Tuesday, March 31, 2020

100 great quotes

1. “ It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." -Aristotle

People have been coming to the wise man, complaining about the same problems every time. One day he told them a joke and everyone roared in laughter.
After a couple of minutes, he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled.
When he told the same joke for the third time no one laughed anymore.
The wise man smiled and said:

“You can’t laugh at the same joke over and over. So why are you always crying about the same problem?”

Moral of the story:

Worrying won’t solve your problems, it’ll just waste your time and energy.

Lesson 11

1.  active verb forms – format veprore  foljeve 
 poshtë jepet një listë e plotë e  gjitha formave veprore pohore  një foljeje  zakonshme angleze work – ‘punoj’ , bashkë me emërtimet e tyre. 

simple future: I will / shall work , you will work, he / she / it will work, we will / shall work, they will work. 

future progressive: I will / shall be working, you will be working, etj 

simple future perfect: I will / shall have worked, you will have worked, etj. 

future perfect progressiveI will / shall have been working, you will have been working, etj. 

simple present: I work, you work, he/she/it works, we work, they work. 

present progressiveI am working, you are working, etj. 

simple present perfect: I have worked, you have worked, he / she / it has worked, etj. 

present perfect progressiveI have been working, you have been working, etj. 

simple pastI worked, you worked, he /she / it worked, etj. 

past progressiveI was working, you were working, etj. 

simple past perfectI / you/ etj., had worked. 

past perfect progressiveI / you / etj., had been working, you had been working, etj. 

infinitives: (to) work, (to) be working, (to) have worked, (to) have been working. 

-ing forms: working, having worked. 

past participle: worked 

2.  actual(ly) 
  1. kuptimi dhe përdorimi 

Actual, do  thotë ‘real’, ‘i vërtetë’; ndërkohë  actually do  thotë ‘  vërtetë’ ose ‘ fakt’.  dyja këto forma mund  përdoren për  korigjuar gabime ose keqkuptime. 
  • The book says she died aged 47, but her actual age was 43. 
  • ‘Hello, John, nice to see you’ . ‘Actually, my name’s Andy’. 
Ato përdoren gjithashtu për t’i bërë gjërat   qarta dhe   sakta ose për  dhënë një lajm  papritur. 
  • I’ve got a new job. Actually, they’ve made me sales manager. 
  • She was so angry that she actually tore up the letter. 
Britanikët e përdorin shpesh actually për  dhënë me takt një lajm  hidhur. 
  • ‘How did you get on with my car?’  ‘Well, actually, I’m terribly sorry. I’m afraid,                 I had a crash.’ 
Actually përdoret gjithashtu për  shprehur mendimin  opinioni i dëgjuesit për temën  diskutohet ishte i gabuar (shiko shembullin e mëposhtëm), ose  ai ishte i drejtë (vecanërisht  anglishten britanike). 
  • ‘Did you enjoy your holiday?’  ‘Very much, actually. 

  1. false friends’ – ‘miq  rremë 

Actual dhe actually janë ‘miq  rremë’ për ata  flasin disa prej gjuhëve europiane – duke përfshirë edhe shqipen. Ato nuk kanë  njëjtin kuptim si:        
Actuel-lement (fr), attual-mente (it) ose actual-isht (shqip).  anglisht këto kuptime shprehen me present, current, up to date ; at this moment, now, at present. 
  • What’s our current financial position? 
(JO: …our actual financial position ?) 
  • In 1900 the population of London was higher than it is now. 
(JO: …than it actually is.)