Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Eagle & the Jackdaw

An Eagle, swooping down on powerful wings, seized a lamb in her talons and made off with it to her nest. A Jackdaw saw the deed, and his silly head was filled with the idea that he was big and strong enough to do as the Eagle had done. So with much rustling of feathers and a fierce air, he came down swiftly on the back of a large Ram. But when he tried to rise again he found that he could not get away, for his claws were tangled in the wool. And so far was he from carrying away the Ram, that the Ram hardly noticed he was there.
The Shepherd saw the fluttering Jackdaw and at once guessed what had happened. Running up, he caught the bird and clipped its wings. That evening he gave the Jackdaw to his children.
"What a funny bird this is!" they said laughing, "what do you call it, father?"
"That is a Jackdaw, my children. But if you should ask him, he would say he is an Eagle."
Do not let your vanity make you overestimate your powers.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


Koha e tashme e vazhduar per te ardhmen.

1.     Look at these examples:

Shikoni keto shembuj:
·        I’m going out with Bill tonight.
·        She’s flying home tomorrow.
·        He is leaving to Florida tomorrow.
·        She’s starting a travel business on Monday.

In each example, we are using the Present Continuous, but we are talking about the future, not the present.

Ne secilin nga shembujt, ne kemi perdorur kohen e tashme te vazhduar, por jemi duke folur per te ardhmen, jo te tashmen.

2.     Look at this example:

Shikoni keto shembuj.

He bought a plane ticket last week.

You can now say:

·        He is flying home next week.

Past                                                  Now                                            Future
Last week                                                                                       Next Week

Ø We use the present continuous to talk about things we have arranged in the past to do in the future.

Ne perdorim kohen e tashme te vazhduar per te folur per gjera te cilat i  kemi  vendosur ne te shkuaren per ti bere ne te ardhmen.

o   Here are some more examples:

            Ketu po paraqesim disa shembuj te tjere:

·        A library wrote Mary and asked her to start work next Monday.
o   We can say:
           Ne mund te themi:
·        She’s starting a new job next Monday.
Brian said to Simon and Emma:
·        Would you like to come for lunch on Thursday?
Simon and Emma said: Yes.

Brian now says:

·        Simon and Emma are coming on Thursday.

3.     The important part of a present continuous for the future sentence is often a time or day (e.g. at the moment, On Tuesday, next week, in February, tomorrow).

Pjese e rendesishme e kohes se tashme te vazhduar ne fjalite e se ardhmes eshte zakonisht koha ose dita ( momentin,  te marten, javen tjeter, ne shkurt, neser).

Present:  I’m coming now.
Present:  I’m coming tomorrow.
Present:   They’re having a meeting at the moment. Can you come tomorrow?
Future: They’re having a meeting in February.

4.     We do not use the present continuous for future events that we cannot arrange or have arranged.

Ne nuk mund te perdorim kohen e tashme te vazhduar per ngjarje te se ardhmes te cilat nuk mund ti rregullojme (vendosim) ose nuk i kemi rregulluar (vendosur).

Not. The wind is blowing tomorrow.
The wind will blow…
Not. The Albanian team is winning next week.
The Albanian team will win next week.


A.    Look at the past events in brackets ( ), and then write sentences using the words in the box. Use short forms of the present continuous for the future.

Shikoni ndodhite e kaluara ne kllapa dhe pastaj shkruani fjalite duke perdorur fjalet ne kuti. Perdorni format e shkurtra te kohes se tashme te vazhduar per te ardhmen.

I /eat/ in a new restaurant tonight       I/go/ to the doctor tomorrow
I/fly/ to Florida in August                       I/ study/ English in London in May
I/ go/ to a concert next  Tuesday         I/ see/ Jennifer this weekend

(You paid for an English course in London yesterday)
I’m studying English in London in May.

1)    (You booked a table at a new restaurant last week.)
2)    (You bought a ticket for a concert last month.)
3)    (You telephoned your doctor this morning).
4)    (You paid for a holiday at a travel agent’s last week)
5)    (You talked to Jennifer on the phone this morning).

B.    Ben is an explorer. Write sentences about what he is doing next year, using the Present Continuous. Say when he is doing each thing.

Beni eshte nje eksplorues. Shkruani fjali perreth asaj se cfare do te beje ai vitin e ardhshem, duke perdorur kohen e tashme te vazhduar. Thoni kohen kur ai ben secilen nga ato.

He/drive/across the Sahara (In May)
He/walk/across the Antarctic (In November)

He/run/ across/ Africa (in January)
He/fly/over the Amazon (In September)
He/climb/Mount Everest (In March)
He/sail/across the Pacific ( In July)

He is running across Africa in January.

1)    ……………………………………………………………………………………
2)    ……………………………………………………………………………………..
3)    ………………………………………………………………………………………
4)    ………………………………………………………………………………………
5)    ………………………………………………………………………………………
C.     Finish these dialogues using the Present Continuous for the future, and the words in brackets ( ). Use short forms where possible.

Perfundoni dialogjet duke perdorur kohen e tashme te vazhduar per te ardhmen dhe fjalet ne kllapa. Perdorni format e shkurtra kur eshte e mundur.

Ben: Are you doing (you/do) anything this weekend?

Sam: I’m seeing ( I/see) a film on Sunday. Do you want to come?

