Mesimi 11
Lesson 11/eleventh
Along/ əlɔŋ/ gjate, pergjate
Brush/ brʌ ʃ/ furce
(to) brush / brʌ ʃ/ fshij me furce, furcoj
(to) do/ du:/ bej
Hair/ h ɛ ə */
Her/h ə: *, h ə */ e
Him/ him/
Home/ hɔum/ shtepi
(to) hurry up/’h ʌri ʌ p/
It/it/ ai,
ajo ( per sende ose kafshe)
Just/d ʒʌst, dʒ əst /tamam,
(to) leave/li:v/ le,
iki, largohem
Me/mi:. mi/
(to) read/ ri:d/
(to) stop/ stɔp/ ndalim, ndalese
(to) talk/t ɔk/ flas, bisedoj
Them/ ðem/atyre
This evening/ ðis i:vniŋ/ kete mbremje
Tomorrow/ təm’orou/ neser
Us/ʌs, əs/ ne, neve
Why/wai/ pse, perse
You/ju:, ju/ ti, ty, ju, juve
Pjesorja e
tashme dhe percjellorja
Ø Ne anglisht pjesorja e tashme dhe percjellorja
e foljeve kane te njejten trajte, e cila formohet nga tema e paskajores, duke i shtuar mbaresen-ing.
(to) cook- gatuaj cooking-duke gatuar, qe gatuan
(to) work- punoj woking-duke punuar, qe punon
(to) look-shikoj looking-duke shikuar, qe shikon
(to) listen- degjoj listening-duke degjuar
(to) run-vrapoj running-duke vrapuar, qe vrapon
Ø Foljet qe mbarojne me e te pazeshme , e humbasin kete
kur marrin mbaresen ing, psh.
(to) have-kam having-duke pasur
(to) hike -shetis hiking- duke shetitur
(to) drive-ngas makinen driving-duke ngare makinen
(to) giggle-perqesh, tall giggling-duke
u tallur
Ø E pazeshme eshte edhe e, qe gjate shqiptimit te fjales nuk del fare. Pra, nga folja to see ( shikoj, vizitoj, takoj, shoh)
do te kemi formen seeing ( duke
shikuar, qe shikon etj) sepse dyrrokeshi ee,
perben nje grup te vetem dhe shqiptohet/i:/
Ø Kur folja mbaron me bashketingellore, para se ciles ndodhet nje
zanore shkurter mbi te cilen bie theksi tonik i fjales, bashketingellorja
dyfishohet perpara mbareses ing, si
(to) swim-notoj swimming-duke notuar
(to)regret-mohoj regretting-duke mohuar
(to)begin- filloj
beginning-duke filluar
permitting-duke lejuar
Ø Per foljen to read( lexoj, kemi trajten reading sepse zanorja tonike eshte
e gjate, ndersa nga folja tjeter to brush ( fshij me
furce, furcoj) krijohet brushing, pasi folja nuk mbaron me nje bashketingellore te vetme, por me dy
te tilla.
Ø Folja to happen( ndodh), kthehet ne happening ( duke ndodhur)
sepse theksi tonik nuk bie mbi zanoren e fundit te paskajores. Psh.
(to) get-getting
(to) give-giving
(to) sit-sitting
(to) take-taking
Trajtat e
vazhdimesise dhe koha e tashme e vazhduar
Ø Ne anglisht ka ndryshim
midis veprimit te zakondshem qe shprehet ne kohen e tashme te deftores dhe
veprimit qe zhvillohet ne nje cast ta caktuar, qe do te thote kur flitet ose
zhvillohet nje veprim. Ne rastin e dyte trajta e vazhdimesise qe ndertohet duke
perdorur nje trajte te foljes to be, te ndjekur nga pjesorja e
tashme e foljes qe zgjedhohet ne fjali. Kjo eshte njesoj si te thoshim lexoj
dhe themi jam duke lexuar ose po punoj te thoshim jam duke punuar.
Prandaj kemi dy dallime:
I read my book
in the afternoon- Une lexoj librin gjate mbasdites, qe do te thote se une zakonisht
gjate mbasdites lexoj librin, pra eshte nje veprim i zakondshem.
She is reading
her book. Ajo po lexon librin, ndersa une flas, ose e di se ajo po kryen
procesin e leximit.
Ø Per te shprehur te ardhmen,
ashtu si dhe ne shqip edhe ne anglisht perdoret koha e tashme per te treguar
ate qe do te ndodhe ne nje kohe jo te larget ose qe ka ndermend te ndodhe, pra
themi Une nisem pasneser ne vend te themi une do te nisem pasneser.
