Mesimi 16
Lesson 16/ sixteenth lesson
Si shkruhet
Si lexohet
Si perkthehet
(to) allow
/’ ə’lau/
Sepse, pse
(to) drive
Drejtoj, ngas (makinen)
Driving licence
/draiving-lais əns/
Majtas, i majte
/’ ʌð ə/
Tjeter, tjetri, tjetra
/ɔ:*, ɔ*/
Ose, apo
(to) park
Parking place
/pa:ki ŋ, pleis/
Vend parkimi
Meshiroj, per te ardhur keq
Drejt, i drejte, djathtas
(to) say
/sju:t, su:t/
Pastaj, atehere
/r ɔ ŋ/
Gabim, i gabuar
Menyra se si pergjigjemi (vazhdim)
- Pyetjeve qe kerkojne nje pergjigje te thjeshte pohore ose mohore, ne anglisht u pergjigjemi duke perseritur foljen ndihmese te pyetjes.
Nese kryefjala e fjalise pyetese nuk eshte peremer vetor, atehere ne pergjigje do te vendoset gjithmone peremri vetor qe perputhet ne numer, gjini dhe vete.
Is that a bus? No, it isn’t a bus.
Eshte ai nje autobus? Jo, nuk eshte autobus.
Is your sister a nurse? No, she isn’t.
Eshte motra juaj nje infermiere? Jo, ajo nuk eshte.
- Per te thene Besoj se po!, Besoj se jo! apo Mendoj se po, Mendoj se jo , ne anglisht thuhet: I think-Besoj se po! Mendoj se po , Dhe I do not think Besoj se jo! Mendoj se jo! Te cilat ndiqen nga kryefjala peremerore dhe folja ndihmese e pyetjes.
Does that boy understand English? A kupton ai djale anglisht?
Yes, I think he does. Po, mendoj se po.
No, I don’t think he does. Jo, nuk mendoj se kupton.
- Duhet te kemi kujdes se ne pergjigjen mohore, eshte folja kryesore, qe ne kete rast eshte folja to think, qe zgjedhohet ne formen mohore, ashtu sic del qarte edhe nga shembulli i dhene:
- I know it –Une e di., ne pergjigjet qe shprehin nje pohim te dikujt tjeter , sikurse tek ky shembull, Ky eshte kompjuteri juaj. Po, e di qe ne anglisht do te thote: Yes, I know it is, ose thjesht Yes I know (it).
- Nese pergjigjja eshte E di, eshte nje thenie mohore, si Ky nuk eshte kompjuteri juaj. Nuk eshte, e di ose E di, qe nuk eshte, atehere folja ndihmese merr fomen e mohores:
This is not your bus. No, I know it isn’t.
Ky nuk eshte autobuzi juaj. Jo, e di qe nuk eshte.
Robert: Hello, Peter. What are you doing here?
Peter: Hello father. This policeman says I’m parking on the wrong side of the street.
Policeman: Good morning, sir. Are you this young man’s father?
Robert: Yes, I am.
Policeman: Is this your car?
Peter Oh…! Ah…!
Robert: No, it isn’t. it’s mine.
Policeman: Oh! Does he often drive your car?
Robert: Yes, he does.
Policeman: He has no driving licence with him. But he says he has a driving licence at home.
Robert: Yes, I think he has.
Policeman: Do you see where the car is, sir?
Robert: Yes, I do. It’s on the left side of the street.
Policeman: You aren’t allowed to park on the side on Mondays, Wednesday or Fridays.
Robert: Oh! That’s pity! Do you know today is Friday, young man?
Peter Yes, I do, but you see…
Policeman: Then, why do you park your father’s car on the wrong side of the street?
Because there’s no room on the right side.
Policeman: And why do you drive without a driving licence?
Peter It’s in the pocket of my other suit.
Robert: Oh! Peter, you are an ass!
On the wrong side of the street- ne anen e gabuar te rruges, ne krahun e gabuar te rruges.
You aren’t allowed to park- juve nuk u lejohet te parkoni ne parkoni; Nuk jeni te lejuar te parkoni
With him-me vete
But you see- por ju e shihni, por ju e kuptoni
You are an ass-qenke gomar!( ti je nje gomar).
Verejtje per bashkebisedimin:
- Ne fjalite qe shfaqin trajta te foljes to have (have, has) te lidhura me mohoren dhe te ndjekura nga nje kundrinor i drejte, pjeseza mohore no(jo) ndiqet nga nje kundrinor dhe pa nyjen shquese a, an, si
Peter has no driving licence. Peteri nuk ka patente.
