Friday, April 27, 2018

The Hare & His Ears

The Lion had been badly hurt by the horns of a Goat, which he was eating. He was very angry to think that any animal that he chose for a meal, should be so brazen as to wear such dangerous things as horns to scratch him while he ate. So he commanded that all animals with horns should leave his domains within twenty-four hours.
The command struck terror among the beasts. All those who were so unfortunate as to have horns, began to pack up and move out. Even the Hare, who, as you know, has no horns and so had nothing to fear, passed a very restless night, dreaming awful dreams about the fearful Lion.
And when he came out of the warren in the early morning sunshine, and there saw the shadow cast by his long and pointed ears, a terrible fright seized him.
"Goodby, neighbor Cricket," he called. "I'm off. He will certainly make out that my ears are horns, no matter what I say."
Do not give your enemies the slightest reason to attack your reputation. Your enemies will seize any excuse to attack you.

Friday, April 20, 2018

The Tortoise & the Ducks

The Tortoise, you know, carries his house on his back. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot leave home. They say that Jupiter punished him so, because he was such a lazy stay-at-home that he would not go to Jupiter's wedding, even when especially invited.
After many years, Tortoise began to wish he had gone to that wedding. When he saw how gaily the birds flew about and how the Hare and the Chipmunk and all the other animals ran nimbly by, always eager to see everything there was to be seen, the Tortoise felt very sad and discontented. He wanted to see the world too, and there he was with a house on his back and little short legs that could hardly drag him along.
One day he met a pair of Ducks and told them all his trouble.
"We can help you to see the world," said the Ducks. "Take hold of this stick with your teeth and we will carry you far up in the air where you can see the whole countryside. But keep quiet or you will be sorry."
The Tortoise was very glad indeed. He seized the stick firmly with his teeth, the two Ducks took hold of it one at each end, and away they sailed up toward the clouds.
Just then a Crow flew by. He was very much astonished at the strange sight and cried:
"This must surely be the King of Tortoises!"
"Why certainly—" began the Tortoise.
But as he opened his mouth to say these foolish words he lost his hold on the stick, and down he fell to the ground, where he was dashed to pieces on a rock.
Foolish curiosity and vanity often lead to misfortune.

Friday, April 6, 2018

The Wild Boar & the Fox

A Wild Boar was sharpening his tusks busily against the stump of a tree, when a Fox happened by. Now the Fox was always looking for a chance to make fun of his neighbors. So he made a great show of looking anxiously about, as if in fear of some hidden enemy. But the Boar kept right on with his work.
"Why are you doing that?" asked the Fox at last with a grin. "There isn't any danger that I can see."
"True enough," replied the Boar, "but when danger does come there will not be time for such work as this. My weapons will have to be ready for use then, or I shall suffer for it."
Preparedness for war is the best guarantee of peace.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Mesimi 21 

Lesson 21/twenty-first lesson 


Si shkruhet 
Si lexohet  
Si perkthehet 
/É™’gein, É™’gen/ 
alarm clock 
/É™’la:m kl É”k/ 
ore me zile( alarm i ores) 
/’ei ‘em/ 
/ É™’n ÊŒ Ã°É™ */ 
nje tjeter 
/’ É”:niÅ‹/ 
/kl É”k/ 

ore (muri, tavoline) 
/’k É™:tn/ 
fytyre, fushe ore 
shpejt, perpara (ora) 
(to) get up 
/get ÊŒp/ 
ngrihem, cohem 
(to) go to sleep 
/g É™u tu sli:p/ 
shkoj te fle 
/leit É™:*/ 
me vone 
/’ni É™:li/ 
afersisht, pothuajse 
nate, mbremje 
(to) open 
/’ É”up É™n/ 
i shkuar, e shkuar 
pas dite  
(to) push 
/pu Êƒ/ 
(to) sleep 
(to) turn off 
/t É™:n É”f/ 
mbyll, fik 
/ ÊŒn’kaind/ 
i pasjellshem 
(to) wake up 
/weik ÊŒp/ 
/’jest É™dei/ 

Si te pyesim per oren dhe si te pergjigjemi se sa eshte ajo. 

