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Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier


As a new student, here’s a simple guide to the Parts of Speech, which are the building blocks of the English language.
Si student i ri, ja një udhëzim i thjeshtë për Pjesët e të Folurit, të cilat janë gurët themelorë të gjuhës angleze.

Understanding these will help you form sentences correctly.
Kuptimi i këtyre do t’ju ndihmojë të formoni fjalitë në mënyrë të saktë.

There are 8 main parts of speech:
Ka 8 pjesë kryesore të të folurit:

1. Noun (Naming Word)


  1. Noun (Naming Word)
  2. Emër (Fjala që emëron)

A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.
Një emër emëron një person, një vend, një gjë ose një ide.

Examples: teacher, city, book, happiness
Shembuj: mësues, qytet, libër, lumturi

What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:

Nouns can be common (dog, city) or proper (John, London).
Emrat mund të jenë të përbashkët (qen, qytet) ose të veçantë (John, London).

They can also be countable (apple, car) or uncountable (water, air).
Ata gjithashtu mund të jenë të numërueshëm (mollë, makinë) ose të pa-numërueshëm (ujë, ajër).

2. Pronoun (Replaces a Noun)

2. Pronoun (Replaces a Noun)
2. Përemër (Zëvendëson një emër)

A pronoun takes the place of a noun to avoid repetition.
Një përemër merr vendin e një emri për të shmangur përsëritjen.

Examples: he, she, it, they, we, you, this
Shembuj: ai, ajo, (për “it” përdorni formën sipas gjinisë), ata, ne, ju, kjo

What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:

Use the correct pronoun for gender and number: he, she, it (singular); they (plural).
Përdorni përemrin e duhur për gjini dhe numër: ai, ajo, (njëjës); ata (shumës).

Pronouns have different forms for subject and object (I/me, she/her).
Përemrat kanë forma të ndryshme për subjektin dhe objektin (unë/mua, ajo/ta).

3. Verb (Action or State of Being)

3. Verb (Action or State of Being)
3. Folje (Veprim ose Gjendje të qenies)

A verb shows an action or a state of being.
Një folje tregon një veprim ose një gjendje të qenies.

Examples: run, jump, eat, be, have, think
Shembuj: vrapo, kërcen, ha, jam, kam, mendo

What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:

Verbs change according to tense (past, present, future).
Foljet ndryshojnë sipas kohës (e kaluara, e tashmja, e ardhmja).

I eat (present), I ate (past), I will eat (future).
Unë ha (tani), unë hëngra (e kaluara), unë do të ha (e ardhmja).

Some verbs are regular (play - played) and some are irregular (go - went).
Disa folje janë të rregullta (luaj – luajt) dhe disa janë të parregullta (shkoj – shkova).

4. Adjective (Describes a Noun)

4. Adjective (Describes a Noun)
4. Mbiemër (Përshkruan një emër)

An adjective describes or gives more information about a noun.
Një mbiemër përshkruan ose jep më shumë informacion rreth një emri.

Examples: big, red, happy, tall, interesting
Shembuj: i madh, i kuq, i lumtur, i gjatë, interesant
(Shënim: Këto janë forma mashkullore në njëjës, por mbiemrat në shqip ndryshojnë sipas gjinisë dhe numrit.)

What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:

Adjectives answer: What kind? Which one? How many?
Mbiemrat përgjigjen: Çfarë lloj? Cili? Sa?

They can show comparison:
Ata mund të tregojnë krahasim:

tall taller tallest
i gjatë, më i gjatë, më i gjatë se të gjithë

5. Adverb (Describes a Verb, Adjective, or Another Adverb)

5. Adverb (Describes a Verb, Adjective, or Another Adverb)
5. Rrethanor (Përshkruan një folje, mbiemër, ose një rrethanor tjetër)

An adverb describes how, when, where, or to what extent an action happens.
Një rrethanor përshkruan se si, kur, ku, ose në çfarë masë ndodh një veprim.

Examples: quickly, today, very, well
Shembuj: shpejt, sot, shumë, mirë

What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:

Many adverbs end in -ly (slowly, quietly).
Shumë rrethanorë mbarojnë me -ly (ngadalë, qetësisht).
(Kjo vëzhgim i referohet formimit në anglisht; në shqip nuk përdoret prapashtesa -ly.)

They answer: How? When? Where? How often?
Ata përgjigjen: Si? Kur? Ku? Sa shpesh?

She runs quickly. I’ll go tomorrow.
Ajo vrapon shpejt. Unë do të shkoj nesër.

6. Preposition (Shows Relationship)

6. Preposition (Shows Relationship)
6. Parafjalë (Tregon marrëdhënie)

A preposition shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words.
Një parafjalë tregon marrëdhënien midis një emri (ose përemri) dhe fjalëve të tjera.

Examples: in, on, under, between, with
Shembuj: në, mbi, poshtë, midis, me

What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:

Prepositions show place (on the table), time (at 5 o’clock), or direction (to the park).
Parafjalët tregojnë vendndodhjen (mbi tavolinë), kohën (në orën 5) ose drejtimin (në park).

7. Conjunction (Joins Words or Sentences)

7. Conjunction (Joins Words or Sentences)
7. Lidhje (Bashkon fjalë ose fjalitë)

A conjunction connects words, phrases, or clauses.
Një lidhje bashkon fjalë, fraza ose klauza.

Examples: and, but, or, because, although
Shembuj: dhe, por, ose, sepse, megjithëse

What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:

Coordinating conjunctions ("FANBOYS": = for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) join equal parts of a sentence.
Lidhjet koordinative (“FANBOYS”: për, dhe, nor, por, ose, ende, kështu) bashkojnë pjesë të barabarta të një fjalie.

I like apples and oranges.
Më pëlqejnë mollët dhe portokallet.

Subordinating conjunctions (because, although, if) connect dependent clauses.
Lidhjet nënrendës (sepse, megjithëse, nëse) lidhin fjalitë varësie.

I stayed home because it was raining.
Rrova në shtëpi sepse po binte shi.

8. Interjection (Shows Emotion)

8. Interjection (Shows Emotion)
8. Pasthirrma (Shfaq emocion)

An pasthirrme expresses a sudden emotion or reaction.
Një pasthirrme shpreh një emocion të papritur ose një reagim.

Examples: Wow! Oh! Oops! Hurray!
Shembuj: Uau! Oh! Ups! Hurra!

What to Know:
Çfarë duhet të dish:

Often followed by an exclamation mark. (Wow! That’s amazing!)
Shpesh pasohet nga një shenjë pikëthimi. (Uau! Kjo është e mrekullueshme!)

What You Should Focus on as a New Student

What You Should Focus on as a New Student:
Çfarë duhet të përqendroheni si student i ri:


  1. Start with Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives: These are the most essential for building sentences.
  2. Filloni me emrat, foljet dhe mbiemrat: Këto janë më të domosdoshmet për ndërtimin e fjalive.

2. Learn Pronouns and Prepositions. They help you create more natural, fluid sentences.
2. Mësoni përemrat dhe parafjalët. Ata ju ndihmojnë të krijoni fjali më natyrale dhe të rrjedhshme.

3. Practice Identifying Parts of Speech: Try reading sentences and asking: Is this a noun, verb, or adjective?
3. Praktikoni identifikimin e pjesëve të të folurit: Provoni të lexoni fjali dhe të pyesni: A është kjo një emër, folje apo mbiemër?

4. Gradually Learn Tenses and Sentence Structure: It will help you build full, meaningful sentences.
4. Mësoni gradualisht kohët dhe strukturën e fjalive: Kjo do t’ju ndihmojë të ndërtoni fjali të plota dhe me kuptim.

Let me know if you want examples or exercises to help practice these!
Më njofto nëse dëshiron shembuj ose ushtrime për t’i praktikuar këto!



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Unit 5 Simple Past (I did)

Mësimi 5 Koha e kryer e thjeshtë (Unë bëra)

A. Study this example:

Studioni këtë shembull:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He lived from 1756 to 1791. He started composing at the age of five and wrote more than 600 pieces of music. He was only 35 years old when he died.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ishte një muzikant dhe kompozitor Austriak. Ai jetoi nga 1756 deri në 1791. Filloi të kompozonte ne moshën pesë-vjeçare dhe shkroi më shumë se 600 pjesë muzikore. Ai ishte vetëm 35 vjeç kur vdiq.

lived/started/wrote/was/died are all simple past 

jetoi/filloi/shkroi/ishte/vdiq janë të gjitha në kohën e kryer të thjeshtë të gjuhës angleze 



  1. Very often the simple past ends in -ed (regular verbs): 

Shumë shpesh e kryera e thjeshtë përfundon me -ed (foljet e rregullta): 

  • I work in a travel agency now. I worked in a department store before.  

  • They invited us to their party, but we decided not to go.  

  • The police stopped me on my way home last night.  

  • Lauren passed her exam because she studied very hard.  


But many verbs are irregular. The simple past does not end in -ed. For example: 

Por shumë folje janë të çrregullta. E kryera e thjeshtë për to nuk përfundon me -ed. Për shembull: 


write →  wrote 

  • Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. 

see    →  saw 

  • We saw Alice in town a few days ago. 

go     →  went 

  • I went to the movies three times last week. 

shut    shut 

  • It was cold, so I shut the window. 



  1. In questions and negative sentences we use did/didnt + infinitive (enjoy/see/go, etc.):  

Në fjalitë pyetëse dhe negative përdorim did/didnt + forma bazë (shijoj/shoh/shkoj,etj.): 



























  • I enjoyed the party a lot. Did you enjoy it?  

  • How many people did they invite to the wedding?  

  • I didnt buy anything because I didnt have any money.  

  • Did you go out? No, I didnt.  


Sometimes do is the main verb in the sentence (did ... do / didnt do). For example:  

Ndonjëherë do është folja kryesore në fjali (did…do / didnt do). Për shembull: 

  • What did you do on the weekend? (not What did you on the weekend? 

  • I didnt do anything. (not I didnt anything 


  1. The past of be (am/is/are) is was/were 

E kryera e thjeshtë e foljes jam është was/were: 













  • I was annoyed because they were late. 

  • Was the weather good when you were on vacation?  

  • They werent able to come because they were so busy.  

  • I wasnt hungry, so I didnt eat anything.  

  • Did you go out last night, or were you too tired? 



Exercises  ~  Ushtrime 

5.1 Read what Lauren says about a typical working day: 

      Lexoni se çfarë tregon Lauren rreth një dite të zakonshme në punë: 




Yesterday was a typical working day for Lauren. Write what she did or didnt do yesterday. 

Dje ishte një ditë pune e zakonshme për Lauren. Shkruani se çfarë bëri apo nuk bëri ajo dje. 








She got up at 7:00. 

She_______________ a big breakfast. 

She __________________________. 

It _________________ to get to work. 