Pjeseza mohore no, ka vleren e nje peremri te pacaktuar, qe ne shqip mund te barazohet me asnje (ketu: asnje patente)
- Parafjala without, qe do te thote pa, kur ndiqet nga nje emer ne numrin njejes qe tregon sende te prekshme ose te numerueshme, kerkon pas saj nyjen joshquese a (nje), si ne shembullin e meposhtem:
I drive without a driving licence. Une e drejtoj makinen pa patente.
- Mbiemri right, do te thote djathtas, i djathte, si dhe drejt, i drejte, i sakte, sakte, i rregullt. Ne kuptimin e pare fjala right ka si fjale te kundert mbiemrin left qe do te thote majtas, i majte; ndersa per rastin e dyte e kunderta eshte wrong-gabim, e gabuar.
I am right- kam te drejte.
You are wrong- e ke gabim
- To be allowed to, e ndjekur nga paskajorja, ka kuptimin te kesh leje, te lejohesh, te jesh i autorizuar per te bere nje veprim.
- That’s a pity! Do te thote Sa keq!, Eshte per te ardhur keq! Ose Me vjen keq! Psh. It’s a pity to..! ( e ndjekur nga percjellorja) Eshte keq te…! Eshte mekat te…! Ose Sa keq qe..! Eshte per te ardhur keq qe..! etj
- Do you want a new blouse? Yes, I do
- Are those girls your sisters? Yes, they are.
- Does she like apples? Yes, she does.
- Is that boy intelligent? Yes, he is.
- Is there a cake for me? Yes, there is.
- Are there any oranges ? No, there aren’t.
- Have the Gates’ a bus? No, they haven’t.
- Has Dr. Robert a daughter? No, he hasn’t.
- Am I looking a wonderful picture? No, you aren’t.
- Are you an engineer? No, I am not.
- Does she like flowers? Yes, I think she does.
- Is Kate a student? Yes, I think she is.
- Are your brothers there? Yes, I think they are.
- Do they go there often? Yes, I think they do.
- Does it usually snow in December? Yes, I think it does.
- Your teacher isn’t there. No, I know he isn’t.
- I’m not a student. No, I know you aren’t.
- She doesn’t hear. No, I know she doesn’t.
- He isn’t working. No, I know he isn’t.
- The cat hasn’t a tail. No, I know it hasn’t.
Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:
Pergjigjuni pyetjeve qe vijojne:
- Is your brother here? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
- Am I going with my mum?
- Is the music ready?
- Are there any oranges in the fridge?
- Does that new girl like orange juice?
- Have you and your sister a kite?
- Are they in the right bus?
- Is there a computer in the room?
- Has your car a cassette player?
- Do you usually begin school at 8?
- Are those girls looking for their mum?
Pergjigjni ketyre pyetjeve ne pohore ose ne mohore duke perdorur shprehjen ne fillim I KNOW: Psh. Your dad is here-yes, I know he is ose No, I know he isn’t.
- There is a concert this afternoon.
- All the windows are open.
- The girls usually clean for them.
- Those trees don’t look very old.
- Be quiet! I am watching a film.
- This boy hasn’t a bicycle.
- There aren’t any fruits in the cupboard.
- The train goes near the shop.
Perkthejini ne anglisht:
- Sot do degjoj muzike.
- Po, e di.
- Cfare do te beni kete mbremje?
- Une do te shkoj ne shtepine time?
- Cdo dite ne shkolle behen mbledhje.
- A punojne sot punetoret e lavanterise?
- Po, besoj se po.
- Ata kercejne te dielen pasdite, por nuk kercejne te henen.
- Perse nuk kercejne te henen?
- Sepse lavanteria eshte e hapur ate dite.
Pergjigjuni pyetjeve qe vijojne:
- How often do you wash your house?
- How often do you read?
- How often do you go to the cinema?
- How often do you go to school?
- How often do you wash the dishes?
Perktheni ne anglisht:
- Kur vjen babai i atij djaloshi, thote polici?
- E juaja eshte kjo makine?
- Babai i Peterit thote se makina nuk eshte e Peterit, por e atij.
- Atehere polici i thote Robertit se makina eshte parkuar ne anen e majte te rruges dhe se te henave, te merkurave dhe te premteve eshte i ndaluar parkimi ne ate ane te rruges.
- Peteri nuk e ka patenten me vete, ai thote se e ka ne shtepi, ne xhepin e kostumit tjeter.
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