Monday, January 8, 2018

Mesimi 7.
Lesson7/ seventh lesson
All / ɔ:l/ gjithe, te gjithe, e gjithe, te gjitha
At / æt, ət/ ne, te, tek
Bed /bed/ shtrat, krevat
Beside / bisaid/  prane, perbri, afer
Big /big/ i, e madhe, te medhenj
But / b ʌt, b ət/ por, pervec
Come in! / ‘k ʌm in/ hyr, hyni
Cupboard / ‘kʌpbəd/ dollap, bufe
Dress /dres/ veshje, fustan
Good evening /gud’i:vniŋ/ mirembrema
Green/ gri:n/ i,e gjelber
Here / hiə*/ ketu
Nice / nais/ i, e bukur;, i,e kendshme
Over /’ ɔuvə*/ mbi, permbi
Photo /’foutou/ fotografi
Shirt /ʃə:t/ kemishe
Shoe / ʃu:/ kepuce
Small / smɔ:l/ i,e vogel; te vegjel
Stairs / stɛəz/ shkalle
There / ðeə*/ atje
Thing / θiŋ/ gje, send
Under / ʌndə*/ nen, nden
Here it is, here they are-ja ku eshte, ja ku jane.
Ø  Ne shqip ne themi ja (ja ku eshte; ja ku jane), qe ndiqet nga nje peremer vetor ose nje emer i shoqeruar ose jo nga mbiemra, ne anglisht perdorim  Here dhe there per te treguar sende qe ndodhen afer ose larg (here-ketu; there-atje), qe ndiqen nga kryefjala e cila eshte nje peremer, dhe nje trajte  e foljes to be-jam .
Here  I am.                     Ja ku jam (ketu)
Here we are.                 Ja ku jemi ( ketu)
There she is.                 Ja ku eshte ai ( ketu)
There he is.                   Ja ku eshte ai
Ø Nese kryefjala eshte emer dhe jo peremer, atehere folja vendoset para kryefjales. Psh.
Here is the girl ( kryefjala eshte emer) .    Ja ku eshte vajza.
Here is Dr. Grande.                           Ja ku eshte doktoreshe Grande.
Where is my bag?                               Ku eshte canta ime?
There are the apples, near the pears.      Ja ku jane mollet, afer dardhave.
Mbiemrat cilesore.
Ø Mbiemrat cilesore, ashtu si mbiemrat e tjere jane te pandryshueshem, si ne vete ashtu edhe ne numer dhe gjini. Ato vendosen perpara emrave qe cilesojne, me perjashtim te disa rasteve te vecanta. psh.
My blue coat.                       Palltoja ime blu.
The small animals.               Kafshet e vogla.
Ø Ajo qe veme re nga shembujt me siper eshte se ne shqip dy mbiemrat lidhen me ane te lidhezes e ose edhe, gje qe nuk ndodh ne anglisht, pra nuk vendoset lidhez midis dy mbiemrave kur ata ndodhen para emrit, si
It’s a beautiful little girl.  Kjo eshte nje vajze e bukur dhe e vogel.
Ø Nje gje e tille nuk ndodh kur mbiemrat jane pjese e kallezuesit. Ato, ne kete rast shoqerohen nga lidheza and si ne shqip. My coat is beautiful and warm.
Peremri i pacaktuar all-gjithe, te gjithe, te gjitha.
Ø Peremri i pacaktuar all ( gjithe, e gjithe, te gjithe, te gjitha), ndiqet nga nyja shquese the, psh,:
All the pens.     Te gjithe stiololapsat.

