Thursday, March 9, 2017

Hi there,

Being away for a time is not always bad. So after a while, we see each other again with the great hope of staying in touch.


When your English is no more a baby, then it is necessary to learn a few more things from the grammar point of view.

I invite you all to have a close look at the following words.

Imperatives, infinitives and –ing forms

First, try to find out what  the meaning of these three words are in English. As soon as you start to look up their meanings you will notice that;

Ne momentin kur ju filloni te kuptoni qe gjuha juaj nuk eshte me ne nivelin fillestar, atehere ka ardh koha qe te shikoni disa gjera pak me thelle nen syrin e gramatikes.

Sot ju ftoj te shikojme se bashku tre fjale.
E fillojme me gjetjen e kuptimit te tyre sipas nje fjalori;

1)    Imperative = (grammar) the form of a verb that you use for telling somebody to do something: ‘ Listen!’ ‘ Go away!’ Both sentences are in the imperative

Ne gjuhen tone kjo fjale I perket kuptimit te menyres urdherore. Menyra urdherore ka vetem nje kohe ne perberje te saj,dhe kjo eshte koha e tashme. Dmth, nese ne do te mundohemi te perdorim kete menyre, atehere s'bejme gje tjeter vecse kerkojme nga dikush te beje dicka, per ne ose per veten e vet.
Ju lutem shikoni fjalite e meposhteme edhe provoni te ndertoni fjalite tuaja sipas modelit te tyre.



Pra, perdorim menyren urdherore per te dhene keshilla dhe instruksione.

Run early in the morning –it’s better.
Meet me at eight o’clock.
Always wear comfortable clothing.
Never run in fog.
Don’t run if you’ve got a cold.
Don’t tell Barbara.
Come and have a look.
Don’t waste your time at the bars!
Be patient!
Give with your heart.
Remember that life needs you.

2)   Infinitives with to

Examples: to see; to go

Infinitive = (grammar) the simple form of a verb. We sometimes use the infinitive with to, and sometimes without, depending on what comes before it.

He can swim.
He wants to swim.

Ne gjuhen shqipe, kjo fjale ka kuptimin paskajore.

We use infinitives with to:
After certain verbs (for example hope, want, have, would like)

I hope to see you soon.
I don’t want to go home.
You have to change at Coventry.
Would you like to dance?

After something, anything, nothing

Would you like something to eat?
Have you got anything to drink?
There’s nothing to do.

To say why we do things (infinitive of purpose)

Why did you come here? To see you.
You got to a supermarket to buy food.
Infinitives without to
Examples: see; go

We use infinitives without to:
After the special verbs can could will would and do

I can speak English.
Could you speak more slowly?
It will rain tomorrow.
What would you like?
Does he smoke?
Don’t stop.

After let’s

Let’s all go and see Ann.

3)  -Ing form


Kjo menyre ne gjuhen angleze ndertohet thjesht duke I shtuar nje foljeje te caktuar mbaresen - ing.
Patjeter qe ka disa rregulla drejtshkrimi ne ndertimin e saj,por qellimi i mesimit te sotem eshte i mjaftueshem me kaq. 

 Examples: see + ing = seeing; go+ing=going

After certain verbs (for example like love hate)

I like speaking French.
I love going to the theatre.

In progressive tense

What are you doing? I’m writing letter.

After all prepositions

Thank you for coming.
She’s good at swimming.

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