Saturday, March 1, 2014

Para disa ditesh nje student kerkoi te dije dicka ne lidhje me temen e meposhteme te cilen po e paraqesim per te gjithe ata te cilet do te tregojne nje lloj interesi.

Who’s vs Whose

Te dyja keto fjale, paveresisht se shqiptohen njesoj nuk jane njejta gje. Nese nuk e njihni ndyshimin qe ato kane atehere jeni te lutur te shikoni me kujdes dhe te kuptoni ndryshimet midis tyre.

Who knows the difference between who’s and whose? Here’s a lesson whose time has come.
Who’s is a contraction of who is or, less commonly, who has.

Who's eshte forma e shkurtuar e peremrit pyetes who dhe foljes ndihmese is apo ne pak raste edhe te ketij peremri plus foljes ndihmese has.
Ndiqni shembujt e meposhtem.

Who’s watching TV?
Do you know who’s going to speak?
Who’s ready to go?
Who’s in the kitchen?
Who’s this?
Who’s already eaten?

Whose is the possessive of who or, somewhat controversially, which.

Ndersa permeri whose ( i e kujt ) eshte forma gjinore e permerit who ( kush ) apo ne nje fare menyre edhe e peremrit  which ( cilit, i cili ).

Whose book is this?
Do you know whose car this is?
I know a woman whose kids study there.
Whose side are you on?
An idea whose time has come.

The Bottom Line
The trouble here is due to the apostrophe, which on 99% of English words indicates possession, but on this one simply indicates a contraction. If you can replace the word with who is or who has,
 use who’s. If not, use whose.

 Ne rastin e komentuar si me siper problemi lind vetem per shkak te perdorimit te apostrofit, i cili pothuajse ne 99% te rasteve ne gjuhen angleze shpreh marredhenie pronesie kurse ne kete lloj rasti ai eshte vetem nje forme  e shkurtuar e caktuar. Ne rast se apostrofi edhe 's mund te zevendesohen lehtesisht me foljet respektive - is ose - has, atehere perdore kete forme. Ne rast te kundert perdor formen whose.

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