Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lesson 14
( Mesimi 14)

Me poshte po ju paraqit nje leksion te shkurter  per tju ndihmuar te kuptoni me mire se c'jane disa folje te cilat ne gjuhen angleze njihen si 'foljet modale.' Provojini njohurite tuaja ne te dyja gjuhet.


There are two types of auxiliaries in English: primary or tense auxiliaries (be, have, do)
Ne gjuhen angleze ka dy lloje foljesh ndihmese: foljet ndihmese primare ose ato folje te cilat sherbejne per te formuar kohe te caktuara gjuhesore dhe 
and modal auxiliaries. (can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should, need, dare, must, ought to.)
foljet ndihmese modale  si me siper:(can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should, need, dare,must,ought to.)
The first group of verbs does not have any meaning, it only helps the main verb to realize its own meaning while the other group, modal auxiliaries, have their own meaning.
Ne grupin e pare te foljeve perfshihen ato folje te cilat nuk perdoren me kuptimin e tyre primar, por thjesht sherbejne per te ndihmuar foljen kryesore te realizoje me mire kuptimin e vet; ndersa grupi tjeter, foljet modale ndihmese kane kuptimet e tyre.
There are 12 modal auxiliaries. There are four paired forms: can, could, may, might, will would, shall, should and four single forms: must, dare, need, ought (to).
Gjuha angleze ka 12 folje modale ndihmese. Kater prej tyre ndertojne ciftezime si psh: can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should dhe kater te tjera jane ne forma me vete si psh: must, dare, need, ought(to).
Verbs dare and need function both as modal auxiliaries and lexical verbs (main verb in the sentence.) 
Foljet dare dhe need funksionojne me natyre te dyfishte: si folje  ndihmese dhe si folje me kuptim te plote leksikor ne nje fjali te caktuar.
As modals they are used only in negative and interrogative (sentences with question-mark) sentences, but as lexical verbs they are used in all three forms of sentences: positive, negative and interrogative.
Si folje modale ato perdoren vetem ne fjalite pyetese dhe mohore, ndersa si folje me kuptim te plote leksikor ato perdoren ne te trija format e fjalise: pohore, mohore dhe pyetese. Shpresoj qe tabela  e meposhteme tjua beje me te qarte kete panorame.

Modal auxiliary
Lexical verb
He needs/ dares to work.
He need not/ dare not work.
He doesn’t need/ dare to work.
Need/ Dare to work?
Does he need/ dare to work?

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