Saturday, November 14, 2020

Lesson 131

Lesson 131

'Get'- in Phrasal Verbs

They are not easy to study, but let's take  the main meanings to help you begin to learn phrasal verbs with get.

get about

be socially activeTom really gets about, doesn't he?

get at

mean something

I'm trying to get at the truth.

get ahead

be successful

It's very difficult to get ahead nowadays.

get away


The thief got away from the police.

get back

recover or retrieve

I got my books back from Tom.

get by

To survive financially

Sally gets by on just $1,000 a month.

get in

enter a car, train etc.

Come on, get in! Let's go.

get into

be accepted

He got into the university of his choice.

get off

exit from a train, bus etc.

Jerry got off at 52nd Street.

get on with

have a good relationship with

I really get on well with Janet.

get out


I got out of class at 3.30.

get over

recover from an illness or bad occurrence

He got over his operation very quickly.

get through

succeed in an examination, test etc.

That was a difficult test to get through, wasn't it?

get up

get out of bed

I got up at 7 this morning.

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