitional words and phrases include "however," "therefore," "in addition," and "furthermore."

  5. Conclude your paragraph - End your paragraph with a concluding sentence that summarizes your main point and leads into the next paragraph.

  6. Edit your paragraph - After you have written your paragraph, take some time to edit and revise it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure that your paragraph is clear, concise, and easy to read.

Remember that a paragraph should be focused on one main idea or point, and should be well-organized with supporting details that help to explain or illustrate that point. With practice and patience, you can become a skilled writer of English paragraphs.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier


Write a paragraph about mothers.

Mothers are the backbone of any family. They are often the ones who hold everything together, providing love, support, and guidance to their children and partners. Mothers play many different roles in the lives of their children. They are teachers, caregivers, and role models, instilling important values such as kindness, respect, and hard work. Mothers are always there to lend a listening ear, provide a shoulder to cry on, and offer words of wisdom when needed. They are the ones who take care of us when we are sick, make sure that we are well-fed, and help us to develop a sense of self-esteem and confidence. Mothers are an invaluable resource, and their love and support are essential for a happy and fulfilling life. We should always appreciate the sacrifices and hard work that our mothers put into raising us, and strive to be the best that we can be in order to make them proud.


Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier




Past habits – used to, would and the past simple 

Zakone shkuarësisha mësuar , do dhe koha e kryer e thjeshtë 


   Do you know how to talk about past habits using used to, would and the past simple? Look at these examples to see how used to, would and the past simple are used. 

   A dini si flisni për zakone shkuarës duke përdorur isha mësuar , do dhe kohën e kryer thjeshtë? Shihni këta shembuj për parë si përdoren isha mësuar , do dhe koha e kryer e thjeshtë. 

  • They used to live in London. 

  • I didnt use to like olives. 

  • We would always go to the seaside for our holidays. 

  • But one holiday we went to the mountains instead. 




Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 




  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


When I was young we a)____ in a big house in the countryside. On summer mornings my brother and I b)____ while everyone else was asleep. We c)____ breakfast and then go quietly out of the house to the river. We d)____ hours fishing in a small boat belonging to my grandmother. My brother e)____ the names of all the different types of fish that were in the river. We would often fall asleep in the boat and our father f)____ to find us. But Dad g)____ angry because he had done the same when he was a kid. Once I h)____ an enormous fish. I was so happy! 



  • would live 

  • used to live 



  • used to go fishing 

  • have fished 



  • would have 

  • had 



  • would spend 

  • didnt use to spend 



  • would know 

  • used to know 



  • would come 

  • was coming 



  • wouldnt get 

  • didnt use to get 



  • used to catch 

  • caught 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

   When we talk about things in the past that are not true any more, we can do it in different ways. 

   Kur flasim rreth gjërave të së shkuarës të cilat nuk ekzistojnë më, ne mund të shprehemi në mënyra të ndryshme. 




Used to + infinitive 

Isha mësuar të + paskajore 

   We can use used to to talk about past states that are not true any more. 

   Ne mund të përdorim isha mësuar të për të folur për gjendje të së shkuarës, që nuk janë më të vërteta. 

  • We used to live in New York when I was a kid. 

  • There didnt use to be a supermarket there. When did it open? 

  • Did you use to have a garden? 


   We can also use used to to talk about past habits (repeated past actions) that dont happen any more. 

   Gjithashtu mund të përdorim isha mësuar të për të folur për zakone të së shkuarës (veprime të përsëritura në të shkuarën), të cilat nuk ndodhin më. 

  • I used to go swimming every Thursday when I was at school. 

  • She used to smoke but she gave up a few years ago. 


used to + infinitive should not be confused with be/get used to + -ing, which has a different meaning. The difference is covered here. 

isha mësuar të + paskajore nuk duhet të ngatërrohet me jam mësuar/mësohem + -ing, e cila ka një kuptim tjetër. Ndryshimi është i mbuluar këtu. 





Do të 

   We can use would to talk about repeated past actions that dont happen any more. 

   Ne mund të përdorim do të për të folur rreth veprimeve të përsëritura në të shkuarën, të cilat nuk ndodhin më. 

  • Every Saturday I would go on a long bike ride. 

  • My dad would read me amazing stories every night at bedtime. 


   Would for past habits is slightly more formal than used to. It is often used in stories. We dont normally use the negative or question form of would for past habits. Note that we cant usually use would to talk about past states.  

   Do të për zakonet e të shkuarës është pak më formale se isha mësuar të. Ajo shpesh përdoret në tregime. Ne nuk përdorim normalisht formën negative dhe atë pyetëse të do të për zakone në të shkuarën. Mbani mend se zakonisht nuk mund të përdorim do të për të folur për gjendje të së shkuarës 




Past simple 

Koha e kryer e thjeshtë 

   We can always use the past simple as an alternative to used to or would to talk about past states or habits. The main difference is that the past simple doesnt emphasise the repeated or continuous nature of the action or situation. Also, the past simple doesnt make it so clear that the thing is no longer true. 

   Ne gjithmonë mund të përdorim kohën e kryer të thjeshtë si një alternativë të isha mësuar të apo do të për të folur për gjendje apo zakone të së shkuarës. Ndryshimi kryesor është se koha e kryer e thjeshtë nuk thekson natyrën e përsëritur apo të vazhduar të veprimit apo situatës. Gjithashtu, koha e kryer e thjeshtë nuk e bën shumë të qartë se gjëja nuk është më e vërtetë. 

  • We went to the same beach every summer. 

  • We used to go to the same beach every summer. 

  • We would go to the same beach every summer. 


   If something happened only once, we must use the past simple. 

   Nëse diçka ndodhi vetëm një herë, ne duhet të përdorim kohën e kryer të thjeshtë. 

  • I went to Egypt in 2014.  





Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për të testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


I a)___ a really sporty person. In my first year at university, I b)___ for an hour every morning before breakfast. Then I c)___ the university boxing team and I really started to train hard. During that time, I d)___ to spend at least two hours in the gym every day. When I started my training, I e)___ my diet completely. I f)___ three eggs with toast and fruit for breakfast. I g)___ sugar in my tea because it wasnt on my diet plan. But then I h)___ my arm and that was the end of my boxing career! 


  • would be 

  • used to be 



  • have run 

  • would run 



  • joined 

  • used to join 



  • would like 

  • used to like 



  • would change 

  • changed 



  • have had 

  • used to have 



  • didnt use to have 

  • wouldnt have 



  • would break 

  • broke 





Past perfect 

Koha e kryer e plotë 


     Do you know how to use phrases like Theyd finished the project by March or Had you finished work when I called? Look at these examples to see how the past perfect is used. 

     A dini si të përdorni Ata kishin përfunduar projektin nga muaji Mars apo A kishe përfunduar punën kur unë telefonova? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoret koha e kryer e plotë. 

  • He couldnt make a sandwich because hed forgotten to buy bread. 

  • The hotel was full, so I was glad that wed booked in advance. 

  • My new job wasnt exactly what Id expected. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. When she ___ on the course, she had never studied a foreign language before. 


  • enrolled  

  • ’d enrolled 

  1. When I closed the door, I realised that I ___ my keys inside. 

  • left  

  • ’d left 


  1. She looked really sad but I didn’t know what ___. 


  • happened  

  • ’d happened 


  1. ___ when you rang the doorbell? 

  • Did Sai already leave  

  • Had Sai already left 


  1. This is the oldest building in the town. It ___ over 200 years ago. 

  • was built 

  • ’d been built 


  1. By the time I moved in, they ___ the building work. 

  • finished 

  • ’d finished 


  1. I opened the door, and ___ inside. 

  • went 

  • ’d gone 


  1. I looked in the letter box yesterday and the letter still ___. 

  • didn’t arrive 

  • hadn’t arrived 



Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 



Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 



Time up to a point in the past 

Koha deri në një pikë në të shkuarën 

     We use the past perfect simple (had + past participle) to talk about time up to a certain point in the past. 

     Ne përdorim kohën e kryer të plotë (kisha + pjesore e kryer) për të folur për kohën deri në një pikë të caktuar në të shkuarën. 

  • Shed published her first poem by the time she was eight 

  • Wed finished all the water before we were halfway up the mountain. 

  • Had the parcel arrived when you called yesterday? 



Past perfect for the earlier of two past actions 

E kryera e plotë për veprimin më të hershëm në dy veprime të së shkuarës 

     We can use the past perfect to show the order of two past events. The past perfect shows the earlier action and the past simple shows the later action. 

     Ne mund të përdorim të kryerën e plotë për të treguar rendin e dy ndodhive në të shkuarën. E kryera e plotë tregon veprimin që ndodhi më herët dhe koha e kryer e thjeshtë tregon veprimin që ndodhi më vonë. 

  • When the police arrived, the thief had escaped. 


     It doesnt matter in which order we say the two events. The following sentence has the same meaning. 

     Nuk ka rëndësi në cilin rend i tregojmë të dyja ndodhitë. Fjalia që vijon ka të njëjtin kuptim. 

  • The thief had escaped when the police arrived. 


     Note that if theres only a single event, we dont use the past perfect, even if it happened a long time ago. 

     Mbani mend se nëse ka vetëm një ndodhi të vetme, ne nuk përdorim kohën e plotë, edhe nëse ai ndodhi shumë kohë më parë. 

  • The Romans spoke Latin. (NOT The Romans had spoken Latin.) 




Past perfect with before 

E kryera e plotë me më parë 

     We can also use the past perfect followed by before to show that an action was not done or was incomplete when the past simple action happened. 

     Ne gjithashtu mund të përdorim të kryerën e plotë të ndjekur nga më parë për të treguar se një veprim nuk ishte përfunduar apo ishte i paplotësuar kur veprimi në të kryerën e thjeshtë ndodhi. 

  • They left before Id spoken to them. 

  • Sadly, the author died before hed finished the series. 






     We often use the adverbs already (= before the specified time), still (= as previously), just (= a very short time before the specified time), ever (= at any time before the specified time) or never (= at no time before the specified time) with the past perfect.  

     Ne shpesh përdorim ndajfoljet tashmë (= ‘përpara kohës së caktuar’), ende (= si më parë), sapo (= ‘një kohë shumë të shkurtër para kohës së caktuar’), ndonjëherë (= ‘ çdo kohë përpara kohës caktuar’), apo kurrë (= ‘asnjëherë para kohës së përcaktuar’) me kohën e kryer të plotë. 

  • I called his office but hed already left. 

  • It still hadnt rained at the beginning of May. 

  • I went to visit her when shed just moved to Berlin. 

  • It was the most beautiful photo Id ever seen. 

  • Had you ever visited London when you moved there? 

  • Id never met anyone from California before I met Jim. 





Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. By the time I could talk to her, she ___ to quit her job. 

  • decided 

  • ’d decided 


  1. I looked at the photo and suddenly realised that I ___ that man somewhere before. 

  • saw 

  • ’d seen 


  1. First I ___ the salad, then I toasted the bread. 

  • made 

  • ’d made 


  1. ___ breakfast when you got up? 

  • Did James already cook 

  • Had James already cooked 


  1. She didn’t feel like another coffee as she ___ one. 

  • just had 

  • ’d just had 


  1. We had the French exam this morning. It ___ as hard as I’d expected, though. 

  • wasn’t 

  • hadn’t been 


  1. I asked Sara if she wanted to go for a walk, but she still ___ her homework. 

  • didn’t finish 

  • hadn’t finished 


  1. Dinosaurs ___ hundreds of millions of years ago. 

  • lived 

  • had lived 




Phrasal verbs 

Shprehjet foljore 


     Do you know how to use verbs in phrases like pick the kids up, turn the music down and look after my cat? Look at these examples to see how phrasal verbs are used. 

     A dini si të përdorni foljet në shprehje si merr fëmijët (nga shkolla), ule volumin e muzikës dhe kujdesem për macen time? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren shprehjet foljore. 

  • This is the form. Please can you fill it in? 

  • Why are you bringing that argument up now? 

  • Police are looking into connections between the two crimes. 

  • We need to come up with a solution. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Put the words in the correct order. 

  Vendosini fjalët në rendin e duhur. 


Give me the form and I’ll 




for you. 




Money was a worry but 


he didn’t know how to 








That taxi will 

at 5.30 a.m. 





in a second-hand bookshop. 

that one 









That flu was horrible. It took me two weeks 






There’s a mistake? Let me 


and see what’s happened 






The holiday 



a nightmare. 

started well but 







I’m really 







Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

     Phrasal verbs are very common in English, especially in more informal contexts. They are made up of a verb and a particle or, sometimes, two particles. The particle often changes the meaning of the verb. 

     Shprehjet foljore janë shumë të zakonta në gjuhën Angleze, veçanërisht në kontekstet më informale. Ato janë të formuara nga një folje dhe një pjesëz apo, ndonjëherë, dy pjesëza. Pjesëza shpesh ndryshon kuptimin e foljes. 

  • I called Jen to see how she was. (call = to telephone -të telefonosh) 

  • They've called off the meeting. (call off = to cancel -të anulosh) 


     In terms of word order, there are two main types of phrasal verb: separable and inseparable 

     Për sa i përket rendit të fjalëve, ka dy lloje kryesore të shprehjeve foljore: të ndashme dhe të pandashme. 




Të ndashme 


     With separable phrasal verbs, the verb and particle can be apart or together. 

     Me shprehjet foljore të ndashme, folja dhe pjesëza mund të jenë veçmas apo bashkë. 

  • They've called the meeting off. 


  • They've called off the meeting. 


     However, separable phrasal verbs must be separated when you use a pronoun.  

     Megjithatë, shprehjet foljore të ndashme duhet të ndahen kur përdorni një përemër. 

  • The meeting? They've called it off. 


Here are some common separable phrasal verbs: 

Këtu ndodhen disa shprehje foljore të ndashme: 

  • I didn't want to bring the situation up at the meeting. 

(bring up = start talking about a particular subject) 

(sjell =të fillosh të flasësh për një temë të caktuar) 


  • Please can you fill this form in? 

(fill in = write information in a form or document) 

(plotësoj =shkruaj të dhëna në një formular apo dokument) 


  • I'll pick you up from the station at 8 p.m. 

(pick up = collect someone in a car or other vehicle to take them somewhere) 

(marr = marr dikë në një makinë apo në një mjet tjetër për ta çuar diku) 


  • She turned the job down because she didn't want to move to Glasgow. 

(turn down = to not accept an offer) 

(refuzoj = nuk pranoj një ofertë) 






Të pandashme 


Some phrasal verbs cannot be separated.  

Disa shprehje foljore nuk mund të ndahen. 

  • Who looks after the baby when you're at work? 


Even when there is a pronoun, the verb and particle remain together. 

Edhe kur ka një përemër, folja dhe pjesëza qëndrojnë bashkë. 

  • Who looks after her when you're at work? 


Here are some common non-separable phrasal verbs: 

Këtu ndodhen disa shprehje foljore të pandashme: 

  • I came across your email when I was clearing my inbox. 

(come across = to find something by chance) 

(hastë  gjesh diçka të re rastësisht) 


  • The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly. 

(turn into = become) 

(shndërroj = bëhem) 


  • It was quite a major operation. It took months to get over it and feel normal again. 

(get over = recover from something) 

(kapërcej = shërohem nga diçka) 


  • We are aware of the problem and we are looking into it. 

(look into = investigate) 

(shqyrtoj = hetoj) 



     Some multi-word verbs are inseparable simply because they don't take an object. 

     Disa folje me disa fjalë janë të pandashme, thjesht sepse nuk marrin një kundrinor. 

  • I get up at 7 a.m. 




With two particles 

Me dy pjesëza 

     Phrasal verbs with two particles are also inseparable. Even if you use a pronoun, you put it after the particles. 

     Shprehjet foljore me dy pjesëza janë gjithashtu të pandashme. Edhe kur përdorni një përemër, ju e vendosni atë pas pjesëzës. 

  • Who came up with that idea? 

(come up with = think of an idea or plan) 

(dal me = mendoj një ide apo plan) 


  • Let's get rid of these old magazines to make more space. 

(get rid of = remove or become free of something that you don't want) 

(shpëtoj = heq apo lirohem nga diçka që nuk e dua) 


  • I didn't really get on with my stepbrother when I was a teenager. 

(get on with = like and be friendly towards someone) 

(miqësohem = pëlqej dhe jam miqësor drejt dikujt) 


  • Can you hear that noise all the time? I don't know how you put up with it. 

(put up with = tolerate something difficult or annoying) 

(duroj = pajtohem me diçka të vështirë apo të bezdisshme) 


  • The concert's on Friday. I'm really looking forward to it. 

(look forward to = be happy and excited about something that is going to happen) 

(mezi pres = jam i/e lumtur dhe i/e emocionuar rreth diçkaje që do të ndodhë) 




Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Put the words in the correct order. 

  Vendosini fjalët në rendin e duhur. 


for Mika’s birthday? 

a good idea 

Has anyone 















The invitation to their wedding? I 





When my parents are on holiday, I 


the cat. 







to get 

I’m heartbroken. How long will it take  




If climate change continues, this 


whole area 

a desert. 







you can 

at 6 p.m. 



Caty called to ask if 




This table is completely broken. Let’s 













     Do you know how to use the passive voice to change the focus of a sentence? Look at these examples to see how the passive voice is used. 

     A dini si të përdorni diatezën pësore për të ndryshuar fokusin e një fjalie? Shihni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoret diateza pësore. 

  • A lot of olive oil is produced in Italy. 

  • This book was written by Angela Davis. 

  • The suspect will be released tomorrow. 

  • This product has not been tested on animals. 




Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e duhur për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. The Egyptian pyramids ___ thousands of years ago. 

  • are built 

  • been built 

  • were built 


  1. Your letter ___ within 28 days. 

  • will be answer 

  • will be answered 

  • will answer 


  1. Chocolate ___ for over 4,000 years. 

  • has been produce 

  • is been produced 

  • has been produced 


  1. I dont know who ___ my bike. 

  • stole 

  • is stolen 

  • was stolen 


  1. My car ___ this week, so Im going to work by bus. 

  • is being repaired 

  • is been repair 

  • is repairing 


  1. Not enough of our rubbish ___. 

  • recycles 

  • is recycled 

  • is recycle 


  1. The fire service still ___ the fire. 

  • wasnt put out 

  • is put out 

  • havent put out 


  1. The underground connection ___ when I moved into the house. 

  • is still being built 

  • was still being built 

  • was still building 




Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 



Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 


  We use the passive voice to change the focus of the sentence. 

  Ne përdorim diatezën pësore për të ndryshuar fokusin e një fjalie. 

  • My bike was stolen. (passive – focus on my bike) 

Biçikleta ime u vodh. (pësorefokusi në biçikletën time) 


  • Someone stole my bike. (active – focus on someone) 

Dikush vodhi biçikletën time. (veprorefokusi në dikush) 



  We often use the passive: 

  Shpesh përdorim pësoren: 

  • when we prefer not to mention who or what does the action (for example, its not known, its obvious or we dont want to say) 

kur preferojmë të mos përmendim se kush apo çfarë e kryen veprimin (për shembull, nuk dihet se kush është, është e qartë apo ne nuk duam ta themi) 


  • so that we can start a sentence with the most important or most logical information 

në mënyrë që ne të mund të fillojmë një fjali me të dhënat më të rëndësishme apo më logjike 


  • in more formal or scientific writing. 

në një të shkruar më formael apo më shkencore. 




How we make the passive 

Si e formojmë pësoren 

   We make the passive using the verb be + past participle. We start the sentence with the object. 

   Ne e formojmë pësoren duke përdorur foljen jam + pjesoren e kryer. Ne e nisim fjalinë me kundrinorin. 






directed by James Cameron. 

drejtuar nga James Cameron. 







+ be + 



past participle 

pjesorja e kryer 




   It is not always necessary to add who or what did the action. 

   Nuk është gjithmonë e nevojshme të shtojmë kush apo çfarë e bëri veprimin. 

My flight 

Fluturimi im 










+ be + 


past participle 

pjesorja e kryer 




    Only the form of be changes to make the tense. The past participle stays the same. Here are examples of the passive in its most common tenses. 

    Vetëm forma e jam ndryshon për të formuar kohën. Pjesorja e kryer qëndron njësoj. Këtu ndodhen shembuj të pësores në kohët e saj më të zakonshme. 








Present simple 

Koha e tashme 

Alioli is made from oil, garlic and salt. 

is/are + past participle 

jam + pjesore e kryer 

Present continuous 

Koha e tashme e vazhduar 

The hall is being painted this week. 

is/are being + past participle 

jam duke u + pjesore e kryer 

Past simple 

Koha e kryer e thjeshtë 

John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. 

was/were + past participle 

isha + pjesore e kryer 

Past continuous 

Koha e shkuar e vazhduar 

The signs were being put up last week. 

was/were being + past participle 

isha duke u + pjesore e kryer 

Present perfect 

Koha e kryer 

Oranges have been grown here for centuries. 

has/have been + past participle 

kam qenë + pjesore e kryer  

Past perfect 

Koha e kryer e plotë 


When he got home, he found that his flat had been burgled. 

had been + past participle 

kisha qenë + pjesore e kryer 

Future simple 

Koha e ardhme 

The work will be finished next week. 

will be + past participle 

do të jem + pjesore e kryer 




Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e duhur për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. All our lamps ___ from original 1950s designs. 

  • produce 

  • is produced 

  • are produced 


  1. Mistakes ___, but were working on a solution now. 

  • have been make 

  • are been made 

  • have been made 


  1. Someone ___ my wallet and left it at reception. 

  • had found 

  • had been found 

  • was found 


  1. My phone ___ last week, so I didnt get your message until today. 

  • was being fixed 

  • was been fix 

  • was fixing 


  1. A lot of time ___ on pointless meetings in this company. 

  • wastes 

  • is wasted 

  • is waste 


  1. Your application ___ by the end of the month. 

  • will be review 

  • will be reviewed 

  • will review 


  1. Someone ___ my talk at the conference and recommended me as a speaker. 

  • saw 

  • was seen 

  • had been seen 


  1. The suspect ___ near the French border. 

  • was caught 

  • were caught 

  • caught 





Participle clauses 

Fjalitë pjesore 


     Do you know how to use participle clauses to say information in a more economical way? Look at these examples to see how participle clauses are used. 

     A dini si përdorni fjalitë pjesore për thënë të dhënat një mënyrë ekonomike? Shihni këta shembuj për parë se si përdoren klauzolat pjesore. 

  • Looked after carefully, these boots will last for many years. 

  • Not wanting to hurt his feelings, I avoided the question.  

  • Having lived through difficult times together, they were very close friends. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. ___ lunch, I sat in the garden with a drink. 

  • Making 

  • Made 

  • Having made 


  1. ___ for the bus, she slipped on some ice and fell over. 

  • Running 

  • Run 

  • Having run 


  1. On ___ her former owner, the dog ran across the room to greet him. 

  • seeing 

  • seen 

  • having seen 


  1. ___ in hospital for several weeks, she was delighted to be home. 

  • Being 

  • Been 

  • Having been 


  1. ___ by all the attention, he thanked everyone for the cake and presents. 

  • Embarrassing 

  • Embarrassed 

  • Having embarrassed 


  1. The building collapsed, ___ two people. 

  • injuring 

  • injured 

  • having injured 


  1. ___ under normal clothes, a thermal layer keeps you warm in minus temperatures. 

  • Wearing 

  • Worn 

  • Having been worn 


  1. ___ by the sun, she didnt see the boy crossing the road. 

  • Blinding 

  • Blinded 

  • Having blinded 




Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

    Participle clauses enable us to say information in a more economical way. They are formed using present participles (going, reading, seeing, walking, etc.), past participles (gone, read, seen, walked, etc.) or perfect participles (having gone, having read, having seen, having walked, etc.).  

    Klauzolat pjesore na lejojnë të themi të dhëna në një mënyrë më ekonomike, pra duke kursyer/përdorur më pak fjalë. Ato formohen duke përdorur pjesoret e tashme (duke shkuar, duke lexuar, duke parë, duke ecur, etj.), apo pjesoret e shkuara (shkuar, lexuar, parë, ecur, etj.). 


     We can use participle clauses when the participle and the verb in the main clause have the same subject. For example, 

     Ne mund ti përdorim klauzolat pjesore kur pjesorja dhe folja në pjesën kryesore kanë të njëjtën kryefjalë. Për shembull, 

  • Waiting for Ellie, I made some tea. (While I was waiting for Ellie, I made some tea.) 

Duke pritur Ellie-n, unë bëra pak çaj. (Ndërkohë që isha duke pritur Ellie-n, unë bëra pak çaj.) 


    Participle clauses do not have a specific tense. The tense is indicated by the verb in the main clause.  

    Klauzolat pjesore nuk kanë një kohë të caktuar. Koha tregohet nga folja në pjesën kryesore. 


   Participle clauses are mainly used in written texts, particularly in a literary, academic or journalistic style.  

   Klauzolat pjesore janë kryesisht të përdorura në tekstet e shkruara, veçanërisht në një stil letrar, akademik apo gazetaresk. 




Present participle clauses 

Klauzola pjesores tashme 

    Here are some common ways we use present participle clauses. Note that present participles have a similar meaning to active verbs.  

    Këtu janë disa mënyra të zakonshme si ne përdorim klauzolat e pjesores së tashme. Mbani mend se pjesoret e tashme kanë një kuptim të ngjashëm me foljet në diatezën veprore. 

  • To give the result of an action 

Për të dhënë rezultatin e një veprimi 

    The bomb exploded, destroying the building. 


  • To give the reason for an action 

Për të dhënë arsyen për një veprim 

    Knowing she loved reading, Richard bought her a book. 


  • To talk about an action that happened at the same time as another action 

Për të folur për një veprim që ndodhi në të njëjtën kohë si një veprim tjetër 

    Standing in the queue, I realised I didnt have any money. 


  • To add information about the subject of the main clause 

Për të shtuar informacion rreth kryefjalës së pjesës kryesore 

    Starting in the new year, the new policy bans cars in the city centre. 




Past participle clauses 

Klauzola pjesores së kryer  

    Here are some common ways that we use past participle clauses. Note that past participles normally have a passive meaning. 

    Këtu ndodhen disa mënyra të zakonshme si ne përdorim klauzolat e pjesores së kryer. Mbani mend se pjesoret e kryera normalisht kanë një kuptim pësor. 


  • With a similar meaning to an if condition 

Me një kuptim të ngjashëm për një kusht nëse 

   Used in this way, participles can make your writing more concise.  

   (If you use participles in this way, … ) 

   (Nëse i përdorin pjesoret në këtë mënyrë, …) 


  • To give the reason for an action 

Për të dhënë arsye për një veprim 

   Worried by the news, she called the hospital. 


  • To add information about the subject of the main clause 

Për të shtuar të dhëna rreth kryefjalës së pjesës kryesore 

   Filled with pride, he walked towards the stage. 



Perfect participle clauses 

Klauzola pjesores plotë 

    Perfect participle clauses show that the action they describe was finished before the action in the main clause. Perfect participles can be structured to make an active or passive meaning. 

    Klauzolat e pjesores plotë tregojnë se veprimi që ato përshkruajnë përfundoi para se veprimi në pjesën kryesore. Pjesoret e plota mund të strukturohen për të bërë një kuptim vepror apo pësor. 

  • Having got dressed, he slowly went downstairs. 

  • Having finished their training, they will be fully qualified doctors. 

  • Having been made redundant, she started looking for a new job. 



Participle clauses after conjunctions and prepositions 

Klauzolat pjesore pas lidhëzave dhe parafjalëve 

    It is also common for participle clauses, especially with -ing, to follow conjunctions and prepositions such as before, after, instead of, on, since, when, while and in spite of. 

    Është gjithashtu e zakonshme për klauzolat pjesore, veçanërisht me -ing, të ndjekin lidhëzat dhe parafjalët si para, pas, në vend të, mbi, qyshkur, kur, ndërkohë dhe pavarësisht. 

  • Before cooking, you should wash your hands.  

  • Instead of complaining about it, they should try doing something positive. 

  • On arriving at the hotel, he went to get changed. 

  • While packing her things, she thought about the last two years. 

  • In spite of having read the instructions twice, I still couldnt understand how to use it. 




Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 


  1. ___ by the changing information, they thought the plane was cancelled. 

  • Confusing 

  • Confused 

  • Having confused 


  1. ___ at a low temperature, these jeans will keep their original colour for a long time. 

  • Washing 

  • Washed 

  • Having washed 


  1. ___ the paper, he saw the news about his hometown. 

  • Reading 

  • Read 

  • Having read 


  1. ___ by a local architect and artist, the house combines traditional materials with original design. 

  • Building 

  • Built 

  • Having built 


  1. ___ in India for two years, Kaleem could speak some Hindi. 

  • Living 

  • Lived 

  • Having lived 


  1. ___ in prisons throughout her twenties, she wrote her first play about life behind bars. 

  • After working 

  • Worked 

  • Having been worked 


  1. ___ through the woods, they found a bird with a broken wing. 

  • Walking 

  • Walked 

  • Having walked 


  1. ___ for the final interview, the candidates were asked to prepare a short presentation. 

  • Selecting 

  • Selected 

  • Having been selected 




Past ability 

Aftësi në të shkuarën 


    Do you know how to use could, was able to and managed to to talk about past abilities? Look at these examples to see how could, was able to and managed to are used. 

    A dini si të përdorni mundesha, isha i/e aftë të dhe ia dola të për të folur për aftësitë tuaja në të shkuarën? Shikoni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren could, was able to dhe managed to. 

  • I could play the guitar when I was seven years old. 

  • The police werent able to catch the speeding car. 

  • The bird managed to escape from its cage and fly away. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 



  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. I _____ open the door while carrying all the shopping. 

  • managed to 

  • could 


  1. The presentation wasnt working at first but we _____ fix it. 

  • could 

  • were able to 


  1. How did you _____ write a book so soon after having a baby? 

  • manage to 

  • be able to 


  1. She _____ ski almost before she learned to walk. 

  • could 

  • managed to 


  1. He _____ attend the last meeting due to his daughters illness. 

  • werent able to 

  • couldnt 


  1. _____ get your phone fixed? It looked very broken! 

