Unit 2 Simple Present (I do)
Mësimi 2 Koha e tashme (Unë bëj)
Study this example situation:
Studioni këtë shembull situate:
Alex is a bus driver, but now he is asleep in bed. He is not driving a bus. (He is asleep.)
Aleks është një shofer autobusi, por tani ai është në gjumë në shtrat. Ai nuk është duke ngarë një autobus. (Ai është në gjumë.)
but He drives a bus. (He is a bus driver.)
por Ai nget një autobus. (Ai është një shofer autobusi.)
drive(s), work(s), do(es), etc., is the simple present:
ngas (nget), punoj (punon), bëj (bën) etj., është koha e tashme:
I/we/you/they | drive/work/do etc. |
he/she/it | drives/works/does, etc. |
We use the simple present to talk about things in general. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general.
Përdorim kohën e tashme për të folur rreth gjërave në përgjithësi. E përdorim atë për të thënë që diçka ndodh gjatë gjithë kohës apo përsëritet, ose është e vërtetë në përgjithësi.
Nurses take care of patients in hospitals.
I usually leave for work at 8 a.m.
The earth goes around the sun.
The coffee shop opens at 7:30 in the morning.
We say:
Ne themi:
I work | but | he works | you go | but | it goes |
they teach | but | my sister teaches | I have | but | he has |
We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences:
Përdorim do/does për të formuar pyetje dhe fjali negative:
do does | I/we/you/they he/she/it | work? drive? do? | I/we/you/they he/she/it | don’t doesn’t | work drive do |
I come from Japan. Where do you come from?
I don’t travel a lot.
What does this word mean? (not What means this word?)
Rice doesn’t grow in cold climates.
In the following examples, do is also the main verb (do you do / doesn’t do, etc.):
Në shembujt që vijojnë, do është gjithashtu folja kryesore (A bën ti… / …nuk bën…, etj.):
“What do you do?” “I work in a store.”
He’s always so lazy. He doesn’t do anything to help us.
We use the simple present to say how often we do things:
E përdorim kohën e tashme për të thënë se sa shpesh i kryejmë veprimet:
I get up at 8:00 every morning.
How often do you go to the dentist?
Julia doesn’t drink coffee very often.
Michael usually plays tennis two or three times a week.
I promise / I apologize, etc.
Unë premtoj / Unë kërkoj falje, etj.
Sometimes we do things by saying something. For example, when you promise to do something, you can say “I promise ...”; when you suggest something, you can say “I suggest ...”:
Ndonjëherë ne i bëjmë gjërat duke thënë diçka. Për shembull, kur ju premtoni të bëni diçka, ju mund të thotë “Unë premtoj…”; kur ju sugjeroni diçka, ju mund të thoni “Unë sugjeroj…”:
I promise I won’t be late.
“What do you suggest I do?” “I suggest that you ...”
In the same way we say: I agree ... /I advise ... /I insist ... /I refuse ... /I suppose ... ,etc.
Në të njëjtën mënyrë ne themi Unë pranoj… /Unë këshilloj…/ Unë këmbëngul… / Unë refuzoj…/ Unë mendoj… ,etj.
Exercises ~ Ushtrime
Complete the sentences using the following verbs:
Plotësoni fjalitë duke përdorur foljet që vijojnë:
cause(s) close(s) connect(s) go(es) live(s) speak(s) take(s)
Put the verb into the correct form.
Vendosni foljen në formën e duhur.
Julia doesn’t drink (not / drink) coffee very often.
What time ___________ (the banks / close) here?
I have a car, but ___________ (not / use) it very much.
Where ___________ (Maria / come) from? Is she Colombian?
What ____________ (you / do)?” “I’m an electrician.”
Look at this sentence. What ___________ (this word / mean)?
David isn’t in very good shape. He __________ (not / get) any exercise.
It (take) me an hour to get to work in the morning. How long ________ (it / take) you?
Complete the sentences using these verbs. Sometimes you need the negative.
believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate
Plotësoni fjalitë duke përdorur këto folje. Ndonjëherë ju nevojitet forma negative.
You ask Emily questions about herself and her family. Write the questions.
Ju i drejtoni Emilisë pyetje rreth saj dhe familjes së saj. Shkruani pyetjet.
You know that Emily plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her.
How often do you play tennis ?
Perhaps Emily’s sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Emily. _________________ your sister _________________________________________ ?
You know that Emily goes to the movies a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her.
____________________________________________________________________ ?
You know that Emily’s brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Emily.
____________________________________________________________________ ?
You’re not sure if Emily speaks Spanish. You want to know. Ask her.
____________________________________________________________________ ?
You don’t know where Emily’s grandparents live. You want to know. Ask Emily.
____________________________________________________________________ ?
Complete using the following:
Plotësoni duke përdorur këto që vijojnë:
I agree I apologize I insist I promise I recommend I suggest
Mr. Evans is not in the office today. I suggest you try calling him tomorrow.
I won’t tell anybody what you said ___________
(in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal. _____________
__________ for what I said. I shouldn’t have said it.
The new restaurant on Lake Street is very good ___________
I think you’re absolutely right _____________ with you.