Tuesday, January 18, 2022

10 things we take for granted

By Judy Ponio 

1. Waking Up Today

When you woke up this morning, the first thought that comes to your mind is probably your to-do list for the day. But have you stopped and thought about how lucky you are to be able to wake up today? Every day is a blessing. Being alive itself is a miracle. So don’t ever take it for granted again.

2. Freedom of Choice

The freedom to choose your food, clothing, and even who to marry is a luxury for others. Most of us are born with that freedom. So it’s no wonder why we usually take it for granted. But imagine a life without being able to make those choices – a life where other people get to decide for you and you don’t have a say in the matter. That will definitely put things in perspective.

3. The Ability to Travel

If there’s one thing that this pandemic has made us appreciate, it’s the ability to travel. Some can only dream of exploring new places, meeting new people, and experiencing a different culture. Now that we’re not able to travel as freely as we used to, we finally get a glimpse of how they must feel. So the next time you go off to some exotic place, appreciate every moment.

4. Being Able to Move

Walking, running, dancing, or even just moving in general is something that most of us take for granted. But being able to move is one of the greatest things about being alive. Without it, you won’t be able to do certain things. It’s one of the greatest blessings that you should never ever take for granted.

The ability to move is one of the thing we take for granted.

5. Breathing

Breathing is an involuntary action. Meaning, we do it whether we are aware of it or not. It’s easy to see why we tend to take it for granted. But remember that breathing is an essential part of living. Without it, well, you know what would happen. So appreciate every day that you’re still able to breathe. You never know when you won’t be able to.

6. Having Food to Eat

If you’re not hungry right now and have food on your fridge or your table, then consider yourself lucky. According to the World Health Organization, there are around 820 million people globally who don’t have enough to eat.

7. A Place to Call Home

You may not like your home right now. Maybe it’s too small or too tacky for you. But remember that there are 1.6 billion homeless people around the world. They sleep in the cold pavements, under the bridge, or in public parks. They’re vulnerable to the elements and often fall victim to crimes. So if you have a roof over your head and a place to call home, don’t ever take it for granted.

8. Access to Clean Water

Most of us have access to clean drinking water all our life that we often fail to appreciate it. But if you’ve ever been stranded outdoors or in a place with no potable water readily available, you’ll appreciate having clean water to drink.

9. Being Able to Read

The fact that you’re reading this right now shows you are far better off than 773 million people around the world. Being able to read opens a door of opportunities. It gives you access to the world and all the knowledge it has to offer. Unfortunately, we often take this ability for granted because everyone we know can read. But if you think being able to read is no big deal, imagine what life is like if you can’t.

10. Your Family

Our family may not be our most favorite people on the planet but we know that they have our back when the going gets rough. It’s perhaps because of this that we tend to take them for granted. But having a family and people we can rely on in times of need is something that many people can only wish for.

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