Ø Edhe ne anglisht perdoret
trajta e vazhduar e tashme per te treguar nje veprim qe do te ndodhise shpejti:
I am leaving the day after tomorrow.
Une do te nisem pasneser.
Ø Ne fjaline pyetese dhe ne
ate mohore, trajta e vazhdimesise ndjek rregullin qe kemi shpjeguar mbi
perdorimin e foljes ndihmese.
Trajta vetore e foljes to be+ kryefjala+ pjesorja e tashme.
Are you cooking? A po gatuan? A jeni duke gatuar?
Ne fjalite
mohore kemi kete ndertim:
Kryefjala+trajta vetore e foljes to be+not+pjesorja e tashme.
I am not cooking. Une nuk po gatuaj. Une nuk jam duke gatuar.
Ø Kur fjalia nuk permban nje
peremer ose nje ndajfolje pyetese,keto zene vend ne fillim te fjalise si
Ø Where are they going? Ku po shkojne ata?
Ø What are you cooking? (What-kundrinor) Cfare po gatuan?
Ø What is smelling so good? (what-kryefjale)
cfare mban kaq arome te mire?
Ø Who is leaving?
(who-kryefjale) Kush po largohet?
Ø Who is your brother
bringing? Ke po sjell vellai juaj?
Veme re se who, ne rastin e kundrinorit perdoret vetem ne gjuhen e
folur ose ate familjare
Normalisht who behet whom kur eshte kundrinor, prandaj
fjalia e fundit ne shembujt e siperm do idshte keshtu ne nje ligjerate formale:
Whom is your brother bringing? Ke po sjell vellai juaj? Cilin pos
jell vellai juaj?
Ø Jo te gjitha foljet marrin ing ne fund, pra perdorimin e trajts se vazhdimesise. Zakonisht,
perdorimi i saj perputhet me kohen e tashme te gjuhes shqipe me pjesezen po.
ne shqip nuk mund te themi jam duke
ditur, ashtu ndodh edhe ne anglisht qe nuk mund te thuhet I am knowing.
Peremrat vetore
qe perdoren si kundrinore.
Ø Kur peremrat vetore perdoren si kundrinore, ndryshojne trajten dhe
luajne rolin e kryefjales ne fjali.
Ø Vetem peremri vetor you, qe do te thote ti- veta e dyte njejes dhe ju-
veta e dyte shumes, si dhe it ( ai,ajo), veta e trete njejes, ne
cilesine e kundrinorit mbeten te pandryshueshme. Psh:
ju, juve
It-ate, saj,atij
They –ata, ato
Ø Te gjitha trajtat per
kundrinoret mund te perdoren ne folje me nje parafjale, psh. With me, to her, from him, behind us,
beside it, near her, from me, qe perkthehen: me mua; ,asaj,prej asaj; nga
ai, pas nesh, prane asaj, prane asaj(njerez), nga une.
Mary: What are you doing, Peter? Cfare po ben, Peter?
Peter: I’m reading the paper. Jam duke lexuar letren.
Mary: Well, stop now. And put
your jacket on. Epo, ndalo tani dhe vish xhaketen.
Peter: Why? What’s happening? Pse, cfare po ndodh?
Mary: The Gates are coming. Father is bringing
them home with him. They are having dinner with us this evening. Gatet jane duke ardhur.
Babai eshte duke i sjelle me vete. Do darkojne me ne kete mbremje.
Peter: Good! Their daughter Kate is nice. Mire! Vajza e tyre Kate
eshte e kendshme.
Mary: Yes, she is. Sit with her
at dinner and talk to her. Po, ajo eshte. Ulu me te gjate darkes dhe bisedo. Tomorrow they are leaving their hotel, and
coming here. Neser ata do largohen nga hoteli dhe do vijne ketu.
Peter: That’s good. Mire.
Mary: Peter, Hurry up! Give that paper to me. The dinner
is ready, and you aren’t. Peter, nxito! Ma jep ate leter. Darka eshte gati, dhe ti jo!
Peter: Yes, I am…, I’m just brushing my hair. Po, une jam..une jam duke
lare floket.
Mary: Let me see. H’m-yes-not
bad. Pa te te shikoj pak. Jo keq!
Peter: The car is just coming along the street. (degjohet mbrritja e
makines se doctor Robertit. Makina eshte duke ardhur tek rruga. Ose ja tek duket ne rruge.
Mary: They are at the door now! Jane tek dera tashme.
Peter: Yes, they are! Po,ato jane.
Peter, brush his hair. He is brushing his hair.
The car, come along the street .It’s coming along the street.
Mrs. Grande, talk to her son. She’s talking to her son.
Peter, read the paper. He’s reading the paper.