_______________________ at 8:45. 

_______________________ lunch. 







_______________________ at 5:00. 

___________tired when ______home. 

_______________ dinner a little later. 

___________________ out last night. 

_______________________ at 11:00. 

___________________well last night. 


  1. Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form:  

Plotësoni fjalitë duke përdorur foljet që vijojnë në formën e duhur: 


buy     catch     cost     fall     hurt    sell     spend     teach     throw     write  

  1. Mozart   wrote   more than 600 pieces of music.  

  1. How did you learn to drive?  My father ___________ me.  

  1. We couldnt afford to keep our car, so we ____________ it 

  1. Dave ____________ down the stairs this morning and __________ his leg. 

  1. Joe _____________ the ball to Sue, who _______________ . 

  1. Kate __________ a lot of money yesterday. She __________ a dress which ___________  $200. 



  1. You ask James about his trip in the U.S. Write your questions.  

Ju pyesni Xhejmsin për udhëtimin e tij në SH.B.A. Shkruani pyetjet tuaja. 





Where   did you go  ?  

To the U.S. We went on a trip from San Francisco to Denver.  





How_________________________________? By car?  

Yes, we rented a car in San Francisco.  





Its a long way to drive. How long  

Two weeks, but we stopped at a lot of places on the way.  





Where _____________________________ ? In hotels?  

Yes, small hotels or motels.  






It was very hot – sometimes too hot. 




__________________________________________ the Grand Canyon?  

Of course. It was wonderful.  



  1. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, affirmative or negative.  

Plotësoni fjalitë. Vendosni foljen në formën e duhur, dëftore ose negative. 

  1. It was warm, so I   took    off my coat. (take)  

  1. The movie wasnt very good. didnt enjoy  it much. (enjoy)  

  1. I knew Sarah was busy, so ____________ her. (disturb)  

  1. We were very tired, so we _____________ the party early. (leave)  

  1. It was hard carrying the bags. They ______________ really heavy. (be)  

  1. The bed was very uncomfortable ________________ well. (sleep)  

  1. This watch wasnt expensive. It ________________ much. (cost)  

  1. The window was open, and a bird _________________ into the room. (fly)  

  1. I was in a hurry, so _________________ time to call you. (have)  

  1. I didnt like the hotel. The room _______________ very clean. (be) 





Unit 6  Past Continuous (I was doing) 

Mësimi 6  E shkuara e vazhduar (Unë isha duke bërë) 


  1. Study this example situation:  

Studioni këtë shembull situate: 


Yesterday Karen and Joe played tennis. They started at 10:00 and finished at 11:30. So, at 10:30 they were playing tennis.  

Dje Karen dhe Joe luajtën tenis. Ata filluan në 10:00 dhe përfunduan në 11:30. Kështu, në 10:30 ata ishin duke luajtur tenis. 


they were playing = they were in the middle of playing, they had not finished  

ata ishin duke luajtur = ata ishin në mes të të luajturit, ata nuk kishin përfunduar 




was/were + -ing is the past continuous:  

isha/ishe (etj.) + -ing është koha e shkuar e vazhduar në gjuhën Angleze: 






working, etc. 





  1. I was doing something = I was in the middle of doing it at a certain time. The action or situation started before this time but had not finished:  

Isha duke bërë diçka = isha në mes të të bërit diçka në një kohë të caktuar. Veprimi apo situate filloi më parë se kjo kohë por nuk kishte përfunduar. 




  • This time last year I was living in Hong Kong.  

  • What were you doing at 10:00 last night?  

  • I waved to Hannah, but she wasnt looking 



  1. Compare I was doing (past continuous) and I did (simple past):  

Krahasoni Isha duke bërë (e shkuara e vazhduar) dhe Unë bëra (e kryer e thjeshtë): 


I was doing (= in the middle of an action)  

Isha duke bërë (=në mes të një veprimi) 

  • We were walking home when we met Dan. (in the middle of walking home)  

(në mes të të ecurit për në shtëpi 

  • Kate was watching TV when we arrived. I did (= complete action 

(=veprim i përfunduar 

I did (= complete action) 

Bëra (=veprim i përfunduar) 

  • We walked home after the party last night. (= all the way, completely) 

(=gjatë gjithë rrugës) 

  • Kate watched TV a lot when she was sick last year.  



  1. You can say that something happened (simple past) in the middle of something else (past continuous): 

Ju mund të thoni që diçka ndodhi (e kryer e thjeshtë) në mes të diçkaje tjetër (e shkuara e vazhduar):  

  • Matt called while we were having dinner.  

  • It was raining when I got up.  

  • I saw you in the park yesterday. You were sitting on the grass and reading a book.  

  • I hurt my back while I was working in the yard.  


But we use the simple past to say that one thing happened after another:  

Por përdorim të kryerën e thjeshtë për të thënë që diçka ndodhi pas një gjëje tjetër. 

  • I was walking along the road when I saw Dan. So I stopped, and we talked for a while.  




  • When Karen arrived, we were having dinner. (= we had already started before she arrived)  

(= tashmë kishim filluar para se ajo arriti) 

  • When Karen arrived, we had dinner. (= Karen arrived, and then we had dinner)  

(= Karen arriti, dhe më pas ne darkuam) 



  1. Some verbs (for example, know and want) are not normally used in continuous forms (is + -ing; was + -ing etc.).  

Disa folje (për shembull, di dhe dua) nuk përdoren normalisht në format e vazhduara (jam etj. + -ing; isha etj.+ -ing etj.).  

  • We were good friends. We knew each other well. (not we were knowing) 

  • I was enjoying the party, but Chris wanted to go home. (not was wanting) 



Exercises  ~  Ushtrime 


  1. Complete the sentences. Choose from:  

Plotësoni fjalitë. Zgjidhni nga: 

was looking             was wearing             wasnt listening          werent looking 

was snowing            was working            were sitting                 were you going  


  1. Today Hannah is wearing a skirt. Yesterday she was wearing pants.  

  1. What did he say?    I dont know. I ______________________. 

  1. We ______________ in the back of the theater. We couldnt hear very well.  

  1. This time last year John ________________ on a farm.  

  1. They didnt see me. They _________________ in my direction.  

  1. The weather was bad. It was very cold, and it ___________________  

  1. I saw you in your car. Where ________________________ ? 

  1. I saw Kate a few minutes ago. She ___________________ for you. 


  1. Which goes with which?  

Cilat nga këto fjali lidhen me njëra-tjetrën? 


When I got to the cafe,  

We fell asleep  

3  Amy learned Italian  

4  Tom didnt come out with us  

5  The car began to make a strange noise  

The TV was on, 

7  When I first met Jessica, 


a  when she was living in Rome.  

b  she was working in a clothing store.  

c  when I was driving home.  

d  but nobody was watching it.  

e  while we were watching a movie.  

f  my friends were waiting for me.  

g  because he wasnt feeling well. 

1   f_ 

2 ___ 

3 ___ 

4 ___ 

5 ___ 

6 ___ 

7 ___ 


  1. Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or simple past. 

Vendosni foljen në formën e duhur, në të shkuarën e vazhduar ose në të kryerën e thjeshtë. 


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   saw    (see) Sue downtown yesterday, but she ___________  (not/see) me. She ____________ (look) the other way.  


I _____________ (ride) my bike home yesterday when a man_____________ (step) out into the road in front of me. I________________ (go) pretty fast, but luckily I ______________ (manage) to stop in time, and I _______________ (not/hit) him. 



  1. Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or simple past.  

Vendosni foljen në formën e duhur, në të shkuarën e vazhduar ose në të kryerën e thjeshtë 

  1. Jen   was waiting   (wait) for me when I   arrived    (arrive).  

  1. What ___________ (you/do) at this time yesterday?    I was asleep.  

  1. _____________(you/go) out last night?     No, I was too tired.  

  1. How fast ____________ (you/drive) when the accident _________ (happen)?  

  1. Sam _________ (take) a picture of me while _________ (not/look).  

  1. We were in a very difficult position. We _________ (not/know) what to do, so we _________ (do) nothing.  

  1. I havent seen Josh for ages. When I last ___________ (see) him, he ________ (try) to find a job.  

  1. I _________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I ________ (hear) something behind me. Somebody __________ (follow) me. I was scared, and I _______ (start) to run.  

  1. When I was young, I_______(want) to be a pilot. Later I_______(change) my mind. 

  1. Last night _______ (drop) a plate when I ________ (do) the dishes. Fortunately, it ________ (not/break).  



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Unit 3  Present Continuous and Simple Present 1 (I am doing and I do) 

Mësimi 3 E tashmja e vazhduar dhe E tashmja 1 (Unë jam duke bërë dhe Unë bëj) 


  1. Compare: 


Present continuous (I am doing 

E tashmja e vazhduar (Unë jam duke bërë) 


We use the continuous for things happening at or around the time of speaking. The action is not complete.  

Përdorim të tashmen e vazhduar për gjëra të cilat ndodhin në kohën apo rreth kohës që flitet. Veprimi nuk është i përfunduar. 


Shape                           I am doing 

past future 


  • The water is boiling. Be careful. 

  • Listen to those people. What language are they speaking? 

  • Lets go out. It isnt raining now. 

  • Im busy.  What are you doing? 

  • Im getting hungry. Lets go and eat. 

  • Kate wants to work in Italy, so shes learning Italian. 

  • The population of the world is increasing very fast. 


We use the continuous for temporary situations (things that continue for a short time): 

Përdorim të tashmen e vazhduar për situata të përkohshme (gjëra që vazhdojnë për një kohë të shkurtër): 

  • Im living with some friends until I find a place of my own. 

  • A: Youre working hard today. 

  • B: Yes, I have a lot to do. 

Simple present (I do 

Koha e tashme (Unë bëj) 


We use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly. 

Përdorim kohën e tashme për gjëra në përgjithësi ose gjëra që përsëriten. 




ShapeShapeShapeI do 

past                      now                 future 


  • Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. 

  • Excuse me, do you speak English? 

  • It doesnt rain very much in the summer. 

  • What do you usually do on weekends? 

  • I always get hungry in the afternoon. 

  • Most people learn to swim when they are children. 

  • Every day the population of the world increases by about 200,000 people. 


We use the simple for permanent situations (things that continue for a long time): 

Përdorim të tashmen për situata të përhershme (gjëra që ndodhin për një kohë të gjatë): 

  • My parents live in Vancouver. They have lived there their whole lives. 

  • Joe isnt lazy. He works hard most of the time. 



  1. I always do and Im always doing 

Gjithmonë bëj dhe Jam gjithmonë duke… 


I always do something = I do it every time: 

Gjithmonë bëj diçka = e bëj çdo herë: 

  • I always go to work by car. (not Im always going) 


Im always doing something = I do it too often or more often than normal. For example: 

Jam gjithmonë duke bërë diçka = e bëj shumë shpesh ose më shpesh se normalisht. Për shembull: 

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  • Eric is never satisfied. Hes always complaining. (=he complains too much) 

  • Youre always looking at your phone. Dont you have anything else to do? 

……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………Exercises  ~  Ushtrime 


  1. Are the underlined verbs OK? Correct them where necessary.  

A janë në rregull fjalët e nënvizuara? Korrigjojini aty ku është e nevojshme. 

  1. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.  

  1. How often are you going to the cinema?  

  1. Ben tries to find a job, but he hasnt had any luck yet.  

  1. Melissa is calling her mother every day.  

  1. The moon goes around the earth in about 27 days.  

  1. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?  

  1. What do you do in your spare time?  

  1. Sarah is a vegetarian. She doesnt eat meat.  

  1. I must go now. It gets late.  

  1. Come on! Its time to leave. OK, I come.  

  1. Mike is never late. Hes always starting work on time.  

  1. They dont get along well. Theyre always arguing.  


    How often do you go …     ? 












