"My great business partners are what and why; where and when; who and how" refers to a set of questions that are commonly used in business to gain a better understanding of a situation or opportunity. Each question asks for a different type of information, as follows:
- What and why: What is the opportunity or situation, and why is it important or valuable?
- Where and when: Where is the opportunity or situation taking place, and when will it occur or be relevant?
- Who and whose: Who are the key players involved, and whose interests are at stake?
- How: How will the opportunity or situation be addressed or pursued?
By asking these questions, business partners can gain a comprehensive understanding of a situation or opportunity, and make informed decisions about how to proceed.
For example, let's say that a group of business partners is considering investing in a new technology startup. They might ask:
- What is the technology, and why is it unique or valuable in the market?
- Where and when will the technology be developed and launched, and what is the timeline for success?
- Who are the founders and key players involved in the startup, and whose interests are at stake?
- How will the business model work, and how will the investors make a return on their investment?
By asking these questions and thoroughly analyzing the opportunity, the business partners can make an informed decision about whether or not to invest in the startup.
Overall, the "what and why; where and when; who and whose; how" questions are a useful framework for gaining a comprehensive understanding of a situation or opportunity, and making informed decisions in a business context.
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