Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lesson 44 

 Conjunctions                                                Lidhezat

A conjunction is a word used to connect words, phrases, or clauses or to coordinate words in the same clause, such as: and, but, for, or, nor, yot, so, etc. It links the words or groups of words together, in such a way that certain relationships amount  these different parts of the sentence will be established, and the thoughts that all parts in these convey will be connected. 
Nje lidhez eshte nje fjale e perdorur per te lidhur fjale, shprehje, ose klauzola ose te barazoj fjalet ne te njejten klauzole, si dhe, por, per, ose, as, akoma, atehere, etj. Ajo lidh fjale ose grupe fjalesh bashke, ne menyre te tille qe marredhenie  te caktuara fjalesh te saktesohen, te shtohen ne pjese te ndryshme te fjalise, dhe mendimet qe te gjtha keto percjellin,  do te lidhen me se miri.

In English, conjunctions come in three basic types: Coordinating, Subordinating, and Correlative. Coordinating Conjunctions and Correlative Conjunctions connect two grammatically equal elements (words, phrases, or clauses), whereas Subordinating Conjunctions connect two unequal elements
Ne Anglisht lidhezat vijne ne tre forma: koordinuese, nenrenditese dhe korrelative. Koordinuese dhe korrelative sherbejne per te lidhur dy elemente te njejta gramatikore (fjale, shprehje, ose Djali te varura), ndersa lidhezat nenrenditese lidhin dy elemente te pabarabarte. 

(A)   Coordinating Conjunctions                                           Lidhezat koordinuese

He caught the first train and got there just in time.                               Ai morri trenin e pare dhe arriti ne kohe atje. 
It´s raining, so you should stay at home.                                                  Eshte duke renes hi, keshtu qe ti duhet te qendrosh ne shtepi.
She put on a sweater, for it was cold outside. (= because)                   Ajo veshi nje triko, sepse jashte bente ftohte.
Jose studied a lot, yet he didn´t pass the test                                         Xhose studioji shume, por megjthate ai nuk e mori testin. (= por,. (= but, nevertheless)                                                                                   por megjithate.)
Nicole didn´t come, nor did Jane.                                                             Nikol nuk erdhi, as Xheini.

(B)   Subordinating Conjunctions                                   Lidhezat nenrenditese.

After the rain let up a bit, we made a dash for the car.                         Pasi shiu pushoi pak, ne u turrem per ne makine.
Although it rained, everyone had a good time.                                       Megjithese ra shi, cdokush ia kaloi bukur.
He couldn´t come because he was sick.                                                    Ai nuk mundi te vinte, sepse ishte I semure.
She has been busy since she took the new job.                                      Ajo ka qene e zene me pune, qe kur mori punen e re.
It won´t happen unless you make it happen.                                          Ajo nuk do te ndodhe, deri sa ta besh ti te 

(C)    Correlative Conjunctions                                        Lidhezat korrelative

Either you or Jacob must go.                                                     Ose ti ose Xhakobi duhet te ike.
Neither Natalia nor Craig was to blame for the mistake.     As Natalia, as Kreig nuk duhet te mbani pergjegjesi per gabimin.
Sarah eats not only string beans but also broccoli.                Sara  ha jo vetem fasulepor edhe brokoli.
The movie is suitable for both children and adults.               Filmi eshte I pershtatshem per te dy femijet dhe te rriturit.
No sonner had I arrived at the station than the train came.  Jo me pare se une arrita ne stacion,  treni erdhi. (= aq shpejt sa) .                         ( = As soon as)  

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