  • Did you manage to 

  • Could you 


  1. I _____ drink milk as a child because it always made me feel sick. 

  • couldnt 

  • didnt manage to 


  1. The journey went fine yesterday and we _____ find their house easily with GPS. 

  • could 

  • were able to 



Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 




General ability 

Aftësi e përgjithshme 


  We usually use could or couldnt to talk about general abilities in the past. 

  Ne zakonisht përdorim (nuk) mundesha të për të folur për aftësi të përgjithshme në të shkuarën. 

  • She could paint before she started school. 

  • I couldnt cook until I went to university. 

  • When I lived next to the pool, I could go swimming every day. 




Ability on one occasion – successful 

Aftësi në një rasti suksesshëm 

  When we talk about achieving something on a specific occasion in the past, we use was/were able to (= had the ability to) and managed to (= succeeded in doing something difficult). 

   Kur flasim për arritjen e diçkaje në një rast të caktuar të së shkuarës, ne përdorim isha i/e aftë të (=kisha aftësinë të) dhe ia dola të (=ia dola mbanë të bëja diçka të vështirë). 

  • The burglar was able to get in through the bathroom window. 

  • The burglar managed to get in through the bathroom window even though it was locked. 


  Could is not usually correct when were talking about ability at a specific moment in the past. 

   Mundesha zakonisht nuk është e saktë kur jemi duke folur për një aftësi në një çast të caktuar të së shkuarës. 




Ability on one occasion – unsuccessful 

Aftësi në një rastjo i sukseshëm 

  When we talk about a specific occasion when someone didnt have the ability to do something, we can use wasnt/werent able to, didnt manage to or couldnt. 

  Kur flasim për një rast të caktuar kur dikush nuk kishte aftësinë të bënte diçka, ne mund të përdorim nuk isha i/e aftë të, nuk ia arrita të apo nuk mundesha të. 

  • The speaker wasnt able to attend the conference due to illness. 

  • She couldnt watch the match because she was working. 

  • They worked on it for months but they didnt manage to find a solution. 


  Note that wasnt/werent able to is more formal than couldnt, while didnt manage to emphasises that the thing was difficult to do. 

  Mbani mend se nuk isha i/e aftë të është më formale se nuk mundesha, ndërkohë që nuk ia arrita të thekson se diçka ishte e vështirë të kryhej. 




Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. We were _____ leave our suitcases with reception while we waited for our room to be ready. 

  • could 

  • able to 


  1. We were _____ get a boat from the island that day because of the bad weather. 

  • not able to 

  • not manage to 


  1. I cant believe you _____ get us a table at the restaurant. Its always full! 

  • could 

  • managed to 


  1. I _____ afford to buy a car so I borrowed money from the bank. 

  • didnt manage to 

  • couldnt 


  1. Luckily, I _____ get to the airport on time, despite the traffic. 

  • managed to 

  • could 


  1. When I first moved to Argentina I _____ only speak a few words of Spanish. 

  • could 

  • managed to 


  1. He _____ swim until he had lessons when he was 20 years old. 

  • didnt manage to 

  • couldnt 


  1. I _____ touch my toes until I started doing yoga and became more flexible. 

  • could 

  • couldnt 



Hi there,

Try to fill up both exercises attached to this lesson and we can discauss them when we see each other on Saturday.





     Do you know how to use the word enough? Look at these examples to see how enough is used. 

     dini si ta përdorni fjalën ‘mjaftShikoni këta shembuj për të parë si përdoret ‘mjaft? 

  • Shes not old enough to walk yet. 

  • We are not acting fast enough to stop climate change. 

  • I dont read enough. 

  • Is there enough coffee for everyone? 

  • Weve had enough of their lies. 



Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

Provoni këtë ushtrim për të testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për të plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. Those children dont look _____ to go to this school. 

  • old enough 

  • enough old 

  • enough of old 


  1. I should have helped more. Im sorry I didnt _____. 

  • enough do 

  • do enough 

  • enough of do 


  1. If we dont get _____, we start to feel depressed. 

  • enough vitamin D 

  • vitamin D enough 

  • enough of vitamin D 


  1. Thats _____, thanks. Im too full to eat another bite! 

  • enough of 

  • enough 

  • had enough 


  1. I havent got _____ to start a new hobby. 

  • enough free time 

  • free enough time 

  • enough of free time 


  1. Weve got _____ the red material but I dont think weve got the blue. 

  • enough 

  • of enough 

  • enough of 


  1. If you ask him _____, he might let you borrow his car. 

  • nicely enough 

  • enough nicely 

  • nicely enough of 


  1. I dont have a _____ to get a dog. 

  • big enough of house 

  • big enough house 

  • house enough big 



Read the explanation to learn more. 

Lexoni shpjegimin për të mësuar më shumë. 




Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

     Enough means as much as necessary. It can be used with an adjective, an adverb, a verb or a noun. It can also act as a pronoun. 

     ‘Mjaft do të thotë ‘aq sa nevojitet. Ajo mund të përdoret me një mbiemërnjë ndajfoljenjë folje apo një emërGjithashtu mund të veprojë si një përemër. 



With adjectives and adverbs 

Me mbiemra dhe ndajfolje 

     Enough comes after adjectives and adverbs. 

     ‘Mjaft’ vjen pas mbiemrave dhe ndajfoljeve. 

  • Im not tall enough to reach the top shelf. 

  • Your marks are good enough to study engineering at university. 

  • I couldnt write quickly enough and I ran out of time. 

  • Ive helped at conferences often enough to know what can go wrong. 



With verbs 

Me folje 

     Enough comes after verbs. 

     ‘Mjaft’ vjen pas foljeve. 

  • I make sure I drink enough during the day. 

  • dont read enough but Im going to start downloading books to my phone.  



With nouns 

Me emra 

     Enough comes before nouns. 

     ‘Mjaft vjen para emrave. 

  • There isnenough bread to make sandwiches. 

  • Have you got enough money? 



As a pronoun 

Si një përemër 

     Enough can also be used without a noun.  

     ‘Mjaft’ gjithashtu mund të përdoret pa një emër. 

  • Ill get some more chairs. There arenenough. 

  • A: Do you want more coffee?  

B: No, Ive had enough, thanks. 


     We know what the noun is because of the context. 

     Ne e dimë se çfarë është emri për arsye të kontekstit. 



With an adjective and a noun 

Me një mbiemër dhe një emër 

     When enough is used with an adjective and a noun, two positions are possible but the meaning changes. 

     Kur mjaft përdoret me një mbiemër dhe një emërdy pozicione janë të mundura por me kuptime të ndryshme. 

  • We havent got big enough envelopes(Nuk kemi zarfa mjaftueshëm të mëdhenj.) 

  • We havent got enough big envelopes. (Nuk kemi mjaftueshëm zarfa të mëdhenj.) 


     When enough is after the adjective (big enough envelopes), it describes the adjective – the envelopes are too small. When enough is before the adjective (enough big envelopes), it describes the noun phrase – we have some big envelopes, but we need more. 

     Kur mjaft ndodhet pas një mbiemri (zarfa mjaftueshëm të mëdhenj), ajo përshkruan mbiemrin – zarfat janë të vegjël. Kur mjaft është para mbiemrit (mjaftueshëm zarfa të mëdhenj), ajo përshkruan grupin emëror – ne kemi disa zarfa të mëdhenj, por na nevojiten më shumë. 



enough of 

mjaft nga 

     We normally only use enough of when it is followed by a determiner or a pronoun (a/an/the, this/that, my/your/his, you/them, etc.). 

     Normalisht ne përdorim mjaft nga vetëm kur ndiqet nga një përcaktor ose një përemër (nyjet joshquese ‘një’, nyja shquese ‘the’, ky/kjo, e imja/jotja/e tijjuve/atyreetj.). 

  • There isnenough of that bread to make sandwiches for everyone. 

  • Ive seen enough of his work to be able to recommend him. 

  • Thereenough of us to make a difference. 


Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

Bëni këtë ushtrim për të testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


  Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 

  Zgjidhni opsionin e saktë për të plotësuar fjalitë. 

  1. Im worried I didnt bring _____ for cold weather. 

  • clothes enough 

  • enough clothes 

  • enough of clothes 


  1. My job doesnt pay _____. 

  • enough well 

  • enough of well 

  • well enough 


  1. We lost. Our players just arent _____ yet. 

  • enough good 

  • good enough 

  • enough of good 


  1. Did you buy more oil? There _____ here. 

  • isnt enough 

  • enough isnt 

  • isnt enough of 


  1. There isnt _____ that cake for everyone to have some. 

  • enough 

  • enough of 

  • of enough 


  1. I dont _____! 

  • go out enough 

  • enough go out 

  • enough of go out 


  1. Ive dropped a euro between those two cupboards but I dont have _____ to get it. 

  • enough small hands 

  • enough of small hands 

  • small enough hands 


  1. Is there _____ to finish decorating the bathroom? 

  • enough blue paint 

  • blue enough paint 

  • paint enough blue 

paf01.15. 2022  

Hello Glei and friends,

Hi, there. In this lesson I will help you to fix a few very common advanced English Grammar mistakes. These are mistakes that a lot of my students make, even students that are considered quite fluent in English. Let’s see if you make them too and I will teach you how to fix them. 

     Before I teach you the grammar rules of these different topics I’ll be discussing, I’d like you to take a little test. A little grammar test that we’ll measure how many mistakes you’re making. Maybe you’re not making any of these mistakes, which is fantastic. But I predict even if you are an advanced learner you’re probably making at least one or two of these.  

Lets make sure that your grammar is perfect and lets fix these. You will take a test, you will see eleven different sentences.  

Each sentence has one grammar mistake and its your job to find the mistake and fix it. So, you will see the sentence on the screen, and I want you to take a few seconds and think about what the mistake might be.  

And then, I will give you the correct answer, and we will go through each rule. Alright, lets get started.  

Lets look at sentence number one. 

  1. I suggested him to buy the other one. Where is the mistake? 

  1. Number two. I suggest you to do it. Where is the mistake? 

  1. Number three. I suggest you dont be late anymore. Do you know the mistake? 

  1. Number four. Im looking for a two bedrooms apartment. That one I hear all the time and thats not correct. 

  1. Number five. I have a six years old son. Can you see the mistake in that one? 

  1. Number six. I would appreciate getting some advices from you. Wheres the mistake? 

  1. Number seven. Im really looking forward to go there. Did you spot the mistake? 

  1. Number eight. In my country, we are used to eat rice for breakfast. Where is the mistake? 

  1. Number nine. I will give it to you when we will see each other. 

  1. Number ten. If youll go, Ill go to. Wheres the mistake? 

  1. Number eleven. If you would have tried it, you would have liked it. Where is the mistake? 

Did you find all of the mistakes? 

     So, now I will give you the correct answers and I will teach you the grammar rules. Lets look at the first sentence.  

Its incorrect to say I suggested him. There are different ways you can correct that.  

You can say: I suggested that he buy the other one and word “that” is optional, so you can also say: I suggested he buy the other one but don’t say I suggested him 

And sometimes it’s not necessary to include the pronoun depending on the meaning of your sentence. In that case, you can use a gerund, you can use an -ing, and you can say:  

I suggested buying the other oneSo it’s suggested if we use a verb immediately afterwards it needs to have an -ing, it needs to be a gerund. I suggested buying. I suggested going there. I suggested doing itMake sure the verb is a gerund. Make sure it has an -ing ending. 

    Number two was “I suggest you to do it. Thats a sentence I hear a lot, but thats not correct. We dont say I suggest you 

You need to say I suggest that you do it or you can eliminate that and you can say “I suggest you do it”. But dont say “I suggest you” 

You can say: I suggest it to you. I suggest something to you. The verb suggest is a confusing verb. It is used differently than most other English verbs. Thats why people make so many mistakes with it. So we dont say: “I suggest you this one” 

We say: “I suggest this one to you.” We use the to with the pronoun.  

When you use another verb with suggest dont use to after suggest. Instead, use the word that.  

     I suggest that you fix it soon. I suggest that he fix it soon.  

Did you see what I did in the last sentence? I said he fix, I didn’t say he fixesThat’s confusing, right? That’s because the verb that is used with suggest must take the subjunctive form. And the subjunctive for is the infinitive form of the verb, so you cannot change it to past tense and you do not add an ‘s’. So we say I suggest that he go there, not that he goes there 

I suggest that he be there on time. We use be not than he is 

I suggest that he try harder next time.  

We don’t say that he tries harder because suggest requires a subjunctive form of the following verb. 

    And where was the mistake in sentence number 3?  

We do not say “You don’t” we say I suggest you not be late anymore. Or you can use a gerund, if you don’t need to say the pronoun and just say:  

I suggest not being late anymore. I suggest not driving so fast. I suggest not doing that.



The present perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action has taken place once or many times before now. The present perfect is most frequently used to talk about experiences or changes that have taken place, but there are other less common uses as well. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect exercises.

Present Perfect Forms

The present perfect is formed using has/have + past participle. Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and has/have. Negatives are made with not.

  • Statement: You have seen that movie many times.
  • Question: Have you seen that movie many times?
  • Negative: You have not seen that movie many times.

Present Perfect Uses

USE 1 Unspecified Time Before Now

present perfect unspecified time

We use the present perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. 

You CANNOT use the present perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. 

We CAN use the present perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc. 


  • have seen that movie twenty times.
  • I think I have met him once before.
  • There have been many earthquakes in California.
  • People have traveled to the Moon.
  • People have not traveled to Mars. 
  • Have you read the book yet? 
  • Nobody has ever climbed that mountain. 
  • A: Has there ever been a war in the United States?
    B: Yes, there has been a war in the United States.

How Do You Actually Use the Present Perfect?

The concept of "unspecified time" can be very confusing to English learners. It is best to associate present perfect with the following topics:

TOPIC 1 Experience

You can use the present perfect to describe your experience. It is like saying, "I have the experience of..." You can also use this tense to say that you have never had a certain experience. The present perfect is NOT used to describe a specific event.


  • have been to France.
    This sentence means that you have had the experience of being in France. Maybe you have been there once, or several times.
  • have been to France three times.
    You can add the number of times at the end of the sentence.
  • have never been to France.
    This sentence means that you have not had the experience of going to France.
  • I think I have seen that movie before.
  • He has never traveled by train.
  • Joan has studied two foreign languages.
  • A: Have you ever met him?
    B: No, I have not met him.

TOPIC 2 Change Over Time

We often use the present perfect to talk about change that has happened over a period of time.


  • You have grown since the last time I saw you.
  • The government has become more interested in arts education.
  • Japanese has become one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian studies program was established.
  • My English has really improved since I moved to Australia.

TOPIC 3 Accomplishments

We often use the present perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals and humanity. You cannot mention a specific time.


  • Man has walked on the Moon.
  • Our son has learned how to read.
  • Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.
  • Scientists have split the atom.

TOPIC 4 An Uncompleted Action You Are Expecting

We often use the present perfect to say that an action which we expected has not happened. Using the present perfect suggests that we are still waiting for the action to happen. 


  • James has not finished his homework yet.
  • Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can communicate.
  • Bill has still not arrived.
  • The rain hasn't stopped.

TOPIC 5 Multiple Actions at Different Times

We also use the present perfect to talk about several different actions which have occurred in the past at different times. Present perfect suggests the process is not complete and more actions are possible.


  • The army has attacked that city five times.
  • have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester.
  • We have had many major problems while working on this project.
  • She has talked to several specialists about her problem, but nobody knows why she is sick.



Mesimi   2


 I have done (present perfect) and I did (past).       Kam bere(e kryer) dhe bera(e kryer e thjeshte. 


                                   Kate is making some coffee.                             Kate has made some coffee. 

Kate has made some coffee = she made some coffee and the coffee is ready. (e ka pergatitur kafen) 

You can use the present perfect (have done/has made, etc.) for new information: 

  • “I´ve decided to quit my job.” “Really? Why?” 

  • We´ve sold our car. Now we take the bus every day. 

  • They´re having a party next week, but they haven´t invited me. 

  • I´m looking for Amy. Have you seen her? 

You can also use the past (I decided, we sold, etc.) in these examples: 

  • I decided to quit my job. 

We say that something has changed. It is different now from what it was before: 

  • Her English has improved. It is different now from what it was before. 

  • The city has changed a lot. It´s very different now. 

We use the past, not the present perfect, with a finished time(last year, yesterday, etc.): 

  • They arrived yesterday. (not have arrived) 

  • Where were you on Sunday? (not Where have you been) 

  • We didn´t take a vacation last year. (not haven´t taken) 

  • A: Did you go out last night? 

B:No, I stayed home. 

  • William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. He was a writer. He wrote many plays and poems. 

We use the past to ask When…? Or What time…?: 

  • When did you sell your car? (not When have you sold) 

  • What time did Andy go out? (not What time has) 

We use the present perfect with yet in negative sentences and questions. Yet(=until now/akoma) is usually at the end: 

  • A:Does James know that you´re going away? 

B: No, I haven´t told him yet. 

  • A: Have Sarah and Nick arrived yet? 

B: No; not yet, but they´ll be here soon. 

  • A: Has Nichole started her new job yet? 

B: No, she´s starting next week. 

  • Sarah has bought a new dress, but she hasn´t worn it yet. 

You can also use the past with yet: 

  • Did Nicole start her new job yet? 



2.1.Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect (I´ve made, etc.) with these words. 

Change     decide     finish     fix     go up     invite     make     see     stop 

  1. I .´ve made…some coffee. Would you like some? 

  1. The weeding is in June. We ……………….. 50 people. 

  1. I can´t find my glasses. ……………….. you ……………….. them anywhere? 

  1. The weather ………………… It´s colder now. 

  1. What are your plans? What ……………….. you ……………….. do? 

  1. Food prices ……………….. a lot. Everything is more expensive now. 

  1. ……………….. you ……………….. the book you were reading? 

  1. There was a problem with the car, but I ……………….. it. It´s OK now. 

  1. It ……………….. raining. We can go out now. 

2.2Are the verbs in these sentences OK? Correct them is necessary. (The verbs are underlined.) 

  1. Where have you been on Sunday? …..Where were you on Sunday?..... 

  1. I´m looking for Amy. Have you seen her? ……..OK………. 

  1. I´ve washed all the clothes. Everything is clear. ………………..……………….. 

  1. Vicky has bought some clothes yesterday. ………………..……………….. 

  1. I´ve decided to try to learn Japanese. ………………..……………….. 

  1. Last year I´ve decided to try to learn Japanese. ………………..……………….. 

  1. The weather hasn´t been good last weekend. ………………..……………….. 

  1. Steve´s grandmother has died six months ago. ………………..……………….. 

2.3.Write negative sentences with yet (They haven´t … yet/She hasn´t … yet, etc.). 


2.4.Write questions. Use the present perfect + yet. 

  1. Your friend has a new job. Maybe she has started it. 

You ask her: …Have you started your job yet?....... 

  1. You friend has some new neighbors. Maybe he has met them. 

You ask him: ………………….. you …………………..………………….. 

  1. Your friend is going on a trip soon. Maybe she has booked her flight. 

You ask her: …………………..…………………..…………………..………………….. 

  1. Some people (sot you) are having a meeting at work. Maybe the meeting has finished. 

You ask a colleague: …………………..…………………..…………………..………………….. 



Give happiness a chance. 

Hello there 

Hello there friend. 

Use your time to be happy 

You are a walking marvel 

You have no equal 

You are unique, irreplaceable, 

did you know that? 

Why aren't you surprised? 

Why aren’t you glad, astonished 

About yourself 

And what about everyone else  

you know? 

Do you think that it’s so natural,  

so obvious, 

that you are alive, 

that you can go on living, 

that you are given time 

to sing and to dance, 

and to be happy? 

Why then loose your time 

In the senseless pursuit 

Of money and possessions? 

Why make a crowd of worries 

of tomorrow and the days after tomorrow? 

Why quarrel, bore yourself in empty amusements 

And then sleep when the sun shines? 

Take your time quietly 

And be happy. 

Time is no speedway 

Between the cradle and the grave 

but space 

to find a place in the sun. 

Page Break 

paf 04.11.2021

Nothing is without meaning 

My eyes are the light, 

for the green of Spring and the white of the snow, 

for the grey of the clouds 

and for the blue of the sky, 

for the stars at night, 

and for the incredible miracle 

of so many wonderful people around me. 

My mouth is for the word, 

For every gentle word 

someone is waiting for. 

My lips are for kissing  

And my hands for softness, for tenderness, 

For giving comfort and bread to the poor. 

My feet are for the path 

Which leads me to the dispossessed. 

My heart is for love, for warmth, 

For those who are abandoned and left in the cold. 

My body exists to be close to others. 

Without my body I am nowhere. 

Nothing is without meaning! 

Everything has a deep significance! 

Why then am I not happy? 

Are my eyes closed? 

Is my mouth full of bitterness? 

Are my hands ‘grabbers’ and my heart dry? 

Don’t I know 

That I was born for joy? 








paf 04.12.2021




For the smallest pain, a painkiller. 

Every night a sleeping pill. 

And for gloomy thoughts 

A couple of Valium to cheer you up. 

You are hopelessly spoiled. 

You turn everything into a problem. 

The slightest difficulty  

And your nerves go to pieces. 

Problems have to be tackled. 

The problems that you evade 

Will start to fester. 

Yet ,there are a whole heap of problems 

which are just part of life- 

in marriage, 

in education, inn growing up, 

in getting on with people, 

 at work. 

These are problems which you have to accept. 

You have to go through them 

Without  hesitation, 

With courage and ith strength. 

If you run away from them 

They will follow you and weigh you down. 

In your life you can’t ignore your cross 

Without being crushed by it.Page Break 

paf 04. 13. 2021

The same thing day after day 

People are ill with boredom, 

Weary of life, 

The house is full, 

The table is loaded with food. 

There’s never a ‘new’ day. 

Everything stays the same , day after day. 

The walls are thick, always cold. 

New life never enters in. 

People are ill with boredom. 

They no longer even see the flowers or the birds. 

Their parakeets and their overfed dogs 

Are as dead as they are. 

People go out at night 

Till the early hours of the morning, 

Then sleep when the sun shines. 

They go to the doctor, 

To the psychiatrist. 

They never feel really good. 


paf 04.14.2021

The happy people 

In searching for 

The deepest reason for human happiness 

I have never found the source 

To be money, possessions, luxury, lazyness , profiteering,  party-going or excitement. 

With happy people 

I always found, deep down, a sense of security, 

A great simplicity, 

And a spontaneous joy in little things. 

With happy people I was always surprised 

By the absence of stupid desires. 

With happy people I never found 

Restlessness or passionate searching, 

Never that lust for self-importance. 

And most often they had a good dose of humour. 


paf 04.15.2021

Whisteling in the rain 

How is that some people 

Sit in the sun looking like sour apples 

  • and that others 

whistle in the rain? 

How is it that there are people 

Who, as soon as they open their eyes, 

see something wrong? 

It is because they don’t understand 

the meaning of life,  

the meaning of things. 

They need God, not as an impersonal, hazy being 

Somewhere far away, 

But as a personal friend, 

like a father, close to them. 

by being on intimate terms with God 

and start every morning  

with a new heart. 

Is life sometimes too heavy for you? 

Try for a while to be like a clown, 

Who weeps inside, 

But laughingly 

Jokes and plays for a child, 

To cure the sadness 

In his own heart. 



paf 04.16. 2021

If you can’t laugh you can’t live. 

Laughing is healthy. 

You need to laugh. 

Humour  is healthy. 

Do you think enough about this aspect of your health? 

If all your anxieties give you wrinkles of your heart, 

You will soon have wrinkles in your face. 

Laughing frees you. 

Humour relaxes you. 

A laugh can free you from needles intensity. 

A laugh is the best cosmetic for your outside 

And the best medicine for your insides. 

If your laugh-muscles work regularly 

Your digestion will improve, 

Your appetite will be stimulated, 

and your blood pressure will stay down. 

Humour gives you a sense of proportion. 

Laughter and fun don’t only influence your metabolism, 

But also your surroundings. 

They lessen the tensions 

And the tears. 

Laughter and fun free you from that deadly earnestness 

About leaden problems, 

Free you from that miserable daily drag. 

Laughter and fun are the best remedies 

For the drugging of your heart and mind. 

Laughter and fun open out new spaces  

For the still unknown joys of life. 

A day when you don’t laugh, is a lost day. 


paf 04.17.2021


Why do I look so ugly when I miss the bus? 

Or can’t I borrow the car and have to walk for once? 

Yet I know that in Asia people have to walk every day, 

Between the poles of a rich man’s rickshaw 

-for just a handful of rice. 

Why do I grumble about a minor illness 

And worry about wrinkles or spots 

When I know that thousands 

carry an incurable illness in their body. 

And thousands are being tortured for their beliefs, 

For the colour of their skin of for nothing at all. 

Why do I feel put on when I have to queue, 

or walk in the rain or when I’m kept waiting? 

Don’t I ever think of others, those with no legs, 

or those who must live in bed, 

the people who would be so happy, just once, 

to be able to queue, or, just once,  

to walk in the rain, or to kept waiting. 

And if my meal isn’t served on time 

Why do I forget that millions of people 

Are never able to sit at a full table? 

We are laughable, pathetic, stupid creatures, 

Who spoil our own lives, who spoil the lives of others, 

Because of a multitude of petty trifles, 

When we ought to be so grateful 

for every new day, for all the good things of life, 

We have a fever 

And our fever is really a madman’s selfishness. 


paf 04.18.2021

A spoilt day 

I will never be happy 

If I have no control over my emotions, 

If my day is spoilt 

By a scratch on my car, 

An angry word at home,  

A mini-crisis at work, 

An unkept appointment, 

A less-than-perfect result, 

A wrinkled stocking 

Or a crooked tie. 

I will never be happy 

If I am the victim of my own emotions, 

A prisoner of overgrown expectations. 


paf 04.20.2021

Where have the flowers gone? 

Tell me. 

Where  have the flowers gone? 

The flowers of delight in life, 

The flowers of pretty and nice things 

In the TV reports, the newspapers 

and in daily conversation? 

They died and suffocated under an avalanche of news 

About hatred, violence, murder and petty scandals. 

Nobody has seen the flowers. 

Nobody has heard about them. 

They died and suffocated in the wallets 

of sensation-seekers 

and on the lips of doom-prophets. 

Tell me. 

Where have the flowers gone? 

The flowers of little things done for each other. 

The flowers of being a gift for each other. 

They have died in our self-will, 

Suffocated in our so-ridiculous sensitivity, 

In or mini household cold-wars. 

Tell me. 

Where have the flowers gone 

Of that tiny bit of happy security 

we can offer each other? 

You have a heart, 

And there’s a human being who needs you. 

Bring on the flowers! 

Call to the Spring. Meet the sun. 

Let yourself be captured by the wonder of light 

and life. 

Look at the skylark 

who sings so high in the air.  

Do you know why? 

Because he doesn’t have to pay any rent! 

Look up at he sky and sing, 

Because the sun is free 

and it shines for you. 



The present perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action has taken place once or many times before now. The present perfect is most frequently used to talk about experiences or changes that have taken place, but there are other less common uses as well. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect exercises.

Present Perfect Forms

The present perfect is formed using has/have + past participle. Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and has/have. Negatives are made with not.

  • Statement: You have seen that movie many times.
  • Question: Have you seen that movie many times?
  • Negative: You have not seen that movie many times.

Present Perfect Uses

USE 1 Unspecified Time Before Now

present perfect unspecified time

We use the present perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. 

You CANNOT use the present perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. 

We CAN use the present perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc. 


  • have seen that movie twenty times.
  • I think I have met him once before.
  • There have been many earthquakes in California.
  • People have traveled to the Moon.
  • People have not traveled to Mars. 
  • Have you read the book yet? 
  • Nobody has ever climbed that mountain. 
  • A: Has there ever been a war in the United States?
    B: Yes, there has been a war in the United States.

How Do You Actually Use the Present Perfect?

The concept of "unspecified time" can be very confusing to English learners. It is best to associate present perfect with the following topics:

TOPIC 1 Experience

You can use the present perfect to describe your experience. It is like saying, "I have the experience of..." You can also use this tense to say that you have never had a certain experience. The present perfect is NOT used to describe a specific event.


  • have been to France.
    This sentence means that you have had the experience of being in France. Maybe you have been there once, or several times.
  • have been to France three times.
    You can add the number of times at the end of the sentence.
  • have never been to France.
    This sentence means that you have not had the experience of going to France.
  • I think I have seen that movie before.
  • He has never traveled by train.
  • Joan has studied two foreign languages.
  • A: Have you ever met him?
    B: No, I have not met him.

TOPIC 2 Change Over Time

We often use the present perfect to talk about change that has happened over a period of time.


  • You have grown since the last time I saw you.
  • The government has become more interested in arts education.
  • Japanese has become one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian studies program was established.
  • My English has really improved since I moved to Australia.

TOPIC 3 Accomplishments

We often use the present perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals and humanity. You cannot mention a specific time.


  • Man has walked on the Moon.
  • Our son has learned how to read.
  • Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.
  • Scientists have split the atom.

TOPIC 4 An Uncompleted Action You Are Expecting

We often use the present perfect to say that an action which we expected has not happened. Using the present perfect suggests that we are still waiting for the action to happen. 


  • James has not finished his homework yet.
  • Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can communicate.
  • Bill has still not arrived.
  • The rain hasn't stopped.

TOPIC 5 Multiple Actions at Different Times

We also use the present perfect to talk about several different actions which have occurred in the past at different times. Present perfect suggests the process is not complete and more actions are possible.


  • The army has attacked that city five times.
  • have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester.
  • We have had many major problems while working on this project.
  • She has talked to several specialists about her problem, but nobody knows why she is sick.



Students of Sunday 11,, 

Me qellim qe mesimi yne i fundit, te kete me teper qartesi, do te ishte mire qe seicili prej jush te perpiqej te kuptonte se cfare kuptimi kane ne gjuhen shqipe fjalet e meposhteme:

act upon
main verb
appropriate form
contracted forms
place ( si folje ) = vendos

Shumicen e ketyre fjaleve shpresoj se duhet ta njihni. Punoni per te njohur edhe te tjerat edhe keshtu do te jeni gati per te kuptuar edhe me mire se per cfare do te flasim ne ditet qe vijojne.


