Thursday, September 22, 2022



Unit 1                                    Nouns 

                                             ( Emrat ) 

Nouns can be either proper or common. Proper nouns are those that refer to a particular person, thing or idea. Such name are capitalized:  America, George Washington, Mr. Neruda, October. 

(Emrat mund te jene te pervecem ose te pergjithshem. Emrat e pervecem jane ata qe i referohen  nje personi, gjeje ose ideje te  vecante. Emrat e tille jane me shkronje te madhe: Amerika, Xhorxh Washington , zoti Neruda, Tetor.) 

Nouns that do not refer to a particular person, place, thing, or idea are common nouns. They are not capitalized: land, girls, money, test 

(Emrat qe nuk i referohen nje personi, vendi, gjeje ose ideje te vecante jane emra te pergjithshem. Ata nuk jane me shkronje te madhe: toke, vajza, para, test.) 

Compare the following list of proper and common nouns : 

(Krahaso listen e meposhtme me emra te pervecem dhe te pergjithshem : ) 

Proper Nouns                                                                                                 Common Nouns 

( Emra te pervecem )                                                                          ( Emrat te pergjithshem 

Mexico                                                                                                                  country 

Ms. Finch                                                                                                               woman 

English                                                                                                                    language 

McGraw-Hill                                                                                                            publisher 

American Airlines                                                                                                  company 

December                                                                                                                month 


Exercise 1-1 ( Ushtrimi 1-1 ) 

Next to each noun write the word proper or common. 

( Para cdo emri shkruaj fjalen i pervecem ose i pergjithshem. )  

  1.   __________________________ ________ France 

  1. ___________________________________ rope 

  1. ___________________________________ United States 

  1. __________________________________ Professor Hall 

  1. __________________________________ professor 

  1. __________________________________  the stadium 

  1. ___________________________________ the Olympics 

  1. ___________________________________  horses 

  1. ____________________________________  Dr. Blanchard 

  1. ____________________________________  our school 


Exercise 1-2 ( Ushtrimi 1-2 ) 

Rewrite each noun, capitalizing the proper nouns. 

( Rishkruaj cdo emer, emrat e pervecem me shkronje te madhe.) 

  1. ________________________ glass 

  1. ________________________ rocky mountains 

  1. ________________________ mexico 

  1. ________________________ flowers 

  1. ________________________ bus 

  1. ________________________ the store 

  1. ________________________ new york times 

  1. ________________________ roberto 

  1. ________________________ professor romano 

  1. ________________________ my books 

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