Sunday, June 28, 2020

A wolf in sheep's clothing

A Wolf had been prowling around a flock of Sheep for a long time, and the Shepherd watched very anxiously to prevent him from carrying off a Lamb. But the Wolf did not try to do any harm. Instead he seemed to be helping the Shepherd take care of the Sheep. At last the Shepherd got so used to seeing the Wolf about that he forgot how wicked he could be.

The Wolf and the Shepherd - Aesop Moral Story

One day he even went so far as to leave his flock in the Wolf’s care while he went on an errand. But when he came back and saw how many of the flock had been killed and carried off, he knew how foolish to trust a Wolf.

Once a wolf, always a wolf.

Lesson 76


  1. folja kopujore : ‘seem’ 

Appear dukem’ 

 mund të jetë një folje këpujore cila përdoret për të treguar se si duken gjërat (njëlloj si edhe seem). Ajo përdoret në mënyrë të ngjashme me seem. 

  • He appears (to be) very angry today. (JO: He appears very angrily today.) 
  • It appears to be some kind of bomb. 
  • She appears to have enough money to live on. 
  • They do not appear to be at home. 
  • It appears that we may be mistaken. 
  • There appears to be a problem with the oil pressure. 

  1. appear dhe seem : ndryshimet 

Seem mund të përdoret për të folur si për fakte objektive ashtu edhe për përshtypje dhe ndjenja subjective

 Appear përdoret më tepër për të folur rreth faktesh objective. 

  • The baby seems / appears (to be) hungry. 
  • She doesn’t want to go studying. It seems a pity. (JO: It appears a pity.) 
Seem përdoret shpesh herë me like. Kjo me appear nuk është normale. 
  • It seemed like a good idea.       
(Më e natryshme se: It appeared like a good idea.) 

Seem mund të përdoret në një strukturë të posacme (si në shembullin e mëposhtëm) . Kjo nuk është e mundur me appear.

  • can’t seem to make him understand. (‘Nuk ma merr mendja që… .’) 
(POR JO: I can’t appear to make him understand.) 
Appear është gjithashtu disi më formale se seem. 
  1. come into sight’ – ‘u duk’ , ‘u paraqit’ 

Appear mund të ketë gjithashtu kuptimin ‘u duk’ / ‘u paraqit’ ose ‘arriti’ , ‘mbërrin’. Në këtë rast ajo mund të modifikohet/cilësohet nga një ndajfolje. 

  • She suddenly appeared in the doorway.