Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lesson 14
( Mesimi 14)

Me poshte po ju paraqit nje leksion te shkurter  per tju ndihmuar te kuptoni me mire se c'jane disa folje te cilat ne gjuhen angleze njihen si 'foljet modale.' Provojini njohurite tuaja ne te dyja gjuhet.


There are two types of auxiliaries in English: primary or tense auxiliaries (be, have, do)
Ne gjuhen angleze ka dy lloje foljesh ndihmese: foljet ndihmese primare ose ato folje te cilat sherbejne per te formuar kohe te caktuara gjuhesore dhe 
and modal auxiliaries. (can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should, need, dare, must, ought to.)
foljet ndihmese modale  si me siper:(can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should, need, dare,must,ought to.)
The first group of verbs does not have any meaning, it only helps the main verb to realize its own meaning while the other group, modal auxiliaries, have their own meaning.
Ne grupin e pare te foljeve perfshihen ato folje te cilat nuk perdoren me kuptimin e tyre primar, por thjesht sherbejne per te ndihmuar foljen kryesore te realizoje me mire kuptimin e vet; ndersa grupi tjeter, foljet modale ndihmese kane kuptimet e tyre.
There are 12 modal auxiliaries. There are four paired forms: can, could, may, might, will would, shall, should and four single forms: must, dare, need, ought (to).
Gjuha angleze ka 12 folje modale ndihmese. Kater prej tyre ndertojne ciftezime si psh: can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should dhe kater te tjera jane ne forma me vete si psh: must, dare, need, ought(to).
Verbs dare and need function both as modal auxiliaries and lexical verbs (main verb in the sentence.) 
Foljet dare dhe need funksionojne me natyre te dyfishte: si folje  ndihmese dhe si folje me kuptim te plote leksikor ne nje fjali te caktuar.
As modals they are used only in negative and interrogative (sentences with question-mark) sentences, but as lexical verbs they are used in all three forms of sentences: positive, negative and interrogative.
Si folje modale ato perdoren vetem ne fjalite pyetese dhe mohore, ndersa si folje me kuptim te plote leksikor ato perdoren ne te trija format e fjalise: pohore, mohore dhe pyetese. Shpresoj qe tabela  e meposhteme tjua beje me te qarte kete panorame.

Modal auxiliary
Lexical verb
He needs/ dares to work.
He need not/ dare not work.
He doesn’t need/ dare to work.
Need/ Dare to work?
Does he need/ dare to work?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hi there,

Hope you had a nice day today. Good or bad, it is almost on the way out. Before it goes, I would like to teach you an expression.

The cross is an ancient symbol in many cultures and religions. It is closely linked, of course, with the Christian church. Scandinavians also used crosses to mark the edges of their territory. And the cross was a sacred symbol to the Egyptians and to the Aztecs in Mexico. Today, the word cross is used in many expressions that seem to have little direct connection to religious beliefs.
For example one way of wishing good luck to someone is to tell him that you  will " keep your fingers crossed" for him.


Saturday, April 19, 2014


U bene pak kohe qe nga mesimi yne i fundit. Ju kerkoj ndjese per vonesen.
Ne vijim ju kam dhene nje mesim si njesi perseritje te njohurive tuaja te meparshme. Shikojeni me kujdes edhe ne rast se kini pyetje, ju lutem i diskutojme bashke ne oren e takimit tone.


Lesson 13
Possessive Adjectives
Mbiemrat pronore

1)These are the possessive adjectives with their corresponding personal pronouns.
Me poshte vijojne mbiemrat pronore se bashku me peremrat vetore te gjuhes angleze.

Singular                             Plural

I        -   my                        We   -  our
you    -   your                      you  -  your
he    -     his                        they  -  their
she  -     her
it     -     its

2) We may use possessive adjectives with both singular and plural nouns.
Ne mund ti perdorim mbiemrat pronore njesoj si me emrat e numurit njejes po ashtu edhe me emrat e numurit shumes.

This is my book.  These are my books.  This is your box.  These are your boxes.
That is her pen.    Those are her pens.    That is their dog.  Those are their dogs.

