Friday, January 24, 2020

The Lion, the Ass, & the Fox

A Lion, an Ass, and a Fox were hunting in company, and caught a large quantity of game. The Ass was asked to divide the spoil. This he did very fairly, giving each an equal share.
The Fox was well satisfied, but the Lion flew into a great rage over it, and with one stroke of his huge paw, he added the Ass to the pile of slain.
Then he turned to the Fox.
"You divide it," he roared angrily.
The Fox wasted no time in talking. He quickly piled all the game into one great heap. From this he took a very small portion for himself, such undesirable bits as the horns and hoofs of a mountain goat, and the end of an ox tail.
The Lion now recovered his good humor entirely.
"Who taught you to divide so fairly?" he asked pleasantly.
"I learned a lesson from the Ass," replied the Fox, carefully edging away.
Learn from the misfortunes of others.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

  1. Dear students,

    From this morning and on for the next two months, I am going to provide for you several lessons in English which I hope will you improve your knowledge received so far. Enjoy reading and studying them.

                  Lesson 1

    abbreviated styles – stilet e shkurtuar 

Disa stile  shkruari dhe  foluri  gjuhës anglezepër shkak  nevojës për  kursyer kohën 
dhe hapësirën ndjekin shpesh herë rregulla gramatikore  posaçme. 

  1. advertisements and instructions – reklamat dhe udhëzimet 

Në njoftimet e shkurtëra dhe në udhëzimetshpeshherë nyjet shquesepëremrat, format e foljes to be dhe parafjalët lihen jashtë. 
  • Cars wanted for cash. Contact Ben, 50 Anniversary Square. 
  • ( JOCars are wanted         for cash …) . 
  • Single man looking for flat Central area. Phone 806126 weekend. 
  • Job needed urgently. Will do anything legal. Call 312546. 
  • Pour mixture into large saucepan, heat until boiling, then add three pounds sugar and leave on low heat for 45 minutes. 
  • Can be assembled in ten minutes. Easy to clean. Simple controls. Batteries not included. 

  1. notes – shënimet 

Shënimet jo zyrtare, ato në ditare etj., ndjekin shpesh herë të njëjtat rregulla. 
                     -Gone to hairdresser. Back 12.30. 
                     -Book tickets    -phone Ann          -see Joe       -meeting Bob lunch. 
E njëjta praktikë mund të përdoret edhe në kartolinat dhe letrat e shkurtra jo zyrtare. 
-Dear Fred, watching tennis on TV. A good book . Three meals a day. No washing-up. Clean sheets every day. Everything done for me. Yes, you’ve guessed-in hospital!! Only went to doctor for cold-landed up in hospital with pneumonia!! If you have time, please tell the others-would love some letters to cheer me up. Hope to see you.  Love Pam. 
  1. commentaries – komentet 
Komentet e ngjarjeve që zhvillohen me shpejtësi, si për shembull ato të ndeshjeve sportive, kanë gjithashtu rregullat e tyre gramatikore specifike. Foljet jo shumë të rëndësishme lihen shpeshherë jashtë. 

-Goal kick…..and the score still Spurs 3, Arsenal 1 … that’s. 
Pearce..Pearce to Coates…good ball…Sawyer running wide…Billings takes it, through to Matthiews,Matthiews with a cross,oh, and Billings in beautifully,a good, chance  there-and it’s a goal! 

  1. titles, notices etc – titujt, njoftimet etj. 

Titujtetiketatnjoftimet dhe parrullat e ndryshme shkruhen zakonisht me fraza  shkurtradhe me fjali jo  plotaNyjet shquesesidomos  emrat e ndërtesave dhe  institucioneve   shumtën e herëve bien/lihen jashtë. 


  1. headlines – titujt e gazetave 
Titujt e gazetave kanë gramatikën dhe fjalorin e tyre të vecantë. Për hollësi, shiko       366.                                                                                                                          

*Për rregulla të tjera për fjalët  që lihen jashtë ( ‘ellipsis’ – ‘elipsis’) , shiko 181-186.