Active and Passive Voice                          

Nje folje gjendet ne diatezen veprore kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili kryehet nga vete kryefjala.
Nje fojle gjendet ne diatezen pesore atehere kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili bie mbi kryefjalen e vet ose atehere kur kryefjala eshte rezultat I veprimit.

Gjykoni veprimet e meposhteme:

Lightening struck the Pope’s office. ( Subject acting) = Active Voice
Pope’s Office was stuck by lightening. ( subject acted upon ) = Passive Voice

Te gjitha foljet kalimtare ( folje kalimtare quhen ato folje te cilat marrin kundrinore) mund te perdoren ne diatezen pesore. Ndryshe nga diateza veprore kur veprimi realizohet prej kryefjales, ne diatezen pesore,
( Passive Voice) pergjithesisht kryefjala e peson veprimin ose e thene ndryshe veprimi bie mbi kryefjalen.

Le te perpiqemi te ndertojme bashke dy rregulla te thjeshte para se te japim edhe me shume shembuj.

1)      Ne diatezen veprore ( Active Voice ), kryefjala e fjalise vepron, me nje fjale, kryen veprimin. The secretary writes all the e mails.
           The women are knitting sweaters.
           Shakespeare wrote famous comedies.
           They are going to hire us.

2)      Ne diatezen pesore ( Passive Voice ), kryefjala nuk ka me te njejtin funksion. Shikoni fjalite e meposhteme per te pare se si ka ndryshuar vendi I saj ne nje fjali.

               All the e-mails are written by the secretary.
               Sweaters are being knitted by the women.
               Famous comedies were written by Shakespeare.
               We are going to be hired.

3)      Per te ndertuar diatezen pesore ne gjuhen angleze atehere duhet t e kemi parasysh edhe te njohim mire dy elemente te saj.

a)      E para: folja to be
b)      E dyta termi past participle.

   Shpresoj qe te gjithe te jeni te informuar se c’eshte folja to be, si zgjedhohet ajo, cilat jane  format qe ajo merr, e keshtu me radhe.
Megjithese jam I bindur se ju e njifni, perseri, po mundohem t'ju paraqes nje tabele te saj:

Principal parts of the verb Be.

Infinitive                     Past            Past Participle           Present Participle
Be                            was/were            been                             being

Simple present Tense

Singular                                                                Plural

I am                                                                       We are
You are                                                                 You are
He is/She is/ It is                                                They are

Present Continuous: I am being etc.

Simple Past

Singular                                                                Plural

I was                                                                        We were
You were                                                              You were
He was/She was/ It was                                    They were

Past Continuous: I was being  etc.

Future Tense
(will + the infinitive)

Singular                                                                Plural

I will be                                                                We will be
You will be                                                           You will be
He wll be/She will be/ It will be                      They will be

Future Continuous:  I will be being etc.

Present Perfect Tense
(have or has + the past participle)
Singular                                                                             Plural

I have been                                                                  We have been
You have been                                                             You have been
He has been/She has been/t has been                       They have been

Past Perfect Tense
(had + the past participle)

Singular                                                              Plural                          

I had been                                                      We had been
You had been                                                You had been
He had been/She had been/It had been      They had been

Future Perfect Tense
(will have + past Participle)
Singular                                                                Plural

I will have been                                           We will have been
You will have been                                      You will have been
He will have been/She will have been/
It will have been                                          They will have been

Atehere, duke mos harruar se pergjithesish, cdo folje ne gjuhen angleze ka kater forma,seicili prej jush eshte mesuar se si te ndertoje kohet e ndryshme te pedorimit te foljeve.
Sot na intereson shume te kujtojme vetem foljen to be, se ajo ka nje rol te rendesishem ne ndertimin e diatezes pesore.
Me qellim qe pohimi yne te marre forme, do te na duhet te perdorim nje fome te foljes to be + plus nje folje ne past participle, per te percjelle kuptimin qe deshirojme edhe ne kete menyre mund te cojme nje folje ne diatezen pesore.

Me thjesht:
                                 To be + past participle = Passive Voice.

Ky model (patern) perben vecse nisjen e procesit sepse kohet e foljes do te variojne vetem nga ndryshimi I kohes se foljes ndihmese to be.

Ne ate kohe qe do te perdorim foljen to be, po ne ate kohe do te jete edhe fjalia jone, vecse kete radhe e perdorur ne diatezen pesore me kuptimin te cilin u munduam ta sqarojme si me siper.

Le te marrim nje ushtrim te thjeshte;

Percaktoni se cilat fjali jane active edhe cilat jane passive:

1)      Barbara cooks our meals.
2)      Somebody helped the policeman.
3)      The government will close our hospital in the near future.
4)      This window was broken by a little boy.
5)      The queen was photographed by my wife.
6)      We spent too much money on our holidays.
7)      Barbara is loved by James.
8)      Her clothes are bought in Paris.
9)       Nency was driving too fast and she was stopped by the police.
10)   The new school will be opened by the Prime Minister.



Dear student,

Follow the video and try to understand the usage of the modal verbs can and can not.


Can/can’t example sentences in everyday use

Paf 02.10.2020

Dear students,

Read the following lecture very carefully and try to learn certain rules about Imperative.


The Imperative 

( Menyra urdherore )

Ne mund te perdorim menyren urdherore per te dhene nje urdher:

Hapni Librin!
Plotesoni ushtrimin 6!
Lexoni rregullat!
Mesoni vargjet qe vijojne!
We can use the imperative to give a direct order. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth. Stand up straight. Give me the details. We can use the imperative to give instructions. Open your book. Take two tablets every evening. Take a left and then a right. We can use the imperative to make … Continue reading

Ne mund te perdorim menyren urdherore per te dhene nje urdher direkt per dike:

We can use the imperative to give a direct order.
  1. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth.
  2. Stand up straight.
  3. Give me the details.
We can use the imperative to give instructions.
Ne mund te perdorim menyren urdherore per te dhene udhezime.
  1. Open your book.
  2. Take two tablets every evening.
  3. Take a left and then a right.
Ne mund te perdorim menyren urdherore per te bere nje ftese.
We can use the imperative to make an invitation.
  1. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home.
  2. Please start without me. I’ll be there shortly.
  3. Have a piece of this cake. It’s delicious.
Me mund te perdorim menyren urdheruese ne shenja paralajmeruese edhe njoftime.
We can use the imperative on signs and notices.
  1. Push.
  2. Do not use.
  3. Insert one dollar.
Ne mund te perdorim menyren urdherore per te dhene keshilla miqesore shoqerore.
We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice.
  1. Speak to him. Tell him how you feel.
  2. Have a quiet word with her about it.
  3. Don’t go. Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and recover.
Nje shprehje ne menyren uerdherore mund te behet me e sjelleshme, nese perpara fjalise do te shtojme foljen "do".
We can make the imperative ‘more polite’ by adding ‘do’
  • Do be quiet.
  • Do come.
  • Do sit down.

Proven te zgjidhni ushtrimet me poshte duke klikuar mbi linkun blu.



Dear students,

As your weekend is so close, please have a look at the following exercises. 
It will be good if you start learning some rules about these two present tenses.
Wish you all enjoy a very good weekend!



Present Simple or Continuous

   By admin  No comments 

We use the Present Simple for regular actions or events 
I watch TV most evenings
The sun rises in the east 
facts know about the future
The plane leaves at 5.00 in the morning
. thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking
I don’t understand.
We use the Present Continuous at the time of speaking (‘now’)
things which are true at the moment but not always
I’m looking for a new job
present plans for the future
I’m taking my husband to New York for his birthday. 
Look at these sentences

I’m thinking about dying my hair blonde but I don’t think my wife will be very happy about it. 
I usually don’t drink coffee but I’m having one this morning because there is nothing else. 

I often drive to work but I’m taking the train this morning because my car is in for repair. 
My parents live in New York but I’m just visiting.
Notice how in all these examples we use the present continuous to talk about events which are temporary/limited in time and the present simple to talk about events which are habits/permanent.


paf 02.07.2009

Dear students,

Just a new possibility to review your knowledge received so far.
Wish you have a nice afternoon.


Present Continuous

   By admin  No comments 

The present continuous is used to talk about present situations which we see as short-term or temporary. We use the present simple to talk about present situations which we see as long-term or permanent
In these examples, the action is taking place at the time of speaking. 
  • It’s raining. 
  • Who is Kate talking to on the phone? 
  • Look, somebody is trying to steal that man’s wallet. 
  • I’m not looking. My eyes are closed tightly. 
In these examples, the action is true at the present time but we don’t think it will be true in the long term. 
  • I’m looking for a new apartment. 
  • He’s thinking about leaving his job. /
  • They’re considering making an appeal against the judgment. 
  • Are you getting enough sleep? 
In these examples, the action is at a definite point in the future and it has already been arranged. 
  • I’m meeting her at 6.30. 
  • They aren’t arriving until Tuesday. –
  • We are having a special dinner at a top restaurant for all the senior managers. 
  • Isn’t he coming to the dinner?
Time for a quiz ?


Paf 02.06.2020

Dear students,

Read the following and then do the exercises following.


We use the present simple to talk about actions we see as long term or permanent. It is a very common and very important tense. 
Here, we are talking about regular actions or events. 
  • They drive to the office every day. 
  • She doesn’t come here very often. 
  • The news usually starts at 6.00 every evening. 
  • Do you usually have bacon and eggs for breakfast?
Here, we are talking about facts. 
  • We have two children. 
  • Water freezes at 0° C or 32° F. 
  • What does this expression mean? 
  • The Thames flows through London. 
Here, we are talking about future facts, usually found in a timetable or a chart. 
  • Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year. 
  • The plane leaves at 5.00 tomorrow morning. 
  • Ramadan doesn’t start for another 3 weeks. 
  • Does the class begin at 10 or 11 this week?
Here, we are talking about our thoughts and feelings at the time of speaking. Although these feelings can be short-term, we use the present simple and not the present continuous.
  • They don’t ever agree with us. 
  • I think you are right. 
  • She doesn’t want you to do it. 
  • Do you understand what I am trying to say.

paf 08.02.2019

Hi Piro,

Hope you are doing well. Following is my answer to your question.

Enjoy reading it.


How to use MUST

MUST is a modal verb – in other words, it helps give meaning to other verbs. Let’s look at all its meanings here, so you can avoid misunderstandings!

Meaning 1: We use MUST when we want to say that it is necessary or very important that something happens in the present or future.
Examples: 1. I must work hard on my English! (note: this expresses an obligation that you place on yourself.)
2. You mustn’t (= must not) tell this to anyone. It is a secret.
3. This food must not be eaten. It has gone bad.
4. Pupils must not run in the corridors. (note: here, ‘must’ expresses a school rule.)

Meaning 2: We use MUST to give emphasis to an opinion.
Examples: 1. I must admit, it was a frightening experience. (note: we use ' I must admit' before a surprising or negative comment.)
2. I must say, this food is delicious! (note: in this sentence, we would not say ‘I must admit, this food is delicious!’ because it would mean that we did not expect the food to be delicious. This would sound a little rude!)
3. I must admit, I didn’t like him much when I first met him.
4. I must say, you look really well! Have you been on holiday?

Meaning 3: We use MUST to emphasise that we think it is a good idea for someone to do something pleasant. It is a way of giving a recommendation.
Examples: 1. You must come and visit us while you are in London! 
2. We must go and see that film – I have heard it is excellent!

Meaning 4: We use MUST to make an assumption or to reach a logical conclusion about something that is very likely to be true.
Examples: 1. You must be so tired after running that marathon! (note: this means ‘I assume that you are so tired.’)
2. My bicycle has disappeared – someone must have stolen it. (note: this means ‘I assume that someone has stolen it.’)
3. You must have been so cold when you were locked out of your house in the snow! (note: this means ‘I assume that you were so cold.’)

NoteIn meaning 4, above, the opposite of MUST is CAN’T.
Examples: 1. He didn’t eat any lunch – he can’t have been hungry. (note: this means ‘ I assume that he was not hungry.’)
2. I don’t believe he is a thief – it can’t be true. (note: this means ‘I assume that it is not true.’)
MUST can also be used a NOUN
Meaning: We say something is A MUST if it is really necessary to have it.
Example: If you are visiting London, a good map is a must.
Now, try to write your own sentences using MUST, making sure that they are true to your own life as this will help you to remember them better!


The Lion & the Ass

One day as the Lion walked proudly down a forest aisle, and the animals respectfully made way for him, an Ass brayed a scornful remark as he passed.
The Lion felt a flash of anger. But when he turned his head and saw who had spoken, he walked quietly on. He would not honor the fool with even so much as a stroke of his claws.
Do not resent the remarks of a fool. Ignore them.



Dear students,

Ne njesite frazeologjike te mesimit  te gjuhes angleze, ju duhet te kini vere re dy shprehje te tilla si:

"Would you like ...?" apo " I'd like..." .

 Po e parashtrojme kete mesim vetem per ata te cilet nuk e dine.

Ne pergjithesi ne gjuhen angleze ne perdorim shprehjen: "Would you like ..?" sa here kur duam te shprehim kuptimin;" Do you want....?"

Me nje fjale, ne qofte se ju, do te deshironi ti ofroni dikujt dicka, atehere do te ishte shume mire te perdornit shprehjen:' Would you like...?"

psh:" Would you like some coffee?"
"Would you like an orange?"
"What would you like?"

Gjithashtu ju mund  te perdorni te njejten shprehje ne qofte se do te deshironit te ndertonit nje ftese per dike, s psh ne fjaline pyetese:"  Would you like to go for a walk?"
Would you like to come for dinner?"
"What would you like to do this evening?"

I would like.., eshte nje forme te shprehuri gjuhesor me nje doze te larte miresjellje kur ne deshirojme te shprehim mendimin:" Une dua, deshiroj;" Forma e  shkurter e kesaj shprehjeje eshte:"I'd..."

* I am thirsty. I would like a drink.
* I would like some information about Nehemia Gateway Unversity.
* I'd like to see your university.

Shpesh here ju mund te gjendeni para perdoimit te dy shprehjeve te tilla si:

"Would you like ...?" "I'd like.....  apo "Do you like ...?" " I like...."

Ne qofte se fjalia gjendet si:" Would you like some tea?" Atehere kuptimi i saj do te jete = "Do you want some tea?"

Nese fjalia eshte :' Do you like tea?" atehere kuprtimi duhet te jete:=" Do you think tea is nice?"

"Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?"(= Do you want to go tonight?")

Ndersa fjalia:' Do you like going to the cinema?"( nje mendim ne pergjithsi; in general)

"I'd like an orange" = ( Can I have an orange?") 

"I like oranges ( in general)

Ushtrim: Gjeni se cila nga zgjedhjet mundeshme eshte e sakte:

=============================paf 12.17.2017

Hi there,

Prej dites se sotme, kjo faqe do te jete juaja per tju referuar ne ndonje rast kur ju ta shikoni te arsyeshme edhe sidomos ne ate rast kur kini pak kohe. Materialet do te jene pergjithesisht ne ndihme te gjithseicilit. Por edhe ju nese kerkoni nje ndihme me specifike jeni te lutur te me kontaktoni, edhe une do te mundohem ti pergjigjem pyetjes suaj.


Le te perpiqemi te perseritim bashke kohen e tashme.

Simple Present Tense

 Format qe merr folja ne kohen e tashme( simple present ) jane vetem dy:

a) forma e foljes kuptimplote ( main verb ) ashtu sic ajo ekziston ne fjalor, dmth forma baze e saj

 ( base verb form );

b) forma e dyte eshte po ajo e para por kete radhe + mbaresen ( 's ); dmth forma qe merr folja baze ne simple present tense affirmative. Shpesh studenti harron te vendose kete mbarese te cilen folja e pranon ne veten e trete numuri njejes. Kjo ndodh edhe me student fillestare por edhe me studentet e perparuar. Prandaj krijoni mundesi ne kujtesen tuaj qe gjithmone kur behet fjale per veten e trete numuri njejes ne kohen e tashme ( he,she,it) mos harroni te perdorni  mbaresen 's.

Me poshte po ju parashtroj disa probleme te cilat lidhen me drejtshkrimin e foljeve ne veten e trete ne  numurin njejes ne Simple Present Tense.

* Shumica e foljeve te gjuhes angleze ne veten e trete numuri njejes thjesht marrin nje -s.

   eg. I speak - he speaks

* Foljet te cilat mbarojne me tingujt; -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, ose me -o, ne veten e trete numuri njejes marrin mbaresen - es.

eg. I miss.- he misses.

      I fish - he fishes

      I match - he matches

      I mix - he mixes

      I go - he goes

* Foljet te cilat mbarojne me bashketingelloren -y, kur vijne ne veten e trete numuri njejes, e shndrojne  ate ne - ies.

eg. I try- he tries

Por ne kete grup bejne perjashtim te  gjitha ato folje te cilat para bashkentigellores fundore -y kane nje zanore te caktuar.

eg. I play - he plays.

Mbas ketyre rregullave drejtshkrimore eshte mire te njohim edhe disa rregulla te tjera te cilat lidhen me mundesine e perdorimit te simple present tense. Me nje fjale le te shtrojme pyetjen: Kur duhet te perdorim simple present tense ne gjuhen angleze?

Ka disa momente te cilat duhet ti mabni mire parasysh kur perdorini kete kohe:

a) Simple present tense perdoret sa here ju deshironi te shprehni veprime rutinore dmth ne gjuhen angleze ne do te shpreheshim: -( daily routines)

Example; Nehemia Gateway teachers take a lunch break at 1:30 in the afternoon.

b) veprime te perseritshme ( repeated actions )

Example: He goes to the English course every Thursday.

c) zakone ( habits )

eg They always take the bus to school.

d) orare; apo programe te caktuara te cilave ju dihet koha e zhvillimit te tyre; timetables, programmes,  (future meanings )

eg. The airplane leaves at 9:45.

e) gjendje te perhershme; gjendje qe ndryshojne rralle;( permanent states )

eg. He teaches at Nehemia gateway University.

Nje numur shprehjesh kohore te cilat perdoren rendom me simple present tense ne anglisht jane keto:

every hour/day/week/month/summer/year/

every morning/evening etc.

Ndajfoljet e kohes ( Adverbs of Frequency ) jane ato te cilat na tregojne se sa shpesh ndodh nje veprim i caktuar.

always = 100%

usually = 75%

often = 50%

sometimes = 25 %

never = 0 %

Keto lloj ndajfoljesh pergjithesisht perdoren menjehere mbas foljeve kuptim plote dmth mbas (main verbs ) sqaruar si me siper.

Por kur perdoren me foljen to be ose me folje te tjera modale ato pelqejne te vendosen mbas ketyre foljeve.

eg.   My friend is always late for everything.

       They never go out on Wednesdays.

       He has never been to Macedonia.


Pra, le ta quajme kete hapin e pare te perseritjes .Ky leksion duhet te konsiderohet i paplote ne qofte se nuk do te shoqerohet me sqarime te metejshme per kohen present continuous tense edhe pastaj me  disa krahasime te mundeshme midis te dyja koheve.





Dear students,

I would like to suggest you   continuing  together a page on which we should present some grammar rules and try to avoid certain mistakes.
Hope you remember it. Following is a certain list of ten rules.


11. Use the present progressive - am playing, is raining etc - to talk about things that are continuing at the time of speaking.
I’m playing very badly today. (NOT I play very badly today.)
Look! It's raining! (NOT Look! It rains!)

12. Use for with a period of time. Use since with the beginning of the period.
for the last two hours = since 9 o'clock
for three days = since Monday
for five years = since I left school
I’ve been learning English for five years. (NOT I’ve been learning English since three years.)
We’ve been waiting for ages, since eight o’clock.

13. Don't separate the verb from the object.

ShespeaksEnglishvery well . (NOT She speaks very well English.)
Andylikesskiingvery much. (NOT Andy likes very much skiing.)

14. Don't use the present perfect - have/has seen, have/has gone etc - with words that name a finished time.
saw him yesterday. (NOT I have seen him yesterday.)
They went to Greece last summer. (NOT They have gone … last summer.)

15. English (the language) normally has no article.
You speak very good English. (NOT You speak a very good English.)

16. After look forward to, we use -ing, not an infinitive.
I look forward to seeing you. (NOT I look forward to see you.)
We’re looking forward to going on holiday. (NOT … to go on holiday.)

17. Information is an uncountable noun.
Can you give me some information? (NOT Can you give me an information?)
I got a lot of information from the Internet. (NOT I got a lot of informations from the Internet.)

18. Use -ing forms after prepositions.
I drove there without stopping. (NOT I drove there without to stop.)
Wash your hands before eating. (NOT Wash your hands before to eat.)

19. Use this, not that, for things that are close.
Come here and look at this paper. (NOT Come here and look at that paper.)
How long have you been in this country? (NOT How long have you been in that country?)

20. Use a plural noun after one and a half.
We waited one and a half hours. (NOT We waited one and a half hour.)
A mile is about one and a half kilometres. (NOT A mile is about one and a half kilometre.)




Students of Nehemia Gateway University, 

Me qellim qe mesimi yne i fundit, te kete me teper qartesi, do te ishte mire qe seicili prej jush te perpiqej te kuptonte se cfare kuptimi kane ne gjuhen shqipe fjalet e meposhteme:

act upon
main verb
appropriate form
contracted forms
place ( si folje ) = vendos

Shumicen e ketyre fjaleve shpresoj se duhet ta njihni. Punoni per te njohur edhe te tjerat edhe keshtu do te jeni gati per te kuptuar edhe me mire se per cfare do te flasim ne ditet qe vijojne.


Active and Passive Voice                          

Nje folje gjendet ne diatezen veprore kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili kryehet nga vete kryefjala.
Nje fojle gjendet ne diatezen pesore atehere kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili bie mbi kryefjalen e vet ose atehere kur kryefjala eshte rezultat I veprimit.

Gjykoni veprimet e meposhteme:

Lightening struck the Pope’s office. ( Subject acting) = Active Voice
Pope’s Office was stuck by lightening. ( subject acted upon ) = Passive Voice

Te gjitha foljet kalimtare ( folje kalimtare quhen ato folje te cilat marrin kundrinore) mund te perdoren ne diatezen pesore. Ndryshe nga diateza veprore kur veprimi realizohet prej kryefjales, ne diatezen pesore,
( Passive Voice) pergjithesisht kryefjala e peson veprimin ose e thene ndryshe veprimi bie mbi kryefjalen.

Le te perpiqemi te ndertojme bashke dy rregulla te thjeshte para se te japim edhe me shume shembuj.

1)      Ne diatezen veprore ( Active Voice ), kryefjala e fjalise vepron, me nje fjale, kryen veprimin. The secretary writes all the e mails.
           The women are knitting sweaters.
           Shakespeare wrote famous comedies.
           They are going to hire us.

2)      Ne diatezen pesore ( Passive Voice ), kryefjala nuk ka me te njejtin funksion. Shikoni fjalite e meposhteme per te pare se si ka ndryshuar vendi I saj ne nje fjali.

               All the e-mails are written by the secretary.
               Sweaters are being knitted by the women.
               Famous comedies were written by Shakespeare.
               We are going to be hired.

3)      Per te ndertuar diatezen pesore ne gjuhen angleze atehere duhet t e kemi parasysh edhe te njohim mire dy elemente te saj.

a)      E para: folja to be
b)      E dyta termi past participle.

   Shpresoj qe te gjithe te jeni te informuar se c’eshte folja to be, si zgjedhohet ajo, cilat jane  format qe ajo merr, e keshtu me radhe.
Megjithese jam I bindur se ju e njifni, perseri, po mundohem t'ju paraqes nje tabele te saj:

Principal parts of the verb Be.

Infinitive                     Past            Past Participle           Present Participle
Be                            was/were            been                             being

Simple present Tense

Singular                                                                Plural

I am                                                                       We are
You are                                                                 You are
He is/She is/ It is                                                They are

Present Continuous: I am being etc.

Simple Past

Singular                                                                Plural

I was                                                                        We were
You were                                                              You were
He was/She was/ It was                                    They were

Past Continuous: I was being  etc.

Future Tense
(will + the infinitive)

Singular                                                                Plural

I will be                                                                We will be
You will be                                                           You will be
He wll be/She will be/ It will be                      They will be

Future Continuous:  I will be being etc.

Present Perfect Tense
(have or has + the past participle)
Singular                                                                             Plural

I have been                                                                  We have been
You have been                                                             You have been
He has been/She has been/t has been                       They have been

Past Perfect Tense
(had + the past participle)

Singular                                                              Plural                          

I had been                                                      We had been
You had been                                                You had been
He had been/She had been/It had been      They had been

Future Perfect Tense
(will have + past Participle)
Singular                                                                Plural

I will have been                                           We will have been
You will have been                                      You will have been
He will have been/She will have been/
It will have been                                          They will have been

Atehere, duke mos harruar se pergjithesish, cdo folje ne gjuhen angleze ka kater forma,seicili prej jush eshte mesuar se si te ndertoje kohet e ndryshme te pedorimit te foljeve.
Sot na intereson shume te kujtojme vetem foljen to be, se ajo ka nje rol te rendesishem ne ndertimin e diatezes pesore.
Me qellim qe pohimi yne te marre forme, do te na duhet te perdorim nje fome te foljes to be + plus nje folje ne past participle, per te percjelle kuptimin qe deshirojme edhe ne kete menyre mund te cojme nje folje ne diatezen pesore.

Me thjesht:
                                 To be + past participle = Passive Voice.

Ky model (patern) perben vecse nisjen e procesit sepse kohet e foljes do te variojne vetem nga ndryshimi I kohes se foljes ndihmese to be.

Ne ate kohe qe do te perdorim foljen to be, po ne ate kohe do te jete edhe fjalia jone, vecse kete radhe e perdorur ne diatezen pesore me kuptimin te cilin u munduam ta sqarojme si me siper.

Le te marrim nje ushtrim te thjeshte;

Percaktoni se cilat fjali jane active edhe cilat jane passive:

1)      Barbara cooks our meals.
2)      Somebody helped the policeman.
3)      The government will close our hospital in the near future.
4)      This window was broken by a little boy.
5)      The queen was photographed by my wife.
6)      We spent too much money on our holidays.
7)      Barbara is loved by James.
8)      Her clothes are bought in Paris.
9)       Nency was driving too fast and she was stopped by the police.
10)   The new school will be opened by the Prime Minister.

Perseri ne diten e sotme do te ishte mire te lexonim fjalite e meposhteme per te kuptuar me tej se si ndertohet nje mendim ne Passive Voice. Ne fund te kesaj faqe, ju do te gjeni nje seri ushtrimesh te cilaat do te fillojne te qartesojne perdorimin e sakte te diatezes pesore.









If you want to find the first five rules, just scroll down a little and the first rule will be there.
Enjoy reading and learning them.


6. Don’t use a present tense after It’s time.
It’s time you went home. (NOT It’s time you go home.)
It’s time we invited Bill and Sonia. (NOT It’s time we invite Bill and Sonia.)

7. Use was/were born to give dates of birth.
was born in 1975. (NOT I am born in 1975.)
Shakespeare was born in 1564.

8. Police is a plural noun.
The police are looking for him. (NOT The police is looking for him.)
I called the police, but they were too busy to come.

9. Don't use the to talk about things in general.
Books are expensive. (NOT The books are expensive.)
I love music. (NOT I love the music.)

10. Use had better, not have better.
I think you’d better see the doctor. (NOT I think you have better see the doctor.)
We’d better ask John to help us.


Read the following jokes and try to retell them at out next session.


A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up.
"Wow!," said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"
"Wrong number," replied the girl.

PUPIL: "Would you punish me for something I didn`t do?" 
TEACHER:" Of course not." 
PUPIL: "Good, because I haven`t done my homework." 

A teacher asked a student to write 55. 
Student asked: How? 
Teacher: Write 5 and beside it another 5! 
The student wrote 5 and stopped. 
teacher: What are you waiting for? 
student: I don't know which side to write the other 5! 

When I want to teach the colours, I just ask my students to pretend the phone is ringing and they will answer:
Phone rings: "Green, green!"
They answer: "Yellow?"
They ask: "White?"
They hang up: "Pink!"
While teaching this use your hands pretending you are holding the phone.

Little Johnny: Teacher, can I go to the bathroom? 
Teacher: Little Johnny, MAY I go to the bathroom? 
Little Johnny: But I asked first! 

Two goldfish in a bowl talking: 
Goldfish 1: Do you believe in God? 
Goldfish 2: Of course, I do! Who do you think changes the water?

Son: Dad, what is an idiot? 
Dad: An idiot is a person who tries to explain his ideas in such a strange and long way that another person who is listening to him can't understand him. Do you understand me? 
Son: No.

Man: I could go to the end of the world for you. 
Woman: Yes, but would you stay there?
Man: I offer you myself.
Woman: I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts.
Man: I want to share everything with you.
Woman: Let's start from your bank account.

Teacher: Why are you late? 
Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill. 
Teacher: That's nice. Were you helping him look for it? 
Student: No. I was standing on it. 



Starting from this evening and on, up to the end of May 2017, you are going to find certain rules which will be a real help to every one,on the way of studying English to the best of your abilities.


By Michael Swan

1. Don’t use an with own.
Sue needs her own room. (NOT Sue needs an own room.)
I’d like a phone line of my own. (NOT … an own phone line.)

2. Use, or rather, to correct yourself.
She’s German – or rather, Austrian. (NOT She’s German – or better, Austrian.)
I’ll see you on Friday – or rather, Saturday.

3. Use the simple present – play(s), rain(s) etc – to talk about habits and repeated actions.
play tennis every Saturday. (NOT I am playing tennis every Saturday.)
It usually rains a lot in November.

4. Use will …, not the present, for offers and promises.
I’ll cook you supper this evening. (NOT I cook you supper this evening.)
I promise I’ll phone you tomorrow. (NOT I promise I phone you tomorrow.)

5. Don’t drop prepositions with passive verbs.
I don’t like to be shouted at. (NOT I don’t like to be shouted.)

This needs to be thought about some more. (NOT This needs to be thought some more.)



Hi there,

Please read this booklet and enjoy it.





Give your answers to the following the exercises.


