Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Mesimi 12
Lesson twelve/ twelfth lesson
Boy/ b ɔi/ djale
(to) cook/kuk/ gatuaj
Dear/di ə*/ i, e dashur, i shtrenjte
Fairly/’f ɛ əli/ drejt, ndershmerisht
Gate/ geit/ porte, dere
(to) get on/ get ɔn/ vazhdoj
Girl/gə:l/ vajze
(to) help/ help/ ndihmoj
(to) hope/ houp/ shprese
Hope/ houp/ shprese
Kitchen/ ‘kitʃin/ kushine
(to) listen/’lisn/ degjoj
(to) look/lu:k/ veshtroj, shikoj
Lucky/’l ʌki/ i, e lumtur, me fat
Lunch/ l ʌntʃ/ drake
(to) make/meik/ bej, (krijoj, ndertoj)
Next/nekst/ tjetri, tjetra, te tjeret
Noise/nɔiz/ zhurme
Open/’oup ən/ i hapur
Out of/ aut ɔv/ jashte prej(nga)
Perhaps/ pəhæps/ ndoshta, mbase
Piano/pi’ænou/ piano
(to) play/plei/ luaj, i bie nje instrumenti
Quiet/kwaiət/ i, e qete
(to) shine/ ʃain/ ndricoj, shkelqej
Sitting-room/’siti ŋ-ru:m/ dhome ndenjeje
(to) stand/stænd/ qendroj, rri ne kembe
(to) shut/ʃʌt/ mbyll
Sun/sʌn/ diell
Terrible/’teribl/ i, e tmershme
Then/ðen/ pastaj
(to) walk /wɔ:k/ eci, shetis( ne kembe)
(to) write/rait/ shkruaj
Young/jʌ ŋ/ i,e re; te rinj, te reja
Foljet kalimtare dhe jokalimtare
Ø Folet quhen kalimtare atehere kur nje veprim kalon nga kryefjala tek kundrinori, si p.sh. I cook the meal-une gatuaj ushqimin.Ketu veprimi nuk lidhet me ate qe kryen veprimin ( I-une), por edhe me ate se ku kalon veprimi. Ne kete rastveprimi kalon nga I(une), tek the meal ( ushqimin).
Ø Foljet quhen jokalimtare kur veprimet nuk shkojne pertej njerezve ose sendeve qe i kryejne ato, si p.sh.:


The bell rings.  Bie zilja.
The waiter rings the bell. Kamarieri i bie ziles.
The door opened.  Dera u hap.
The boy opened the door. Djali hapi deren.
Ø Ndonjehere, per te dalluar ndryshimin midis trajtave perdoreet nje trajte e ndryshme e foljes, si p.sh.:
The boy fell.                         Djali u rrezua.
The girl felled the boy.        Vajza rrezoi djalin.
Ø Kur parafjala vendoset para nje folje jokalimtare ben ate kalimtare, si p.sh.: to cook-gatuaj, to run-vrapoj, to walk-shetis, to work-punoj etj.
Ø Jo te gjitha foljet te cilat ne gjuhen shqipe jane kalimtare, jane te tilla dhe ne anglisht. Shembuj te foljeve qe ne shqip jane kalimtare, ndersa ne anglisht ndiqen nga nje parafjale:
(to) listen to-degjoj
(to) look at-shoh, shikoj
(to)ask for –kerkoj
(to) wait for-pres
Ø Ka  raste kur pas foljes ka nje parafjale dhe nuk ka perputhje te plote ne perdorimin e parafjales. Psh. Kur duam te themi ndihmoj dike, dicka themi To help with, si psh:
She helps me with my work. Ai me ndihmon ne pune.
To get on with-shkoj, perparoj, vazhdoj. Ne anglisht behet: Get on with your work. Vazhdo punen.
Numeroret rreshtore
30 numeroret e pare rreshtore:
1.     the first                   
(the) 1st
i pari
2.     the second             
(the) 2nd
i dyti
3.     the third                  
(the) 3rd
i treti
4.     the fourth               
(the) 4th
i katerti
5.     the fifth                   
(the) 5th
i pesti
6.     the sixth                  
(the) 6th 
i gjashti
7.     the seventh             
(the) 7th
i shtati
8.     the eighth               
(the) 8th
i teti
9.     the ninth                 
(the) 9th
i nenti
10.         the tenth                 
(the) 10th
i dhjeti
11.         the eleventh            
(the)  11th
i njembedhjeti
12.         the twelfth              
(the) 12th
i 12
13.         the thirteenth         
(the) 13th
i 13
14.         the fourteenth        
(the) 14th
i 14
16.the sixteenth           
(the) 16th
i 16
17.the seventeenth      
(the) 17th
i 17
18.the eighteenth        
(the) 18th  
i 18
19.the nineteenth       
i 19
20.the twentieth         
(the) 20th
i 20
21.the twenty-first      
(the) 21th
i 21
22.the twenty-second 
(the) 22th
i 22
23.the twenty-third    
(the) 23th
i 23
24.The twenty-fourth  
(the) 24th
i 24
27.The twenty-seventh
(the) 27th
i 27
29.The twenty-ninth     
(the) 29th
i 29
30.The thirtieth            
(the) 30th
i 30
Ø Me perjashtim te tre numeroreve te pare, rreshtoret krijohen nga numeroret themelore, duke u shtuar prapashtesen th, si dhe me disa ndryshime ne drejtshkrimin e tyre.
