Saturday, March 8, 2025

15/120 Mistakes to avoid during 2025

 15. At first and first 

At first is used to talk about the beginning of a situation.

 It is often followed by but. In other cases, we usually use first.

 • At first everything seemed fine, but then things started going wrong. 

• I first met her at a restaurant. 

65/100 words one should know before joining the TOEFL test one day


MeticulousExtremely careful, detail-oriented./məˈtɪkjələs/I përpiktë, shumë i kujdesshëm
MnemonicMemory aid or device./nɪˈmɒnɪk/Mnemoteknikë, ndihmë për kujtesën
MonologueExtended speech by one person./ˈmɒnəlɒɡ/Monolog, fjalim i gjatë nga një person
MotifRecurring theme or element./moʊˈtiːf/Motiv, temë ose element përsëritës
MyriadCountless or a great number./ˈmɪr.i.əd/Miriadë, numër i madh, i panumërt

Saying of the day

 Forgiving people in silence and choosing never to talk to them again is not about anger or holding a grudge. It's about self care. It's about "let him/her go of the way they left behind without re-opening the door to more pain. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting. It means choosing peace for yourself.

Adjectives or prepositions

 Adjectives or prepositions 

Mbiemra apo parafjalë 


     Do you know how to use adjectives with prepositions like interested in or similar to? Look at these examples to see how adjectives are used with prepositions. 

     A dini si të përdorni mbiemrat me parafjalë si i interesuar për apo i ngjashëm me? Shikoni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren mbiemrat me parafjalë. 

  • Im interested in the idea. 

  • My jacket is similar to yours. 

  • Shes brilliant at maths. 

  • My neighbor is angry about the party. 



     Try this exercise to test your grammar. 

     Provoni këtë ushtrim për të testuar njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


      Choose the correct word. 

Zgjidhni fjalën e saktë. 

  1. I’m really proud ___ you!  

  • of  

  • to 

  • with 


  1. She’s responsible ___ health and safety.  

  • for 

  • in 

  • of 


  1. He’s allergic ___ seafood.  

  • of 

  • to 

  • with 


  1. They’re interested ___ our project.  

  • about 

  • in 

  • on 


  1. I’m addicted ___ that new series on Channel 4.  

  • of 

  • to 

  • with 


  1. Sugar is bad ___ your teeth.  

  • at 

  • for 

  • of 


  1. I’m really excited ___ the new house.  

  • about 

  • of 

  • to 


  1. My boss is terrible ___ communicating.  

  • at 

  • in 

  • to 


     Read the explanation to learn more. 

     Lexoni shpjegimin për mësuar shumë. 



Grammar explanation 

Shpjegimi gramatikor 

     Some adjectives go with certain prepositions. There are no grammatical rules for which preposition is used with which adjective, so its a good idea to try to learn them together. To help you do this, write new vocabulary in your notebook in a sentence or phrase. However, there are some patterns that can help you. Lets look at them first. Remember that a preposition is followed by a noun or a gerund (-ing form). 

     Disa folje shkojnë me parafjalë të caktuara. Nuk ka rregulla gramatikore se cila parafjalë përdoret me cilin mbiemër, kështu që është një ide e mirë të përpiqeni t’i mësoni së bashku. Për t’ju ndihmuar ta bëni këtë, shkruani fjalorin e ri në fletoren tuaj të shënimeve duke e përdorur në një fjali apo shprehje. Megjithatë, ka disa modele që ju ndihmojnë. Si fillim, le t’i shohim. Mbani mend se parafjala ndiqet nga një emër apo një përcjellore (formë -ing). 



With at 

     We use at with adjectives like good/bad/amazing/brilliant/terrible, etc. to talk about skills and abilities. 

     Përdorim at me mbiemra si i mirë / i keq / i mrekullueshëm / brilant / i tmerrshëm, etj. për të folur rreth aftësive. 

  • He’s really good at English. 

  • She’s amazing at the piano. 

  • They’re terrible at organizing anything. 

  • I’m not very good at drawing. 


With about 

     We often use about with adjectives of feelings like angry/excited/happy/nervous/sad / stressed/ worried, etc. to explain what is causing that feeling. 

     Shpesh përdorim about me mbiemrat e ndjenjave si i inatosur / i emocionuar / i lumtur / nervoz / i mërzitur / i stresuar / i shqetësuar, etj. për të shpjeguar se çfarë po e shkakton atë ndjenjë. 

  • I’m angry about the decision. 

  • He’s nervous about the presentation. 

  • She’s excited about the new job. 

  • They were worried about the exam. 


With of 

     However, sometimes we use of with feelings. 

     Megjithatë, ndonjëherë përdorim edhe of me ndjenjat. 

  • She was afraid of telling her mum. 

  • I’m frightened of having an accident. 

  • He’s scared of flying. 

  • You should be proud of your progress. 


With to 

     We can use to to show the connection between people or things. 

     Ne mund të përdorim to për të treguar lidhjen midis njerëzve apo gjërave. 

  • He’s married to the director. 

  • I’m addicted to my phone. 

  • I’m allergic to nuts. 

  • It’s similar to the old one. 


We can also use to to talk about someones behavior towards someone else. 

Gjithashtu mund të përdorim to për të folur rreth sjelljes së dikujt drejt një personi tjetër. 

  • They were really friendly to me. 

  • Was he nice to you? 

  • He is always polite to everyone. 

  • She was very rude to the waitress. 


Here are some other useful adjectives with prepositions. 

Këtu janë disa mbiemra tjerë dobishëm me parafjalë. 


With for 

  • Exercise is good for you. 

  • Stress is bad for you. 

  • The town is famous for its cheese. 

  • I’m responsible for the financial side of the business. 


With in 

  • She’s interested in the project. 

  • They want someone who’s experienced in design. 

  • I didn’t want to get involved in the argument. 




     Do this exercise to test your grammar again. 

     Bëni këtë ushtrim për të testuar sërish njohuritë tuaja gramatikore. 


          Choose the correct word. 

          Zgjidhni fjalën e saktë. 

  1. She’s interested ___ buying the flat.  

  • about 

  • in 

  • on 


  1. I’m a bit nervous ___ going somewhere so different.  

  • about 

  • of 

  • to 


  1. The activities will be similar ___ what we did last year.  

  • at 

  • to 

  • with 


  1. He wants to be involved ___ making the decision.  

  • about 

  • in 

  • on 


  1. She’s angry ___ not being invited to the dinner.  

  • about 

  • for 

  • to 


  1. You’re good ___ talking to big groups of people.  

  • at 

  • in 

  • to 


  1. Eating a lot of red meat is not good ___ you.  

  • at 

  • for 

  • on 


  1. I’m afraid ___ flying.  

  • of 

  • to 

  • with