Verb forms  and their names

1.       What is another name for progressive?

2.  Which of these are not the names of English verb forms?
-simple past
-present progressive
-future prefect
-perfect present
-Simple progressive
-past perfect
-Future past

3. Choose the correct name from the box for each verb form.
You won’t need to use all of them.

Simple future, future progressive, future perfect, future perfect progressive, present perfect, present progressive, simple present.

1.       Is singing
2.        Will have explained
3.       Will arrive
4.       Works
5.       Will be playing
6.       Will have been studying

4. Choose the correct name from the box for each verb form.
you won’t need to use all of them.
past perfect, past perfect progressive, past progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive, simple past, simple present.

1.       Was talking
2.       Had telephoned
3.       Stopped
4.       Has seen
5.       Had been waiting
6.       Has been waiting

5. Are these verb forms active, passive P, or wrong W?

1. was invited
2. was starting
3.Were sent
4.Were been talking
5.Has given
6.Is being written
7. has been working
8.Will been studying
9.Had writing
10. will be asked
11.will be working

6. Choose the correct name from the box for each passive verb form. you won’t need to use all of them.

Future progressive, infinitive, past perfect, past progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive, present progressive, simple past simple progressive.

1.       Had been expected
2.       To be heard
3.       Was being cleaned
4.       Is being watched
5.       Has been told
6.       Was sold

7.Are these forms normal N, unusual U, or wrong U?

1. how long has this work been being done?
2. she will be being interviewed tomorrow morning.

8. In the text, find one modal verb, one infinitive, one passive verb and one third- person singular verb.

I can’t see my brother as often as I want. His wife hates me for some reason, so I am only invited to their house once a year at Christmas.

1.       Modal verb
2.       Infinitive
3.       Passive verb
4.       Third-person singular form

9. In the text, find two auxiliary verbs, one past participle and one prepositional verb.
What have you done with that book that I was looking at when you arrived?

1.       Auxiliary verbs
2.       Past participle
3.       Prepositional verb

Present and future verbs

1.       Write the third person singular forms of these verbs, e.g.
-Work- works

2. Are these spellings right R or Wrong W? Correct the ones that are wrong.

1. I’m sitting at the back of the train.
2. He’s travelling this week.
3. is this train stopping in Birmingham?
4. she’s showing the new design to her manager.
5. I’m hopping she’ll arrive on time.
6. My sister is always beating me at tennis.
7. it’s beginning to rain.
8. We’re developing a new product.

3. Say the words aloud. One word in each list has a different vowel sound. Which word?
- stays, pays, says, rains
-does, goes, knows, throws

4. Which of these present tense forms is/are correctly used?

-What are frogs usually eating?
- The kettle boils. Please take it off the stove
-Water boils at 100°celcius
-I’m playing tennis every Wednesday
-Alice works for an instance company.
-Look-it snows!

5. Which of these sentences is/are possible?
- Fred works as a waiter.
-Fred is working as a waiter.

Choose the best reply: A or B.
Why do you work so hard?

1.       Because I’m only happy when I’m busy.
2.       Because I have to finish my report by the end of this week.

Which of these sentences is/are possible?
My dishwasher doesn’t work.
-My dishwater isn’t working.
My dishwater won’t start.

7.       Right or wrong?

-I’m liking this wine very much.
-Of course I’m believing you.
-I’m knowing her very well.

9. Which of these answers is/are possible: A, B or both.

Excuse me. How do I get to the station?
-          You go straight ahead on the traffic lights, then you turn left.
-          You’re going straight on the traffic lights, then you’re turning left.

10. A TV chef is describing a recipe as she’s cooking it. Which sentence(s) is/are possible: A, B or both?
First I take a bowl and break two eggs into it.
-          First I’m taking a bowl and I’m breaking two eggs into it.

11. Is this exchange right or wrong? If it’s wrong, correct it.

How long do you know her? 
I know her since 1980.

12. Which is the correct reply: A, B, C?

 Remember to phone me when you arrive.

-         Yes, I do.

-          Yes, I’m doing
-          Yes, I will.

13. Which is the best reply? A or B?

Do you see those clouds?
Yes, it’ll rain
Yes, it’s going to rain.

14. which of these sentences is/are right?

His train will arrive at 11.30
His train arrives at 11.30
The summer term starts on April 10th
The summer term will start on April 10th.

15. Which is the correct continuation? A or B
Be careful while you’re driving home tomorrow.
Be careful while you’ll be driving home tomorrow.



I have some new exercises available about MIGHT.
It might be a good idea to do them. 😉



Some sentences on conditional.....



Exercise A: Zero conditional

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence and describe the picture using a zero conditional.
When the phone rings,
a) please answer it.
b) I answer it.
c) Ellen is going to answer it.
When we take long car trips,
a) the kids sometimes fight.
b) I will drive.
c) Dad would drive.
New trees grow
a) if we would plant them.
b) when we had planted them.
c) when we plant them.
Milton watches half an hour of television
a) if he had time.
b) when he gets home from work.
c) when the show will start.
Every time Jeff delivers letters to this house,
a) the dog chases him.
b) the dog will chase him.
c) the dog has chased him.
You get a sunburn
a) if you stayed in the sun too long.
b) if you hadn't worn a hat.
c) if you don't use sunblock.
Ted feels nervous
a) when he drinks too much coffee.
b) if he drank too much coffee.
c) when he would have drunk too much coffee.
When it rains,
a) you will use an umbrella.
b) you get wet.
c) you will have run.
Pamela feels most happy
a) when she is in good physical shape.
b) if he had run in the morning.
c) when she will run.
When Grandma bakes,
a) she will give us some cake.
b) she would use all the eggs.
c) she sings and feels happy.

Exercise B: First conditional

Match the correct sentence beginnings from the list below with the sentences below the pictures.
a) You will be an excellent dancer
b) When my family gets home
c) Breakfast will be ready
d) By the time you walk down the aisle
e) When Cindy sees how much work she has
f) When everyone sees my beautiful new bow tie
g) I will help Edna put the groceries away
h) If you continue to practice and train hard
i) The rooster will start to crow
j) When John sees the closet
________, she will feel like she will never finish it!
________ by the time you finish your shower and get dressed.
_________ when she gets back from the store.
_________ when the sun comes up in the morning.
________ after you take dance lessons with Ms. Pointer.
________, they will all say how elegant it is.
________, they will be surprised by this excellent dinner!
________, your dress will look perfect.
________, he will be so happy to see that I organized it.
________, you will do a great job in the race.

Exercise C: Zero conditional or first conditional?

Below each picture and sentence, write whether it is a zero conditional or a first conditional.
If Leo continues to learn about computers, he will be a good programmer.
This is the: _____________.
Whenever the teacher explains math problems, she is very clear.
This is the: _____________.

Pete likes to take a short nap when he gets home from work. 
This is the: _____________.

Brad always feels a little sad when it snows for the first time.
This is the: _____________.
Karen will write a wonderful novel if she keeps working hard.
This is the: _____________.
If Kevin eats all that ice cream, he will feel very sick!
This is the: _____________.
Nate feels frustrated when he cannot think of new ideas.
This is the: _____________.
If the waiter gives Henry any more options, he will never be able to choose what he wants for dinner!
This is the: _____________.

When Dr. Rodriguez speaks to her patients, she answers all their questions.
This is the: _____________.

If Phil takes good care of his braces, he will have beautiful teeth soon.
This is the: __



Read the following joke. Try to retell it.


A lawyer went duck hunting for the first time in Texas. He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer's field on the other side of the fence. As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing.

The litigator responded, "I shot a duck, it fell into this field, and now I'm going to retrieve it."

The old farmer replied, "This is my property and you are not coming over here."

The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of the best trial attorneys in the U.S. and if you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything you own."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Apparently, you don't know how we do things in Texas. We settle small disagreements like this with the Texas Three-Kick Rule."

The lawyer asked, "What is the Texas Three-Kick Rule?"

The Farmer replied, "Well, first I kick you three times and then you kick me three times, and so on, back and forth, until someone gives up." The attorney quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take the old codger. He agreed to abide by the local custom.

The old farmer slowly climbed down from the tractor and walked up to the city feller. His first kick planted the toe of his heavy work boot into the lawyer's groin and dropped him to his knees. His second kick nearly wiped the man's nose off his face. The barrister was flat on his belly when the farmer's third kick to a kidney nearly caused him to give up.

The lawyer summoned every bit of his will and managed to get to his feet and said, "Okay, you old coot! Now, it's my turn!"

The old farmer smiled and said, "No, I give up. You can have the duck."



Active and Passive Voice                         

Nje folje gjendet ne diatezen veprore kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili kryehet nga vete kryefjala.
Nje fojle gjendet ne diatezen pesore atehere kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili bie mbi kryefjalen e vet ose atehere kur kryefjala eshte rezultat I veprimit.

Gjykoni veprimet e meposhteme:

Lightening struck the Pope’s office. ( Subject acting) = Active Voice
Pope’s Office was stuck by lightening. ( subject acted upon ) = Passive Voice

Te gjitha foljet kalimtare ( folje kalimtare quhen ato folje te cilat marrin kundrinore) mund te perdoren ne diatezen pesore. Ndryshe nga diateza veprore kur veprimi realizohet prej kryefjales, ne diatezen pesore,
( Passive Voice) pergjithesisht kryefjala e peson veprimin ose e thene ndryshe veprimi bie mbi kryefjalen.

Le te perpiqemi te ndertojme bashke dy rregulla te thjeshte para se te japim edhe me shume shembuj.

1)      Ne diatezen veprore ( Active Voice ), kryefjala e fjalise vepron, me nje fjale, kryen veprimin. The secretary writes all the e mails.
           The women are knitting sweaters.
           Shakespeare wrote famous comedies.
           They are going to hire us.

2)      Ne diatezen pesore ( Passive Voice ), kryefjala nuk ka me te njejtin funksion. Shikoni fjalite e meposhteme per te pare se si ka ndryshuar vendi I saj ne nje fjali.

               All the e-mails are written by the secretary.
               Sweaters are being knitted by the women.
               Famous comedies were written by Shakespeare.
               We are going to be hired.

3)      Per te ndertuar diatezen pesore ne gjuhen angleze atehere duhet t e kemi parasysh edhe te njohim mire dy elemente te saj.

a)      E para: folja to be
b)      E dyta termi past participle.

   Shpresoj qe te gjithe te jeni te informuar se c’eshte folja to be, si zgjedhohet ajo, cilat jane  format qe ajo merr, e keshtu me radhe.
Megjithese jam I bindur se ju e njifni, perseri, po mundohem t'ju paraqes nje tabele te saj:

Principal parts of the verb Be.

Infinitive                     Past            Past Participle           Present Participle
Be                            was/were            been                             being

Simple present Tense

Singular                                                                Plural

I am                                                                       We are
You are                                                                 You are
He is/She is/ It is                                                They are

Present Continuous: I am being etc.

Simple Past

Singular                                                                Plural

I was                                                                        We were
You were                                                              You were
He was/She was/ It was                                    They were

Past Continuous: I was being  etc.

Future Tense
(will + the infinitive)

Singular                                                                Plural

I will be                                                                We will be
You will be                                                           You will be
He wll be/She will be/ It will be                      They will be

Future Continuous:  I will be being etc.

Present Perfect Tense
(have or has + the past participle)
Singular                                                                             Plural

I have been                                                                  We have been
You have been                                                             You have been
He has been/She has been/t has been                       They have been

Past Perfect Tense
(had + the past participle)

Singular                                                              Plural                         

I had been                                                      We had been
You had been                                                You had been
He had been/She had been/It had been      They had been

Future Perfect Tense
(will have + past Participle)
Singular                                                                Plural

I will have been                                           We will have been
You will have been                                      You will have been
He will have been/She will have been/
It will have been                                          They will have been

Atehere, duke mos harruar se pergjithesish, cdo folje ne gjuhen angleze ka kater forma,seicili prej jush eshte mesuar se si te ndertoje kohet e ndryshme te pedorimit te foljeve.
Sot na intereson shume te kujtojme vetem foljen to be, se ajo ka nje rol te rendesishem ne ndertimin e diatezes pesore.
Me qellim qe pohimi yne te marre forme, do te na duhet te perdorim nje fome te foljes to be + plus nje folje ne past participle, per te percjelle kuptimin qe deshirojme edhe ne kete menyre mund te cojme nje folje ne diatezen pesore.

Me thjesht:
                                 To be + past participle = Passive Voice.

Ky model (patern) perben vecse nisjen e procesit sepse kohet e foljes do te variojne vetem nga ndryshimi I kohes se foljes ndihmese to be.

Ne ate kohe qe do te perdorim foljen to be, po ne ate kohe do te jete edhe fjalia jone, vecse kete radhe e perdorur ne diatezen pesore me kuptimin te cilin u munduam ta sqarojme si me siper.

Le te marrim nje ushtrim te thjeshte;

Percaktoni se cilat fjali jane active edhe cilat jane passive:

1)      Barbara cooks our meals.
2)      Somebody helped the policeman.
3)      The government will close our hospital in the near future.
4)      This window was broken by a little boy.
5)      The queen was photographed by my wife.
6)      We spent too much money on our holidays.
7)      Barbara is loved by James.
8)      Her clothes are bought in Paris.
9)       Nency was driving too fast and she was stopped by the police.
10)   The new school will be opened by the Prime Minister.






Adresen e meposhteme do ta ndiqni me shume vemendje. Kapni ato tema te cilat ju duken me shume interes per veten tuaj.
Ruajeni kete faqe ne arkiven tuaj edhe drejtojuni here pas here per shume probleme qe mund  te hasni me perdorimin e koheve ne gjuhen angleze.




Lexoni me kujdes materialin  e meposhtem. Ne perfundim zgjidhni edhe ushtrimin e ofruar.
Nese kini pytje i diskutojme bashke ne oren qe vijon.


Participle Adjectives – are they Interested or Interesting?
It is such a common mistake – and I hear it even from advanced learners! I’m talking about the confusion between present and past participle adjectives. For example, Interested and Interesting, Bored and Boring, Excited and Exciting.

Participle Adjectives in English- Interested or Interesting
But first – quick grammar check…. Do you know what a participle is?
It’s simple: all verbs have a present participle (verb + -ING) and a past participle, which in regular verbs is always VERB + -ED.

So, how can you use participle as adjectives? Let’s take a look:
1. This book is interesting.
2. I am interested in this book.
In sentence 1 the present participle INTERESTING describes the book.

In sentence 2, the past participle INTERESTED describes how I feel about the book.
So, the rule is this:
The Present participle (- ING) describes a person or thing
The past participle (- ED) describes how you feel about a person or thing.

This is an easy rule to remember, so if you learn it, your English will immediately get much better.
Why is this? Because we can make participle adjectives out of so many verbs. Also, spoken and written English exams (such as IELTS, Cambridge First Certificate, Cambridge Proficiency and so on) ask you to say how you feel about things. So if you get these participle adjectives mixed up, you will lose marks in exams and people will misunderstand you when you speak.
**Always remember to learn the correct preposition, for example INTERESTED IN, WORRIED ABOUT, BORED WITH and so on.**
If you really want to impress your examinermake sure you use different ways of expressing the same thing. So in addition to sentences 1 and 2 above, you can also express the same ideas like this:
3. This book interests me. (note: the passive form of this is “I am interested in this book.”)
4. I find this book interesting(note: this means “I think that this book is interesting.”)
Here are some more examples of participle adjectives, showing their correct preposition:
Present participle
Past participle
excited about
relaxed  about
frightened of
bored with
worried about


It’s time to check your understanding! Choose the right form in the sentences below. The answers are at the bottom of this blog page:
1. The film was very __________  . (frightened/frightening)
2. He was so __________  after his holiday .  (relaxed/relaxing)
3. Your new job sounds __________  - I guess you are very __________ about it. (excited/exciting)
4. These instructions are really __________ . I’m so __________. Can you help me please? (confused / confusing)
5. I’m __________. I find this museum  very __________ . I can’t stop yawning! (bored/boring)
6. He is extremely __________ about this political situation. He finds it __________. (worried/worrying)
The answers to this quiz are at the bottom of this page.

Now write your own sentences using participle adjectives. Make sure they are true to your own life as this will help you to remember them better.



Hello there,

Just a few lines to read for your pleasure...

Little Billy wanted $100 badly and prayed for two weeks but nothing happened.

Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100. When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to God, USA, they decided to send it to President Bush.

The President was so impressed, touched, and amused that he instructed his secretary to send Billy a $5.00 bill.

President Bush thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy.

Billy was delighted with the $5.00 and sat down to write a thank you note to God, which read:

Dear God,

Thank you very much for sending the money, however, I noticed that for some reason you had to send it through Washington D.C. and, as usual, those crooks deducted $95.00.




Today we have some listening exercises concerning the WOULD conditional.



How to use MUST

MUST is a modal verb – in other words, it helps give meaning to other verbs. Let’s look at all its meanings here, so you can avoid misunderstandings!

Meaning 1: We use MUST when we want to say that it is necessary or very important that something happens in the present or future.
Examples: 1. I must work hard on my English! (note: this expresses an obligation that you place on yourself.)
2. You mustn’t (= must not) tell this to anyone. It is a secret.
3. This food must not be eaten. It has gone bad.
4. Pupils must not run in the corridors. (note: here, ‘must’ expresses a school rule.)

Meaning 2: We use MUST to give emphasis to an opinion.
Examples: 1. I must admit, it was a frightening experience. (note: we use ' I must admit' before a surprising or negative comment.)
2. I must say, this food is delicious! (note: in this sentence, we would not say ‘I must admit, this food is delicious!’ because it would mean that we did not expect the food to be delicious. This would sound a little rude!)
3. I must admit, I didn’t like him much when I first met him.
4. I must say, you look really well! Have you been on holiday?

Meaning 3: We use MUST to emphasise that we think it is a good idea for someone to do something pleasant. It is a way of giving a recommendation.
Examples: 1. You must come and visit us while you are in London! 
2. We must go and see that film – I have heard it is excellent!

Meaning 4: We use MUST to make an assumption or to reach a logical conclusion about something that is very likely to be true.
Examples: 1. You must be so tired after running that marathon! (note: this means ‘I assume that you are so tired.’)
2. My bicycle has disappeared – someone must have stolen it. (note: this means ‘I assume that someone has stolen it.’)
3. You must have been so cold when you were locked out of your house in the snow! (note: this means ‘I assume that you were so cold.’)

NoteIn meaning 4, above, the opposite of MUST is CAN’T.
Examples: 1. He didn’t eat any lunch – he can’t have been hungry. (note: this means ‘ I assume that he was not hungry.’)
2. I don’t believe he is a thief – it can’t be true. (note: this means ‘I assume that it is not true.’)
MUST can also be used a NOUN
Meaning: We say something is A MUST if it is really necessary to have it.
Example: If you are visiting London, a good map is a must.
Now, try to write your own sentences using MUST, making sure that they are true to your own life as this will help you to remember them better!



Hello again.
I have some more multi-word verbs for you today. You can find the exercises here



Per te bere dallimet midis ketyre dy foljeve edhe perdorimeve te tyre shikoni me kujdes mesimin  e meposhtem.


These two verbs have different meanings depending on whether they are followed by a GERUND or an INFINITIVE. Even very advanced English learners sometimes make mistakes with these verbs!

Take a look at these examples with the verb FORGET:
1. I forgot posting the birthday card to my mother so I was surprised when she called me to say thank you.

2. I forgot to post the birthday card to my mother so I apologised on the telephone when I called to wish her Happy Birthday.
In sentence 1, with FORGOT + GERUND, the actions happened in this order: First, I posted the birthday card but then second, I forgot that I had done it. So my mother received the card because I had posted it.
In sentence 2, with FORGOT + INFINITIVE the actions happened in this order: First, I forgot and second, I did not post the birthday card. So mother did not receive it on her birthday. 
The verb REMEMBER has the same grammar, as you can see here:
3. I remember telling him about the meeting, so I am surprised that he did not attend.
4. I’m glad I remembered to tell him about the meeting because it was important for him to attend.
In sentence 3, with REMEMBER + GERUND, it happened in this order: First, I told him about the meeting and then second, I remembered that I had done it.
In sentence 4, with REMEMBER + INFINITIVE, the order was as follows: First I remembered and second, I told him about the meeting. 

So this is the grammar rule:

Now let’s check your understanding of this grammar point. Can you decide which form of the verb in brackets (…) goes in each of these sentences?
5. I forgot (lock) the front door of my house, so it was easy for the burglars to enter.
6. Did you remember (turn off) the lights when you left the house this morning?
7. I forget (meet) him at your party so you will have to introduce us again.
8. I remember (play) in the garden a lot when I was a child.



Read the following story and be prepared to retell it.


Haym Salomon
and the Power of

ONE OF THE GREAT HEROES of the American Revolution never fired a shot and never led soldiers into battle.Yet without his help, America might not have gained its independence. Our nation's history would have been quite different.
Born in Poland, this generous man's name was Haym Salomon. His parents taught him to value education, to be proud of his Jewish heritage,and to love his country. Haym Salomon traveled through Europe when he was a young man. During his travels he learned several languages and met many people. He returned home with valuable experience,new ideas, and a desire to help his country.
At that time,Poland was under  the control of Russia,its powerful neighbor. Haym Salomon joined a group pf Polish patriots who wanted to make Poland truly independent.But when the Russians crushed the independence movement,Salomon had to flee Poland for his life.He came to New York City where he became a merchant. His business abilities, his understanding of people, and his knowledge of many languages helped him to succeed.
He became an important financier, supplying money to help start new business and make old business grow. He was so good at his job that he soon became wealthy.
 But Haym Salomon could see that the spirit of independence was alive in the America colonies, just as it had been alive in Poland. So he joined the Sons of Liberty and became a supporter of America independence.
  When the American Revolution broke out, Salomon continued to work for the patriotic cause even though the  British occupied New York City. He supplied information to the patriots and helped captured American soldiers to escape from the city. When the British learned of his activities, he was arrested and thrown in prison.
After a time the British released him from prison and put him to work as a translator for a Hessian general. The Hessians were hired soldiers from Germany who were fighting for the British. Salomon used his new job to encourage many Hessian soldiers to resign from the army or to join the patriots.
Haym Salomon was again arrested. This time he was condemned to death. But he was able to bribe his jailer and escape to Philadelphia. He offered his services to the Continental Congress, but they were not accepted. Salmon was not discouraged. He went into business again. In a short time he was one of the busiest financiers in Philadelphia. The French government selected him to handle all its financial affairs with the United States. For his generous services, Salomon charged nothing. That was his way of helping the  patriotic cause.

   Many times during the Revolution, the Continental Congress found itself in need of money. Haym Salomon was always ready to help. His generosity knew no limits. He lent the government large sums of money. He paid to equip many patriotic soldiers and made personal loans to officials so they could continue to work in the government. He lent money to Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and others, at no profit to himself. He also helped feed the poor of Philadelphia during the darkest days of the war.  Haym Salomon's generosity helped the Americans pay for the war, keep the patriots' army in field, secure the aid of the French, and gain American independence. Haym Salomon was truly one of the great heroes of the American Revolution.



Hi everyone!

Hope and wish you are enjoying the best of your time with your leaning of English.
I would like you to read and learn a few things about American history. In the following days I would like to share with you some certain easy stories.
Enjoy reading.


                        Early American History


Image America without big towns or cities without cars, trucks or buses  without movies, radios or T.V. Imagine America as a land full of woods and wild animals. Imagine small groups  of people living here and there-hunting , fishing, gathering seeds, growing food, and making everything  else they needed. This was the America of long, long ago. This was the land of the Indians.  About 500 years ago, new people began to come to the land of the Indians. They came on sailing ships from far across the sea.


               Christopher Columbus and Other Explorers

About  500  years ago , India and China were the richest countries  in the world. They were rich in gold , silk and  spices . The kings and queens of many countries had their eyes on the those riches . They sent traders to buy things from India  and China .  The traders had to cross high mountains and deserts .  Many were robbed and killed  along the way.
The kings and queens hired explorers  to look for ways  to get to India  and China  by boat.  One of these explorers was in Italian sailor named Christopher  Columbus.  He told the Queen of Spain that her traders  could  sail west across the ocean instead of going  east  across the land to get to India .  He believed  that to earth  was round and that  India was on the other side of the ocean from Spain.
The Queen decided to give him the money  for the  journey.  With the money  , he bought  three  ships the Nina , the Pinta  and the  Santa Maria  .  After thirty – six days at sea , the sailors saw land.  After they rowed ashore,  the people who lived there cane to greet  called the people Indians .  We still call those people  Indians  today.
The land Columbus found on October 12, 1492 was not India.  It was an island  off the place we now call America .  India was still very far away .  When the queen of Spain  learned that  Columbus had found a new land , she and other kings  and queens from the Old World sent  explorers to the new World in search  of gold . Balboa   and Colorado were two other explorers  sent by the queen of Spain  Neither of then found any gold.
People  eventually  became interested in the new World  as a place to live.   Explorers started looking for places  that very good for farming  and hunting .  Father Marquette  was a French explorer  who traveled down the Mississippi River .  He wanted  to find good places  for French  to come to live .  He made maps  of the long river  which were very helpful  to people who later came  to live along the Mississippi River.

   The Early Setters

When the explorers returned home , they told exciting  stories about life in the New World .  They told people  about  the rich forests  , animals  , wild plants , and the fish in the many lakes and rivers.  They told  then how helpful and friendly  the Indians  were and how they grey  vegetables that were never seen in the Old World – such as corn , potatoes and tomatoes .
Many people in the Old World  were having  a hard time making a living.  They decided to go to the New  World to hunt or farm.  Other people   in the Old World  could not have their own church and  pray the way they wanted to.  They decided  to go to the New World , too. Some people  just wanted to get rich and went there in search of the gold that no one  else had found  .  At first , most of the settlers  came from England and Spain.  They later came from France , Holland and other countries.



                        The First Town

Captain John Smith and his men came from England .  They named their town Jamestown , after Kings James of England.  They hoped to find gold and an easy life , but there was no gold. There was little food  and the first winter was very hard . Smith went to the Indians for help.  They gave him food, but their chief became angry with Smith. He wanted to kill Smith , but the chiefs daughter, Pocahontas ,told her father to let  the man live.  Smith sent some men to live with the Indians so that  they could learn how to grow corn and other vegetables . The men  protested and did not  want to be farmers . Smith told them to farm or starve .  Soon  all the men were working .  The Indians showed the  settlers how to grow tobacco.  It grew  very well there .  The settlers starting selling shiploads of tobacco the people  back  in England.  The settlers needed  more workers and bought slaves from Africa to do the work.
The  planters became rich and built big houses .  They filled then with beautiful things from England and other Old World  countries. These rich settlers  started  a new government.  Instead  of having one person rule like a king  or queen , they chose a group of people to rule .  Other English people came  and set up  other towns near Jamestown.  Later on, all the towns formed  one big colony called Virginia.  A colony is a group of people  who settle  in a new land, but keep their ties with the country they came from.



For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices below.



Provoni te zgjidhni kete numur ushtrimesh ne vijim per diten e arthme te takimit.


Adjective exercises

much vs many

Decide whether you have to use much or many:
  1. We saw _____ animals at the zoo.
  2. How _____ oranges did you put in the box?
  3. There isn’t _____ sugar in my coffee.
  4. I don’t have ______ friends.
  5. The old man hasn’t got _____ hair on his head.
  6. I’ve packed _____ bottles of water.
  7. I didn’t get _____ sleep last night.
  8. How _____ fruit do you eat in an average day?

a little vs a few

Decide whether you have to use a little or a few:
  1. Can you please buy _______ apples.
  2. We need _______ water.
  3. I have _______ money left.
  4. I take _______ sugar with my coffee.
  5. We had _______ pints of beer there.
  6. You have _______ time left.
  7. There are _______ chairs in the room.
  8. He only spent _______ dollars there.

some vs any

Decide whether you have to use some or any:
  1. Is there _______ milk left?
  2. There is _______ juice in the bottle.
  3. Do you have _______ coffee?
  4. I don’t have _______ money left.
  5. She has _______ money.
  6. Do you know _______ of these singers?
  7. I don’t know _______ of them.
  8. I know _______ of them.

some vs many

Decide whether you have to use some or many:
  1. The child put _______ sand into the bucket.
  2. I can lend you _______ money if you need it.
  3. There aren’t _______ pears left. Only two.
  4. We had _______ cake with the tea.
  5. Don’t eat so _______ sweets or you’ll get fat.
  6. I had _______ beer last night at the bar.
  7. I don’t have _______ friends.
  8. He brought _______ food with him.

little vs less

Decide whether you have to use little or less:
  1. I have _______ interest in classical music.
  2. I have _______ faith in him.
  3. We need _______ furniture in this dance hall than in the big one.
  4. You have to drink _______ coffee.
  5. He has _______ money than I thought.
  6. Tonight I drank _______ wine than last night.
  7. She dedicates _______ time to her homework than to her hobbies.
  8. This will take _______ time to finish than the last time we tried.

a little vs a lot

Decide whether you have to use a little or a lot:
  1. That may cost you _______ of money.
  2. I added _______ sugar to the mix.
  3. You’ll have to spend _______ of cash on this car. (a lot)
  4. I can do it with _______ help from my friends.
  5. _______ change can really make a difference.
  6. I don’t have _______ of free time today.
  7. He left _______ of laundry for me to do.
  8. She gave him _______ attention.

few vs little

Decide whether you have to use few or little:
  1. There’s _______ point in calling.
  2. _______ people understood what he said.
  3. There is _______ use in trying to do this.
  4. There’s _______ space here as it is.
  5. There’s _______ I can do about this.
  6. Dan is a great student. He has _______ problems with history.
  7. There was _______ traffic on the road.
  8. I think Coventry will win the match but _______ people agree with me.

fewer vs less

Decide whether you have to use fewer or less:
  1. There were _______ days below freezing last winter.
  2. I drank _______ water than she did.
  3. I have _______ than an hour to do this work.
  4. People these days are buying _______ newspapers.
  5. I have _______ time to do this work.
  6. _______ than thirty children each year develop the disease.
  7. I wear _______ makeup on weekdays.
  8. He worked _______ hours than I did.

farther vs further

Decide whether you have to use farther or further:
  1. How much _______ do you plan to drive tonight?
  2. I just can’t go any _______.
  3. Do you have any _______ plans for adding on to the building?
  4. That’s a lot _______ than I want to carry this heavy suitcase!
  5. The _______ that I travel down this road, the _______ behind schedule I get.
  6. How much _______ do you intend to take this legal matter?
  7. It’s not that much _______ to the gas station.
  8. How much _______ do I have to run, coach?

later vs latter

Decide whether you have to use later or latter:
  1. My neighbours have a son and a daughter : the former is a teacher, the _______ is a nurse.
  2. I will address that at a _______ time.
  3. Of the first two Harry Potter books, I prefer the _______.
  4. John arrived at the party _______ than Mary did.
  5. I prefer the _______ offer to the former one.
  6. I will be back _______.
  7. I was given the choice between a hamburger or a hot dog, I chose the _______ of the two; the hot dog.
  8. When it comes to soy burgers or a juicy cow burger, I prefer the _______.

last vs latter

Decide whether you have to use last or latter:
  1. Jack, Jill and Bob went up the hill; the _______ watched the other two fall down.
  2. The former half of the film is more interesting than the _______ half.
  3. Out of chapters 1, 2, and 3, the _______ one is the most difficult to learn.
  4. Dan is now friends with Ruth, Maya and Ben. The _______ is his cousin.
  5. Jane speaks Italian and English : the former language fairly well and the _______ fluently.
  6. There are two versions, A and B, but the _______ is more popular.
  7. Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the _______ is remembered today.
  8. I study math, English and history. I enjoy the _______ one most.



