Hi everyone,
Problemet qe has nje student i cili meson gjuhen angleze mund te jene te natyrave te ndryshme. Shpesh here ato lidhen me menyren se si mund te ndertojme nje fjali te sakte.
Ju lutem ndiqni me kujdes mesimin e meposhtem edhe nese do te kini ndonje pyetje le ta diskutojme gjate ores sone te arthshme.
Mesimi # 9
A. Sentence structure
Struktura e fjalise.
The parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.
Pjeset perberese te fjalise jane: kryefjala, folja, kundrinori, complement ( plotesori ) dhe ndajfolja apo rrethanori. Nje fjali deftore pergjithsisht fillon me nje kryefjale dhe nje folje. Ne gjuhen angleze ka pese struktura te cilat ne mund ti perdorim per te bere nje deklarate te thjeshte.
1 Subject Verb
Kryefjale + Folje
Kryefjale + Folje
My arms are aching
Something happened
Something happened
2. Subject Verb Object
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor
I need a rest
Five people are moving the piano
The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun
Five people are moving the piano
The subject and the object can be a noun, a pronoun
(e.g. I) or a noun phrase (eg the piano)
Kryefjala dhe kundrinori mund te jene te shprehur me:
a) emer
b) peremer
c) grup emeror)
3. Subject Verb Complement
Kryefjale + Folje + Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )
Kryefjale + Folje + Komplement ( mbiemer ose emer )
This piano is heavy
It was a big problem
The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound.
Per ta patur te qarte se cfare eshte termi "complement", do te ishte me mire te kuptonim se ai vjen menjehere mbas nje forme te foljes 'be'; dmth mund te vije mbas foljes, am is, are, was, were, been, be, being. Ai mund te jete:
a) mbiemer
b) emer
c) grup emeror.
Gjithashtu ai mund te vije edhe mbas foljesh te tilla si: appear, become,get,feel,look,seem, stay, ose sound. Keto folje quhen ndryshe = link verbs. Per keto folje ju mund te shikoni edhe nje mesim te cilin e kemi kaluar disa ore me pare ne keto faqe.
4. Subject Verb Adverbial
Kryefjale + Folje + Ndajfolje ose rrethanor
Kryefjale + Folje + Ndajfolje ose rrethanor
It is on my foot.
Their house is nearby.
Their house is nearby.
An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).
Me fjalen 'adveribial' mund te kuptoni edhe nje shprehje ndajfoljore me parafjale ose nje ndajfolje.
5. Subject Verb Object Object
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor + Kundrinor
Kryefjale + Folje + Kundrinor + Kundrinor
It ‘s giving me backache.
David bought Melanie a present.
David bought Melanie a present.
We use two objects after verbs like give and send.
Ne mund te perdorim dy kundrinore mbas foljesh te tilla si give dhe send.
B. Adverbials
We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.
Ne mund t'ju shtojme ndajfoljore ( dmth ndajfolje ose rrethanore ) te pesta llojeve te fjalive te permendura si me siper.
My arms are aching terribly. I really need a rest.
Of course this piano is heavy . Fortunately their house is nearby .
To everyone’s surprise, David actually bought Melanie a present yesterday .
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