Friday, October 23, 2015

A beautiful gift

The most important thing I must give,
but the most difficult, is forgiveness.
Forgiveness. Yes, that is it.
I must forgive,always, again and again. Forgive.
As soon as I stop forgiving, I build a wall.
And a wall is the beginning of a prison.
Above all in life I’ve got to do two things
-understand and forget.
 I know many people
and I know the secrets of many people.
And I know only too well
that no two people are the same.
Each person is an entire world in himself
And he lives and feels and thinks and responds
from his own world.
And the deepest core of that world
is still unknown to me.
Therefore it seems obvious that,
in  the normal course of events,
disagreements, frictions and tensions will develop.
Only when a person understands
that other people are different,
and only when he is ready to forgive,
is it possible to live together.
Otherwise there is a state of mutual siege
And you live in a  day-in, day-out,
cold or hot war.
There are so many exceptionally good opportunities
for us to make peace,
or to make up quarrels.

We so often get a chance to give a small present,
to send a postcard inviting someone around
as a sign of reconciliation, of forgiveness.
Once the first step, the most difficult step, is taken,
the rest is easy.
Forgiveness. The most beautiful gift.

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