Try to write a short essay:" Mind is like a parachute. It works only when it is open."

Give your answer, accept or not.  Write an introduction. Give one or two supporting ideas. Finally give your conclusion.
No more than 125 words.




Just a moment to stop your work and relax reading the following:

An Unemployed Engineer Tries Medicine -
An Engineer was unemployed for long time. He could not find a job so he opened a medical clinic and puts a sign up outside: "Get your treatment for $500, if not treated get back $1,000."

One Doctor thinks this is a good opportunity to earn $1,000 and goes to his clinic.

Doctor: "I have lost taste in my mouth."

Engineer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth."

Doctor: "This is Gasoline!"

Engineer: "Congratulations! You've got your taste back. That will be $500."

The Doctor gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days later to recover his money.

Doctor: "I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything."

Engineer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth."

Doctor: "But that is Gasoline!"

Engineer: "Congratulations! You've got your memory back. That will be $500."

The Doctor leaves angrily and comes back after several more days.

Doctor: "My eyesight has become weak."

Engineer: "Well, I don't have any medicine for this. Take this $1,000."

Doctor: "But this is $500..."

Engineer: "Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be $500."

Tip of the day
Self-confidence is also a wealth, which you can invest in your business. In fact it can be considered as the basic need in your business program.



Dear students,

Ne njesite frazeologjike te mesimit  te gjuhes angleze, ju duhet te kini vere re dy shprehje te tilla si:

"Would you like ...?" apo " I'd like..." .

 Po e parashtrojme kete mesim vetem per ata te cilet nuk e dine.

Ne pergjithesi ne gjuhen angleze ne perdorim shprehjen: "Would you like ..?" sa here kur duam te shprehim kuptimin;" Do you want....?"

Me nje fjale, ne qofte se ju, do te deshironi ti ofroni dikujt dicka, atehere do te ishte shume mire te perdornit shprehjen:' Would you like...?"

psh:" Would you like some coffee?"
"Would you like an orange?"
"What would you like?"

Gjithashtu ju mund  te perdorni te njejten shprehje ne qofte se do te deshironit te ndertonit nje ftese per dike, s psh ne fjaline pyetese:"  Would you like to go for a walk?"
Would you like to come for dinner?"
"What would you like to do this evening?"

I would like.., eshte nje forme te shprehuri gjuhesor me nje doze te larte miresjellje kur ne deshirojme te shprehim mendimin:" Une dua, deshiroj;" Forma e  shkurter e kesaj shprehjeje eshte:"I'd..."

* I am thirsty. I would like a drink.
* I would like some information about Nehemia Gateway Unversity.
* I'd like to see your university.

Shpesh here ju mund te gjendeni para perdoimit te dy shprehjeve te tilla si:

"Would you like ...?" "I'd like.....  apo "Do you like ...?" " I like...."

Ne qofte se fjalia gjendet si:" Would you like some tea?" Atehere kuptimi i saj do te jete = "Do you want some tea?"

Nese fjalia eshte :' Do you like tea?" atehere kuprtimi duhet te jete:=" Do you think tea is nice?"

"Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?"(= Do you want to go tonight?")

Ndersa fjalia:' Do you like going to the cinema?"( nje mendim ne pergjithsi; in general)

"I'd like an orange" = ( Can I have an orange?") 

"I like oranges ( in general)

Ushtrim: Gjeni se cila nga zgjedhjet mundeshme eshte e sakte:

1) "Do you like?/ Would you like a chocolate ?"
                           'Yes, please.'

2) "Do you like/Would you like bananas?"
                             'Yes, I love them.'

3) "Do you like/ Would you like an ice-cream?
                              'No, thank you.'

4) "What do you like/ would you like.?"
                               'A glass of water please.'

5) Do you like/ Would you like to go out for a walk?"
                               'Not now,. Perhaps later.'

6) " I like/ I'd like tomatoes but I don't eat them very often."

7) "What time do you like?/ would you like to have dinner this evening?"

8) " Do you like/ Would you like your new job?"
                                        ' Yes,  am enjoying it.'

9) " Do you like / Would you like something to eat?"
                                               'No, thanks. I am not hungry.'

10) I'm tired. I like/ I'd like to go to sleep now.  

Ne qofte se do te kini pyetje, ju lutem i mundesoni kur te takohemi diten e shtune me 28.02.2015.




Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet e meposhteme ne fletoren tuaj.

Gammar,vocabulary and natural English 

test                                                                                30 minutes

grammar    - ing form and infinitive

Complete the text  using the verbs in brackets in the –ing form and infinitive

I’m really looking forward to visiting   (visit) my friends.

1                  (run) is very good for your heart.
2 I loathe               (be) late for work.
3                     (stay) at home is the only thing to do in winter.
4 Instead of                           (do) my homework,I watched a video.
5 Will you remember                (close) the door when you go out?    
6 I can’t get used to               (be) without him.
7 I regret                    (inform) you that your application has been unsuccessful.
8 I stopped                   (have) piano lessons months ago.
9 I meant                      (invite) him to the party, but I forgot all about it .
10 It’s not worth                      (finish) the test. I can’t rememeber a thing.


 grammar  wishes and regrets

Review  the sentences using  wish/regret  and the correct form of the verb.

I haven’t got her phone number.
I wish I had her phone number.
1 I didn’t study hard at school.

I wish                                                        .
2 I can’t speak French.
I wish                                                              .
3 I’m sorry that I gave  up the guitar
I regret                                                      .
4 Unfortunately I’m going out later.
I wish                                                            .
5 You’re not my boyfriend.
I wish                                                           .

 grammar  -ing forms

Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective or preposition.

   We won the watch   by           scoring in the last five minutes.       
1                         leaving the exam room, I always check my answers carefully.
2 He’s never been interested                            drawing.
                                    finishing our meal, we did the wishing up.
4 It’s no               sitting there. He isn’t  going to come.
5 I’m looking forward                       starting my new course.


 4  wordbooster sporting collocations,collocation in dictionaries

Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box. There is one more word than you need.
the match     for a run     your technique     weightlifting    the gist   table tennis    an aerobics club                                                
a prize   magazines    three new words    poetry    a padge

I like going   for a run   early in the morning.

1 I tend to flick throught                                  .I never actually read them.
2 When I was young we used to learn                      by heart.
3 Why don’t you join                         ?
4 We lost                        3-0 .
5 I try to look up                     a day.
6 She won                          for writing the best short story.
7 You need to practice                          ,or you’ll never be a footballer.
8 He does                                    five time a week.
9 I never skip                            when I read a novel.
10 I got                                    of the text, which was enough to answer the question.

vocabulary  learning

Complete the sentences with the correct word
Alison doesn’t find learning French easy,but she always has    go.

1 Charlie   finds learning French difficult and he sometimes                         discouraged.
2 Jack tires to speak French all the time,but  he can’t                               it up for long.
3 Amy has difficulties ,but is always willing to                        it a try.
4 Matthew                                  everything up very easily
5 Sarah is                               slow progress , but  she is trying very hard.


natural English

Match the sentences with the responses.
    a          Do you do any sport?
1                 I didn’t know you spoke German
2                  I want to get something memorable for her birthday
3                  I’ve lost my house keys again.
             When I was five , I got lost in  a supermarket.
             I don’t do any sport at all.
             I found  the grammar quite tricky.
             What did you think of the fitness test?
             I’ve joined a Pilates class.
               Can you speak any languages?
10             I wish I could speak Russian.

a   I don’t a bit of wight lifting.
b   Well , it’s a bit rusty.
c    Yeah , that happened to me too.
d    Well, that sounds very unhealthy.
e    What sort of thing?
f     I was hopeless at balancing on one leg.
g    Really?  I thought it was easy.
h   For goodness sake . You’re useless.
I    I can get by in Italian.
j    Why don’t you join  an evening class?
k   I’ve never heard of that. What does it involve?




Read the text and think of the word  which best fits  each space. Use only one word  in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0)


When I was younger, I didn’t use to get (0)   much        exercise . For a long time I regretted
not  (1)           much sport,but recently, I decided things needed to change.  I saw a marathon on tv  and made up my mind that was what I wanted  to do. I started slowly because I felt needed 
to (2)                    used to thing gradually. I went (3)                      in the local pool and started going to a gym. I then(4)                   a group of runners. We met each week and we had an excellent coach  who gave us guidance and training tips. At first I (5)                                the training quite hard and I nearly gave up because I thought  that everyone was better  then me . However ,I decided to persevere (6)               it  and I’m really glad I did. I realized that is I wanted  to take (7)                 in such  a big race ,I had to be willing to try.I  now(8)                        running twice a day as well as going to the gym and I run marathons regularly. To tell the truth , I (9 )                          I’d run a marathon years ago.  I’r certainly advise anybody to give it (10)                    I’ts amazing how good it can make you feel.






In this message our focus should be on dynamic verbs vs. stative verbs.

Here is a quick reminder:

Dynamic = moving or changing.
Dynamic verbs are verbs that describe an action, not a state.
For example:
Take, break, eat, jump, work, find, buy, dance, fish.
Stative = having a state, or existing.
Stative verbs are verbs that describe a state, not an action.
For example:
Have, love, agree, be, want, hate, know, own, cost, sound, prefer, seem, hear.
Note that stative verbs usually describe:
Relationships between things or people (for example, "have")
Emotions or states of mind (for example, "love" and "agree") 
Appearance and senses (for example, "seem" and "hear")
Measurements (for example, "weigh")

Using stative verbs

Stative verbs are not usually used in the progressive tenses.
Correct: I love you.
Incorrect: I'm loving you.
Correct: Do you agree?
Incorrect: Are you agreeing?
Correct: He doesn't deserve to win.
Incorrect: He isn't deserving to win.
Correct: She hated the winter.
Incorrect: She was hating the winter.
Correct: Did you hear that noise?
Incorrect: Were you hearing that noise?
Correct: The trip didn't include a visit to the beach.
Incorrect: The trip wasn't including a visit to the beach.
Correct: They will remember us.
Incorrect: They will be remembering us.
Correct: Will it surprise you?
Incorrect: Will it be surprising you?
Correct: This will probably weigh a lot.
Incorrect: This will probably be weighing a lot.
As you must know, words usually have more than a single meaning. 
Likewise, some verbs have both stative and dynamic meanings.
For example, the verb "have" is such a verb. 
It has many different meanings (you can learn about them in the English Helping Verbs Course). One of these meanings is "to own." This is a stative meaning, since it describes a state, and not an actual action.
"I have two cats."
"You have a new laptop."
"We have too many problems."

Another meaning of the verb "have" is "to drink, eat, or smoke something."
"They had a drink at the bar."
"We have lunch every day at noon."
"I will have a cigarette or two."
I think you can agree with me that this meaning is fully dynamic. 
Drinking, eating and smoking are definitely actions and not states.
So in such a case, "have" can be used in the progressive tenses, too.
Correct: We never have breakfast. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: We are having lunch right now. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: We have a house. (stative meaning)
Incorrect: We are having a house. (stative meaning)

Correct: Jenifer tastes wine for a living. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: Jenifer is tasting some wine right now. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: This wine tastes awful. (stative meaning)
Incorrect: This wine is tasting awful. (stative meaning)
Correct: I always think too much. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: I am thinking about your offer. (dynamic meaning)
Correct: I think you are right. (stative meaning)
Incorrect: I am thinking you are right. (stative meaning)
Here are some verbs with both dynamic and stative meanings:
Be, have, see, smell, taste, think, expect, feel.
Example sentences (stative and then dynamic):
He is (has the identity of) a boy /
He is being (behaving) naughty.
I can see (notice with eyes) you now /
am seeing (dating) a doctor.
He can't smell (notice the smell) from birth /
Your puppy is always smelling (trying to get the smell of) me.
This cake tastes (has a taste) great /
We are just tasting (checking the taste of) the cake.
They think (have opinion) this is wrong /
They are thinking (considering) what to do.

I don't expect (think it will happen) a raise /
We were not expecting (waiting for) any guests.
She feels (has a feeling) depressed /
She is feeling (touching) the texture of the fabric.


 Hello again.
I have some listening activities for you that show the difference between the infinitive and the -ing form.



Hello again.
In today’s lesson, we have some listening concerned with Meetings.



Provoni te ndertoni fjali sipas modelit te dhene ne ushtrimin qe vijon.




True or False? Try to understand the game and then play it. It's fun.




Choose the correct answer for each question.



paf 04.01.2015

Exercise 2.3

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first two exercises of the second level, don't start this one. Go back to exercises # 1,2,3,4 and 5, of the first level then click on the  following.





Choose the incorrect word.




365 more days are like 365 white pages waiting the black ink on.
May you write a beautiful story.
I  wish you convert it into a best seller.

Happy and Prosperous New Year 2015 !





Exercise 2.2 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first exercise of the second level. don't start level 2.1. Go back to exercise # 1, then click on the  following.




Exercise 2.1 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first five exercises don't start level 2. Go back to exercises # 1,2,3,4 and 5, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.5 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first four exercises don't start the fifth. Go back to exercises # 1,2,3 and 4, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.4 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first three exercises don't start the fourth. Go back to exercises # 1,2 and 3, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.3 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first two exercises don't start the third. Go back to exercises # 1 and 2, then click on the  following.




Exercise 1.2 

Match the items on the right to the items on the left. If you haven't finished the first exercise don't start the second. Go back to exercise # 1 then click on the second as following.




Exercise 1.1

Nouns and derivations. Match the definitions on the left with the words on the right.




Joke of the day:

Dilbert's "Salary Theorem" states that "Engineers and scientists can never earn as much as business executives and sales people."
This theorem can now be supported by a mathematical equation based on the following two postulates:
As every engineer knows: Power = Work / Time
Knowledge = Power
Time = Money
Knowledge = Work/Money.
Solving for Money, we get:
Money = Work / Knowledge.
Thus, as Knowledge approaches zero, Money approaches infinity, regardless of the amount of work done.
The less you know, the more you make.



Listen to the speech and try to make notes. After listening to it, try to write down ten facts you do remember.




Choose the most corrective way in saying the same meaning using passive voice.


2. Choose either active or passive verb form.




Verb Tense List

  1. Simple Present or Present Simple

    • e.g., I play, you play, she/he/it plays, we play, they play

  2. Present Progressive, Present Continuous, Simple Present Progressive or Simple Present Continuous

    • e.g., I am playing, you are playing, she/he/it is playing, we are playing, they are playing

  3. Simple Past or Past Simple

    • e.g., I played, you played, he/she/it played, we played, they played

  4. Past Progressive, Past Continuous, Simple Past Progressive or Simple Past Continuous

    • e.g., I was playing, you were playing, she/he/it was playing, we were playing, they were playing

  5. Present Perfect or Simple Present Perfect

    • e.g., I have played, you have played, he/she/it has played, we have played, they have played

  6. Present Perfect Progressive or Present Perfect Continuous

    • e.g., I have been playing, you have been playing, he/she/it has been playing, we have been playing, they have been playing

  7. Past Perfect or Simple Past Perfect

    • e.g., I had played, you had played, he/she/it had played, we had played, they had played

  8. Past Perfect Progressive or Past Perfect Continuous

    • e.g., I had been playing, you had been playing, he/she/it had been playing, we had been playing, they had been playing

  9. Simple Future or Future Simple

    • e.g., I will play, you will play, he/she/it will play, they will play, we will play or I am going to play, you are going to play, he/she/it is going to play, we are going to play, they are going to play

  10. Future Progressive, Future Continuous, Simple Future Progressive or Simple Future Continuous

    • e.g., I will be playing, you will be playing, he/she/it will be playing, they will be playing, we will be playing

  11. Future Perfect or Simple Future Perfect

    • e.g., I will have played, you will have played, he/she/it will have played, they will have played, we will have played

  12. Future Perfect Progressive

    • e.g., I will have been playing, you will have been playing, he/she/it will have been playing, they will have been playing, we will have been playing



Diskutimi per kohet e gjuhes angleze eshte shume i gjere. Nuk besoj se eshte veshtire te kerkosh e te kuptosh me shume per to. 

Shikoni tabelen e meposhteme. Ju eshte paraqitur nje folje e  zakonshme e gjuhes angleze. 
Te kerkohesh kohe te tjera edhe disa do te mundesh ti gjesh. Por gjithmone kjo do te ngelet pjese e diskutime edhe une thjesht ju keshilloj mos shkoni me tej se kaq duke futur ketu edhe kuriozitetin tuaj.

Tabela qe kemi vendosur me daten 12 dhjetor 2014 eshte shume e plote edhe  e mjaftueshme per te shprehur mendime nga me te ndryshmet e te besueshme per te gjitha veprimet tuaja te mundeshme.


Follow your actions as following: 

1. Present Simple - I read
2. Present Continuous - I am reading
3. Present Perfect - I have read
4. Present Perfect Continuous - I have been reading
5. Past Simple - I read
6. Past Continuous - I was reading
7. Past Perfect - I had read
8. Past Perfect Continuous - I had been reading
9. Future Simple-I will read (including "be going to + infinitive" form) I am going to read
10. Future Continuous - I will be reading
11. Future Perfect - I will have read
12. Future Perfect Continuous - I will have been reading
13. Future Simple in the past - I would read (including the "was/were going to + infinitive" form)
14. Future Continuous in the past - I would be reading
15. Future Perfect in the past - I would have read
16. Future Perfect Continuous in the past - I would have been reading


Provoni te beni lidhjet e mundeshme te koheve te perdorura praktikisht ne pyetesorin e meposhtem me emrat e duhura te koheve te dhena si me poshte:

Personal Information Quiz

  1. When did you last see a film?
  2. How many times have you been abroad?
  3. What type of books do you like reading?
  4. When were you born?
  5. How long have you been learning English?
  6. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
  7. What were you doing at 7 o'clock yesterday evening?
  8. What are your parents doing?
  9. Where are your classes taught?
  10. What are you going to do after this course finishes?

What are the names of the tenses used in the above questions?

  • a. Past Continuous
  • b. Present Simple Passive
  • c. Present Perfect
  • d. Future Intent
  • e. Present Perfect Continuous
  • f. Past Simple Passive
  • g. Future Prediction
  • h. Present Simple
  • i. Present Continuous
  • j. Past Simple

Dear students of  English Zone 3,

We often have problems with the English tenses. Please, have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense ( only the ones you know so far ).
As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind.
If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions.

Try to understand this legend:



moment in time
  • action that takes place once, never or several times
  • actions that happen one after another
  • actions that suddenly take place
period of time
  • action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment
  • actions taking place at the same time
  • action taking place before a certain moment in time
  • puts emphasis on the result
Course / Duration   
  • action taking place before a certain moment in time
  • puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action



Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimet e meposhteme.




Try to give your own answers to the following exercises. If there are any questions,please let me know.


1. Which two replies sound more natural?

Are the windows still dirty?

a. No, I have cleaned them.
b.- No, they have been cleaned.
c. - No, they have been cleaned by me.

2. Which of these sentences would work better in an academic article?

a. - People have written too many books about the Second World War.
b.-  Too many books have been written about the Second World war.
c. - I have not yet analysed the results of the experiment.
d. - The results of the experiment have not yet been analysed.

3. Which of these verb  forms can be used in English?

a. to have been invited
b. being watched
c. having been told
d.having be spoken
e.being looked at

4.Are the passive forms right or wrong?

This company has promoted Bill.

a. Bill is promoted by the company.
b. Bill has promoted by the company.
c. Bill has been promoted by the company.

5. Right or wrong?

a.We were questioning by the police for several hours.
b. We were put in the police cells for several hours.
c. In the morning we have released.

6. Change the sentences from active into passive with the same meaning.

a. She gave her sister the car.
b. The bank sent me a new check.
c. We pay them a lot of money for doing a little.
d. They will never tell us the real truth.



Read the following joke and try to retell it during the Monday's session.


A woman went to her doctor's office where she was seen by a young new doctor.
After about four minutes in the examination room, the doctor told her she was pregnant.
She burst out screaming and ran down the hallway.
An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was. She told him her story.
After listening, he had her sit down and relax in another room. The doctor marched down the hallway to the first doctor and demanded:
"What's the matter with you? Mrs. Smith is 59 years old, has four grown children, seven grandchildren and you told her she was pregnant?!?!
The new doctor continued writing on his clipboard and without looking up said,
"Does she still have the hiccups?"



Write your own constitution with ten articles in it. Discuss each one of them in the coming lesson.


Make each day count - learn,help,make laugh,teach,enjoy.



Students of Matura 2015,

Me qellim qe mesimi yne i fundit, i 10-te, te kete me teper qartesi, do te ishte mire qe seicili prej jush te perpiqej te kuptonte se cfare kuptimi kane ne gjuhen shqipe fjalet e meposhteme:

act upon
main verb
appropriate form
contracted forms
place ( si folje ) = vendos

Shumicen e ketyre fjaleve shpresoj se duhet ta njihni. Punoni per te njohur edhe te tjerat edhe keshtu do te jeni gati per te kuptuar edhe me mire se per cfare do te flasim ne ditet qe vijojne.



____ paf28.11.2014

Active and Passive Voice                         

Nje folje gjendet ne diatezen veprore kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili kryehet nga vete kryefjala.
Nje fojle gjendet ne diatezen pesore atehere kur ajo shpreh nje veprim I cili bie mbi kryefjalen e vet ose atehere kur kryefjala eshte rezultat I veprimit.

Gjykoni veprimet e meposhteme:

Lightening struck the Pope’s office. ( Subject acting) = Active Voice
Pope’s Office was stuck by lightening. ( subject acted upon ) = Passive Voice

Te gjitha foljet kalimtare ( folje kalimtare quhen ato folje te cilat marrin kundrinore) mund te perdoren ne diatezen pesore. Ndryshe nga diateza veprore kur veprimi realizohet prej kryefjales, ne diatezen pesore,
( Passive Voice) pergjithesisht kryefjala e peson veprimin ose e thene ndryshe veprimi bie mbi kryefjalen.

Le te perpiqemi te ndertojme bashke dy rregulla te thjeshte para se te japim edhe me shume shembuj.

1)      Ne diatezen veprore ( Active Voice ), kryefjala e fjalise vepron, me nje fjale, kryen veprimin. The secretary writes all the e mails.
           The women are knitting sweaters.
           Shakespeare wrote famous comedies.
           They are going to hire us.

2)      Ne diatezen pesore ( Passive Voice ), kryefjala nuk ka me te njejtin funksion. Shikoni fjalite e meposhteme per te pare se si ka ndryshuar vendi I saj ne nje fjali.

               All the e-mails are written by the secretary.
               Sweaters are being knitted by the women.
               Famous comedies were written by Shakespeare.
               We are going to be hired.

3)      Per te ndertuar diatezen pesore ne gjuhen angleze atehere duhet t e kemi parasysh edhe te njohim mire dy elemente te saj.

a)      E para: folja to be
b)      E dyta termi past participle.

   Shpresoj qe te gjithe te jeni te informuar se c’eshte folja to be, si zgjedhohet ajo, cilat jane  format qe ajo merr, e keshtu me radhe.
Megjithese jam I bindur se ju e njifni, perseri, po mundohem t'ju paraqes nje tabele te saj:

Principal parts of the verb Be.

Infinitive                     Past            Past Participle           Present Participle
Be                            was/were            been                             being

Simple present Tense

Singular                                                                Plural

I am                                                                       We are
You are                                                                 You are
He is/She is/ It is                                                They are

Present Continuous: I am being etc.

Simple Past

Singular                                                                Plural

I was                                                                        We were
You were                                                              You were
He was/She was/ It was                                    They were

Past Continuous: I was being  etc.

Future Tense
(will + the infinitive)

Singular                                                                Plural

I will be                                                                We will be
You will be                                                           You will be
He wll be/She will be/ It will be                      They will be

Future Continuous:  I will be being etc.

Present Perfect Tense
(have or has + the past participle)
Singular                                                                             Plural

I have been                                                                  We have been
You have been                                                             You have been
He has been/She has been/t has been                       They have been

Past Perfect Tense
(had + the past participle)

Singular                                                              Plural                         

I had been                                                      We had been
You had been                                                You had been
He had been/She had been/It had been      They had been

Future Perfect Tense
(will have + past Participle)
Singular                                                                Plural

I will have been                                           We will have been
You will have been                                      You will have been
He will have been/She will have been/
It will have been                                          They will have been

Atehere, duke mos harruar se pergjithesish, cdo folje ne gjuhen angleze ka kater forma,seicili prej jush eshte mesuar se si te ndertoje kohet e ndryshme te pedorimit te foljeve.
Sot na intereson shume te kujtojme vetem foljen to be, se ajo ka nje rol te rendesishem ne ndertimin e diatezes pesore.
Me qellim qe pohimi yne te marre forme, do te na duhet te perdorim nje fome te foljes to be + plus nje folje ne past participle, per te percjelle kuptimin qe deshirojme edhe ne kete menyre mund te cojme nje folje ne diatezen pesore.

Me thjesht:
                                 To be + past participle = Passive Voice.

Ky model (patern) perben vecse nisjen e procesit sepse kohet e foljes do te variojne vetem nga ndryshimi I kohes se foljes ndihmese to be.

Ne ate kohe qe do te perdorim foljen to be, po ne ate kohe do te jete edhe fjalia jone, vecse kete radhe e perdorur ne diatezen pesore me kuptimin te cilin u munduam ta sqarojme si me siper.

Le te marrim nje ushtrim te thjeshte;

Percaktoni se cilat fjali jane active edhe cilat jane passive:

1)      Barbara cooks our meals.
2)      Somebody helped the policeman.
3)      The government will close our hospital in the near future.
4)      This window was broken by a little boy.
5)      The queen was photographed by my wife.
6)      We spent too much money on our holidays.
7)      Barbara is loved by James.
8)      Her clothes are bought in Paris.
9)       Nency was driving too fast and she was stopped by the police.
10)   The new school will be opened by the Prime Minister.

Perseri ne diten e sotme do te ishte mire te lexonim fjalite e meposhteme per te kuptuar me tej se si ndertohet nje mendim ne Passive Voice. Ne fund te kesaj faqe, ju do te gjeni nje seri ushtrimesh te cilaat do te fillojne te qartesojne perdorimin e sakte te diatezes pesore.










Hello again.
This week’s activity is about that tricky word ENOUGH. You can find it by clicking



Vendosni foljet modale ne vendin  e duhur.




Provoni te beni dallimet midis foljeve begin edhe start.




Provoni te beni dallimin e duhur midis foljeve finish edhe end.




Ne linkun e meposhtem provoni te gjeni fjalen  e duhur.




Vendosni fjalet ne vendin e duhur.




Vendosni fojljet ne vendin e duhur.



Plotesoni ditet e javes ne ushtrimin  e meposhtem.




Speculations about the past.

Have a look at the following link.




Plotesoni vendin bosh me nje folje te duhur modale.




Modal verb questions. Try to do the following exercise. 




Cikli i ushtrimeve te meposhteme ka per qellim njohjen dhe perdorimin e sakte te disa foljeve te caktuara te gjuhes angleze te njohura me emrin:"modal verbs." Ndiqini me kujdes te gjitha ushtrimet.
Shikoni se cfare rezultatesh arrini ne zgjidhjen  e ushtrimeve edh nese do te kini pyetje i diskitojme se bashke ne oren e dites se hene.


What is special about the modal verbs?

They are special because they behave differently from other verbs in English:
  1. English modal verbs are used together with the base form of another verb.

    "He might come late."
    "You may leave if you wish."
    "We must finish this on time."
  2. English modal verbs have only one form. You don't add "-ing""-ed"or "-s" to them.


    Correct: "We must go now."
    Incorrect: "We are musting go now."

    Correct: "They said we could park here."
    Incorrect: "They said we coulded park here."

    Correct: "She can help us."
    Incorrect: "She cans help us."
  3. To form questions use the modal verb itself, but change the order.


    "He can fix the car tomorrow."

    Correct: "Can he fix the car tomorrow?"
    Incorrect: "Does he can fix the car tomorrow?"

    "We should start packing our things."

    Correct: "Should we start packing our things?"
    Incorrect: "Do we should start packing our things?"

    "She will be ten years old next month."

    Correct: "Will she be ten years old next month?"
    Incorrect: "Does she will be ten years old next month?"
  4. To form negative sentences use the modal verb itself and add "not" or "n't" to it.


    "He can run fast enough."

    Correct: "He can't run fast enough."
    Incorrect: "He doesn't can run fast enough."

    "She could lift a feather."

    Correct: "She could not lift a feather."
    Incorrect: "She did not could lift a feather."

    "I thought he would come."

    Correct: "I thought he wouldn't come."
    Incorrect: "I thought he did not would come."

How and when do we use each of the English modal verbs?