3) There, their and they're have the same pronunciation in English.
Shikoni keto tre fjale te ndryshme te gjuhes angleze. Ato shqiptohen njesoj ne seicilin rast por kuptimin e tyre ndiqeni ne fjalite  e meposhteme.

there                          introductory word              There is a man at the door.
                                ( Fjale introduktore)             There are two pens on the desk.
                                                                              There is going to be a party. 

there                          place word                          I saw some men there.
              (Fjale qe tregon vend ndodhje

                                                                 They went there for a vacation.
                                                                               I would like to live there.

they're                       they are                               They're  in my English class.
                                                                               They're taking a test now.
                                                                               They're my cousins.   

their                          possession                              I like their new computer.
                 (Mbiemer pronor, e tyre,  e atyre, e tyrja )                                                                                                                              Their house is big.
                                                                                 Their children are sick.

4) Your and you're have the same pronunciation in English.

your                           possession                            I met your brother last week.
                                                                               The teacher likes your work .
                                                                               Your mother is very nice.

you're                        you are                                 You're in my English class.
                                                                                You're my best friend.
                                                                                You're talking too fast.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hello again.
Following you will find an exercise posted to me by my English grammar teacher.
The exercise this time is about some useful expressions. Look at number 12 on this page.
You can try to do them all in case you find them interesting. My English grammar teacher is great.

Monday, April 7, 2014



Leximi ndihmon gjithmone perqendrimin. Nese ju pelqen te jeni te perqendruar leximi mbetet nje ushtrim qe nuk kerkon shume mund. Mjafton nje cep i qete i shtepise. Sonte do tju inkurajoja te lexoni dicka si me poshte:

"Borebardha" eshte nje perralle e mire njohur gjermane ne Europe. Sot ajo eshte nje nga perrallat me te famshme ne bote. Vellezerit Grimm e kane botuar ate ne vitin 1812 ne koleksionin e tyre te pare te njohur si perrallat e vellezerve Grimm. Jam i sigurt se ju e kini lexuar ate ne gjuhen tuaj prandaj mendoj se duhet ta lexoni edhe ne gjuhen angleze. 
Ju uroj te shijoni kenaqesine e leximit te saj.


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs .

Long ago, in a faraway kingdom , there lived a lovely young princess named Snow White .
Her stepmother , the Queen was cruel and vain . She hated anyone whose beauty rivaled her own and she watched her stepdaughter with angry , jealousy eyes .

The Queen had magic powers and owned a wondrous mirror that spoke .  Every day she stood before it and asked :
          Magic mirror on the wall ,
        Who is the fairest one of all ?
And every day  the mirror answered :
       You are the fairest of all , O Queen ,
      The fairest our eyes have ever seen .

As time passed , Snow White grew more and more beautiful , and the Queen grew more and more envious . So she forced the Princess to dress in rags and work in the kitchen from down to dusk . Despite all the hard work , Snow White stayed sweet , gentle and cheerful . Day after day she washed and swept and scrubbed . And day after day she dreamed of a handsome Prince who would come and carry her off to his castle .

One day when the Queen spoke to her mirror , it replied with the words she had been dreading :
     Fire is thy beauty , Majesty ,
     But hold a lovely maid I see ,
    One who is more fair than thee.
    Lips red as a rose , hair black as ebony,
     Skin white and snow . . . 

“ Snow White? “ shrieked the angry Queen .  “ She  must be destroyed ! “

The Queen sent for her huntsman .
“ Take Snow White deep into the forest , “ she said , “ and there , my faithful one , you will kill her . “
The unhappy man begged the Queen to be merciful , but she would not be persuaded .
“ Remember my magic powers ,” she warned . “ Obey me ,or you and your family will suffer !“

The next day Snow White , never suspecting that she was in danger , went off the huntsman . When they were deep in the woods , the huntsman drew his knife . Then , suddenly , he fell to his knees .
“ I can’t kill you , “ he sobbed . “ Forgive me , sweet Princess . It was the Queen who ordered this wicked deed .”   “ The Queen ?” gasped Snow White .