  1. Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or simple present. 

Vendosni foljen në formën e duhur, e tashme e vazhduar ose e tashme. 


a    I usually get  (I / usually / get) hungry in the afternoon. 

b    Im getting (I / get) hungry. Lets go and eat something. 



___________________ (you / listen) to the radio?  No, you can turn it off. 

___________________ (you / listen) to the radio a lot?  No, not very often. 



a  The Nile River _________________ (flow) into the Mediterranean. 

b  The river _____________________ (flow) very fast today – much faster than usual. 



My apartment is a mess. _____________ (I / not / do) the housework very often.  

b  What _________________ (you / usually / do) on weekends?  



Rachel is in New York right now. _____________ (She / stay) at the Park Hotel.  

_______________ (She / always / stay) there when shes in New York.  


  1. Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or simple present. 

Vendosni foljen në formën e duhur, e tashme e vazhduar ose e tashme. 

  1. Why are all these people here? Whats happening (What / happen)?  

  1. Julia is good at languages. ________________ (She / speak) four languages very well. 

  1. Are you ready yet? ________________ (Everybody / wait) for you.  

  1. Ive never heard this word. How _______________ (you / pronounce) it?  

  1. Kate ________________ (not / work) this week. Shes on vacation.  

  1. I think my English. _________________ (improve) slowly. Its better than it was.  

  1. Nicole ______________ (live) in Dallas. She has never lived anywhere else.  

  1. Can we stop walking soon? ______________ (I / start) to get tired.  

  1. Sam and Natalie are in Madrid right now ____________  (They / visit) a friend of theirs.  

  1. What _______________  (your father / do)? Hes an architect. 

  1. It took me an hour to get to work this morning. Most days________ (it / not / take) so long.  

  1. (I / learn) to drive. My driving test is next month. My father ___________ (teach) me.  


  1. Finish Bs sentences. Use always -ing.  

Plotësoni fjalitë e B-së. Përdorni gjithmonë -ing. 

  1. A:  I lost my keys again. 

B:  Not again! Youre always losing your keys. 

  1. A:  The car broke down again. 

B:  That car is useless. It__________________________________________________ 

  1. A:  Look! You made the same mistake again. 

B:  Oh no, not again! I ___________________________________________________ 

  1. A:  Oh, I left my phone at home again. 

B:  Typical! ____________________________________________________________ 




Unit 4  Present Continuous and Simple Present 2 (I am doing and I do) 

Mësimi 4 E tashmja e vazhduar dhe E tashmja 2 (Unë jam duke bërë dhe Unë bëj) 


  1. We use continuous forms (Im waiting, its raining etc.) for actions and events that have started but havent finished. Some verbs (for example, know and like) are not normally used in this way. We dont say I am knowing or they are liking. We say I know and they like.  

Përdorim format e vazhduara (jam duke pritur, është duke rënë shi, etj.) për veprime dhe ngjarje që kanë filluar por nuk kanë përfunduar. Disa folje (për shembull, di dhe pëlqej) nuk përdoren normalisht në këtë mënyrë. Ne nuk themi Jam duke ditur apo ata janë duke pëlqyer. Ne themi Unë di dhe ata pëlqejnë. 


The following verbs are not normally used in the present continuous:  

Foljet që vijojnë nuk përdoren normalisht në të tashmen e vazhduar: 


like      want      need      prefer 

know      understand      recognize 

believe      suppose      remember     mean 

belong      fit      contain      consist      seem 


  • Im hungry. I want something to eat. (not Im wanting 

  • Do you understand what I mean?  

  • Anna doesnt seem very happy right now.  



  1. think  



When think means believe or have an opinion, we do not use the continuous:  

Kur mendoj ka kuptimin besoj apo kam një mendim, ne nuk përdorim të vazhduarën: 

  • I think Mary is Canadian, but Im not sure. (not Im thinking)  

  • What do you think of my idea? (= what is your opinion?)  


When think means consider, the continuous is possible:  

Kur mendoj do të thotë konsideroj mund të përdorim të tashmen e vazhduar: 

  • Im thinking about what happened. I often think about it.  

  • Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. (= she is considering it)  



  1. see    hear    smell    taste    look    feel  

shoh    dëgjoj   nuhat    shijoj  shoh   ndjej 


We normally use the simple present (not the present continuous) with see/hear/smell/taste:  

Normalisht përdorim kohën e tashme (jo të tashmen e vazhduar) me shoh/dëgjoj/nuhat/shijoj: 

  • Do you see that man over there? (not are you seeing 

  • The room smells bad. Lets open a window.  

  • This soup doesnt taste very good.  


You can use the simple present or the present continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now:  

Mund të përdorni kohën e tashme ose të tashmen e vazhduar për të thënë si duket apo ndjehet dikush: 

  • You look well today. or Youre looking well today. 

  • How do you feel now? or How are you feeling now?  


  • I usually feel tired in the morning. (not Im usually feeling)  



  1. am/is/are being  

po sillem/ po sillet/ po sillemi/ po silleni/ po sillen 


You can say hes being ..., youre being ..., etc., to say how somebody is behaving now:  

Ju mund të thoni ai po sillet…, ju po silleni…, etj., për të thënë si është duke u sjellë dikush tani: 

  • I cant understand why hes being so selfish. He isnt usually like that. 

      (being selfish = behaving selfishly now)  

      (është egoist = po sillet në mënyrë egoiste) 

  • The path is icy. Dont slip. Dont worry. Im being very careful.  




  • He never thinks about other people. Hes very selfish.  

(= he is selfish generally, not only now)  

(=ai është egoist në përgjithësi, jo vetëm tani) 

  • I dont like to take risks. Im a very careful person.  


We use am/is/are being to say how a person is behaving (= doing something they can control) now. It is not usually possible in other situations:  

Ne përdorim po sillem/ po sillet/ po sillemi/ po silleni/ po sillen për të thënë se si është duke u sjellë një person (duke bërë diçka që ata mund ta kontrollojnë) tani. Zakonisht nuk mund të përdoret në situata të tjera. 

  • Sam is sick. (not is being sick) 

  • Are you tired? (not are you being tired)  



Exercises  ~  Ushtrime 


  1. Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or simple present.  

Vendosni foljen në formën e duhur, e tashme e vazhduar ose e tashme. 

  1. Are you hungry? Do you want (you / want) something to eat?  

  1. Alan says hes 90 years old, but nobody____________ (believe) him.  

  1. She told me her name, but ______________ (1 / not / remember) it now.  

  1. Dont put the dictionary away. _____________ (I / use) it.  

  1. Dont put the dictionary away. _____________ (I / need) it.  

  1. Air ___________ (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.  

  1. Who is that man? What _____________ (he / want)?  

  1. Who is that man? Why ______________ (he / look) at us? 

  1. Who is that man? ______________ (you / recognize) him? 

  1.  ______________ (I/think) of selling my car. Would you be interested in buying it?  

  1. I cant make up my mind. What _____________ (you / think) I should do?  

  1. Alex wasnt well earlier, but _______________ (he / seem) OK now. 



  1. Use the words in parentheses to make sentences.  

Përdorni fjalët në kllapa për të formuar fjali. 




  1. Are the underlined verbs OK? Correct them where necessary.  

A janë në rregull foljet e nënvizuara? Korrigjoni aty ku është e nevojshme. 


Michelle is thinking of giving up her job.  



Its not true. Im not believing it.  

I dont believe it.  


Im feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? 



Ive never eaten that fruit. What is it tasting like?  



Im not sure what she does. I think she works in a store.  



Look over there. What are you seeing 



Youre very quiet. What are you thinking about? 



  1. Complete the sentences. Use is/are being (continuous) or is/are (simple).  

Plotësoni fjalitë. Përdorni është duke u sjellë (e vazhduar) ose foljen jam (e tashme). 

  1. I cant understand why hes being so selfish. He isnt usually like that. 

  1. Youll like Andrea when you meet her. She ______________ very nice. 

  1. Sarah _______________ very nice to me right now. I wonder hwy. 

  1. They ________________ very happy. They just got married. 

  1. Youre normally very patient, so why ______________ so unreasonable about waiting ten more minutes? 

  1. Would you like something to eat? ______________ hungry? 





Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here are some examples of how to use longer adjectives:

Positive: The sunset is beautiful. Comparative: The sunrise is more beautiful than the sunset. Superlative: The most beautiful view is from the top of the mountain.

Positive: The book is interesting. Comparative: The movie is more interesting than the book. Superlative: The most interesting thing I've ever read is "One Hundred Years of Solitude."

Positive: Health is important. Comparative: Education is more important than health. Superlative: The most important thing in life is to be happy.

Here are some exercises for practicing longer adjectives:

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective:
  • That is the _______ (beautiful) painting I've ever seen.
  • The _______ (interesting) thing about history is learning from the past.
  • This couch is _______ (comfortable) than the one in the other room.
  • The _______ (delicious) meal I've ever had was in Italy.
  • She is the _______ (intelligent) person in the company.
  1. Write a sentence using the comparative form of the adjective in parentheses:
  • That dress is (expensive) than this one.
  • Her job is (stressful) than mine.
  • This song is (long) than the other one.
  • His house is (big) than hers.
  • Their project is (complicated) than ours.
  1. Write a sentence using the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses:

  • That was the (dangerous) thing I've ever done.
  • She is the (successful) person in her family.
  • This is the (important) decision I've ever made.
  • The Great Wall of China is the (long) wall in the world.
  • The Grand Canyon is the (deep) canyon in the world.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here's a chart of longer adjectives:

beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful
interestingmore interestingmost interesting
importantmore importantmost important
comfortablemore comfortablemost comfortable
deliciousmore deliciousmost delicious
expensivemore expensivemost expensive
dangerousmore dangerousmost dangerous
complicatedmore complicatedmost complicated
successfulmore successfulmost successful
intelligentmore intelligentmost intelligent

Note: This chart is not exhaustive, and there may be other longer adjectives that do not follow this pattern. Additionally, some longer adjectives may be irregular in their comparative and superlative forms.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here are some examples of how to use irregular adjectives:

Positive: This pizza is good. Comparative: This pizza is better than the last one. Superlative: This pizza is the best I've ever had.

Positive: The weather is bad. Comparative: The weather is worse than yesterday. Superlative: This is the worst storm we've had all year.

Positive: The cat is little. Comparative: The kitten is less shy than the cat. Superlative: That is the least friendly cat I've ever met.

Here are some exercises for practicing irregular adjectives:

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective:
  • This is the _______ (good) book I've ever read.
  • The _______ (bad) thing about the movie was the ending.
  • She speaks _______ (little) French than her brother.
  • I have _______ (much) work to do than I thought.
  • That is the _______ (far) I've ever run.
  1. Write a sentence using the comparative form of the adjective in parentheses:
  • My phone is (old) than yours.
  • This dress is (good) than that one.
  • His car is (fast) than hers.
  • Her painting is (beautiful) than his.
  • Their team is (strong) than ours.
  1. Write a sentence using the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses:

  • That was the (bad) experience I've ever had.
  • She is the (good) singer I've ever heard.
  • The Eiffel Tower is the (tall) structure in Paris.
  • That was the (late) train I've ever taken.
  • This is the (near) restaurant to our hotel.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here's a chart of some common irregular adjectives:


Note: This chart is not exhaustive, and there may be other irregular adjectives that do not follow this pattern. Additionally, some adjectives, such as "fun" and "real", are considered irregular in certain contexts, but not in others.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

here's a chart for the degree of adjectives at Level A:


Note: This chart is not exhaustive, and there are many other adjectives that can be compared in degrees. Additionally, irregular adjectives, such as "good" and "bad", have irregular comparative and superlative forms that do not follow this pattern.




Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here are some examples of how to use the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of adjectives:

Positive: The cat is cute. Comparative: The kitten is cuter than the cat. Superlative: The smallest kitten is the cutest of them all.

Positive: This book is interesting. Comparative: That book is more interesting than this one. Superlative: The most interesting book I've ever read is "To Kill a Mockingbird."

Positive: It's hot outside. Comparative: Yesterday was hotter than today. Superlative: This is the hottest summer on record.

Here are some exercises for practicing the degree of adjectives at Level A:

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective:
  • The sun is _______ (hot) than the moon.
  • This is the _______ (big) pizza I've ever seen.
  • The dog is _______ (friendly) than the cat.
  • My room is _______ (messy) than your room.
  • She is the _______ (smart) student in the class.
  1. Write a sentence using the comparative form of the adjective in parentheses:
  • The elephant is (heavy) than the mouse.
  • This coffee is (hot) than the tea.
  • The mountain is (high) than the hill.
  • John is (tall) than his brother.
  • The car is (fast) than the bicycle.
  1. Write a sentence using the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses:

  • That is the (expensive) car in the showroom.
  • The beach is the (beautiful) place I've ever been.
  • She is the (talented) musician in the band.
  • That was the (difficult) test I've ever taken.
  • This is the (delicious) pizza I've ever had.



                           Happy Easter Day !

Shikoni me kujdes tabelen e meposhteme. Mesoni fjalet e reja ne text. Plotesoni tabelen. Argumentoni zgjidhjen tuaj duke filluar…

“ If the photographer and the doctor are women…..

Pergjigjen tuaj e shkruani ne fletoren e detyrave te shtepise.




There are four floors in a block of flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer. The architect lives on the ground floor.
The photographer and the doctor are women. Philip is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor.
Susan is not a doctor; she lives under Dan.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here are the first ten simple grammar rules to know in English that will help you avoid making mistakes:

  1. Subject-verb agreement: Make sure the subject and verb agree in number (singular or plural). For example, "He plays soccer" (not "He play soccer").

  2. Pronoun usage: Use the correct pronoun for the subject of the sentence. For example, "I went to the store" (not "Me went to the store").

  3. Use of articles: Use "a" or "an" before a singular noun, and "the" before a specific noun. For example, "I bought a book" (not "I bought book").

  4. Verb tense: Use the correct tense of the verb to indicate when the action is taking place. For example, "I am eating breakfast" (present tense) vs. "I ate breakfast" (past tense).

  5. Use of prepositions: Use prepositions correctly to show the relationship between words. For example, "I am going to the store" (not "I am going at the store").

  6. Adjective placement: Place adjectives before the noun they describe. For example, "the red car" (not "the car red").

  7. Adverb usage: Use adverbs to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. For example, "She sings beautifully" (adverb modifying verb).

  8. Use of comparative and superlative forms: Use "er" or "more" to compare two things, and "est" or "most" to compare more than two things. For example, "She is taller than her sister" (comparative) vs. "She is the tallest person in her class" (superlative).

  9. Sentence structure: Make sure your sentences have a subject, verb, and object. For example, "I am reading a book" (subject-verb-object).

  10. Use of contractions: Use contractions (such as "can't" or "won't") in informal writing or conversation, but avoid them in formal writing.

Mastering these grammar rules will help you communicate more effectively and avoid common mistakes in English.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

The story of King Midas is a tale from Greek mythology that teaches a moral lesson about the dangers of greed.

King Midas was a wealthy ruler who loved gold more than anything else in the world. One day, a satyr named Silenus, who was a friend of the god Dionysus, got lost in Midas' kingdom. Midas found Silenus and treated him kindly, and Dionysus was so grateful that he offered Midas a wish.

Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Dionysus granted his wish, but soon Midas realized the terrible mistake he had made. Everything he touched, including food and drink, turned to gold, and he could no longer eat or drink. He soon became hungry and thirsty, and even his beloved daughter turned to gold when he touched her.

Midas begged Dionysus to take back his gift, and Dionysus agreed on the condition that Midas would learn a valuable lesson. Midas washed his hands in a nearby river to remove the curse, and he learned that gold was not the most important thing in life. He learned to value the love of his family and the simple pleasures of life, such as food, drink, and companionship.

From that day on, Midas lived a humble and content life, and he was known for his wisdom and generosity. The story of King Midas serves as a warning against the dangers of greed and the importance of valuing the things that truly matter in life.

Here's a multiple choice question exercise based on the story of King Midas:

  1. What did King Midas wish for when he was given the opportunity to make a wish? a) To become the richest man in the world b) To have the ability to turn everything he touched into gold c) To become immortal and never die d) To rule the entire world

  2. What was the consequence of King Midas' wish? a) Everything he touched turned to diamonds b) Everything he touched turned to gold c) Everything he touched disappeared d) Everything he touched turned to stone

  3. Why did King Midas regret his wish? a) He realized that gold was not as valuable as he thought it was b) He lost his ability to touch anything c) His daughter turned to gold when he touched her d) He was unable to share his wealth with others

  4. What did King Midas learn from his experience? a) That gold is the most important thing in life b) That wealth should be shared with others c) That it is important to value the love of family and simple pleasures in life d) That it is important to be selfish and greedy



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

A simple poem for the spring season dedicated to children:

Spring is here, oh so dear, With flowers blooming far and near, The sun shines bright, the sky so clear, The birds sing sweet, we clap and cheer.

The trees are green, the grass so tall, The rain showers, the earth does call, The butterflies dance, the bees do crawl, We chase them all, having a ball.

We jump and skip, we run and play, In the park, all throughout the day, The breeze is warm, we shout hooray, Spring is here, it's here to stay.

So let's enjoy this lovely season, With all its beauty and good reason, For spring brings joy and happiness, To all the children, in sweet caress.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

In grammar, a subject is the part of a sentence that performs the action of the verb or is the main topic of the sentence. It usually comes before the verb and answers the question "who" or "what" is doing the action.

Here is a chart to explain the concept of a subject:

SubjectThe part of a sentence that performs the action of the verb or is the main topic of the sentence.
Examples"The dog barks loudly" (The subject is "dog") "John and Jane are playing soccer" (The subject is "John and Jane")
PositionThe subject usually comes before the verb in a sentence.
ImportanceThe subject is important because it tells us who or what is performing the action in the sentence.
AgreementThe subject and verb must agree in number (singular or plural).
IdentificationTo identify the subject, ask "who" or "what" is doing the action in the sentence.

For example, in the sentence "The cat is sleeping on the mat," the subject is "cat" because it is the one doing the action of sleeping. To identify the subject, ask "who is sleeping?" and the answer is "cat."

Teaching this concept with the help of a chart can be useful in helping students understand the importance and position of the subject in a sentence, as well as how to identify it.



Hi everyone,

Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte. 
Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te  kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthshme. 


Mesimi # 9

A. Sentence structure
      Struktura e fjalise.

The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me  nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.

1  Subject             Verb   
   Kryefjale    +      Folje
My arms           are aching
    Something        happened

2. Subject               Verb                  Object   
   Kryefjale      +     Folje        +        Kundrinor

    I                           need                 a rest
    Five people       are moving      the piano

The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun 
(e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg  the piano)

Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:

a) emer
b) peremer
c) grup emeror)

3. Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.

4.  Subject                 Verb                 Adverbial    
     Kryefjale        +     Folje        +      Ndajfolje ose rrethanor

    It                             is                      on my foot.
    Their house          is                       nearby.
An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.

5.  Subject                  Verb                Object                      Object
     Kryefjale      +        Folje        +      Kundrinor        +        Kundrinor 

    It                             ‘s giving           me                            backache.
    David                      bought            Melanie                   a present.

We use two objects after verbs like give and  send.
Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.

B. Adverbials

We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.

My arms are aching terribly.                        I really need a rest.
Of course this piano is heavy .                    Fortunately their house is nearby .



Dear students of the group  'Armara and friends',

Following you will find a kind of sentence which is typical for English. In the first part you will see my own try to explain it to you.
Just after that, you will see a real original version to help you better understand the meaning of the word "complement." Enjoy your lesson.


 Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a chicken and an egg. One day, the chicken laid an egg, and the farmer couldn't help but wonder: which came first, the chicken or the egg?

He decided to ask his wise old friend, who was known for his great wisdom and insight. The friend thought for a moment and then said, "My dear farmer, it's not a matter of which came first. The chicken and the egg are like two sides of the same coin. Without the chicken, there would be no egg, and without the egg, there would be no chicken. They are both part of the same cycle of life."

The farmer thought about this for a moment, and then he realized that his friend was right. The chicken and the egg were both necessary for the continuation of life, and it was impossible to say which came first.

Here are some multiple choice comprehension questions you could use:

  1. Who did the farmer ask about the question of whether the chicken or the egg came first? A) His wife B) His neighbor C) His wise old friend D) His dog

  2. What was the friend's response to the farmer's question? A) The chicken came first B) The egg came first C) Both the chicken and the egg are necessary D) He didn't know

  3. What did the farmer realize after his friend's response? A) He was angry with his friend B) He felt confused C) He realized that the chicken and the egg were both important D) He decided to eat the egg for breakfast

  4. What lesson can we learn from the story? A) Sometimes there are no clear answers to a question B) Chickens are more important than eggs C) The world is a simple and straightforward place D) Farmers are always right



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here's a short test on gerunds for A2 level learners:

Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

  1. I enjoy __________ (read/reading) books in my free time.
  2. She suggested __________ (go/going) to the beach for the weekend.
  3. They don't mind __________ (wait/waiting) in line for the concert tickets.
  4. He quit his job to focus on __________ (write/writing) his novel.
  5. My favorite hobby is __________ (cook/cooking) and trying new recipes.
  6. She regrets __________ (not take/not taking) the job offer when she had the chance.
  7. We plan on __________ (visit/visiting) Paris next summer.
  8. The teacher suggested __________ (study/studying) more for the exam.


Note: Gerunds are the -ing form of a verb used as a noun. They can be used as subjects, objects, or complements in a sentence. It's important to remember that gerunds are always used as singular nouns, even when they refer to a plural action. For example, "cooking" is a singular noun, even though it refers to the action of cooking multiple dishes.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Sara wakes up early every morning at six o'clock. She brushes her teeth, washes her face, and gets dressed for school. She lives with her parents and two siblings, a younger sister and an older brother.

Sara walks to school with her friends, Lily and Tom. They talk about their plans for the weekend and the upcoming school project. Sara loves learning new things and always tries her best in class.

During recess, Sara plays soccer with her classmates. She's not the best player, but she enjoys being part of the team. After lunch, she has science class, which is her favorite subject. Today, they are learning about the human body and how it works.