Ø Ata kane gjithnje perpara nyjen the. Ne numeroret rreshtore te perbere, ne formen e rreshtorit e merr vetem shifra e fundit.
Muajt e vitit
Ø Muajt e vitit ne anglisht shkruhen  gjithnje me shkronje te madhe.
·        January- janar
·        February-shkurt
·        March-mars
·        April-prill
·        May-maj
·        June- qershor
·        July- korrik
·        August- gusht
·        September- shtator
·        October- tetor
·        November- nentor
·        December-dhjetor
Si te shkruajme nje leter ne anglisht.
Ø Kur shkruajme nje leter personale ne anglisht, eshte e nevojshme qe te vendosim me kujdes adresen e sakte te marresit, pavaresisht nese letra i drejtohet nje te afermi ose nje miku.
Ø Adresa e derguesit vendoset ne mes te letres, ne krye te saj. E rendesishme eshte qe ajo te shkruhet e plote, duke vene emrin e qytetit se bashku me numrin e kodit postar. Emri i derguesit nuk vendoset asnjehere ne fillim te letres. Data vendoset poshte derguesit: psh.:
7 Pen House
102/344 Henry Cross Road
London WC 2H SNC
4th February, 2017

Ø Sic e shikojme nga shembulli me siper data shprehet me numer rreshtor, pastaj vendoset muaji e me pas viti. Ne letrat zyrtare ose tregtare, adresa e derguesit vendoset ne te majte te fletes, ne fillimte saj. Po ne te majte te letres, pak me poshte saj, vendoset edhe formula e fillimit te letres, qe ne anglishte eshte e njejte gjithmone, sepse nuk perdoren emertime te tilla si shkelqesi, madheri etj.
Ø Edhe ne rastet kur iu drejtohemi njerezve me te cilet nuk kemi marredhenie te ngushta, shkruajme Dear ( i dashur, e dashur, i shtrenjte, e shtrenjte). Ketu shkalla e miqesise ose e marredhenieve te ngushta shprehet nga fjala qe e ndjek.
Ø Pas fjales Dear me te cilen i drejtohemi nje shoku ose nje te afermi, apo nje njeriu te dashur shtojme emrin si p.sh. Dear Mary, dear Toby etj. Kur duam te jemi me te dashur, themi My dear Mary, My dearest Toby. Per personat qe i njohim mire, por qe nuk i therrasim me emer, i’u drejtohemi ne kete menyre: Dear Mr….ose Dear Mrs….ose Dear Miss.., qe ndiqen nga mbiemri perkates i secilit person.  P.sh Dear Mr. Grande; Dear Mrs Smith; Dear Miss Kate Gates, qe jane format qe perdoren me shpesh.
Ø Ndersa forma Dear Sir, Dear Madam eshte me e kujdesshme dhe me e permbajtur, si  edhe tek letrat zyrtare. Te gjitha keto formula ndiqen nga presje dhe me pas shkruhet letra. Ajo fillohet gjithmone me shkronje te madhe dhe lihet pak me teper vend te bardhe ne dy anet e faqes se fletes.
Ø Edhe mbyllja e letres, ashtu sikurse ndodh per pershendetjet e rastit, ndjek model fiks, qe nuk peson ndryshime. Letra mund te perfundoje me shprehjet Yours sincerely, nese fillimi ka qene Dear Mr.Grande ose me Yours faithfully nese eshte nisur me Dear Sir, pa vendosur emrin e personit ose kur ajo eshte per ceshtje pune.
Ø Per miqte mbyllja e letres behet me shprehjen Yours ever.
Keto formula shkruhen poshte letres, djathtas ne fund te saj duke lene pak hapesire nga rreshti i fundit dhe pas tyre vendoset gjithmone presje, perpara se te nenshkruhen nga derguesi. Fjala Yours shkruhet gjithmone me shkronje te madhe.
Ø Per njerezit me te cilet jemi lidhur me ndjenja dashurie, shprehjet e mesiperme zevendesohen me shprehjet: Love from…, with love…etj.
Ø Per sa i perket pershendetjeve mund te pohjme se ne letrat e punes dhe ato zyrtare nuk shprehen ndjenja. Ne letrat private mund te themi: With best regards ose With kind regards, ose With best wishes ose With love.
Kjo e fundit shpreh ndienje afrie, sepse edhe fjala love tregon dashuri, ndienje.