  • Pyetjet me te zakondshme per te pyetur per oren jane: 
  • What time is it?    Sa eshte ora? 
  • What’s the time?   Sa eshte ora? 
  • Can you tell me the time, please?  A mund te me tregoni sa eshte ora, ju lutem? 
  • Have you the time? A keni ore? Sa eshte ora? 

  • Ora tregohet  me numrat 01:00 deri ne 12:00, duke shtuar pas numrit te ores perkatese shkronjat A.M (shkurtimi i fjaleve latine ante meridiem) per oret e para te mesdites deri ne oren 12:00 dhe P.M. (shkurtimi i fjaleve latine post meridiem) per oret e pasdites, pas ores 12 te dites. A.M. lexohet /’ei’em/, qe do te thote in the morning ( ne mengjes) dhe P.M. lexohet /’pi’em/, qe do te thote in the afternoon ( ne mbremje). 
  • Ndonjehere, kur jepet sinjali i ores ne radio, ne televizor, ose ne gjuhen shkencore, do te degjojme te thuhet It is 20:00 hours, ne vend qe te thuhet 8:00 P.M. 

  • Per te treguar oren e plote, ne fillim vendosim numrin e ores dhe me pas shtojme fjalen o’clock. Folja to be, ketu merr formen e foljes pavetore it is (it’s), si 
It is (It’s) ten o’clockOra eshte 10. 

  • Fjala half perdoret per te treguar gjysmen e ores dhe fjala quarter per te treguar cerekun e saj. 
  • Minutat e oresprej 12:00 deri ne 06:00, shprehen duke thene ne fillim numrin e minutave, pra minutes dhe me pas vendosim fjalen past(qe do te thote e) dhe ne fund oren perkatese, si 

It is (Its) half past one. Ora eshte nje e gjysem. 
It’s five past eight. Ora eshte 8 5. 
It is thirteen minutes past two. Ora eshte 2 e 13 minuta. 

  • Sikurse e veme re nga dy shembujt e pare, kur minutat jane me shume se 5, fjala minutes hiqet. Duke filluar nga gjysma e ores,, pas shifres 06:00, per te treguar minutat, ne fillim thuhet numri i minutave i ndjekur nga parafjala to dhe pastaj tregohet ora, si tek fjalite qe vijojne: 
It’s quarter to tenOra eshte 10 pa nje cerek. 
It’s ten to twoOra eshte 2 pa 10. 
Four minutes to ten. Ora eshte 10 pa 4 minuta. 

Shembuj te tjere: 

  • It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Eshte ora 7 e mengjesit. 
  • It’s  five o’clock in the afternoon. Eshte ora 5 e pasdites. 
  • It’s eight o’clock in the evening. Eshte ora 8 e mbremjes. 
  • It’s half past eleven at night. Eshte ora 11 e 30 e nates. 
  • It’s exactly ten past three. Ora eshte saktesisht 3 e 10. 
  • It’s nearly five past four. Ora eshte pothuajse 4 e 5. 
  • It’s about a quarter past six. Ora eshte rreth 6 e njecerek. 
  • My watch says ten to eight. Ora ime tregon 8 pa 10. 
  • Your clock is slow. Ora juaj eshte prapa. 
  • The dining-room is right. Ora e ngrenies eshte e sakte. 

  • Per oraret e trenave, te avioneve dhe te autobuzeve te linjave fikse, eshte zakon te thuhet si ne shqip, 2:10 do te thuhet two-ten dhe 4:20 four-twenty. 
  • Per te thene treni i ores 2perpara fjaletrain vendoset fjala o’clock, qe ne kete rast ka funksionin e nje mbiemri: 
The two o’clock train. Treni i ores 2. 
The six-ten (o’clock) train. Treni i ores 6 e 10. 