When school ends, Sara goes home and helps her mom prepare dinner. They make spaghetti and meatballs, which is one of Sara's favorite meals. After dinner, Sara does her homework and practices her piano. She's been taking lessons for a year and loves playing.

At bedtime, Sara reads a chapter of her favorite book, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," before going to sleep. She's excited to see what happens next in the story. She turns off the light and falls asleep, ready for another day of learning and adventure.

Here are three multiple-choice questions based on the story:

  1. What is Sara's favorite subject? A) Math B) Science C) History D) English Answer:

  2. What does Sara do after dinner? A) Watches TV B) Goes to bed C) Does her homework D) Plays video games Answer:

  3. What book does Sara read before going to sleep? A) The Hunger Games B) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone C) Twilight D) Lord of the Rings Answer:



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Me poshte keni nje numur foljesh ne gjuhen angleze te cilat eshte e mira ti mesoni gradualisht gjate ketyre dhjete diteve duke mundesuar cdo dite nga pese folje te reja.

Here's a list of 50 common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:

  1. be (bi) - të jesh (jam, është, jemi, janë)
  2. have (hæv) - të kesh (kam, ke, ka, kemi, kanë)
  3. do (du) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
  4. say (seɪ) - të thuash (them, thua, thotë, themi, thonë)
  5. get (get) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
  6. make (meɪk) - të bësh (bëj, bën, bëjmë, bëjnë)
  7. go (goʊ) - të shkosh (shkoj, shkon, shkojmë, shkojnë)
  8. know (nəʊ) - të dish (di, din, dimë, dinë)
  9. take (teɪk) - të marrësh (marr, merr, merr, marrim, marrin)
  10. see (si:) - të shohësh (shoh, sheh, shohim, shohin)
  11. come (kʌm) - të vijësh (vij, vjen, vijmë, vijnë)
  12. think (θɪŋk) - të mendosh (mendoj, mendon, mendojmë, mendojnë)
  13. look (lʊk) - të shikosh (shikoj, shikon, shikojmë, shikojnë)
  14. want (wɒnt) - të doësh (dua, do, do, duam, duan)
  15. give (gɪv) - të japësh (jap, jep, japim, japin)
  16. use (ju:z) - të përdorësh (përdor, përdoron, përdorim, përdorin)
  17. find (faɪnd) - të gjesh (gjej, gjen, gjejme, gjejnë)
  18. tell (tel) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
  19. ask (a:sk) - të pyesësh (pyes, pyet, pyesim, pyesin)
  20. work (wə:rk) - të punosh (punoj, punon, punojmë, punojnë)
  21. seem (si:m) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
  22. feel (fi:l) - të ndjesh (ndiej, ndjen, ndiejmë, ndiejnë)
  23. try (traɪ) - të provosh (provoj, provon, provojmë, provojnë)
  24. leave (li:v) - të largohesh (largohem, largohet, largohemi, largohen)
  25. call (kɔ:l) - të thërrasësh (thërras, thërras, thërrasim, thërrisni )



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Here are the next 25 most common English verbs with their pronunciation (in IPA) and Albanian equivalents:

  1. put (pʊt) - të vendosësh (vendos, vendos, vendosim, vendosin)
  2. mean (min) - të doësh të thuash (kam për qëllim, ka për qëllim, kemi për qëllim, kanë për qëllim)
  3. keep (kip) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
  4. let (let) - të lejosh (lejoj, lejon, lejojmë, lejojnë)
  5. begin (bɪˈgɪn) - të fillosh (filloj, fillon, fillojmë, fillojnë)
  6. seem (sim) - të dukesh (dukem, duket, dukemi, dukën)
  7. help (help) - të ndihmosh (ndihmoj, ndihmon, ndihmojmë, ndihmojnë)
  8. talk (tɔk) - të flasësh (flas, flet, flasim, flasin)
  9. turn (tə:rn) - të kthehesh (kthehem, kthehet, kthehemi, kthehen)
  10. start (stɑ:rt) - të nisësh (nisi, nis, nisim, nisin)
  11. show (əʊ) - të tregosh (tregoj, tregon, tregojmë, tregojnë)
  12. hear (hɪər) - të dëgjosh (dëgjoj, dëgjon, dëgjojmë, dëgjojnë)
  13. play (pleɪ) - të luash (luaj, luan, luajmë, luajnë)
  14. run (rʌn) - të vraposh (vrapoj, vrapon, vrapojmë, vrapojnë)
  15. move (muv) - të lëvizësh (lëviz, lëviz, lëvizi, lëvizin)
  16. like (laɪk) - të pëlqejë (pëlqej, pëlqen, pëlqejmë, pëlqejnë)
  17. live (lɪv) - të jetosh (jetoj, jeton, jetojmë, jetojnë)
  18. believe (bɪˈliv) - të besosh (besoj, beson, besojmë, besojnë)
  19. hold (həʊld) - të mbajësh (mbaj, mban, mbajmë, mbajnë)
  20. bring (brɪŋ) - të sjellësh (sjell, sjell, sjellim, sjellin)
  21. happen (ˈhæpən) - të ndodhë (ndodh, ndodhin)
  22. write (raɪt) - të shkruash (shkruaj, shkruan, shkruaj


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 29. 2023

"Complete the exercise in your notebook as you homework assignment."

  1. Complete the sentence with the correct gerund form of the verb in parentheses:

I enjoy _________________ (watch) movies with my friends.

  1. Complete the sentence with the correct gerund form of the verb in parentheses:

She suggested _________________ (visit) the museum on Sunday.

  1. Complete the sentence with the correct gerund form of the verb in parentheses:

We avoid _________________ (eat) junk food.

  1. Complete the sentence with the correct gerund form of the verb in parentheses:

I don't mind _________________ (listen) to music while I study.

  1. Complete the sentence with the correct gerund form of the verb in parentheses:

He practiced _________________ (play) the piano every day.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 28. 2023

Read this message.

Having a daily routine and responsibilities can help you develop a sense of responsibility and independence. Here are some duties that every child can have in mind as they start their day:

  1. Making their bed: Encourage your child to make their bed in the morning. This can help them start the day with a sense of accomplishment and order.

  2. Getting dressed: Depending on your child's age, they may need help getting dressed, but encourage them to try doing it on their own. This can help them develop self-reliance and confidence.

  3. Brushing their teeth: Make sure your child brushes their teeth every morning to maintain good oral hygiene and establish healthy habits.

  4. Eating a healthy breakfast: Encourage your child to eat a nutritious breakfast to provide them with energy and help them concentrate throughout the day.

  5. Packing their bag: If your child goes to school or daycare, have them pack their backpack with all the necessary items for the day, such as books, snacks, and water bottles.

  6. Saying goodbye: Teach your child to say goodbye and thank you to their caregivers, whether it's a parent, grandparent, or teacher. This can help them develop social skills and show appreciation for those who care for them.

Encourage your brother and sister to take on these small tasks every morning can help them develop good habits, responsibility, and a sense of independence.

Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 20. 2023

I can provide a simple A1 level English test with grammar and reading comprehension questions. Here's an example:

English Level Test - A1

Part 1: Grammar

Choose the correct option for each question.

  1. This is ___ apple. a) a b) an c) the

  2. She ___ a book. a) read b) reads c) is reading

  3. I ___ from New York. a) am b) is c) are

  4. ___ you like coffee? a) Do b) Does c) Are

  5. They ___ playing soccer. a) not b) isn't c) aren't

Part 2: Reading Comprehension

Read the text below and answer the questions.

"Tom is a teacher. He works at a school in London. He teaches English to children. Tom likes his job because he enjoys helping people learn. On the weekends, he likes to play soccer and go to the movies with his friends."

  1. What is Tom's job? a) A teacher b) A student c) A doctor

  2. Where does Tom work? a) In New York b) In London c) In a hospital

  3. What does Tom teach? a) Math b) English c) Science

  4. Why does Tom like his job? a) Because he likes working with children b) Because he enjoys helping people learn c) Because he likes to play soccer

  5. What does Tom like to do on the weekends? a) Go shopping b) Play soccer and go to the movies c) Study English

Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 19. 2023

Gerunds are formed by adding "-ing" to a verb. They function as nouns in a sentence and can be used as subjects, objects, or complements.

Here's a chart showing the different positions a gerund can take in a sentence:

Subject"Reading is my favorite hobby."
Object"I love reading books."
Complement"My favorite hobby is reading."
Object of a preposition"I'm interested in learning new things."

Examples of gerunds used in sentences:

  • Swimming is great exercise.
  • I enjoy reading books.
  • My favorite hobby is writing.
  • Running can be challenging but rewarding.

Here's an exercise to practice using gerunds in sentences:

  1. I love _____ (dance) to my favorite songs.
  2. _____ (hiking) is a great way to stay active.
  3. She's interested in _____ (learn) a new language.
  4. _____ (play) video games is a popular pastime for many people.
  5. His job involves _____ (write) reports and analyzing data.


  1. dancing
  2. Hiking
  3. learning
  4. Playing
  5. writing


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 18. 2023

Here's a chart that shows the differences and similarities between simple present tense and present continuous tense:

Simple Present TensePresent Continuous Tense
FormSubject + Verb (base form)Subject + To be + Verb + (-ing)
UseHabitual or repeated actionsActions in progress at the time of speaking
General facts or truthsFuture arrangements or plans
Scheduled or fixed eventsTemporary actions or situations
ExamplesI walk to work every day.She is watching TV right now.
The sun rises in the east.They are going to the park this weekend.
The concert starts at 8pm.I am working on a project.
He jumps over the fence.She is studying for her exam.

Here are some example sentences to illustrate the differences and similarities between simple present tense and present continuous tense:

  1. Simple Present Tense: I play tennis every Saturday.

Present Continuous Tense: I am playing tennis right now.

Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe habitual or repeated actions, while the present continuous tense is used to describe an action that is in progress at the time of speaking.

  1. Simple Present Tense: The Earth revolves around the Sun.

Present Continuous Tense: I am going to the beach tomorrow.

Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe general facts or truths, while the present continuous tense is used to describe a future arrangement or plan.

  1. Simple Present Tense: The train leaves at 7pm.

Present Continuous Tense: She is staying with her grandparents for the summer.

Explanation: The simple present tense is used to describe scheduled or fixed events, while the present continuous tense is used to describe a temporary action or situation.

  1. Simple Present Tense: The hero defeats the villain and saves the day.

Present Continuous Tense: I am feeling tired today.

Explanation: Both tenses can be used to describe general states or conditions that are ongoing, but the present continuous tense can also be used to describe an action or feeling that is currently in progress.

In summary, the main difference between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense is that the simple present tense is used to describe habitual or repeated actions, while the present continuous tense is used to describe an action in progress at the time of speaking. The present continuous tense can also be used to describe future arrangements or temporary actions or situations, as well as ongoing states or conditions. Both tenses are used to describe general facts or truths and scheduled or fixed events.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 17. 2023

Here's a simple explanation of how to form a gerund and how to use it in a sentence:

Forming a Gerund: To form a gerund, you add "-ing" to the base form of a verb. For example, the gerund form of the verb "to run" is "running."

Using Gerunds: Gerunds can be used in a variety of ways in a sentence, such as the subject of a sentence, the object of a verb or preposition, or the complement of a linking verb. Here are some examples:

  • Subject of a sentence: Running is a great way to stay in shape.
  • Object of a verb: I love playing basketball with my friends.
  • Object of a preposition: She is good at singing in front of an audience.
  • Complement of a linking verb: My favorite hobby is reading books.

