Mesimi 5
Lesson five/ fifth lesson
Si shkruhet
/ æ m, m/
To be
/bi:, bi/
Per te qene (folje)
/*d ɔ:t ə*/
/‘fa: ð ə*/
Good morning
/gud’m ɔ:ni ŋ/
/h ə:*, h ə*/
I saj,e saj,te saj, te sajat
I tij, e tij, te tij, te tijat
I,e,tij; i,e saj; te tijet, te sajat
/m ʌ ð ə*/
Imi,imja,te mijat
/au ə*/
Yni,jona, tanet, tonat
/s ʌn/
/s ɔri/
I hidheruar, i merzitur
/‘titʃ ə*/
Mesues, mesuese
ð ɛ ə*
I tyre, e tyre, te tyret
/ju:; ju/
Ti,ju ( veta e dyte njejes dhe shumes)
/j ɔ:*, ju ə*/
Juaji, juaja, juaj
/wi: , wi/
Peremrat vetore ne veten e pare dhe te dyte.
- Peremrat vetore te vetes se pare dhe te dyte, per njejes dhe shumes jane:
I – une
You- ti (ju)
We –ne
- Keta peremra luajne rolin e kryefjales ne fjali dhe vendosen gjithnje perpara foljeve, pervec rastit kur fjalia eshte pyetese. Peremri i vetes se pare, numri njejes I (une), shkruhet gjithmone me shkronje te madhe. Ne anglisht nuk ka dallim midis vetes se dyte njejes dhe shumes, por perdoret peremri You, qe do te thote ti. Gjate bisedave ne perdorim peremrin You si per njejesin ashtu edhe per shumesin.
Koha e tashme e foljes to be-per te qene (jam).
- Pjeseza to ka shume kuptime dhe funksione. Ajo eshte gjthashtu edhe shenje dalluese per foljen kur perdoret ne trajten paskajore. Keshtu, paskajorja e foljes, se ciles nga kuptimi ne gjuhen tone i pergjigjet folja per te qene ne anglisht eshte: to be
Folja to be eshte folje ndihmese, prandaj nuk perputhet me zgjedhimin e rregullt te saj.
Me poshte po paraqesim kohen e tashme te menyres deftore, te zgjedhura ne mohore, pohore dhe pyetese:
I am
I am not
Am I?
You are
You are not
Are you?
He is
He is not
Is he?
She is
She is not
Is she?
It is
It is not
Is it?
We are
We are not
Are we?
You are
You are not
Are you?
They are
They are not
Are they?
Keto trajta foljore, ashtu si dhe ne gjuhen tone, ndiqen nga emra ose mbiemra:
He is a teacher. Ai eshte nje mesues.
She is Jennifer Gate. Ajo eshte Jennifer Gate.
I am sorry. Me vjen keq!
Trajta te shkurtra te foljeve
- Gjate nje bisede, trajtat foljore te foljes to be, te ndjekura nga pjeseza mohore not, shqiptohen dhe shkruhen te shkurtuara, si ne njeren apo ne tjetren trajte si me poshte:
I’m not -
You’re not ose You aren’t
He’s not - He isn’t
She’s not - She isn’t
It’s not - it isn’t
We’re not - we aren’t
You’re not - you aren’t
Who are you? I’m James Blunt. Kush je ti? Une jam James Blunt.
Are you a doctor? No, I’m not. Je ti nje doctor? Jo, une nuk jam.
What are you? I’m a businessman. Cfare je ti? Une jam biznesmen.
Peremrat pronore
My – imi, imja, te mite, te mijat
Your-juaji, juaja, tuajt
His-i tij, e tij, te tijat, te tijet
Her- i saj, e saj, te saj, te sajat
Its- i,e tij, te tijet; i,e saj, te sajat
Our – yni, jona, tanet, tonat
Your- juaji, juaja, tuajat etj,
Their- i tyre, e tyre, te tyret.
Peremrat pronore, si te gjithe peremrat e gjuhes angleze, kane nje trajte te vetme per secilen vete qe sherben per te dyja gjinite dhe numrat. Vetem veta e trete e peremrave pronore ne numrin njejes ka tri trajta te ndryshme, sepse pershtaten ne gjini, jo me emrin e prones ose te asaj qe zoterohet, por me emrin e pronarit.
I am a woman and this is my cat. Une jam femer dhe kjo eshte macja ime.
You are Mr. Gates and this is your hat. Ju jeni Z. Gates dhe kjo eshte kapelja juaj.
He is Dr. Lenon and that is his house. Ai eshte doktor Lenon dhe ajo eshte shtepia e tij.
This is my cat and this is its food. Kjo eshte macja ime dhe ky eshte ushqimi i saj.
We are champions and this is our trophy. Ne jemi kampion dhe ky eshte trofeu jone.
They are businessmen and these are their businesses. Ata jane biznesmen dhe ato jane bizneset e tyre.
Bashkebisedimi i pare realizohet ne aeroport. Familja Gates, pra Bill, Jennifer dhe vajza e tyre Kate, sapo kane ardhur nga jashte shtetit. Dr. Grande, nje mjek anglez i pret ne Londer dhe shkon ti takoje:
Robert: Good morning. Are you Miss Gates?
Mirmengjes! Jeni ju zonjusha Gates?