Uses of "can" (negative: cannot, can't)

  1. To talk about what you are able to do
    "He is so strong! He can lift that car!"
    "She can't come before four o'clock."
    "Can he teach?"
  2. To talk about a general possibility
    "The weather here can get really bad."
    "These chairs can be folded."
    "Such things can happen."
  3. To say that something is allowed
    "He can borrow my book if he needs it."
    "You can't smoke in here".
    "You can pay with a credit card."
  4. To make a request
    (this is is an informal use, "may" is the formal version)

    "Can you help me with my homework?"
    "Can you make some tea?"
    "Can you come here, please?"

Uses of "could" (negative: could not, couldn't)

  1. As the past form of "can"
    "He said he couldn't come so early."
    "I couldn't remember who he was."
    "They couldn't pass the border."
  2. To make a polite request
    "Could you open the window, please?"
    "Could you turn up the heat?"
    "Could you remind him to call?"
  3. To show possibility ("may" and "might" are stronger)
    "She could be with her parents."
    "It could take you months to find a new place."
    "He could still win, but it's not very likely."

Uses of "may" (negative: may not)

  1. To show possibility (it is slightly stronger than "might")
    "What he said may be true."
    "It may rain."
    "You may win the race."
  2. To request or give permission
    (this is a formal use, "can" is the informal version)

    "You may sit down."
    "May I speak?"
    "He may not use the car."

Uses of "might" (negative: might not)

  1. As a past from of "may"
    "The weatherman said it might rain."
    "She mentioned that she might come."
    "We agreed that it might be dangerous."
  2. To show possibility (it is slightly weaker than "may")
    "He might pass the exam, but I wouldn't count on it."
    "We might fail, but let's not think about it."
    "I might visit on Saturday."

Uses of "must" (negative: must not, mustn't)

  1. To show that you have to do something, for example because it is very important or because it is a rule
    "You must stop the car when the traffic light turns red."
    "You must pay your taxes."
    "She must stop drinking if she wants to keep her job."
    "I must go now, otherwise I will miss my train."
  2. "Must not" (or "mustn't") is used to show you are not allowed to do something
    "You mustn't steal."
    "He mustn't talk to his parents like that."
    "The fruit of this bush must not be eaten because it is toxic."
  3. To show that something is very logical or very likely to be true
    "He left at noon, so he must be there already."
    "She is not stupid, so she must have known what she was doing!"
    "They must be really rich to live in such a house."

Uses of "ought to" (negative: ought not to)

  1. To say what is the right thing to do ("should" is the more common word)
    "In her condition, she ought to quit smoking."
    "I believe you ought to apologize."
    "He was watching TV when he ought to have been studying."

Uses of "shall" (short form: 'll, negative: shall not, shan't)

  1. Used with "I" and "we" to talk about the future (especially in formal British English)
    "I shall leave tomorrow morning."
    "I'll never forget you."
    "We shall overcome."
    "I shan't be late again."
  2. Used with "I" and "we" to ask questions or make suggestions
    "Shall I close the door?"
    "What shall we do tonight?"
    "Let's start, shall we?"

Uses of "should" (negative: should not, shouldn't)

  1. To say what is the right thing to do
    "You should be helping your mother."
    "If he doesn't like the job, he should tell it to his boss."
    "If you knew you were going to be so late, you should have called."
  2. To give advice or ask for advice
    "You should try the new restaurant down the street."
    "What should I do? Should I tell him the truth?"
    "Should I try to take the exam again?"
  3. To show that something is likely to be true or that it is expected
    "Let's return home, dinner should be ready by now."
    "We should arrive there by twelve o'clock."
    "I should get an e-mail from him soon."

Uses of "will" (short form: 'll, negative: will not, won't)

  1. To talk about future actions or future states (not plans)
    "I hope he will pass his exams."
    "She'll be very happy to hear this."
    "They will not be here on time."
    "You won't feel a thing."
  2. For promises or intentions
    "Leave it, I will do the dishes."
    "It must be Joe at the door, so I'll get it."
    "I won't do that again, I promise."

Uses of "would" (short form: 'd, negative: would not, wouldn't)

  1. As the past form of "will" in reported speech
    "I will handle it myself." --> "He said he would handle it himself."
    "I won't be late." --> "He said he wouldn't be late."
    "She'll change her mind in the end." --> "He said she'd change her mind in the end."
  2. To talk about an imagined situation
    "What would you do if you were a millionaire?"
    "I wish he'd take a break."
    "I would have cleaned the house, but I was too tired."
  3. To make a polite request
    "Would you mind closing the window?"
    "Would you get me the paper, please?"
    "Would someone please answer the phone?"
  4. To invite someone, or offer something, politely
    "Would you like a drink?"
    "We are going for a walk, would you like to join us?"
    "Would you like to meet her?"
  5. To say that you want something or want to do something

    I would like = a polite way of saying, "I want."
    I would hate = a polite way of saying, "I don't want."
    I would rather = a polite way of saying, "I prefer."

    "I would like a cup of coffee, please."
    "I would hate to miss this opportunity."
    "We'd rather study with you."
    - "Would you like to come with us?"
    -" I'd love to, but I can't."



Shikoni me kujdes kete tabele. Perpiquni te kuptoni perdorimin e foljeve modale.Nese do te kini pyetje i diskutojme diten e takimit.


English Modal Verbs Table

Modal verbUsageExample
canabilityI can do several things
at the same time.
when something is possibleMiracles can happen.
permissionYou can go now.
informal requestsCan you come here for a minute?
couldpast form of "can"She said she could pay
for us as well.
polite requestsCould you move
your bag, please?
possibilityIt could be that he
missed the train.
maypossibilityIt may rain tomorrow.
ask for or give
permission (formal)
May I speak?
mightpast form of "may"He said he might
change his mind.
possibilityThis might fail.
mustyou have to do itYou must obey the law.
it's very logical or
very likely to happen
They left so early, they
must be home by now.
must not/
you are not
allowed to do it
You mustn't smoke in here.
shallfuture for "I" and "we"I shall see him tomorrow.
questions and suggestions for "I" and "we"Let's continue, shall we?
shouldthe right thing to do She should call the police.
advice- What should I do?
- You should stop
thinking about it.
what is likely or
expected to happen
We should be
back by midnight.
willfuture action or states
(not plans)
Prices will go up
next summer.
promises and intentionsIt's alright, I'll pick it up.
wouldpast form of "will"He told me he would come.
imagined situationsWhat would you do
if you were him?
for polite requests, offers and invitations- Would you please sit down?
- Would you like some tea?
- We are meeting with Sarah
next Saturday, would you like to come along?
to say what you
want to do or have
I would like a piece of cake.
ought tothe right thing to doYou ought to apologize.



Choose the more natural-sounding option in the following exercise: 




Shikoni me kujdes materialin e meposhtem. Lexoni dhe provoni te ndertoni fjalite tuaja.
Mundesisht ndertoni nga pese fjali per seicilen folje ne fletoren tuaj te detyrave te shtepise.


Modal verbs can, may, must

We use the modal verbs can, may, must in the English language to express various meanings - ability,possibility, permission, attitudes, opinions, etc. 

Modal (auxiliary) verb CAN

1. Can is used to describe the ability to do something.

I can swim very well.

Can he can speak English fluently? - No, he can't.

We cannot sing at all!

2. Can expresses the possibility to do something.

We can go to the seaside at last. Our holidays start next week.

3. We use can to say that something is probable.

It can be John. He has blond hair and he is wearing glasses.

4. Can expresses the permission to do something.

Why not? You can marry her. She is a nice girl.

Modal (auxiliary) verb MAY

1. May is used for permissions. 

You may borrow my car. I won't need it.

May I smoke here? - No, you can't, I'm sorry.

2. May is used for expressing probability or prediction.

They may call tomorrow. I hope so.

The main difference between may and can is in style. May is more formal than can. Can is typical of 

spoken English.

3. The opposite of may is must not or may not.

May I smoke here?

- You mustn't smoke here. (strong prohibition)

- You may not smoke here. (more polite, very formal)

- You can't smoke here. (informal spoken English)

Modal (auxiliary) verb MUST

1. Must is used for strong obligations. It is personal, because it shows the speaker's opinion or will.

I must clean my teeth. I want to be healthy.

You must go there. And do it right now!

2. Must expresses strong recommendation.

You must see it. It's the best film I've ever seen.

3. We use must to express certainty of the speaker.

They must be at school by now. It's already 9 o'clock.

4. The opposite of must is need not.

Mum, must I wash up? - No, you needn't. I've already done it.

Must not has a different meaning. It is used to express prohibition that involves the speaker's will.

We mustn't come late today. Or the teacher will be very angry.

He mustn't enter this room. It is dangerous



Modal auxiliary verbs exercise

Complete the following sentences in your notebooks using an appropriate modal auxiliary verb. Please hand them in next Monday.


1. The police warned the mob that they …………………… start firing, if they created trouble. (could / would / might)

2. Passengers …………………… not smoke on the bus. (must / can / should)

3. ……………………. I have a word with you? (Can / will / should)

4. Parents ………………………. accompany their children to the school. (cannot / may not / would not)

5. There was a time when I …………………… read till midnight, but these days I go to bed early. (used to / should / ought

6. You ………………… not tell me. I know everything. (need / can / must)

7. I have promised to keep this secret. I …………………… disclose it to anyone. (cannot / would / may)

8. ……………………. I tell you what happened? (Shall / Will / Would)

9. How long ……………………. you take to complete this job? (will / shall / can)



From the choices provided after each sentence select the verb that would correctly complete the sentence. 




32 multiple choice questions.
Do your best choosing the best answers. Record the time doing this exercise.




Ne vijim te ushtrimit te dites se djeshme ndiqni nje ushtrim te ri dhe gjini se cila eshte zgjedhja me e mire duke klikuar ne fjalet te cilat jane dhene me ngjyre blu.




Ndiqni ushtrimin ne linkun e meposhtem. Jepni pergjigjet e duhura. Mbani shenim te gjitha fjalite ku ju gabuat me qellim qe ti rishikojme bashke edhe te perfitojme nga gabiimet e bera.




if or unless? Chose the best option.




Pergjigjet per ushtrimet e dates 21.10.2014 jane keto:

1. C: Continuous

2. D,E, and G are not the names of English verb forms.

3. A. Present Progressive
     B. Future Perfect
     C. Simple Future
     D. Simple Present
     E. Future Progressive
     F. Future Perfect Progressive

4. A. Past progressive
    B. Past Perfect
    C. Simple Past
    D. Present Perfect
    E. Past Perfect progressive
    F. Present Perfect progressive



verb forms and their names

1. What is another name for progressive?

        A. conditional
        B. perfect
        C. continuous
        D. infinitive

 2. Which of these are not the names of the English verb forms?

        A. simple past

       B. present progressive

       C. future perfect 
      D. perfect present 
      E. simple progressive 
      F.  past perfect
      G. future past

   3. Choose the correct name for each verb form. ( You won't need to use all of them.)
          simple future; future progressive; future perfect;
          future perfect progressive; present perfect
         present progressive; simple present
    A. is doing
     B. will have explained
     C. will arrive
     D. works 
     E. will be playing
     F. will have been studying 
   4. Choose the correct name for each verb form. ( You won't need to use all of them.)

      past perfect; past perfect progressive; past progressive;

      present perfect;present perfect progressive; 

     simple past; simple present

        A. was talking

        B. had talked
       C. played
       D. has been
        E. had been playing 
        F. has been visiting



auxiliary verbs

Ne ushtrimin e dites se sotme do te kini mundesine te jepni zgjidhjen tuaj se cila eshte alternativa me e mire ose pse jo se cilat jane alternativat e mundeshme edhe te sakta te ushtrimit te meposhtem.


Exercise 4

Which expression(s) can complete the sentence correctly?

He _____________________ all through the meeting. 
A. made us  laugh

B. made us laughing 

C. had us laugh

D. had us laugh

Your words can heal, and unfortunately, cause much harm. It's up to you to choose what words to use. If you need a piece of advice try the first action.

Words are weapons

Take care when you speak in judgement.
Words are powerful weapons,
which can cause a lot of tragedies.
Never make a person look a fool with your tongue.
Never make a person look small with your big mouth.

A hard word , a sharp word,
can burn a long time,
deep in the heart, leaving a scar.
Accept that others are different,
think differently, act differently,
feel differently , speak differently.

Be mild and healing  with your words.
Words should be ‘lights’.
Words should calm, bring people together,
bring peace.

Where  words are weapons,
people face each other like enemies.

Life is much too short,
and our world is much too tiny                                          
to turn it into a battlefield.

"Lord help me
to keep my big mouth shut,
I know what I want
to say



Hello again.
Today’s lesson is about the difference between WILL and WOULD in conditional sentences.


Mesimi # 6

Gjate javes qe kaloi, ne ushtrimet e zhvilluara, u vu re se dy fjale te gjuhes angleze te permendura si me poshte paraqesin nje veshtiresi te caktuar. Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes diferencat e tyre si me poshte duke shpresuar se mund tju kem dhene nje ndihmese te vogel per te bere dallimin midis ketyre dy fjaleve.


Either and Neither

The English words either and neither can cause some problems for native and non-native speakers of 

Fjalet e gjuhes angleze either dhe neither mund te shkaktojne pak veshtiresi si per folsin autokton ashtu edhe per ne te tjeret te cilet mundohemi te mesojme dhe flasim gjuhen angleze.

Sometimes you can use either one and sometimes you have to choose either one or the other, but neither one is very difficult.
Hera heres na duhet te gjejme se cila fjale eshte e duhura ne nje kontekst te dhene per tu perdorur.

Either… Or   ( Ose ... ose )
Either... or is used to offer a choice between two possibilities:
Either ...or perdoret per te ofruar nje perzgjedhje midis dy mundesive:
Shikoni fjalite si me poshte edhe beni perkthimin e tyre.
Either Mike or Lisa will be there.
Either you leave me alone or I will call the police.
We should bring either coffee or tea.
You can either help us or go to your room.
Either can also be followed by (one) of + group of two:
Either gjithashtu mund te perdoret ne nje fjali e ndjekur nga shprehja (one) of + group of two. Shikoni me kujdes fjalite qe vijojne per ta kuptuar perdorimin.

Either of us could do it
Either one of us could do it
Either of you should know
Either one of you should know
Not… either… or denies both possibilities:

Not ... either ...or i mohon keto dy mundesi:
I don’t think either Mike or Lisa will be there.
He doesn’t speak either English or French.
Not… either is used after a negative statement.
Not ... either perdoret mbas nje deklarate mohore.
I don’t speak French.
You don’t either.
He isn’t ready to go.
We aren’t either.
Neither… Nor
Neither… nor is equivalent to not… either… or.
Neither ... nor eshte e barabarte ne kuptim me perdorimin not ... either ... or.

Neither Mike nor Lisa will be there.
He speaks neither English nor French.
We brought neither coffee nor tea.
I will neither help you nor go to my room.
Neither can also be followed by (one) of + group of two:
Neither gjithashtu mund te shoqerohet nga shprehja (one) of + group of two.
Neither of them is ready.
Neither one of them is ready.
Neither of us has any money.
Neither one of us has any money.
Neither is used like not… either.
Neither perdoret njesoj si kuptimi i not ...either.
I don’t speak French.
Neither do I.
(informal): Me neither.
He isn’t ready to go.
Neither are we.
The Bottom Line
Either means one, neither means none, and not either equals neitherOr goes with either and norgoes with neither
Ne gjuhen tone fjale either nenkupton nje, kurse fjala neither nenkupton asnje. Keshtu not either
patjeter qe do te thote neither. Fjala or shoqeron fjalen either ndersa fjala nor preferon fjalen 

Ne vijim kini disa ushtrime te cilat besoj se do ta lehtesojne kuptimin e ketyre mendimeve qe dhame me siper.








Dear students of Matura 2015,

I would like to suggest you   starting together a page on which we should present some grammar rules and try to avoid certain mistakes.
Let's call this page: " How not to make 100 mistakes!" You can change this name any time you like. Just simply suggest a better one.
I know from my experience that it is difficult to learn a language through rules. Personally, I wouldn't advice you that but if I were you, time and again I'd dare read some great grammar lessons of  famous  authors like Michael Swan. Following you will find ten of them and in case you find them useful, let me know.
I encourage you to add certain rules you like.


By Michael Swan

1. Don’t use an with own.
Sue needs her own room. (NOT Sue needs an own room.)
I’d like a phone line of my own. (NOT … an own phone line.)

2. Use or rather to correct yourself.
She’s German – or rather, Austrian. (NOT She’s German – or better, Austrian.)
I’ll see you on Friday – or rather, Saturday.

3. Use the simple present – play(s), rain(s) etc – to talk about habits and repeated actions.
play tennis every Saturday. (NOT I am playing tennis every Saturday.)
It usually rains a lot in November.

4. Use will …, not the present, for offers and promises.
I’ll cook you supper this evening. (NOT I cook you supper this evening.)
I promise I’ll phone you tomorrow. (NOT I promise I phone you tomorrow.)

5. Don’t drop prepositions with passive verbs.
I don’t like to be shouted at. (NOT I don’t like to be shouted.)
This needs to be thought about some more. (NOT This needs to be thought some more.)

6. Don’t use a present tense after It’s time.
It’s time you went home. (NOT It’s time you go home.)
It’s time we invited Bill and Sonia. (NOT It’s time we invite Bill and Sonia.)

7. Use was/were born to give dates of birth.
was born in 1975. (NOT I am born in 1975.)
Shakespeare was born in 1564.

8. Police is a plural noun.
The police are looking for him. (NOT The police is looking for him.)
I called the police, but they were too busy to come.

9. Don't use the to talk about things in general.
Books are expensive. (NOT The books are expensive.)
I love music. (NOT I love the music.)

10. Use had better, not have better.
I think you’d better see the doctor. (NOT I think you have better see the doctor.)
We’d better ask John to help us.




Teaching your wife to drive.

Test #14



Flying across the channel.

Test #13.



Letter writing (4)

Test #12



Letter writing (3)

Test # 11



 Letter writing (2)

Test # 10



 Letter writing  1



Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.




When you come back to your Saturday session, please bring in all the previous tests.


Test 5

                                           READING AND COMPREHENSION

You   are  going to read a magazine article about “Unusual Homes”. For question   1-4, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text, while for the questions  5-7 answer  the  questions about the text.

Unusual   Homes

On an island in the middle of a quiet  , slow-moving little river in the west of England , a young couple have been living like poor derelicts for the past thirteen months. Stuck without a bathroom or running water for eight weeks, they were reduced to taking showers at a local leisure centre.
Yet they are very, very   happy, in their own words , on a mission to create the perfect life . They are part of a band of fearless  homeowners  who have set about renovating tumbledown buildings in a bid to create unique and interesting homes.
The couple are in the process of converting two former mills hat sit on an island in the middle of the town of Frome . The buildings are listed as being of historical importance, which  means  that any and every piece of work they do on the buildings has to be approves of by the local authorities. In particular ,they have to retain the original external appearance of the buildings and building up a guest house business.
Homebuyer’s enthusiasm for converting everything from old schools to railway signal boxes shows no signs of waning. In the 70s, some people in search of the good life scrambled to convert disused agricultural buildings such as barns. More recently, loft dwellers have rushed to buy homes I factories and warehouses. The closure of rural banks, churches and schools has also resulted in a wide range of interesting buildings coming on the market.
The Ecology Building Society counts a signal box and a cemetery gate building among properties purchased with the help of one of their loans. Their aim is to help people who want to renovate old buildings which are no longer used for their original purpose and convert them into comfortable homes.
Buyers who want to change a building’s use need to apply for planning permission. Some older buildings come with planning permission thrown in. If not, potential purchasers should check with the local planning authority to see how the land lies before making an offer, and remember that there is more to converting old buildings to domestic use than sticking in a kitchen range and a mezzanine floor.
Unfortunately , a lot of builders and developers don’t understand the construction  of older buildings and can make the mistake of applying modern solutions to properties which were constructed very differently . When this happens, the results can be disastrous as totally inappropriate materials may be used , leading of further  deterioration of the structure of the building .
Although work done on buildings listed as being of historical importance is controlled by government regulations , this is no guarantee that renovation work will be done properly , as most of restrictions apply to the appearance of the building rather than technical detail. It is important then, if you have set your heart on converting a wonderful old village school or Victorian water pumping station , that you look around for builders and developers who have plenty of experience in dealing with the problems associated with such projects.

                                                                                                                                                                Practice Test 5

1 Why are the couple on he island described as being  happy ?
A Because hey now have a bathroom and running water
B  Because they like being isolated from other people
C Because of the global they have set
D Because they were able to have showers nearby

2 It seems that the couple on island
A have chosen to stay there
B do not keep themselves clean  
C have very little money
D have nowhere to live

3 The couple are restricted in what they can do with the mills because
A the buildings re located on an island
B the authorities do not approve of any changes
C the outside of the building must remain unchanged
D they have to use one of the buildings for business

4 Homebuyers today
A have a greater variety of unusual buildings to chose from
B have learnt from the mistakes of previous generations
C would prefer to live in the country rather than towns
D do not care what sort of house they live in.

5 What does the Ecological Building Society do ?

6 What is the problem concerning government regulations?

7 What s the writer’s main purpose in writing the article ?

You are going to read an article about treating and common cold. Your task is to decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write T for True or F for False.

  Fighting back

The distinct in temperature that signals the approach of winter also inevitably signals a sudden increase in the number of individuals coming down with colds. On any given day, during the cold season , almost a million inhabitants of this country will be suffering from the common cold  and each of us can expect to catch a cold about 200 times during a lifetime.
Yet despite our best efforts, he cold virus appears to have remained immune to medical advances made in the last century . We are regularly reminded that while men take rockets to the moon , doctors and scientists have been unable to find a cure for the most common of aliments , the cold. However , contrary to popular opinion , science does show that the common cold will respond to treatment n the form of specifics vitamins, minerals and herbs. There is , indeed , good evidence to suggest that natural remedies for winter infections can be effective.
How at risk we are to infection in essentially determined by our immune system – the part of the body responsible for repelling unwanted organisms , including the virus that causes the common cold. One natural agent renown for its immune-strengthening and anti-viral actions is vitamin C. Loading up on vitamin C –rich foods such as citrus and kiwi fruits in winter may help to keep the infections at bay.
Another useful nutrient for combating the common cold is zinc. One study found that sucking a zinc lozenge every two waking hours reduced the average duration of colds by seven days. The precise form of the zinc in the lozenge is important – it should be zinc gluconate. Ne disadvantage of zinc gluconate lozenges is that they taste pretty dreadful, though this relatively minor inconvenience seems to be heavily outweighed by the benefits n terms of cold relief.
Another infection fighter often used in natural medicine is Echinacea. This herb proven to have immune-stimulating activity , and one study found that taking it reduced the duration of a cold by half.
Extracts of Echinacea are available in health-food stores. I recommend taking 20 drops of the extract every two hours , starting  as soon as you notice the first signs of a cold infection.

8.More people catch colds in winter than at other times of the year                           T

9. Scientists have made a scientific breakthrough concerning a vaccine for the common cold     _____

10. Science shows that the common cold can be treated by taking some supplements               ______

11. The immune system is unable to fight a virus without vitamin supplements                            ______

12. Eating a lot of fruit rich in vitamin C every day may prevent infection by the cold virus         ______

13. Each zinc lozenge must be kept in the mouth for two hours                                                 _______

14. Zinc should be taken in a particular form for it to be effective against colds                         _______

15. Echinacea  in known to strengthen our resistance to infections.                                           _______

16.   You can only obtain Echinacea if you have a doctor’s prescription.                                  ________


For questions 16-20, use the word in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word tat completes the sentence.

16. Harry works out at the gym …………………and looks very fit .                                             REGULAR

17. You should …………………….that all students have left the school before you lock the gates .     SURE

18. Unfortunately, Gregg is far too …………………………….to look after his baby sister                    RELIABLE

19. Children first try to escape from parental control when they are ……………………..                      TEEN

20.Oddly enough Heather isn’t………………………..about her trip to London.                                        ENTHUSE


For the following questions circle A, B,C or D to make the sentences meaningful.

21.As I……. my keys on the kitchen table, I had to wait for my brother to come home .
A   had forgotten                               C  was forgetting
 had been forgetting                     D have forgotten

22. I don ‘t think  I will benefit ………… going on a crash diet.
for                                                    C  since
B  from                                                  D  of  

23.We didn’t have ……….. luck when we tried to book a hotel at the last minute.
A   no                                                       C many
B   much                                                  D some

24. We succeded ……… our history project on time .
to complete                                       C completing
on completing                                    D  in completing

25. I don’t want ……. While I am working on the monthly report .
A     to  disturb                                                    C   to disturb me
B    you to disturb                                          D to be disturbed

26. Luckily , I ……………find the CD ROM which I thought I’d lost .
A   could                                                                C    was able to
B    managed                                                         D    will be able to

27. If the robbers hadn’t left in a gateway car , the police …………….them.
A   would have cought                                       C had cought
B  would catch                                                     D will catch

28. Does Tracy sing ….. her mother ?
A  much better                                                       as good as
B  as well as                                                            D     good like

29. We ……. A discussion about the importance f relationships at school yesterday.
A    were having                                                     C   had
B    were making                                                    D made

30. I prefer ………….. to music to watching reality shows on TV.
A   listening                                                             C   listen
B    to be listening                                                  D    to listen  

Write the correct preposition to form the meaningful sentences.

31. They are giving ........................................... free samples of perfume at the supermarket.

32. My neighbours have bought so much ............................... credit that they are now in debt.

33. I complained to the manager .................................... the poor food  at he restaurant.

34. I have been waiting for Steve for half an hour before he showed ...........................

35. Our local football team has gone from strength .............................. strength since Mr. Jones became coach.


Your school magazine is holding a competition called"Creative Writers" and has invited students to write a story about an unforgettable experience. Write your story in 120-150 words. 



English language Proficiency. Test #8.



English language proficiency. Test # 7



Test 5

Section 1 reading and comprehension

Part 1

In the following extract 10 parts of sentences have been removed .Choose from clauses A-L the ONE which fits each gap 1-10 .There is one extra clause which you do not need .there is an example at the beginning (0).

                                                Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ….

We live in a consumer   society where garbage is produced at an ever increasing rate . Nowadays most of this rubbish goes into landfills  , (0)k. They are the most common method of waste disposal and remain so in many places around the world. Waste has a negative impact on the natural environment  because harmful gases are released from rubbish in landfill sites polluting ground water and soil .Similarly ,the appearance of disease from insect or rats that (1) …………..  .Finally ,huge amounts of energy are used when making products from raw materials .By recycling we can turn glass ,paper , aluminium  ,plastic and other materials into something new instead of throwing it away .
Recycling  however  , can sometimes be confusing and it can be difficult to know what to recycle .(2) …….. when   thinking about how to recycle , I.e. the 3 R’s: reduce , reuse and recycle . First of all , waste reduction . This starts at the supermarket .Individuals should make it a point to buy recyclable goods , such as bottles ,instead of cans , and rechargeable batteries .Items such as this create very little waste , (3)  ……………. . We should avoid excess packaging ends up in our rubbish bins .What is more , we can reuse everybody items , like paper bags , which make useful wrapping paper ,or  packaging , such as egg cartons . These can be donated to schools (4) ………..  .
Recycling is essential if we wish (5) …………….. and non-renewable resources ,which are limited .Recycling conserves our natural resources because it reduces our need for raw meterials. For  example  , if we recycle paper , (6) ………… .Others items such as furniture  , electronic  equipment , building material and vehicle can also be recycled . Recycling is also much more efficient because it saves energy .
(7) ………. than from raw materials .When we make new paper from recycled paper , we use less energy than if we make it from wood .Recycling also protects our health and the environment because (8) ……….. . Finally  , recycling reduces our use of landfills because it reduces the amount of garbage we throw away and ensures resources are not wasted .
Finally , educating our children about the importance of recycling and the environment (9) …………… .This is   why   involving   teachers   and children   in recycling  schemes is not only essential but also fun. Apart from the recycling of paper  , metal and glass students (10) ………………. , like role plays , arts and crafts using recycled materials , and class discussion just to a few examples.

A  often take part in educational activities
B  provides a path to a greener future
C  there are three key factors we need to consider
D  as they don’t have to be thrown away after they have been used just once
E  making products from recycled materials uses less  energy
F  transmit infection is a problem especially in Third-world countries
G  where they can be used in art and crafts projects
H  to conserver the Earth’s resources
I  man-made disasters common place nowadays
J  it creates less air and water pollution
K  which are sites for the disposal of waste
L  we don’t have to cut down so many trees        


Part 2

Read the paragraphs and circle A,B, C or D for best summary for each one.From her first hat shop , opened in 1912, to the 1920s,Gabriell ‘coco’ Chanel rose to become one of leading fashion designers in Paris. Tight-fitting clothes were replaced with comfort and casual elegance , her fashion themes included simple suits and dresses , women’s trousers , costumes jewellery, perfume and textiles .Gabrielle adopted the name ‘coco’ during a brief career as café and concert singer .Two wealthy gentlemen , a wealthy military officer and  an English industrialist gave her the resources to set up a hat shop in Paris in 1910 , and the then in Deauville and Biarritz . By the 1920s,her fashion house had expanded considerably .Her relaxed fashions , short skirts and casual look were very different from the tight-fitting fashions popular in the previous decades . Most of her fashions had a staying power, and didn’t change much from year to year –or even generation to generation..

 11)   A  Gabrielle Chanel’s rise to fame was an individual effort.          B  Gabrielle Chanel brought a more informal style of clothes into the fashion              world.        C  Female designers replace men in the field of fashion .        D  A description of fashion styles in the 1900s.

Skydive Southwest Florida uses the tandem jump as your as your introduction to this great sport. A tandem jump is where you are physically attached to the instructor for the entire jump . This allows you the “piece of mind” to completely enjoy your jump without having to “worry” about a lot of mind-bending  training . If you decide skydiving is for you after your first jump , we  offer complete instruction up to and beyond certification . You will jump out of plane from around 4,000 meters above ground and freefall for above a minute , and them descend for 5 to 7 minutes under a large parachute  designed for two . The landings will amaze you . Some are soft , some are stand –ups ,some are slides , and ,yes, sorry to say some harder than normal

13)          A  An introduction to skydiving.

               B  The weak-hearted should do on a tandem jump.

