Do you know how to use as and like correctly? Look at these examples to see how as and like are used.
A dini si të përdorni as dhe like në mënyrën e duhur? Shikoni këta shembuj për të parë se si përdoren as dhe like.
I worked as an actor for two years.
I went home early as I felt ill.
He looks as if he hasn’t slept.
As you know, this is the third time I’ve had to complain.
He looks like his dad.
She’s like a sister to me.
Try to do something relaxing, like reading a book or having a bath.
_________ you know, the factory will shut down in May.
I’m looking for a job __________ a diving instructor.
I was so tired. I slept __________ a baby.
Study as hard __________ you can and I’m sure you’ll pass your exams.
He wants to be a nurse __________ he loves helping people.
This song sounds ___________ David Bowie.
I made a mistake but I just continued _________ if nothing had happened.
The music was playing _____________ they walked into the church.
Read the explanation to learn more.
Lexoni shpjegimin për të mësuar më shumë.
Grammar explanation
Shpjegimi gramatikor
As and like are often confused since they can both be used for comparisons. There are, however, important differences.
As dhe like (si) shpesh herë ngatërrohen pasi të dyja mund të përdoren për krahasime. Megjithatë, ka ndryshime të rëndësishme ndërmjet tyre.
Making comparisons as + adjective + as and as much as
Bëjmë krahasime aq + mbiemër + sa dhe aq sa
We often use the structure as + adjective + as or as much as to say if something has, or doesn’t have, the same amount of that quality as something else.
Shpesh herë përdorim strukturën aq + mbiemër + sa apo aq sa për të thënë nëse diçka ka apo nuk ka në sasi të njëjtë cilësinë e diçkaje tjetër.
She loves curry as much as I do.
He’s not as tall as his brother.
It’s not as expensive as the other hotel.
That dog is as big as that child!
You also have to use as in the expression the same as.
Gjithashtu duhet të përdorni as në shprehjen njëlloj si.
Your phone is the same as mine.
Texting is not the same as speaking in person.
like + noun
si + emër
In the following comparisons, like is followed by a noun or a pronoun to say that two things are similar.
Në krahasimet që vijojnë, si është e ndjekur nga një emër apo një përemër për të thënë se dy gjëra janë të ngjashme.
He’s like a father to me.
She’s acting like a child.
It’s like a burger but with big mushrooms instead of bread.
There are lots of people like us.
It is also common to make comparisons using like with verbs of the senses.
Gjithashtu është e zakontë të bëjmë krahasime duke përdorur like me foljet që tregojnë ndjenja.
She looks like her mother.
It sounds like a cat.
Nothing tastes like homemade lemonade.
It smells like medicine.
It feels like cotton.
as if / as though + clause
sikur + fjali
As if and as though can be used to compare a real situation to an imaginary situation. They are followed by a clause (a subject and verb).
Këto dy forma kanë kuptimin sikur dhe mund të përdoren për të krahasuar një situatë të vërtetë me një situatë imagjinare. Ato ndiqen nga një fjali (kryefjalë dhe kallëzues).
You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.
I felt as if I was floating above the ground.
You talk as though we’re never going to see each other again.
Giving examples
Japim shembuj
We can say like or such as to give examples.
Mund të themi si ose ashtu si për të dhënë shembuj.
You could try a team sport like football, basketball or hockey.
You should take something soft, such as a towel, to lie on.
Talking about a job or function
Flasim për një punë apo funksion
We can use as + noun to talk about a job or function.
Ne mund të përdorim si + emër për të folur rreth një pune apo funksioni.
I worked as a shop assistant for two years.
He used his coat as a blanket to keep warm.
as to connect two phrases
si për të lidhur dy shprehje
As can be used as a conjunction to connect two phrases. It can have different meanings.
Si mund të përdoret si një lidhëz për të lidhur dy shprehje. Ajo mund të ketë kuptime të ndryshme.
as = ‘because’
as me kuptimin ‘sepse’
All the tickets were sold out as we got there too late.
As the road was closed, I had to park on the next street.
as = ‘while’ or ‘during the time that’
as me kuptimin ‘ndërkohë’ ose ‘në kohën që’
She called as I was getting out of the bath.
As they were arriving, we were leaving.
as = ‘in the way that’
as me kuptimin ‘ashtu si’
As we expected, it started to rain.
As you know, classes restart on 15 January.
As I said, I think this project will be a challenge.
** Note that in informal speech, people sometimes say like for ‘in the way that’.
** Mbani mend se në të folurën e përditshme, njerëzit ndonjëherë thonë like për ‘ashtu si’.
Like I said, I didn’t know her.
Do this exercise to test your grammar again.
Bëni këtë ushtrim për të provuar përsëri gramatikën tuaj.
Complete the sentences with ‘as’ or ‘like’.
Plotësoni fjalitë me ‘as’ ose ‘like’.
She worked ____________ a journalist before writing her first novel.
You look just ____________ your mother when you smile.
We’ve only just met, but I feel ____________ though I’ve known you all my life.
They said I didn’t have _____________much experience as the other candidate.
_____________ we were late, we had to get an expensive taxi.
I slept on the train, using my jacket _______________ a pillow.
Many fruit trees need insects ____________ bees and butterflies to help them produce fruit.
I like listening to music ____________ I do the ironing.
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