Hope you all had a nice day today.
Kur duam te shprehim nje mendim te caktuar ne nje gjuhe gjithmone perpiqemi te gjejme fjalen e duhur
permes se ciles te percjellim ate kuptim te cilin e kemi formuluar ne vetedijen tone.
Ne perpjekjen tone per tu nisur nga gjetja e fjaleve nje per nje ne te dyja gjuhet, shpesh mund te gabojme edhe mund te mos percjellim dot ate kuptim i cili do te ishte i deshiruar.
Fjale dhe shprehje te caktuara kane edhe histori te caktuara te lindjes se tyre. Nese ne raste te caktuara do te gjeni mundesi te lexoni historite e fjaleve a shprehjeve te caktuara se si kane lindur edhe jane vendosur ne gjuhen angleze mos hezitoni ti lexoni. Ato jane interesante.
Per me teper mesimi i tyre si shprehje te caktuara gjithmone do t'ju ndihmonte te percillnit nje kuptim te munguar.
Le te shohim se bashku me poshte fjalen heart edhe disa fjale e shprehje te cilat lidhen me te.
People believed for a long time that heart was the center of a person's emotions.This is the reason why this word is used in so many expressions about emotional situations.One such expression is to ' lose your heart ' to someone. When that happens, you have fallen in love. But if the person who " won your heart " does not love you any more, then you are sure "to have a broken heart". In your pain and sadness, you may say that person is "hard-hearted," and in fact, has a "heart of stone."
You may decide to "pour out your heart" to a friend. Telling someone about your personal problems can often make you feel better.
If your friend does not seem to understand how painful your broken heart is, you may ask him "to have a heart." You are asking him to show some sympathy, to understand how important all this is to you.
Your friend "has his heart in the right place" if he says he is sorry, and shows great concern for your situation.
He may, however, warn you " not to wear your heart on your sleeve." In other words, do not let everyone see how lovesick you are. When your heart is on your sleeve, you are showing your deepest emotions.
If your friends says " my heart bleeds for you," then he is cold - hearted person who does not care for his friends. What he is really saying is that his heart does not bleed for you. He is uncaring.
Someone who is not very brave is " chicken-hearted."
When you are frightened or concerned then your "heart is in your mouth." You might say that your heart is in your mouth when you go to a relative and ask to borrow some money.
If they say 'no' to you do not "lose heart." Be "strong-hearted." Go to another relative. Sit down with him or her and have " a heart to heart" talk. Be open and sincere. Explain your situation.
As a result of this meeting, your relative may have a 'change of heart." He or she may agree to lend you some money. This would "put your heart at rest." You would stop worrying.
Me shpresen se kjo mbremje ju solli nje ndjesi te mire, ju uroj nje fund jave te kendeshme pa siklete te motit.
Take all these words and expressions to your heart.