              C  The benefits of skydiving are numerous.
              D The whole skydiving procedure takes more than 30 minutes.



For questions 13-17 read the text below and think of a word which best fist the space. Use only one word in each space .There is an example at the beginning   (0).

Scientist working for James Dyson , inventor of the bagless cleaner , have developed a new high-sped motor (0) which/that includes software similar to an engine management system in a car. According to the company, the magnet-free motor –code-named x020-is up to three times faster and is (13) …………………… smaller and lighter than the typical vacuum motor.
The built-in software allows the motor to manage energy efficiently and safely. Its memory chip can also store information such as the machine’s  construction date, how it (14) ……………………………… been used , and the owner’s details , all of which can be communicated to a call center in the event of breakdown  (15) ………………………….. holding a telephone next to a speaker on the machine itself .The information is downloaded to the call center computer , allowing a technician to see the problem .“The work we’re doing in our research facility is all (16) ……………………………… improving products in the home and making life easier , “ Mr Dyson said yesterday . Engineers working for Dyson have (17)…………………………. six years developing the new motor , which uses electromagnetic forces rather than fixed magnets and is said to spin more than five times faster than a racing car’s engine , making it the fastest motor ever developed for household appliances.

Practice Test 4


For questions 18-21 , complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,  using the word given .You most use between two and five words , including the word give . Do not change the word given .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

18) a)    It’s not a good idea for them to come home so late.
      They …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… home so late.
b)   Sophie and Helen were unwilling to work on Sundays .
      neither Sophie …………………………………………………………………………………………………… to work on Sundays   
c)   During the tour ,we visited Dickens’ birthplace.
      During the tour , we visited …………………………………………………………………………………………………  born. 
19) a)You should see a doctor about your sore throat.
     If  …………………………………………………………………………………….. see a doctor about your sore throat.
b) I didn’t expect the film to be as good as he book .
    I thought the film would ……………………………………………………………………………………………. the book.
c) “Your are the one who broke the window , peter ,” said the teacher.
    The teacher …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… the window
20) a) They can’t wait to go on holiday this weekend .
    They are ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. on holiday this weekend .

b) We can’t afford to bay a car at the moment .
    We don’t have …………………………………………………………………………………………….. a new car at the moment.
c) I have never driven on the left hand side of the road before .
    I am …………………………………………………………………………………………. on the left hand side of the road .
21) a) Although he was injured , he finished the game .
   Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………………., he finished the game .
b)  There were so many people at the concert that we could not see the  stage .
    There were ………………………………………………………………… At the concert that we could not see the stage .


     Practice Test 4

For the following questions circle A, B, C or D to make the sentence meaningful .

22) How long ………… as a secretary by the end of this year?

A  will you work
B  are you going to work
C  will you be working
D  will you have been working

23) You …….. to pick up the parcel from the post office. Why didn’t you?

A  were supposed
B  ought not
C  will need
D  don’t have

24) The order ………….. checked before it is sent out .

A  has been
B  has to be
C  must have been
D  will have 

25)The school concert raised a lot of money , must of …………. was given to local charities.

A  which
B  them
C  it
D  whom


           WRITING SECTION 3

Write an article in 120-150 words , based on your experience , commenting on the following :”The generation gap : myth or reality ? Do you think it is very difficult for teenagers to get along with their parents nowadays ?” Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.



Perseri disa ushtrime mbi nje teme te njohur sic jane foljet frazale ( phrasal verbs ) ne gjuhen angleze.
Se pari, provoni te beni zgjedhjen  e duhur, pastaj mundesoni te ndertoni fjalite tuaja.Ato fraza te cilat nuk i kini perdorur me pare, mundesisht i nxirrni edhe i vendosni si njesi te reja leksikore ne fletoren tuaj te fjaleve te  reja.







 Dear students of Matura 2013,
Interviews and jobs. This is the title of the test number 4.
While finishing these exercises you will find certain vocabulary about jobs and interviews. 




Test number 3, advanced level.




This test level is advanced. So think carefully before you make your choice.  It will be number two on the line. If you manage to do all the things mentioned in this test, then soon you will find yourself speaking English fluently.



This test level is advanced. So think carefully before you make your choice. 




Make it possible that your name is written on their page for your results scored.




From today on, through each day of April 2013, you will find a number of extra exercises on this page. Follow them and report the scores.


Dear students of Matura 2013,

Follow this link and fill in the boxes  with the correct words or with your best guess. Your results will be calculated at the very end and even printed in case you like.




Dear students of Matura 2013,

The following exercises are only for those students whose session starts on Saturday at one o'clock. Sure, anyone of you is free to do them, but those I mentioned above, have to.




Try to write the text as a dictation. First listen to the words and then write.

It will take  a little time but I think it will be very effective.




Dear students of Matura 2013,

Following you will find ten more rules on grammar. Before you start studying them, please check for the first thirty and then go for the last ten included on this page. You have to be very careful with each one of them. At least study one rule per day.


31. Use a present tense to talk about the future after when, until, as soon as, after, before etc.
I’ll phone you when I arrive. (NOT I’ll phone you when I will arrive.)
Let’s wait until it gets dark. (NOT Let’s wait until it will get dark.)
We’ll start as soon as Mary arrives. (NOT We’ll start as soon as Mary will arrive.)

32. Before most abstract nouns, we use great, not big.
I have great respect for her ideas. (NOT I have big respect for her ideas.)
We had great difficulty in understanding him. (NOT We had big difficulty in understanding him.)

33. Don’t use the with a superlative when you are not comparing one person or thing with another.
  • She’s the nicest of the three teachers.
  • She’s nicest when she’s working with small children.
  • This is the best wine I’ve got.
  • This wine is best when it’s three or four years old.
34. Put enough after, not before, adjectives.
This soup isn’t hot enough. (NOT This soup isn’t enough hot.)
She’s old enough to walk to school by herself.

35. Don’t use a structure with that … after want or would like.
My parents want me to go to university. (NOT My parents want that I go to university.)
I’d like everybody to leave. (NOT I’d like that everybody leaves.)

36. After link verbs like be, seem, feel, look, smell, sound, taste, we use adjectives, not adverbs.
I feel happy today. (NOT I feel happily today.)
This soup tastes strange. (NOT This soup tastes strangely.)

37. Use than after comparatives.
My mother is three years older than my father. (NOT My mother is three years older that/as my father.)
Petrol is more expensive than diesel.

38. In questions, put the subject immediately after the auxiliary verb.
Where are the President and his family staying? (NOT Where are staying the President and his family?)
Have all the guests arrived? (NOT Have arrived all the guests?)

39. Used to has no present.
I play tennis at weekends. (NOT I use to play tennis at weekends.)
Where do you usually have lunch? (NOT Where do you use to have lunch?)

40. Use through, not along, for periods of time.
All through the centuries, there have been wars. (NOT All along the centuries, there have been wars.)



Follow this link and complete the exercise.




Follow this link and finish the exercise on verbs.




Read the following proverbs and then try to find their equivalent in your  language.


Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. These sayings are called "proverbs".
It's good to know the really common English proverbs because you hear them come up in conversation all the time. Sometimes people say the entire proverb to give advice to a friend. More often, someone will say just part of a proverb like this:
You know what they say: when the going gets tough...
(Read #5 below to learn the rest of this proverb and what it means.)
Learning proverbs can also help you to understand the way that people in English-speaking cultures think about the world.
This is a list of some of the most important and well-known English proverbs. Below each one, there's a simple explanation. Note that some of the meanings of these phrases have shifted over the years, so a proverb might have originally had a different meaning than the one I explain.
  1. "Two wrongs don't make a right."

    When someone has done something bad to you, trying to get revenge will only make things worse.
  2. "The pen is mightier than the sword."

    Trying to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do what you want.
  3. "When in Rome, do as the Romans."

    Act the way that the people around you are acting. This phrase might come in handy when you're traveling abroad notice that people do things differently than you're used to.
  4. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

    You can get better service if you complain about something. If you wait patiently, no one's going to help you.
  5. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

    Strong people don't give up when they come across challenges. They just work harder.
  6. "No man is an island."

    You can't live completely independently. Everyone needs help from other people.
  7. "Fortune favors the bold."

    People who bravely go after what they want are more successful than people who try to live safely.
  8. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."

    Don't criticize other people if you're not perfect yourself.
  9. "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."

    This seems pretty clear.
  10. "Better late than never."

    This one's clear, too.
  11. "Birds of a feather flock together."

    People like to spend time with others who are similar to them.
  12. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

    If you have an enemy, pretend to be friends with them instead of openly fighting with them. That way you can watch them carefully and figure out what they're planning.
  13. "A picture is worth a thousand words."

    Pictures convey emotions and messages better than written or spoken explanations. That's why PhraseMix has illustrations :)
  14. "There's no such thing as a free lunch."

    Things that are offered for free always have a hidden cost.
  15. "There's no place like home."

    Your own home is the most comfortable place to be.
  16. "Discretion is the greater part of valor."

    Sometimes it's important to know when to give up and run away, instead of always acting brave and maybe getting hurt.



Follow the commands and do the actions.




Listen to this old song. It probably belongs to the generation of your parents.
 It is always good to know something from those times.




Working on the vocabulary is an important issue in English. 
I would suggest you reading this passage today before you  take up doing the exercise. Hope you find it useful.

Judgment happens—it’s human nature. Mindful of the way people tend to judge others, you take great care in your appearance, your hygiene, your posture, even your attitude. But what happens when you open your mouth to speak? Are you perceived in a positive way? 
No matter how intelligent people are, if they don’t have the vocabulary to back up their brilliant ideas, they just can’t make a good impression. 
Have you ever found yourself into a situation when you are dried of words??? If you asked me the same question  I would answer:"Yes" to that. And believe me it is hard.




Match up the sentences.



 It is of great value to deal with the vocabulary time and agian. Try to do this exercise best way possible. Report your scores.




Students of Matura 2013,

Read the story and answer the following questions. Hope you will enjoy the text.




Dear students of Matura 2013,

Reading plays a very important part in your formation. Don't forget that. Try to read short stories like the one following and then answer the questions attached.
I wish you all, a very nice week.




Students of Matura 2013,

Sunday is a good day to relax but when you think of your homework to be done then that feeling goes down. If you have little time free today, I would dare suggest doing the following crossword. Try  your best.



 Follow this link and finish the test.


Students of Matura 2013,

Are you good at Astronomy?
Follow this link. Read the passage, answer the questions and check your knowledge.


Students of Matura 2013,

Folowing is a song with lyrics. Hope you enjoy listening to it.



Dear students of Matura 2013,

Following you will find ten more rules on grammar. Before you start studying them, please check for the first twenty and then go for the last ten included on this page. You have to be very careful with each one of them. At least study one rule per day.


30. Use reflexives (myself etc) when the object is the same as the subject.
I looked at myself in the mirror. (NOT I looked at me in the mirror.)
Why are you talking to yourself? (NOT Why are you talking to you?)

31. Use a present tense to talk about the future after when, until, as soon as, after, before etc.
I’ll phone you when I arrive. (NOT I’ll phone you when I will arrive.)
Let’s wait until it gets dark. (NOT Let’s wait until it will get dark.)
We’ll start as soon as Mary arrives. (NOT We’ll start as soon as Mary will arrive.)

32. Before most abstract nouns, we use great, not big.
I have great respect for her ideas. (NOT I have big respect for her ideas.)
We had great difficulty in understanding him. (NOT We had big difficulty in understanding him.)

33. Don’t use the with a superlative when you are not comparing one person or thing with another.
  • She’s the nicest of the three teachers.
  • She’s nicest when she’s working with small children.
  • This is the best wine I’ve got.
  • This wine is best when it’s three or four years old.
34. Put enough after, not before, adjectives.
This soup isn’t hot enough. (NOT This soup isn’t enough hot.)
She’s old enough to walk to school by herself.

35. Don’t use a structure with that … after want or would like.
My parents want me to go to university. (NOT My parents want that I go to university.)
I’d like everybody to leave. (NOT I’d like that everybody leaves.)

36. After link verbs like be, seem, feel, look, smell, sound, taste, we use adjectives, not adverbs.
I feel happy today. (NOT I feel happily today.)
This soup tastes strange. (NOT This soup tastes strangely.)

37. Use than after comparatives.
My mother is three years older than my father. (NOT My mother is three years older that/as my father.)
Petrol is more expensive than diesel.

38. Inquestions, put the subject immediately after the auxiliary verb.
Where are the President and his family staying? (NOT Where are staying the President and his family?)
Have all the guests arrived? (NOT Have arrived all the guests?)

39. Used to has no present.
I play tennis at weekends. (NOT I use to play tennis at weekends.)
Where do you usually have lunch? (NOT Where do you use to have lunch?)

40. Use through, not along, for periods of time.
All through the centuries, there have been wars. (NOT All along the centuries, there have been wars.)



Students of Matura 2013, session of Tuesday at 14:00,

Follow this link and listen to the story. Then try to write a summery with your own words.






Try to solve the following exercises. If there will be any questions, please let me know.




  Students of Matura 2013,

Look at these phrasal verbs and definitions. When you think you can remember them,  practise using them into your own sentences.

wake upto stop sleeping
get upto leave your bed
put something onto get dressed
take something offto remove clothes
go outto leave the house (not for work)
set offto leave (possibly for work)
get into return home
wash upto wash the plates and cups
tidy upto put things into the right places
drop offto fall asleep (usually for a short time)
turn something one.g. a light, a shower (to start)
turn something offe.g. a light, a shower (to stop)



The kind of exercise following, is mainly for Miss.B... and Miss. M... as we have already talked  together.

Please, finish them, and if you make any mistakes, keep notes for further discussions.









Happy Teacher's Day!



Students of  Matura  2013,
Try to fill in the right words in the right place.
You can not write in them, but you can try to find out the words needed in the right clues.



1. - to make a sound to show that you do not like somebody or smth
3. - to like the idea of having or doing something; to want smth or to want to do smth
4. - to travel around a place
6. - to make plans and preparations so that something can happen in the future
9. - to put music into a CD
10. - to get or accept smth that sb sends or gives to you
1. - to receive an advantage from something
2. - to say that you are sorry fr something you have done
3. - to begin to exist
5. - to make a noise by hitting your hands together to show that you like it
7. - to manage to achieve what you want
8. - not to win or be successful




Students of  Matura 2013,

I want to remind you that before following the rules below, try to remember the other rules read during previous lessons, and bring them together to your notes.


21. Use the present perfect, not the present, to say how long things have been going on.
I've been waiting since 10 o'clock. (NOT I'm waiting since 10 o'clock.)
We've lived here for nine years. (NOT We live here for nine years.)

22. The majority is normally plural.
Some people are interested, but the majority don't care. (NOT ... but the majority doesn't care.)
The majority of these people are very poor. (NOT The majority of these people is very poor.)

23. Use too much/many before (adjective +) noun; use too before an adjective with no noun.
There's too much noise.
I bought too much red paint.
Those shoes are too expensive. (NOT Those shoes are too much expensive.)

24. Use that, not what, after all.
I've told you all that I know. (NOT I've told you all what I know.)
He gave her all that he had.

25. Don't say according to me to give your opinion.
I think it's a good film. (NOT According to me, it's a good film.)
In my opinion, you're making a serious mistake. (NOT According to me, you're making a serious mistake.)

26. Don't ask about possibilities with May you ...? etc.
Do you think you'll go camping this summer? (NOT May you go camping this summer?)
Is Joan likely to be here tomorrow? (NOT May Joan be here tomorrow?)

27. Use who, not which, for people in relative structures.
The woman who lives upstairs is from Thailand. (NOT The woman which lives upstairs is from Thailand.)
I don't like people who shout all the time. (NOT I don't like people which shout all the time.)

28. Use for, not during, to say `how long'.
We waited for six hours. (NOT We waited during six hours.)
He was ill for three weeks. (NOT He was ill during three weeks.)

29. Use to ..., not for ..., to say why you do something.
I came here to study English. (NOT I came here for study English.)
She telephoned me to explain the problem. (NOT She telephoned me for explain the problem.)

30. Use reflexives (myself etc) when the object is the same as the subject.
I looked at myself in the mirror. (NOT I looked at me in the mirror.)
Why are you talking to yourself? (NOT Why are you talking to you




 Para se te filloni te zgjidhni kete shtrim, sigurohuni se  kini zgjidhr dy te parat.Kontrolloi ato edhe pastaj vazhdoni me ushtrimin e trete.


Practice Test 3

Section 1 Reading and Comprehension

You are going to read a magazine article about Getting Down to Work.For questions 1-4,choose the answer(A,B,C or D)which you think fits best according to the text,while for the questions 5-7 answer the questions about the text.


  Most people don't take to the winter months.It's dark when you get up morning and dark when you get home.It's cold,wet and windy and the weather is often miserable.Your initial thought each morning is to stay in bed,snuggled under the duvet,but there's just one small problem-your university course work.That reading list isn't getting any shorter and those assignments just keep piling up.So,how can you get down to your studies when all you want to do is hide and sleep the winter away?Hopefully,these suggestions will prove to be beneficial to you.
Remove all the stuff that is cluttered on your desk that could be preventing you both practically and psychologically,from getting started.Tidy your desk and sort out your files. Prioritise what needs to be done by making a timetable and set yourself realistic daily objectives.Following this clean,orderly and structured approach will make it easier for you to settle into your studies.
Even with a perfectly arranged workplace and a beautifully numbered list of things to,it can still be a challenge to really get going.The trick is to break down the research,or the report or whatever work you need to do in smaller,more manageable sections.You may start with a five minute burst of work,then 15 minutes,then a 30 minute burst until you get through your initial resistance to the task in hand.
Whenever possible, work when you are at your best. Some of us are morning people, unbelievably full of energy, ideas and creativity before lunch. others are afternoon people-the more inspired side of your brain does not wake up until after two strong midday cups of coffee. Tackle the more demanding tasks when you are feeling at your best and leave the routine tasks, such as typing up notes or doing chores, for other times of the day.
Think of the consequences of putting off or not doing your course work. Actually make a note of all the problems that would arise and then imagine how awful you would feel about it. We all suffer the consequences of our actions so this would give you enough motivation to make you open your book or start writing that essay.
Finally imagine how good you will feel once you have completed everything hat is required of you. Picture yourself free of commitments with all your assignments handed in and then imagine what other activities you can embark on, now that your course work is done. This will help you to stay on the straight and narrow studying track. 

1) During the winter most people

a) always deal with depression
b) find it difficult to motivate themselves to get going
c) don't get out of bed in the morning
d) don't worry about their university course work.

2) When things are cluttered on your desk

a) your books and notepads are in neat piles.
b) there is litter on your desk.
c) your desk looks untidy
d) none of these.

3) One way to get motivated to work on your university course work is by

a) preparing yourself psychologically the night before
b) drawing up a list of tasks to be done in order of importance
c) setting a 30 minute limit for specific tasks.
d) researching your topic first and then writing your report or paper.

4) When should people deal with jobs that require a lot of effort?

a) During the time of day when they can perform to the best of their ability.
b) after the have drunk two cups of coffee.
c) Only in the morning.
d) After they have completed their household chores.

5) Why would thinking about the effects of not doing course work be beneficial ?

6) What is the writes's main purpose in writing this article?

7) Imagine that you are a university student and just completed your course work. describe how you would feel  and explain why. use no more than 30 words.


You are going to read an article about "Insomnia". Your task is to decide whether the statements are true or false. Write T for True or F for False.

' Be Time Blues'

Insomnia,the inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep once you've dozed off,is the most common sleep disorder.Millions are affected each year and,even though poor sleep is more common in the elderly,anyone can get it.Insomnia can seriously interfere with one's daily routine;it can cause problems such as difficulty concentrating,lack of energy,fatigue and irritability.
Various psychological,social and environmental factors can cause insomnia.Anxiety and stress;certain illnesses like arthritis,heart and lung disease;the loss of a job or a loved one;environmental noise or the consumption of stimulant products like caffeine and nicotine can all disrupt one's sleep.One of the most common causes of chronic insomnia,however,is depression.
When diagnosed with insomnia,you must first treat the medical or psychological problems that give rise to it.You then must identify behaviours that may worsen insomnia and stop or reduce them.
Simple measures can be taken to overcome insomnia and promote a good night's sleep.First, stick to a consistent sleep routine.Try going to bed at the same time each night and getting up at the same time each day.Don't consume caffeine,alcohol or smoke cigarettes close to bedtime.Exercise during the day and avoid daytime naps.End the day with a calming pre-bed routine like reading a book,listening to soothing music or doing a relaxation exercise such as yoga.Avoid eating a large late-night meal since indigestion can keep you up at night.
Finally,sleeping pills can be helpful for short-term insomnia,but are not helpful in resolving chronic sleep problems.They are also known to have negative side effects and can be dangerous for people with certain illnesses.Sleeping pills should thus only be used when all else fails.If insomnia is persistent,however,please consult a doctor.
0 Inadequate sleep is more common in adolescents                                                             F
8 People with insomnia often feel exhausted and find difficult to focus.
9 Insomnia can give rise to arthritis.
10 Getting fired from your job can cause insomnia.
11 Drinking coffee before going to bed can disrupt your sleep.
12 Working out during the day can help promote a good night's sleep
13 Yoga tends to intensify sleep disorders.
14 Eating a three-course meal before you go to bed may upset your stomach.
15 Sleeping pills are effective for people who suffer from long-term insomnia.

USE OF ENGLISH                                               SECTION 2


For the following questions circle A, B, C , or D  to make the sentences meaningful.

16) By the end of the afternoon they had made all the.........for Tom's farewell party.
               A  suggestions
               B   efforts
               C   arrangements
               D   mistakes
17)My internet service was I had forgotten to pay my bill.
               A  off
               B   back
               C   up
               D   in
18)This paragraph doesn't............any sense.Could you rephrase it,please?
               A  do
               B   make
               C   take
                D  have
19)I am interested in the..........for assistant manager at your  accounting office.
                A  job
                B  gap
                C  work
                D  vacancy
20)Not only does pollution...........humans,but also the environment and buildings.
                A  wound
                B  injure
                C  hurt
                D  harm

For the following questions circle A,B,C or D to make the sentences meaningful.

21)Gregory.............a sailing course this weekend.
                A  takes
                B  has taken
                C  taking
                D  is taking
22)While the queue at the cinema,we saw a famous actor.
               A  waited
               B  had been waiting
               C  were waiting
               D  have been waiting
23)The week before the exam,the students worked.........than usual.
               A  harder
               B  more hard 
               C  hardly
               D  hardest
24)My dad normally reads a magazine while eating.......
               A  the breakfast
               B  a breakfast
               C  an breakfast
               D  breakfast
25)My sister always avoids......before we go on a long journey as it makes her feel ill.
               A  to eat
               B   eating
               C  eat
               D  that she eat

Combine the sentences using the conjunction given in parentheses.Do not change the order of the sentences.Pay attention to the punctuation.

26)Our neighbours went to Italy.They saw some beautiful monuments.(when)
27)He saved the file.Then he printed the document.(after)
28)The manager discovered that Pam was a thief.He dismissed her.(as soon as)
29)We arrived at the cinema.The film started.(by the time)
30)Dad repaired the tap.The plumber arrived.(before)

Write the correct preposition to form meaningful sentences.

31)I baby sister when my mum and dad go out.
32)Tina is to volunteer at the local animal charity.
33)Nicholas is fond............collecting toy cars.
34)She picked the book.......and placed it on her desk.
35)Jennifer gets on very well..........her classmates.


Write an article in 120-150 words.Your teacher has asked you to write an article commenting on the following statement:"The use of mobile phones in certain situations is not only rude,but can also be dangerous".Give reasons and examples to support your opinion. _________________________________________________________________________________


Follow this link. Listen and do all the exercised suggested on this page.




Try this kind of dictation!



Dear students of Matura 2013,

Following is a listening exercise. Finish the exercises enclosed, as well.




Students of Matura 2013,

Follow this link and finish the test.




If you want to try your skills in English before setting foot for FCE, it will be good if you start doing this kind of exercise. When you have finished it, just let me know to help you find a second test on the same subject.




Listen to this recording then give your own opinion using only 24 words.



This a grammar level test. Finish it to find out your own level.




 Follow this link. Listen to the passages and answer the questions. Make it ready for Tuesday's session at 16:00.




Follow this link. Finish the quiz and then read the explanations, if there are any mistakes during the quiz.


Read the following link and the given explanations and then finish the quiz.




Provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin qe jepet ne linkun  e meposhtem. Nese beni gabime atehere perpiquni te lexoni shpjegimet e dhena. Niveli i ushtrimit eshte B1.




Para se te zgjidhni nje quiz qe ju jepet ne kete link mundohuni te regjistroni disa phrasal verbs ne fletoren tuaj edhe te  jepni kuptimin e tyre ne gjuhen tuaj,mbasi te kini lexuar shpjegimet perkatese te tyre. Pastaj provoni te zgjidhni ushtrimin.




I) Ndiqeni me kujdes kete ushtrim me "phrasal vebs".
Per ta kuptuar edhe zgjidhur ushtimin drejt ju duhet te njihni keto fraza:

1) to do up = kopsit; mberthej
2) speak up = ngre zerin
3) get up = cohem nga shtrati
4) turn off = fik (dritat )
5)  take off = nis fluturimi

II) Gjithashtu per te vazhduar edhe me nje ushtrim te dyte edhe te fundit ketij lloji deri diten e  hene, mbi te njejten teme, duhet te kujtojme se frazat e meposhteme kane kete kuptim ne gjuhen tone:

1) speed up - rrit shpejtesine
2) go off - bie zilja e ores, fillon,
3) put out - fik ( zjarrin )
4) keep on - vazhdoj ( biseden, punen sipas rastit )
5) fill in - plotesoj  ( nje formular etc.)

Frazat mund te kene edhe kuptme te tjera, por vemendja jone duhet te jete vetem per keto kuptime ne fjalite e dhena me poshte.



Listen and try te retell this story on Tuesday's session at 15:00.




Dear students,
As the first minutes of this day are mixed with the noise of the rain on the roof and my hands are still on the last pages of the book "The Seeing Stone', I would like to encourage each one of you that if your preferred strategy for improving your English is, reading, then simply read on!
Reading is a great activity. 
You need just yourself and a good book.
My advice is to choose stories that will grip your attention,
ones where the plot structure is fairly straightforward, 
ones with not many characters, 
ones with relatively easy-to-understand syntax and vocabulary. 
And the most important, ones that are not long! 
It will be great if you will stand to read your choice from the beginning to the end!
If the following stories satisfy your wishes don't let them run away. 
Read and finish a story in an afternoon or over a couple of days. 
Maybe, you will do that tomorrow.
I will consider it great news.





Have you ever listened to a whole book recorded in English? If no, here is your first try. 
Find a quiet place in your house and keep listening to it.
I am sure you will enjoy it. If otherwise, please let me know.



Dear students of Matura 2013,

I would like to suggest you   continuing  together a page on which we should present some grammar rules and try to avoid certain mistakes.
Let's call this page: " How not to make 100 mistakes!" You can change this name any time you like. Just simply suggest a better one.
I encourage you to add certain rules you like.The first ten rules are to be found on February 4th 2013.


11. Use the present progressive - am playing, is raining etc - to talk about things that are continuing at the time of speaking.
I’m playing very badly today. (NOT I play very badly today.)
Look! It's raining! (NOT Look! It rains!)

12. Use for with a period of time. Use since with the beginning of the period.
for the last two hours = since 9 o'clock
for three days = since Monday
for five years = since I left school
I’ve been learning English for five years. (NOT I’ve been learning English since three years.)
We’ve been waiting for ages, since eight o’clock.

13. Don't separate the verb from the object.

She speaks English very well . (NOT She speaks very well English.)
Andy likes skiing very much. (NOT Andy likes very much skiing.)

14. Don't use the present perfect - have/has seen, have/has gone etc - with words that name a finished time.
I saw him yesterday. (NOT I have seen him yesterday.)
They went to Greece last summer. (NOT They have gone … last summer.)

15. English (the language) normally has no article.
You speak very good English. (NOT You speak a very good English.)

16. After look forward to, we use -ing, not an infinitive.
I look forward to seeing you. (NOT I look forward to see you.)
We’re looking forward to going on holiday. (NOT … to go on holiday.)

17. Information is an uncountable noun.
Can you give me some information? (NOT Can you give me an information?)
I got a lot of information from the Internet. (NOT I got a lot of informations from the Internet.)

18. Use -ing forms after prepositions.
I drove there without stopping. (NOT I drove there without to stop.)
Wash your hands before eating. (NOT Wash your hands before to eat.)

19. Use this, not that, for things that are close.
Come here and look at this paper. (NOT Come here and look at that paper.)
How long have you been in this country? (NOT How long have you been in that country?)

20. Use a plural noun after one and a half.
We waited one and a half hours. (NOT We waited one and a half hour.)
A mile is about one and a half kilometres. (NOT A mile is about one and a half kilometre.)




Dear students of matura 2013,

I know from my experience that it is difficult to learn a language through rules. Personally, I wouldn't advice you that but if I were you, time and again I'd dare read some great grammar lessons of  famous authors like Michael Swan. Following you will find ten of them and in case you find them useful, let me know.



By Michael Swan

1. Don’t use an with own.
Sue needs her own room. (NOT Sue needs an own room.)
I’d like a phone line of my own. (NOT … an own phone line.)

2. Use or rather to correct yourself.
She’s German – or rather, Austrian. (NOT She’s German – or better, Austrian.)
I’ll see you on Friday – or rather, Saturday.

3. Use the simple present – play(s), rain(s) etc – to talk about habits and repeated actions.
I play tennis every Saturday. (NOT I am playing tennis every Saturday.)
It usually rains a lot in November.

4. Use will …, not the present, for offers and promises.
I’ll cook you supper this evening. (NOT I cook you supper this evening.)
I promise I’ll phone you tomorrow. (NOT I promise I phone you tomorrow.)

5. Don’t drop prepositions with passive verbs.
I don’t like to be shouted at. (NOT I don’t like to be shouted.)
This needs to be thought about some more. (NOT This needs to be thought some more.)

6. Don’t use a present tense after It’s time.
It’s time you went home. (NOT It’s time you go home.)
It’s time we invited Bill and Sonia. (NOT It’s time we invite Bill and Sonia.)