1)    Nick: Britney, Bill and Brian ………………………..(come) to my house on Friday night.
           Patrick: ………………………………………..(you/have) a party?
            Nick: No, we aren’t. ……………………………….(We/play) cards. Would you like to come?
2)    Martin: ……………………………….(I/fly) to New York on Sunday.
Sam: ……………………………………(you/see) Peter there?
Martin: Yes, ……………………….(we/meet) at the airport.
3)    Carl: Jessica and I ………………………(drive) to Scotland next Wednesday.
John: …………………………….(you/stay) in Edinburgh?
Carl: No. …………………………………..(we/visit) my mother in Aberdeen.
4)    Simon: …………………………..(I/start) a new job on Monday.
Celine: Really? What is it?
Simon: ……………………………….(I/sell) cars. Do you need a new car?


Compare will and going to.

Krahaso will me going to.

Going To
1.    We use will with an infinitive (go, do, make, work etc):
Ne perdorim will me nje folje ne paskajore (shkoj, bej, pergatis, punoj etj):
Infinitive (paskajorja)
·       Nick will wait for you.

2.    We use will for actions that we decide to do now, at the moment of speaking:
Ne perdorim will per veprime qe vendosim ti bejme tani, ne momentin qe flasim:
Past                      Now
·       The phone’s ringing.
·       I will answer it.
A: What would you like to drink?
B: I’ll have a tea, please.
·       We can use will for offers and promises:
Ne mund te  perdorim will per oferta dhe premtime:
·       I’ll hold your book for you. (offer)
·       I won’t give up this time.
3.    We use will to talk about things that we think or believe will happen in the future:
Ne perdorim will per te folur perreth gjerave qe mendojme ose besojme se do te ndodhin ne te ardhmen:
·       I’m sure you’ll like her.
·       I’m sure it won’t snow tomorrow. It’ll be another sunny day.

1.    We use be going with to+ infinitive ( to cook, to take, to do, to snow etc:)
Ne perdorim be going me to + paskajoren ).
To + Infinitive
·       It’s going to snow soon.
·       Her father is going to come this afternoon.
·       It isn’t going to snow today.
·       What are you going to do on Monday?
2.    We use be going to for actions that we have decided to do before we speak:
Ne perdorim be going to (do te) per veprime qe kemi vendosur ti bejme perpara se flasim.
Past                                       Now
                decision                speaking
·       I’m going to do my homework this evening. ( I decided to do my homework this afternoon)
·       We can ask questions about people’s plans:
Ne mund te bejme pyetje perreth planeve te njerezve:
·       Are you going to take the six o’clock plane? (=have you decided to take the six o’clock plane?)
3.    We use be going to for something that we expect to happen, because the situation now indicates that is going to happen:
Ne perdorim be going to per dicka qe ne presim te ndodhi, sepse situata regon se ajo do te ndodhi.
·       She’s running towards the goal, and she’s going to score.



A.    Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets ( ) and I’ll or a form of be going to.

Plotesoni fjalite, duke perdorur fjalet ne kllapa dhe I’ll ose nje forme te be going to.

A: Are you going to watch TV tonight?
B: Yes, I’m going to watch (I/watch) my favourite programme at nine o’clock.
1)    A: What…………………………….(you/eat) tonight? What food have you bought?
B: I haven’t bought any food. Well, why don’t you come to my house?……………………………………………(I/cook) us something nice to eat.
2)    A: I’m going into the centre of town tomorrow. …………………………(I/buy) some new clothes.
            B: Oh, what ………………………..(you/get)?
            A:  …………………………..(I/look) for a T-shirt and some jeans. I’d like to  go into the centre too.
              B: ………………………………..(I/come) with you.
3)    A: ……………………………(I /leave) work late tomorrow. There is a meeting at six p.m.
             B: Oh, I didn’t know that. Well, ……………………………..(I/ see) you after the meeting .
4)    …………………(I/phone) Brian at six o’clock. I promised to phone him this evening.
5)    A: Are you going to have a holiday in this summer?
            B: Yes, …………………………………….(I/travel) around Europe with a friend.

B.    Choose the correct sentence and cross out that which is incorrect.

Zgjidhni fjalite e sakta dhe largoni ato qe nuk jane te sakta.

Relax, I’ll answer it. / Relax, I’m going to answer it.

a)     You look hot, I’ll open a window. / You look hot, I’m going to open a window.
b)    Next year, we’re going to enter the Chinese market./ Next year, we’ll enter the Chinese market.
c)     Thanks, I’m going to have an orange juice. / Thanks, I’ll have an orange juice.
d)    Have a rest, I’m going to do the photocopying./ Have a rest, I’ll do the photocopying
e)    Thursday is no good for me, I’m afraid. I’ll meet the new manager of our London office./ Thursday is no good for me, I’m afraid I’m going to meet the new manager of our London office.

C.     You are at a party. Here are some of the questions you are asked. Reply using will or be going to.

Ju jeni ne nje feste. Ketu paraqiten disa pyetje per ju. Pergjigjuni duke perdorur will ose going to.

A: Hi, nice to see you. Would you like a drink?
B: (I/have/a coke, please) I’ll have a coke, please.
1)    A: What are you doing these days?
B:  (nothing much, but I/start a new job soon)……………………………………….
2)    A: Would you like something to eat?
B:  (thanks, I/have/ a sandwich). …………………………………………………………………..
3)    A:  What are your plans for the weekend?
B:  (I/do/some shopping tomorrow and I/go/for a swim on Saturday.
4)    A:  Why is Emma standing by the piano?
B:  (she/sing/, I’m afraid) ………………………………………………………………..
5)    A:  This cake looks delicious. Are you going to have some?
B:  ( No, but I’m sure you/enjoy/it) …………………………………………………………
6)    A:  How are you getting home?
B:  (Nick/give/ me a lift) ………………………………………………………………………………