Mesimi 10
Lesson 10/ tenth lesson
Brother /’br ʌð ə */ vella
Bus /b ʌs/ autobus
Car / Ka: */ makine, automobile
Dinner/ ’din ə*/ darke
Every/ ‘evri/ cdo, kushdo, te gjithe, te gjitha
For/ F ɔ:*/ per
(to) go /g əu/ shkoj
(to) know / n ɔu/ di, njoh
London /’l ʌndən/ Londer
Not far /nɔt fa:*/ jo larg
(to see) /si:/ shoh, kuptoj
Watch /wɔtʃ/ ore dore, veshtroj, ruaj ( kujdesem per dicka, dike)
Fjalia pyetese dhe mohore
- Shembuj mbi fjalite pyetese dhe mohore te foljeve ndihmese to be dhe to have, duke perfshire edhe ato te formes pohore:
- There is a book beside the chair. Prane karriges eshte nje liber.
- There are some oranges in here. Ketu Brenda jane disa portokalle.
- She has a beautiful voice. Ajo ka nje ze te bukur.
- I have some documents in this computer. Une kam disa dokumenta ne kete kompjuter.
- There isn’t a book beside the chair. Prane karriges nuk ka nje liber.
- There aren’t any oranges, there. Atje nuk ka asnje portokall.
- She hasn’t a beautiful voice. . Ajo nuk ka nje ze te bukur.
- I haven’t any documents in this computer. Une nuk kam asnje dokument ne kete kompjuter.
- Is there is a book beside the chair? A eshte ndonje liber prane karriges?
- Are there any oranges in here? A ka ketu portokalle?
- Has she a beautiful voice? Ka ajo nje ze te bukur?
- Have I some documents in this computer? Kam une disa dokumenta ne kete kompjuter?
Ne vend te not any ne anglisht mund te vendoset pjeseza mohore no. psh.
I have not any reason. I have no reason. Nuk kam arsye.
I have not any friends. I have no friends. Nuk kam miq.
Vazhdim i numrave themelore:
90- ninety
100- A (one) hundred
101- A (one) hundred and one
102- A (one) hundred and two
131- A (one) hundred and thirty- one
369- Three hundred and sixty-nine
1000- A (one) thousand
1001- One thousand and one
Eshte mire qe numrat te shkruhen disa here dhe shqiptojini per ti mesuar me mire. Psh. Si do ti thoshit ne anglisht keta numra:
78, 134, 790, 354, 2534,985 etj
Robert: Come with me now and see my wife and son. Come and have dinner at our house.
Ejani tani me mua dhe takoni bashkeshorten dhe djalin tim.
Jennifer: That is very nice! Bill, go and bring Kate from her room. She hasn’t a watch.
Ne kutimin: Ju faleminderit! Jeni shume i sjellshem. Bill, mere Kate nga dhoma e saj. Ajo nuk ka ore.
Bill: Is there a bus from here to your house, Grande?
Ka ndonje autobus nga ketu per tek shtepia jote, Grande?
Robert: No, there aren’t any buses. But it is not far. And I have my car at the door of the hotel.
Jo, nuk ka asnje autobus. Por, nuk eshte larg. Per me teper une kam makinen tek dera e hotelit.
Bill: You know, Grande, we haven’t any friends in London. There are six hundred and eighty rooms in this hotel. In every room there are English people. But… we only know you.
Ti e di, Grande, ne nuk kemi asnje mik ne Londer. Ka 680 dhoma ne kete hotel. Ne cdo dhome ndodhen njerez Anglez. Por, ne te njohim vetem ty. From perkthehet prej, nga ( eshte parafjale qe tregon qe ndodhet ne nje vend dhe largohet per te shkuar ne nje vend tjeter).
Robert: Well, we have ten rooms in our house, and two are for you.
Ne, kemi 10 dhoma ne shtepi, dhe 2 prej tyre jane tuajat.
Jennifer: Bill! Go and bring Kate!
Bill! Shko mere Katen!
- Four books, table: There are four books under your table.
- Six cats, tree: There are six cats under the tree.
- A lemon, foot. There is a lemon under your foot.
- Three dolls, sofa. There are three dolls under your sofa.
- Seven apples, chair. There are seven apples under your chair.
- Have you a pen? Dr Grande: Ha Dr. Grande a pen?
- Kate: Has Kate a pen?
- We: Have we a pen?
- Your brother: Has your brother a pen?
- You: Have you a pen?
- That man? Has that man a pen?
- Have you any melons?
- Pencils: Have you any pencils?
- Computers: Have you any computers?
- DVDs: Have you any DVDs?
- Tiny can: Have you any tiny can?
- Girl’s shoes: Have you any girl’s shoes?
- The Gates haven’t any books.
- Kate hasn’t any friends.
- My son hasn’t any friends.
- They haven’t any friends.
- Dr. Grande hasn’t any friends.
- I haven’t any friends.
Numrat themelore dhe ushtrime per mesimin 9 dhe 10.
One, two, three, four, five Nje, dy, tre, kater, pese
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten gjashte, shtate, tete, nente, dhjete
Eleven, twelve, thirteen ,fourteen 11, 12, 13, 14
Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three 20, 21, 22 ,23
Twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven 24, 25, 26, 27
Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, forty, 28, 29, 30, 40
Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, A(a) hundred 50,60,70,80,90,100
A (one) hundred and one 101
A (one) hundred and two 102
A (one) hundred and thirty- one 131
A hundred and forty-seven 147
Two hundred and sixteen 216
Three hundred and five 305
A (one) thousand 1000
Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur:
- Ktheni fjalite qe vijojne ne mohore: I have a sister.
- She has a flower in her hand.
- We have a good neighbor.
- I have your book.
- You have an orange.
- They have an apartment near the post office.
- My mother has a comfortable chair.
- The girl has some cookies. You have some pets.
- Those boys have some bicycles.
- Ktheni ne fjali pyetese:
- There’s a car near the door.
- There’s a tree behind the car.
- There are some flowers on the ground. There are some hungry dogs at the door.
- There are five people in the room.
- Ktheni ne fjali pyetese si ne shembullin me poshte:
- You have an alligator.Have you an alligator? Ose Do you have an alligator?
- They have a son.
- You have our car.
- You have some motorbikes in this street.
- He has a brother and a sister.
- We have some lemons in the house. That nice girl has a beautiful dress.
- Those hungry dogs have food.
- All your sisters have friends.
- The garden has big trees.
- You have some drinks.
Per fjalite 7 dhe 8 nuk eshte e nevojshme te perdorni any.
- Ktheni ne fjali pyetese:
- There’s a computer in your dining-room.
- There’s a shop near the post-office.
- There are four cars in the road.
- There are some delicious apples in that cupboard.
- There’s a cat in the house.
- There are some biscuits in the bag.
- Our car is in the garage.
- There are some flowers on the ground under the chair.
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