Are you ready for a new round of vocabulary challenges, from the Oxford dictionary? Try to choose the right meaning of the word.
1. Who steals books?
a) Biblioklept b) Bibiotecha. c) Bibliotech b) Bible-thief
2. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
Hide one's intentions
a) protect. b) sardonic. c) unleash d) dissemble
3. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
An agent that causes the feeling of nausea.
a) nauseent b) nauseant c) noisome d) nauseant
4. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
The symbol *
a) Comma b) obelus c) asterisk d) plus
5. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
Boldness or courage resulting from alcoholic drink.
a) lagerastic b) pot-valor c) pintourage d) beer-mad
6. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
Rude, boorish, miserly person
a) Childish b) curlish c) childrenish d) churlish
7. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
A sudden, passing shudder of emotion or excitement
a) frisone b) fissizion c) frisson d) fressure
8. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
Crafty and cunning
a) wulfine b) vulpine c) wolfine d) volfine
9. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
Having an exceptional memory
a) multinmesia b) hypermnesia c) supermnesia d) hypoamnesia
10. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
Attacked, assaulted by enemies
a) encircled b) routed c) strumped d) beset
11. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
Discuss terms of peace or cease-fire
a) surrender b) withstand c) negotiate parley
12. Chose the word corresponding to the meaning in the text following:
Drink a lot of alcohol and enjoy with others in a noisy, lively way.
a) lance b) beckon c) noisome d) carouse
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