Here are fifty commonly used phrasal verbs in English:
- Add up - to calculate the total of something
- Ask around - to ask many people the same question
- Back up - to move backwards
- Blow up - to explode or to fill with air
- Break down - to stop working
- Bring up - to raise a topic or subject
- Call off - to cancel
- Carry on - to continue
- Catch up - to reach the same level or position as someone else
- Check in - to arrive and register at a hotel, airport or hospital
- Check out - to leave a hotel or to investigate something
- Clean up - to tidy or clean something
- Come across - to meet or find something by chance
- Come up - to arise or happen
- Cut down - to reduce in size or amount
- Do over - to repeat something
- Dress up - to wear formal clothes
- Drop off - to fall asleep
- Eat out - to dine at a restaurant
- Figure out - to understand something
- Fill out - to complete a form
- Find out - to discover something
- Get along - to have a good relationship with someone
- Get away - to escape
- Give up - to stop doing something
- Go over - to review something
- Hang out - to spend time with someone
- Hold on - to wait
- Keep up - to maintain the same level or speed as someone else
- Knock out - to make someone unconscious
- Look into - to investigate
- Make up - to reconcile or to invent a story
- Pass out - to lose consciousness
- Pick up - to lift or to learn something new
- Put off - to postpone
- Put on - to wear clothing or to organize an event
- Put out - to extinguish or to inconvenience someone
- Run into - to meet unexpectedly
- Set up - to arrange or establish something
- Show off - to try to impress others
- Take off - to remove clothing or to leave suddenly
- Talk over - to discuss something
- Throw away - to discard
- Try on - to put on clothing to check the size or style
- Turn down - to decrease or to refuse
- Turn off - to stop working or to dislike something
- Turn on - to start working or to like something
- Turn up - to increase in volume or to arrive unexpectedly
- Wake up - to stop sleeping or to make someone else stop sleeping
- Work out - to exercise or to solve a problem.
Here are example sentences for each of the fifty phrasal verbs I listed earlier:
- Add up - The total cost of my groceries added up to $50.
- Ask around - I asked around, but no one knew where the missing keys were.
- Back up - You need to back up the car so I can get out.
- Blow up - The balloon blew up and popped in my face.
- Break down - My car broke down on the way to work this morning.
- Bring up - I didn't want to bring up the subject at the meeting.
- Call off - We had to call off the picnic because of the rain.
- Carry on - We can't just carry on as if nothing happened.
- Catch up - I need to work harder to catch up with my classmates.
- Check in - I need to check in at the hotel before 3 pm.
- Check out - Let's check out the new restaurant in town.
- Clean up - Please clean up your room before your friends come over.
- Come across - I came across an old photo album while cleaning out the attic.
- Come up - Something unexpected always comes up when I plan something.
- Cut down - I need to cut down on my sugar intake.
- Do over - I made a mistake on my paper and had to do it over.
- Dress up - Let's dress up for the Halloween party.
- Drop off - I always drop off during long car rides.
- Eat out - I love to eat out at my favorite Italian restaurant.
- Figure out - I need to figure out how to fix my computer.
- Fill out - Please fill out the application form completely.
- Find out - I finally found out who took my phone charger.
- Get along - My cat and dog get along well with each other.
- Get away - I need to get away from work and take a vacation.
- Give up - I won't give up on my dream of becoming a doctor.
- Go over - Let's go over the plan one more time.
- Hang out - I like to hang out with my friends on the weekends.
- Hold on - Please hold on while I transfer you to the correct department.
- Keep up - You need to keep up with the rest of the class.
- Knock out - The boxer knocked out his opponent in the first round.
- Look into - I need to look into the details before making a decision.
- Make up - Let's make up and be friends again.
- Pass out - He passed out after drinking too much alcohol.
- Pick up - Can you help me pick up the groceries from the store?
- Put off - I had to put off my dentist appointment until next week.
- Put on - I need to put on my coat before going outside.
- Put out - Can you put out the fire in the fireplace before we leave?
- Run into - I ran into my old friend from high school at the grocery store.
- Set up - I need to set up a meeting with my boss to discuss my performance.
- Show off - She loves to show off her new designer clothes.
- Take off - I need to take off my shoes before entering the house.
- Talk over - Let's talk over the details of the project before starting.
- Throw away - Don't throw away the paper; we can recycle it.
- Try on - Can I try on these shoes before I buy them?
- Turn down - I had to turn down the music because it was too loud.
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