Kate: Yes, my name is Kate Gates. And you are Dr. Grande, aren’t you? (aren’t you –apo jo , kjo eshte nje menyre karakteristike e zakondshme per te mbyllur fjaline pyetese, madje mund te thuhet se anglezet e perdorin kete forme gjithmone dhe studjuesit e gramatikes e quajne tail, pra bisht te fjalise pyetese te drejte.
Po, emri im eshte Kate Gates. Dhe ju jeni doktor Grande, apo jo?
Robert: Yes, I am. Are those your mother and father?
Po, une jam. Jane ata mamaja dhe babai yt?
Kate: No, this is my father. Father, this is Dr. Grande.
Jo, ky eshte babai im. Baba, ky eshte doktor Grande.
Bill: Good morning Dr. Grande, I’m Bill Gates.
Mirmengjes doktor Grande, une jam Bill Gates.
Robert: Good morning Mr.Gates, and is this Mrs. Jennifer?
Mirmengjes Zoti Gates, dhe kjo eshte zonja Jennifer?
Bill: Yes, this is my wife, Jennifer.
Po, kjo eshte bashkeshortja ime, Jennifer.
Jennifer: Good morning.
Robert: Good morning Mrs. Jennifer.
Mirmengjes zonja Jennifer.
Jennifer: And this is our daughter, Kate. She is a student.
Dhe kjo eshte vajza jone, Kate. Ajo eshte studente.
Kate: Is your son a student, Dr. Grande?
Eshte djali juaj student, doctor Grande?
Robert: Yes, he is. That is my son, and that is his mother.
Po, ai eshte. Ai eshte djali im, dhe ajo eshte mamaja e tij.
Jennifer: What are their names?
Si quhen?
Robert: Her name is Taylor, and his name is Peter.
Emri i saj eshte Taylor dhe emri i tij eshte Peter.
Robert: What is that?
Cfare eshte ai?
Kate: Oh, that’s our aeroplane.
Ai eshte aeroplani yne.
- Is Dr. Robert a teacher? No, he isn’t. Eshte doktor Roberti nje mesues? Jo, ai nuk eshte.
- Is Mrs. Gates a nurse? No, she isn’t. Eshte zonja Gates infermiere? Jo, ajo nuk eshte.
- Is Kate a doctor? No, she isn’t. Eshte Kate doktoreshe? Jo ajo nuk eshte.
- Are Mr.and Mrs. Gates doctors? No, they aren’t. Jane zoti dhe zonja Gates doktore?
- Are we nurses? No, we aren’t. Jemi ne infermiere? Jo, ne nuk jemi.
- Am I a teacher? No, you aren’t. Jam une ne mesues? Jo, ju nuk jeni.
- Are you a student? Yes, i am. Jeni ju student? Po, une jam.
- Are you a businessman? No, I’m not. Jeni ju nje biznesmen? Jo, une nuk jam.
- Am I a doctor? Yes, you are. Jam une nje doctor? Po, ju jeni.
- Am I a doctor? No, you’re not. Jam une doktor? Jo, une nuk jam.
- Is Mr. Gates a doctor? No, he is not. Eshte zoti Gates doktor? Jo,ai nuk eshte.
- Is Kate a housewife? No, she is not. Eshte Kate shtepiake? Jo, ajo nuk eshte.
- Is she a student? Yes, she is. Eshte ajo student? Po, ajo eshte.
- Are Mr. and Mrs. Jennifer doctors? No, they are not. Jane zoti dhe zonja Jennifer doktore? Jo ata nuk jane.
- You are his son. Are you his son? Ju jeni djali i tij. Jeni ju djali i tij?
- She is his daughter. Ajo eshte vajza e tij.
- Is she his daughter? Eshte ajo vajza e tij?
- This is your room. Kjo eshte dhoma jote.
- Is this your room? Eshte kjo dhoma jote?
- Robert Grande is a doctor. Robert Grande eshte doctor.
- Is Robert Grande a doctor? Eshte Robert Grande doctor?
- That is your name. Ajo eshte emri yt.
- Is that your name? Eshte ai emri yt?
- Are these our rooms? Jane keto dhomat tona?
- Those are their sons. Ata jane bijte e tyre.
- Are those their sons? Jane ata bijte e tyre?
Pasi te lexoni kete bisede telefonike perpiquni ta riprodhoni pa shikuar trajten e shkruar:
Mrs. Gates: Hello!
Caller: Is that Kate Gates?
Mrs. Gates: No, this is Jennifer Gates.
Caller: Hello, Kate.
Mrs. Gates: This isn’t Kate.
Caller: Who are you?
Mrs. Gates: I’m Mrs. Gates
Caller: Are you her mother?
Mrs. Gates: Yes, she is my daughter.
Ushtrime per tu zgjidhur.
- Sipas shembullit te fjalise I am a woman and this is my cat, ndertoni fjali te ngjashme, duke perdorur fjalite e meposhtme:
- Bill Gates-wife.
- You-Mrs. Grande-daughter.
- She-my mother-room.
- That man-my father-windows.
- These women-student-books.
- Mrs. Gates and I-housewives-houses.
- Ktheni ne pyetje fjalite e meposhtme:
- You are his son.
- She is their daughter.
- This is a dog.
- He is her doctor.
- Those are your friends.
- His daughters are students.
- That is our train.
- Your son is a businessman.
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