Wednesday, March 2, 2022

5 Key principles of English grammar

 Although there are hundreds of different grammar rules in English, there are actually only 5 fundamental principles students have to understand in order to be able to properly communicate.

Megjithese ka me qindra rregulla te ndryshme gramatikore ne anglisht,ne fakt ekzistojne vetem 5 parime themelore qe studentet duhet ti kuptojne ne menyre qe te jene te afte per te komunikuar sic duhet.

Since these elements apply regardless of whether you're speaking or writing English, California English school students should make sure they fully understand them before proceeding to the more specialized rules in English grammar.

Meqenese keto elemente zbatohen pavaresisht nese jeni duke shkruar ose folur Anglisht, studentet e shkollave angleze ne Kaliforni duhet te sigurohen plotesisht se i dine keta elemente perpara se te procedojne ne rregullat gramatikore me te specializuara te anglishtes .

In an effort to help you master English grammar faster, we have prepared a brief guide on the 5 fundamental grammar Read on to learn more.

Në nje përpjekje për t'ju ndihmuar të zotëroni më shpejt gramatikën angleze,ne kemi pergatitur nje udhezues te shkurter mbi 5 elementet themelore qe perbejne te folurit dhe te shkruarit. Lexoni me tej per te mesuar me shume.

What are the five elements of grammar?

Cilat jane pese elementet e gramatikes?

The following 5 principles form the basic framework you’ll need to become familiar with in order to speak coherent and grammatically-correct English.

5 parimet e meposhtme perbejne kornizen baze me te cilen do t’ju duhet te njiheni ne menyre qe te flisni anglisht kuptueshem dhe gramatikisht sakte .

They are the foundation on which the other rules of English are built.

Ato jane themeli mbi te cilin jane formuar edhe rregullat e tjera te anglishtes.

These 5 key principles of English grammar are:

Keto 5 parime kryesore te gramatikes se anglishtes jane:

1. Word order (Renditja e fjaleve)

As an analytic language, English uses word order to determine the relationship between different words. In a basic declarative statement, the subject should always come first, the verb-second, and the objects and adverbial phrases (if any) third.

Si nje gjuhe analitike,anglishtja perdor renditjen e fjaleve per te percaktuar lidhjen midis fjaleve te ndryshme. Ne nje paraqitje deklarative,kryefjala duhet gjithmone te jete e para,folja e dyta ,dhe kundrinoret dhe shprehjet ndajfoljore(nese ka) te tretat.

Examples: Shembuj:

· The farmer is leading a cow.

· The child is playing with a Superman toy.

Changing this basic order changes the meaning of the sentences:

Duke ndryshuar kete baze renditjeje ndryshon edhe kuptimi i fjalive:

· The cow farmer is leading.

· A cow is leading the farmer.

· A Superman toy is playing with the child.

· The Superman child is playing with a toy.

2. Punctuation (Shenjat e pikesimit)

In written English, punctuation is used to signify pauses, intonation, and stress words.

Ne anglishten e shkruar,shenja e pikesimit perdoret per te kuptuar ndalesat,intonacionin dhe theksin e fjaleve.

These punctuation marks are commas, periods, question marks, exclamation points, semicolons, colons, dashes, hyphens, brackets, braces, parentheses, apostrophes, ellipsis, and quotation marks.

Keto shenjat e pikesimit jane presjet ,pikat, pikepyetjet, pikecuditjet, pikepresjet,dy pikat,vizat,,kllapat,apostrofet,,dhe thonjezat.

Punctuation can completely alter the meaning of a sentence, as in these examples:

Shenjat e pikesimit mund te ndryshojne plotesisht kuptimin e nje fjalie,si ne shembujt e meposhtem:

· He came home!

· He came home?

· Let's cook, Garry!

· Let's cook Garry!

3. Tense and aspect (Koha dhe aspekti)

Tenses signify whether a statement refers to the present, the past, or the future by applying parameters to verbs.

Kohet tregojne nese nje deklarate i referohet se tashmes,se shkuares,ose te ardhmes duke aplikuar parametra te fojlet.

Likewise, aspect shows whether a statement refers to one single instant action, a regular or repeated action, or an ongoing or progressive action or state.

Po keshtu,aspekti tregon nese nje deklarate i referohet veprimit te vetem te castit, nje veprimi te rregullt ose te perseritur,ose nje veprimi apo gjendje te vazhdueshme ose progresive.

Here's how tenses can completely change a sentence:

Ja se si kohet mund te ndryshojne plotesisht nje fjali:

· I'm a police officer.

· I was a police officer.

· She's drinking wine.

· She drinks wine.

· I'll watch that show.

· I watched that show.

4. Determiners (Percaktoret)

Since nouns can rarely stand on their own without prior context, determiners such as "which", "how many", "what", "my", and so on are needed to give them meaning.

Meqenese emrat rrale mund te qendrojne pa kontekstin paraprak te tyre,percaktoret si “cili/cila” , “Sa?” , “Cfare?” , “Imi” , e keshtu me radhe jane te nevojshem per t’ju dhene kuptim.

Using determiners correctly is essential in order to form meaningful questions or statements.

Perdorimi i sakte i percaktoreve eshte thelbesore per te formuar pyetje ose deklarata kuptimplota

Here are some examples of determiners in action:

Ja disa shembuj te percaktuesve:

· My wife.

· His wife.

· The restaurant over there.

· The corner restaurant.

5. Connectors (Lidhezat)

As their name suggests, connectors "connect" phrases, words, or clauses to one another.

Ashtu si emri i tyre,lidhezat “lidhin” fraza, fjale ,pjese fjalie me njera-tjetren.

They can express subordination (if, who, that, when, because, although), coordination (but, and, yet, nor), or correlation (either, or, both, and) between the units they link.

Ato mund te shprehin varesi(nese,kush,that,kur,sepse,edhe pse),bashkerenditje(por,dhe,ende,as), korrelacion( gjithashtu,ose,po ashtu,dhe) ndermjet njesive qe lidhin.

Examples of subordination: (Shembuj te vartesise)

· She's a programmer who lives in San Diego.

· He wears a uniform because he's a policeman.

Examples of correlation: (Shembujt e korrelacionit)

· You can pick either the yellow or the white dress.

· We can either travel tonight or tomorrow.

Examples of coordination: (Shembujt bashkerenditese)

· I enjoy eating popcorn and drinking soda.

· I enjoy eating popcorn and drinking soda, but I don't like beer and pretzels.

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