“ She’s mad with jealously ,” said huntsman. “ She’ll  stop at nothing to destroy you . Quick run away and don’t come back . I’ll think of something to tell the Queen . Now, go ! Run! Save yourself !”
Frightened , Snow White fled through the woods . Tangled branches tore at her clothes . Sharp twigs scratched her arms and legs . Strange eyes stared from the shadows . Danger lurked everywhere . Snow White ran on and on . At last she fell wearily to the ground and began to weep .

The gentle animals of the forest gathered around and tried to comfort her . Chirping and chattering , they led her to a tiny cottage .
“ Oh ,“  said Snow White , “ how sweet ! it’s just like a doll’s house .”    But inside , the tiny furniture was all dusty , and the sink was filled with dirty dishes .
“ Let’s tidy everything up , “ said Snow White . “ Maybe the children who live here will let me stay and take care of them . “

The animals all helped , and soon the place was spick- and – span . Meanwhile , the Seven Dwarfs who lived in the cottage were starting home from the mine where they worked . On their way they sang :
     Heigt - ho , Heigh- ho ,
    It’s home from work we go . . .

The Dwarfs were amazed to find their house so neat and clean . They were even more amazed  when they tiptoed upstairs and saw Snow White !  Snow White woke up with a start . “ Why , you’re not children ,” she said when she saw the Dwarfs . “ You are a little man ! “
The Dwarfs gathered around her . “ I read your names on the beds , “ said Snow White . “ Let’s me guess who you are . You must be Doc . And you must be Bashful . Then there’s Sneezy , and Sleepy , and Happy , and Dopey …… and you must be Grumpy ! “

  When Snow White  told the Dwarfs of Queen’s plan to kill her , they decided that she should stay with them .  “ We’re ask for trouble ,” huffed Grumpy .  “ But we can’t let her be caught by that kwicked ween I mean , wicked Queen !”  said Doc . The other all agreed .

That night , after supper , Snow White and the Dwarfs danced and made merry music . Bashful played the concertina . Happy trapped the drums . Sleepy tooted the horn . Grumpy pumped the organ . Doc and Sneezy played stringed instruments . Dopey didn’t know how to sing or play a tune , but he was very good at wiggling his ears . Snow White loved her new friends . And she felt safe at last .

But the Queen had learned from her mirror that Snow White was still alive .” This time ,” she hissed , “I’ll  finished her myself !”
With a magic spell , she turned herself into an old peddler women . She filled a basket with apples , putting a poisoned apple on top . “ One bite ,” she cackled , “ and Snow White sleep forever . Then I will be the fairest in the land !”

Next morning , before the Dwarfs left for the mine , they warned Snow White to be on her guard .
“ Beware of strangers ,” said Doc .
“ Right ,” said Grumpy . “ Don’t let nobody or nothing in the house .”
“ Oh Grumpy ,” said Snow White , “ you do care ! I’ll be careful , I promise .” She kissed him and the other good-by ,and the Dwarfs went cheerfully off to work .

A few minute later , the Queen came to the kitchen window .
“ Baking pies , dearie ? ” she asked . “ It’s apple pies the men love . Here ,taste one of these .” She held the poisoned apple out to Snow White .
Snow White remembered the Dwarfs’ warning. “ But what harm can a poor old women do ?” she thought. “ And the apple does look delicious .” She bit the poisoned apple . Then, with a sigh , she fell to the floor .

Alerted by the birds and animals that something was wrong, the Dwarfs raced back to the cottage. They saw the Queen sneaking off, and they ran after her. AS storm clouds gathered and rain began to fall, the Dwarfs chased the Queen up a high, rocky mountain. Up, up they went, to the very top. CRACK! There was a flash of a lightning, and the evil Queen fell to her doom below .

But the Dwarfs seemed to be too late to help Snow White. They lifted her lifeless body from the floor of their cottage. She was so beautiful, however, that the Dwarfs could not bear to part with her. They built her a coffin of glass and gold, and day and night they kept watch over their beloved Princess.

One day handsome Prince came riding through the forest . As soon as he saw Snow White , he fell in love with her . Kneeling by her coffin , he could not resist kissing her .
Snow White sat up , blinked her eyes and smiled . Snow White wasn’t dead after all . The Prince’s kiss had broken the Queen’s evil spell .
As the Dwarfs danced with joy ,the Prince’s carried Snow White off to his castle , where they lived happily ever after .