Gerunds can also follow certain verbs, such as enjoy, hate, like, and love, as well as certain prepositions, such as after, before, and instead of. For example:

  • I enjoy playing video games in my free time.
  • She hates waking up early in the morning.
  • He likes running marathons to challenge himself.
  • They love traveling to new places and experiencing different cultures.
  • After finishing her homework, she went to bed.
  • Instead of watching TV, he prefers to read books.

In general, gerunds are used to describe actions or activities in a general sense, rather than a specific instance. For example, "swimming" describes the activity in general, while "swam" describes a specific instance of swimming.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 16. 2023

Formimi i Gerundit: ( emer foljor )

Për të formuar një gerund, ju shtoni "-ing" në formën bazë të një folje. Për shembull, forma e gerundit të foljes "të vraposh" është "vrapimi".

Përdorimi i Gerundit: Gerundet mund të përdoren në një shumëllojshmëri mënyrash në një fjalë, si në subjektin e një fjalie, objektin e një folje ose një prepozicioni, ose në funksion të një lidhëse. Këtu janë disa shembuj:

  • Subjekti i një fjalie: Vrapimi është një mënyrë e shkëlqyeshme për të qëndruar në formë.
  • Objekti i një folje: Unë do të dua të luaj basketboll me miqtë e mi.
  • Objekti i një prepozicioni: Ajo është e mirë në këndimin përpara një publiku.
  • Funksion i një lidhëse: Hobi im i preferuar është leximi i librave.

Gerundet gjithashtu mund të ndjekin disa folje, siç janë kënaqem, urrej, pëlqej dhe dua, si dhe disa parafjale, siç janë pas, para dhe në vend të. Për shembull:

  • Unë kënaqem duke luajtur video lojra në kohën e lirë.
  • Ajo urren zgjimin herët në mëngjes.
  • Ai pëlqen të vrapojë në maratona për të sfiduar veten.
  • Ata duan të udhëtojnë në vende të reja dhe të përjetojnë kultura të ndryshme.
  • Pas përfundimit të detyrave të shtëpisë, ajo shkoi në shtrat.
  • Në vend të shikimit të televizorit, ai preferon të lexojë libra.

Në përgjithësi, gerundet përdoren për të përshkruar veprime ose aktivitete në një kuptim të përgjithshëm, në vend se në një rast specifik. Për shembull, "vrapimi" përshkruan aktivitetin në një kuptim të përgjithshëm, ndërsa "vrapova" përshkruan një rast të caktuar të vrapimit.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 15. 2023

Here's a chart explaining what a gerund is, along with some examples and exercises to help explain it.

What is a Gerund?

A gerund is a verb that functions as a noun in a sentence. It is formed by adding "-ing" to the base form of the verb. Gerunds can be used in a variety of ways, such as the subject of a sentence, the object of a verb or preposition, or the complement of a linking verb.


  • Swimming is my favorite activity. (subject of the sentence)
  • I enjoy cooking for my family. (object of the verb)
  • She is good at painting landscapes. (complement of the linking verb)


  1. Identify the gerund in each sentence: a) Running is a great way to stay in shape. b) The team won by playing their best. c) I love listening to music on my commute. d) Her dream is to become a famous actress. e) He apologized for forgetting her birthday.

Answer: a) Running b) Playing c) Listening d) Becoming e) Forgetting

  1. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the underlined phrase with a gerund: a) I am learning to play the piano. b) She enjoys reading books on the beach. c) They went to the park to have a picnic. d) The teacher encouraged the students to study hard. e) He decided to quit smoking for his health.

Answer: a) I am learning playing the piano. b) She enjoys reading on the beach. c) They went to the park to have a picnic. d) The teacher encouraged the students studying hard. e) He decided to quit smoking for his health.

(Note: In some cases, the gerund may not sound quite as natural as the original sentence. In these cases, it's important to consider the context and meaning of the sentence to determine whether the gerund is appropriate.)

Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 14. 2023

Këtu është një tabelë që shpjegon kuptimin dhe përdorimin e peremrave te pacaktuar "some" dhe "any":

KuptimiPozitivNegativPyetje dhe kërkesa
SomePërcakton një sasi specifike të diçkaje ose dikujtUnë kam disa mollë.Unë nuk kam asnjëA mund të më sjellësh disa?
Mund të përdoret gjithashtu për ofertat ose sugjerimetDëshironi ndonjë ndihmë me atë?Nuk dua asnjë.Mund të marr një gotë ujë?
AnyPërcakton çdo sasi, shumësi ose person/e.A keni ndonjë ide për darkë?Unë nuk kam asnjë.Mund të marr ndonjë libër me huazim?
Mund të përdoret gjithashtu për pyetjet ose kërkesat.A ka ndonjë djathë në frigorifer?Nuk ka asnjë qumësht.Mund të marr ndonjë sheqer?

Diferenca kryesore midis "some" dhe "any" është se "some" përcakton një sasi të caktuar, ndërsa "any" përcakton çdo sasi, shumësi ose person/e. "Some" përdoret në fjaline pozitive dhe ofertat ose sugjerimet, ndërsa "any" përdoret në fjaine negative dhe pyetje ose kërkesa.

Këtu janë disa shembuj që ndihmojnë të ilustrojnë përdorimin e tyre:

  • Some:
    • Unë kam disa para në xhepin tim. (përcakton një sasi të caktuar të parave)
    • A dëshironi ndonjë ndihmë me projektin tuaj? (ofertë ose sugjerim)
  • Any:
    • Unë nuk kam asnjë ujë më. (përcakton çdo sasi uji)
    • A keni ndonjë plan për fundjavën? (pyetje)

Vlen të theksohet se "some" dhe "any" mund të përdoren me emrat të numurueshëm dhe të pa numurueshëm, dhe mund të përdoren si peremra te pacaktuar.

Shpresoj që kjo ju ndihmon të kuptoni kuptimin dhe përdorimin e "some" dhe "any"! Më thoni në qoftë se keni pyetje të tjera.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 13. 2023

 Here is a chart explaining the meaning and usage of the indefinite pronouns "some" and "any":

MeaningPositiveNegativeQuestions and Requests
Some Refers to a specific quantityI have some apples.I don't have anyCan you bring me some?
of something or someone.apples.
Can also be used to makeWould you like someI don't want any.Can I have some water?
offers or with that?
AnyRefers to any quantity,Do you have anyI don't have any.Can I borrow any books?
amount or person(s).ideas for dinner?
Can also be used to askIs there any cheeseThere isn't any milk.Can I have any sugar?
questions or make the fridge?

The main difference between "some" and "any" is that "some" refers to a specific quantity, while "any" refers to any quantity, amount or person(s). "Some" is used in positive sentences and offers or suggestions, while "any" is used in negative sentences and questions or requests.

Here are some examples to help illustrate their usage:

  • Some:
    • I have some money in my wallet. (refers to a specific quantity of money)
    • Would you like some help with your project? (offer or suggestion)
  • Any:
    • I don't have any water left. (refers to any quantity of water)
    • Do you have any plans for the weekend? (question)

It's also worth noting that "some" and "any" can be used with countable and uncountable nouns, and can be used as determiners or pronouns.

I hope this helps clarify the meaning and usage of "some" and "any" for you! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

March 12. 2023

here are some sentences to help illustrate the difference between "some" and "any" in usage:

  1. I need _______ sugar to make this cake. Answer: I need some sugar to make this cake. (refers to a specific quantity of sugar)

  2. Do you have _______ suggestions for what we should do this weekend? Answer: Do you have any suggestions for what we should do this weekend? (refers to any quantity of suggestions)

  3. I have _______ free time tomorrow afternoon. Answer: I have some free time tomorrow afternoon. (refers to a specific quantity of free time)

  4. I don't have _______ milk for my cereal. Answer: I don't have any milk for my cereal. (refers to any quantity of milk)

  5. Could you please bring me _______ water? Answer: Could you please bring me some water? (refers to a specific quantity of water)

  6. I don't have _______ plans for this evening. Answer: I don't have any plans for this evening. (refers to any quantity of plans)

  7. Can you give me _______ information about the job? Answer: Can you give me some information about the job? (refers to a specific quantity of information)

  8. I'm looking for _______ new books to read. Answer: I'm looking for some new books to read. (refers to a specific quantity of books)

  9. Are there _______ good restaurants in this area? Answer: Are there any good restaurants in this area? (refers to any quantity of good restaurants)

  10. I have _______ friends coming over for dinner tonight. Answer: I have some friends coming over for dinner tonight. (refers to a specific quantity of friends)

I hope these examples help illustrate when to use "some" and "any" in different contexts! Let me know if you have any questions

Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

Demonstrative pronouns are used to point to or indicate a specific noun or noun phrase. In English, the four demonstrative pronouns are "this", "that", "these", and "those". Here's a chart that shows their differences:

Demonstrative PronounsSingular/PluralNear/FarExamples
ThisSingularNearThis book, this pen
ThatSingularFarThat building, that tree
ThesePluralNearThese books, these pens
ThosePluralFarThose buildings, those trees


  1. This is my new laptop. (singular, near)
  2. That is a beautiful sunset. (singular, far)
  3. These are my favorite books. (plural, near)
  4. Those are my parents over there. (plural, far)


Complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative pronoun:

  1. ____ is my favorite color. (this/that/these/those)
  2. ____ is the tallest building in the city. (this/that/these/those)
  3. ____ are the shoes I want to buy. (this/that/these/those)
  4. ____ are the mountains we climbed last summer. (this/that/these/those)


  1. This
  2. That
  3. These
  4. Those


Fatmir Mani's English School

Here is a chart to help explain the possessive pronouns "my," "mine," "your," "yours," "his," "her," "its," "our," "ours," "their," and "theirs":

MyMine (when used alone)This is my book. The book is mine.
YourYours (when used alone)Is this your pen? The pen is yours.
HisHisThat is his car. The car is his.
HerHers (when used alone)She lost her keys. The keys are hers.
ItsItsThe dog chased its tail. The tail is its.
OurOurs (when used alone)We're going on vacation. The vacation is ours.
TheirTheirs (when used alone)They're hosting the party. The party is theirs.

As you can see from the chart, we use possessive pronouns to indicate ownership or possession of a noun. Here are some examples:

  • This is my book. The book is mine. (The pronoun "my" shows possession, and "mine" replaces "book" in the second sentence.)
  • Is this your pen? The pen is yours. (The pronoun "your" shows possession, and "yours" replaces "pen" in the second sentence.)
  • She lost her keys. The keys are hers. (The pronoun "her" shows possession, and "hers" replaces "keys" in the second sentence.)
  • We're going on vacation. The vacation is ours. (The pronoun "our" shows possession, and "ours" replaces "vacation" in the second sentence.)

Exercise: Choose the correct possessive pronoun to complete the following sentences:

  1. Is that ___ car in the parking lot? (a) my (b) mine (c) ours

  2. I can't find ___ keys. Have you seen them? (a) his (b) hers (c) theirs

  3. ___ cat is sleeping on the couch. (a) our (b) theirs (c) his

  4. I love ___ new shoes. They're so comfortable. (a) my (b) mine (c) theirs

  5. ___ dog is barking in the backyard. (a) our (b) his (c) your

Fatmir Mani's English School

Hi there,

Try to memorise those tongue twisters.

