The story of "The Donkey and the Salt" is about a donkey carrying salt on his back, which he accidentally drops into a stream while crossing it. The water dissolves the salt, making the load lighter, and the donkey realizes he can walk faster with the lighter load. The next day, the donkey purposely throws the salt into the stream, hoping for the same result. However, this time, his master notices the lighter load and realizes what the donkey is doing. He decides to make the donkey carry sponges instead of salt from that day forward.
Multiple choice questions:
What was the donkey carrying on his back? a) water b) salt c) sponges d) rocks
What happened to the salt when the donkey crossed the stream? a) it became heavier b) it dissolved in the water c) it evaporated d) it stayed the same
Why did the donkey purposely throw the salt into the stream the next day? a) because he didn't want to carry it anymore b) because he was thirsty c) because he wanted to make his load lighter d) because he wanted to play a trick on his master
What did the master do when he realized what the donkey was doing? a) he gave the donkey a reward b) he made the donkey carry more salt c) he made the donkey carry sponges instead of salt d) he let the donkey rest for the day
What is the moral of the story? a) it's important to work hard b) it's better to play tricks than to work c) honesty is always the best policy d) don't try to cheat or take shortcuts, it will backfire.
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