Sunday, November 20, 2022

Unit 7 Present Perfect (I have done)

Unit 7  Present Perfect (I have done) 

Mësimi 7  Koha e kryer (Kam bërë) 


  1. Study this example conversation: 

Studioni këtë shembull bisede: 



Have you traveled a lot, Liz? 


Yes, Ive been to lots of places. 


Really? Have you ever been to China? 


Yes, Ive been to China twice. 


What about India? 


No, I havent been to India. 



Have/Has + traveled/been/done, etc. (past participle) is the present perfect: 

Folja kam + udhëtuar/qenë/bërë, etj. (pjesore e kryer) është koha e kryer: 


I/we/they/you have (= Ive, etc.) 



done, etc. 

he/she/it has (=hes, etc.) 



The past participle often ends in -ed (traveled/decided, etc.) but many important verbs are irregular (been/done/written, etc.).  

Pjesorja e kryer zakonisht baron me -ed në gjuhën Angleze (udhëtuar/vendosur, etj.) por shumë folje të rëndësishme janë të parregullta (qenë/bërë/shkruar, etj.) 



  1. When we talk about a period of time that continues from the past until now, we use the present perfect (have been / have traveled, etc.). In the conversation in A, Dave and Liz are talking about the places Liz has visited in her life, which is a period that continues until now. Some more examples: 

Kur flasim për një periudhë kohore që vazhdon nga e shkuara e deri tani, përdorim kohën e kryer (kam qenë / kam udhëtuar, etj.). Në bisedën e pikës A, Dave dhe Liz janë duke folur rreth vendeve që Liz ka vizituar në jetën e saj, e cila (jeta) është një periudhë që vazhdon deri tani. Disa shembuj të tjerë: 

  • Have you ever eaten caviar? 

  • Weve never had a car. 

  • I dont know what the movie is about. I havent seen it. 

  • Susan really loves the book. Shes read it three times. (Shes = She has) 

  • Its a really boring movie. Its the most boring movie Ive ever seen. 



  1. In the following examples too, the speakers are talking about a period that continues until now (recently, in the last few days, so far, since I arrived, etc.): 

Edhe në shembujt që vijojnë, folësit janë duke folur për një periudhë që vazhdon deri më tani (së fundmi, në ditët e fundit, deri tani, qysh kur arrita, etj.): 

  • Have you heard anything from Ben recently? 

  • Ive met a lot of people in the last few days. 

  • Everything is going well. There havent been any problems so far. 

  • The weather is bad here. Its (=It has) rained every day since I arrived. (=from when I arrived until now ~ qysh kur arrita e deri më tani) 

  • Its good to see you again. We havent seen each other for a long time. 


In the same way we use the present perfect with today, this evening, this year, etc., when these periods are not finished at the time of speaking. 

Në të njëjtën mënyrë përdorim kohën e kryer me sot, këtë mbrëmje, këtë vit, etj., kur këto periudha nuk kanë përfunduar në momentin që flitet. 

  • Ive had four cups of coffee today. 

  • Have you taken a vacation this year? 

  • I havent seen Tom this morning. Have you? 



  1. We say Its the (first) time something has happened. For example: 

gjuhën Angleze shprehim fjalinë Është hera e parë diçka ndodh. Duke përdorur kohën e kryer. Për shembull: 

     Don is having a driving lesson. Its his first lesson. We can say: 

     Don është duke marrë mësim për ngarjen e makinës. Është mësimi i tij i parë. Mund të themi: 

Its the first time he has driven a car. (not drives) 

or    He hasnt driven a car before. 

or    He has never driven a car before. 


Është hera e parë ai nget një makinë. 

ose  Ai nuk ka ngarë një makinë ndonjëherë. 



In the same way we say: 

Në të njëjtën mënyrë themi: 

  • Sarah has lost her passport again. This is the second time this has happened. (not happens) 

  • Andy is calling his girlfriend again. Thats the third time hes called her tonight. 



Exercises  ~  Ushtrime 

  1. You ask people about things they have done. Write questions with ever. 

Ju pyesni njerëzit rreth gjërave që ata kanë bërë. Shkruani pyetje duke përdorur ever. 

  1. (ride / horse?)     Have you ever ridden a horse?   

  1. (be / California?) _______________________________________________________ 

  1. (run / marathon?) _______________________________________________________ 

  1. (speak / famous person?) _________________________________________________ 

  1. (most beautiful place / visit?) ______________________________________________ 


  1. Complete Bs answers. Some sentences are affirmative and some negative. Use these verbs. 

Plotësoni përgjigjet e B-së. Disa fjali janë dëftore dhe disa negative. Përdorni këto folje. 


be     be     eat     happen     have     have     meet     play     read     see     try 


            A            B 



Text BoxText BoxText BoxText Box 


















  1. Write four sentences about yourself. Use I havent and choose from the boxes. 

Shkruani katër fjali rreth vetes suaj. Përdorni I havent dhe zgjidhni nga kutia. 


used a computer 

taken a bus 

eaten any fruit 

been to the movies 

read a book 

lost anything 

Text BoxText Box 

  1. I havent used a computer today. 

  1. __________________________ 

  1. __________________________ 

  1. __________________________ 

  1. __________________________ 


  1. nt used a computer today. 


  1. Read the situations and complete the sentences. 

Lexoni situatat dhe plotësoni fjalitë. 

  1. Jack is driving a car for the first time. Hes very nervous and not sure what to do. 

Its the first time hes driven a car. 

  1. Some children at the zoo are looking at the giraffe. Theyve never seen one before. 

Its the first time ________________________________________________ a giraffe. 

  1. Sue is riding a horse. She doesnt look very confident or comfortable. 

She __________________________________ before. 

  1. Joe and Lauren are on vacation in Japan. Theyve been to Japan once before. 

This is the second time _______________________________________________ . 

  1. Emily is staying at the Prince Hotel. She stayed there a few year ago. 

Its not the first _________________________________________________ this hotel. 

  1. Ben is playing for the first time. Hes a complete beginner. 

______________________________________________ before. 

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