  • Krahas oreve do te gjejme te shenuar edhe A.M. ose P.M., qe tregojne nese eshte ora e pasdites ose paradites. 


Bill: ( i pergjumur)Why are you pushing me? 
Jennifer: What’s the time, Bill? 
Bill: My watch says a quarter to seven. 
Jennifer: Is that all? I’m sure it’s later. The alarm clock says five to seven. 
Bill: My watch is always right. 
I’m sure it’s at least ten minutes slow. 
Bill: Go to sleep again, Jennifer. 
Jennifer: No, it’s time to get up. 
Bill: Time for you to get up, perhaps, but not for me ……shut those curtains! The sun is shining on my face. 
Jennifer: That’s why I’m opening them! 
Bill: Jennifer, you are unkind. Don’t you understand that I’m tired, after our late evening yesterday. 
Jennifer: Pooh! Why are you tired? I’m not tired. (tingellon alarm i ores). 
Bill: Oh, turn that thing off! 
Jennifer: Well, now it really is time to get up. 
Bill: Seven o’clock is too early to get up! I want to sleep for another hour. 
Jennifer: Come on Bill, wake up! Bacon and eggs for breakfast! 
Bill:  Oh, yes. I like these English breakfasts. 


  • Why are you pushing me?  Perse me shtyn? Perse po me shtyn? Perse je duke me shtyre? 
  • Is that all? Kjo eshte e gjitha? Kjo eshte gjithcka? 
  • Go to sleep again. Shko te flesh perseri ose shko flip rap. 
  • Is shining on my face. Drita e diellit po bie ne fytyren time, ose mbi fytyre. 
  • After our late evening yesterday. Pas qendrimit vone dje ne mbremje. 
  • Pooh!  Bah !(Psheretime ne shenje cudie) 
  • Turn that thing off. Ndaloje ate zile. 
  • Come on! Eja tani, jepi ( ketu eshte perdorur ne kuprimin cohu! Ngrihu!) 

Shenim per bashkebisedimin: 

  • Ne fjaline It’s time to get up, qe do te thote: Eshte koha per tu ngritur, eshte perdorur shprehja foljore to get up, qe ketu do te thote cohu, ngrihu nga shtrati. Nje shprehje e ngjashme me te eshte : Its time for you to get up, qe do te thote eshte koha te cohesh, ngrihesh. 
  • To go to sleep again do the thote: Do fle perseri, do shkoj te fle perseri. 
  • Later (me vone), eshte forma krahasore e ndajfoljes late (vone). 
  • Pooh! Eshte nje lloj pasthirrme qe shpreh mosperfillje, dhe here-here ka nuance ironie e talljeje. 
  • Fjala to turn offdo te thote shuaj, fik, mbyll, kur eshte fjala per dicka qe punon me energji elektrike , si, nje llampe, nje radio, nje motor elektrik e te tjera te ngjashme me keto. 

  • Drink wine: It’s time to drink wine. 
  • Eat breakfast: It’s time to eat breakfast. 
  • Cook something. It’s time to eat something. 
  • Say goodbye: It’s time to say goodbye.  
  • Get up: It’s time to get up. 

  • Month, year: There are twelve months in a year. 
  • Week, year: There are fifty-two weeks in a year. 
  • Minute, hour: there are sixty minutes in an hour. 
  • Hour, day: There are 24 hours in a day. 
  • Day, week. There are seven days in a week. 
  • Week, month: There are four weeks in a month. 