Here are some even easier tongue twisters for beginners at English:

  1. Toy boat. (repeat 3-5 times)

  2. Red lorry. (repeat 3-5 times)

  3. Good blood, bad blood. (repeat 3-5 times)

  4. Unique New York. (repeat 3-5 times)

  5. She sees cheese. (repeat 3-5 times)

  6. The big black bug bit the big black bear. (repeat 3-5 times)

  7. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (repeat 1-2 times)



Fatmir Mani's English School

Once upon a time, in a garden filled with beautiful flowers, there lives a hare named Harry. Harry has many friends in the garden, and he feels like a popular member of the animal community. He loves to run around and play with his friends, the four cats who come to the garden every day.

One day, a new cat comes to the garden for the first time. The cats are surprised to see a hare as they have never seen one before. Harry runs and hides behind a bush, thinking he hears a dog. "There is nothing I can do here," he thinks to himself, and tries to dig a hole to escape.

The cats try to calm Harry down, telling him that there is no dog in the garden. They explain to him that he has nothing to be afraid of and that they will not hurt him. Harry slowly comes out of hiding and begins to feel comfortable around the cats.

As they spend more time together, Harry learns that the cats are not so different from him. They love to play and have fun, just like he does. They all become good friends, and Harry feels truly happy to be a part of their group.

From that day on, Harry plays with the cats every day in the garden, feeling like a valuable and loved member of the animal community. He realizes that sometimes, it takes a new experience and meeting new friends to overcome his fears and become truly happy.

  1. What is the name of the hare in the story? a) Harry b) Henry c) Harold d) Hagrid

  2. Who are Harry's friends in the garden? a) Four dogs b) Four cats c) Two rabbits d) Three squirrels

  3. How does Harry feel about being in the garden? a) He feels lonely b) He feels scared c) He feels popular d) He feels sad

  4. What does Harry think he hears when the new cat comes to the garden? a) A bird b) A mouse c) A dog d) A frog

  5. How do the cats react to seeing Harry for the first time? a) They are scared of him b) They are surprised to see him c) They don't notice him d) They are angry with him

  6. What does Harry do when he thinks he hears a dog? a) He runs and hides b) He attacks the cats c) He jumps over a fence d) He climbs up a tree

  7. What does Harry do to try and escape? a) He flies away b) He swims in a pond c) He digs a hole d) He climbs a wall

  8. How does Harry feel about the cats after spending time with them? a) He is afraid of them b) He doesn't like them c) He loves them d) He doesn't care about them


English Made Easier

Hi Armara and friends,

Write a very simple story using these verbs for a beginner in simple present tense; listen-say-sit down-stand up-open-close-point to-repeat-work identify -spell-count-learn-



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

There is a boy named Tom. Tom likes to learn new things. Today, he goes to school. In class, the teacher talks about different subjects. Tom listens carefully to what the teacher has to say.

The teacher asks everyone to sit down. Tom finds a chair and sits down. Then, the teacher asks everyone to stand up and stretch. Tom stands up and stretches his arms. It feels good to stretch.

The teacher asks them to open their books. Tom opens his book and starts to read. Then, the teacher asks them to close their books. Tom closes his book and looks at the board.

The teacher points to the board and asks the students to identify the letters. Tom looks at the board and tries to identify the letters. He spells them out loud to help him remember.

Next, the teacher gives them a math problem to work on. Tom counts the numbers and solves the problem. He feels proud of himself for finding the answer.

After that, the teacher teaches them a new word. Tom repeats the word after the teacher to learn how to say it correctly.

Finally, it's time to go home. Tom packs up his things and says goodbye to his classmates. He feels happy because he learned something new today.


Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Hi there , here is a chart of the simple present tense of verbs in the affirmative, interrogative, and negative forms, along with some examples:

to beI amAm I?I am not
You areAre you?You are not
He/she/it isIs he/she/it?He/she/it is not
to haveI haveDo I have?I do not have
You haveDo you have?You do not have
He/she/it hasDoes he/she/it have?He/she/it does not have
to eatI eatDo I eat?I do not eat
You eatDo you eat?You do not eat
He/she/it eatsDoes he/she/it eat?He/she/it does not eat
to goI goDo I go?I do not go
You goDo you go?You do not go
He/she/it goesDoes he/she/it go?He/she/it does not go


  • Affirmative: I am a teacher.
  • Interrogative: Do you have a pen?
  • Negative: He does not eat meat.
  • Affirmative: We have a dog.
  • Interrogative: Does she like to swim?
  • Negative: They do not go to the gym.



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Alesia and her family were looking forward to their winter trip to the mountains to go skiing. They packed up their car and headed out early Friday morning.

As they arrived at the mountain resort, they were thrilled with the picturesque view of the snow-capped peaks. They quickly checked in to their hotel room and got ready for their first day of skiing.

The next day, they headed out to the mountain to begin their ascent. The climb was steep and strenuous, but the family persevered, determined to reach the top field where they could ski.

However, halfway through the climb, Alesia and her brother began to struggle. They were both tired and finding it difficult to continue. Despite their parents' encouragement, Alesia's brother decided he couldn't go on any longer and suggested they turn back.

Disappointed, the family made their way back to the hotel where they spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying the amenities.

Although they didn't get to ski that day, Alesia and her family still had a lovely weekend. They decided to plan another trip to the mountains soon and try to climb the mountain in Dardhe, a popular tourist spot.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What was the purpose of Alesia and her family's trip?
  2. How did they feel about the mountain resort when they arrived?
  3. What did they do on the second day of their trip?
  4. Why couldn't Alesia and her brother reach the top field?
  5. What did Alesia's brother suggest when they couldn't continue?
  6. How did they spend the rest of the day after they turned back?
  7. Did they have a good weekend?
  8. What are their future plans?



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Once upon a time, a grasshopper spent his days singing and playing in the sun, while an ant worked hard to collect food for the winter. When the winter arrived, the grasshopper found himself without food and asked the ant for help. But the ant refused, saying, "Why didn't you work hard like me during the summer?"


  1. What did the grasshopper do during the summer? A. He worked hard to collect food. B. He sang and played in the sun. C. He slept all day.

Answer: B

  1. What did the ant do during the summer? A. He sang and played in the sun. B. He worked hard to collect food. C. He slept all day.

Answer: B

  1. What happened when winter arrived? A. The grasshopper had plenty of food. B. The ant had plenty of food. C. The grasshopper had no food.

Answer: C

  1. What did the grasshopper ask the ant for? A. Money B. Food C. A place to stay

Answer: B

  1. Why did the ant refuse to help the grasshopper? A. Because he didn't like him. B. Because he was too busy. C. Because the grasshopper didn't work hard during the summer.

Answer: C

  1. What is the moral of the story? A. It's important to work hard and prepare for the future. B. It's important to have fun and enjoy life. C. It's important to be kind and help others.

Answer: A



Fatmir Mani's English School

English Made Easier

Hi Armara and friends,

Please read the following story.

The Fox and the Grapes

Once upon a time, a fox saw a bunch of grapes hanging from a vine. He tried to reach them, but they were too high. He jumped and jumped, but he couldn't get them. Finally, he gave up and said, "Those grapes are probably sour anyway."


  1. What did the fox see hanging from a vine? A. Apples B. Oranges C. Grapes

Answer: C

  1. What did the fox try to do to get the grapes? A. He climbed the vine. B. He asked for help. C. He jumped and jumped.

Answer: C

  1. Was the fox able to get the grapes? A. Yes, he got them. B. No, he couldn't reach them. C. He didn't want them anymore.

Answer: B

  1. What did the fox say about the grapes after he couldn't reach them? A. They were delicious. B. They were too high up. C. They were probably sour anyway.

Answer: C

  1. What is the moral of the story? A. Don't give up too easily. B. Don't try to do things that are impossible. C. It's better to have something else instead of grapes.

Answer: A



Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

Hello Armara and friends,, here's a short reading passage with some comprehension questions for you:

Reading Passage:

Sarah loves to read books. She usually reads a book every week. Her favorite type of books are mysteries. She likes to try to figure out who the culprit is before the end of the story. She also enjoys reading romance novels. She loves to get lost in the love story and imagine herself as the main character.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What does Sarah enjoy doing?
  2. How often does Sarah read a book?
  3. What is Sarah's favorite type of book?
  4. What does Sarah try to do while reading mysteries?
  5. What type of book does Sarah also like to read?
  6. What does Sarah imagine when she reads romance novels?



Fatmir Mani's English School
English Made Easier

Armara and her friends, Jane and Michael, went to the park after school. They loved to play in the park and always had a lot of fun. They started to play on the slide and swings, but soon they got bored of those. They decided to play a game of tag instead.

The game of tag was really fun, especially when they started to add new rules. They decided to have a time limit and if the person who was “it” didn't catch someone in the allotted time, they would switch places. After playing for a while, they decided to take a break and have a snack.

Armara brought apples, Jane brought some cookies, and Michael brought some juice boxes. They sat on the benches and enjoyed their snack while chatting about their day. After finishing their snack, they decided to play a game of hide and seek.

Armara counted and Jane and Michael went to find a place to hide. Armara searched for them all over the park and finally found them hiding behind a big tree. They all laughed and decided to play one more round before it was time to go home.

When it was time to leave, Armara and her friends said goodbye and promised to come back to the park the next day. They all went home with big smiles on their faces, happy to have spent the afternoon playing and having fun in the park.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Who did Armara go to the park with?
  2. What games did they play in the park?
  3. What did they decide to do if the person who was "it" couldn't catch someone in the game of tag?
  4. What did Armara, Jane, and Michael have for a snack?
  5. What game did they play after they finished their snack?
  6. Where did Armara find Jane and Michael when they played hide and seek?
  7. What was their favorite part of the day in the park?
  8. What did they promise to do at the end of the day?


  1. paf 02.14.2023

    Fatmir Mani's English School
    English Made Easier

    Title: The Lost Kitten

    Once upon a time, there was a little kitten named Mittens. Mittens lived in a small village with her family. One day, while Mittens was playing outside, she got lost. She didn't know where her home was and she was very scared.

    Mittens wandered around for hours, trying to find her way back home. She meowed and meowed, hoping someone would hear her. Finally, she met a kind old woman who asked her what was wrong. Mittens told her about getting lost, and the old woman offered to help.

    The old woman took Mittens to her house and gave her some milk to drink. Mittens felt much better and the old woman told her that she would help her find her way home. The old woman asked Mittens to describe her home, and Mittens told her that it was a small, red house with a white fence.

    The old woman knew exactly where Mittens' home was and she took her there. When Mittens saw her home, she ran towards it and her family was so happy to see her. They hugged her and gave her lots of treats. Mittens was so grateful to the old woman for helping her find her way home.

    From that day on, Mittens was extra careful when playing outside. She always made sure to stay close to her home, so she wouldn't get lost again.

    Comprehension Questions:

    1. Where did Mittens live? A. Mittens lived in a small village.

    2. What happened to Mittens when she was playing outside? A. Mittens got lost and didn't know how to find her way home.

    3. Who did Mittens meet who helped her? A. Mittens met a kind old woman who helped her.

    4. How did the old woman help Mittens find her way home? A. The old woman asked Mittens to describe her home and then took her there.

