Mesimi # 11
Shpresoj qe mesimi i meposhtem ti vije dikujt ne ndihme. Ndiqni me kujdes prezantimin e tij ne te dyja gjuhet dhe sigurohuni qe i kuptuat elementet e duhur te cilat ju krijojne mundesine per te shprehur nje veprim i cili pergjithesisht ndodh ne momentin kur ne jemi duke folur ose rreth atij momenti. Nese do te kini pyetje i shohim bashke.
Present Continuous Tense
(Koha e tashme e vazhduar)
(Koha e tashme e vazhduar)
A. Introduction
The present continuous means that
we are in the middle of an action.
Koha e tashme e vazhduar perdoret per te shprehur nje veprim ne te cilin ne jemi ne mes te kryerjes se tij.
Koha e tashme e vazhduar perdoret per te shprehur nje veprim ne te cilin ne jemi ne mes te kryerjes se tij.
The present continuous is the
present tense of be + verb + ing .
E tashmja e vazhduar eshte koha e tashme e foljes be + nje folje kuptimore plus mbaresen ing.
E tashmja e vazhduar eshte koha e tashme e foljes be + nje folje kuptimore plus mbaresen ing.
I am looking or I’m looking
You/we/they/are looking or you/we/they’re looking
he/she/it is looking; or he/she/it’s looking
You/we/they/are looking or you/we/they’re looking
he/she/it is looking; or he/she/it’s looking
I’m not
looking Am I looking?
you/we/they are looking Are you/we/they looking?
he/she/it isn’t looking Is he/she/it looking?
you/we/they are looking Are you/we/they looking?
he/she/it isn’t looking Is he/she/it looking?
I’m getting the lunch ready. The train is coming,
Jam duke bere dreken gati. Treni eshte duke erdhur, shiko.
We’re looking for a post office. Rachel isn’t wearing her new dress.
Jemi duke kerkuar nje zyre poste. Rahela nuk ka veshur fustanin e saj te ri.
What are you doing? Who is Vicky dancing with?
C'fare jeni duke bere? Me ke eshte duke kercyer Viki?
Jam duke bere dreken gati. Treni eshte duke erdhur, shiko.
We’re looking for a post office. Rachel isn’t wearing her new dress.
Jemi duke kerkuar nje zyre poste. Rahela nuk ka veshur fustanin e saj te ri.
What are you doing? Who is Vicky dancing with?
C'fare jeni duke bere? Me ke eshte duke kercyer Viki?
We use present continuous to say
that we are in the middle of an action.
E tashmja e vazhduar perdoret per te treguar se jemi gjate kryerjes se nje veprimi.
E tashmja e vazhduar perdoret per te treguar se jemi gjate kryerjes se nje veprimi.
I’m waiting for the train. (I’m
at the train station now.)
Jam duke pritur trenin. (Jam ne stacionin e trenit tani.)
Jam duke pritur trenin. (Jam ne stacionin e trenit tani.)
I’m getting the lunch ready. (I’m
in the kitchen.)
Jam duke bere dreken gati. (Jam ne kuzhine)
Jam duke bere dreken gati. (Jam ne kuzhine)
I’m waiting means that I’m in the
middle of a period of waiting. The wait is not yet over.
I'm waiting - tregon se jam ende duke pritur. Pritja nuk ka marre fund ende.
I'm waiting - tregon se jam ende duke pritur. Pritja nuk ka marre fund ende.
We can also use the present
continuous when we are in the middle of something but not actually doing it at
the moment of speaking.
Gjithashtu mund te perdorim kohen e tashme te vazhduar kur jemi ne mes te realizimit te nje veprimi, por ne fakt nuk po e kryejme ate gjate momentit qe po flasim.
Gjithashtu mund te perdorim kohen e tashme te vazhduar kur jemi ne mes te realizimit te nje veprimi, por ne fakt nuk po e kryejme ate gjate momentit qe po flasim.
I must get back to the office. We’re working
on a new project.
Duhet te kthehem ne zyre. Jemi duke punuar ne nje projekt te ri.
Duhet te kthehem ne zyre. Jemi duke punuar ne nje projekt te ri.
I’m quite busy these days. I’m doing
a course at collage.
Jam shume e zene keto dite. Jam duke ndjekur nje kurs ne kolegj.
Jam shume e zene keto dite. Jam duke ndjekur nje kurs ne kolegj.
We can use the present continuous
when things are changing over a long period.
Mund ta perdorim kohen e tashme te
vazhduar per veprime qe kryhen per nje periudhe te gjate kohe.
The numbers of cars on the road is increasing. The earth is slowly getting
Numri I makinave ne rruge eshte duke u rritur. Toka eshte duke u bere me e ngrohte dalengadale.
For the future meaning.
Numri I makinave ne rruge eshte duke u rritur. Toka eshte duke u bere me e ngrohte dalengadale.
For the future meaning.
Koha e tashme e vazhduar perdoret gjithashtu per te shprehur nje veprim ne kohen e arthme, sa here ne e shohim kete veprim si te paramenduar apo si te planifikuar paraprakisht. gjykoni fjalite e meposhteme.
playing badminton with Mathew tomorrow.
Jam duke luajtur badminton me Mateon neser.
Jam duke luajtur badminton me Mateon neser.
1 Form (B)
Join the following verbs ans objects and make your own sentences.
Use these verbs : carry ,paint, ride ,take
Use these object : a bicycle ,a
photo ,a picture ,basketball
He is riding a bicycle .
2 Form (B)
Rachel is in the computer room
all college . Complete her conversation with Andrew . Put in a present
continuous form of the verb .
Andrew : What are you doing
Rachel: I’m writing (I/write ) a
letter to a friend . He’s a disc jockey . Vicky ad I (try) to organize a disco.
Andrew : That sounds a lot of work. How (you/find) time for
your studies ?
Rachel : Well , as I said
(help) me .
(we/get) on all right (we/not/spend) to much time on it
. ( it/not/take) me
away from my studies, don’t worry about that . Oh , sorry (you/wait) for this
Andrew : Yes ,but there’s no hurry.
Rachel : (I/correct ) the last
bit of the letter . I’ve nearly finished .
3 Use (C )
What can you say in these
situations ? Add a sentence with the present continuous .
A friend rings you up in the
middle of ‘ neighbor ’ ,your favorite
soap opera .
Is it important? I’m watching
neighbor .
1 A friend is at your flat and suggests
going out , but you can see rain outside .
I don’t want to go out now . Look …………………………..
2 A friend rings you up at work .
Sorry , I can’t talk now …………………………
3 You want to get off the bus ,but the man
next to you is sitting on your coat .
Excuse me ………………………….
4 A friend wants to talk to you ,but you
have just stared to write an important letter.
Can I talk to you later
5 You have been ill , but you’re better
now than you were .
I’m OK now …………………………………..
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