Mr. and Mrs. Gates, come to the door: They are coming to the door.
The telephone ring: It’s ringing.
The bus, stop. It’s stopping.
Mr. Gates, take his coat off: He’s taking off his coat.
They come here: They’re coming here tomorrow.
He, have dinner with them. He is having dinner with them tomorrow.
They, come here: They’re coming here tomorrow.
They, bring Kate. They’re bringing Kate tomorrow.
I, go to the station. I’m going to the station tomorrow.
You, see your mother: you’re seeing your mother tomorrow.
Come to the station: No, I’m not coming.
Go to Dr. Grande’s house: No, I’m not going.
Go to your room: No, I’m not going.
Go to the window. No, I’m not going.
Come to dinner tomorrow: No, I’m not coming.
Come to London. No, I’m not coming.
Peter’s reading: What’s he reading?
(newspaper). He is reading a newspaper.
He is reading a newspaper.
Mrs. Grande’s going: Where is she going?
(station)She is going to the station.
Kate’s sitting: where is she sitting? ( a chair)
She is sitting on a chair.
Mr. and Mrs. Grande are staying: Where are they staying? They’re
staying with the Grandes.
Ø Hair-ne shqip do te thote floke, ne anglisht perdoret gjithmone ne
numrin njejes, prandaj nese shoqerohet nga nje folje ose nga nje peremer, keta
do te jene gjithashtu ne numrin njejes, si psh. My hair is long- floket e mi jane te
gjate. Floku im eshte i gjate.
Ø Home- ne shqip do te thote
shtepi, perdoret jo thjesht si vend banimi ose ndertese e shtepise, ku ne kete
rast do te perdorej fjala house, por
si vater e jetes familjare, se bashku me orendite, pajisjet, ndjenjat dhe
gjithcka qe lidhet me bashkejetesen familjare, prandaj thuhet: I am at home –jam ne shtepi, por nga ana
tjeter do te thoshim: I am going home-Po
shkoj ne shtepi ose Jam duke shkuar ne shtepi.
per tu zgjidhur:
§ Perkthejini ne shqip fjalite e
o He
is leaving me.
o They
are staying with us.
o She
is talking to me.
o I am
telephoning her.
o He
is giving his book to me.
o We
are going with them
§ Ne fjalite qe vijojne eshte e sakte
vetem njera prej trajtave te peremrave: Cila trajte eshte e sakte?
o They-them are
taking we-us
o He-him is
going home with I-me.
o We-us are
staying with she-her.
o They-them are
taking we-us
o Is she-her
with he-him?
§ Kthejini keto fjali ne mohore:
o I am
staying in this room.
o The girls
are taking their books at class.
o The
waiter is bringing their drinks.
o Your
son and daughter are smiling.
o We
are sitting down.
ne fjali pyetese keto fjali:
o You
are working.
o He
is leaving this afternoon.
o We
are leaving the baby in the house.
o Those
people are coming back now.
o All
your children are sitting on the sofa.
o You
and your sister are painting these pictures.
o That
hungry dog is eating a piece of meat.
§ Perkthejini ne anglisht:
o Kamarieri
po ju sell pije te gjithe miqve tane.
o Ne
largohemi nga hoteli neser.
o Ajo
makine nuk po ndalon.
o Kush
po telefonon?
o Cfare
po ndodh ne shtepine e vellait tend?
o Une
nuk po e vesh xhaketen time.
ne anglisht:
Peter eshte duke veshur xhaketen sepse(because) Gates do
vijne sonte per darke.
Ata do te vijne neser ketu me te.
Cfare po ben babai yt?
Babai im eshte duke folur me ta.
Ja, ata po ndalojne makinen.
Ne mbremie mamaja ime fshin me furce xhaketene Peterit.
Une nuk vij neser sepse jam i lodhur.
Ku do te shkosh ti kete mbremje?
Eja me ne ne shtepine tone.
Babai im eshte mbi shtratin e tij.
Une i jap babait tim librin.
Shtrati juaj eshte prane shtratit tim.
The Bear & the Bees
A Bear roaming the woods in search of berries happened on a fallen tree in which a swarm of Bees had stored their honey. The Bear began to nose around the log very carefully to find out if the Bees were at home. Just then one of the swarm came home from the clover field with a load of sweets. Guessing what the Bear was after, the Bee flew at him, stung him sharply and then disappeared into the hollow log.
The Bear lost his temper in an instant, and sprang upon the log tooth and claw, to destroy the nest. But this only brought out the whole swarm. The poor Bear had to take to his heels, and he was able to save himself only by diving into a pool of water.
It is wiser to bear a single injury in silence than to provoke a thousand by flying into a rag