Thursday, March 30, 2017

Sometimes certain people, teachers included, feel that they have done their duty by simply trying to teach others to read. When you decide to act the teacher it's of primary importance to help the pupils or students get something worth reading. 

Books, stories,tales,fables,verses which stir  their imagination, will help them make sense of their own lives and encourage them to reach out toward people whose lives are quite different from their own. 

Hope this evening, Phil Bossman will help us feel good and be helpful whenever needed.


 A hunting image

One evening,
During the TV news,
I was shocked by a picture,
A picture flashing between
The usual nightly scenes
Of wars and calamities.
Just before the sports news
There was a picture that got in between
For just a second.
A picture from one of the richest
Countries of the world,
With remarkable welfare services,
Where, from candle to grave,
Everyone is cushioned.
A picture from Sweden.
I saw an old man lying on the pavement.
I saw people walking past him.
The announcer said
that this man had been lying there for hours,
without anybody turning round to look at him.
Finally, a police car came.
The man was dead.

This picture haunts me,
It is a picture
from a dead, decadent civilization.
Did nobody see this man fall?
Why had nobody covered him up?
This is a public murder by indifference.
Or, to his fellowmen,
perhaps this man had already been dead
for a long time.
You know how small, how poor, how lonely, how
weak and how vulnerable people are.  
You know that there are tears that nobody will ever care about. 
You know that there is almost no sorrow greater than that of
a heart which nobody understands. 
You know that life
is an unbearable pain for some people.

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