Shqiptimi i forte dhe i dobet.
Ø Ne anglisht, disa fjale njerrokeshe kane shqiptim te dyfishte: i forte sepse degjohen te gjithe tingujt zanore; dhe tjetri i bute ose i dobet sepse shqiptimi i tingujve eshte i dobet dhe zanorja nuk eshte shume e qarte.
Ø  Shqiptimi i dobet vihet re sidomos kur fjala njerrokeshe eshte pothuajse e patheksuar, ose pa theks te dallueshem. Keshtu, parafjalet at dhe from, pervec shqiptimit / æt/ dhe /frɔm/, shqiptohen gjithashtu / ət/ dhe /frəm/ si tek togjet e fjaleve: at the door, a present from my mother. Lidheza but, ne fjali te tilla si : We have a wide road, but they have a narrow road shqiptohet /bət/, pervec shqiptimit te forte/ bʌt/.
Ø Po keshtu, disa parafjale, trajta foljore, nyjetjoshquese  a, an, the dhe lidheza and shqiptohen dobet.
Billi dhe Jennifer ndodhen ne hotel. Billi pershkruan dhomen. Pas bisedes midid tyre, ne dhome hyn Dr. Robert.
Bill: This is our room in the hotel. It’s a nice big room. My wife and I are here, but our daughter isn’t, her room is near the stairs. Our bed is near the wall and the table is beside the bed. My wife Jennifer is at the window.
Kjo eshte dhoma jone ne hotel. Eshte nje dhome e madhe ,e kendshme. Bashkeshortja ime dhe unejemi ketu, ndersa vajza jone nuk ndodhet ketu, dhoma e saj eshte prane shkalleve. Shtrati yne eshte prane murit dhe tavolina eshte prane shtratit. Bashkeshortja ime Jennifer eshte tek dritarja.
Jennifer: Bill! What’s that thing on the wall?
Bill! Cfare eshte ajo gjeja ne mur?
Bill: Where? 
Jennifer: There, over the bed. Is it a picture?
Atje, mbi krevat. Eshte ajo nje pikture?
Bill: Oh! No, it isn’t a picture, it is a photo. 
Oh! Jo, ajo nuk eshte nje picture, ajo eshte nje foto.
Jennifer: Are all our cases here? 
Jane te gjitha bagazhet tona ketu?
Bill: Yes, they are all here. 
Po, ato jane te gjitha ketu.
Jennifer: Where? Are they in the cupboard?
Ku? Jane ato ne dollap?
Bill: Yes, here they are. 
Po, ato jane.
Jennifer: I want my green dress from the big case.
Une deshiroj fustanin tim jeshil nga valixhja e madhe.
Bill: Oh, is this the dress? Oh, eshte ky fustani?
Jennifer: Yes, that’s it. (degjohen trokitje ne dere) Po, ajo eshte.
Bill: Who is at the door? Is it Kate?
Kush eshte tek dera? Eshte Kate?
Jennifer: No, it’s Dr. Grande. Come in Grande!
Jo, eshte doctor Grande. Hajde brenda Grande!
Robert: Good evening Mrs. Gates.    Mirembrema  Zonja Gates.
             Good evening Mr. Gates.      Mirembrema zoti Gates.
What’s that thing on the wall, there, over the bad?

o   Where’s the dog? Here it is.         Ku eshte qeni? Ja ku eshte.
o   Where’s your house. Here it is.   Ku eshte shtepia juaj? Ja ku eshte.
o   Where’s your sister? Here she is.  Ku eshte motra juaj? Ja ku eshte.
o   Where’s Dr. Grande? Here he is.  Ku eshte doktor Grande? Ja ku eshte.
o   Where are my gloves? Ku jane dorashkat e mia? Ku jane dorashkat e mia?
o   Here they are.                                                   Ja ku jane.
o   Where are the tomatoes? Here they are.     Ku jane domatet? Ja ku jane.
o   Where are you? Here I am.                          Ku je ti? Ja ku jam.
o   Where’s the pen? (desk): there it is, it’s on the desk. Ku eshte stilolapsi? Eshte atje, mbi tavoline.
o   Where’s the dog? (car): There it is, it’s on the car. Ku eshte qeni? Eshte atje, mbi makine.
o   Where’s the computer?(table): There it is, it’s on the table. Ku eshte kompjuteri? Eshte atje, mbi tavoline.
o   Where’s the clock? (wall): There it is, it’s on the wall.                Eshte atje, ne mur.
o   Where are the documents? (computer): there they are, they are on the computer.                                                                                           Ku jane dokumentat? Ato jane atje, mbi kompjuter.
o   Where are the pillows? (sofa): There they are, they are on the sofa.  Ku jane jasteket? Jane atje, mbi divan.
o   Girl (young). It’s a young girl.         Ajo eshte je vajze e vogel.
o   Apple (red). It’s a red apple.            Ajo eshte nje molle e kuqe.
o   Dress (short). It’s a short dress.  Ai eshte nje fustan i shkurter.
o   Girl (nice). It’s a nice girl.           Ajo eshte nje vajze e kendshme.
o   Bags ( yellow). They’re yellow bags.  Ato jane canta te verdha.
o   Tree (high): They’re high trees.         Ato jane peme te larta.
o   Children (small): they’re small children.  Ata jane femije te vegjel.
o   People ( bad): They’re bad people.         Ata jane njerez te keqinj.
o   Blue pen, pencil case: Here’s your blue pen, it’s in my pencil case. Ja ku eshte stilolapsi yt blu, eshte ne kutine time te lapsave.
o   Little brother, apartment. Here’s your little brother, he’s in my apartment.
o    Ja ku eshte vellai yt i vogel, ai eshte ne apartamentin tim.
o   Wonderful skirt, wardrobe: here’s your wonderful skirt, it’s in my wardrobe.
o   Ja ku eshte fundi yt i mrekullueshem, ai eshte ne dollapin tim.
o   Old discs, box: here are your old discs, they’re in my box.
 Ja ku jane disqet e tua te vjetra, ato ndodhen ne kutine time.
Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur.
§  Pergjigjuni pyetjeve te meposhtme:
o   Where are the Gates?
o   Is their room small?
o   Is Kate in their room?
o   Where is her room?
o   What is the thing on the wall over the bed?
o   Are all their cases in the room?
o   Who wants the green dress?
o   Is it on his shirt?
o   Are the shirts in the small case?
o   Who is at the door?

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