    5. How did Mittens' family react when they saw her again? A. Mittens' family was very happy to see her and hugged her and gave her treats.

  2. =======

  3. paf02.12.2023

Hi Armara and friends,

Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte. 
Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te  kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthme. 


A. Sentence structure
      Struktura e fjalise.

The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me  nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.

1  Subject             Verb   
   Kryefjale    +      Folje
My arms           are aching
    Something        happened

2. Subject               Verb                  Object   
   Kryefjale      +     Folje        +        Kundrinor

    I                           need                 a rest
    Five people       are moving      the piano

The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun 
(e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg  the piano)

Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:

a) emer
b) peremer
c) grup emeror)

3. Subject                Verb                  Complement
    Kryefjale      +      Folje          +      Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )

   This piano            is                        heavy
   It                            was                    a big problem

The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.

Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:

a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.

Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.

4.  Subject                 Verb                 Adverbial    
     Kryefjale        +     Folje        +      Ndajfolje ose rrethanor

    It                             is                      on my foot.
    Their house          is                       nearby.
An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.

5.  Subject                  Verb                Object                      Object
     Kryefjale      +        Folje        +      Kundrinor        +        Kundrinor 

    It                             ‘s giving           me                            backache.
    David                      bought            Melanie                   a present.

We use two objects after verbs like give and  send.
Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.

B. Adverbials

We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.

My arms are aching terribly.                        I really need a rest.
Of course this piano is heavy .                    Fortunately their house is nearby .

  1. ========================

  2. paf02.08.2023

    Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know) 


    1 We form the Present Simple like this: 




    I know. 


    You know. 


    He/she/it knows. 


    We know. 


    You know. 


    They know. 


    I know the answer. 

    She starts work at 9.30. 


    We add -s after he/she/it: 

    I start→ he starts                             I live→ she lives 


    If a verb ends in –ch ,-o ,-sh , or  -ss , we add –es after he/she/it: 

    I watch→he watches 

    You do→he does 

    They go→it goes 

    We wash→she washes 


    If a verb ends in a consonant (b,c,d etc.) + y ( , we use –ies after he/she/it: 

    I study→he studies                          I fly→it flies 


    2 Now look at these examples of the negative: 

    I don’t like that music. 

    He doesn’t listen to his teacher. 



    Full form 

    Short form 

    I do not know. 

    I don’t know. 

    You do not know. 

    You don’t know. 



     does not know. 

    He doesn’t know. 

    We do not know. 

    We don’t know. 

    You do not know. 

    You don’t know. 

    They do not know. 

    They don’t know. 


    Note that we say: 

    He does not know.  (Not He does not knows.) 

    3 We use the Present Simple: 

    • To talk about things that happen regularly: 

    Monday  Tuesday  Wensday 

    He plays golf every day. 


    • To talk about facts: 

    She comes from France. (=She is French.) 

    Greengrocers sell vegetables. 

    I don’t speak Chinese. 





    A   Add  -s  or  -es  to the verbs in the sentences if it is necessary. If it is not necessary, put a (ü) in the gap. 


    1. He works_______ in a bank. 

    1. They live  ü____  in the France. 

    1. I watch _________TV every day. 

    1. She go________ to work by car. 

    1. The film finish ________  at ten o’clock. 

    1. We play _________tennis every weekend. 

    1. They go_______ on holiday in August. 

    1. He speak__________ Italian and French. 

    1. She do____________ her homework every night. 

    1. We start __________work at 8:30. 


    B  Now finish these sentences using a verb from the box. Use each verb once. Remember to add  -s  or  -es  if necessary. 










    1. He eats toast for breakfast. 

    1. I ________coffee three times a day. 

    1. My father ____________ a new language every year. 

    1. She__________ to New York once a month. 

    1. He ___________ cigarettes a day. 

    1. They ______ in Ireland. 

    1. He ____________ work at six o’clock. 

    1. I _________ fruit in a shop. 


    C   Write these sentences, using the negative form of Present Simple. 

    1. (He/not/live/in Mexico)→   He doesn’t live in Mexico. 

    1. (She/not/work/in a bank)  _________________________________ 

    1. (I/not/play/golf) __________________________________________ 

    1. (Paul/not/listen/to the radio)  →  ____________________________ 

    1. (We/not/speak/French)→____________________________________ 

    1. (You/not/listen/to me!)→_____________________________________ 

    1. (My car/not/work)→__________________________________________ 

    1. (I/not/drink/tea)→____________________________________________ 

    1. (Sheila/not/eat/meat)→_______________________________________ 

    1. (I/not/understand/you)→_____________________________________ 

    D  Put in the verbs from the box, in the Present Simple. Use each verb once. 



















    How do you start day, Jim? 


    Well, I get up at six o’clock. I get washed and dressed, and I ____ breakfast at seven o’clock. After breakfast,I ______ my teeth. I ___to work at eight o’clock. 


    When do you get to work? 


    I usually _______ at my office at about half past eight. First, I ______ a cup of coffee, and then I ______ work at 8.45 am. 


    Where do you work? 


    I _____ in a bank. I am a computer operator. I ______ my job. It’s very interesting. 


    When do you eat lunch? 


    I ________ work and I have lunch at one o’clock. I _____ a cup of tea at half past three. 


    When do you finish work? 


    I ______ the office at six o’clock. I eat dinner when I get home. Then I _____TV for an hour or two. 




    E  Use the table to write facts about Joan. A tick (ü) means that something is true. A cross (û) means that something is not true. Use the verbs in brackets. 






    from Scotland ü 

    in a bank û 

    in a flat ü 

    French ü 

    new films û 

    from England û 

    in a shop ü 

    in a house û 

    Italian û 

    old films ü 




    She comes from Scotland. 

    She doesn’t come from England. 



    She____________ in a bank.        

    She___________________ in a shop. 



    She ______________________                

    She ____________________________ 










  3. ===========


The present continuous tense: form 

We make the present continuous tense with the verb ‘to be’ and the –ing form of the verb(the present participle). 

Kohen e tashme te vazhduar e formojme me foljen ‘ to be’ dhe formening te foljes (pjesoren e te tashmes)



I’m watching TV. She’s playing tennis. They’re having lunch. 

I’m not watching  TV. She isn’t playing tennis. They aren’t having lunch. 


The present simple tense and the present continuous tense: use 

We use the present simple tense to describe regular events or permanent states.We use the present continuous tense to say what is happening at the moment. 

Ne perdorim kohen e tashme per te pershkruar ngjarje te rregullta ose gjendje te perhershme. 

Ne perdorim kohen e tashme te vazhduar per te thene cfare po ndodh tani/ne momentin qe flasim. 


I’m working late today. I usually work late on Wednesdays. 

She’s singing a song now. She sings well. 

  Some verbs are not normally used in the continuous form even when they refer to the present     moment. They are: 

-Verbs of liking and disliking : like, love , prefer, hate, want, wish,need. 

-verbs that describe a mental activity : think, imagine, believe,know, realize, mean, understand,remember,suppose ,feel , hope, see. 

-verbs of appearance  : be, seem, appear, look, sound, taste, smell, feel. 

-verbs that describe a permanent state : belong to, contain, include, matter, owe, own. 

Disa folje normalisht nuk perdoren ne kohen e tashme te vazhduar edhe kur ato I referohen momentit aktual. Ato jane: 

-foljet e pelqimit dhe mospelqimit 

-foljet qe pershkruajne nje veprimtari mendore 

-fojlet e paraqitjes 

-foljet qe pershkruajne gjendje te perhershme. 

  1. =====

paf 05.02.2023

Story 1, Focus Sound and Spelling: ea (long E sound)
  1. Tom and Angela are near the sea.

    Tom is near Angela and Angela is near Tom.
    The sea is near and the sea is big.

    Tom wants to eat a banana.
    Angela wants to eat a kiwi.

    They sit and eat.

    Now Tom wants to eat a kiwi,
    and Angela wants to eat a banana.

    They sit and eat.

    Angela wants to clean. Tom wants to clean, too.
    They clean the banana and they clean the kiwi.
    They clean near the sea.

    Now Angela wants to read. She sits and reads.

    Tom sits, too, but Tom does not read. Tom dreams.
    He sits and he dreams and he dreams.


Story 2, Focus Sound and Spelling: CH sound

Angela and Tom are near the sea.
They are at the beach. They are happy.

The beach is big. The beach is hot, too.

Angela likes the beach, and Tom likes the beach.
They play and they chat. They chat and they play.

They sit on a bench.

Angela and Tom eat lunch on the bench.
They eat lunch and they chat.

Tom eats a peach, and Angela eats a peach.
Angela eats a cherry, and Tom eats a cherry.

They eat lunch and chat on the bench at the beach.

Pepper the dog is at the beach, too.

Angela and Tom teach Pepper to sit on the bench.
Pepper sits on the bench.

Angela and Tom teach Pepper to catch the peach.
Angela and Tom teach Pepper to catch the cherry.

Pepper runs.
Pepper runs to catch the peach.
Pepper runs to catch the cherry.

Pepper eats the peach and Pepper eats the cherry.

Pepper is happy. Angela and Tom are happy.


Story 1 – Fill in the correct letters.

Tom and Angela are n__ __r the s__ __.

Tom is n__ __r Angela and Angela is n__ __r Tom. 
The s__ __ is n__ __r and the s__ __ is b__g.

Tom wants to __ __t a banana.
Angela wants to __ __t a kiwi.

They s__t and __ __t.

Now Tom wants to __ __t a kiwi, 
and Angela wants to __ __t a banana.

They s__t and __ __t.

Angela wants to cl__ __n. Tom wants to cl__ __n, too.
They cl__ __n the banana and they cl__ __n the kiwi. 
They cl__ __n n__ __r the s__ __.

Now Angela wants to r__ __d. She s__ts and r__ __ds.

Tom s__ts, too, but Tom does not r__ __d. Tom dr__ __ms. 
He s__ts and he dr__ __ms and he dr__ __ms.

Story 2 – Fill in the correct letters.

Angela and Tom are near the __ea.
They are at the bea__ __. They are happ__.

The bea__ __ is big. The bea__ __ is hot, too.

Angela likes the bea__ __, and Tom likes the bea__ __.
They play and they __ __at. They __ __at and they play.

The__ sit on a ben__ __.

Angela and Tom eat lun__ __ on the ben__ __. 
They eat lun__ __ and they __ __at.

Tom eats a pea__ __, and Angela eats a pea__ __.
Angela eats a __ __erry, and Tom eats a __ __erry.

They eat lun__ __ and __ __at on the ben__ __ at the bea__ __.

Pepper the dog is at the bea__ __, too.

Angela and Tom tea__ __ Pepper to sit on the ben__ __.
Pepper sits on the ben__ __.

Angela and Tom tea__ __ Pepper to cat__ __ the pea__ __.
Angela and Tom tea__ __ Pepper to cat__ __ the __ __erry.

Pepper runs.
Pepper runs to cat__ __ the pea__ __.
Pepper runs to cat__ __ the __ __erry.

Pepper eats the pea__ __ and Pepper eats the __ __erry.

Pepper is happ__. Angela and Tom are happy.

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