The bus goes from Pogradec to Korca in 30 minutes. It leaves at 10:15 (a quarter past ten).  
  • What time does it arrive? 
  • It arrives at 10:00. (ten o’clock) 
  • It arrives at 10:30. ( half past ten) 
  • It arrives at 10:35 ( at twenty-five to eleven) 
  • It arrives at 7:45( at a quarter to eight). 
  • It arrives at 7.55 ( At five to eight) 
  • It leaves at 4:40 ( at twenty to five) 
  • My watch says ten to eleven ( 10:50) 
  • My watch says 8:50 ( ten to nine) 
  • Twenty-five past three ( 3:25) 
  • It’s a quarter and an hour fast. 
  • It’s fast. It’s about five to five. 
  • It’s ten o’clock. (10:00) 
  • It’s ten minutes fast. 
  • It’s a quarter to one (12:45) 
  • It’s a quarter and an hour slow. 

Thenie dhe frazeologji: 

  • I have part of my money in the bank and part of it at home. Nje pjese te parave e kam ne banke dhe nje pjese ne shtepi. 
  • She brings some of her colleagues home to dinner. Ajo sjell disa nga koleget e saj ne shtepi per darke. 
  • Most of her colleagues are hard-working but a few aren’t.  Shumica e kolegeve te saj jane punetore, por disa prej tyre jo. 
  • Half of this house is my mother’s and half of it is mine. Gjysma e kesaj  shtepie eshte e mamase time dhe gjysma eshte e imja. 
  • They spend half of an hour at dinner. Ata harxhojne gjysem ore pre darke. 
  • Our University is on this side of Tirana, hers is on the other side. Universiteti yne eshte ne kete ane te Tiranes, por i saji eshte ne anen tjeter. 
  • There are four weeks in a month and fifty-two weeks in a year. Nje  muaj ka 4 jave dhe nje vit ka 42 jave. 
  • It’s eight o’clock in the evening. Eshte ora 8 e mbremjes. 
  • It’s half past six in the morning. Ora eshte 6 e gjysem e mengjesit. 
  • It’s a quarter to ten at night. Ora eshte 10 pa nje cerek e nates. 
  • It’s exactly two minutes past two in the afternoon. Eshte ekzaktesisht 2 e 2 minuta e mbasdites. 

Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur: 

  • Perktheni ne anglisht oret e meposhtme: 
02:00 a.m.                        3:50 a.m.                      6:55 a.m. 
3:45 p.m.                           07:42 p.m.                   09:25 p.m. 
4:10   p.m.                         1.13 p.m.                     12:30 p.m.                            
1:15 a.m.                           7:35 a.m.                     8:05 a.m.                         

  • Pas percaktimit te ores shtoni shprehjet e meposhtme kohore: in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, at night etc. 

  • Shembull i shebimit te autobuzeve: 

Leaves Pogradec……..8.30 a.m. 
Arrives Korca 9.05 a.m. 
Leaves Korca 12.00 a.m 
Arrives Pogradec 12: 35 a.m. 
  • Formuloni nje orar te thjeshte per te treguar orarin e nisjes dhe te mbrritjes se ne autobuzi me dhjete stacione. ( ndalesa bus-stop). 
  • Shikoni oren here pas here dhe perpiquni ti shprehni ato ne anglisht. : now it’s exactly half past one, ose per cfaredo ore qe shikoni.  

  • Lexoni oren ne anglisht: 

Perktheni ne anglisht: 

  • Bill, sa eshte ora tani? 
  • Nuk e di me saktesi. 
  • Une e di se eshte heret. 
  • Une du ate fle perseri disa minuta. 
  • Nuk eshte heret. 
  • Ora ime tregon 7:05 e mbremjes. 
  • Eshte koha per tu cuar. 
  • Jo, ora ime tregon (tells)gjithmone kohen e sakte. 
  • Cohu tani! 
  • Une dua te fle edhe pak kohe, sepse ndihem i lodhur. 
  • Une do te qendroj edhe pese minuta ne shtrat. 
  • Le te cohen femijet. 
  • Une du ate ha mengjesin ne 8 pa 10. 
  • Une e di qe ata nuk shkojne ne pune sot sepse eshte pushim. 
  • Ne rregull, atehere fli dhe 5 minuta, po jo me shume.