Bill Gates lexon letren qe i ka shkruar se motres ne shtepi.
Just now the house is fairly quiet. I am sitting in my room, and writing this letter to you. Mrs. Grande is in the kitchen. She is cooking our lunch, and Jennifer is helping her. The two young people, Kate and Peter are sitting in the sitting-room. Kate is playing the piano and Peter is listening to her. They are making a terrible noise; but the door is shut.
Now I am looking out of the window. It isn’t raining; the sun is shining. People are walking along the street. Two women, with a boy and a girl are standing near the gate. They are looking at Dr. Grande’s name on the door; now they are coming in. they are looking for the doctor.
We are very lucky; we are staying with these kind people for the next two weeks. Then perhaps we are going to Scotland.
How are you getting on at home?
I hope…
1)    Just now- pikerisht tani
2)    Fairly-ketu ka kuptimin e teper, fare
3)    The two young people-dy te rinjte
4)    They are making-ata po bejne, jane duke bere
5)    Are standing-jane ne kembe, po rrine ne kembe
6)    Name-emrin( nenshkrimin mbi dere me emrin e familjes)
7)    We are staying with this kind people. Ne po rrime me keta njerez bujare (mikprites, te sjellshem)
8)    How are You getting on at home? Si po kaloni ju nga shtepia? Si ia coni ne shtepi?
o   Where’s Bill gates looking? Out of the window: He’s looking out of the window.
o   At his phone: He is looking at his phone.
o   Behind the picture: he is looking behind the picture.
o   Under her shoes: She’s looking under her shoes.
o   In her bag: She’s looking in her bag.
o   Put your bag on the chair: I’m putting it on the chair.
o   In the cupboard: I’m putting it in the cupboard.
o   Under the table: I’m putting it under the table.
o   Behind the wall. I’m putting it behind the wall.
o   Near the window. I’m putting it near the window.
o   Go, post office: He’s going to the post office.
o   Scream ,girl: He is screaming to the girl.
o   Listen, music: She’s listening to the music.
o   Go, house: He’s going to the house.
o   Call, mum. She is calling to the mum.
o   Thirsty, hungry: Are you thirsty? You’re not thirsty, you’re hungry.
o   Sad, happy: Are you sad? You’re not sad, you’re happy.
o   Ugly, beautiful: Are you ugly? You’re not ugly, you’re beautiful.
o   Walk, run: Are you walking? You’re not walking, you’re running.
·        Who is cooking the meal?  Kush po gatuan vaktin?
·        What is he cooking?                   Cfare po gatuan ai?
·        I am writing to my sister.          Po i shkruaj motres time.
·        Listen to me!                               Me degjo!
·        Looka at that!                            Shiko atje!
·        Are you looking for your scarf?                 Po kerkon shallin?
·        How many chairs have you at home?    Sa karrige keni ne shtepi?
·        There are some children in the street:     Ne rruge jane disa femije.
·        There are six chairs.                                     Jane 6 karrige.
·        They are staying outside the shop.        Ata po qendrojne jashte dyqanit.
Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:
o   Perkthejini:
o   Ty po te shikon ai burri?
o   Ajo nuk po ben mesim?
o   Cfare po ndodh?
o   Lere xhaketen ne makinen time.
o   Ata djemte po i  bien pianos dhe babai i tyre eshte duke i degjuar.
o   Perse po ndalon ajo makine prane shtepise suaj?
o   A jeni duke kerkuar mamane tuaj?
o   Motra juaj eshte duke folur me ato vajzat.
o   Kete mbasdite nuk eshte duke rene bore.
o   Cfare po shkruajne keto vajza?
o   Tekstit tek bashkebisedimi i jepni formen e nje letre te vertete, duke vendosur ne fillim adresen tuaj, pastaj fillimin dhe mbylljen e letres. Shkruesi i letres eshte nje vella qe i shkruan motres se tij. Ne fillim te letres shtoni nje fjali ku te shpjegoni se ndodheni ne shtepine e Dr. Grande. Mos harroni menyren se si mbyllet letra.
Perktheni ne anglisht letren e meposhtme:
Shume e dashur Jill,
Po te shkruaj nga shtepia e Mary Grande, nje shoqja ime. Ka dy jave qe po rri ketu dhe jam shume mire. Ajo dhe kushenierja e saj po gatuajne dreken ne kuzhine.
Dr. Grande eshte ne salon dhe po degjon Peter qe poi  bie pianos, ndersa une jam duke te shkruar ty kete leter.
Ketu jemi duke kaluar shume mire me ta. Jashte shkelqen dielli dhe nuk ka fare zhurme. Eshte me te vertete nje shtepi e qete dhe jemi me fat qe jemi ketu. Shpresoj te jesh mire.
Me shkruaj. Pres pergjigje nga ti.

Me shume dashuri,
E jotja, Kate.

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