7. Use was/were born to give dates of birth.
I was born in 1975. (NOT I am born in 1975.)
Shakespeare was born in 1564.

8. Police is a plural noun.
The police are looking for him. (NOT The police is looking for him.)
I called the police, but they were too busy to come.

9. Don't use the to talk about things in general.
Books are expensive. (NOT The books are expensive.)
I love music. (NOT I love the music.)

10. Use had better, not have better.
I think you’d better see the doctor. (NOT I think you have better see the doctor.)
We’d better ask John to help us.


Following is the last story for this month. " Clever Monkey". Listen to it and try to retell it with your own words, on Tuesday's session at 3 o'clock p.m.



Dear students of matura 2013,

Watch the video and if you have any questions let's discuss them on Tuesday's session.





Practice Test 2

You are going to read an extract from "Wuthering Heights", by Emily Bronte. Your task is to decide whether the statements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False.

The ledge, where I placed my candle, had a few books piled up in one corner; and was covered with writing scratched on the paint. This writing, however, was only a name repeated in all kinds of characters, large and small - Catherine Earnshaw, Catherine Heathcliff, and Catherine Linton.
I discovered my candle was starting to burn one of the books. I picked it up. This book was a diary and bore the inscription - "Catherine Earnshaw, her book," and a date some quarter of a century back. I began to make out her faded handwriting.
"An awful Sunday," commenced the paragraph beneath. "I wish my father were back again. My brother Hindley's conduct to Heathcliff is atrocious - 
Heathcliff and I are going to rebel. 
All day it had been flooding with rain; we could not go to church, so Heathcliff, myself, and the ploughboy were ordered to take our prayed-books, and go upstairs : we sat in a row, on sack of corn, shivering. Joseph's service lasted precisely three hours. On Sunday evenings we were permitted to play, if we did not make much noise; now laughter is sufficient to send us into corners. 
Joseph forced us to carry woo for the fire, which I hated doing so I picked up my book and threw it into the dog - kennel and Heathcliff kicked him to the same place. "Master Hindley!" shouted our chaplain. As soon as Hindley arrived, Joseph seized up all and hurled us into the back kitchen. We pushed the house door ajar for a little light but Heathcliff was impatient, and suggested that we put on the dairywoman's cloack, and go an play on the moors."
I suppose Catherine and Heathcliff did go to the moors, because the next sentence took up another subject.
"How little did I dream that Hindley would ever make my cry so !" she wrote. "My head aches, and still I can't stop crying. Poor Heathcliff! Hindley won't let him sit with us, nor eat with us any more; and, he says, he and I must not play together, and threatens to turn him out of the house if we break his orders. " 
I began to nod off to sleep again, so I put Catherine's diary down. This time I heard distinctly the gusty wind, and the driving of the snow. I also heard a tree branch tapping against the window. I decided to silence it and stretching an arm out to grab the bench my fingers closed on the fingers of a little, ice-cold hand! The intense horror of nightmare came over me: I tried to pull my arm back inside, but the hand clung to it, and a melancholy voice sobbed, "Let me in - let me in !" "Who are you?" I asked, struggling, "Catherine Linton," it replied - "I've come home: I'd lost my way on the moor!" As it spoke, I saw a child's face at the window. Terror made me cruel; and, I pulled its wrist on the broken pane of glass. "How I can!" I said "Let me go, if you want me to let you in!" I cried out in a frenzy of fright. Hasty footsteps approached my door; somebody pushed it open, with a vigorous hand.
 "Is any one here ? Mr Lockwood what's wrong ?" Heathcliff stood with his face as white as the wall behind me.
"Pardon me sir, I screamed in my sleep, owing to a frightful nightmare. I'm sorry I disturbed you." I then gave Heathcliff the details of my dream. 
Heathcliff got on to the bed, and wrenched open the window, bursting, as he pulled at it, into an uncontrollable passion of tears.
 "Come in ! Come in !" he sobbed. "Cathy, do come. Oh, do -- once more ! Oh ! My heart's darling ! Hear me this time, Catherine, at last !"
There was such anguish in the grief that accompanied this raving, that my compassion made me overlook its folly and I felt concerned at having related my ridiculous nightmare, since it produced that agony; although I could not understand why.

0. The names Catherine Linton, Catherine Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw were engraved on the ledge                 

1. Mr Lockwood began to read Catherine's journal. 

2. Catherine and Heathcliff were treated very well by her brother Hindley. 

3. Catherine's diary is full of happy and pleasant childhood memories.

4. The tapping of a tree branch against the window is caused by the wind.

5. Mr Lockwood attempts to help the little girl into his chamber.

6. The lost little girl seems to be the ghost of Catherine Linton.

7. Heathcliff shows great concern for what caused Mr Lockwood to scream.

8. Heathcliff tries to calm down his scared guest.

9. Heathcliff's outpouring of grief is a great shock to Mr Lockwood.

Part 2

In the following extract 10 parts of sentences have been removed. Choose from clauses A-L the ONE which fits each gap 10-19. There is one extra clause which you do not need. There is an example at the beginning.

                                                     Internet Shopping       
More and more of us are (0) A and do our shopping from our computers, but it seems that we still have the high street, (10) ......, in mind when we go online shopping. Two thirds of Internet shoppers would rather buy from the website of a shop with a familiar high street name, (11) ...... to use an unknown website. Keeping to well-known names is not always (12) ......, but people are worried that buying on the Internet may not be safe and that their money will just disappear. To help (13) ......, there are now organizations that protect the rights of online shoppers, and they can help if costumers have any problems with online shopping sites.
Shoppers can (14) ...... . First of all make sure you are buying from the right site. This may (15) ......, but some companies have sites in a lot of different countries and these sites are very similar to one another. A friend of mine who is crazy about all new rock releases, (16) ......, instead of the company's British site and ended up with a lot of problems and expense. He had to wait a long time for the CDs to be sent from the US and (17) ...... in customs charges. 
You should (18) ......, including the total price with delivery. Then when the payment comes through (19) ......, you can double-check that you have been charged the right amount. If anything looks wrong you should report the problem to your credit card company immediately.

A. opting to stay at home
B. the best bet for online bargains,  
C. take a few simple precautions to avoid such problems
D. accidentally bought some CDs from a site in America.
E. on your credit card
F. finally paid much more than he had planned
G. overcome such fears as identity theft or credit card fraud
H. sound rather ridiculous
 I.  never do your shopping over the Internet.
J.  keep a written or electronic record of what you have ordered
K. while only one in five of us are happy.
L. which is the primary business street of cities


For questions 20-24 read the text below and think of a word which best fits in the space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Skiing is a sport, (0) like golf, where practice alone is not enough. Whatever your level, from complete (20) ........................ to potential World Cup star, you need expert coaching to progress. Throughout the winter, a growing number of specialist courses (21) ....................... Europe and North America promise to correct bad technique by providing a friendly alternative approach to conventional ski school. 
The feeling of anxiety and a general lack of control on skis are all too often what hold people back. Small children whiz past, bigger snowboarders thunder by, and you sometimes (22) ..................... like giving up and going home. 
The Ski Company (not to be confused with the luxury tour operator of the same name), holds courses for nervous skiers based in Courchevel, with its gentle and beautifully maintained slopes. The teaching principle is (23) ............................... on "putting you in charge" of your skis so that you can decide where you want to go and (24) ............................ fast. Most importantly, learning to relax is one of the key elements to becoming a better skier.


For questions 25-28, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Do not change the word given.

25. a) They didn't leave the lecture hall until the presentation had finished.
       They ............................................................................ the presentation had finished.
       b) They say John is the best professor on campus.
       John ............................................................................ the best professor on campus.
       c) It was such an expensive car that I couldn't afford to buy it.
       The car was ............................................................... buy.
26. a) I'll bring a board game because we may want to play later.
      I'll bring a board game ............................................... to play later.
      b) Leonardo doesn't want to tidy his room this afternoon.
      Leonardo ...................................................................... his room this afternoon.
      c) I can't decide what to take with me on the camping trip.
      I can't ............................................................................ what to take with me on the camping trip.
27. a) I have never met a more intelligent person.
      He is .............................................................................. I have ever met.
      b) Firefighters have to wear protective clothing at all times.
      Protective clothing ..................................................... firefighters at all times.
      c) I am sure their plane landed an hour ago.
      Their plane ................................................................... an hour ago.
28. a) "Why don't we go scuba-diving this weekend?" Fiona asked.    
      Fiona ............................................................................. scuba-diving this weekend.
      b) Jacob broke his arm so he couldn't take part in the gymnastics competition.      broken
      If Jacob ................................... his arm, he would have taken part 
in the gymnastics competition.

For the following questions circle A,B,C or D to make the sentences meaningful.

29. Paul denied ....... the confidential letter.
 A. opening
 B. open
C. to open
D. to have opened
30. Harry fell ....... the rest of his classmates because he had been sick all week.
A. back
B. behind
C. for
 D. through
31. Our class ....... preparations for our end of year theatrical production.
A. make
B. do
C. is making
D. done
32. The snow storm ....... the flight from taking off.
A. prevented
       B. refused
C. discouraged
D. interrupted


The next Olympic Games will be in your country. After reading an advertisement in the newspaper, you decide that you would like to volunteer at these games. Write a formal letter of about 120-150 words to the Olympic Committee. __________________________________________________________

Dear students of Matura 2013,

We often have problems with the English tenses. Please, have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense. As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind.
If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions.

Try to understand this legend:



moment in time
  • action that takes place once, never or several times
  • actions that happen one after another
  • actions that suddenly take place
period of time
  • action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment
  • actions taking place at the same time
  • action taking place before a certain moment in time
  • puts emphasis on the result
Course / Duration
  • action taking place before a certain moment in time
  • puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action



Dear students of matura 2013,

Phrasal verbs are always confusing. Time and again I will try to give to you a few of them ( the most useful ) and on your side please try do this kind of exercise and keep notes of these kinds of verbs.

  1. It´s too cold in here. Shall I ________________ (increase the temperature) the heating?
    1.   turn up
    2.   get up
    3.   put on
    4.   turn on
  2. This horrible weather _______ me ________ (depress).
    1.   gets down
    2.   puts down
    3.   breaks down
    4.   works down
  3. We had to ________________ (postpone) the trip because of the bad weather.
    1.   call off
    2.   put off
    3.   take off
    4.   call out
  4. After 20 years together Paul and Julia ________________ (end a relationship).
    1.   broke away
    2.   split up
    3.   broke down
    4.   split off
  5. It´s not such a terrible thing! Don´t worry! ________________! (be happy, not be sad).
    1.   cheer out
    2.   cheer up
    3.   laugh out
    4.   laugh away
  6. It´s your problem, so try to ________it _______ (solve).
    1.   work in
    2.   solve in
    3.   sort out
    4.   sort off
  7. The car ________________ (stop working) in the middle of the motorway.
    1.   broke down
    2.   work out
    3.   work off
    4.   broke out
  8. What does this word mean? I´ll _______ it ______ (find its meaning) in the dictionary.
    1.   look in
    2.   look for
    3.   look out
    4.   look up
  9. The police ________________ (investigate) the robbery of a famous painting.
    1.   are finding out
    2.   are finding in
    3.   are looking into
    4.   are looking on
  10. I´ve missed many lessons, so now I´ll have to ________________ (reach the same level, learn the same as the others) the other students.
    1.   catch up with
    2.   catch up
    3.   hurry up
    4.   learn on

    The answers are: 1A/  2A/  3B/  4B/  5B/  6C/  7A/  8D/  9C/  10A


Dear students of matura 2013,

From this day on, I am going to post on your page several test models of the final one you will have to solve in June 2013. Please, be informed to get them step by step. I wish you success and I will do my best to help you through these months coming.



                                         READING AND COMPREHENSION

Part 1

You are going to read a magazine article about "Helping to Save the Elephant."
For questions 1-4,choose the answer (A,B,C or D) which you think fits best according to the text,while for  the questions 5-7 answer the 
questions about the text.

                        Helping to Save the Elephant           

Once there were millions of elephants roaming our continents.Unfortunately their numbers have been reduced
so much that they are in danger of extinction.The two species of elephants left on earth today are the African
and the Asian elephants.The African elephant is threatened and the Asian elephant is in serious danger.
Although some progress has been made over the past few years to protect the elephant,a lot more needs to be done.A large number of male Asian elephants are being killed for their ivory tusks,but the biggest threat to the survival of the elephant is the loss of their habitat.
One fifth of the earth's human population live in Asia and their activities are squeezing elephants out.Today,there are probably fewer than 35,000 elephants living in the wild in Asia.That may sound like a big number but in fact the reality is that their future is not guaranteed.One of he reasons is that they are split into small,vulnerable groups and another is that without enough males it is difficult for them to reproduce.In fact,Asian elephants are in so much danger that some experts estimate that they could disappear in fewer than twenty years.
So what can be done to reverse this trend?Protecting the elephant will take  lot of work and determination fm a lot of different sources and,fortunately,certain players have taken steps in this direction.In May 1989,due to pressure from conservationists,and animal protectionists,the United States,Canada,Australia,the European community and a few other importing countries banned the commercial import of ivory,its body parts and live elephants (excluding zoo animals) cannot be imported or exported from or to the agreeing counties.
In another attempt to save the elephant,protectionists have started breeding elephants in captivity.Since 1990 for example,Ringling Bros.Circus has bred 16 elephants and in total 42 elephants have been bred in captivity in North America.Circus elephants live longer than elephants in the wild;in captivity,they can live up to 60 or 70 years while in the wild a female elephant lives to 50 years and a male elephant only to 30 years.
It s hoped that if more people see elephants in zoos and circuses they will be more likely to protect them.

1-There are ..... today.

A.lots of elephants alive
B.millions of elephants around
C.fewer elephants around
D.more than two species of elephants on the earth

2-The biggest threat to elephants is ........  .

A.the loss of their tusks 
B.the destruction of their natural environment
C.the loss of their ivory 
D.that male elephants are killing other elephants

3-Reproduction is ......... of male elephants.

A.slowing down because of a lack
B.difficult in big numbers
C.difficult in vulnerable groups 
D.guaranteed by the abundance 

4-What do certain expert predict concerning the future of elephants?

A.There may be fewer elephants in twenty years.
B.There may be more danger to elephants in twenty years.
C-There may be no more elephants in twenty years time.
D-There may be more Asian elephants in twenty years.

5-What protective measures have been taken to help save the elephant?



6-What do protectionists hope to achieve by breeding elephants in North America?



7-What is the writer's main purpose in writer's main purpose in writing the article?



Part 2

Read the paragraphs and circle A, B, C or D for the best summary for each one.

Only about a third of Britons take part regularly in such activities as walking and gardening to protect their health and that of their children. A study revealed last week that many toddlers now spend so little time playing and moving around that they risk becoming obese adults. Too many people are doing too little activity. The government can remove the barriers (for example, by making sure that new sports facilities at schools are open to the public) but if individuals themselves don't make an effort, then unfortunately nothing much is going to charge.

8-    A) Governments will solve the problem of obesity.
        B) Personal and governmental attempts to promote active lifestyles.
        C) The British have always suffered from obesity.
        D) Nothing can be done to ensure healthy living habits.

However strange or unusual it may seen, travel and study breaks are what can only be described as life-changing experiences - and many people are trying them out. Florence, for instance, is a great place to visit, to take in the culture and the language. But when considering the city for a travel and study break, it is not just about mouth watering food and drink and having fun in Florence. People also go there to study. What better way is there to learn a language and discover the history of a country than being there with the people, experiencing the culture and life buzzing all around them ?

9-   A) The dangers of study abroad.
       B) Taking time off from studies to travel.
       C) The combined benefits of travel and study.
       D) Getting a taste of the Italian cuisine.


For questions 10-14 read the text below and think of a word which best fits the space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Figuring out a time and a place to do your homework is very important. Only you have decided (0) when to do your homework, the question is where to do it.
A good study area should have a desk or a table big (10) .................... to spread your books without them being on top of each other. You should also have lots (11) .................... light. Ideally, you will be near a window with an overhead light and perhaps even a samll reading lamp.
Most importantly, you need a place (12) ......................... is relatively free from distractions. That mean no TV on in the room, no brothers or sisters running past you, and no phone conversations to listen in on. Finally, whether or not you listen to music (13) .............................. you are studying (14) .............................. on your personal preference.


For questions 15-19, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Do not change the word given.

15)  a) I haven't talked to Jane for a long time.
        It's a ............................................................................ to Jane.
        b) My brother advised me which computer screen I should buy.
        My brother .............................................................. choosing a computer screen.
        c) The students went canoeing and also went mountain climbing.
        The students went canoeing ............................................................. mountain climbing.
16)  a) The secretary forgot to pass on my message to the supervisor.
         My message ............................................................... to the supervisor.
        b) I've reduced the amount of junk food i eat, but I am not losing much weight.
         I've tried ................................................... junk food, but I am not losing much weight.
        c) Greg has such a good imagination that he can make up interesting stories.
         Greg .................................................................... that he can make up interesting stories.
17)  a) Henry had a headache because he had spent hours playing computer games.
         Henry had an headache because ................................ computer games for hours.
        b) It was wrong of you to take money from my purse without asking.
         You ......................................................................... money from my purse without asking.
        c) I don't expect you to phone me before you pay me a visit.
          You ......................................................................... me before you pay me a visit.
18)   a) The teacher said that Simon had cheated in the science exam.
           The teacher ..................................................................................... in the science exam.
         b) My sister should stop eating so much chocolate, because it isn't good for her.
           My sister must ............................................. so much chocolate, because it isn't good for her.

For the following questions circle A, B, C, or D to make the sentences meaningful.

19)    a) Have you ever been back to the town ....... in ?
        A   where you were born
        B   that you were born
        C   in which you were born
        D   when you were born

         b) You will miss your plane ......... up.
        A   if you hurry
        B   unless you don't hurry
        C   unless you hurry
        D   if you hurried

        c) I remember ............ that I had my car keys with me when I left the house.
        A   to check
        B   that I check
        C   checked
        D   checking

        d) I wish I ............. rude to Sally last week, as she is not speaking to me now.
        A   hadn't been
        B   wasn't
        C   haven't been
        D   wouldn't be

WRITING - Section 3

Write an e-mail in 120-150 words to your friend from Britain telling him/her that you would like to visit. Ask him/her anything else that you think is important concerning your trip.


Dear students of the matura exam 2013,

This test will help you to find out if there are parts of grammar that you should look at again before you set foot for the final exam.

Choose the correct answer   a), b), c), or d).

Words and sentences:

1) We gave .............................................. a meal.
            a) at the visitors              b) for the visitors             c) the visitors          d) to the visitors


2) I'm busy at the moment. ............................. on the computer.
          a) I work                         b) I'm work                      c) I'm working       d) I working

3) My friend ........................................ the answer to the question.
          a) is know                       b) know                            c) knowing            d) knows

4) I think I will buy these shoes. ........................................... really well.
          a) They fit                       b) They have fit                 c) They're fitting      d) They were fitting

5) Where ............................................... that car?
         a) did you park               b) did you parked              c)  parked  you       d) you parked

6) At nine o'clock yesterday morning we ............................................. for the bus.
        a) wait                            b) waiting                            c) was waiting         d) were waiting

7) When I looked round the door, the baby ................................................ quietly.
       a) is sleeping                   b) slept                                c) was sleeping        d) were sleeping

8) Here is my report. ....................................................................... it at last.
       a) I finish                        b) I finished                           c) I'm finished          d) I've finished

9) I've ............................................ made some coffee. It's in the kitchen.
        a) ever                          b) just                                     c) never                 d) yet

10) We ..................................................... to Ireland for our holidays last year.
        a) goes                         b) going                                  c) have gone           d) went

11) Robert ......................................... ill for three weeks. he is still in hospital.
         a) had been                 b) has been                        c) is                      d) was

12) My arms are aching because ............................................... since two o'clock.
         a) I'm swimming           b) swam                  c) swim                    d) I've been swimming

13) I am very tired. ......................................................... over four hundred miles today.
         a) drive                       b) I' driving               c) I've been driving           d) I've driven

14) When Martin............................................. the car, he took it out for a drive.
         a) had repaired          b) has repaired           c) repaired                       d) was repairing

15) Janet was out of breath because.............................. .
         a) she'd been running   b) she did run           c) she has been running      d) she's run

16) Don't worry. I .................................................... be here to help you.
         a) not                            b) shall                    c) willn't                           d) won't

17) Our friends .............................................. meet us at the airport tonight.
         a) are                           b) are going to          c) go to                            d) will be to

18) ................................................. a party next Saturday. We sent out the invitations.
         a) We had                    b) We have              c) We'll have                     d)      We're having

19) I'll tell Anna all the news when ......................................................... her.
         a) I'll                             b) I'm going to see          c) I see                      d) I shall see

20) At this time tomorrow ................................................... over the Atlantic.
         a)we flaying                  b) we'll be flying               c) we'll fly                 d) we to fly

21)    Where is Robert? ........................................................  a shower.
         a) Does he have           b) Has he                         c) Has he got            d) Is he having

22) I ................................................... like the coat. It's really nice.
         a) am                           b) do                                c) very                      d) yes

Questions, negatives and answers

23) What's the weather like in Canada? How often ............................... there?
        a) does it snow             b) does it snows                    c) snow                d) snows it

24) Which team ............................................ the game?
       a) did it win                  b) did they win                       c) won                  d) won it

25. What did you leave the meeting early ...............................? - I didn't feel very well.
       a) away                       b) because                              c) for                     d)  like

26. Unfortunately the driver .............................................. the red light.
       a) didn't saw              b) didn't see                              c) no saw               d) saw not

27. You haven eaten your pudding.  .......................................... it?
        a) Are you no want     b) Do you no want              c) Don't want you   d) Don't you want

28. I really enjoyed the disco. It was great.,............................................ ?
        a) is it                         b) isn't it                              c) was it                  d) wasn't it

29) Are we going the right way? - I think ........................ .
        a) indeed                     b) it                                   c) so                         d) yes

Modal verbs

30) The chemist's was open, so luckily I ................................... buy some aspirin.
        a) can                         b) can't                                   c) did can               d) was able to

31. Susan has to work very hard. I ................................. do her job, I'm sure.
        a) can't                       b) couldn't                               c) don't                  d) shouldn't

32. We had a party last night............................. spend all morning clearing up the mess.
        a) I must have             b) I've been to                  c) I've had to              d) I've must

33) There was no one else at the box office . I ................................ in a queue.
        a) didn't need to wait      b) mustn't wait               c) needn't have waited  d) needn't wait

34................................................. I carry that bag for you? - Uh, thank you.
        a) Do                             b) Shall                          c) Will                          d) Would

35) I have lost the key. I ought ........................................... it in a safe place.
         a) that I put                   b) to be putting               c) to have put               d) to put

The passive

36) We can't go along here because the road is ........................................ .
        a) been repaired               b) being repaired              c) repair                   d) repaired

37) The story I have just read ........................................ Agatha Christie.
         a) was written                b) was written by                c) was written from    d) wrote

38) Some film starts ................................... be difficult to work with.
        a) are said                       b) are said to                      c) say                        d) say to

39) I am going to got out and ...................................................................... .
        a) have cut my hair          b) have my hair cut             c) let my hair cut        d) my hair be cut

The infinitive and the -ing form

40) The driver was arrested for failing ............................................. an accident.
        a) of report                       b) report                               c) reporting               d) to report

41) Someone suggested ................................................ for a walk.
       a) go                              b) going                            c) of going                              d) to go

42) I can remember ......................................................... voices in the middle of the night.
        a) hear                         b) heard                            c) hearing                               d) to hear

43) The police want ........................................................... anything suspicious.
       a) that we report           b) us reporting                   c) us to report                      d) we report

44) We weren't sure ............................................or just walk in.
       a) should knock            b)  to knock                      c) whether knock                d) whether to knock

45) It was too cold .................................................... outside.
       a) the guest eating         b) for the guest to eat          c) that the guest should eat   d) that the guests eat

46) Did you congratulate Tessa ................................... her exam.
       a) of passing                b) on passing                  c) passing                        d) to pass

47) I didn't like it in the city at first. But now................................ here.
        a) I got used to living     b) I'm used to living       c) I used to live            d) I used to living

48)  They raised the money simply .................................... for it. It was easy.
        a) asking                         b) by asking               c) of asking                 d) washing

49) As we walked pass, we saw Nigel............................................. his car.
       a) in washing                    b) to wash                 c) wash                       d) washing

Nouns and articles ( and the )

50) I need to buy .................................................. .
        a) a bread           b) a loaf  bread                 c) a loaf of bread       d) breads  

51) My father is not only the town major, he runs ................................................................., too.
        a) a business       b) a piece of business        c) business                 d) some business

54) I  was watching  TV at  home  when  suddenly...........................rang.
        a) a doorbell          b) an doorbell                    c) doorbell               d) the doorbell       

55) I've always   liked............................
         a)Chinese food    b)food of China  c)some food of China    d)the Chinese food

56) In England most  children the age of five.
           a)school    b)to  school   c)to  some  schools     d)to the  school

57) We haven't  had  a holiday  for.............................time
           a) a  so long  b)so a long      c)such a long                d)such  long

58) Our friends  have  a house  in.............................
   a) a West  London       b) the West  London    c)West  London      d)West  of  London

This, my, some, a lot of,  all ,etc.

59)  It's so boring  here.  nothing  ever  happens
               a)that     b)these        c)this            d)those

60)  Is that  my  key, or is it......................?
              a) the  yours      b)  the your's                    c)your               d) yours

61) Adrian  takes  no interest  in clothes . He'll wear........................ .
              a) a thing          b)anything                        c) something      d) thing

62) There's...........................use  in  complaining.They  probably  won't do anything about it.
              a) a few            b)a little                             c)few                 d)little

63) I don't want  to bay  any  of  these  books. I've  got..............................
              a)all           b)all  them                c)everything                d)them  all


64) Let's  stop  and have  a coffee.   ......................a cafe  over  there  ,look.
      a)Is                  b)It's             c)There                d)There's

65) Everyone in the  group   shook  hands with.........................
          a) each other            b)one other      c)one  the other      d)themselves

66)The washing  machine  has broken down again. I think  we should  get.......................
         a)new              b)a new one            c)new               d)new one

67) All the  guests  were dancing.  .................................having a  good time.
         a) All were               b) Every was           c) Everyone  was          d) Someone  were

Adjectives and adverbs

68) The  house  was......................building.
           a) a nice old stone    b)a nice stone  old    c)a stone old nice   d)an old nice stone

 69) The government  is doing  to help................................
            a) poor          b) the poor                 c) the poors                d) the poor  ones

 70) The young man  seems   very...........................
           a)sensible            b)sensiblely                 c)sensibley      d)sensibly

71) I ..........................missed   the bus. I was  only just in time  to catch  it.
           a)mostly    b)near            c)nearest                        d)nearly

72) This detailed  map  is   ...................................the atlas.
          a) more useful as              b) more useful than               c) usefuller  as         d) usefuller  than

73) This place gets  ................................crowded with   tourists  every  summer.
          a)always more      b)crowded and more         c)from more to more      d)more and more

 74)Yes , I have got  the report.
        a) I just  am reading       b)I'm just  reading         c) I'm reading just        d)Just I'm reading

75)I've read  this paragraph  three times, and I  ............................understand it. 
        a) can't still           b) can't jet     c) still can't     d) yet can't

76)We're really sorry. We regret what happened ............................
        a) a bit                  b) much         c) very            d) very much


77)The village is ................................. Sheffield. It's only six miles away.
        a) along                 b) by             c) near            d) next

78)You can see the details ................................ the computer screen.
        a) at                       b) by              c) in                d) on

79)I've got a meeting ........................... Thursday afternoon.
        a) at                       b) in               c) on               d) to

80)We've lived in this flat ..................... five years.
        a) ago                    b) already       c) for              d) since

81)This car is ......................., if you're interested in buying it.
        a) for sale              b) in sale        c) at sale         d) to sell

82)Polly wants to cycle round the world. She's really keen .................. the idea.
        a) about                 b) for              c) on               d) with

Verbs with prepositions and adverbs

83)I prefer dogs ...................... cats. I hate cats.
        a) from                  b) over           c) than             d) to

84)My father used the money he won to set ............................ his own company.
        a) forward             b) on               c) out              d) up

85)Don't go too fast. I can't keep ......................... you.
        a) on to                  b) on with       c) up to           d) up with

Reported speech

86)Someone .................................... the tickets are free.
        a) said me              b) said me that         c) told me              d) told to me

87)Last week Justin said "I'll do it tomorrow." He said he would do it ........................
        a) the following day       b) the previous day    c) tomorrow      d) yesterday

88)I don't know why Nancy didn't go to the meeting. She said she ................... definitely going.
        a) be           b) is               c) was               d) would

89)The librarian asked us ........................... so much noise.
        a) don't make        b) not make          c) not making           d) not to make

Relative clauses

90)What's the name of the man .......................... gave us a lift ?
        a) he                 b) what            c) which              d) who

91)What's that noise ............................. ?
     a) at that you were looking   b) you were looking at   c) you were looking at it    d) which you were looking

92)Susan is the woman ...................... husband is in hospital.
     a) her              b) hers the           c) whose            d) whose the

93)York, .................... last year, is a nice old city.
     a) I visited       b) that I visited     c) which I visited        d) who waiting

94)The accident was seen by some people ......................... at a bus stop.
     a) waited          b) waiting             c) were waiting           d) who waiting

Conditionals and wish

95)If .......................... my passport, I'll be in trouble.
     a) I lose            b) I'll lose             c) I lost                       d) I would lose

96)I haven't got a ticket. If ................... one, I could get in.
     a) I'd have         b) I had                c) I have                   d) I've got

97)If the bus to the airport hadn't been so late, we ........................ the plane.     a) caught           b) had caught       c) would catch     ad cought...     d) would have caught

98)If only people .................................... keep sending me bills!
     a) don't              b) shouldn't          c)weren't                   d) wouldn't

Linking words

99)I just had to take the dog out ................................. of the awful weather.
     a) although       b) despite              c) even though           d) in spite

100)Anna put the electric fire on ....................... warm.
     a) for getting     b) in order to get       c) so she gets          d) to get


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